An Alien Intervention (rewrote) free porn video

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Copyright 2015

This book is entirely fiction. Any names, dates, or places are completely coincidental. No part of this book may be reproduced in any way or form without the written consent of the author.

An unplanned alien meeting.

It all started when I was seventeen. I was the five foot six inch non-descript, plain looking, weakling, nerd. I was constantly the butt of everyone’s jokes and bullying.

I remember standing outside behind my home on the edge of town one early summer evening watching the stars. As I stood staring upwards I suddenly saw a star start to move. It was zig-zaging across the sky and seemed to be getting closer to me. For some strange reason I wasn’t fearful, just curious. What would be moving across the sky like that? I knew it couldn’t be a star because stars don’t move like that.

I stood there mesmerized until a brilliant blue light suddenly dropped and was floating about ten feet above the ground and twenty feet in front of me. It was probably forty feet across and twenty five feet high. Oh wow I thought, a flying saucer, I’m seeing a flying saucer!

Then I heard or felt the voice in my head. “Do not be afraid, we are not here to harm you. We are here to help you, you have been chosen.”
“Who wants to help me, chosen for what, who are you, where are you from, you aint the devil trying to trick me are you?” I was starting to get more than a little worried by now with all the strangeness going on. The light in front of me, the strange voice/thoughts in my head, all this weirdness was beginning to scare me. I was ready to turn and run the other direction when suddenly I couldn’t move. It was as if I was glued to the ground.

“Relax; no we are not trying to trick you. We are Nurocks from another galaxy that you earth people have not even discovered yet. We have chosen you because you can mentally hear us and we can mentally hear you. We have come to help you. You are being mentally abused and injured by others of your kind. Now relax we are going to bring you into our home and make you so your people will no longer be able to mistreat and abuse you.”

Suddenly I was standing in a pure white, completely barren room with several tall alien entities standing around me. They all looked like normal adults except some of them would sometimes open a third eye that was located in the center of their forehead. They all had long silver colored hair and were wearing what looked like skin tight coveralls that were dark blue. Their arms were long. Their hands hung right next to their knees.

“Come, (one of them thought to me and pointed with its human looking hand,) come to this room over here. We will make some needed adjustments so you are no longer fearful of others. We will make you so you can be strong if you want or bigger if you want. We will make your brain work better so you are much smarter.”

Time was standing still and my heart was trying to jump out of my chest as they took me into another room and laid me back on a table looking devise and then everything went black for what seemed like just a few seconds. As I began to see, feel, and hear again I realized I was waking up as if I had fallen asleep. I later figured out that I had been in there over three hours.

“What happened, where am I? I groaned” Then it all came flooding back to me where I was at.

“Good you are waking again (I felt someone say,) Come; try to set up for us. We think you will do much better now.”

I managed to set up with the help of two alien entities As I sat there I managed to collect my thoughts and stop weaving back and forth like a drunk. “What did you do to me, why do I feel so different?”

“We rearranged your body chemistry and changed some of the connections and electrical pathways in your brain and body. Let us show you what you can do now.”

They took me to another area and demonstrated to me how I could lift a hundred pounds as if it was a feather just by thinking I was strong. They showed me how I could make various parts of my body bigger or smaller. They showed me how I could hit a thick board and easily break it. They gave me a high school text book and showed me how I could read it and instantly understand it.

Then came an even bigger shock, they explained how I could read and hear the thoughts of others, and how I could make others change their minds or think differently. How if I had to, I could make someone fearful or do something they wouldn’t normally do as long as it didn’t endanger their lives. They explained that I would have to practice those things with earth people because it wouldn’t work with their minds, only earthlings minds could be affected that way.

“We will take you back and leave you where you were when we arrived. No one will notice you were gone and everything will be just as it was before. We will be watching you and see how you are doing though,” one of them told me.

Suddenly I was standing back where I was before this weird “dream” took place. I watched the light move away from me and suddenly streak up into the sky in the blink of an eye to again look like a star. I stood rooted to the spot dumfounded and wondering if this was real or if it was only a dream.

“Try it” I herd in my head and then I saw a large rock begin to glow at the edge of the yard. I had fought and sweated for three long days getting that rock dug out of the middle of the yard and rolled over to where it was. I went over and then doing as they had shown me I easily picked the boulder up and carried it across the yard and tossed it into the field behind the house. Damn, this could be all right, I might be able to do something now besides run and hide from all those high school ass holes I thought to myself.

I only had about three weeks of school left but I could definitely use all the help I could get dealing with the bullies.

Getting the upper hand on some bullies.

The next day I could hardly wait to get to school for once. There were several bullies that I was going to take care of, both male and female.

As I stepped onto the school grounds it didn’t take long before the enemy appeared in front of me. A boy almost half again bigger than I was stepped in front of me blocking my way. Ten feet away two girls were laughing pointing and watching. “Where you think you’re going nerd? I think you need to go the long way around.”

I paused a second and read his mind then I mentally told him that he should be careful and he should be afraid of me. Loudly I spoke up, “I’m going in this way today Bill. You might want to--- phew you smell like you just shit your pants.” As I spoke I mentally made him lose control of his bowls. His face turned a bright red then white. Oh fuck he stuttered and took off running. I looked at the giggling girls and made them start to pee their pants. They shrieked and headed for the bathroom. Today is going to be fun I thought to myself as I went in and found my seat in my first period class.

During the day as I sat in my different classes I worked on reading people’s minds and listening to the teacher. Most of the boys were thinking of being anywhere but in class and preferably with a certain girl. The girls were thinking of which of the boys they thought was hot looking and how they could dress to tease them. Suddenly I noticed out of the corner of my eye that one of the girls named Susie was watching me.

Susie was a shy but pretty auburn haired girl my age. She was like me, shy and somewhat of a nerd. She had slender shapely legs, pretty dimples, and a very nice looking pair of tits. She was five foot four inches tall and probably weighed 120 lbs. soaking wet. She didn’t dress to show off her body she seemed to try to hide it behind bulky, drab, non-descript, clothing. All her dresses and skirts were worn to almost cover her knees. All of the other girls wore their hem line at least three inches above the knee or more.

Even by just looking across the room at her I started to get an uprising. I gently eased into her mind, what I read shocked me. She was thinking of how she wanted to get to know me but was afraid of what the other girls would say if they found out. She would even go to bed with me if I’d only ask her. She wanted me bad.

I gently stroked Susie’s body mentally and felt her start to squirm and become aroused. She wanted to let me get into her pants. She slowly spread her legs, and then lifted the hem of her dress half way up her thighs at my mental suggestion. Again I mentally touched her body and told her she wanted to meet me outside after the final bell.

The school day was finally over and I had pretty much figured out who was my enemy and who would like to be my friend. Some were afraid of being laughed at if they were caught talking to me. It had taken a lot of time but I went through a lot of minds and had changed a lot of attitudes.

I paused just inside the doors and scanned Susie’s mind again. She was scared, nervous, and hot, she wanted to be with me in the worst way. Her hormones were running wild and she was almost dripping wet between her legs as she ran different scenarios’ through her head. I saw her quiver and grind her legs together as I stepped out the door.

“Hi Susie what’s happening? Care to walk for a while?” I cheerfully ask as I walked up and stroked her upper thighs with my mind again. She whimpered as we started to walk towards an area I knew well. There was an old closed, boarded up, and empty store with a tiny apartment that we could duck into and not be seen. As we walked we talked about school and what was going on. She followed alongside me like she already knew where we were going and why. I knew that no one else was aware of this place and I was the only one that had a key. We turned down an alley then ducked around a corner and in behind a big brick building. I pulled the key from my pocket and quickly unlocked and opened a door.

“How did you know about this place, why do you have a key?” she whispered. “Are you sure no one knows about this?”

“They better not know about it, my folks own it and no one has a key but my family. Dad knows I like to come here to be alone once in a while. He gave me the key and told me to check on the place from time to time. Normally I just go in the front door but I figured it would be better if we came in the back way today."

As we were talking and I was showing her around I would mentally touch her breasts or pussy. Cripes she was hot! We stepped into a clean and a sort of tidy little apartment that I used as a hide away from the world. As I closed the door I put my arms around her, began to kiss her, and then mentally nudged her to take her top off.

“Go ahead you’ll enjoy it,” I mentally shoved her again as she hesitated. Silently she flipped her blouse off over her head and shrugged out of her bra tossing the garments onto a chair. “Ohhhh nice, very nice” I whispered in awe as I reached for her perky melon sized tits.

She emitted a whimper and a groan as my fingers seized her hardening and erect nipples. As I rolled her nipples between my fingers they hardened more and stood out from her dark puffy engorged areola. As I fondled her wonderful smooth soft silky tits I shoved her mentally to drop her skirt and panties. As I pushed my way into her mind it was slamming around and roaring with feelings, desires, and wanting me to fuck her, it was almost unbearable to be in there. It was like being caught in the middle of a raging fire storm of lust.

“Oh fuck! Feel me, touch me, fuck me, and make me come” she cried out as her legs began to quiver and give out. I lifted her up and carried her into the tiny bedroom and sat her on the bed. She flopped back and I was instantly on top of her with my body grinding against hers. We hurriedly struggled to remove my clothes so we would both be completely naked.

I gently lowered myself down on top of her and ground my manhood against her lust inflamed pussy as we lay and kissed for what seemed like forever. Slowly I licked and nibbled from her ear to her throat then down around her left breast. Slowly and teasingly I ran my tongue around her deep dark areola several times before suddenly sucking her nipple into my mouth. Oh shit she jerked and cried out as I began to suck, tongue, and pull her nipple away from her chest with my lips. As I worked at her left breast with my mouth I was busy massaging her right breast with my hand and I was in her mind to see what she liked and disliked and what excited her most.

Slowly as I stroked her cunt with my dick I kept working down to where the head was just above her entrance. She was going crazy, moaning, grunting, whimpering, tossing her head from side to side, grasping the sheets and thrusting her pussy mound up to my dick.

“In me, please put it in me, I want to feel it inside me. Oh god, go slow I’m a virgin. Please don’t hurt me” she was whimpering, moaning, begging, and squirming around under me.

Ever so slowly I worked my way down from her pale creamy breasts to her smooth quivering, twitching stomach kissing, licking and teasing her silky soft and tender skin with my tongue. Slowly and softly I slid my tongue across her clean shaven pubic area and then down across her equally clean shaven outer lips. I started to lick her entire slit from back to front and roll her clit with my tongue. She was going ballistic by this time. Each time I would touch her clit she would gasp and slam her hips up into my face.

I moved up and began to kiss her mouth, neck and tits as I aligned my cock with her entrance. I had purposely kept my cock small and short so as not to scare her. Slowly I started to ease my cock inside her as she lay quivering underneath me.

“Oh shit, stop, go slow, fuck me, hurry put it all the way in.” Her thoughts were still thrashing around like the ocean in a hurricane. Slowly I entered her until I encountered her barrier. I looked into her beautiful hazel colored eyes and mentally quashed most of the pain as I suddenly thrust into her as deep as I could go. She grunted and gave a moan as I broke through and slammed into her pussy.

Oh crap, that wasn’t as bad as I expected she whispered as I held her close and not moving. We lay still for a couple of minutes before she started to move and squirm under me. “I think I’m ready now, it doesn’t hurt that much anymore. Oh crap I can feel you up inside me. That feels kind of weird but good at the same time. Just go slow at first,” she whispered hoarsely.

Slowly I began an in and out motion with my short 6 inch cock that was a bit bigger around than a quarter. As I worked in and out I began making longer strokes and began to grow my cock as well. Slowly I lengthened myself just enough to where I would bump her cervix and make her groan with each bump. Then I began to make it bigger around. With the enlargements she was soon bouncing, moaning, grunting, and groaning. “Let me know if it’s too big” I grunted as I was thrusting in and out.

I don’t know if she realized I was getting bigger around and longer or that I could control the size of it. I didn’t want to freak her out by adjusting the size to fast. I wanted to save that little surprise for later. Right now I was going to let her get used to me at about seven inches long and as big around as a silver dollar.

We were both grunting moaning and sweating. Our breathing was raspy and gasping as I sawed in and out of her engorged, grasping, tight pussy. Suddenly I couldn’t hold back any longer. I felt the fire start deep in my gut and spread out and up through my dick. “Oh fuck I’m coming I groaned as I slammed into her and flooded her insides with my cum. As the second shot hit her cervix she screamed, stiffened up, and started convulsing with an orgasm of her own.

Slowly I let myself become soft and shrink. As I felt myself slip out of her little love hole I rolled off to the side of her onto the bed. We both groaned and lay there catching our breath. “Oh fuck I’ve never felt anything like that. It felt like you kept getting bigger and bigger” she whispered.

“Want to know a little secret? I did, and I could have gotten bigger and longer if I wanted to but I didn’t want to hurt you or scare you.” By now I was in her mind calming her and helping her accept what all I was telling her.

“What would your mom say if she knew what we just did?” I asked her to change the subject for a minute.

“I don’t think she’d be mad or anything. I get the feeling she knows it will happen and when it does she just hopes my first time will be with someone that’s not going to hurt me. She put me on the pill over two years ago and had “the talk” with me then. She said she knew it would happen some day and she didn’t want me to end up pregnant.

What do you mean you could’ve gotten bigger and longer if you wanted to?” She suddenly realized what I had said moments earlier.

“Ok you got me, let he explain and please listen to everything I have to say and don’t freak out on me.

I know you believe in flying saucers just like I do only you haven’t ever seen one up close. I saw one up close yesterday and was taken inside it. Yes they’re kind, friendly and mean us no harm. They did something to me so I can get into someone’s mind and make them do what I want them to do. But I only do that if I need to. I can be really strong. I can make myself bigger and taller, or smaller. I can make my arms or legs bigger or smaller. I can make my ahhh, “equipment” bigger or smaller, longer or shorter.

You know Bill; he’s been a bully for the last six years. This morning he was going to make me go the long way around to get into the school. I made him scared of me and made him crap his pants. Ella and Karen were standing there laughing at me so I made them pee their pants.

By now Susie was looking at me with her eyes huge. “Did you make me come here and have sex with you? Do you know everything I’m thinking? Can you do those things to me?” She sounded like she was going to panic.

Relax Susie, no I didn’t make you do this. I looked at just enough of your mind to know you weren’t like the others. You liked me but you were afraid of what everyone else would say if you started to hang around with me and talk to me. I just helped you get over being afraid because I like you.

No, I promise I won’t make you do anything you don’t want to. That wouldn’t be fair to either one of us. I want you to like me because you want to like me not because I want you to like me.”

Susie snuggled up tight beside me, “just how big and long can you make your “equipment” if I might ask. You felt pretty big to me a little bit ago.”

“I don’t know I haven’t tried it to see. You want to try it out and see what I can do? Shall we stick it back in and see how big it’ll get?” By now I was touching her and sliding my fingers over her naked body again. She would shudder and moan from time to time.

Suddenly she threw her left leg over me as she sat up. She reached down and took my semi hard cock and lined it up with her hole. She gasped as she sat down taking me inside her again. “Oh fuck that feels unbelievable” she moaned as my cock slid up inside her. I concentrated and kept it small around but let it get longer. “Tell me when to stop” I whispered. As I grew longer I felt her shudder and jerk. I felt it come up tight against her cervix. I then began to increase the diameter and she was squirming and gasping again.

Oh, oh, stop, no more, almost too big” she groaned through gritted teeth. I let it shrink a tiny bit and she began to lift her hips and slam back down again. My god this girl was a sex maniac in disguise, she was going completely berserk riding my dick, slamming herself up and down then rolling her hips from side to side. It felt like I had my dick stuck in a garden hose she was so tight.

I couldn’t hold back any longer, I felt it begin in my balls and come boiling up and out. She screamed as I douched her insides with what felt like a gallon of hot cum. She fell forward on top of me with a high pitched squeal, she was shaking and convulsing as she lay on top of me gasping for breath and trying to breathe. Her hips would give a jerk and thrust from time to time as she was shaking and shuddering.

“Oh shit, I’ve never ever felt anything like that. Oh crap take it out it’s to big now, it hurts” she was finally able to moan. I made myself slowly shrink and deflate. As it slipped out of her, her hips gave a jerk and our combined juices ran out of her and down across both of us.

Susie rolled off to my side and lay on the bed still having mini orgasms from time to time. “Oh crap, if I tell mom about this and how good it feels I bet she’ll want me to share. Dad left us when I was two years old and I don’t think mom’s been with anyone since. She’s only thirty eight now, I don’t know what she does but I hear her moaning sometimes at night in her bedroom after she goes to bed.

“Are you sure you’d want to tell her? She might want to kill me and ground you forever. Worse yet she might come looking for me with the cops or a baseball bat. I don’t want to go to jail and I sure don’t want her beating the crap out of me with a baseball bat.” (I was sure I could prevent those problems but I didn’t want to have to.)

“Don’t worry the worst that could happen, would be the sharing. I’m not sure I want to share you with anyone right now” Susie sighed as she cuddled her naked body next to mine.

“I suppose we should get going though. Mom will be wondering where I am.”

Susie and I finally crawled off the bed cleaned each other up and found our clothing where we had thrown it when we got naked. We had just taken each other’s virginity and had some great mind blowing sex. Now it was time to leave our hide-a-way and face the real world again.

Susie learns more about me.

“Please don’t tell anyone about this place and don’t tell anyone, even your mom, about my abilities,” I begged her as we stepped out the door we had stepped through an hour before. “We don’t want to have to explain why we’re back here and I don’t want to have to explain my abilities to anyone else. I would be the freak of the school if I tried to explain it. The guys with the big butterfly net and the funny looking little white coat would be looking for me.”

“Don’t worry, I’m not telling anyone about this. I want to keep that gorgeous “equipment” for myself. If I have to, I might tell mom what happened but I’ll keep some of the details to myself. This is too good to be true.”

We both snuck around the corner and out onto the sidewalk. “Walk with me for a little ways,” she asked? “Sometimes three or four girls wait and tease me when I get almost home. I hate the teasing and name calling.”

“I know what you mean I get so embarrassed when they start in on me. Sometimes I want to hit them with a club. Before now they would have taken it away from me and beat me with it. If we run into them be sure to keep a straight face and don’t bust out laughing. I’ll take care of them for you.”

We walked slowly in the direction of her house. Suddenly two blocks from her place she stopped. “Oh crap there they are all four of them. They seem to manage to give me shit two or three times a week. I’m so sick of them I could scream. First they’ll start with their smart assed remarks then one of them will try to knock my books out of my hands then the pushing and shoving will start.”

“Not today it won’t just relax and stay calm. I’ll take care of them. Just don’t be surprised at what happens,” I said as I gently and hesitantly slipped my arm around Susie’s waist. As we walked toward them I was busy looking into their minds, I wanted to have some idea what they had planned. I wanted to have some idea what I was dealing with and how far they were willing to go with their childish game. Everyone stopped when we were within ten feet of each other.

The boldest one Karen, started in, “Hey Suzie coozie, what ya doin out here on our sidewalk? Who’s the dork with ya? Ya screwed him yet? Bet you have, you been screwing everything in town haven’t you, ya little whore. Ya touch my boyfriend and I’ll cut your tits off and stuff them up you’re stretched out cunt you little bitch.”

Suddenly she let out a shriek and whirled around to look behind her then squealed again and whirled back to face us. For some reason her companions found this hilarious and began to laugh hysterically.

“Who grabbed my ass,” she demanded in an angry, outraged voice. By now her face was starting to turn red from anger or embarrassment or both. “Which one of you slapped my ass,” she demanded glaring at Susie and me.

“We’re too far away from you to do anything like that. Ask your friends there, if they can quit laughing at you long enough to answer. Besides we don’t go around grabbing and hitting people, that’s not nice.” All the time I was talking to her I was mentally making her feel more embarrassed and foolish. Then for an after effect I made her feel a hand slide up under her skirt and start to rub her pussy. I wouldn’t let her move I made her stand there and spread her legs apart. Her eyes got huge as the non-existent hand continued to rub and fondle her pussy through her panties I aroused her more and more. As her hysterical friends stood there laughing at her she shuddered with a massive orgasm and dropped to her knees as she grabbed her crotch.

“Oh fuck, what’s happening, I think I just had an orgasm” she moaned loudly. “Shit it feels like someone has their hand in my pants finger fucking me. Oh fuck, my clit, I’m gonna come again!” She began to pant and jerk her hips with one hand in her crotch and her other hand grabbing and mauling her tits. “Ooooh fuck I’m coming again,” she whimpered as another even bigger orgasm slammed into her.

As Karen was kneeling quivering jerking and recovering from her latest orgasm I placed the thought into the mind of all four of the bullies that they would never do anything or say anything degrading to either Susie or me again, they would be too afraid to.

“Let’s go Susie I don’t think these four want to play anymore. I think they’ve learned their lesson.” I put my arm around Susie’s waist and escorted her past the four bullies standing there with their mouth hanging open and their eyes wide in astonishment and fear. We strolled down the sidewalk towards her house as if nothing had happened. Finally Susie couldn’t take it anymore, she burst out.

“What did you do, did you do that, and how did you do it? Oh crap I don’t ever want you mad at me that was freaky. I would’ve died of embarrassment if that had happened to me. I do have to admit though that it made me really hot, and horny watching Karen have those orgasms. I wonder if she enjoyed them.”
“Remember I told you I could get into other people’s heads if I needed to? I also made them really want to never ever mess with us in any way ever again. I also told them that they didn’t want to tell anyone about what happened because if they did no one would believe them and they would be the laughing stock of the school.

How about I give you just a little one since were almost to your house. Just enough to remember me, not enough to make you fall down like Karen did.” I made her feel my hand slowly and delicately sliding up the inside of her thigh to her pussy.

“Don’t you dare,” she squealed and jumped forward. “I want the real thing not just you in my mind. I want to feel you get big after you slide up inside me. I want to feel you sliding in and out of my pussy with that big, long, hard dick making me go crazy like you did before. Oh crap I wish mom wasn’t home I’d drag you inside and rape you.”

By now we were at her doorstep. I gave her a quick peck on the lips and said good bye. I knew I’d be seeing a lot of that girl in the near future. I was already planning our next little bedroom romp.

As I walked back down the street I met four very worried “former” bullies. I took a quick peek in their mind as they came hurrying up to me. They were all four scared of me as they stopped a couple of feet away in front of me.

“Oh my god, you saw what happened back there didn’t you? Please, please, please don’t tell anyone what you and Susie saw. Please promise us neither of you will ever breathe a word. We’ll be the laughing stock of the whole school. I don’t know what happened but I do know I don’t want anyone to find out about it either. I’m so embarrassed I just want to crawl under the sidewalk.” All four of them were almost in tears begging me to keep quiet about what happened to them.

I was still a bit awkward around girls but I put up a brave front this time. I wasn’t going to let them know that I was shaking in my shoes. This time I was the one in command.

“Hey girls what’s happening? You four look like you just saw a ghost. How’s it feel to be on the other end of the stick for once? Now you know how Susie and I feel when you’re pushing us around and making fun of us. Karen how would you like it if someone called you a whore? Tell you what, if you promise to never bully anyone again and treat everyone like you want to be treated I’ll think about it. Susie will have to make up her own mind though, I can’t speak for her. You have to be super nice to her when you ask her or all bets are off with me. Just remember what it’s like when you start to make fun of somebody.”

They slowly calmed down enough to understand what I was telling them. Each of the four of them tearfully promised to leave Susie and me alone. I reminded them one more time what I would do if they went back on their promise just before I started down the street and headed for home.

As I walked my cell phone started to ring. “Hello, oh hi Susie, guess who I just saw, ya and they were all scared shitless. I told them I wouldn’t say anything just yet, but they would have to be nice to you and ask you to keep quiet. I wouldn’t talk for you. Nope I told them they would never tease us or anyone else again. They come to see you yet? They’re probably afraid your mom will rip them a new one for giving you crap all the time.

Oh shit what all did you tell her, what did she say, is she pissed at me, please tell me she isn’t looking to kill me! Susie quit laughing this isn’t funny my life is on the line here. Oh phewww I thought you meant about you and me earlier. Are you sure? I’m too young to die at the hands of an enraged mother because I took advantage of her virgin daughter. Susieee, noooo you’ll get both of us killed. Ok just don’t let them force you to agree to anything. Go answer the door and make them squirm a little and remind them what it’s like to be shoved around all the time. Call me when they leave, ok bye.”

I continued on my way home trying to think of a way to thank my strange benefactors for their help. I was beginning to see a difference in how my life was going to be. I was beginning to have a self-confidence I didn’t know existed. I didn’t want to “get even” with the bullies I just wanted them to treat Susie and me like they treated everyone else. I didn’t want to abuse my new powers I just wanted to be a normal person, free of the embarrassment and being picked on.

My turn to learn.
That night I told mom what happened and why. I was surprised when she didn’t seem the least bit worried about it. I didn’t go into detail about what Susie and I did or exactly what I did to the bullies.

“I was wondering when it would happen. Your father and I have been in contact with them for many years. They’re great beings, and have ways of doing things that will astound you. You are just seeing the very edge of what they can do.

In fact your father and I have been giving some serious thought to moving back out to their galaxy. We were just waiting to see if they were going to contact you. We’ve been out there and it’s a beautiful world a lot like here but without all the pollution, crime diseases, and hatred. We’ll wait until dad gets back from his trip and we’ll see what he says.”

“MOM, I just found someone I can be friends with and now you want to leave? That’s not fair! I’ve put up with the bullies and ass holes all through school and now I have a girlfriend and you want to leave town what are you thinking?” I asked almost in tears.

“Maybe her folks would want to go along. We could always invite them you know.”

“Susie’s dad left them years ago so it’s just Susie and her mom now. Maybe you can meet her and talk her into going if we do. Do I dare say anything to Susie about it? She’d go but I’m not sure what her mom would think or say.”

“Don’t say anything to her yet, I want to talk to your dad first and see what he says besides I want him here to explain everything to you first.”

I was at school early the next morning anxiously waiting for Susie to show up. I soon got the feeling that the word was out to “not” mess with me. There was none of the normal name calling, being bumped into, being tripped or laughter and giggles with a pointed finger. Even Bill and Karen’s asshole boyfriend Eddie passed by without saying or doing anything mean. A few minutes later Susie appeared walking down the street. I hurried in her direction.

“Hi pretty lady how you doing this morning, how’d it go last night, what did your mom have to say?”

“Hey stud what’s happening today?” She stopped and gave me a gentle tug around and behind some bushes. “Let’s skip today and go hang out at your store. I don’t feel like setting in school all day, I want to go hang out with you and fuck some more. Besides today is Friday and a short day anyway. Come on let’s go to your place!” She was impatiently tugging on my sleeve. We hurried down several different alleys and up to the back door of my private hideaway.

This girl was hotter than a firecracker she sure didn’t need any help from me. She was already close to having an orgasm when we stepped into the apartment. She was breathing hard and grinding her nylon covered thighs together.

“Oh damn, the more I see you and think about what you can do the hotter I get. I’m ready now let’s get that thing out here and put it where it belongs. First though I want to play with it for a while,” She said as she began throwing her clothes off then reaching for my belt and zipper as she knelt in front of me dressed only in her nylons and panties.

“Oh cripes girl, slow down you’re going a hundred miles an hour,” I said as I reached into her mind and cooled her boiling hormones down to a slow simmer. She slowed down and began to remove my shoes, pants, and socks.

She moaned and shivered as my semi erect cock popped out into view in front of her face. She hesitantly reached out and took it in her hand. She looked it over from every angle then reached out and softly kissed the head making me groan, and my cock jerk. Slowly she began to rub her hand up and down the length of it. I reached down and put my hands on the sides of her head slowly moving her face closer towards my throbbing cock. Damn I wasn’t sure if I could keep from blowing my load but I wanted to feel her mouth around my meat.

Cautiously she kissed the head again then touched it with her tongue. I groaned and moved my cock forward towards her mouth. “Take it; take it in your mouth. Take it and suck it like a lollipop,” I gasped. It seemed like an eternity before her mouth opened and she slid my cock head into her mouth and began to slide her tongue around it then along the underside as she allowed more of me in her mouth.

I was careful to keep the size down to something she could handle. I didn’t want to choke her. I wanted her very first blowjob experience to be something she would remember, not something that would frighten her.

She began to slowly bob her head the full length of my cock and I could feel her mind ask for more. I allowed myself to get longer and bigger around until I felt her think it was big enough. The first time I felt it hit the back of her throat she started to gag but she fought the reaction off. Soon I was lengthening myself more and felt it slide deep into her throat. “Oh fuck I’m going to shoot, I’m going to cum I can’t hold it any longer I don’t care what you do just don’t stop.” Suddenly my balls contracted and sent a huge load of my baby batter screaming up and out the end of my dick. Just as I thrust my hips forward she slammed her face into my groin forcing my cock down her throat.

Oh fuck, all I could do is stand there and quiver, my knees were shaking and my whole body felt like it had high voltage running through it, I couldn’t breathe and my eyes were screwed shut. For a minute I thought I was going to pass out then I felt her pull back and gasp for breath. She had just deep throated me, swallowed every drop of my seed, and loved it.

I couldn’t stand up any more, my knees buckled and I slumped to the floor beside her. “Shit, where did you learn to do that? Let’s go into the bedroom, I want to return that favor.” I whispered as I threw my arms around her almost naked body and held her close.

It took a few minutes before we could both stand up and stagger to the bedroom and flop on the bed. We finished taking our clothes off and lay there cuddling together whispering and touching each other.

“Did you like that, did I do it right? Mom showed me how to do it last night. I told you she wouldn’t care if we had sex, she was happy when I told her about us. I got pretty into it when I described what we did but I didn’t tell her about your “special” equipment. I told you she’d want to share. She told me when I got enough to let her know. She wants to try something besides her toys.

She must have been really horny afterwards. She was moaning and making all sorts of weird noises for two hours after she went to bed.”

“And what do you think about it? I’m not sure I’m ready for something like that yet. I still have a lot to learn. What I have learned I like, but I still have another thing or two I want to try. That blow job was over the top, but how would you like to have me do that to you?”

By now I was tracing imaginary lines over Susie’s body from her throat to her thighs. I gently and slowly traced my fingertips around her neck and across her throat. I used my fingers like feathers touching her throat, her tits, her belly, and down to her boiling slippery pussy. Each time I would run my fingers over her outer lips from front to back I would gently rub her asshole and then bring my fingers back through her slit and rub her clit. As I fingered her asshole she would gasp, moan, and jerk her hips. When I reached her clit she would yelp and grab my hand slamming it against her.

“Oh fuck put it in me, please put it in me,” she sobbed as she thrust her hips up and slammed her hands down on the bed grabbing handfuls of the sheet and twisting. Quickly I knelt between her legs and attacked her drooling wet pussy with my mouth. I sucked her entire area in my mouth and began licking and stabbing my now elongated tongue deep inside her. Slowly I let all of her escape my mouth except her clit which I sucked into my mouth and slapped from side to side with my again normal size tongue. “Ahhh fuck I’m Cuming!” she moaned as she locked her long slender shapely legs around my head, lifted her hips and back off the bed and started to shake and convulse. Then she flopped limply on the bed, she had passed out.

I lay there holding her body close to mine for a couple of minutes before she blinked her eyes and gave a mighty groan. She would still twitch and jerk from time to time with still happening mini orgasms. She snuggled into me and worked on getting her breathing back to normal and trying to figure out what had just happened.

“Oh fuck, what happened, what did you do to me? I’ve never felt anything like that in my life. Oh shit (her body jerked) I’m still having orgasms, I’m still coming I can’t stop. Oh crap what did you do, I can’t stop jerking,” she demanded weakly.

“Just relax and enjoy it. You’re still having mini orgasms, you passed out on me. Are you alright,” I asked.

Slowly she came back down to earth and lay on the bed like a limp rag doll. She mumbled something and groaned as she tried to wiggle even closer to me. We lay and rested for twenty minutes before she finally began to touch me and reach for my iron hard cock. As she slowly and tenderly fondled my manhood I slowly let it lengthen and grow to around fourteen inches and get bigger around than her wrist. We were kissing and nibbling on each other as she stroked my huge member.

“That will never ever fit in me,” she groaned. “All I want right now is to feel you up inside me. I don’t need a light pole in me just your big cock. After you get it in you can make it bigger like you did yesterday.” I made it shrink back down to a normal size then rolled over between her legs. I rubbed the head of it around on the opening of her slobbering pussy. Good god this girl was wet enough to cause a flood. Supporting my upper body with my arms I slowly, with her help, got my cock lined up and eased it into her tight twat as deep as I could go. I gave her a minute then started to enlarge and lengthen it again. As her walls began to stretch she moaned and whimpered. “Stop, big enough for now. Just fuck me slow I need to get used to something like that” she groaned.

“Damn girl you’re tight, I love how tight and small you are. Damn I’m almost ready to blow!” Susie was moaning whimpering, grunting, and crying out how good it felt as she tossed her head from side to side and trying to pull the sheets off the bed. I couldn’t hold back any more I had to thrust hard and fast. With each thrust in I would hit her cervix and she would yelp. By now I was fucking like a mad man slamming in and sliding back out so I could slam into her jerking, twitching, contracting vagina. Then I felt it start deep inside me and the boiling cum raced up and out the end of my cock as I slammed into her and filled her insides with my hot cream. “Oh fuck” I groaned as she screamed in ecstasy.

We both collapsed on the bed totally drained and fell asleep. We woke three hours later in a spooning position with my cock sticking straight out and between her legs nestled against her wet cummey pussy. I enlarged it to about three times its normal size and began to slowly move it back and forth. She groaned and wiggled her taught teenage ass tight against me.

“Ohhhh, I’m sore, don’t you ever wear out? Damn I can’t get enough of you close to me but I can’t take it any more right now. I still think mom was right when she told me I should be sharing that thing with her.”

Suddenly I got an idea. “Roll over on your back I want to try something.” As she rolled onto her back I shrunk myself to the size of a pencil and about six inches long. I gently wiped some of our juices from around her still oozing pussy and coated her asshole good.

“Eek what do you think you’re doing, you’re too big for there. You want to split me in half or something.” I reached into her mind and calmed her fears as I stroked her little rosebud. “Just relax” I said as I positioned my tiny cock against her asshole. “Relax it like you were going to take a shit.” I caught some more lubrication from her pussey and covered my cock with it then I began a gentle pressure inward. She gasped and squeaked as the head popped in and I gently began to slide all six inches into her bowels. I paused for a few seconds deeply embedded in her ass then began a slow in and out rhythm while slowly enlarging myself. Soon she was whimpering and moaning.

“Good, oh god it feels so good don’t stop it feels good. Oh, oh, oh, make it bigger oh god it feels good.” She was moaning with each stroke I made. Very slowly I began to make myself bigger around and longer as I slid in and out of her. Her breathing became short and rasping as she moaned for more. I felt myself getting close when she suddenly stiffened up and shrieked, “Commingggg! Oh shit, I’m comming again help me, don’t stop, oh shit I’m Commingggg!” She cried out in passion again as I blasted her bowels with my cream.

“Oh damn you that felt so good I didn’t want it to end. I’ve got to tell mom about you. She’ll come looking for you but not to get revenge. She’ll want some of what we’ve been sharing. I know she will.”

“Only if you’re there right beside us to watch, I want you there with us. You’re hot enough, good grief what will your mom be like? And what would you do if you got overly excited? Would you be playing with me or with your mom or both? If we do, you have to be there and be just as naked as your mom and me. You can play with any part of your mom I’m not playing with or you can let your mom eat your pussy while I eat hers and fuck her. Anything goes as long as it doesn’t hurt someone. I’m not into pain and I’m sure you two aren’t either. Your mom will have to ask though. I won’t lay a hand on her otherwise. If you two start it I won’t back out I’ll do my best to keep up with you. I haven’t even met your mom yet, what’s she look like?”

Susie and I spent most of the day either on the bed talking, fucking or wandering around the store naked. All the windows had been covered with paper so no one could see in, we had free run of the entire building. We even swept some of the floors and cleaned up the tiny apartment. I wasn’t a very good housekeeper so things were kind of scattered and thrown around the apartment. By early afternoon we were hungry and thinking of leaving when Susie’s cell phone rang.

I meet Susie’s mom and kick a bully’s ass.
“Hello, oh hi mom, ya sorry but I talked him into ditching school today. No we’re over at his hideout. No mom not all day just most of it. We did some house cleaning this afternoon. He’s a terrible housekeeper. We were just talking about going somewhere and finding something to eat. We’re both starved. Ya I mentioned it. He says only if I’m right there with you. No I don’t think his parents get home until late. His dad’s out of town on business until next week some time. Okay, we’ll be there in a few minutes.”

“Mom says for us to come over to my place she’ll fix us something to eat. Let’s get going I’m starved and I’m sore enough I definitely don’t want to do anything more right now. Besides I want you to meet my mom.”

Susie and I left our hiding place and slipped down the alley to the street. Just as we were about to step around the corner onto the street I grabbed Susie and pulled her back. Let me go first, I think there’s someone that wants to cause trouble I whispered. Sure enough my inclination was right. There was Eddie, Karen’s boyfriend. He was a huge boy with muscles that were bulging from lifting weights and playing football. Nobody in their right mind messed with Eddie if they wanted to live. He had a dangerous temper, loved to fight, and had put more than one person in the hospital with his big gnarly fists. Instantly I made myself fifty times stronger than I normally was.

“Well well, look what I found. You’re the little pussy that’s got my girlfriend all wound up. Now I’m gonna wind you and your little whore up, stomp a mud hole in your ass then I’ll walk it dry.”

“Eddie, you don’t want to do that, somebody might get hurt,” I calmly replied.

“Somebody will get hurt alright and that somebody is going to be you and your little snatch friend.”

Eddie suddenly swung his huge fist at me. How I did it I don’t know but instantly I knocked his arm aside and hit him hard in the stomach. He stood like a statue for a few seconds with his eyes bugging out then he struggled to take a breath. As he slowly forced himself to inhale some of the air that he had expelled when I hit him, he grabbed his midsection and sank to his knees moaning. As he went down I slapped his face hard four times before his knees hit the sidewalk. He was on his knees with his head almost touching the cement, holding his stomach and trying not to vomit.

“Eddie, you don’t want to try to do this. You’ll also apologize to Susie for calling her a whore. That wasn’t cool,” I told him again.

“Fuck you; you bastard, I’ll break every bone in your body. I aint apologizing to that cunt for anything she aint worth it,” he groaned. He had started to straighten up and suddenly he reached for me. I grabbed his hand and twisted it over backwards, hard. There was a “snap” as an arm bone broke. He screamed as I kicked him right in the teeth, shattered his lower jaw, and scattered his front teeth all over the sidewalk. I hated to get this angry but he had been a bully and an ass hole to everyone for the last several years and it was time he learned his lesson. By now I could tell he was in too much pain to worry about me so I turned and walked away with my arm around my girlfriend as he lay writhing on the ground in pain.

“I’m sorry you had to watch that babe. Now maybe he’ll grow up and leave people alone he’s been a bully since fourth grade. Pain is the only thing he understands, I hope he got the idea this time. When I looked at his mind all I saw was hatred and darkness. There wasn’t a speck of respect for anyone or anything in there.”

We hurried down the street, up the steps, and into Susie’s house. As we stepped inside I was already trying to read her mother. I still wasn’t sure if this was real or if I was going to have to run for my life. The house was neat and clean. There were very few furnishings to see as we walked through. A small table and two chairs sat in the kitchen. There were two easy chairs and a battered up old couch along one wall in the living room. A small TV sat on the other wall on top of a couple of plastic milk crates. “Mom, I’m home” Susie called out as we stepped into the living room.

“Hi kids, what’s happening? Susie you’ve been holding out on me if this is the guy you been telling me about. A light haired woman with a figure that any movie star would envy came hurrying from another room.

“Mom this is Don the guy I been telling you about, Don this is my mom Rose. He’s great just don’t make him mad. Remember that kid Eddie I told you about? Well this guy just left him lying on the sidewalk with a broken arm and all his front teeth knocked out down by that old store I was telling you about yesterday. Eddie was going to pound on him. Eddie took one swing and don hit him so hard I don’t think he could breathe for a few seconds. Then Eddie threatened us again and tried to grab him. Don grabbed his arm and broke it, I heard the bone snap. Then Don kicked him right in the mouth. I never even saw him move the first time he hit him. I’ll bet he never picks on us again, he’ll be too afraid to.”

“Oh dear he didn’t hurt either one of you did he? Isn’t he the one that’s been a problem for everyone for the last five years or so? He has a quite a reputation for fighting I’ve been told.”

“Ya mom that’s the kid, he never laid a hand on either one of us. He swung his fist at Don and the next thing I know he was on his knees on the sidewalk trying to breathe.

“What’s for lunch, you said you would fix us something.”

By now I had been in Rose’s head enough to know that she wasn’t mad at me for stealing her daughters virginity she was jealous. She had been alone for so long that she wanted something besides one of her toys between her legs. She was just as horny as her daughter. She was already trying to think of a way to get me in bed with her after what Susie had told her. Susie hadn’t told her about my abilities but she had mentioned that I was huge when I was completely hard. Rose was thinking about how huge and what it would feel like. She was already dripping wet and horny.

Rose fixed us some hot dogs and a bowl of macaroni and cheese for lunch. After we ate and she cleaned up the kitchen. She finally couldn’t stand it anymore. She turned a bit red in the face and stuttered a little.

A new experience for me.

“Ok you two time to talk. I know what you’ve been doing hiding in that old closed up store. Mind you it probably isn’t right but I’m willing to overlook it. Don, Susie tells me you are quite well endowed is that true? If it is why don’t you two just do things like that here at home? Besides I might even want to watch you and maybe join in,” she stuttered. “Heaven knows it’s been a long time since I’ve seen a male without clothes on. Susie’s dad left fifteen years ago when she was two years old and I haven’t been with a guy since then. There are times I’m so damn horny I think I’m going to explode.”

I had already read her mind and knew what was coming but it still made me turn red in the face. I had changed a lot since the first time Susie and I were together but I still managed to get embarrassed at times.

Again I reached into her mind and read her thoughts. Her mind was thrashing around like the ocean in a hurricane. Damn it boy take your clothes off I want to see it. Oh crap he’s just a teenager I could get in deep shit doing this. I don’t care, if he’s as big as Susie says I want that thing in me, I want him between my legs. Oh crap I hope he’ll do me with his tongue. There’s something about that boy, I wonder if he’s one of them. Oh crap I hope so if he is he can make it any size he wants. Oh shit I want to grab that cock and start sucking on it. Her mind was going a hundred miles an hour.

“Rose have you ever seen a flying saucer?” I suddenly asked. She stopped and looked at me.

Yes why do you ask? I’ve seen several of them over the years. Wait a minute are you saying that you’re one of them? Please don’t tell me you’re an alien.”

No I’m not an alien but I’ve seen them and talked to them. They gave me some abilities that have helped me out a lot. That’s how I managed to beat the crap out of Eddie. I can be as strong as I want to, as big or small as I want to and I can adjust the size of various body parts if you know what I mean."

“Oh my god you are one of them, you’re a cretated human. I knew one other person that was that way once. He finally got tired of all the shit going down on this earth and moved to some other galaxy with them. I’d give my right tit to be able to do that with Susie.”

“That’s weird my mom was saying something about doing that someday. She said her and dad would have to talk about it when he gets back from his trip. I told her yesterday about me and the flying saucer people. She said that she and dad had been contactees for years. Maybe you should talk to them and see if we could all move together. I already told her that I wasn’t going anywhere now that I had a girlfriend.”

“I will, tomorrow. But now back to what we were talking about. Since you’re cretated I know you can read minds if you want to. I’m also sure you have been reading mine and know how I feel. I want you in that bedroom with both of us naked. I know what you can do with that thing and I want you doing it to me!”

“I’ll agree but only if Susie can be there also and be just as naked as you and me. After all it’s her and me most of the time and I want her to be there too. I don’t know if I can keep up with both of you but I’m willing to try.”

“Oh my god, Susie is that something you want to be part of? Is that something you want to do? Oh shit I’ve never thought about something like this. I’m not real sure I want my baby girl seeing something like that. I don’t know if I could handle it.”

As she was sputtering her doubts and objections I was in her mind. She was saying one thing and thinking something totally opposite. She was thinking that with her daughter there she would be so aroused that it would be nothing but one long orgasm. She had always thought about someone watching her have sex or having two different people on her at one time. The thought had her so close to coming that she couldn’t stand it.

By now Rose was standing between Barb and me. Where I got the courage I’ll never know but I reached over and slid my hand up the back of her leg with my fingers caressing the inside of her leg. She let out a shriek and fell forward onto the table. As she fell forward she spread her legs apart. Gently I slid my fingers up and back down several times. Each time I went up I got closer to her soppy wet pussy. Each time I went up she would shudder and cry out as she tried her best to hump my hand. Finally I ran my hand all the way to the top and slowly slid my fingers across her panty covered pussy and ass hole. As I touched her ass hole she howled out; “Yes; yes anything just fuck me, and fuck me now, please I beg you, please I need it now!”

She was sobbing and begging as Susie and I helped her to stand and stagger into her bedroom. Susie helped her mother take off her clothes and I quickly slipped out of my jeans and shirt. As Susie finished getting her mom undressed and onto the bed I began to strip her. In a matter of a few seconds we were all three naked. I had enlarged myself to about ten inches long and six inches across.

“Oh shit,” Susie breathed when she saw it. I winked at her and stepped up beside her mom. Rose was already nearing an orgasm so I calmed her mind just a little. “Oh fuck yes” she whined as she wrapped her hand around my manhood and jerked her knees up towards the ceiling. “Put it in me now please put it in me.” I gently slipped around and in between her legs. As I moved I whispered to Susie; “You start doing her tits. I’ll see what I can do with her down here.”

Susie dove down onto her mother’s tits and began to lick, slurp, slobber, fondle, and suck. Rose was moaning and shuddering. She would grab the bed sheets and roll her head from side to side. As I slowly licked down across her outer lips and down to her ass hole she raised her hips and back off the bed and slammed her thighs tight against my head. That woman was producing enough wetness to soak her, me, and the bed as I continued to lick and suck on her clit.
Finally when I thought she couldn’t handle it any more I slowly raised and repositioned myself so I could enter her. “Susie, help me get it in,” I whispered. She quickly abandoned her mom’s tits and slipped around to guide me into her mom’s boiling, slippery, hot cunt.

Rose held her breath as Susie lined me up and parted her lips with the head of my dick. “OH fuck yes” she howled as she felt my dick try to enter her.

“Oh stop its too big,” she groaned as I tried to push my pole in her tunnel. I shrunk it down to about half its former diameter and pushed forward again. She moaned as the crown popped in past her outer lips. I slowly forced my way in as Susie wiggled it around and parted her mother’s pussy lips to make it easier for me. This woman was so tight I would have sworn in court that she was still a virgin. I could feel every bump and ripple of flesh as I slowly slid into her. By now she was beyond saying anything all she could do was moan and whimper and attempt to draw another breath as she squirmed under the onslaught o

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Alien Sexy toy

I start out by picking a pair of black and red lacy panties, thankfully my dick isn't that big so tucking isn't really an issue. Next I pick out a matching black and red bra. The downside to wearing my mom's clothes is that she is a very busty women so I have to use a couple pairs of socks to stuff the bra. I grab a garter belt and a pair of fishnet stockings I know my mom has hidden in her closet. Last but not least I grab a pair of my mom's denim cutoff shorts and a white button down...

3 years ago
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Alien The BeginningChapter 4

JJ smiled to herself as she released the mental connection to Jim. 24 hours before she had simply been an average reserve medical officer getting back in the swing of things after a reserve drill weekend. JJ didn't know if she would have rated herself as ordinary but certainly not extraordinary. JJ was anything but ordinary now and she knew it. She had just had a conversation in her mind with a man over five miles away. She had reached inside a patient today and fixed a torn liver, healed...

2 years ago
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Alien Flashlight Hypnotizes Women Ch 02

A man finds a magical, hypnotic flashlight in the middle of the road and accidentally hypnotizes his future mother-in-law with it. With him having just hypnotized his future mother-in-law with a pocket flashlight that was obviously not of this Earth, now he wondered if that was an alien spacecraft that crashed and not a commercial, passenger plane. For fear that they’re be a panic, and of course there would be a panic, maybe that’s why there’s no news, no TV, and no cell phone reception....

2 years ago
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Alien Abduction Bliss

I will start by introducing myself, my name is Kiley. I'm twenty six, medium build, with brown hair and eyes. I have large C cup breasts, stand about five foot three and I was abducted by aliens. I know what you're thinking, "another looney with the anal probe story", and technically you would be right, at least about the anal probe part. I'm not lying however. I had the soreness and the "cum" stains to prove it. How about I start from the beginning. I was at home. I had just got in from a hard...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Alien InvasionChapter 8

Our usual low and slow approach was what saved us. It gave me time to see the two flying boxes parked beside the target building. Somebody had really screwed up by doing that. We would have walked into the ambush if their transportation had been hidden as it should have been. I practically screamed at Bill to pull in front of Joe and Sam so that we could keep them from being shot down. Of course, Joe was startled when Bill cut him off, but he trusted Bill enough to follow us when I waved at...

3 years ago
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Alien DebaucheryChapter 2

The next few days are boring for Serori. She and Jo hang out both at school and at home. They watch videos and play with themselves like they have for the past year. But no matter what Serori does, she just can’t get that little white room out of her head. Several times when they masturbated, she sucked on her dildo, pretending to suck someone off through the wall. Jo never really catches on, and if she does, she doesn’t say anything about it. The strange thing is, Jo hasn’t mentioned the...

3 years ago
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Alien InvasionChapter 4

With a pile of dead aliens in front of us, the next question was what do we do now? Well, while we surely had a few minutes, the obvious thing was to see what we could loot from the aliens that might be useful to us. We had replaced the spent magazines in our rifles with fresh ones, so there was little excuse to put it off any longer. We still were very cautious as we approached the dead aliens. For one thing, we did not know if there were any more of the critters left in the flying box....

2 years ago
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Alien Arena

Some people believe we have been watched from afar for a long time now. Most of us think those stories are nonsense and make-believe. Aliens, beings from far away planets, who have been following our development, abducting people for scientific research. Uhu, and pigs fly, you’d probably react. But as with most stories, there are a few truths to it. Only it’s not one alien race that has been watching us. There is a whole universe out there, a society formed of different space faring races, far...

2 years ago
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The intervention

The cane resumed up Cindy’s thighs with a more even and less severe stroke. Cindy seemed to relax and let out low gasps after each stroke. She was losing her fear and started to take some weird pleasure in the situation. She thought to herself “I could take anything he could do, maybe even a little more”. Without thinking she arched her back down. She had always been self-conscious of her big puffy labia, but maybe God had given her them as a gift for such a situation. By arching her back...

2 years ago
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Cuckold intervention

It had been a few weeks since we had met Pam and we had kept in touch, well rather Linda had been doing a little more keeping in touch than I had. Even so when it was just Linda and me at home the sex was great and when Pam came over the odd time the two of them put on a great show and always made sure I enjoyed the evening.It was a Friday evening and I could see Pam's car in the driveway when I arrived home. Linda greeted me and all she was wearing was a tiny tshirt, too short to cover her...

4 years ago
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October Intervention

October Intervention By Tyrone Slothrop Chapter 1: Vacation Cruise The small yacht was going down as Emily looked through the storm. Fred was laying on the beach unconscious, completely tired after his futile attempts to swim out and get any supplies. Their ten year anniversary trip around the world was looking like their final vacation. Emily worried that after five days of insane seas and wind they were far off any shipping lanes. The island was anything but tropical, stuck...

3 years ago
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Fateful Intervention

Bert Mortenson opened the front door to his more than modest home in suburban Chicago and was disgusted by the site of the two teenaged boys engaged in a steamy sixty nine on his five thousand dollar leather couch. Quietly bypassing the lovers, Bert made his way into the kitchen and retrieved an imported bottle of beer from the fridge. Sitting at the kitchen table, he vowed that this was the last straw. Bert had two female lovers, a bisexual brace of lovelies that had beseeched him...

3 years ago
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Intervention By Rosie "Oh, hi, Erica Anna," I said, surprised to see my wife's assistant at the door, "Caroline's not home." "I know," she said, "I've come to speak to you." "Oh?" I said. Without waiting for an invitation, the tall, burly girl brushed past me, handing me her coat in the process. I had no choice but to trail after her, stopping only to hang her coat. A frequent guest to our house, she made herself at home by the time I warily joined her in the living room. She...

1 year ago
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The Intervention

The Intervention Kyorii Chapter 01 Phillipa Phillipa Dryburn lay on her back, she was snoring, her husband lay by her on his front on the bed they shared together, oblivious to the sounds his wife was generating. Oblivious as the previous evening they had both over indulged on alcohol cigarettes and recreational drugs and their bodies were keeping them asleep in a vain attempt to flush out some of the toxins of their lifestyle before the onslaught of yet another day. Phillipa...

3 years ago
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The Crusader Chapter 8 the Intervention

Jacob Tully waved at Rollie Chambers and Jessica Talbert as they walked into Rigazzi's Italian Restaurant. He stood when they joined him at his table. There were two ladies sitting with Tully. "Hey guys, thanks for coming," Tully greeted them. He shook Rollie's hand and hugged Jessica. Julie Colwell also stood. Hi Jessica, hi Rollie," she said and hugged both Rollie and Jessica. Julie was Nurse Colwell, the lead RN at the St. Louis University Medical Center Hospital. She had met Rollie...

1 year ago
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Normalcy Is Harder Than It LooksChapter 5 Unwanted Intervention

The next day, Cate and I again picked up Chalise and Kitty for school. This was particularly necessary since Chalise and her mother jointly shared her car for her mother's job as well. The girls were in a particularly good mood, considering what had occurred over the weekend and they were still anxious to talk about it. "So, Cate, get anything good last night?" Kitty teased. Cate blushed. "Sorry, but nothing happened between us. I was, uh, a bit indisposed, if you get my drift. Besides,...

2 years ago
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alien adventures

Patrick wakes up on a long silvery table up on a platform. he scans the room and sees nothing else. not even a single piece of decoration. then he starts to feel a bit cold, and notices he isn't wearing any of his spacebar anymore. his very small penis is even more shriveled from the cold, his balls sucked back up into his body for warmth. he shivers and wonders where he is and when he is going to get out of here. the last thing he remembers is looking out the cockpit of his ship while his crew...

3 years ago
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Alien Research

We were driving across country on a family vacation, the wife's idea and her route. She decided that we would take the long route, thru deserted roads, vistas and one horse small towns (think deliverance), for the scenery... I'm Mark (38) brown hair tanned green eyes 6'2 I work out everyday to keep fit former soldier and now a middle manager of a large manufacturing plant. My wife Kimmy (38) 5'3 Brunette blue eyes, 34C-25-36 still a looker and she works hard to keep herself looking good she had...

4 years ago
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Alien Ambassador

The alien climbed out of its landing craft. They had been sent down to investigate the simian inhabitants on this planet, a backward world with only limited space flight. The spacecraft was hidden in a large area covered by deciduous woody plants called trees in the local language. The alien knew several of the languages spoken here since it had spent the last nine months studying the world's satellite communication transmissions. The craft also had a cloaking device that made it practically...

3 years ago
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Alien The BeginningChapter 16

JJ took a deep breath and said, "Mom, Dad, and Uncle Bran." She paused for a moment looking at them. "I have a big favor to ask but first I need to tell you something that happened to me. To us I guess I should say because the girls are involved too. Last weekend was a drill weekend with the reserves and something happened." She paused again before saying, "This is going to be pretty unbelievable but it is true. I will try to show you at the same time I am telling you so you will...

1 year ago
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Alien DebaucheryChapter 3

Indeed, it had become a long night. Serori managed to get back before Jo did from the movies. Of course she didn’t tell the best friend what she had done or that she had even left. After dinner the two did their usual of watching a little porn and getting themselves off. Normally that is what it took for them to go to sleep, but for Serori it just wasn’t enough. Now she lies in her bed, listening to the sound of her best friend’s light breathing and starring up at the empty ceiling. Her...

1 year ago
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Alien Sightings1

This is my first story. If you don't like the story please don't tell me how badly it sucked! If you like the story you’re free to comment as much as you want. I love feedback, but only if it will make me happy and/or better at writing my stories. Thanks! Also very important!!!!!! This story is just something I’m trying out. When I post the second part it might not have sex, and this part doesn’t have very much in it either. It’s just a fun story I wanted to write. So if you’re...

2 years ago
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Alien Sightings0

This is my first story. If you don't like the story please don't tell me how badly it sucked! If you like the story you’re free to comment as much as you want. I love feedback, but only if it will make me happy and/or better at writing my stories. Thanks! Also very important!!!!!! This story is just something I’m trying out. When I post the second part it might not have sex, and this part doesn’t have very much in it either. It’s just a fun story I wanted to write. So if you’re...

4 years ago
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Alien Abduction

Warning: My stories include lesbian themed rape and torture. This isn’t BSDM practicing “safe, sane, and consensual” It is rape. It is torture. There are few happy endings here. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! I do not condone rape or torture ... except for fictional characters in fictional stories. Arrival - Ri’xon The acrid smell of fried electronics fills the air. Damn government contractors! Greedy bastards cut every corner, just to save a credit. My ears drop as I survey the damage. The...

1 year ago
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Alien The BeginningChapter 5

Jim arrived at JJ's before 5:00 PM with Chinese take-out and a six-pack of Seven-Up. Jim hadn't checked with her about supper or the sodas. He decided to surprise her. That should be possible if he just didn't tell her. Surprises were fun. Jim heard the imperative, "AND I GET TO GO FIRST," as he opened the car door and he had to smile. 48 hours earlier he couldn't have even imagined a conversation between a mother and daughter about which would get to make love to him first. Well, he...

3 years ago
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Alien InvasionChapter 19

Well, that lack of families for low status Utorians was a good place to start. Besides, if we did work on the idea of families for everybody, it would give us a good start on breaking up the authoritarian attitude that the Utorians seemed to be wed to. There was one thing for damned sure: we were going to Utor to exact some sort of retribution for their attack on us. I hoped that we could do it without killing a lot of Utorians, but I did plan to eliminate the bosses who were trying to bully...

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Alien InvasionChapter 13

Joe adjusted the speed of the HAF-1 to match the speed of the chip carrier. That alone was a great argument in favor of us adopting the flying box for our air force. The flying box was able to maintain its position in the air at least as well as a human helicopter, so Joe just held his position until the chip carrier had dumped its load. As soon as it departed, Joe dropped to 50 feet above the factories roof and moved slowly in until Sam shouted for him to stop. Joe held the position while...

3 years ago
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Alien InvasionChapter 15

This ambush was different because we had 10 new people along to give us a total of 22 shooters. We had so many because I wanted to be sure of adequate backup in case the new people contracted some new form of "buck fever" and froze when they should have been shooting. We went in with four flying boxes: HAF-1 and HAF-2 in case we needed firepower and HAF-3 and HAF-4 for overnight accommodations. It was a problem hiding that many of the flying boxes, but I thought that we did an acceptable...

2 years ago
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Alien The BeginningChapter 2 Building a Family

Jim Bronson woke slowly Monday morning and judging from the light through the windows it was just after sunrise. He was normally an early riser but this morning he just lay in bed thinking. He needed to do a recap of the weekend just to see if he was nuts or if it was some crazy dream. In his mind Jim walked through the steps after he had exited the canyon to the camp site again. Yep, everything was still the same. He reviewed all the poking and prodding at the army base then the threats from...

3 years ago
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Alien InvasionChapter 18

After some long talks with Jake, Jeff and Chuck came to me with an outline of a plan. Basically, they wanted to visit Norfolk or another naval base and literally pick up a submarine. Jake claimed to be able to build a tractor beam that would fit on a flying boxcar and be strong enough to lift a submarine from the water. Given that, they wanted to bring it to Worcester and put it in the water of the lake next to our home. They would convert the submarine to a spaceship complete with ray guns...

1 year ago
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Alien Pest ControlChapter 2

The new spaceship was christened 'Michael' in honor of Janet's brother who didn't make it to his bar mitzvah. The first flight of the 'Michael' was to Earth to come up with the kind of guns that Jacob was looking for. They found just what Jacob wanted already mounted on several ships. They were the Gatling Gun defense against incoming missiles. These guns fired depleted uranium slugs and had a tremendous muzzle velocity. The kinetic energy released when one of these slugs impacted under...

3 years ago
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Alien Flashlight Hypnotizes Women Ch 03

After hypnotizing Donna, Brian hypnotizes Kathy too for threesome sex with his fiancé’s mother and aunt. Not wanting her to see that he was naked, he figured that she’d suspect something was amiss if he answered the door without wearing any clothes. Who knows, after how she aggressively acted when they were alone in the dark corner of the pool, maybe she’d prefer seeing him naked? Hoping the light would work through glass, he quickly ran to grab his light from his pants pocket and shined it in...

2 years ago
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Alien Legacy

Centuries ago our world was visited by an advanced race of aliens, explores on a cosmic journey of discovery. These strange visitors found earth and its primitive inhabitants fascinating so much so that they spent many years living amongst us, studying us,helping us, guiding our development. If you are wondering why your history books never mentioned the time Copernicus got the idea for a heliocentric model of the universe from an alien slug creature it's probably because these particular alien...

3 years ago
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Alien Orgy

She stood up, the surface beneath her soft, cushioned and apparently organic. She took two, three steps. That was as far as she got before whip like tentacles shot from the surface beneath her and ensnared her wrists and ankles. She was yanked onto her back and her limbs bound to the floor spread eagle. She struggled only momentarily, immediately realizing that any attempt to free herself would be a waste of precious energy. After mere minutes, the first creature entered the vast chamber in...

2 years ago
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Alien Orgy

Introduction: She tried to run…they taught her to fuck She awoke to find herself in overwhelmingly unfamiliar surroundings. Nothing was even vaguely identifiable as being of earth. Her heart sprinted, adrenaline surged through her, her breathing coming in panicked gasps. As she looked around for a way out of this bizarre environment, she became aware of being covered in a slick substance. She was saturated in it. Her stomach turned at the sight and she vigorously began trying to wipe it from...

3 years ago
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Alien VS Predator Futa Addition

The grand space vessel under the mighty Weyland corporation settled down on an unknown planet after finding it quite hospitable for human life and full of valuable resources of the scientific kind. Since it was a planet deemed fit for a colony, only futas were sent to swiftly populate the planet in a more enjoyable manner as opposed to artificial insemination. But that's not all they did. They found more in the form of alien eggs and their rather large, oddly sexy slumbering matriarch......

3 years ago
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Alien The BeginningChapter 10

Jorge' looked at the two adults and two teens as he stepped into the kitchen with a slight smile. He recognized what the flushed faces and that peculiar tang in the air meant. Kim and Blake blushed as they saw Jorge's understanding of the situation but JJ only shrugged. Jim smiled back at Jorge' but put his finger over his lips warning the young Mexican not to speak. "All of you, help me here for a moment," Jim thought to JJ and the girls. "I need to have them listen next door for...

1 year ago
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Alien DebaucheryChapter 5

For the following week Serori can’t get back to the store. She has a myriad of things she has do from Dinn responsibilities to school activities to planned events with Jo and her family. After a few days, she really needs to suck some cock in order to get herself off. Her time with Jo is productive but not as much as she’d like. Of course she gets off, but not like she would in the store with a cock in her mouth. Then finally a day comes when she has a three hour window to get away from...

3 years ago
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Alien DebaucheryChapter 6

Now that Serori’s obligations are over, she finds herself with a lot more time. She thought the session on cock sucking she did when she found a break would hold her over—it didn’t. Instead, it had left her wanting more. Here she is, a sex-crazed, blow job giving alien girl, and she’s addicted. “I’m glad to see you’re back on a regular basis,” Bear says as he leans casually against the counter. Serori smiles at him. “It’s good to be back.” “I’m sure the customers will be glad to have you...

1 year ago
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Alien DebaucheryChapter 7

Serori is back the next night, still high from her first anal experience. She doesn’t know what extents she is able to go to sexually, but so far she is enjoying each new level she obtains. Now if only she could find her mystery man so that he can fuck her ass too. She is in the last room for no more than a minute or two before there is a cock sticking through one of the holes. She pulls the stool over and sits down before wrapping her hand around it. Then leaning forward, opens her mouth...

2 years ago
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Alien InvasionChapter 14

I suppose that one could say that this was an eclectic lot. There were Caucasians, Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians. There was a slight majority of Whites, but not enough for them to dominate the scene. In other words, the crowd was about what one might have seen at any place in a Massachusetts city before the advent of the aliens. I introduced the three of us and explained why we were in Worcester. We were immediately challenged as liars by one of the men in the crowd because everybody knew...

3 years ago
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Alien Impulses

** This is my second attempt to complete this fast-growing, rather out-of-control novella — I might get around to finishing it one day, but thought I would get it out there, so you can see what you think. It is a hybrid sex novel / sci-fi novel / odd mix of things. Comments are very welcome.** * I took a breather about 100m short of the summit and surveyed the scene. This was probably my favourite part of the country, a green valley with tiny specks below me, which were farms and cars on the...

3 years ago
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Pete was concerned. He nibbled on a nail and paced the little bedroom while looking down at the sleeping woman on the bed. She hadn’t moved in hours but her breathing was steady and she didn’t seem to have a fever. He had found her in the woods three days earlier and carried her all the way back to his cabin. It had been hard work since she was heavier than she looked.He figured her to be around five feet eight inches, she was quite tall and, without sounding too perverted, she had a killer...

Monster Sex
4 years ago
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Alien Possession 2

--- Alien Possession 2 (MF, mc, oral, inter, impreg) by Krosis of the Collective --- Szx'ee and Wantu'u floated above the brick and mortar of the sprawling human cityscape, bored silly. For many days now they had watched the humans go about their lives, but none of it made any sense. Why would they get up with the rising of the sun, and then on some days they did not? Some humans lived in large domiciles, but others seemed to have no fixed place to rest, hunkering down in the...

4 years ago
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B6 Chapter 19 Interventions

Chapter 19: Interventions Ebony strode back through the corridors of the Island to Dee Dee's lab like a woman possessed. After everything that had happened in such a short time, Ebony's emotions were boiling in her mind and body like a cauldron. The events in the infirmary had been reassuring to Ebony when she saw Dee Dee awaken to the smelling salts, and recognize both her and Tami. But Ebony's hatred for Jeanne and Barocca had gone past all levels now. This was no longer a case of 'who...

3 years ago
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Aliens Ch 04


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