Kismet The Christmas Elf
- 3 years ago
- 40
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Wednesday, August 16th, 2006. 6:40 pm
‘I’ve met someone.’
Ana moved the frames on her desk one more time. Perfect. The sudden hush wouldn’t last long, she knew them all too well.
Right on cue, Sasha used her own words against her. ‘You’ve been there, what…twenty minutes? Our girl works fast, doesn’t she?!’
‘Funny,’ Ana tried for a flat retort but their laughter was too infectious.
Michelle giggled. ‘What’s he like? How’d you meet? Details!’
Ana resisted getting swept up in Michelle’s hopefulness—there was no reason to, even if she wished otherwise.
‘We met at Borders while I was waiting to meet Simon.’
‘How are things going with him?’ Michelle asked carefully.
‘They’re getting better…it’s still a little weird, but definitely better. It was his idea for us to meet for dinner.’
‘That’s a good sign, Ana!’ Michelle encouraged. ‘Maybe he just needs time to come around.’
‘Time will tell.’
‘Tell us about your mystery man,’ Sasha butted in impatiently. In switching the topic, Ana knew Sasha was also trying to be diplomatic where Simon was concerned.
‘What’s his name?’
Ana’s smiled instantly. ‘His name’s Sean. Sean Brennan. You’d both like him. He’s such fun to be around, makes me laugh all the time.’
‘Jeez, it’s like pulling teeth,’ Sasha complained. Michelle giggled in agreement.
‘Okay, Miss Walters. What do you want to know?’
‘What does he look like?’
‘How old is he?’ Michelle chimed in.
‘What does he do?’ Sasha volleyed quickly.
Michelle raised the stakes. ‘Is he relationship material?’
But Sasha wouldn’t be outdone. ‘Have you two…?’
‘Okay! Okay!’
‘He’s thirty-two and when it comes to his looks, let’s just say, Sean wasn’t hiding behind a door when God handed out tall, blue-eyed and handsome.’
Her girls laughed and begged for more as she told them about their meeting in Borders. Suddenly, they were teenagers talking about a crush on an upperclassman.
‘Go on!’ Michelle gushed.
‘He has a very masculine presence about him, always very put together—but not a pretty-boy, it’s more of an old-Hollywood vibe. Oh…’ Ana remembered a trait she admired and envied all at once. ‘He’s got great hair.’
‘How unfair,’ Michelle mock complained before Sasha started the next round.
‘What’s he like personality-wise? Sounds like he’s flirty from what you said.’
‘He is, but it’s not in a hound dog way, you can tell he genuinely likes women.’
‘Men like that are divine!’
‘And an endangered species,’ Sasha grumped, her stored regrets buried under sarcasm.
‘Yours is out there,’ Michelle promised. Her bright words confirmed that she still didn’t know . ‘If you say so, Shelly.’ The one thing that could cast a temporary shadow over Michelle’s perpetual sunshine, was having her name abbreviated to ‘Shelly’.
‘Ana, you were saying.’ The schoolmarm edge effectively admonished Sasha.
‘We’re different in a lot of ways.’
Sasha responded first to the hesitant observation. ‘Oh-kay?’
‘Well, he has no qualms at all about walking up to a complete stranger and start talking to them.’
‘You’re friendly,’ Michelle insisted flatly.
‘Yeah, it just takes you a minute. Besides, wasn’t it you who approached him? Which differences are you really worried about?’
‘Well, he usually has ten things going on at once and it’s like he only has two speeds: go, go, go…and sleep,’ Ana paused, ‘it reminds me a little of Chris.’
‘Oh,’ her girls chorused.
‘If you can strike a balance between the two of you, you could compliment each other really well,’ Michelle countered. ‘You wouldn’t fit as good with a low-key guy, you’d be bored, Ana. And maybe a hyperactive woman would get on Sean’s nerves.’
‘Is he a party boy like Chris?’ Sasha prodded.
‘Then maybe you’re letting past experience define your expectations and to help you stay guarded. You’re still getting to know each other. Keep an open mind and see what happens.’ Michelle had a point—hopeful yet valid. She doesn’t give up, does she? ‘Tell us more about Sean.’
The mere sound of his name blanketed Ana in warmth.
‘He’s surprisingly intuitive for a guy and so smart, not in a snobbish, know-it-all way, more like ‘did you know the quirky history or detail behind this or that’?’
‘Generous but not professorial,’ Sasha summarized.
‘Right,’ Ana agreed, ‘and he enjoys trying new things.’
‘What else?’ Michelle sounded like she was about to burst.
‘He plays the guitar and he’s a lawyer over at Vanguard Music.’
Michelle did indeed burst.
Ana grinned, remembering a private performance while she snuggled in a cloud of white sheets, Sean’s soulful voice had been a surprise. But Ana saved the pièce de résistance for Sasha.
‘He’s taking me out for a ride on a Harley this weekend,’ she drawled.
‘I could so hate you right now!’ Sasha wailed.
‘And now for the big question.’ The edge in Sasha’s voice made her flush as the still image flipped back to the minutes before when there’d been no guitar. ‘Does he have a brother?’
They all roared with laughter.
‘So?’ Michelle’s question was loaded with innuendo.
‘Yes, we have…’ Ana stopped as memories surfaced of how it had been with Sean in this very bed. She waited a heartbeat shy of being cruel. ‘And it’s very good.’
The silence erupted in cheers and more laughter. Ana knew what was coming and decided to cut Michelle off.
‘It’s not serious.’ She often repeated those words like a prayer whenever temptation came around, taunting her with words like ‘future’, and ‘relationship’.
‘Oh.’ Michelle’s disappointed note was so eloquent, it floated down Ana’s ear and settled in her marrow.
‘Sean’s a good guy…a great guy,’ Ana amended. She felt protective of him despite their short time together and agreed-upon casualness.
‘Then what’s wrong?’ Ana didn’t expect this from Sasha.
‘It happened really fast and even though everything’s been good, I can’t see it going anywhere.’
‘Why?’ Sasha pressed.
‘Would you like it to go somewhere?’ Michelle just had to go there.
I don’t know. Yes?
‘There’s so much we don’t know about each other,’ Ana hedged. ‘I get confused when I think about it. This isn’t me…jumping into something like this, but it feels… Just because we’re not meant to ride off into the sunset together doesn’t mean it’s not worth enjoying. I don’t…I still haven’t figured it all out,’ Ana fumbled. ‘I’m being careful though.’ But I’ve been slipping up.
‘Oh, hun,’ Michelle’s voice was like a warm hug. ‘We just want you to be happy. You deserve it.’
‘Yeah,’ Sasha supplied, ‘and if this Sean guy makes you happy, then go for it, enjoy it. Be happy.’
‘You know, I don’t think you ever sounded like this about a guy, this early on. Not even with Chris.’
There Michelle went on again, weaving fairytales out of absolutely nothing. Thank goodness, Sasha saw things just as they were.
‘You know, you’re right,’ Sasha agreed.
‘Guys, it’s not like that.’ A chalkiness lingered on her tongue after she said the words. Disappointment. This is foolish.
‘We understand, hun,’ Michelle reassured. ‘Just don’t be so quick to write him off or close the door on something that could turn out to be wonderful. Life doesn’t always go the way you planned and sometimes you just have to roll with it.’
‘Yeah,’ Sasha said too heavily.
The conversation continued as though the two-thousand miles and three time zones separating them didn’t exist.
* * * Ana paced her small apartment and ended up where she started. The memories in here and all that talking about Sean made her miss him more,
ridiculous, since they usually saw each other on the weekends. Or at least that’s how it was supposed to go. Last week had been an aberration. Still, uncomfortable truths hovered on the edge of her awareness. Sean could never be dismissed as ‘some guy’. And some of these feelings weren’t the ‘just casual’ type.
Her fingers outlined the corners of the note card as she sat on the bed. Her recollections of last Monday night sweetened since she found it attached to the elegantly wrapped box. The white satin ribbon around it became another treasured memento she kept stored in the night table. The gift inside the box—like the words on the note—was simple, provocative and carefully chosen to stir her, to remind her of their first time.
A little, red bikini made of sheer tulle and lace—a far more exquisite replacement for the one he’d ripped off of her.
Her skin flushed just as it had the evening she found the package waiting at her doorstep. Knowing the gift was from Sean remedied the long workday. Within an hour of calling to thank him, he was in her apartment, not the least bit surprised and oh-so appreciative when he discovered Ana wearing the present he’d given her.
The ringing dragged her back to now.
She lit up when she saw the familiar series of numbers on the caller ID. Two more rings and a calming breath later, she pressed ‘talk’.
‘I miss you, sexy witch.’ His voice was low, hypnotic.
I miss you too. So much.
‘Me too,’ she remarked as if it were an offhand realization. ‘How’s the conference going?’
‘Long. Especially when all I’m looking forward to is taking you for your first ride.’
‘I feel like a kid getting ready for Christmas, you have no idea.’
They exchanged details about their days apart.
‘I wish you were here.’ He sounded as restless as she felt.
Then why didn’t you invite me?
Even if Sean had asked, it wouldn’t have looked good to request time off with the deadline for the fall DesignHause catalogue so close. Plus, spending every day with him for three days would’ve violated rule number one and a whole bunch of others she hadn’t even come up with yet. So why wasn’t logic making sense?
‘You’re just saying that ’cause you’re hanging out with a bunch of boring, stuffy lawyers.’
She heard a faint snort.
‘Maybe. Last time I checked, you weren’t boring or stuffy.’
A sudden pause stretched into several seconds as she remembered the last time he ‘checked’: a rough, quick coupling against her front door after returning from dinner. They didn’t even bother to undress.
‘You’re thinking about it, aren’t you?’ It wasn’t a question, not really.
‘Thinking about what?’ Ana asked too innocently.
‘Hmm. You against the door, me covering your mouth when you—’
‘Oh yeah, I vaguely recall something about you not wanting me to forget you while you were away.’
Sean’s half-laugh was low rumble in her ear. ‘Did it work? Because it sure did a number on me.’
‘Actually, I was thinking about you before you called.’
‘And?’ He sounded all too pleased and very curious. Good.
Ana hesitated. ‘I was reading the note you sent me… with the underwear.’
‘I remembered how you came over that night.’
Ana knew the moment his lips curled into a smile.
‘The first time we had sex at your place,’ he mused as if thinking out loud. ‘I still have reminders on my back.’
She remembered the feel of his warm skin beneath her grip. She’d been brazen and couldn’t get enough.
‘And you’ve kept me coming back for more,’ he went on. And tempted her with what it would be like to wake up together, if he asked to stay, if she let him.
Sean continued with more provocative words. They pushed Ana back to last Monday night when she’d buzzed him into her building for the first time…
* * *
Seeing Sean so soon after Saturday had been an impulsive violation of The Plan, a list of guidelines to follow—with sanctions against spending the night, impromptu dates and consecutive nights of sex—designed make everything uncomplicated. A one time indulgence was no biggie, she reasoned as she waited for him, she’d go back to The Plan tomorrow. In fact, she wouldn’t let him spend the night…even if he asked.
Ana apologized for her apartment’s not-yet-lived-in appearance. For weeks, she’d used her recent relocation as a reason to not see Sean as often as he wanted. It assuaged her unexpected guilt that it was true…partly.
Sean hauled her against him and kissed her again and again. ‘I’m not here to inspect your furniture arrangement,’ he said along her neck.
Ana feigned ignorance. ‘No? Why are you here then?’
His hands roamed her back down to the swell of her backside before pulling her up into him so she could feel the reason for his visit pressing below her navel. Sean yanked his tie and marched down the foyer after her. Anticipation grew with every step he advanced. Desire grew with every step she retreated.
‘Is your bed set up?’
Ana nodded.
Sean seized the belt of her kimono robe and pulled her to him. It came undone with one tug. His eager hands parted the teal printed satin. He bent his head, then stopped inches shy of kissing her.
‘Tease,’ Ana pouted. He tilted his head away as she closed the gap.
‘It’s not teasing when you enjoy it,’ he disputed arrogantly. A light pass of his lips over hers halted her denial. ‘Or when I do this.’
Oh, did Sean ever deliver on his promise. The kiss was hot and hard then slow and sweet, every way Ana liked it. His hand already made its way past the lace waistband before her brain could reboot.
‘Let’s see how much you hate being teased,’ he taunted against her mouth while he washed his fingertips with her. Ana pressed closer and sighed, so glad to be proven wrong.
Sean’s blue eyes roamed her face, the living room swayed for a moment. Knowing her arousal put the pleased look on his face was heady stuff.
‘Good?’ There wasn’t even a pretense of doubt in his voice.
Sean claimed her mouth again with fierce skill. His fingers and tongue explored her until she had to be closer to him. Ana pushed off his navy jacket and attacked his pale, blue dress shirt. A trail of clothes marked their journey to her bed, ending with Ana laying perpendicular on it, arms open in welcome.
She gulped as Sean took the back of her knees in his hands and pulled her down to the edge of the mattress. He slowly removed his gift to her, the last article of clothing between them. Sean eased the scrap of fabric down her legs with such care, as though undressing her were a sacred ritual and not a means to sex. His hands smoothed her thighs as if she were infinitely precious. He made her feel…vulnerable. Sean must have misread her squirming because he parted her legs.
His fingers nudged her thighs further apart. ‘Open wider for me.’
Ana shifted quickly, relieved the moment had returned to a simple exchange of sexual pleasure.
But to her astonishment, he sank to the floor before her, draping her right leg over his shoulder. She protested even as her insides pulsed with arousal at the sight of him there, knowing what he was about to do, knowing how incredible it would feel when he did it. She motioned to sit up but Sean shook his head, dropping kisses along her thigh.
‘Come here,’ she implored with a husky whisper. ‘I-I want—.’ The words stopped when she felt his breath caress her overheated skin.
Sean’s hands and mouth remained focused on exploring her legs. Ana tried to stay still as his fingers exposed her to him. ‘You’re not ready yet.’
She was about to disagree when he rained soft, intimate kisses up and down her sensitive, wet crease. Sean varied the pressure, rhythm and direction of his lips and tongue, making Ana writhe and whimpe
r. One finger slid into her and then another, testing, training the taut muscles that would soon hug his cock.
Ana struggled onto her elbows as his questing fingers kept moving deeper, pressing. She bucked involuntarily when his touch curled upwards. His eyes were warm and hungry when they met hers.
‘There you are,’ Sean purred.
‘W-what?’ Ana found it hard to speak thoughts while his fingers strode back and forth, causing her to react again. This felt different.
‘Lie back down, baby,’ he demanded softly as his palm pressed gently against her stomach. Ana frowned. Her mind, still striving for detachment and control, raced to catalogue the sensations.
‘I-I,’ she started to question even as her hips pressed harder against the hand working her. She jumped when his breath fanned her clit.
‘Ssh. It’s okay.’ The warm hand on her abdomen pushed hard enough so she drifted back onto the sheet while the other created new kinds of magic. ‘Let me make you feel good.’
And he did.
His mouth captured the swollen bud, nipping, pulling and painting it with his tongue while his fingers introduced her to the heart of her deepest pleasure. Ana crooned in surprise as sensation shattered her again and again, bathing her in liquid heat.
‘Now you’re ready,’ Sean declared against her thigh.
Ana lay panting and sated while he made his way up her body, kissing and stroking her as if he couldn’t get enough. He tucked a pillow under her back and placed her in the middle of the bed for his taking.
Kneeling between her golden legs with his hands hooked under her knees, Sean looked like a pagan warrior, ready to claim his victory. He licked his lips. Amazed, Ana found herself responding to the sight of him tasting her.
His shaft covered in glistening latex, pried her slippery folds, the engorged tip insistent at her entrance. Ana pressed her head into the mattress as Sean surged inside her. He groaned as he pulled away, the tormented look in those dark blue eyes told Ana he was close. She canted her hips to meet his next thrust, intent on pushing him to the climax he deserved. But the action sent his rigid length gliding over delicate nerves.
Ana’s mouth fell open in shock when the sweet friction made her flesh coil around him. Surely she couldn’t again, so soon, like that? She moaned into his mouth as his tongue swept over hers and tasted her arousal there. The kiss was a scandalous forecast of what would come when he moved again.
But Sean pinned her hands to the mattress then dipped his head. His hot mouth closed over her left nipple and teased it to aching hardness. Ana arched her back, offering herself. The movement drove him to that perfect place again. Ana whimpered in delight then frustration when Sean remained still inside her.
She needed to be fucked. Hard, fast…she didn’t care…it just had to be now. Sean caught her hips and quieted her.
‘Sean, I need—’
‘I know. Me too.’
His palms took his weight and settled next to her shoulders. She held onto the backs of his arms, bracing herself as he withdrew. The hair on his legs sent shivers across her thighs.
He shook his head, his blue eyes and knowing smile went straight to her soul. ‘This won’t be a fast ride, sweetheart.’
Sean adjusted the angle of his strokes, repeatedly aiming for that secret spot. Ana sucked in her breath and bit her lower lip. The steady, relentless back and forth of his cock felt so good right there, it was almost too good.
‘Sean!’ It was half plea, half shout.
‘Don’t—’ he demanded as he pushed into her, ‘—fight it,’ he bit out as his retreating stroke set her blood on fire again, making her cry out this time. His cock returned again, pestering her sanity with slow, precise spirals. He threw back his head.
‘Yes,’ he bellowed as her silken heat pulled his cock deeper into her.
Their noises merged while his sinuous, intimate dance continued.
Wind. Wind. Wind.
The glorious sensations he set off inside her, ripped warbled sounds of surprise from Ana’s mouth.
Ana clawed at his shoulders, his sides. ‘Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Please, don’t…oh!’
Their eyes collided.
Thought and perception dissolved. Only Sean remained. His hips swiveled against hers, the rhythm of his fucking increased. Ana surrendered and her eyes drifted shut.
Rated R for context. Nobody under 18 should read this, or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 14 "Floop and Happenstance" By Wanda Cunningham Kelly stared, squinting a little without his glasses. Andie had just removed Melissa's wig revealing thinning brown hair and a receding hairline, very much at odds with the rest of Melissa's appearance. Moments before,...
This is how it starts. A crowded Friday afternoon subway car, and my stop coming up. I'm trying to squeeze past you to get to the doors as you're zipping up your jacket, and you catch my hair and necklace in the zipper. We're stuck, tangled together by happenstance and fate, and I can't help but laugh at the consternation on your face. We're jostling the passengers around us, trying to free my hair and your clothing, drawing grumbles of complaint and annoyed looks, as the doors clatter...
Though no text from Kahlil Gibran’s On Love—from The Prophet— appears in this chapter, it’s an exquisite piece to read on the full experience of love. If you search online or find it on a bookshelf, you’ll understand why Ana chose to quote it to a man she thought only dabbled in its shallower waters. My heartfelt thanks goes out to TangledinYou for helping me during a moment of tunnel vision, and to you for…you know. * * * * * * * Saturday, December 2, 2006. A flood of adrenaline and...
Saturday, December 9th 11:40 pm ‘I’m sorry,’ Sean murmured into Ana’s hair and drew in its faint citrus aroma. ‘I’m so sorry about how I acted…the things I said.’ Ana’s hair swept the side of his neck as she nodded repeatedly. He wanted to haul her body up against his but didn’t dare. The reddish shadow peeking out under the wide dress strap reminded him to be careful. He settled for burying one hand in her silky waves while the other grazed the curve of her back. Ana rubbed his back and...
Many thanks to Evanslily for the fresh pair of eyes. June 2007 Ana’s arms banded tighter around Sean’s middle as the Harley tilted left into a wide arc. The stuttered drr carried down the dusty driveway before stopping in front of the two storey building. She yanked off her helmet and bounded to the massive front door with coltish energy. ‘Remember, it looks a little rough but try to look past it.’ ‘Lead the way.’ She tugged on his arm like a little girl and introduced him to Marty Lewis,...
Two short e-mails, four days and a phone call later, Ana’s eyes flitted between the occupied tables at the tapas restaurant, her watch and the sympathetic expression on the hostess’s face. She swept the errant strands annoying her right shoulder back into the twist above her nape. Great. Just great. He’d either left or— ‘You’re late.’ Ana turned around, startled by the stern, deep timbre, relieved he was here. There he stood, all annoyed in a smoky grey business suit—two buttons on his...
Saturday, July 22nd . 6:27 pm Maybe she should have called Michelle. The thought came as Ana pressed the doorbell. She obviously needed to hear a voice of reason, otherwise she wouldn’t be standing here on the doorstep, on the way to ostensibly having her first one-night stand. Tonight wasn’t just about a home cooked meal and some friendly flirting. He wants to fuck you. Yet even reducing it to the crudest of terms didn’t have the intended sobering effect. That was far more perplexing than...
This chapter turned out longer and different than originally planned. But I had to follow where the characters wanted to go. I debated splitting it in two, but it just felt more complete as one whole chapter. Thank you for your votes, comments and emails. Several came at the perfect time and I wanted you to know I appreciated you taking the time to write. Though song lyrics from the following songs aren’t quoted in this chapter, they’re referenced indirectly. *My Way: English version, lyrics...
Ride by Cary Brothers has been the one song I’ve played most often while writing this series. The perfect moment appeared and I had to include it, though I didn’t use the lyrics. I think of it as Sean and Ana’s song—at least for where they’ve come to so far. Sometimes I imagine Sean’s voice sounds similar to Cary’s: soulful, passionate and intimate. * * * * * * * Thursday, December 7th 2006, 10:10 p.m. ‘You forgot to list your emergency contact,’ the nurse huffed while he handed the...
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In a combined Multiversal world a different Wonder Woman has opened an all girls school. However something isn't exactly right at the school nobody is sure what happens at them are they being taught to be 50's housewives, or maybe self-centered ego-maniacal 18th century noblewomen, perhaps just a school for bimbos or maybe a legion of latex clad dominatrices, the livestock on an anthropomorphic farm, or even just having her students becoming fat slobs.
As I was drying my hair after working out at the gym, thoughts quickly turned to dinner. Hmmm. What should I have tonight for dinner? Should I drive to the store and get some sushi? Or should I just go down the street and grab pizza. Hmmm. The store was 6 miles away and I could pick up pizza about a mile down the road. Tough decision. What should I do? Sushi was definitely more healthy…But I did love the taste of my sausage and pepperoni pizza. Pizza it is! Actually, sad to say…That was hardly...
First TimeI was standing on my second floor apartment balcony, looking out at the refreshing and sparking blue pool below me. It was a late summer day, about eleven in the morning. I had the day off from work and had decided to just chill out at the apartment. I was about to step back inside when I heard the familiar clank of the pool area’s iron gate as it closed. I watched as a stunningly beautiful young lady made her way to a row of lounge chairs by the pool. She casually draped a towel over one of...
VoyeurFantasy Gone Bad by Princess Pervette Things that seem neat in your fantasies sometimes turn out not to be so neat if the fantasy becomes reality. My fantasy was being forcibly feminized by a woman. I had a stash of women's clothes, and whenever I was out of town on business, I would sneak some things into my luggage. My fantasies, imagined in my motel room as I jerked off, were memorable. But I wanted more.... **** I came home from work that Friday and called out, as...
I finally got to fuck my neighbor, it has been 20 days since this lustful relationship started and during this time, I must say it has been fun wild and crazy. All in all would I do it over again, hummmm hell yes! I mean, having my dick sucked, getting some pussy, not from one but two and some, then making my neighbor wife cum, but to top it off, experience the wildest sex ever, just that night with Darlene was worth all the build up and then been like a wild animal and let it all go, shit!...
Friend kaise ho ho app log. I hope sabhi log thik honge. Mera name rakesh kumar hai, meri age abhi 23 years hai. Mai bachpan se assam me raha hu or yeh story assam ki he hai. But abhi mai 2 years se bihar me rahta hu… Mai average body wala boys hu.. Mere lund ki size 7.5 cm hai.. Aaj mai apni 1st real story batane ja raha hu ki kaise 3 years pahle maine apni gf riya ki verginity tori. Meri gf riya us samay 19 years ki thi, uski body 34-30-38 thi thori moti thi. But dekhane me bahut he beutiful...
Dan's alarm woke him early that Saturday. He headed to the shower and spent a longer than normal amount of time ensuring that every inch of his body was clean. As he stood naked blow drying his hair he admired the reflection of his body that the mirror offered.Just six months at the hardcore gym had produced some great results. His stomach was now hard and flat, no more beer gut for him. His arms, chest and legs bulged with new muscle and he was pleased with the results. He was so pleased that...
CheatingBy : Bigboobs.Gaya3 It’s me the glorious Gayathri (Gayu in short) Again a 30 year old home maker. My Husband Karthik and his friend are the pivotal character of this story, Ram and Karthik is working as Area Sales Manager in a reputed insurance company and has to travel to meet their customers and promotions. I have a bachelor’s degree in Commerce and a diploma in beautician’s course, and Karthik helped me set up my own beauty parlour at my home 5 years into marriage and we still have no...
Mademoiselle's Closet By Sheila Anne Morgan The headline in the box read; "Mademoiselle's Closet is pleased to announce the winner of the Mademoiselle's Girl selection is Suzette from California," Below the headline was a picture of a very pretty young woman dressed in one of Mademoiselle's creations. The smile on her face showed just how happy she was to be selected as this year's winner. Little was known outside of the...
Tiny tit teen Lucie Cline is a hot spinner who flips up her miniskirt to show off her ass in its thong. Squeezing her bottom and flashing her small boobs, she issues an unmistakable invitation to Justin Hunt. When she relocates to the bedroom and peels off all her clothes to reveal a delectable spinner body, her boyfriend just can’t say no. Using her small warm mouth and long strokes of her little hands, Lucie licks and strokes Justin’s hardon. What she really wants is to get her...
xmoviesforyouMy sister Amanda returned home after a short, bitter mariage. He was gay and not bi as she thought. Mandy as we called her is a pretty, slim girl with a 34B-24-34 figure at 5'5" 110 pounds, she has long black hair and a heart shaped face with ruby lips. I have had a hard on for Mandy since I was 10! She was not the prettiest girl in the world but she was so sweet and sexy. She moved with a dancer's grace. While growing up seeing Mandy walk around the house in her nightie or bra and panty...
I was sitting in my high back leather chair and butted the cigarette out in the self-cleaning ashtray on my desk. My office occupied the entire top floor of this building, with floor to ceiling, one-way windows all around that looked over the city skyline. The papers in front of me outlined my latest deal with the Yakuza, the purchase of ten thousand assault rifles I would be selling to the Iraqi government at a good margin. At this point, I had more money than I could spend in my lifetime....
LOST IN A HAREM by Throne September 1. My wife Aliya has just informed me that we will be travelling to her native country of Balamlad. She is a freelance consultant for a number of international corporatons. Because she speaks several languages fluently, and even more so because she speaks Balamladian, she is often in demand to facilitate major deals. In this case she is going to work for a huge pharmaceutical concern in the US to try to close a deal with a smaller business in her...
Part 1: Not Your Normal Lessons at School Troy lingered in the shower, luxuriating in the feel of the warm water cascading over his naked body. Actually, the sensual pleasure wasn't the only reason he lingered. The other members of the basketball team tended to pick on him, especially the varsity, and he was in no hurry to face them. He really hadn't wanted to go out for basketball, but was pretty much forced to by his dad. At only 5' 6" he lacked the athletic skill to be a decent player. He...
EroticI was cutting the grass this morning so the grass was in the shade and before it got too hot. I was just finishing putting things away and the neighbours daughter walks past and we said out hi’s. I asked where she was going and she told me and I asked how she was getting there and she said by bus. I asked how long it would take by bus as it was only 15 minute car ride away and she said just over an hour. And that’s not even taking into account sitting on the bus for an hour during this covid...
ALL GIRL NOW by Rebecca Chapter 1 My story began when I was 15. I had just finished junior high school and was looking forward with some apprehension to my first year in high school. The entire summer lay before me and I had planned to make the most of it. I really don't know how I managed to get into so much trouble. I was not a bad boy. I was never in fights, I made good grades, I liked people and as far as I know I have never hurt another person in my life. It must...
Hello doston, ye kahani bilkul sach hai, jisne meri life mein sex karne ke nazariye ko badal diya. Main Anil Agra ke ek sarkari vibhaag mein engineer hu. Naukari jaldi lag jaane ki wajah se mujhe shaadi bhi jaldi karni padi. Meri wife Neeti ek average looking lady thi, aur ek arrange marriage aur family pressure mein hamari shaadi hui thi. Maine zindagi mein apne college ke time bahut baar sex kiya tha. Kyunki mujhe kayi mauke mile the. To shaadi ke baad mujhe apni arrange marriage waale...
Hello my name was Joe until I got caught in my girl friends cloths one day. Then my life changed ,some say for the better others say its for the worse. Here is how it all began. MY girg friend was out of town for a few days and I was house sitting for her . She had a cat I had to take care of. I always loved the way she dressed , Jill always wore dresses or skirts never jeans. She always looked hot.Her cloths always smelled good and was so soft. I was sitting in her home thinking about her and...
She MalesMy freshman year in high school was a year in which I changed. I had always been a popular girl, and my father's success as a lawyer led me to private Catholic schools all the way through high school. I wasn't a devout Catholic, but I followed all the school rules and never set a foot out of line. All of that was about to change. In eighth grade, a year before this story takes place, I really began to develop as a young woman. I was, as I said, rather popular, even before this, but...
Leo didn’t walk so much as he seethed down the hallways towards his quarters. Not only had the little faggot sucker punched him but he’d gotten away with it. What kind of panty-assed operation was this? He was the fucking sponsor here, not her. She should have just spread ‘em like a good little bitch. So fat ass got to the redhead first. So what? It wasn’t fair the way he’d done it. Leo still believed the fucker should have had to put his women in the general pool. It would have been fair....
Although I'll never understand it, my sister went from a demanding little wench at 13 to a conniving gold fevered little wench at 13 and a half to the sweetest girl at 14. It was like there was a switch on the wall and she reached up and threw it. CLICK "Instant nice girl." "Jimmy? Will you please go with me to Frandor?" This from my sister? Please? I mean she'd used please before but it was always in a wheedling tone of voice ... or filled with sarcasm. I, on the other hand, seem to...
YONI EGG TANTRA PRAXISThis introduction I wrote to my dear friend Niki in Austria, to give her some basic information and suggestions with the aim to get her going and enrich her feminine sexual energy..The Tantra yoni exercises are developed through ages, and have a proven and exceptional result. First of all, if you do practice, you train the vaginal and vulvic area, which involves the first and second chakra, in which subtle but very powerfull energy can be awakened. As you know, the...
A Harlequin Romance Parody Daniel had been working out in the fields all day. The hot sun had taken its toll upon his fragile skin; his flesh now possessed a reddish tint. Sweat poured down his brow and glistened upon his massive chest. Realizing that it was not glistening enough, Daniel opened a bottle of oil and poured some into his hand. He lathered it onto his muscular front until he had achieved the proper shine. He paused as the ringing of the dinner bell stirred him from his labor. His...
I am Asian in origin and had just come to Europe to study,and my studies involvedworking with nurses and this is the first time I have been in close contact withCaucasian woman, white creamy woman,whom before I have only seen as touristsor in porn magazine. I always admired the European woman for they were bold andindependent, and well build, tall, and heavy bones, whom I could hold and be a little rough with maybe, there was this woman, blond shoulder length hair and big grey / blue eyes, who...
InterracialCheryl?s Jillionaire Fantasy By Cheryl Alison What if you were a jillionaire? What would you do with the money? We are all faced with that question when discussions of the lottery or sweepstakes are brought up in friendly conversation. But I, as a closeted transvestite sissy, cannot answer with my true feelings. Here are the instructions for just one of the ways I would spend my money if I had absolutely unlimited funding for whatever activity I desired. 1. Hire twenty women,...
We were lying in bed in the morning a few days later enjoying a nice cuddle. Jane was on her side facing away from me and I was behind her, my stiffening cock rubbing against her soft arse cheeks. This never fails to arouse me. There had been no mention of Peter since his visit, but there was something different about Jane. It would be difficult to describe, but often she looked like her mind was miles away. Also we had sex every day, which we had not done for a while. Every time I fucked her,...
Passion In James County XIX: Family Affairs Chapter twenty-nine When Matt got home, Mary met him at the door and they shared a long, passionate kiss. ‘What will we do all weekend?’ she asked after the kiss ended. Matt grinned at her. ‘Silly question,’ he said. He grabbed her bottom and pulled her against him. When Mary felt the young man’s swollen member pressing against her, she went a little weak inside. The weekend was going to be wonderful. ‘Maybe we could go over to my place tomorrow...
I met “Darla” through another young friend. It wasn’t a secret among these gurls that I was extremely attracted to them and very generous and appreciative of their time. Because of this, I think I became very popular with them as well. Darla was just so incredible. So open and confident, she knew she was beautiful. She also knew exactly what men wanted, especially this man! So young, pretty and thin, I could not get enough of her, her body and her sexual appetite. Always willing to show off and...
Chapter 7 Chrissie Recovers I couldn't really move off the sofa for the next few days as the recovery from the breast implant surgery required me to sleep in a sitting position so mommy laid a sheet on the sofa and propped pillows behind me and for the next four days I just wore a satin dressing gown and kept my movement to a minimum. My new breasts ached and I was too scared to even look at them. Mother was used to me taking care of her every whim so, when the tables were turned,...
Keith parked at the corner and picked Sandy up for the coven meet. It would sort of be a Thanksgiving celebration too as the holiday was right around the corner. They were all told to bring an offering of some kind. Sandy made a loaf of bread in her bread machine. Keith had an apple pie in the back seat of the car. It smelled so good, like a bakery. They were both in fine spirits that night. She got into his car at the corner. Her husband asked her what she was up to now and she told him she...
All the women came out ta he'p me remove the bodies from our front yard. There wuz way too many ta bury, soz we decided ta burn the bodies, instead. We looted whatever we could use, which wuz mostly silver an' copper coins, muskets, powder an' shot, an' knives. I did take some boots what would fit me an' a couple of shirts. The rest we just burned in the pyre. Yep, they wuz British, all right. I found markin's on every one of the shot pouches showin' British Army issue, an' that wuz...
Colins was ranting again. "This has to be Knox. I always knew she was a common thief. I'm going to make her pay. Nobody can do this to me." After half an hour, Andrew came toward him and said, "Knox was robbed the same way when she went out to fight. They robbed her blind. The figure we got was sometimes 800 million to a billion dollars. She claimed it was the kids that read her mind." Colins thought about this for a few seconds and said, "I changed the numbers on the accounts daily....
I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard someone knocking at the door, the second time this morning. I was really nervous and I thought I had a right to be. I scurried over to the door and peeked out through the peep hole. There were two people out there, a man and a woman. I didn’t recognize either one. They were dressed in everyday clothes, but they weren’t from around here. Too healthy looking. Most everybody around this dump have one or more monkeys on their backs, usually drugs and...