Kismet Or Happenstance? Ch. 01 free porn video

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Happenstance*: n. (informal) a thing that happens by chance.

Kismet*: n. destiny, fate.

Did they seize an opportunity, or was it always meant to be? In the end, you decide.

* * * * *

‘What are you smiling about?’

Her smile deepened as Sean’s gruff voice broke the peaceful silence. She’d come to recognize that note of contented pleasure oh-so well. Time had no meaning as she lay here blissfully exhausted, her head pillowed on his bare chest, while he absently stroked her back.

He let out a low laugh when she drew her leg up over his thigh and gasped as she encountered his hardening shaft. The dull throbbing between her legs increased at the idea of being filled again, making her muscles clench in anticipation. It was as if he was still inside her, pinning her down, pushing into her, pushing her over the brink of pleasure with every measured stroke. She brushed her fingers across his chest in a sweeping gesture, too sated to lift her head and look him in the eye.

‘Would you’ve imagined that when we met, we’d be here…like this,’ she mused, certain of his answer. She often couldn’t fully wrap her head around all that had happened, yet curled up here with Sean it felt like it was always supposed to be this way. He released a slow exhale and gathered her closer.


That got her attention fast. Her eyes snapped open and she shot him an incredulous look when she saw no humor glinting in his blue eyes. ‘So you’re telling me that that day at the bookstore…you knew we’d end up together like this?’

Sean wove his fingers through her rumpled curls, his mouth slowly eased into a grin. ‘I wanted to know you before the bookstore. And when we met that first time—’ His other hand brushed her jaw, and he drew a thumb over her lower lip. The way his eyes followed the movement then drifted up to meet hers had her blood heating again. The smile had faded, replaced with something more predatory. ‘I knew I’d do anything—anything to have you.’

He rolled over, taking her with him and settling above her with his hips cradled between her long legs. He laced his fingers through hers and pinned her hands above her ears. She raised her head to kiss him, her tongue gliding over his, mimicking what she wanted him to do to her when he slid into her again.

* * * * *

Thursday, July 13th, 2006.

Sean returned the book to its rightful place, deciding it was time to leave. Simon had lingered unexpectedly to talk with the fans who’d circled him after the book discussion had ended. But she wasn’t here. Why did he notice?

Though he didn’t hold any hope for her presence nor disappointment about her absence, he still scanned the collection of faces, wondering if he’d be able to recognize her instinctively. He’d caught himself doing it at all three of Simon’s book events he’d attended. The habit defied logic and his attempts to suppress it. She was just words on a screen, their interaction with each other rather limited—she hadn’t even posted in what…months? So what was with this fascination and why had it persisted so long? He wasn’t that hard pressed to find the answer, especially now. His eyes just landed on a cute brunette in the Pop/Rock section. All he needed was five minutes…

‘Don’t tell me you’re actually going to buy that.’

The brunette’s head popped up, looking surprised. ‘Um…I’m not sure. Why?’

He reached over and flicked the CDs forward until a duplicate copy appeared. ‘Because there are much better ways to spend your money.’ He frowned as he reread the price. ‘Eighteen-ninety-nine. Unbelievable.’

‘He’s up for like several Grammys, you know.’

Sean lifted his hands in mock surrender and grinned. ‘If the Grammys are your guide to great music then you’re covered.’

The brunette dropped the offending disk back onto the shelf and smiled up at him. She struck a defiant pose, then negated it with a flip of long, brown hair. Sean’s smile broadened as he recognized the age-old lure.

‘Okay,’ she closed the distance between them and put a hand on her hip. ‘Since you know so much, let’s see what you pick out.’

‘Since you set the bar so low, anything’s better. Follow me. ‘He took the petite dynamo’s hand and led her down the aisle. She watched with curiosity and amusement as he sifted through the massive selection.

‘I’m Nicole, by the way.’

‘Sean.’ He immediately went back to his task. ‘Ah! Here you go.’

Nicole looked at the cover, then considered the back. ‘I’ve never really listened to their music.’

He took a step backwards, as if she’d suddenly become hazardous material, and shook his head, his smile a teasing one. ‘And to think I was going to ask you for your number.’

Nicole laughed. ‘So I shouldn’t bother to give it to you then, huh?’

‘It would be impolite of me not to accept it, besides I’m hoping you’ll redeem yourself.’

She took out her cell phone. ‘How ’bout we trade?’

‘Sounds fair…on one condition though.’

Her eyes became inquisitive.

‘I don’t want you calling me three times a day. I like to take things slow.’

‘It’ll be hard, but I think I can manage,’ she retorted with laughter in her voice. She looked past his arm and he turned to see a young blonde watching them. Nicole nodded towards her. ‘I better go,’ she announced, her voice a bit reluctant.

Sean waved to the blonde stranger, causing her to duck her head in an endearing gesture. What was it about the shy ones?

‘You don’t want to introduce me to your friend? Very sneaky. I’ll have to remember that about you.’ Her blue eyes flashed with humor and interest. ‘Save the witty comeback for another time, your friend’s waiting.’

‘I’ll give this a try and let you know how it goes.’

‘Good call.’

‘It was really nice meeting you, Sean. Bye,’ she said as she waved the CD in her hand, drawing out the moment.

‘Bye.’ He remarked offhandedly and returned to browsing. He smiled when he caught Nicole and her friend looking back at him again.

‘Wow. You’re good!’

He turned around to meet a pair of mischievous brown eyes and a dimpled grin. A sudden, uncharacteristic bashfulness rendered him speechless. Maybe it was because he felt like a child caught in a naughty act. Or maybe it was because she was pretty. Pretty in an unconventional way, with golden skin that suggested a diverse heritage.

He walked over to the opposing shelving unit that stood between them. She was a study in restrained elegance, but for the wild, dark brown curls defying her sleek updo to frame her face. What eyes she had. ‘You’re a nosy little thing, aren’t you?’

She shrugged off his taunt, smirking. ‘I couldn’t help it. You put on quite the show.’

‘So what do you have there?’ She held up a CD.

‘Not bad.’

The dimple reappeared. ‘Gee, thanks.’

He craned his neck over their barricade ‘What else do you have there?’ She raised a book over the ledge, he took it.

‘The Essence of Chocolate,’ he said before leafing through the pages. ‘You must be an amazing cook or it’s been a while since you had great sex.’ She gaped at him. ‘You don’t need to answer, I can already tell which one it is.’ She looked flustered as color rushed to her face. Flustered and pretty.

‘Give me back my book.’ The playful note in her voice had faded a bit. Did he unwittingly strike a very raw nerve? He got a perverse sense of delight in seeing how she handled being on the other side of an embarrassing moment.

‘Come and get it then,’ he challenged softly as he walked to the end of his aisle. Her graceful stride allowed him time to enjoy her as she came into full view for the first time.

She was tall, but not Amazonian. Her demure outfit—a shimmering amethyst blouse and grey pencil skirt with a thin black belt accenting her waist—was punctuated with a big bold ring on her left ha
nd, sans wedding band, and a masculine looking watch. The little details were meant to catch a discerning eye. Nice. The sheer material around her neckline played up her femininity in teasing way, far sexier than any form fitting, skin baring number. Not that she needed overtly sexy clothing with that body. Unlike Nicole, there wasn’t a scrap of girlish waif about her, she was all Vargas-girl-curves. His eyes drifted down to her long legs and black peep-toe pumps. Were those fishnet stockings? Now that got his attention.

‘Can you hand me back my book, after you’re done?’ Her blasé delivery didn’t match her expression, which was suddenly kind of…shy?

‘Hi.’ He extended his hand. ‘I’m, Sean.’ Her hand connected with his and she returned his smile. Definitely shy.

‘I’m, Ana.’

He offered her the book. ‘Here you go.’

‘Thank you.’

‘You know, today’s your lucky day because I can help you with that,’ he said as he pointed to the book, grinning as her face overheated again. ‘I’d make for a good sous-chef, guinea pig or whatever you need. Wait a minute,’ he paused. ‘You didn’t think I was offering to sleep with you? I don’t even know you!’

Ana’s eyes darted around nervously and she leaned closer. ‘Keep your voice down!’ she hissed.

‘And I’m not that kind of guy,’ he continued.

She rolled her eyes in response.

‘Riiight. You like to take things slow.’

Her cutting wit and flashes of shyness kept him guessing what he’d find around the corner. The day just kept getting better.

‘Don’t get me wrong. Fast can be fun. Lots of fun. But I prefer to take my time, and make sure I cover every little detail, especially when it’s a new situation, and we’re still feeling each other out. Don’t you agree, Ana?’ His voice was slow, deliberate, almost wicked.

‘I…yes,’ she husked. This side of her was adorable.

‘How about dinner?’

‘I-I can’t. I already have plans for dinner.’

She’d all but said yes to going out with him, and they both knew it. The look on her face told him so.

‘I didn’t mean tonight.’

She crunched her lush mouth. ‘Okay,’ she halted, ‘I’ll give you my e-mail so you won’t have to worry about me calling you more than once a day after you’ve waited the standard three to five days to call. Or is it seven these days?’

He gave her a serious look in between programming her e-mail into his Blackberry. She shouldn’t feel disappointed that he hadn’t pressed for her number, but…

‘I don’t hang back for long when I want something enough.’ He paused long enough to let his words sink in. ‘And I promise to let you kiss me at the end of the night.’ He winked, and then shook his head when she started to speak. ‘Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it already. I know I have. Enjoy your dinner.’

And just like that, he was gone.

* * * * *

It was approaching midnight when Ana sunk onto the inflated mattress, the book in her hands the only luxury in her sparse bedroom. She reveled in the weight of it, the sight of text and mouthwatering pictures. This love of books made her feel…connected and grounded with herself, her history.

She remembered the other person who’d leafed through these pages: the dark haired, blue-eyed charmer in the navy business suit. There was something about a man in a suit. Something about the juxtaposition of his immaculate attire and impish charm.

He was obviously a seasoned ladies man, yet he’d had the audacity—or grace—to be sheepish at having been busted, she’d found it unexpected and…attractive. His boyish good-looks and playful warmth didn’t hurt either. But knowing how these things went, she likely wouldn’t see or hear from him again. Her mouth tugged upward. It had been fun though, the flirting, fun to feel that indescribable spark flare to life after so long.

It wasn’t until next afternoon that she noticed the name and number scrawled on the third page. She shook her head, smiling in spite of herself.

Damn, he was good.

* * * * *

More soon,


*source: Oxford American Dictionary

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I thought I would add another experience from my younger teen days. This relates to another fun time that I enjoyed with my elder brother Tony and some random builders watching us. Tony had been living in his own flat for a little while and we had continued having our regular fun sessions whenever we could get time together. On this occasion there were a group of workmen doing some building repairs on the block of flats opposite Tony's. I had been popping in to see him after school for...

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The Handy Man No job too Big

Introduction: They hired me to fix there house, I fixed there marriage I pulled into the small driveway. I looked around. The Royals lived in a nice neighborhood. I got a call from them last night before I went to bed. Mrs. Royal best friend – Mrs. Diane Smallwood. Gave her my number. I just got done remodeling the Smallwoods house. I did some small repairs around there old house. I fixed up the spare bedroom. I remodeled another room into a new baby room. Mrs. Smallwood is expecting any day...

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Daddys Little WhoreChapter 11

I'll bet you thought this story was going to have a happy ending, didn't you. Because I'm so pretty and I'm so smart. Maybe because I'm oh so fifteen years old and nothing bad ever happens to girls like me. But it does. Bad things happen all the time, every day to people like you and people like me. My daddy didn't come to my bed, not that afternoon. He left me there alone and crying the way he had to, I suppose, because that was who he was. My dad. So what could I do? I couldn't stay...

2 years ago
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My First Blowjob from a guy

My First Blowjob from a guyIt was my freshman year of college during the early days of the internet. Some of you may be too young to remember, but for those of my generation and earlier, we remember America Online and dial-up. Anyway, I would usually go to the library to use the internet, because they had “high-speed” (nowhere near today’s standard). At first, I did not realize what the computers in there were for, because I thought people would just use them to type papers. I was walking...

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Think of a Vegetable

(This story is a tribute to 'The Cat Lady', and picks up after the ending in which susan talks Mitzi down from killing the 'Eye of Adam'. If you haven't played the game this story may contain spoilers, but even if you don't care I recommend playing or watching a playthrough of the game. Its excellent and very thought and emotion provoking. This story may touch on harsh subjects such as murder, suicide, depression, and cancer. Please enjoy.) It has been a week since the incident with the 'Eye'...

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My Fairy TaleChapter 6

Verine dragged me into the bedroom and stripped me. I returned the favor, but I undressed her gently and sensuously, caressing her as I went. When she was naked, I held her close to me and kissed her all over her face and neck. I eased down to her larger than normal breasts and sucked her nipples for a while as I tickled her stomach. She was making sounds of pleasure and want almost constantly. I knew that we could not have intercourse because she was so close to her time, so I kissed down...

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Fun In The Exam Room

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net This is an incident happened when I was writing an English exam in the 12th class. I had studied well and prepared for the exam so well that I was confident that I will score at least 80 marks but little did I know what was going to happen. As I entered the exam hall, I found out that I was given the last seat in the row and no one was there in my seat. As usual two teachers came in, one of them was a fat one and then another...

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The Day My Best Friends Dad Made Me A Woman

I was excited about just being alone for the week. I took some extra days off just to not do anything, after all I had just graduated high school too. Ricky gave me the key to his house on Monday morning and said his dad was leaving out Tuesday morning. So Wednesday morning I headed over to Ricky's with bags of food and a little weed to smoke. I walk down the long driveway looking for big Mike's truck, just in case he hadn't rolled out yet. He was gone, I unlocked the door and...

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Shy busty office colleague experiences her first time ep1

Story of a shy, busty, senior office colleague and her first time encounter and giving into her natural inhibitions and lust " We aren't doing anything wrong, right? I want to save my virginity till I get married. I..I'm sure this isn't wrong" - were her words as I kept nodding and tit-fucked her soft 34dd juggs. She tried to look away as she was feeling embarrassed but at the same time - she definitely was curious and wanted me to continue grinding on her enormous, beautiful boobs. I fondled...

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Trailing Home Ch 02

Selena reached the docks the following afternoon to find them in a state of near pandemonium. It took her a while to locate the Arabia among the various craft that were anchored nearby. She was somewhat surprised that it wasn’t a larger boat. The Arabia was twenty nine feet wide by one hundred and seventy feet long. She was built of wood and painted white, with two full decks and a pilot house perched on top. The lower deck accommodated the cargo, and there was a large paddle wheel at the rear...

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Senior Year Pet Chapter 2

That next day in class I sit alone again, and sure enough Sarah sits beside me. Looking less confident she says “Did you struggle that much on the test yesterday? Giving up so early, it made me feel bad. We can call off the bet if you’d like?” She says, sounding hopeful that her attempt to wriggle out of our agreement would work. As the teacher walks in I learn to her ear and whisper “not a chance, slave.” Her recoil is visible, and makes me excited for where our arrangement would be...

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Movie Magick

I had just got a call from Cathy earlier that day, all she said was "I'm going to take you to the movies tonight" "What we going to see babe?" "It's a surprise sexy!" "Well, sex slave could you at least tell me what your wearing babe?" She giggled, her little sexy laugh made me get a boner instantly. "Well, I just got of the shower, so I am absolutely naked babe. I wish you were here so I could fuck you!" "Will we be able to fuck tonight?" Heck, I would make sure I rammed my cock inside her...

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Office Colleague Wants Me

met some wonderful people when I wrote the stories. So I just wanted to re-connect with them as well as new people on here from India. Well now without further ado, I’d like to present here my latest story which was my last incident before I left India.I loved my stay in India thoroughly. For the most part of it, I stayed in Mumbai; but I also traveled to cities of Jaipur, Baroda, and Simla. I had taken up a job as an accounts executive at a firm in Mumbai during my stay over there. I was...

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nude in public

i worked as a bartender at a biker bar a few years back.i didn't ride but always wanted a bike.i saved my money and finally bought the bike i had been dreaming bartending was a great life for a single guy i was 26 years old. so i am working one day and this hot young thing comes up and says "so i hear you ride now" i say why yes i would love to take you for a ride she says there is a rally this weekend and asks if we could go this sounds promising so i agree. i...

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Home Invasion6

This is a semi-fictional story, and all participants are 18 years or older. I say semi-fictional because some of the dialogue is made up. However, most of the details come straight from the original police report. A police detective's home is invaded, and his wife and daughter are forced to perform various sexual acts on him and each other for the amusement of their captures. This actually happened to a colleague on my department, but I am telling the story from the first person perspective...

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Trainee Secretary RequiredChapter 7

I eased out of Dani and slid off so I could lie next to her and look across at Sara and Natasha, just on the other side of her faintly trembling body. I stroked the fine, Mediterranean skin of her arm, then her pert left tit and its nipple which was still erect. She sighed happily. “Enjoy borrowing our toyboy, who you just met for for the second time?” Sara teased. Dani was right next to Sara, almost touching. She wriggled onto her side to face her challenger and snuggled back into me. The...

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Ill send You a Postcard from Africa

"Honey, we should go out tonight! We never do anything," my beautiful wife Gina said to me. We never go out, and always stay home. She is finally able to convince me to step out to a club on this Saturday night.A few things about my loviely wife. Her name is Gina; She is a beautiful tall Bolivian blonde; she has the prettiest face you will ever see, and has a body that would make any man want to bow down to her. She keeps in shape all the time, and even though she is not old (early 30's), she...

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Playing with the ParkersChapter 14 Saturday Night is the Horniest Night of the Week

Saturday came at last, and Tad and I were both giddy with excitement about the prospect of another photography session with the Parkers. We both knew that, before the night was out, we were going to get royally laid. But I was the only one who knew who was going to lay whom. I was feeling more than a little guilty, but my panties were already wet and we hadn't even rung the Parkers' doorbell yet. Anyway, I knew that it was going to be a memorable night for Tad, too. My friend Louise was...

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Adam and the babysitter

Introduction: Little Adam gets to fuck the babysitter. This is my first story ive wrote, leave your pheedbacks and tell me what you think. All pheedbacks, corrections, ciritisizm and suggestions will be appreciated. This is not a true story, its just a fantasy of mine. Enjoy! ———————————– I put up a babysitting ad on craigslist. Its not that i needed the money but i guess id like the extra cash. My name is kristen, im 16, 52 brunette, brown eyes, i have pretty firm round ass and i wear a C...

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Cousins at the Pool

I like to think I am an average 19-year-old man. I am majoring in Finance and Commercial Music at college, I go to the gym three times a week, I go out with friends and get shit face drunk on the weekends. I am happy with the amount of sex I get. I am on the intramural swim and dive team at my university. Nothing too exciting ever happens to me. Today was the exception to that. It was a normal summer day in Florida, the sun was out and everyone was either at the beach or work. Today was my...

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It began in the early summer of my sixteenth year. My parents had separatedthree years previously, and my sister had moved away with my mom to the westcoast, while I stayed with my dad. I guess there was a lot of bad feelingbetween my folks, because for that three years, I didn't see either my momor Cathy at all; I got to speak with them on the phone over holidays andsuch, but that was it.Eventually, there was a thawing in the iciness that had prevailed between myparents, and a "prisoner...

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AssParade Vivian Taylor Big Heart And Bigger Booty

The beautiful Vivian Taylor is here in Miami and she’s a total sweetheart. A total package, funny, sweet, beautiful face, perfect body, and BIG BOOTY. That’s why she was perfect for Ass Parade. She flaunts that ass around for us and shows it off. We love every second of it. Our boy Sean loves a good big booty, she doesn’t hesistate to get his face in there. He eats her ass before she gives him an amazing blowjob. They go inside for the real fun. He fucks her hard and pounds...

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It had been quite some time since I had tasted the flesh of a young buxom female. I needed to have a good-looking lady at my side and soon. I decided to go dancing in town at one of the local bars. I don't usually hang out at these kind of places; however, It may be time I started. It sure is hard to find a date now a days. I went to the Lighthouse Bar. It usually is happening all night until about 4:00 am.I dressed in my tightest jeans and my best button up shirt. I looked for a lack...

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NubileFilms Jane Wilde Sweet Valentine

While Jane Wilde is sleeping in the nude, Kyle Mason sets up a Valentine’s Day surprise for her. When the rose petals, a nice card, and a box of chocolates are all in place, it’s time to wake Jane up. Kyle does just that by sitting on the bed and stroking lightly down Jane’s back. She turns over onto her belly, inviting him to climb on top of her and give her a deep kiss before he distracts her with his surprise. Jane is all smiles after seeing the effort Kyle has made to be...


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