Megan Brown - Generations free porn video

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Megan Brown ………. Generations

In which Megan Brown and her descendants are schooled and disciplined
In “Hope Springs” an Anglo Irish Community in Virginia beginning in the year of s*******n sixty one…………………….

This story is not in any way a history of Virginia or “The old Dominion” as it was sometimes called.
It is the story not of slavery or revolution ,rather the daily lives of the good people of “Hope Springs” a small farming community in a pleasant valley not far from the Blue ridge mountain range.
The land was fertile and sustained the one hundred and fifty souls which included fifty boys and girls ranging from babes in arms to boys and girls whom in this day and age would be in school .
Certainly c***dren over seven or eight would be expected to work , and work hard because these time were hard. Every time was hard.
The residents of Hope were all of Anglo - Irish decent and Hope had been settled fifty years before by Patrick Brown and his wife Megan ,
The townspeople were not particularly religious or political in any way . They just wanted to make a living. There were no “gun fights” in Hope .
They really didn’t have time for much other than making an honest living and raising their c***dren as best they could .
There was a general store and a saloon bar with beer and whisky and two prostitutes for the young men and husbands who weren’t getting their satisfaction at home . There was a smithy and a barber/dentist who were both named Brown . Brown and Ryan were common names in Hope and Brown would marry Ryan’s and sometime Brown’s would marry Brown’s .
Tommy Ryan was the blacksmith and also the sheriff for which he received the princely stipend of $5 per annum which was more that he was worth .
The town Mayor was Billy Brown the store owner ,at least for now . His wife Sally was the school teacher at the hastily built school house which had seven c***dren who attended whenever they wanted.
The tiny church was ministered by Joe Brown . He did weddings and funerals and the occasional baptism. On Sundays there was quiet often no one in the congregation at all . This suited Joe just fine ……….
What did bother Joe was that the hardly any of the c***dren could read or write or do the simplest of calculations .
Joe spoke to the Mayor and the Mayor said “we just cant afford a full time teacher Joe”
Joe asked pretty much every day and it was agreed that they needed a teacher but who was going to pay?
“We’re raisin a town of idiots Billy “ said Joe
“I know we are” said Billy “but the big girls and boys are needed for chores”

After six months the town council such as it was had a meeting and decided the k**s were indeed illiterate and idiots and Joe was of course right.
Sally Brown was doing her best but she wasn’t that good at reading herself and made a poor teacher . She could discipline the k**s but not much else.
Sally kept a good stout hickory stick on a hook near the desk which she caned the few girls and boys with but it didn’t help with their reading and writing .
A new tax was proposed which would raise $80 a year, enough for a teacher it was decided along with full board and some much needed schooling equipment.
An advertisement was placed in the Richmond Gazette for a teacher who was well educated and strict with c***dren of all ages .

Mr Martin White was delighted to reply as he had left his former school under a black cloud . Apparently seven of his girls had become pregnant and he was a prime suspect.

Six weeks later Mr White rolled into town on a flat bed wagon and presented himself to the Mayor as the new teacher.
He said he was educated at Harrow in England and he did speak well for an Englishman .
Mr White was tall and looked the part and he had indeed been educated in Harrow but not the famous school . He had in fact been educated at Harrow poor school for orphans but he could read and write very well and had a good grasp of mathematics , literature and history . He would do fine !
“We run a tight ship here Mr White” said Billy
“The c***dren here need teaching well but we are sticklers for discipline in Hope”
“Oh I agree entirely” said Mr White, “I have my own canes and I use them often and very severely indeed”
“Good man “ said Billy .
“I must however insist that ALL of the c***dren whom are over the age of six and eighteen attend school under the strictest of penalties”
“All of ‘em “? said Billy
“Yes all of them “ said Mr White “And furthermore school will start at nine AM and finish at four”
“Any c***d who is late or skips school will be caned harshly”
“Those are my terms” said Mr White “Take them or leave them”!

Billy accepted and wondered how he was going to tell the elder c***dren’s parents that they would be losing their free helpers for most of the day ….

Billy let it be known that all c***dren were required under penalty to attend and that no excused would be acceptable .
The day that the school opened its doors for the first time under new management was Monday and Mr White rang the old school bell at eight thirty giving any late comers time to run to school.

Forty students were expected and forty places set with ten long tables and bench seats along with forty chalk slates .
Mr White went inside and arranged his good selection of five canes on hooks he had screwed into the wall by his desk . It was always a good idea the scare the little devils half to death from the start.
At nine o’clock Mr White went out and saw he had thirty eight k**s waiting outside.
Nineteen girls of various ages and nineteen boys .

A few were regulars but for most it was their first day at school ever.

“Please enter” said Mr White “Eldest at the back and the youngest at the front”
“Girls sit next to boys and boys next to girls”
When they were all seated they saw the vast array of canes which scared them a little as they were meant to.

“We seem to be pupils short” said Mr White “Who might they be ?”
“Its Peggy Brown Sir” piped up a young boy “ Oh and Jimmy Ryan’s not here either”

“Do they live far away”? said Mr White

“No sir” said the same boy “ just over the bridge” he pointed at the covered bridge .
“And Jimmy lives next door”
“Very well “ said Mr White “Please go and fetch them and bring their parents too “

The boy ran off grateful to be out again ……..

Mr White checked the register and all but the two were present and correct.
He set them a simple task of copying what he had prepared on the blackboard which was the alphabet and a few simple words.
He needed to know who could read and write and just how bad their education had been thus far.
Mr White informed his new pupils that no talking or playing was allowed during class and he wouldn’t hesitate to cane any girl or boy who broke that rule.

The k**s were no strangers to the cane or strap . Every household had one and used it on both the c***dren or even on a lazy or disobedient wife!

An hour later Jimmy Ryan turned up out of breath

“Your late Jimmy Ryan “ said Mr White
“I know” said Jimmy “I kinda forgot about school “
“You will soon learn that “Kinda forgot” is not acceptable here “ said Mr White.
Jimmy was sixteen and a real smart Alec .
“Stand in the corner” said Mr White “I will cane you in a few minutes”
“Whaaaa” said Jimmy but decided better than to continue.

Ten minutes later the boy returned with Peggy Brown and her Mother Meg.
Peggy Brown was a pretty s*******n year old with pretty brown hair and Meg Brown was a thirty eight year old red head. Both Mother and Daughter were slim but had big bottoms ,just as Mr White liked them !

“Your Daughter is late for school Mrs Brown “ said Mr White

“I just couldn’t spare her” said Meg Brown “Peggy has chores to do in the morning “
“Are you aware that I have to cane Peggy now” said Mr White “Do you think that’s fair on your daughter?”
Peggy went as white as paper.

“No said Meg” “I spose not, but the chores have to be done “

“So am I to cane your daughter on the bare bottom for your negligence? “
Said Mr White
Peggy looked at her Mother and said “Mom, its your fault, you should get the cane not me”

“I intend to give the boy and Peggy twelve strokes of the cane on the bare” said Mr White “Now who is it to be” ?

Meg Brown went as red as could be as she stuttered “Me I suppose”

“Very good” said Mr White
“Now I want you and Jimmy to remove your outer clothing and kneel on my desk “
“Keep your bottoms high and if you move we shall start all over “

Jimmy wanted to protest but again thought better of it …

Jimmy dropped his pants and his muscular arse and good sized dick and balls were on full view to all .
Worse than that poor Jimmy had a raging erection and the girls all smiled.

“Now you Mrs Brown” said Mr White

Meg was wearing a long cotton dress
“May I just lift my dress sir?” she asked more meekly now
“I will lift your dress” said Mr White seriously
Meg took her place next to Jimmy and Mr White lifted the naughty woman’s dress right up over her head.
Meg was wearing white cotton Knickers!
Mr White liked the look of Megs fat arse and he started to pull the knickers completely off .
“Oh please sir” said Meg , “Not on the bare bottom please”
“I always cane on the bare” said Mr White
At last the knickers were down and Meg did indeed had a fine and plump arse and her anus and cunt were on full display for the whole class!

As this was the first caning of the term and indeed the school Mr White selected his best senior cane from the row of hooks .

Jimmy and Meg looked a delight to Mr White as they kneeled side by side on the heavy oak desk
This was the very reason for Mr White’s choice of professions .

“I want the entire class to pay careful attention to the caning “ said Mr White “As a warning as to what happens when a pupil is disobedient or late”

He decided to cane Jimmy first and ordered him to spread his legs wide.
He checked Jimmy’s arsehole and found it to nicely puckered and then he cupped Jimmy’s balls as if weighing them .
Poor Jimmy ‘s erection was huge and the girls were close to giggling .
Meg was almost crying and her face was as red as could be. Only her husband had ever seen her pussy and arsehole and she knew that it was going to be obvious that Bill fucked her arsehole regularly because it was so dilated.
Mr White noticed this immediately . He had seen so many arse fucked women before ……………
But Jimmy had to face the rod first ……….

“Ouuuuuuuwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee” said Jimmy
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” Jimmy was going to cry before this was over and two nice stripes appeared on Jimmy’s tight arse!

Jimmy started to bawl like a baby but his boner was holding steady.
“Ouchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”
Meg was close to shitting herself in anticipation, how could she ever stand such a caning .
“Keracckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk , Keraccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk , Keracccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk” Three of the very hardest strokes landed on Jimmy’ s striped arse.
Mr White took the remaining strokes slowly and Jimmy was still sobbing.
“This will teach them who the Master is here” .. Spare the rod and spoil the c***d was his philosophy !
On the last stroke and the hardest yet Mr White wasn’t surprised when Jimmy after squealing and screaming spunked a wad of cream onto the desk!
Mr White had seen this all to often and it was an added humiliation for Jimmy to know everyone had seen him cum !

Mr White considered making Meg lick his desk clean or at least use her already stained knickers to wipe the spunk of his desk . Perhaps on another occasion?
Megs knickers were hanging from one ankle as he moved over to deliver the unfortunate woman’s humiliation.
Normally he would have left Jimmy in position for added punishment but he was in the way so Mr White told Jimmy to return to his bench and sit down
“Leave the pants off” said Mr White “and stop the bawling boy or I’ll have you back here for another dozen “
Mr White intended to enjoy the caning of Meg and she would serve as an excellent example lest any other pupil or parent should dare to defy his orders in the future!
Standing directly in front of Megs big pale arse so that no one could see he fingered Megs cunt with his middle finger.
Meg gasped! She dare not tell her husband of this .. Oh the shame of even being caned alone was bad enough. Now the teacher was finger fucking her!
Megs body betrayed her as the cream began to flow .
Mr Brown rarely fucked Meg in the cunt preferring her arse because it was tighter , “or so he said”
Meg hadn’t had a full orgasm for weeks and that was by fingering herself in private before she arose from bed!
Meg was so very close to creaming and a low moan escaped from her lips.
Mr White saw it coming and stopped in the nick of time !
Just for the novelty value Mr White selected another cane from the hooks.
This one was a “rattan cane” and much swishier . These canes were expensive and Mr White took great care to keep the supple in in perfect condition.
Standing aside now he stood firmly to deliver the well deserved caning.
He wasn’t sure if the pupils could see any difference in Megs twat but it was very wet indeed!
Meg was punished at home but Mr Brown used a paddle on all of his daughters and his wife as well . It had been years since Megs arse had felt the kiss of the cane!
……………………… “ Twwwaaaackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk”
“Arhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Oh nooooooo” screamed Meg.
“Twelve of these” she thought “ I don’t think I can bear it”
“Swishhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh , Kerackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk”


“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Sir Pleaseeeeeee Sir ,no more Sir “
The next six strokes were in rapid succession but just as hard and Meg farted a loud and gurgling fart.
“Oh the shame of it” thought Meg. “ These c***dren have seen me caned and heard me fart”
Mr White went to Megs ear and whispered “ I can go easy for these last three Mrs Brown “
“Oh would you sir “ she whispered back .
“Yes Mrs Brown” said Mr White “If you agree to visit me here at dusk “
“Oh Sir” I couldn’t , Oh sir my husband sir , what would he say “
“Please yourself Mrs Brown “ he said
“Very well Sir , I’ll do anything , anything at all “
“Indeed you will Mrs Brown , indeed you will”

Mr White delivered the three remaining strokes lightly but they mad a nice whacking sound so no one noticed the leniency.

“Be here at eight of the clock “ said Mr White and if you fail me I will inform your husband and cane you until you shit yourself”!

Mrs Brown was allowed to dismount and started to replace her sticky knickers but Mr White was to fast for her and snatched them away!

“I will keep these” he said “as evidence and for my personal enjoyment”

Meg Brown was sent home in shame rubbing her bottom through her dress.
She couldn’t and wouldn’t mention a thing to her husband as he would paddle her well if he knew what had happened.

Jimmy Brown would also keep quiet or he most certainly would be paying a visit to the woodshed for a switching from his Father or even his Mother.
Mr White had cause to cane three more girls before the day was done .
Sally Ryan received six strokes on the bare for talking
Liz Gaskil got eight of the best for pinching the boy next to her and
Annabelle Grogan got a dozen hard strokes for talking and pissing her panties!
There was an old copper bucket at the back of the school house for emergencies, but it was for real emergencies and pupils were expected to poop and piss before school ,or after school .

By the time the school day was over Mr White had a good idea which students could read or write a little and the standards were abysmally low.
Many of the c***dren didn’t know the alphabet and couldn’t add four and four.
In fact Mr White was an excellent teacher and although very strict he would make a huge difference and most of the c***dren would be reading quiet well before the year was done.
The men folk of “Hope Spring” would be very pleased to have such a teacher and the c***dren would be noticeably better behaved.

Attached to the main school room was a small annexe which would serve as Mr Whites sleeping quarters. Just a single bed and an American quilt to throw over it . A small desk and a chamber pot and a pipe stove for winter.
A Pewter plate, knife and fork were all that Mr White needed.

Meg Brown showed up on time according to the church clock .
Meg had a good idea what to expect , after all Mr Brown had fingered her cunt earlier that day and despite herself Meg had loved the feel of his long finger inside her .
But what else would the new schoolmaster require of her?
Whatever it was Meg knew she had to do as she was told , she had gone to far not to !

Mr White led Meg into his tiny room and ordered her to strip completely nude and not to utter a word of dissent.
Meg had not bothered to wear her only other pair of knickers as she expected or even hoped to be fucked by the new Master!

Megs large tits were fine specimens and she had large perky nipples which betrayed her by being fully erect.
Her long dark hair swept across her face but hid nothing .
Mr White disrobed and Meg was shocked and surprised at the size of his cock . It must have been nine or even ten inches long and so very thick Meg wondered how he could accommodate her new Master!

She needn’t have worried as Mr White bade her to sit on his bed and began to masturbate in front of her.
“I want you to suck my dick” said Mr White.

Meg was shocked , she knew the two whore’s did such things for pennies and she even suspected Mr Brown had made such use of these so called woman of pleasure.
In fact most of the townsmen had used them , they were young and pretty and had the latest fashions in lingerie from Europe or Richmond.
“Suck me well woman” said Mr White, I still have the power to cane your fat arse”!
His huge weapon nudged against Megs sweet lips and she opened as wide as she could as the Master forced his helmet into her mouth !
“Mmmmpppppppthhhhhhhhh” said Meg as she tried to take more cock!
Soon Mr White was thrusting and actually fucking Megs mouth
It wasn’t that bad really though Meg as she tongued Mr White cock end .
It seemed natural to Meg to suck cock even though she had never done it before.
Meg wondered if he would squirt his cum into her throat …… She wouldn’t mind . She was actually enjoying this and her cunt was soaking wet despite herself .

Mr White didn’t cum in Megs mouth however. He would save that for another day perhaps ………
“Now Mrs Brown” said Mr White “I want to lay on my bed on your back and raise your legs as high as can be “
The bed was narrow and against the wall but Meg did as she was ordered.

Meg was supple and she managed to get her legs almost to head height exposing her sloppy cunt and dilated arsehole .
“Very good” said Mr White “ I see you still bear the cane marks I gave you”
Meg nodded
Mr White lowered his face to Megs snatch and licked Megs cunt .
Meg had never had this done either.
These Englishmen are very rude Meg thought…….

Mr White nibbled Megs clitoris . Meg didn’t even know what a clitoris was but she knew she loved it as she was streaming woman spunk from her cunt and couldn’t help but moan in pleasure.
“Ohhhhhhhh Ohhhhhhhhhhh Ohhhhhhhhhhh Please Sir , more Sir Moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee”

The little bitch was blatantly fetching off !

“Not so fast Mrs Brown” said Mr White
“I want than fine Irish pussy of yours”
“You have it already Sir” said Meg
With that Mr White took hold of his monster cock and placed the swollen head against Megs cunt lips .
Meg was gasping and the juice was flowing freely as Mr Thrust deeply into Megs snatch .
He went in so quickly and smoothly despite the great girth and he could feel Megs cervix as she gripped him tightly….

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” said Meg “fuck me Sir, please fuck me to death”

Mr White began pumping in earnest now ,slowly at first them faster and faster . His cock seemed to grow ever bigger as he fucked deeply and relentlessly
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Arggggggggggggggg” screamed Meg as her cunt muscles spasmed strongly .
Meg had never been fucked so well and hard .. She loved the feel of Mr Whites spunk as its heat hit her cervix!
The white cream slid out of Megs twat and formed a pool in her arse crack where it stayed.

“Now clean my cock with your tongue” said Mr White

Meg was delighted to oblige. It tasted salty but nice and to have Mr White cock in her mouth again was so very nice.
She licked every drop from his helmet and then tongued downwards along the thick shaft….

“Will that be all sir” said Meg
“For now, yes” said Mr White

“The next time I send for you wear you prettiest knickers Meg”
“I expect your husband will give you a good arse fucking tonight” he added
“I expect he will sir” said Meg.

“I dare say you wont allow Peggy to be late again “ said the Teacher smiling

“I might sir “ said Meg with a saucy smile and with a wriggle of her bottom went home to her husbands tiny dick ………….

Mr White spent the next ten years at Hope Springs before he moved on to another position and married one of his former pupils with whom he had eight c***dren of his own ……………..

The End of generation one.

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Megan Part 3

Megan woke up with a start a dark black feeling in her stomach from the vivid dream she had just had. As she opened her eyes she smiled as she realised it was just a bad dream and it was all over now. She rolled onto her back and looked at her desk chair which had the short denim mini skirt draped over it and the events of the day before came crashing down and she realised that she wished she was still dreaming. She thought back to how she had been innocently chatting online when she had...

3 years ago
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Megan At Last Part II

“Well I don’t know about you”, I said after a few moments of mutual silence, “but I’m horny as fuck right about now.” “Haha...same here, sexy. We’ve got all night to try what ever we want...”, Megan replied, giving me a very arousing look as she did so. “Shit, this is got to be just about the greatest day ever”, I thought happily to myself. It was just now a little after nine, and Megan and I had pretty much done everything except actually fuck. That was more than I could have...

1 year ago
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Megan Mom Get Busted

The only thing I don't like is working the overnight ten to six shift. You can't get a free beer after about twelve o'clock! Still, sometimes there are compensations, occasionally glorious ones. The following is an account of one such summer night. It was about eleven o'clock. I had just set up the radar on a back road and was now busy drinking coffee from a flask and reading the latest Irvine Welsh novel, musing how well he seems to understand those Scottish male traits of casual...

3 years ago
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Megan Catches Mommy and bro

Megan had always know her mother was a slut. She and her brother had grown up listening to her getting her brains fucked out, and masturbating her brains out just a wall away. The headboard banging against the wall, her slutty, whorish cries, begging to cum. All the "don't stops", "keep goings", "mother fuckers", god yes's" echoed off the walls, and into Megan's ears. Not only had she heard her mother fuck, she had seen it. She never told anyone about it, but one night, she waited up to...

1 year ago
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Megans Mardi Gras Fantasy Pt 67

I loaded a new cassette and batteries and we left the room. Megan pranced through the mostly empty lobby and her outfit quickly drew attention. As I had hoped, in the bright daylight, her dress became almost transparent! Her black lingerie, garter belt and nylon stockings showed through the gauzy material. Megan's breasts were equally exposed and I could see her nipples grow hard with excitement as soon as she stepped out onto the street!We bought a couple of Zombies next door and wandered down...

2 years ago
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Megan And John

Megan and John had been friends for a few years they got on well with each other and were like best mates. They had their own friends, Megan with hers and John with his mates. But they seemed to have more of a connection and John always thought he could talk to her more, being female, than he could with his own mates.  John was in his mid forties and Megan ten years his junior. John was quite shy and not an overly confident person, especially around women. Megan was very pretty with lovely...

3 years ago
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Megan Pt 5

I was feeling horny, incestuously horny so I drove over to my father's house to pay him a surprise visit. I had the key to his house so I let myself in. I heard the shower running so I quietly went up stairs to surprise him. My father had the bathroom door wide open so I quietly peeked in to see what he was doing. He had part of the shower door open and I could see him in the reflection of the mirror. He had a raging hard on and he was jacking off like crazy. He had his eyes closed and I...

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Megan By Paris Waterman It was a typical wedding. Two hundred or more guests, most from Sully's side. I learned that Shelly had a very small family and that only a few of her friends were making the trip from Philly to Jersey City. As best man, I was to be paired up with Tracy, the Maid of Honor. I wasn't getting laid there. She was engaged and her boyfriend was going to be there. Now I had banged Sully's kid sister Megan a couple years before, but between college and my baseball career it...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Megan and Kyle v2 part 3

“Megan you better come over here right away and help your sister” I call out. “Come in Ginny, what’s wrong?” Megan comes running over and giver her sister a big hug and leads her into the kitchen and half closes the pocket doors. I can hear bits and pieces of the conversation, like “Bobby Kirkpatrick is a BIG JERK” and “I HATE BOBBY” shortly followed by “Cindy is even worse, that two-bit slut”. In a little bit, I see Megan rushes out of the kitchen, grabs a box of tissues, and hurries back...

3 years ago
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Megan Pt 10

“I will have her bring her car in. I will pay for it. But when I drop Megan off at the end of the day this is how I want it to go. I want to watch her get fucked by you and your workers.” “Oh we can do that for sure man. I told everyone here about the horny slut white I fucked in the restroom. I know all of these guys would love to take a turn with her.” “I hope they all have big cocks. I want to see her sucking down on some big black cock as well as seeing her pussy and ass...

1 year ago
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Megan was still asleep, and I had been watching her for nearly twenty minutes. Her blonde hair cascaded in waves over the pillow and her face was peaceful and content. I smiled as I watched her breathing, her chest slowly rising and falling in rhythm with her breaths. The sheet had fallen down around her waist, leaving her chest exposed. I slowly moved my hand over to her breasts. They were still asleep, just like the rest of her, but I had made up my mind to wake them up. I slowly began...

2 years ago
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Megan Learns Her Lesson

Megan was still asleep, and I had been watching her for nearly twenty minutes. Her blonde hair cascaded in waves over the pillow and her face was peaceful and content. I smiled as I watched her breathing, her chest slowly rising and falling in rhythm with her breaths. The sheet had fallen down around her waist, leaving her chest exposed. I slowly moved my hand over to her breasts. They were still asleep, just like the rest of her, but I had made up my mind to wake them up. I slowly began...

3 years ago
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Megan Learns Her Lesson

Megan was still asleep, and I had been watching her for nearly twenty minutes. Her blonde hair cascaded in waves over the pillow and her face was peaceful and content. I smiled as I watched her breathing, her chest slowly rising and falling in rhythm with her breaths. The sheet had fallen down around her waist, leaving her chest exposed. I slowly moved my hand over to her breasts. They were still asleep, just like the rest of her, but I had made up my mind to wake them up. I slowly began...

1 year ago
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Megan and BillChapter 2

As I walked into the office that morning, I noticed that everyone was looking at me with some kind of look that I didn't understand. Perhaps it was faith that I was going to do the right thing, for all of us. I went into my office and Jan came in. 'Good morning Bill. Are you doing ok? I... I want to thank you, regardless of how this all turns out. You are my hero. You are doing the right thing and I admire you very much for that. Everyone here admires you Bill. Everyone.' 'Yeah, then...

4 years ago
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Megans Mardi Gras Fantasy Pt 10

We returned to the hotel to get ready for the evening. Megan arranged to meet the girls around 7:00 pm and she wanted to take her time getting dressed. I showered and came out to find Megan considering what to wear. I got dressed as Megan wandered back and forth, teasing the buys on the street below. She stood by the window with her clothes laid out on the table. Then I got an idea. Picking up the camcorder, casually mentioned taking a walk. Megan looked up and smirked."Don't go very far. I...

3 years ago
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Megans Mardi Gras Fantasy Pt 3

Again we slept in and followed the same ritual as before. I found this especially exciting as I anticipated Megan's routine. She ordered breakfast and I set up the camcorder to tape what followed. This time, Megan remained in the bathroom as breakfast arrived. Disappointed, I let the waiter in and closed the door. Just at that moment, Megan "happened" to come out of the bathroom, dressed only in her sexiest black lingerie and stockings!The word about yesterday must have gotten around because...

1 year ago
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Megan Learns Her Lesson

Megan Learns Her Lesson Megan was still asleep, and I had been watching her for nearly twentyminutes. Her blonde hair cascaded in waves over the pillow and her face waspeaceful and content. I smiled as I watched her breathing, her chest slowlyrising and falling in rhythm with her breaths. The sheet had fallen down aroundher waist, leaving her chest exposed. I slowly moved my hand over to herbreasts. They were still asleep, just like the rest of her, but I had made up my mindtowake them up. I...

3 years ago
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Megan Pt 9

My aunt and uncle said they wouldn't be back to late and the boys had not had any dinner yet. My aunt made a comment about how much the boys were going to enjoy what I was wearing. I was a bit embarrassed since I was not expecting anyone else to be over there but there was nothing I could do, aside from just going with it. After they left I went into the family room where the boys were playing their video game, they hadn't seen me yet. Well I could tell they all approved of what I was...

3 years ago
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Megan and Her Mompart 2

Introduction: A Mother and her daughter are stalked and really bad stuff happens to them *******Sandra McFarland’s SUV rolled into the garage at 6:15 pm. She strode from the garage into the kitchen in a workout outfit: white cross training shoes, black, tight leotards and a bulky grey sweatshirt two sizes too big for her. She called out for her daughter: “Megan? Are you home, hon?” From my hiding spot I watched her as she checked the microwave. She pressed some buttons and the microwave hummed...

3 years ago
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Megan Does Francis

[ Taking inspiration from the porno classic 'Debbie Does Dallas', I'm re-working it to fit a different context. In 'The Price of Neglect' universe, the young and beautiful Megan has yet another fabulous experience with big, black cock! This time with Francis, a long time friend and confidant of Willis, who has been featured in other stories I've posted here. For those small dick white guys who might read this, this could be a great way to spend some quality time with your dicks in your hand as...

3 years ago
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CHAPTER THREE: MEETING THE VP’S This story contains SLUT, EXHIBITIONISM, BIG BLACK COCK, GROUP, and OFFICE* * * *I had waited to go into the office, my first day … well, I giggle, as a secretary … until 9:00 AM per Mr. Nolan’s suggestion. That way the office was sure to be open upon my arrival. I am carrying a cardboard box of personal items for my desk. I awkwardly got the door open, crossed the waiting area and placed the box and my purse on the reception desk that would shortly be mine. I...

1 year ago
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Megan and Kyle v2 part 1

“Uh...oh… sorry lost in thought, Carol. What’s up?” I said “Kyle, you were staring at your monitor for 5 minutes. Well longer probably. I have been standing in your office door for 5 minutes watching you and you have not moved. No looking out the window, nothing. You ok?” “Yeah, fine” “No, you are not fine, Kyle I have known you for too long since you were a little boy when I started working for your dad. Now, what’s up?” Carol is right, she knows me better than I want to admit. She was...

3 years ago
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Megan was a gorgeous girl, 18 years old, 5'10", 128lbs, long wavy blonde hair that cascaded all the way down to her firm, little ass, big brown eyes, hourglass waist and perfectly perky breasts. She was the envy of every girl in her high school and the fantasy of every male that drawed a breath within a 50 mile radius. She was the only c***d of Evelyn and Rick. So, needless to say, Megan was a very spoiled girl and used to getting anything she wanted. But there was only one thing in this world...

3 years ago
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Megan Enraged Book 2 of Wizard a Love StoryChapter 21 Rage Incarnate

John was leading with Brennan behind him and Cory was bringing up the rear when they emerged onto the logging road. Night had fallen and they had to proceed with the flashlights. A glow on the horizon promised moonlight in the next hour or so but, until then, they had to rely on the flashlights. John crouched with his head swiveling, sweeping the beam of the flashlight ahead of him. "I hear a motor idling," John whispered urgently over his shoulder to his companions. Cory moved up beside...

3 years ago
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Megan 2

Introduction: Megans ordeal truely starts as Dominatus decides to introduce Megan to her neighbour Mr Johnson Megan: Ok Sir, what do I have to do? Her heart started beating fast trying to work out how she had gotten herself into this situation, it had all started innocently enough, she was just chatting to random boys on the internet when this guy, Dominatus, had started chatting to her. He was very strong minded and dominant and she had decided to play along, but what she hadnt realised was...

3 years ago
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Megans Mardi Gras Fantasy Pt 9

Afterwards, I called down to extend our stay and we lay in bed making plans for the day! While we couldn't top the previous night, we could try something different. This time, I demanded, Megan would be aware of what she was doing!"Let's start by laying out your lingerie by the window!" I ordered.Megan dutifully set out her wardrobe on the chair and stood by the window in her white lingerie and dark brown stockings. I picked out a pale blue pushup bra, blue lace garter belt, and crotchless...

2 years ago
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Megans Mardi Gras Fantasy Pt 1

Megan and I returned to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. This year it fell on my birthday and Megan promised to make it something special. She allowed me to pick out her clothes and I shoe my favorite see-through outfits and sexy lingerie. The morning of out flight, I laid out her clothing for the trip. Megan gawked at her outfit, a sheer pink blouse and short skirt with appropriate lingerie, nylons, and high heels!The trip was interesting. Megan wore a coat to start with, but as we boarded the...

2 years ago
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Megan and Kyle v2 part 2

Saturday mornings, Megan comes over between 9 and 10 to work on projects getting the house back into shape and generally getting stuff done, but this was also a way for us to bond. We would then just hang around the house in the afternoon and then take some time naked playtime. Sundays are Megan’s day off to spend time with her family. As the semester began to get near the end of the term, I started to notice that Megan was really tired. “How is school going?” I ask at dinner one night. “I...

2 years ago
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Megan Dream 2

My swim class was next to the high school that Megan went to as a junior. Every day that I past the school I caught glimpses of her in her P.E. class. She had the last P.E. class of the day and from experience it was the hard core class where running until you puked was normal. She always looks sexy running and fuckable whenever I drove by. One day I decided that I would go to class late just so I could watch her run around the track. She wore mini cloth shorts that had the school’s logo on...

1 year ago
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Megan and Mom Get Busted

I'm a pretty lucky guy, one of the few who actually enjoys their job. My name's Dougray, and I'm a twenty three year-old police constable, or cop if you like, serving my great country in the beautiful, remote Highlands of Scotland, usually on road patrol. It's an easy number, most of the time I just park up somewhere quiet with the speed radar on and maybe pull some poor soul over for speeding offences about once every two hours and give them a ticket. Mainly, I'm sat in the car either...

2 years ago
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Megan 2

Her heart started beating fast trying to work out how she had gotten herself into this situation, it had all started innocently enough, she was just chatting to random boys on the internet when this guy, Dominatus, had started chatting to her. He was very strong minded and dominant and she had decided to play along, but what she hadn’t realised was that when she handed over her email address she allowed me to stalk her on facebook and find out her real identity and when she downloaded his...

2 years ago
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Megan Ch 02

This is my 375th submission to Literotica. A kind of milestone for me, as I didn’t think I’d live long enough to get anywhere close to that number. Well, with improved medical advances and some very good luck, I have, and now I look forward to providing you, my readers with many more submissions. I want to take a brief moment to thank all of you. Especially those who take a second to tell me what you liked or didn’t like about the work. Thank you, and happy reading. PW * The air, heavy...

2 years ago
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Megan Pt 8

We got to our room and my dad opened the door. As soon as it was open my dad pushed me into the room where I was instantly grabbed by two naked men. They grabbed me by my arms as my dad shut the door. Then my dad said to them, "Go on, have your way with Megan." They pulled me towards the bed as my dad sat down in chair next to a table in the room. "You guys fuck my daughter while I sit here and watch." I was still a bit startled by all of this so I was still struggling a bit as I...

2 years ago
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Megans Mardi Gras Fantasy Pt 8

The next morning, I rolled over to find Megan wearing her sexiest white see through bra, sexy garter belt, and luscious brown nylon stockings! I grew hard just staring at her and then moved down between her legs!Instantly, Megan spread her gartered thighs and took him deep into her cunt! She winced momentarily, but then lubrication took over and she was soon hot as a pistol! In no time I arched and drove, spewing hot cum deep inside her! Afterwards, Megan awoke without the slightest...

4 years ago
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Megans Mardi Gras Fantasy Pt 45

Just as crowd erupted with cheers and applause, I heard a guy at the table shouting, "It's her!"As Megan's dress floated to the floor! She stood proudly displaying her black satin corset, bare breasts, garters and stockings and was recognized as the flasher from the night before!Then Megan took over, challenging anyone to another game, winner take all, she dared! I grabbed our camcorder and climbed up on the bar, not wanting the growing crowd to block the view! To my pleasure, the guy who...

1 year ago
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Megan8217s ass

Hello all iss readers. This is a real story which contains sexual features in it and therefore I kindly request that I will not be responsible for any miss happening. If u likes the story u can mail me on or I dated Megan off on during the summer of 1998 and 1999. She was a beautiful girl with amazing eyes, an ass that just screamed grab me and a pretty face. She was not blessed in the boob department, probably being no bigger then a 32 B, but being an ass man that never bothered me. We never...

2 years ago
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Megan Leigh Porn Starlet Extraordinaire

Most people don't know it but I had a stint of a couple of years working in the porn film industry and it was one of the most rewarding and certainly one of the hottest parts of my life. I've always been insatiably horny and never had any problems getting and sustain a very nice 7-inch erection that was nicely thick and plenty of hard horny cock to satisfy any woman. I managed to finally make some contacts in the adult film industry and got my foot in the door so I could have the chance to...

1 year ago
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Megan and Me Chapter 2

A few weeks had past sense I last tasted her pussy. I was desperate. I wanted to drink her juices again. My pussy dripped constantly throughout work. She couldn’t help teasing me. Work was almost over, and I couldn’t wait. I needed to cum so bad. Megan then came up behind me, and ran her hands down my body and in between my legs. She Whispered “Meet me at my car after work.” I could feel my thong getting more wet at that very moment. My juices were just dripping down my legs. I still had an...

3 years ago
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Megan At Last

Hey, my name is Cory, and to start, I should probably tell you a little about myself at the time of the story. I was 16; a Junior at my local high school. I was a tall 6' 2", had deep hazel eyes, and I weighed in at about 200lbs and had an athletic build. I lived with my mom and my fourteen year-old sister, as my dad had divorced mom and left us about 5 years prior to the events of this story. It was the beginning of the new school year, and I was more concentrated on trying to...

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CHAPTER TWO: WEEKEND TRAINING This story contains SLUT, EXHIBITIONISM, BIG BLACK COCK, GROUP, and OFFICE* * * *“Megan!” I was standing outside the door of BlackLand Enterprises in the hallway of the office building. I turned to the voice to find Mr. Nolan turning the corner. “I’m surprised to see you so soon. I imagined you might think about my offer maybe even over the weekend.” He unlocked the door and began turning on lights as he made his way back to his office. He had me sit, offered some...

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