Miniature Ch. 03 free porn video

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James enjoyed showing Lena all the things that were new to her. She had never heard of television, and was quite surprised and amazed by it, as she was the radio. Despite the new technologies that James introduced her to, what Lena seemed to like best about the normal-sized world were all the books. While Lena knew how to read, her town had a very limited selection of literature. There was a newspaper that was printed up once a week, she told him, and accounts of their history in the town hall, but not books like were available to James.

Lena liked the hardcover books, the ones that would stay spread open against the wall. James would open on for her, and she could spend hours in front of it. James thought it was cute and funny when she spread the pages, grapping one in her hand and walking it over to the other side.

Paperbacks proved to be a bit more difficult. Lena tried to spread them out on the desk and secure them with a paper weight, but the angle of the words hurt Lena’s eyes, so James soon started getting hard-cover copies of any book she wanted to read.

Lena especially liked history. She read about people and wars and inventions, some of which were so amazing and foreign to her that James had to assure her multiple times that they in fact actually were real and had happened. She had read about genocide and murders and all the horrible things people had done to each other, and James had instantly regretted giving her some of the material when she had cried uncontrollably. James wanted to hold her, hug her, comfort her. But she was too small for him to wrap his arms around. The best thing he could do was pick her up and hold her against his chest, which he did. He held her right next to his heart.

‘Why would people do that to each other?’ she asked him when she was able to talk. James was surprised at how innocent she was. He had heard about these horrible things happening on such a regular basis, that he guessed he had hardened himself to it. Where she had come from, there were no wars recorded, no prejudice, no hate crimes.

‘That’s just the human condition,’ he told her cynically, ‘War has been around since man has been alive, as well as murder. People hate those who are different than them. It’s human nature to be greedy and jealous.’

Lena had gotten mad at him. ‘Not where I come from, not my friends, not my parents. It’s you,’ she accused, ‘You are the ones who kill each other.’

‘Tell me,’ James asked, ‘How far back do those history books in your town go?’

Lena had gone from sadness to anger. She had stopped crying, though the tears on her cheeks weren’t completely dry. She struggled in his hand. ‘Put me down,’ she ordered. Lena didn’t seem to mind James picking her up at all, except when she was annoyed, in which case it became the absolute worst thing he could do.

James set her down on his floor, and she stomped over to his closet, which they had made into her own little room. James had hung a blanket over the bottom shelve of his closet, which acted like a curtain. Lena made her room under the shelf. There was foam and scraps of cloth for her bed and blankets. James had given her a little mirror, which she had propped up against the wall.

She also had boxes of Barbie clothes that she could choose from. At her request, James had bought her some tiny needles and thread that she could sew with. She sewed her own clothes out of fabric he brought her and she also altered some of the Barbie clothes. There was a large flashlight that could light up pretty much the whole little room, as well as a miniature key-chain one that worked as a regular flashlight for Lena.

Lena went there now, closing the curtain behind her. James sat on the floor outside. ‘Lena, I’m sorry. Will you please come out?’ he asked.

‘No!’ she shouted out to him.

‘I’m sorry I said that. I don’t know why you’re so upset, though.’ And it was the truth. Sure, he didn’t have to be so insensitive after she had cried for the history of human kind, but it wasn’t like he was personally responsible for everything bad that happened.

‘Why am I so upset?’ Lena said, coming out from behind the curtain. ‘You’ve always been so nice to me,’ Lena said, and now she sounded more sad than angry, ‘I didn’t know that this whole time you hated me. I didn’t know that you’ve ever wanted to kill people.’

James was in complete shock. ‘I don’t hate you!’ James denied. ‘And I don’t want to kill people. Just because that’s what happened in the past doesn’t mean that I have or want to do those things. Honestly Lena, do you really believe that I hate you?’

‘People hate people who are different than them,’ she quoted his words from before, ‘It’s the human condition.’

James let out a desperate, disbelieving laugh. ‘Lena,’ he said after a moment, ‘I was talking in general. I don’t hate anybody and I don’t want to hurt anybody either. Jesus. You’re insane if you think I hate you. Have I ever done anything to hurt you?’

‘I’m sorry, James. I guess when you said those things, you made it sound like all big people were like that. You seemed so much like me, except for the size thing, and when I found out all those horrible things, I guess I just thought that maybe we were more different than I thought.’ She looked up at him now, taking a shuddery breath. ‘I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have thought that about you. You’re the nicest man I’ve ever met.’

James’s heart did a little flip when she said that about him. Now he grinned at her. ‘Don’t let it go to your big head,’ she told him, walking over and hugging his knee. James laughed and patted her back gently.

‘You know, Jaime’s date is tonight,’ Lena said after a moment, obviously wanting to change the subject. Over the past week, Lena had become close with Jaime. She didn’t even mind Jaime’s penchant to sometimes treat her like a doll, fixing her hair and dressing her up.

Jaime had told Lena all about her crush on Todd, and although she had mentioned that they talked about it to James, Lena was a true confidante and wouldn’t give into his demands for details.

‘Don’t remind me,’ he groaned. Lena laughed.

‘I think it’s cute,’ she told him, climbing up and perching on his knee. James leaned back against his bed.

‘Cute that my little sister is going out with a guy six years older than her, and she’s only thirteen and shouldn’t even be dating anyways?’ James asked, crossing his arms. Lena laughed at him.

After Jaime and Lena had become close, friends even, James knew that he could trust her to keep the secret. He debated even calling Todd and telling him to cancel the date with Jaime, now that he knew she wouldn’t tell, and if Todd canceled, he, James, wouldn’t be the bad guy, it might even cause Jaime to forget her crush on the older boy. It looked like a win win situation from James’s point of view. Lena had vehemently denied him doing this, though, when he told her about it. Jaime is so excited, she would be devastated, Lena scolded him. James had given up then.

They went on chatting, Lena again apologized for her earlier assumption, criticizing herself for how stupid she had been. She blushed with embarrassment when she mentioned it, but James told her not to worry about it. James didn’t notice it was six until the doorbell rang and Jaime was yelling goodbye.

James quickly stood up, putting Lena on the floor. ‘I’ll be right back,’ he told her, hurrying out of his room and down the stairs, catching Jaime and Todd as Jaime was trying to push Todd out of the house before James could interfere.

‘What do you think you are wearing?’ James bellowed before he even thought about what he was saying. He sounded like their father, who thank goodness was away out. If his parents knew that Jaime was going out with someone six years older than her, they would never have allowed it. And Jaime would be grounded for who knew how long if their father had seen what she was wearing

Jaime, his tomboy of a little sister, who never wore anything other than jeans, t-shirts, and hoodies, was wearing a mini skirt, a tight tank top, and high heels. She also had put on make-up, which was another new thing. ‘Go upstairs and change right now!’ James demanded. He was proud that he had cut himself off before he had added ‘young lady’ to the end of that, making him sound more like dad than he would have been able to stand.

Jaime flushed a deep red and glanced nervously over at Todd, who was struggling to keep in his laughter. Jaime’s face turned even more red when she saw that, and to James’s horror and shock, he could see tears start to well up in her eyes. He hadn’t been expecting that. The Jaime he knew would have screamed right back at him, telling him that he wasn’t the boss of her.

James felt really guilty when he saw a tear escape her eyes, and how she turned away from them to quickly wipe it away. Todd seemed to notice her tears also, and he quickly stopped laughing.

‘Really James,’ Todd said, slapping him on the shoulder, ‘You sound like such an over-protective father. Jaime looks very pretty, she doesn’t have to change.’

Jaime now smiled up at Todd like he was some sort of god or something, and James would have rolled his eyes if he hadn’t been grateful to his friend for making his little sister feel better. He hadn’t meant to embarrass her.

James decided to let the whole outfit thing go. It wasn’t like she was indecent or anything, James was mostly just unused to her wearing anything like that.

‘See you later,’ Todd said, walking out of the house. James watched from the window as Todd opened the car door for her, and he snorted.

He started walking back up the stairs and found Lena waiting for him at the top. She must have been secretly watching from the landing. ‘You ass,’ she greeted him.

‘Well how was I supposed to know she would start crying?’ James defended himself.

‘You’re just lucky Todd handled the situation perfectly. He seems so nice.’

Now James did roll his eyes. ‘Todd seems so nice,’ he mocked her as he picked her up. Lena laughed at him as he carried her back to his room.

‘Do you want to watch some T.V?’ he asked her. Lena shrugged and he turned around to go down to the den.

‘Let’s get some ice cream,’ she suggested. James smiled. He had given her ice cream for the first time two days ago, and she had had it for breakfast lunch and dinner since then. He told her that she would get sick of it soon if she didn’t slow down, but she had said she had to eat her fill now since she wouldn’t get anymore once she went back home.

Every time she talked like that, James felt a tumult of emotions: sadness, anger, fear. He was coming to care more about this girl than he would like to admit. He knew that it could never be though. Even if she felt the same way about him, which it didn’t appear she did, they could never be together. They could never make love, or even kiss. Fine, so he thought about making love to her. What was wrong with that? She was a pretty girl. In his fantasies she was normal size, though.

‘What are you thinking about?’ Lena asked. James started, feeling guilty about being caught thinking about a naked Lena pressed up to him, kissing him as he pushed his cock into her.

‘Nothing,’ he quickly said. ‘What kind of ice cream do you want?’ In his desire to make Lena happy, he had gotten a whole different variety of ice cream flavors, letting her taste each one, deciding which one she liked best.

‘Marshmallow,’ she said, her favorite. He prepared both her tiny bowl and his larger one. Taking them both, along with her, down to the den to watch a movie.

‘Let’s watch the Notebook,’ Lena suggested before they even sat down. James groaned at the chick flick. Jaime must have gushed to Lena about how good it was, so of course now he was going to be stuck watching it with her.

‘Do you really want to watch that movie?’ he said distastefully, though James had never actually seen it.

‘Yeah, come on,’ Lena insisted, poking him in the arm, giving him her best puppy dog face.

‘Oh, alright,’ James said, putting in the DVD. He wasn’t sure how long he had been asleep when he felt Lena moving around on his chest. At a certain point he had stretched out on the couch, putting Lena on his stomach. They had no shortage of physical contact since they had become friends. James would easily pick her up to carry her somewhere. Lena didn’t mind so he felt no need to ask for permission, and he didn’t mind when she climbed on top of him. He was her perch, and she would lay on his stomach or legs, sometimes she would sit on top of his head, hanging onto fistfuls of his hair.

Now he could feel her crawling up his chest and putting her hands on his chin. He didn’t open his eyes, since he was curious as to what she was doing. He felt her leaning over him, then he felt the tiniest contact of skin on his bottom lip. At first he thought it was her finger, but both her hands were holding his cheeks.

His heart pattered hard when he realized what she was doing, and his eyes flew open. Lena let out a scream and jumped back further than he thought she would be able to. She landed on her back, her head right on top of his groin.

‘Sorry, sorry,’ she said as she scrambled off of him. He could see that her cheeks were a deep red. She had nowhere to go, since she was stuck between his legs on the coach. She probably wanted to get away, but she settled for just facing away from him. It took James a couple of minutes to get over his shock, and then he grinned with happiness. If Lena could see the utterly ecstatic look on his face, she probably would have been a little less embarrassed, but as it was, she just wanted to burrow into the ground.

‘Did you just kiss me?’ Was the first thing James could think to say. Check to make sure that what he thought had happened had actually happened.

‘I’m sorry,’ Lena said, ‘I was just—’

But James cut her off. ‘Lena,’ he said, picking her up. He held her up to his face and kissed her back. He got her lips, and her chin, and a little bit of her nose too.

Lena looked up at him, as stunned as he had been just moments before. ‘James,’ she said hesitantly, ‘I-I, I mean, how do you feel about me?’ she asked.

James felt his heart warm as he heard her embarrassed question, her cheeks rosy from blushing, the way her hands nervously gripped on the fingers that was wrapped around her.

‘I love you,’ he told her honestly.

Lena smiled, a secret smile. ‘I love you, too,’ she told him.

Even as James was filled with happiness, it was the bittersweet kind. He kissed the top of her head and watched as she leaned over and kissed his wrist. There were tears falling from her eyes.

‘Oh Lena,’ James said, because he felt like crying too. He knew that they were both happy tears and sad tears at the same time.

‘I don’t want to be away from you,’ Lena told him her fears.

‘I don’t want to be away from you either.’

‘We don’t have to be,’ Lena said suddenly, ‘I could stay with you. The way we are now. Once you get your own house, we won’t have to worry about your parents discovering us.’ She looked at him eagerly for confirmation.

‘I have to go back to college in the fall,’ he told her, though she already knew that.

‘I’ll go back to live with my family until you’re done with college. We can still spend the summer together, it will only be three more years, right?’

‘What about you, though Lena. I’ll still be able to go out and do things. You’ll have to spend you’re whole live in my house. I’ll be the only person you can talk to.’

‘I can talk to your sister. And I can visit home sometimes,’ she said, desperately thinking of ways to make it all work out, to make the insurmountable barriers seem insignificant.

‘Lena,’ James said sadly, ‘I can’t even kis
s you properly. We can never make love.’

‘I don’t care about that,’ Lena said, but then she paused, ‘But I guess you would,’ the sadness in her voice that she had been trying to cover came out clearly.

‘No,’ James said, even though he did. It was his turn to make sacrifices in their desperate little fantasy. She was giving up friends and a life, he could give up sex.

‘We would never be normal. We could never have kids,’ James could see this thought saddened her, but she shook her head angrily.

‘I don’t care. I don’t care about any of it. I love you. I love you enough to make sacrifices. I love you enough to make this work.’

‘I love you, too,’ James told her. Despite her words, he could see that she had doubts. She was determined though, and the fact that she would give up so much for him, she really did love him. It was amazing. Simply amazing.

‘But not enough,’ Lena finished for him, looking rejected and sad. She struggled in his hand, the sign that she wanted to be put down.

‘No!’ James demanded, refusing to set her down. He lifted her up higher so her downcast eyes were looking into his. ‘I love you more than I ever thought possible. Lena, I’d give up everything, everything for you. Do you understand?’

Lena stared into his eyes, but then nodded.

‘I’m just worried about you. What if you regret your decision? You could be happier with someone your own size. Someone you could be normal with.’

‘No,’ Lena denied strongly, ‘I love you.’

James brought her to his chest, giving her the best hug that he could. He felt her tiny hands grab fistfuls of his shirt.

‘This all happened so fast,’ Lena said after awhile. ‘It’s scary.’

‘I’d never do anything to hurt you,’ James told her, rubbing her back lightly.

‘I’m sort of tired,’ Lena said, ‘Do you want to go to bed?’

‘Mmmhmm,’ James said, standing up and carrying her up stairs. He set her on the floor by his closet, expecting her to go inside, but she hesitated.

‘I could sleep on your pillow, with you,’ she suggested. As happy as it would make James to have her so close, the thought of her in the same bed as him worried him.

‘What if I squished you?’ he shook his head.

Lena laughed. ‘You won’t,’ she denied.

‘Lena, I could very easily squish you. I just promised that I would never hurt you. I don’t want to hurt you,’ James said. He was starting to see how impossible the situation was. They couldn’t even share a bet together. What were they thinking? How was this ever going to work?

‘Stop whatever you’re thinking,’ Lena said sternly. ‘I don’t care about not sleeping in the same bed. Just put me on your nightstand, then I can still see you while I’m falling asleep.

She wanted to watch him while falling asleep, his heart melted.

‘Okay,’ he said, taking her bed out of her little make shift room and setting it up on his nightstand. He moved his alarm clock over, setting her up in the middle. He didn’t want to put her close to the edge and have her accidentally role over in the middle of the night and fall off.

‘There you go,’ he said, setting her down, ‘I’ll get your p.j.s,’ When he handed them to her to put on and turned around, he was surprised at her voice.

‘You could watch, if you wanted to,’ she said softly, shyly. James turned around. Lena was standing on by her little bed, grasping her p.j.s in her hands. How often had James thought of seeing her perfect, naked little body? Even since he had first seen her, running through his yard. And now here she was, willingly showing herself to him.

She slowly, so slowly started removing her shirt. Her belly came into view, so flat and creamy. He itched with anticipation as he knew what was coming. Her breasts were perfect. He found that he wanted to touch them, her breasts, her tiny body.

He slowly reached out his hand, giving her the opportunity to stop him if she wanted to. She didn’t stop him, though. He put his thumb on her stomach, oh so gently, the rest of his hand cupping her back.

He slowly ran his thumb up her stomach till he was touching her breast. He could feel her hard little nipple poking into the pad of his thumb, and he heard her groan. Emboldened with the knowledge that he was giving her pleasure, he didn’t resist his next urge, which was to kiss the newly discovered flesh. He licked her stomach up in between her breasts. He kissed each breast in turn, his kisses consuming her entire breast, his tongue flicking her nipple.

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Maya Bijou 1400 275000

Maya Bijou is a name that you've undoubtedly heard before. If you can't remember her name, you'll definitely remember Maya's face and the way that she has sex. She is an incredible pornstar and one who knows how to have sex that captures you and never lets your eyes leave her body. Her moans also demand that your attention stays with her. Maya's Twitter is home to almost 290K followers. That's a pretty decent amount, though, dare I say she deserves more? Well, of course, she deserves more.This...

Twitter Porn Accounts
2 years ago
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Ascension of the Alpha MaleChapter 21

From the shadows of the doorway, Dale looked into the candlelit room and gazed upon the beauty of the young goddess like creature who adorned his bed. The other women in his household had done their best to prepare her for her entry into womanhood. Angelina and Louisa had grown especially close to Lizzy seeing her as a younger sister, while Georgette had accepted her completely treating her as if she were another daughter. It seemed that each of the women he considered to be a part of his...

1 year ago
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MylfLabs Kitana Montana Big Tit Wives 2

What’s up, Mylf lovers? It’s time for another Labs update, so let’s jump in! Big Titty Wives is a concept we’ve played with before and want to mess around with some more. In this episode, Kitana talks to Bobby about her unwavering sexual appetite. This Netherlands babe, adorned in kinky leather gloves, fishnet leggings, and high heels, loves taking on huge cocks. She gets extremely turned on knowing her fans get to watch her get fucked hard. Things heat up when a masked Brock Cooper shows...

3 years ago
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Animal Behaviour The Conclusion

Part Four Aug 23/2017 22:00 Hrs Bush Country, Kruger National Park God damn it three quarter of an hour to change one bloody tire. Fuck it’s time we take vehicle maintenance more serious!. Forty-five minutes longer before I can get to Candi Slamming the wrench back into spare tire well in back. Pieter jumps into the driver’s seat flooring the gas pedal, spraying dust into the night air. His eyes staring ahead , the peripheral vision in his right eyes spotting Candi’s Rover GPS signal...

3 years ago
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An Amiss WishChapter 11

Friday finally arrived, and with it, the closing on the house. The agent had arranged to actually do it at the house as the finance company’s conference room didn’t have enough chairs. The house came with a gigantic dining room table and quite a few chairs to spare, which was very fortunate for us. The company’s agents remarked on our number as unusual at a closing, but shrugged and had us fill out the paperwork and sign as a collective. Jane had shown brightly as our lawyer, her office...

4 years ago
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The Road or an RathadChapter 3

I picked up Brenda from St. Ann's on Friday afternoon. Central had been closed for teacher's conference, a perk that the private preparatory did not have. Still, it allowed me to pick her up. Brenda saw me, and came over very fast. It was two weeks since our picnic, and the weather was absolutely cold now. She climbed in, and we kissed briefly. "So, want me to run you home, or do you want to go to my house? Mom is gone until six tonight," I added hopefully. "Hmm, home to my house, or...

2 years ago
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The morning after

You awake feeling excellent: last night's nausea seemed to melt away in your sleep. You sit up and adjust to your surroundings. They're not familiar. This is not your room. You're not sure how you got here. You slowly look down: you have breasts. Your hand skirts down to your groin. You're a woman.

4 years ago
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Demon and Demeanour Book 4 of Poachers ProgressChapter 16 A Shaggy Dog Story

I had plenty of suggestions on how to spend my thirty-first birthday, which would also be the first anniversary of the death of my family. They included locking myself in a room and getting dead drunk; locking myself in a room with three or four whores and galloping them all senseless, before getting dead drunk, with myriad permutations on those two similar themes. In fact my intention was to take a ride over the Mendip Hills, possibly with some bivouac equipment, and spend the day completely...

1 year ago
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Finally i got what i want

Hi to all gay sex stories fan. I am a regular reader of this site sex stories. I loves other people sex experience and learn a lot from them. Now i wanna to share my experience too with you. I am from india and is very much interested in sex. Earlier i use to find some gals for sex but ends up with nothing. So my friend told me that girls are not only options for sex we can have sex too. His name is Rajesh. He have just said this in fun, but i took it seriously and found that he was true. Girls...

1 year ago
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SweetHeart Video

SweetheartVideo! Let's talk about the ‘L' word. No, not the sappy, sentimental one. The one about the best kind of girl-girl bonding anyone woman can ever experience and any guy can ever see – lesbianism. Sadly, most homosexual females in the real world are either too focused on their careers, attending to their cats, or planning their next trip of hiking through the Ozarks, rather than making out at the bars for our delight.But sites like have you covered. No matter who you...

Premium Lesbian Porn Sites
3 years ago
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The OutsiderChapter 22

Brock got up the next morning to return Suzy to Wilkins--or at least halfway there. He was surprised when the Miles girls didn’t join them in the car. “You three fighting?” Brock asked when they had hit the highway. Suzy shrugged and then shook her head. “I asked them not to come,” she replied. “I wanted to have a little time alone with you--even if it did mean that you would have to drive home alone.” “What made you think we wouldn’t be picking up Merie?” he asked. Suzy gave him a...

2 years ago
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The GiftChapter 21

Clearing customs to get back into the US, was not as hard as it might seem. I did it on my computer, via my back door access into big brother's computer systems. Getting my luggage was only a little more difficult. I had to go retrieve it. When they asked why I hadn't cleared it the day before, I pleaded to just being plain tired. They had me open it and look through it. No problems. With this new ability to study and think on, I still had to finish the computer program I was working on. I...

3 years ago
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A Benign Something

I was sitting on the couch waiting for my daughter, Rachel, to finish getting ready. We were going to a gay and lesbian festival in the park – a fundraiser and luncheon - at the request of Rachel's new girlfriend Kate. So, as a show of support for my daughter, I said I'd come along. Almost two years prior to this, when Rachel was a freshman in college, she came home one day from school and, over dinner, broke the news that she was a lesbian. Or so she said. The only reason I had my lingering...

1 year ago
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Private Bloom Lambie The Reunion

Bloom Lambie is back from vacation in Private Specials, Young Beauties 2 and after a motorcycle ride with her boyfriend Andrew Fire, she’s looking to celebrate the reunion in the only way she knows how! Watch this stunning teen right here on as she gets horny with her man and spreads her legs for some pussy eating fun before getting down on her knees for a sloppy blowjob. Then enjoy Bloom’s tight, teen body in action as she goes on to take a hard pounding that has her moaning...

2 years ago
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The Candy Man

I met this guy and he had an addiction for candy. He was over six feet and was very thin with a muscular build, with abs of steel, brown hair and beautiful chocolate brown eyes. He was the one I went to when I wanted something sweet. I went to him and pushed him against the wall, pulled him close to me and kissed him softly and slowly. He pulled me close and kissed me rough and fast. We moved toward the couch and lay down on the couch with him to the left side of me with his right hand on my...

2 years ago
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The Trailer Park The Fifth Year Part 1 Words And MusicChapter 7

I heard the patrol car crunching gravel before I saw it in my rear view mirror. It pulled up behind me and parked. "I'm guessing this is official, so I should say, 'What can I do for you deputy?' instead of how you doing Dan?" "It's official," he confirmed. Dan Boyd walked around the car and got in on the passenger side. "We got a complaint that you refused to leave school property." "I'm just waiting to pick up Tam." "But you've been suspended?" "Yep, about twenty...

2 years ago
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my date with jennycumslut part two

The second part of my story about my date with Jennycumslut. This memory will be burned in my mind forever and thinking about it drives me wild to know I did what I always fantasized about! Hopefully this will make you cum hard...I left off that I had just made plans with Jenny to see her later that evening. I was out for a nice paced walk in the park close to my apartment at the time we had made plans so I hurried back home. After drenching of sweat from hurrying home since I was to meet her...

3 years ago
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Perfect Gift For Making Food

Hello friends my name is manthan from delhi I am 25yrs old. This is my first story on iss hope you will everyone like it. If u like my story then please give feedback to me on Coming to the story. Ye baat kuch 2 saal pehle ki hai jab mae delhi mein job karta tha as an assistant chef in a restaurant. Mae continental italian or chinesse cuisins ka master hu. Ek din mae restaurant k kitchen mein order bna rha tha tabhi maine service window mein se dekha k 2 lady entry kar rhi hai. Unmein se ek...

3 years ago
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Step Daughter

Dan woke naked in his bed with his oldest step daughter sucking his cock. He had married a lady with three daughters, all sexy and beautiful. It took him a minute to realize what was happening and he then grabbed her and pulled her to him and said "What the fuck you doing? Do you want some man size cock?" He then grabbed her and planted a kiss on her mouth shoving his tongue deep in her throat. She kissed back and sucked on his tongue making his cock even harder. He grabbed a nipple with his...

2 years ago
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Just Another News Cast

Those of you who have to travel in the course of your employment will know what it's like when you find yourself entering yet another strange hotel room, in yet another town you don't really want to be in. It could be I'm a bloody pessimist, tight or that I don't trust people; after a quick look around to familiarise myself with the room's layout, I put my travelling bag and briefcase down. Then the first thing I did was to check the seals on the mini-bar (assuming there is one, of...

2 years ago
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Husbandry By Saliaven Chronotis Chapter 1: Oak's assignments "I've got the energy ready." "Trying to bind it." "The power is attempting to get free." "Almost there... almost there..." "I'm losing it. It'll explode any second now!" "Got it!" And with that, Ash and Misty worked their first tandem spell, binding nature's energy into a ring. What they were supposed to do with it was more of a mystery. "How am I supposed to know what it does?" Misty shouted for the...

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COVID Quarantine With Uncle Mike

Mary became very strict with Emily when she reached her teens. She enrolled her in an all-girls school, which had the typical plaid skirts and white blouses that made middle aged men who like teen girls drool. Emily is a tiny little thing, only five feet tall and 100 pounds soaking wet. She is a cheerleader and is on the track team running long distance, which keeps her very thin, with small breasts and a tiny ass. Mary and Bob both have health issues that makes it very dangerous to catch...

2 years ago
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The Masseur 22

They say the hardest moment of a mother’s life is when her child leaves home. This was particularly true in the case of my eldest daughter, as I had to literally chase her out of the house with a broom. This wasn’t our family home, of course, and she had in fact been living as an independent woman for several years at that point. The house, however, was mine. One of the many properties I owned around Nottingham and rented out to students. Lisa, my daughter, and her old school pal Ellie had...

Straight Sex
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Out Of Afrika Chapter 53

Out of AfrikaA Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van and Satinlvr_mwf ******Chapter 53 - Suzi provides a scoop******Our story thus far… (For those who have been following this series, you may wish to review Chapter 47 before continuing, as there will be references to events from that work. )Our heroine news reporter, Mrs. Suzi Recreant, had just closed out her nightly newscast by sharing with the viewing public her new pregnancy. It was a development not even her husband...

3 years ago
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Der Keller 4

Beinahe h?tte ich wieder angefangen zu weinen, so verzweifelt war ich. Die anderen verstanden nicht warum nichts geschah. Wie kam ich nur an die Schl?ssel? Ich musste mir etwas einfallen lassen. Ich brauchte ein Hilfsmittel. Das einzige Werkzeug, das hier verf?gbar war, war ein Zweig. Nur waren die Zweige des Baumes in unerreichbarer Entfernung. Wir mussten zur?ck an eine Stelle, wo ich einen Zweig greifen konnte. Ich wollte losgehen, aber ein Ruck an meinem Hals hielt mich zur?ck. W...

1 year ago
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School reunion

Sophie had been unsure about attending her school reunion, but as she let herself into her hotel room she had to admit that she’d had a great time. She had drunk just enough to reduce her inhibitions, but not so much that she had completely lost her judgement. The flirting had been fun but largely innocent. That is, until right at the end of the night. She had spent a fair bit of time chatting to Dave and Helen, both old school mates who had ended up married. As they chatted there was a lot of...

1 year ago
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Tempestuous Telemarketer

TEMPESTUOUS TELEMARKETER  TEMPESTUOUS TELEMARKETER Elwyn sweated as he talked to the prospect on the phone. He could feel Glenda?s eyes on him. His butt still ached from her earlier interview with him. ?Hello? Mr. Sykes this is? Elwyn Stokes from ?Washington Politics magazine. We noticed you dropped your subscription??  He looked up at Glenda, who frowned even more right back at him. Elwyn thought of her nails raking his sensitive spot beneath his testicles and shivered. ?and we want...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 22

Jack called Mr. Bell one night about a week later and said he would be over to share the latest on the investigation. Colleen and I picked him up and we three met him at the office. Jack walked in like a victorious, returning Roman general. His expression was pure joy, and he looked like he couldn't wait to make our day. It didn't take long, because he dropped a set of photos on the table and said, "The man who ordered Beth Morse's murder died in a tragic 'accident' late last...

4 years ago
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Seasonal Daughters Book 2Chapter 4

Jeanette said, "Laura, may we come in, please." I reached Laura who looked at me. I nodded. Laura said, "Yes, Jeanette. Please come in. I take it that you are aware of the telephone calls today." Laura waved them to the couch. They sat on the couch and we sat in my easy chair and another chair close to it. Jeanette said, "We are very aware of it. Robert is home dealing with the other end of the problem. We decided this needed a direct approach and the parents should be present to...

1 year ago
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Swingers Gone Wild

Reddit SwingersGW, aka r/SwingersGW! Are you interested in the swinger life? Do you even know what the fuck that means, or do you need to get educated? Well, whatever the case might be, you might want to check out r/Swingersgw/. This subreddit is dedicated to all the swingers who love to post their naughty private pictures and videos doing all kinds of nasty shit.Reddit is a free website with thousands of other subreddits, so you do not have to worry whether you will love what r/Swingersgw/ has...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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Friend With Benefits 8211 A Real Story About A Woman I Met Online

I used to wonder if all the stories listed here are real or fake. I had this question quite a while till it happened real in my life too. I am 28 yr old clean working man with a good job, car and a apt to live in. I was not ready to settle down yet. I have high sexual appetite and used these forums and chat sites to fulfill my fantasies. One instance I happen to meet this woman who became friend in a chat site. We regularly met in the same nick name. We were passionate in erotic chat that we...

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Aimees Makeovers 2

Aimee's Makeovers Part Two By Jena Corso Edited By Waking up the next morning in each others arms was fantastic. "Did you have a good night's sleep, honey?" Aimee said as she kissed his cheek. "Is it morning already? Damn I'm exhausted, but yes it was a lot of fun" Said Tony. "Why are we getting up so early?" "I want to squeeze in everything I can with you this weekend," she said as she rubbed his back gently. "I know you have some things you wanted to do, and so did I,...

1 year ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Rogues Wicked HaremChapter 24 Rose Quartz Flesh

Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this! Aingeal Princess Ava collapsed nearby. She gasped, shaking her rosy head. Quartz glittered across her pink skin, breaking me out of my stupor. The sight of the darkness had arrested me. Spirits of transformation bobbed in and out of the shadows, visible only to me. The inky thing attacking my family was a human witch. It had lashed the local spirits to its will through magical incantations. The spirits modified the shadows, inhabiting...

2 years ago
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A Fond Farewell

Friday was coming to an end, work was dragging on, and I had regular boring plans to kill time until the party on Saturday night. I had decided to go to my Gym and get in a good workout. I went in and was immediately met by Joe. He said, “I have been looking for you and wanted to tell you that Harry had passed away. The funeral is on Saturday and wake is tonight.” I hadn't seen much of Joe and Harry lately, but we always had worked out together. We had not been playing much together recently...

2 years ago
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The Grocery ListChapter 10

Saturday, late morning, September 8th {Bob} In the bathroom, I hauled out my cock, which was chomping at the bit. "Is she really for me?" he gasped. "No!" I said. "Get a grip!" "I can't, he moaned. All I can think about are those luscious breasts!" He cried a single tear. I have to admit it. I knew where he was coming from. I choked him for about twenty seconds, remembering those smooth swells of white flesh I had seen, and he finally gagged and tossed his cookies into the...

1 year ago
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Cumming Summer Part 1

I met Mary the summer before our Jr. year in high school. When I first saw her I couldn't help but stare. She was about 5'5 115 pounds long light brown hair with blonde highlights, and green eyes. She had tits that just begs to be grabbed, a 36 C. Her waist was 21 inches. And she had an ass to die for. When I first saw her she was wearing a light blue and pink bikini that really showed off her tight body. She was sitting on a lounge chair at the local pool, I walked over and sat down in the...

3 years ago
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JIYUU is a Japanese streaming service provider specialized in uncensored content intended for adult audiences. It was created in 2015 and it quickly became a success in Japan. In 2018, it began its international expansion, offering services in several Asian countries. In 2020, JIYUU took the definitive step towards becoming one of the world’s biggest streaming providers, making its services available in 100 countries in all six inhabited continents. In just a few months, JIYUU became an...

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