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I had to travel to Houston in the middle of the week to see one of my company's hot marketing leads about their private network's security. To my surprise, our boss announced that Cameron Ryan, one of the women in my work group, would be accompanying me. I had seniority and was better at selling our kind of consulting work, but she had more know-how about VPN or private network security approaches and weaknesses that clients like that used. In theory, we were an unbeatable team.

Cameron was a sweet young professional woman also with a computer science degree. She distinguished herself by designing several computer games that made some money before getting interested in hacking, code, and security issues in her graduate work. She was cute, attractive, and I felt a draw to her I couldn't explain.

We took the morning flight, and were at the client's offices just before noon. I was feeling a little better about life. My Sunday evening with Marcie, and some thought time since then had left me with a better frame of mind than I'd had the week before after KC's ultimatum, although she hadn't stated it that way. I hadn't come up with any solution, I just felt better about life in general.

As I'd dozed on the airplane trip, I thought a lot about KC. I wondered if she'd hear about my evening with Marcie, and how we'd really pleased each other. I missed KC more than anything, and I found myself pining away for her love and attention. I hadn't seen her in over a week, and the pain at not seeing her really hurt deep. I resolved to fix that when I got back from the Houston trip.

I had let Don know that I'd be away two or three nights, telling him that if KC wanted to use the house or get more of her stuff out, she was free to do so without running into me. He promised he'd tell her.

I wanted to make some notes, as I had always done, to help clarify my thinking about KC, but with Cameron sitting next to me on the plane, I couldn't do that. I tried to memorize a few salient points to my thinking, particularly about how I felt about missing KC. In this case, absence did make the heart grow fonder.

We cruised through the afternoon with a room full of technology people, and at the end of the afternoon we were asked to be their consultants and to stay two more days and start work on this new job. This was good news, and we agreed immediately; that had been our hope.

That night, Cameron and I had a small celebration at a steak house with a top-end steak and a couple of bottles of wine spread out over a few hours as we sat and talked about the project. Eventually, the conversation shifted and we started to talk about ourselves. One thing led to another, and soon I did a small data dump about KC and my breakup.

Cameron declared, "You haven't broken up. You're just taking a little vacation from each other, and from what you implied I guess you're seeing others."

She hitched herself closer to me in the booth we were sitting in, "When you think about seeing others, I hope you think of me." Cameron looked at me expectantly.

Totally unexpectedly, Cameron leaded into me and kissed me on the lips. She had her eyes closed, and the kiss was a long, deep, soul-touching, romantic, mind-blowing kiss. As she pulled away, I said with a touch of humor and sarcasm, "Wow! You really are a heavenly dream, because no human could possible kiss the way that angel that just kissed me does." As I intended, we both laughed over my schmaltzy compliment, but I reached over and pulled Cameron even closer to me, until we were snug against each other.

Cameron put her head on my shoulder. She said in a hushed tone, "Just for this trip, could you ... pretend I'm your girlfriend. I really need you to do this. I'll explain later. Just know that I like you a huge amount, and I want to be with you in every way you can imagine." I almost did a double take at her last phrase. Was she telling me she wanted to have sex – to make love?

I kissed Cam's forehead as my own way of answering.

After dinner, Cameron went to her room, and I'd even said goodnight, but a minute later I heard a knock on my door. When I opened it she was there, and came into my room pulling her suitcase. She was a little shy, but clear about what she wanted – me. I wanted her too. She was pretty, smart, and reminded me of KC in some ways. I ran a warm bath in the deep tub in the bathroom, even adding bath salts that made the place smell like a florist shop.

Cameron appeared with a towel around her, as I stood nude beside the tub. She dropped the towel, and I enfolded her in my arms. We both moaned into the ensuing kisses.

We lay in the tub with Cam leaning back against me as I lightly toyed with her modest breasts. They weren't large, but they were unusually sensitive, and according to her had a direct pipeline from her nipples to her clitoris. The object of the bath wasn't to get clean, although that was a by-product; we were there as foreplay, and as teasing to each other and to ourselves before the main event of the evening.

Eventually, the water eventually cooled, and we got out. We dried each other with the large puffy towels the hotel provided. Cameron took my hand and led me to the large king-size bed. We pulled the covers back, and then our bodies locked together in passion, as we came together.

I ate Cameron to a series of orgasms, each one seeming to take her farther from earth than the last one. She pulled me up over her body, and I pulled her legs over my hips. This positioned her opening right in front of my granite-hard shaft. I toyed with rubbing the head of my cock up and down her slit, until she was pleading with me to enter her.

When it appeared she least expected it, I speared into her body, sinking my first eight inches into her in one fell swoop. To my delight, Cam had another orgasm and then started to rapidly pump her body against my cock so that she could capture the last couple of inches that she knew she'd not had yet.

After that, I lowered myself into her waiting arms and she wrapped her legs around me, and we made love for hours. I have a vision of Cameron riding atop my body: sexuality, beauty, passion, physical excitement, and a huge dose of love. We did make love multiple times that night. Her labia were swollen with sexual excitement, and that led to even further forays both orally and with my cock deep into her body.

Cameron had never had a man eat his own cum from her pussy, and I recalled that Marcie had been the same way. Marcie and I used each other to mutual satisfaction that eventually included her husband in some ways. With Cameron, it was different. I had feelings for her – romantic feelings, and I could tell that she felt that way about me. We made love – had sex – four times before we slept, but we were loving the rest of the night, and through the next two days whenever we could be alone. Our next night we even had room service deliver dinner because we didn't want to take the time away from the bedroom to go someplace to dine.

As we disembarked from the plane on Friday evening, Cameron steered me to a dimly lit cocktail lounge in the airport. After we'd ordered a glass of wine, I saw the tears on her cheeks. I wiped them away with my thumbs and kissed her. "Cam, what's wrong?"

"I ... I love you ... but I can't have you for many reasons. I am so appreciative and joyful of our time together, our nights together, our loving, our fucking, our passionate times together, but ... maybe..." she sobbed, "it's over, at least for now. I'm not sure."

I gave her a questioning glance.

Cam explained, "I'm sorry if this hurts you in any way. I've been very selfish, but ... I needed you. Let me explain. First, you have to go back to KC. What she has asked for from you is not unreasonable in today's world, and over time I'm sure the entire issue will disappear and be forgotten as anything other than a minor hiccup in your relationship. Please take my request to heart, and patch things up with her. If she wants another guy now and then, don't make a stink about it; the same applies to you – and I hope you'll think of me.

"As for me, tomorrow is a party at which a man named Peter who I love will give me a diamond ring and ask me to be his partner for life. We've lived together for two years ... but ... and I love you as well. Sometime, I will tell him a little of what happened this week, and I will ask him for his tolerance in seeing you again. He will grant it to me because he loves me, and I hope you will allow me to have a small corner of your life from time to time.

"I'm not going to go into the parallels between our lives and situations right now, but I know you can see them just as I can. I'm not trying to corner you, or stalk you, or force anything onto your thinking. You have to sort that out for yourself. You can, however, see where I am coming from a little better. I am going to be KC to Peter, only worse. KC just wants to have a fuck-buddy now and then. I want to have you as a genuine, true blue, lover.

"Matt, I love you. I loved you before we went on this trip. I love and will continue to love to work with you, but I will not be clingy or embarrassing at work. In fact, after I leave this lounge we go back to being professional buddies, except when by mutual agreement we decide it's time to again share ourselves with one another – perhaps on other trips to Houston, or to see other clients. When we do travel together, my fiancé will know what might happen, and I might or might not tell him when I return."

Cameron took a gulp of her wine, finishing off the glass. She set it down and stood. "Please, let me leave before you come along afterwards. I'm about to break into uncontrollable sobbing, and I hate making scenes in public places. I think I can hold myself together until I get to my car."

She stood, came to me, leaned down, and kissed me in way that made my lips burn. A moment later she was gone, hurrying away almost at a run pulling her roll-on suitcase, and I was the one left with tears in my eyes.

I got another glass of wine and brooded over the past three days, and then the weeks before with Marcie and KC. I replayed the scene with KC, but also many scenes just the two of us had enjoyed in the months leading up to The Event that started me on this crazy journey.

I tried to recite the events, even mumbling to myself, thinking the vocalization might give me more insight into them: going nude into the pool with Darlene and some guy; watching Marcie get fucked at the party as Doug watched her; having my own time with Marcie and a plea for repeat visits – all while she cuckolded her husband in some ways; and then the time with Cameron and the discovery only moments earlier that I was the 'other man' as she prepared to become engaged to what I knew must be a nice guy because she was such a gem. Then there was Don and Edie – Edie who wanted me to make love to her because she loved me, even though she was married to a wonderful man who idolized her, and he gave her complete sexual freedom, even to be with me, his best friend.

Everyone I seemed to know was working with their sexuality and inter-relationships in that regard. I would have to face up to KC again, but that didn't seem nearly as daunting as it had been a week ago. Despite the dalliances with Marcie and Cameron, I missed KC more than anyone could imagine. I still dreamed about her, even when Cam had been cuddled against me. I had a hard time visualizing my life without KC being a dominant figure in it. My heart almost stopped whenever the thought of permanent separation appeared in my thoughts.

I still wasn't sure I could abide by her desire to fuck some other guy once in a while, but I wanted her with me again. I hated to not be with her. For a few moments, I wondered if I could ever tolerate her wishes.

I thought about inviting her to live back in my house, but in a different bedroom. I worked through that scenario and then started to laugh. That was the most ridiculous thing I'd ever thought of. We had been the most physical couple anybody had ever known. Of course, we would fuck each other's brains out at every opportunity, just as before. The only difference now would be the lingering thoughts we had about the decision I had to make. Maybe after we fucked, KC would go back to her room. We'd have to see, if she were willing.

Saturday morning, I walked down to Don and Edie's house. I could see KC's car parked in front of their house, so I knew she'd be there. I knocked and let myself in as we were accustomed to doing...

I was barely in the foyer when a ball of brunette human excitement collided with me, showering me with kisses. It wasn't KC; it was Edie. "You're back. We missed you. I'm so glad you're here. Come. We're all in the kitchen." She dragged me through the house into the back and the kitchen area.

KC was sitting there looking like death warmed over. The corners of her mouth twitched because she was glad to see me, but then I might be coming to tell her that we were really through. I smiled at her and tried to put her at ease with a loving look. I reached out and squeezed one of her shoulders affectionately, and KC started to cry.

I knelt beside her and stroked her face, "Baby, don't cry. I'm not here to say anything bad. I love you. Please don't cry."

KC sobbed, "But ... I miss you so much. I don't want to be without you in my life." She started sniveling and blotting at her face with her napkin. I noticed the cold and uneaten food in front of her.

"And I miss you, and that's why I'm here. I was wondering if we could have kind of a truce of some kind. Would you be willing to move back to our... ?

"OH, GOD, YES!" KC screamed as she launched herself into my arms. After a kiss, she just squeezed me until I thought I might pop. I couldn't even see the look on her face because it was buried in my chest as she continued to cry.

Don and Edie looked on with very pleased expressions on their faces.

I finally could get a word in edgewise, "I don't know about sleeping together yet, but I miss you, and I can't stand to be away from you."

KC almost pleaded, "Oh, yes. Anyway you want it. I just want to be with you. I'll be very good. I promise. We can talk, and learn about each other. I'll even go to counseling if you want ... or talk to others. Whatever you want. Anything." She was talking a mile a minute, but tears still flowed from her eyes.

Edie said, "Matt, KC needs you. She's a walking disaster. She hasn't slept but a couple of hours each night for the past two weeks, and I keep having to wring out her bedding because she's cried so much into it. You can see her pillows drying in the sun in the backyard."

I nodded. "I'm sort of in the same boat, a little better I guess, but not much."

I suddenly realized I had a confession to make – two of them actually. I balked and then started, "KC, over the past couple of weeks, I ... errr..."

KC stopped me, "I know you spent time with Marcie, and I'm glad. While she'll never leave Doug, she's not a threat and you can see her any time you want. Really. I'm not jealous or anything. I think it was good that you saw her and made love with her." She nodded enthusiastically, to impress me that I didn't have anything to worry about.

I continued, "Well, when Cameron and I went to Houston, we kind of..."

KC jumped the gun again, "Oh, good. You got to be with her. I know from talking with her at your work party that she wanted to get closer to you. I don't care. It's all good. You can be with her whenever you want. If you want to use the house, I'll leave. Anything you want."

I announced, "She's getting engaged today, but ... well she wants me to be the 'other man' in her relationship. I'm not sure about that."

Edie chuckled, "Hey, Stud. You're the other man with Marcie and Doug, why not with Cameron and her boyfriend? I just wish you'd be my 'other man, ' KC even says it's fine with her." She leaned over and nudged KC with her elbow.

KC smiled and offered, "I would be more than fine if you and Edie made love, and wanted to keep doing it."

I looked at Don. He rolled his eyes. I already knew his opinion – just make Edie happy.

KC moved back to the house that morning. Don helped me carry over her suitcases, while Edie and KC put other stuff in her car to drive over. Don and Edie left us alone after that.

In the house, I went and hugged KC. "Honey, I love you. I'm still not sure about letting you be with other guys, but I am still thinking about it. Maybe we can find some middle ground. This is a decision that I have to make. I want to be honest because right now, I'm not sure how it'll turn out. I don't want to hold up false hope to you by having you back here, that I'm leaning towards accepting what you want. You're back here – temporarily – because I miss you terribly, and I was also worried about your health.

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Introduction: Heres the second part to my story! Its got more sex-related context but still no sex. Its coming, though, I swear! Hope you like it, and leave me comments, I love to read them! Also, the next part probably wont be posted until next week as I have a very busy weekend ahead of me, and not much time to write! Ill post is as soon as I can though! His lips against mine, kissing me deep and slow as I straddle his waist, gently grinding against him. He pulls back and his lips brush...

3 years ago
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Glory hole at the office toilets part 3

Every Wednesday I'd get a visit from Dom who would fuck my mouth for a while then come into the cubicle and fuck me and command me to suck whatever cock would come through the hole, he would blow inside me whilst jerking me to completion, my asshole was still not used to taking his huge thick cock but it never stopped me, it felt right riding his fat dick and feeling his cock twitching inside me while his balls blasted coat after coat of hot cum into my ass. I arrived to work early one...

3 years ago
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becomiing a bitch

It was supposed to be simple. A blind date, set up online. A hot chick. Me getting laid for the first timein a while. You know. Simple. And that's what actually happened. Sort of.I get to the bar, I see Meghan across the way, sitting pretty in a short black dress, legs crossed,sipping on a martini like she's sucking my cock already. Far as I'm concerned, I'm as good as fucked,the way she's making herself out to be: smooth thighs, big, round tits, lips that could blow the cap offa bottle of Bud,...

1 year ago
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The Magic of LifeChapter 2

Gary sighed. Just once, he thought, couldn't he be attacked in nice, sunny weather? Sword drawn, he stood up with his back to the wagon, rain feeling like hail on his bare head. He could barely see the three "potential" thieves spread out before him. Out of habit, Gary refused to consider them such until they actually attacked. Before then, there was always the possibility they'd run away, and a thief who didn't bother him was no thief in his book. "I have three over here,...

2 years ago
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Brick House Pt 03 Ch 04

All content copyright 2012 Ted Szabo This is part 4 of a longer work, ‘Brick House.’. It includes chapter four. While this chapter does not have erotic content, many of others do. It is included for the convenience of readers interested in the larger story. * I was about halfway back from my afternoon class at the engineering mall when the clouds burst. Heavy, round drops splattered on the sidewalk in front of me and I could hear them impacting, with surprisingly loud ‘tings,’ on the...

2 years ago
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Chained and Spanked MotherChapter 11

“Mom! Peggy’s in our room. We need to talk to you.” It was mid-week, an hour before the children were expected to go to bed. Joan flinched whenever Robert’s voice sounded like a command. She took a deep breath. If Peggy was with him, he wouldn’t have a chance for mischief. She finished folding one of her husband’s polyester pants. Like them, he had proven drip-dry. She set it into the basket and made her way to the boys’ room. “What’s this about, Brat?” Peggy gnawed on the end of a pencil....

2 years ago
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On my 18th birthday suit with dad

I graduated when I was 16 and moved out right after graduating and haven't seen my parents since then.Now that I'm turning 18 that week I've decided to tell them I want to celebrate it with them. Just the 3 of us.I thought it would be a quite simple get together but no, after eating out from a restaurant we had another celebration on their house. They bought several kinds of alcohol and mixing and shaking them together like a bartender. That's when they told me that they used to be a part time...

3 years ago
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A Hot Summers Day Part 1

Wendy leaned back on the bed and raising her arms casually overhead, extended her long and lithe body into a luxurious cat like stretch, pulling her knees to her chest, letting out a satisfied moan of delight at how good it felt. A refreshing breeze came through the open window of her third-floor apartment, making the sheers dance. It felt cool as it sailed across the moist skin of her breasts, glistening in both hers and her lover's perspiration. Her pussy rejoiced in a satisfying gentle burn,...

3 years ago
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Halloween Fun Followup

After a serendipitous hookup with Roxanne on Halloween night, I was quite smitten by our unplanned intimate exchange. Roxanne had babysat for Janice and me on several occasions and while she was very cute, I had never entertained any untoward thoughts about her. Now, after our Halloween hookup, my mind was full of all types of inappropriate thoughts and designs.I didn’t quite expect to fall into an illicit relationship with an eighteen-year college freshman who also happened to be our family...

Office Sex
1 year ago
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Reddit Porn Memes

r/PornMemes, aka Reddit PornMemes! You know, I think of myself as a pretty witty, smart motherfucker. I spend my days jacking off to online porn and writing up reviews for my site, and I make sure to pack in a fair share of dirty jokes about dick sizes, felching, and the different types of bacteria you can swap through ass-to-mouth contact. That said, I sometimes wonder if my joke style is getting a little old-timey for you fucking millennials out there. I feel like some kind of old, dead fart...

Funny Porn Sites
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The Grand Strategy Ch 08

The next two weeks were tough. We were nearing the end of the academic year, and every professor seemed to be competing in which one could pile more on us. I wanted to spend time with Mom, but I needed to do well academically this first year. I texted her regularly, explaining, and she understood."Mom, I want to be there to get a good meal, but we're getting swamped and I'm struggling to keep up." What I was really saying was not " get a good meal," but rather, " get a good feel," and...

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Mr.Peabody lived next door and he was always nice to me telling me stories and jokes making me laugh when I was sad he was a great guy and my friend! When I got to be a teenager things began to change for me I started getting horny all the time began looking at porno mags and stuff jerking off around the clock typical k**s stuff anyway one day Mr. Peabody invited me inside it was a hot day and he offered me some ice cold lemonade who could refuse that not me so we went inside and he made me a...

3 years ago
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In the right mood for a BBC

Hubby would work until late that evening and I was at the gym, working out hard, trying to get rid of my bad mood…I was running in a tread mill, when a tall handsome black man came into and started running on next to me. He was in great shape with a muscular build, a nice dark skin.After jogging for a few minutes the man removed his sweat shirt.I did my best to keep my eyes forward, but I could not do it. I just glanced over and saw his muscular chest glistening as the sweat dripped down his...

3 years ago
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The ShapeShifter

I don't have much of a past. I seem to have lost my memories of anything over ten years ago. Since then I've been a wanderer, never staying in one place too long, or being one person too long. You see, I'm a shapeshifter. I can mimic or change into an original face and body, at will. It doesn't hurt, some times it even feels good, and it only takes a few seconds to complete. I don't know how old I am, or how long I have roamed the earth. It's so bad that I don't know what I really look like, if...

4 years ago
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Federation Shadow

It had taken me two days to find the position. It was on a ridge ten kilometers from the huge estate. The next night, I slipped in and planted micro vid cameras. I watched for another few days, but I could not see any chance to reach my target in person. I went to my backup plan and pulled out a small drone. The whole thing was covered with camo film and I had used stealth material to build it. Every afternoon Mr Gorten worked in his study with a guard at the door. At four, he would stand and...

2 years ago
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Cadbury in Service

Jenny dangled her unadorned legs over the edge of the bed, her slippers had fallen off and landed on the carpeted floor silently, one across the other. Her thoughts raced and anticipation mounted with her heart as it beat faster in her chest. It wasn't her first time, but she had decided that she wanted to take it to the next level and a Friday night would give her ample time to recover if she needed it. Just the thought of her long-term lover and his experience caused her to breathe a little...

2 years ago
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Boys Nieghbor Chapter 2

Part 1 That evening changed my life and my whole perspective on sexuality. At first, I tried to forget what happened at first it was terrible to think about being that embarrassed and subjected to being naked and humiliated in front of a grown woman not to mention being licked by a huge dog until the point that I came all over and then make to watch and suffer through having him lick me clean. It was days before I was able to get a hard on and actually masturbate .. well try to at...

3 years ago
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Highwaymen Ch 01

INTRODUCTION ‘Highwaymen’ is a long and still developing story of a Master (who does not yet know he is such), and a slave (who thinks she is Mistress). It concerns their twin entwined journeys to full discovery of their true natures. It includes graphic sex and developing BDSM elements. Some people (my slave in particular!) would have me warn you that there are considerable elements of over-romantic fiction. CHAPTER 1 He had dressed carefully. As he pulled the black leather riding boots up...

3 years ago
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Santa Specials

I was building up the fire ready for departure, two shovels front right, two front left, when I heard the voice of a buffet steward calling to get my attention. I leant my head out of the cab door and froze, but not from the cold December air. Tilted up at me was a small pixie face, dusted with freckles, surrounded by shining brown hair, and smiling blue eyes. I was speechless. Suddenly I realised that she was talking to me, and I was staring, not hearing a word she had said. ‘Sorry — I didn’t...

2 years ago
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Cowboy Up

My first encounter began shortly after getting married. My husband was working nights at the time, we didn’t have k**s yet so there was not much going on in my spare time. As they say, idle time is the devils workshop, so I suppose that is where my “evil” inhibitions began to grow.One evening after work my sister asked me to go hang out at the bowling alley with her, just to hang out and waste some time. It was a summer night, nothing else going on, so I went just to get out of the house.We...

2 years ago
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Straight old lady only cums when squirting

Part 1If you saw Mrs Cartwright in the street you would not think she was a devoted piss pervert. She at 60 plus, dressed so conservatively you would think she was utterly sexless. That’s what I thought, until afternoon tea last month.We were neighbours and I used to do a few small jobs for her and in turn she used to reward me with delightful afternoon teas.That afternoon, she seemed to drink a lot of tea – at least four cups – and not once did she go to the toilet. She must have been bursting...

4 years ago
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VO EK DIN I am huma at your service. Thanks for your comments on my previous stories. This the story of a close friend of mine named Sudha. I hope you like it. You may email me oyur comments if youlike it at Mera naam Sudha hai, umar 24 saal, rang sanwla, kad 5 feet 5 inch, sharir bhara hua, aur bal lambe kale. Main dikhne mein sunder hoon. Mere boobs kafi bade hai, pet patla, kamar patli aur gaand badi hi gadrayi hui. Main apne maa baap ki eklauti ladki hoon aur kuchh hi dino mein meri shadi...

2 years ago
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Angies New Life

Angie character was created by and is used with the permission of msboy8 Former Deputy Sergeant Angie Applegate had belonged to Gregor Andropof, owner of Brightston Security for 6 months. While working undercover vice for the LAPD, a mobster by the name of Viktor Rostovitch had died while having sex with her. Viktor had a bottle of spray Viagra and the Coroner had ruled the drug had killed him. Gregor Andropof, aka Greg Smith, was Viktor's cousin and learned Angie's identity when she...

3 years ago
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After Rebecca I was ready for both my moms part 1

The story began when I became nineteen and met my first serious girlfirend, Jessica. She was gorgeous like film actress, Mila Kunis. We met at a restuarant and she was the cashier there. We have been going out for a while but we had never gone beyond some heavy petting in the back of my car. So I was thrilled beyond words when she suggested that it was time for me to see where she lived. After dinner and a show we drove to her place. She told me had the place all to herself for a month. Her...

1 year ago
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MomsBoyToy Holly Lace Stepmoms Pussy Tastes Better

Holly Lace is in the kitchen washing dishes with her stepson, Codey Steele, making a sandwich behind her. Codey begins pantomiming fucking a hole in a piece of bread with a cucumber, and the motion attracts Holly’s attention. She demands to know if he thinks this is how to fuck a girl. When Codey hesitates, Holly describes how to really bang a girl, using the cucumber as a prop. Holly’s demonstration just gets Codey really hard. When Holly says Codey can ask her anything, he...

3 years ago
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Hot Bedsheet Wala In Mumbai 8211 Part 2

Maine firse door andar se lock kiya.. And towel leke apne bedroom ki aur nikal gaya.. Ab tak mai bahot garam ho chuka tha.. Maine soch q na iss bande ki naam ki muth hi maari jaaye.. Aur mai waisehi firse bathroom me ghus gaya.. Aur shower ke nich khada hoke ek haath se lund hila raha tha aur doosre haath se apna nippal sehla raha tha…aur aankhe band kar ke us ladke imagine kar raha tha.. Abhi 2 min bhi nahi hue the ke firse door bell baji.. “Shittt sala ab kaun aagya?? “ Maine firse toliya...

2 years ago
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Mistress Diana

The huge mansion sat in the Canadian Northwest surrounded by thousands of acres of virgin land  ??? The huge mansion sat in the Canadian Northwest surrounded by thousands of acres of virgin land. The mansion was built by a wealthy tycoon in the late twenties before the stock market crash. The mansion was deserted for many years until Mistress Diana moved there and had it renovated for her exotic tastes.  ? Mistress Diana was an heir to a fortune that was left to her by an uncle. She had...

1 year ago
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The Coffeehouse Quintet Book 2 Lessons InfidelityChapter 2

Day 2 The next morning, Ben woke up and ate some cereal. Ellen was still passed out from their activities the night before and he didn't want to wake her just so she could make him breakfast. He was reading the paper and on his second bowl when she came in the kitchen. Ellen was still naked and her hair was knotted up behind her head. "Morning, sleepyhead." She mumbled in response. Even though she was five years younger, Ben had always been the better morning person. "Have some...

1 year ago
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Reality Bytes Part 4 Clarity

Alicia took a long, steadying breath. "Focus, Ally," she told herself, and wiped the budding tears away. The damned orgy in the next room had finally ended and she was able to take the rig from her head without damaging the fragile filaments. She needed to take charge, and the first thing to do in a crisis situation was assess the damage. She tapped on a small red rectangle near the edge of her table and the embedded electronics came to life, billions of microscopic LEDs activating to form a...

1 year ago
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Meeting My Girlfriends Grandmother

Cyndi and I had dated for about 5 or 6 months when it seemed it was getting serious. I'd met her divorced mom many times and she was a nice lady. Now it was time to meet her mom's mom. Her grandmother, Sherry, lived on the other side of our large metro area. We went over one Saturday afternoon.Sherry was at the door greeting us as we parked and got out of the car. She had a warm smile and was super friendly. She welcomed us, hugging Cyndi and I, and invited us in. We had a light lunch with the...

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