An Assumed InheritanceChapter 8 free porn video

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Debra was striding beside Esfalan, leading her horse, while Autonorë was riding with Jorda. Esfalan noted that where there was no apparent danger and no need for sleep, only one of the two stayed by his side. He'd not mentioned this observation.

He wasn't the only observant one of the three of them, however. From as companionable a silence as could be had in the wrack of the plague, Debra spoke. "You are very different when you are commanding, here in hostile territory. Even your speech is... more formal, and odd."

Esfalan nodded. "It is more of my inheritance, the legacy of the Captain-Commander. I will be more... playful when this task is complete."

Debra nodded. Esfalan gave an odd smile, as if hearing a joke she could not, and then told her, "If it were not cruel to the Company when the vast majority lack companionship, I would offer to you and Autonorë the chance to better guard my person at night from within my bedding."

Debra blushed, and stared ahead, scanning the sides of the road for possible threats. "If it were not unfair to the company to see their commander share his bedding when they could not, I would accept." Blushing harder, she continued, "And, so, I think, would Autonorë, though it is Jorda that is likeliest to successfully teach her his magic."

Esfalan silently agreed with the assessment. Companionably, they strode side by side as the leagues passed.

The town lay across the wide river, the river itself between levees and block-stone walls. The increase in the number of small farmsteads had become outlying houses, then a full-blown town, the outer reaches of one of Syrisia's large cities. They were close to the Gulf now, two-and-a-half days later. Esfalan and Pylonem had conferred, and agreed that the elves would ride in a shield of the legion-as-infantry. No one could guess what conditions might be like in the town; caution was certainly called for.

Almost uniformly, the houses they had passed in recent days had been burnt. Here, wood frame construction was the norm, rather than the stone that Esfalan was familiar with in Ehladriel, or the brick of the War College; it was reminiscent of the style of old Syrith that Avatharel had known.

In contrast, the wood houses in this town seemed to have caught fire and spread rapidly, though in a pattern that the wind could not account for.

Verothlen hit upon it, soon after they entered the town. "They tried to stop the spread of the plague by burning the houses of the sick," he said softly. Esfalan nodded somberly.

Nothing seemed to move in the charred remains of the town. The only noises were the horses, and the boots of the legionnaires. Esfalan had the sense of being watched by furtive eyes, and was glad he had his company and his legion.

Rapidly, they trotted - man and horse - through the town, to the bridge at the center, which, Esfalan was happy to see, was still standing, though it was wood. Quickly, they crossed to the other side, then made their way eastward through the debris and rotting corpses on the road. To the north was the Gulf of Syriss, the occasional glint coming from the still-high sun off the waves far out to sea.

Esfalan was sick of the death. Though he tried to be unaffected, it was weighing evenly on all the elves, and he shuddered to think how the humans were holding up. Debra was subdued, and Autonorë was nearly silent. Jorda was the least affected, though. As the sun began to fall, Esfalan ordered a camp be made in another burned-out barn. Esfalan expected nocturnal visitors, though, since the oppressive sense of being watched was so great in the town.

He asked Jorda if there were something the cleric could do to lighten the mood. The cleric sat and pondered for a moment, then fetched a canteen from his horse. Autonorë had sat with him, and conferred for a moment, and then the cleric began a lyrical litany, with an odd rhythm. After he had chanted over the canteen for a few minutes, Esfalan saw the now-expected glow.

Smiling, Jorda held out the canteen. Esfalan felt his left eyebrow climb, but reached out and took the offered container. He put it to his lips, and took a sip.

Instantly, cool water rushed into his mouth, bringing a taste of fresh mountain streams, and along with the taste, putting Esfalan in mind of happier times. As he swallowed, he felt like the strength and agelessness of the world itself were flowing into him; he had to force himself to stop from desperately gulping the sweet water.

"By all that is on Feldare, what is in that?" Esfalan could not contain the expostulation. Feeling lighter and more carefree, he recognized the sadness around him, but was able to put a barrier of good cheer between himself and the devastation. He looked inside the canteen, and it seemed as full as when he had started taking his first of five swallows. Or perhaps it had been ten? Nonetheless, the canteen was still full.

Clapping Jorda on the back, the Captain-Commander ordered every man, woman, elf, and horse to get a drink from the canteen.

Full night had fallen, and though it was once again a cold camp, with no fires to steep tea, or soften waybread, or, for the legionnaires, to fry bacon with, the spirit of the small company was better than it had any right to be. No one had been hurt, or come down ill, and Esfalan and Pylonem had conferred and agreed that Syrith was only three days by Imperial high road away.

Esfalan was dipping his waybread in cold water, ordinary water, this time, not cleric-blessed water, however much he would have liked it to have been. Jorda was indeed a blessing, Esfalan thought, and wondered, not for the first time, what it was in the elven view of the world that made them see those that humans saw as Gods as equals to the elves. Verothlen had come a bit out of his gloom, with the aid of the blessed water. Esfalan knew him to be in great pain from his internal disease, in addition to the depression the widespread death and destruction had caused in everyone.

He was about to speak to Verothlen, when the sound of an arrow in flight was heard, then the sound of the arrow hitting meat, together with an exhalation of wind from the unfortunate target. Esfalan was instantly at the barn wall, Debra beside him, but they did not see anything. Casting around him, he felt an elf on the roof watching targets try to sneak up. Wordless confirmation that the situation was under control flowed back to him, and he went back to his meal. After a minute, Debra sat down, too. He gave a few moment's thought to how Debra was able to stand down from her readiness to do battle when he had not spoken aloud, but no easy answer came to mind. No easy answer, or no comfortable one? his fey poked him.

But Esfalan could not sleep that night, due to the vigilance of his guards and the persistence of those who wanted to approach. He felt the guilt of striking them down before they had even a chance to ask for help, though he acknowledged to himself that in allowing them to ask, he would grant them food and water he could not spare. The knowledge did not make for an easy night, and much of the cleric's earlier effort seemed to turn sour for Esfalan.

Marching north and east up the Imperial highway the next day, they began to enter towns with less damage. Soon, people were visible, though none went out of their way to greet the company. Likewise, no one made any threatening move towards them.

By that evening, they were drawing crowds to come see them, pass through the town, still marching in legion order, the elves to the inside, on the inside of their horses, their strange armor, weapons, and appearance thus disguised to the extent possible.

Esfalan noted the people were greater in number than he expected, far more than one in five had survived the plague. They seemed reasonably healthy, though there were no markets or foodstuffs in evidence. Esfalan halted the column. He spent a moment to consult with Pylonem, and then the Centurion trotted off to the side, and asked for news.

Ten minutes later, he returned, and breathing slightly from the exertion, he repeated what he had learned.

The local populace had had the disease twenty years before, but the legions had come, and killed all who were still sick. They had heard about the widespread havoc, and had been missing foodstuffs from the countryside, but had been getting by with the stockpile the local Servant had ordered be made.

"Servant?" Esfalan raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know, either, Captain-Commander. I have never heard of it, and I've been a legionnaire all my life."

"And the legions killing the local populace?"

"I have not heard of that," yet Pylonem looked troubled. "Though, eighteen years ago, a legion was destroyed to a man, allegedly for disobedience." Pylonem seemed as if he believed they had been destroyed for obedience, instead. Esfalan left him to this newfound crisis with his government, and found Gileath.

He quickly repeated what he had learned, and told Gileath his suspicion that the town had been exposed to the disease early, in order to form a population base to repopulate the country. "I suspect there are other towns such as this as well, but the city will not be one. Go and find me one of these 'servants'. We shall wait."

Gileath nodded, and called out five elves and five legionnaires. He briefly issued orders, and then each of the ten singled out a member of the crowd. Drawing steel, each told the unfortunate observer they had chosen from the crowd to lead them to where the 'Servant' might be.

Esfalan did not have long to wait. Eight of the ten returned carrying a limp form, unconscious. The remaining two returned moments later. Esfalan called Jorda forth to tend to the man, but Jorda recoiled, gagging.

Perplexed by the cleric's behavior, Esfalan splashed water in the unconscious man's face. As he came to, he focused first on Pylonem, who was crouched beside Esfalan. "Ah, legionnaire. Is it time to begin?"

Esfalan could barely understand the man's slurred speech, but there was no mistaking the reaction when he turned and gazed at Esfalan. For a heartbeat, he regarded Esfalan, then his features twisted, as if he'd only just recognized him, and then screamed "Elf!"

At that moment, Jorda shouted, "Kill him!" and Esfalan saw a dark cloud begin to form about the human. Before anyone could move, however, Debra had drawn one of the knives Eritsral had made for her from Esfalan's steel, and thrust it through the man's eye. The 'servant' kicked twice, and then died.

Esfalan sat back on his heels, his heart racing. The crowd began an ugly murmur, and Esfalan realized his welcome in this place was gone.

"Form up!" he ordered. "Forward, march!"

"Fifteen miles," Esfalan ordered. "Fifteen more miles this day, into the night, before we camp. I shall not risk anyone from that town coming up behind us at night." The company marched on, while the sun set behind them.

Esfalan called Verothlen and Jorda to his side: Autonorë was taking her turn by his side already. "How is the pain this day, old friend?" he asked sympathetically.

Verothlen simply answered, "I shall manage."

Jorda spoke. "Verothlen, while I cannot slow your disease, I can help manage the pain. Will you allow me?"

Verothlen rode for a while, apparently considering the offer. "Yes," he said simply.

Jorda took on a look of concentration, and then the now-familiar white glow enveloped his hands and Verothlen's body. For five minutes it went on, then Jorda slumped, and Verothlen gave a sigh of immense relief.

"Thank you, Jorda. For a day, for a week, however long this lasts, I thank you."

Jorda regained his composure and smiled. "You carry a heavy burden, you know. I can help fairly often. Just ask, that's all."

"Verothlen, can you perform your disguise trick on each elf and keep it in place for a week?" Esfalan cut to the reason he had called them to himself. Autonorë gave him a reproachful look, but at his raised eyebrow, she looked to Verothlen instead.

"I can. There is a ward that may be placed on simple spells - a letter of constancy. Further, I can turn the mana inward, so as to be undetectable by leakage. Someone would have to be probing the area of the ward to find it."

Esfalan nodded. "Jorda, can you use the power of the One Who Remains to make us seem human to all senses? For, unless I mistake what I have observed and was told, I think magi and clerics can, while not actively casting, not observe each other's work."

Jorda frowned and concentrated a moment. "I cannot do anything about smell," he said.

Esfalan smiled.

Verothlen and Jorda had performed their respective magics, and even to Esfalan's eyes, they looked like the greater part of a Century of legionnaires.

They had passed through two more gutted towns, and were closing in on Syrith.

Within the day, they had passed the capital's gates, wide open, and found more of the same as they had seen elsewhere: burned-out houses, the occasional soot-blackened stone building, roof gone, and piles of corpses.

At least in this first section of the city, someone had organized the cleanup enough to gather and drop the bodies in piles on the streets.

As they penetrated deeper into the city, headed for the Imperial palace, Esfalan realized they were headed through terrain he quasi-recognized. Soon enough, they were descending the hill Avatharel had trotted his horse down all those years ago, and the city spread out like an ocean before them - right to the ocean shore itself.

As they marched on, Esfalan realized they were headed for the old elven enclave. Sure enough, as they reached the palace wall, Esfalan placed the palace as being on the same spot.

Perhaps it was a place of authority, he thought. When the Mindirrim moved out, the senate of Syriss moved in? Verothlen, he noticed, recognized the location too. They traded glances, and then pressed on.

Pylonem knocked on the large ironbound doors, a heavy 'Thunk, thunk'. A small sally port opened slightly, and a man looked out. "Which legion are you?"

Esfalan hissed quietly. "Abian."

Pylonem hardly hesitated. "Sixth Imperial, Abian. I am under the orders of Marilus Andrem, Commanding General. We shall not fit through that door, we have horses."

Under his breath, to Esfalan, he muttered, "We are Sixth Imperial, Abian."

Esfalan snorted, as the doors began to creak open.

Two hours later, the legionnaires having helped the elves get the horses in the stables, and at least give an appearance of settling in the barracks and searching for food, Pylonem was summoned to appear before the court. Esfalan and Jorda commented on the numbers of workers in the palace area - seemingly untouched by the devastation in the city and the countryside on the other side of those massive oaken doors in the wall.

There had been no time to have a council of war, to plan what to do inside this enclave.

Esfalan, Verothlen, and Jorda went with him, Debra and Autonorë had had some sort of quick game of chance to determine which went with Esfalan. He saw that Debra had won, to his relief, the oath of the trident would surely have been tested if what he had thought might occur in these walls came to pass. Jorda looked ill at ease with a sword on his hip. Verothlen told him to think of it as a rod with which to divine truth, and that seemed to settle the man down.

"I do not know who the summoner is or what may be discussed. I have never spoken with anyone inside the Imperial palace before." Pylonem was nervous to Esfalan's eye. He clapped a hand to the man's shoulder in encouragement.

The four presented themselves to a functionary on the second floor of a larger building. Esfalan had determined that though the site was the same, the building was far newer and of a different plan than the ones he remembered. The functionary took the four though vast suites of offices, seemingly all fully staffed. There was no sense of disaster, no urgency in the palace and Imperial bureaucracy. Esfalan felt he was in some surreal dream, almost as if the world outside the palace were irrelevant.

The small group stopped in a large antechamber, populated with other small groups, each with some sort of palace staff member. Their guide brought them over to another official at a desk, where Pylonem's name and reason ("summoned") were recorded, then they were issued another palace official to wait with them.

Esfalan studied the others in the antechamber. None of them seemed to be armed, though no one had asked the legionnaires to disarm. Esfalan itched to ask what was waiting for them on the other side of the door. He realized his voice would sound an alarm, though, for his old form of the language, if not for his elven tones. Similarly, though she had the outward appearance of a slim Legionnaire, Debra could not speak or her light tones would draw attention. Jorda seemed to understand his desire, for after a few moments, he murmured to Pylonem.

Pylonem nodded. "How are we expected to behave in the presence?" he quietly asked the official waiting with them.

The other sniffed, it was clear he was miffed that he would have to present such country yokels to the Imperial court. For it was eminently clear that that the court was on the other side of the door.

"Stand, and wait to be announced. Do not speak unless addressed, when the Emperor is finished with you, you may stand on the side of the court, and converse quietly with the others present. Loud discourse is strongly discouraged, unless one wishes a visit with the justicer. When the audience is over, all leave. Unless you have been given an order to carry out immediately, in which case you leave at that time."

Pylonem nodded. It was difficult for Esfalan to avoid nodding, as it was not his station to, in the role he was playing.

They waited for perhaps thirty minutes, unable to discuss plans. From Verothlen, Esfalan simply had a sense of waiting, like water in a dam, ready to flow downhill instantly when the obstruction was removed.

The doors swung open, and the man who had opened them received a list from the official at the desk. A name was called, and a haughty-looking man with thick silk clothing and a sheaf of papers was allowed in. The functionary who had waited with him left the antechamber, headed for the rest of the palace, with some haste.

For three hours, Esfalan and the others waited for their turn. Pylonem's stomach rumbled loudly, and his impatience was showing. Esfalan gave him a sharp look, and Pylonem made a visible effort to calm himself.

At long last, the doors opened, and "The representative from the Sixth Legion" was summoned.

Entering the long hall, Esfalan and the others were awed by the scale of the room. Easily fifty paces wide, it was a hundred paces long also. Ten paces from the walls, a line of long columns supported the arched roof. Lapus lazuli inlaid bands chased with thin bands of gold within the marble of the columns at eye height, and a long carpet of the same blue color, running the length of the hall between the pillars gave the room a rich appearance. Low tables at the side walls were under stained-glass windows, pure white silk cloths covered the tables, and fruits and delicacies were on the tables. A few knots of the earlier audience's participants were clustered at a few of the tables, and Esfalan marveled at the ostentatiousness of the display when the Empire was in shambles outside.

The man who had opened the doors led the way down a wide carpet leading to the dais at the far end. On the dais were a number of people, dressed in silk, some lounging, some occupied in a game of dice and moving small figures on a board, and some drinking wine and spectating. In the center of the dais was a young man, his features vapid and eyes devoid of intelligence. Something was wrong with the young man, it was clear, as he seemed thin and emaciated, and moved with a jerkiness, a palsy, that caused both Jorda and Verothlen to draw air in sharply. The young man giggled loudly at a jest some one of the courtiers or another made.

"Your Imperial Majesty, the representative from the Sixth Legion." The man gave no particular emphasis on the title, and Esfalan relaxed marginally.

The youth on the throne gave a high-pitched nervous laugh. "Is that the legion that mutinied?" He turned around, asking some of the others on the dais. "Is that the one?" Apparently, no one knew.

"Your Majesty," Pylonem began, "We have not mutinied. We have been dying, your Majesty."

"What? Dying! Who are we fighting?" The eagerness in the young man's voice was frightening.

Esfalan and Pylonem shared an incredulous look. "Your Majesty, there is plague and widespread disorder in your Empire. I personally have seen tens of thousands of dead here in the city alone, and hundreds of thousands more in the countryside. How do you not know this?"

Two persons on the dais sat up and paid attention. The others were completely uninterested in the goings-on below. To the two, Pylonem addressed his next words. "Are there no plans in place for such a disaster?"

One of the two started, and said to the other, "Where will the wine and performers come from?"

Pylonem had his hands on his hips, and shouted. "Damnit! Are you all drugged or just simple? Is there not one of you who cares that the Empire is dying out there?"

The Emperor shook a finger at Pylonem. "It's not nice to talk to me that way. If my mage were here, or any of his servants, I would have him teach you. Yes, we care. There was nasty smoke and an awful smell for some days, I could barely sleep."

Pylonem grated out between clenched teeth. "Boy... you just get your mage here. I will have words with him."

Esfalan and Verothlen both reacted to the word 'servants'. Trading a glance, they readied themselves for action.

"And why should the Emperor summon me?" the voice was deep and smooth. Standing in the doorway at the far end of the hallway was a dark figure, clad in robes of dark earth tones, browns and deep greens. The figure advanced towards them, and Esfalan felt his eyes widen as he took in the scale of the figure - easily six feet and four inches, massive and broad - Esfalan put its' mass at twenty stone - two hundred and eighty pounds. Esfalan felt something strange, then, a wave of something unpleasant, and it gained in strength with every step the figure took.

Several somethings then happened in Esfalan's mind. It is evil, and I cannot abide it came suddenly from his fey, a sentiment Esfalan wholly agreed with. Esfalan remembered clearly the demon Avatharel had destroyed once before, years before Hrosz' appearance, and remembered the easiest way to kill a demon was to get a clean swing and decapitate it at the junction between shoulder and neck. And then suddenly, Garvaiden was filling Esfalan's mind.

Garvaiden! No! Do not let it detect you! Esfalan trusted Jorda's skill, more than Garvaiden did, apparently, since the demon had not paid Verothlen or Esfalan any special attention.

Instead, it chose to focus on Pylonem. Where the human found the reserve of will to face that creature, unfettered and closing on him, the waves of malice pouring forth and washing over Pylonem, Esfalan did not know.

Yet, withstand it the human did, though he knew what he faced. "Demon, you have laid waste to my nation. I shall not suffer you to live." With that, he drew his sword.

The demon leapt forward, while Esfalan and Verothlen stepped apart and away from Pylonem. Jorda dropped to a knee, and suddenly blazed in white light.

The tableau was frozen, for one second, a heartbeat. Stark shadows streamed away from the brilliance that was Jorda, and the light began to separate from Jorda. The figures on the dais were all hellishly lit, expressions of horror and shock on their faces. Esfalan forewent his hyandrel and instead drew his celandrel, circling behind the demon, while time sped up, and the demon turned to the column of light, a length of sooty red fire streaking upwards for six feet from its' hand, spitting and dripping gouts of fire.

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Sniper in the TreelineChapter 2

The Regional Force/Popular Force base was isolated and in a certain sense that was a good thing because it meant nobody from higher headquarters would be fucking with us anytime soon. Things were still a little chaotic after the Tet Debacle, and it seemed like there was a whole new line-up of high-ranking chiefs making decisions back in Danang. I know it probably sounds strange to be thinking of the head shed being in Danang but that is because the combat elements of the Marine Corps were...

4 years ago
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Wife and her Fantasy Lover

A few years ago my wife told me of her interest in how sexy a school teacher was that she had met. He reminded her of Bruce Willis ( of whom her fantasy was to have sex)After a few weeks she expressed how horny she felt when they just spoke to one another and how would I feel if she had sex with him. She and he had been flirty sexting for a while. I was in 2 minds about this and asked if she had discussed this with him. She said she had not but felt it could happen as he is a man and the right...

2 years ago
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My Second Chance Book 2 Grade 10Chapter 8

The day of the Tour de Victoria arrives. I have an agreement that the cheerleaders would attend wearing our jersey, but two or three girls are missing from every team. Carol is fully healed from her injuries, and I still have some bruised ribs but decide to do the 140k distance anyway. Sam and Grandpa rented trailers to bring all the bikes to the race. Almost every event has the maximum amount of athletes. Some cyclists are turned away. I’m not surprised to say, it almost feels like a...

4 years ago
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First time with my sister inlaw

It was a big night out, our k**s were with the grandparents, and my sister in-law Steph and her husband Paul had turned up at our house for pre-night out drinks.After after a couple of drinks we jumped into a taxi and headed out to the charity dinner dance, I was sat in the back between my wife and Steph, it was a twenty minute ride as as I sat there I could feel Steph's nylon clad legs rubbing against mine, this of course made me feel a little bit horny and I start to get semi-erect.We arrived...

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Internet Dating and a Slut

When I first started seeing this guy, I could tell that he would be open to fantasies. So as we got to know each other more, I would confess to him some certain fantasies that I had and wanted to have come true, maybe. One I forgot about, but obviously he didn't, was about to unfold. Marc had emailed me and informed me we were going to do an afternoon/evening fantasy together the upcoming weekend. He did not say what we were doing, he only instructed what I was to do, what to...

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My Girlfriend8217s Virgin Pussy 8211 Part II

Hi friends this is Jeet from Gujarat, Let me describe myself. I’m 5.11″…not so handsome but a normal one. Having average body, single, I am a network engineer. I am back with a new story; thank you all for appreciating my old stories n thanks for your response to my previous story “My Girlfriend’s Virgin Pussy this story is next part of that story. In first part you all read how my friend Prity asked me to fuck her friend Reshma and how I showed my skills to Reshma, so in this part I will tell...

4 years ago
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Sex SchoolChapter 7

Sara met the two men in the sitting room. "Janet is in the tub, getting all ready for you. Why don't we all join her for a hot soak?" Mike was ushered into the bath, where Janet was submerged up to her neck in the oversized Jacuzzi. When she saw Mike walk in, a happy smile lit up her face. Mike thought he had never seen her so beautiful. Sara and Jim got right into the steaming water, removing only their slippers. They sat very close together, with Jim's arm around Sara. Mike made haste...

1 year ago
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A party in the park

I was out and about with two other friends – It had been snowing so we just walked about a bit and ended up walking through the powder snow in the park, leaving our footprints. We ended up on a bridge looking down at the water which had begun to freeze. We had nothing in mind when one of my friends saw a guy she knew and we called him over. I had met him once before and he was cool. We talked for a while and one of my friends asked him how he went with Jan – a girl we all knew. He had...

2 years ago
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Sweet Memories

I haven't thought of my first anal experience in years, but today, the memory came to me. I would like to share the story with you. We were quite close and very open about all things, and since Mike was much more experienced than I was he had taken it upon himself to make sure I had a well-rounded sexual education... The conversation turned out something like this: "You know honey, I have never met anyone like you," Mike said, "you have never turned down any kind of sex. You were a virgin...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Blake Blossom Part 2

If you missed Part 1 of Blake Blossom’s Epic debut scene here at ExCoGi you have to check it out. But in case you didn’t, the beginning of Part 2 gives you a little taste of the fun rides the Blake Blossom Amusement Park has to offer and the fun Jake had riding everything this blooming flower had to offer on the car ride to the hotel. With so much “Strange Danger” about, a quick call to mom before her beautiful daughter takes dick on camera is always a safe bet and...

3 years ago
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In his hands I felt safe. I always had. In a world of people desperately seeking and holding out hope for that one true connection, I had found mine. He had stolen my heart in an instant, becoming my oxygen and with him I felt more alive than ever before. Never had I felt so treasured and adored, his affection spellbinding. Willingly I bestowed both my mind and body to him. And in doing so he had opened my eyes to so much more. Deep in my heart I knew he would always keep me close, forever...

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Mama Ke Family Ki Chudai 8211 Part 5

Ab hum story ke 5th part me enter hochuke pichle part me hum ne dekha tha ke mama tin din ke tour pe gaye hai aur ab tou se wapsi ka last din tha usse pahele mai tino ki gaand marna chahta tha maine market se ek mere hi lund kaisa dildo kharid kar laya aur tino ko gift kiya 3rd day subah hum charo uthe sab undergarments pe the sab logon ne ek sath bath kiya aur Phir breakfast ke liye bath gaye tabhi kon subah subah cum plus honey lund chuse ga seema aur rima dono tayyar hogaye maine lower utara...

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car threesome

I remember once when i picked up my girlfriend and her friend from a works xmas party. We were driving back when my girlfriend started playing with my cock, so i reached over and started rubbing between her legs, she had the tiniest skirt on so was quite easy to slip a finger in her, she started moaning a little, when her friend reached round and started to rub at my girlfriends tits, when next thing i had another hand on my cock.I kept my eyes open for where to pull over as i couldn't handle...

2 years ago
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Queen Yavara Chapter 44

PRIVATE HESIA OF THE HIGHLAND ARMY “…I’m telling you, you’re safe if you don’t put the helmet on.” Alex said to me. We were stationed in the Crescent, a part of the Rift that bowed inward. It was the safest part of Sector Two, as the inward bow would funnel enemies into a crossfire. After being part of Droughtius’s fifth division and getting absolutely smashed at the Battle of the Tundra, it was nice to just man a wall. There’d only been one assault of the Crescent during the entire...

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Dost Ki Maa Ki Chut Bajai

Hi friends, today I will tell you about a slut. Neelima jha naam ki ye mahila mere ek dost ki maa hai aur pichle 3 saalo se meri rakhail. Dotson jab koi aurat apne koi jada hi modern darshane me rehti hai to mere jaisa koi na koi harami uski is bewakoofi ka fayeda utha leta hai aur aage fir na vo mordern banti hai na vo normal rehti hai bas bister garam karne vaali rand ban jaati hai. Neelima bhi ek aisi hi mahila hai. Pati uska south africa me hai. Beta pratik job karta hai noida aur ye mera...

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A French Lesson

Sometimes you meet people that will influence you at the strangest times. I was sitting around the campus with some friends just hanging out when I met the man who would change the way I thought about men forever. We were really just lounging around the couches and chairs in the union when a group of men approached us and asked if they could sit down as well. They looked like they had been walking forever so we didn’t hesitate to let them sit with us. Now when you are sitting down everyone...

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The Valentine8217s Day Trap

I am Akshay Ganna 36 years old with an athletic body structure standing 6 feet tall. Lot of girls ogle me and show hidden desires, so I use it to the maximum of my advantage. I hope you have read all my stories at or you can also do a search by name “Akshay Ganna” inside the website (as some experiences are not listed under my profile page). The incident I am narrating now happened on 14th Feb 2014. A day I would always remember forever. I came to the office an hour early to start my work....

1 year ago
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My Virgin Wife Back In 1984

I could not believe how terribly aroused I had become after the events of the long, long wedding day. I could tell that her struggling was mostly for show. She felt her resistance weakening, just as my thick, painfully hard penis touched the small red lips of my young bride’s vagina. The bloated head was shiny and it slightly resembled something that should have whiskers! "Just for a second!” She finally gasped, even as I slipped into her tightness. "Uh, uh, you can break me, but...

2 years ago
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A Woman Waiting to Happen Part TwoChapter 9 Sarah

I’ll admit it, I was a little nervous, I was about to spend the night with a man, the first since my husband, the second one in my whole life. And he was a lot bigger than Carlos, everywhere. And where Carlos was brutal and selfish, Mike was gentle and caring. I had noticed though, that when Mike wanted something, Mike got it. He was even more domineering than Carlos, but did it in such a way that made what he wanted the most important thing in the world to you. And I suspected that if Mike...

4 years ago
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Bi MMF BBC wife w Shower

It all begins with a look from my sexy beautiful wife Madison as she leans into kiss me passionately. As the kiss comes to an end, she moves her lips to my ear and whispers... "Happy Birthday my baby, Tell me you deepest most secret fantasy honey and tonight for your birthday I will fulfill it for you." (at this point Madison poured her self and Tim a glass of wine) My heart begins to beat rapidly and my cock begins to swell. I look at her and say, "I don't want to tell you what it...

3 years ago
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You Just Dont Understand Part 1

Copyright (C) 2004 - Karen Virginia This story deals with adult situations and subject matter. If you are not of age, do not continue reading. All characters are fictional and do not represent anyone living or dead. This is my second attempt at writing (and much 'darker') so I hope readers can forgive any errors I may have made. Authors are always advised to "write what you know" -- so although this is fiction though... much of it all of it is based on personal experience...

1 year ago
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The Crystal RainbowChapter 6 Grounded

Christine listened to the woman as she prattled on about nothing. The girl smiled and nodded, but her mind roiled with the turmoil she felt over the presence of Helen's masked companion. He had not spoken a word, yet, Christine felt his eyes burning into her as he watched her every move. Her mind split in two, one part seemed to pay attention to Helen and the stunned other part, focused intently upon the man sitting quietly at the table. "Erik! I cannot believe this! Once, years ago, I...

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Big Mutha Truckers1

Lethbridge building in Mahwah and made his way to his cubicle, as he had done nearly every workday for the past 10 years. "Morning Yrral!" Einreb said as he passed Yrral Allemoc's cube at 10 to 9 on a Monday morning. "Morning Einreb!" Yrral called back. "Where's Gerg?" Einreb asked. "I don't know; he's going to be late in a minute," the boss said. Sure enough, the receptionist then announced over the PA system, "Attention please! The time is now nine...

3 years ago
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Lost and Found Part 3

Chapter 13 Daisy and Claire left on a high note as Daisy beamed with pride over hearing she could consider Claire, Patrick, and David's father as her own father even if he wasn't actually alive to have met her. To the little girl, it was more meaningful than anything else she had learned about the family. It was a dad that she could be proud to call her father instead of the constant reminder that she was the daughter of an imprisoned drug dealer and attempted kidnapper. Sheila saw...

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Career Cocksucker 5

After hearing about all the fun and frolicking that goes on at Bear events, I told Leo that we should attend one. He had attended a few and sounded like he experienced much enjoyment while I had never been. He warned me of the dangers of a couple going -- that there would be a lot of hot men and we'd both be tempted to stray outside our close relationship. Leo and I had been faithful to each other for a few years and the sex remained fantastic. But we decided that going might spice up our...

1 year ago
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Afternoon Surprise Delight Part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! It had been a rough day at work and my head was killing me. I decided I would take the rest of the day off and head home to get some rest. I figured I would have the house to myself and could relax a little. When I pulled into the driveway, I noticed my niece’s car was there. She was normally at work at this time. Perhaps she was just running late and would pass me in the hall on her way out. I probably should explain a few things. My wife got custody...

1 year ago
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Me and my brother in laws wife continued part

Continued story.....Ehile i started to lick her pussy lips Ankita was trying her best to push my face away and cover her legs......i knew she was never licked coz of her surprised looks...then i did something which i had always watched in videos but never tried..I parted her legs making enough sace for my entire face to be buried inside the thighs so that she cant close them and i let my arms go around her thighs and grabbed both of her hands and getting them on her her palms were...

2 years ago
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Aggybook 2Chapter 37

"Aggy" commed Slow, "Navy local have just informed me that the covering BC squadron has gone off to the southwest investigating reports of some marauding force taking out merchies. Gorgipest is uncovered and they request we send out our VWs as scouts. I didn't tell them they were tasked and out of the area." "We could send out some UVAs but you have already thought of that, haven't you;" replied McCock, "you want to sortie in "Vector". What is the status of that third...

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Moving to a Retirement Community

When I retired, 15 years ago, I never realized just how boring my life was. I was happy though. I'd managed to stay single all my life, never even tempted to get married and have a family. Yes, I'd had plenty of girlfriends, but for one reason or another none of them lasted much longer than a couple of weeks. I think one relationship lasted almost 6 month, but I didn't end that one. She was killed by in a freak accident one evening. She lost control of her car and it went into a lake,...

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BlacksOnBlondes Hannah Hays 05292018

It’s called “A Hour” and unless you were involved with college athletics, you wouldn’t know anything about it. It’s tough keeping the jocks on the playing field, because a lot of them don’t study. Enter two football players…a coach…a cheerleader (yes, cheering is a sport!)…and one missing football player! “Someone tell Slim his ass is grass, and I’m the lawnmower!” the Coach bellows on his way to his office. Now,...

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Tushy Lana Rhoades Lana Part 1

Lana has moved from Chicago to LA with one thing in mind, to ace her last year at university. With an unpaid internship and her finals getting close, she has no time to herself and she has no extra cash. When she rents out her spare room, she finds her roommate always coming home with beautiful things, even though she knows her parents don’t have a lot of money. She find out the reason for this is that she’s a high class escort. This intrigues Lana and she gets the opportunity to try it out for...

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InseparablePart I

My twin brother Abel and I were born only three minutes apart. I was born first and then he came out three minutes later so silent, my mother thought he was a stillborn and began to cry. It took just a few seconds for the doctors to examine him and assure my mother he was alive. Not me. I was crying hysterically. My mother says my tiny arms were up in the air like I was trying to grasp something. She says when they lay me in her arms I calmed down but was still desperately trying to find...

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DNAChapter 2

Anne hung up and rubbed her bleary eyes. She was getting nowhere. The DNA altering virus she had injected Jim with had resisted all her attempts to remove it. If she increased the potency of the virus any more it would destroy his entire genetic makeup and Jim would literally disolve. A more worrying fact was that the small supply of Jim's blood was fast running out. It was the only remaining stock of Jim's male DNA and when it was gone Anne would have no way to turn him back into his old...

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Just an OldFashioned Romance

Introduction: This story is intended to be a modern romance with a kinky twist. For the romance, I’ve worked hard to provide sympathetic characters, an interesting story, and, of course, a happy ending. For the kink, I’ve provided BDSM, non-consent, incest, anal, minor scat, exhibitionism, implied gay, mature, interracial, and group. Please let me know if I succeeded with either the romance or the kink. Or, best of all, if I succeeded in blending them together. My first scene was inspired by...

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Older Pussy

maureen is a older woman i used to work with she is 62 years old short brown hair to her neck glasses,nice tits, some sag to them but still nice, nice ass and a trimmed pussy, this happened a few years ago, i meet maureen at work very nice from the day i started, sweet lady, grandma like, would help you out anything you need she was there, very sweet lady.she was set to retire and the office staff wanted to take her out for drinks and dinner, maureen was surprised when she showed up gifts,cards...

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wife exposed

Something happened after we were married. As the junior associate at work, I was detailed to get some old files from storage in the basement of our building. When I returned to my office, I found a "dirty book" in the old box containing the files that were needed. Someone had stashed it there. Of course I read it. It was about a busty wife who had all sorts of reluctant sexual adventures, trying to get out of them with hand jobs or tit fucks, but if that failed she would allow only anal...

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Missy Day Four

The next morning I woke up groggy and sore, everywhere. I was surprised that I hadn’t been woken up by my alarm or Mommy for school yet. Morning light streamed into my bedroom window so I knew it couldn’t be too late in the day. I gingerly sat up in bed and took inventory of my naked body. It turns out fucking is a whole body sport. My arms were sore from holding myself up on the table, but I lifted them to gently cup my breasts. My nipples were a little red and tender from sliding against...

4 years ago
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TandraChapter 52

The sleepers came out of their tanks, much more physically fit. In the coming hours some woke up for a short period of time, and then went back to sleep. I made it a point to try to be at the awakening, and for them to see me beside them. Jamal did his best too, considering his limitations, to get the girls to regain some of their former lives. The three babies did what I expected, and most of the new mothers, tried to be home more. The nannies worked well, but the Dolson was just not as...

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A Brother8217s Sacrifice 8211 Part 1

I am going to story which is happen to one of my friends. Now the story in his words. I am Amit . I leave in Gajiyabad. I am 6 feet tall and have athletic body. I have not much hair on my body. Four years before when I am of 18 I came to leave with my sister and jiju in Gajiyabad because my mother had died .most of time I help my sister. Today it is 2 year past when my sister had died she died in a car accident which was driven by me some I escaped. She left a beautiful girl of 3 and half year...

Gay Male
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My Neighbor Aunt Anu

Hi everyone and this is Rajesh from Bangalore. It was September of 2008 when I moved to Bangalore, for pursuing Engineering in IT from a good college in Southern Bangalore since I had taken a late admission. I could not get a nice room in college hostel. We had a close family friend anu Aunty living in Bangalore. She was working in HR dept in very big IT Company. I was 21 at that time and she was around 37 and divorced. Her husband was a big time loser and never cared for her. She is a real...

1 year ago
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Reddit Sex Stories

Reddit Sex Stories, aka r/SexStories! What is the sexiest part of the human body? Is it the titty, that beautiful and bouncy gland that delivers milk, the nectar of human life? Or is it the booty, that bubbly round peach from whence poop comes? Many fetishists would argue that it’s the foot, while your typical vanilla dude might go crazy about a really tight cunt. A bunch of big-brained fancy pants often claim the sexiest human organ is actually the mind.We live in a time of extremely realistic...

Reddit NSFW List
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The King in Yellow Chapter Sixteen

“I’ve often wondered if I might have gone into the criminology side of the job myself” said Zora, lounging in Katya’s bed with a glass of tea. Katya rolled over onto her stomach, the cuts on her back leaving thin crimson smears on the sheet. “It was very different when we were young” she replied. “Most of us in the department today have studied and worked abroad – apart from the youngsters”. “I’m not proud of how we treated the prisoners back then,” Zora said, seriously “I resigned a long...

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Just One HourChapter 12

Stacey's husband took his cock red faced into his hand and began to tug the foreskin. He could see his delicate wife knelt between the black guys legs. She had one long nailed hand on his knee the other making a small fist around his iron rod. She was in silhouette and her upturned nose and pouting lips came ever closer to the bulging purple helmet. The blood was rushing up his pipes as his own rod become achingly hard. The hardcore movie was still playing; now a barley legal teen in some...

2 years ago
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Fucking Sister Leads To Mother 8211 Part 6

Hi, I am Niket 25 year old again with my good looking and beautiful mom, Nila , 52 year old with a 35 + boobs and nice round ass. She is attractive with 5.7 feet with flat tummy. After reaching in hotel room in Lonavala, she told me to relax in hotel rather than going out. I was sure about her sexual pleasure with me by seeing her actions and reactions while traveling. I agreed for that and we smiled looking to each other. I was really desperate to enjoy with her but not ready to initiate from...


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