FaithChapter 2 free porn video

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"Come on Ty," Dan said in frustration. "You know I'm right about this."

"It's not a question of being right, it's about me trusting her."

Dan shook his head, staring at his friend in frustration. "Trust is one thing, but five hours a day in that place... five days a week? That's asking too much from anyone, especially you."

"Look, I understand what you're saying, but it's not that simple."

"Now you're just being pig-headed. You cannot sit there and tell me this isn't tearing you apart. She's there for hours in her underwear, with guys buying her drinks and telling her anything, trying to get laid. Any time someone wants to feel your girlfriend grind against them, they just have to give her twenty bucks. It's been five months. How can you keep going along with it?"

Tyler gave him a smoldering glare. "It's not like I have a choice. I love her, but this is what she does right now. No, I'm not happy, but I trust her."

Dan's expression softened, trying to be conciliatory. "Ty, I'm not attacking you... or Faith. I think she's great. Hell, I wish I would have been lucky enough to meet her first. But one of these days, she's going to drink too much or run into some guy who knows just the right thing to say. There's no way she can live like that and not eventually slip up. Could you?"

Tyler looked at Dan, his eyes blank as if he couldn't even see his friend. "No, I couldn't."

Pulling up to Johnny's, Tyler turned off the ignition and stared at Faith's car. His mind flashed back to the night he got up the nerve to invite her over for Christmas. That day had been perfect, the night even better. Everything had just fallen into place after that, like a jigsaw puzzle when you finally find the one piece that makes it all work.

They had been inseparable since then, enjoying everything together. Their interests were similar, but even when they weren't, both of them enjoyed seeing new things through each other's eyes.

The only area of disagreement between them seemed to be her job. It was a knife, twisting in Tyler's gut, pushing the two of them slowly apart. All of his friends saw it, although his father felt it more keenly than anyone.

Ray had come to love Faith like a daughter. Seeing the two of them going through something that could rip them apart was very painful for him. Every time he tried to help, however, it only seemed to make things worse. He finally decided just to be there for both young people and hope for the best. At night, he would talk to Marie, just like when she was alive. He wished there was a way she could answer him. She had always been better at dealing with people and their emotions.

"Faith, " he would whisper. "You'd tell me to have faith, wouldn't you, honey?" After the talks with Marie, he'd stare at the ceiling restlessly, trying to find a way to believe as passionately as she would have.

Nothing Ray, Tyler's friends, or even Faith said seemed to help. Despite every effort to understand and not blame, Tyler felt the nagging doubt.

Just like Renee, the voice would taunt him. Tyler was unable to forget how she had manipulated and lied to him. After it ended, it was so easy to see the signs he had ignored. The way she acted when she had been with the other guy, how she put distance between them, yet told him it was his imagination. He felt like a complete fool for believing her. Now he was in a similar situation. Was he playing the fool again?

He stared at her car for several minutes, trying to wash the doubt from his mind with memories of how happy she made him. Faith was warm, caring and supportive. She embodied everything he had been looking for in a woman, plus a number of things he never imagined being lucky enough to find. She was adventurous, witty and had a wry sense of humor that often had him guessing what she might do next. The way she constantly surprised him was something he looked forward to every day.

Thinking about her wonderful qualities caused him to feel guilty for his doubts. What are you doing? She's nothing like Renee, Tyler scolded himself.

Pushing Dan's warnings from his mind helped him feel a little better. Tyler got out of his car and headed for the entrance. Faith was already supposed to be off work, so he didn't hesitate to go in. Tyler found out long ago that he couldn't watch her work with customers. Instead of driving himself crazy (and her too in the process), he had learned to just meet her after work. It was easier not to think about what she might have done that day, or with whom.

He shoved the front door open and stepped inside. The place was more crowded than usual for that time of night. It was strange because there weren't more cars than he would expect, but almost twice as many men. There was a large group in the back by the pool tables hooting and hollering, but it was impossible to see what they were doing. Tyler turned to the front, but didn't see Faith anywhere. He walked to the bar to say hi to Susie, the bartender.

"Hey gorgeous, how's it going?" he asked with a smile.

"Tyler!" she said, reaching over and grabbing him in a hug. "I haven't seen you in ages."

"Well, you know," he said, a little embarrassed. "I don't like to watch her work."

Susie looked at him sympathetically. "I understand, Ty. You should know that she's still working."

Tyler looked at her, confused. "She is? I thought she was supposed to be off twenty minutes ago."

"She was, but we got a group of yuppies in here an hour ago and they've been dropping a lot of cash. None of the girls have left." Susie looked around nervously. "Maybe you should come back a little later."

"Why, where is she?" Ty asked, looking around the front. Suddenly it hit him. "She's in the back with them, isn't she?" he said with an edge to his voice. When Susie nodded, he could feel the anger building. "What's going on with the group back there? I thought you had a rule about only one at a time for the dances."

"Well," she said evasively, looking away from him. "You know how it is. Sometimes when they're dropping a lot of cash, the rules get bent a little." She looked back apologetically. "Seriously, she won't be on much longer. Why don't you go grab a bite to eat and I'll tell her to call you?"

"Fine," Tyler said hotly. He turned without another word and headed for the bathroom before leaving. He resisted the temptation to look over, afraid it would only make things worse.

He walked in and headed to one of the stalls. As he unzipped his pants, he heard the door opening and the noise level rise, then fall again.

"Shit, can you believe her? What a fucking slut!"

"I told you, man. Paul's a fucking machine. He nails more of these bimbos than anybody I've ever met." Tyler felt his throat tightening as the other man responded.

"You think he'll really get to fuck her? She is so hot!"

"Dude, he knows all the tricks. Spend the money on them, get 'em all hot and bothered, then work out the details. Shit, have you ever seen a stripper let a guy touch her like that? It's in the bag."

"Well, maybe he can get her to come over for a party. I'd love a piece of that."

"You never know. Paul's cool. If he can work it out, there'll be enough for everyone."

"All right, I'll catch you back there," the first man said excitedly. "I want to see what he'll be able to get her to do."

The volume swelled as the bathroom door opened, then faded. Tyler stood silently, frozen in shock, unable to say or do anything. Finally, he heard the other man leave and he stepped out of the stall. He turned on the faucet and washed his hands, watching in detached fascination as they shook uncontrollably. When he finished, his eyes rose until he saw himself in the mirror. His face was pale, sweat beaded on his forehead.

"Get it together," he said quietly, closing his eyes. "They're full of shit, and you know it."

Tyler took a second to compose himself, then reached for the door, realizing that his hand was still shaking. He stepped back into the bar, the scene feeling more like a dream than reality. In a haze, he walked robotically to the back of the room where there was still a group of eight men blocking his view of the area where the women danced.

As he walked toward the scene, he had a vision of the first time she danced for him. It was still so clear in his mind that he could remember most of the details, even after so long. He reached to the group of men and pushed his way through until he could see what everyone was cheering about.

Faith was dancing in front of a man, but Tyler couldn't see what the man looked like because she was blocking his face. She was between the man's legs, grinding her ass against the crotch of his slacks. Her head was back on his shoulder, her cheek rubbing against his as her hips moved to the beat of the music.

Although her dancing was very erotic, what caught Tyler's attention was the fact that the man's hands were running from her hips to her ribs, then back down again. There wasn't supposed to be any touching at the bar, at least by the customers. A couple of times the man's fingers caught in the waistband of her panties, threatening to pull them down. Faith managed to reach down and grab them, although she did it with a laughing reprimand. It did little to discourage his attempts.

When the song ended, he reached both hands around her stomach, touching her just over the top of her panties, then held her against his crotch as he moved his hips in a thrusting motion against her. Again she laughed and playfully swatted away his hands. There was a pile of twenty-dollar bills on the table next to her, and the man reached into his pocket and pulled out another, setting it down on top of them.

"More, more," the group chanted as the man rested his hands on her hips, his fingers caressing the top of her thighs. He gently prevented her from getting up as she was now straddling his leg. The man was bouncing her on his thigh to the delight of his friends. Tyler knew her thong-covered pussy was being pressed into his leg.

"How about it Faith," he asked, kissing her on the cheek. "One more dance?"

She smiled, then looked back at the group. "What do you say guys, one more d..." Her voice stopped abruptly and her smile disappeared as her eyes locked onto Tyler's. He could see her lips moving, but no sound came out. Without a word, he turned and walked quickly toward the door.

Tyler wasn't aware of any sound or feeling as he stumbled through the door into the warm night air. The fog he was in as he left the bathroom had deepened, and he barely comprehended anything except the need to get to his car immediately. Once he reached it, Ty realized he couldn't get his keys out of his pocket because his hands were shaking so badly. In frustration, he stepped forward and brought his right hand down, striking the hood as hard as he could. The sound ricocheted through the parking lot, bouncing back to him a split second before the pain hit.

"Ahhh!" he screamed, cradling his injured hand against his chest.

"Ty!" he heard Faith yell, her voice wavering. "What are you doing?"

Shocked, he realized that she had followed him out of the club. She stood there staring at him, wearing just her panties and a jacket pulled over her shoulders, looking at him with concern.

"What was going on in there?" he demanded angrily.

She looked down, unable to meet his glare. "I was just working late."

"Really," he said sarcastically. "So when did the bar start doing shows for groups of men in the back?"

"Look, I can explain Ty, just calm down, please," she implored. "They came in together from a bachelor party and were throwing money around like crazy to all the girls. After a while, they started singling me out for dances. Once I started dancing for this one guy..."

"Paul," Tyler interrupted with a snarl.

Faith seemed to be caught off guard by Tyler's comment. "Yes... er, he started asking for dance after dance. His friends came back after the first couple. I told them they couldn't stay, but he insisted."

"Yeah, well good to know how much influence Paul has over you."

"How do you... never mind. Ty, I know it was wrong, but I made more in the last hour than I normally make all night."

"And why do you think that is, Faith? You know how I feel about this and you know why. Then, even when you know I'm coming by, you break a half-dozen rules and rub my nose in it."

"That's not true!" Faith said, defensively. "Yes, I let it go further than I should have, but it was no big deal. I wouldn't have let it get out of control."

"Well maybe you should have let Paul know that. His friends were under the impression you'd be fucking him tonight. They also were hoping for a little gang bang later."

"What?" she shrieked. "Please don't tell me you believed them."

"I believe my eyes," he shot back, daring her to deny it.

"Listen," she said, refusing to back down. "I admit it, I shouldn't have danced in front of them."

"Or let him touch you like that?" Tyler added venomously.

Faith took a deep breath. "No," she said quietly. "I shouldn't have let him touch me. It was wrong and I'm sorry. But you have to understand, he had already paid me over two hundred dollars."

"Yeah, what would he have gotten for three hundred?"

There was a moment of silence while Faith felt his words cut into her, slicing deeper than she thought possible. Without thinking, she reached up and slapped him.

Tyler looked back at her unmoved. "Why don't you go back inside, before you lose a good thing," he said. Then he pulled his keys out, ducked into the car and drove away before Faith could make herself move.

As she watched the car pull onto the street, she whispered, "Tyler, I'm sorry."

"Uncle Tyler, can we go see Santa now?" Janie whined.

Tyler did his best grinch face, then laughed. "He's on break for a little bit. As soon as it's over, I promise we'll see him."

"Yay!" both kids shouted.

"Until then," he said, waving his arms to calm them. "We have some shopping to do for your parents. Let try this place." He pointed to a store that sold knickknacks. He saw some fancy birdhouses in the window that he knew their mother would like.

Tyler used shopping as an excuse to take out his cousin Randi's kids. He hadn't been the same since the breakup with Faith. With Christmas just one week away, he just wanted to do something with them to make himself feel alive again. He wouldn't have believed it was possible, but he actually felt worse this year than the previous one.

He had avoided Faith for weeks after the fight, so angry that he couldn't bear the thought of talking to her. She tried calling a number of times, but he refused to speak to her. The anger hadn't been one sided. She talked to his father several times and Ray confided that she was very hurt and angry about the way he had treated her. Tyler tried to explain what he had seen, but his father wouldn't hear it. He really cared about Faith and couldn't see her as anything like Renee.

After about a month, Tyler decided that he missed her so much he couldn't take it. He went to the bar to apologize and see if there was any way to fix the mess. Unfortunately, Susie let him know Faith was gone. She had quit soon after the blow up in the parking lot. He went by her apartment, but she had moved.

Although he had met a couple of her friends, Tyler didn't have their phone numbers or addresses. He was supposed to meet her parents, but the fight happened about a month before the visit, so had never even talked to them. There was no way to contact her and even if he could, Ty had to admit to himself that he had gone too far. It was doubtful she would ever talk to him again.

He looked down at Janie and Steven's smiling faces and tried to forget about how empty he felt. They walked through the store until the kids picked out a set of wind chimes they liked. Tyler grabbed a box and walked to the front counter. There was one other person in line, so he joked with the children for a moment. The man in front of him turned to leave, revealing the attractive woman behind the counter.

"Faith?" he stammered. Her reaction was a mirror of his own surprise.

"Tyler," she stuttered. "What are you doing here?"

He looked around behind him, struggling to regain his equilibrium. "I'm here with my cousin's kids." He turned to the two children. "Janie, Steven, this is my friend, Faith."

They enthusiastically said hello, and Ty was deeply moved to see how affectionately she greeted them. It was exactly the way he remembered her, warm and loving.

"So, what are you doing here?" he asked timidly.

She shrugged. "I started here a while ago. It's been really crazy because of the Christmas rush." She glanced behind him, making Ty realize there were other customers waiting. He put the box on the counter, nervously trying to think of something to say.

"I'm taking them to see Santa. Do you think I could buy you a cup of coffee?"

Faith looked at him thoughtfully, considering her response. "I have a break in about fifteen minutes. Would you like to meet me by the coffee stand?"

Tyler breathed a sigh of relief. "Sure, I'd really like that. I have to keep an eye on them, but that should work out." He took the gift and smiled nervously, before urging the children toward the exit.

"Was that your girlfriend?" Steven asked, sensing the tension between them.

Tyler took a quick glance over his shoulder to see her waiting on another person. "She used to be," he said somberly.

Twenty minutes later, the kids were standing in line to see Santa and Tyler was sitting at a table in front of the coffee stand, sipping on a café mocha.

"Hey, sorry I'm late," Faith said nervously, startling him.

"Don't worry about it. I'm just keeping an eye on them." He gestured over to the stand. "What would you like?"

"Actually, I only have five minutes. We're really busy and someone called in sick." She paused and smiled. "I think I've had enough coffee to last a week, anyway." She pulled up a chair facing him, so he could keep an eye on both children while talking.

"So, how have you been?" she said tentatively.

Tyler shrugged, "You know how it is, Christmas... 'tis the season." His solemn expression spoke volumes to her about his mood. "And you?"

"Just working hard. Who knew retail would be this tough?" She tried to smile, but looked uncomfortable.

"Faith, I tried seeing you after... I was such a jerk. I'm sorry."

She looked at him with regret. "It was a fight. We were both jerks. I should have never slapped you."

Tyler shook his head. "Don't worry about it. Everything was crazy that night." He shifted awkwardly, trying to think of a way to turn the conversation in a positive direction. "So how did you end up working here?"

Same as Faith
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Thanks for reading my work and kill me if like with your comments. I'm not afraid of criticism.*****I picked up a few things in the kitchen and then followed Sheila's trail of clothes down the hallway expecting to lead me to our bedroom but instead the trail ended at the door going into my 'play room'. As I walked in I saw her lying on the bed with legs spread wide and tied to the foot board posts of the bed. Her arms were over head in a spread eagle position and on wrist was tied to the head...

3 years ago
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Aliens and CowboysDeadline

Mark asked, “We need to leave immediately? Does the embassy have weapons yet?” Liyana answered, “They are not fully installed or operational yet, but we can leave a fighter or two here to defend the embassy. We really must leave right now!” The urgency and worry apparent in her voice, now had Mark starting to get worried, “Why? What’s going on?” Liyana explained, “The prince has found an ancient law, that hasn’t been used since before we left Earth over 3,000 years ago, but he’s invoked it...

2 years ago
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Bound by Fate Walking along Glebe road, I hunched my shoulders up, readjusting the strap to the daybag I carried. Once again, the 'car' was dead. Sitting 3 blocks away at the local Exxon station. It could have been worse, I thought to myself. Trudging my way along, kicking up an occasional spray from the puddles along the way, I thought how it's only a mile from my house. The light rain continued to fall, but undaunted I walked on. The rain isn't too bad, unless it's really cold out, or you...

1 year ago
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Sex Story

Hi.. I’m Raj.. The name is fake but my story is completely real.. I’m 21 years old.. Height 6 ft and my penis’ size is 7 inches.. My mom is around 38 yrs old.. Figure, 38-28-38.. Not very attractive but to me she is the most sexiest woman on earth.. Let’s begin the story.. How i did to my mom. Since childhood i must have been a horny bastard.. When i was a kid, me and my mom were having a bath. I was too young so she was having a bath with me without any clothes on.. While bathing i asked her,...

2 years ago
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Me And My Cousin

Hi girls and aunties, I am kabir khan from chandigarh. I am 5 feet 9 inch and my tool size iz 7 inch. Apka time waste na krte hue mai direct story pe aata hu baat un dino ki hai jab mere mom ka opperation hua tha and ghar par kaam krne ke liya koi nhe tha. toh mom ne kha ki tum apne mama ki ladki ko le aao. vo ghar ka kaam kr dege. mere mama ki ladki ka naam sana hai vo b.a kr rhe the. uska colour fair hai, height 5,6 hai.aur uska figure aisa hai ki dekhte he loda paint faad ke bhar aa jae. jab...

1 year ago
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my girlfriend is a little slut but i dont care

Is my girl to much of a slut?!live_your_dream48 is it a good or a bad when the woman u build up a life with is a real sexfreak? Well on one side its great to have plenty of sex all the time and that she always horny and that her pussy is as wet as a waterslide. Can a girl be to sluty in your guys opinions? Even tho Its a strange feeling that probaly alot of your friends banged her. On one side it really turns me on her slutty ways, and it doenst matter to me, even tho she would fuck like 500...

1 year ago
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Nipa bawled with my giant cock inside

Her name is Nipa. She is one year junior to me at university. Even from the freshmen year, we are good friends even though she has a boyfriend at Khulna university, which is far away from Dhaka city. They are betrothed to each other. But she has always some moments with me. The first time she invited me at her apartment was on an eid day. She shared it with her parents. I went and liked their family. When I was coming back, she ushered me into her living room. It was sequestered from her...

First Time
3 years ago
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Listening to JackChapter 26

It was 3:43 PM, give or take a few seconds. Emily drove into the dusty old parking lot behind the Briar Hill Mall with two minutes to spare, her beaten-up Honda’s tires crackling as they slowly rolled across the gravel and the torn-up blacktop. The back lot was nearly empty, just like it always was, and Emily was annoyed. She was supposed to be at the school at that precise moment, helping to get the pep rally for the first football game of the season ready. The cheerleading squad needed it...

1 year ago
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The Elitists

Disclaimer: This thread jumps right into the story and skips the backstory of things including some of characters, in order to learn more feel free to read the Prologue that way you understand the characters and the story better. You walk into the Parkway, a popular lounge that servers beverages and snacks in-between classes, where you plan on meeting a strange student that also goes to you college, UCLA. Now she isn't strange in the way you might think but strange as in you have no idea who...

2 years ago
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Jake White The BeginningChapter 31

Victoria left the train at Manchester with hugs and kisses, and the admonition to the girls to behave, and not to get into trouble. The train, with Bea and Amanda, continued to Liverpool where Fitz met them with transport for all their bags and baggage. The next stop was the Cunard steam ship ’SS Russia’. The Purser welcomed them on board and showed them to their cabins. In answer to Fitz’s question he told them there were almost two hundred first and second class passengers, the ship did...

3 years ago
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Boys Will Be Boys

During my schooldays, I used to knock about with a friend quite often who had not been one of our local gang when we were all growing up. He always seemed a bit of a loner to me. I had knocked about with him for about two years or so off and on. He was within two weeks of my age, but we had gone our separate ways when we had finally left school, and I didn’t see much of him for a couple of years.It was normal for us back then to meet up either at his house or mine where we would do standard...

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Lamb of GodChapter 6

Jackie and Susan exchanged smiles and then broke up in giggle fits, now ready to go see Chester. His name was, in fact, Chester as Susan discovered en route. With three blocks to go, Susan said, "What is he like with you, Jackie--bossy, pleading, begging, demanding. Is he shy or straight forward?" "He's not shy, and he doesn't beg. He's not bossy, either. He sorta acts like he's doing you a favor and tells you want he wants. You get the feeling that if you don't do exactly as he...

4 years ago
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What Just Happened

She had been single for a long time. Too long for her liking. She’d had a couple of one night stands since her last break up but nothing amazing. Laura needed something more. The lovers she had been with mostly thought about their needs and didn’t think twice about her own. Ever since she lost her virginity at sixteen Laura had always enjoyed sex; it was good fun but she was finding she was having more fun on her own.  She masturbated every night, sometimes two or three times, until she was...

1 year ago
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Paulas Story Yet Another Shade of Gray

We were driving home from another stupid client entertainment dinner. I was getting fed up with being eye candy on my husband’s arm. After all, I was a Phi Beta Kappa in Psychology at State before being wooed and wedded by advertising guru Paul James. Paul was a master at selling. I swear—Paul could sell shit to hog farmers who usually had more shit than they could ever possibly use. I sat back in the thick luxurious seat of Paul’s Mercedes CLS 550. I was almost asleep when he spoke,...

4 years ago
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wesley takes over part 2

was after him or if he was just paranoid. Would his mother really be able to tell anyone that her own son had raped her. As Wesley turned the events over in his mind he felt shame. He couldn't believe what he had done. Then he felt something in his pants and couldn't believe that he wanted to do it again. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the hyposprays he had snatched on his way out from sickbay. If he could just find somewhere quiet to re-mix these. His eyes darted around the...

3 years ago
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Beginning Of My Sex Journey

Hi guys, this is my first story at ISS and it is about my sex journey. So, pardon me if I make any mistake in this. A little bit description about me, I’m Rahul, I belong from a small town of West Bengal, Siliguri. I am currently living in Kolkata. I’m 5’3″ Tall, average figure. My tool is 5.5″ And 4″ Thick. Yes, it’s very thick. One thing, except for name and location, everything in my story will be true. I’m proud of who I am and what I’ve got. I will not brag about anything. No, it will be...

1 year ago
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Sweet Young Bryce Big Daddy Daves Favorite

*** This story is entirely a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents portrayed in such work are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, that you yourself have knowledge of is entirely coincidental. All comments as to this story are greatly appreciated. I was born and raised in a small town in the Catskill Mountains in upstate New York that was about thirty miles west of South Fallsburg. My...

2 years ago
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Unusual Halloween

"Oh, good, we received an invitation to Monica's Halloween party. She has the best parties and always invites the most interesting people." "Jerry, are you listening to me?" "Yes, Sara, another costume party." "No, no, not just any costume party, a realistic costume party! We need to start now to be ready, babe." "Honey, we have a month. Relax, Ok." Over the next several days my live-in girlfriend Sara became obsessed with trying to identify the best costume or disguise for...

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MageChapter 62

The adelshaut stood silently in the neardark; rank upon rank waiting to fight their enemy and purify creation from the blight of creative thinking beings. That they fitted that category did not even occur to them and even if it had, they would have sacrificed themselves at a word from the patripure. “The shield fails,” the senior patripure announced to the gathered caveatra. “Begin!” Commands went out and the adelshaut moved to the various positions from where they were to attack. Several...

2 years ago
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Living the Dream Malissas Academy 12

Living the Dream, Malissa's Academy, 12 By: Malissa Madison The minute we got word that the convoy had shot the portal from Lyconia everyone wanted to go meet it knowing that they wouldn't be able to make it to the house. Donnie had our two big Snowmobiles out front waiting as first Rachel then Anna, Maleeza, Sherry and Tiffany got in line to follow us. I knew that Danny and Denise would be joining us when we got there, and that Erika would be there as well. "Honestly I have no...

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A Routine EnslavementChapter 24 Quid Pro Quo

Bill picked me up at my apartment the morning after my court appearance and soon his limo had brought us to Masterson's office building. I had no idea what was to be the subject of this unexpected meeting. The elevator whisked us up to the 82nd floor and we stepped into a very tasteful reception area with original oil paintings on the walls. A conservatively dressed receptionist was evidently expecting us. She informed us in a refined British accent that it would be just a few minutes until...

3 years ago
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Peter Is 18 My First Trip Away From Home BeijingChapter 6

I wake to a mass of black hair in my face and the smell of sour apples and sweat - which might have been nice if I wasn't expecting strawberries or at least whatever the hell Alex uses. I pull away from Kai and use the john. I check the time; it's 5:30am. I really want to go swim. If this were Beth, I'd just go. But Kai doesn't know me. I reach past Da and wake Alex. "I'm swimming. Kai asks, I'm coming back." "Yeh, suh." He slurs still half sleep. I will never understand how he...

2 years ago
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Status Update

“What’s on your mind?” The vertical line strobes repeatedly demanding my response, the vast empty whiteness of the digitalised box awaiting the dancing of my fingers across the soft receptive keyboard and the expression of the jumble of thoughts pressing at my mind. But, what to say? What to communicate? What to share with the assorted collection of friends, acquaintances and “God knows whos”? What is on my mind? My eyes flit to the top right as another important update crawls itself onto the...

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Vacation Sex

This is my first story so feedback would be niceMy family always goes on vacation in the same place in Florida every year. This year though my parents let me bring a friend. I was 16, about 6 foot, I swam competitively so I was a little muscular and had a pretty good set of abs. My friend was 18, about 6'2 but not as muscular. We were staying at a resort on the beach but on this particular day it was raining so we decided to drive to a mall and hangout there. I had a hoodie on with the hood up...

Straight Sex
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Compound X131Chapter 18 Answers

Kate busied her self, it wasn't easy fitting Tom's body into the new Bio-suit on her own, but at least it was done. The only thing left to do was fill it, if she understood fully the details the 'Female Dom' had shown her this was the best way to produce something close to a 'pure strain.' Of course it wouldn't be a pure strain, human brains were too primitive for that, most of the mutants cerebellum would contain sexualized information, but if she was right, and it was by no means...

1 year ago
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40SomethingMag Krystal Davis Put it in Coach

What does the modern 40something do when her beloved son isn’t getting enough playing time? Complain to the coach? Pull him and find him another team? Find a sport he’s better at? “Make him magically better?” as Coach Nicky suggests in this scene. Nope, none of those things are as effective as: 1. Letting the coach eat out and finger her pussy and asshole. 2. Deep-throating and gagging on his cock. 3. Opening wide for some pussy fucking. 4. Giving up her asshole to said...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Riley Reid Fourth Appearance

Listen to Riley Reid! One of the world’s most popular porn stars is talking directly to you! Riley’s about to give you a “JOI” session…and if you don’t know what that means, pull out your pecker and start beating him up! Cause there’s nothing Riley loves more than watching her biggest fan — you — jerk off! It really turns her on. But we’re lying…a little bit, anyway. There’s one thing Riley loves more than watching you beat...

3 years ago
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Work Cougar Revisited

Whilst she was 20 years my senior her body didn't show it. In fact she looked immaculate for a woman in her mid-40s and she knew it. Her tits were only a handful but each day at work she'd wear clothing that gave just enough away that would make your mind work overtime without showing too much. Likewise her clothing always clung to her magnificent frame. She was easily the hottest milf I'd ever clapped eyes on and I never imagined within just a few months I would be in her bedroom having no...

2 years ago
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Leilas Secret

I'm an ordinary guy, nothing special about me at all. Well, maybe my choice in women could set me apart from most.It all started one rainy afternoon in Northern California as I was driving home after a party I'd attended alone the day before.I'd stayed over at a friend's house and after a nice leisurely breakfast I headed home so that I would be back home before dark. I had to be at work the next day and wanted plenty of rest.I was driving along Highway 1 when I first saw her. And boy, was she...

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MommysGirl Athena Faris Rachael Cavalli Kylie Rocket Jamie Michelle A Family That8217s Stuck Together Stays Together

Rachael Cavalli lost her ring somewhere between the couch cushions, and asks her stepdaughter Athena Faris to help her find it. As they poke amongst the nooks and crannies of the couch, Rachael’s hand gets stuck. When Athena tries to assist Rachael, she gets her own hand caught too, so now they’re BOTH stuck while bent over on the couch, as their panties are peeking out from under their short skirts! Uh-oh, now what? Luckily, Rachael can reach her cellphone, but they don’t...

1 year ago
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Cuddling with Daddy while Mom Works a Double

“Daddy, daddy, come cuddle with me,” nineteen-year-old Heather said from the doorway of her bedroom.She swayed there in her romper onesie pajama, a pink one with big red peppers printed on it. Her blonde hair was a bit disheveled. Her eyes were playful and mischievous. Her hands were behind her. Her breasts jiggled a bit as she swayed.And two perky nipples stared back at Caledon, Heather’s stepdad, as he shifted uncomfortably on the sofa.“Aw, baby, honey, I thought we stopped this. Don’t you...

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Fucking My Maths Teacher

I am a graduate from Bangalore and when I was studying my final year. I had one nice experience and want to share with you. Bindu Madam teaches us Maths. She is plum but very good looking with sharp nose and she appears very sexy to me and her sexy figure drives me crazy. She got 36 D size, firm and protruding boobs, which drive me crazy. She got big buttocks, which I crave for. I fantasize about fucking her and masturbate almost every night by banging my cock to the pillow thinking that it is...

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Chelseas New Slut

            I was wondering why Chelsea wanted to go swimming with me that day.   She had never shown interest in hanging out with me before, but I figured why not go for a swim with friends.   I thought she was way out of my league; she was 5’ 9’’ with beautiful straight black hair and huge double d breasts.   I was just 5’3’’ and a science nerd.   I mean she said it was just between the two of us, and my friends had told me she does this with many people.    However I found it particularly...

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Virginal Vicky

Vaginal Vicky By way of introduction my wife Vicky is 39, average build for a woman of her age with large breasts, long brown hair and a pretty face. Some men do give her a second look from time to time particularly if she has some cleavage on display but whilst she is attractive you wouldn't say that she is a "head turner"We have an open mind set with regard to sex and take the view that if either one of us see some one we like we are free to fuck them so long as we seek tacit approval first....

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