Paradigm ShiftChapter 2 free porn video

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I didn't get much sleep, so I got up early and went for a long run. I thought I had a lot to think about. In my inimitable fashion, I formulated the questions whose answers perplexed me. Why was KC making out with some dude – a stranger, no less? Why did she let him feel her intimate parts? Why did she aim her sister at me for sex; didn't she care about us anymore? Was she trying to get me to have an affair with her sister so she could have one with someone else? Why did I get aroused watching her and dude make out? Why didn't I stop Darlene? Or KC? I had more, but I figured if I could start with these the discussion would answer the rest.

KC flowed into my arms when I got back to the house, ignoring my sweaty condition. I held her off, and told her I was still peeved at her and Darlene. I looked around for her sister, but she told me that Darlene had run off to her apartment to get ready for an afternoon date. I instantly wondered if her afternoon date would receive the same stellar blowjob she'd given me. I actually felt a pang of jealousy at the thought.

I laid out my questions to KC, and she listened patiently. I explained that I was worried about our relationship if she was going to make out with some other guy and let him feel her tits. She straddled my lap and put her arms around my neck.

KC kissed me rather passionately, "Let me make myself clear, I am in love with you. You are my future and no one else. Darlene and I were being playful. That dude as you call him at the party was a nice guy, and he kind of turned me on, but we didn't do anything significant. I guess I'd had too much to drink to let him get as far as he did. I am not trying to hand you off to my sister, or anyone else; I want you for forever. I love you.

"As for your arousal at seeing me with another guy, I think that happens to a lot of guys. I was not trying to cuckold you or humiliate you, or anything. I was just having fun and getting a bit of a charge from some hard flirting. If you got aroused, then welcome to the club. I was too. I also got even more aroused when I watched Darlene give you one of her trademark blowjobs."

I practically exploded, "YOU WATCHED US?"

KC laughed, "Hell, yes. I was even stroking my pussy. You guys were hot. You should have fucked her. I wouldn't mind, and she is so eager for you to do that with her. She'll be curious about that until you do. Maybe we'll do a threesome some time."


"Oh, just forget I mentioned that, but if you're ever interested, just know I'm fine with it, whether I'm there or not. The same with Edie; she's hot for your body too. I want you to be happy, and I hope you feel the same way about me. For the record, Darlene loves you and thinks you're hot too. Just know that I love you, regardless."

"I do love you," I replied somewhat reluctantly.

After that discussion, our life returned to normal for a while. I thought I'd gotten my message and displeasure across. We went to a few more parties. I was torn between following KC around like a puppy dog to check up on her, or giving her free rein and then worrying about what she was doing. I split the difference, and near as I could tell nothing happened.

KC remained vivacious and flirted outrageously with some of the guys, particularly the newer guys. She seemed to tilt towards the 'bad boy' types – long hair, tattoos, and in one case the drummer in a rock band. I watched from the sidelines, maybe strolling by a doorway at an opportune time, or fetching a beer from someone's kitchen by taking the long way around.

Darlene accompanied us to most of the parties, but she was well behaved, only flirted a little with me, and didn't confront me on any of the past acts or issues we might have had. I was sure KC had relayed all my concerns to her.

I did see our neighbor Marcie making out with a couple of other guys at one party or another. She flirted with me quite a bit, but I didn't do much in return except to be friendly. I liked her husband Doug, and I wondered if he was in tune to what his wife was doing.

Don and Edie also were at all the parties with us. Edie carried the flirting with me to an extreme. She'd hang on my arm or body, kiss me frequently, and urge me to feel her all over and to make love to her. If I let her get me into a dance, more than once she'd rub her ass into my boner, or thrust one of my hands under her jersey so I'd feel her beautiful bare breasts. If KC were around, she'd laugh and nod for me to accommodate her friend and our neighbor. Don apparently felt the same way; he'd tell me, "Go make her happy," and gesture towards the bedroom wing of the house we were at.

Things took a major turn when we were at Tyler and Kelsey Winthrop's home for a Saturday evening party. They had a huge house, complete with pool and eight-person Jacuzzi. By that time, I'd come to think that I didn't have to watch KC that closely, I didn't expect Darlene to come on to me, and I'd reached a plateau in how to hold Edie at bay.

There must have been well over a hundred people at the party. We filled the house, the patio, part of the backyard, and things started to spill over into the pool and spa. Tyler was explaining to a group of us how easy it was to be a real estate broker, his primary means of earning an income. I got another beer, feeling a little light-headed, but then all I had to do was walk home when the party was over.

Back on the patio, an increasing number of guys and gals were stripping off their clothes to go into the pool or the Jacuzzi. Darlene was one of them. She latched onto to some studly looking guy about a foot taller than she was, and I watched as they teased each other. I had to admit that Darlene naked was spectacular, almost as hot as her sister. I got hard thinking about how close we'd become. I wondered if maybe I shouldn't do something with her sometime, so long as KC was there.

Eventually, I let Darlene and Brad, her new friend, talk me into coming into the pool. I ditched my clothes, and was soon in the pool with them. No one in sight was wearing clothes at that point; the party had taken a very interesting turn. The pool felt so good, and Darlene did plaster her body against me and give me a very un-sister-in-law kind of kiss. I just went with the flow, enjoying her thighs squeezing my cock against her slit, but then I turned her back to Brad. He liked me a lot after that.

I thought that KC should join us since we weren't being sexual, only flirting. I looked around, and almost everyone at the party was naked by then, even those coming from inside the house. People were dancing naked on the patio, but I didn't see anything sexual going on. I should have known better.

I dried off and went to find KC, tying a towel around my mid-section as I went into the house. I couldn't find her, so I wandered into the bedroom wing. I could hear moaning as I moved down the hall.

In the first bedroom I came to, Marcie Carson lay on her back with a muscular guy pumping his cock into her as her legs waved around in the air and her breasts shook in sync with his thrusts. He was fucking her hard and she obviously loved it. She looked sexy as sin, and pleaded for another orgasm from the man I didn't know. I confess to watching for a few moments.

As I did, I glanced around the room. To my surprise Doug sat in a chair opposite the bed. His eyes were glued on his wife, focused on where the large cock sawed into her cunt. He also was naked and slowly stroking his penis. I split my time watching Marcie and then Doug. Both seemed in some nirvana: Marcie because of the fuck she was eagerly participating in, and Doug because of what he was watching. I wondered about the sanity of the couple before moving on down the hall.

In the next bedroom, I found KC. She was naked, her clothes scattered on the floor just inside the door. She had mounted a guy I'd met at the last party, a drummer in some local rock band. He had tattoos all over his body and long scraggly hair. KC straddled his hips, and had his cock pumping into her body as they both moved together. I could see his length periodically as she would extract herself only to drop back down his shaft.

KC looked radiant. Her eyes were closed, and she was savoring every moment of the fuck as she worked up to what was probably yet another orgasm off the guy's cock. Occasionally, she'd make a little squeak as his cock hit some pleasure nerve inside her. He didn't look particularly well endowed, but he sure looked like he was enjoying the fuck of his life with my fiancée.

KC's breasts were vibrating in sync with her ups and downs on the guy's cock. They were mesmerizing in the patterns they traced out in the dim light. In the past when we'd been making love, I'd wondered what it would be like to watch her being fucked, but only because I knew she'd had such an illustrious and sexual past, and because she was so beautiful. I always thought of her as fucking me.

Her legs were tucked in tight to his sides with her feet extended back. Her leg muscles were in full use to raise and lower her body. One of her hands occasionally massaged a breast and nipple, adding to the stimulus she was getting from the cock. The other hand sometimes came into play for support on his chest if she leaned forward to slightly change the angle his cock made inside her.

I watched and watched some more. I stood in the doorway. This was different from watching Marcie. I felt aroused and yet at the same time I could feel a fury erupting inside me that I knew I couldn't quell. This was a more serious repeat of what had happened a couple of months earlier at some other party with some other guy. Did KC not learn anything from that experience with me?

KC had a long drawn-out orgasm and moaned out her pleasure more to the ceiling than to anybody else. I felt her pleasure deep inside, but I also felt as though a chainsaw had just ripped my gut apart. As the pleasure swept through her, she opened her eyes into slits and saw me. Her eyes got really large. I thought maybe she was going to smile or laugh or scream, but I turned and left. I found my clothes, and tossed them on in record time. I ignored Darlene's call to join them in the pool again, and I stormed out of the party, probably leaving smoke I was in such a hurry to get home. Home was only five houses away; I ran.

Back at the house, I threw a random selection of KC's clothes into a large suitcase and some of her computer stuff in another bag, and set them outside the front door. I could see Darlene running towards the house as I started to shut the door.

"Jim, wait! Don't do anything foolish," Darlene pleaded. "She didn't mean anything by it. Talk to her. Wait!"

I held my hand up to her as she reached the bottom of the front steps. "Darlene, I am not doing anything foolish. Your sister was fucking some asshole drummer at the party. She's probably still fucking him. This is her bag for the night and her cellphone, computer and iPad. Hell, maybe this stuff will last her for the week or month maybe. I don't want to see her or talk to her for a while – probably a long while. I am so rip-shit mad at her I can barely speak. You go back and tell her it's here, and she is NOT to come into the house, and that I think our engagement just ended." I paused and added, "Christ, I don't know what to think. What the fuck was she thinking?"

Darlene looked shocked, but noted every word I said, and slowly backed away. After slamming the door hard yet again, I saw her running back to the party.

I locked the house up, using the dead bolts on the inside. KC would not be able to get in even with the hidden key.

Five minutes later I ignored the knocking on the door, and then KC's frantic screaming that we needed to talk coming from the front yard. My phone started to ring. I turned off my cell, and unplugged the landline phone. I turned out the lights hopefully making it obvious to anyone outside that I was going to bed. The knocking and pleading continued for another hour. I didn't go to bed; I couldn't go to bed I was so disturbed. I sat inside in the dark living room, armed with a bottle of Jack Daniels and a glass of ice. Some drink to remember, and some to forget; I needed to forget this sordid night.

At first I thought the pounding in my head stemmed from the empty bottle of Jack on the coffee table, but then I realized that it was morning and in addition to the pounding in my head, someone was also pounding on the front door. I had apparently passed out on the living room sofa.

I got up and glanced out a side window and saw Don standing on my stoop, awaiting my return to the living. I opened the front door.

Don stepped in, "Man, you have thrown panic into at least a half-dozen people, and I'm one of them."

I just waved him into the kitchen, where I started the coffee pot. My head was throbbing.

He continued, "KC spent the night with us. She's devastated that you kicked her out. I haven't slept. She sobbed all night long. She thinks you've kicked her out for good."

"I have," I muttered. "She was fucking some drummer dude, and having a good time at it too. I don't want a girlfriend that fucks other guys. You can tell her that."

"She told us. She said it was just sex – the guy was a human dildo and she needed to get off. She still loves you – never stopped. She hopes you'll talk to her later. She wants to try to explain, and see if you can forgive her. She admits she should have talked to you first."

"First!" I exclaimed. "As though I'd give her permission to fuck some other guy? Then again, I don't own or control her; 'giving permission' is not my responsibility. She's supposed to make her own decisions, and maybe exercise some self-restraint. Well, I guess she did make a decision. She made a choice, and she'll have to live with the fallout."

Don shrugged. "I can't speak for her. I was asked to negotiate a truce, so the two of you could talk. If you want my opinion, you should talk to her, you should kiss and make up, and you should just live with whatever it is she did or wants to do. You two are made for each other. I know how you feel about her, and I can't see you giving her up. My God, earlier yesterday you told me she was your obsession and soul mate. She's worse than you are about how much she loves you."

"She's got a strange way of showing it," I muttered. I looked at Don and indicated coffee. He accepted and I poured us cups.

I asked, "What the hell kind of party was that. I even got indecent, going into the pool without clothes. It was fun, but I didn't fuck anybody. There were others fucking too."

Don asked, "Did the thought cross your mind?"

I shrugged, "Admittedly, yes. Later, just before I found KC, I saw Marcie fucking some guy. They were really going at it. She excited me too, and for Christ's sake, Doug was watching the two of them."

Don nodded, "Yeah, Marcie wants to talk to you too. Apparently, you excited her to such an extent by watching that she would like a liaison with you of some kind. She told me that after you'd bolted from the party."

"And her husband would be where if I did?" I asked in a sarcastic tone.

"I think he'd like to watch, but if you don't want him to, he'd just disappear and leave you and Marcie alone. I think that's their kink. I'd love to play with her sometime too."

"Jeeze. Has everyone lost their minds? Did I wake up on some other planet by mistake?"

"Relax and don't be so uptight about sex. You also know Edie wants to be with you, and I approve. I have to admit I wouldn't mind being with KC either, although the odds of that happening appear to be slim to none right at the moment. She outclasses me by a country mile."

I rolled my eyes and flapped my arms. Where was I? Why was everyone suddenly ready to hop in bed with everyone else with no apparent consequences?

Don filled me in on the rest of the party and on how Darlene came and got KC, and they all tried to get into my house to talk to me. After that, Don told me he had to carry KC to his house because she collapsed on our front lawn and got hysterical about having me lock her out in obvious anger and my comment about our engagement being over.

Reluctantly, I told him I'd meet with KC at four o'clock. I also suggested that he prepare to have her stay over a few more nights, since I was not of a mind to have her back in my presence for any length of time. I also suggested that he save the local newspaper for KC so she could start to look for an apartment. I also told him to make sure that KC knew that she was in grievous trouble with me, and that I was not of a mind to forgive and forget. I emphasized that our relationship was over.

I took a short run to try to purge the excess of alcohol from my system, and then worked in the hot sun for a couple of hours doing outside chores in the backyard. About two o'clock, I showered and straightened up the house, including our bedroom. I figured that KC would want some more of her clothing, so I set out another suitcase for her to use.

Of course, all that time I was thinking, thinking, thinking. My brain was in turmoil. I loved KC more than anything, and then she'd gone and done something like this. I was in physical pain. My gut hurt. My heart hurt. I didn't want to lose KC, but I didn't know what else I could do.

I watched at four o'clock as Edie and Darlene walked a very shaky KC up the street to my house. She could barely walk and cried the whole way. They got her to the front door and rang the bell, and then her cohorts retreated back to Edie's house. I opened the door and let her in without a word of welcome. I just turned and walked into the living room, leaving her to do or say whatever she wanted. She could come in or not.

She followed me into the living room. KC sat in the middle of the long sofa, right on the edge. I noticed she had a twisted and torn piece of Kleenex in her hands; it was very wet. She was obviously nervous.

I sat opposite to her in a straight back chair. Neither of us said anything. I looked at her and my heart melted. She looked like a disaster. Her eyes were red from continuous crying, and she'd obvious not slept from the circles around them. Her skin was pale and blotchy, and looked as though she had hives. For the first time since I'd known her she looked haggard. I wanted to hold her and make it all better, but then I recalled the reason we were where we were, and how we were. I sat and waited for her to speak.

KC said in a soft voice I could barely hear. "I have learned something about myself since last night; it was something I couldn't articulate until very early this morning. It may mean the end of our relationship – but just so you know, I hope it doesn't. I pray it doesn't. I love you more than anything, but I have ... a need to be with other men once in a while. I can't explain it. It's a compulsion, and I'm sure the root of that need and those feelings come from how I was raised and my wilder days. Beyond that, I don't know why I feel that way. I thought I could suppress those urges when we got serious, but I find that I apparently can't."

I was a little shocked. I had expected her to plead, and say I'm sorry a million times, asking me to take her back. Her statement gave me pause for thought.

KC looked at me with tears gushing down her cheeks. "I know this is a tall order, but I have to ask you to consider taking me as I am, with that always being a possibility – a reality. I'm damaged merchandise. I wouldn't cuckold you or try to humiliate you, but once in a while ... like last night..." Her voice trailed off. She looked at me with hope in her eyes. Tears streamed down her cheeks dripping on the t-shirt she wore that I guessed she'd borrowed from Don. Already some of the shirt was soaked.

I looked at the woman I loved. Yes, I still loved her. My heart ached for her. The anguish of what she asked washed over me. Either I dumped her completely and went through the rest of my life knowing I'd lost the best thing that had ever happened to me, or I had to accept that our relationship had a major kink in it that would lead to her periodically fucking some other man and that in turn would lead to me eating my heart out. I guessed that I'd end up hating her some of the time, and that wouldn't do.

I voiced my thoughts to KC in a bitter voice, "So I either dump you, as I am inclined to do right now, or accept you along with your habit of fucking some other guys once in a while? There's no middle ground?" I realized how angry I sounded as I spoke.

KC was silent a long time, and then spoke in a measured tone. "I don't mean to compound the problem, but I am always open to you doing the same thing. I know at least four women at last night's party wanted to fuck you, including Darlene. It's not a permission thing. We don't own each other. It's a tolerance issue and other stuff. I don't understand jealousy, because ... well, I just don't."

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On the Job Training Part Three

"Karen, remove your blouse, please." Mr. Decker watched impatiently as I fumbled with the buttons, finally slipping the last one through the hole and shrugging off my top. My nipples hardened further, both from the chill in the room and the rush of the humiliation. I felt like a whore, and I loved it. I wanted these two powerful men to use and degrade me. My pussy clenched at the thought of what might lie in store for me. I was jolted out of my thought by Richard's fingers pinching my nipples...

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Parkers Position

It wasn't a lot of money Parker Fullbright embezzled from the company. It wasn't like he was a crook or something. And after all, his uncle was the CEO. Well, that was the problem actually. You see his uncle was not only CEO, but also gay, and his uncle had wanted Parker's young ass ever since the boy was twelve. He had been fascinated by the kid for years, and if Parker's Uncle Jake had one quality it was persistence. If he had a dream, he stuck to it! Which is was he gave Parker a job in the...

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Samnewali Divorced Lady Ki Chudai

Hello guys and girls, myself insomanicman 24/m from surat, Gujarat. Thank you guys for your compliment on the last story. Bohot time waste na karte huwe sidha story pe aate hai. To baat pichle mahine ki hai mere ghar k samne 1 family rehti hai usme hai uncle aunty or unki 2 ladkiyan. Unki dono ladkiyon ki shadi ho chuki thi. Par kuch prblm ki wajha se unki choti ladki ka divorce hogaya tha or wo apne husband ko chod kar uncle aunty ki sath rehne aagai thi. Wo ladki ka naam tha kusum, age hogi...

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Joy in the bar

My wife and I decided to take in the bar scene one night to see what we might find. The first place we stopped in was very dimly lit and didn't have but a few guys in it sitting around drinking and talking. Joy had dressed in a very sexy outfit so when we walked in all eyes turned to her. There was a juke box in the corner so I went over and played a few tunes and took Joy on the floor to dance a little but mostly so she could show her body. It wasn't long until the guys started coming over to...

Group Sex
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Kitty Teddy LLC Ch 05

Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: ‘Looking back from 25 years, it seems obvious that an informal family came together that week. Well, partly formal, since Dad did propose to and marry Mom. But, many of the people that came and went through my childhood, first met that week. After all, I do call Francine Martel, star of stage and screen, Aunt Frannie. Jason Porter and Christine Collins met that week, though, of course, I called her Nanny CC. Back then, she doubled as Mom’s secretary and...

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I saw an ad for it once when browsing some chastity porn sites: *CyberLock: The most sophisticated mobile chastity app. Download to your own phone, or connect to someone else's, and you can lock yourself or your man up without any keys or any fuss.* Turns out 'no keys,' scary as it sounded, was a selling point. No lock to break, no way to cheat, and worst-case scenario, the user could log in from any device. No worries about losing keys. I was intrigued. I had never used a chastity cage before,...

4 years ago
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Flying Together

We are on the plane together — it’s a red-eye flight and the plane is silent, and all the passengers are asleep. Amazingly, we are alone in our row. You and I are cuddled under two blankets.   At first, we converse and exchange simple small kisses. You nip my lower lip, and I catch my breath. You ask me my thoughts on your last presentation. Whenever I make an astute comment, you kiss me a little deeper, your tongue piercing my mouth and rubbing against me. As you slide your tongue out, I lick...

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fuck strange bus accident0

well i was getting up but the bus kept on stopping so i just couldnt, while i was trying to get up i started to feel his dick becoming harder and harder, and my ass rubbing on it making it worse.. I finally got the guts to turn around and omg hes staring at my butt, i guess he saw me and his face immediately turned burning red it was so sexy. as the bus started to move my thoughts of getting up disappeared, his dick was hard and it was rubbing against my wet pussy. I was getting hornier my...

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Work Contact

It was a beautiful sunny day as I was driving to work. As I entered my office, Debbie was walking towards me. She cheerfully waved at me and said hello as usual. She was wearing a long yellow/green flowing dress which came below her knees. The dress had buttons from top to bottom, and she had the top button open. It was a summer dress and she must be wearing an inner shirt of same colour, as I could not even see an outline of her nice squeezable breasts as she walked by me. I admired her ass as...

2 years ago
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Bad Sushi

Bad SushiI was stopped at a red light on my way home from a dinner party. When the traffic lights turned green, I took my foot off the brake pedal and pressed down on the accelerator. My vehicle moved forward. Before I could turn my head to the nearing bright light in my peripheral vision, the ear-splitting sound of twisting metal and shattering glass exploded all around me. My vehicle was sent airborne. My life didn't flash before my eyes. A strange as it was, I thought to myself, ‘This must...

3 years ago
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The Outsiders A Package DealChapter 7

Qex'Ull reveled in its own glory. None of its kind had ever been able to stave off such a complete collapse of a reality weave. It was unprecedented! Still, it had to cut off its celebration when it realized the crack was slowly closing. It pulled its essence back toward its home dimension to watch, to remember how perfect the symmetry between the new reality and his artistic vision was now. Ecstasy quickly burned any trace of his former terror as he watched his creations totter along to...

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My Life Part 19 The Impregnation of Priya

As she hugged and kissed me goodbye, Mounika admonished her... "Hey go shower and get to bed. You have a test tomorrow, don't you." Priya rolled her eyes at her sisters uncharacteristic bossiness. But she headed to the shower just the same. Mounika caught me at the door. "Have a good night, I will text you when she is in bed, oh and lock the door when you come back in.". She kissed me and then said with her bright smile, "Oh, and come get a kiss from me before you leave on the...

2 years ago
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The Captains Wife Chapter 5

Chapter 5 - My Education Begins The Red Devil gave more orders and the large man silently obeyed. More ropes were produced. He came over to me and quickly tied a rope to each of my ankles. Then he adjusted the rope above my head to lower me. As he did so two others pulled my legs apart. When my legs were stretched quiet wide the ropes were tied to fittings on the deck. I was now hanging, my open crotch only two feet from the deck. My face was even with the Red Devil's chest. I was completely...

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“Gabby!” Okay, so I know it’s an embarrassing name, it’s really Gabriel, but when you’re on a sports team guys tend to come up with nicknames for each other, mine settled on Gabby and that was sort of where it stuck. I minded it for the longest time and then one day it sort of made sense. I know it’s a girl’s name, but something about it made me unique! “Didn’t think you were coming for a second there…” He laughed as he pulled away from the curb. “Thanks for coming all the way across town...

3 years ago
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How I Fucked My Mom

My name is Frank im a twenty year old student living at home with my mom,dad,brothers and sister.The incedent happened three weeks after my eighteenth birthday when I was in my room on my day off work having a good pull on my cock watching Amber Lynn Bachs tits bounce on my laptop screen while everybody was away to work or.As I was pulling my cock I noticed that it was hard as a rock but my spit was drying up and I needed a drink to make more spit. So I decided to go down stairs to get a drink...

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The beach part 2

Your eyes were closed and you were having to bite your lip as small delicate moans came from your mouth. The guys were now moving at a faster pace. Your other hand reached out for number one, Mr Long. You gripped his shaft and mover from the base to the tip in a long smooth action. Again, getting faster and faster.I was still between your legs pulling your cunt lips apart with my thumbs, spreading your wet hole open for your admirers to see. All thought of my hard cock had gone. I was focused...

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My classmate Tim

It was one boring Tuesday at high school and I had a test that I needed to study for. It was 13:50 pm waiting for the bell to ring so we can go home, as I sat there my classmate Tim whom I had fantasies about came up to me and said hey jason, I replyed saying Hey man, we made a little conversation thats when he asked me do you wanna study with me today? Gladly I replyed ok thats fine. Then bell rung and as we made way to the library, we got there finding that it was fully packed. So I decided...

2 years ago
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The Rape of Maya

Introduction: A 40 yr old attractive Indian woman with a dull sex life and a husband with little interest in her, finds more sexual excitement than she could ever imagine! The Rape of Maya Chapter 1 Things Like This just do not Happen to Married Women in India The woman in this story is a 40 yr old attractive Indian woman. She was educated in the states and married to what she thinks is a conservative Indian man. They had met while attending college together. They have been married for...

2 years ago
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My Ice Queen

'Jesus Christ, Lottie,' Michael said to me once. 'Where did you even learn to do that?'Michael and I had been seeing each other for a few months, perhaps, and I was getting to be quite impressed with how things seemed to resist going stale. We desired each other and consumed each other with a wild and imaginative passion, our lovemaking a kind of abstract expressionist canvas of jagged lines, extreme angles and liquid splatters. There on the pure, clean sheets of my bed, my room around us a...

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Pervy experiences not already told

It’s been decades of girl-worship and my memory is not what it was, so I’ve remembered a few more lovely experiences this lucky perv’s enjoyed.A shop near LeedsWhen I was on the road, I’d always pull over and go and explore a newsagents – sometimes you’d find gems that had a big stock of dirty books. This one in a suburb of Leeds turned out not to – they had a few – but did have a lovely girl behind the counter. I made several visits over a few months, getting to the stage where She’d keep the...

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She remembered the beginning well. It was Friday night. Her husband, Bill, and his two closest friends were watching Friday Night Football. Never a sports nut, she consoled herself with wine. It was two weeks after her period, always at time when she was at her horniest. Once the wine kicked in she was coquettish, flirting with the men and being just this side of being naughty. By the time the game ended Jan was two-and-three-quarter sheets to the wind, and as horny as all get out. Bill saw...

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A Sissys Duties are Never Done Excerpt 1

“I am Head Sissy Maid Petunia,” the purple maid curtseyed, “I know your male name is Carl, but I have been instructed to refer to you as ‘Whore’ until a suitable name has been selected.” Her voice struck Carl as odd, her voice was overly operatic and her British accent was obviously fake. She pauses to listen to his muted complaints, “Of course I will wax you myself, deary! I have been under the Countess’ service for many years and know what she expects.She then attached a small leather band...

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My plane will land at the airport 16.15. I had waited almost a year, and just minutes, she would be here. Two nights I had not slept. I was so excited and was all over my house cleaning, washing, decorating, moving things...redoing the hole thing, so she would like it. I met her on a datingsite on the internet, and had only written to her there and on e-mail, when I was working. Almost a year we had been writing, talking for several hours every day. And now, she was finally coming. I...

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headmaster pt 2

You were bent forwards now, legs splayed, your ass and pussy only just covered by your tiny gym slip, but not for long. I reached forwards and drew the skirt up – a finger gently tracing along the line between your cheeks – and left it gathered around your waist. I heard you cry out as you felt yourself exposed to me. By now you will have realized what a tough headmaster I could be and you must have been more than a little scared as to what was to come next. I stared at you, stroking my cock...

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Mated with Bruno

Before you tell me, I know it can’t happen. I know it is an impossibility to breed, but call it poetic licence, call it fantasy, but whatever you call it, enjoy and forget the physics for a while. His powerful forelegs clamped her heaving hips in a tight embrace pulling her to his furred underbelly and preventing her release. With each thrust of his canine hips, his cock drove deeper into her belly causing her to whimper with the pain of having this monstrous dog cock search out the neck...

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My BrotherinLaw 3

My Brother-in-Law Part 3 By Erica Wright December 1-3, 1998 This is a stand-alone story but will make a little more sense if you read "My Brother-in-Law 1 + 2". Before I had even received requests for more of this story I had started turning the next chapters around in my head. I hope you enjoy it. He pulled away, his now hard cock popping from my mouth. I watched as he walked away, the crevice between his muscular cheeks glistened with my cum in the candle light. He left me there...

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Hawk Chapter 4

Chapter 4 “Good evening, Mr. Hawk,” a tall, handsome man said as they entered. “I see that you’ve brought a beautiful woman to dress up my shabby restaurant.”Reaching his hand out, Tommy said, “That’s exactly what I’m doing, Dominic. This place needs a little help, and I think when the word gets out that Elizabeth eats here, your business will improve.”“No doubt,” the man replied as he unashamedly checked her out. “Let me assume that with someone so lovely, you’ll not be sitting at the bar....

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Shared Honeymoon

Hi friends..handshake to guys, boobs shake to girls..Your comments and appreciations has forced me to write another story..Do not forget to comment on this story mail and I work in an MNC where my senior manager Prakash and my manager Sahana are husband and wife..They both had been very nice to all their subordinates..I was quite close to both of them since I was always very good at work..They were good friends of mine rather than my seniors.. The story begins when they were about to...

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Becoming a Middle Aged Cuckold Couple as told by

My name is Gloria (alias actually). My master (my husband's boss) picked that alias because he thinks I look a lot like gangbang Gloria on xhamster. My master has instructed me to share our story from my point of view. I have read my husbands posts and find it interesting how the point of view of a man and woman can often be very different. He surely fails to describe my feelings both physical and emotional to what our life is and how it came to be what it is. This all started for us about 14...

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gemma and i

ok , so it should’t have happened . Gemma was my best friend & although we had flirted with each other on occasion I had never imagined a situation which we found ourselves in last night . It had been a traumatic day . My boyfriend of 14 months had accidenly received a text message from me which had been intended for another guy I had met whilst on a girlie night out a few days earlier . Let me point out that nothing had happened between me & this guy , but the situation had been made much...

1 year ago
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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 47 The Story Behind the Sword

When Nicky finally settled down a little, I reminded both of them that we still had a few important items to discuss, and it would soon be time for lunch. "I also have some things to discuss with you, but why don't you go first," Catherine told us as the three of us relaxed on the front porch of the last cabin. They now occupied the porch swing while I sat on the top step. Catherine sounded normal again, her eyes were shining and she had a healthy glow about her. "Okay. I'm afraid I...

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The Shop On The Corner 7

THE SHOP ON THE CORNER – 7Kim rolled over and turned off the alarm clock. She sat up in bed.“Where are you going?” her husband asked.“To work.”“It’s Bank Holiday Monday. That old miser is keeping the shop open all day then? Leave me some money. I’m off out for the day with my friends.”“I don’t have any, just enough to get petrol.”“That will do, and I know you have housekeeping money here too. I’ll have that as well.”Kim sighed. There was nothing she could do about it. She had had this argument...

2 years ago
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From Candace to CandyChapter 5

We woke up mid morning the next day. I rang down to the servants house and asked that breakfast be served in about an hour. I hustled Candace into the shower, telling Candy that we couldn't play; I had a big day planned for us. And that of course set off a round of what? and why won't you tell me, and I don't care if it's a surprise, which finally ended with several swats to the ass cheeks and a gesture towards the shower. Point made, game, set, match; for now anyway. I went through...

1 year ago
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Private Kaisa Nord Anya Krey Lesbian Models Enjoy Anal Threesome

The cunning Kaisa Nord has set up a surprise modelling shoot with Anya Krey in Private Specials, Swimsuit Models, and awaiting them today is photographer Potro who is armed with his camera and a little something extra… Anya may not be getting the party she was promised, but she’ll get a good fucking by the pool instead as she shares a sloppy blowjob with her lesbian lover before going on to enjoy an awesome threesome that will finish up with an anal pounding for Kaisa and a creampie for...

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Part 38 Dream Theatre

Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 38: Dream Theatre Holly and I were just getting back into the ‘swing’ of things, when I got an e-mail from our old friend in the porn industry Jerry Spencer. I don’t know if you have heard about this, but there was an AIDS scare in the porn industry. It seems someone tested positive and so the whole industry is shut down so that everyone can get tested. This is a terrible situation that has many worried people awaiting important life threatening...

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Sarah Carerra 240 The Best Day

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By Megan Campbell (Released: June 13, 2011) Chapter 40 - The Best Day The alarm on my phone awakened me early on Friday morning. I sighed, but turned it off and climbed out of bed. Unlike most days where I had an appointment for Sarah to get ready for, I...

2 years ago
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Cloud Nine Ch 5

“Just about everything you do turns me on,” Gene said, “especially if you’re naked. Girls, like roses and fine wine, were put on earth for men to enjoy.”“You’re a chauvinist bastard,” Libby chuckled.“Yep, I guess so.”“That’s okay, you’re a lovable bastard.” She pulled the vibrator out of her cunt, then shoved it back in again, hard. “Are you imagining that you’re watching another guy fucking me right now?”Her question hit so close to home, it nearly befuddled him, and he had to think fast....

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Lanas brother Brian and their awakening ch1

Please, please, please comment and rate this story.I write because I want to hear how you like my fantasiesMy brother and I got our genes from different sides of the family tree. He is like Dad’s side, 6’2, 200 pounds of muscle, built like an Adonis and tans in one day. Me, I’m built like Mom and Granny. Barely five foot tall, I have D cup tits that Mom has insisted on keeping tighly holstered since they first started to grow at age 11. She would point to her mom, Granny and say, “If you...

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