Passions Aflame in FranceChapter 2
- 2 years ago
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After Chad left, my first impulse was to rush down to David's room and partake of the forbidden fruit I had so longed for. I sat and thought for a long time. This was my big opportunity. Just a few doors down lay a chance to feel that intense sexual excitement again. Feelings that had been pent up for many months were now rising to the surface.
I headed for the door with thoughts of David's young supple body pressing against mine. I opened the door and headed down the hall. I stopped at David's door and raised my hand to knock on the door but I could not move my hand. I could not get Chad's intense gaze out of my mind. It was like he was peering into my very soul. Those eyes, the eyes that I had often dreamed about, they still possessed their magic. Those eyes indicated to me that there was still an intensely loving man in that body.
Then the thought of David lying there waiting for me flooded my mind. I reached for the handle again, but once again I was stopped. What was wrong with me? I was being torn in two different directions. Finally, I turned around and headed out the front door into the cool of the night. I headed down the road toward the town. I have learned that I seem to make the best decisions when I have the chance to walk alone and think.
Thoughts raced through my mind. I kept going over different scenarios that could result from my actions tonight. The thought of that handsome young man waiting for me was intensely powerful. I could almost feel, smell, and visualize the kind of sex that we could have together.
Several times I turned around and headed back toward the hotel, intent on seeing this sexual escapade through to a conclusion. Each time, the image of Chad's eyes would flash before me and I would turn around and keep walking. The night air was wonderfully refreshing. The sounds of the wildlife and the cool breeze were intoxicating to me. It was a beautiful night to walk and think.
I thought of the wonderful years that we had enjoyed early on. We were so much in love. At times, we were so absorbed in each other that we would let other things fall by the wayside. There was the time that I was caught in a rip tide while swimming in the ocean. It was the quick thinking of Chad and his steely determination that rescued me and pulled me safely to shore.
Then there was the time when we were swimming across a river near our home. I am not usually afraid of water, but I did have a scary experience as a child. We were visiting some friends and I was allowed to swim in their pool. Somehow I wandered to the deep end of the pool and began to sink to the bottom. My short little life flashed before my eyes. Fortunately, a boy swam by and I grabbed hold of his leg. It was just enough to allow me to pull myself up and grab onto the side of the pool. I believe that incident contributed to several panic attacks that I experienced later in my adult life.
As we were swimming across the river, I began to panic when I saw that the river was carrying us downstream. I yelled for Chad and soon felt his strong arms encircle me. His powerful legs helped propel us both toward the opposite shore.
Here was a man who had given me every wish that his resources could provide. He had supported me unquestioningly on the writing and production of the book. He had selflessly denied himself his personal wishes in order to see my dreams come true.
The more I thought about it, the more I thought that maybe it was my attitude that was at fault here and not Chad's. Maybe I was the one living in a fantasy world and I was overlooking the incredible man who was always there beside me. He was always looking out for my well being.
As I mentally weighed the pros and cons in my mind, my husband kept coming up on the positive side. It wasn't his fault that he was getting older. Truth be told, I was getting older. The only thing I had going for me was that some younger men were finding older women sexy. When I really thought about it, Chad was in very good shape for his age.
I began to see the picture of a faithful man, who had some faults, but those faults were far outweighed by the goodness in him. My young lover would probably tire of me and then move on. What would I do then? I could probably entice a few more young men, but then the aging process would eventually catch up with me.
Suddenly I had a possible solution to my dilemma. What if I sneaked back to the hotel and had a wild and passionate evening with David. Afterwards, I could go back to my room and tell Chad that I had agreed to stay with him. The more I thought about it, the better it sounded. I started to head back to the hotel.
Halfway back, those intense eyes of Chad's once again began to invade my mind's eye. I could not shake that image. I walked pass David's door and entered my room. The night air had worked its magic. I lay down on the bed and soon I was fast asleep.
The next morning I heard a knock at the door. It was my husband. I looked deeply into his eyes and then I threw my arms around his neck. I told him that he was my man and I wasn't going to let him go for anyone.
His face radiated the joy that he felt from my statement. He swept me up in his arms and held me tight. We stayed that way for a very long time, enjoying the presence of each other. Chad was giving off a very intoxicating aroma. When I asked him what it was, he replied that it was something he had recently picked up in France. He had chosen very well, because the essence was having a very powerful effect on me.
I grabbed him and led him over to the bed. All the pent up emotions and desire began to make their presence known. I quickly began to remove Chad's clothes and gently caressed his strong chest. I buried my face in his chest and drank in the wonderful smell and warmth that was coming from it.
When Chad was naked, he began undressing me. As he removed a piece of clothing, he would kiss every inch of my skin. His lips felt incredibly soft and tender. When I was finally nude, he laid me on the bed and then began to gently run his fingers over my body.
His touch was so light and soft that it sent shivers down my spine. At times he would just look at me and I could see the wonder in his eyes. Then he began to kiss me everywhere, and I mean everywhere. It wasn't long before I was moaning in ecstasy. At the height of my orgasm, I yelled and commanded him to enter me with his manhood. He did and I found it to be surprisingly strong and up for the challenge.
We easily got into a rhythm and it wasn't long before Chad was having an orgasm of his own. As our bodies began to ease back to reality, we lay there and softly stroked and caressed each other. There was a deep satisfaction in knowing that we were meant to be together. It was a very sexy and satisfying encounter. I was very pleased with the result.
We lay there for quite a long time before Chad said he had some things he had to do. I learned later that he went down the hall and knocked on David's door. When David did not answer, he went over to the restaurant and found him there. Despite his protests, Chad told David that we no longer needed his services.
He told David that he was to correspond only with him, and all pictures and data gathered should be sent to the addresses that Chad would supply. He gave David some money to get him through the next few weeks. He gave him the information on his tickets and told him that he would pay any additional cost for the return home.
David mentioned that he had some friends in Paris that he would probably be able to stay with. Chad then arranged transportation for David back to Paris. Chad took care of everything and made sure that David was treated fairly. He told David to call him if he needed anything. Then he said goodbye, and that, I figured, was the end of my young fantasy.
Chad, however, had some very wonderful things planned for me. Later that day, we did do some work for the book, and David took the needed pictures. Later, he showed me the results of his photography. I was very impressed. He had actually captured the very essence of what I wanted to portray.
Later that evening, he took me on a carriage ride through a vineyard. The moon was full, the air was fragrant, and a gentle breeze blew softly upon my body. It was one of those times when you wish that time could just stop ... stop ... and just allow your senses take in every little stimulation that was being presented. The greatest pleasure was looking at my man. He looked incredibly handsome and strong. He must have visited the barber because his hair was done in a more fashionable way.
The moonlight accentuated his features and I just stared at him. When he finally turned his head, our eyes met, and I could see the love that was welling up inside of him. He reached over and we kissed a passionate and deep kiss. We held hands and snuggled up close to each other. I could smell his aroma and it was very nice. Sadly, the carriage finally came to a stop, and we returned to our hotel. It was a wonderful evening and one that I will never forget.
That night we made incredible love. After I had peaked several times, we cuddled together. Chad's body molded perfectly into mine and we lay there like one being. I could feel his heat and the rhythm of his breathing. It was a wonderful feeling knowing that the person who was holding you loved you purely and deeply. In a state of wonderful bliss and contentment, I drifted off to sleep.
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Copyright © 2000 This is an original work and as such is protected under the copyright laws of the United States. Please do not duplicate, copy, print, distribute or exchange this piece without the expressed written permission of the author. She finally gave up. Sleep was not to be her companion, despite the numbers on the alarm clock reminding her, that she was closer to a new day, the old one she had abandoned hours earlier. It was hot as hell and the sorry excuse of an air...
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EroticShe lay back into the chair as she could hear the door opening and closing behind her. His soft foot prints push against the floorboards making them groan slightly The atmosphere in the room was dark and mysterious. The wind howled outside and from an open window flew a breeze chilling her. Or was it the person coming up behind her, she felt unusual. Was it the cold of the breeze, invisibly penetrating the fabric of her cloths, or was it the mans intentions towards her as she felt his...
I watched the drop of sweat slowly roll down your back, leaving a wet trail between your shoulders blades as you sat in front of me, rowing us forward. It disappeared into your white tanktop, joining countless others that had drifted over your smooth, rippling back on that warm afternoon. Indian summer was upon us and we took our chances, deciding to enjoy the last clear, hot days of the year. I dipped my oar into the water and turned us slightly toward the shore. The canoe slid through the...
I was in the US on business and had to get to my next appointment the following day. Unable to catch a flight I had to resort to the trains. I needed the overnight sl**per and managed to book a twin cabin online. I was told, however, that I had to share as this was a last minute booking and the train was full. I had shared before on such trips, but kept my exchanges light with my travelling companion, that was always male. I was late for my train, which didn’t help, and was quite hot and...
I was in the US on business and had to get to my next appointment the following day. Unable to catch a flight I had to resort to the trains. I needed the overnight sl**per and managed to book a twin cabin online. I was told, however, that I had to share as this was a last minute booking and the train was full. I had shared before on such trips, but kept my exchanges light with my travelling companion, that was always male. I was late for my train, which didn’t help, and was quite hot and...
Introduction: A story about two teens losing their virginity Passionate Sex: Teens First Time Please note that this story does not have a plot. It is just simple, sexy erotica. So enjoy! Ashley sat on the couch, eagerly awaiting the arrival of her boyfriend. Tonight was the night: her parents were gone, her boyfriend was coming over, and she was ready for action. Tonight she was going to lose her virginity. The last couple of months had been mostly just fooling around. But things were...
"Well, I'm going to get up," she said, pushing the sheet back and throwing her legs out of bed onto the floor. She sat there for a minute, rubbing her nose and eyes, staring out the window at the day."Goodness, just look at the time. We've been in bed all day. I'm off for a shower".He didn't answer, it wasn't necessary. Rather he lay there relishing the afterglow of what had been an extraordinary twenty-four hours.They had met at a party and got on pretty well, right from the start. The talk...
Hey guys this is Karan from Bangalore now writing my true story that just happened recently. This is a straight forward story. I am an average guy with 5.11 height but highly passionate for sex. I love to screw unsatisfied girls and make them happy and remember forever. I was bored at home so started chating on online websites. Randomly a I pinged a girl and she responded. As we all know the chatting went on well and most people on online chatting look for friendship or relationship or one...