Welcome to College
- 4 years ago
- 25
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Introduction: Pre-frosh girl welcomed to college by being blackmailed for her virgin ass. Becky Freeman couldnt believe her luck. Here she was, an eighteen-year-old girl visiting a sorority house at the college she planned on attending in the fall, stuck sitting bored on a couch instead of exploring campus or checking out any of the weekend parties. As part of the schools orientation program she was paired up with one of the current students as a chaperone of sorts. In this case it was a girl named Dorothy, who unfortunately for Becky was in one of the back rooms of the sorority house getting stoned off her ass.
The skinny brunette high school senior was not a party girl by nature. Shed never done drugs, never smoked, nor had tried alcohol. While she was strictly opposed to drugs and smoking, shed consider drinking alcohol if it happened to come up during the weekend–anything that might help her fit in when she arrived on campus for real in the fall.
Once more Becky looked around the common room bored out of her mind when her heart skipped a beat. The most gorgeous guy she had ever seen in her life just stepped into the house. Becky couldnt take her eyes off of him once she locked on, and even though she never figuratively drooled over a guy before, here was one she could literally do so with.
Antonio Azim entered the sorority house still undecided about what he would do for tonight. Did he want to revisit a previous conquest of his or was he in the mood for something new? It took but a moment before he found a cute, but not amazingly hot girl who was staring pretty intently at him. He smiled at her. To the unknowing observer it seemed like a warm friendly smile. Those who knew him however could tell instantly that it was something much more sinister. He had found his new target. He locked eyes with her while maintaining that smile and headed in her direction.
Becky was unsure if she was just dreaming or if what she was seeing was real. The adonis she just saw walking into the house not only smiled at her, but looked her in the eye. If the world were to end right now, she felt she would be really happy. But wait, he was walking her way. She couldnt help but notice the jet black hair, the broad shoulders, the perfect teeth and smile and that buff but not too bulky frame. She hoped that it was really her that he was headed toward, but she dare not look to see if anyone else could be the center of his attention.
As he got closer, he surveyed the girl–cute face, chipmunk cheeks, and really slender. No tits to speak of, probably no ass either but that was only a plus for him–more meaningful to completely fill up the tiny ones like that. When he finally spoke he chose his opener carefully. Hey hot stuff, he said to her rather cooly. The way she lit up told him that he already had this girl practically wrapped around his cock.
She nearly had a heart attack when he called her hot stuff. No one had ever really said that about her before, and definitely not a guy so worthy of drooling over. In her mesmerized state she could only really say, Hi, back to him. When he asked her if she was one of the high school kids on campus for orientation, all she could do was nod feebly.
Dorothy must be your chaperone, he told her. Thats too bad, youre probably going to be here for a while unless . . . He knew Dorothy, bigger girl, big pot head, but he knew he could turn the situation to his advantage quite easily. Hed have to remember to call her about losing her charge later.
Unless? Becky asked, still enchanted, her eyes never once leaving his face.
Well, I could be your chaperone, take you around campus, let you see sites other than the couch.
Beckys eyes went as wide as they ever had–this perfect specimen of a guy was practically asking her out, even if it really wasnt that way. She hoped to play it cool, but her mouth was running off without her brain. Couldyoureally? Thatdbesogreat she blurted out, words crashing into each other.
That charming yet sinister smile of his returned and he knew this girl was going to seem easy, but he had to play it right to get what he really wanted. Names Antonio, but everyone calls me Trip, he told her as he held out his hand to help her up.
Becky held out her hand to be grabbed by his. When their skin touched she swore that she could feel sparks fly between her and Trip. In response to hearing Trips name, she said, Im yours, before quickly correcting herself and saying, Becky, Im Becky. Once she was up, he gestured toward the exit with one hand and moved his other arm around her. She was swooning as he led her out.
Even though Trip had other intentions for this tiny eighteen-year-old, he was still a man of his word. One arm around her the whole way he took her around campus, showing her the sights on a Friday night, telling her about some of the history of the school and famous things that had happened. The entire time Trip was quite sure that she hadnt heard a word of it. At the end of her tour was his own frat house of course.
Becky thought the scene she walked into at the frat house was more like what she expected–an actual party was happening here complete with loud music, beer pong, and of course beer. She couldnt have been in the house for more than a minute when Trip gave her a large plastic cup full of what she guessed was beer. Even though she was hesitant, Trips smile once more disarmed her and she took her first sip of beer.
Trip couldnt help but grin, knowing the large beer he just handed her was laced with a little mixture that he got from his uncle Tony. At first it would make her a bit more aloof and susceptible to suggestion, then after a while it would just make her sleep really well. Now Trip wasnt the kind of guy whod fuck a girl while she was asleep or passed out, but he still needed her asleep to get things prepared.
For Becky the beer was rather bitter, but it was her first taste of alcohol. She had to admit to herself that she didnt actually like it, but she still didnt want to look like she was weak in front of Trip so she did what made the most sense to her–she chugged it down so she could just be done with it.
Trip wanted to laugh about her quick imbibing of the laced beer on an empty stomach, but he knew he just had to wait a little bit. In the mean time, hed show her around the party, dance with her some, and introduce her to new people.
Becky found that being at a party with Trip was unlike anything she had experienced before. More guys than she could ever remember were checking her out, and even most of the girls seemed to be in awe that she was getting all of Trips attention at the party. Some even seemed so upset at it that when they looked over at Trip they quickly turned their head away and tried to find something else to look at.
Being able to read people at parties was always a fun experience for Trip. All the guys were checking out the girl hed nabbed tonight knowing just what shed be in for later. Many of the girls at the party looking lustily at him and jealously at his current target. But the girls who quickly looked away made Trip smile the most–they were the ones who used to lust after him but had already been conquered.
Trip and Becky talked, danced, and generally checked out the party for about forty-five minutes before Trip asked her if she wanted to check out his room upstairs. She nodded very enthusiastically yes, not aware that anything was different, just enjoying herself. As they walked to the staircase, they were stopped by a rather big guy who got a squeak of surprise out of the high school senior.
Come on Trip, you know the rules. If its a girls first time upstairs, shes gotta face the initiation first. Trip of course knew this. It was actually his idea in the first place.
Thats right, sorry Becky, Trip told her. Are you willing to go through the initiation? Some girls find it really embarrassing and wont go through with it. Its okay if you dont want to.
Becky was getting a bit disappointed, she was really looking forward to going upstairs with Trip now, but she figured she could probably make it through the initiation. What is it?
The big guy answered her, Look up there. And there was a board with pictures of what were pretty clearly girls asses in panties getting spanked. Twenty smacks to your ass in your underwear by the guy whos taking you up.
She was clearly hesitant for a moment, but her desire to go up overcame her–that and the fact that it was Trip whod be spanking her. If thats what it took to go to his room, who was she to protest. Granted, if she was completely sober, she would have protested, but her brain didnt remember that at the moment. Ill do it, Becky told them.
Before she could say anything more in response she was already finding herself bent over Trips lap on the couch. He was more than practiced enough that he undid the button to her khakis while pulling her down. One of the girls at the party who had been through it before with someone else helped pull Beckys sandals off and tugged her pants down her legs. Whereas most girls still had their pants on while being spanked, Trip indicated with a look that he wanted her pants completely off. Once they were on the floor, he started to smack her ass.
Becky cried out, she was a bit surprised at how hard that Trip was smacking her ass. It wasnt until about halfway through that her mind made the connection that he couldnt go easy on her since she was being watched getting her initiation at the moment. However, it didnt stop her from crying out with each sting to her tiny ass.
Trip knew he chose the right girl for the evening with each smack of his hand on the extra small purple panties that clad Beckys ass tightly. Just like she looked, this girl was small with no real ass to speak of. It did actually sting his hand but it was worth it, especially for all the pictures and video being recorded by the cell phones of the onlookers.
My ass is on fire Becky thought to herself as Trip alternated between cheeks. But soon enough it was all over and she was let up. Both hands instinctively reached back to rub her ass, not really thinking about all the people watching her right now. Her brain, in its not-so-sober state didnt register the fact that she still didnt have pants on as Trip led her upstairs.
Trip took her up the stairs, leaving her pants and shoes behind on the floor by the bouncer, knowing she could get them in the morning. He led her up the stairs and finally to his room. He grabbed his key, opened the door and took her in. He pointed Becky to the sign on the opposite wall of his neat looking room as he reached down and unbuttoned and took his shirt off, revealing his hard abs and strong chest to her.
Once more she was ready to absolutely swoon. He took of his shirt for what she thought was no reason and was ready to go back to the drooling stage. Her mind still hadnt registered that something was amiss, but when he pointed at the sign again she finally read it. You are now entering a topless zone, she repeated the words out loud. That explained why he was topless. This time her brain fought to protest, but looking at him still pointing at the sign, she knew to stay shed have to pay the bounty again and she set the purse that had remained all this time on her left arm down on the bed and reached down and started pulling up the T-shirt that she had on.
While this was not his favorite part of the pre-event, it was definitely one of them. With or without the drug, most girls still followed what the sign said. He watched as she pulled her T-shirt up revealing a matching purple bra encasing nearly nonexistent tits. Soon the bra followed it, revealing those small barely a-cup tits that he expected, but at least they were topped off with nicely defined pink nipples.
The pre-frosh girl still didnt realize that she was in some nearly complete strangers room in just her panties. As much as her mind may have been expecting it even in its befuddled state, Trip was a complete gentleman, just talking with her, learning more about her, why she wanted to go to school there. Soon phase two of the booze and drug mixture started to take its effect and she started falling asleep to the small talk they were sharing between them.
When Trip was sure that Becky was completely out, he went to his desk and put his cell phone on top and reached in one of the drawers and pulled out a second cell phone. He turned on the screen on the second phone and started looking through the directory. Two things were rather obvious about this phone. The first was that every contact on the phone was a girl. The second and much more obvious one is that every contact picture as he scrolled through was an up-close picture of a girls asshole, with just enough to see fingers that may have been spreading the cheeks for the pictures.
Naturally these were pictures of the assholes of the girls whose name was attached to the picture. It was one of his amusing pleasures, a unique way to demean the girls even further than he normally had. Finally he found Dorothys name like he was looking for and hit the call button.
Hello, came Dorothys voice rather slowly.
Hi Dorothy, this is Trip, he said confidently into the phone.
In the background he could hear clatter as she apparently fell from wherever she was sitting or laying as she answered the phone. With a hurried but clearly nervous voice she responded, Oh hi Trip.
He got straight to business now that he knew he was in control of the conversation. So, I hear youre chaperoning again this weekend. How is your little charge?
Um, fine I guess, came the slow reply of Dorothy.
Yeah, shes sleeping pretty calmly right now. Shes got a real tight body, thanks for leaving her there for me, Im bound to enjoy it.
More clatter as she was apparently getting up to look for Becky. She didnt speak for a few minutes while he could hear her panic as she searched. With her voice sounding flustered she finally responded, You didnt?
Oh I did. Im watching her sleep right now, Trip told her, the maliciousness in his voice more than apparent.
Fuck me, he heard Dorothy respond over the phone.
Great idea hon. Tomorrow night, youll be here six oclock, naked, face buried in a pillow and your ass ready for my cock.
Another pause before in a very submissive sounding way Dorothy responded, Ill be there Trip.
Without another word Trip pulled the phone away from his ear and hit end. Trip knew that Dorothy would be dreading her visit tomorrow. He had a reputation on campus, though it wasnt always talked about. Trip was the ultimate chauvinist, something inherited from his family. The men in his family were of the belief that every girl needed to know what it felt like to be taken in the ass at least once.
As strange as the belief would be, it was definitely not a secret within his own family–it was talked about rather regularly. Trip heard reference to his mother, his aunts, his cousins all being fucked in the ass. In fact Trip was even there when his older sister brought her first boyfriend home and his dad told the guy to make sure he enjoyed her ass–right in front of her.
Trip took the familys belief even further. Since reaching college, he came up with a new philosophy of his own–that if a girl wanted her pussy fucked, she needed to earn it. And since arriving at college, his cock had not entered a single girls pussy. Hes made them service him with their mouths occasionally, but all of them knew the feeling of having his cock in their ass. Most of them only once, since he kept to letting as many girls as possible experience it. Dorothy would be a rare exception to the rule. The fat girls always found it more humiliating than most. The popular girls did too, but it was something special with the fat girls.
With his phone call to Dorothy done, Trip got up and went over to Becky, checking her purse for her phone since hed need her number for later. Once that was taken care of, he reached out to Beckys panties, to start the work prepping her.
Becky woke up slowly, stretching her naked body out on the bed. When she finally opened her eyes, she looked around realizing she was in a strange room. She looked down at her body, realizing she was naked in this strange place when she received a shock from the fact that her pubic hair was gone. She certainly didnt remember what led to that. She looked around and then remembered some as she saw the gorgeous guy she was with the night before.
A good morning sleepyhead, Trip told her, that smile once more on his face. I can tell by the look on your face that youre having a hard time remembering what happened last night. No, we didnt have sex, but you did put on quite a show. Trips hand pointed at the computer monitor on his desk, which was scrolling through a slide show of pictures.
Becky looked on in horror at the computer monitor seeing pictures that were all clearly her. Some were positioned as she was apparently shaving her own pussy, another of her being spanked, several of her red ass after the spanking, and even some of her sucking on dildos. As more and more photos appeared on the monitor she simply couldnt look at them any longer and turned to look at Trip. What are you going to do with those?
Trip smiled and held up Beckys cell. I thought theyd make a great collage for your parents to see your first college weekend. Perhaps your grandparents would like a copy too?
With the threat Beckys face showed Trip that he had the girl right where he wanted her. She shook her head, the fear evident in her eyes. Please no, you cant do that. There must be something. Becky was no idiot, she knew sex would have to be involved, but it was better than those pictures going out to her family.
Oh there is, Trip told her. Off the bed. Bend over the end of it, reach back and spread your ass for me.
The high school senior just stared at him silently for a whole minute. She was just hoping that hed say he was just kidding, that it was a late April Fools joke. What are you going to do?
Well, considering that I barely met you last night and youre already naked on my bed, you dont seem like the girl who deserves to be treated like the sweet and innocent type. The girls who show that they deserved to be treated well get fucked in their cunt. You, he got ready to finish with that grin on his face, are getting fucked in the ass.
Her face cringed, she couldnt believe what was happening, the choice she was being faced with–letting her indiscretions be seen by her family, or take it in the ass for the first time. When she opened her eyes to look at him again, nothing had changed, he still looked relaxed, confident, and in control completely. Even as she was going over the decision in her mind, her body was acting like it already knew what the decision was as she crawled off the bed and moved to the end of it and laid down, her face in a pillow and her ass sticking up. Deciding she had no other choice given what she got herself into, she reached back and separated her ass cheeks.
Trip knew he could just wait, that shed work it out, and to no surprise of his he just watched as she assumed the position. Grabbing his cell phone, he looked for where he inputted Beckys name–it was time for the contact picture. When he moved behind her to take the picture, he stopped for a moment a little surprised by how tiny and perfect the puckered little hole looked on this girl. It took him longer than normal but he snapped the picture and added it to her contact.
A groan escaped from Beckys lips as she heard the sound of the cell-phone picture, just another humiliation to add to the day for her. Besides the fact that she expected what was about to happen would hurt unlike anything shed experienced, she had to admit to herself she was a bit disappointed–Becky was no virgin after all, and she had honestly expected to save her final cherry for the man she was going to marry, but to lose it after being completely stupid around a guy she thought was hot was the most humiliating aspect of the scene for her so far.
The picture taken and added, there was but one thing for Trip to do now, get to business. He undid his jeans and shed them and his boxers in one move. His more-than-decently-sized cock was already at attention and ready. In a moment of mercy he decided not to completely torture the girl by making her look at the rod that was about to enter her tiny ass. Instead he just grabbed a bottle of lube and made sure to get his cock more than ready–her hole looked tinier than any he could remember and it wasnt like he wanted to completely destroy the girl. Once he was sure he was lubed up he dripped a copious amount of the cold liquid onto Beckys exposed asshole and used a finger to start working it around and getting her ready. Once he was satisfied he placed his cockhead at the tight virgin hole of his latest conquest and once more paused, his cock looked like a monster compared to what it was about to enter. That pause wasnt enough to cause him to hesitate, just more something to notice. His mind back on the prize, he grabbed Beckys hips and pushed forward until the head of his cock disappeared and he could see the ring of her ass stretched firmly around his shaft.
Becky wanted to scream as she felt her hole being forced open, so she screamed right into the pillow. Shed heard about anal sex, shed read about it, shed even seen some erotic stories on it. The girl always laughed when she read about girls in stories complaining that it felt like a giant log was being shoved up their backside, that it was splitting them in half, thinking of it as poetic license on the part of the writer. Now Becky knew differently, she felt like her ass had been pried open to let a truck through. Her screaming and crying into the pillow lasted a minute as her mind and body adjusted to the new feeling–after all she didnt relax, she didnt know to relax. But considering that he hadnt pushed any further inside, she was finally starting to acclimate a little.
Trip was good at reading women, especially their bodies when they were getting his cock up their ass. It was a little mean to not tell her to relax, to not help her through this but he wouldnt change that for the world–he couldnt believe how tight this eighteen-year-olds ass was around his cock, and he only had the head in. You can let go of your ass now, he told her as he started to push forward to work on completely filling her.
Her hands quickly surged forward to grab the pillow and squeeze it tight as his cock started to invade further into her most private spot. She wasnt screaming into the pillow anymore but she was breathing hard and fast to try and dull the pain as she felt the large cock slide further and further into her. She hadnt seen it before he started so she wasnt quite sure how much there was to go, though as she felt each push that buried it a bit deeper inside she was starting to think that it would never be all the way in, too much had entered already. She was a bit surprised when she felt something soft brush against her pussy and the movement stopped. Not being accustomed to it, she hadnt realized that it was his balls, that hed gone as far as he could into her.
Heaven. Her ass felt like absolute heaven to his cock and Trip couldnt help but be surprised as he had her almost all the way filled up. Oh, he knew he could get that last little half-inch into her, but for now he was happy to just savor having his cock so far into the tiny teens ass. He waited there a good long minute just feeling how her ass gripped and wrapped itself around his cock, twitching on occasion and giving him a gentle squeeze. He knew he had something special here, and there was only one way to make it better. Even though he normally wouldnt, he pulled out of the girl rather quickly, admiring the temporary gape of her ass before it started to close again and went to grab something.
If Becky thought having a large cock completely fill her ass was a new experience, she was in for quite the shock as the cock quickly exited her ass–it was familiar but not at the same time. The most surprising aspect of the whole thing to her was that she now felt a bit empty without having her ass filled, not something she expected after the amount of pain it had caused going in. She dared not look up from her pillow while he was out of her ass, she instead chose to just lay there, enjoying the fact that she was getting this temporary reprieve because she knew it wouldnt last forever. When what seemed like minutes had passed, she started to get a bit worried until she felt something cold and wet, yet hard and plastic touch her pussy lips and push into her. Whatever he was filling her pussy with was long yet slender, a relief for her. Once it was firmly nestled into place she felt him twist it a little and felt the swell throughout her entire body as the vibrator started to work inside her. She had to admit that her pussy had been wanting something and the vibrator felt good, distracting her until that pain started again as his cock re-entered her ass and pressed forward.
Normally Trip didnt take his cock completely out of a girls ass once he was inside, he knew that the initial penetration was the worst part of the experience, and preferred the girls would accept their fate instead of hating the whole experience. Now that he was back in and could feel the vibrator in her pussy as his cock was in her ass it was perfect–not only was she just a bit tighter with how everything was crammed in such a small space, but if she came first his cock was really going to love it.
Becky was glad that Trip took less time getting all the way back up into her ass this time, it didnt feel as excruciating as the first thrust in had been to her. With him just sitting there holding it inside of her, it wasnt too bad for her, and the vibrator was definitely nothing she could complain about. She was hesitant as she felt the pullout start again but a little more relieved when he started to push in slowly again. He was actually starting to fuck her ass and it wasnt as bad as she thought it would be.
Trip watched as his newest conquest started to relax, by his sixth thrust inside her ass she was starting to let go of the pillow. By the fifteenth she managed to turn her head to the side and didnt look to be suffering anymore. Even with her relaxed this was still one of the best buttfucks he could recall. The only thing left to do was to ratchet it up and bring it to its rightful conclusion. Once more asserting his hands on her hips, he increased speed and started to hammer Beckys no longer virginal ass.
The rough pounding didnt elicit screams from Becky, but a lot of grunts and some cries of oww as he got going faster and faster. This was not something she was unfamiliar with when it came to her pussy, but having it happen in her ass was a whole different story. Her body was conflicted by the fucking she was getting–the pain in her ass primarily centered on her hole, and the pleasure that were running themselves through her pussy. She put her face on his pillow once more and just cringed, taking every inch of thrusting cock in and out of her ass, knowing it couldnt last forever.
Beckys ass was having the effect on Trip that he desired, though it was happening just way too soon for his liking. He frowned knowing hed have to cut this shorter than usual but thought he could at least make this go out with some fireworks. He slowed down his thrusts, once more going deeper instead of faster and finally he held. Letting go of her hips, he grabbed the girls shoulders with both hands and pulled, getting that last half inch of his cock up her ass. He delighted in the squeal as he held her there with his right hand and moved his left hand underneath her body to her soaked pussy, knowing just the right way to finish Becky off.
Pleasurable moans escaped Beckys lips, intermingled with the gasps and howls from the cock managing to find its way just a bit deeper inside. The feeling was unlike anything she had ever experienced, she actually felt as if she were conquered, owned by this beast of a cock that had been ripping through her backdoor. As the moans increased she couldnt believe what was about to happen. The moans changed into whimpers not unlike the mewling of a cat as her body shuddered and she was brought to orgasm by combination of the pain, the vibrator, and Trips fingers that could do no wrong.
The moment finally arrived as Trip felt the tiny girls ass squeeze around him while her pussy experienced pleasure. The pulses of her body as she was taken by her orgasm was too much for his cock as he started to fill her bowels with his hot cum. He let out a grunt of his own, something nearly animalistic as he claimed his newest prize.
Becky was surprised by the almost thumping feeling of the cock in her ass and the warmth that increased with every beat against her conquered rectum. The new experiences helped to prolong her orgasm, making her face flush at first then turn red with embarrassment as she realized that she was getting off with a cock buried in her ass. Her mind started thinking about what kind of slut that must make her, and her body responded to that thought too, prolonging it still.
When Trip was spent he was surprised by how long she had gone on–either he found a girl who just had really long orgasms or she truly enjoyed his cock in her ass. Either way, he didnt care, he knew she was special and he started to formulate what he would do next. Even though he was done, he kept his cock in that tight butt of hers, it just felt like it was the natural place for it, like his cock had found its long lost home.
At long last Becky started coming down to Earth, her orgasm subsided, and she felt Trip finally withdraw. She knew he was done, she could feel his cum in her ass, but she just remained laying on the bed, still trying to catch her breath from an orgasm unlike any shed had before.
Trip just watched the soon-to-be college freshman laying on the edge of his bed as he cleaned his cock off and started to get dressed again. He couldnt believe he was thinking it, but maybe here was a girl who might be worthy someday of actually getting her pussy fucked by him, especially if every time she got assfucked she was like that. He finally reached down and removed the vibrator from her pussy before he grinned and started speaking to her.
All right Becky, so heres the deal. See the camera up there? He pointed to a corner that had a camera with the red light on it. Im sure you dont want to become infamous on campus. Show up the first Friday night you arrive in the fall at six. Well go out, get food, do something like a movie or a party or something, but well always end up here with you on the bed like this. Well do this every Friday, maybe youll eventually get lucky and Ill take a turn in that cunt of yours.
Becky watched him as he spoke and noticed something a little different about the guy, that this time he wasnt as confident as hed been with every other spoken word. When she felt like she might have some energy back in her arms she finally pulled herself up off the bed. She looked around for her clothes but didnt see them.
Theyll all be neatly in a pile on the pool table downstairs, Trip told her, no longer looking at her. He was still a bit uneasy, this was the first time he had made definite plans to see one of his victims again.
As Becky started walking rather gingerly toward the door Trip held out her cell phone, which she grabbed. Reaching the door, Trip said one last thing, Oh Becky, welcome to college.
Not knowing what to say she just stared at him for a moment and opened the door and left. It felt strange to be walking through the frat house completely naked, but no one was out in the hallway. She finally found the stairs with the help of the signs pointing to emergency exits and headed down them. There wasnt anyone in the common room either–she realized she didnt even know what time it was. When she got to the pool table she was a bit stunned to see her clothes, nicely folded in a pile just like Trip said. She was even more stunned when she saw ten other sets of what were obviously girls clothing also in neat piles on the table.
Becky dressed in what she started to figure was the early morning sunlight in the common room, starting with her bra and shirt. She hoped to find something that she could wipe herself off with. Again she was surprised when this request turned out to be rather reasonable as she saw several towels piled on one of the chairs nearby. She wiped up the juices around her pussy and the lube from around her ass and felt odd standing there so brazenly in a public area, feeling the cum traveling through her ass with every subtle movement. Shed take care of that later.
She checked the time on her phone and saw it was 7:30am, about the time shed be waking up back in the Sorority. She was pretty sure she remembered her way back as she put the phone in her purse and finished dressing. Looking up to the board, sure enough she saw what she figured was her own ass clad in purple panties already posted to it. She shook her head and walked out of the frat house.
As she started to make her way back to the Sorority, she tried to think about what led her there in the first place and she couldnt remember much. Reaching the Sorority house door, she paused before opening it. Her ass was going to hurt for days she knew, and shed have to go through it again in the fall. On the plus side though, the cute-yet-not-very-popular girl in her own school could have something to tell when she got back home: Since shed be seeing Trip every week regularly, she could honestly tell them that she was the first girl in the class to have a college boyfriend. She smiled at that idea, wondered for a moment if it was worth the price before she said quietly to no one as she opened the door and went inside, Welcome to college indeed.
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Howdy, folks. The name is Kurt Lob. I’m a tall, good-looking, thirty-something black man living in Virginia. I’m the Athletic Director of Mason College, a private four-year college located near a small town of the same name in Eastern Virginia. The school only has two thousand students. The student body was sixty percent female and forty percent male when I came along. I changed that. I’m responsible for renovating the place and putting it on the map. How did I do that? By strengthening and...
Goes to College By Gingerfred Man Chapter One - I am Chrissie Ever since I can remember, I wanted to look pretty. My Mom named me Christopher and for a while, we all pretended that I was like other boys. But I wasn't. Mom understood my need to look way prettier than other boys. So from the ages of five to nine, she dressed me in the most lovely boy's things in the world. Pretty colors like lilac and pink and aqua. Short pants with ruffles and lace. Little, white,...
“Kristi, when is your college visitation day? Isn’t that coming up soon?” her mother asked.“Yeah, mom, it’s next month on the 24th. I am super excited! Can you come?”“Honey, I wish I could, but I have my annual conference in Toronto. I’m presenting my research, so I cannot miss it. I’m so sorry. Maybe dad can go.”“I understand. I’ll ask him. It might be fun having one last ‘Daddy-Daughter’ date like when I was little. Anyway I am eighteen, so even if he can’t go I am an adult. It would...
IncestA few minutes later, Connie and Tyler were ushered to a table toward the rear of the bistro. Two hosts held their chairs out for them as they sat down. Tyler was careful to hold his long, sequined skirt behind him as he sat, making sure the back end of the skirt didn't fall off the chair while also making sure to drape the front of the skirt as far over his freshly-shaven left leg as he could. It was such a complicated gown! Everything else he had worn since arriving on Saturn Beta had...
Hello friends. Hope you are having a good day. This is a one-off story from my ‘Milky Adventure’ series. Please, after reading this story, please give your views about it and give me your feedback. I will be eager to read it all. (This episode takes place before Riya meets Rahul and Aman.) It was Monday, sunny morning. Riya woke up early since Rajesh had come home for the weekend. Now both Shreyas and Rajesh had to go, and their college bus could come anytime soon. Riya went to the bathroom...
IncestHi ISS readers, I like to read the stories of ISS as you like too. As I like reading the stories of ISS I want to share my story of my sex with my girlfriend at college. Please give me feed back of this story on my mail Id , so that I could write my other stories. At first I want to tell you about sex bomb of this story, her name is Priyanka (name changed). she was just 18 when I had sex with her she got perfect figure (32-24-32) with average boobs like big orange. She did had perfect round ass...
My name is James Hyperion. The year is 2030. I am ninety years old. I am dying. Nothing can change that fact. That’s okay because I am a man who has led a very fulfilled life. I was born in Atlanta, Georgia, in the year 1940. The eldest son of a poor African-American family. Nevertheless, I did fairly well for myself. I won a scholarship to the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1968 and graduated in 1972 with a degree in engineering. Ten years later, I started my own company, Hyperion...
Chapter 1 As his train pulled into the station, Chris's heart sank. He'd not been to this part of town before and the graffiti, boarded up windows of the former waiting room and general decay everywhere reminded him why not. Still, he'd been out of work for four months and, by the time the agency phoned him about the role the previous week, he was getting desperate for work. So he gathered his belongings, stood up and left the train. The 10 minute walk to the offices of Glow...
Tyler and Renee walked over to the man in the suit, Renee moving quite easily in her wedges and jeans while Tyler was still getting used to the tightness of the pencil skirt paired with the height of his pumps. He knew he was getting better at walking in this outfit, but it slowed him down so much. Renee reached the man in the suit several steps ahead of him. "Hello," Renee said, leaning in to examine the badge hanging from the man's lapel - it had the letters 'AG&M' laser-cut into...
This is where Sonja wants to be this weekend. Sun City is the place to be if you are looking for fun in the sun. Sun City offers visitors an incredible combination of services and facilities including quality hotels, golf courses, a water park, wildlife and other excellent entertainment options. Sonja has been dreaming of such a weekend for some time now and with all her spare money in her bag, she is finally here. She wants to stay in one of the four deluxe suites but she has no intention...
NovelsWelcome to Gateway By Lissa The July sun beat down mercilessly on the streets, making the asphalt walkways feel like they were about to melt into a tar swamp. The people of Gateway, Kansas were steaming as well, seeking refuge in air-conditioned houses or shops, while the farmers in the outlying areas desperately kept watering their crops. Gateway had been founded along one of the old pilgrim trails west, and then kept alive by an old fort which grew into a military base. Apart from...
This is s story about me which happened to me long time ago. I am a simple girl; at least i was. I am from the rural part of the country. Life was simple and going simple until i had to move to city area for better quality higher-education, as my parents thought it so. After I moved in to the city for higher education. First few weeks were hard to adjust. Everything and everyone was in rush. It took me a week to find the college after we moved in. I was really excited as the college was...
This is a work of fiction. Any likeness to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. No real locations were used in this story. No One was harmed in the making of it. I don’t condone rape, or anything that brings anyone harm at any time. This is purely Fantasy and probably shouldn’t be read by anyone….ever. All persons depicted in this story are fictional and over the age of 18. Comments Welcomed and Encouraged! I always like a visual idea of what is going on. So here is who I imagine each...
InterracialUrvashi in College Let me introduce myself: I am Urvashi, age 18, size: 34bb-28-34. I cleared my 12th standard and got admission in college. After a long vacation, our college started and everything is new here. It felt like starting a complete new life, new people, new friends, new studies and everything. And, it really inspired me to study more harder and achieve my dream. There is an altogether a new energy in me, I couldn’t explain how it felts, but it gives me lots of energy, and...
Hey iss friends, this is khan with a story. I am 27 years from bangalore 5.6 height fair complexion Please provide your feedback on my mail or I am regular reader of indian sex stories dot net. Submitting my own story here. This happened during my post graduation days. When I was 21, due to college was far from my home where I got admission , dad did all calculations about hostel fees. And decided that I stay in a rented house nearby college. The landlord and his family were living on the...
Hi everyone!! Received a lot +ve responses for my first story posted earlier. Thanks a lot to all of them. I am back to narrate my another experience which actually happened before the experience which I have already posted. Any girl or married lady can mail me at and be assured of all the secrecy of all the things that happen later. Lets start!!! I live in this amazing city of Pune. I was doing my 3rd year engineering from a very reputed college in Pune back then when this incident...
“Okay, he’s awake.” Those three words reverberated around the inside of his skull like it had been hollowed out with a blunt instrument, possibly a large serving spoon. He recognised them, he understood their meaning, but was unable to string them together to grasp the context. A dull ache behind his eyes blossomed into a bright white pain as he gradually eased into consciousness. A blurry glow of cold, clinical light was all he could see as he tried to focus on the indistinct shapes around...
Fantasy & Sci-FiHi! I am new to this erotic story writing. But this is a real incident that happened to me and I am eager to tell my experience. I was new at college and didn’t know how much fun the college life would be. School life had always been under some strict rules though as kids we had fun but under certain restriction. In college we don’t need our parents to be with us if we go on some trip and no time restriction is there as for how long we can interact with our friends. It was my first year at...
The trip to college was quite the trip for cynful. You see, when you're riding with a sex crazed dog, like Teddy, that seems to want sex every couple of hours, a simple four day trek across country becomes quite the adventure. At first, they would stop at a rest area and cynful would take Teddy to the very back of the rest area as much out of sight as possible and let him fuck her. They found though that they were getting farther and farther behind schedule. When they stopped for dinner...
His commands sometimes surprise me, although by now they really shouldn’t. I am accustomed to the ones about what to wear, when to arrive, what to do when I arrive, special assignments for pictures for him, what to do when I’m with him, etc. The ones about doing things in public always excite me and make me nervous at the same time. I never know when he might show up and watch from afar to make sure I carry out his instructions. He’s been away on business and is due to arrive today, he has sent...
Welcome to Independence by Queen Kyra disclaimer: 'City of Independence' universe is my property, and I will not tolerate any attempts to plagiarize it. It is my intellectual property, as well as my baby. Though I do encourage those who with to participate, or add their own stories to this universe, use of any pre- existing characters, should be checked with the character's creators. For more information on this universe go to www.lilshopofKyra .com... Warning: Strong sexual...
Amber had been right about the water temperature - Tyler was able to adjust it to his liking, anywhere between hair-raising cold to scalding hot and everything in between. Thank God for the gas mining operations on Saturn's moons! He played with the controls for a bit before stepping into the falling water of the showerhead. The first thing he noticed was how much water his new hair could absorb. He combed his fingers through his new auburn tresses, pulling the water drops through as...
"Welcome to Timber Grove" a Timber Grove Story by TGTrinity ///// 1 ///// "The Sapphire Ring" Agent Samantha Brown (Sam to her friends) sat at her desk looking over her current case folder. It was filled with all of the work she had been doing for the last year, yet she knew that those that weren't here in town would read it like fiction. She brushed her curly red hair out of her face as she got up and placed all of the files in a safe under her desk. Being in Timber Grove...
"Oh, hell yes," Renee said upon seeing the clothing herself. She rose from her seat and went over to the rack, where she took one of the dreaded garments in her hands and examined it. "Mmm-mmm, I love a good corset. They always make me look thick in all the right places. Good call by the AG&M boys." "Indeed," Jackson said, noticing Tyler's dismay and completely ignoring it. "The clock is ticking, ladies. Suit up and let's get out there on time. Is anyone out of business...
I was 19, just back from my first semester at college. My first year at college had been the most fun I had ever had in my life. In high school, I was well liked. I wouldn’t say I was popular, but I certainly wasn’t a loser either. I was about 5’10”, 160 pounds, thin build (I played tennis which no one paid attention too), but was relatively smart and focused on getting into a great university. In high school I had a few relationships that lasted a short while (a month or so), and one...
Hello indian sex stories dot net readers this is my first story about my mom that how she was gang banged by my mates in the hostel. I am Ravi from Udaipur and my age is 22 years and I am in 4th year of my college in Kerala. I live in a hostel here and I share my room with three other mates Ram, Anish, and Aznar. Three of them are from Kerala and of almost of my same age. I have a family of 4 people Dad, Mom and we are 2 brothers. My father is a business man and owns a shop and my brother has...
Well, there ends the seventh semester of my college life. I am an Engineering Student in one of the reputed college of Nepal recently named as Central Campus, Pulchowk. I present here a story partly based on the happenings of my college life and partly as a fiction. If you are looking for a straight-sex-masturbation story this is probably not the story for you. I like to take things slow. All the characters are fictional and any resemblance to the real life is purely coincidental. It was the...
I am a 21-year-old female. Mai Delhi se hu or ek college going student hu. Ye story ek tarah se shuruat hai mere multiple sex pleasures ki. I won’t waste much time and sidha start karti hu.Baat tab ki hai jab mai college ke 1st year me thi. Mai college me kafi popular ho gayi thi apne looks ki wajah se. Mera complexion wheatish hai, kaale baal jo ke mere boobs se niche tak jate hai. 34 ke chuche, 30 kamar or 36 ki gaand hai.Mere college me kai ladko ne mujhe propose kiya but mujhe uss waqt kisi...
Copyright© 2006 msboy Edited by pairadice. My deepest appreciation to him. Any mistakes are my own not his. The phone rang again and again. It wouldn't stop ringing, Angie picked up the phone. "No Comment!" then slammed the receiver down. The phone began ringing again almost at once. Angie decided to let it ring for awhile. I'll just let those reporters stew in their own juices. The phone just kept ringing and ringing. Angie had enough of the shrill noise, She picked up the phone and...
“I am excited to be back here again. But I also did enjoy the weekend very much Jason. It was very relaxing on the estate and I was surprised how pleasant the Destroyer women are. They are much older than I expected and very experienced. “I don’t know how you managed to persuade Pleb to locate herself on Mars and manage her growing war academies colleges and universities from here,” said Ooryphyon. “Many from the Collective are very bored and I don’t think it was difficult to persuade her...
During the summer of 2003 I was between relationships and looking for a good time. I was 19 years old and was always straight acting in public but I often had thoughts about other men, but not often the desire or courage to act upon them. I was just out of high school and had a little experience with girls but wasn't sure if this is what I really wanted.I had experimented with a friend when I was in 7th grade and had traded blow jobs with him but things got weird after a certain point and we...
My name is Rony. I’m from Kerala; after MBA from Bangalore I started working there itself . I did my graduation in Kerala. And that is where the story starts. This story is true. For people who think it’s not. . Well up to u.I am 28 right now and this happened during my third year in college. And our heroine was my seniorAnd man alive she was a bomb. Her name is Selma Basheer and she had an awesome figure. Great boobs, nice piece of ass, and she had these horny cat eyes.I’m not that bad looking...
Hey guys, Sahil (name changed) here. I’ve read a lot of stories on the site and today I would like to share mine. As you can see from the title itself it’s my first and a really special one. A little about myself. I am 21 years old and from Mumbai. Currently, in my final year of engineering. I’m 6 feet tall and I have an athletic build as I love working out. You could call me a fitness freak! This all began around a year or so back when I first saw Nikita. She’s a junior and a couple of years...
This is a real story and I haven’t dramatized anything here. As I tried and failed to find substitute names to narrate a beautiful experience, I am using initials. A (being the boy) and K (being me). First things first, A and I first met in our college’s first year. We’ve been friends ever since. He’s single and I am mindlessly committed to my high-school sweetheart. S (my long term boyfriend) lives in a different city. So, any physical contact we share is limited to a very unreasonably...
Hello all, a little intro to start with I am vv ( shortened for obvious reasons) 22 yrs old 5.5 ft tall, living in Bangalore. This one is about how I have a nice time with my friend on top of the terrace during my college days. Let me tell you a little about this girl ‘s’. She is a fair girl, 5.3 ft tall with assets to die for. Since the time I saw I had an intuition that we have a lot in common and we would become good friends. During the college lunch break, I picked up my food and started to...
Hey guys ! I am rahul and I live in mumbai currently. I’m 23 years old and I’m working in an mnc. I would like to share my sexual experience with my teacher at college which happened when I was 20. Please send me your feedbacks at my email Let me begin by describing the teacher whom I had this sexual experience with. Her name is ananya, she was from delhi and was around 5.5 feet in height. She had a perfect 36 24 36 figure which made her the hottest teacher in our college. She had a very round...
At first this was going to be a Kristie story but then it sorta morphed into a collection of shorts. Hope you all enjoy. Off To College By Wolverine CHAPTER ONE: A LITTLE EPIDEMIC "The properties of simple chemistry do not apply to this organism, if it is an organism," the professor stated to his near sleeping class. "We here at the university have no idea what this thing is or what it is composed of. So far, we have been afraid to even touch it, let alone experiment with its...
BSC: One Girl's Story By Katie Irwin [email protected] CHAPTER 1—Amanda's Interested All summer long, it was in the back of Amanda's head. Soon, she would beliving a life of total nudity and that nudity was self-imposed. Back in March, in what she considered to be a rare show of courage and strength,Amanda had registered to attend a school in California named Blanke SchandeCollege. From her research it has one of the top liberal arts programs in thenation and its female graduation rate was...
I loved that sight and she knew it too. Her hips moved into me and soon I would need to release myself. Maria's lust was so intense already excited from my oral adventure it just needed a little more to push her over again. I leaned onto her and put my hands around her cheeks. It was around eight in the evening when I came home to find my friend Maria there. She is working for a company where she has to travel sometimes and it could be days and occasionally a week or two until she comes home....
LoveCorporal Jeff McAdams threw his bag over his shoulder as he walked out of the Afghan village of Zaranj, towards the Huey waiting for him. He lowered his head as he tossed his bag into the chopper and climbed in after it. As the chopper lifted off, he looked down on the place he had called home for the last 17 months. Zaranj is the capital of the Nimruz Province of Afghanistan. It is located near the Iranian and Afghan border and serves as a main point on the trade route between Central and...
Introduction: Soldier returns home to his young wife *This story was inspired by watching the Veteran Day tribute to the soldiers on ESPN. It showed soldiers coming home to their families after being gone for long periods of time. So I decided to do a tribute myself. The characters in this story are based on real people. Thank you for reading, hope you enjoy, jdm320 Corporal Jeff McAdams threw his bag over his shoulder as he walked out of the Afghan village of Zaranj, towards the Huey waiting...
Welcome to womanhood I woke shortly after dawn so that I could shower and get myself ready for work. Moving to the door of our bedroom I looked at my lover still sleeping, a contented smile on her face. As well she might be should be contented as we have made love for three hours the previous night. I picked up the strap on that she had used on me and took it with me to the shower so that I could give it a clean. Under the hot water, as I washed my large 36 D breasts and shaven...
“Hey Mom! Are you ready to see what college is like in this century?”“Haha, very funny Jeremy. It was only twenty years ago when I was in college. I’m sure it’s changed a little, but not that much!”“Yeah, it has changed a lot. And so have I! You might be in for some surprises!”“Well let’s see! It’s going to be fun shadowing you in your classes today. Let’s get breakfast and get started.”Jeremy and his mother, Ashley, started their day. Ashley was a young mother who had her son while...
College Sex“Hey Mom! Are you ready to see what college is like in this century?”“Haha, very funny Jeremy. It was only twenty years ago when I was in college. I’m sure it’s changed a little, but not that much!”“Yeah, it has changed a lot. And so have I! You might be in for some surprises!”“Well let’s see! It’s going to be fun shadowing you in your classes today. Let’s get breakfast and get started.”Jeremy and his mother, Ashley, started their day. Ashley was a young mother who had her son while...
College SexI experienced that star black athletes in college openly cuckolded white guys whether it were frat brothers or white boyfriends, they didn’t care and plucked the best looking girls right under their noses. I previously posted these experiences on other posts but putting it together here as a thread. Not that it matters as most know about these kind of things regularly occurring in college campuses.I have only been with or dated black guys (athletes) when I was in college. Being in a football...
Hi guys, I am Hardik from Delhi, this story is not a fantasy but something that really happened and changed my life. This happened a couple of months ago (December 2014), I was in 1st semester so not everyone in my class knew everyone but everyone knew Kanika (All names in the story are real too), she is easily the sexist girl of our class, I don’t know the stats but she has a flat tummy, a round big ass and the nicest pair of boobs I have seen in real life. I had tried talking to her many...
Hi everyone, i am Ashu, an engineering student from Bangalore, with a 8′ long little brother, this is the story of how i fucked the most ravishing, hot, sexy girl in my college, she was the dream girl of everyone in my college but new i was the lucky one who deflowered her. The incident took place in the month of June 2012; i reached my college after a month long winter vacation, i was pretty sad to come back to college leaving home, as i guess everyone does the same. The very next day i had...
Hello people. I used to be like most of you guys/girls aunties/uncles sitting around reading. All these horny stories without giving my bit, well here you go. My name really doesn’t mater. I’m from Kerala; and now doing MBA in Bangalore. I did my graduation in Kerala. And that is where the story starts. This story is true. For people who think it’s not. . Well up to u. I am 24 right now and this happened during my third year in college. And our heroine was my senior And man alive she was a...
hi friends…. this is selvakumar 24 male from coimbatore. my last encounter was a bus travel, in which i had foreplay and no sex. i have already written abt it. Am still a virgin, looking forward to loose my virginity. any girls/ladies interested in short time relationship and sex in chennai, coimbatore and bangalore can mail me at safety and security assured.. :) . after that incident i was craving for sex and yahoo has closed the chatroom service. so was looking forward to other options. i...
EMMA GOES TO COLLEGE This is another sequel to the book EMMA, by Felicia Gabriel, who actually wrote the first book, with my own poor efforts providing her further story. There's also a shoutout to N.L. Paradox, author of "Prom Changed Everything," among others. I think these two girls are great characters, and I enjoy writing fanfiction adventures for them to explore their further lives. At a rental house just off campus from Texas A&M, a pretty 18 year old girl walked...
Hello and namaste to all the ISS readers and writers. I’m Saurav writing one more real experience that happened to me in college. Glad that most of you who read my stories have texted me and received positive reactions throughout. Hope to get more reactions for my stories, both positive and negative. If you haven’t read my other experiences, please do check my other stories from my profile and do read every story. This story is about another sexy babe whom I banged in the 3rd year. This was...
Alex was putting the plates and tableware on the dinner table. "So, son, how was your first day as a college student?" Alex's father asked. "Confusing. I expected to have trouble finding my way around. But it wasn't too bad. I memorized the names of the buildings, and the rooms were generally in numeric order — except in Cooper Hall where they must have subdivided some large rooms and decided not to renumber old doors. No, the real problem was professors assuming all the students have...
Betsy finished having something to eat and immediately returned to the dream bed. Over the next couple of days the pattern would become very familiar, as she would not be content until all the chapters of her life had been reviewed. The spare bedroom would be the launching pad for every session and this time she curled up on the bed, as if she was a little girl again. Her eyes had barely closed when she remembered herself going off to college. When she was accepted into an Atlanta school, it...
The irradiated waters felt cold against scales as I bathed in the radioactive lake. Though I was immune to the effects of radiation the waters always felt dirty and full of grime and impurities. Despite my best efforts to maintain good hygene, out here in the wastes you never stayed clean for long. Life was that much harder because of my traits.For I was half a man and dragon, I wouldent call myself a mutent but other than that, I dont know what I'd be called. Thier is a few bonuses to...
Sven waited on the farmhouse doorstep, hearing the footsteps approaching in answer to his ringing of the bell.The smile as Sam opened the door brightened the cold, damp afternoon better than any sunshine might have done. Sven kissed her as he stepped quickly in, so she could shut the door before the dismal late winter day had time to penetrate the warmth within."Sven - it's a welcome return - so good to see you again, it's been too long." Then, "Give me your coat and go in by the fire and...
CheatingWelcome to the neighbourhoodI am sitting in front of my note book on the balcony of my new apartment, enjoying the sun and trying to make some work.Because of a new position in our company I had to move to a new town, so that I am closer to our clients and projects. Unfortunately a few days after my move our local office had been closed because of Covid-19 for indefinite duration and I had to work at home to keep our business running, still having my rooms full of unpacked moving boxes.I try to...