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Raven hair and ruby lips - Sparks fly from her fingertips.

Witchy Woman, by the Eagles, was playing on my car radio while I waited to enter the parking lot of the convention center behind a long line of cars. I had missed the previous, Classic Car Expo and had booked that Friday off months in advance to ensure I wouldn’t miss this one. Seeing the dream machines I dreamed of as a kid still excited me.

The convention center was buzzing and bustling. Classic Rock n Roll songs filled the convention center. Cameras and cell phones flashed and clicked. Mostly in the hands of middle aged men, taking pictures of the near naked models as they posed in sexy positions next to the cars.

I caught a brief, bright flash in the corner of my eye and turned to see where it came from. I had no doubt the light didn’t come from a camera’s flash. A big, white sign with the words, Trans Am, printed in blue letters caught my eye. I weaved in and out of the buzzing crowd and made my way to the, Pontiac Firebird exhibit.

She was a beauty. 1969, the first year Pontiac offered the Trans Am. White, with blue racing stripes. It was in show room condition. I snapped a few pictures of it with my cell phone.

“You like 69?” I heard a soft voice asking the question from behind me.

I turned around to make sure the question was directed at me. She was a vision. In her mid-thirties, long, almost jet black hair, blood red lips and dark, sparkling, bottomless pools for eyes. She stood five foot-eight. The sleeveless t-shirt hugged her ample breasts, and stretched out the, Rolling Stones’ lips and tongue logo. Her slender legs jutted out from beneath the short, jean skirt. It hugged her hips tight and clung loosely to her flat mid-section. My heart pounded hard, a sudden rush of excitement roared through my veins the instant our eyes met.

“Yes, it’s my favorite year for the Trans Am,” I replied with my lips barely curled in a smile.

“It’s nice, but my favorite is, 68,” she matter-of-factly replied as she crossed her arms across her chest.

I couldn’t stop myself from looking down at her breasts as they swelled under the pressure of her arms.

I lifted my eyes to meet hers and replied, “69, was the first year Pontiac produced the Trans Am.”

She flashed a wicked smile at me and replied, “I was referring to sex.”

I chuckled, “I am not familiar with 68. Please enlighten me.”

She giggled, twirled a lock of her long, black hair around her finger and replied, “You know. You do me now, and I’ll owe you one.”

My cock twitched and strained against the hard fabric of my jeans.

I laughed hard at what she had just said.

She laughed and replied, “You have a sense of humor. I like that in a man. Most guys would have assumed I was easy, and would come back with a rude reply that they mistakenly would believe to be clever and sexy.”

I suddenly felt light headed and closed my eyes.

“You like 69?” I heard a soft voice asking the question from behind me.

I turned around to make sure the question was directed at me. The gorgeous woman that asked me the question looked a bit familiar, or, reminded me of someone.

“Yes, it’s my favorite year for the Trans Am,” I replied with my lips barely curled in a smile.

“Mine too,” she smiled and extended her hand, “I’m Cassandra.”

I shook her hand; I felt a shock as our hands touched. Static, I thought to myself.

“Hello Cassandra, I’m Gil,” I smiled and asked, “Have we met before? You look very familiar.”

She chuckled and coyly replied, “I hope not. I would hate to think that I didn’t make any sort of an impression on you, and that I could be so easily forgotten.”

I grinned and replied, “You are probably right. I am sure I would remember meeting you.”

She sighed and said, “I love these American muscle cars. They ooze of power and a sense of total freedom.”

“Nothing like roaring down the freeway with the wind in your face, and rock n roll blasting from the speakers,” I smiled.

“Mmmmm, yes. Topless, I love going topless,” she winked at me.

“A convertible fan?” I grinned, playing along with her flirting.

She faked a gasp and asked, “Gil, you didn’t think I meant taking my top off, did you?”

“Of course not, Cassandra,” I chuckled at her.

I felt light headed and closed my eyes.

“You like 69?” I heard a soft voice asking the question from behind me.

I turned around to make sure the question was directed at me. The gorgeous woman that asked me the question looked a bit familiar, or, reminded me of someone.

“Yes, it’s my favorite year for the Trans Am,” I replied with my lips barely curled in a smile.

Deja-vu, I could have sworn I had spoken the exact words mere moments ago. Maybe I was burnt out; maybe I needed more than a few days off. It had been years since I took a real vacation, and I had been putting in an ungodly amount of hours at the office for far too long.

The beautiful woman who had asked me the question grabbed my arm and asked, “Are you alright, you look pale? Can I get you anything?”

I rubbed my eyes and replied, “No, I’m fine, thank you.”

“I insist, let me take you outside. You can hold on to me if you need to,” she said with concern.

I nodded and wrapped my arm around her shoulder as we made our way outside. She sat me down at a picnic table and said she’d be right back with some water for me.

“Thank you,” I said after taking a drink of water.

She smiled, “It’s nothing. I’m glad to help. I’m Cassandra, by the way,” her dark eyes gleamed in the sunlight.

“Pleasure to meet you, I’m Gil,” I replied, barely able to summon up the energy needed to say the seven syllables.

“Hmmmm, this one is strong. He took the spell three times and recovered. He should be out cold,” she thought to herself and shivered.

She placed her hand on my arm and asked, “Are you okay to get home? I would be more than happy to drive you. You can come back for your car later, when you’re not so woozy.”

The hairs on my neck stood up, a shiver shot through me as I clenched my jaw. I hate feeling weak, even on the rare occasions when I’m sick. Something was way off with me. I felt as if enormous amounts of energy had been sucked out of me.

I took another drink of water and rolled my head, first to the left, then to the right and then to the back.

“I’ll be fine, thank you, Cassandra,” I replied sternly, almost with a growl, not directed at her but to how I was feeling.

The tone of my voice excited her. Her pussy tingled and a soft, pink glow flushed in her cheeks.

She smiled at me and rubbed my arm gently, her breasts pressed softly against my arm, “Okay, if you change your mind let me know. It wouldn’t be any inconvenience. Take my cell number just in case. I’m going to be here for a few more hours.”

Her breasts on my arm felt nice; the feeling was something I couldn’t describe, or had ever felt before. Whatever it was, I liked it and it aroused me.

“I’m going to sit for a bit and then head home. I’ll come back tomorrow,” I smiled at her as she entered her cell number in to my phone.

“As you wish,” she smiled, “May I ask you to text me when you get to your home? I don’t want to wonder if you made it okay.”

“You have my word, Cassandra.”

Something deep inside me told me to be wary of this seductive temptress. Even in my weakened state, I couldn’t help but picture her naked and squirming underneath me, as I plunged my cock deep and hard inside her.

Cassandra sat with me a few more minutes. I told her that I felt good enough to drive and would be heading home.

She rubbed my arm, smiled at me and asked, “What time will you be here tomorrow?”

“If I feel better, I’ll come first thing in the morning,” I answered her question as I stood up and took my car keys out of my pocket.

“Drive safe and feel better, Gil. Maybe we’ll run in to each other again tomorrow,” she replied as stood up and walked away.

I glared at her legs and ass as she walked slowly away from me. She turned her head to look back at me and flashed a smile.

“As much as I want to fuck that tight, shapely ass of yours, I don’t think I’ll be looking too hard to find you. Something tells me you’re the kind of trouble I don’t need, Cassandra,” I thought to myself.

I texted Cassandra that I made it home and thanked her again for being kind to me. I stripped out of my clothes and sprawled on to my bed. Sleep came quickly to me.


I woke up a few minutes past noon the next day. I felt fine, like my normal self again. I took a shower, put on a pair of jeans and headed to my kitchen to make coffee. I checked my cell phone; there were three texts from Cassandra that I had missed while I slept.

The first was to let me know that she was relieved that I made it home. The second text was sent early that morning, asking if I was at the exhibit. The third was sent while I was in the shower, asking if I would like to see her again.

I received another text from her while I was replying that I would busy all day. The hairs on my neck stood on end, my jaw clenched and my heart pounded hard when I read the text she had sent.

It read, “I’m not that kind of trouble, btw.”

I took a screen shot of the text conversation and emailed it to myself with details of what I remembered. Just a precaution, I didn’t know if it would come in handy in the future. I called her once I had confirmed that the email had been delivered.

“Hello, Gil. I am so very glad that you are feeling better.”

“Thank you,” I growled, not amused by the events that had just transpired.

I could picture the coy smirk on her pretty face when she asked, “You’re not curious in the least?”

I was curious alright, but it didn’t mean that I was going to rush in blind and unprepared. She had initiated all this. That meant that she was curious also. I would use her curiosity to my advantage.

“I’m very curious, Cassandra. But, I want you to understand that I am not impressed in the least. I won’t pretend to understand what all this is, but, I can’t stress enough how unimpressed I am,” I replied in a steady, clear and authoritative tone.

“Oh Gil, I’m harmless. I promise,” she chuckled in to her phone. “I want you to understand that I love when you talk with such authority in your voice. It’s very sexy.”

I couldn’t help but admire her calm, cool confidence and easy going demeanor. Add to that, her smoking hot body and it was no wonder I was attracted to her.

“Come over and we can talk, Cassandra.”

“Mmmmm, I look forward to our conversation, Gil. Give me your address and apartment number, I’ll be right over,” she cooed.

“If you’re going to play games, I must insist that you at least challenge me and keep them interesting. I get bored very quickly, Cassandra. Asking for my apartment number to see how perceptive I am, really? You can do much better than that. I never told you where I lived. I could be in a house, not an apartment. I’ll leave the door unlocked,” I smiled to myself and ended the call.

A few seconds later there was a knock at my door.

I opened the door; Cassandra was standing on the other side. She had one hand on the door frame, and was looking at her manicured nails of her other hand. She was dressed in a short, pink summer dress. It was obvious that she wasn’t wearing a bra. The shape of her full breasts was clearly visible through the dress. Her nipples jutted out ever so slightly. The dress hugged her slim waist and flared over her shapely hips. She was barefooted; I stared at the ankle bracelet that dangled a charm over the top of her delicate foot.

Not shifting her eyes from her nails, she matter-of-factly asked, “Is this interesting enough for you, Gil?”

“Please come in,” I grinned and motioned her to enter my apartment.

I wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of asking her how she had arrived so quickly.

“Thank you,” she replied and walked in to my apartment without making eye contact.

I locked the door and asked, “May I get you a coffee, Cassandra?”

“Please, milk, no sugar,” she replied as she looked around my apartment.

She followed me as I made my way to the kitchen to prepare her coffee.

I handed her the cup of coffee and asked, “Why me?”

She chuckled, thanked me for the coffee, twirled around on her toes and seductively walked away from me as she replied, “I was stopped at a red light next to your car, a few blocks away from the exhibit. I must confess, Gil, I woke up in a very mischievous mood yesterday morning. I thought you were cute and followed you.”

“You fucked with my mind because you thought I was cute? I would hate to think what you would have done if you thought I was handsome,” I coldly replied.

Cassandra pouted and apologized, “Oh, Gil. I am sorry if I annoyed you. I was having a bit of fun, that’s all. Please don’t be mad at me.”

“You’ll forgive me if I am not amused, Cassandra. I didn’t like the way your ‘bit of fun’ made me feel. I am not mad at you, if I was, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. But I will not pretend that I am not annoyed,” I replied in a stern tone.

“You’re sexy when you get all serious and glower,” she giggled.

I remained silent and stared coldly at her. Trying not to think of how sexy she looked in her pink summer dress. Her breasts giggled with each step she took towards me. Her dress flowed around her legs, teasingly exposing the top of her slender thighs as she walked towards me. When she was a few inches away from me, she lifted her hand and tried to place her palm on my bare chest.

I grabbed her wrist before her palm made contact, “You owe me an explanation, Cassandra,” I growled as I stared coldly in to her beautiful, dark eyes.

I thought I heard her gasp as my fingers clamped around her wrist. When she tried to pull her wrist free of my grip, I squeezed it tighter and held it in place, inches away from her intended target. As calm and cool as she was acting, I could sense her arousal. She didn’t pull her body away from mine, nor did she attempt to push closer to me. I had caught her off guard by not allowing her to place her hand on my chest.

She nervously chuckled and replied, “I do owe you an explanation. But I need to be certain of something before telling you. If you will allow me to place my hand on your chest, I will explain everything to you.”

“Not an option, Cassandra. You will explain everything to me now, or else” I growled an empty threat at her.

“Mmmm, that is an interesting offer, Gil. Or else what?” she grinned.

I liked her resolve. I admired her boldness. I was getting aroused at being so close to her magnificent body and gripping her wrist, holding her in place, controlling what she could and could not do.

“Or else, you may leave,” I grinned.

“Hmmmm, you drive a hard bargain, Gil. Please release my wrist, as much as I am enjoying your rough touch, I don’t think it appropriate. I barely know you. I wouldn’t want you to get the wrong impression of me,” she coyly smiled as she spoke.

I released her wrist; she turned and took a few steps away from me. Smiling to herself, sensing my eyes on her body. She turned around and walked back towards me.

As she slowly closed the distance between us she asked me, “What song was playing on your car radio when you were waiting to enter the parking lot?” A wicked smile was on her face as she spoke the words.

“You tell me, Cassandra. If, the song was truly coming from my radio,” I coldly replied.

“Clever, clever man,” she replied, as she stood close enough to me that I could feel the heat from her body. “What color is my hair, Gil?” she asked as she ran her fingers through her long, dark, shiny, scented hair.

I remained silent, staring her down, not blinking.

She ran her tongue seductively over her lips and asked, “What color are my lips?”

I felt my heart beat getting quicker. A dull thud echoed in my ears with each beat of my heart.

She tried to place her hand on my chest again. She jumped with a start when my hand flashed upwards and gripped her wrist again.

“I don’t like repeating myself, Cassandra,” I growled at her.

She smiled, extended her fingers and easily slipped her wrist from my vice like grip. That was not possible; I was gripping her wrist hard enough that she couldn’t have possibly broken free of it.

“And, as I told you, Gil. I truly enjoy your rough touch, but…,” she giggled as she lifted her hand in the air.

My eyes followed her hand as she slowly raised it over her head. When her arm was fully extended in the air, yellow and red sparks danced around her fingertips. Cassandra closed her hand and the sparks disappeared, I turned my gaze to her eyes.

We remained silent, staring at each other, aware of the heat coming off each other’s bodies. The sexual tension between us was building in intensity.

“Witch,” I softly snarled at her with a crooked smile on my lips.

Cassandra backed away from me and giggled, “Ohhhhh, Gil. I really have a deep distaste for that word. It sounds so harsh and ugly. I prefer the Italian word, Maga. It sounds much more pleasing to the ears. I think that word sounds incredibly sexy, especially when spoken with an Italian accent.”

I remained silent and stared hard at her. She parted her lips to speak as she took a step towards me.

“That’s close enough, Cassandra.” I cut her off before she got the first word out, “Don’t come any closer,” my tone steady and calm as I spoke.

“Gil, your words wound me. I mean you no harm. You have nothing to fear from little old me,” she pouted.

“I’ve seen some very ugly and hurtful things hidden behind the coy smiles and sparkle in people’s eyes,” I calmly replied.

“You are not afraid of me, are you, Gil?” she asked in a half playful and half serious tone.

“What few, elusive things scare me, Cassandra. I can assure you that you are not one of them. Let’s just say I am being cautious,” I grinned at her, paused for an instant and added, “For the time being. I survived two divorces, and what seemed like the never ending teenage years of my twin daughters. You’ll have to show me more than sparkles if you want to scare me.”

She laughed and replied, “Intriguing. I wanted to touch your chest, to see if I could tell if you had any ancestors that were, Magi. That would explain why you took the spell three times and still vaguely remembered me. Usually a touch is enough to tell.”

“And if a touch isn’t enough?” I asked.

“I will be able to confirm for certain if I taste your blood, with your permission of course.”

I walked towards her and grabbed her hand, gripped her index finger firmly and brought it to my bare chest. She gasped and stared at me wide eyed and at the same time tried to free her hand from my grip.

“Don’t,” I growled the order at her, testing the boundaries of how much control she would allow me over her.

I had caught her off guard and it paid off. She looked up at me and nodded as she swallowed hard. At that instant I could sense that she wasn’t as cool and collected as she was portraying. Her reaction was that of a much younger woman, not a mature, confident, independent woman. Her reaction betrayed the cool, in control, exterior façade.

“What else is she hiding from me?” I thought to myself.

I drove her fingernail in to my flesh and punctured my skin. Blood slowly trickled down my chest. I grabbed a handful of her silky hair and roughly pulled her head back. She moaned and parted her lips. I lowered my head and stared at her.

I let her hair slip through my fingers as I slowly released it and growled, “Taste it.”

She stared dumbfounded at me for an instant, then placed both her hands on my chest and brought her mouth to the half-moon shaped puncture on my skin. I could feel the heat radiating from between her legs against my thighs. Slowly her tongue slid from in-between her parted lips and lapped at the warm, crimson droplets. She swallowed hard and kissed the punctured skin on my chest. I could feel it closing with each of her gentle kisses.

“Well?” I asked abruptly, snapping her out of the aroused state she was in.

She cleared her throat and regained her composure, “Too many generations ago for you to have inherited any sort of mystical abilities. But it might explain why you recovered so quickly.”

“Too bad, I was looking forward to turning you in to a toad as payback for yesterday,” I half snarled at her.

Cassandra laughed, “I think I should explain what I put you through yesterday.”

“I’d appreciate it, Cassandra.”

“The spell I used erases the memory of meeting me. It drains the person of a lot of energy. Usually, using it once will suffice; the person is just a bit lightheaded and can’t remember meeting me. You, however, somehow remembered meeting me. I pushed it, putting you through it three times. You should have passed out after the second time. I can assure you it does no permanent damage. That’s why I am intrigued by you, Gil. No hard feelings?” she smiled at me as she explained what she had done to me.

“What happens now, Cassandra?” I asked as I stared coldly at her.

“You are obviously still annoyed with me, Gil,” she pouted.

“No shit I’m annoyed with you. How would you react to being played with like that, and not have any idea of what was happening to you? It’s wrong to put anyone through that.”

“I’m harmless, Gil. I would never intentionally hurt anyone or anything living thing. It’s not in my nature. There was no way you should have remembered me. What started out as mischief, turned in to a curiosity I couldn’t control. I do hope you can understand that. And, I think you are handsome, not cute, for the record.”

“Really, Cassandra? You couldn’t control your own curiosity. Aren’t you a bit too old for mischief? That is very lame for a Maga. Mystical powers with no means of control, seems like a dangerous combination any way you look at it,” I coldly replied to her.

She told me that she wouldn’t hurt me. I wanted to call her out on that.

My words hurt her. I could hear it in her voice as she replied, “That is a very hurtful thing to say, Gil. I apologized and explained everything to you. It wasn’t easy to come and visit you. I had no idea of how you would react. For all I knew, you wanted to hurt me.”

I quickly replied with ice in my voice, “Cut the bullshit, Cassandra. You had nothing to lose by coming here. You slipped out of my grip rather easily. What was your plan? Come over, fuck with my mind some more. Study me for the sake of your curiosity. Then erase my memory of all that you confessed, and be on your merry way? And, I would never raise my hand to a woman, Maga or not, for the record.”

“If you want me to leave, just say so. I will erase the burden of meeting me from your memory, and you will never have to see me again. I promise to leave you alone. It’s obvious that you don’t want anything to do with me.”

I inched closer to her, grabbed a fist full of her hair and yanked her head back, “How do I know I can trust you to keep your word, Cassandra? What’s to stop you from doing this over and over?” I snarled.

She gasped and closed her eyes, surrendering to the burning sensation between her legs. I grabbed her wrist and brought her fingers to my lips and placed soft kisses on the tips.

“Break free of my grip, Cassandra. I know that I am hurting you,” I snarled, my lips almost brushing against hers.

She replied by pressing her body harder against my growing cock. I grinned and pushed her away from me. She glared at me, a colorless fire smoldered in her black eyes. The grin on my face enraged her. She lifted her hand and pointed her index finger at me. I stretched out my arms, offering her my muscular, naked torso as an unobstructed target and snickered, daring her to do whatever it was that she had in mind. Slowly she lowered her arm and let it rest at her side.

“Tsk, tsk, Cassandra, I thought you were not capable of hurting me? What were you going to do to me?” I snarled.

“You’re a fucking prick!” she hissed at me.

“I’m not the one who erases all the evidence of I what chose to do, because I didn’t like the outcome, slut,” I snarled at her.

She got angrier at me and at the same time became more aroused at being called a slut. She felt as if her pussy was dripping liquid fire.

“I can see this was a huge mistake. I was a fool to think that you were different. I’ll erase myself from your mind and be on my way. Rest assured, Gil, you will never see me again!” she spat her venomous words at me, deliberately avoiding any reference to being called a slut, and how incredibly wet it made her.

“Do what you must, Cassandra. But tell me what you wanted to do to me just now. You have nothing to lose, since you’re going to erase my memory.”

She hissed at me, “I was going to render your body incapable of movement and slap your face!”

“You don’t need magic to do that. Come here and slap my face if it’ll make you feel better,” my words were cold as ice, a dare, and more fuel for her rage.

“Aarrghhh! You’re impossible! Prick!” she hissed and crossed her arms.

I remained silent for a few moments, giving her the option to make the next move. She had lost her cool. I wasn’t going to let up on her.

“You came here hoping to charm me in to fucking you, didn’t you? Are all Magi this horny and incredibly bad at seduction?” I grinned after I had asked the questions.

“Fuck you, Gil! I wouldn’t let you touch me if you were the last man in the Universe!” her face glowed red out of angry, arousal, and embarrassment that I was right about her hoping to get fucked.

She was angry; I got the reaction I had wanted from her. It was time to switch gears.

“Thank you for being honest with me about wanting to slap me in the face. Now I know you are capable of being honest with me. What if I don’t want to forget you, Cassandra? What gives you the right to take away any part of my life, no matter how unpleasant it might be? What gives you the right to cheat me of my time?”

“You really think I’d allow you to remember me now, after how you treated me?” she answered in a cocky tone, letting me know that she had sole and full control of the decision.

“Yes,” I grinned.

She uncrossed her arms and placed her hands on her hips, as she shifted her weight to one leg, turned her head away from me and spat more words at me, “Pfffffftt, you are unbelievable. You can’t possibly be that arrogant and naïve, Gil.”

The throbbing heat between her legs slowly crept in to her belly. My ability to simultaneously control my emotions and play with hers excited her. She was impressed at how perceptive I was, and how I wasn’t intimated by her holding all the power to make the final decision.

“I am neither of those things, Cassandra. You want me to remember you.”

She shifted her weight to her other leg and huffed as she turned her head to look at me, she spat her words at me again, “I can’t fucking wait to hear your twisted reasoning behind the conclusion, that I would want anything to do with an asshole as big as you. Please, continue, I’m all ears.”

It was time to take total control of the situation. I had played with her long enough.

I slowly walked over to her and grabbed her by the throat, “You will watch your language and attitude around me, Cassandra. I have not raised my voice to you; I have invited you in to my home and treated you with more courtesy than you have earned. I have not deceived you in any manner, and that is far more than I can say for you. To answer your question, you initiated everything. You chose to fuck with my mind. You chose to reveal to me that you’re a Maga. You could have walked away from all this. But, here you are, with your throat in my grip and you are not making any attempt to break free. Why? You confessed that you enjoy my rough touch. What else do you enjoy and were hoping you’d get from me? Now, explain to me why you wouldn’t want me to remember you? If I repeated any of this to anyone, what would they think of me? You have left me with a truth that no one would believe. Unlike you, I don’t have the luxury of sweeping messy things under the carpet. When you do that, Cassandra, you only remove half of the problem; you are left to carry the unpleasant memories for everyone else, along with your own. Maga or not, I know it can’t be easy for you. You took a chance with me, and that’s fine. It didn’t go as you planned, that’s fine also. Welcome to life. Suck it up, learn from it and get on with your life. Why do you feel compelled to rob me of your memory? I must insist that you allow me to carry my part of the burden that we have created. Part of it is mine, I worked hard for it, and I’ll be damned if I will agree to you cheating me of what I have worked so hard for. If you insist on being selfish, and if you are scared that I am somehow a threat to your secret, be done with it. Erase whatever you want from my memory and disappear. But, know that you do so without my consent. If you would like to reconsider and talk about it, ask me to release your throat from my grip.”

Cassandra remained deathly still. Tense, sexually charged minutes past, as we remained with our eyes locked on each other’s. It took all my will power to stop myself from ripping her pretty dress off and fuck her right then and there.

Cassandra whispered her answer as she closed her eyes, “Please let go of my throat, Gil. I am starting to get dizzy.”

I grinned and placed a gentle kiss on her lips as I slowly released my fingers from around her neck. I remained still, waiting to see if she would move away from me. She didn’t.

She thought for a moment, built up her courage and asked, “You really want to remember me and what I am?”

“Why wouldn’t I, Cassandra? Make no mistake, I’m very annoyed at the tactics you used, but, I’ll get over it. You have made the last two days interesting and eventful. A welcomed and refreshing change from what I have been accustomed to lately. And who is to say that we can’t become friends? I will ask that you drop the act and talk to me like you would normally, to anyone else.” I reflected an instant and asked, “You can’t see in to the future, can you?”

“No,” she chuckled, “I mean, no, I can’t see the future, not that we can’t become friends.”

I smiled at her and said, “I am curious as to how you made it over here so quickly.”

“I looked around in your mind. But please believe me; I didn’t pry in to your personal life or thoughts. I only looked for your birthdate and where you lived. We are taught that it is wrong to look in to another person’s personal thoughts. We all do though, when we’re young. It only takes one time, to come across very sad or very dark thoughts and experiences, to not want to try it again. Once I knew your address, I came over and waited till someone entered your building, and texted you once I was inside.”

I waited a moment before replying, reading the look on her face, “I believe you, Cassandra. I understand how potentially unpleasant and scary knowing someone else’s thoughts could be.”

“You aren’t freaked out, or the tiniest bit afraid over any of this?” she asked with a quizzical look on her face.

“I was confused and curious, never afraid or freaked out, as you put it.”

“You’re a strange one, Gil. I’ve heard horror stories of how bad things can get, when one of us reveals themselves. You are the first person I have shared this with.”

“You’re a fairy tale princess, compared to my two ex-wives, Cassandra,” I chuckled.

She laughed and replied, “I’ll take that as a compliment, Gil.”

“Why did you decide to reveal your secret to me, Cassandra?”

Her eyes darted away from my stare and she shifted her body weight uneasily from one foot to the other. She remained silent.

“Is some part of you afraid of me?” I toyed with her, knowing full well that she was as sexually attracted to me, as I was to her. “Come now, Cassandra, don’t be shy. Tell me the other reason why followed me.”

“I was, and am, more nervous than afraid, to be honest. When I first saw you, I got aroused, very aroused. The longer I looked at you, the more nervous I got. You have this intense, ‘fresh from the fight’ look in your eyes. A woman can guess with fair certainty and accuracy, what a man might be like in bed. The good looking, bad boy type is sexy and exciting. But you, you give off this battle tested, raw, intense, controlled energy. It thrills me. It pulls me to you. It is all very intimidating to think about, but I also feel I would be safe in your arms.”

The way she twirled, the way she moved, the way she giggled, the flashes of wide eyed wonder, there was something odd about it all. Subtle clues that betrayed something she was working much too hard at to conceal from me. It was as if a little girl was pretending, and playing grown up. She came across as a confident, independent woman, but I felt she was trying too hard to convince me of it.

"How old are you, Cassandra?"

She grinned and replied, "Old enough, Gil. Why do you ask?"

There it was again, the mischief of a little girl playing grown up.

"I can't help but feel that you are a lot younger than you look," I answered her question and asked, "Are you being mischievous with me right now, young lady?"

"Don't you like the way I look, Gil? And, what if I am being mischievous with you right now?" she replied with a tone in her voice that reminded me of my daughters, when they tried convince me not to take away their cell phones as punishment for getting home past their curfew.

"I more than like the way you look. But, if you are hiding something, know that you don't have to, Cassandra," I spoke the words slowly, emphasizing that she didn't have to hide anything from me.

She turned her back to me and asked, "What if you don't like the way I look?"

"There's only one way to find out, Cassandra."

"What if you think I'm too young for you?" she asked nervously.

I remained silent; she turned around and stared at me, anxiously waiting for me to reply.

"There's only one way to find out, Cassandra," I repeated.

She twisted and bit her lower lip before she asked, "May I have a t-shirt? This dress is going to look horrible on me."

I led Cassandra to my bedroom and handed her one of my dress shirts as I spoke, "You'll be more comfortable in this. I'll leave you to change. Meet me in the living-room when you are done."

She nodded as she took the shirt from me.

I sat on my couch and waited for Cassandra to join me again. A moment later she appeared, wearing my shirt. The shirt tails dangled just above her knees. She had all the buttons done up and the sleeves rolled past her wrists.

"I assume you will want to watch me transform?" she asked, her words sounded nervous and winded.

I smiled at her and replied, "Yes, I would, but, only if you are comfortable with it."

"I am nervous, I have never done this in front of anyone before, and I am dreading how you might react to me, the real me," she replied and took a deep breath.

Cassandra spread her arms and tilted her head back as she softly spoke words I could not make out. She repeated the words in a hypnotic rhythm. A blue aura appeared around her and pulsated slowly, expanding and contracting towards and away from her body. I stared, unblinking, as the transformation began.

I watched as her body lessened in size. Her hair changed color and shape, slowly, from an almost jet black to a sandy blonde. Its length shortened till it barely touched her shoulders. Her breasts no longer were visible and pushing against the shirt. Her legs became much more slender and less shapely, gone was the curvy shape of her hips. Her height lessened by four inches and the shirt looked like it had increased by two sizes on her. The shirt tails hung well past her knees.

The blue aura slowly vanished from sight. Cassandra took a long, slow, deep breath and lowered her head. She remained silent and still, her hands clasped tightly together in front her. Purposefully not looking at me, she didn't want to see possible disappointment in my eyes that would tell her I didn't find her attractive in her real form and age.

I stood up and walked to her. Gently placed my fingers on her chin and lifted her head. She offered no resistance, but, kept her eyes closed.

"Look at me, Cassandra."

She opened her eyes and took a deep breath, preparing herself for the worst, but still hopeful that she wouldn't hear the words she was dreading.

"How old are you?" I asked.

To my surprise, she answered quicker than I thought she would, "I turned nine-teen, four days ago," she half exclaimed, relieved that she didn't get scolded and at the same time announced that she was a woman and not a girl.

I gazed in to her soft, baby blue eyes and replied, "Happy belated birthday, Cassandra."

"Thank you," she smiled.

"You are a very beautiful young lady, Cassandra. What could you possibly want from me? I am sure there are hordes of good looking, bad boy types, that wouldn't hesitate to spend time with you."

"You think I am pretty, but you are not attracted to me, is that what you are trying to say, Gil?"

"No, I want to know what you want from me. And, what you expected your little charade, for lack of a better term, would lead to."

“I thought that if we spent time together it would be exciting. My own birthday present to me,” she replied in almost a whisper with a trace of a grin on her lips.

“Do you know how I deal with mischievous young ladies, Cassandra?” I grinned.

“I haven’t snooped in to the memories of your private life with my magic, please believe that. But, I can probably guess,” she replied nervously.

“I believe that you did not pry in to my mind. Please elaborate on what you are guessing, Cassandra,” I calmly replied.

She was trying hard to stop herself from fidgeting as she answered, “You like control,” her words came out more like a question than an answer.

“That is part of it. But, the control has to be offered freely to me. And the other person has to enjoy being submissive. What else are you able to guess?”

Cassandra hesitated a few seconds before she replied with one word, “Hard.”

I grinned and asked, “You are curious about, and want to experience being treated rough?”

She stared at me and nodded.

“I asked you a question, Cassandra. I expect a verbal reply,” I sternly informed her that a nod would not satisfy me.

My tone startled and excited her.

She cleared her throat and answered, “Yes, I am curious and would like to experience it very much.”

“You are certain about this, Cassandra?”

She nodded her reply again. I lowered my head and gave her a stern look as a reminder.

Another chill ran down her spine and she quickly replied, “I am very sure, Gil. If you promise to be patient with me, I will do my absolute best to please you, but…” she stopped abruptly and turned her eyes away from me.

“Look at me, Cassandra,” I calmly ordered.

She quickly turned her eyes back to me.

“Please finish what you started to say, Cassandra.”

She took a deep, controlled breath and continued, “Please promise you won’t hurt me.”

“Has someone betrayed your trust?” I asked her, scanning her face for any telltale signs of how bad the betrayal had been.

“Yes,” she replied in a tone that told me she didn’t want to provide me any details.

“I have never felt the need to be malicious, or, purposefully inflict pain just for the sake of hurting someone. I’m still not sure I can provide you the experience that you are seeking, Cassandra.”

“You mean my magic? I can control that, Gil. I almost never use my magic when interacting with others who aren’t Magi.”

“I believe you. But, the fact remains that I don’t know the first thing about Magi, magic, or what makes you tick.”

“It’s alive in me, a part of me. The same way my heart pumps blood through me. My girl parts tick like every other woman’s, if that is what you were asking about,” she half snickered.

I chuckled and replied, “Thank you for replying in such a delicate manner. It was what I was asking.”

I placed my fingers on the top button of the shirt and asked, “May I remove the shirt?”

She placed her hands on my wrists and nervously informed me, “I have very small breasts, Gil, barely a handful for you. I can make them bigger for you.”

“No, I am not interested in anything that isn’t you, Cassandra. Now, I will ask again, may I remove the shirt?”

She smiled at me, slid her hands down to my elbows and gently held on to them as she softly replied, “Yes.”

I unbuttoned the shirt and gently pulled it open, exposing her small and perky breasts. Her nipples were pink and stood out against her pale skin. I looked down past her tight, flat tummy and gazed between her slim legs. Her pussy was shaved clean; her inner lips were hidden from sight in between her plump mound.

“You are a very beautiful, sexy young lady. I love your body,” I warmly smiled at her.

She lowered her head and smiled to herself.

“If I decide to take you up on your offer, you must promise me that you will ask me if you may use your magic,” I said to her in a serious and calm voice.

Cassandra smiled and replied, “I promise, Gil.”

“Thank you, Cassandra. Now, I want to watch you masturbate and cum for me,” I grinned at her.

Cassandra twisted her lips and looked away from me, slightly embarrassed as she replied, “I use magic when I play with myself, at the end.”

“You may do whatever you want. This is for my viewing and educational pleasure,” I grinned.

Cassandra swallowed hard and asked, “How do you want me?”

I walked to the couch and sat down, “On your back, at my feet, your legs spread wide and your calves on the couch, on either side of my legs,” I grinned.

Cassandra eased herself on to her back, spread her legs and placed them on the couch as I had requested.

She smiled and asked me, “May I start now?”

“You may, and you will address me as, Sir, when you are in my service.”

“Yes, Sir,” she panted as her fingers gently parted her slit.

She held her inner folds gently parted as she stoked her clit. Her finger moved in slow, deliberate circles over her sensitive pinkness. As her arousal grew, she stopped rubbing gently and dragged her entire palm and fingers over her wet opening. Moaning and lifting her hips off the floor as she turned her head to one side and gasped.

I watched as one of her fingers slid slowly inside her pussy and she gently rolled her clit between her thumb and finger. Her finger slid in and out of her pussy in a slow, deliberate rhythm. As she got more aroused, she slid two fingers deep inside herself and tugged on her clit, pulling on it, side to side. Her moaning became long and low as her arousal grew in intensity. She felt the familiar heat increase deep in her belly.

She was close.

I watched as she slid her fingers completely out of her pussy and held it spread wide. She opened her eyes and looked at me with glazed over eyes, and slowly extended her outstretched index finger to me. I placed my fingertip on hers. Sparks danced around our fingers. I felt a warm, slight vibration traveled up my finger. The sparks hummed silently on my flesh. The feeling was erotic, stimulating, something I had never felt before. I watched as a quiver slowly shot through her entire body and a loud moan filled the room.

“Ohhhhhhh, ohhhhhhh, ohhhhhh!” she shot her hips off the floor as her finger left mine and found her throbbing clit.

The sparks that she had made me feel appeared again. Orange and yellow flashes danced on her pink, wet slit. Her body tensed up tight and suddenly shook violently. The sparks turned in to one large flash of orange and yellow and disappeared. Cassandra clamped her thighs tightly together and screamed as her orgasm ripped through her quivering body.

She rolled on to one side, gasped and continued to quiver as her orgasm subsided.

“Ohhhhhfuuuuuck!” she repeated each time another wave shot through her.

I watched as her orgasm slowly subsided, with a grin on my face. Cassandra rolled on to her back and opened her eyes.

“Thank you, Cassandra.”

She smiled, ran her tongue over her lips and asked, “Did that please you, Sir?”


“Did you like the sensation of the sparks, Sir?” she coyly asked.

“I did, very much so, Cassandra.”

“Would you like to feel them on a different part of your body, Sir? It’s not fair that I got to cum and you didn’t,” she asked with the now familiar mischief in her voice.

I stared at her and replied, “Eventually, Cassandra. Are you free tomorrow?”

She pouted, “Yes I am. Are we done for today, Sir?”

“I got all the answers I needed, Cassandra. If you are able to meet me tomorrow, in the early afternoon, we can discuss this further. Perhaps over a coffee or tea, at a place of your choosing? I will let you know what I expect of you. And, you can tell me what you want and don’t want to experience.”

“I do have a favorite coffee shop. I’ll text you the address,” she cheerfully agreed to my offer.

I walked Cassandra to the door. She leaned with her back against the door and grinned at me.

“Are you sure you don’t want to cum, Gil? You can pick where to cum in me,” she offered as she pulled me closer to her.

“We’ve just only became friends, Cassandra. I promise to take you up on your offer tomorrow,” I grinned.


Shortly after one o’clock the next day, I received a text from Cassandra. The coffee shop was called, The Witches Brew. I laughed to myself and thought it was a fitting place to meet. I took another screen shot of the text conversation and emailed it to myself. More precaution. I trusted Cassandra, but had no idea of how other Magi might react if they found out. I wrote that in the email to myself.

When I arrived at the coffee shop, Cassandra was seated at a table for two and had ordered a coffee for me. She smiled and stood up to hug me and say hello. She was wearing a very short, tie-dyed, summer dress. It was different shades of purple and yellow mixing with each other, different sized, colorful, circles melting in to each other. Her small breasts moved freely under the thin material. Her slender legs were bare, the dress covered very little of her thighs. My cock twitched and shifted against my jeans.

“Interesting décor,” I chuckled, while I looked around the interior and at the charms and symbols tastefully decorating the place.

We sat down and Cassandra asked, “Do you like it?”

“I do. It has a very relaxed feel to it. And, you have home field advantage,” I smiled.

“That, and I wanted to show you off to the people I know here,” she coyly replied.

I looked around at the other people in the coffee shop. Not averting anyone’s gaze that was looking at me. I wondered to myself if any of them were Magi. Cassandra picked up on what I was thinking to myself.

She placed her hand on mine and said, “Some are, some aren’t. But I won’t tell you. I hope you understand, Gil. Besides, the owner is a very powerful, Maga. She has cast a spell, no magic will work inside these walls.”

“I understand, Cassandra. It is you I am interested in, not anyone else in here.”

Cassandra smiled and replied, “Thank you. Beneath that sexy, scary exterior, you are a very sweet man.”

I looked at a charm that hung above front of the door and asked, “What does that symbol represent, Cassandra?”

“It’s the Triple moon, or, Triple Goddess. It represents Maiden, Mother and Crone, the three phases of a woman's life. It has protective powers,” she explained the symbol to me in a cheerful tone, happy that I had asked the question.

“You have the same symbol on your ankle bracelet. You don’t feel that you need protection from me, do you, Cassandra?” I grinned.

She squeezed my hand tighter and whispered coyly, “Depends on what you have in store for me.”

I chuckled and replied in a voice low enough that others couldn’t hear, “Have you given any thought to any limits you might have?”

Cassandra took a quick look around before she answered, “Tell me what you expect of me first. I’ll be able to answer that question better if I know what you want, please, Sir.”

“I expect you to offer all of you to me, Cassandra. I expect you to trust me and I expect you to trust yourself, and to tell me when you want me to stop. I have very few limits of my own. I will give you what you need and be as gentle or as hard you ask me to be.”

She bit her lower lip and stared seductively at me as she answered, “Use me, teach me and thrill me. Please don’t hurt me or betray my trust. That is all I ask of you, Gil.”

“You have my word. You have a very sophisticated sense of sex for a nineteen year old. Does that have to do with all this?” I asked as I looked around the room.

Cassandra giggled and nodded her head, “I think of it as a perk.”

“What do you enjoy, specifically, Cassandra?”

“Mmmm, I like a lot of things. My favorites are, being restrained or held down, being told what to do, teased, made to beg and being handled roughly. I can take a lot, despite my fragile look,” she answered as she leaned in closer to me and almost whispered her reply.

“I look forward to doing all of that and more,” I grinned.

“Much, much more and very frequently, I hope,” she giggled.

I chuckled and replied, “I want to stop by a gift shop I passed by on my way here. I want to get something for you. Let’s call it a belated birthday gift.”

“And then we can go back to your apartment and get started?” she grinned.

My cock began to stiffen at the thought of having her alone, “Yes,” I replied in a low growly voice.

We walked a few blocks to the gift shop where I had spotted hand carved chopsticks. They were made of cherry wood and had the symbols of the Chinese zodiac, intricately carved in to them. I purchased four pairs, and wouldn’t tell Cassandra why I bought four.

She was jumping up and down, just outside the shop, as she held on to my arm and begging, “Please, please, please tell me!”

“You’ll have to wait, I won’t tell you again, Cassandra,” I sternly told her as I reached around and slapped her ass hard.

“Owwwwieee!” she yelped as she rubbed where my hand had smacked her, “Yummy, you owe me eighteen more of those,” she snickered, got up on her toes and kissed my lips. “Thank you for the gift, I think they are very pretty.”

I flagged down a cab and we headed to my apartment.


We entered my apartment and I locked the door. Cassandra was breathing hard, excited and nervous at the thought of experiencing what she had been aching for.

“Disrobe for me, Cassandra,” I ordered as soon as the lock of the door clicked.

She hesitated an instant and slipped the sandals off her feet. I took the gift bag with the chopsticks from her, and watched as she slowly slipped the shoulder straps of her dress over her shoulder and wiggled out of the colorful garb, letting it pool around her feet.

I extended my hand to her; she gently gripped my fingers and followed me as I led her to my bedroom. She bit her lower lip when she saw the ankle and wrist cuffs fastened to each bedpost. The heat between her legs flared and her clit tingled at the anticipation of what she was going to experience.

“I want you lying face down, to begin with, Cassandra,” I said to her as I cupped my hand over her wet slit.

She nodded as she gasped at the touch of my hand on her. I gently squeezed her pussy and kissed her. She parted her lips and offered me her tongue as a moan gurgled in her throat.

I broke the kiss and pulled my lips away from her, “You are soaked, Cassandra,” I grinned.

She nodded and moaned as she stood up on her toes and leaned towards me, in search of my mouth. I allowed her to kiss me again. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me harder and more passionately. My cock stiffened and twitched in my jeans. Cassandra pressed her body harder against me, and rubbed against my growing shaft. Her breathing had become deep and raspy. She was on fire, her young lust raging out of control.

I snapped her out of her hypnotic state when I growled an order at her, “On your knees, Cassandra.”

She gasped and looked at me with needful eyes, “Fuck me now, please, Gil. I need you inside me!” her words were panted at me, in a broken, desperate rhythm.

I met her plea with a controlled, icy stare in my eyes and calmly repeated, “On your knees, Cassandra, now.”

“Please, Gil! Fuck me now and I’ll do anything you want after,” she moaned, begging to feel my hot, hard cock pounding inside her young pussy.

“You’ll to anything I want regardless. On your knees, address me as, Sir, or you may leave,” I growled softly at her.

“Fuuuuck,” she mumbled and lowered herself on to her knees.

“Much better,” I smiled at her, “I promise it will be worth the wait, Cassandra. Be patient, I’ll be right back.”

I made my way to the kitchen and grabbed six elastic bands from the utensil drawer.

“You must learn to behave in a much more obedient manner, Cassandra. You are allowed to ask question; in fact, I encourage you to do so, but, whining and trying to control what and when I do things to you, will not be tolerated. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, Sir,” she replied, her words had an edge to them, but she got the message.

“Now, please lay down on the bed.”

She got up and eased herself, face down on to my bed. I took in her slender form and tight, round ass cheeks. Her skin was pale and fair, the perfect canvas to leave marks on, as reminders of our time together.

I fastened her wrists and ankles to each of the leather cuffs and gently brushed my fingers up and down across her back, ass and legs. She shivered at my touch.

“Eighteen more, is that what you asked for, Cassandra?” I asked her as I squeezed one of her plump ass cheeks.

“Ohhh, yes, Sir,” she moaned and lifted her ass slightly off the mattress.

“You will count out each of the blows, as I spank your beautiful, tight ass,” I half growled at her.

She nodded and I struck the first blow on her left ass cheek. A loud smack filled the room. Cassandra pulled on the cuffs and tensed her body.

“One!” she gasped.

I struck her other cheek with my open hand. Her body squirmed from the sharp sting.

“T-two!” she yelped.

She counted out all eighteen blows. Her ass was nice and red, and warm to the touch.

“Beautiful, your skin is perfect to leave marks upon, Cassandra,” I told her as I caressed her red, hot ass.

“Thank you, Sir,” she replied moaning at the soothing caress of my hand on her glowing cheeks.

I released her from the cuffs and ordered her on to her back. I cuffed her ankles and wrists again. My eyes roamed slowly over her body. Her small perky breasts with erect, pink nipples called out to be sucked on. I squeezed one of her breasts and sucked the hard nipple of the other in to my mouth. She tasted sweet in my mouth. Her skin had an intoxicating scent. She arched her back and moaned as I fondled and sucked on her breasts. I pinched and pulled on her nipple, stretching her breast away from her chest. My fingers tightened around her nipple, gradually increasing the pressure, testing her nipple’s pain threshold. When I saw her grimace, I let up on the pressure.

“Now I will reveal to you, why I bought the chopsticks, Cassandra,” I grinned at her and placed a hard kiss on her lips.

‘Mmmmmm,” she moaned and squirmed against her restraints.

I wrapped an elastic band around the ends of two chopsticks, binding them together and placed them on Cassandra’s chest. She looked at them and moaned again. I did the same to, two other pair.

I pinched and lifted her left nipple away from her chest, and slid the open ends of the chopsticks around it. When her nipple was positioned in the middle of the sticks, I squeezed the open ends together, wound an elastic band around the ends, and trapped her nipple in place. Her eyes were glued to what I was doing to her.

“Mmmmm, that feels so good, Sir,” Cassandra whispered in a throaty voice.

I did the same to her other nipple. She moaned at the biting sensation of the sticks, which blurred the line where pleasure ceased and pain began. I alternated placing soft kisses on each her trapped nipples. She tasted like almonds and vanilla. I gently sucked one of her nipples in to my mouth and rolled the other between my finger and thumb.

"What shall I do with the other two pair of sticks, Cassandra?" I teasingly asked her.

"Ohhhhhfuuuuck!" she panted, knowing that her pussy was next to taste the sweet bite of the sticks.

I ran my hand over her belly and cupped her pussy.

"Do you think your clit can take the same bite as your nipples, Cassandra?"

She pushed her hips off the mattress and nodded as she moaned with anticipation at having her clit squeezed between the sticks.

"I can't hear you, Cassandra," I growled at her.

"Ohhhh, yes, Sir! Pleeeeeease, Sir!" she moaned as she pressed her dripping slit harder against my hand.

I licked a path from one nipple, down over her belly and stopped when I reached the top of her mound.

"Nnnnnnnnnn!" she complained as she lifted her hips higher, in the hopes that her throbbing clit would meet my mouth.

"Such an inpatient young lady. You'll have to wait a bit longer now, Cassandra," I teased her.

"Pleeeeeease, Sir!" she begged.

"No, not just yet, I want to play with your perky tits a bit more. They taste delicious. I want you to show me your inner slut, Cassandra. All you have demonstrated to me thus far is that you are a very, selfish and horny young lady. I want to fuck the submissive slut that I know you want to be for me, Cassandra."

She strained against the binds that held her ankles and wrists in place. Her insides quivered and her pussy clenched tight. The thought of being vulnerable, teased, and denied what she needed, excited her more than she had imagined. She knew that she could use her magic to break herself free of the binds and finger herself to release. One or two hard passes over her clit would have triggered an explosion deep in her pussy. She had fought the urge to do so, up to the moment of being asked to be a slut for me. The urge was gone. In that instant, she realized that even if she wasn't in wrist cuffs, she wouldn't search for her dripping slit.

Sub space, she had read about it, she was curious about it, now she had experienced it. She had never been this aroused and wet. The thought of not knowing if, and when I would allow her to cum thrilled her. She didn't want control anymore. She wanted to be used, teased, denied, called a slut and made to suffer any sweet agony I wanted to inflict on her.

"Take everything from me. Use me, deny me, and force me. Leave me empty, shaking and dripping, inside and out!" she begged.

“I plan to, Cassandra, all that you ask and more. My lecherous, pretty slut,” I softly growled as I turned both sticks a full ninety degrees, twisting her nipples that were gripped in between them.

“Ow-ow-ow-ow!” she cried out at the feel of her sensitive nipples being bit in to and twisted.

“Too much for my slut?” I grinned at her as I asked the questions.

“N-no, don’t stop, Sir,” she grimaced.

I let go of the sticks and they snapped back to their original position. Cassandra moaned and pulled tight on the leather cuffs.

I wound an elastic band around the ends of another pair of chopsticks. Cassandra watched as I gripped one end, and placed the pad of my index finger on the other end.

“Your skin is so fair, Cassandra. Allow me to add a bit of color to your breasts.”

She stared as I brought the sticks close to her right breast and pulled my finger back, the sticks bent in the middle. I grinned and slipped the pad of my finger off the ends and flicked the sticks in to her pale, soft breast. The wood bit in to soft flesh and made a soft smacking sound. Cassandra gasped and held her breath, waiting for the stinging in her breast to subside. The sting quickly turned to a spreading heat across her breast. I flicked the sticks again, closer to her nipple.

“Ohhhhfuuuckkk!” Cassandra shouted and tried to cover her breast with both hands.

The cuffs held her hands fast. The muscles in her slender arms strained as she pulled against the restraints.

“Tell me to stop if this is too much, Cassandra,” I sternly said to her.

She shook her head side to side and gasped, “More please, Siiiiir!”

I flicked the sticks harder in to the flesh of left breast. I watched as her flesh turned red and gently caressed where the sticks bit in t

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It was September of 2009 and I was coming home from my high school when my mother called me with the details. Hi mom, whats up? Lex, you remember the Jones right? Sure, they have the twins right? How old are they now? Well, I think they just turned twelve last month&hellip,but anyways, Mrs. Jones just called me not ten minutes ago to see if you could head over to spend the night. They received an emergency from the hospital where her mother lives and they need to leave now and they cannot...

2 years ago
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Dinner And A Night Out Part 2

We are in the Camelot room. It is a beautiful room. The whole room is a Victorian décor. I let you go in first. When you walk in, there is a small sitting room with a table and two chairs. The table is set with a flower centerpiece, a bowl of fresh strawberries, grapes,and blueberries, and a chilled bottle of merlot. Directly across the room is the bath. You walk in. There is a large beige tiled bath with a gold faucet. It sets between three walls. The sidewall has three large windows...

3 years ago
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Sex With Friend8217s Fatty Mom

Hi to all. Am Vijay from Pollachi, Coimbatore. Am a mad sex freak who loves to have all kinds of sex. Am a bisexual. I love to be both romantic and brutal as per the wish of my partner. This is the sex story which happened before 2 years. Being a regular Indian Sex Stories reader, now got the courage to open my sexual voyages. This is my first sex story. So, regret if I made any mistakes in the narration. Let’s get into the sex story without boring. Am a tall fair lad with an average body who...

3 years ago
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Chudai At Hotel 8211 Once Again

First part of “ Chudai at Hotel “ was on 03-03-2007. I am Binod . That time I was 36 yrs old. I travelled with KIRAN very young wife of my younger brother. We had to spend night in a hotel and we fucked with mutual consent. She was almost virgin. Five year passed and our relation continued. My wife also accepted our relationship. Kiran is now mother of my two child, both sons. After that incident I met a guruji and got very much impressed by him and his institution. He visited our house and...

3 years ago
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The Palace of Sodomy

Copyright 2005 Jordan Rivers  This text contains material of an explicit and adult nature. If you are not of legal age to view such text DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER. The following incidents and characters are fictional and in no way reflects any known persons, situations or places. Any similarity to real life is purely coincidental.

2 years ago
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My unexpected journey part 1

I heard the door slam shut behind me and the click of the lock being put into place. The lights flared on, blinding me for a few seconds before my eyes finally adjusted to them. The woman was even more gorgeous in the light and I made no hesitation in telling her so. Her cheeks began to redden as she blushed at the comment and suddenly threw her arms around my neck pulling me to her. Her lips met mine as she began kissing me, and with only a moment of pause I joined in kissing her back,...

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How a Stranger fucked my wife.I left my wife tied to the window. Hands secured above her head. Eyes covered with her shawl securely tied. I slowly opened the door and let him in.I had great fantasy of seeing my wife being fucked by someone else. I had tried to talk her into it but she was adamant. The more I read sex stories, the more determined I became. I began posting my stories online too to make up for my fantasies.Then I got a mail from Babu.He appreciated my stories. I send him a mail...

3 years ago
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BernieChapter 2

We drove for a few minutes, Neville really tanking it; I thought about grabbing the wheel, but decided at this speed I would end up killing as all. I looked back at Jackie, her mood was changing her face softened and she slumped back into the seat. Bernie was stroking her shoulder, very gently. Jackie didn't pull away. We sped on, through the night. "Well, here we are, Jacqueline," chirped Bernie, "nice name, I had a girlfriend called Jackie once, lovely girl, lovely big bum and tits...

2 years ago
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109 BIRTHDAY BDMS GAMES FOR TWO It was my birthday and it was to be hers the following week, we always celebrated both together on the weekend between the two! Perverse sods you may think but it`s what we have always`s not the only thing that we do that`s perhaps not what some vanilla people would call “normal”. Each year a month before our “birthday” we each write down on a postcard whatever fantasy we have invented or read about or are turned on by this year, and want the...

3 years ago
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Helen and Son 2

Ricky's cock popped out of Helen as she lifted herself off him and flopped into the passenger seat. He looked around the parking lot to see if anyone might have seen them. There was just one couple, and they were packing their car at the other end.Helen hadn't said anything. She was sitting with her eyes closed."Are you okay, mom?" Ricky asked, concerned."It wasn't what I expected."Ricky felt deflated, "You didn't enjoy it?"Helen opened her eyes and put her palm on Ricky's cheek, "Oh Ricky, I...

2 years ago
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The Answer

The sound of the trash truck clanging and beeping its way down the street heralded a new day. Mornings have a sound all their own. The breaking dawn was peeking through the blinds as I watched Lexi, so peaceful in her sleep - a stark contrast from what happened yesterday. I couldn't sleep last night, thinking about how our lives were seemingly spiraling out of control. How could I have let it progress to this point, and what, if anything, could I do to stop it? I keep going over it all in my...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Astrology Part 2

ASTROLOGY - Part 2 Naina and Pooja were standing ink front of me and were looking at me from toe to head and wondering as to how to convert this man to a woman or atleast make it close to look like one for it seemed an impossible task. My height was around 5' 8", fat with a big belly, rough beard with little hair on my head, hairy all body, overall a fatty and rough looking man. Pooja said, "Shailesh, you need to put in a lot of effort and loose a lot of weight and do a lot of...

1 year ago
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A Rose By Any Other Name

We’ve been friends for a while, Jack Hart and I. Neither one of us in a steady relationship and Jack always counting on me to fix him up with someone, ‘like you, Rose, but not like you.’ I knew what he meant by that and I was never really hurt by it. Trying to set him up with friends and acquaintances. But things were changing. My feelings began to change towards him and today of all days was my first Valentine’s Day without anyone. I was in a relationship that lasted over 3 years. It was...

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movin with momma

We had spent a long day moving from Chicago to Cincinnati. The Ryder truck was finally unloaded and returned to the rental station. My mom and I were exhausted and completely filthy. My mom is about 5’3” with an incredibly sexy ass. She had a beautiful set of dd cup breasts with nipples that when erect could poke an inch through the halter tops she habitually wore. As we walked up the stairs to our new apartment, I could not help staring at her luscious ass cheeks peeking out from her short...

1 year ago
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Evening At The CastleChapter 13 A Visit With Marianne

Friday dawned dark, gloomy and rainy, the kind of day I wished I could pull the covers over my head and go back to sleep, but remembering my appointment this evening, I instead reluctantly got up and stepped into the shower. The hot stinging spray quickly cleared my mind and I began ticking off all the things I needed to accomplish before Marianne's driver arrived at six o'clock. After drying off and slipping into my robe I called Room Service and asked for Bridget. She picked up almost...

3 years ago
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The Price of Popularity Chapter One The Transformation

James was very unpopular so when he was offered a potion from a local gypsy, he couldn't turn it down. The potion allowed him to become anyone he wanted, he could never have imagined how much would change when he chose the most popular girl in school. The Price of Popularity: Chapter One - The transformation By Tammi Veil James was the bottom of the food chain at school, even the nerds picked on him. The mental abuse over the years had been very hard on him, and he was even...

2 years ago
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Blaze Part 2

Awake again Unlike her previous awakenings, Jess regained consciousness in a single moment. Her mind was remarkably clear and there was no confusion as to where she was. The now familiar green glow was all she needed to know that she was back in her hospital room. The memory of the attacking Lycans and Vampira were still fresh on her mind and the fears and remnants of the pain that had nearly undone her came rushing back. She felt totally defenseless and alone. Depression, her old...

1 year ago
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More Louise tales from the man who broke her into oral sex

After that fantastic sex session with Louise and my daughter Sue, it became a regular thing. Whenever my wife left the house for any long period of time or, when Louise's family left and she alone, we would get together. Sometimes with Sue sometimes w/o her. About once a week for an hour, maybe two we would enjoy . Sue was getting much better at giving and receiving oral sex. I look back on this time in my life and think sometimes, Louise and I had created a monster. Sue loved having her pussy...

1 year ago
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The Branson KidChapter 7

Kitty was up next, but I needed a little rest afore I went after breakin' in my next wife. Kitty asked how long she was going ta have ta wait. I admitted that I did not know. I was not used ta fuckin' more than once in a day an' maybe three times a week. All five women looked kind of disappointed at that, but I perked them up when I said, "Of course, I ain't never had so much incentive afore. Afore now, I always had ta pay fer a woman, an' I had ta be sure I had the money afore I went...

3 years ago
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The light from the street lamp outside probed its way through the small gap in the curtains of my window, casting shadows across her body. It wasn’t the lamp that was keeping Jasmine awake, no it was the humidity was atrocious, even with the full blast air conditioning sliding over her.The naked girl groaned and rolled over onto her stomach, hard nipples sliding across the satin sheets. Putting those on hadn’t been a good idea, but when she had looked she was out of cotton sheets, and the only...

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Gay Lust In Dubai 8211 Part 1

It was a Friday morning, one of the two off days I get from my tiring work schedule. I’ve been working in Dubai for 8 months at this point as an accountant, and the salary was okay. I have been living a pretty average life up until this point, going out to the malls with my colleagues at work in the weekends, and going to drinking parties once in a while, but otherwise, it was routine. I have been fascinated by older men since my teenage years, but I have never experimented due to the social...

Gay Male
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Dare I do a Horse

had nothing to do with bestiality, but had a brief section about a young boy who got fucked by his dog. I have yet to realize that fantasy but still hold hopes it might happen. I am not gay in any way. I have used dildoes on myself, however. This all started when I used to send away for sex magazines, most always having to do with lesbians. Upon receipt of some magazines one time, I received a free gift which when I opened it saw it was a dildo. I was like, yea right. But for some reason,...

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Olivier Mira Armstrong needs you

I give a very firm knock on the large metal door, anything less the general would consider weak. "Enter!" As I step into the office I can't help but feel intimated. It's completely bare, everything is grey concrete aside from a large ornate wooden desk at which the general sits, her sword at her side. Her eyes are as cold and blue as the Briggs mountain sky. I take only the briefest second to marvel at her beauty, no matter how many times I see her I can't help but take that second, I know it's...

1 year ago
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Controlling Sara

My name is Joe, I am 50 years old and have a wife Sara the same age. A few months ago my life changed like you wouldn’t believe. Here goes. I am a builder, and I was in town one day looking to call into the Architects office to discuss the drawings for the extension I had won the contract to build. As I walked down the street, there was a small child playing excitedly on the pavement. I didn’t pay much attention to her, but I should have, because she was just about to change my life. As I...

3 years ago
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Neighbour FantasiesPart 8

I went home directly from work the day Donna and I had sex in the company warehouse, anxious for our dinner date later that evening. My "aunt" Lorene was out of town for a week on a buying trip, so I was lonely and a bit horny. Donna called about thirty minutes after I got home to say she had to rain-check our dinner date because the heat and her birth control pills were making her ill. I told her we would plan for another evening, and hung up...totally disappointed. I made myself dinner, then...

2 years ago
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Lonesome Willow Ranch

Marina and I have been seeing each other for a week. I have learned about why she left Russia, seeking to make more money outside Russia. She is well-educated, but did not have access to a wide-ranging job market. Jobs in which she could put her skills to use are abundant outside Russia. She had a desire to see and experience the customs and traditions of a new culture. Russian men lack chivalry, they treat their Russian women with indifference or disinterest. Russian men are inclined to...

4 years ago
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Rachel Grahams Precious Little Life Prologue

Note: This story is copyright 2013 Mekalicious, all rights reserved. This story may not be copied, distributed, or sold without express written consent of the original author. Author's note: I took a lot of inspiration for this story from an experience I had online a couple years ago, and the person I describe as Steven Stills is an actual person that's out there. Ladies, especially younger ladies, be careful, and look out for this guy. Just because he is the protagonist of the...

3 years ago
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Island DelightChapter 2 Checking In

“Keanu, I have to go!” protested the pretty young woman. “Alamea, I think you should stay right where you are!” answered the young man she was with. They were laying on a small bed in a room just off the lobby of the Haka Nuva Inn, dressed in pretty much the same clothing they had come into the world with. Alamea replied, “The ferry sounded the horn. You might not have been paying attention, but I heard it over all the noise you were making.” “You were the one causing me to make that...

1 year ago
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Erotic Bus Journey

Hi I m Raj(Prince) from Bangalore working as a freelancer. I’m not the outgoing types, but don’t miss an opportunity to explore my fantasies. Once such happened during my bus journey about 6 months back. I was traveling back from Chennai to Bangalore. My family members shared seats and I sat alone next to a Window seat. The bus left about 7 in the evening. I was busy listening to music and was particularly inconspicuous when this girl about 24-25 with pleasant features sat in the seat in front...

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blind date and tongue bath

Dinner was fantastic, my date Dan was gorgeous and I loved his apartment. The evening passed quickly and the conversation fairly sparkled, Dan was both interesting and interested in me. I had never done a blind date before but Sally had recommended Dan very highly, apparently he was just back from a period travelling the world and would soon be snapped up, me being single Sally had done some manoeuvring and here I was. I was nervous but Dan's attentions were getting me quite excited, he was...

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Second ChanceChapter 72

By unspoken agreement we all slept late on New Year's Eve. Because of the change in our circumstances, we would all be moving out before evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bell, along with the Thorsons, would be flown to an undisclosed airfield and transferred by helicopter to the boat. Colleen, Rebecca, and I would be taking a US Government G-5 to Gothenburg, Sweden, where Doctor Abrams and a large staff did his cutting edge research. It was four thousand six hundred and fifty four nautical miles from...

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The Debt part 1

"How did we get into this situation?" Steve said woefully. Georgia his wife for 12 years replied, "Well, two holidays last year and a new car on the drive are subtle hints.""Shit!" Steve rubbed his hands over his hair, "we need to get advice.""The bank won't help us any more and another mortgage advance is likely to be refused", Georgia replied."Let's get to work, we don't want a lay off on top of all of this", Steve said.He picked his keys up and in one fluid motion picked up Georgia's as...

Wife Lovers
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Watching My Neighbors Part 6

 Lying on my side, between my lovers, I feel Bruce climb out of bed. I have been dozing on and off all night in anticipation of this afternoon and Pam is sound asleep. Bruce is now moving about and then I hear him go to the master bathroom.When Bruce turns on the shower, I wait a moment and quietly slip out of bed so as to not wake Pam. I walk over to the shower and watch Bruce soap up his muscular torso, his eyes closed, basking in the warm water.I slip in behind Bruce and slip my arms around...

2 years ago
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It Is Good to Be the DemonChapter 44

Holly was in the front with me, and Laura was in the back. The conversation was just some light banter with a lot of flirting and more than a few innuendos. It was mostly the two girls talking, as I was preoccupied looking at the beautiful upper thigh that I could see where Holly's dress ended. Between making sure I didn't wreck and kill all of us, and stealing those looks. I was trying to mentally will that dress to go up just half an inch higher. I knew exactly what that half of an inch...

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Best Night of My Life Part 3

Authors Note: Although based on certain true events, this story is a work of fiction. It is intended for entertainment purposes only. It builds slowly and contains a lot of details. Yes, there is sex in this story. No, it doesn’t happen right away. If you are looking for a story with raunchy sex at the get-go that never lets up, you probably won’t enjoy this. Most of the scenes are a build-up of erotically charged circumstances. —————– continued from part 2 Sara, though, spoke up “I agree. We...

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Jenny and Rachel

I was a freshman in college when I met Jenny. I remember it like it was yesterday, I was putting the covers on the bed I had chosen in the dorm room when she arrived. She was wearing gym shorts and a t-shirt with no bra. Her red hair, which came down to her waist, contracted perfectly with her blue eyes. “Oh, I was hoping to get the bed by the window,” she said. “You can have it,” I blurted out. I had known since I was little I was gay. I had never told anyone this and had kept to myself...

1 year ago
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it happen one night

it was an early night because I got out of class early, so I decided to go to my local strip club(spearmint rhino/city of industry) that has movie booths and a few glory hole that guys have drilled. with a pocket full of one dollar bills I went inside following a nice looking asian man. he went one direction and I went the other way to see what action is at me favorite end. i watched a few videos naked and stroking my cock hoping some guy would come to play with me at the two way mirror and...

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The Virgin Bride I

This is Huma with a new series of actions which, I hope you will like and enjoy as you have enjoyed many of my stories. This story revolves around a virgin bride and her fate. We human beings have our lives cut out and pre destined over which either the happenings of fate or the force of our own circumstances and weaknesses of our condition make us to do things which we have never even dreamt. Jai Raj Chopra aged 50 years, had built his business empire in a long time. His business was dealing...

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Mature Office

As a manager in a business you need a good support around you to get things done and in this particular case the recruitment lady was more than just a support.I had often thought about her with her long blonde hair, short skirts, low cut tops and tanned legs up on heels but it had never hit me that it was all for me. I was a youthful 20 something and this fox was in her late 30s at the time.We flirted outrageously looking back and she made it very obvious from the outset but I just enjoyed her...

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The Magic of BellsChapter 2

"So ... Giant squirrels." Sam looked around the campfire. It felt good to be back on land, in the wilderness, away from civilization and all that it created. Back in control, somewhat, of her destiny. She only wished Jack was there, sitting next to her. His hand on her leg, strong fingers writing secret words meant only for her. Someday... "I will be honest," Lil said, "now that the damned compass has, finally, done more than just point ... I'm scared." She hugged herself, despite...

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Chicken Neck Soup

FREDDIE'S CHICKEN NECK SOUP Stepping onto the campus Freddie was a little intimidated. The large old establishment had seen better times but still held a certain majesty all the same. While low-income housing had crept up to its grounds it was still a fine school that graduates could be proud to have come from. Freddie wasn't there to attend; he was seeking an inexpensive place to stay and more importantly a place of employment. The severe drought in the surrounding St Louis area had...

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Family Matters

My daughter, Louise and her friend Mags, were going out to celebrate her 18 th birthday, as Mags couldn’t get there for the real night out last month.   As usual my wife didn’t like Louise going out late to party, so she did what she always does, she went to bed and had a sleeping pill. “To stop me sitting and worrying” was her reasoning behind it.   I left her for a while and knew when she would be sparked out and completely asleep. As I entered the...

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How Rupa got laid

I wait for him to come, I’m anxious to meet him. I’ve seen pictures of him and spoken to him on the phone, but meeting him for the first time for sex in a hotel room isn’t really my style, or his. I think about him every second for the 15 minutes I sit on the bed alone in the silent hotel room. The only noise I hear is the heavy breathing coming from the room next door, I saw a girl go into that room alone before, I figure she’s pleasuring herself and wants to be alone from everyone. Being...

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Aunty Bety part 3

I was into the second week of my summer break with Aunty Betty and my cousin Amanda. When I first arrived I was rather rebellious and somewhat reckless but Aunty Betty soon sorted me out .  My last session over her lap was quite severe and this convinced me to improve my behavior. Amanda was also on her best behavior since she knew that our next encounter with Aunty Betty would involve the cane and she spoke from experience when she explained that this was not something to look forward to.  I...

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Naughty School Nurse

Naughty School NurseBy billy69boyNicole came into my office as soon as the bell rang to begin the school day. She seemed to be quite distraught, and she was walking rather stiffly. Her eyes looked red and puffy, like she had been crying."Good morning Nicole, what can I do for you?" I started out, as I got up and closed my office door, sensing her acute upsetment. As soon as I turned toward her, she burst out crying. I gave her the tissue box, and gestured for her to sit down, but she shook...

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I Want to Make You my Slave

I Want to Make You My Slave By Gail Blue "Honey, I'm bored," Laura mused as she ran her fingers through my hair. "What kind of bored? You want to go do something or... go back to the hotel?" We were lying out by the river under a tree. "Well yeah, but not right now. I just mean with life. We've been traveling for how long now, six months?" She seemed to be daydreaming as she spoke. "Money will spoil you. You think we should donate it all? Go back to working for a...

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NubileFilms Amaris The Perfect Fit

Amaris is atruly stunning in a power suit and high heels. She walks in with the result of a hard day of shopping and spots Renato on the couch. Instantly horny, she climbs on top of her boyfriend and presses her lips to his. When she is certain that she has Renato’s attention, Amaris peels off her shirt and caresses her breasts in their bra before letting that go, too. Pulling the first thing out of her shopping bag, Amaris tries on a new nightie. Then she tries on a new bra that hugs her tits....

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TRC Oni and the Farmer Ch 11

CHAPTER 1 The young farmer hesitated as he stepped up to the large hole in the rocky side of the mountain. The last time he was here his experience had been amazing. Now that he was once again standing at the cave’s entrance he was beginning to regret his decision to come back. The boy had come to the delightful conclusion that the cavern’s tenant was likely out and about in the forest. With the cave unoccupied it would be best for him to return home with much haste. Heavy footsteps from...

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Coffee Shop Slut

I checked my reflection in the shop window adjacent to the coffee store and knew I looked good. I had dressed as master had instructed. Three and a half inch heels, fishnet hold-ups, black silk mid-thigh flared mini skirt. I wore a black satin bra and matching thong and the bra was clearly visible through the clinging low-cut white chiffon blouse. I pulled out my compact from my handbag and with perfectly manicured bright-red nails, flipped it open to check my make-up. Again, as instructed, I...

Group Sex
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WaitressPOV Natalie Porkman Committed To Sausage

Smoking hot young waitress Natalie Porkman shouldn’t be on the menu for Tony, after all, she is engaged to married. Tony tries using compliments, but that doesn’t get him too far so he uses something even more surefire, a wad of cash. Mesmerized by the money, she soon agrees to go hang out with him and forgets all about her fiance. Once they’re at Tony’s place naughty Natalie is quickly naked, happily sucking his cock and getting her tight pussy hammered like the horny...

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A Visit to the North Part 8 by MadQuill

A Visit to the North - Part 8 by MadQuill This is a mystery story of Annabelle's life and the changes she encounters. The characters are all fictional. Please read the earlier parts. Please leave your comments. Part Eight I rose to my elbows and saw Seth looking at me from a chair several meters away. Though the girls were petting and stroking me, Lee had fallen from my opening. I looked across at Seth and smiled. Rachel was still near. She silenced me with her...

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