Forest of Thieves
- 5 years ago
- 24
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Part One : She Who Walks With Cats
She was an oddity amongst her people, the dark haired, dark eyed, short and stout formed, there was nothing like her honey gold hair and green eyes. Her people, proud of their ancestry, raised her up as the village treasure. She came from the sky, so the rumor was. She was a sky dweller, not of the earth at all. Her mother died during birth, and her father was never known. Leading even more to the rumors of her inheriting Magic.
The village shaman raised her, teaching her herbs, and healing lore. After all, Sky dwellers brought the healing rain to the earth. And when it came to her naming ceremony it was easy, she always seemed to have a variety of wild cats around her, bobcats, pumas, there was always a feline within sight of her, giving her name She Who Walks With Cats.
So for many years she was a prize member of the tribe. It seemed she was blessed indeed. Whenever she asked the Sky Dwellers for Rain, or favor, it was sure to come true. And until she was 16, her life was carefree and easy.
He had wanted her since they were children. And he was determined to posses her. He was young, handsome and strong. However he also had a temper, and a cruel streak. It came to the point where he hunted alone, after many of the youth of the village were sickened by his methods. Finally he approached the Shaman with his wealth, to woo the young woman. And, he showed nothing but kindness and honor when speaking with her. Of course she responded to the attention, Flattered, she responded to his attention. She was young and foolish, unaware that his attention was turning into a violent obsession. Soon, every make she spoke to was "warned" off by him, he was determined to posses her. When he asked the Shaman for her hand he refused at first to give it to him. A week later his home burnt to the ground, And the Shaman reluctantly agreed to perform the ceremony.
She was so excited to be married, seeing her husband with the light of innocence. She had dreams of romance, and a loving connection, how little did she know. That evening after the feast was over and they retired to his home. He stood there for a moment staring at her, his face shrouded in darkness, his eyes feral and cruel, not the look of love she expected and suddenly she became afraid.
He took a step towards her, and she stepped back, and the look on his face turned to rage. He lifted a hand striding across the room and hitting her hard, throwing her to the bed furs. HE felt a thrill of excitement, the look on her face, the respect, the fear, was better than the simpering puppy-love that had been there a moment before. She cried out as he roughly fell on her, ripping her wedding dress of her, biting her shoulder hard, drawing blood, she screamed at the sudden attack, and he covered her mouth with his, forcing her teeth apart, forcing her tongue back in her mouth as his hands pawed roughly at her body, he grabbed a nipple between two fingers and pinched hard, pulling and twisting slightly, her muffled cry of pain was music to his ears. Yes this was much better, she fought him weakly, and he bit her neck hard, she cried out again and he reared back and hit her hard across the face drawing blood.
Her eyes stared at him afraid and her very soul dying. He laughed and forced her legs apart, slapping her hard on the stomach forcing her breath to go out of her as he pierced her, his hard dick impaling her, she screamed soundlessly as he began to thrust inside her, his hands seem to find her neck all on his own, gripping her tightly, making every breath hard, rough, there was a wheezing sound coming from her mouth as he used her. It wasn't sex, it was barely even rape, he was pure and simply using her body. A few more vicious thrusts into her body and he was spent, he fell onto her, crushing her, and smiling the evil, sadistic grin he had on his face the whole time.
Time passed, the people of the village noticed the bruises, scabs, the fresh wounds on her body every day. Her spirit sank lower and lower, while in retrospect her husband seemed to grow stronger, and more aggressive. Then one day she stopped talking altogether, the cats left her, and the light that she had seemed to be shinning with died. The pain was too much for her soul. It came to a head one day, she had somehow, preformed some slight against him and he hit her with the pot she had been preparing to cook with, it knocked her out of the door of the hide and wood home they were living in, and in front of the entire village he beat her with one of his bows until the aged hickory snapped in half and she had no voice to scream.
No one dared help her, and they pointedly ignored the abuse. He finally stopped and stalked off into the woods, then and only then did a woman come up to help her inside, the Shaman stitched the cuts on her body closed, his eyes sad, pain filled as he did this for one who for all purposes was his daughter. And he gave his daughter a tiny knife, one that would be easily hidden, not saying a word.
Her husband came back in a rush, he grabbed the girl by the hair and knocked the protesting shaman to the ground he dragged her off screaming into the forest. After they were far from the village he threw her up against a tree, snarling at her like and animal. He had both hands on either side of her head as he licked the reopened wounds on her face, and she stared up at him, her mind gone, with a feral hiss, she stabbed upwards, again and again as his eyes widened, slumping against her as the small knife sank into his flesh again and again. She kept stabbing into him, her hands and body covered in his blood, his body fell to the ground the twisted grimace on his face still, she stared up at the sky as she kept stabbing into him, she lost all track of time.
The next morning she was still weakly stabbing into him. The cats had returned unnoticed. A mountain lion finally intervened between her and the shape that was barely recognizable as a dead man. And she stumbled to her feet, all exhaustion, all sense of self, gone. Her mind had utterly, and completely snapped. The lion and her cat companions led the girl away from the village that had let her fall to this, and, a few months later, a Hunter found her, and with difficulty brought the hissing, fighting, feral woman to his camp. As was their custom to never turn anyone away, there she eventually found herself in the tent of a wounded warrior.
Part Two : Green WillowIt was good to be out in the forest, the clean scents untainted by the smell of the cooking fires. He stalked amongst the trees, silently searching for his prey, his spear he carried with him everywhere, it had been a gift from his Father for his coming of age almost two years ago, and now he was preparing to join the ranks of the Warriors by the turning of the leaves. He soon spotted his prey drinking by a stream, head down, unaware of the danger stalking ever closer. He shook his head and attacked...
There was a shout and a splash, and both hunter and hunted fell into the stream...
"CURSE YOU Green Willow!" the sopping wet boy stood glaring at his best friend, who was still on the ground, between the stream and the bank, laughing...
"You ... should have seen the look on your FACE Fox Tail!" he replied when he could speak again, He stood easily, the water and light playing off his muscles and deep tanned skin, and stretched...
"Well the morning is early yet, shall we do a bit of hunting before heading back?" Green Willow asked picking up his spear. His was unusual, most boys his age never received a metal head. In reality though it was his fathers, given to him when his father failed to return from a raid on another village and since he was the only child of an ailing mother, the elders had decided he would need the proper tools to take over his father's role as protector and provider, so while Fox Tail hunted because he wanted to, Green Willow hunted from necessity, this made the two boys the best hunters of their age...
They very quickly brought down two deer, very nice 4 point bucks. The two boys took a moment of prayer of thanks to the souls of both animals as was the proper custom...
Carrying the meat back to the settlement wasn't hard, nor did it take them a lot of time, Green Willow took his straight to his mother, who smiled up at him with appreciation, she didn't speak, she hadn't said a word since her husband failed to return from the raid. Meanwhile Fox Tail had deposited his deer at the home of the tribes Shaman, to see it distributed to the elderly, or those who needed the meat. Their tribe was known for taking in those who had nowhere to go, they had many orphaned children and even elders who had put out by their own tribes...
The next morning Green Willow went out alone, and early, it was a game the two played, since he was the hunter yesterday today he would be the prey. He went deep into the forest, as he had recently taken from its edge, a good hunter knew the balance of nature. He also knew his friend would catch up with him soon. He was not really in a hurry, he had all morning, he found a nice patch of blackberries and got an idea. He hid in them carefully, a few scratches were worth it, and waited for a while when sure enough Fox Tail came by, tracking him. He started shaking the bushes, growling like a bear, Fox Tail spun around with spear raised, looking closely for the bear. When he saw Green Willow stand up, pointing and laughing he sighed and lowered the spear, a reluctant smile on his face as he started to chuckle...
The boys were laughing at the prank when behind Green Willow the bushes really did start shaking and a loud growl was heard. His own prank now turned against him he had just enough time to turn around before he was suddenly up in the air, piercing hot pain filled his side and his left leg went numb, he was being shaken hard. How he kept a hold of his spear he would never know. Fox Tail stood shocked for a second, before he rushed in with his own spear, knowing it was no match to this angry, old male bear. All he could hope to do was make it drop his friend. He thrust the spear into the bear's side, it roared, swatting at him, knocking him to the side, but at least the bear had dropped Green Willow. The bear turned to the boy on the ground, bleeding heavily and dropped his head down. What happened next was too fast for anyone, including the bear to register for a moment. The old, angry bear felt himself go weak, and he laid down, confused. He stared at the boy he had mauled as his eyesight faded and he died. Fox Tail stood painfully, breathing was difficult, and he limped over to his friend, who had mercifully passed out, somehow the last movement he made had lined the metal tipped spear blade with the Bear's heart. He carefully lifted his friend over his shoulders, wincing and grunting softly in pain. How they got back to the village was a blurred, pain filled memory for Fox Tail, but they did eventually make it and Green Willow was rushed off to the Shaman's tent...
It was a long recovery process for Green Willow, the shaman wasn't even sure if he would save the boy. It was winter before Green Willow could even try to stand. On the winter Solstice he was given his new name, his Warrior name, One word, simple, Bear...
The Bear Skin was presented to him as well, and the feast was one of honor and celebration that the two boys survived at all. It was late at night when She came to him, Shining Spring, she looked at her childhood friend, and potential lover, her eyes soft. She helped him to his home, laughing and whispering in his ear. For the first time since the bear attacked him, he felt human, he felt whole. As they entered the hide and log home that was his own now, she reached for his shirt, pulling it over his head, she ran her hands over the scars on his chest from the bear, her eyes full of pride, and almost a superior look, after all she was going with HIM, The Bear Killer. She knelt down in front of him, her hands on the ties to his breeches, smiling up at him, her eyes full of status, and honor, and dreams of a position amongst the tribeswomen as the Woman of The Bear Killer.
His pants fell, and her face changed, her eyes widened, as she saw the true damage the Bear had done. It was obvious he would never fully heal, his hip had healed oddly, she could see how it differed from normal, and the scaring, those bright pink, deep pocked scars, trailing dangerously close to his penis, there was a very real fact that he could never father children. She went from pride, to revulsion, to disgust, to pity. She stood quickly, shaking her head, she looked up at him, the agony, the shock written on his face and turned, running out of the tent. He sank to the ground painfully, and while he didn't cry, the agony of his soul stayed with him until he finally fell asleep. A Month later Shining Spring was married to Fox Tail. And Bear began to withdraw from the village, his mother didn't make it through the winter, she died warm and safe in her home, and with that death any real connection with the village ended...
Many tried to reach out, but just couldn't get past the wall he had put up. Then one day, a hunter brought in a girl, green eyes, blonde hair, obviously a child of the forests, with her cats hanging around at the edge of the encampment. The Shaman assigned her to various homes until, as a last hope to help both her and the young warrior, he assigned her to his home. The Shaman didn't think it would help, but as was their custom, and indeed the Shaman's heart, he would not turn the girl out again...
Part Three : Brought TogetherHe placed the bowl of soup close to the girl kneeling in his home, her hands were bound to the center post of the wood and bark structure. She had pale gold hair and deep green eyes, a rarity amongst his kin. She had been a stranger found wandering, her mind shattered. She never regained her mind, for the last three months she had been in his care. It was the ultimate joke by his kin.
Once I was go with my cousin to a forest trip, after a day we lost the way to move ahead, we tried to call but our mobiles were zero signals.We kept moving on a way and we reached deep in forest, sudden we saw smoke and moved ahead, this was tribal colony, all persons were naked there, they saw us and covered us with armed hands.Ohh! Fuck, we caught by them.They snatched our baggage and removed our clothes, we both were tied face to face, my cousin saw my perky boobs and tight shaven pussy and...
We were walking in the woods one day, as we often did back then. It was spring, edging its way in to summer and the leaves had just started to grow back on the trees. We walked and talked as we always did, spanning so many topics, tackling the big issues in life. I walked a little behind her; she was free-willed and tended to venture off the path so she led the way. She wore a lot of skirts and dresses back then. Her bare legs impressively pale, despite being an outdoorsy girl she was cursed...
we allways enjoy walking both of us since u came home u loved going around the town when I was at work looking at the shops and talking to people, I was off one weekend and I asked u about going for a spin in the car to the forest a few miles away we were never there before so It was a new little adventure so any way we took off in th ecar and pulled up a few miles away in the and got out and I asked u did u pack ur jeans as I might dirty there u said no but u said u would be ok so we walked...
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IncestJill closed the door behind her carefully, not wanting to disturb the unexpected stillness of the house. ‘Miles?’ she called out softly, her voice breaking the silence almost reluctantly. ‘Miles, where are you?’ ‘I’m in the bedroom, honey,’ she heard from down the hall. ‘I’ve got a surprise for you…’ Jill rolled her eyes. He’d called her home from work for that? Not that it hadn’t been easy to wrap things up a little early, and not that it wasn’t kind of romantic, but that was probably a...
A chance comment made across the computer screens begs the question of just how really real we can make a cyber connection feel.I was drinking my coffee, and she was signed on to Lush when we started chatting via Black Boxes. I must say this about using the Black Boxes: you must use carefully chosen words that are carefully organized, so that you can get your thought(s) down without running out of time and space. It is a good mental exercise, although it can be a bit (lot) frustrating when you...
Love StoriesIf there was one thing that Jared Reznik hated it was getting soap in his eyes when taking a shower. It always made his eyes sting for way longer than what he thought was necessary. This had drawn Jared to the conclusion that maybe he just had eyes that were more sensitive to this particular problem than other people’s were. Even up to fifteen minutes or more after finishing a shower his eyes would still be blood shot and sore if, per mis-adventure, he got soap or shampoo in them. “Oh,...
Songwriter gets very lucky with first hit...Your EyesOne of the things I have always derived pleasure from throughout my life is music. Both listening to music and making it have always been a source of great satisfaction for me. I have been playing guitar and writing songs since I was a young teenager. Like other guys my age I worshiped the rock stars of the day. I watched in awe as they strut their stuff onstage before thousands of screaming young girls who seemingly would have done anything...
I gasped. Waking from a reverie that I had created to paint the beautiful images in my mind of those eyes. I dreamt of her often…sometimes I could see her face, and yet…sometimes it was as if a mist had risen to block my sight. I wanted to feel her eyes upon me and this thought drove me to near insanity. ‘Why in the god-forsaken holy fuck do I do this to myself?’ ‘How exactly did I get the notion into my head that I’d catch the eye of a woman that would make the ocean weep?’ ‘And what…is it...
October 9th, 1995, 9:30 AM MST, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Phoenix, AZ The doctor came into the room, a different doctor than before; this was a hospital ER, after all, and the doctors work on shifts. This doctor was a man in his late 50s, balding, a bit harried, and looking worn out from the exciting and busy night affecting the hospital after the derailment. Over fifty people had been brought to the hospital requiring some form of medical attention, 12 of them very seriously, straining the...
When I got my divorce at the age of forty five, I was once again free to pursue my favorite pastimes. My hobbies that I had been forced to neglect once again took center stage in my life. I began playing my guitar again on a regular basis and was deriving quite a bit of satisfaction from it. In a few months I had regained most of my dexterity and had a renewed confidence in my playing. I soon placed an ad in a local music paper looking for other musicians to play with. Most of the guys I...
Chapter 1 Rob walked along the busy avenue, as he made his way from the local diner down to the costume shop. Rob took hold of the door knob and entered the shop, as the sun began to hind behind the towers. He looked around as he walked in, and stared at the pictures of famous actress and movie monsters plastered on the shops lime green walls. He pulled himself away from those pictures when he remembered why he had gone in there in the first place. Rob had a Halloween party the...
One of the things I have always derived pleasure from throughout my life is music. Both listening to music and making it have always been a source of great satisfaction for me. I have been playing guitar and writing songs since I was a young teenager. Like other guys my age I worshiped the rock stars of the day. I watched in awe as they strut their stuff onstage before thousands of screaming young girls who seemingly would have done anything to spend the night with them. Like other guys my age,...
One of the things I have always derived pleasure from throughout my life is music. Both listening to music and making it have always been a source of great satisfaction for me. I have been playing guitar and writing songs since I was a young teenager. Like other guys my age I worshiped the rock stars of the day. I watched in awe as they strut their stuff onstage before thousands of screaming young girls who seemingly would have done anything to spend the night with them. Like other guys my age,...
Straight Sex"Raj, why don't you get down and unlock the gate? Stop looking around and find the keys for God's sake, there will be enough time for watching the nature;" Cooed my sweet little wife Sumi, sitting in a corner of the cab squeezed between my two k**s and a lap full of baggage; watching me dazed, admiring the scenic beauty of the surrounding. Even when she was irritated and frustrated at my behaviour, her voice betrayed sweetness that was an integral part of her beauty and sweet empathetic...
This is my first story so go easy on me, but any pointer for future are welcome; She sits back into the hot water, surrounded by the bubbles and the sweet smells of lotus flower and orange filling her nose, she allows herself to relax back in to the water further and rest her head. Her hands gently glide over her body, as she washes the stress of the day away, she hated her job in a delivery department of a manufacturing company, and she wasn’t sure why she was still there. She shakes her...
MasturbationThis is a work of fiction, intended for mature adults who enjoy hypno-erotic fantasy. This story contains adult language and themes, including hypnosis, masturbation and sex, all of which (as you know) will rot your mind and cause hair to grow in unlikely places. Proceed at your own risk. If you're under the age of consent for your area, we'll all just assume that you're here by accident. Just keep hitting the back button on your browser; I'll let you know when it's okay to...
Liz stroked Beth's hair then trailed her fingers down Beth's arm enjoying the feel of her skin as she said softly with love in her voice, "Beth we have known each other for over seven years, lived together for most of them. We are happy together, we have amazing sex, why the hell wouldn't I want to marry you?" Liz stared into Beth's bright blue eyes that sparkled like twin sapphires, it was those piercing blue eyes that had captured Liz's heart when their eyes first met in a bar all...
She had never ridden on a motorbike before. Now here she was, in a state of the Union she’d only visited twice before, riding pillion on what her friend called a Victory motorbike, made mostly in the US, ‘more Victory than Harley’, he had said. Whatever that meant. They had just gone down the driveway but she was as tightly wound as a drum, her knees locked in place on either side of his hips. ‘Darlin’, you have to relax, or else you’ll be a mass of pain when we get back!’ He turned to look at...
"Half an hour until close!.." the bartender said aloud to the few remaining folks in the dim lit bar, his voice loud and powerful almost seeming to bounce off the walls of the quiet bar. The bartender wiped the sweat from his brow before finishing polishing his glass, the large man looked at me giving me a slight warning glare. He knew I could be trouble just by looking at me, 6'3 224lbs. My long hair giving the impression that I was some sort of bad boy looking to get into a fight with some...
Quickie SexMarie and I were having a night on the town. We got a hotel room and a sitter and were planning to dress up, have dinner, some drinks, and then some serious fucking all over the room without the need to be quiet. Driving into the city, I couldn't keep my hand off Marie's leg as I drove. We were getting dressed up for the night, but at the moment she wore a simple sundress that was easy to slide up her thigh. I took full advantage to caress her soft pale skin while periodically dipping my hand...
Opening my eyes slowly feeling at a loss as to my surroundings. Feeling the aching in my body as I begin to rise up. Suddenly realizing my body is unable to move. Looking around me seeing my hands and feet bound by small pieces of silk rope. As I lay naked and alone in a dark room. My eyes can barely make out a wall in the dim light, filled with things I have never seen before of metal and leather. Panic rising in my body as the realization of my situation sinks in. Desperately fighting the...
Green Eyes by Anonymous at authors request As always, I wanted to size up my captive's predicament. She was beautiful, although it was hard to tell at the moment since she had a black leather hood over her head. Her mouth was plugged with a rather large penis gag, and the only identifiable parts of her head were her lovely green eyes (very rare for an Asian girl) and the lustrous mane of black hair sticking out of the back of her hood. The green eyes on an Asian were a specific...