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As Always:

Thanks to ‘Alpineskier’ for editing.
Thanks to ‘Doc’ for story ideas.

Bradley’s story:

Have you ever had your heart broken into a million pieces? No, let me correct that. Have you ever had your soul ripped from your body and watch it evaporate as the wind blows by? That is me at this very moment. My problem is I brought a knife to a gun fight. My wife, I mean ex-wife, Janine, brought the Death Star. How could she afford an attorney of that caliber is beyond. Did you know I, Bradley Connors, am an abusive husband? That I beat my wife habitually? It is true, I punched my wife once, but only once. What you have done if you saw the love of your life fucking someone else in your bed? I went after the asshole. I swung with all my might and my wife, I mean ex-wife, stepped in the way to protect him. I could not hold up. The judge said it made her sick just to look at me. I lost. House, car, alimony, but most importantly, I lost all rights to my 10 year old daughter, Cecilia. My angel in life. No visitation rights, not even supervised. So now I’m standing at one of my job sites, ready to jump my 6’1′ black haired, medium build body into a cement mixer. The only thought preventing me from leaping is that I don’t want Cecilia to have a suicide for a father. I take a step back.

I am determined to be the best non-existent father possible. Since Janine sold the house when she got remarried, I don’t have a phone number. I only have the address to her house due to my child support obligations. I write Cecilia a letter a week and pour my heart out in each one. I explain how life is for me, ask about hers, and do my best to show through words that I love her. I’ve never received a response. I spare no expense in gifts for birthday, Christmas, and any other holiday. For Christmas, I always sent her a thousand dollars to spend on whatever she’d like. For birthdays 11-14, I bought her porcelain dolls. Each was hand crafted and very exquisite. At 15, I got her a Bose stereo system. It warms my heart to think my baby girl having that system on full blast at three in the morning, pissing off Janine and her husband. At 16, I bought her a mustang convertible. I picture her cruising down the freeway in the summer heat with the top down. At 17, it was a 3D 60′ plasma flat screen television. Whatever she wants to watch, whether it be movies or cartoons, it was going to be in 3D. This year, her 18th, I bought her a top of the line laptop computer and a router. I figure she could use it at college, if she’s going. After 8 years, I still write my letters every week without fail.

Cecilia’s story:

I hate my father, or should I say Bradley Connors. The first 10 years of my life, he was a phenomenal dad. I was the epitome of daddy’s little girl. When I was 10, I found he had an unforgivable secret. He my mom. There is no good reason for an action so deplorable. If that wasn’t enough, he has not tried to make contact with me once in eight years. I know he can’t visit, but not even a phone call or one letter. There has not been one birthday card or present. He has not even asked for an updated photo to show him how much I’ve grown into my 5’3′ frame with shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes. I have not received one thing that acknowledges my existence from him. He doesn’t care. My mom got remarried within two months of the divorce to a gentleman named Thomas Stark, a partner at a big law firm. I’ve been calling him dad for five years now. They love each other and me. I do well in school and therefore I am rewarded when my birthday or a holiday come around. I’ve received from them a wonderful collection of porcelain dolls, a Bose stereo system, a mustang convertible, and a 3D television. This year, it was a state of the art laptop computer and router to use when I go to Ann Arbor in the fall. They really are all I need for parents.

It’s been two months since my birthday. With all my school work already on my desktop, I have only used the laptop for surfing the net. Now graduation is on the horizon. It’s time to see how top of the line my laptop really is. After a half hour, it hasn’t disappointed. With so many applications there are so many possibilities. College is going to be a breeze. Huh, that’s odd? I have a Word document entitled ‘To My Daughter on her 18th Birthday’. I smiled. What has mom and dad done now? I clicked it.

—–My sweet Cecilia Anne:

Now that you are on the threshold of womanhood, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on the start of a new chapter in life. I close my eyes and picture how beautiful of a woman you have become and I imagine you are mature beyond your years. I hope this finds you going to college, but if not, please know I will love, support, and be proud of you no matter what your future endeavors may be. The last eight years, I’m certain, have not been easy. I know the teenage years can be tough to navigate, but I am confident your mother and her husband guided you through the rough waters with precision. I hope, in some way, my weekly letters have helped mold and shape you as well, or, at the very least, show my undying love for a daughter I have not seen in so very long. Now that you are 18, it is your choice whether you wish to see or contact me. My phone number is 734-555-7925. I love and miss you dearly. I pray for a day to see you again.

With all my love, your father, Bradley Connors

P.S. Your graduation gift will be arriving soon. I hope you can be free the last week of June. Enjoy! —–

A flood of emotions overtook me. I began to cry. Bradley Connors, my real father, after all these years, wants to see me. Did mom let him write this in here? Or worse, is this laptop really from him and she lied to me? He says he wrote weekly letters. Did he really? Were they lost in the mail or hidden from me? He has a 734 area code. He still lives in the old area we used to live, about 30 minutes away. Mom and dad are going on a cruise the last week of June. Was that for me as my graduation gift or simply a coincidence? I do not know any of the answers to these questions and I am very scared to find them out.

‘Mom, have you talked to dad recently?’

‘Yes, he called and said he’d be about a half hour late for dinner. Why?’

‘No, I mean Bradley Connors.’

‘No, I haven’t. We don’t need him. We have Thomas now.’

She didn’t let him type the letter. Time to feign innocence. ‘I know mom and I am grateful. Thomas is really nice. I guess I was just thinking that after all these years, he would have tried to contact me somehow.’

‘Don’t take it personally Cecilia. Brad was always selfish. I gave him the address and phone number where we are. If he wanted to, he could’ve contacted you. If it was me, I would do anything to get in touch with you. I love you that much. Please just forget about him. Thomas loves you and we are a family.

‘Okay mom.’ Time to pry a little more. ‘Oh, I also wanted to ask you something else.’

‘What is it honey?’

‘I’ve been playing around on my new laptop today, you know, trying to get used to all the applications before college, and it’s great, but one of the apps requires a certain installation disk that should’ve came with it. So I was wondering where you got the laptop. I can go there to see if they can give me a replacement.’

‘We got it at Electronics World. I’ll take the laptop and go with Thomas to tomorrow and see about exchanging it, okay?’

‘No, that’s not necessary. I already downloaded a bunch of stuff and the app isn’t that important. I’d only want it if I could do it myself. Exchanging it would be too much of a hassle for me. No worries mom. Thanks.’ I turned and went back to my bedroom. No chance that laptop came from Electronics World. It was custom made from Dell. Hell, it said that on the box. That’s why I loved it so much. Did it really come from Bradley? I don’t have much time before dinner, but I had to know how much of my life is a lie.
I nervously dialed the number. 7-3-4-5-5-5-7-9-2-5. My heart rate increased and my breathe quickened as the phone rang.

It had been two months since Cecilia’s birthday. Still no word. It breaks my heart to know that after all this time, she may hate me. Better hate me than have her feel nothing for me I keep telling myself. I still write my letters. Today was an especially frustrating day at the office. A foreman called in sick, so I had to leave the office and go to the Franklin site to oversee construction. The plumbers were late and my electrician never arrived. What a waste of money and resources. On top of that, I’ve been on my cell all day because of a worker at another site injured himself. Damn, my phone is ringing again.

‘Listen Joshua, I already told you that I submitted the workers compensation claim and they will call you when it is finalized. ‘ I stated firmly.

‘Um, hello.’ I wondered if I had the wrong number.

It was a female voice. ‘Oh hello. Sorry, I thought you were an employee of mine. This is Connor Construction, how can I assist you?’ I immediately went into my polite customer service voice.

‘That’s alright. Um, is this Bradley Connors?’ I wondered what I should say if he says yes.

‘Yes it is. Which job site will we be talking about? I would like to get the specs out so I can explain in detail your concerns?’ suddenly in the background I hear a woman’s voice say ‘time for dinner’ and the young lady I’m n the phone with respond ‘okay, be right there.’ Could it be? I ask hopefully. ‘Cecilia?’

‘Uh.’ I didn’t know what to say. I thought about hanging up.

‘Cecilia, please. Is it really you?’ I became desperate.

‘Yes. It’s me, dad.’ I just called another man dad after five years of viewing Thomas as such. Did I betray mom?

‘Thank you for calling. I have so much to tell you and so much I want to hear. Where to start? First, how are you doing? You sound so grown up.’ Oh happy day! It’s my baby girl!

‘I’m doing good. Listen, I can’t really talk now, but I was wondering if we could meet sometime?’ Did I just say meet? I’m not sure I really want to go that far.

‘I would enjoy that very much. When? Where? Ladies choice.’ She had to hear the excitement in my voice.

‘Saturday at two. Pizza Shack in Dearborn. Do you know where it is located?’ Why did I just say that?

‘I’ll be there.’

‘Okay, see you then. I got to go.’

‘Cecilia, wait.’ I hoped to catch her before she hung up.


‘Thank you for calling me. I love you and miss you terribly.’ My voice turned into a whimper as I fought back the tears. I am so happy.

‘I’ll see you there. Bye.’ I rushed to get off the phone.

The days leading to Saturday crawled by, if not stand still all together. I am eager with anticipation at the thought of seeing my daughter again. My dream of the past eight years is finally going to come true. I am so full of excitement, I arrive at the restaurant an hour early. When asked how many people in my party, I replied two, and then proceeded to tell the waitress the entire story. She was so nice to listen to me even though I knew she didn’t care. I sat at a table with a window. I wanted to see if I could view her coming. I cannot wait.

The days leading to Saturday shot by in a blur. I am extremely nervous at the thought of meeting Bradley. I told myself I should cancel or not show up a million times. If he was willing to abuse mom, I was concerned he might turn on me. I enlisted back-up. My best friend, Sasha, agreed to come with me. Between the public place and my friend, I hoped I was safe. I told my mom we were going to the mall so she wouldn’t worry if we were gone too long. Sasha and I arrived at the restaurant with fifteen minutes to spare. My hands were glued to the steering wheel. I didn’t want to let go. After some comforting words, Sasha convinced me it was time. Once inside, I began looking around and Sasha was pointing out possible candidates.

‘Are you Cecilia?’ The waitress inquired.

‘Yes I am.’

‘The gentleman you are meeting is waiting already. Follow me.’

My hands became clammy and my body tensed up at the thought of seeing the man, or should I say animal who abused my mother. As much as I wanted to know the truth, the vision of my mother with a black eye and fractured cheek bone was still etched in my memory. My stomach became queasy. This was a mistake.

I see the waitress walking toward my table with two girls in tow. One was a slender brunette with curly hair and a tan, but that was not my daughter. Not unless she dyed her hair. No, my daughter was the one a little further back with her head down rubbing her hands nervously together. I couldn’t wait. I arose from my seat and, with almost a gallop, ran towards her, captured her in my grasp, spun her around, and held her tightly. I cried. I didn’t care. I felt her struggle, but I couldn’t let go.

I looked up and saw a man barreling toward me. Sasha was shielded as the waitress moved out of his way. I must’ve had a deer in the headlights look as I had a zero percent chance of getting out of his way, let alone just raising my arms to defend myself. He was on me instantaneously. I clenched my eyes shut and began to flail my arms and legs as he spun me around. I suddenly realized he wasn’t hurting me. I stopped struggling and I was finally returned to my feet.

‘I’ve missed you so much Cecilia. Please, sit down.’ As she took our order, I noticed even the waitress cried a little. After the waitress left and I was introduced to Sasha, an awkward silence ensued. I had the biggest smile on my face. I decided I should break the ice.

‘Cecilia, before we start, I just want to say I love you and will always love you. I know it had to be hard to only have a relationship with me through weekly letters. You have your reasons for not writing back and whatever they are, I understand. You don’t even have to tell me. Whatever your emotions, whether you love me or hate me, I understand. Just know that right now, this very moment, is the happiest I have been in eight years. So tell me, how are you?’

I have a plethora of questions to ask, one being the letters, but I didn’t know quite where to begin, so I started with the obvious. ‘How did you know I was your daughter and that Sasha wasn’t?’

I can tell she was hesitant, as if a hundred thoughts clouded her mind versus my one blissful thought of being with her again. ‘There were several indicators, really. You appeared to be nervous, there was your hair color, and, of course, how many people drive a pink mustang convertible?’

‘How do you know what kind of car I drive?’ Like the computer, I feared I already knew the answer.

‘It was only two years ago when I bought it for you. I could never forget the hassle the salesman gave me for wanting to get a mustang in pink.’ I chuckled at the memory.’When he thought I couldn’t hear him, he mumbled it was sacrilegious.’ As I finished, I noticed Cecilia’s facial expression. It was as if my words were piercing her heart. A painful realization hit me. ‘Cecilia, did you receive any of the gifts from me, actually from me or were you told they were from your mom?’

I didn’t just cry at his question, I sobbed. I held my lowered head in my palms. ‘I received nothing from you.’

She said nothing. I am afraid to ask my next question. ‘How about my letters?’ I held my breath.

I shook my head no and my body slumped onto the table. I felt Sasha’s hand on my shoulder.

I was stunned. I didn’t think Janine was that heartless. I pushed my hatred for my ex out of my mind. My baby girl was in pain. I got up, knelt next to her, and put my hand on her back. I felt I was transported back to the day when she scrapped her knee when I was trying to teach her how to ride a bike. I waited for her to calm down. ‘Cecilia, let’s not dwell on it. Let’s treat this as a new beginning. I’m just really excit
ed to get to know what type of person you’ve become.’

As I settled down, I realized it didn’t bother me he was touching my back. It actually reminded me of when I would have nightmares. He was always the one to come in my room. I would lay on my stomach and he would rub my back till I was asleep. I felt safe. That feeling was sweeping over me now. I slowly sat up, rubbed the tears from my face, and turned toward him. ‘I would really like that.

We talked for hours. Long enough for Cecilia’s friend, Sasha, to have her head leaning against the wall, sleeping. I learned so much about my daughter. She grew into the woman I knew she would. I was happy she was going to go to college, and ecstatic to find out she was going to Ann Arbor. Close enough for me to be in her life for four more years. We were able to laugh and truly enjoy each others company. It was now five in the evening and she said she had to go, but she had one more question for me. Something she waited to ask because she didn’t know how.

We talked for hours. I felt horrible for Sasha, who fell asleep an hour and a half ago. I learned so much about my dad. He runs his own construction business and was surprised he hasn’t tried to date anyone since mom. He was successful, smart, and good looking. He said he concentrated on only two things in eight years, work and me. I wish I had gotten those letters. I feel fortunate he put that letter in the laptop and I feel silly for being apprehensive about meeting him. It was now five in the evening and if I didn’t leave soon, mom was going to be upset. I woke up Sasha to prepare to go. I just needed to know one more thing. I delayed this question, and even debated about bringing it up, but I know I would regret not asking.

‘Dad, I have to ask, why did you beat mom and are you still like that?’ I had to now. Through my youth and today as well, he never exhibited any violent behavior. I wasn’t even spanked as a child.

‘Cecilia, I’m not sure I want to answer this. I will, however, reluctantly. Yes, I hit your mother. It happened only once and it was unintentional.’

‘Once is enough, and how do you unintentionally hit someone?’ I was getting upset and being defensive. After being reacquainted with my dad, I didn’t want to believe it.

‘Cecilia, I understand your anger, but please allowed me to explain. That truth wasn’t even what I was hesitant to tell you. It’s the reason I did what I did I wanted to shield you from. If you still want to know, I’ll tell you.’ I don’t know why I am protecting Janine. Maybe it’s because I want Cecilia to have one positive parental role model, but I don’t want to threaten what we just built in the past five hours.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm down. ‘I’ll listen, but no promises on my reaction.’ I can’t imagine I can accept any reason.

‘I remember it like it was yesterday. I had called Janine to let her know I’d be two hours late due to a meeting with a client. The client cancelled so I decided to surprise her. I bought dinner and came home. There was another car in the driveway, a black camaro. I walked in and set the food down in the kitchen. As I looked around for Janine, I heard noises from upstairs. As I approached the bedroom, the noises became clear. Grunts and moans hung in the air. I tuned and saw Janine bent over with a guy behind her. He had dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and soon my fist in his face. They saw me immediately and scrambled to get their clothes. I charged toward him and swung with all my anger. Your mom jumped in the way to protect him. She went down hard and the asshole, excuse my language, got away as I went to see if your mother was alright. I didn’t want to tell you she cheated on me and have you have an abusive father, at least according to the courts.’ I couldn’t read my daughters reaction. She just sat there with her hands folded, focusing on my every word. A few moments passed and she was still silent. I now realize her next words may affect my future relationship with her. I now became nervous with each passing second.

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Tonight Lynn finally has some time to herself, she is going out without her husband for a night with the girls or so Lynn tells him. In fact, Lynn has arranged to meet her Boss from work, the tall dark handsome bastard her husband hates so much. For the occasion Lynn has bought a new very short black skirt which only just covers the tops of her stockings, other than her skirt, stockings, and high heeled shoes Lynn wares only a black leotard which fastens at the crotch. Lynn comes downstairs...

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The Deception

Little Bart worked at this little store/news stand down the street from my house. He lived in a small room in the back. Little Bart was just under five foot tall, his hair was all cut funny and I think he had two teeth. He talked like he either had brain damage or burned him self up on d**gs. He drooled alot and wore stinky clothes. One day I am talking to Bart and this really hot woman bought a paper and paid Bart the fifty cents, smilled real big and winked at him. I said to Bart as she...

2 years ago
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Dowagers Deception

Part One – Galas and GardensNancy Bates slowly made her way through the well-dressed crowd clustered outside the main ballroom at the Fairmount Hotel Vancouver, waiting to get inside. She spotted her friend up ahead and waved and watched as her close friend Alice Berry spoke to one man guarding the entrance. The man looked her way and then split the crowd to allow Nancy to make it to the entrance. Posters on either side of the entrance broadcasted the Annual British Columbia Cancer Foundation...

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Dowagers Deception

Part One – Galas and Gardens (continued)One week later, Nancy walked into the Country Club after her chauffeur dropped her off. She dressed for the occasion with a tasteful blouse and tailored cream-coloured designer pants. She wore white flat shoes and had a summer shawl over her shoulders. The staff at the Country Club greeted her by name and she heard the warmth in their voices. She paused by a few and inquired into their families and well-being, remembering the names of the children and...

Love Stories
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Halloween Deception

Why is it when people share stories about losing their virginity, it sounds like a fucking fairy tale? If you just dig a little deeper and you learn the truth is nowhere near close. Oh, and don’t get me started on the bullshit stories people write about how when a girl is deflowered by the man of her dreams, making it sound like a loving gesture of passion and romance. Ugh! It’s said you remember the first and you remember the worst. Well, I will never forget my first or my worst. It...

1 year ago
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A Lesson In Deception

"It doesn't look any different," the young Rogue said, standing hands on hips at the bottom of a narrow defile. On either side of him were two innocuous looking piles of red rocks. "Looks can be deceiving," I smiled, nodding at my tall delicately boned wife. She raised an eyebrow at me, and then smiled. "Do you have any idea what he means, Muse Blaster?" she asked the brown-robed man, who was carefully examining the walls of the defile. He probably expected cowled Ninjas to pour down...

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"Goodnight Roger, goodnight Jenny, thanks for coming," I tiredly bade farewell to the last two guests. Laura held my left hand in her right even though there was no longer any need. I didn't object - it felt nice. "Goodnight Miguel and Laura, it was a great party," said the two departees. "Drive safely now," said Laura. "It's okay, we've called a cab," said Jenny, the sensible one of the two. With a sigh of relief I closed the door of my apartment. "Thanks Laura. I can't...

2 years ago
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"I'm not even sure he loves me anymore," Jennifer said with just a hint of moisture building in her eyes. Vicki's long time friend sat across the coffee table from her with cup in hand. Small ripples disturbed the milky java as Jennifer's hand shook slightly with emotion. Vicki felt so helpless. She knew darn well her best friend's husband loved her, he was just so damn busy all the time he just forgot how to show it, that's all. "Shit Vicki," she continued, "remember a few years...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 174 Death and Deception

For the next three days the world revolved around Cheryl and her family. I worked on Smiley some, but since I hadn't planned to start the introduction for two more weeks, nothing had to be changed. On that third day, Cheryl's father had another stroke and it was fatal. I had been expecting it and I am sure Cheryl and her step mother were as well. I rushed to the hospital the moment I heard. I did it to show my love for Cheryl, but also to be sure nobody tried to bully her. I had no idea...

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Sea FenciblesChapter 8 Deception

After four weeks of waiting the colonel out, he received an invitation to an evening of whist at Maynard's house. Lt. Greves was absent, and Maynard had obviously heard of Anson's card skills. He prepared himself meticulously for the evening. Stevens and Libby worked together to spiff up Anson's uniform. He now had shoes with gold-plated buckles and real silk stockings. Inspecting himself in one of the many mirrors the late Mr. Jarvis had hung from the walls Anson found nothing...

1 year ago
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Crystal ClearChapter 14 European Tour Old and New Friends Threats and Deception

The envelope had a wax seal across the flap embossed with the script letters 'NR'. On the front, written in bold letters, were the words, "To be opened only by Jim Mellon." An usher brought it to me at intermission time. I thanked him and went to tip him, but he said, "Oh, no sir, the young lady handsomely tipped me to deliver this to you personally." I figured it was some not-so-subtle fan mail. The green room door opened and a stage hand yelled into the room to Crystal and me, "On...

3 years ago
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Once Upon an AlienChapter 13 Direction and Deception

Cody pushed the foot of the staff into his satchel so the head was free of the leather. He strode towards the Lieutenant, with Gabir and Briana at his heels. "Gabir, can you carry those inside your shirt?" Cody asked, over his shoulder. "I want them hidden, and I want your hands free." "Yes, Seeker," Gabir said, unbuttoning the top buttons of his shirt, and sliding the metal plates inside. The tablets were so light weight, that they didn't appear to hinder Gabir's movement....

2 years ago
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Stewards Third MissionChapter 4 Deception

I returned to the Seine’s house that afternoon. I wanted to talk with Mel again, but Mel and his wife, Cecil were out. The two girls, Tara and Tamera said they would be coming back soon and invited me in. Tara brought me into the living room and had me sit on the couch, while Tamara went to the kitchen. I saw, open on the coffee table the old church directory that Mel had referred to last time. It was open to the “S” entries. As I sat on the sofa, Tamara brought me sweet tea and they both...

4 years ago
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The New StartChapter 31 Vickis Deception

Victoria was Sonya's cousin and only living relative. She was mated to Aren and was one of the Silka couples. Vicki, for that was her nick name, was three months pregnant. She was the first Silka to become pregnant since their flight from the robots had ended. Vicki would start to show in a few weeks and deliver in five more months. Sonya had told her of her plans for the trip, how she hopped to seduce Shileea, Jordan and Elan and make them her family. Vicki was shocked at Sonya's...

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Blackfeather33 Deception

I IGNORED HIM. Damned old bird could just wait. I was coming and I couldn’t let go of either Katie’s pussy or Kyle’s lips. I hugged them to me and desperately held her to my breast as I kissed and kissed. My climax wouldn’t stop. Her fingers pumped into me in rhythm with Kyle’s cock pumping into her. I could feel her pulses on my fingers and knew she was coming as hard as I was. I’d never come so hard. Tears ran from my eyes as I opened them and looked into Kyle’s eyes. And saw his...

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Truth or Dare

It was clear to Julie that nothing would happen unless she got involved. The party wound down a while ago, and everyone had gone home except Alice’s friend Dan. There was chemistry between him and the two roommates, but he seemed reluctant to act on it. Julie could tell that Alice fancied him, but was hesitating because she could also sense a spark between him and Julie. Alice sometimes suffered from limited imagination, Julie thought, as she grabbed three beers from the fridge.In the living...

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Truth or Dare

I was suspicious as soon as I heard the oozing sweetness in her voice. My wife of four years called me at work just before noon to ask me if I would be willing to go "rescue" her 18 year old little sister and bring her back to California. She went on to tell me how her sister had just broken up with her jerk of a boyfriend and was out of a place to live. She then confessed that she had volunteered me to do the four hour each way turn around trip from our place to Vegas.Six hours later I pulled...

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I was suspicious as soon as I heard the oozing sweetness in her voice. My wife of four years called me at work just before noon to ask me if I would be willing to go "rescue" her 18 year old little sister and bring her back to California. She went on to tell me how her sister had just broken up with her jerk of a boyfriend and was out of a place to live. She then confessed that she had volunteered me to do the four hour each way turn around trip from our place to Vegas.Six hours later I pulled...

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Truth Or Dare

Our dad, being Dad, knew exactly when we girls were trying to hide something from him. "And what exactly have you two girls been doing at these slumber parties that have you all red in the faces?" Dad asked us. "Not a thing," I told him straight- faced. "Nope, nothing," Tonya added her face getting even redder. Red enough to match her red hair "Now, I know better than that." Dad scolded. It had all started out innocently enough. Tonya and I were in our living room talking about the...

1 year ago
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Truth or Dare with my friend and our parents

(With my friend, her parents, my parents, and another of our friend's parents.) There will be a number of readers that won’t believe this story. It is true. I pondered how to write the story and from what perspective. I ultimately decided to just go with how I experienced the night. My name is Katie and my closest friends Becki and Jenni (yes- they both liked to end their names with an “i,”) and our parents took annual camping trips in the Sierra Nevada...

1 year ago
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Truth or Dare

Mom and I play games every weekend after my dad left us. Truth or dare No one under the age of eighteen has had sex in this story It has been 18 months since my dad left me and mom for a girl I was dating in high school. Fortunately, she had already turned eighteen… But that isn't what this story is about. I couldn’t believe my dad would leave my mother, she was a little over weight I will admit that, but holly cow, she was still hot! Especially her large breasts and legs, they...

1 year ago
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Truth or dare

Mom and I have a lot of fun now that he left us I would like to take a moment and thank Daz Daz for editing my work for me. I know this would have never gotten to publication without his help Thank you Daz. Truth or dare No one under the age of eighteen has had sex in this story It has been 18 months since my dad left me and mom for a girl I was dating in high school. Fortunately, she had already turned eighteen… But that isn’t what this story is about. I couldn’t believe my...

2 years ago
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Struth Shaun

CHAPTER 1 The island supply boat was an open structure with the wheelhouse well forward. Behind it was a large area for deck-top cargo around the two hold covered tops and seating for ten around the curve of the stern. Ten people including Straun Duncan took their seats and as the deckhand was about to cast off a woman cried, ‘Wait.’ He waited. The woman arrived, panting, threw her two bags down into the middle of stern to land on other bags and she climbed down, showing long, tanned legs...

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Truth or Dare for Two Virgin Teens

It was finally happening. After pining for Blair basically since he hit puberty, Justin was finally going to get some alone time with her - overnight! Both freshly eighteen and seniors in high school, Blair and Justin had been friends since childhood. Their parents were close friends all of their lives, and even took vacations together every other summer. And when they were not on vacation, they spent their summer days in Blair's parents' pool, and the rest of the year snuggled on the couch...

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Truth or Dare 01

Pete and I have been good friends from the time we met at freshmen year at university. We became so close in the past few years, we are more like brothers now than friends. We both played rugby throughout the university years and pushed each other at the gym every week. As luck would have it, last year when I met my present girlfriend Sophie, Pete hooked up with her best friend Camila. They were both gym freaks like us and in no time the four us became inseparable and really enjoyed hanging...

Group Sex
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Truth or Dare Neighbors edition

Characters: Black family - The Johnson's Husband: Thomas 40-years-old, 6', 200 lbs, 12-inch cock Wife: Jasmine 35-years-old, 5' 7" 150 lbs, 44DD breasts, 34-inch waist, 48-inch booty. Daughter: Kelly 14-years-old, 5' 2" tall, 95 lbs, 32C cup, 18-inch waist, 28-inch booty. Son: Marcus 15-years-old, 6' 3" tall, 195 lbs, 12-inch cock Grandma Pam 64-years-old, 5' 8" tall, 240 lbs, 44F breasts, 52-inch booty White family: The Smith's Father: Jim 38-years-old, 5' 11" tall,...

3 years ago
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Truth Or Dare

It has been eighteen months since my dad left me and mom for a girl I was dating in high school. Fortunately, she had already turned eighteen… But that isn't what this story is about.I couldn’t believe my dad would leave my mother. She was a little overweight I will admit that, but holy cow, she was still hot! Especially her large breasts and legs, they were hot as hell. On top of that, her mannerisms made her beautiful. She carried her weight with dignity and grace, so much so, I never could...

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Truth or Dare postgraduate

The four of us, two girls, two guys, have been friends from our college days.  We dated each other once or twice, but nothing serious developed.  So we remained friends, just not lovers.  But even with friends, flirtations and sexual tension has a way of seeping into a relationship.  I especially liked one of the girls, Amy, a tall beauty, 5’8”, with auburn hair, an athletic build and lovely breasts.  She was just my type and I always hoped to get a privileged view of her beauty.  The other...

Group Sex
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Truth or dare brother 14

“Well what do you want to eat sis?” Jeff asked. “Well are you gonna let me cook whatever I say sounds good?” I asked. “Do you promise to take it easier from now on?” Jeff asked. “Yes you pain in the ass,” I replied. “Hey, be nice to your brother. That's a two way street sis. If I gotta be nice to you, then you gotta be nice to me too sis,” Jeff said. “Fine mean bro. I'll be nice to you,” I replied. We kept joking around with each other like that all through our relationship, even before we...

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Truth or Dare8

“What does it look like, I’m reading.” She jostled her butt which caused her tits to jiggle, she’d left her bra in a drawer. “What?” “A fucking book, a good fucking book, what the hell do you want?” My sister sighed deeply, “I’m bored.” “And ---, what should I do about it? Go watch TV or something, don’t you have to fold laundry and vacuum before mom comes home?” Erin leaned toward me, snatched the book from my hands then threw it across the room. It smacked against my...

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Truth or Dare by Mystic47

She came into my room then sat on the end of my bed, smiled, tilted her head then said “Hey, what are you doing?”“What does it look like, I’m reading.”She jostled her butt which caused her tits to jiggle, she’d left her bra in a drawer. “What?”“A fucking book, a good fucking book, what the hell do you want?” My sister sighed deeply, “I’m bored.” “And ---, what should I do about it? Go watch TV or something, don’t you have to fold laundry and vacuum before mom comes home?”Erin leaned toward me,...

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Truth or Dare with sister

She came into my room then sat on the end of my bed, smiled, tilted her head then said “Hey, what are you doing?”“What does it look like, I’m reading.”She jostled her butt which caused her tits to jiggle, she’d left her bra in a drawer. “What?”“A fucking book, a good fucking book, what the hell do you want?” My sister sighed deeply, “I’m bored.” “And ---, what should I do about it? Go watch TV or something, don’t you have to fold laundry and vacuum before mom comes home?”Erin leaned toward me,...

1 year ago
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Truth or dare brother

I'm Jill. I'm 5'7 and have blonde hair and blue eyes. I got nice C-cup breasts and I have a nice brother named Jeff. He takes care of me and loves me. Our parents died about a year ago. Now I'm 18 and he is 20. We lived together in the house we grew up in. And I also had a nice friend named Jessica I liked hang out with a whole lot, so much that she was like Jeff's other sister. We were hanging out in my room just chilling. “So how is life?” Jessica asked. “Fine I guess. I got Jeff here. He...

3 years ago
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Truth or dare Mr Gladwell

"Oh, that's nice, let me fuck you hard," he mumbled, from his bedroom. The thought came to my head that I caught him masturbating, as I stood outside the bedroom door. As a horny eighteen-year-old woman, my desire made me look in there. The door cracked, and the view of him masturbating with his long and thick cock entered my vision. As it only poked out of his pants, my eyes locked onto it as his hand stroked it quickly. A grin appeared on my face, so the top row of my teeth could be seen. My...

2 years ago
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Truths and Betrayals of a Young Mans Heart Chapter 10 Final

Introduction: This is the last Chapter to the series, I hope everyone has enjoyed the story, thanks for reading…Peace Im in my squad car listening to the radio and nothing eventful is going on. With my coffee in hand im watching as pedestrians are walking by waving at me nicely. The years have gone by and have been nice. After Maya was born I went into the Police Academy, but I wasnt the only one Dusty and Will followed me. We graduated in the top 10 of our class. Mina supported me through it...

3 years ago
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Truth or Dare

She came into my room then sat on the end of my bed, smiled, tilted her head then said “Hey, what are you doing?” “What does it look like, I’m reading.” She jostled her butt which caused her tits to jiggle, she’d left her bra in a drawer. “What?” “A fucking book, a good fucking book, what the hell do you want?” My sister sighed deeply, “I’m bored.” “And ---, what should I do about it? Go watch TV or something, don’t you have to fold laundry and vacuum before mom comes home?” Erin leaned...

1 year ago
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Truth or Treat

(Two couples find the fun really starts after the party)Andrea Donovan was not too thrilled with her husband Seth at the moment. He had accepted the invitation to Jared Devlin’s Halloween party without even asking her. Part of the reason was probably because he knew that she didn’t like Jared all that much and that if he’d asked first she would have said no, or at least argued about it for a while. In fact, it seemed that they were doing a little too much arguing and too little lovemaking. Both...

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