Freedom Of AssociationChapter 6 free porn video

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Claude never thought he’d sell out so easily. Certainly he had his principles to consider, but when money turned the bend like the headlight of a locomotive in the middle of a thunderstorm, it didn’t take much for him to hop on board and enjoy the ride. He knew he needed money, and sometimes money takes first priority. White folks usually had it built into them so that they profited with grace. And suddenly Claude took the same route. He didn’t know what his teammates would say to all of this, though. In his excitement he peddled towards a playground in Newark where his good friend Clarence would be.

His teammates, actually, wouldn’t take it very well. They would label him a sell-out and probably refuse to compete with him, because once a person, in effect, sells out, he understands that he is at the mercy of the system. Claude didn’t like to think of it that way—that he was at the mercy of something larger than he was—but he was aware of his tacit compliance with such things as the global economy and the political system and the individual economic operator. It was a tacit compliance for now, a tacit understanding, a quiet agreement that gave the go-ahead for all forms of control the government uses to ensure favorable economic conditions. Once again, something of this magnitude went beyond poetry. Art became a little less heavenly and plummeted towards Earth. A painting had a price tag, and so did a poem. Little did he know that money worked just like applause: over time a man needs more of it. Rarely did the society praise a man who tried hard but failed. Only high school teachers taught that. The society favored a man with wealth, and so did the women, only he never knew this until Preston Whitcomb came barreling into his life.

From Claude’s angle, Preston looked like a successful poet, only that bad health was getting the better of him. Claude trusted him, though, and would rather align with him than with the rest of the riff-raff on the slam circuit. Somehow Preston had a link to the shoreline and all the pretty waspish types who sunbathed there. If he could be rich enough one day to afford one of them, this would suit him better than hanging around the rowdy clubs where they viewed him as some sort of novelty act.

Slamming had worked well for a time. He always felt comfortable on the stage, but he also had to live with his mother at the end of the night. Not that living with his mother wasn’t nice. On the contrary, his mother’s home was one of the most luxurious in the Village of South Orange. But he had been living there all of his life, and he had a pressing need to move out of there. On a slam poet’s salary he couldn’t afford Twinkies at the nearest Seven-Eleven let alone a nice apartment. He made the right decision to stick with Preston.

Selling out wasn’t that bad. He didn’t sell out completely, though. He figured there were ways to do it and still hold on to one’s integrity. He still commanded his own future, his own fate, and he figured he could walk the thin middle line towards salvation, and that meant avoiding the jagged cliffs on the far edges of the road. His own survival came first, and he struggled with the idea of shrugging his shoulders and leaving it all up to powers greater than himself.

His poetry had been based on fighting injustice, and suddenly the fight ended. He could become blissfully ignorant again and not care so much about the plight of others. He could leave these things to the politicians, because he couldn’t fight it anymore. There were other people to worry about, his mother, for instance, who had been acting very strange since the funeral. It was as though his father, after death, entered her body and took it over. His mother never would have scolded him for being out late. That was out-of- character. He figured he finally crossed into the adult world, saw what most people saw, and understood that he didn’t have to carry the future of Black America upon his shoulders and get so angered over it that he had to start a riot with his poetry or some counter revolution to prevent world tragedies before they happened. He could let things evolve naturally instead of resisting so much. Fighting the system so much made him forget what he was fighting for in the first place. He needed a break from these slams, and God sent a white man to pull him out of the battle.

He peddled his bicycle up South Orange Avenue and into the frayed fringes of the Newark inner-city. Newark wasn’t exactly bicycle-friendly, as he narrowly avoided being squeezed into the parked cars on the side of the road by a bus and a couple of church vans. He and Clarence used to hang out at the playground regularly before his father barred him from going there. He hadn’t heard from Clarence in a couple of months, but he never lost track of him. They were into separate things now. Claude spent most of his time on the circuit, while Clarence dealt in shady occupations.

A wire fence surrounded this playground where several do-ragged black men battled fiercely over a basketball. It was an intense game, judging by the ferocity of their verbal taunts volleying from one team to the other. It was a hot afternoon, the sky darkening. Rivulets of sweat dripped from the players’ faces and long black arms, a brilliant translucence only available to those on basketball courts at dusk. A sizable crowd watched the game from the perimeter of the court, the ball ba-banging on the cracked asphalt and waves of heat slithering into the air.

He recognized Clarence right away. He was the player in the middle of the fray, the one who talked the most—his intimidating put-downs and taunts defining him as the boss of the entire playground, public territory that was somehow appropriated by him, and the guys on the opposite team functioned as ploys for him to win every game no matter how terribly he played. Both teams seemed a part of the same crew, and there was little question that the medium-sized, muscular, and taunting Clarence, wearing a white tank top, a black spandex do-rag stretched tight over cornrows, and loose-fitting Chicago Bulls shorts grazing his kneecaps, was their boss. For some reason Clarence wanted both sides to play a little harder and not let him score so easily. Of course no one on either team stopped him. When Clarence wanted to score, he scored, no questions asked, and the lovely, voluptuous women on the sideline cheered only for him as he scored with an around-the-back lay- up and ran back to the other end of the court to defend his goal.

Clarence’s physical appearance had changed. He was no longer a skinny young street kid. Muscles bulged from his arms and chest, even from his face, which seemed more defined than before.

Claude again remembered when Clarence drove him around town without a license in an old Chevy Impala that was ready for the junkyard. They didn’t have a radio in the car, only a boom-box that they sandwiched between themselves in the front seat. Clarence was more of a brother to him than Monty ever was, and Claude admired him more than Monty. Clarence always knew where to take him, which parties to crash, the places they served liquor without checking ID’s, clubs whose sound systems rattled the windows of the other apartment buildings in the vicinity. And so much time had passed since then. Claude couldn’t help but feel a little older, and a wizened confidence didn’t necessarily follow this maturity and sophistication. Something in him searched for the way things used to be—so carefree, a life without boundaries, perceptions cleansed, and the streets alive with chrome-heavy cars bouncing their way through lime-lit intersections.

Claude was more confident about things back then. They both had the youthful notion that they could do anything and become whatever they wanted. He was smarter back then. He didn’t have to comply so readily. He could say what he wanted, speak of things forbidden, and have sex for the sheer pleasure of it. And now he was about to tell Clarence he threw in the towel for all of these hypnotic notions of becoming a national celebrity. Clarence wouldn’t have believed it himself—the great warrior-poet falling on his sword just when the battle got interesting.

The game ended when Clarence decided to end it. Clarence spotted Claude leaning against the sagging fence of the court. Clarence returned the ball to one of his teammates and strutted towards him, unsure if it was really Claude or some darker demon from his present. He smiled when he recognized him.

“Claude, is that you?”

“Yeah, it’s me.”

They shook hands and embraced.

“What brings you down here?”

“Just wanted to say hello.”

“Hello, huh? Now you know you came down here for more than that, don’t you?”

“Ahh. Just feeling a little blue, that’s all.”

Clarence called back to one of his teammates for the basketball.

“Feeling like a game of HORSE? I know you don’t want a one-on-one.”

“Yeah, I could use a game of HORSE right about now.”

“Something serious, huh?”

“I guess. Something’s been bothering me.”

“That’s nothing new, Claude. Nothing new at all.”

‘Horse’ was the closest Claude let himself get to the game of basketball.

They shot baskets from points around the faded white lines of the key and the free-throw line, the ball often bouncing off the fence that guarded the children’s playground next door.

“What you been up to these days?” asked Claude.

“Business,” said Clarence as he arched a perfectly thrown ball through the netless steel hoop.

“Business, huh? By the looks of things, you’ve been doing pretty well. Is that you’re Cadillac Escalade over there?” Claude pointed to a brand-new bulky SUV parked at the edge of the playground, its jet black body and chrome rims illuminated against the dented slides, swings, and jungle gyms in disrepair, the kiddie rocking horses rusted and inoperable.

“Business is good these days,” said Clarence, advancing along the key.

“You raking in a lot, huh?”

“You would have been raking it in too, if you didn’t disappear like that.”

“I had to.”

“You did what you had to do. I’m not bitter about it. But you would be rich right now if you stuck with me. What I do isn’t exactly what they want these damned school kids doing, you know what I’m saying? But I’d be damned if the money wasn’t good.”

“It’s dangerous, what you do.”

“Sometimes, yes. Sometimes, no. But you know it’s the only way to get out of this place.”

“But you haven’t left.”

Clarence smiled and threw him the ball when he missed his shot.

“No, I haven’t left,” he said. “The money is too good. But one of these days I’m gonna get my act together, fly straight, and move down to Brazil. Retire and play golf.”

“You better get out while it’s good.”

“And do what? Go to one of your poetry readings?” They both chuckled.

“I’m actually moving into different territory,” said Claude.

“Something that gets you some green, I hope.”

“I’m going to college.”

“College? You? Never.”

“Yes. I’m going to Seton Hall.”

“You mean that white college up the road?”

“It’s a good mix of people.”

“I don’t believe it. You never liked school. Hell, half the time you were out riding with me. You’re too angry for school, man.”

“Not anymore. They want to put me on television, but first I have to go to college.”

“Who’s putting you on television?”

“These people I met at one of the slams.”

“Get out.”

“I’m serious,” as he missed an easy shot near the baseline. “They want to put me on television.”

“That’s crazy money right there.”

“I’m finally realizing that life is about money.”

“Out here money is the only thing there is. I remember back in the day we were so poor we couldn’t put gas in the tank, remember? And now? Look at us. Honestly, Claude, I never understood why you went for poetry. I admired you, though. I respected you for doing what no one else would do. Hell, I remember wanting to be like you. But I never took that shit seriously. You did, and now you’re getting paid for it. In my book that’s damn good. Damn good.”

“There’s a price to pay for everything. This shit isn’t for free. I have to stop slammin’ and read more books.”

“Sometimes a man has to do what he doesn’t want to do in order to put bread on the table. How long have you been livin’ at your father’s place?”

“It’s now my mother’s place. My Dad died last week.”

Clarence tucked the ball into his hip and said:


“My Dad died last week. I couldn’t invite you to the funeral. I’m sorry about that.”

“Sorry? You’re Dad wouldn’t have wanted me there to begin with. Look, I’m sorry about your Dad, man.”

“We never saw eye-to-eye. We were never on the same level. But nowadays I’m starting to see what he saw.”

“No, no, no! Don’t let that happen. You don’t want to turn out like he did.”

“I know we never agreed on anything, but I see what he was talking about—about things like money and white people.”

“What about white people? You have no business with white people.”

“I tell ya, Clarence, I never thought much of it, but since they’re the ones giving me the contract, I have to get along. And that’s what my father wanted more than anything else: to get along with them. No more slam poetry. No more anger. We’re trading now. We’re trading, and I’m getting along.”

“You’re one of those cross-over niggaz, just like your Pops.”

Claude shot from the free-throw line and missed.

“To put it bluntly, yeah. I can’t do what I love forever. That time is over. It’s about money now. It’s all about survival, and we mold to what keeps us alive. That’s the way it’s always been. When we were younger we never saw it coming, and then all of a sudden—bam!- we trade everything away for it. I wonder if I still have a soul left.”

“Then don’t do it,” said Clarence. “Work for me instead.”

“Ha! I’ll be dead in a year.”

“No, no, I don’t mean work at what I do. I’m talking about working for an organization that we set up. I can back you. We can rent out clubs and charge admission. You can still do what you do.”

“Like a production company?”

“Yeah. A production company.”

“You’re serious?”

“Hell if I’m not.”

“And you have that kind of money?”

“It’s a drop in the bucket compared to what I make. I know you’ve got talent, so it’s not like I’m spending my money just because I got it. And speaking of having it, you better concentrate on your game, because you’re almost out.”

“I have H-O-R.”


“Basketball and I just don’t mix,” as he missed another shot, an air-ball that landed by the fence.

“That’s because you’ve got the white man in your system now. Any brother out there will tell you that they’re never up to any good. They’ll only confuse you.”

“No they won’t.”

“Yes they will,” said Clarence lapping him around the key. “Take my advice: you’ll be much happier staying black. It might even improve your game.”

Just to rub it in, Clarence hit a basket from the three-point line.

“Are you serious about backing me?”

“Hell yes.”

“What do I have to do in return?”

“Perform. Stay blacker than black and perform. You’re already a superstar. I don’t see why you have to mess with it. I’d put you on the payroll, and we can rent out the clubs. I get with my people. You get with yours.”

“I’ll have to think about it.”

“Take all the time you need. But if I were you I wouldn’t trust the game you got now. That’s how they get you. They promise you the world, show you that a few niggaz made it in this world, and then in reality they give you a mop and a bucket from the last black man who thought he could do the same.”

“You got that right,” said Claude, missing the same shot. “I’ll get back to you on it.”

They embraced again.

“If you need anything,” said Clarence, “you give me a call. We’d make a good team.”

“You really think so? It’s been so long since, y’know, since we hung out.”

“Yeah, I know. Times change. I want my little brother back, that’s all.” On his bike ride back to South Orange, Claude couldn’t help but feel a little confused. On the one hand he stood to gain a national audience for his poetry, but on the other hand he figured sooner or later he’d be cheated out of it. He could always stick with slamming and be managed by Clarence, but Clarence’s murky and suspicious underworld would eventually slip into his. Nonetheless, it was good to have choices in life. He certainly couldn’t do both, and he would soon have to decide between the two, if not decide immediately, and this was much better than not having any choices at all.

As he peddled down South Orange Avenue, he noticed how the cars on the road turned more expensive. Old and rusted Japanese models gave way to new BMWs and Lexus SUVs. The rich were indeed a different sort of people. It seemed the inhabitants of South Orange could afford anything they wanted, and Claude wanted a little taste of that freedom. He wanted what they had, and this one thought alone was a terrible violation of what he had practiced and preached for several years straight. The grass was a lot greener on the other side of trenches overwrought with barbed wire and railroad ties. Only a few black men could cross over it, and he thought only nerves of steel could withstand the breach. And yet he was a little tired of being so black all the time. There was so much anger involved in being a color, so many subtle injustices that he had gotten used to and so much struggle to make people understand the struggle. The struggle itself sometimes distorted reality in favor of an internal and an emotionally turbulent bellicosity.

“Thank God people don’t think like me,” he muttered as he peddled through the center of town beneath the railroad trestle.

He tried to rid himself of the bird’s eye view some mocking deity shoved into his brain. A stupid view, and the sooner he rid himself of it, the better. He knew it wouldn’t be easy. And he wouldn’t go along with Clarence just yet, maybe down the road if things didn’t work out, but not yet. He felt incomplete without the greater challenge of Preston’s plan staring him down.

He turned the corner on Valley Road and approached his mother’s house. There were two cars in the driveway: his mother’s old Cadillac and Monty’s delphin gray BMW. He sighed at the sight of Monty’s car as though the world were over. Being in the same household with Monty was like tiptoeing through a minefield, and sometimes Monty’s volcanic temper manifested itself in cruel words like: “Dad never loved you,” or “Mom is ashamed of you,” or his favorite “get a job, hoodlum,” uttered in the same tone his father had always used. These words angered Claude, but the fact that Monty thought he scored a few points by using them angered him even more. As a matter of fact, Claude never really cared about Monty’s comments or his temper. They tacitly agreed that they ought to stay clear of each other and visit their common mother separately. The problem with this arrangement? Phyllis’ heart melted when she saw the two brothers together, and she insisted the family have dinner every Sunday, with Monty’s wife to boot, only that this wasn’t a Sunday and Monty’s car sat like a stealth bomber in the driveway.

Claude wondered if Monty brought along his beautiful wife, Eliza, the tax attorney. She usually sided with whatever put-downs her husband spat out. Claude sat on his bike near the curb and asked himself over and over if he should go in. But there was no place left to run, only the crude option of entering the house like a man when he really wanted to sneak in like a mouse and hide in his room upstairs.

Claude left his bike by the stone vases out front and walked in as if he didn’t give Monty’s visit a moment’s thought. His mother cooked in the kitchen, and the aroma of the spices she used went right through his nostrils. Phyllis usually reserved her fried chicken for Sundays, and it would be an outrage if she cooked her fried chicken for Monty on a weekday. He walked into the kitchen and kissed his mother. He was relieved to see a pot roast sizzling behind the oven window.

“Hello, baby,” said his mother, an old apron tied around her waist.

“Hi, Mom. I’ve got good news for you.”

“You found a job?” came a voice and a chuckle from the dining room.

“Now cut that out,” called Phyllis. “Don’t pay any attention to them.

They’re just teasing you.”

“How long are they here for,” he whispered.

“They’re here for a little while. They both took the day off.”


“Go on now and sit with them and act like a gentleman. I’m sure they want to hear your good news too.”

“I doubt that,” said Claude.

“Go on now.”

An arched opening from the narrow kitchen led into a larger dining room deeper within the house. Monty and Eliza drank soda and snacked on a platter of celery, carrots, tomatoes, and a bowl of onion dip. Claude shook Eliza’s hand but not Monty’s. He then fed on the vegetables just to plug the gaping silence.

“So what’s your good news?” asked Monty, his wire-thin glasses reflecting the dim light.

“Why do you even ask?”

“Oh, I see,” he said, chewing a celery stick. “It must mean that your news is not that good.”

“And how do you figure that?”

“You would have said something about it just to rub me the wrong way.

I mean, how good could it be? You still don’t have what it takes to make it on your own.”

“I’m warning you, Monty. Not today.”

“I have some good news,” interrupted Eliza.

“No, honey, no,” said Monty, “we have to address his good news before we can address yours, because we already know that his good news has nothing to do with his getting a job or moving out of his parents’ house, nothing to do with the responsibilities a man has to take care of. So let’s be honest with him. That’s the only way he’ll ever learn, so let’s hear it, Claude. What’s your good news?”

Claude breathed hotly but didn’t reply.

“You see. I told you.”

“Monty! Stop teasing your brother,” called Phyllis from the other room. “You’ll talk about something nice, or you won’t talk at all.”

“What’s your good news, Eliza?” asked Claude. “Oh, it’s not important,” she said.

The three sat in silence until Phyllis brought over the silverware for their early dinner.

“What’s the occasion, Mom?”

“Oh, I just wanted to invite Monty and Eliza over for dinner. It’s so empty living in this big house.”

“And guess why she can’t move out,” said Monty snidely.

“Oh hush, Monty. I don’t want to leave just yet.”

“Yes you do.”

“Don’t put words into her mouth,” flared Claude.

“Be honest, Mom. Tell everybody what you’ve got planned.” Phyllis sighed and folded her hands primly.

“Well,” she began, “lately I’ve been wondering if this house is too big, now that Daddy has passed away.”

“Taxes are exorbitant here in South Orange,” said Eliza.

“Yes. It’s very expensive to keep living here, and there’s so much junk we need to get rid of, so much space unused, that Monty and I thought we’d sell the house, and I’d move to a smaller place.”

Monty smirked when their common mother delivered the news. Claude could have punched him right there.

“The proceeds of the sale would go into a family trust,” said Eliza, “and your mother would rent an apartment and officially have no assets. This would qualify her for Medicaid.”

“I could give the money to my children,” said Phyllis, “but then I’d have to rely on you two to pay the rent, and the food, and all the expenses, so Monty came up with the trust idea.”

“Oh he did, did he? Since when did Monty get to decide all this?”

“It’s business,” said Eliza. “It’s nothing personal.” Again the smirk from Monty.

“So it’s like that now?”

“Oh, Claude, don’t get so angry,” said his mother. “You knew we’d eventually sell the house. It was only a matter of time.”

“And who’s in charge of the trust?” he asked.

“I thought it best if yourself, Monty, and Eliza were in charge.”

“Eliza? You don’t actually think she deserves to be a part of this?”

“I’m as every bit a part of this family as you are, Claude,” she said.

“You three will be the trustees,” said Phyllis. “The three of you will manage the estate.”

“And each of us gets a vote as to when and where the funds are allocated,” said Monty.

“This is bullshit,” said Claude, slamming his hand on the dining room table.

“Not in here,” said Monty. “You’ve got a problem with it, I suggest you go outside and cool off.”

“What have these two Toms been telling you?”

“I will not stand for that kind of talk in this house,” said Phyllis sternly. “Behave yourself.”

“Behave myself? These two have got you fooled.”

“No one has me fooled. This is the best decision for the family.”

“Yeah, everyone in the family but me. Even Eliza gets more say than I do.”

“I’ve had about enough of you,” said Eliza, getting up and walking away. “You ever insult my wife again, and I’m gonna kick your ass—whether it’s inside or outside.”

Monty was the only person Claude really wanted to strike, and he would have done so if his mother weren’t there.

“Calm down, both of you, okay?” said Phyllis, her hand on Monty’s arm. “Monty and Eliza didn’t push me into this.”

“Then who gave you the idea?”

“It’s just the way the system works, okay?”

“Well, why is it always working against me? Can you explain that?”

Phyllis sighed and said:

“You can’t stay in this house forever, Claude. You have to move out sooner or later. You have to stand on your own two feet at some point in your life—”

Again the smirk from Monty.

“I’m gonna knock that smart-ass grin off your face, Monty, if you’re not careful.”

“Montgomery,” yelled Phyllis, “stop teasing him. Go to the living room.” On his mother’s order, Montgomery tended to his wife, the smirk still hanging on his face.

“You realize that if you give Eliza power over the trust, those two will always vote against me. You know that don’t you?”

“First of all, the trust is for me, darling. It’s not your inheritance. When I pass away, and honey one day I will, the trust will be dissolved, and you’ll get your inheritance, whatever amount that is. No one’s taking anything away from you. The money in the trust is to pay for my expenses, not yours or Monty’s or anyone’s.”

“Oh.—But I do have to move out, now don’t I?”

“Yes. Every young adult has to live on his own at some time or another. You can’t keep living with me, coming home at all hours of the night, not cooking for yourself, not cleaning up after yourself.”

“I’m asking you, Mom—please don’t sell the house. I’ll improve. I’ll change. Monty and Eliza won’t take care of you like I will.”

“You’re gonna take care of me, huh?”

“Yeah. Sure I’ll take care of you.”

“That’s very sweet,” said Phyllis, caressing his face, “but that’s not going to happen. You need to get out, get a job, and build your own life.”

“I know I do, and I want to move out, but first I have some things to do regarding my career.”

“Career? You mean that poetry nonsense?”

“I’ll probably be on television. I’m in contact with a guy who discovered my talent. He wants me to go on television, but first I have to go to school.”

“Television, huh?” said Phyllis, still incredulous.

“Yeah, television. I’ll be making crazy money, more money than Monty and Eliza combined. It’s only a matter of going to college, and this publishing company is sponsoring me.”

She shook her head and said:

“Honey, you are the true dreamer in this family. You get that from me, y’know.”

“This is not a dream. I swear it.”

“Dinner’s getting cold,” she said and ended the conversation there.

Monty and Eliza soon joined them, and Claude struggled while holding

Eliza’s hand during grace, her palm smooth and warm but hiding resentment within, he was sure of it. He ate a hearty meal of all the good stuff: pot roast, collard greens, candied sweet potatoes, catfish soup with dumplings, and a coconut crème pie for desert. And even though the food tasted delicious, he grew suspicious of the people seated around him, the supposed family that never supported his poetry, the same supposed family that was throwing him out of the house. He thought of it as tough love on his mother’s part, but he knew that Monty and Eliza gave her the idea and convinced her of it.

There was no after-dinner conversation as in the days when his father had them sit and answer his pointed questions, forcing the table to communicate, and so he immediately darted upstairs in disgust and began another poem— this time about a young, black child who had been neglected for most of his life, once again tapping and channeling the darker parts of himself and letting it gallop along the page.

And then, midway through one of his angriest lines, he considered that he might be developing a temper problem, his skin thin and sensitive to the world burning around him. Claude knew anger to be a lousy motivator but one that carried him through the toughest times, and lately he questioned whether or not he could stay calm in front of Monty anymore, wondering when he would breakdown and punch him in the jaw. He came close at dinner, and he swore he’d never lay a hand against his own brother, but lately only the thinnest of lines separated him from becoming physical. It had to stop, and yet the force that separated him from full-out attack weakened against anger’s negative light. A troubling conniption bothered him, and he suddenly had images of destroying Monty with his bear hands, ripping his limbs apart and eating them, his brother’s skin stretching and snapping from his shoulder blades as he chews his bloody arms.

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Freedom with Addiction

Disclaimer: There is a lot of sex, but nothing to extreme or to long... So be prepared for it. Aside from that this is my intellectual property that has been submitted to "Fictionmania" and "Crystal's Story Site". I probably won't have a problem if anyone wants to post this elsewhere or continue the story, but ask first. And don't post on pay websites. Synopsis: Amy was transformed into a woman over a year ago, and then let out into the world. Tonight one of the people that were...

1 year ago
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Freedom and risk in all directions

Freedom and risk in all directions By SG [email protected]        I had two timers in my hand. They were the standard twenty four hour timers used by people on vacation to make their lights come on and off. I plugged both timers in the power strip I had plugged into a third timer box which was plugged into the wall. The power was off on it for the moment. I plugged a cord into each of the timers then closed my eyes and spun the dials on the timers. I had used a number of pegs on each timer...

4 years ago
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Freedom Denied

Freedom Denied. By Niteowluk2003 for Freedom. Amanda was 5'6'' tall, with Auburn hair, 38 D bust set on a medium frame she considered to be fat rather than meaty. Her most striking feature were her piercing green hazel eyes, they had a habit of appearing to see right into your soul. Although she was only 26 years old, she already had a very responsible job as head of the typing pool for Stanton, Stanton and Wakefield attorneys at law. There were 8 legal secretary typists working...

3 years ago
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Freedom Fighter Ch 3

The child I carried was lost. By the time the bus reached Kinsarvik my pants were covered with blood. Dreng only managed to get me to Harald’s office in time because of the town’s people who made a litter and helped him carry me there. For three days Dreng, Harald and his wife, Marianne, tended to my body, ravaged by fever, and weak from the loss of blood. On the fourth day I was allowed out of bed and given my first solid food. When I was finally able to recount the events of my rape to them,...

4 years ago
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This is a true story describing my awakening to an unhappy marriage, finding love and sexual freedom in the arms of a man who was able to love me as I am. Seventeen was TRULY too young to get married, but let’s face it – at seventeen, no one was going to tell me how to run my life. I’d met William at the grocery store where I worked. He was 22, lived on his own and had a really fast car. I had a hot-head mother who loved to degrade me, a school where I was considered a nobody because my...

2 years ago
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Freedom is Being Out of Jail

CHAPTER 1 Released from prison after serving nineteen months of a twenty-four-month sentence, out early because of exemplary behavior, Ryan Bateman returned to Maxwell City, accepting his life was in tatters. He remembered the night well, as if it were yesterday. He’d been to a strip club and had drank too much and had become befuddled. Similarly intoxicated Merton Joyce, his employer, had come up to him and offered him a ride home. Merton had driven much too fast, lost control turning out...

3 years ago
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Freedom to Fuck

This is an interactive version of my existing series of Freedom to Fuck stories, which can be found online pretty easily. In this Utopian vision of the future, women have no rights whatsoever and cannot say no to anything a man wants them to do. Advanced technology allows quick and simple body and mental modification, used by men to improve the women in their lives. Men have no trouble making use of any women, including strangers and family members. Everyone is far happier than in the real...

1 year ago
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freedom below the belt

This is only the second time that I've tried to write for the Hamsters, - (sounds like a girls' hockey team), - but twice I've had a small problem in how to categorise it. Still , the choice is made, - so here is another short piece,(about the length of my cock these days as compared to your's anyway). When recently discovering that I was actually about to take up my total sexual freedom, something I'd been keeping down and holding back for 45 years,(and stayed sane), - I was faced with one of...

4 years ago
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Freedom Indeed

When I was 17 years old I fell in love for the first time. Her name was Saoirse, which is the Irish word for "freedom". She was a tall, well-spoken and elegant girl who was 2 months my younger. She had the most striking blue eyes I had ever seen; pale and wispy, but at the same time sharp and piercing. Her smile was always so wide and she wasn't stingy about showing it. We never got too far, at most managing a peck on the cheek and a hug goodbye, but I was more than delighted to simply hold her...

First Time
2 years ago
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Freedom Synopsis: When a corrupt anti-T.G. Empire succeeds in stranding the colony on the Prison Planet, the Empire loses a planet full of much needed resources. As the years go by, the colonists and prisoners unite to turn the Prison Planet Compound into a viable colony and in time, discover a way off of the planet. As they leave, the author of the message ends with a message of hope. [-][+][-] It is hard to believe that we are finally leaving this prison that the Empire tried to...

3 years ago
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Freedom Run

"Hey Juan, did you hear the word? Memphis signed up to make the Run!" exclaimed Slats. "Man, that dizzy broad got no business doing that. She got no chance at all of making it," he replied. "Where chew hear that?" "I was over at Spike's and there it was. Man, a real bitching car. The way it's armed and armored it couldn't be nothing but a Runner. It was blue, I mean it was BLUE! And in small gold letters it said 'Driver - Memphis Belle'. When I asked Spike he just growled like he...

3 years ago
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Freedom of Trade

Advertisements of one kind or another were all Lance could see wherever he looked around him. They dominated the supermarket aisles, were suspended above the shelves and plastered all over the store's windows. But how could it ever be different? A man needed help when he went shopping. And at the moment, he was browsing in the pharmaceuticals section where the dominant ads paraded images of infeasibly muscular men and seductively desirable naked women, What Lance was looking for wasn't...

3 years ago
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Freedom of AssociationChapter 1

He couldn’t remember the last time he smiled. Claude Carolina, fighting waves of anger, paid little attention to his family’s minister from the front row of the funeral parlor. ‘Once a black man, always a black man,’ thought Claude, ‘and it often depends on what type of black man one wants to be before he realizes that he is black no matter what he says, what he wears, how hard he tries to evade his own black status, or becomes what he fears to become, which is black. He may act differently...

1 year ago
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Freedom of AssociationChapter 4

For those who are lucky enough, success in poetry, or in any art for that matter, may come early in one’s career. To stay a successful poet over a lifetime though—that’s the trick. Amanda felt as though she had made a deal with the devil in some unconscious dream, and due to either her negotiating skills with the Lord of the Underworld or just dumb luck, she landed a tenure- track professorship at Seton Hall a week after her twenty-seventh birthday, a year and three months after her divorce...

2 years ago
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Freedom of AssociationChapter 8

A man has needs, there’s no question. Take sex, for instance. If Preston had a nickel for every time he desired sex with the college girl down the hall, he would have been a millionaire by now. But the college girl, he sensed, was not interested in him, and this was because he represented, in her eyes, another lonely, washed-up piece of white trash slumming in the ghetto due to his inability to compete in the white world. Fair enough. It was a free country, and a free market, so girls could...

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Freedoms Touch

The lake engulfed the landscape, glinting and gleaming with the colors of its surroundings. It met the sky’s gaze with a fever of its own, deepening in color the farther out it reached. The evergreen forest that surrounded the body of water left, in their shadow, a deep green mark upon the water – as if to remind you just how far from the world you really were. Waves, churned up by the mountain wind, lapped up against the shore. The steady thrumming of the water was broken only by the echoes...

2 years ago
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You open up the box, grinning at the contents. FreedomVR. The newest and biggest improvement in Virtual Reality in years. Reaching in, you pull out a black suit covered with wires and sensors, setting it down to find the centerpiece, the headset. Fucking awesome. You flip through the instructions briefly, tossing them aside. You've done your research for this; you don't need them. You know you need to strip first, doing so before putting on the suit, watching lights on it come to life. You sit...

2 years ago
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Freedom of AssociationChapter 7

Amanda sat at her desk and thought out her next poem. She had written dozens of them in the dim light of her living room, a hot cup of hazelnut coffee her only companion along with a terrible chill of loneliness that had at one time been so enjoyable but was now close to deadly. ‘It’s part of the territory,’ she thought as she struggled to pen a good first line. Lately she had been on auto-pilot. Sure she wrote almost every night, but she couldn’t explain the extreme hollowness of her soul,...

1 year ago
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Freedom from that bitch

Declining to accept her phone calls. Knowing she would be trying to apologize for having sex with another guy. I trusted her and she broke it. She had told me that she didn’t feel attractive and that she didn’t want to have sex. Guess it was just with me. I made sure that she was not going to be home when I went in and got all my stuff. Trying to drive and not relive the night that I found her in bed with that guy. And then finding out that she had been doing it for about two months. I was...

4 years ago
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Freedom to Rule

The months spent there slowly dragged on into years, and as Mikael Stvanagratz grew bored several of the nearby villages, nestled within the mountain peaks, began reporting the disappearance of several teenage girls, ranging from thirteen through to seventeen years of age. They were never found. Mikael strode through the ancient corridors of the protected manor, admiring the skill of the artwork and sculptures decorating the safe house. Mikael turned left into his study and sat in a...

2 years ago
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Freedom Fighters Ch 1

This story is partially true based on stories I have heard from relatives (some living in Norway, some living here). The rest is my own imagination. If historical inaccuracies occur, sorry. This is, after all, a story. ***** The date was June 15, 1940. The war had just ceased it’s raging in my country five days ago. The King of Norway had escaped to England along with our country’s gold bullion. From there our people would continue to fight. The war in France was still raging, but the...

2 years ago
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Freedom Flight

Brooke sipped her complimentary wine and settled back into her seat. She was on board a plane destined for Los Angeles, on her way to meet her cyber-lover. As she sat relaxing images of Steve and the fantasies she had had about him darted into her mind. She visualised their eyes locking, them kissing, his hand gently stroking her face, her breasts, her…her…. Often when she thought of Steve, she lost all track of time. Her breathing quickened and she often felt faint. Often when she was alone...

2 years ago
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Freedom Fighter Ch 2

The night was dark and the wind howled as we made our way through the dark streets carefully and slowly to avoid detection. There were still German patrols that made their rounds through the town streets, even at this hour. Dreng froze as he saw a German sentry light a cigarette and he pushed me into an alleyway where we huddled until the Germans passed by on the main street to our left. Cautiously we made our way north out of town. As we walked on the side of the road, close to the tree...

2 years ago
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Freedom Indeed

When I was 17 years old I fell in love for the first time. Her name was Saoirse, which is the Irish word for ‘freedom’. She was a tall, well-spoken and elegant girl who was 2 months my younger. She had the most striking blue eyes I had ever seen, pale and wispy, but at the same time sharp and piercing. Her smile was always so wide and she wasn’t stingy about showing it. We never got too far, at most managing a peck on the cheek and a hug goodbye, but I was more than delighted to simply hold her...

3 years ago
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You'd just gotten out of class, and were walking down the street towards the bus stop. You know you got enough sleep every night, but every day was beginning to leave you more and more drained. One more day of shitty classes in subjects you weren't interested in and hardly understood. Your family had since cut you out, thinking that somehow that would help you get it together, but here you were. Sometimes I wish I could just get out of here, you think, rubbing your eyes. Out of this town, out...

2 years ago
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Freedom Of Use

You float in a sea of emptiness. You are surrounded by a white glow, stretching as far as the eye can see. You can't remember how you got here, and your head hurts a bit. You try to move around, but you feel sluggish and strange. It's as if your body doesn't want to respond. You feel a strange sense of curiosity, despite your situation. If this is a dream, it's a weird one. Suddenly, a woman's voice rings out from all around you at once. "Human... You're going to receive a very special gift." A...

Mind Control
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Freedom to Play V

Check my profile for the prior four chapters of this story. Might not make a ton of sense without the context.Abby, Mark, Justin, and Ashley were fooling around in the pool like any Saturday, playing Marco Polo while Mr. Jones and Mrs. Peterson kept an eye from the deck."You look hot in that swimsuit," Justin commented to Abby.Abby looked down over her body, thick and voluptuous. The plunging neckline of the one piece swimsuit showed off her huge tits and cupped her pussy. "It does fit me...

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Freedom to Play IV

That structured day when Mrs. Peterson brought Abby and Ashley over to Mr. Jones' house was the first of many activities we all participated in together. Days at the beach, trips to museums, movies, dinners, days at the mall, all became more common as time passed. Mr. Jones and Mrs. Peterson never really got romantic as far as we knew, but they certainly flirted a lot and united over bringing all of us together. Abby and I were staples at these houses that weren't really our homes; we both came...

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Freedom to Play III

-------Mark and I were playing a video game in the living room when the phone rang. Mark ran to the kitchen and I heard him answer."Oh, Hi Mrs. Peterson. Yeah, he's here, just a second!"I thought, "Oh shit, that's Ashley's mom, we're definitely in for it." Mr. Jones came and picked up the phone from Mark. "Hi Deb, how are you?" he said to Ashley's mom. "Oh sure, the boys are here. It'd be just fine if they came over for a swim, sure. I'll be here. But sure, come by if you want, we can relax a...

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Freedom to Play

When I was coming up, there were several friends I fooled around with -- at sleepovers mostly, we would play truth or dare and have a little show and tell. At the minimum, we'd see each other partially naked, but I had a couple of friends with whom we went a lot further -- making out, blowjobs, even anal sex. I had two friends in particular who I played a lot with, Mark and Peter. Eventually Peter started to feel more and more guilty about what we were doing. Even though he'd swear it off, if...

3 years ago
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Freedom Pt 4

Dave pulled his hand from her clit long enough to lick her cum off his fingers. He groaned as he looked down at that tight pink pussy, waiting for his stiff cock. He rubbed the front of his pants for a moment, just watching Cheyenne's pussy. "You want this cock, baby?" he asked, wanting to ravage her, rip her clothes apart, and then give her the fucking of a lifetime."Oh, baby, I want that cock in this tight pussy, so bad, I'd beg for it!" she said, rocking her hips back and forth, almost...

4 years ago
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Freedom Pt 3

Cheyenne could hear her pulse in her ears as Dave's light blue eyes watched her dark brown eyes as he placed his hand on top of hers. She could even feel the pulse between her legs and in her breasts. Please touch me all over, she thought. His smile revealed a hint of his pearl white teeth. He massaged the knuckles of her hand as her pulse raced even faster. She felt her nipples harden and she wished she hadn't worn the padded bra with the air pockets for comfort. At that moment, she...

1 year ago
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Freedom pt 2

Cheyenne looked around, thinking that maybe he was early as well. She didn't see him. What if he lied and used someone else's picture's, she thought. He couldn't have. She distinctly remembered his voice when they spoke over the phone. He sounded the age he was. She told herself to stop worrying about it and to stop being so paranoid. From her dark, out-of-the-way corner, she saw him enter. His grey hair was cut short and she could see where he was balding in the center of his scalp on...

4 years ago
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Freedom Pt 1

She was nervous as she wrung her hands beneath the steering wheel of her new car. It wasn't brand new; just new to her. It was exciting for her to be away from home for a few hours by herself, with no one to rush her to go home and no one to cut her time short when she wasn't ready. New driver's license and new car; the sensation of it all felt odd.It was the also the first time meeting the guy she was there in that parking lot to see. She wasn't going to meet him out there, but she was too...

2 years ago
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Freedom For A Month In A Different City82308230

Hy guys… It’s me Samreen once again with a wonderful experience of my life still now….. Those how don’t know me let me introduce myself…..My name is Samreen.. I live in Mumbai. I am 20 years old….I belong from a Muslim family…. I am the only daughter of my parents…. My height is 5.8…. Fair in color.. Brown eyes. I have very long hair till my waist……. My figure is 34d 28 36…. As u all know i love dressing a lot….. But my parents did not ever let me due to culture probs…. So now let me start with...

1 year ago
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Freedom for a Slytan

Setting - a fictional medieval world with a blending of European and Asian styles. This is the story of sex sometimes nasty sometimes tender. Part 1 - Main Characters.Hero - a warrior in his early 20s, his fame is quickly growing as a mighty swordsman and champion of the oppressed. He was recently banished from his family for having offended several nobles while doing good deeds. Although he is a “good guy” he is not a total nice guy.The story begins as Hero watches three young girls bathing...

3 years ago
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Freedom to Play VI

"You all set for this weekend?" Mr. Jones asked Mark and Justin."Yeah, we should be good, Dad," Mark said back. Mr. Jones was heading out of town for a week and Mark's grandma was coming to stay at the house. Since it was summer, she would be watching Mark and making sure he kept himself out of trouble, and without school, Justin stayed over more or less every night. "Okay. Nanna should be here in a couple of hours, you boys keep the place clean and behave yourselves until she gets here."Mark...

3 years ago
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Freedom of Expression 1

Matt is 32 years old, just under 6ft tall, solid build but not much fat on him thanks to leading an active lifestyle. He has short brown hair and light blue eyes. Many people would be jealous of the life Matt has, he lives in a small coastal town of about 15000 people in New Zealand and spends his days doing essentially anything he feels like. This is thanks to a stroke of luck, when back in his early 20s in 2011 he had bought into the "scam" (as most people told him it was) of Crypto...

4 years ago
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Freedom for Melanie

My younger brother, Jacob was a piece of work. He grew up as a juvenile delinquent, stealing cars and robbing housewives in our neighborhood. He soon found out that stealing cars was not as exciting as robbing women. Melanie was married to Jacob. She was 5'6" of beauty. From the very first time that Jacob brought her to one of our family's get together, I was attracted to her. And who wouldn't be? She was a trim one hundred thirty five pounds. She could have been a Victoria's Secret model...

2 years ago
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Freedom of Choice

Some people will think I was crazy, and some others will think I just got really lucky. People who've known me for any length of time will know I'm not either one of those things. I am stubborn though, and I'll be the first one to admit it. I like to get my own way about things now too. So, whether or not I'm crazy, lucky, stubborn, or willful doesn't really matter. I'll tell you my story, then you can decide for yourselves what you think. I'd always felt that I was really lucky in one...

4 years ago
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Freedom Ride

The sun had set less than six hours ago over the world-spanning urban sprawl. The billions of homeless in New York City, alone, were sound asleep at 4:00 AM when an alarm clock woke Den out of a deep sleep. With a yawn, he put on his glasses and crawled out of his bunk and shuffled down to the bathroom. Joanne was sitting on a toilet and called out to him as he walked past, "Hey four-eyes, sleep alone again last night?" "Fuck you," he muttered as he walked past. "Not if you were the...

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Freedom DeniedChapter 2

The woman with the tattoo with the number of 1001 began pulling the bin out from under Mandi's body, whilst the one with 0909 tattoo began to mop the floor area beneath Mandi. Mandi heard one of the women say, "Fuck this bitch has nearly filled this shit bin!" The other responded "Never, the most anyone has filled it in the past would have been two months ago and she only managed about a third of the bin!" They both sniggered as they moved out of Mandi's line of sight; then suddenly...

2 years ago
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Freedom DeniedChapter 3

Mandi had been used and abused for some three hours by these guys, when Adam entered the room and blew a whistle. The guys grabbed Mandi and immediately retied her binds before grabbing their clothes and disappearing; Adam approached Mandi without her seeing the ball gag in his closed hand. Seconds later the foul smelling and tasting gag was forced into her mouth and the straps tightened. Adam delighted in telling Mandi of the sponge interior of the object wedged tightly in her throat, but...

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Freedom DeniedChapter 4

The van continued its journey for over thirty minutes, with Mandi jostled around in the back of the van at every turn, eventually the whine of the engine changed so she assumed she was now on a motorway. Fifty minutes later she heard the engine drop some revs, as it was obvious she was now back on non-motorway roads. Shortly after that she felt the van lurch to a stop, thinking she had arrived she tensed herself waiting for the guys to man handle her out of the van; five minutes passed then...

2 years ago
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Freedom DeniedChapter 5

Whilst she slipped into unconsciousness, Mandi was not aware of the preparations that were going on for her next surrender of her will. Behind the scenes twenty-five strapping males were being coached by Adam; and finally the two Tattooed ladies were sent in with the freezing cold hose. Mandi woke with a start as the icy cold water soaked her skin; Adam stepped forward saying "You want this trial to be over, bitch!" Mandi although she was down as far from beaten, she still planned for her...

2 years ago
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Freedom DeniedChapter 6

During her sleep, Mandi had several vivid dreams where she was always the centre of the wild sexual action, usually her dreams involved other people but sometimes it was with animals or with machines. She found herself more turned on by the thought of the never ending fucking of a machine than of anything else. After all a machine did not need to consider its own climax and could therefore concentrate all its actions and energies on making her cum. Also in her mind's eye the machine always...

4 years ago
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Freedom DeniedChapter 7

Eventually the cum streaked Mandi was exhausted and led off to a cell like room where a warm bath awaited her. She was visited by Adam who told her "You have not only passed our required standards, but you have exceeded them in your desire to accept any cock put before you" he continued, "I can now tell you that you will be flying back home to JFK airport in two days and will be met at the airport by your sponsor. You will live with your sponsor for three weeks and then you will be given a...

2 years ago
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Freedom of AssociationChapter 2

Preston Whitcomb, in his Newark studio apartment, rolled out of bed from a night of restless sleep and poured himself a beer. Old newspapers were scattered about. Unwashed plates on which he ate his microwavable meals were fixed to the coffee table. A pile of laundry surrounded his bed. A wilted plant lay half-dead on the window sill. He had a view of an alleyway a couple of floors below, and when he looked straight out of his window he stared at a brick wall. The only thing that Preston kept...

2 years ago
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Freedom of AssociationChapter 3

For his first poem Claude Carolina rhymed about injustice and revolution. The hot white spotlight blazed over him like an indefatigable fire. From his position on the stage he couldn’t see his audience, only their sloping shadows like peaks and valleys against the backdrop of a pitch-black sky. He heard their movement, their restlessness, like soldiers in camouflage maneuvering in the darkness. He commanded them. He knew when they would laugh, when they would clap, and when they would sigh....

4 years ago
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Freedom of AssociationChapter 5

He didn’t think a white man getting laid in an all-black neighborhood would be so tough. The walls were thin, and he heard murmuring next door. It may have been the college girl with some other guy, he wasn’t sure. He was sure as hell drunk, though, after chasing Claude Carolina through the East Village streets, and when he turned on the lights upon entering his Newark apartment in the middle of the night, the brief thrill of pleading his case to a young, talented poet withered in the stuffy...

3 years ago
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Freedom of AssociationChapter 9

The Minister Louis Farrakhan, bedecked in a black two-piece suit, azure bow-tie, and rectangular glasses took the podium in front of a crowd of one hundred followers at the National Press Club. Claude Carolina, watching this event on cable television, could scarcely believe that the honorable minister, plagued by a mysterious illness, looked as though nothing at all touched him during his prolonged absence from the national stage. The minister’s walnut skin and jet black hair hadn’t changed,...

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Freedom of AssociationChapter 10

Every single person in the bar stared at her. After the shrieking was over, she then feigned notice of the icy chill of water upon her skin and the ridiculous eighties tune blaring from the bar’s antiquated sound system. She saw eyes, faces, jaws that dropped, the conversation that mysteriously paused, the apologetic bartender handing her a towel, and Claude Carolina’s back as he hastily defiled from the place. As she wiped away the cold wetness from her body, she couldn’t suppress her...

4 years ago
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Freedom of AssociationChapter 11

He didn’t remember checking into the Hartford hotel room the night he left her parent’s home in the suburbs. He woke up with a half-bottle of scotch by his bed feeling not only depressed but physically sick from what he drank the night before. It was way past check out time, and every ten minutes or so the Mexican maids knocked on the door hoping to clean the room, and every time they knocked he yelled for them to “get the fuck out of here, I’m sleeping,” but they knocked every ten minutes,...

4 years ago
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Freedom of AssociationChapter 12

He earnestly tried to have fun, but what exactly is fun without a woman? Chasing them is fun, but there’s always something about a woman that one can never have, something she protects so fiercely, something she won’t trade, and these things aren’t necessarily secrets that need to be hidden from public view, but instead things so blissful as to transform him from the rotten man he was to a better—oh, what should he call it?—a better human being? He could no longer stand being away from...

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