- 4 years ago
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I realize this is a strange way to start, but actually, I really don't know exactly where to start my story; perhaps a place to start might be by telling you something about me?
The problem I have with that is for me to try and describe myself, I feel I come off as if I'm conceited, or I am better than others. I honestly know that my looks and the shape of my body are just the luck of the draw. I do go to a gym and work out as much as is practical just to keep in the best condition as I can, but I could have been 3'8" just as easy as 5'8"; and my body could have been lumpy and dumpy rather than the shape I'm lucky enough to end up with. I wear a 36 C cup bra, the rest of me is 24" in the middle, and my bottom is 35". I don't know if it was due to genetics or what, however trust me when I say I am very grateful I was blessed with a decent body and a nice face, and most important, I really try not to let it go to my head. I don't feel I'm conceited, but I'd have to be living under a rock to say I'm also well aware I get more than my shares of looks.
I am single and I will be 28 my next birthday in May. I have had lovers over the years and I have even loved a couple of guys; but I feel I've never been "in love" with any man. Some would call me a romantic because I believe there is a man out there who will sweep me off my feet. He hasn't shown up yet, but I still have my hopes.
I have an extremely interesting job that pays handsomely and I'm in the process of buying a very cool home overlooking the bay. Living next door is a pleasant and extremely handsome man named Jake who has to be twice as old as I am and is always very polite and pleasant. Jake is tall and looks to be in great shape regardless of whatever his age is. Every conversation we've ever had, he has been very much the gentleman. I have often thought it was a shame he was not closer to my age since I find him to so interesting and actually rather sexy.
Jake has a couple of motorcycles in his garage and I confess one of my major weaknesses is for motorcycles. He has a beautiful rather new Harley and a totally restored early 1950's Vincent Black Shadow. (I only know this because he told me what kind of bike it was.) Jake had the Vincent out in his driveway one day and was working on it as I was walking past. I'd never seen anything like it before and it was such an interesting bike I had to stop and make a comment about it.
I found it difficult not to giggle when Jake stated to tell me about the bike. He was like a big kid as he proceeded to tell me all about the bike and how rare it was and exactly what made it so special. Once I realized how old it was, I was stunned at the beautiful condition it was in. I could tell by the shape that it was not a new bike, but it looked like it just rolled off the showroom floor. The black and gold gleamed in the sun and there was a lot of chrome and brass on the bike as well. I honestly enjoyed learning how rare and interesting the bike was. As he talked, I found myself looking him over very closely and mused to myself again what a very handsome man he was for someone his age. His slivering hair seemed to gleam in the sun and he had a sexy, long mustache. Actually, regardless of his age, I thought he really was a most handsome, sexy man.
After that day, whenever we saw each other we would take a moment and chat about our day, to the weather or just general things. I found out he liked opera but not the ballet, which put us on the same page; he enjoyed football but not soccer, same as me. We had similar views on religion, politics and just life in general. I told him several times how much I loved bikes and he offered me a ride any time I wanted. I kept telling him the next nice day I was going to take him up on that offer but it never seemed to happen. Both of our lives appeared to be busy and we just never found the time.
I wouldn't say I am an overly paranoid person or that I am super cautious, but I do pay attention to my surroundings. I don't park in a dark corner or in a dark parking lot at night; I make sure when I get out of my car there are no strangers just standing around. I feel that a little prevention goes a long way. I have gone through a couple of self-defense classes at the Y and not to brag; I felt I could handle myself well if necessary.
Once in a while I have to work late and one of those evening I had to work very late. When I arrived at the parking garage I noticed my car was now the only one on that level. I thought I was the only person on that floor until I was about 200 feet from my car when 5 young men, I can only describe as punks, stepped from behind a wall and started to walk towards me. For a moment, I considered trying to get back to the elevator, but I remember that one of them was broken and the other one was set so it would always return to the ground level. I could see there would be no point in running for my car as they could easily keep me from getting to it on time. I felt my only option was to just keep walking to my car as if there was nothing wrong.
One of the punks whistled and another made a crude comment which I ignored and kept on walking towards the car. As we passed each other, two of them quickly moved up on each side of me grabbing my arms and knocking my purse to the floor. The first punk who had made the crude comment picked up my purse and I begged him to just take what ever cash I had in the purse and let me go. Instead he just tossed the purse onto the hood of my car and stepped in front of me.
His hair was long and greasy; his face was pock marked and he reminded me of a rat. His eyes seemed to be glazed as if he was on something and they were set too close together. His eyes peered over a very large hooked nose. I noticed that 3 of them were wearing some sort of filthy vests over greasy motorcycle jackets and it appeared they all belonged to a club of some sort. I remember how quiet it was as I stood there held against my will, the traffic sounds seemed so far away and the wind that flowed through the garage was cold.
With the two of them tightly holding my arms, I couldn't break free. The one punk who seemed to be the leader stood leering at me and as much as I hated myself for doing it, I started to cry. His greasy hair hung down both sides of his face and because her eyes were set so close together it gave him the appearance of a person who was not of normal intelligence. His clothing was disgustingly filthy and he reached into one of the pockets of his jacket and brought out a knife. Flicking his wrist, the blade popped out and audibly clicked into place. The feeble overhead light flickered off the blade and I was now even more terrified. I had never felt so alone in my life. Nobody knew where I was and there was nobody waiting at home for me to show up. I was totally on my own with these hoodlums. When the punk with the knife stepped up close enough, I could smell the stench of his breath and I knew he had been drinking.
He took the tip of his knife, slipped it under the top button of my blouse and flicked his wrist. The button came off, making a tinkling sound as it hit the ground and he giggled. I tried to break free again but the two holding my arms only held me even tighter.
With deliberate slowness the punk continued to cut each button off my blouse until I was standing there with it hanging open. I was mad and scared at the same time and I continued to cry. I kept begging them to let me go and not hurt me.
I felt the cold backside of the knife blade against my chest as it was slipped under the center of my bra and then I felt a strain as he pulled the knife towards himself and my bra was cut in half between the cups. My breasts held the cups somewhat to my body until the punk reached out and yanked my bra away. The cold air made my nipples so hard they ached and I hated it. For some reason now with my nipples hard and protruding, I felt so exposed.
With one hand he roughly squeezed one of my breasts and then pinched a nipple, "Nice tits mama, I can hardly wait to see the rest of you." His hand was cold and my breast and nipple now hurt from his rough handling. He continued to leer at me and I was now becoming frightened for my life. I can not describe how helpless and alone I felt at that moment ... I didn't know what to do, my mind was frozen from the fear.
Unexpectedly from out of the shadows came a deep, low rumbling voice, "Let her go ... now!" And my neighbor Jake stepped into the light.
I had no idea where he had come from, but seeing him brought a loud sob from deep inside of me and I was never so grateful to see anybody in my life. He was dressed much the same as the punks holding me except his clothing was clean and his leather jacket, even though it looked well worn, did not have the dirty, oily sheen the punk's jackets possessed. Everyone seemed to freeze for a moment as he slowly walked towards the 6 of us. He sound of his boots echoed off the walls and he stopped a few feet away from the group. Once more, he spoke in a low, deep tone, "I'll not tell you again. Let her go ... now!"
The ruffian with the knife sneered, "Go away pops before you get hurt. Does the home know that you are out this late?" And the rest of the punks all laughed at the hoodlum's joke.
Jake took one more step toward the 5 punks and pointed at the one with the knife, whom I had begun to assume was the leader. "If your boys don't take their hands off my daughter right now, you are the ones who are going to get hurt."
The leader stepped away from me and positioned his knife in a fighting style. "Gramps, I am gonna cut you up and then you can watch us all fuck your little girl." He made a motioned towards Jake.
I realize I was frightened at the time and perhaps not really followed things all that well, but I have played what happened next repeatedly in my mind and I still cannot totally comprehend what I saw. In the blink of an eye, the punk was lying flat on the ground and his knife was in Jake's hand. The entire move had been seamless and I was as stunned as the punks holding me. I had seen the biker move towards Jake and then saw Jake leap into the air, spin and I heard the snap of the punk's arm and watched the knife fly out of his hand, and Jake catch it in midair. But it had all happened so quickly at the time it didn't really register what I had actually witnessed in real time.
When the punk started to get up, Jake swiftly kicked him in the ribs, stomped on one of leader's knees, which caused a loud "pop" sound. Jake growled at him to lay still or things were going to get even worse. The punk screamed and I heard a crack, secretly hoping Jake had broken a rib, or knee, or even more. Jake's actions seemed to take all of the fight out of the leader as he slumped back to the cement. Jake tossed the knife onto the ground and with one of his boots, snapped the blade off at the handle.
Turning back to the group, Jake whisper was a low rumble, "Which one of you ass holes is next?"
The two holding my arms did not let go but one of the other 2 started to move towards Jake. The tough guy lunged towards Jake and once more with amazing speed, Jake's body moved. I wish I could describe how it all happened, but it is difficult to remember how everything transpired, however this thug quickly found himself also on the ground with one of his arms crumpled under his body, obviously broken.
Jake pointed at one of the punks holding onto my arms and then curled his finger in a summonsing motion. The man let go of my arm and muttered something as he quickly moved towards Jake. The other man holding my arm was so surprised by what was happening, it was easy to pull my arm away from him and I clutched my torn clothing against my body. The hooligan who had let go of my arm reached behind his back and drew out a knife. Jake's mouth had a smile but there was no warmth in it, his eyes were totally cold.
Jake's voice held menace in it as he rasped; "Didn't you see what happen to your buddy here?" pointing to the first punk writhing in pain on the floor. The man quickly lunged at Jake and once more with his amazing speed and what appeared to be very little effort, Jake grabbed the mans arm, throwing him to the ground. As soon as the punk hit the ground, Jake stomped on his chest and snapped the hood's arm against Jake's thigh. A high scream came from the man and he lay in a heap on the floor holding his broken arm against his damaged chest, crying and writhing in pain. The remaining two now cowered beside each other. Three punks down and three broken arms, perhaps some broken ribs and for sure a knee that was going to need medical help; served them right as far as I was concerned.
Pointing at the remaining two, Jake commanded, "Both of you ... on your knees ... now ... with your hands laced behind your head." When neither of them moved, Jake took one step towards them and shouted, "NOW!" Both men dropped to their knees and quickly laced their hands behind their heads on the way down. Jake pointed to the first punk he had dropped to the floor and asked, "It this supposed to be your leader?" The man who had been holding my arm nodded yes. "What's his name?" Jake barked.
The punk murmured, "Carlos."
"Do either of you have a cell phone?" The one man who answered Jake nodded his head yes.
"Give it to me." Jake growled. The man quickly drew out the phone and tossed it to Jake and then as fast as he could, replaced his hands behind his head. Jake punched in some numbers and waited a moment.
There was no greeting, as soon as the person on the other end of the line answered, Jake started to speak, "Luis ... this is Jake ... ah ... excuse me, this is Talon. Remember me?" A pause ... Jake laughed and spoke, "I thought you would. Listen ... we have a problem." Slight pause and Jake continued, "You and I have always had peace between us ... correct?" Another pause. "I know I did and you can stop thanking me. The reason I ask if we are still cool is because one of your punks named Carlos and some of his punk fuck buddies just tried to rape my daughter." This time the pause was much longer. Finally, Jake interrupted... "Luis..." Jake's voice rose, "LUIS ... STOP!" Jake shouted into the phone. "I know it was not your fault and I am going to let you resolve the matter." A pause, "I am leaving it up to you to handle ... but ... if I ever see any of these punks again, I will assume you didn't take care of things like I expected. I never ever want to see those punks again ... near me or my daughter." A short pause and Jake seemed to interrupt once more, "Look ... Luis ... its cool! I know you will take care of things. One other thing ... ah ... I did have to have a bit of a chat with them regarding manners and I do apologize because a couple of them got hurt." And once more Jake stood and listened. "Thanks Luis. They will be waiting for you on the 5th floor of the Acme garage on Second." This time the pause was much shorter. "We will be leaving now if you don't' mind. I'll see you around."
Jake tossed the cell phone at one of the kneeling punk's chest and then slipped his motorcycle jacket off, draping it over my shoulders. I was a bit surprised at the heavy weight of the coat but its warmth felt good around my shoulders.
Jake looked at the two remaining men kneeling on the floor, paused for a moment and then spoke very slow and with deep menace, "Luis is on his way. He told me to tell you both; the two of you are to wait here for him. He may, or may not, know who you two are right now, but I am sure Carlos will throw you under the bus in a heart beat just to help spread Luis's anger around when asked. And trust me, I know Luis from a long way back and his anger will find you if you dare leave. Ask Luis who Talon is and how far we go back. What you did this evening was a major fuck up." Jake stepped to the one punk who had been holding my arm and backhanded him across his face. "Don't you ever touch my little girl again ... do you understand?" When the punk didn't answer, Jake stepped towards him and the punk actually put his head on the cement floor, screamed yes and begged for Jake not to hit him again.
Jake stepped to my car and picked up my purse, then returned to me and we walked between the one kneeling man and the other punk who still had not lifted his forehead off the floor. Jake called back to the 2 figures, "My advice for you two ass holes is next time ask questions. Oh yeah, speaking of ass holes ... yours are going to get a real work out." Jake laughed, but there was no humor in the sound of it. Jake continued to hold my elbow as we walked away from the 5 of them and I could feel the tension in his hand from the way he gripped my arm.
We quickly walked down the ramps for 2 floors and came to Jake's car. He opened the passenger door and I slid in. Once I was inside of his car, I fell apart. I was shaking from being cold, and scared and angry and I started to cry. I really hate it when I can't hold my emotions in check and I didn't want Jake to see me crying but I just couldn't help it.
Jake got the car started and we drove out of the garage. Two blocks away from the garage he pulled over to the curb and reached over and drew me as close to his body as the seats would allow. With more haste than I thought I had in me, I crawled into his lap and was sitting sideways as quickly as I could. I sobbed and cried while he held me against his chest.
I mewed into his chest, "Why? I don't understand why they did that." I know that I must have whined into his chest the word "Why?" a hundred times. I couldn't think ... I was just numb. I remember how wonderful it felt to feel his arms around him and his smells were warm, comforting and I was surprised with my thought he smelled very sexy. I could feel him kiss the top of my head every once in a while. He continued to rock me and whisper that things were all right and asked me not to cry. As we sat there in his car, I was aware that several police cars zipped by with their lights and sirens on. I hated myself for hating those punks so much and I was just too mentally exhausted to do anything but cry.
I don't remember getting back in my seat or the drive home. I just remember Jake pulling up in front of my house. Jake helped me out of the car and started to walk me to my front door. To this day I don't know why, but I blurted out, "NO! I don't want to be alone."
Then I realized Jake was not responsible for me and I would have to go in my place and make the best of things. However; Jake stopped and looked at me for a moment and then took my elbow in a much more delicate manner than he had in the garage and steered me towards his front door.
I tried to pull back telling him I was OK and for him to just let me go to my place. His grip tightened a bit, with out hurting me, and gently, but firmly led me to his front door. Without a word, he opened the door and stepped back. I sighed and realized I really didn't want to be alone after all ... I really did want to stay with this man who had just rescued me. It was not a sexual thing; I just needed to continue to feel his protection.
I looked around his front room and even though I was not too aware of things, I was astonished at how attractive the room was decorated. He led me further back in to the house until we reached his den. It was totally a man's room consisting of walnut wood covering some of the walls with floor to ceiling bookcase along one wall. When we entered the room, Jake stepped to the fireplace and switched on the gas fireplace. Just the sight of the fire seemed to help me feel better. There were a couple of long, wide leather couches with a couple of deep leather chairs arranged nicely in the center of the room. Jake led me to one of the couches and helped me lie down. As soon as I was on my side, he covered me with a warm, soft blanket after which he gently reached out and touched my cheek and then left the room.
A short time later he came back and handed me a long sleeve tee shirt. "Why don't you take off my coat and your damaged clothing and put this on while I get you something?" I pulled off my ruined bra and top and then slipped on his shirt. It smelled like his aftershave and was very comfortable. When he returned, he had a cup of hot chocolate in his hand. The drink was hot and sweet and I could tell it had some sort of alcohol in it as I sipped it. For the fist time since he had taken off his jacket I noticed that his left arm was cut and he had wrapped it in a towel, but blood was still seeping through, staining the towel.
"Your hurt..." I said... "Do you need to see a Dr.?" I started to push myself up.
"No, it will be OK." H gently put his hand on my shoulder, pushing me back down onto the couch. He continued, "I hate to tell you this, but I've had worse."
"But you are bleeding ... look at the towel."
"If I can't get it stopped, I will go to the emergence room and have it looked at. Right now we are taking care of you. How are you feeling?"
Whatever had been in the drink was making me sleepy and the edges of the room seemed to be fading. I vaguely remembered Jake taking the cup from my hand as I lay on the couch.
The next thing I knew it was early morning as I woke up screaming from the nightmare I had just had. Jake came running into the room and quickly gathered me into his arms. As he held me I started to remembered parts of the nightmare. I had been back in the garage and was once more being held at knife point. Finally I calmed down and stopped crying. I looked around the room and didn't recognize where I was.
"Where am I?"
"You are in my bedroom, in my bed. You fell asleep on the couch and I carried you in here and tucked you into bed. I took the liberty of taking off your slacks ... they are on the chair over there." Without thinking I reached under the covers and found that I still had on my panties and the T-shirt Jake had given me when we got home.
My mind was a bit fuzzy and I found that I was still trembling from waking up from the nightmare. Jake gently pushed me backwards onto the bed with a smile, "Why don't you try and go back to sleep for a while. I am here and you will be safe. OK?" As he spoke; he pushed some of the curls off my fore head and caressed my cheek.
I started to protest and tried to tell him I wanted to get up but he gently held me down and told me to just rest a bit more. He continued to caress my cheek and it seemed like just a few moments went by when I woke up again and it was much later in the day. I could tell by the patterns of light on the walls that it was now mid-afternoon.
I really needed to go to the bathroom and I noticed that there was a door open at the end of the bedroom where I could see a toilet. I got up and padded into the bathroom and took care of business. My panties felt gross and I slipped them off as well as Jake's T-shirt. As I passed the mirror I glanced into it and was shocked to see the deep burses on my both my arms from last night. Just as I was about to open the door, I heard Jake call out my name. I slipped the shirt back on and noticed that it just came below my pussy. I stepped out of the bathroom and since he had already seen me in my panties and the shirt covered everything, I didn't think much about walking over to the bed and crawling back into it.
"How do you feel?" The concern was obvious in his voice.
"I feel OK ... I guess. I just noticed the bruises on my arms. I didn't realize that they were holding me so tightly." I had a thought, "What about my car?" I asked.
"I got your keys out of your purse and I had a couple of my buddies go and bring it back. Your car is parked in your garage. I also called your office and spoke with Robert; by the way, Robert and I are old friends. I explained to him why you won't be in today. I hope you don't mind? Oh ... and he would like for you to call him when you feel up to it. Tomorrow is soon enough he said."
All of a sudden a thought flashed into my mind, "I haven't even thanked you for last night. Oh God ... I am sorry Jake ... I really do..."
Jake interrupted me by putting his hand over my mouth. "Stop ... stop! You do not need to thank me. I was just glad that I was there and I could be of help."
A new thought came to mind, "Jake, why were you in that garage last night?"
His face turned bright red and he actually stammered as he tried to answer. "Well ... I ... ah ... um ... just happened to be there and I ah ... well ... I ah ... Shit Cindy, I was there because Robert had called me and asked me to check on you since you were working so late."
"Robert called and asked you to check on me?" I asked with total amazement. I had no idea that Robert was even aware I had worked so late. Jake nodded yes to my question. I continued, "Was this the first time you checked on me?" His head moved in a negative fashion. "How many times have you checked on me? And how come you never let me know you were there?"
His face seemed to color once more and it took a long time for him to answer. "Some time ago, Robert and I were having drinks and your name came up. I mentioned that you were my neighbor and he said that he was often worried when you worked so late at the office and wished there was a way he could have some sort of security person walk you to your car. I told him that any time you were working late to let me know and I would make sure that you got home safely."
"And why didn't you tell me that you were waiting for me?"
"I was afraid that you might not appreciate the fact I was there. You might feel that I was stalking you."
I laughed at his remark. In a moment it was if a light switch had been flicked on. How could I not have seen it before? Did Jake have feelings for me? Why would he willing give up evenings to "baby sit" me? "Jake ... I want to ask you a question ... and I would like for you to answer me honestly." It was as if he knew where the conversation was going and he quickly stood.
"Can I get you a cup of soup? Or are you hungry?"
"Jake ... please sit down."
"Cindy ... please let's stop this conversation. I am afraid you are going to ask questions that I really don't want to have to answer."
"What is this, you read minds or something?" I asked with a grin.
"Cindy ... please respect my wishes?"
"Jake ... please tell me why you would be willing to give up evenings and keep track of me when I had to work late?"
"Well ... you are my neighbor and I know you and..." his voice trailed off.
"Neighbors don't hide in parking garages checking on their neighbors ... unless they are stalking them or something. And just because Robert asks you to keep track of me is not a good excuse. Why did you feel you had to watch over me?"
"Cindy ... can we just say I think you are very special and I wanted to make sure you were OK on nights you had to work late. And considering how things went last night, it was a good thing I checked up on you."
I was getting sleepy again. I guess the scare of last night and everything had worn me out more than I realized. I thought I should be getting home and I started to push the covers off and asked him where the rest of my clothing was at.
"Where do you think you are going?"
"I am still tired, and I am going home."
"How about you stay here for another night? If you need something, tell me what and I will go get it and bring it back."
"I really can't put you out for another night. Besides, you probably want your bed back."
"This is not the only bed I own. And you are not putting me out. How about you rest and when you wake up, I'll have something for you to eat?"
I had to admit the bed did feel comfortable and I really didn't want to be by myself yet. I thought I would just close my eyes for a moment and then I would try again to go home. The next thing I knew was it was dusk outside and the light beside the bed was on with a hand towel wrapped around it to soften the light. The color of the towel made the room warm and I felt so safe and content in Jake's room.
As I lay in his huge bed, I was now becoming aware of his smells. I could smell his aftershave along with his personal odors in the sheets and pillows. I really liked the smell of Jake. My mind started to wander and I found myself having erotic thoughts about him and it surprised me I would even consider anything sexual after what had happened to me last night. I started to wonder what he would be like as a lover when the thought struck me he really was a little old for me. My next thought was too old for what? What did it matter if he was older than me? I found him sexy and desirable, so what did it really mater? As I laid there thinking, the door opened and Jake stepped in. I noticed he had clothing in his hand and when he placed it on the bed beside me; I saw it was one if my bra and panty sets along with my bathrobe.
Jake seemed to color a bit as he spoke, "I took the liberty of going over to your place and getting you a fresh set of underwear and your robe. I thought you might like to shower and change? You know where my bathroom is, why don't you go and use it? There is a brand new tooth brush along with a small tube of tooth paste too. When you are done, come out and I have something for you to eat."
I reached out and took his hand and held it to my cheek. I turned my head and kissed his palm, then returned it to my cheek. "Somehow 'thank you' doesn't really seem to be enough. I am so grateful for what you did last night. I just..." I was stunned to feel tears slipping down my cheeks.
I smiled at him hoping that Mr. Ballard had not heard what Reggie said, as I was sure he was watching us right now. I knelt down and went for his prick. I got it out and worked it nice and slow, taking it all the way down my throat and right back out to my lips, grabbed a breath of air through my nose and slowly took it back inside (all the way inside) Reggie had always been nice to me from the first day that I started working. I had to ask him several times about prices on some of the items...
Boston had recaptured third place in our Division during August, with the hapless Devil Rays fading down the stretch, but the Sox were only a pale memory of what they'd been, a few years back when they'd won it all. Like the Yankees, the Red Sox management had learned, expensively, that money wasn't everything, and that it took more than an open wallet to keep a club winning. God knows the wealthy clubs had a huge advantage. But — happily for the health of the game, competitiveness...
If you haven’t read ‘Thief’, go do that before reading this! ***** Chapter 4. I wake from a deep sleep with the feeling of satisfaction seeping through my body. Maybe now that it’s over with I can get over this silly schoolboy crush and get on with my investigation. I sit up and look around. Ella’s nowhere to be seen, and her clothes have been picked up while mine are still rumpled on the floor. I hop off the bed and get dressed before padding down the hall and into the kitchen, where she’s...
Welcome to the latest instalment. Please start reading this series from the first chapter. Thank you very much to those who have left encouraging and helpful messages. These are really appreciated showing that somebody is reading my scribblings. To date: John Smith had an injection of contaminated testosterone, causing his cock and balls to permanently enlarge and become over-active, necessitating frequent sex to survive. Long term female friends Sophia, Janet and Adriana agree to help him...
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February/March, 1982, Chicago, Illinois I made good time on the drive back to Chicago despite the light drizzle that I ran into just south of Gary. I walked into the apartment to find Stephie and Elyse stretched out on the couch, each one leaning on an arm and their legs alternating so they could put them out straight. “You two look comfortable,” I said, taking off my shoes and coat and dropping my bag. “Hi, Steve,” Elyse said. “Hi, Steve,” Stephie echoed. Neither of them moved to get...
Part 4 By the end of the following week, Caroline had completed her education plan for Gabriella. She had spoken with a number of her teachers and established weaknesses and had also read all the reports handed to her by Mr. Wilson. To ensure that he would be happy, Caroline requested several meetings with him to discuss what she planned to do. Over the course of these meetings it was apparent to Caroline that she was deeply infatuated with Robert Wilson. He was strong, successful, athletic...
Paula Oldham counted five reasons to be pissed, ticking them off on her fingers. She would have gone higher but she needed the other hand to haul her bag to the luggage cart. One, she counted, starting with the most recent: The peach-fuzzed limo driver called her ma'am. Ma'am was for old ladies. She showed him who was a ma'am, grabbing her suitcase out of his hand. It would have been a better idea if it weren't so damn heavy. Two was that exhibition she'd witnessed at the end of the...
Our Christmas Eve party would always be one to remember. Almost nothing was working out right today according to plan, and even the first round of turkeys baked in the ovens in our kitchen and the canteen, and also the ones on the grills didn't quite seem to cook to our desired perfection. I think they were all still a bit too icy and their insides hadn't thawed enough while in the ice chests. We cooked them anyway, but to get the breasts almost sort-of done we had to invariably overcook...
I met my husband Kyle when we were both in college. We’re roughly the same age and met through friends. Kyle and his roommates always threw the largest parties on campus and my friends and I liked to dress slutty for these nights. Between the drinks and the weed everyone usually had a great time by the end of the night. Kyle and I would start a sloppy make out session and then head up to his bedroom. He would rip my clothes off and take control of me -doing as he pleased. Kyle is a taller...
When my mom’s MILF best friend, Trinity St Clair, comes over during quarantine, I’m just happy to have some human contact! But when she tells me that she’s lonely, I think she might be looking for more intimate contact than she wants to admit. I invite her to come over more often, and the MILF starts making regular trips to hang out with me. After a while, she asks me how often I watch porn, and as the conversation gets dirtier, she shows me her bald MILF pussy. And since I’m a virgin, she...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: Captured 13 Months&hellip,it was thirteen months in captivity, now finally in the sanctity of my permanent home. We have lost one in our family, do not know if he is still alive&hellip,hope so. But we have also added three more to our family. Thirteen months ago, my husband, our two children, and myself were two months into what we perceived as a humanitarian mission. The mission precipitated by an unexpected windfall when we had won a portion of a large lottery the year before....
Christmas this year we stayed at home visiting Cat’s two families, one adoptive and one biological. Moria was in the Alps skiing for two weeks. She needed the vacation after spending two hours on the phone being badgered by my current student who tenaciously refused to drop a certain subject until my former student agreed. After spending the rest of December ‘fixing’ the Extruder from its ‘God Awful’ performance, Cat made her first coil. Frankly, the projections worried me. EPI was closed...
Knowing that his Mistress will be home soon, cumdog steps from the shower and hurriedly dries off his body and assumes his position on his knees beside her bed as she liked him to be, naked. He hadn't seen her in days and he was in such a state of arousal and need at the thought of what she will do to him that night that his cock was rock hard.He hears her open the front door and drop her keys on the table. He sucks in his breath as he listens as her footsteps get closer to her bedroom. He...
Synopsis - A mother learns her son's perverted fantasy and helps him realize it==========================================================I stared down at the filthy bed.The bed sheets must have been beige a long time ago but now they were dirty yellowish. Several large stains, most likely from cum of hundreds, may be thousands of men covered the bed spread. There were no pillows except one large square cusion in the middle. Right next to it a new stain had started to form where the my sperm had...
Life has been tough without Mr. Palms around. Recently he has been committed to a rehabilitation facility after suffering a breakdown. Apparently his life of cuckdom has affected him quite badly. His wife Brandi has been fucking so many men. He has even been forced to watch. Now his son is left bitter and upset having to look at his horrible stepmother. What more pain could she possibly inflict on the family. Today young Johnny would find out. Chilling with a couple of his childhood friends his...
xmoviesforyouPART TEN: TESTED "Make-up?" I mutter. Oh shit! I forgot to take off the make-up! I leave the can of Dr. Pepper on the counter and dash out of the kitchen. I clear the hall and stumble into the powder room. I check the counter top for anything that takes off make-up. Mom or Emma should have some of that shit around here someplace. I'm still searching when there's a knock at the door. "Come out, Jason," Mom says. "I'll help." I open the door to see both Mom and Larry clogging the...
The next few days were very interesting inside the JAG offices as several members of Admiral Chegwidden's staff started to become sexually involved with each other. Harriet and Mac had definitely enjoyed their evening together, and Admiral Chegwidden thought he had things under control but he was deceived since he didn't realize that his officer personnel were rapidly beginning to descend into a maelstrom of sexual abandon and pleasure. He'd personally become involved with Mac, a very...
After what had gone on before I was bit embarrassed to show my face in the pub again. But after three weeks my BF persuaded me as it was only so long I could keep making excuses. I had a bath and a few wines. At about 6 we headed over to pub and again it was very busy. I thought to steer clear of the pool table this time (well at first anyway) LOL.The more I drank in the bath the hornier I became thinking of how hard I was fucked in the toilets last time by John and wondered if he would be...
Noel awoke early next morning to the sun streaming in through the large gap in the hotel room curtains. He was momentarily disorientated. He couldn’t understand why he was lying on a settee covered in a quilt. ‘Where was Carol, his bride?’ Suddenly he heard a groan from the next room. It was Carol. Everything came flooding back to him. She was in the bedroom with Rufus. His bride had spent her wedding night – their wedding night – with another man. She was being fucked again, Rufus, her black...
172 A VISIT TO AUNT FIONAS In my wandering`s here on hamster I came across a lady we are going to call Fiona, well the ones who know her already know her full name, but sometimes it`s better to keep the old ID`s a little to ourselves, it saves the odd few on here stalking, causing grief, or whatever. Most of course are like me, just sex mad old boys [and a few mature and lovely ladies] that love a delightful erotic story. I have three ladies I write for regularly, I describe myself as their...
An hour later, Donna was escorting me into a fashionable French Restaurant. As we entered the foyer, I caught a glimpse of my reflection and wished fervently that I could die on the spot. My dress was a low-cut, powder-blue satin thing, strapless, so that my bare shoulders and the tops of my creamy breasts were amply displayed. Matching shoulder-length gloves increased this effect, as did the body- hugging cut of the dress itself. I looked like I'd been poured into it! Every step I...
Fall From Heaven BLURB: A man is entranced by an impossibly sexy woman at a club and brings her to his apartment. He has no idea that his life is about to be changed forever. --- I couldn't believe my luck. She was leaning against me, one arm twined with mine, her head resting on my shoulder as I fumbled with the keys in my rush to get the door open. I felt drunk. Her intoxicating scent wafted around my head, smelling sweetly of cinnamon, filling my mind with steamy thoughts...
Ami kolkaka – r kachakachi ekta jaygay paying guest thaki, amar 30 jader barite paying guest thaki tara amake nijeder barir chele-r matoi dekha sona kare, ami ekta foreign MNC te service kari . Ami jader barite thaki tara sabai mile mot 6 jon + 1 jon ami, ami oder sange thakleo amar bed room, bath room sabi oder sange attach noi, barir karta samir Bose ekjon business man bayas 60 + ami take kaku bolei daki, tar stri Rita Kakima bayas 40+, bole rakhi rita kakima samir kakur 2nd wife, 1st wife...
Copyright© I rounded the corner, and saw the flickering neon sign — Hotel Eden. It was famous, or should that be notorious, as an establishment that catered to sex. Rooms could be had by the hour, as well as by night, and it had a discrete bar frequented by lonely housewives as well as prostitutes — although it was sometimes difficult to tell them apart. The rooms were clean and cheap, and visiting businessmen who liked a woman to share their bed regularly stayed there. For a moment I...
The cool Autumn air flowing through the open door disturbed the dusty webs of long dead spiders as we pushed the heavy wooden door inward. Only the whisper of the breeze, our breath, and the screech of the door's rusty hinges competed with the sound of my pounding heart as I stepped through the threshold into the house's foyer. It was evident that Madison and I were the first visitors in quite some time, that the house's reputation for evil had kept people away for a long, long time. I stepped...
SupernaturalThis smart assed little fifteen year old girl had been watching all kinds of internet porn, and she figured she knew how far she could push it without getting raped. Truth be told, she was pretty good at gauging how far she had to go with each man to get his dick hard, before skipping out. The little tease got off on it. She'd go home, and masturbate after leaving these men all hot, and bothered. She'd think about the bulges she was able to cause in these grown men, as she started...
Hello everyone. This is Rahul dev. This is my first story on ISS. I hope u will like it. Mera naam Rahul, 22 saal ka hu. Hyderabad me ek compny me job krta hu. Meri heigyt 5’9 h or mere lund ka size 7 inch h. Ye ghtna pichhle saal ki h. Mere mama ki ldki ka naam h Kavita. Vo bahut sexy h. M bachpan se hi use chahta hu. Uski umar h 21 saal or uski height thodi chhoti h lekin uska figer gazab ka h 34-26-36 jo ki mujhe baad me pata chala. Ab sidhe story par aata hu meri job hyderabad ki ek...
Kenzie is in her room always talking to her soul mate Kevin daily. Her room mate Diamond comes in daily to ask if Kenzie wants to do something with her. Kenzie keeps brushing her off to be with her boyfriend. Then one day Diamond hears Kenzie crying in her room. Diamond asks her what’s wrong? Kenzie replies that Keven broke up with her because she was too clingy and needy. Diamond tells Kenzie that she needs to be treated better and that she is there to show her how to be treated. So Diamond...
xmoviesforyouDave and Kelly were in their mid thirties and had been married for almost 10 years. Dave was a salesmen, while Kelly was a stay at home mom. Dave’s job required him to travel out of town several times a year. This is when Dave’s thoughts about seeing his beautiful with another man had all started. Dave found himself stuck in hotel rooms night after night and had nothing better to do but collect his thoughts. He had recently began to explore the thought of wanting to see his wife being fucked...
We stood on the inner circle, the nine blue crystal spires rising above us. I had jumped us all through to the Seeker planet only a moment before, and I was giving the Legion a chance to absorb the impact of this new location. Once everyone had a chance to look around and get used to the idea that they were really on yet another world, and an important one in our own story, I got their attention. "Legionnaires!" I called out. When they were all looking at me, I continued. "Radiating...
This is the continuation of our story with the second couple we swapped with. The story is told from Sam’s point of view. No, Sam didn’t write it, he told me and I wrote it for him. As Nick and Ashley drove off, Taylor pushed me back on to the couch and pulled my cock out. I knew she would want to try to get a taste of Ashley’s juices on my dick. “MMMM,” she sai,d “I can smell the scent of her pussy on you.” As she ran her tongue over I my cock she looked up and said, “ok tell me how what you...
Wife LoversWhile waiting for Marcie's flight to arrive, I had time to reflect on the current state of my existence on this earth. Even separate, the issues were complex; combined they were insurmountable. At the top of the list was Megan. I knew that she was disappointed with the way Mel had dismissed her appeal to spend time with me. I wasn't there and I don't know what was said, but I do know that he had flatly refused to listen to her. Mel probably wasn't a bad guy. I couldn't blame him for...
Brenda relaxed for a little, enjoying the feelings that James had filled her with. Among the other things. She laid in the bed for a few more minutes and decided that it would be safe to go to the new house. She had heard all of them talking about how nice it was, and she was curious to see it for herself. She went ahead and took a quick shower, to cool off, and dressed in her shorts and a thin shirt. She had figured that it was enough for around here, with all of the other ladies running...
I am 26 years old 5’2 feet from Hyderabad with very normal physique. It was my first time I had sex with my radha (my neighbor lady). There was no one at her home when she came to my house and asked my mom that no one is in her home it will be better if she sleeps with Her as she feel fears at night time my mother said o.k. I will sleep with you. At the evening my friends were gone out and wont be coming by night. It about 8P.M radha comes to my house and asked me to help her. Then she asked...
I was giving my sister-in-law (‘SIL’) a lift back home on my Yamaha (a 20 min ride from my place). My SIL is dusky and really beautiful 28 yrs, 5’5”, big breasts, and a fairly good ass and looks very beautiful in a saree (which she always wore low, and her blouse would show a cleavage), this always turned me on. I always fantasized making love to her and masturbated many times thinking of her. She was not used to bike rides so she sat carefully holding the carrier (without holding me), after...
Incesti slowly let my robe slide off & stand cumpletely naked be4 u as u stare up at my pale body... i move over closer 2 u & stand between your legs as i bend 4ward 2ward u & put my hands on your thighs then slowly slide my hands upward as i pull your shirt over your head & drop it 2 the floor... then i kneel down on the floor in front of u as u stand & slowly unbutton your jeans sliding them down 2 the floor revealing your soft & sexy cock... i look up in2 your eyes as i...
As it's a cold winter day around 4pm This lady tells this man to go outside and wait and the lady says better yet go put on your blue thin shorts and a tee shirt and shocks and shoes on you have 5 minutes or you will be in more trouble so man man is hurrying yup but he is 2 minutes late. Then the lady comes outside and tells the man you was going to get 10 swats with this nice inch thin 2 feet long paddle but instead your going to get 25 with this inch and a half paddle with holes then the lady...
I walked out of the room with Lisa standing there. It seemed she didn’t know how to respond to my demands to fuck Alice, her best friend and co-worker. I went downstairs and lay back on the bed to get a few hours of sleep but couldn’t quite turn my mind off and relax.I somehow managed to get some rest, but nothing like a deep REM sleep I needed, more like an alpha rest. Then I heard the doorbell ring. I looked at my watch. It was 5:30. Alice was early. I waited to hear voices and for Lisa to...
TrueI'm not gay right now but I used to masturbate with couple of my male friends in early teen years when we were discovering our bodies. There was one friend who is 3-4 years younger than me. When there is no parents at our home, I used to call over him to watch my fathers porn VHS' which I found them in a secret in his wardrobe :) I was calling him cause he is a babyboy and he has a girl's smooth ass and a very small dick. After a while starting to watch porn, we used to take our dicks out and...
Bored at lunch one day, I found myself surfing the Internet on my new blackberry (another perk of the job). I was feeling horny so I decided to visit craigslist to see if there were any ladies looking for a lunchtime rendezvous. Instead of viewing the personals I accidentally clicked on the escort ads. I was tempted to go back, but I decided to have a look and see if there was anything worth while on there. I found this one lady in the first ad, Gabriella was her name. Gorgeous girl,...
Nboy:ami kaavali neeku ?sundari:em roles chedaam ?Nboy:nuvve cheppu ?sundari:vadinasundari:menathaNboy:ok.. nuvvevaru..nenavaru ?Nboy:nenu maridi naa ?sundari:menathasundari:menalluduNboy:ook..Nboy:nuvvu annayyagaari intlo function untenu.. ninnu pilichaaru nee vadinaa and annayyaaa...sundari:avunuNboy:nuvvu kuda kaadanaleka sare annavu.. selavulu pettukoni vastaanule ani maata ichhaavu mee vadhinaki..sundari:nenu vachaanuNboy:manchi cheera. boddu kindaki cheera kattukoni.. jacket tight ga...
Andee folded down the top of her suitcase and zipped it shut. In a few hours she would be back in Canada, back with her husband – and after the past couple days – back on her back as she shared her experiences in Houston with the man waiting at home. She looked at Don propped up against the edge of the desk, hands stuffed into his jeans as her thoughts turned to the fun she had enjoyed on this trip. She could see the disappointment in his face as he knew their time together had come to an end....
I’m a 23 year old medical assistant. I work for one of the leading urologists in a major city. I know it’s unusual for a female to work in the urology field but I graduated with honors and was highly recruited by all the leading urologists in the city. I chose the field because I have a fascination with the penis and although the majority of out patients are older, we still get enough young virile men to keep things interesting for me. To be frank, it’s difficult for me during an exam...
I wake with my pussy drenched. My fingernail lightly dragging over the lips of my mound. My bedroom bathed in an eerie green neon light from the building across the street from my apartment. The frost on the window catching all the lights, making intricate patterns that my mind cannot make out. I’ve other things on my mind this morning than light patterns. A rouge finger slips between the lips of my pussy, I feel my heat. I feel my wetness. Shivering with the icy temperature of my finger,...
Exhibitionism"I'm not an expert or anything, Brody, but ever since that thing with my teacher, I've been almost obsessed with issues surrounding sexual harassment and assault and worse." It was the Sunday afternoon after Thanksgiving, and I was finally able to talk to Mia. I was sitting in Jeff's bedroom while he was in the shower. We'd just finished a pretty intense game of one-on-one. He won, but I didn't care. I just needed to take out my aggression. He's a good friend to risk bodily injury in...
In the weeks following our first affair together, Tina and I couldn’t get enough of each other. We texted and chatted every chance we got. I would sneak down to the bathroom at work and we would masturbate over the phone together. I was amazed at her sexual appetite – she seemed horny all of the time. I had not experienced someone quite like Tina before, at least not someone who was willing to share that appetite with me. I knew as soon as we left the hotel that it wouldn’t be long before we...
Toys‘This is amazing!’ she whispered with astonishment as I brought in our small suitcases. That was when I knew that this was a wonderful idea, for I had realized earlier in the week that my fiancée had never been in a suite-style hotel, so I had decided to surprise her. ‘Next weekend, we’re going somewhere Friday night,’ I had said. ‘We go somewhere almost every Friday night,’ she had countered. ‘Sometimes out to dinner, sometimes a movie, sometimes a play, sometimes a drive up into the...
Are you looking to jerk off to animated porn? The fuck you do. That’s precisely why you are here reading this. You know damn well, I’m your only hope when it comes to directing you to the best sources of porn where you can go about your filthy fapping habits. There are loads of porn directories out there, but more than half suck fucking balls. All of you should be calling me "el puto jefe" like the Spanish. Shit, you fucks should erect a fucking statue in my honor. Anyway, if you are looking...
Hentai Porn SitesHello everyone!!! I read ISS stories from long time but this is my first time to post my own story. It was a real fun. Plz comment and give me your suggestions on I am Ashish from Pune. My age is 26 and i am a guy with sporty physique. My dick is too big n thick about 8 – 8.5 inches. The story is long but a good one. This story is about me and my sexy cousin sister Asha ( name changed ) who is 5 years elder to me. She is very hot. Has a great ass. I used to fantasize about her since i came to...
IncestThis is a True Story and there will be many parts as these events continue to happen. This is my first story so i am welcome to tips and comments. please rate and let me know if its worthy for a sequel,thanks guys. It was like any other Saturday afternoon. I was sitting at home watching T.V. when i got a text from Jordan. You doing anything tonight I texted him back and said Not shit You wanna hang out? sure We texted back and forth and decided he would come over and we would sit around and...
In the kitchen, we grabbed food from the refrigerator and set all of it on the counter. We started to prepare a meat loaf with salad and a baked potato. It was a simple but a good meal. “Jar, what do you want to talk about?” “Us, of course. Jam, we don’t much about each other in some ways. We need to tell each other more so we can understand each other better.” “Jar, I knew quite a bit about you from Mason. He’s a fan of yours though it’s not romantic for him. He respects your business...
By the time I was eighteen I had matured into a very attractive young lady. In short, I was hot and I had a sexual imagination to match. I tried boys. They didn’t do anything for me. There was something about boys that always kind of repulsed me. Their body hair, their odors, their aggressive demeanor disgusted me. I gave them a fair chance but I just could not find the interest for them that I had for the tender flesh and gentle manners of other girls. I had several relationships with girls...
poker game It was Saturday night and Mike ask (if I was going to go with him to Stan's poker game and be the waitress?) I told him I felt uneasy about going there knowing I was going to be paid money to have sex. He said look just go to be the waitress and have fun flirting and if you don't want to fuck anyone then don't. So when I got up Sunday I got my shower and thought hell with it I will go so I got dressed in my leather corset with 1/4 cups in it so my tits really stood out and my...
Carla took Don’s former seat at the table, carelessly dropping a small black bag next to her. She reached down and slipped off her heels. The tall brunette near the door pressed it shut. “This all of us, Tiff?” she asked, looking around the room with a puzzled expression. “I thought everyone wanted to play again?” She started wandering over towards the middle of the room. “Yup, this is all of us!” said Tiff. “Nia’s on her shift tonight so she can’t leave the floor. Becca’s out of town this...
“Kait, you are a foolish girl. You had better tell me what you were thinking. Tell me!” She ordered. Her face was red with anger and I knew she wasn’t going to let this go anytime soon. If she wasn’t ignoring me, she was begging for a fight. “Mom- for the hundred millionth time- let’s drop this, OK?” I was tired of this argument going around it circles. Clearly she wasn’t tired at all. She threw put the dishtowel on the kitchen counter and walked quickly walked towards...