CousinChapter 19 free porn video

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Dan and Lisa arrived back at the farm late in the afternoon. They shed their packs on the porch and their clothes almost immediately after. "Let's catch a quick shower," Lisa offered, and Dan quickly agreed.

After they had washed away the trail dust and sweat, they headed for the kitchen to find something for supper. As they passed the phone in the hall, Dan noticed the light on the answering machine was flashing. "That's funny," he said. I don't think I've had a call all summer except from you when you were on your way back here with Diana. I wonder who it could be."

"Well, there's one way to find out," Lisa said and pressed the play button.

The tape quickly rewound and suddenly they heard their uncle's voice. "Hello, Dan. We ended up a little earlier than we had planned and will be arriving at the airport on the twenty- eighth, 1:12 pm, flight number 1256. Could you pick us up? I hope so, because we aren't going to be anywhere you can call us, so hope to see you then. Bye."

Lisa and Dan looked at each other. "Today's the twenty sixth," Dan said. "I didn't expect they'd be getting back for another week. I guess our fun and games are going to have to end a little earlier than I'd hoped."

"Yeah, I was looking forward to several more days in the dungeon," Lisa said. "Oh, we're going to have to get that cleaned up and back in order so they won't know we've seen it. Darn, that gives us even less time."

"Right," Dan replied. We'd also better check for anything else we've left out. I'm not sure I'd like explaining wrist cuffs or a cat left in the living room. But you said you wanted to see them, so why don't you stay here anyway. We can tell them you just stopped by if you want."

"I would like to see Aunt Mary and Uncle Tom. I guess tomorrow we'd better move my stuff into the other guest room, but I wouldn't be surprised if they guess we haven't been sleeping in separate rooms. They are awfully perceptive."

"I don't know," Dan said. "Remember the last time they saw us together you were being a pain in the neck and I kept trying to get away from you."

"Pain in the neck, huh? We've still got a day and two nights. I'll see if I can't be a pain somewhere else besides your neck."

"Well, a little, maybe. But I plan to make use of most of that time abusing your fair body instead," Dan replied.

"Oh, I hope so," Lisa replied.

They put together a scratch supper and carried it into the TV room where they ate while watching another of Dan's hot videos. "This is definitely a genre I didn't know about," Lisa said, "but it certainly bears further investigation."

"Investigating it bare is definitely the best way," Dan responded. This brought a swat from Lisa to which Dan responded by pushing her back to the floor and holding her arms. He began to lick her nipples and soon both were engaged in a hot kiss. Dan broke off for a second and said, "Come on. I want to get you to the dungeon and torture that lovely body."

Lisa's breath was coming rapidly and she breathlessly said, "Yes, I want that. Come on."

The couple made their way down to the secret room where Dan soon had Lisa bound to the x-frame. He attached nipple clamps and weights and used a riding crop, a thin leather strap, and a cat to punish her. Soon with her juices dripping down her legs and her entire front criss- crossed with red lines, Lisa was begging Dan to fuck her. He couldn't resist her pleas for long, even if he had wanted to, and was soon plunging deeply into her pussy while her bound form strained to get him even deeper.

Then the couple switched. Dan was bound spread eagled from ceiling chains with his ankles attached to floor rings. Lisa used a stand to position a ribbed dildo deep within his ass and attached weighted clamps to his nipples. Another lead weight was hung from his balls. She then whipped him with a variety of instruments intermixed with licking and sucking at his cock, but not allowing him to come. She then repositioned him on his back on one of the low benches with his arms and legs tied below the bench. The weights pulled his nipples to either side and the weight at the end of the leather strap around his balls pulled them towards the end of the bench. She whipped the insides of his thighs, his chest, stomach, and legs. Finally she mounted him and rode him to a hard orgasm.

They then decided to try something a little less strenuous to give their sore asses a little time to recover. Dan made a suggestion which Lisa readily accepted. They headed towards the shower area and Dan prepared two enema bags of three quarts each. While he was filling each of these with hot water, Lisa dug out two Bardex nozzles and a couple of other things. Dan hung the full bags from the ceiling and then he and Lisa inserted the Bardex devices in each other's ass. Next Dan stretched Lisa spread eagled from the ceiling and attached the tubing to her Bardex. He fastened his own ankles to the same floor rings as Lisa's and attached his own nozzle to the other bag. By this time he was hard and Lisa was dripping wet in anticipation of what was coming. He inserted his cock into her willing pussy and used leather straps to bind around their thighs and waists. Finally he stretched as far as possible and attached his wrist cuffs to the ceiling chains holding Lisa's wrists. He had run the tubing with the release clamps around these chains so they would be within reach and now opened both valves. As the hot water began to flow into the two young people, they began to push hard against each other in an attempt to come. However the straps restricted movement and did not allow much in and out motion. The water flowed slowly over the next ten minutes as the couple strained against each other. Lisa began to contract her vaginal muscles rhythmically and this combined with Dan's short thrusts to start them both climaxing. They hung limply for a couple of minutes until the cramps drove them to extract themselves from the bonds and find release.

They took a shower to clean up before going upstairs. As they were drying off Lisa said, "I guess we can take tomorrow morning to play, but then we'd better get things straightened up. So if it's going to have to hold us for a long time, what do you like best for me to do to you?"

"Everything you've done is exciting," Dan replied. "But I think I might like it most if you tied me to one of the whipping benches, worked me over with a cat and then fucked me. I never imagined anal sex could be so much fun on the receiving end."

"Good. I never imagined it could be so good on the other end. And I definitely do like whipping your ass."

"OK," Dan replied. "What would you like me to do to you?"

"It may seem funny, but I think the thing that has turned me on the most was when you tied me to the end of the leather horse and pulled my arms up so I was bent backwards at the waist. It's a real strain and the clamps on my nipples hurt even more in that position. But you've done that twice and both times it turned me on incredibly. Not to mention the stuff you did after you stopped whipping me."

"That sounds good to me," Dan said. "You have no idea how sexy you look in that position... Now what about tonight? Feel up to anything else now?"

"I expect I could be interested," Lisa said. "And besides my ass hasn't really had much attention tonight."

"Well, we'll just have to see what we can do about that, now won't we?"

Dan led her over to one of the waist high frames and faced her towards it. He spread her ankles and fastened them to floor rings and then bent her over at the waist, pulling her arms taut in front of her and fastening them to poles extended out in front of the frame. He once more added clamps and weights and even put a small clamp on her clit, bringing a sharp cry. He then used a cat to turn her ass a uniform bright red before plunging his hard cock from behind into her sopping pussy. By the time they finished, both were ready to head for bed and sleep.

They slept straight through the night and didn't wake until after eight the next morning. They hurried through breakfast and then went back down to the dungeon for one last session. "You first," Lisa said, and quickly bound Dan to one of the whipping benches. This was similar to the one to which Lisa had been fastened the previous night and soon Dan was stretched tightly. Lisa used a particularly strong set of clamps on his nipples and added a couple of heavy weights. She looped a leather thong around his balls and hung a two pound piece of lead from it. Next she found a cat with thirty inch tails and spent over twenty minutes tormenting Dan's bound body. Long before she finished Dan's entire ass was bright red and he was crying out or screaming at every stroke. When Lisa finally put down the whip, she began to lubricate Dan's rear passage and soon was pushing an eight inch strap-on into his tight hole. She fucked him both slowly and fast and spent a good twenty minutes before using her hand and helping him to come as she ravaged his rear.

When his climax finally came, Dan was nearly exhausted, but admitted to being more turned on than he could ever remember. After a short break he placed Lisa at the foot of the waist high leather horse. He spread her legs and bound her ankles to the horse supports. She bent forward along the leather covered length, her breasts falling to either side and pressing against the rapidly warming leather. A strap was pulled tight around her waist, holding her down against the leather. Her wrists were bound together and stretched to a ceiling chain about a foot forward of her ass so she ended up bent backwards at the waist and bound to the end of the horse, but with the chains pulling her straining arms and upper body up and back. Again strong and heavily weighted clamps were added to her nipples. Dan lubed her rear opening and worked a large butt plug inside and then added a big dildo to her front opening. He turned the two dildos on and both began to vibrate. Finally he picked up the cat Lisa has just used on him and began to whip her bare buttocks. He, too, stretched the whipping for twenty minutes before he finally dropped the whip and, after removing the butt plug, pushed his hard cock deeply into her ass. He fucked her hard while squeezing her breasts and pulling at her sore nipples. Every time he pushed deeply into her she felt like the skin of her ass was on fire and his cock probing deeply inside her produced incredible sensations. By the time Dan finally came, Lisa had twisted through no less than five separate orgasms.

After lunch the couple began to straighten the place up and spent all afternoon cleaning the dungeon and its equipment. They put everything back where it had been, at least to the best of their memory. Finally both were satisfied that they had removed all traces of their use and left the dungeon, locking the door. They moved the shelves back in place in front of the hidden door and made sure there wasn't anything like a set of tracks or some such leading to it.

They spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning the house and looking for anything they had left out. They stopped for dinner and then made a final sweep of the house and grounds around it. "I think we've about got it," Dan finally said.

"Yeah, I think so, too," Lisa added. "Dan, I've loved this. You were right that I've always liked sex, but this has been so much more, I'm really happy you introduced me to these games."

"I told you before," Dan said, "I'm not sure who did the introducing. But I agree. This has been the hottest time I've ever imagined. If you would like, I'd really like to get together some during the year and play some more. I can't think of anyone else I trust for these games and I've loved every second of everything we've done."

"I most certainly agree with that," Lisa said. "I wouldn't trust anyone else either and now that I have a taste for this stuff I don't want to stop altogether. Maybe some time we'll even find a chance to come back here and 'borrow' their dungeon again. But for now, how about before we go to bed you get that cat you made this summer and we have one more session up in the barn where all this stuff started."

Dan grinned. "I won't fight that, Wench. Come along and accept your punishment."

They made their way back to the hayloft and once again Dan bound Lisa's hands and pulled them high above her head so that her toes just touched the ground. He then spent nearly a half hour flogging her with his homemade cat, bringing her to orgasm several times. When he finally stopped, he lowered her arms and bent her backwards over a couple of bales of straw and tied her in an open leg, arched position. He then used his hands and tongue to tease her body for forty five minutes, bringing several more orgasms. Finally he plunged his hard cock deeply inside and brought her - and himself - to one more long, screaming climax.

After a few minutes, Dan released her. Then, both still completely naked, they made their way back to the house and up to bed where they found they were entirely too tired for another round and feel asleep pressed closely together.

When Lisa opened her eyes it was to sunlight and Dan's gaze. He smiled and she returned it looking deeply into his eyes. "Hi," he said. "Sleep well?"

"Emm, definitely," Lisa replied. Then she reached up and pulled his mouth down to hers for a long, hard kiss. When he pulled back, both were breathing rapidly. Lisa opened her mouth and whispered, "One more time, Lover." Dan took the hint and soon they were both straining into the throws of orgasm.

They got up and showered, but as they were drying off, Lisa said, "We've only got about an hour until we have to leave, but let's not get dressed until we have to. I've decided I like this nude stuff."

"That's fine with me," Dan replied. "I've told you I never mind watching your naked bod. It makes any day nicer."

They had breakfast, cleaned up the dishes, and reluctantly went back upstairs to get ready. "We'd better shift stuff to the other two bedrooms," Dan said. "We wouldn't want to disillusion them about their innocent niece and nephew."

"I guess so," Lisa said. "But I doubt they have many illusions left about either of us."

Dan laughed and added, somewhat sarcastically, "No! You know they would never think much about sex themselves and surely wouldn't expect us poor little children to even guess it exists."

"You think that and I've got this great bridge I can let you have cheap," Lisa laughed back. "Judging from that dungeon I expect they think about sex almost as much as we do. And I'm sure they remember what was always the top topic when they were our age."

"You mean they knew about sex way back in their day?" Then he became a little more serious. "OK. I guess, much as I don't like the idea, we'd better get dressed."

Lisa made a face, but nodded. "Yeah, you're right. But first, come here a second." When Dan came over she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled their bare bodies tightly together, giving him a long, deep French kiss. When they finally broke apart she looked at Dan and said simply, "Thanks."

Dan looked back into her eyes and said, "No. Thank you."

They dressed and each checked the other to make sure no welts or other marks were showing. Then they went out and got into their uncle's car and headed out on the long drive to the airport.

They stopped for lunch and finally arrived at the terminal about twelve thirty. According to the board the flight was on time and they went out to the gate to wait. When the plane had landed and people started to disembark, Dan and Lisa were standing and looking at each one. Their uncle appeared, looking around, no doubt in apprehension that Dan hadn't gotten the message. He spotted Dan and a smile came over his face. A second later he noticed Lisa and a look of happy surprise appeared. Their aunt was right behind him and Tom turned and said something to her. She looked over and saw the two of them and excitedly began to wave.

After hugs all around they headed down to claim their bags and Lisa explained that she had come by to see them and when Dan told her they were coming back today, she had decided to stay.

They drove home with Dan and Lisa in the front seat and Tom and Mary in the back. The entire long trip was filled with a constant stream of conversation as they told about their trip. By the time they arrived it was late afternoon. Lisa said that she and Dan would put together some supper while Tom and Mary freshened up. As the older couple headed upstairs, she and Dan headed to the freezer to see what was available. The rest of the evening was spent catching up on everyone's activities for the last six months, but by ten Tom and Mary were beginning to yawn. "Crossing all those time zones seems to be confusing me, so I guess we'd better go sleep off the jet lag," Tom said. He and Mary said their goodnights and started up. Lisa and Dan said they were also tired and made a show of going to separate rooms, but after about twenty minutes when Dan thought his aunt and uncle must be settled, he made his way to Lisa's room.

She was waiting, wearing only panties, and reading a magazine. Dan came in and quietly closed the door. "You look beautiful," he said. "The only problem is you seem to be overdressed."

"Well we certainly don't want that," Lisa said, and pulled off the three ounces of cotton she was wearing. "OK, come here, Lover. But we'll have to be quiet and not wake them. And I'm afraid you're going to have to go back to your room afterwards."

"Yeah." Dan made a face. Then he pulled her to him and said, "OK. But first I have some other plans." He began a long deep kiss which didn't end until his hardened cock was moving in and out, each stroke being met by Lisa's own thrusts.

As they lay together afterwards, Dan said, "I hope we didn't make too much noise, but I think they are probably pretty soundly asleep."

Lisa cocked her head a second. "I wouldn't bet on that. Listen."

Dan held his breath and listened intently. From down the hall in the direction of their aunt and uncle's room came the unmistakable sounds of sex. He turned towards Lisa and whispered, "Not quite as tired as they sounded, huh?"

Lisa grinned back. "Nope. I have the feeling it would take an awful lot to make them too tired for sex." For the next twenty minutes they heard the sounds of Tom and Mary's lovemaking and this excited them again. By the time everything was quiet down the hall, Lisa was again riding Dan's cock and both were trying very hard to hold down their own sounds. Finally, after it had been silent for awhile, Dan kissed Lisa and made his way back to his own room.

At breakfast the next morning, everyone seemed wide awake and very relaxed. Dan looked at Lisa and thought that it wasn't surprising. Everyone had definitely had an enjoyable night. When they had finished eating, Lisa and Mary cleared the table. While they were in the kitchen, Mary began to open cabinets and look at the contents. She shook her head a couple of times and finally said, "Seems Dan has let us run out of a few things. If we're going to eat for the next few days, we'd better get some more stuff."

When she and Lisa came back in the other room where Tom and Dan were talking, she immediately said, "We're going to need to make a grocery run today. Say, Dan, would you and Lisa mind doing it. I think I'd like to take a short break from traveling."

"Sure," Dan said. "We'd be happy to."

Lisa put in almost simultaneously, "Of course. Just give us a list."

"OK, thanks a lot. This is really nice of you. I'll have a list together in a couple of minutes." She was gone only about five minutes and handed Lisa a long list along with some cash. "Thanks, again," she said.

Dan and Lisa stood and he said, "We might as well get going. But if you don't mind, I think we'll take a little longer and have lunch out. I want to show Lisa that new Italian place in town."

"That'll be fine, Dan. Just take your time as long as you're back before supper. Otherwise we might not have much to eat." Mary laughed to show she was kidding.

When Dan and Lisa were driving down the narrow road, Dan said, "Did you get the feeling they were trying to get rid of us for a little while?"

Lisa grinned. "No kidding! I'll bet they 're already on their way down to the dungeon."

Dan laughed. "Yeah, I bet you're right. Hopefully they won't notice anything out of place. You know, I also kind of noticed that you seemed in a big hurry to agree that we should go get the stuff. Just being nice to them?"

Lisa smiled at him. "Well, the thought did cross my mind that maybe we could find some place off the road for a little while. That is, if you're interested."

Dan laughed. "Have you seen me not interested anytime in the last month? I've got an even better idea. Let's find some place off the road now AND on the way back."

Lisa smiled at him. "I like the way you think, stud."

Dan grinned at her and within two miles found a forest road that let them pull a quarter mile into the woods and out of sight of the road. It took all of about three minutes for them to spread a blanket and get naked. Forty five minutes later they couldn't stop grinning as they once again pulled on their clothes and dusted off the pine needles before starting out again.

They bought everything on Mary's list and loaded it into the car. Because town was so far away from the farm, Dan and Lisa were both used to bringing a cooler for frozen and refrigerated stuff and now they packed this full. Dan said, "I really do want to show you the Italian place. The food is pretty good there. Besides you should know what it's like so when they ask you about it, you can make sense."

"That's fine with me. As along as we have time to stop on the way home. I'm not satisfied yet, you know."

"Don't worry," Dan said. "No way will I miss the best part of this run to town."


Lisa had been right and as soon as the car was out of sight, Tom and Mary headed downstairs to the dungeon. "It's been nearly three months," Mary said. "I need to feel some leather."

"And, Babe," Tom responded, "I need to swing some leather at your tight little ass."

Both Tom and Mary were in good physical condition and looked years younger than forty nine. Mary especially could easily pass for early thirties. The couple had never had children of their own which probably had something to do with the way they felt about Dan and Lisa. But the fact that they hadn't, had left Mary's waist narrow and her breasts still firm. Tom often remarked that naked she looked better than many women half her age.

They moved the shelves and opened the lock. As they made their way through the double doors, Tom remarked, "You know, those two seemed to be almost as interested in making the trip to town as we did in getting them to go. Do you suppose there's more going on here than just being cousins?"

"Of course there is," Mary said, "and they're not really cousins, after all. Didn't you hear the two of them last night?"

"Well, I was a little preoccupied. But after we finished I did think I heard some interesting sounds from the direction of Lisa's room."

"I don't see how you could have missed it. And I'll be willing to bet that last night was the first time they've used two rooms since Lisa got here. And speaking of that, any idea how long she's been here? They seemed kind of vague about when she stopped by."

"I never heard them say. But I'll tell you one thing. Judging from the dust I saw on Lisa's car when I went out to the barn this morning, I'd say at least two or three weeks."

"Well, I'm glad they seem to be getting along. Lisa's always been hot for Dan, but he didn't seem to notice her."

"Not surprising. When he was here last Lisa was still pretty young. Hadn't even begun to fill out yet."

"She's definitely filled out now, eh?" Mary laughed. "I'll bet you wouldn't mind looking at her a little closer, would you?"

"I'd much rather examine your nice bod, Babe. Especially once I get you stretched out."

They'd entered the dungeon and now Mary stopped and looked around. Tom followed her, but didn't say anything. After a minute of just looking at everything she began to open drawers and examine the contents. "Been so long you've forgotten what we have here?" Tom teased.

Mary shook her head. "Come here and look into the drawers. Tell me what you see."

Tom came over to join her and examined each drawer as she opened it. After several he, too, stopped and looked around the dungeon. Slowly he said, "Do things look a little out of place to you?"

"Yeah," Mary replied. "Not much, but a few things aren't where we usually leave them. And I also noticed the combination on the lock before I opened it. You know how we always set it to 1234 when we close up? Well, it wasn't. It was set to 5574. Want to bet that the kids haven't been in here?"

"I'd say you're probably right," Tom slowly decided. "You think there's a chance that they've been playing with our toys?"

"As a guess I'd say about 95%. Not surprising, really. They are related to us and you know how much both of us love this stuff. I certainly don't mind, but I'm curious and I'd like to know for sure. They said they could stay another week. Maybe we can set up something to find out for sure."

"What exactly did you have in mind?" Tom asked.

"Well, I was thinking that maybe we could find an excuse to be gone for half a day or so and put a thread on the door jam or something," Mary replied.

"Yeah, maybe," Tom said. "Just like James Bond. But right now I want to get you out of those clothes and stretched across the horse."

"Well, Big Boy," Mary said as she began unbuttoning her shirt, "let's see if you're man enough to do anything about it."

"OK, Hot Stuff," Tom replied, removing his own shirt and picking up a cat from a drawer. "I'll see what I can do to convince you."


By one, Dan and Lisa, now full of good Italian food, were on their way home. Neither, however, was concentrating on that destination. Lisa kept letting her hand run up and down the inside of Dan's leg and Dan's hand often left the wheel to touch Lisa's breast or her bare legs. When they were about two thirds of the way through the hour and a half trip, Dan saw a sign and suddenly said, "I know just the place."

"Where's that?" Lisa asked.

"You'll see in a couple of minutes," Dan said. "The turn is right up here." He swung left into a Forest Service road labeled "Hickory Creek." "Ever been back here?" Dan asked.

"I think once a long time ago. Isn't there a picnic grounds overlooking a waterfall?"

"That's right," Dan replied. "But there's something else. You'll see." They drove on for a mile and a half along the narrow gravel road. Finally the road ended at a parking area large enough for about three or four cars. There were two picnic tables and a single grill. Otherwise the place could have been untouched forest of the seventeenth century. As Dan got out of the car he said, "No tire tracks. Looks like no one has been here since the last rain. It's used mostly in the late fall by hunters as a jumping off point."

Lisa looked around. At the edge of the cleared area a bluff dropped about six feet down to a narrow stream. Hickory trees surrounded the stream, giving it its name. The stream fell over a series of rapids - not really a waterfall at all - giving a pleasant, tinkling background sound. "It looks like a great place just for a picnic," she said. 'We'll have to remember it." Then, surprised at herself, she thought, "I'm already thinking in terms of 'we.' It just seems natural that if I come here again it will be with Dan."

"Yeah," Dan said. "But since we're already full of food, I have something else in mind." Grabbing the blanket from the back of the car, he added, "Now come on and I'll show you a great place for dessert."

He led Lisa to the edge of the clearing and as they approached a grove of large hickories, a path appeared in front of them. It looked largely unused, which wasn't surprising, but it was still clear. It appeared to follow the creek upstream, but within a hundred feet it started to climb. They hiked for fifteen minutes, always uphill, and were soon sweating in the warm air. Dan pulled off his shirt and Lisa unbuttoned her own, letting it hang open. Dan could see that her nipples were already hard. His own cock was pressing against his shorts and, more to encourage himself than Lisa, he said, "Just a little farther."

They came to a place where the trail seemed to level off and Dan slowed, looking along the right side of the path. Suddenly he pointed. "Here." He pushed a branch aside and started down an even smaller side trail. However this trail only ran about a hundred feet. Suddenly the trees stopped and left a clear area thirty feet wide between the end of the path and the edge of a cliff. Dan and Lisa walked towards the cliff edge. Looking over they found that they had climbed about a hundred and fifty feet above the stream which wound along below them. They were high enough to see across the tree tops on the far side of the stream all the way to a distant ridge. The sky was an intense blue with only a few white clouds and a soft breeze moved the warm air across the clearing.

Same as Cousin
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Family Wife

She hummed and moaned as the fleshy shaft moved in and out of her sensitive velvet tunnel. As it swelled and then pulsed hotly inside of her, tingles spread out around her crotch, but the explosion of pleasure did not come. She wasn’t concerned. That would get taken care of soon. Her husband rolled off and was immediately snoring, the usual outcome of his ejaculation. She slid over to the next mat in the family communal sleeping area and was quickly mounted by her husband’s older brother. He...

3 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 16 UNSEC Village

Everyone got up early and enjoyed Erving’s excellent serve-yourself breakfast. Everyone wanted to go see what the wizards were going to do, so they all went to Clarksville. The wizards were soon amused by the audience they had. As just about everyone from Clarksville also turned up. Lee had them all congregate across the river on the opposing high bank, from where they were going to work. Lee, Kyle, Tony and Sean did a quick survey of the area and agreed on a plan of attack. The got the...

4 years ago
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Playing with Rott

I sit in my two room cabin. Just me, no need for company, if I do, I drive to town to the bar and socialize. I used to try and fuck the local gals but they were too much maintenance for me. I had to get ‘em drunk, and none of ‘em would leave before closing time. None ever wanted to come to my cabin, so I was a hermit, living in a cabin in the woods. I had all I needed a tv, a computer and internet, and a dog. Sadie was my 8 year old bitch RottweilerWe had us a good thing going on. I’d be naked,...

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Dont Ever Give Up Ch 06

Note: Special thanks go out to my two regular editors, LilTexasSexFiend and AnInsatiableReader, for making this infinitely better than it was when I first wrote it. As always, let me know what you think, through voting, comments or private feedback. All three works too! ,-) As I said, this story will go up with one chapter posting daily until it’s all uploaded, so don’t get too mad about the cliffhangers. Enjoy! ******************************* ‘Sheila, let me tell you a story,’ Tim said,...

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My affair with mom part 2

Hi,Raj here again. After my first story got published in ISS a few days back, I have got good response from the readers which encouraged me to write more about my affair with my mom.My mom is 42 years old. She is fair and she has hair upto her back. She was putting on some weight earlier. But now I have made it a habit to take her for a walk in the evening and she has become slim again. Also our night time fun is making her look more happy and fit.I have already written about the incidents that...

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Delayed Pleasure Part I

I am a professional, independent women who is usually always in charge. Perhaps that is why I love to give up complete control when it comes to my sex life. In this part of my life I am a complete submissive. My husband controls me completely and I love every minute of it. When he ties me up and treats me like a complete slut or when he shares me with other men, I am totally enthralled and love each and every moment. It is hard to explain how much I love my husband, even as I am being...

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PreludeToday, I'm having breakfast with a very special friend. Despite a thorough shower this morning, I am very much aware of the fact that no matter how much you scrub, there are just some things that only time can remove. Normally, I would worry about being in such close company with another man after my lustful sex last night, but this morning, it's just breakfast....I know her better than she thinks I do, but I let her think that she's in control. She's so in touch with herself, her...

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BarbaraChapter 39

It was the week following Thanksgiving, and Marty and Kelly had been doing some shopping for their upcoming wedding. They had decided to be married before Christmas and would honeymoon on Maui over Christmas and New Year's. Although virtually the entire firm would be out there, too, it was the only place they wanted to go. After the five-man attack on them, the press and the TV stations gave a big play to the young women and their protective tigers. KNBC, of course, had the exclusive...

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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 71

We took Yann, Ivan and Juan. I tried not to resent Dave during the too long 30-minute drive to the club. It was especially hard not to with Yann sitting in pants between us. "And so how does life fair in the Sultan's domain?" Mohan asked after his first drive. "Pridath tells me that we must not miss the coming wedding." "Why the hell are you coming?" Dave glared at me as he put his ball down. "I invited them." I admitted. "Lorraine told me I could add a few guests. It is my...

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The Program

This is nothing but a view of your fantasies. A Computer plug to your head giving your mind feedback to make your thoughts fell very realistic. Anything can happen while your connected to the computer program. This is program has limits though. It can only be the thoughts of a life style. Remember you have complete control over everything; you can make people stop breathing, make them strip off their clothes in the middle of a crowd, cause riots, make super hot aliens from mars come all the way...

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Dengue Opened New World Of Sex With Horny Nurses

Hi, this is Hrishi from Guwahati back with another story. I work as an executive in an IT company. I travel a lot across northeastern India for work-related purposes and also visits Kolkata occasionally. To know more about me, kindly check out Now, let’s start the story. After working for several years in my home city, I decided to go outside the northeast and try my luck. So, I applied for a few positions on Naukri, which matched with my profile. Within a couple of days, I got a call from...

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Such Sweet SorrowChapter 18 Party Animals February

15 Months, 454 Days After Jenny's Disappearance I'm looking at the PER flyer, standing outside the venue, feeling embarrassed and apprehensive. I should explain that there are two reasons for this. Firstly there's the regular embarrassment of feeling as if I'm standing here shouting "I like kinky SEX!" at the top of my voice and secondly, the last time I was in a club it was with the guys out in Seoul at a venue I don't think Jenny would have approved of, enjoying myself when who...

2 years ago
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Peter is naked and strapped down on a special table in a windowless room. He is blindfolded and wearing a ball gag. Stereo headphones are clamped around his ears playing loud industrial music. His two tormentors, his wife, Angelica, a 30 year old raven beauty, with long tanned legs and incredibly large natural breasts, is instructing Jenna, a cute blonde college coed, in the fine art of "masturbational torture". Angelica takes Jenna's hands and moves them to her husbands straining erection and...

4 years ago
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My Breanna My Darling 3 The End

Lets Run Away Still Rings In My Head Till This Day... It Was The Day My Life Changed... Forever ===================================================================================== "Lets Run Away" She Says, I was shocked...

3 years ago
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Gaon Ki Nakhare Wali Chori

Hi dosto my name is Vikarant Kant and email is mai ISS ki stories read karne wala regular reader hu. Maine bahut si kahaniya padi aur pad ke sochta tha ki kya aisa hota hai? But jb mere sath incidence hua to samajh me aaya ki sahi hai dear aisa bi hota hai. Kaafi jyada stories padane ke baad mujhe ehsas hua ki mujhe bi apni story ap logo se share karani chahiye so here I am going to narrate what was happen with me. Dosto ap logo ko jyada bore na karte hue mai apni story pe aata hu. Ye incident...

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Fun night

Another extract from the story about the time when I was seeing Kath, the married lady. By now Kath had become quite friendly with Lin, and when it was our shift's annual Xmas piss-up, Kath, who was invited to the do, suggested that Lin could come and meet up with us.The piss-up went as so many do as a trawl around the city centre pubs on Mad Friday. Of course Kath and I had to keep our distance as we were still keeping our affair secret from the lads at work. By ten o’clock we were all...

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Latex Succubus Squeeze Night

Disclaimer: I don't own anything, all credits to their creator 渡鸦10492. This is just a translation. This is midnight, wearing a leather object and turning into a latex succubus wandering around late at night. The lights of the city obscured the supposedly brilliant starlight in the night sky, leaving only dim and scattered scattered stars adorning the gloomy night sky half-covered by dark clouds, and the crescent-like crescent moon guarding it in the distance makes the night seem less empty...

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The slave

Chapter 1 ????????????? Chapter 1   ?????? After work I thought I would go out for a drink ? thinking that going through an alley would be much shorter than walking? a block ,but I was mistaken. Someone came at me with a gun I ran as fast as I could but no luck.? I woke up straped to a hospital bed naked just as I was coming to a doctor came near me ?Well look? Sleeping? Beauty is finally awake.? ?Whaat!? Where am I !!? ?You are at? Madame Adels? private hospital?? ?What happened ??...

3 years ago
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Johnny WaxxChapter 3

They came back down the stairs together looking like sisters now. Johnny Junior sure liked how they looked. "Jack ... Johnny. Getting an erection because of your mother is really ... odd." "Your nipples look hard too, Emily. Is that just a friendly way of saying 'Hello Dere?' Covering up a laugh, April said, "I need to get back to work, this Author pays well if I'm quick." "I'd rather you be really slow, sis, if you know what I mean?" Attempting to change the subject, my...

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Lick Taste and Drink

The night seemed so short. I wished it would not have ended. Jake and I had attended a school function dinner. We had many aphrodisiacs to set the mood for the night: Orange Glazed Salmon and shrimp cocktail was one of the many appetizers offered to us. “You look exceptionally well with your red laced corset and pencil skirt, Lyric,” stated Jake. I acknowledged him with a silent nod. Thereafter, I had returned to the networking of fellow colleagues attending the school function. Jake was in...

Wife Lovers
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Soul SearchChapter 4 Lose one gain two

Karen and Rory stood by the side of the road looking at the Fifty-six Ford pick-up. Its hood was up and steam was bellowing past the radiator cap and around the intake manifold. "Piece of shit!" Rory said offering his middle finger in an obscene gesture to the steaming engine. "Fucking piece of shit!" He said again kicking the left front fender. "Well that'll do a lot of good." Karen offered sarcastically. "It does me some fucking good!" Rory replied kicking the fender...

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Who knew

Not too long ago, I finally came out as bi to my wife...who is also bi...and once she knew and accepted it, it made it much easier to be open about it with other people I am close too. I have now told many people yet, but a select few. One of those few people was one of my best friends since high school...been friend about 18 years now. He lives out of town now, so I only see him a couple times a year. Earlier this year I was in his area for a visit and spent a night at his house. Later in the...

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The New Hire

The New Hire By Cal Y. Pygia Norman Bancroft wasn't exactly crazy about the job. For one thing, the pay sucked, and there was zero chance for promotions. In addition fairly long periods of boredom were relieved--if one could call driving several hundred miles per day for several days in a row relief--by trips from one of the railroad's distant job sites to another somewhere in the northwestern quadrant of the United States. At least the job driving workers from site to site paid...

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My Best Sex Experience

Hello all, I am Swarna age 24 size 36-26-36 from hyderabad living with my bf in a live-in relationship since a year. It’s been an amazing year together and lot of love around. Thanks to all for appreciating my writings and rajs skill of love making.. We are blessed with you wishes. For people who look up to me for love I am sorry I am not interested in any relationships, so please dont buzz me for hot chats. Today I am gonna share the hottest session that we had last week. This is probably the...

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Quest for Privacy

Quest for privacy Quest for [email protected] I had seen her all summer. Seen her and secretly admired her. This beautiful woman in the nice summer cabin over at the hillside, charmingly overlooking the east end of the long beach. Since I didn?t know her or her family - and neither did my parents - I got used to think of her just as the ?cabin lady?.She must have been in her mid- thirties, a dark blond, classical type beauty, just the kind of woman that got me drooling all...

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Mikes New Beer Wench

Mike's New Beer Wench. Dave is rough on the waitstaff of the Pirate's Roost Bar and the girl's get to teach him a lesson. I will let Mike O'Mally tell this tale. Peace. Belle. Hello everyone. I am Mike O'Mally. I own the Pirate's Roost Bar. I don't sell food unless you count things like potato chips, Slim Jims, nuts, and pretzels. Anything else, my patrons send out for. (I am working out how to add a grill.) I will do a 'Doggie Day' for a few ball games. A 'Doggie Day' is when I...

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Unimaginable Sex Of Life

Hello horny dudes, I am sam. I am male age 25-years. Firstly, I would apologize for any spelling mistakes in my narrations.I was a virgin till this incident happened. I live in chennai.   I actually live in a small house with 1bhk. I live 30 minutes away from my city. I was a thin and fair complexion guy. I am usually desperate about the sex. I frequently watch romantic movies and porn movies. I generally masturbate very frequently. Now, the owner of my house live in ground floor. The uncle...

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S I T (Sub In Training)S I T (Sub In Training) He was in a totally darkened room no larger than a crawl space. She had him right where she wanted him and she knew he would be where she left him previously. Her name is Mistress Camille and she is a ruthless Dominatrix. Mistress Camille is an expert in handling her sub and her antics are quite brutal. But every Dom has to train her sub and Mistress Camille knows her sub like the back of her hand which she used quite frequently across his...

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Actually, Iva's name is Ivanka. But we called her Iva since the first time she introduced herself to us. We were looking for somebody for household help, after we had a lot of dicussions about it. Can't we do it on our own? Do we really want to spend money for that? Do we want an unkown person in our home? Can we trust a stranger? Do we have to shut away valuable things or cash money at home? Do we have to hide intimate things? Lot of questions we had to answer ourselves. Finally we gave it a...

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Get Even

1 The sun beat down harshly that Saturday afternoon. Jimmy thanked his lucky stars that his family had a pool. The shining water sucked the excess heat from him, and buoyed his lithe form as he glided from one end to the other. “Hey Jimmy, get over here.” He grimaced. He was not quite so thankful for his sister. “You get over here, Rachel.” “Nuh-huh,” she said. “I need you to do something for me here. Besides, I’m not getting up. Do you see my top being on?” Without thinking, he snapped...

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Wearing nothing but a robe and tennis shoes, I sit on the couch starring out the picture window of our living room. It’s 1:00pm on a Saturday and I can’t relax, and for good reason. My wife and I are expecting visitors. What’s happening today started out as an idle fantasy, something that Heather and I had come up with over late night chats in the bedroom. We are admittedly a rather kinky couple. Case and point, we own one of the strongest shock collars on the market, but have never owned a...

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a weekend visit 2

(Must read part 1 first, so you don't get lost)As Dawn stood there in the doorway, her hand down her pants, I could feel myself getting harder, the excitement of her watching as I plowed her youngest nice, turned me on more and more by the second.I couldn't bare it anymore, I let out a moan so long and loud,( I'm not sure if it was how loud I got or how hard I started pumping ) but Michelle had woken up, startled by her gasp, Dawn ducked behind the door, and I jumped back, falling off the end...

4 years ago
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Why Didnt I JustChapter 39

I took off from Santa Ana at first light, refueling in Sacramento just before ten o'clock. I stopped again near Red Bluff to top off my tank and then landed in Salem a little before four that afternoon. I rented the same car as on my first visit, leaving another three hundred dollar security deposit. My guardian guided me to Diane's location. I was just pulling up in front of her apartment when she came walking out her front door. I parked and got out of the car, calling her name. "Jimmy,...

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Cyrus New Zealand Adventure Ch 08

Cyrus finds himself at yet another beautiful lodge in the town of Taupo, and for five nights he enjoys the luxury and decadence it has to offer. After a massage that ends up being very sensual, he meets a girl named Brianna, visiting from England with her friend Jessica. Hitting it off almost instantly, they plan to spend the last couple of days of their stay together, enjoying the activities of the region. Prior to spending time with Brianna, Cyrus enjoys yet another sensual massage. Brianna...

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It is not the result I intended

This is a true story except the names and places have been changed. I met Sarah after college when I starting working for a large manufacturing company in the Midwest. Sarah worked there as well although in a different department. Sarah was about 5' 6", 120 lbs with mousey brown hair and blue eyes. She had fabulous legs and full breasts. All the guys were hitting on her. I finally got introduced at a company social function and we hit it off immediately. After dating for a year we moved in...

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Chrissies Parade

ChrissieHaving received the invitation and tickets. You board the plane. It's a long flight so you have come prepared. Long flowing dress, stockings, no underwear, and reading material. An overnight bag full of essentials and a few nonessentials. The pain killers you took are working fine but they have reacted with the other little pill you took that arrived with your tickets. You feel lovely, all warm and floaty and slightly sleepy. But the strange thing is – you love everyone.Your club class...

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Hell to PayChapter 2

Was that a gunshot? Casey asked himself. There's another one, he thought. Casey had just begun the trip up the ridge on his way back. He dropped his backpack which contained two twenty five pound bags, one of oats and one of rice, and ten cans of a variety of vegetables. I can pick it up later, he thought as he started to run toward the cabin. All he carried now was his .223 rifle and the Colt 1911 in the small of his back. Casey stopped just below the crest of the ridge twenty minutes...

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Dreams Come True Ends In Tragedy

Hello everyone, I am a regular reader of ISS and I am more interested in Incest stories. Even though I like having sex relations with women, I haven’t got a chance. I use to masturbate thinking about some of the sexy women I know including my classmates and my neighbors, but everything ends there. And I was blessed with the chance just 2 weeks ago which was my dream and thought to share my story here. Please forgive me for my mistakes. Myself, you guys can call me N, 19 years old. My body is...

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Whatever It TakesChapter 19

At breakfast with Bill, Josie couldn't resist alluding to the remarks he had made the day before about not letting our bedroom gymnastics interfere with today's tryout. "He slept, undisturbed, for eight and a half hours," she reported. Bill caught the implication immediately. "Hmmm. I left you two twelve hours ago. What about those other three-plus hours?" Josie could only laugh. "If anybody's interested," I said, "I'm just fine this morning ... I could drop down and give you --...

3 years ago
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The RescuedChapter 35 SM03Eta Day 6

Steve woke at the bottom of the puppy pile again, Mary and Danielle on his chest, and Li and Yoshi on each arm. Nytoya, Ko, and Andrea were kneeling at the foot of the bed, watching him. He was nude, again, and his dick was semi-erect with his need to piss. He nodded to his slaves, and Nytoya and Ko started to rise, intending to unwrap his wives so he could get out of bed. Andrea moved more quickly, though, and moved up between his legs and took his dick in her mouth. She looked up at him...

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Sharons Visit

For years Sharon had been on the receiving end of corporal punishment.She could never settle at school and very often found herself before the Head Nun or the visiting Abbot and having her bottom spanked. Now aged 40 she felt an urge to attend the Monastery of Repentance every now again to receive a spanking by way of chastisement and to help her cope with the day to day pressure in her life.She had been told that confession and spanking were very the****utic and she believed they were,having a...

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Lauren gets two new lesbian lovers

"Can i stop yours tonight?" asked Lauren "Yeah sure, my parents are away" replied Jess "Great i'll see you about 6?" said Lauren "Yeah but i hope you don't mind Katies stopping the night too." said Jess "Thats fine, see you later" said Lauren 6 o clock came. The doorbell rang. Lauren was greeted by Jess and Katie, who were giggling and stumbling around. "Your drunk" said Lauren, hardly shocked. "Yeah, grab a drink" said Jess, filled with enthusiasm. Jess' mum had left the alcohol cupboard...

2 years ago
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Len and AlbertChapter 1

It was early evening and Len sat in the club quietly enjoying his pint. He’d been a member since shortly after Rose had passed away a couple of years earlier and he found he needed company other than his own. It wasn’t particularly regal but it was warm, the beer was a good price, and the majority of members were of a similar age to his own.‘Penny for ‘em.’ said Albert as he plonked himself down at the same table. ‘Oh, hello Bert,’ said Len, ‘no I was just what-if-ing, you know?’‘Like, what...

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My First Taste Of Cum

I had a couple bi experiences in my past. Some oral. Some anal. I enjoyed every minute but had gone for about 3 years with no male contact.At 40 I decided I had to act on my urges and my biggest curiousity was swallowing a full load of cum from another guys cock. I proceeded with an internet search of bi or gay guys in my area. After a couple weeks I started chatting with David. We traded pics and as soon as I saw his cock I was very intrigued. It was 7.5" cut with a gorgeous head on a thick...

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my new life

HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME!! i screamed,as leon tackled me. 'you know better than to run from you master jewl.'he chuckled.'YOUR NOT MY GOD-DAMN MASTER , SO GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!!!'i yelled.'well looks like my little slave-slut needs punishment'he laughed , as he picked me up and put a ball gag in my mouth.then he slung me over his shoulder,as i began to wail.he took me all the way back up the long narrow drive.when we got through the door , he didnt put me down like he normally dose. he went...

4 years ago
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The year is 2157. The first half of the century had been spent rebuilding America after the war. Until about ten years ago, no one had really realized the effects all the radiation would have on people. Due to this ignorance, many cities were built over what the doctors were calling mutation hotspots. In these zones, one out of every three people suffered from some sort of genetic mutation. Emilia was the daughter of two doctors famous for their research on mutations. Her father Gregory...

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Older man me

It was just a cold snowy day outside & I go walking to the gas station a few blocks away.At the corner of the block was an apartment complex where this older black man about 50 always said hi to me & you could tell me was checking me out.I would walk by & he would come up to me invite me in and lick his lips but I always refused & said I was in a rush and I kind of felt bad because he would always want me to come on but I never did.To be honest, I didn't know what his intentions...

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Jacks Sex Tutor Ch 01

This is a longish story, and it takes a while to get going, so bear with me. Jack Wilson wasn’t too pleased. He’d just found out that his dad would be going away on a business trip for a whole month!! And he had just started his summer holidays, so it didn’t look like they were going to go on vacation anywhere this summer. Another thing that pissed him off was that he was only told the evening before his dad left while they were all sitting around the table eating dinner. At least the food was...

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Three Square MealsChapter 143 The light in the darkness

John followed his Lionesses across the hangar towards the parked gunship, their armoured boots ringing with every step on the titanium deckplates. As he approached the Raptor, its Crystal Alyssium hull caught his eye, the flawless white surface sparkling under the bright glare of the overhead lights. He came to a halt under the chin-mounted Tachyon Cannon and studied the predatory assault craft with a speculative look. Alyssa turned back to face him and nodded in agreement as she overheard...

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A visit in the night

Chigaru entered Asim’s room like the predator he was. He knew what he wanted and wasn’t leaving without it. Approaching the bed he looked down at Asim’s sleeping form and smiled at the small snores he could hear. Asim was sleeping so peacefully. As he turned for the door Asim rolled over and opened his eyes.“Chigaru couldn’t speak as he looked down at Asim’s chest laid bare by the slipping sheet. He rolled over and sat up some making the sheet slip down even more showing Asim’s smooth...

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