Second Puberty free porn video

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Ok, time for a new disclaimer (the old one was more than a little out of date): This is a story involving explicitly described sex. If you think you might be offended by it, or you aren't allowed by the laws of the place in which you live to read such a story, don't. If you read past this warning, any offense you take or laws you break are your problem. I've warned you. Permission is hereby given to archive this story anywhere on the internet, so long as I'm credited as the author, it is reproduced in its entirety (including this disclaimer!) and no fee is charged to access it. On the matter of fees: I wrote this (and other) stories for free, and I never expected to get anything out of it except the occasional response or critique, either good or bad. Constructive criticism is welcome, though please don't be abusive, and remember that this is primarily an attempt at a wank-story, not something aimed at a Pulitzer prize. I realize not many people write 100+ K wank-stories, but mine always seem to turn out that way. My point being: the only benefit I get from writing is feedback, and it seems to be tapering off in recent years. If you like it, tell me! If you don't, tell me why! Leave feedback on fictionmania (that's best), or send email to: [email protected] Put "your stories" in the subject line or I might miss it in all the junk email I get. Second Puberty By Ed Miller I think it actually might be more common than people think. Of course, that's not hard. Before it happened to me, I'd never heard of it before. I still don't know of another case, but there are a few details that make me think I'm not the only guy to spontaneously turn into a girl. I still don't know what caused it, but I remember the first day that I noticed something was wrong. It was in the middle of March, during my Junior year of high school. I'd just turned seventeen. My mother yelled up the stairs, "Mark, get yourself ready for school! You're going to be late." I had forgotten to set my alarm, of course, and overslept. Bobby and Jessica, my brother and sister, were probably on their way out the door already and I was still lying in bed. As I jumped out of the bed and rushed for the bathroom, my chest bumped against the doorjamb, and it hurt more than I would have expected. When I reached up to touch my chest, just over the nipple, it felt as if it were slightly swollen. That's it, that was the first thing I noticed, and I'm sure I would have forgotten all about that day if it weren't for what came after. As far as I remember, that day at school went normally. Bobby and I went to an all-boys school, while Jessica went to an all-girls school a few miles away. Since I was the only one with a car, the twins being only fourteen years old, I had to drop Jessica off at her school before Bobby and I went to St. Michael's. School was what it usually was; I sat through my classes, managing to keep my eyes open and spent my time hating the uniform until 3 o'clock. After picking up Jessica and dropping the twins off at home, I made my way over to Julie's house. Julie was my girlfriend, and we'd been dating for a few months. Since both her parents worked, I went over her house most afternoons, as we'd be sure to have the place to ourselves until at least 6 o'clock. I remember that day particularly well. Just as I got to her door, Julie answered it wearing nothing but her bra and panties. She stood to the side as she let me in so as not to show herself to the whole street, but as soon as the door was shut I could appreciate the way she looked in her underwear. Julie had a nice, trim little body. She was about 5' 5", so I was about half a foot taller than her. She was thin, though not too skinny, with hips that weren't really that wide yet, but which curved around into a nice tight little ass that was currently split by her lacy thong panties. The matching black bra held her rounded tits. Despite being only fifteen, Julie had a beautiful pair of C-cup breasts (I checked the label so as to compare with my friends) with dark, fat nipples that jutted out through her clothes when they got hard. As she answered the door, they were very erect. "Hi, Mark," she purred. "I've been waiting for you. I've got something to show you." "What is it?" I asked, running my hands over her breasts and along her sides to cup her ass. "This," she said, as she backed away. As I watched, she hooked her thumbs under the strings of her panties and slowly slid them down, uncovering her pubic mound. "I don't have any hair on my pussy." She was right. The sparse growth of blonde hair that usually covered her cunt was gone. All I could see was perfectly smooth skin, curving up to form the mound and then separating into her lips. There was no trace of stubble, just smooth hairless skin. "Do you like it?" she asked. "It's great," I said, reaching out to touch her between her legs. Julie was always doing kinky stuff. She probably had more sets of lingerie than regular outfits, as well as having at least three dildos that I knew of. She liked me to watch her masturbate and once (while drunk) she'd let me watch her make out with her friend Lauren. "Mmm, do more of that," she groaned as my hand worked between her legs. She squeezed her thighs together when I brushed up against her clit, and leaned against me, pressing her breasts against my arm. "I'm on a short fuse. Lying in the bathtub with my legs spread, shaving my pussy, it made me so horny. I've been waiting for you." I followed her to the family room as she undid her bra. I was stripping off my own clothes as we went and, by the time I had gotten rid of my shirt and pants, she was kneeling in front of the couch, leaning over to rest her head on it while presenting her ass to me. "Fuck me, Mark," she moaned. I didn't have to be asked twice. I kneeled behind her, took my dick in my hand, and slid it between her legs. I rubbed the head up and down her slit a few times to lubricate it, then slowly started to slide it into her hot pussy. She felt so hot and slippery that I knew she hadn't been lying about how horny it made her to shave her pussy. I could feel how horny she was. I took hold of her hips and started to pump my cock into her from behind. Her perfect little ass was all I could look at as I rammed my dick into her cunt again and again. It was so round, so tight, that my eyes were just glued to it the whole time. Julie's face was buried in the cushions, her breasts swaying in time with my thrusts. Julie's orgasm took off like a rocket as soon as I reached under her to touch her clitoris. Her back arched, thrusting her ass up into the air. Her little asshole was right in front of me, so I popped my finger into my mouth to lubricate it and then slid it up her back door. Julie started screaming her lungs out, whipping her head back and forth in a manner that was sure to cause a bad case of whiplash. As soon as she came down from her orgasm we changed positions. Julie got up on the couch, with her shoulders braced against one of the arms, and spread her legs. Her narrow hips and bald pussy were a marked contrast with her C-cup titties and the look of lust on her face. I kneeled on the couch, between her outstretched knees, and rubbed my rock-hard cock up and down her slit. She was moaning again, her eyes begging me for more, so I didn't hold out. I just plunged my dick deep into her. Now I was more concerned with my own orgasm, since she'd already had one. I settled into a rhythm of long, hard strokes, driving the full length of my penis into Julie's pussy. I could really feel the difference now that she had no hair on her cunt; as I looked down between our thrusting bodies, I could see the difference too. It made me so horny to be fucking Julie's completely hairless pussy that I knew I couldn't hold out much longer. "Please," moaned Julie, "stick your finger up my ass again." "Really?" I asked. "Yes! I'm about to cum, but I need your finger in my butt!" I reached around under Julie, feeling her perfect little ass. I spread the cheeks with one hand and slowly slid my finger up her asshole. Julie's eyes spread wide open and her mouth made a little "O" shape as my finger in her butt pushed her over the edge. As her orgasm hit her, the look of surprise and pleasure on her face brought on my own. I could feel my whole body tense as my balls started to pump their payload into Julie's smooth little cunt. After the aftershocks of both our orgasms, we settled down onto the couch, my dick still in her pussy and my finger still up her ass. That's when I noticed it. My chest was lying against hers, and our nipples were touching. The feeling I was getting from mine was like nothing I'd ever felt before. They felt a bit swollen, and suddenly vaguely pleasurable. But other than wriggling around a little bit and enjoying the sensation, that's all I did with them. That day. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A month later I knew that the sensation I had felt hadn't been a one-time thing. And I was getting very worried. The swelling under my nipples had definitely grown. I had no idea what was causing it, and I certainly hadn't told anybody about it, but it had me scared. My nipples looked different; they were bigger and longer, and the areolas were puffy. They were still pretty small, and I didn't think anybody had noticed. But I'd been making it a point in the last couple of weeks to be the last into the locker room at the end of gym class, and not to go into the showers until everybody else was out. I thought I'd noticed some other changes, although I was so paranoid from my nipples that I wasn't sure which ones were real and which ones I was just imagining. I hadn't been hungry at all in the past few weeks, and I was definitely starting to get thinner. It seemed like my facial and body hair was thinning out. I only had to shave once a week now, and you could barely see the hair on my legs and arms. The hair on my head, on the other hand, seemed to be making up for the rest of it. I'd had two haircuts in the past month and already I was looking shaggy again. The only person I was really worried about, as far as noticing the changes, was Julie. It's not like anybody else saw me naked all that often. I didn't think anything had changed so much yet that she'd notice, but I had definitely started having sex with her only at night, and making sure all the lights were off. I had decided to wait it out a bit longer. If in a month, by the middle of May, it hadn't stopped, I'd tell my mother and see a doctor. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The changes hadn't stopped my mid-May. If anything, they'd speeded up. I remember the day that Julie and I had our argument. We were sitting at her house watching TV. She was wearing a pair of shorts that barely covered more than a bikini and a little spaghetti-strap top that showed off her breasts and midriff. I knew what she was trying to do. As of late, I'd been so worried that she'd find out about what was happening to me that I'd only been having sex with her very occasionally, and only in quick bouts that didn't involve me taking off my clothes. I tried not to pay attention to her, but as I watched the TV she kept leaning over to show off her tits and arching her back to draw attention to her ass. She kept trying to entice me into sex, and I kept trying to ignore her, until she couldn't take it any more. "Mark, we've got to talk," she said, exasperatedly. "Ok," I murmured. She paused for a minute. "Are you cheating on me?" "What?" I blurted out, really surprised. "Why would you think that?" "It's just... you barely touch me anymore. When we have sex, it's so quick you don't even take your clothes off. I thought maybe you were seeing some other girl." "No! Definitely not!" I replied. "Well... I really don't get it then. What's going on? I mean, if you wanted to get together with another girl, I wouldn't necessarily mind. That sort of thing could be fun, as long as I was invited to the party. But I wouldn't want you cheating on me." I was shocked for a moment. "Julie, really, that's not it. I've just had a lot on my mind lately, and I haven't really been myself." Yeah, that's an understatement. "What is it, Mark? I've noticed how nervous you've seemed lately, but I didn't know what to do. Is it something that I can help you with?" "No, it's just... I don't know. I mean, I can't really talk about it right now. Just let me tell you that I'm definitely NOT cheating on you." That didn't help much. Looking back, it was kind of a weak answer. I should have made up some bullshit about family problems or a sick aunt. All I did by refusing to give Julie more information was to make her cry and run out of the room. If I had made something up, at least she would have felt like I was confiding in her, but all it really would have bought me was time. It was that, the fight I had with my girlfriend, which finally pushed me into telling my mother and seeing a doctor. It wasn't easy to convince my mother. Telling her about my lack of arm, leg, and armpit hair didn't do it, even when I rolled up my pants and showed her that my legs were completely hairless. In the end I had to just pull up my shirt and show her the little breasts that were growing on my chest. Each one was a little handful now and the nipples were much larger, as well as usually hard. It was weird; I used to walk around the house shirtless all the time, but now that I had something to hide it felt like I was exposing myself, almost like I was pulling down my pants in front of her. I was much too embarrassed to tell her how much more sensitive they were now, or that most of my masturbation sessions these days consisted of jacking off with one hand while the other played with my nipples. Lately, since I'd been having less sex with Julie, I'd been jacking off a lot. The sight of her son with breasts shocked the hell out of my mother, to say the least. She made an appointment with the doctor immediately. Our family doctor was shocked when I took off my shirt and sat on the examination table. He examined my chest and listened to my explanation about the loss of my body hair, but all the time he was shaking his head. I was pretty sure he had no idea what to make of me, and I really wished he wouldn't feel my breasts like he was. I knew he was only examining them, but my nipples had gotten so sensitive that his hands on them made them hard, and I could feel a little twinge of horniness as my cock started to stir between my legs. I wished that if he didn't know what he was doing he'd just leave me alone instead of feeling me up like that. My suspicion that he was completely puzzled was correct. The only thing he did before referring me to another doctor was to take blood samples and send them ahead so that the blood work could be done by the time I got to my appointment with the endocrinologist he recommended. Dr. Jacobs was more reassuring, a big black man with offices at a medical center downtown. That didn't mean I was spared the embarrassment of having him examine my chest, though. The first thing he did after leaving my mother in the waiting room and leading me back into an examination room was to close the door and tell me to strip down to my boxers. When I'd finished and sat down on the table he gave me the same treatment I'd already had, feeling at my chest and swollen nipples, and he got the same reaction. I could feel my nipples hardening, and my cock was feeling like it might be next. I tried to think of baseball. I couldn't believe how horny I could get just by having someone touch my nipples. "Is all your other equipment normal?" Dr. Jacobs asked. "Huh?" I responded. "I mean," he inclined his eyes towards my boxers, "downstairs?" "Uh, yeah, I guess so," I said, hoping furiously that he wouldn't ask me to drop my shorts. "Hmm," he mused noncommittally while looking over a folder that contained, I assumed, the results of my blood tests. "Well, Mark, you're certainly a puzzle. I must admit that we're not entirely sure what to do with you." "What's going on, Doctor? I mean, you've got to know something." "I know a few things, Mark, but I must admit I've never seen a case like yours before. If you'll bear with me a moment I'll tell you what I know. When I got your referral, judging from the record of the examination your doctor gave you, I had a whole battery of tests run on your blood. I will say that from what we could find, you do seem to be in perfect health. However, there were a few things we didn't expect." "Like what?" "Well, for one thing you seem to have an extraordinarily high concentration of female hormones in your bloodstream." He looked at me expectantly. "Uh, how?" "We were hoping you could tell us that, Mark. Everybody has both male and female hormones in their bodies in varying amounts, but in your case the female hormones are in a far greater concentration than the male ones, even though we'd expect it to be the opposite. Sometimes this happens to people when they're exposed to synthetic hormones, like those in a birth control pill..." "Wait a minute, Doctor. I certainly haven't been taking birth control pills. Why the hell would I?" "I never suggested you had, Mark. In fact, the concentration of female hormones in your body is many times what you'd get if you'd been taking birth control pills." "But there's something you can do about it, right? I mean, can't you just give me synthetic male hormones to compensate?" "Normally, we might," the doctor answered. "But with you we're not sure it's really safe. Hormones can be dangerous, and the amounts we'd have to fill you with to counteract what you've got in you would be extreme. In addition, we've found some enzymes and hormones in your blood that aren't exactly like any we've seen before. Like I said, Mark, you've got us rather puzzled. We're definitely going to get some more samples from you, and send them off for more tests, but for now I think that the best thing we can do is to just let nature run its course, at least for the time being." "Really? I mean, couldn't the stuff that's happening to me be just as dangerous as the hormones you'd give me?" "Well, Mark, the body is an amazing thing. It's great at regulating itself. When people go through puberty, things are going wild inside them, hormones are all over the place, and at levels we'd never dream of prescribing to anyone, but the body knows what it can handle, and what it needs to develop. As far as we can tell your body is working perfectly, but for some reason it's making a few changes, and we're not really equipped to do as good a job regulating hormones as your body is. Unless you start to feel really sick, this is how it's going to have to be, at least in the near future." That was it. I was ushered out into the waiting room and my mother went back to talk to Dr. Jacobs in his office while a nurse led me to an examining room and drew vial after vial of blood from my arm. After conferring in the office with Dr. Jacobs for almost an hour, my mother finally came out, looking shaken. She hardly said a word to me the whole way home. You'd think that day was weird enough already. But the really weird thing was, even with everything I had to worry about, all I had on my mind, I was still so horny I couldn't stand it. Once I got home from the doctor I went straight to my room and spent the rest of the day in bed, jacking off while I played with my nipples. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To some degree, I spent the next month looking forward to my next appointment with Dr. Jacobs. To some degree, I spent the time dreading it. I was looking forward to it because it seemed like he was the only person so far who'd had any answers for me, and he gave them to me straight. But I was dreading it because I was afraid he'd tell me there was nothing that could be done to stop what was happening to me. To tell the truth, I had a lot of other things to occupy my mind. I told Julie that I'd been having some health problems. I think I mentioned the words "hormone imbalance," but in any case she didn't take it as well as I might have hoped. She got upset that I'd been hiding things from her and wouldn't accept it when I said we'd have to see less of each other for a while. I just couldn't bring myself to tell her the truth; it was too embarrassing. Bobby and Jessica didn't take it much better at first. I don't know what my mother told them, but for the next few days after I got home from Dr. Jacobs' office, they treated me like I had the plague. At last they came to me, together, and at least made some mention of the situation. "Mark," Jessica asked, "are you turning into a girl?" "What?!?" I sputtered. I'd just been drinking a Coke and I'd swear some shot through my nose when she surprised me like that. "Mom told us what was happening, and she said it was like you were turning into a girl," Bobby said. "Well, I don't know," I told them. "I guess that's one way to put it..." "That's weird," Jessica replied. "Freaky," Bobby added. That was about the best I could have expected from siblings. At least they were a bit more comfortable around me after that. It's not like I didn't have other problems, either. I still was rarely hungry and I kept getting even skinnier. Most places, anyway. My breasts were still growing, slowly but steadily, and my hips seemed to be getting a little wider. All my body and facial hair was completely gone; the only hair left on my body was on my head and my pubic hair. I'd more or less given up trying to keep the hair on my head short, since I'd have had to get a haircut once a week to keep it from hitting my shoulders, so I kept it in a ponytail, that being the most masculine way to wear shoulder-length hair that I could think of. It's strange how you get used to things. For seventeen years I'd been used to seeing a male-looking reflection in the mirror, but in three months of seeing myself take on more feminine characteristics, I had started to get used to that. I guess it's just because it was gradual. Every day I woke up, examined myself naked in the mirror, and didn't notice that I looked different than the day before. But if I really thought about it, comparing myself to the way I remembered looking a week or a month ago, I could see that I was getting thinner, but rounder. I could see that my hips were just a bit wider and the breasts growing on my chest were just a bit bigger. Even my face was starting to look different, more girlish. Younger? Maybe. Sure, if I had woken up one morning looking a year or two younger, thinner, with hips and tits, I'd have run screaming. But as fast as this stuff was happening, it was pretty slow when taken day by day. I was getting used to it. What I was particularly getting used to was how horny I was. I couldn't believe how often every day I masturbated, and how good it felt to fondle my little breasts when I stroked my cock, to pull on and rub my nipples as I moaned my way towards orgasm. Every morning when I woke up, the first thing I did was to reach down between my legs and start jerking off. Nipple play was, by now, always a part of my masturbation. My nipples were even bigger and longer now, maybe half an inch long and almost that thick. That doesn't seem like much, but it was far bigger than my little male nipples used to be. Every time I touched them I could feel myself getting horny. I couldn't, however, always feel my cock getting hard. I figured it was just because of all the use it was getting. I masturbated before school, right after school, and before I fell asleep, every day. Increasingly, I was adding another session in the shower before school or jerking off during a restroom break from class. With that much action, it didn't seem like too much of a surprise to me that my cock wasn't always getting as hard as it used to. And even when it did, it wasn't quite as large as it used to be. Gradually, my erections became smaller and less frequent. If the pleasure I got from my nipples was the one good thing about what was happening to me, dealing with school was one of the worst. Nobody seemed to have picked up on what was happening to me yet, mostly because the school uniform hid most of the changes and I was making sure to get changed for gym out of sight of the other guys in the class. I had given up any idea of showering in school. Thankfully, gym was my last class so I could wear my gym clothes home and shower there. I had no idea how I was going to make do next year if the changes continued, I was just focused on getting to the end of the year. I almost made it. Three days before school let out, I was getting dressed for gym in the last row of lockers when Billy Peters happened to swing around the lockers. I was just bending over to pull up my sweatpants and, as luck would have it, Billy was staring straight at my ass. "Hey guys, look!" he yelled jokingly. "Mark's got a girl's ass! Been putting on a bit of weight in the old seat, Mark?" "Fuck you, Billy," I muttered as I pulled up my sweatpants and pushed past him. I was just thankful that I'd already put on my sweatshirt, since I'm sure it would have been a lot worse if Billy had seen my little tits through my T-shirt. Billy let it drop there, but I kept thinking about the incident all through gym class. In all honesty, I couldn't HELP thinking about it. Although I was fairly sure it didn't show through my sweatshirt, my nipples were hard as hell, and I could even feel a bit of stiffness from my dick. Did it really make me horny to think that Billy Peters was looking at my ass? And what did that mean? What the hell was happening to me? I was really glad to finish school with no more incidents and make it to my next appointment with Dr. Jacobs. When I got there, he came out of his office to lead me back into an examining room. "Ok, Mark, out of those clothes and up on the table. Let's see what we're looking at." I did as he asked. I shed my clothes, except for boxers, and hopped up onto the examining table. I could feel my embarrassment coming back; just because I was getting used to the new changes to my body didn't mean I liked other people seeing what had happened to me. "Well, let's see here," Dr. Jacobs said as he started to feel my breasts. An involuntary breath rushed into me when he touched my nipples. They were already hard from the cold air in the room, and a jolt of pleasure had shot through me as soon as his hands touched them. "Well, it looks like you're continuing to develop," Dr. Jacobs said. "I'm sure you're a little sensitive. Growth this fast suggests that your hormone levels haven't dropped off yet. We'll get some more blood before you leave today. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to weigh you, measure your height and other proportions and things. That ok?" "Sure," I shrugged. "Normally, I'd have a nurse take care of this, but I think maybe you'd be more comfortable if nobody else saw you with your shirt off. Am I right?" "Uh, yeah," I muttered. I was pretty thankful; I really didn't want some pretty little nurse coming in and seeing my female-looking body. "Ok, up on the scale," Dr. Jacobs said. When I complied, he read the readout. "One-forty. What did you weigh before?" "Uh, about one-seventy-five," I replied. He marked off the information in my file. "All right, now, up against the wall," he said, nodding towards a tape measure glued to the wall to measure height. I stood next to it with my feet together as he read off my height. "5' 9"" "What?" "I take it that's not what you were expecting?" he asked. "No. Well, I was 5' 11" before," I said. "It's not too surprising that you might have missed the loss in height," he replied. "It's been gradual, and you've had a lot of other things to worry about." He kept on, measuring the length of my arms and legs, the distance around my hips, waist, ribcage, neck, and head, the distance from the floor to my navel and from my navel to my neck. Each time, he'd make another note in my file. "Well," he said as he finished and settled into a chair across from me, "you can put your clothes back on now." "What's the verdict, Doc?" I asked as I got dressed again. "The verdict, Mark, is that you're not slowing down any. If anything, the changes are speeding up." "Isn't there anything you can do?" "Not at present. For right now, I think you're just going to have to get used to what's happening to you. Perhaps when your hormone levels taper off we might be able to do something, either with therapy or surgery, to offset what's happened to you, but for now there's really nothing to be done. If you don't mind, though, I'd like to ask you a few more questions." "Shoot." "Hmm," he muttered, putting on his glasses and leafing through the file on his lap as if he were studying notes. "How've you been feeling lately? Other than the changes, I mean. Sick or anything?" "I feel fine. I mean, I feel weird and everything, but I certainly don't feel ILL. Just... it's strange, you know?" "I think I understand. Have you been sleeping any more or less than normal? Feeling depressed?" "Well, sometimes things seem kind of down, but I wouldn't say I've been depressed or anything." "Sleeping normally?" "Yeah. You know, like normal." "Good," he muttered, and made another notation in the file. "Eating normally? Diet hasn't changed or anything?" "Not really. I haven't been very hungry, but that's been going on for a while now." "Mmm," he said, as he made a final notation. "Anything else strange you've noticed?" "Well, yeah, but it's kind of embarrassing. Lately, I've been really... I mean it's really easy to get..." "Excited?" he asked. "Sexually, I mean?" "Uh, yeah," I said. "Is that normal?" "Mark, hardly anything about your case is normal. But it's not entirely unheard of either. Essentially, with all the hormones flooding your body right now, it's like going through a second puberty. Teenagers during puberty always find themselves experiencing drives they can't control simply because of the massive amounts of hormones flowing through their veins. For most people, this only happens once, but in your case you're going through a similar thing again. In light of that I'd say that an enhanced interest in sex is probably the most normal thing about your case." "There's something else. Lately, it's been really hard to... I mean..." "It's been difficult to get an erection?" "Yeah." "Mark, considering the massive amounts of female hormones in your system, it would surprise me if you hadn't noticed that. I'm afraid there's not really much we can do about it right now." "Um, ok," I said. "Now, is there anything you'd like to ask me?" "Yeah, uh, what can I expect? I mean, what's going to happen to me?" "Well, Mark, firstly I think we may see these changes go on for a while, perhaps indefinitely. In addition, we may see you developing primary female sexual characteristics in addition to secondary ones." "You mean I'm going to grow a pussy?" I yelped. "I'm going to lose my dick?" "Now calm down, Mark. Keep in mind, what I'm telling you is basically an educated guess. We've had your blood sent out to some of the most advanced research centers in the world, and we still don't know everything that's going on in your body. If it were just an excess of female hormones, I wouldn't expect much more than the changes you've already experienced, and I would have expected even those to have taken years. But your case is different. I don't mind telling you, boy, that scientists are probably going to be studying your blood samples for years. For now, though, your information and some other bits of data that we have suggests that you're just going to have to get used to what's happened to you, and resign yourself to the fact that other changes are probably going to continue." On the way out to the car, I couldn't help thinking about the fact that scientists were going to be studying me. But it only held my interest for a few moments until I remembered something else that Dr. Jacobs had said to me: female primary sexual characteristics. I might grow a pussy. That shocked me, but it was nothing like the shock I would have expected. I was surprised, but not really upset. What has happening to me? Was it just that I was going through a second puberty, and that all these changes seemed so natural to me? "Mark, we've got to talk," my mother said as we pulled out of the hospital parking lot. "What about?" I asked. "Well, I've been talking to Dr. Jacobs, and I think it's a good idea if we get away for a while. Go on a vacation. You and me and the twins." "Why?" I asked. "We don't usually go away during the summer." "I know, but I've got a lot of vacation time saved up. The doctor says that you're going to keep... that what's happening to you is going to keep happening, and it might be a good idea to get away for a while from everybody we know." "Oh," I said. Now that she laid it out like that, it kind of made sense. "Ok." "There's something else," she said. "I know it isn't easy for you to deal with, but with the way you look now, everybody... everybody's going to..." "Everybody's going to think I'm a girl?" I asked. "Umm, yes. So maybe it would be a good idea if we got some clothes for you that were a bit more appropriate, and picked out a name to call you so that..." "So that nobody knows I'm a guy," I said. I understood now. "Yes," she replied. I looked at my reflection in the car window all the way home, wondering what name would fit the girl's face I saw there. I finally settled on "Michelle" just as we were pulling into the driveway. The next day my mother, the twins, and I went shopping for new clothes. I was surprised to find out how small I was. I hadn't thought about it, since all the changes had happened so gradually, but every time I picked out something to try on I turned out to be swimming in it. I didn't know the first thing about girl's clothes, so I just tried to pick out things that Julie or Jessica would wear. I didn't really get any skirts, but I got a lot of T-shirts and shorts, and a few pairs of jeans. It didn't dawn on me until I had new clothes how much my old ones had been hanging on me during the last month or so. Underwear was tough. I was used to boxers, but I was also determined if I was going to look like a girl (since I obviously couldn't help it) that I was going to go all the way with it. I found out that I was a 32-B cup in bra sizes. The underwear was weird, but I managed to pick out a few pairs of string panties that, once I'd swallowed my pride and put them on, fit my widened hips much better than my boxers had. I even went so far as to pick out a pair of thong panties, mostly thinking that I'd like to see Julie in them. "Don't you think those are a little... old for you?" my mother said, coming up behind me. "What? I'm seventeen!" I said, completely forgetting to be embarrassed at the thought of wearing thong panties in my indignation. "You don't look seventeen anymore, Michelle," my mother said. "You and the twins could almost be the same age." I caught my reflection in a mirror behind a display, and realized she was right. I was used to seeing myself every day, but when I looked at it objectively it hardly looked like my face in the reflection. It wasn't as wide, more girlish, with bigger lips and eyes. If I had seen a girl that looked like that, I'd have probably guessed she was fifteen, tops. It occurred to me suddenly that if I'd have seen a girl that looked like that I'd probably be interested in her as well. I wasn't too sure how I felt about that. When the shopping was done, I had enough clothes to last a few weeks at least. As fast as I'd been changing, I didn't want to buy a whole bunch of stuff that wouldn't fit me in a month. We were planning to be gone for seven weeks, through until the middle of August, so I'd probably have to do more shopping while we were on vacation. For now, however, I had lots of shorts, T-shirts, underwear (I discovered that the thong had gotten rung up with everything else) and even a couple of bathing suits. We were going to the beach and I was damned if I'd avoid going swimming, but I knew I couldn't go in the water with my tits hanging out, so I got two one-piece bathing suits, as utilitarian as I could find. All in all, I wasn't altogether happy about the things I'd have to be wearing, but I was going on the first vacation I'd been on for a long time, so there was at least some silver lining. I talked to Julie the day before we left. She called, and I answered. "Hi, Jessica," she said. "Is Mark there?" "Uh, Julie, it's me," I said. "Mark." "Are you kidding? Mark, you sounded just like Jessica for a minute there. Are you alright?" "Well, I'm not sure how to answer that," I said. "Your... problem? Is it... fixed yet?" "Uh, not really," I said. She had happened to catch me just as I had gotten out of the shower, and as I answered her I looked down at my body, wearing only my bra and panties. "I'm coming over," she said, and hung up before I could protest. I threw on some sweatpants and a sweatshirt, as all my male clothes were packed away but I didn't want my girlfriend to see me in girl's clothes. I pulled my wet hair back into a ponytail before I answered the door. It hadn't taken her long to get to my house. When Julie saw me standing in the doorway, she stood stunned for a moment. "Mark?" she said softly. "Uh, yeah," I replied. She followed me inside and up to my room, sitting in the chair by my desk while I took a seat on the bed. "My god, Mark, what's happened to you?" she asked. I was torn. I didn't know what I could tell her, so I ended up settling on the truth by default. "Well, you remember that hormone imbalance I told you about? It's a little more complicated than that..." I continued on explaining for fifteen minutes or more, telling her about how I had noticed what was happening to me, had been scared to tell her, about the doctor visits and the prognosis. I neglected to mention that I was now masturbating at least five times a day, or how fantastic it felt to play with my nipples, but I did tell her what Dr. Jacobs had said I might expect in the future. I finished up by telling her that I'd be going on vacation with my family for most of the summer. "And your... your cock?" she asked, raising her eyebrows and looking at my crotch. "Well, with all the female hormones... you know..." "Oh, I'm so sorry!" she burst out, coming over to sit on the bed and put her arms around me. "I wish you'd have told me! I was so mad at you and none of it was your fault..." she stopped suddenly, her hand on my back. "Mark," she asked, "are you wearing a bra?" "Umm, yes," I admitted faintly. "Can I... Can I see your tits?" she asked. A hint of the old gleam was starting to creep back into her eye. I thought of all the times I'd seen hers and reached down to slowly pull my sweatshirt over my head. "Wow," Julie said when my bra-encased titties were revealed. "Can I touch them?" "Well, ok," I said, "but be gentle. They're really sensitive." Julie's hand reached out to brush against my right breast, and my breath caught in my throat. No matter who or what touched my tits, I was so horny that it couldn't help but make me hot. Julie's hand moved from just brushing against my breasts to fondling them, rubbing against my nipples. I arched my back to push my rock-hard nipples into her hands, my breathing starting to speed up as I got more and more turned on. Julie's mouth went to my neck, kissing me as she caressed my breasts. One of her hands reached behind me to undo my bra, and she eased it off my shoulders without a stop in her breast-play. "I can't believe it," Julie breathed. "I can't believe my boyfriend has tits." She continued to fondle me. "Do you... Do you like them?" I asked. "Like them?" she replied, "I love them!" Her mouth moved down to envelop my left nipple, and her tongue wound around it while her fingers continued to wander over the swell of my right breast. I was moaning steadily now, and sliding my sweatpants down my legs. I kicked them off, leaving me only in my panties. "Wow, you're wearing girl's underwear!" Julie said as she stroked the front of my panties. Even as horny as I was, my limp cock barely made a bulge. "You look so sexy in them. You look like a girl!" "Please," I moaned. Her lips on my nipple and her hand rubbing my dick through the cloth of my panties were getting me off. I was about to go over the edge. "Please make me cum!" Julie slid my panties down over my hips and down my legs, revealing what was left of my manhood. "I can't believe it!" she muttered. "It's so tiny! It's half the size it used to be, even limp!" "Please," I said, "just touch it. I need to get off!" Her hand went back to my crotch, and she started rubbing the soft head of my limp penis. I couldn't take it any more. The sensation of her hot, wet lips on my tits and her hand in my lap, stroking my tiny penis like it was a clit, sent me over the edge. I arched my back, forcing my tit into her mouth, and felt my orgasm wash over me. What little cum that remained in my balls dribbled out of them and into her hand as she slowly traced circles around the head of my tiny dick. I collapsed back into bed as my orgasm passed, and Julie stretched out next to me. "You know, Mark, I actually don't mind the way you look now. You're really pretty hot! We're going to have lots of fun when you get back from this vacation of yours." "Yeah," I moaned. Then something occurred to me. "One more thing, Julie. From now on, could you call me Michelle?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After a few weeks of vacation, I was having the time of my life. I didn't really get into it that much at first, but by the middle of July, I was really enjoying myself. We went to the beach. Now that I think about it, that was probably my mother's way of making sure that I got acclimatized to my changing body, and it seems likely that she had Dr. Jacobs' advice on that. Certainly, she'd been keeping in better touch with him than I realized, since when it occurred to me that I might not want to spend that much time away from the big hospital in the city, she said that she'd already cleared it with Dr. Jacobs and his only concern was that I keep accurate records of my height and weight. The beach house we rented was a little cottage a short walk from the beach. It wasn't that big, basically consisting of two bedrooms, a bathroom, and another room that was kitchen, dining room, and living room rolled into one. My mother and I had the bedrooms, while Bobby and Jessica had to make do with fold-out couches in the main room. I was glad for that, since my desire for sex was so high that I was masturbating seven or eight times a day. All there was to do was to lie on the beach, and whenever I started to feel the urge I'd just make the excuse of running back to the cottage to use the bathroom. Once inside, I'd strip my clothes off and lock myself into my bedroom, lying on the bed and stroking my breasts and nipples as I rubbed my limp little cock. I hadn't been able to get hard since before school got out, but it felt just as good as ever to rub my cock. My tits, on the other hand, were feeling better and better by the day, which probably had something to do with why I was masturbating so often. I know it sounds weird to hear me speak so matter-of-factly about my dick withering away, but I have to say that it was how I felt at the time. Yes, it bothered me, but it seemed unable to make a permanent impression on me. At night before I went to sleep, sometimes I'd lay in my bed with a cold feeling in my stomach, thinking about what I'd lost, but during the day I'd think about it usually when I found myself getting horny, and be too distracted to really feel too much remorse. My nipples would swell up on my chest, poking out through my shirt or my bathing suit, but my dick wouldn't get hard at all. Then, when I'd duck into my room or the bathroom to masturbate, I'd strip down and see my limp little cock hanging between my legs. But at those times, I was so frantically concerned with getting off that my loss of the power to get an erection didn't stick in my head. At other times it bothered me somewhat, but I was beginning to have a new interest. I was enjoying being looked at. The first couple weeks, I was completely unaware of it. I lay on the beach all day, making frequent excursions to the cottage to masturbate, and didn't do much else. I certainly didn't have any contact with anybody except my family. Though the situation was weird, they seemed to accept that I was lying there in a one-piece girl's bathing suit instead of swim trunks. They'd had a few months to get used to it after all. Occasionally I'd see Jessica or Bobby shoot a little glance at me out of the corner of their eye and I knew that it was hitting them just then, the realization that their brother was lying next to them, looking like a girl, with long, thin limbs and breasts that tented out the front of his bathing suit. I knew it looked weird to them when they really thought about it, but that's not what I'm talking about. The first time I was really aware of it was almost two weeks into our vacation. I was lying on my stomach, reading a book, when I happened to glance over my shoulder. There was a boy, about my age (which meant he looked about three years older than I looked now) walking by me on the beach, and his eyes were focused right on my ass. He kept looking at my butt for a few seconds after I turned around, then realized that he was caught and looked away suddenly, reddening. My first reaction was to be pissed and indignant. What right had he to stare at my ass! Wouldn't it serve him right to know I was really a guy! Next, I wanted to feel sick at the thought that I looked enough like a girl, and an attractive one, for guys to be checking out my ass. But I realized as I was forming these thoughts that there was no force behind them. I was just running words through my head that I expected to think, forming reactions that I expected to have. When I forced myself to relax, and to really try to examine how I felt about the situation, I had no such reaction. I thought about it, picturing again the look on his face as he paid rapt attention to my tight little girlish ass. I imagined what had been going through his head, that he had probably been looking at me and thinking that I was some girl a few years younger than him. He had probably been imagining fucking me! Another thought occurred to me: Jessica had been lying five feet away, but he had been unmistakably looking at me. I suddenly realized that my nipples were painfully hard, and I was breathing fast and shallow. I got up from my towel and started back towards the cottage to masturbate. By the time I got to the door I was almost sprinting. Once in the door I shut it behind me and slid the straps of my bathing suit off my shoulders. I slid it down over my little tits, then over my widening hips. As I stepped out of it, I looked down at my body. Except for my tiny cock, now only about an inch long and very thin, I looked entirely female. Even, I admitted to myself, sexy. I couldn't make it to my room; I collapsed on the couch. My hands went to work out of instinct, without needing conscious control. One leapt to my chest, rubbing my little breasts and my engorged, jutting nipples. The other went to the limp nub of flesh that remained in my crotch, rubbing the head of my tiny cock. I was groaning as I fondled myself, feeling myself get closer and closer to orgasm. All the time, the same image was in my mind. Myself, lying on my stomach, looking around suddenly to notice a teenage boy staring at my ass. Staring LUSTFULLY at my ass. I imagined what he might have been daydreaming about doing to me. On one hand, it seemed sick to think of, but I couldn't keep the images out of my head. I saw myself, with a pussy in my crotch (since that was undoubtedly what he had envisioned) being speared by his cock, rubbing my tits ecstatically while he fucked me. I saw myself kneeling in front of him, cupping my breasts while I sucked his dick, rubbing the tip all over my face and smearing his pre-cup over my cheeks and lips. Perhaps, since he'd been staring so raptly at my ass, he had been thinking of butt-fucking me, my hypothetical pussy waiting emptily as he crammed his hard cock up my backdoor, while I crouched on my hands and knees and my titties hung from my chest and swayed with every thrust of his cock up my ass. I couldn't take it anymore. One hand clenched down on my tit while, with the thumb and index finger of my other hand I gave one last tug to my limp little cock. I was over the edge, moaning in orgasm. I buried my face in the cushions of the couch as I felt my climax spread throughout my body, driving out all other sensations as well as any attempt at coherent thought. That was the best orgasm I had ever had in my life. After that, I had no choice but to accept that I liked it when people looked at me. Looked at me like an attractive girl, I mean. With my now-tiny cock tucked down between my legs and the crotch of my bathing suit holding it in place, I knew that's the only thing they'd take me for. Every time I caught a guy checking out my body, looking at my tits or ass, it made me so horny that I couldn't think about anything but getting off as soon as possible. The jealous looks from the occasional girlfriend were almost as exciting. I spent half the day running back to the cottage to masturbate, lying on my bed stroking my tits and my tiny penis while visions of myself getting fucked, imaginings of the fantasies I was starring in, flitted through my head. After about three weeks, I had developed enough that I needed new clothes. Things were looser and tighter in different places. I was shorter now, about 5' 7", but my hips were a little wider. My ribcage was smaller, though my chest was a bit bigger. When I went shopping for new bras, I found that, while the B-cups were now a bit tight, the C-cups were still too big. I'd gone down to a 30-B, though. I only bought a couple bras, because I had been spending most of my time in bathing suits. I picked out more enticing bras, though, sheer and black instead of off-white. All the panties I bought this time were thongs; I was wearing the pair I'd bought last time, and I couldn't get enough of the feeling of having my ass exposed under my shorts, uncovered and split by a little band of material that rubbed up against my asshole when I walked. It was when I went shopping for other clothes, though, that I was glad I had had my mother give me cash and let me shop for myself instead of going with me and paying with her credit card. She drove me to the mall, of course, since I certainly couldn't use my license and in any case I now looked too young to drive. But once we were there, she left me alone to shop for myself. All I could think of as I made my way through the stores was: will this make me look sexy? Will this make guys want me? When I picked up some tiny, tight tops with spaghetti straps that would barely reach below my breasts, I could feel my nipples straining through my shirt. I combed the racks looking for the shortest shorts I could find, buying them small and cut high in the back so that they'd ride up and expose the bottom of my ass. I fond skirts that were barely six inches long, exposing my hips and only just reaching below my crotch. I remember trying those on in the dressing room and staring at my reflection. When I pulled them up less than an inch in the front you could clearly see my panties, and when I turned around with my ass to the mirror and bent over, they left nothing to the imagination. Looking over my shoulder, I could see half my ass peeking out from under than skirt. My nipples were so hard they hurt. But what really sent me over the edge were the bathing suits. I got four, all bikinis. The first three were pretty revealing string-bikini styles, with tiny scraps of cloth hiding my breasts and even smaller ones covering my crotch and my girlish ass. The fourth, though, should have been illegal. The top just barely contained my nipples, though it didn't hide them, as the material was so sheer that they were clearly visible. The bottoms were a thong-back, and the front was only a tiny scrap of cloth. I'd have to shave my pubic hair before I could wear it, and I didn't think I'd ever wear it with my family around, but the sight of my crotch looking smooth and girlish, my tiny cock not apparent at all in that bathing suit, made me so horny. The thought of some guy staring at my hot little body in that bikini, getting hard at the thought of fucking me, using me for sex, was irresistible. As soon as I finished masturbating in the dressing room, I bought the bikini. When I made my way down to the beach the next day, in one of the more modest bikinis, my brother and sister certainly couldn't believe it. Even my mother raised an eyebrow, and she'd been pretty stone-faced about the whole affair. "Mar-," Bobby started, "I mean, Michelle. What are you... what is that?" I feigned ignorance. "I..." he trailed off. "Nothing," he muttered, reddening as he turned away. I caught him sneaking little glances at me, though, and shaking his head. After reading for a while, or at least pretending to read while I enjoyed all the appreciative looks I was getting from the guys on the beach, I got up. "I'm going for a walk," I announced as I set off down along the water. The way the shore was set up was that multiple little groups of cottages had their own beach space, one after another down the beach. Most of them had fences to separate them from the next area, but none of the fences extended out into the water, and most stopped with ten feet or so of beach left. I could walk along where the water met the sand and keep going for miles, if I had wanted to. But with all the bodies in the way and fences every hundred feet or so, I was out of view of my family within five minutes. I hadn't had any clear plan, I just wanted to enjoy being looked at. I felt my nipples erect from all the attention I was getting, and walked on. I found myself in a ritzier section of beach, with bigger resort-style cottages set closer in to the water. "Hey, I haven't seen you here before," said a tall, thin guy as he walked up to me. I'd stopped to look around and get my bearings, trying to figure out how far I'd walked. "I came from down the beach," I replied. "I was just out for a walk." He grinned as his eyes ran up and down my body. He looked about sixteen, tan and confident. His eyes paused, focusing on my tits. "I'm Michelle," I offered. "Rob," he replied, his gaze coming up to my face again. I grinned. I knew he was trying to avoid looking like he was checking me out, but what he didn't know was that I enjoyed being stared at. "Hey Michelle, do you want to come up to my cottage and get something to drink? You probably got pretty thirsty doing all that walking." I could feel my nipples tightening on my chest. Was he hitting on me? Did I want to be hit on? I knew I had been enjoying being looked at, but how the hell should I react to a guy making a pass at me? I decided to go with the flow. I was panicked for a moment when I realized that I had no idea of how to act. Should I make some kind of euphemistic comment, crack a joke, what? I'd been part of these kinds of exchanges before, but always from the other side. Then I relaxed. I realized that, when I had been the guy trying to make a pass at a girl, she really hadn't needed to be great at conversation if that wasn't what I was interested in her for. Any positive-sounding answer would do. "Sure," I said, that being the first positive-sounding answer I could think of. My heart was pounding a bit as we made our way up the steps to one of the bigger cottages. I still wasn't sure what I was doing, what my intentions were. Rob kept talking, making conversation. "...My parents and I come up here every summer; we always rent the same cottage. You know, it's just somewhere to come and spend some time on the beach..." It kept on until we'd gone through the sliding glass door. Then he stopped, turned around towards me, and reached for my breast. "My parents aren't here right now..." he started. That was all it took. I didn't really know what I was doing, but I felt his hands on my tits, rubbing against the hard points of my erect nipples. I was gasping for breath at the sensation of his hands and the thin fabric of my bikini rubbing against my tits. I could feel his hard cock through his bathing suit, pressing into my stomach. His hot breath was on my neck as one of his hands pulled me towards him, reaching down to fondle my ass. I pressed my breasts against him, feeling them compress against his chest. I reached behind me to untie my bikini top, letting the little scraps of fabric fall away to reveal my jutting nipples. Rob's mouth trailed saliva down my neck as he bent to envelop my nipples with his hot lips, sucking at my breasts. I moaned at the pleasure it gave me to have my rock-hard nipple surrounded by a warm, wet mouth. His other hand was rubbing my ass, pulling me towards him as he ground his erect cock up against me. His fingers had worked their way under my bathing suit and towards the crack of my ass, stroking and feeling the swell of my girlish butt. I couldn't stop him. I didn't want to. I had no idea how I'd ended up here, being fondled by another guy who thought I was a girl, but it felt so good that I never wanted to stop. His hot mouth slid across my titties from nipple to nipple, leading me closer and closer to an orgasm just from the stimulation to my breasts. His hands worked my ass, rubbing the rounded cheeks and straying downward along the crack, closer to my... Suddenly I realized what would happen if he discovered that I didn't have the pussy he expected under my bathing suit. I pulled back, and a look of puzzlement crossed his face. "Wait a minute," I started, without any clear idea of what I was going to say next. "I can't..." I saw the look of confusion on Rob's face and realized that I didn't want to stop either. I knew what I wanted to do now. "I mean, I don't want you to touch me there," I moaned. "But if you like..." I dropped slowly to my knees, and the puzzled look on Rob's face was replaced by a grin. I grabbed the waist of his trunks and pulled them down, freeing his rigid cock. I leaned forward to take the tip of it between my lips, feeling the hot flesh of his dickhead as it slid into my mouth. I ran my tongue over it, tasting the salty pre-cum leaking from his dick and I sucked on it. I loved it. Somewhere during all the masturbation, during all the time I had been envisioning the fantasies guys were having about me, they stopped being THEIR fantasies and became MY fantasies. I could see the image of myself, kneeling on the floor in only a pair of bikini bottoms, my tits hanging free, with a hard cock in my mouth. It was fantastic. I kept sucking away at Rob's cock, feeling its hard smooth length sliding in and out of my mouth. I stroked along the length of it, feeling my wet lips slip along the skin until my nose was buried in his pubic hair. I sucked it down again and again, feeling his hips thrusting and his hands on the back of my head as he fucked my face. My hands went to my chest where they toyed with my nipples, pulling and rubbing them as I gave my first blowjob. I felt his cock twitch, and then the first spurt of his cum shot into my mouth. I could feel it on my tongue, hot and salty. Another load, then another shot into my mouth, and I could feel it filling me with hot salty pleasure. It felt so good to feel him cumming in my mouth, to realize that I had made him cum. That he'd looked at my body and wanted me, and that my mouth sliding on his cock had brought him to orgasm. That he'd shot his hot cum down my throat as I moaned for more. My hands gave one more tug on my nipples, and I came too. It wasn't quite the orgasm that Rob had experienced, but I wasn't mad. I knew I'd be replaying the episode in my head and masturbating ten times a day for weeks to come. When we'd both finished our climaxes, we set about making ourselves presentable, getting back into our bathing suits and (in my case) wiping cum off my chin. We said our goodbyes, as Rob's family was due to leave the next day, and I walked off down the beach towards my family's cottage. I was halfway there before I realized I really had gotten the drink he promised me. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Four weeks later, it was time to go home. I'm not sure how comfortable my family was with the situation. We'd discussed what we were going to do about school, and it was quite clear that I couldn't go back to my old school looking the way I did. Although I was still technically male, I certainly wouldn't fit in there anymore, so it was decided that I'd be attending St. Mary's in the fall with Jessica, while Bobby made excuses that I'd gone to live with my father in California to explain my absence at St. Michael's. The same sort of lie, in reverse, was to explain the sudden appearance of the twins' younger sister "Michelle." I wasn't too happy about the "younger" part, but I had to admit it was necessary. I tried to protest when that was first brought up, but my mother shut me down. "Michelle, have you looked in the mirror lately? You couldn't pass for older than Jessica and Bobby, even though you are. I think you should be thankful that we're telling the school you're thirteen. The only reason you don't look even younger is that your body is..." She trailed off with an expressive glance down at my chest. I knew what she was talking about. Looking at myself objectively, naked in the mirror (which was something I did quite often these days) I realized that I couldn't pass for my real age, not by a long shot. My face was extremely attractive, but in a cute and girlish way that made me look extremely young and innocent. My hair had lengthened until it hung halfway down my back, and lightened towards a medium blonde color. My mother was right when she suggested that the only real sign of maturity in my appearance these days was my body. My hips had continued to widen and my waist to shrink even as I found myself getting shorter, so that I was now only 5' 4" and was developing a bit of an hourglass figure. My breasts had graduated to a 30-C bra, and the nipples were only becoming more emphatic with time. They were almost always hard, and stuck out almost an inch, making them clearly visible no matter what I wore to cover them. Not that I made much of an attempt to hide them. That was the main thing that made my family uncomfortable, I think: the fact that I was dressing so feminine and sexy, that I'd acclimated to the situation so quickly and learned to enjoy being looked at and lusted after. I'd con

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I took his pants off,took his dick in my mouth and suked itI go all 7 ins down.I sucked till he fillrd my mouth full of sticky cum.I swollowed all of it,nice and tasty.We did his ofren till he wanted to put his cock in me.One day he was sucking me,when my little sis came in.She was 9,just starting pubertyalso.Her hand wen to her swellin pussy and a warm stream of pee flowed out.Hes sucking me,want him to do u?Her little pussywas open and he wanred it.He had lay next to her,rub the head of his...

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I remeber when I was young and started getting hard, then figuring out it felt good to masturbate and then when I was making out with a girl and cumming in my pants... lets go back to the first hard ons, I would masturbate to my dad's old Playboys or to lingerie mags from Victoria's secret.One day I was out mowing the lawn and saw her. Our neighbor walking her dog in a tight fit summer dress. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She was probably about 50, blondish white hair, thin body with...

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SecondChances Chapter 23 La Vie en Rose

It was already dusk when I got into my car. The radio was still on. Chumbawamba's "Tubthumping" was playing. "How appropriate" I thought to myself. The Radio gods must be telling me something. I pulled out of the driving singing, "I get knocked down, but I get up again. You are never gonna keep me down..." As I drove, I rehearsed what I'm going to say to Chase. I'm going to tell him the truth. Well - a variation of the truth. I won't mention time travel or future events. I certainly...

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Thanks P. for help with editing the story. SECONDHAND Another uneventful gray day of my life was coming to an end, and I had just closed the door and turned off the light at the back of the shop when there was a frantic knocking. A tall, white-haired woman in a long fashionable coat was standing outside, with two large black bin bags. I went up to the door and said, "We're closed! Sorry!" "What shall I do with these clothes, then?" the woman asked me, exaggerating her lip...

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Secondary Education

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] I am riding on the back of Matt Frawley's motorcycle. I press myself against him, and my breasts tingle as they tease his bulky, sweat stained back. We careen around curves on the Angeles Crest Highway, and we exit down a winding road into the National Forest. We roll to a halt in a gravel parking lot strewn with remnants of bikers' parties. Matt hides the bike in a stand of oaks. He puts his arm around my waist, and...

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Secondary Education 2

Secondary Education Chapter 2, The Trouble With PE By Tyla Flowers [email protected] I am rounding the last turn of the mandatory mile. Each footfall is unbearable. The sun, the smog, and the heat are relentless. Coach is screaming words I cannot hear over the blood pounding in my ears. I cross the finish line and collapse at his feet. "Get up, move around before you puke, Flowers." "I can't, Coach." It is too late. I retch on the ground at Coach's feet, a watery gruel. I...

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Secondary Education Chapter 3 Self Improvement

Secondary Education By Tyla Flowers [email protected] Chapter 3 Self Improvement Please email me a comment if you are enjoying (or not) my story. Our apartment is dark, hot and empty when I get home. I am a latchkey kid, and have been since my dad went to jail for the penultimate time, when he got his second strike for dealing meth back in '02. Now, he's in for 25, and I am sure Mom is heading back into custody for parole violation. In her waste basket I find used...

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Secondary Education Chapter 4 Inititation

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] Please email me or post a comment if you like, or dislike my story. Thanks. Chapter 4 Initiation I wait in line at Target behind a squat Latina and her raucous brood. She barks shrill commands and threats, which they cheerfully ignore as they slip cheap toys into her already stuffed shopping cart. Her boyfriend ignores the anarchy as he adds an armful of last minute items to their tottering pile of goods. The cashier...

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Secondary Education Chapter 5 A Hard Road to Ho

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] Chapter 5 A Hard Road to Ho. I awake alone, my limbs twisted in rumpled sheets. The tattered window shade flaps in a desultory breeze billowing in one moment, sucking against the screen in the next. The cheerful trill of a passing ice cream truck making its final rounds makes me hungry, and I drag myself from the bed. I look out the window into the gloaming. It's night. I have slept a couple of hours. The...

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Secondary Education Chapter 6 A Night on the Town

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] Chapter 6 Night on the Town I sit in the back seat of a speeding, SUV, wedged between two Mara soldiers. Jose's corpse lies under a bloody blanket behind us, his face obliterated by the pointblank blast from Antoine's shotgun. Hector drives the Escalade up and down Jefferson Boulevard, the uneasy border between the Crip and Mara fiefdoms, speeding past its many shuttered used furniture stores, but slowing as he...

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Secondary Education Chapter 7

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] Chapter 7 The Tipping Point The rising sun paints the smoggy sky over Los Angeles fuchsia. The air is dense with the smoke of distant wildfires. The breeze is already hot. It stirs the trash from overflowing garbage cans and sends it tumbling down the streets. Greasy food wrappers twirl in trash cyclones: In and Out, Jack in the Box, Weinerschnitzel. The sight makes me nauseous, and I choke back a gag. My eyes...

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Secondary Education Chapter 8 Making Up My Incomplete

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] Chapter 8 Making Up My Incomplete I cinch a belt around the baggy waist of my Dockers. The pants' seat and thighs are just as tight as the waist is loose. My old boy clothes don't fit my new body. It is as Tyler, rather than Tyla, that I am re- enrolling, two weeks late, in Fairfax High's summer program. I wrap my boobs with an Ace bandage to squeeze them flat, and cover up my curves with tee shirt and a faded Kobe...

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Secondary Education Chapter 9

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] Chapter 9, Seeing No Evol Matt Frawley's arms are glistening in the slanting rays of August sunshine. He dribbles behind his back, wrong footing his defender. Matt deftly crosses the ball over, changing direction and bounce passes it to Antoine, who is streaking down the court on the fast break and scores an easy lay up. Matt whoops a victorious hurrah, and his blue eyes for a moment meet mine until he is distracted by...

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Secondary Education Chapter 10 Reincarnation

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] Chapter 10 Reincarnation I am asleep in the arms of my Bodhisattva. He strokes my forehead. "Look within to find consciousness of the skandhas that survived your rebirth." I concentrate, and focus on a fuzzy, black and white image. "I was Private Flores, an American warrior in the jungle battles of Laos. I killed many and died filled with guilt and hatred. These passions survived inside me, and even they roil...

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Secondary Education

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] Is This Nirvana? Chapter 11 I awaken with a shudder. A fractured ray of sunlight pierces the crack between a pair threadbare quilts which have been hung as an makeshift curtain. From outside I hear the clamor of banda piped through the tinny speakers of a catering truck. A hot breeze wafts a rancid flume of stale cooking oil, jalapeno and stewed pork. I feel nauseous, and choke back a heave. I have mind-splitting...

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Secondary Education Chapter 12 My Missing Pieces

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] Chapter 12, My Missing Pieces Oprah's over, Rikki Lake's not on yet, and Dr. Phil depresses me. So I flick off the television. I pick up a month-old "Us" magazine: Lindsey's back in rehab, Paris is busted for DUI again, same old, same old. I throw it back on the table and wish I had something to do. I am a high school dropout. During my convalescence after being castrated, I missed the start of school at Hollywood...

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Secondary Education Chapter 13 Screen Kisses

Secondary Education Chapter 13 Screen Kisses [email protected] This is a continuation of a sexually explicit story. If depictions of sex disturb you, or if you are under the age of 18, do not read this story. All persons and events depicted herein are fictional. If you like, hate or otherwise react to this story, please email me at the address above or post a comment to the site where you read it. Xoxox, TF I am squeezed between Ocho Loco and Hector on the sagging,...

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Secondary Education Chapter 14 Betrayal

Secondary Education Chapter 14 Betrayal [email protected] In Tyla's harsh demi-monde, how shall she discern the betrayer from the betrayed? Cautionary Note: This is adult erotic fiction (not fantasy) and should not be read by non-adults or by adults who are offended by violence or explicit erotica involving under-aged transgendered protagonists. All persons depicted are fictional, and...

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Second Honeymoon without Husband

I’m 34 and married for 10 years by now. I haven’t lost my figure as I was at the time of marriage but gained extra weight for sure but it always complemented on me as per my husband. I had a perfect figure of 34 by 34 by 36 and tugged in sari, I looked ravishingly beautiful and no one could resist to fuck me. I am a little whitish by complexion but still have nice face cut, beautiful and luscious lips, big eyes and long hairs which reached till my bums. I usually wore sari all the time. But...

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Second Chance

I had been crying, on and off, for more than an hour. When Janie told me she wanted a separation I was hurt and confused. We had been married five years and true, it wasn't as good now as it was in the beginning. For one thing, we rarely had sex anymore and if we did, it was quite routine. When we first met and starting dating, everything was great. We did lots of stuff together and had sex all the time. We were so good together, that I had the confidence to tell her about my...

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Second Best

Hey guys and girls. I realized a while back that I was in trouble. With the Boss paid off, I kind of wanted a new car. I went to several dealerships and drove several new GTs. I ended up doing a Randi. My friend Black Randi always talks about building cars. So, I hit several auctions and got myself a fairly decent donor. I got a 67’ fastback roller. A guy in OKC was planning on doing a faithful resto and he ran out of money and time. My intention is a resto mod, with a Voodoo or Coyote power...

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second place

THIS IS NOT MY STORY, I FOUND THIS STORY ON ANOTHER SITE AND THINK EVERYONE ON XHAMSTER SHOULD HAVE THE CHANCE TO READ IT.Chapter 1Terri and Danielle had been rivals all of their lives.Growing up together, they had never really seen eye to eye. Throughoutgrade school, they had been the two brightest students in their classes,and had fiercely competed to outdo each other. Later on, in high school,this type of competition had continued on a more social level. Terristealing away Danielle's...

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Second Sight

‘But don’t you find it just a tad bit strange?’ Cliff Clayton asked his wife, Susan. Even though they were sitting knee to knee on rickety kitchen chairs, they barely could see each other through the decorated and lit pine branches. Two bushy Christmas trees, enveloping the room in a strong, eerily light, were positioned in the small living room, in opposite corners, but with their branches almost touching in the center of the room. ‘Shh, she’ll hear you,’ Susan muttered back at Cliff out of...

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Second Chance

Second Chance By Julie O. Edited by Robert Arnold Chapter 1 (Sometime in 2008) In many ways it started off as very typical day. I arrived home from a long day at work, and after greeting Max the cat at the front door of my condo, I sorted through the day's mail. For the most part it was the usual collection of bills, magazines, and junk mail. However,...

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Second Honeymoon Without Husband

Myself Jyoti Papani married to Sumit Papani, works as General Manager in a Textile Company, I’m 34 and married for 10 years by now. I haven’t lost my figure as I was at the time of marriage but gained extra weight for sure but it always complemented on me as per my husband. I had a perfect figure of 34 by 34 by 36 and tugged in sari, I looked ravishingly beautiful and no one could resist to fuck me. I am a little whitish by complexion but still have nice face cut, beautiful and luscious lips,...

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Second Life

Sally and James lead two very different lives. Their first life was very much like every other married couple’s life. They went to work, they paid their bills on time, and spent most of their spare time running the kids around to sports. They were even part of the school PTA at the local Christian school. Sally volunteered from time to time at the school while James helped out at the local Men’s Shed, helping older members of the community build and work with their hands through their retired...

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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 1

August?? 2004 "Tell me a little about yourself, Doctor." "Why?" I asked the Voice. It came, I supposed, from a face ... but it was a face I couldn't see. The bandages wrapped over my eyes and around the crown of my head kept me blind and in the dark. Was it a male or female voice? I couldn't be sure, but from the speech patterns and word choices I thought it was most likely male. Where the ideas about speech patterns and word choices came from were as much a mystery to me as the...

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Second Serving

Copyright © 2005 All Rights Reserved Author can be contacted at [email protected]   Second Serving To the outside world, Tony and his wife, Angela, appear no different fromany other happily married couple living in an unremarkable, respectable suburbof a modern city in Britain . No debt collectors call. No ear-splitting, late-nightraves pierce the midnight air. No inter-neighbour disputes disrupt the peacefulcalm of the street. They leave together for work every weekday promptly atquarter to...

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Second Day at the Job

When he arrived the next morning he was instructed to report to John’s office. With a sigh, Daniel knocked at the door.“Enter,” came the reply from inside.Daniel turned the knob and went in.“Close the door behind you,” John ordered, sitting behind his desk in a red pull-over and khaki slacks.Daniel did as instructed and stood in front of John’s desk.“Get your assignment done,” John asked looking at Daniel’s crotch.“Yes,” Daniel whimpered.“That’s ‘yes Sir,’” John corrected. “Let’s see.”Daniel...

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One of my classes is critical to all students graduating high school. They must get a passing grade or else they cannot move on to whatever awaits them beyond the hallowed halls of the only high school in this county. It is English after all, our native language. I moved here from the city because I wanted peace and quiet. I had thought that maybe my experiences would be different. But I see the same amount if not more students just squeak by or drop out. Then they go on to local farms thinking...

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Second Hand Fattening

Part 1 There is another universe, where the rules are different. Where things affect other people in a more unique way than they do in ours. I mean, you’ve seen the ads, right? All the dangerous side-effects of smoking this, eating that. Every one of them always talks about second-hand effects for people around you, like second hand smoking or jealous skinny people as you enjoy that 2nd cheeseburger feigning concern about your body. We all know they just want a 2nd cheeseburger. Go have one,...

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Second Life

Second Life. by Writer345© It is the late 2030's and somewhere in a small run-down town in South Wales there is a rather shabby looking Industrial Estate that is long past it's 'sell-by' date. Over to one side of the ram-shackled collection of buildings is an old and dilapidated warehouse long in need of a coat of paint... The warehouse, however, sports a large new- looking sign board proclaiming it to be the home of "SECOND-LIFE AUCTIONS Ltd." The warehouse has no windows and...

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Secondary School for Girls1

They'd pulled up at the side of the road, miles away from anything else. The last town they'd passed had been two hours ago, a dingy Scottish hamlet full of ancient looking fogies. They'd stared at Quinn as she screamed at her mother in the car park of a half abandoned garage. “YOU HATE ME!" She had yelled, spit flying from her mouth, her arms flung back and her fiery red hair whipping about her face as she shouted. The two hours from there to where they had parked had been filled with...

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Secondary School for Girls0

They'd pulled up at the side of the road, miles away from anything else. The last town they'd passed had been two hours ago, a dingy Scottish hamlet full of ancient looking fogies. They'd stared at Quinn as she screamed at her mother in the car park of a half abandoned garage. “YOU HATE ME!" She had yelled, spit flying from her mouth, her arms flung back and her fiery red hair whipping about her face as she shouted. The two hours from there to where they had parked had been filled with...

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Second Chances Chapter 30 FINAL Hello my name is Chrissy

Sunday, October 5, 1997 I woke up on my own. I sat up in bed. I remembered last night... or rather I remembered what I wished for. I suddenly got really nervous. What have I done? I'm stuck in 1997 now. I'm stuck as Christina now. I was so caught up in the moment I really didn't think it through. Breathe Chrissy. You asked for this. You wanted this. Yeah, But now it's real. I looked at the mirror in front of me. This is very real. This is me. This is me forever...

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Second Honeymoon0

Danny rounded the corner from the kitchen, his arms laden with jackets. A huge grin crossed his face when he saw his wife standing there, looking confused and a little bit miffed. “What did you do?” she asked, planting her hands on her hips for emphasis. “What do you mean?” Danny asked, knowing full well what she was talking about. “Connors called me into his office at three this afternoon, and told me to have a nice weekend and he would see me on Tuesday. I didn’t know...

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Second Honeymoon

Introduction: The best laid plans…. Danny? Chris called to her husband as she came through the front door. She practically fell over the two pieces of luggage sitting just inside the entrance. Danny rounded the corner from the kitchen, his arms laden with jackets. A huge grin crossed his face when he saw his wife standing there, looking confused and a little bit miffed. What did you do? she asked, planting her hands on her hips for emphasis. What do you mean? Danny asked, knowing full...

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Second time is the charm

I was in bed watching the Olympics; is it just me or isthere way too much weird stuff on boards, not to mention shuffleboard on ice, and not enough figure skating? Chad came in wearing different pajamas from last night. Those were in the laundry hamper, these were plaid, a Christmas present from his dad, who’s Scottish if you go back 150 years. It was about 10 pm. We hadn’t talked about last night. I certainly didn’t know what to say. You can’t tell your sixteen year old son he’s a great lover...

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Second ChillChapter 2

We worked hard up to our first weekend of performances, and through the second. Rehearsals morning and evening, with work on the Tales in-between. The first book had gone to press, and we’d completed a mock-up of the second, so we concentrated on the third. As far as rehearsals, Nick hired people to get the technical things done. Like Cass Lake and the older mixed couple, he brought in former teachers from the defunct college who knew the theater to hang lights and set up the sound. Chanda...

1 year ago
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Second Best

I looked down at the legal pad on the desk and rolled the pen between my fingers as I tried to organize the words in my mind. It would have been much easier for me if I was at a keyboard in front of a computer. When at the computer my thoughts seemed to flow right to my fingers and the words would quickly appear on the screen. Hit 'print' and it would be done. Neat, single spaced lines of 11 point Times New Roman that would say it all, but to me that would be too impersonal. I needed for this...

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Second Honeymoon Ch 01

This story is fiction and all the characters are fictitious in the story. Hope you will love the story.Chapter 1: A mix up at the hotel leads to wild times.Jon and Michelle had been planning this trip for a long time and couldn't believe they were actually sitting on the plane as they flew over the Gulf of Mexico. They were on their way to Cozumel for a second honeymoon they had been planning for a few years now.They had been married for just over five years and had no k**s. Their marriage was...

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Second ChanceChapter 7

The next thing I was aware of was noise and light. The light came from the window on my left, and the noise came from Polly Dryden, who, by the sound of things, was peeling back the skin on a doctor. "What do you mean that Angela might be permanently disabled due to the path of the bullet? What kind of surgeon are you that you can't extract a bullet without leaving a permanent disability? Here's what's going to happen! You are going to get on your computer and phones and find a surgeon...

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Second That EmotionChapter 31

There is, for me, something about watching my girls sleeping that is indefinably soothing. I don't know if others feel the same way while watching their loved ones resting, but for me it's both calming and restorative. I sat down carefully on the foot of the bed and watched the three of them. They pressed together, Lilly and Izzy on the ends with their arm thrown over little Peggy in the center, tiny smiles on their lips. I linked with the three of them and added a spark to their glowing...

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Second Chances Chapter 13 Foolish Games

When Gym class ended, I avoided Fay. I avoided Amber. I was afraid. I was afraid of confrontation. I was afraid of rejection. Much of the school day passed without much drama. My last two classes were uneventful. Since we had a show later this evening the band focused more on honing the field-show. So we ran through that 3 or so times. Occasionally Fay and I would make eye contact and she'd turn away. That was certainly not a good sign. At the end of band class, I was packing up my...

3 years ago
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Second Swing

SECOND SWING, a true story by Tiffany (c) Fred Lake 2014This happened over 30 years ago, in the late-70s. On the way home from our first official wife-swapping session Fred and I both found nothing to regret. It was fun, exciting, and interesting. And being young, we were up for a private lovemaking session as soon as we reached our bedroom. I expected it to feel weird that I was fucking my husband just an hour after cheating on him and in front of him, but it didn't feel strange at all. ...

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Second Chances

Synopsis: They say portals to the past are everywhere. Especially where something terrible once happened. But what if it was still happening? Second Chances By LJ He collapsed, still reeling from the impossible sensation of feeling hot, male seed fill his belly. He tried to roll back onto his back, to make some effort at regaining a sense of normalcy, but found he could not move. Not an inch. Not a single muscle. Some force was holding him in place as surely as if he had been frozen...

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Second Chances Part 3

Second Chances By Alexander Kung Second Chances - Part 3 It had just started to rain as Rani and Jay started to walk home. The storm had shown up so suddenly that they had to cut their time in the tree house short. However nobody said how long they could take on the walk home. Since they were next door neighbors, they could get away with taking the scenic route. "So, Jay" Rani asked with a slight nudge "Do you have a girlfriend?" "Not really" Jay replied "I guess girls don't...

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Second Chances Chapter 10 Escalation

Thursday, September 25, 1997 I woke up and looked at the clock. 4:59. A minute before the alarm goes off. I get out of bed and stretch. The alarm goes off and I stop it. It's a new day. I feel great. I have a spring in my step. Today is going to be another great day in the life of Christina Demarco. I walked over to my closet to pick out my clothes for today. The floral dress I found in my closet looks nice. I hadn't wore a dress to school yet. Let's try these heels too. I...

3 years ago
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Second Date

Second Date "Can you get it, Hon?" This was our second date. We had met at the pond a couple of weeks before when Sid and I had stopped to see who was skating. She had come to a stop at the railing where we were standing. "You're Jimmy Burns, aren't you?" she asked, watching me nod before continuing. "I'm Marie Bundy. We met at the mall." "Ah, yes, you were with Danny," I said, remembering where I had seen her before. "Would you take me home, Jimmy?" she asked, assuming I was...

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Second That EmotionChapter 4

"Ike? Can you hear me, baby? Ike, please wake up." The voice was a little fuzzy, but I recognized it as Izzy. I slowly opened my eyes, and there she was; my beautiful sister, with those luminous blue eyes and that pouty rosebud of a mouth. "Hey." I managed to say thru my smile. Izzy wrapped my up in a monster hug and just held me. I put my arms around her and squeezed back. "Damn, woman! When you cum, you really get your monies worth." I rasped. My throat felt a little raw and my...

1 year ago
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Second Time Through Book IIPrologue

Monday, May 16, 2011 – The Second Time Gradually, I returned from my memories. I found myself staring out the window of my office on the forty-second floor of the Penn-Central Building. There were snowflakes drifting through the lights of the surrounding buildings. Below, most of the lights on Madison Square Garden were dark. Colloquially known as The Garden, Madison Square Garden is a multi-purpose indoor arena situated on top of Pennsylvania Station. Opened on February 11, 1968, it is...

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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 38 Albuquerque

Tuesday, June 15, 1971 If this was Tuesday, it must be Albuquerque. The sun was shining and it looked like another hot day, but at over 5,000 feet in elevation, it was nowhere near as muggy as Houston had been. The ATSF yard was bustling with activity all around us. I felt like we were on an island in the midst of a choppy sea as I scanned for any signs of danger. Everything was clear. The Dining Car was empty so I started the coffee brewing in the galley as I rummaged around for something...

2 years ago
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Second Chance At LovePart 4 Michelle

I decided to ask Michelle Hoover to the Valentines Dance at school. I knew her from a couple classes. She's pretty and quite tall and thin. Probably about 5'-10". Her thinness probably made her tits look more prominent. She has shoulder length dark brown hair. I asked her one day at lunch about a week before the dance. We sat together at lunch every day until the dance. We got to know each other pretty well as we talked. Michelle has a great sense of humor and is fun to talk with. We...

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Second Coming 1 Easy as ABC

Second Coming #1: Easy as ABC By Valerie Hope They'd been on the move for days - nights had blurred into dawns, dawns into unbearable noons with heat which melted the cracked asphalt of the streets of what was once a thriving, modern metropolis. Out of the corners of their eyes, the tired soldiers could almost see the people, scurrying to and from their jobs, their entertainments and their errands, oblivious to the overhanging destruction which would take all their hopes and...

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Second ChancesPart 4

Second Chances By Alexander Kung Second Chances - Part 4 The following morning, Kelly read the directions from Felicia's note to Jessie's apartment. As she walked along the sidewalk , she pondered through her mind what she would say to him. Somehow trying to explain that the girl that broke his heart was the same jerk that terrorized him for years would probably get her sent to a padded room by the nice guys in white coats. "Hi Jessie, I know I've been a bitch to you but...

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