January 1971 In Detroit free porn video

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‘Hey Preacher,’ the voice coming from the phone shocked me. No one had called me that since my last days in Vietnam. Four years at home and still trying to get past those days.

‘Jim you son of a bitch, I almost didn’t recognize your voice.’ He had to know that it was a lie. Not more than a dozen people in the whole world knew me by that name. ‘What the hell are you doing calling me. I thought you were dead.’ I gave a resounding laugh so he knew that I was kidding.

‘Nah that was my evil twin brother who died. So what you up to these days Preach?’ I had a chill run through me. Not at the use of my name but at the thought that Jim obviously had something in mind.

‘Oh doing a little of this and a little of that.’ I tried to make it convincing. I had pretty much taken over for my Uncle Deacon. Deacon was all finesse, whereas I was maximum violence. They each seemed to get the job done. I had come to hate drugs and drug dealers while in Vietnam. Taking their money didn’t bother me in the least. When they resisted with guns, they died. It was a simple way of dealing with men who sold junk to kids.

‘So you want to go to Detroit?’

‘Why the hell would I want to go to Detroit?’

‘Why hell Preach we be having kind of reunion there.’

‘Jim, there were exactly twenty men in our field unit and half of them are dead. It ain’t going to be much of a reunion.’

‘Well it ain’t exactly that kind of reunion.’

‘What kind of reunion is it then.’

‘Vietnam Vets Against the War is having some kind of a thing in Detroit. They want to hear our stories.’

‘Jim have you gone soft on me.’ I couldn’t believe he had joined the resistance. He and I hadn’t really been in the war. At least not the one they were protesting.

‘They sent out a call for the Advisors to the ARVN troops. They want to ask us what it was like in the early days.’

‘That’s nuts. Who the hell cares what it was like in the cowboy days.’

‘Some naval officer is promising to get it all told. He was some kinda’ Seal or something. Wants to let everybody know the truth.’

‘Whose truth?’

‘Why ours of course.’

‘I haven’t talked to you in a long time, so you probably don’t know how I feel.’

‘Unless you’re the one who has gone soft, I know exactly how you feel. It’s how all of us feel. Maybe we can get the word out. If nothing else, we can shake a few of them up. Come on Preach it will be fun.’

‘If you knew how I hated the cold, you wouldn’t ask me.’

‘Preach, my friends in the VVAW tell me they are going to give this SEAL all the dirt to carry to Washington. Don’t you want to see what dirt they have?’

‘From what I hear of the VVAW they are a ragtag bunch who can’t do more than have a lot of guys in field jackets show up to burn flags. How the hell are they going to get their stories out?’

‘This Seal has an in with congress. He’s gonna” get it read into the congressional record.’

‘Now that is interesting. Yeah Jim, I would like to hear what they gonna’ put in that report.’ I had no idea what happened in the war after I left just a few short of years before. I wondered if I might learn something from the GIs at the meeting. If nothing else it would be a chance for me to get away for a few days.

I hadn’t been in an airplane since I got home from the cross country flight in 1966. Even though I swore that I would never leave North Carolina again, I boarded the whisper jet at the local airport. I managed to fly past Detroit and on to Chicago, then of course I changed planes and flew back.

‘Hey there Preacher,’ the old looking young man said. ‘Damn Jim you gained a couple of pounds and got old.’

‘How am I gonna’ get old in seven years.’

‘I got no idea man, but you sure as hell did it.’ I grinned at him. Truth is except for the extra twenty pounds on a frame well able to support it, he looked exactly the same.

‘Come on let’s get a beer.’

‘First the bags, then the beer.’ I don’t expect Jim knew it but I had the old Colt combat green pistol in the b-4 bag. I should have replaced the bag but what the hell, I hadn’t traveled any since I returned home.

‘You still got that chicken shit Air Force suitcase. God how we envied you that bag. You the only one didn’t show up in Saigon with a duffle bag and a gym bag.’

‘That’s what happens when you have a brother in the Air Force.’ I said it almost seriously.

We were in a cab headed for the Howard Johnson’s, without a beer I might add, when Jim said, ‘Preacher we go to be cool here. Lots of these guys are wired.’


‘I don’t think so. They be high on something else. Not sure if its hate or revenge but they on some kind of high. Me and you got to stay low.’

‘I didn’t come a thousand miles to lay low Jim. You got me here, I expect you to stand up to it.’

‘Preacher ain’t nobody gonna’ do nothing to you they don’t do to me. We just don’t need to be startin’ it.’

‘Hell Jim, the only way you can know it’s coming is if you start it.’

‘Preacher, I’m serious these are some bad assed dudes. We bad too, but there are a lot of them. They say over a hundred gonna’ give statements.’

‘Statements about what.’

‘Bout what they saw and did in DaNam.’

‘Well that’s what we are here for isn’t it?’

‘Just be careful please.’

‘Jim, I’m a changed man. I don’t go chasin” after trouble no more.’

‘Yeah, and we made the world a better place.’

‘Not even a little part of it.’

Half an hour later we were in the bar. Looking around we were about the only ones there without field jackets. Most were too new looking to have seen much time off the rack. The bartender looked terrified. There were a lot of rough looking guys with beards and long hair, but they seemed pretty harmless to me. Still there was a kind of fire in their eyes as if they were on a crusade, if not drugs.

One of the men recognized Jim. Jim had been there a couple of days before he called me. ‘Sargent Lester this is my friend Preacher Burke.’ I reached up and shook the slightly younger man’s hand.

‘So who were you with?’ It was a natural question for him to ask.

‘MACV,’ It should have been all the answer necessary.

‘What the fuck is that?’ He looked a little drunk. I quickly began to assess him. He was about twenty pounds of drunk, overweight. Too much soft living since he came home I thought. If it came to physical force, I was more than a match for him. Problem was several more people drifted over.

‘That was them pussies that pushed papers in Saigon.’ The New man just looked mean.

I was surprised to find Jim answer for me. ‘You open your fucking mouth again honey, and this pussy gonna’ put your ass in the hospital.’ He looked around just as cold as a morgue slab. ‘Don’t much matter to me how many of you ‘heroes’ go with him..’

‘MACV, was more than paper pushers Lester. Some of them were advisors to the ARVN before we ever heard of Vietnam. ‘What year Preacher?’ He intentionally looked past Jim. He was trying to diffuse the situation.

’63,’ I replied not taking my eyes off the others. I noted with satisfaction that Jim hadn’t either.

‘Preacher was back again in 65 won his self a Pulitzer.’

‘Peabody Jim.’ I corrected him still expecting trouble.

‘Oh you were with the press to? We definitely want to talk to you.’

‘Oh we, so you are in charge of this band of soldiers.’

‘Not much in charge to it. This was kinda’ the idea of a Navy Officer. He wants to take testimony to help end the war, then take it Washington. He’s got some kind of pull down there.’

Just as quickly as the tenst moment come, it went. Every one was buddies again a minute after the man calmed it all down. ‘So you are some kind of organizer?’

‘Well VVAW will work with anyone who is serious about ending this war.’
‘Man with Washington connections wants to have a meeting and you don’t have a problem with it?’ I was more than a little surprised.

‘Well the anti war people are in congress now. We can get this stuff in the record, it will make it real not just some vet rambling.’

‘So it’s a hundred vets rambling?’ I asked it a little skeptical. It was easy to skeptical if the men in the Howard Johnson lounge were any indication of the types doing the testifying.

‘When this dude tells it, it will sound like a million. He is smooth Preacher. He is gonna’ take us down there and we are gonna’ be on our best behavior. He is gonna’ go in there and make it sound like a million of us are in the streets.

‘So, is this guy serious or just headline grabbing. You know like body counts in reverse.’

‘Who gives a damn. He has been to the Paris Guys, so he can get us heard. Preacher they may all be trying to use us so what. We will whore for anybody to stop this war and save lives.’

‘So what if I but don’t have anything to tell?’

‘Hell make up something, we ain’t gonna’ use no names. Nobody is gonna’ send you to jail even if you say you did something.’ Jim looked at me and I shook my head.

‘Well we didn’t see anything interesting and we didn’t do anything that would interest you.’

‘Come on preacher everybody knows the ARVN won’t fight. We have a story that they refused to save a wounded American because they didn’t want to fight.’

I watched Jim shake. It was just a tiny twitch in his face. That is if you didn’t know him. I was debating whether to let him blow or not. I decided not to.

‘Tell you what, I want to be on a plane out of here early tomorrow. You get us in early and we will tell our story.’

‘Good for you,’ he said as he left.

‘Which story we gonna’ tell them?’

‘How about the rubber plantation?’

‘Oh one of my all time favorites.’

‘After about five minutes the other vets began milling around. We drank and listened to their stories. It was men telling a hundred horror stories. Probably twenty had been there but the others had heard about the stories they were telling.

‘I had a buddy who was in the third, they went into a village and gang raped the mayor’s daughter to teach him a lesson. You know that just wasn’t right.’ Hell there was no way to disagree with that. The problem was the same story got told on Marines of several units, a couple of army units and even a CIA group from Loas. Did it happen, most likely yes. Did every unit in Vietnam do it as it sounded that night? I have serious doubts.

‘How the hell are they going to turn a hundred guys into the horror story they want?’ I asked it of Jim.

‘Hell preacher, you know it don’t take a lot of facts to convince the Choir.’

‘I guess if you get it in the congressional record with a friendly audience it goes down as gospel.’

‘Preachin’ to the Choir Preacher.’

The soldiers I met that night were genuine in their desire to make a difference. I believed that each and every one of them told the truth over the course of the interviews. How it got written down is something I don’t know. I do know what happened to me the next day.

‘Come on in,’ the tall gaunt man in the field jacket said. ‘I’m Robert Thomas, everybody calls me Rob.’ I shook his hand.

‘Well Rob, I’m David Burke, and this I Jim Everette.’

‘I hear you won a peabody for writing about the war?’ He asked it waiting to see my reaction.

‘Not really, I won it for a photograph I took.’ For a second he looked disappointed.

‘Oh like that little girl with the napalm burns?’ He looked interested again.

‘Cong crucified on the wire outside a firebase. It was at night and lit with a Willie Pete round.’ They saw an image in it that I didn’t shoot.’

The man thought for a minute, then spoke. ‘So you have some experiences while you were with the ARVN to relate to us.’

I motioned to Jim. He said it about like this. ‘We was with the lead element to enter a rubber plantation. You got any idea what a rubber plantation looks like.’

‘No I’ve never been on one.’

‘It’s like a forest with no little trees. Everything is clean man. Just rows and rows of trees with no brush. Charlie opened up and penned us down. Only two of the soldiers with us went down. Everybody else was hidin’ behind trees. Me, I was wishin’ mama had, had herself a smaller son.’ He saw the lost look on Robs face.

‘Oh, I’m a lot of man to get behind a little rubber tree.’ Rob nodded.

‘We was penned down big time. Couldn’t go forward and couldn’t go back. A hundred ARVN behind us with no advisor and about sixteen and us two under fire. Then the mortars started to fall on the plantation. We didn’t have no mortars or artillery, and sure as hell no airplanes to call in. It looked pretty much like the end to me.’

‘How the hell did you get out?’ Rob’s buddy, the organizer asked.

‘Those hundred ARVN troops, that everybody says wasn’t worth a fuck, charged throught that rubber plantation picking us up as they went by. We chased charlie out of his positions and just as far as we could. We got his three mortar tubes, Russian by the way. The count was five ARVN ranger killed in the assault. They lost five of their own to either save us, or to kick some Cong Ass.’ Jim was grinning because the others were so stone faced. ‘I don’t know which it was but they sure was a sight to see. Running with them little knives on the end of the fifty year old rifles we gave them.

‘I do hope that makes it into the testimony, since it is fair to show both sides I think.’ I said it knowing it wouldn’t. Nobody is fair when it comes to war or politics.

‘Well that really isn’t exactly the kind of thing we are looking for.’

‘Of course it isn’t,’ I said that as I walked out.

‘Why don’t you call your friends at the news service and blow his cover.’ Jim asked that grinning.

‘Jim what do you think of that war?’

‘I hate the mother fucker. Don’t make no sense at all.’

‘I could never do what they are going to do, but then maybe the ends does justify the means.’

‘Yeah, but you and me know them guys are getting used by the politicians again.’

‘We do but they don’t, so let them have their ‘being important to somebody’ time.’

The end.

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Alle soglie di questa transizione che probabilmente mai comincer?, sono giunta al punto di considerare il viaggio di ogni donna transessuale verso la completa femminilit? come "il sogno". Cosciente della brutale realt? delle cose per le persone come noi, prima di intraprendere questo viaggio verso l'autorealizzazione e durante il viaggio stesso, mi sono stancata oltre ogni misura della costante aura di patologia e di sofferenza che circondano il nostro divenire donne in corpo e in spiri...

3 years ago
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Carl And His Stepsister Marias Affair With Their Uncle and now a neighbor Part 4

After our first romp, Maria, Carl and I continued to enjoy many sexual experiences together. Our household became a sexual den of pleasure feeding the lust of three very-willing individuals. It was a great time for me and my quest for dating others virtually ceased. I was having my fill of her pussy and his nice cock - all conveniently located in my home. It had been only a matter of months before our adventures would intensify. Their young lust and my perpetual horniness became catalysts for...

2 years ago
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Paying the rent

Simon was looking forward to the ring of the doorbell, and when itcame he jumped with a start and looked around him hoping the flat wastidy and welcoming.He walked to his front door and opened it to reveal his landlord, MrGeorge Franks."Well, are you going to let me in, or what?" demanded Franks hiswrinkled brow frowning and huge white bushy eyebrows arching over blueeyes that positively glowered. Pushing past the young man he strodepurposefully into the sitting room and after dropping his...

2 years ago
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The Medieval Marine Part Seven

As her general and his troops settled in for the winter, Cecilia started getting very disturbing reports from some of the villages. Marion was starting to really make herself a pain in the ass. Villages were declaring their allegiance to Marion and she was gathering troops around her. General Kleist of course wasn’t worried, after all what could a woman rebel and a few villages do to him. The worst bit of news for Cecilia came in just after Christmas and was that Marion appeared to be...

1 year ago
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SpaceChapter 24

"The Doc has been in charge of recruitment. Apart from his disgusting habit of cutting off heads, removing the skull and then filling the skin with hot sand, he is pretty nice. He is not your regular head-shrinker." I had to pause for a minute as Lasha stared at the Doc. All the adults were quiet while they listened to my monologue. It was only when Lasha smiled that I knew that he now knew his leg was pulled. I began again, "Mom over there supplies moral support. She makes Pop toe the...

3 years ago
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The sexy German

Let me know if you enjoy this story. Email me at Arian (at) rocketmail.com It was my first visit to Zanzibar an exotic island in Africa. Most people know Zanzibar as the place where Freddy Mercury was born. I was working for a telecom company in South Africa and as one of the project managers I was sent to Zanzibar to install computers for one of the hotels in Stone town. I am in my mid thirties and traveling around the country and Africa was part of my job. After nearly three days of hard work...

1 year ago
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Sniffing Sisters Sock Ends in Punishment and Cumblasts

Note: This story is completely fictional. All the characters in this story are of or over the age of 18. This is intended for adults only. And you must be 18 years or older to read this. Enjoy! "Have you seen my pink socks Jon?" Anna shouted from her bedroom. "Those are my lucky socks, I can't win without them" She said as she prepared for her track meet. My sister Anna unintentionally waited for the last minute often before heading out to her track meets. Directly across from hers, I watched...

1 year ago
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The cool tile floor sent a chill up my leg as I stepped out of the shower. I quickly toweled off and slipped my long light pink robe over my shoulders, letting it hang loose, not bothering to tie it together.As I went from the bathroom into the bedroom I heard his car start. I pushed the blinds aside slightly and watched as my son Mark backed out of the driveway, bound for work. After his car disappeared down the road out of my sight I let the blinds sway back into place and turned to the...

2 years ago
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The Greenwich TalesChapter 6 The Trainers Tale

Part 1 : A Conflict of Interest So this is perhaps the most peculiar client I have had. My name is Katya Izotova and I have been now in England for almost four years. This Daphne has been a real life-saver for me after Nicky ran out but even so, she has been a most peculiar client. First it was strange how she contacted me. Usually people just call but instead she gets this guy Rick to set up a meeting. Then there's this strange situation with her and her live in lover; this Branca girl....

3 years ago
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My Female Day

When I woke up that morning my first decision was to be a female for a day. First of all I had to clean myself. First of all I had to clean my new pussy. I took a bootle with a small drinking cap and filled it with some water. I've applied some hand lotion on it so it won't hurt my virgin pussy. I bent over and slowly inserted the top of the bottle. With a gentle push I started filling myself with water. The feeling was very new to me and I liked it. I slowly started to turn on, but it was no...

1 year ago
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GinnyChapter 5

The next week flew past. Both Ginny and I began approaching people we felt would like to join our self defence class. Ginny approached Penny Mitchell who had heard about our run in with Jake and our star quarterback Paul Wilson. She thought it was a good idea and said if we got it started she would come along. She also managed to corner Sylvia Plath who was horrified at the thought of doing something that would get her noticed. Eventually she persuaded her to come and have lunch with us so...

3 years ago
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The Club Ch 04

Grace Chan was in a very happy mood. Her goal to become a successful female rocker was going along nicely. Her best friend and sometimes-playmate Hiromi had gotten them a gig at ‘The Club’ playing some kind of exclusive party. She couldn’t wait to break out her new guitar and strut her stuff. Being on stage and having an audience watch their all-girl band, The Azianz always gave Grace a real rush. The Grace of 8 years ago wouldn’t have recognized the self-confident, sexy rock chick of today....

3 years ago
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Mausi Aur Mammi Ko Sath Sath Chodha 8211 Part 2

I would suggest you to first read the part 1 of this story..Now I will directly on story..Mai mausi ko pele jaa raha tha..Aur apni dhun mai tha mujhe nahi pata tha ki mammi dekh rahi hai..Phir sex karne ke bad mausi apne ghar chali gayi..Aur mamajibtoh waisehii 2 week ke liye koi bussiness trip pe gaye the..Mami ka room upar wale floor pe hai aur waha na nanaji nahi nani koi bhi nhi jata tha..Isliye unke floor ka bathroom mere liye ideal place thi muth marne ki.. Ussi rat mai muth marne jaa...

2 years ago
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A Great Start To Summer

Summer has made a triumphant return to New England, and I expect to enjoy it while it lasts, which isn’t very long up here. We’ve had quite a bit of rain over the past week, and temperatures have been, for the most part, seasonable. On the first weekend in June, we had four days of temperatures in the mid nineties, that’s where this story takes place. On the Saturday of that hot, four day stretch, Deb and I decided to go to the beach. Normally, on days that hot, we sit by her pool, but it had...

3 years ago
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A Bride for Seven BrothersChapter 2

Angus's new bride Sheila was forgivably late waking up the next morning. The other side of the bed was empty and she had a moment of panic forgetting where she was and what she was doing there. Then, she remembered the pleasures of the night before. It had been her wedding night with her new husband Angus. The memory of his long thick cock made her shudder and the familiar tingle started deep in her hidden cave between her shapely naked legs. Quickly, she got up and used the pot under the...

1 year ago
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Perversion and privilege introduction

When I turned 16 my parents introduced me into their sex life. It was an arrangement that pleased everyone involved. Dad had a younger, better looking, much younger woman to screw,… When I turned 16 my parents introduced me into their sex life. It was an arrangement that pleased everyone involved. Dad had a younger, better looking, much younger woman to screw, mum got a break from the sadistic and physically draining sex acts that dad liked (and also had someone to act out her lesbian...

3 years ago
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Office work1

I sat down at my pink vanity, that her boyfriend had gotten me, and started with my make-up, blue eye liner, David liked it on me, a soft skin tone foundation, a light rose colored powder on my checks, ruby red lip stick. Just something simple this morning I thought after applying my eyelash enhancer. I walked into Kay’s room, they were both asleep. The other girls living there took turns we loved it! I walked over to the bed, and pulled the covers, back, David stirred, opening his eye’s he...

3 years ago
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Colorado Passion

COLORADO PASSION By Bruce Roberts CHAPTER ONE            Grabbing an axe and shovel from the barn I walked the two hundred yards through patches of ankle-deep snow. When it’s this cold on the Colorado plains the snow forms a crust that cracks underfoot. The horses grazing on the exposed patch of grass heard the crunching of the snow, the creaking of the gate and looked in my direction and started drifting toward me. This is one of many aspect of ranch life that makes you feel like a cowboy...

2 years ago
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Pain And Pleasure

By : Fast Fucker Hi I’m Mac from Jaipur I’m now 21 and studying in Bba 2nd year this happened I was in 12th class and my board exams were near and I was trying to study but can not cocentrate on studies because some guest came to our house and it was small house no speare room for study so I decided to go to my masi’s house their house was big and anu my masi’s son he was also in studying, so I thought that we will study together and he can help me in solving problem He was intellegent in...

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Craigslist suprise for slutwife

It had been a few months since my wife Kristi had any sexual fun with guys around Indianapolis so I was checking out craigslist just looking around in the MM4F section. I came across an ad with two black guys looking for a white girl for fun and they wanted to host. I thought that was perfect because we didn’t have to get a room or deal with finding a sitter. I told her about the guys and showed her the pic of both there hung cocks and that was all it took to get her excited. Since her Ex /...

2 years ago
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My Sisters Lesbian Lover

My Sister's Lesbian Lover My sister Carrie and I are pretty close in many ways. We share the same birth date but one year apart. I’m the oldest at seventeen. We have the same physical build too. She is constantly wearing my clothes. I don’t mind her wearing my jeans but I keep telling her that she will stretch out my tops with her big tits. She just laughs and says that I’m jealous that hers are so nice. I must admit that my sister has great tits. At least she lets me play with them...

3 years ago
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Mature Lesley Fucks Sons Bully Bareback

[Contains: M/Mature F, Hardcore, Impregnation & Babymaking]Mark was 18 years old. He was quite a good-looking guy, and always did well with the girls. He was confident with women, and generally got what he wanted.Mark had left school a year ago and began working at a local office as a trainee. He was not too keen on the job but did enjoy giving one of the other trainees a hard time. Luke was a small weedy boy who was low on confidence, was not particularly good looking and was generally the...

1 year ago
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If the bra fits wear it Part 2

"If the bra fits, wear it..." Part 2 I am looking in the mirror at my bra and how it holds my man boobs. I am prouder of how I seem to fill my bra. It's just dawned on me that I actually have bigger breasts than my wife or daughters. Oh my god! I, the man of the house am the one with the biggest tits! My dad was always telling me that I did not measure up. My life had always seemed to be about failing to meet his expectations of me and so I have never struggled to understand...

4 years ago
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A Stranger in an Even Stranger Land

Josef Samuelson coughed a wracking cough as he slowly walked to the luxury parking garage on Fifth Avenue on the northern edge of Manhattan in New Philadelphia, nervously looking behind and above him. The smog was so thick he needed his sun visors just to be able to open his eyes without them burning. And burning was what his lungs were doing. I had better get out of this mess, he thought as he plunged through the door. It closed behind him with a cool whoosh and a hum as the air purifier...

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My coworkers 19 year old daughter1

I came to discover that she also has a "daddy complex" and finds older guys attractive while ignoring guys her own age. Tara is about 5' 7" tall, red hair, very slim with small breasts. Tara grew up living in the country and has little to do when she is home from college. Tara's mom would bring her with her to work in town so she wouldn't be stuck at home all day long. Tara would hang out and go for walks and often just hang out in her Mom's car playing on her cell phone during...

1 year ago
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Empress Leak! Ready for some leaked Ghana porn videos and sex tapes at Empress Leak aka Empressleaks? I don’t care what your interests with amateur ebony porn are, but since you are reading this, chances are you are looking for a site with some hot amateur ebony smut. So you love them big bootied chocolate sisters, huh? No need to be ashamed; we know how nasty some of these whores can get. The good news is, the site up for review today offers just that — not just fap inducing porn featuring...

Black Porn Sites
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Down and Dirty

Brittany and Jason were making their first spring trip to the cabin and were looking forward to the peace and quiet, not to mention the ability to run naked inside and out and be as loud as they wanted when they had sex. One of the things they knew that had to be done before any fun and pleasure was mow the three-acre lot. Arriving early Saturday morning, they took their stuff into the cabin and while Jason went out to mow the grass, Brittany set about airing it out and putting things away....


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