MY LITTEL HITCHHIKER 8 & 9 free porn video

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Part 8
I looked at Tania in surprise, “You want me to what?” I asked her.
She sighed, “I want you to spank me while I’m tied up.” She said simply.
“But why? I mean I’ve already hurt you when I tied your small tits the way I did, why do you want me to punish you when you’re tied up.” I was trying to understand her needs.
She took my hand and led me to Wendy’s bed. I sat down on it and she took my hands in hers. “Mummy explained it to me once. She thinks I’m a Messer Schmitt or something,” At my confused look she expanded on this, “I like to feel some pain when I’m tied up.”
I smiled at her, “You don’t feel like flying around the room or anything like that?” I said, at her confused look I continued, “Messer Schmitt built aero planes, I think the word you want is masochist. That’s a person who enjoys pain.”
Tania nodded, “Oh yes that was the name, I knew it began with an M.”
I shook my head, “But Tania some masochists don’t know where to stop, they crave more pain until it kills them, it’s like a drug to them.” I looked to the camera where the red light showed that it was recording everything we were doing. “Janet, I’m not going to cause untold pain to Tania just because she asks me to. I’ll tie her up but that’s it.”
“Please daddy John? Pleeaasseee?” She looked at me in her way, but this time I shook my head, there were some boundaries I would not cross no matter what.
“No Tania, and if you carry on like this I won’t even tie you down and we’ll spend the rest of the day watching the television.” I could see her face drop and then she turned to the camera again.
“There you are mummy, I told you he wouldn’t do that, he’s not the type of man that people think he is.” I looked at her as she said this.
“Hold on. You don’t want me to spank you when you’re tied down?” I was getting confused now.
“Oh I do! But I knew you wouldn’t want to, but I had to show mummy! I’m sorry daddy John.” She did look so unhappy that I had to hug her.
“That’s okay Tania, I’m sorry I’m so weak.” I told her she pulled away from me.
“But daddy John you’re not weak! If you were, you would have given up and spanked me as I asked you. I do wish you were my daddy. ‘Cos you’d punish me when I really deserved it, not just because I asked for it.” Her face was so determined that I almost gave in.
“Thank you Tania, now I will be weak enough to tie you down, but first I think you’d better use the toilet. I’m not sure how long you’re going to be here.” I said to her. She smiled her thanks and ran from the room.
I looked at the camera, which was still watching me. “Janet, I hope you realize that if I had been the type of person that the social services think I am then Tania would been in serious trouble, she’s too trusting for one thing. Undressing in front of me like that . . . well, she could have been raped, several times over. The sooner you are here the better. She deserves to be with her mother, not with me.”
After a few minutes, the bedroom door opened and Tania walked in. I looked at her “Did something happen?” I asked her.
She blushed, all over her naked body. “Well I thought I’d save some time undressing in the bathroom and I found I’d left these in there!” She held up her hands to show me the leather cuffs on her wrists, and then extended a foot to reveal the cuffs around her ankles.
I looked at her, “And what happened to your collar?” I asked her.
She looked uncomfortable, “I’ve lost it. I think it was in your bedroom.” She dropped her eyes and studied the floor.
“That was very naughty of you.” I said, noticing how she raised her head to show her sparkling eyes.
“Yes, it was. You’ll have to punish me . . . why don’t you spank me after you’ve tied me up?” She asked me smiling.
I shook my head, “Nice try Tania . . . I’ll think about that after I’ve untied you.” I pointed to the bed.
Tania sighed and knelt on the bed again, crossing her hands behind her back, bringing her — all right then — breasts into show. I looked at her breasts closely they were a little red from this morning’s actions, but I thought she could take bit more — although this suddenly struck me as hypocritical. I would not spank her while she was tied up but I would tightly bind up her forming breasts, which would cause her pain! Boy was I getting messed up.
Tania could sense that I was wavering. “What’s wrong daddy John, why are you looking at me like that?” She asked me.
“I’m sorry Tania, I was just thinking . . . Are you sure you want me to do this?” I asked her again, she sighed and kept position. “Alright I was just asking, let’s try something different.”
I made her lie back on the bed and, using the short pieces of rope, tied her hands to the headboard, where the board had lengths of wood that were screwed onto the bed. I then pulled her legs out to either side of the bed and tied them to the castors of the bed — it was a bit of a reach for me, but Tania did not complain about her legs hurting, even though I did ask her to tell me.
I went to leave her when she called out. “Hey what about the other bits?”
I turned to her and then asked “What other bits? Can you point them out to me?”
Tania tried to, but with her wrists tied, as they were she could only point upwards, she did try to nod her head to indicate her torso, but I decided not to understand. “What about my tits and . . . and . . .” She looked to the camera and then said, “What about my tits and pussy? Are you not going to tie them as well?”
I scratched my chin in thought, “Well I don’t know. I mean your breasts are still red from the last time, and as for your . . . pussy? I think you’ve had too much attention paid to that so far.”
She played her trump card, “Daddy John, if you don’t tie me properly I’ll call out and then what would happen?”
I slumped my shoulders in apparent defeat. “Alright, alright . . . I’ll just need to get something from downstairs.” I left the room and quickly went to the bathroom; in there, I found her jeans and underwear twisted together. ‘When she got undressed she was certainly in a hurry’ I thought to myself.
I gathered up her knickers and put them into my pocket. I then went downstairs and picked up a fan — you know the electrical, large bladed type — and then went back to Wendy’s room. I knocked on the door. “Are you decent in there?” I asked before opening it.
Tania had a look on her face that was hard to describe, she was debating whether to laugh or shout out she looked at the fan and was puzzled.
“I’m sorry Tania, but I think that I’ve made you too hot and bothered to really concentrate on things properly. That’s why I’ve got this fan here -it will help cool you off.” I said as I plugged in the fan, I aimed the force of the wind towards Tania’s body where it brushed against her slit and then her chest.
“Oh wow! That feels so strange, what’s it going to feel like when you tie me properly, I’ll be heating up and cooling off at the same time!” She said and then saw my face at the duplicity that I was hiding in it. She was not scared, just apprehensive.
I approached her head and produced her knickers. “I don’t want you to call out for no reason, think of this as part of the punishment you’re going to get when I untie you!” I told her.
She opened her mouth to protest but found that the fabric of her knickers was already in place. She started to shake her head but found that she could not dislodge the cloth. She tried to bounce her body, but was too tightly tied to the bed so that it would not move. Her eyes threatened trouble when she was released!
I positioned the camera so that it had a full view of both Tania and her predicament. “As I was saying Janet, I don’t agree with child abuse, but thinking about it I’m guilty of doing it even at Tania’s request. I’ve decided that she needs a cooling off period to think about her manipulations and what their effects might be.” I then turned to Tania herself. “Now just imagine what could happen if I wasn’t a nice person. While you’re doing that, I’m going downstairs and I’m going to watch that film again . . . from the beginning.” I checked my watch; “I’ll see you in 90 minutes.”
She tried to say something but it was all mumbles to me, I smiled at her and kissed her stomach, she tried to raise her hips to entice me to kiss her elsewhere, but I shook my head and walked out of the room, closing the door behind me.
I glanced out of my living room window and noticed a car was ‘watching’ me, well not the car itself of course but the woman occupier, she was the same one who had delivered the box earlier . . . either I was being paranoid or I was being watched. I decided to ignore her.
I turned on the video again and started watching the film, losing myself in the fantasy world of Sid James, Joan Simms, Kenneth William, Barbara Windsor and the rest of the Carry On crew.
Well the film ended with the goat chasing the mother, Kenneth Williams chasing after his school on a tandem and Sid James taking Joan Simms into his tent.
I got up from my seat and pressed the rewind on the video. I was going to walk upstairs but the telephone rang, almost as if they knew I was near it!
I picked up the phone in the Kitchen, “John, can I speak to Tania please.” It was Janet’s voice.
“I’m sorry Janet, I’m afraid she’s tied up at the moment.” I said which made Janet laugh. “I think we need to have a talk when you get here Janet.” I added she caught the tone of my voice.
“John, whatever it is I wouldn’t worry about it, I’m certain that Tania is in good hands. I wouldn’t worry about what you think is right or wrong, she needs a firm hand, and you’re providing it, even gagged she knows that you are caring for her.” Janet said in an even voice.
“Yes but . . .” I paused, how did Janet know that Tania was gagged. I’d only just done that this afternoon.”
“John? Are you still there? John?” Janet asked quickly.
“That’s not just a video camera is it?” I asked slowly
“Not as such, I mean the recorder part works as it should do,” She said.
“Who else is watching it?” I asked her knowing that I might not like the answer.
“John, I did trust you. However, my security people did not like the idea of Tania being alone with you overnight. This was the compromise they suggested.” Janet said I could feel that she was waiting for me to explode.
“And they’re watching my house as well?” I asked her.
“John . . . yes, they are.” She sounded concerned.
“What? But I thought you’d be annoyed . . .” Janet was now the one confused.
“You don’t realize that it’s very tempting to have Tania here, half naked most of the time and fully naked the rest of the time. I need the safety net.” I said.
“John, I was going to wait until tomorrow night to get to you, but do you mind if I turn up earlier?” Janet asked me.
“Of course not! I have already said that Tania needs you here more than me. . By the way was it all a set up?” I had to ask her.
“No John, not at all. Tania was kidnapped by her father and taken to your town to hide. Our people were close behind but Tania escaped from them, She does not know why she chose your car, but we are glad she did. Her phone call to our police gave us your address but she insisted that she would be fine with you, even after we warned her about your record . . .. John, I’d better tell you that we’re investigating you . . . you’re not mad with us are you?” She did sound concerned.
“Janet, I’m not mad at all. I am glad that you are concerned for Tania safety. I am going to release her now and then I am going to smack her for losing the collar, but I think she already knows where it is! She is quiet the masochist isn’t she.” I said.
Janet laughed, “Yes she is, I’m afraid she takes after me, it was something that her father liked about me but couldn’t face in his daughter, we’ve had meetings with psychiatrists and they’ve tried to help him, but it seems that they failed. That’s why he did that ridiculous stunt.”
“What’s going to happen to him?” I asked, slightly concerned about him for some reason.
“Well, I did get Tania assigned as a ward of court so technically he’s guilty of kidnapping, we’re working on a extradition order for both him and the private detective that actually took Tania. If they both agree never to come to America again we’ll ensure that the case fails.” She told me.
“And, of course, should they enter America the computers will have the case still on record.” I added knowing what the answer would be.
“Of course! The new security routines in operations nowadays will give us their fingerprints almost instantly.” She paused for a second, “I think you’d better see to Tania, she’s showing signs of panic.”
This made me worry. “Janet, goodbye!” I said and hung up, I quickly ran up the stairs and went to Wendy’s room. “I’m sorry Tania, I was talking to your mother.” I turned to the camera. “If you want to come in from the car I don’t mind, you’ll be able to ask Tania herself how she feels!” I said.
I removed the gag from Tania who just stared at me. “You know.” She asked and then nodded. “Mummy told you! I suppose you want me to go now.” She asked and I could see tears in her eyes.
“No Tania, not unless you want to go with her?” I asked her quickly untying her and hugging her close to me, I could feel the coolness of her body.
“Oh no daddy John, Even after this I still want to stay here.” She said muffled.
“You know your daddy is under arrest, you don’t have to fear him anymore.” I gently said.
“But daddy John I didn’t fear him, not when I’m with you!” She said
I heard a car horn hoot twice, for some reason it disturbed me I looked to the camera, “Trouble?” I asked to hear another honk of the car horn. “Tania, get dressed, now!” She did not ask questions but ran to the toilet catching hold of a tee shirt as she did so.
I went to my window to see a police car pulling up outside, I did not have time to hide Tania. What was I going to do now?
Part 9

I opened the door before the officer outside could ring the bell, he was not happy.
“One moment officer while I set up the tape recorder.” I said and turned to walk away from the door.
He grabbed hold of my arm “Oh no, we’re not going through that again! I’m going to arrest you . . .” He began but then was interrupted himself.
“Special Agent Sonja Jones, FBI. This gentleman is under my protection, he’s guarding a kidnap victim!” It was the woman from the car she produced a badge which she showed the police officer.
“So what? You have no jurisdiction here! So, buzz off Yank. This is England!” He was certainly belligerent about something.
“On the contrary, your chief constable has agreed to our presence here, I think you’d better check on that now. Mr. Archer is acting on our behalf.” She looked at me, “I think our cover is blown John. Can you call Tania down while this officer checks with his base.”?
“If you think that’s wise Sonja.” I said, at her nod I turned to the stairs. “Tania, will you come down, it’s safe at the moment.”
I could hear the officer talking on his radio, “But Sergeant! It that Archer bloke, you know the one that we had a warning about! He is a known pet file Well, no. Not proven, it is just on . . . how do they know about him? What! But Sergeant! Sergeant! Alright Sergeant.” He returned to me a defeated man.
“Well officer?” Sonja asked him.
“In this case you’re in control . . . but you know that this man’s a . . .” The officer was saying but Sonja interrupted
“What evidence do you have against him?” She asked him.
“Well it’s well known, we had a special report sent to us.” He told her, I pricked up my ears at that.
“Where from officer?” At his blank look I persisted, “From where did the special report come from? It wouldn’t have been from a certain magistrate’s office would it.”
He was very uncomfortable, “Well … yes, it did. It said that you were known to social services and should be monitored closely. A few of the boys wanted to teach you a lesson, we don’t want your type in the area.”
“So you decided to believe a message from the man with whom my wife moved in with after taking my daughter with her. A daughter that I’ve been refused contact with even up to the point where my former wife decided to lie to social services against me and a court order from her lover to restrain me from seeing her.” I said, the bitterness in my voice was obvious.
“I didn’t know that! All I was told . . .” The officer said.
“Were the lies that were passed on, and without evidence you decided to judge me! Believe me officer I’m not the person that I’ve been painted.” I finished for him.
Tania hugged me tightly. “He isn’t, all the time I’ve been here and he hasn’t abused me once! I don’t know what you think he is, but to me he’s a lot better than my daddy, in fact I call him daddy John.” She told the surprised officer.
He looked from Tania to me and then to Sonja. “I don’t understand . . . I mean a magistrate wouldn’t tell lies, would he.”
Sonja shook her head, “You should know by now that everyone lies about things, why should his position mean that he’s any different. Now why did you come back here?” Sonja was interested in his answer, as was I.
“We got a call to the station, an anonymous caller said that she saw a young girl in your house and that we should do something about it.” The officer was looking at Tania, still holding tight to my waist. “Uh! Honey, has this man tried to do anything with you?” He asked the young girl.
Tania looked puzzled, “What do you mean? He made me eat my dinner off a plate, is that what you meant?” she asked him.
“No, darling, what I mean is has he tried to touch you . . . you know down there.” He pointed to Tania’s crouch.
Tania put a disgusted look on her face, “NO daddy John’s never tried anything like that, that’s naughty!” She sounded like a very disgusted 10 year old.
The officer looked closely at Tania, “You sure about that darling, this man is supposed to be very bad with children.”
Tania shook her head, “Not daddy John, he’s been very nice to me. You’re the one who’s being nasty, calling daddy John names” And then she turned back to me. “Daddy John, take me away from this nasty man.”
I turned to the officer, “You heard the young lady, now is there anything else you need to know?”
“Just one thing sir,” — the sir had a touch of respect in it now — “When we called on Friday evening, the girl was in the house. Where was she?” He asked me.
“She was in the kitchen, why do you think I kept on suggesting that you look there!” I said. He just shook his head in wonderment.
“And Rob said you were trying to mislead us, and that’s why we didn’t bother! Sod it!” He added, but now he was grinning. “I must remember that sometime. He nodded to Sonja and then me. “Thank you Mr. Archer, if you need help just call I’ll ensure you’ll get immediate action.”
“Thank you officer.” I shook his hand, it seemed strange to do that since only a few minutes ago he was going to arrest me and now he appeared to be on my side, it would be nice to know exactly who is was that reported me.
I let the police officer out of the house and returned to the living room where Tania and Sonja seemed to be talking in code. A glance from Tania told me to leave them alone.
I abandoned myself to the kitchen, I debated opening a bottle of whisky, but decided against it — I did once allow myself to dive into a bottle after Wendy and her mother left, but finally decided to pull myself out, I don’t want to do it again!
Looking at the time I decided to make some coffee — I know we English are supposed to drink tea, but sometime you need the beans to help as well. Well I cheated, it was instant coffee instead.
I was seated at the table and was drinking a cup of coffee when the woman Sonja entered the room she sniffed the air — I indicated the kettle, cups and instant coffee jar, she looked at the label and shuddered but made herself a cup — black and joined me at the table.
“How can you stand her?” Sonja asked me.
I smiled, “Why do you think I keep her tied up like that.”
Sonja laughed, “I know, it looked really hot you know.”
I looked at her in surprise she held up her hands, “I know, I should be more straight laced! But that wasn’t how I was raised, I supposed that I’d be like her if my parents stayed in Funiculaireville, but dad got moved around to everywhere and mom just managed to keep me in the picture.”
I frowned, “Where? I don’t think I’ve heard of it.” I said, although thinking about it that was where Tania had said she was from, it just had not registered.
Sonja looked at me in surprise. “Sorry, from the way you trussed her up this morning I thought you’d already been contacted. I must admit our briefing was a bit sparse. From the conversation with that policeman I take it there’s a problem in your background.”
The kitchen door opened and Tania walked in, she looked at me and extended her arms, I gave up and moved the chair back, picked her up and placed her on my lap, she smiled at me and then tasted my coffee, made a face and added more sugar to it.
“Tell her daddy John, she might be able to help you.” Tania said and so I found myself telling this complete stranger the story of my marriage, my subsequent life and how I met with Tania.
When I finished, Sonja looked thoughtful, “So this man’s been running a vendetta against you, and because of his position you have little chance of defending yourself. Why didn’t you move to another town?” She asked me.
“Because that would be tantamount to admitting they’re right, I’m not going to do that!” I told her seriously, “I’m here to fight them no matter what they say.”
She did not smile at my words or my attitude; I now turned my attention to Tania. “As for you, young lady, why did you lie to that police officer?” I asked her.
“I didn’t lie to anyone!” She said.
“But you did, we both heard you.” I said.
“I didn’t.” Her voice was shrill at this point. “He asked me if you tried to touch me down there . . . and you didn’t.” She told me.
“But Tania I did touch you there. And also here.” I tickled her breasts making her laugh.
“Yes I know you did, so you didn’t try to touch me because you did touch me. So I didn’t lie to anyone.” She finished showing her logic at work.
I turned to Sonja, “So what am I supposed to do with her?” I asked.
However, Sonja shook her head, “Don’t bring me into this! I’m only here to observe you.” She said smiling.
Tania now vied for my attention by pulling on my arm — I looked down at her and cocked an eye at her. “Daddy John you said I had to be punished.”
“But after they way you saved me from that policeman do you think you still deserve it?” I asked her.
“But I told him a lie!” She said, “I shouldn’t lie to anyone. And I was very naughty, I did lose the collar.” She added.
I looked at Sonja, “I don’t know . . . should I punish her?”
She again shook her head, “I’ve already said that I’m an observer. It’s up to you.”
I set Tania on the floor and then said, “Go and get the camera, I’m sure your mother will enjoy the view.”
Tania laughed as she ran out of the room.
Sonja also got up. “I’d better return to my post, Angie will be taking over soon.”
I rose and escorted her to the door, “Thank you for your help Sonja, I’m not sure what would have happened if you hadn’t.”
She looked embarrassed. “I had to John, Tania wouldn’t have had any protection, and she is my main concern.”
I smiled at her. “I know that. I’ll do my best to make sure she doesn’t come into any harm.”
“Daddy John, I’m waiting” Came a call from upstairs. We both looked in that direction and smiled,
“Well any more than necessary that is!” I finished. Sonja went to her car and settled down, I then started up the stairs to Tania.


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The Hitchhiker

The HitchhikerIt had been a long stressful day, with work overloading myself and I felt weary as I climbed into my car and looked at the time. 9.17 PM. It was getting late, and the dusk of nightfall was just beginning to settle in. I set off from work, and headed off down the country roads towards my small cottage home.The radio was switched on, playing soft melodies of olden days gone by. Weaving around the country lane, where up ahead, a vehicle situated at the side of the road. A small...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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The Hitchhiker

The hitchhiker - Part 1 I had recently broken up with my girlfriend and with a bit of a midlife crisis decided it was time to travel across the country to start a new life. I had sold most of my stuff and no fixed agenda so I thought I would make a bit of a tour of it. I decided that it would be best if I had a travelling companion so I put an advertisement into the local paper and on the local community notice board. I had 3 replies from people who were keen to cruise there way...

2 years ago
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The Hitchhiker

The Hitchhiker By RogerGirl I have just graduated from college and need to get away for the summer before settling down and finding a job. My girlfriend has just left me for my best friend and a cross-country road trip is the perfect way to spend some time alone and get over it. I am 21, 6'2" and 190 pounds, all muscle. On the weekend after graduation, I pack my things into my restored Corvette, a car my dad had originally purchased in the 60s, and set out on my trip. I have some...

3 years ago
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It was Sunday afternoon, around three or so and I was headed back from Manhattan Beach. Imperial Avenue runs all the way from the beach into Inglewood and beyond. I have my thumb out, looking for a ride. Now you might ask why is a fourteen-year-old hitchhiking in a major city, crime being what it is. Well there is a good answer; I just started smoking last year, when I was in the 8th grade and because I am a minor I can't just go buy a pack, so I hitchhike rides and beg cigarettes from...

2 years ago
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Picking Up A Pretty Hitchhiker

It was a foggy night, while I was driving on the interstate. I had been driving for a few hours and was kind of feeling a little tired. I was listening to the radio and trying to keep myself awake. I had stopped about forty miles back to have a coffee and a bagel, but wanted to get a little further along before stopping for the night. I was a little sleepy, but aware of the road. I wanted to drive a little while longer, before retiring for the night. All of a sudden, I saw a young woman waving...

1 year ago
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On my way home from work one summer evening, traffic was horrendous so I decide to to take a route along the ocean to avoid the congestion. This route takes me by a very popular beach, its a little longer but never any traffic. Cruising along a the beach highway is somewhat desolate, but a scenic easy drive. I see up ahead a young woman in a bikini top and very short cutoff shorts. She has her thumb out hitchhiking, being the gentleman that I am, and not seeing anyone else around, I pull over...

2 years ago
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the hitchhiker

"Shit it's hot."She stood on the side of the road, looking towards the oncoming traffic and wondering if any of those sons of bitches in their air conditioned cars were ever going to stop and give her a lift.When the job offer came through she had to jump at it - one problem - it was a thousand clicks away and she had no way of getting there except on her thumb.Her sports bag was on the ground between her feet, her legs slightly parted and she could feel a slow trickle of sweat running down the...

2 years ago
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The Hitchhiker

It is difficult to tell with hitchhikers. I mean you only get about 10 seconds to suss them out, before you are past and on to the next one. (I do like the way they space themselves out on the slip road, though.) I usually go for a girl. No, not for the reasons you are thinking. God, when I look back; ten years on the road; hundreds of towns, and thousands of miles. Christ knows how many hikers and how often have I gotten lucky? Two one night stands; you know, great at the time, but the...

4 years ago
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Picking Up a Pretty Hitchhiker

It was a foggy night, while I was driving on the interstate. I had been driving for a few hours and was kind of feeling a little tired. I was listening to the radio and trying to keep myself awake. I had stopped about forty miles back to have a coffee and a bagel, but wanted to get a little further along before stopping for the night. I was a little sleepy, but aware of the road. I wanted to drive a little while longer, before retiring for the night. All of a sudden, I saw a young woman waving...

1 year ago
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Irene Tamford drove slowly in the early morning sunlight towards the national park; her eyes scanned the road for hitchhikers as she always did at weekends. In the summer she was nearly always lucky, she felt a tense excitement it was always a thrill to pick up a young adolesent male and her plan seldom failed. Irene pulled up and a tall well built teenager put his rucksack in the back and climbed into the front seat. "Its mighty kind of you to stop I've about ten miles to go to the youth...

2 years ago
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The Hitchhikers

I was driving along highway 101 in northern California, heading back south to home after a few days of visiting friends in Humboldt County. It was springtime and had been a nice few days, hiking through the Redwoods and walking the beach. And I could still take my time going home, as it was still several days before I had to return to work. By the way, I was 52 years old at the time, a teacher on spring break. I was not as wild as other spring breakers, but I had my moments. Okay, not the sex...

2 years ago
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Stranger Hitchhiker

I asked him where he was going, and he said "Home". At that moment, that was fine with me! As we were driving along in silence, I couldn't help but notice the bulge in his pants growing to show off his enormous cock. I wondered what he was thinking about, and wondered if he had seen me looking... As we approached his apartment, he asked if I wanted to come inside. I just couldn't refuse when he looked at me with those piercing blue eyes. All I could think about was his beautiful arms...

3 years ago
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Part 1 I was slowly driving in the center of town — the traffic was always dense at this time of the day. All of a sudden my passenger door was opened, all the news reports of car jacking came into my mind as a bullet in the shape of a young girl entered the car and crouched down, closing the door behind her. “Don’t stop!” She hissed at me. “Look I’m the one driving, and I can’t go any faster.” I retorted wondering why I did not demand that she get out of my car? Looking in my mirror I...

2 years ago
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The Black Hitchhiker

I am a bisexual, married white man in my 50s, and although I prefer to suck and fuck a nice juicy pussy, I still like to suck cock and balls and swallow cum every now and then.  I started down this path about 10 years ago, reading cuckold and creampie stories, and slowly developed an interest in sucking cock.  I was fascinated by the stories about hung studs fucking a cuckold’s wife, and then having the husband suck up all of their combined juices, and then even sucking the stud’s cock.  The...

3 years ago
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The Hitchhiker

I was out driving the two-lane country roads with no particular destination in mind. After an hour of driving, I spotted a young girl perched on two suitcases along the side of the road not far ahead. As I got closer, I could see that she was wearing boots and a blue jean vest, she seemed to be about twenty-one, her head was tilted back. Slowing to a stop, I couldn't help notice her nicely tanned body. This attractive young girl quickly sat up, pulled her vest closed and stared at me.Lowering...

2 years ago
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The Hitchhiker

It was raining hard. I mean, like a torrential downpour, the kind that doesn’t let you see ten feet in front of your face. Even though I was under the canopy, pumping my own gas, I was still getting wet. It was then that I saw her through a momentary break in the sheets of rain. She kept looking behind her as she slogged down the road through the monsoon-like conditions. Then she was gone. I finished pumping and got back on the road. Returning home from a conference in North Carolina, I thought...

3 years ago
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jimmy the small cocked hitchhiker

The weather in this part of the country sucks. I was born and raised here and never quite got used to temperatures in the low hundreds in the summer and then howling winds that blew the snow parallel with the ground all winter. This wasn't Minnesota or one of those states but Kansas. Yeah, the home of wheat and coyotes.I'm Bob and twenty-seven and was on my way from Wichita to just south of San Antonio, Texas for a job interview and was tooling along just over the Oklahoma line at seventy when...

1 year ago
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The Hitchhiker

It was a late night in July and Filip was on his way home from a late night of studying at the university. He was tired, but the warm air and the smell of summer gave him a sense of lust and alertness as he was driving on the road between Lund and Dalby. As he was getting close to Dalby, he saw the silhouette of a woman standing on the side of the road. As he got closer he could tell that she was trying to get him to stop. Being enticed by this beautiful, young woman, started to slow down to...

2 years ago
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The beautiful Hitchhiker

Hey guys I am writing this story after a long time because it's not just a story it's actually an incident which happened with me last month which I want to share with you all.I hope you will react after reading it ....Last month I have a official meeting so I left the house in the evening so that I can reach the same day till night and attend the meeting next day.I was almost 30 miles away from my city when I saw a beautiful girl waving hands towards me to stop.Being a man I stopped in front...

2 years ago
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The beautiful Hitchhiker

Hey guys I am writing this story after a long time because it's not just a story it's actually an incident which happened with me last month which I want to share with you all.I hope you will react after reading it ....Last month I have a official meeting so I left the house in the evening so that I can reach the same day till night and attend the meeting next day.I was almost 30 miles away from my city when I saw a beautiful girl waving hands towards me to stop.Being a man I stopped in front...

2 years ago
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sorry if they are some faults but a translate it form my Dutch story It would be very hot on Friday. I had only an informal agreement in Zwolle, so I decided to go after the shower and have breakfast today but in shorts.On the outskirts of Utrecht, I paused to install the TomTom when I saw her.She came with freshly washed blond hair of a kind reception of the Salvation Army walked into an airy pants with a leopard shirt. I was immediately sold. This could not be a hooker? She saw me looking,...

2 years ago
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The Hitchhiker

Ron and Sam had started fishing since dawn and were way out on a county road driving home when they saw the young gal with her thumb out. She was gorgeous and sexy standing there needing a ride. Sam looked at Ron and said "Pull over. We might just have some fun with that young sexy gal. My cock could use a little pussy as the wife is on the rag and won't even suck my cock." Ron smiled and said "My cock could use a bit of strange cunt too. Also like a tight ass to fuck as Cindy won't let my cock...

2 years ago
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The Hitchhiker

THE HITCH HIKER by Long Tall MaryIt was a frigid, Thursday January afternoon in Syracuse, as I left my downtown bar and headed home to Camillus, driving my beloved van. The Sirius-XM radio was tuned to the sixties channel, with the volume cranked up for ?Come On Down To My Boat? by Every Mother’s Son, as I accelerated from the first red light.My recently acquired, shiny red Ford Transit Connect, is an eye catcher. My previous blazer, which I drove for three years, lacked sufficient cargo space....

2 years ago
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2 daddies and a lonely young hitchhiker

I’m a tall good-looking guy with a muscular swimmer’s body. In the early 1990s I was in my early twenties and living in the UK, and from time to time I hitch-hiking around the place, exploring especially the North and Scotland. I had recently broken up with a girlfriend and although I’d had the odd random, highly exciting play in public toilets, had never really been with a guy. I’d exchanged a few blowjobs and that was it. One day I was hitch-hiking from London up to Scotland and had just been...

4 years ago
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The Hitchhiker

Greg turned left, exiting the highway. It was early afternoon and he still a few hours drive ahead of him. But he wasn't in a hurry, and this alternative route was a bit more interesting. Someone stood at the side of the road. As he came closer, he saw that it was a young girl hitch-hiking. He slowed down. She was in her early twenties, he thought, had long red hair and a nice body, Her long summer dress had a floral pattern, and blew around her, occasionally revealing a pair of long, slender...

4 years ago
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Body Shifters Universe The Hitchhiker

It was difficult to say which of them was more foolish. The hitch-hiker or the guy who picks her up? These days, either or both could be modern-day highwaymen looking for an easy mark. But it was my groin that decided for me. She was there in my headlights, all sleek and slick from the pounding rain, the sheer white smock she wore seemed far more appropriate for a wet-T shirt contest than a lonely night on I-55 smack dab in the middle of Mother Earth's pissing match against the slickening...

1 year ago
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It was stormy, and I could barely see where I was going. I’m on my way home from high school. I curse the storm under my breath as I drive home. I spot someone walking along the side of the road. I nearly drive right by them. No one should be out in this weather. Against my better judgement I pulled the car over to the side of the road. The person ran over to the car and got in the car on the passenger’s side. I was surprised to see that it was a she. A very beautiful she. She had nothing but a...

1 year ago
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The Hitchhiker

I had been out of town on a business trip and was looking forward to getting back into my own bed. It’s cold in Baltimore this time of year and all I wanted to do was take a hot shower, grab a cup of hot chocolate, and hunker down for the weekend with my fuzzy slippers and a good book. I guess I was about twenty miles from home when I noticed someone walking down the highway with just a light jacket on and it was freezing outside! It was hard to see, as there were no streetlights in this area,...

2 years ago
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Just hitchhiking

I was sort of down on my luck, and a friend in Florida called to say that he had a job for me if I could get by next week he would hold it for me. This caught me without a car or much money to fly or even take a bus so after thinking about it I decided the only chance was to hitchhike. I through some clothes in my old Army duffle bag and headed out from Dallas across country. My first ride was with an older guy who understood my situation and got me all the way to louisiana. He dropped me in a...

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Melinda was driving for a long time she was tired. Her back and legs were aching. Her hair was tied up in a pony, and she was not wearing any make-up, but a lipstick. She was still mad, with her last girlfriend. It made her driving awful and she even cried part of the way. She thought to herself that it was good she was not wearing any mascara, she would look like a scared raccoon by now. The image made her giggle alone and partially scared her bad temper away. She decided she was not going to...

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It started in in southern New Mexico, the desert. I hitched along the road under the baking sun for hours with not a single driver bothering to give me a ride. I was 19 that summer, recently failed out of college, broke, homeless, and sweating my balls off. Finally…when the sun was about half down and as much of my skin exposed as possible (to help with the heat) I got a ride from a trucker in a water truck. He pulled to the side of the road, I got my shit and ran to the passenger door and...

1 year ago
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Think Twice Before You Hitchhike

I walked out of the general neighborhood and walked toward the highway and then I stood near the entrance of the highway and stuck out my thumb. I was no fool, so I had worn a tight t-shirt, a jean jacket and a black mini-skirt. I was also pretty made up and I knew it would make things easy in getting a ride, not that it would be hard for a sixteen year old girl like me to get a ride anyway. And within a few minutes, a van pulled over and offered me a lift. I looked in and it was a...

1 year ago
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Kittys hitchhike

One Friday I went to the local shopping center about 5 miles closer to our home. I did some shopping and had a late lunch at a restaurant. But as soon as I got out, I came to know that some VIP has been murdered and there is a sudden transport strike. A 3 mile walk was no big deal for me if I had to. I started walking and putting my thumbs out hoping for a ride. Soon I was picked up by a guy who was noticeably older, driving a real nice older car. He said he could take me to the intersection...

3 years ago
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Kittys hitchhike

One Friday I went to the local shopping center about 5 miles closer to our home. I did some shopping and had a late lunch at a restaurant. But as soon as I got out, I came to know that some VIP has been murdered and there is a sudden transport strike. A 3 mile walk was no big deal for me if I had to. I started walking and putting my thumbs out hoping for a ride. Soon I was picked up by a guy who was noticeably older, driving a real nice older car. He said he could take me to the intersection...

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I was stranded in California at the time and needed to get back to Oregon. So I decided to hitch hike back. I started walking down the highway and put out my thumb. After about 30mins a truck pulled over it had to older redneck guys in it both were on the stocky/chubby side with beer belly's and looked like they were in there early 40's. They said there names were john and tony and that they were going to Oregon and I said great and hopped in the back of the truck. I knew it was going to be a...

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A Horny CowpokeChapter 6

Josh, Will, and John were surprised when Andy and Elizabeth rode up. Andy quickly gave a short description of his adventure and why Elizabeth was with him. They headed the herd toward the pool where Andy had found Elizabeth, and Andy headed back to clean up the horse and human bodies before everybody else got there. His instructions were quite detailed on how to find the place, and Elizabeth could provide directions if that were not enough. They arrived at the pool about an hour before dark,...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 1 BirgitChapter 10 Moving and Moving On

July-August 1977 Saturday was beautiful and after breakfast, I headed to the deli. I only had to work until 2:00pm, and then I was going to play D&D at Kevin’s house. We’d order pizza and play until around 10:00pm. The deli was quiet in the morning and after a quick trip with the broom on the sidewalk, I was packing boxes for a catering order. I figured it would be relatively quiet until lunch, though since they had coffee and Danish, they did get some morning customers. I finished...

3 years ago
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She Who ShrankChapter 5

Her next planet-more correctly, theirs--was perfect in every respect: crystal clear air, sparkling blue water, vegetation as green and verdant as a still-life painting ... without a trace of indigenous life. Not even insects or birds were found. Following a bitter afternoon in Paradise, they shrank away on a moonlit beach, onto a grain of perfect white sand. Her fifth planet was even worse. Iris set them down on the outskirts of an ancient city on the largest continent’s west coast. The lost...

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Pariwar Me Bache Ko Doodh Ki Jarurat 8211 Part 3

Ye kahani aage badti hai mami or mai bathroom me gaye ander ghuste hi mami boli beta fatafat kapde utaro me tumko nehla deti hu mai bola theek hai mami mene pure kapde uttar diye mami ke samne ab mai nanga khada tha mami ne mere lund ko dekhte hue bola kya hua beta ye to khada ho raha hai mai bola mami ye aapko dekhte hua khada hua hai mene boli mami kya aap blouse khol sakti hai mujhe dekhna hai mami boli baad me beta aabhi tum nahalo nahi to tumari mummy mujhko chilayegi mami ne mujhko...

2 years ago
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Family revelations part 1

Introduction: My sister needs to move… I was on my way to my younger half-sisters apartment. She had called in tears, explaining how her boyfriend had left her, and that he had taken all their money and ran. He had apparently not paid the rent on their apartment for a couple months, and her and my niece were getting kicked out. She was going to go stay with her mothers parents until she could find a place, but she needed help moving some of the furniture out of the apartment and into storage....

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 17 First Day With Kari

When Monday came around, Jeff woke up in a bad mood. He was not looking forward to this day. The thought that he would finally meet Kari Williams should have thrilled him, but instead it terrified him. It wasn't that he was particularly shy, not any more at least. Rachael had quickly cured him of that. But he knew that first impressions were always the most important, and he had no idea how he would act when he saw her. Added to that worry was the thought of spending a couple of hours with...

2 years ago
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Awakenings Ch 01

I write stories that celebrate the cuckold hot wife life style. I also try to write romantic stories. Despite their alternative lifestyle, my hot wives and their cuckold husbands always have a deep and abiding love for each other. Every one of us is a unique individual. We enjoy different kinds of music, art, food and recreational activities. We also enjoy a variety of sexual desires and fantasies. These differences are neither good nor bad, they're just different. If you can accept that you...

4 years ago
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Seff Veronicas Sunday Continues

As she crossed the threshold of Seff’s house, Veronica’s eyes had to adjust to the dimly lit foyer. They walked through the living room and up the stairs to his bedroom. Once the door was closed they locked in a warm and loving embrace. They held on to each other as though each was a life raft of sorts, to let go would mean almost certain danger would occur. After a few minutes, they felt it was safe to let go, if only for a while. It had been a trying week for the both of them. Seff with his...

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The Story Of Two Brothers 8211 Part 2

Hi it is smeer sorry for long wait. So we should not waste time then lets start story. As I already said the story the story of two brothers. This is next part. Subah jb mai utha to Maine dekha ki mai raj ki baho me hu unhone mujhe pakd rkha aur unka 9 inch ka Lund Jo ab bhi 6 inch ka hoga mere andar h. Maine dheere se raj ke kano me kaha-Aj hi pregnant krne kaa irada h kya. Tb raj ne aankhe kholi aur seedhe mere hotho PR hmla bol diya aur una Lund mere andar hi bda hone laga. Aur mery gand...

Gay Male
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SullyChapter 11

We were completely sated for the moment and I decided to continue with the story. Turns out that after Sully returned from a brief four-night honeymoon we met in Lynch's Tavern for a couple beers. That's right. The same place we met earlier tonight. It was a different kinda place then. It was just a bar, no frills. Nowadays it's more of a meeting place for the boomers. Back then it was beer and a shot type hangout. Anyway, he was totally preoccupied with the new Ice Cream Parlor he was...

1 year ago
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Project PrometheusChapter 27

Security Captain Karl Fitch led his men towards the crash site. Everyone marched quickly and in solid formations, keeping their eyes open. They knew it was a pirate ship that had crashed and were armed and armored for the fight ahead. Pirates were often dealt with up in space, as many had died facing the defense fleets. But on the rare occurrence that any made it planetside, that was when he and his men went to work. The captain was a big man, standing at six feet in height, and was heavily...

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