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January 6th

January 6th

By Freddie Clegg











A Short, Festive Story




? Freddie Clegg 2006? Not to be reproduced or reposted without permission.

[email protected]




It was the twelfth day of Christmas??

The Great Detective sat back in his wing back chair. He reached out with the poker and prodded at the remnants of the fire in the grate. A stream of sparks sputtered from the last of the logs and spiralled away up the chimney and out into the night.

He turned to the assembled audience who were stood waiting on his every word. The Inspector was there too, looking on with the same bored expression that always accompanied these affairs. He was tired of turning up to have the whole thing explained to him. He?d have liked to solve a case on his own just for once.

?I expect that you are all wondering why I have brought you here together,? the Great Detective began. The Inspector found it hard not to yawn. The butler looked uncomfortable, he wasn?t wondering at all. He?d been at too many of these things and they had often turned out badly for him. The rest of the group leant forward expectantly. Presumably someone was feigning interest and was, in fact, concerned that their crimes had been detected.

?Now, you may recall this all appears to have started with a very simple robbery at the Garden Centre.? The Great Detective picked up his enormous meerschaum pipe, stuffed the bowl with a large pinch of tobacco, and lit it blowing a stream of blue smoke across the room. ?Why anyone should seek to steal an ornamental fruit tree was a puzzle for the local constabulary especially as it was not a case of simple shop lifting. They were, of course, worried by the violent attack on the young woman working there. She had been seized, bound, gagged and rolled up in a bale of chicken wire. But it was only after the events at the pet shop that Scotland Yard were called in.? He took another suck on his pipe and nodded to the Inspector. ?Who in turn were good enough to consult me.?

?Luckily I had just completed my monograph on ?Varieties Of English Pear Trees And Their Cultivation?. Kew Gardens have been very helpful but it has nevertheless been a challenge. Why would someone steal a plant costing a few pounds at most even if it was a rather good Bartlett? And why did they not steal another? Surely they knew that cross pollination is essential for successful fruiting? My botanical knowledge was however only the starting point; the next stage of this case was to tax my understanding of zoology.?

Sensing that some of his audience were becoming restless he pressed on.

?As I was saying it was after the pet shop robbery that I was called in. The pet shop robbery was particularly disturbing. The three women that were serving there were rounded up and forced into the store room by masked assailants. All three were bound with dog leashes and gagged by having rubber bones tied across their mouths. They were then forced into the cages left vacant by the theft of the stock. Though why anyone should want a partridge, two turtle doves, three French hens, and four calling birds was still a mystery at this stage. Even after the girls were interviewed the police had little to go on, although apparently a man had been in to the shop the previous day enquiring about various sorts of poultry which he had in mind as a Christmas present for his ?true love?. It was that remark that first led me to suspect that there was something obsessive about whoever was involved.?

The Inspector looked at his watch. The Great Detective picked up the glass of port kindly poured for him by the butler. He held it to the light of the fire. It shone with the deep, dark, red of rubies. The sight seemed to trigger his next line of thought. ?Then of course there was the jewellery shop. It is not unusual you may think for jewellery shops to be robbed. Especially at this time of year when there are often so many fine items stocked for gifts. We were very fortunate that Jenson?s Jewellers have a closed circuit television camera system installed. From the tapes we were able to observe the robbery in progress. The interesting thing here, however, is not what was taken but what was not taken!?

The Great Detective flourished his meerschaum but was disappointed by the lack of response of the family and staff.

?Huummph,? he went on. ?What was not taken was most of the stock. The manager, three assistants and two customers were herded into the strong room and three masked individuals then proceeded to ransack the shop. A very careful inventory taken after the robbery revealed that the only things missing were five gold rings. The robbers ignored diamonds, expensive watches and a vast quantity of other jewels. All that they took were these five, very simple golden bands, certainly not of any great value. They could have taken far more valuable items from the necks of the customers.?

The butler leant forward with the decanter of port and refilled the Great Detective?s glass. He nodded his thanks.

?It was after that our attention was directed to the farm. Now as you know Halfpenny Hill Dairy Farm is quite isolated. We think it was that fact that attracted our villains. I interviewed one of the farm hands who saw what happened. His attention was attracted by a great deal of squawking coming from the pen where the farm was keeping some geese in readiness for Christmas. Apparently there were six of them, one the family planned to have for their own Christmas dinner, the others were destined for sale in the village. Our witness saw three men rounding up the geese and putting them into crates. They even gathered up the eggs that the poor creatures had laid, He was about to challenge them when he saw that they were carrying shotguns. Unfortunately he could not get to the house and the telephone otherwise we might have apprehended them in the course of the robbery as their next target proved far from easy.?

?Swans, as you will know, are not the easiest of birds to handle. Coaxing seven of them from off a lake is a challenge at best, although our robbers appeared to have some way of attracting them to shore. Well, what with the honking of the geese and the flapping of the swans, the robbers had to take a great deal of time rounding up the swans and driving them across the farm yard into the back of a truck. It was only after they had succeeded in getting the birds into the truck that two of the men headed off towards the cow shed while the other stayed behind to guard the truck.?

The Great Detective puffed again on his pipe. ?Well, you can imagine our man?s astonishment at what he saw next. Eight girls were marched out of the cow shed at gun point. All of the farm?s milk maids had their hands up and were pushed towards the truck by these villains. They were herded into the truck and driven off. It was only then that the farmhand was able to call us. Unfortunately the police did not succeed in spotting the truck.? The Great Detective looked critically at the Inspector. The Inspector looked embarrassed. ?As a result of confusion over the call, the police thought that the caller had said that eight milk shakes had been stolen. As a result a considerable effort was put into catching and interrogating a number of milk men who were otherwise going about their quite legitimate business. In the confusion our quarry escaped.?

?It was unfortunate that the police failed to intercept this truck as this was just the first of a series of mass abductions. You, Colonel Mustard and you Miss Scarlett were, I understand, at believe, at Bodleigh Hall on the occasion of the next of these crimes.?

?I hope you are not implying that I have any knowledge of this, Sir,? Colonel Mustard bridled. ?Or indeed that my relationship with Miss Scarlett is anything other than one that any doting uncle might have with his young niece.?

Miss Scarlett gave a giggle which did nothing to support the Colonel?s last remark, but the Great Detective ignored the Colonel?s interjection and continued. ?So the good folk at Bodleigh Hall were enjoying their new Year?s eve festivities. Lord and Lady Bodleigh?s ball had attracted most of the county set and there was considerable distress when a group of armed and masked men burst into the ball room. The men were scandalised, the women terrified. Everyone assumed that it was some sort of robbery. The gang forced all the guests to sit on the floor and then made the women get up, strip off their dresses and dance in their underwear. After that the man who appeared to be leading the gang pointed out nine of them. These were tied up and led away. The sobs of the remaining women and the anger of the men gave way to disbelief as the gang forced the men to engage in a game of leapfrog. You must be asking yourself, as we did, what manner of criminals are these? This time the leader pointed to ten of the men and they were taken away at gun point too. But the madness didn?t stop there!?

The Inspector was finding it hard to see where things were going. The Butler was feeling relieved. So far he had an alibi for all of these occurrences.? Perhaps he wouldn?t be led away in handcuffs after all.

?No,? said the Great Detective, ?not at all. Now I must confess to not being a great fan of things Hibernian. It is my belief that the greatest contribution of those from Scotland has been their ability to do interesting things with water, peat, and barley. Their taste in what passes for music, is I feel, questionable. It is a great tradition to have a piper to pipe in the New Year. One piper I feel is defensible, eleven is to my mind excessive, even at a grand affair like the Bodleigh?s. They of course had not realised what was going on in the ball room so when the whole pipe band marched in to be confronted by the guests sitting on the floor with their hand son their heads under the guns of a vicious looking gang of masked thugs they were surprised to say the least. And when the thugs forced them to join the other captives there was a great deal of distress.?

The Reverend Green took a sip of his sherry. ?What I don?t understand is what this has to do with any of us,? he said. ?Why have you brought us all here to listen to this? It?s all very upsetting. To think that these maniacs are at large in the countryside. It?s awful, just awful.?

?There, there, Reverend,? Professor Plum said comfortingly. ?You?ve no need to be upset. I?m sure there is no danger to any of us and I am sure none of us had anything to do with this.?

The Great Detective looked at the two of them for a moment and then went on. ?The interesting thing is,? he said, ?that none of you, except the butler here,? he looked relieved and poured himself a surreptitious glass of sherry, ?have an alibi for any of the crimes. You, Colonel, possess the military mind able to plan crimes like these. You, Miss Scarlett, I know to have the ruthless streak needed to carry them out. You, your reverence, are a man of such sexual ambivalence as to have an interest in abducting both men and women, not to say swans. Plum, you are obsessed with the Reverend here; you could have committed these crimes to demonstrate your love for him. Mrs White here has the knowledge of both gardening and poultry needed for some of the robberies and you Mrs Peacock would be well able to recruit a gang of thugs given your contacts with the underworld. In short any or all of you have the opportunity and the means to commit these offences. So we are just left with the question?..?

The Great Detective?s monologue was interrupted by the ringing of the telephone. The butler crossed the lounge to where it stood on a small table and picked up the receiver. ?Cobleigh 264,? he said, ?Arlington Grange.? There was a pause. ?I see,? he said. ?Yes. Yes, Very well. I see. Yes. I?ll tell him.? The butler replaced the handset and turned to face the assembled group. The Great Detective and the Inspector looked at him quizzically.

?Well,? said the Inspector.

?It was the police station, Sir. Your Sergeant, I believe. He had a message for you.?

?Well spit it out man,? the Inspector demanded.

?He?s just had the most extraordinary thing happen. You?ll remember that there was a steel band giving a concert in the Town Hall this afternoon? Apparently they were in full flow when masked men burst in and forced them out of the Town Hall and into a truck. All twelve of them, driven away just like that.?

?Good grief,? said the Inspector. ?When did this happen??

?About fifteen minutes ago, Sir. So, you see, no one here could have had anything to do with it.????????? ???

The Inspector turned to the Great Detective. ?Well,? he said, ?that seems to put the tin lid on your theories at any rate.? ????????????

The Great Detective took a deep draft to empty his glass of port. He put it down carefully on the mantle shelf. He knocked his pipe out into the fireplace, refilled it slowly, lit it and puffed it thoughtfully. He looked around at the faces of the assembled group, taking in their looks of studied anticipation.

He drew himself up to his full height before picking up his Inverness cape and trademark deer-stalker hat. He puffed again for a few moments on his pipe and looked around with the distracted air of man who thinks he may have brought a violin with him but could not for the life of him remember what he had done with it.

??Well,? said the Great Detective, ?I?m buggered if I know who did it, but one thing is certain. They must have a really attractive girlfriend.?


++++ The End. ++++


? Freddie Clegg 2006? Not to be reproduced or reposted without permission. [email protected]

Download PDF copies of my other stories at my Yahoo Group :



January 6th

January 6th

By Freddie Clegg











A Short, Festive Story




? Freddie Clegg 2006? Not to be reproduced or reposted without permission.

[email protected]




It was the twelfth day of Christmas??

The Great Detective sat back in his wing back chair. He reached out with the poker and prodded at the remnants of the fire in the grate. A stream of sparks sputtered from the last of the logs and spiralled away up the chimney and out into the night.

He turned to the assembled audience who were stood waiting on his every word. The Inspector was there too, looking on with the same bored expression that always accompanied these affairs. He was tired of turning up to have the whole thing explained to him. He?d have liked to solve a case on his own just for once.

?I expect that you are all wondering why I have brought you here together,? the Great Detective began. The Inspector found it hard not to yawn. The butler looked uncomfortable, he wasn?t wondering at all. He?d been at too many of these things and they had often turned out badly for him. The rest of the group leant forward expectantly. Presumably someone was feigning interest and was, in fact, concerned that their crimes had been detected.

?Now, you may recall this all appears to have started with a very simple robbery at the Garden Centre.? The Great Detective picked up his enormous meerschaum pipe, stuffed the bowl with a large pinch of tobacco, and lit it blowing a stream of blue smoke across the room. ?Why anyone should seek to steal an ornamental fruit tree was a puzzle for the local constabulary especially as it was not a case of simple shop lifting. They were, of course, worried by the violent attack on the young woman working there. She had been seized, bound, gagged and rolled up in a bale of chicken wire. But it was only after the events at the pet shop that Scotland Yard were called in.? He took another suck on his pipe and nodded to the Inspector. ?Who in turn were good enough to consult me.?

?Luckily I had just completed my monograph on ?Varieties Of English Pear Trees And Their Cultivation?. Kew Gardens have been very helpful but it has nevertheless been a challenge. Why would someone steal a plant costing a few pounds at most even if it was a rather good Bartlett? And why did they not steal another? Surely they knew that cross pollination is essential for successful fruiting? My botanical knowledge was however only the starting point; the next stage of this case was to tax my understanding of zoology.?

Sensing that some of his audience were becoming restless he pressed on.

?As I was saying it was after the pet shop robbery that I was called in. The pet shop robbery was particularly disturbing. The three women that were serving there were rounded up and forced into the store room by masked assailants. All three were bound with dog leashes and gagged by having rubber bones tied across their mouths. They were then forced into the cages left vacant by the theft of the stock. Though why anyone should want a partridge, two turtle doves, three French hens, and four calling birds was still a mystery at this stage. Even after the girls were interviewed the police had little to go on, although apparently a man had been in to the shop the previous day enquiring about various sorts of poultry which he had in mind as a Christmas present for his ?true love?. It was that remark that first led me to suspect that there was something obsessive about whoever was involved.?

The Inspector looked at his watch. The Great Detective picked up the glass of port kindly poured for him by the butler. He held it to the light of the fire. It shone with the deep, dark, red of rubies. The sight seemed to trigger his next line of thought. ?Then of course there was the jewellery shop. It is not unusual you may think for jewellery shops to be robbed. Especially at this time of year when there are often so many fine items stocked for gifts. We were very fortunate that Jenson?s Jewellers have a closed circuit television camera system installed. From the tapes we were able to observe the robbery in progress. The interesting thing here, however, is not what was taken but what was not taken!?

The Great Detective flourished his meerschaum but was disappointed by the lack of response of the family and staff.

?Huummph,? he went on. ?What was not taken was most of the stock. The manager, three assistants and two customers were herded into the strong room and three masked individuals then proceeded to ransack the shop. A very careful inventory taken after the robbery revealed that the only things missing were five gold rings. The robbers ignored diamonds, expensive watches and a vast quantity of other jewels. All that they took were these five, very simple golden bands, certainly not of any great value. They could have taken far more valuable items from the necks of the customers.?

The butler leant forward with the decanter of port and refilled the Great Detective?s glass. He nodded his thanks.

?It was after that our attention was directed to the farm. Now as you know Halfpenny Hill Dairy Farm is quite isolated. We think it was that fact that attracted our villains. I interviewed one of the farm hands who saw what happened. His attention was attracted by a great deal of squawking coming from the pen where the farm was keeping some geese in readiness for Christmas. Apparently there were six of them, one the family planned to have for their own Christmas dinner, the others were destined for sale in the village. Our witness saw three men rounding up the geese and putting them into crates. They even gathered up the eggs that the poor creatures had laid, He was about to challenge them when he saw that they were carrying shotguns. Unfortunately he could not get to the house and the telephone otherwise we might have apprehended them in the course of the robbery as their next target proved far from easy.?

?Swans, as you will know, are not the easiest of birds to handle. Coaxing seven of them from off a lake is a challenge at best, although our robbers appeared to have some way of attracting them to shore. Well, what with the honking of the geese and the flapping of the swans, the robbers had to take a great deal of time rounding up the swans and driving them across the farm yard into the back of a truck. It was only after they had succeeded in getting the birds into the truck that two of the men headed off towards the cow shed while the other stayed behind to guard the truck.?

The Great Detective puffed again on his pipe. ?Well, you can imagine our man?s astonishment at what he saw next. Eight girls were marched out of the cow shed at gun point. All of the farm?s milk maids had their hands up and were pushed towards the truck by these villains. They were herded into the truck and driven off. It was only then that the farmhand was able to call us. Unfortunately the police did not succeed in spotting the truck.? The Great Detective looked critically at the Inspector. The Inspector looked embarrassed. ?As a result of confusion over the call, the police thought that the caller had said that eight milk shakes had been stolen. As a result a considerable effort was put into catching and interrogating a number of milk men who were otherwise going about their quite legitimate business. In the confusion our quarry escaped.?

?It was unfortunate that the police failed to intercept this truck as this was just the first of a series of mass abductions. You, Colonel Mustard and you Miss Scarlett were, I understand, at believe, at Bodleigh Hall on the occasion of the next of these crimes.?

?I hope you are not implying that I have any knowledge of this, Sir,? Colonel Mustard bridled. ?Or indeed that my relationship with Miss Scarlett is anything other than one that any doting uncle might have with his young niece.?

Miss Scarlett gave a giggle which did nothing to support the Colonel?s last remark, but the Great Detective ignored the Colonel?s interjection and continued. ?So the good folk at Bodleigh Hall were enjoying their new Year?s eve festivities. Lord and Lady Bodleigh?s ball had attracted most of the county set and there was considerable distress when a group of armed and masked men burst into the ball room. The men were scandalised, the women terrified. Everyone assumed that it was some sort of robbery. The gang forced all the guests to sit on the floor and then made the women get up, strip off their dresses and dance in their underwear. After that the man who appeared to be leading the gang pointed out nine of them. These were tied up and led away. The sobs of the remaining women and the anger of the men gave way to disbelief as the gang forced the men to engage in a game of leapfrog. You must be asking yourself, as we did, what manner of criminals are these? This time the leader pointed to ten of the men and they were taken away at gun point too. But the madness didn?t stop there!?

The Inspector was finding it hard to see where things were going. The Butler was feeling relieved. So far he had an alibi for all of these occurrences.? Perhaps he wouldn?t be led away in handcuffs after all.

?No,? said the Great Detective, ?not at all. Now I must confess to not being a great fan of things Hibernian. It is my belief that the greatest contribution of those from Scotland has been their ability to do interesting things with water, peat, and barley. Their taste in what passes for music, is I feel, questionable. It is a great tradition to have a piper to pipe in the New Year. One piper I feel is defensible, eleven is to my mind excessive, even at a grand affair like the Bodleigh?s. They of course had not realised what was going on in the ball room so when the whole pipe band marched in to be confronted by the guests sitting on the floor with their hand son their heads under the guns of a vicious looking gang of masked thugs they were surprised to say the least. And when the thugs forced them to join the other captives there was a great deal of distress.?

The Reverend Green took a sip of his sherry. ?What I don?t understand is what this has to do with any of us,? he said. ?Why have you brought us all here to listen to this? It?s all very upsetting. To think that these maniacs are at large in the countryside. It?s awful, just awful.?

?There, there, Reverend,? Professor Plum said comfortingly. ?You?ve no need to be upset. I?m sure there is no danger to any of us and I am sure none of us had anything to do with this.?

The Great Detective looked at the two of them for a moment and then went on. ?The interesting thing is,? he said, ?that none of you, except the butler here,? he looked relieved and poured himself a surreptitious glass of sherry, ?have an alibi for any of the crimes. You, Colonel, possess the military mind able to plan crimes like these. You, Miss Scarlett, I know to have the ruthless streak needed to carry them out. You, your reverence, are a man of such sexual ambivalence as to have an interest in abducting both men and women, not to say swans. Plum, you are obsessed with the Reverend here; you could have committed these crimes to demonstrate your love for him. Mrs White here has the knowledge of both gardening and poultry needed for some of the robberies and you Mrs Peacock would be well able to recruit a gang of thugs given your contacts with the underworld. In short any or all of you have the opportunity and the means to commit these offences. So we are just left with the question?..?

The Great Detective?s monologue was interrupted by the ringing of the telephone. The butler crossed the lounge to where it stood on a small table and picked up the receiver. ?Cobleigh 264,? he said, ?Arlington Grange.? There was a pause. ?I see,? he said. ?Yes. Yes, Very well. I see. Yes. I?ll tell him.? The butler replaced the handset and turned to face the assembled group. The Great Detective and the Inspector looked at him quizzically.

?Well,? said the Inspector.

?It was the police station, Sir. Your Sergeant, I believe. He had a message for you.?

?Well spit it out man,? the Inspector demanded.

?He?s just had the most extraordinary thing happen. You?ll remember that there was a steel band giving a concert in the Town Hall this afternoon? Apparently they were in full flow when masked men burst in and forced them out of the Town Hall and into a truck. All twelve of them, driven away just like that.?

?Good grief,? said the Inspector. ?When did this happen??

?About fifteen minutes ago, Sir. So, you see, no one here could have had anything to do with it.????????? ???

The Inspector turned to the Great Detective. ?Well,? he said, ?that seems to put the tin lid on your theories at any rate.? ????????????

The Great Detective took a deep draft to empty his glass of port. He put it down carefully on the mantle shelf. He knocked his pipe out into the fireplace, refilled it slowly, lit it and puffed it thoughtfully. He looked around at the faces of the assembled group, taking in their looks of studied anticipation.

He drew himself up to his full height before picking up his Inverness cape and trademark deer-stalker hat. He puffed again for a few moments on his pipe and looked around with the distracted air of man who thinks he may have brought a violin with him but could not for the life of him remember what he had done with it.

??Well,? said the Great Detective, ?I?m buggered if I know who did it, but one thing is certain. They must have a really attractive girlfriend.?


++++ The End. ++++


? Freddie Clegg 2006? Not to be reproduced or reposted without permission. [email protected]

Download PDF copies of my other stories at my Yahoo Group :




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Mai Sharabi

Hi, this is aadhya. I am 18 years old and presently doing my +2. I used to live in my hometown hissar but now shifted to Delhi. I am a big slut, I had fucked every guy in my class of my old school. My parents put me in a big school. My class was full of handsome guys but there were 2 guys abhi and ishan who were exceptionally handsome. They were rich also. I tried to get their attention in every possible way, they also liked me and tried to have conversations with me. Soon we became friends. We...

3 years ago
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Was It Real Or

Was It Real Or Was It A Dream? What had been a large eight-hour candle only a week ago sputtered crackling in it death throes. Misty and Geoff had picked out that candle and several others the last time he was home matching the colors perfectly to the bathroom’s deep green and pretty pink décor. It was a passion for both them that everything in their home had to be the perfect maybe not the latest in decorating trends but colors and styles they loved. If it didn’t fit their décor plan for...

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A surprise at the neighbors part 2

I Suddenly remembered about Paul, so I looked over Rebecca’s shoulder to see if he was ok. He stood staring at me with the biggest grin I have ever seen, his trousers around his ankles with 2 girls taking it in turn to suck his cock while a third one was undressing herself in front of him. All of a sudden Fingers entered my soaking pussy and my attention was brought back to Rebecca. “Shall we go over and be closer to them so you can get a better view” she asked. My legs were like jelly as I...

2 years ago
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The OutsiderChapter 28

The only contention that arose was during the first week of July when Brock sat down with Jen, Tara, Susan and Melanie to discuss college plans. Brock really didn’t need to discuss much. He had already selected his college of choice and had received conditional admittance. He hadn’t told anyone of his choice for the simple reason that he knew there would be hell to pay when the girls found out. He was right. “You’re going to college 3,000 miles away?” Susan exclaimed. “Even if the rest of...

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Selene and the Shemale

I had been friends with Selene for six years - we had met in our first year at university - at a film society party. I was a science major specialsing in partying. She was a music student. She had a sultry, sexy singing voice that was perfect for jazz and blues and even back then, she was earning a little money singing at parties. That was why we were both at the party that night, and why we ended up being friends with benefits during our college career, though never more than that. We stayed...

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Doc and the French WhoreChapter 7

It sort of stuck in my craw that the entire night after the arrival of the arrow-decorated stagecoach, I failed to relax enough to get any sustainable sleep on the hotel room settee. I certainly didn’t mind the fact that my Kate now had her long-lost daughter visiting her all up close and personal. I knew the real reason was that my thoughts kept returning to the Commandant’s sister-in-law stretched out in the horizontal sleeping all by her lonesome just a short ways down the street. The...

1 year ago
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Riding the Bus

I was 45 years old at this point and using public transportation. I worked the swing shift and got off work at midnight. One day while on the bus in the afternoon, I noticed a very large older woman. She was 60 years old, 5'2" with short grey hair, blue eyes and somewhat homely looking. She had a small female child on her lap and hugging and kissing the child. This turned me on and I decided I'd like this large woman to kiss on me. I was 6'3" tall at 185 lbs., hazel eyes and long brown hair and...

1 year ago
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Unwanted Sex With My Boss

Hi to all! This is my first post here in this awesome site. This story happened just 2 months back. Let me first introduce myself. I am sree vaani, a widow with 2 baby girls. I’m from Hyderabad. I completed my studies with b.com after studies I got married. Just one year back I lost my husband in accident. So to run a family I joined in a job. The nature of the job is net center in charge the boss of my net center is very rich. He has lot of business. This is his 1st business that’s why he...

4 years ago
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My Sex Fantasy

My sex fantasy the one that if i lived it i could die happy would have to be me in a room just an average sitting or bedroom nothing weird about it no leather on scary creepy stuff just me in a normal room with about 10 or 12 guys or trannies but the majority of the time it is with guys and there is a reason for that because i prefer trannies to guys and in this fantasy i do not enjoy myself but that wud be impossible if i was in a room full of trannys you get it i know confusing but it will...

3 years ago
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Love At SDCC 2014

So I had recently got tickets to San Diego Comic-Con 2014, I got tickets for the Avengers:Age Of Ultron Panel in Hall H which was exciting because all the cast was going to be there as well newcomers Josh Brolin,James Spader,Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Elizabeth Olsen who was in skin tight gray dress also I was staying at the Adjacent Hotel the San Diego Hilton which was right next door to the Convention Center . The Panel was great we got insight and a teaser trailer on The next Blockbuster which...

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HandsOnHardcore Sasha Rose Obsessed with Anal

What Russian hottie Sasha Rose wants she gets. And what she most wants today is her boyfriend Joss Lescaf’s BBC deep inside of both of her holes. Hardly being able to wait for her man, Miss Rose takes it upon herself to finger her pretty pink, making herself wet with anticipation of the fun that’s to come. Joss finally busts his big cock out for his babe to worship, and the blue-eyed bombshell wastes no time shoving it deep in her throat, ball-licking his jewels, and gagging on his...

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College Girl Worships My Big Ass In Front Of Boyfriend

It’s the season of graduates shooting out of college and finding their places on the high streets…I know it because I had a stimulating experience with a couple who recently graduated. You see, my company visits selective colleges to grab freshers straight out because it needs more workers to make more profits. (true story!) I recently attended a meeting in one of the prestigious institutions in the field of commerce in South Delhi. The meeting was in 3 phases each separated by an hour-long...

4 years ago
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Chances AreChapter 11

Our very private chat now done, we headed on home with naught but a grocery stop at the A&P planned along the way. We agreed that mission number one for tomorrow morning was shopping to seriously upgrade our extremely limited wardrobe. I’d picked up a few basic items of casual clothing at a couple of local used resale shops in North and South Hell over the last couple of weeks, but I still had nothing that our old pal Rags would have been caught dead wearing. We now had the dough, so it...

3 years ago
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Roses Video Chapter 4 Kates Date With Rose Second Half

POV: KateI examined her body for over five minutes as both of us were silent. All she did was play with her pussy and smile at me. I swear I actually felt my love for her becoming stronger. I didn't even touch my twat, but yet it was dispensing my juice faster than a leaky faucet."Come on, Mom, take advantage of the hot piece of ass playing with herself right in front of you. I'm not going to judge you; I just want to give you what you lust after."I licked my lips for a moment as the entire bed...

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A Mothers Sacrifice

Introduction: A mother offers herself to save her daugthers virginity for her groom In medieval times in Europe the law in some fiefdoms was that the lord had the privilege to fuck the bride on her wedding night unless the bridegroom could offer a certain monetary payment. The Latin term for the policy was jus primae noctis or first night rights. In this way the lord maintained his dominance over his manor, increased his coffers as well as experienced the obvious pleasures. This event takes...

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Daddys Virgin Daughter

Note : This story is completely fictional! I will say, before I start, that I am not condoning incestuous sex. I am very aware of the damage that can be done to people by those who have been abused sexually. I have a great friend that endured the most horrific childhood at the hands of her stepfather - and it has left her with deep emotional scars. But that is not my experience, and that is what I am sharing with you. It was the summer of '2005, just after my 18th birthday, that I came home...

3 years ago
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Benutzt und unterworfen

Dies ist eine wahre Geschichte. Sie beschreibt mein erstes Mal mit einem Mann. Zu mir: 18Jahre, 172cm, 66kg.Alles begann damit, dass ich über Internetseiten Kontakt zu Männern aufnahm. Mein Fokus lag auf älteren, dominanten Herren die einen jungen Boysklaven suchen. Es dauerte nicht lange und mein Briefkasten war voll mit Anfragen. Leider waren viele davon Faker, aber ein paar wenige stellten sich als real heraus.Mit einem dieser Männer begann ich intensiv zu chatten. Es stelle sich sehr...

2 years ago
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Married School Teacher8217s Pussy Filled With Cum 8211 Part 1

Hello readers, this is Sammy again. I would like to start by thanking you all for the amazing and loving feedback that I have received from my previous stories. Also, I love the amazing chats filled with kinks from my female readers. This incident happened to me in October 2020. I was shopping in one of the big supermarkets in the mall when I saw a lady from behind. I loved how she was swaying her bigger-than-average ass while going through the stuff in the aisle. As she was calling the little...

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The Teenage Days

I see him everyday. Just the sight of him sends a tingle down my spine and he knows this. He’s not the most popular or most looked at guy in my school, but he’s just enough for me.   Seeing him all the time has turned my like for him into a slight obsession. Every time I see him I tingle, the little messages he sends drive me crazy. The tension between us is building. He’s a skateboarder, which for some odd reason automatically turns me on. One night while I was walking to our local C.V.S...

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Rebecca Do My Bidding CH5

This was going to require a little thought, but it would definitely lead to a lot of fun. I sat down in my chair and pulled open my desk drawer while I compiled the commands I was going to give them. “Rebecca,” I said as I pulled the two pool balls out of my desk drawer. “Hand these to my sister and ask her politely to stick these up your pussy.” Rebecca stretched out her hands and I placed the two pool balls in her palms. “Karen, you will do what Rebecca asks you to do while we are here...

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After things settled back in, I decided it was my turn. I was looking at a songbook of Queen music falling asleep the previous night. None of it is in the official songbook yet, but all I need is a piano, TC on the drums and Strings on the electric guitar... MICHAEL as FREDDIE MERCURY Tonight I’m gonna have myself a real good time I feel aliiiiiiiiive And the world I’ll turn it inside out And floating around in ecstasy So don’t stop me now, don’t stop me ‘Cause I’m having a...

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Out For A Run Down For Fun

Stacey wanted nothing more than to get out of the house and away from her mom. With no car and no ride, she didn't have many options. Even though it was beyond hot, a run seemed like the best choice. She threw on her clothes, laced up her sneakers and walked out the door. The heat was oppressive but her mom was worse so she started off on her usual route that took her behind the high school and down around the sports fields and then back to her house. When she reached the high school she was...

Oral Sex
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The Next Day

It is over a day since I said goodbye. Twenty-six hours to be precise.For all of her talk about fragrance sensitivity, it is now me talking about scent.I can still smell her on me. I know that can't be happening. I showered this morning, washing off the remains of yesterday. Washing off the touch, the embrace, the kisses. Washing off the outward connections made over the course of a day. I know it can't be happening.Yet I can still smell her on me. I close my eyes and inhale and she is sitting...

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SoixanteTrois Airlines part 7

"Exhausted yet?" Jessica asked Abbey, smiling as the two women returned to the locker room at Charles De Gaulle airport. "Almost," Abbey replied, returning Jessica's smile. "It's harder work than I expected, though I suppose it would be harder on red, black or grey route..." "Ehh, red's not TOO bad," Jessica replied. "You do get to build up a nice tan!" The two young women giggled as they removed their iconic pillbox hats, followed by their tight blue uniforms, placing them on the...

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My Dark Side

My Dark Side This all started on one of my birthdays. My present was a laptop from my folks. Like a lot of people my age, I eventually discovered the internet and began chatting with people. I met this guy, Lucas. He lives nearby me and we shared a lot of things in common. I assumed he was my age, but I eventually learned he was a few years older. I didn't really care because he said all the right things and I really liked him. We had a lot of long conversations and we even did the cyber thing....

Group Sex
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The Dawn Beyond the Darkness

“Natalie, dear, thank you for being here, again. Could you get me some water before we get started, honey?” The little girl from next door that became so close to Allie, nodded, kissed her forehead and headed off to the kitchen. “Hey, Mr. Thomas,” she said, passing by me at the kitchen table where I was looking over some papers from work. From this vantage point I could see Allie where she laid in our bed in the Master Bedroom. We were lucky, sort of, that we could do this. That way she could...

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Tribute Tales O Tempora O Mores

Short fiction seems particularly suited to the absence of resolution. Leaving us without the comfort of conclusion, or at least the sense of it, is often a story’s most effective tool for making sure it gets prime real estate inside our brains. Some of my favorite stories take particular delight in doing little more than drawing the reader in and engaging them, then walking away. Paolo Bacigalupi’s ‘The Fluted Girl,’ available online, is a great example of this. Even stories that present a...

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What do you want Baby

I had been married 27 years and my sex life had been pretty pitiful, being rejected by my sex addict husband who didn't want me. When we split up I hadn't dated since the late 80s. I was feeling pretty rough, unwanted and and not sure if I'd be desirable. I met a guy online and we started talking, this 29 year old gorgeous intelligent personal trainer who happened to be black. I'd never been with a black guy before, not because that mattered, I'd just never had the opportunity. When I finally...

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How My Wife Had Become A Milf At The Hands Of A Young Man

It was acouple of years ago that a young man turned my wife into a milf right before my own eyes. It has taken some time and courage to tell of our exploits. My wife and I aren’t your typical swinging type of couple. We had been married for 13 years and both had good careers. She was a good mom and I would say we lean more to the conservative side when it had come to sex. My wife Lori had surprised me with a trip to Florida. We had been under a lot of stress at our jobs and our home life was...

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The Good YearsChapter 66

I spent an hour and a half talking to my Dad, telling him first about how I couldn't seem to come up with one plan and then stick with it all the way through. After I was finished telling him about that, then I spent the rest of the time telling him about my latest problems with Joyce. Joyce hadn't actually said anything about our lovemaking, but she hadn't needed to. I knew without her making any comment. Joyce hadn't responded to me like she always had in the past. Worse than that, I...

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It’s dusk and it’s raining, the sky is dark and brooding. We climb out of our taxi and head towards the upmarket restaurant. I’m wearing a long black coat, hot pink heels, black stockings and under my coat is my pvc corset and short, black pencil skirt with suspenders. I am wearing my collar. This is not a romantic dinner. My hair is pink and down, my makeup dark and heavy, my lips dark too. You are wearing your deadliest black suit with a hot pink tie that draws the eye up your body to your...

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Enter the DarknessChapter 3 Ein erquickend Weihnacht A Refreshing Christmas

December, 1984 I only know what happened next because Anika and Janine sat on my hospital bed with shining eyes and told me in hormonally sharp detail. My "gorgeous, handsome hunk" of a dad came running back with them, pistol in hand. It took them a while to convince the adults in my grandparents' house that I was in trouble. My dad, always worried about me anyway, got his gun out of its travel case when Janine impressed upon them that the boys came armed and maniacal. They were all on...

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Aficionadas part one

Creative Non-Fiction Creative Writing 214 Clara Gould Questions I saw you running in PE class! Your buns are really cute! They make me hot! the note read. Below the message, as a signature, was written: Your Admirer! Peter had waited until almost the end of the class on Wednesday afternoon. He wanted to put off disappointment should a note not be there, and to make the discovery of the note, if present, sweetened by anticipation. He folded the note, slipped it into his left jeans pocket. He...

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E081 Back on the road Wednesday morning

As they had fallen asleep so early last night and had not eaten, Donald and Emma are up at dawn, ready to face a long day of driving ahead of them.  They quickly shower and dress.  Today, Donald does not put panties on Emma.  She looks quizzically at him over this, but he just swats her ass cheeks and tells her he likes her easily accessible.She jumps a little at the swat and giggles, today should be an interesting day.  Since leaving home, she has been earning stars.  When she gets into the...

Love Stories
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FidleChapter 31

Luke stared at his laptop screen without seeing it, lost in a haze of physical fatigue, emotional exhaustion, and psychological inertia. A few minutes earlier he’d heard Kathryn’s car pull into the driveway, followed by the thump of doors as Bill returned home for what Luke knew would be an extremely difficult week to endure. Please don’t come over, please don’t come over, please don’t come over, he silently begged, and whether due to (unlikely) divine intervention or (much more likely)...

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Why I dislike most porn 5 blame this site

Bad porn has (bad) acting, added artificial moaning and abundance of a few four letter wordsBad porn originates from the United States of America just like rules taboos hypocrisy hereBad porn has men obliged to come in her face, while female orgasming is seen as unprofessionalBad porn influenced badly the actual sex-life of at least two generations of American citizensBad porn hates genuine feelings, factual arousal, pussies looking different and personalityBad porn created the habit of...

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Famly Reunion ndash Chapter 11

Fam!ly Reunion – Chapter 11Friday, December 5, continuedTerri carefully slid two fingers into her mother's very wet vagina, bent them a bit, pulled back out, but not all the way. Went back in and pressed all around on the vaginal sphincter muscle."Ahhhh!" Sara gasped.Next, Terri turned her hand over and her two fingers sought out and found her mother's g-spot and began massaging it."Oh, baby!" Sara cried out.For the next several minutes the only sound in the bedroom, besides the wet sounds of...

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Pious Pakistani Slut

It was late October and I was invited to a party by one of my relatives. I had just returned to the uk after spending an extended time in the Caribbean, and I was just feeling out the scene as I had gone through a bad breakup months earlier.I must mention socially I’m a wall flower and it takes some time for me to warm up to people but when I do........Anyway as I surveyed the going’s and comings, my eyes caught a glimpse of Ms. Pious(not her name). I was immediately caught by her smile and...

4 years ago
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First Time Wife Caught Me

I had been having sex with men for two years or so, but had never told my wife. I did not think she would be real open to me sucking cocks and being fucked up the ass. I had become quite good at both activities. I enjoyed doing cocks as much as I enjoyed doing pussy. Well, this is how my wife found out just how much I enjoyed cocks. It did not turn out like I expected and it changed my life forever.I was at the gym on Monday morning. I worked out three times a week and occasionally would pick...

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El Paso Miss LynnChapter 2

Logan's kiss was a whispery soft touch against my lips, with just a hint of pressure, before he stepped away. I could almost feel the heat from the desire that poured out from those steel grey eyes. The warmth of his hand as he held mine sent shivers through me. "Stop, Logan, please. We need to slow down. I'm guilty here of letting you think I was sure, but I'm not. I've been married and I know the amount of time and effort involved. We only met a few days ago, and though I feel...

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The Priest Teaches His FlockCh 8 The Celebration of Candles

Chapter 8-The Celebration of the Candles Father John waited for Sally, his cock already hard at the thought of her tight body. It would soon be time to fuck her. He planned on taking her virginity today, not with his cock but a large dildo. It would be God’s will that she relinquish her virginity. Sally dreaded going to see Father John again today, but there was no way she could get out of it. Her parents thought Father John was God, or at least Jesus, if not the next best thing for her. It was...

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Time at Youth1

"Anah, what are you doing here so early?" I asked hugging her back. "Well, you usually get here before anyone else does, and I didn't have anything to do, so I thought I'd come and hang out. We don't nearly spend enough time with each other," she said looking up at my withbig soft blue eyes that were complimented by both her long blonde hair and bright orange high school sweater. Nodding my head in agreement, a gently moved a loose strand of hair from her face, "Have I ever...

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Becoming Daddys Good Girl 7 Bratty Sister Gets Spanked

Chapter Seven: Bratty Sister Gets Spanked By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 A hand shook my shoulder as I slept. I didn't want to wake up. I was still so tired from yesterday. So much had happened yesterday. I went on a roller coaster of emotions. It started off with Daddy taking me to a private dungeon to show off how much of a good girl I was. My eighteen-year-old body was on display for the other Master's and their submissive sex slaves, some as young as me, others older. There were...

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JulesJordan Alexia Anders Exotic Caramel Skinned Honey Alexia Anders Gets Dicked Down With A Huge Facial

Alexia Anders delivers her unique brand of petite and pouty in this scene from JulesJordan.com. The sexy starlet with the big brown eyes and flowing long hair enlivens an outdoor stoop. Her body sets off ornate see-through lingerie with flesh toned stockings. Her greyhound frame is a treat to enjoy during tease. Adept at staring through the camera, Alexia beams when she makes her way onto a bed. She treats us to a little self-pleasuring as the camera focuses on her pussy. Next she sets her...

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Sarahs Job Interview

Sarah was returning home from another failed job interview. It was a hard time for her, as it was for many people her age. As a twenty year old girl, she was looking for an entry job in her field, but wasn't being successful in the interviews she attended to. Arriving home, she dropped off the purse on her bed and just laid down. She needed time to think about what was it that she was doing wrong during the interviews. She knew she was capable, but her being nervous to answer the questions was...


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