Just To Get By V free porn video

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“Hi, you’ve reached Samantha Blue, I’m not available at the moment, but your call is very important to me. Please leave a message and I will call you when I am free, thanks!”. The tone for a message rings in my ear and it goes silent. I take a deep, shaky breath. Suddenly I’m nervous, guilty, and sad.
“Um…hi Sammy…it’s, it’s me, Natalie……um, I guess you’re probably at – at church right now…I was just hoping…maybe we could talk?...” I pause for longer than I mean to. “…so, if you wanna, please call me back…….um, but if you don’t want to….I understand….” I hang up the phone, feeling lonelier than before. Apologizing has always been a hard thing for me to do. I go into the bedroom to my little makeshift bed on the floor. I fluff the sleeping bag and pillow so they’re a little less flat, but it’s not much softer. Reaching into the pocket of yesterday’s clothes, I find Taurus’s number still folded neatly. I look at it for a minute, but nothing excites me. I actually kind of feel bored. I take the number and pull a little safe out of the closet. It’s no larger than a jewelry box and the little key is hidden in a pair of my shoes, hit it keeps my possessions that I don’t want Tyler getting into.
I unlock the box and place the number inside, but I don’t close the safe. Instead, I look at the little things concealed within. I pull out a small, crumpled picture of a young women. The lady in the picture can’t be any older than very early twenties. She has straight, blond hair and deep green eyes…like mine. The woman in the picture is my mother, but I don’t recognize her as so. She left just after I was born and I have absolutely no memories associated with her.
My earliest memory is from when I was maybe five or six. I can still see it vividly, maybe because it’s one of my happiest memories from early on. Dad’s sitting on the sofa with his legs up on the coffee table. He’s in a white t-shirt and faded jeans. His black hair is curly and thick and his brown eyes sparkle. The TV is on with old wrestling videos playing. Tyler is there too. He’s only 11 years old with a shirt that was way too big and pants that were way too small. He I climb up on the sofa in between them. Dad turns and starts tickling me. We’re laughing hysterically as I unsuccessfully attempt to fight him off. Tyler joins in, trying to wrestle Dad off me so he can have his turn. Then we’re all involved in a wrestling match, trying to pin each other. Dad falls over with a pretend desperate cry and we pounce, using teamwork to pin him. Tyler counts three and Dad flops over in defeat. Then we sit back up and watch the TV, cheering for our favorite wrestlers.
A tear rolls down my face as I pry myself from the memory. A few years later, my world is turned upside down. My suddenly alcoholic father is gone all day and comes home late at night just to disappear again the next day. Tyler is quiet and sullen when he’s around and when he goes out with friends, nobody ever knows what he’s doing. And there’s, me…bullied in school and bullied at the babysitter’s house. It’s only a year or so after that starts that Tyler is arrested for drug abuse and thrown into rehab and Dad starts coming home sober and edgy. Tyler gets back, Dad goes to jail, and we end up here. I’ve been a passenger to all disaster and misfortune all my life, sitting back and watching the people I love fall apart and destroy each and every one of our lives.
I shove the photo back into the safe along with my parents wedding rings which I never saw worn and a little stone cross one of my best friends gave me before they died of cancer. I shut the safe and lock it, hiding the key once more in a shoe and closing the closet.
The phone rings and I run to answer it. Relief, excitement, and fear flood throughout me as I hear Sammy’s voice.
“Natalie, I thought you’d never call,” Sammy exclaims. How can she sound so happy?
“Sam, I’m so sorry…”
“Nonsense, let’s talk over some ice cream,” she interrupts me. I agree to meet her at The Blizzard, our local ice cream shop. Then we hang up. I pull a sweatshirt on over my tank top and race out the door. I’ll have to keep a hefty pace if I wanna get there in time. It’s closer to her house than mine.
I jog down the development and along the road until I get too winded. Then I continue at a swift walk. I reach the shop about fifteen minutes later. Sammy is already there adjusting her glasses as she sits at one of the picnic tables. I sit down across from her.
“Now…talk.” She orders.
“Sammy, I’m really sorry I treated you how I did and I’m sorry I didn’t have the guts to apologize before.” My throat tightens around the words but I force them out.
“Okay, you’re forgiven!” she chirps. She never ceases to amaze me with her unconditional forgiveness. I think she would have forgiven me eventually even if I didn’t apologize, but I impulsively stand up and hug her. “Let’s get something to eat,” she suggests and I follow her to the little grey building.
“How may I help you girls?” the lady asks as she leans over the counter.
“I’ll have an order of fries,” Sammy begins and looks to me.
“Could I just have an order of mozzarella sticks?” I ask. She nods and writes down our order.
“Will that be all?” the lady asks.
“For now, we’ll be back for ice cream,” Sammy answers. We walk back to our table and Sam sits down.
“I’m gonna just use the bathroom real quick,” I tell her and head around the side of the building to the bathrooms. Just before I step in, I get a text. Flipping open my phone, I see it’s from Alex, which is a surprise. He never texts me.

Could you pick up the drugs for this week? Lonny already spoke with the guy all you gotta do is pay him and bring them in tomorrow

I should have known it would be drug related. It sounds simple enough though. I already know the corner where the guy deals and paying is easy enough. I just gotta watch my back. The police work a street nearby and usually the dealers are on edge.

Sure thing.

I send the text and forget about having to use the bathroom. Heading back to the table I see the food is already there. Sammy’s already dipping her fries in ketchup and she looks surprised to see me back so soon.
“Everything alright?” she asks me.
“Yeah, changed my mind,” I say with a giggle.
“So, long time no see, how has everything been?” Sammy asks.
“Can’t complain, but I’ve been lonely. It’s no fun without a best friend.”
“I thought you and Jay were awfully close,” she gives a wink at me, although I know she couldn’t possibly suspect the things he and I have done. She wouldn’t dream of having sex already. She was far too goody goody and her religion wouldn’t support such a thing.
“It was just a friendly thing, not serious. Besides, what would I want with a senior bad boy?” I ask, knowing I there was some truth in it. I really wasn’t ‘looking’ for sex, I just wanted some affectionate security, but it seemed that wasn’t a real thing.
“Well guess who’s been noticing me lately?”
“Who?” I’m surprised Sammy even cares whether guys notice her or not, she’s got her whole life planned out, including the college and career she dreams of. That and she has high standards for her husband whoever the lucky guy may be.
“Richard Poland,” a huge smile beams across her face, making me smile too.
“You’re kidding,” I tease. Richard is a sophomore and shares most of Sammy’s classes. He’s one of the jocks; a great football, basketball player and well-known in our grade for his drop-dead looks. I’ll admit I occasionally fantasize about him. Despite the fact that I could never picture Richard and Sammy together, I can’t help feeling proud of my best friend and sad for how much of her life I’ve been missing.
“No such kidding!” she looks off into the distance with a dreamy look.
“Sammy, I approve,” I tell her with a real serious look, but it leaves just as quickly and we nearly fall over laughing. Despite the fact that Richard could have any girl he wants, including the sluts who’d fuck with him in a second’s notice, he’s never been overly flirty nor has he shown any interest in sex. He’s all in all a good kid. Although I don’t really know him, he seems like a great guy.
“Thanks for your support, I think I might be serious this time. I’ve already briefly thrown it into the air around my mom and she’s not flipped out yet, so we’ll see what turns out,” she looks happy and content, something I wish I could be. Even though I don’t really believe in any God, I send my own little prayer up that she finds her true love. I don’t want her to have to go through what I go through. She could never hold up to it.


That afternoon I decide to run my errands before it gets dark, starting with the drug pick-up. The last place I wanna be is on the corner of No and Way Out when night rolls in. I take my time walking through the town, so not to look in any hurry, but I keep up just enough of a pace to beat the setting sun. As I reach the edge of town and start heading down Scoter Avenue, I immediately notice the more than occasionally police car driving by and undercover cop drifting around the sidewalks. Immediately I feel my body tense up, stiffening my stride and increasing my pace. I don’t mean to look suspicious or draw attention, but it’s not long before a police man walks over and stops me.
“Can I help you, little lady?” he asks, a slight southern drawl rolling his words.
“No thanks, I’m just fine,” I reply a little too hastily. He’s blue eyes search mine and I instinctively cross my arms.
“Might I ask what you’re doing out and where you’re headed?” he asks. I can tell he knows I’m up to something, but he can’t prove anything…yet.
“Taking a walk, I’ve got a friend who lives just up further,” I reply simply.
“I’m sure you do, what’s this friend’s name?” he inquires further. My breath catches in my throat and I hesitate, panicked as I search desperately for a name.
“Marco…” I blurt out. It’s obvious he doesn’t believe me, but what is he gonna do? Arrest me for being stiff?
“Well don’t let me catch you out alone on this side of town again, got it? It’s dangerous,” I nod swiftly and continue on my way, more anxious than ever.

It’s only a few more minutes before I finally reach the little building I’m looking for. Nervously, I head up the steps. I’m about to knock but the door opens ahead of me and a burly black man greets me.
“Aye little miss, I’ve been expecting you,” he greets in a rough voice, shaking my hand and beckoning me inside. “You’ve got some guts, girl,” he adds as he shuts the door. The lights are all on and all the curtains closed. The first thing I notice is the heavy stench of alcohol and drugs. Then I notice the menagerie of black, Spanish, and even a few white people hanging around. The rooms are packed with drugs, drinks, and low lives living it up. I see some girl on girl action in corners too, accompanied by some clearly turned on dudes. Yeah, I’m in the right place.
“Wha?” I start to ask but his smile cuts me off.
“The 5-0, po-9, feds, po po, whatever you wanna refer to ‘em as.” Immediately I picture him watching through his curtains with a cigarette in his mouth as I try to deter to the police. I almost laugh, but then I remember my anxiety.
“Oh,” I answer nervously.
“I’m Joel, but you can call me Papa Joe, Big Joe, doesn’t matter, and you?” he says, pulling out a box of cigarettes from the pocket in his shirt. I knew it!
“Natalie…Lonny sent me as the mail man,” I state, wanting to get my business done as quickly as possible. He nods, taking his time to light the smoke and return his lighter to his jean pocket. I notice a pocket knife folded neatly next to it.
“She’s a serious bitch that one, no offense. I seen that girl crack down better than some of the niggas round here.” He said, shuffling through his pockets, seeming searching for something. “You got the paper?” he added.
“Yeah, how much?” I ask, feeling for the 50 dollar bill in my pocket. How I managed to scrape together that bill and how I decided to spend it on dope, I’ll never know. I expect Lonny to pay me back.
“One fifty.” I pause for a minute, unsure I heard correctly.
“Hundreds?” I ask to clarify. Catching on to my shock, Big Joe starts laughing hysterically, slapping his thigh as he tries to catch his breath.
“Baby girl, what do you think this is, a candy shop?” he laughs out. A few heads turn and I suddenly am self-conscious of being a fifteen year old girl in a house full of criminals and convicts.
“No, maybe if I’d had some warning I would have expected it, all I brought is fifty.” I reply coldly, a little angered at Lonny. I’m not here to mess around.
“No pay no play,” Big Joe says, shaking his head and giving me a look that concerns me.
“What am I supposed to do?” I ask, immediately regretting the question. More heads turn and when Big Joe smiles, a couple of young guys stand up, eagerly awaiting his proposition.
“Well, I take the fifty, and the other hundred has gotta be paid off somehow,” he says, looking up and down my body. If he thinks he’s gonna fuck me, he’s got another thing coming. I cross my arms again, planning how I’ll protect myself if he makes a move. His eyes glance over into the next room, hold for a second, then back to me. “I got some boys I’d like you to meet. Ronny, Nyle, how do you think a debt should properly be paid?” as he speaks, I feel a pair of arms wrap around my shoulders and a young Spanish guy pulls in close to me. Another black guy moves around so that he’s next to Big Joe, eyeing me with a devilish grin.
“B, is that something you really wanna ask us?” the black guy comments sarcastically.
“Natalie, meet Ronny and Nyle,” Big Joe introduces, gesturing first to the Spanish guy already hanging off me, then the black guy beside him.
“It’s real nice to meet you,” Ronny says real close to me ear, sending a cold shiver down my spine. Nyle’s smile only grows.
“I have an idea,” Big Joe starts. I can feel myself starting to back away…right into Ronny who’s positioned himself behind me and wrapped his arms tighter around my chest. “You can come along some time and entertain my boys here, that should be even,” he states.
“I’m no prostitute,” I reply with some confidence I didn’t know I had.
“Of course not,” Nyle moves in until he’s right in front of me, looking down into my eyes. He’s only a head taller than me, but it’s a very intimidating position. “…it’s just having fun with some guys and your friend gets to feel high afterward,” he makes it sound so simple. He’s inches from my face and I can’t bring myself to look him in the eyes, but I know his are locked on mine. Ronny’s arms slide down my body until he wraps them around my waist and pulls me tighter against him. My heart is in my throat, but strangely a feel an arousing tingle throughout my body. Despite the fact that I am being forced into prostitution and my life is potentially in danger, there’s a part of me that can’t deny I find this college-age guys extremely hot.
Big Joe moves over next to us and holds out a little envelope that looks like more than a letter is concealed within.
“You know what you have to do,” he says simply, as if it’s my choice. I some up my guts and stare Nyle back in the eyes. I push Ronny’s arms off me with a sharp shrug and look over at Big Joe. It’s unmistakable that the fire in my eyes is evident and my fear is suddenly all gone. I’m frustrated, a little nervous maybe, and unwilling to comply, but the rebel in me is in control right now. I look Nyle in the eyes again as I take the envelope from Big Joe, but my final stare is directed at Big Joe.
“I’ll be ‘round,” I affirm coolly, and a dangerous smile creeps across Big Joe’s face.


I appear Monday during lunch, with my hands in my sweatshirt pockets. I’m not in the happiest of moods and I have a few choice words for Lonny. The whole gang is here, including Dylan, and Lonny smiles widely as I join. She reaches for the delivery but I step back, planning on making my displeasure evident first.
“Don’t you ever, EVER fuckin’ send me to that fuckin’ house again,” I never curse, ever, and I can see it takes everyone by surprise, including me, but I mean it. Lonny’s eyes darken and Alex bursts out laughing. I hand Lonny the envelope and she smiles, but a little less triumphantly.
“What the hell did she send you in to?” Austin asks.
“You don’t want to know,” I answer honestly.
“All you had to do was pay and leave,” Alex adds in.
“I gave him my fifty dollars,” I start to answer and Lonny’s eyes shoot up to me.
“Fifty…but it was more…” My threatening glare silences her and immediately I can see she understands. She shakes her head, mouthing the word sorry, but she’s not even heard the beginning from me.
The subject is dropped, but I can see Dylan glancing at me occasionally, always with a concerned look on his face. I make sure I make good use of my share, because I’m gonna need to do a lot of forgetting this week. I dread Saturday, because I know it’s my only day to ‘pay my debts’ before I’m hunted down. I don’t want Lonny in any more trouble because of the shit I seem to get myself into.


I get home Monday evening to find Tyler in a splendid mood. He’s all smiling, very busy making some sort of great-smelling dinner, and he’s so preoccupied he doesn’t notice me. I sit down at the little dining table suddenly decked out in a table cloth and neat dishes. Suddenly Tyler sits down next to me and waits like a little boy waiting for cake. But he can’t wait long.
“Well?! Aren’t you gonna ask me why I’m so happy?” he asks. I sigh and shuffle my feet under the table.
“Why are you so happy, Tyler?” I ask.
“Mel Blaine wants to go out with me!” he nearly shrieks.
“Mel Blaine? Are you kidding me, Tyler?” Immediately I clasp my hands over my mouth, scared I’ll be hit. But the blow never comes. I glance back up to see Tyler simply looking at me.
“I very much know she’s a slut and I know she isn’t seriously into me, but it’s my business, not yours,” he says, his voice deep and flat. What is he getting himself into? Then it occurs to me that maybe Tyler isn’t doing what he says he is. Is he having a relapse? Suddenly I realize it’d be all too easy for Tyler to get into drugs again, but what would happen if he got arrested? He’s not a minor, he’d be in jail, and for a long time since he’s already gone through this. What would happen to me if that happened?
“So is she coming tonight?” I ask. He nods just as the doorbell rings. He opens the door and my jaw drops as a slim, black haired Mel Blaine steps in. A scarlet red dress hugs her frame tight with a v-neck that comes low enough to show a lot of cleavage and the bottom of the dress just an inch or so below her butt. Her long legs are accentuated by her 6 inch stilettos. Damn if ever there was a pimp it was her. And she was dressed for sex tonight, hell she could be dressed for a gangbang if there were more guys here. And I could only imagine her refusing protection. Not that she would have an issue with getting pregnant. She’d just abort her child and keep going on.
“Tyler, how wonderful to see you, and who might this be?” she asks in her diva voice, giving Tyler a hug and looking over at me. Her blue eyes are brought out by her eye liner. Couldn’t I just trade her to Big Joe? She’d enjoy it! It seems like such a brilliant idea too, but no doubt her clothing would get her in trouble with the cops for prostitution. Not that I cared.
“I’m Natalie, Tyler’s sister,” I answer softly. She smiles at me and for a moment the warmth in it seems sincere, but her attention is immediately back on Tyler. They talk for a while as he finishes setting up dinner. I sit silently as we eat, feeling oddly out of place as the two talk and flirt nonstop. Somehow, Mel seems to manage to put some sort of innuendo in every sentence, and no doubt Tyler is turned on by it. As soon as supper is finished, I’m left to do dishes while the two disappear in the back. I finally finish the dishes and turn the TV on, but it’s useless to drown out the noise from the back bedroom. The disturbing noises that I know I’m gonna have to live with from now on.


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“When you get your pure-as-pure girlfriend into bed, will you wait for her?” Bridget asked. “Or will you take her without a thought for anything but your own lust? I wouldn’t advise that. I’ll tell you why.” And this is the story she told: The reception finally over, they fled together under a shower of rice. Jim handed her into the passenger seat of the Reo and climbed into the driver’s seat. Fred already had the crank in his hand. At the third rotation, the engine caught. Fred threw the...

3 years ago
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Chastity Locked Midget

“Hey, E,” Shayla Fields greeted her baby daddy.“Hey, sexy,” smiled the tall, slim former high school basketball star. “Wassup?”“I gotta work over. Can you pick up Katelyn from my Uncle Lamar’s house,” she inquired referring to their ten-month old baby daughter.“Yeah. What time?”“As soon as you can go.”“Aiight bet! I’ma head out in five.”“Thanks!”“Anytime!”Errol Reynolds locked the door of his efficiency apartment and hopped into his black 2010 Ford Focus sedan. He sped down the highway eager to...

3 years ago
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The Gadget

"The Gadget" by Cj Wenhurst "I've got it." John said, putting the last dab of solder on a small printed circuit card. A small stubby antenna was attached to the end of what appeared as a modified bulky remote control of some sort. Jim sat back in his small makeshift lab with soldering iron in hand as the small trail of smoke from his last connection twirled up and around the soft florescent shop light. His chair creaked lightly on it's wheels as he leaned back and admired...

3 years ago
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Frigid Midget

SUNDAY EVENING My father never cheated on my mother. So he told me just before my marriage, and I believed him. He knew all about the codes in my little black book and of my successes with members of the opposite sex. (If he had known about me and my sister, I think he would have killed me.) He was also aware, from me, of how hot my bride to be could be. But, he said, "Ric, a woman will forgive anything except infidelity." So far I've been faithful. But it hasn't been easy. I love my...

2 years ago
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The story is in the Dutch language. Several times is asked the stories to translate in English. But I am sorry, not alone no time, but also is my English not good enough for translating. But perhaps is there anywhere a dutch speaking person with a good translating feeling who will translated my stories. It is possible under the name of Louis, but can also under your own name. Zoals al mijn verhalen is ook dit verhaal weer van A tot Z verzonnen. De personen die worden genoemd bestaan...

1 year ago
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Justin and Phyllis

Justin and Phyllis Shemale, Trans, Hardcore sex, Oral, Double Anal, Flashing, Cum, Cream pie eating. Phyllis sat thinking of Justin. He had moved into a 1 bedroom apartment a few doors away while working and attending trade school. A nice young who schooled by day, worked at night and mostly slept in between. They were neighbor friends who slowly grew closer. That closeness brought them together on holidays and personal celebrations. Justin being only 21 had been kept at a distance as Phyllis...

2 years ago
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justin cant pay the rent

'andy i'm really sorry but i can't afford to pay my rent this week since i lost my job and i'm finding it hard to get another i'm sorry mate' justin says'well justin when i agreed to let you stay i told you that you have to pay rent at the start of every month or you have to leave i'm sorry but you did agree to it''yeh but look mate i am good for it just give me a chance to find another job i don't have anywhere else to stay please''no i won't back down on this you agreed to pay at the start of...

2 years ago
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Justin Bieber Gets Raped

Introduction: While leaving a concert in LA Justin Bieber gets kindnapped and raped pleases rate and subcribe Thanks !!! The story starts off in a parking lot where justin bieber walks. He is leaving his concert and is now getting ready to go home. Justin yawns wow what a concert. Suddenly there bes a noise. Hello? says Justin. Justin continues to walk to his car and all of a sudden he gets hit in the head.Justin passes out cold. When he comes to he relizes he is tied up on a chair naked. Where...

3 years ago
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Justin Bieber Gets Raped Hard

Introduction: While leaving a concert in LA Justin Bieber gets tackled and raped The story starts off in a parking lot where justin bieber walks. He is leaving his concert and is now getting ready to go home. Justin yawns wow what a concert. Suddenly there bes a noise. Hello? says Justin. Justin continues to walk to his car and all of a sudden he gets hit in the head.Justin passes out cold. When he comes to he relizes he is tied up on a chair naked. Where am i? he says. All of a sudden a sting...

3 years ago
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Justin Nanny

 Nanny had deliberately chosen this set of pretty lingerie, an old pair of purple French knickers with her new lacy white bra and her black stockings hoping that naughty Justin would catch a glimpse of her in her delectable silky lingerie. Justin at 18, was too old to have a Nanny, but he did have a much younger sibling, George.  His Mum had remarried after Justin’s father had passed away and after having a baby went back to her job in advertising in Soho.  Mum was hardly ever at home; she was...

4 years ago
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Justin Bieber and bbc

Justin Bieber was appearing on the show David Hayes vs... a special wherethe former world heavy weight champion meets with celebrities teaching themsome boxing techniques whilst chatting about their lives and careers.Justin arrogantly strode into the gym to meet the huge man that was goingto teach him some stuff. He looked tiny in comparison to the statuesquebuilt boxer, but that didn't stop Justin's large amount of self confidencedisplaying itself. He was bouncing around throwing punches...

1 year ago
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Justin and Twila Testing New Lube

Justin awoke to the smell of a warm breakfast in his bedroom. Scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, and hot coffee. He sat up, and looked towards the area of the bedroom where the coffee table and chairs were. There he saw Twila casually eating her breakfast and drinking her coffee, completely naked. He looked to the side of the bed where Twila slept. Her nightgown was in a wad on the bed. “Justin, come have some of the breakfast I made for you,” Twila beamed, grinning adorably. Justin threw the covers...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Justin Darks Terrible DestinyChapter 1

"You must be terribly proud of yourself," Miss van Cleef said. "Being so pretty." Justin didn't answer. If you didn't answer a teacher's question at St. James's School for Young Men, you could get in trouble. Answering a statement that sounded like a question could get you in trouble too, though. He sat looking straight ahead. There wasn't anything for him to say, either. He'd been called both proud and pretty before. Both were frequently epithets. He could deny neither. When he...

1 year ago
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Justin Fergus Dakota

Story Title: Justin. Fergus. Dakota WARNING: You must be 18+ to read this. If you are not allowed to read these where you are from or don't like reading stories about boys under 18, please leave now. Please Note: This is a fabricated story about Justin Bieber, Fergus Riordan (I Want To Be A Soldier; GhostRider2) and Dakota Goyo (Real Steel). The story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about...

4 years ago
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Justin in DC Part 1

Being raised in a place with little to no racial diversity, it isn't a stretch to say that all of the thuggish looking African American men walking around holding their crotches and probably hiding weapons, kind of scared us a bit. (There are undertones of joking racism, but you have to understand that all of the jokes are actually poking fun at those people who truly feel as though all black people are thugs and thieves, or rapists. We don't actually feel that way. On the third night of...

3 years ago
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Justin and Britneys Party

Justin Timberlake was in love with Britney Spears. He had known her for several years, since they worked together on the Mickey Mouse Club. Now that the two of them had become famous, it was very hard for either of them to meet people. So when they started hanging out again, it was like instant chemistry. Unfortunately for Justin, Britney had been brought up in a relatively conservative home, and she had yet to go past 2nd base with him. But that was all going to change soon. That night while...

2 years ago
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Justin and Twila Fire and Ice

I opened the door of my house after a long day of helping a friend move. It was dark, aside from the lights in the house and the stars in the sky. Small, wet snowflakes melted on my cheeks. "Justin! I'm home!" I shouted as I walked into the house and kicked off my boots. No answer. Just a trail of rose petals that twisted and swerved all throughout our home. I tiptoed along side the crimson trail. It lead me to the couch. On the side table, there was a steaming hot chocolate. On the couch,...

Love Stories
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Justin and Steves Love

Justin and Steve were best friends. They had been best friends since high school but only recently had they shared a drunken kiss. Which made things a bit awkward between them as they were both very much into girls not guys. One night when Justin went to a club with some mates from college he noticed Steve within the crowd hunched over his glass at the bar in his black leather jacket. His golden blonde hair glistening underneath the light. Justin decided to walk over to him, "Hi," he said.Steve...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Justin Sleeps over for the First time Revised

My name is Chris,I was 17years old at a height of 5"3. I have Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes, with a slim girl like figure, I had a small tan. I was a in good shape because i was on the track team. I was only on the track team because my friend Justin asked me to join with him. He was 17 at the height of 5"4. He had Brown hair and Brown eyes. Justin was a jock so he had a 6pack, He was also tanned skinned From staying at the Beach too long. He was the kind of guy who everyone want to go out...

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Justin and Me

This is my first story, so any comments and suggestion are much appreciated. This story is completely fiction, and none of the events happened in real life. Enjoy the story. Justin and I have been dating for six months now. We are the perfect couple; he is tall, dark and handsome, perfect muscles, great eyes and smile. I am small, with blonde hair and tanned skin, a slender figure with large breasts. He frequently complimented me on my slim figure; saying I looked “hot” and “sexy” and,...

First Time
2 years ago
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Justin Sleeps over for the First time

My name is Chris,I was 12years old at a height of 5"3. I have Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes, with a slim girl like figure, I had a small tan. I was on the track team because my friend Justin asked me to join with him. He was 12 at the height of 5"4. He had Brown hair and Brown eyes. Justin was a jock so he had a 6pack, He was also tanned. I was gay so whenever the team was changing i would always sneak a peak at Justin, and the other boys. After track was done I asked him if he wanted to...

3 years ago
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BridgettebyPatrick©Being an English teacher in a Junior College wasn't the hardest job in the world, but it sure wasn't the easiest either. The amount of work necessary in lesson preparation and marking took huge chunks of time out of my family life, and when my wife died three years ago and left me with a 15 year old girl to look after, that family time became more and more precious. It helped a little that I'd made the decision to home school my daughter Bridgitte, as at least we got to spend...

3 years ago
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Glory hole for my Wife Bridget

Introduction: Not your typical glory hole Glory hole for my Wife Bridget Bridget lay on the sliding bed. She was fully clothed with a long skirt and some white Keds tennis shoes. She loved to wear those white sneakers with knee-high white socks under her long black skirts. My Wife Bridget is simple. She has long brown hair that is thick and wavy and big almond eyes. She is half Italian and half Greek and reminds me of a young Julia Roberts, with a gentle voice and big brown, long eyelashes. The...

2 years ago
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Glory hole for my Wife Bridget

Introduction: Not your typical glory hole Glory hole for my Wife Bridget Bridget lay on the sliding bed. She was fully clothed with a long skirt and some white Keds tennis shoes. She loved to wear those white sneakers with knee-high white socks under her long black skirts. My Wife Bridget is simple. She has long brown hair that is thick and wavy and big almond eyes. She is half Italian and half Greek and reminds me of a young Julia Roberts, with a gentle voice and big brown, long eyelashes. The...

4 years ago
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Justines First adventure

I gently pinched them between my fingers and they swelled out to the size of acorns. Dark red. I felt the same beautiful sensation as when I stroked my cock. As I rubbed my nipples I felt my cock harden again – as if demanding attention. This time I was wanking my cock with one hand while rubbing my nipples with the other. I had never known such ecstasy. The next day I was looking in a mirror at my body. There was not a hair anywhere – pure smooth silky pale. The hair on my head was...

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Justys Surprise

Those here on this site who know me, already know the basics of my story. I have been married three times, divorced twice, and for financial reasons I’m now trapped in a loveless, joyless, sexless third marriage. Frank doesn’t hit me or anything, there’s just really no marriage anymore. But I still really, really enjoy sex…just not with Frank any more. Over the past eight years since our marriage basically became meaningless, I have had five male lovers outside of my marriage. My friends here...

4 years ago
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SheJust Wanted to Fuck Part 2

So I drove to a remote spot where the snow had melted being still in early March with winter still around, left on a pop music station on the radio and enjoyed the heater as we kissed passionately helping our bodies warm up, Rowena sucking my tongue like I hoped she,d Soon be sucking on my rock hard cock. To prove her point she squeezed my dick “All our kissing sure gets This hard, doesn,t it?” “No babe You get it hard just being near me.” I told her. “That,s the first thing I noticed about you...

4 years ago
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Justys Surprise

Those here on this site who know me, already know the basics of my story. I have been married three times, divorced twice, and for financial reasons I’m now trapped in a loveless, joyless, sexless third marriage. Frank doesn’t hit me or anything, there’s just really no marriage anymore. But I still really, really enjoy sex…just not with Frank any more. Over the past eight years since our marriage basically became meaningless, I have had five male lovers outside of my marriage. My friends here...

2 years ago
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justa cucking

I have been married for 10 years and with my wife for 13 years. She is a very sexy Latina with great 38D's and wonderful pierced nipples. Over that time we have had what I would call a very healthy sex life. A few years ago I started telling her that I wanted her to have sex with another guy,, mainly just bedroom sex talk. She also would play along and tell me stories or so I thought they were stories. I was working shift work and came home early one night to find my wife not there. I guessed...

2 years ago
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Unjustly Accused

WARNING: A brief note to the readers this story does contain scenes of Rape as well as descriptions of mutilation of the male genitalia. To The Reader: I as a Rape or Sexual Assault Counselor for both men, women and children, see Rape as one of the most heinous of crimes done to the human body by another human being. Many of the victims have or will undergo years of intensive therapy just to be able to function again within society after their physical/medical needs are met....

3 years ago
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Ajuste de cuentas

Los dos amantes se revolcaban apasionadamente en la cama. Se supon?a que no iban a pasar demasiado tiempo all?. Iban con prisa. Mark acababa de robar junto a sus chicos uno de los furgones blindados. No cualquier furg?n blindado. De hecho se parec?a m?s a una furgoneta, pero aparte de ir blindada llevaba varios matones dentro. Todos bien armados. Lo normal cuando trataba con la mafia. Arriesgado, si, pero un golpe redondo. La recaudaci?n de todos sus negocios. Prostituci?n, casinos, drogas. Pr?cticamente un mill?n po...

1 year ago
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JUSTICIAHelena Martin stepped off the plane with a huge smile on her face. And, why not, life has been very good to her lately.Flying first class, she had just landed in Ibiza for a fun weekend with friends at her lover’s palatial villa, were she expects him to announce their forthcoming engagement, after exclusively dating for the past year. Her hoped to be fianc?, was the young, ruggedly handsome and extremely wealthy Juan Antonio Rodriguez de Cuellar, a renowned financial genius, who also h...

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Justyna Jewel 1 Intimate Introduction


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Justyna Jewel 2 Intimate Interview


4 years ago
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Justyna Jewel 3 Juicy Jewish Jumper


1 year ago
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Just Swallows call themselves your best cum swallowing and dick sucking porn destination. While that would seem like a grand statement to make, they do have something worth bragging about with the site teeming with the hottest porn stars and amateurs getting on their knees to suck cock, sometimes to get fucked, but with all action ending in cum swallowing. Expect to see hot women with a mouthful of hot jizz, cock sucking videos, sloppy gagging, deep throats and more. If you love porn whose...

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As the name will tell you, on Just Porno you get to see a lot of porn videos. You have all kinds of dirty clips, and a lot of these videos come from genuine amateurs. So, if you are looking for some new free porn content, you have surely come to the right place, because this site is filled with lots and lots of porn videos that you can watch for free.Now, the first thing that was a bit annoying is the fact that I had to disable my Ad-block. Some of the videos did not want to play even with the...

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Reddit Just18, aka r/Just18! Do you get turned on by teen girls? Well, who doesn’t? Everything is tight, young, and ready to be explored, and well, this subreddit is dedicated to all the lovely 18yolds. It is called r/Just18/, for obvious reasons, and it is filled with just the content you could have already expected.With that said, it is worth noting that Reddit.com is a free website, and you are more than welcome to check out everything that it has to offer. Take your time and browse through...

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Just Casting Porn! If you’ve been around the porn industry and you’ve looked through several porn sites, you might have noticed a very niche and specific category of casting porn. Why is casting porn popular? Well, that’s something that I’ve been looking into a lot and I think I have the answer to that question. More importantly, I have the answer to the question of where you can find casting porn in its full-length. Many sites out there try to sell you the idea of casting porn videos only to...

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