Ajuste De Cuentas free porn video

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Los dos amantes se revolcaban apasionadamente en la cama. Se supon?a que no iban a pasar demasiado tiempo all?. Iban con prisa. Mark acababa de robar junto a sus chicos uno de los furgones blindados. No cualquier furg?n blindado. De hecho se parec?a m?s a una furgoneta, pero aparte de ir blindada llevaba varios matones dentro. Todos bien armados. Lo normal cuando trataba con la mafia. Arriesgado, si, pero un golpe redondo. La recaudaci?n de todos sus negocios. Prostituci?n, casinos, drogas. Pr?cticamente un mill?n por cabeza. Deb?a haber abandonado la ciudad c?mo sus compa?eros. Ocultarse un par de meses antes de encontrarse todos para repartir el bot?n. No hab?a sido as?, pero pocos podr?an culparle.

L?a era auxiliar de vuelo. Oficialmente ya nadie las llamaba azafatas. Una mujer realmente preciosa. Med?a alrededor de metro setenta, tal vez un poco m?s. A sus treinta y pocos a?os parec?a una modelo, o lo parecer?a de no tener semejantes curvas. Casi noventa de cadera, firme y redonda. Tan solo un par de cent?metros por encima de sesenta en el est?mago. Noventa de pecho, eso dec?a al comprar ropa, pero siempre parec?a llevar una talla menos. Ya que no era la t?pica mujer escu?lida, sus senos no parec?an desmedidos. Un poco ca?dos, s?, pero manten?an una forma bonita, con areolas grandes de color rosado oscuro y pezones que no sobresal?an demasiado. La piel estaba solo un poco bronceada.

De cara tambi?n era excepcionalmente bella. Ten?a el cabello casta?o oscuro, algo m?s claro en las puntas. Descend?a en peque?as hondas hasta mitad de los omoplatos. Aunque no era cabello rizado, ten?a bastante volumen. Por delante el lado derecho ca?a rodeando el rostro, pero por el izquierdo tapaba parte de la frente y el ojo. Desde luego algo tan perfecto se deb?a a una mezcla de gen?tica y horas en el sal?n de belleza. Llevaba mucho tiempo conseguir el peinado, pero sin lugar a dudas el resultado merec?a la pena. Ten?a los ojos ligeramente hundidos, de color azul gris?ceo. Por encima, las cejas angulosas y finas. En cuanto a los labios, ten?an forma de coraz?n arriba y eran gruesos por abajo. En alg?n momento de la noche los hab?a pintado de rojo claro, aunque como llevaban horas y horas bes?ndose, ya quedaba poco maquillaje. Era una mujer de rostro redondeado, sin embargo la mand?bula se iba estrechando poco a poco hasta la barbilla.

L?a montaba a Mark. Ni sab?a cu?ntas veces lo hab?a hecho ya durante la noche. Sub?a y bajaba mientras echaba la cara atr?s. Ahora muy despacio. Mark reprim?a la tentaci?n de agarrar los pechos. Sin duda disfrutar?a haci?ndolo, pero se perder?a el espect?culo de verlos botando. El movimiento era tan hipn?tico que apartar los ojos habr?a sido imposible para cualquiera con gusto por las mujeres. A?n as? le daba buen uso a las manos. Se ayudaba para cambiar el ritmo, desesperado por acelerar. Hac?a que L?a subiese y bajase m?s r?pido, coordin?ndolo con su propio movimiento de caderas. Sin embargo ella era quien llevaba las riendas. Cuando notaba que ?l necesitaba ir m?s r?pido, L?a hac?a justo lo contrario.

Ambos gem?an a la vez. L?a se inclin? hacia delante para besar a su amante primero en el cuello, luego en la mejilla. Al final en los labios. Mark aprovech? para rodearla con los brazos. Acarici? el culo con fuerza, pr?cticamente estruj?ndolo. Era su momento. Dio la vuelta tumb?ndola a ella de espaldas en el colch?n. L?a le envolvi? con las piernas. Las embestidas de ?l ganaron velocidad y fuerza. Ella no pudo evitar apretar con fuerza la espalda de su amante. Cuando lleg? su orgasmo, ara?? con las u?as, perfectamente pintadas de rojo, la piel por encima de los omoplatos. Mark gru?? con una mezcla de dolor y placer, pero no se detuvo. Continu? bombeando cada vez m?s r?pido, sin dejar de besar a aquella diosa en ning?n momento. Se mov?an de forma tan en?rgica que la melena de L?a le empezaba a tapar el rostro. ?l la apart? suavemente. As? pudo mirarla a los ojos en el momento del climax. Sigui? movi?ndose unos segundos m?s. Acab? rendido. Se tumb? junto a su amante. Ambos compartieron un largo beso. Tal vez podr?an repetir en unos minutos.

Mark deber?a haber abandonado la ciudad hac?a horas. Mientras miraba a aquella espectacular mujer era dif?cil hacerse a la idea, pero ten?a que salir ya. Volver?an a verse dentro de un par de meses, en la Francia natal de Lea. Solo desear?a haber podido prolongar aquello un poco m?s. Le cost? encaminarse a la ducha. L?a segu?a durmiendo cubierta ?nicamente con una s?bana blanca. Se encontraba tan a gusto que no se percat? en Mark entrando en el cuarto de ba?o, ni escuch? la ducha encenderse.

Pas? un rato dormida. Le despert? la puerta. Se abri? repentinamente. Ella sigui? sin percatarse del sonido de la ducha. Se levant?, quedando de rodillas en la cama, sujetando la s?bana con ambas manos. A?n sonre?a. Pens? que Mark deb?a haber salido a por algo de comer o de beber. Durante la noche hab?an acabado con varias botellas de champagne. Quienes entraron no eran Mark. Tres hombres grandes, trajeados, con cara de pocos amigos. El cuarto era quien llevaba el traje m?s caro, tambi?n era el m?s bajito de todos, lo cual le dejaba en la estatura normal para un hombre de su edad, alrededor de cuarenta.

-?Qui?nes s??

No acab? de preguntar. El m?s bajito, el l?der, desenfund? una pistola con la que apunt? a L?a directamente al rostro. La joven qued? helada. Ni siquiera sigui? hablando. Apret? con fuerza la s?bana e intent? echarse un poco para atr?s. Nunca la hab?an apuntado con un arma. De hecho jam?s hab?a visto un arma antes.

Los hombres escucharon la ducha antes que L?a. Ella se dio cuenta justo cuando empezaron a andar. En ese peque?o instante olvid? las armas.


El l?der la abofete?, haci?ndole un corte en el labio inferior. Los dem?s entraron corriendo en el cuarto de ba?o. Se escucharon ruidos de pelea. Despu?s sacaron a Mark sosteni?ndole por las axilas. L?a iba a volver a gritar. Bast? un gesto del l?der, amagando un segundo bofet?n. Ella se ech? para atr?s evitando el golpe que no lleg?.


Lo siguiente que supo L?a fue que le colocaban una bolsa de basura negra en la cabeza. Tambi?n intentaban levantarla. Ella se resisti? e intent? agarrar la s?bana a la vez. No consigui? ninguna de las dos cosas. Como no se calmaba recibi? un buen pu?etazo en el est?mago. Desde luego ni lo esperaba ni estaba preparada. Se desmay? casi al instante.

L?a despert? ya sin la bolsa en la cabeza. Estaba sentada en una silla con las manos atadas por delante, aunque no estaba atada a la propia silla. En frente, a pocos metros, Mark estaba sentado. ?l si se encontraba atado a la silla. Ten?a los rastros de una buena paliza.

-Por fin despierta la bella durmiente.

Era el l?der quien hablaba. L?a mir? de un lado a otro, asustada. Estaban en otro lugar. Una especie de almac?n abandonado. Se asust?. Pregunt? qu? ocurr?a, pidi? auxilio. Solo consigui? carcajadas. L?a no era tonta. Sab?a a qu? se dedicaba Mark. En parte era lo que la hab?a atra?do. La t?pica fantas?a del chico malo. En su caso hab?a sido real. La fantas?a jam?s contemplaba el momento en que la mafia decid?a intentar recuperar su parte.

-Esto va as?, encanto. Aqu? tu amiguito nos ha robado una buena tajada. No la debe tener encima, pero sabe donde se reunir?n los suyos. Lo malo es que no nos lo quiere decir. Por suerte vas a ayudarnos.

L?a no comprend?a qu? quer?an decir.


Le agarraron un dedo, el me?ique de la izquierda. Tiraron hacia atr?s con fuerza hasta romperlo. L?a, que jam?s se hab?a enfrentado a nada parecido, grit?. Dijo algo en franc?s que ninguno de los all? presentes entendi?.


El grito de Mark no sirvi? de nada. Simplemente agarraron el siguiente dedo. No les dej? proseguir. Fue el momento en que les cont? todo. El l?der hizo un par de llamadas.

-?No es mejor as?? Lo malo es que nos has robado, chico. Eso no ha estado bien. Pero has tenido cojones, muchos cojones. Te vamos a dar un peque?o espect?culo.

Entre dos de los matones levantaron a L?a de la silla. La llevaron hasta Mark y la hicieron arrodillarse delante. Ella segu?a llorando, dolorida. As? opuso menos resistencia.


L?a mir? al l?der sorprendida.


Dio una patada justo por debajo del cuello a la mujer. La hizo caer de espaldas al suelo. All? la golpearon un poco m?s entre los otros tres. Con una se?al, el l?der les hizo detenerse. L?a se mostraba con algunos moratones y ara?azos en todo el torso. Hab?a pedido que parasen, suplicado incluso. A?n as? hab?an acabado la peque?a paliza.

-Cada vez que te niegues, te vamos a pegar. Es un castigo, ?lo entiendes?

Ella asinti? muy r?pido con la cabeza

-Pues empieza a chup?rsela.

L?a se incorpor? c?mo pudo. El pecho le dol?a much?simo. Se acerc? de rodillas hasta Mark. ?l no estaba erecto. L?a no pregunt?. Comenz? a lamer el miembro, suavemente. Trat? de olvidar la situaci?n en que estaban. Se concentr? en dar placer. La hac?a sentir sucia por saber el espect?culo que estaba dando a esos malnacidos. Ni siquiera era capaz de mirar a los ojos a su amante. A pesar de todo continu?. Le llev? un rato conseguir una nueva erecci?n de Mark, mucho m?s de lo habitual. No usaba las manos, tan solo la boca. Cuando finalmente la tuvo preparada, se la meti? completamente entre los labios y empez? a bombear. Sigui? as?, a un ritmo cada vez m?s r?pido, hasta que not? el orgasmo de Mark aproxim?ndose.

-Tr?gate hasta la ?ltima gota.

L?a detestaba hacerlo, pero no iba a volver a protestar. Cuando finalmente Mark se corri? en su boca, ella realiz? el mejor esfuerzo posible por trag?rselo todo. Ni siquiera se atrevi? a sacar el pene de la boca cuando este comenzaba a ponerse fl?cido. Entonces escuch? un disparo. Se sobresalt? e intent? levantarse torpemente, cayendo de bruces al suelo. Mark estaba reclinado hacia atr?s. No le pod?a ver la frente, pero sal?a humo, y por detr?s de la silla goteaba sangre. Tard? en comprender que lo hab?an matado. Grit? entre aterrada y desesperada. En su estado solo acertaba a hablar en franc?s.

El l?der dio una patada a Mark para tirarlo de la silla. Mientras tanto otros dos cogieron a L?a. El tercero cort? las ataduras de las manos para atarlas una segunda vez, en esa ocasi?n por la espalda. Con algo de esfuerzo la pusieron de pie sobre la silla que ocupaba antes. Uno de ellos utiliz? la otra silla para subir a su lado. L?a no se hab?a fijado antes, pero desde el principio ca?a una soga justo en el lugar donde ella se encontraba. Reconoci? el nudo de una horca. Intent? alejarse, pero la sujetaban con fuerza. El que estaba subido en la silla tuvo que abofetear un poco a L?a para conseguir meter la cabeza en el nudo. Luego le sac? el pelo y apret? con tanta fuerza que L?a crey? estar asfixi?ndose ya. Por fortuna o por desgracia no era as?.

Apartaron la otra silla, dej?ndola en alto unos instantes. L?a les suplic? en franc?s. No le hicieron caso. Tras concentrarse tanto como era capaz, consigui? hablar con ellos.

-?No!, por favor. No dir? nada.

-?No dir?s nada? - respondi? el l?der. - Pero eso ya lo vamos a conseguir mat?ndote. ?Qu? m?s sacamos nosotros?

-Yo? tengo algo de dinero.

-Nos pagan bastante bien. Seguro que, si lo piensas, se te ocurre algo mejor.

L?a qued? en silencio. Estaba claro lo que  ese hombre insinuaba. Ella no pod?a aceptarlo. Disfrutaba del sexo como la que m?s, pero no as?. No se ten?a por una furcia cualquiera. Sin embargo? mir? arriba. Iban a matarla. No quer?a morir.

-Lo har? con vosotros.

-?Qu? har?s?

-Me acostar? con vosotros.

-?Acostarte?, ?c?mo ni?os peque?os que duermen juntos para no tener pesadillas?

-Sexo, tendr? sexo con vosotros.

-Ah. Quieres decir que dejar?s que te follemos

-Si. Si. Folladme.

-?El co?o, el culo, la boca, y las tetas?

L?a call? de nuevo. Nunca hab?a tenido sexo anal. Tampoco le atra?a la idea de meterse en la boca el asqueroso miembro de ninguno de esos asesinos. Ni ninguna otra cosa. No quer?a hacerlo. Volvi? a llorar.


-Dilo claramente.

-Folladme el co?o, el culo, la boca, y las tetas

-?Todos a la vez?

-Si. Por favor. Folladme todos a la vez. Os gustar?.

-Entonces, ?eres una puta?

-?Si! - ya lloraba tanto que era dif?cil entenderla. - Soy una puta. Soy una puta. Por favor, ?no me mat?is!

-Shhh, tranquila. - Dijo ?l. - Me has convencido.

L?a no sab?a si sonre?r o no. Hab?a hecho el trato m?s asqueroso del mundo. Iba a dejarse violar por todos esos hombres. Los asesinos de Mark. A?n as?, iba a vivir.

El l?der le dio una patada a la silla. Los pies de L?a dejaron de tener apoyo. Descendi? unos diez o doce cent?metros antes de que la soga detuviese la ca?da. Desde ese instante no pudo respirar. La cabeza se inclin? al lado contrario del nudo, forz?ndola a ver el horizonte torcido. Intent? apoyarse en algo, solo que no hab?a nada. Mov?a los pies casi como si corriese en el aire. Intentaba soltar las manos, retorci?ndolas por la espalda para intentar llevarlas al cuello. Habl? sin sonido. Solo se escapaba algo similar a un silbido o a una flauta rota. Todo su cuerpo se agitaba. El pecho se hinchaba tratando de capturar aire, consiguiendo un movimiento a?n m?s hipn?tico para sus magn?ficas tetas.

Ten?a miedo. Tard? en entender que no era la habitaci?n la que giraba de un lado a otro, sino ella. El cuello le dol?a y escoc?a. Busc? con la mirada a sus asesinos. No los vio. Ya iban camino de la puerta. Tan solo vio el cad?ver de Mark en el suelo. Ella iba a acabar igual. Volvi? a intentar gritar con todas sus fuerzas. Consigui? hacerse a?n m?s da?o.

Sin darse cuenta la lengua hab?a ido asomando entre los labios. El cuerpo intentaba hacer m?s espacio para que entrase el aire. Claro estaba, no iba a funcionar. Sent?a cada vez menos fuerzas. Las patadas al aire fueron dejando lugar a t?midos movimientos err?ticos con las piernas. Ya no ten?a fuerza en los brazos para seguir intentando levantar las manos. Sufr?a peque?os espasmos aqu? y all? mientras ve?a cada vez peor. Primero puntitos blancos, luego todo se iba oscureciendo. Not? entonces su propia orina. Se estaba meando. Por alg?n motivo aquello le pareci? otra tragedia. Al estar desnuda, la orina ca?a en un peque?o arco frente a ella. Pens? que eso ser?a lo ?ltimo que supiesen sus seres queridos de ella. Que apareci? desnuda, muerta tras haberse meado encima, en un almac?n abandonado. Sufri? un peque?o resurgimiento de sus propias fuerzas. Patale? unas veces m?s e intent? soltar las manos de nuevo. Finalmente volvi? a quedarse quieta. A?n tard? algunos segundos m?s en morir, pero fue incapaz de seguir movi?ndose.

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We start this week’s show with an establishing shot of a stereotypical concrete council estate. Back in the 1960s, on paper, this probably looked like a futuristic worker’s paradise, but right now, in reality, it just looks boring and grim. Grim people walking by grim buildings on grim streets. Then another grim looking figure – short, fat, hairy and decidedly ugly ... It’s our regular male host, the Cockney geezer called Dennis, the owner of the lady pleaser – the Doberman named Romeo ......

4 years ago
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1975 A Year to Remember Chapter 4

Bobby and Ellen had planned on going to Atlanta at the same time so they suggested that they drive Cindy and Megan to the Atlanta airport. She would then have a direct flight from there to Tulsa, thus saving her the difficulties in changing planes with a baby and all the necessary baby-gear. The plan was that they would drive to Atlanta, get a motel near Hartsfield, and then help Cindy get her flight out the following morning. That first night of the trip Cindy called me to say that...

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Lost from the walking group

We all met for a ramble around the local lakes. It was the local walking group's third meeting, and we were the youngest two in the group by a long margin. We'd got chatting at the last meeting, and the group kept having to wait for us to catch up, the stern gent scowling at as we laughed at the back. You'd joined because it looked like something a bit more adventurous to do to get you away from your home for a few hours. We'd exchanged numbers, and you'd texted me a couple of days later,...

Straight Sex
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Teasing Builders When With EricChapter 2

Once the teasing of the two builders had stopped it was time for some real action. Having won the bet and having presented myself as first prize, it was time for the cocky joke telling lad to claim his winnings. Dressed in the utterly slutty nurses outfit, stockings and heels, I paraded over to him, telling him I was his, as long as he shared me with his hunky friend. All pretence of anything was now over. My fucking cunt was sopping wet and ready for some serious shagging. “So you ready...

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Bring Me to LifeChapter 3

We had waited through the night for Mickens to catch his bus. I would not have made it to my day job if I went back to my room. I gave the girls the car and my spare key. Lisa and Honey wanted to drop me off, but I needed the time away from them. A part of me hoped Adriana regained her sanity and convinced the girls to take the money, car, and anything not nailed down in my room and head for California too. "Did you lose weight?" Amanda asked me. "I heard you were sick but not that badly....

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Im Horny Arent You Part II

  "I feel so horny," I whisper, closing my eyes, setting the palm of my hands down on the desk and sitting up that way. I throw my head back as Henry slowly keeps going. "Yeah, right there," I moan as he hits my clit again. I get that familiar pleasurable ardor while he keeps licking me there. "Right... There... Oh... Yes," I moan quietly, closing my eyes.    He starts to lick my small, hard nub faster, lapping at it quickly. The feeling elevates to a level that I wouldn't know how to...

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EvilAngel Casey Calvert Gaping Casey8217s Rude Asshole Drilled

Adult star Casey Calvert brings natural charms — real breasts, slim physique, snow-white complexion — to horny, hung Mike Adriano because, she says, her butthole has missed his cock. They ease it straight up her ass. Greased anal plowing makes her little anus wink and gape, the pink/purple hole expanding rudely. Lube splashes from her colon. Toys stretch her further, but Casey prefers Mike’s meat. Her ass fills the screen, gaping repeatedly; he tongues the open sphincter....

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SandcastlesChapter 22

I heard the front door close behind them and their limo pull away. I was still sitting there when Janey and Sally came in to say 'Good night.' I sat there all through the night and into the next day. Sally brought me breakfast, set the tray down, and left in silence. She picked it up later, the food untouched. She looked at me strangely, but didn't say a word. Lunch was the same way. Janey brought me dinner. She force-fed me a bite or two, but that was all I could eat. I felt their...

3 years ago
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GLoRYhole plus

It started out a few days earlier when in bed I kept telling my lady how I have been craving some hot bi fun. Now here I am with my lady driving to our local adult store. We knew there are a few booths with gloryholes. At first we just look around before getting a hand full of tokens. Heading into the video booth area we noticed there was no one around. We cruise thru, we can hear a few booths with porn playing. We look into a few booths till we find one with a gloryhole. My lady loads a few...

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You Bet Your WifeChapter 2

Carl's bright white Jaguar had left New York and had been heading west into New Jersey on US-22. About an hour into the drive, he entered New Jersey's notorious Somerville Circle and exited southbound onto US-206. Susie asked again, "Where are we going Carl? Please tell me!" "Just up ahead," he said with a grin. Nearly an hour later, he turned right onto a narrow winding road which snaked up into the hills. A mile or so from the exit, he slowed and turned into a wide driveway through...

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Wild Adventure With Hubbys Causin Mama And His Boss

Hi this is Mallika Joshi again this is my second true story, sorry folks for the delay but I was really busy in getting fucked with my devars and also one of my ISS fan who really made me crazy about his fucking. So coming to this story is about true thing happened with me few days back and with my hubby’s relative( his cousin mama) his name is Sachin he is mechanical engineer and had come to goa for some work along with his boss, he was just 2 years elder than my hubby, both of them were good...

4 years ago
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Forgive Me Father 2

So the nuns and the priests attempted to curb my voracious appetites for four years. They failed miserably. By the time I was a senior, my birthday just passed in a haze of alcohol and sex—the drinking age hadn't yet been changed from eighteen—I'd been disciplined more times than I could count, suspended from classes, and nearly expelled, twice. I was always scraping by, just barely, but it was enough for me. Father Hamilton had the task of disciplining me for my latest transgressions....

2 years ago
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The Bells of TanahChapter 16

With a groan, Anthony sat down on the conference room carpet. He was tired. He was also half amused and half angry at himself. For someone whose job the past few years had been to be on his feet all day, an hour or two walking a market had taken quite a bit out of him. In shape he wasn't. You'd think the sex alone would have helped with stamina. Alas, no. Luckily, there were more important things to occupy his mind than his physical failings. Or, to be more exact, important people. The...

1 year ago
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Sex Play In the Public to Get her an Orgasm Openly Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

She sat across from me in a restaurant facing the beach. We sat at a side table of the restaurant that was almost full. All day, she has been doing things, making me crazily aroused for her. I am Shefan, 28 years old and newly married to a nymphomaniac, a very enticing and beautiful nymph. She has this crazy fetish of playing sexy games in public. There was mischief in her eyes and I was wondering what’s on her mind now. Little did I knew that we are going to have sex play in the public to add...

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A Seduction at Dinner

*This story is a work of fiction.*This happened a few weeks ago, and I'm still kinda shocked..My friend - whom I will call Tim - invited me for a sleepover since his mother was travelling for a work trip and she would not be home for three days.. I agreed since I had nothing planed anyway.I went to his home at about diner time.. I went there wearing the most informal clothes I had, shorts and a kinda stupid looking shirt and sneakers.. it is just my friend right?! wrong! unfortunately, when I...

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Fucking Mums Butt The Final Chapter

Tracey wheeled her son out of the hospital, helped him into the car and headed off to collect her daughter Erin who had been dumped reluctantly on Tracey's sister while she stayed with the injured Allan.Erin was younger and heavier than Allan with bleached blond hair cut short in an attempt to fit in with her try-hard lesbian clique. She was wearing a 'FCUK' t-shirt knotted to show her chubby and pierced belly and baggy torn shorts that rode so low her pubic hair would be on show if she didn't...

3 years ago
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Young wife is used by lots of men at camera club

I had been going to the Camera Club for a few months but hadn’t really made any friends there as they all seemed cliquey. One week they had an open night when you where allowed to bring your wife or a friend. My wife Joyce who is 22 and quite attractive said she wasn’t very interested but would come along as there wasn’t much on TV that night. Only 2 other wives had come and they where over 60 years old. We had a talk by some expert called Joe from another club and then he set...

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Beautiful Fate

Beautiful fate By Jungle Jane I guess you could say that my fate was sealed the summer I was thirteen years old. I was short, skinny, and awkward. I had just moved from Chicago, to a small Midwestern town, and I was having problems fitting in. I certainly did not fit in with the cowboys, the jocks didn't want anything to do with me, and I didn't want anything to do with the nerds. I was pretty much on my own at an age when kids need to feel they belong to...

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Hijabi Bengali slut UK fucked Please comment

Hijabi Bengali slut UK fucked. Please comment.This is a true story about a bengali slut getting fucked. More to follow.She was 5ft 3 and weighed 50kg. She had all the curves in the right places. She was dress size 8 to 10. Her breast size was 32c. She has almond eyes and wears hijab. She has wore tight jeans show of her ass as loved the attention from the guys perving on...

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Monkey WrenchCast

Cast of Characters The Baxters: Dean - Our Narrator Zoë - His 11 Minutes Elder Twin Sister, brunette The Girls of Shipping Container ARK-OE-91 Andrea - Chinese, Not in any Boxmate’s classic Circle of Friends, Reputation as a Puck Bunny Connie - Black, Cheerleader Captain, School Queen Bee Hannah - Former Fat Goth Girl made Fit and Hot. Auburn Hair Kia Parker - The Girl Next Door. Tall, Slender, Blonde. Social Climber and Musician Marin - Artistic girl with real world feelings for Dean....

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Our Weekend Ch 03

Dinner is perfect and romantic again. And once again you look so amazing, I can only think about one thing all evening. I’d been struggling with the arousal caused by watching you pamper yourself and get ready again, and just thinking about what you did for me only hours ago makes me even hornier. Tonight you have again captured the gaze of the entire restaurant. And I’m soaring with pride to show you off. You literally appeared to float into the room, with your long brown curls flowing in time...

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MomsTight Katrina Colt Yoga With My Stepmom

Sexy milf Katrina Colt is doing a yoga routine in some bright sheer leggings. As she continues stretching, she calls for her stepson, Johnny, to help her. She asks him to push down her ships and lower back, which gives him an unparalleled view of that incredible big ass. Johnny points out that yoga probably makes for some good sex. Embarrassed that he has overshared, Johnny says he’s going to go back to watching his show. That gets Katrina thinking. She asks Johnny to help her out...

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Healing Cousin George 4

New Me I sat quietly in the kitchen contemplating my situation, how the hell had I got into this my half baked idea of bringing a woman at home back into George's life and certainly backfired slightly. He had a woman I thought Amanda, but then again she was only interested in one thing and it certainly wasn't Melissa. How would he react, most likely I would be on the first train home in the morning and then how do I explain my return home to my parents. The shadows were lengthening as...

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Threat of Blackmail

THIS HAPPENED IN EARLY 2011It was a beautiful Spring day, it was warm and Donna and I were sat out in the garden when out of the blue Ali turned up, she and Donna used to get on great guns when she lived opposite but this day trouble was in the air or so Ali thought. As both girls got a cool drink they were chatting away when Donna went to the toilet Ali said to me “Shag me or I’ll tell her”.I won’t give in to blackmail so I told Ali “Fucking tell her then”. As the two girls continued their...

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My Teacher Thought Me How To Study And Fuck Her

Hi, my name is ravi (name changed) guys this is my second story please omit the mistakes. This was my first one anyone interested read this story also “ready to meet my sex maid”. I stay in bangalore, I want to share some of my real story happened in my life. Any girl’s aunts ladies can contact me for your help and it will be very secret. If you like it please gives some good rating and drops your comments to us at I use to go for tuition when I was doing my 12th she was a teacher in some...

3 years ago
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Cannibal Cruise

Notes: { This is a fantasy! Women are lovable persons and I would do anything to make them happy. I am a vegetarian myself. }Cannibal Cruise. Chapter 1.Year 2095 C.E. Cannibalism is now practised, to some degree, in nearly every country. The 2005 aviary influenza epidemic brought a dramatic change to the world's female population. Somehow the virus fired some, hitherto repressed genes in women and female animals bringing a sudden change in their behaviour. Mankind first noticed changes in...

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Daughters Little FriendChapter 5

About an hour before Alice Murphy choked out her daughter's name, Sandy had been a quivering, quietly moaning girl on the couch in Vicki Rolf's basement playroom. Time was meaningless and blurred to her, merging with the cocks of Tommy Edgars and Joe Arrow which had continually assaulted her hapless, drug-crazed young body. She was beyond emotion, her tender loins jerking spasmodically as her muscles twitched from the wild, electric-like orgasms she'd received. The two boys and the naked...

4 years ago
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Hijab Muslim Girl

THE MUSLIM ARAB GIRL:Tom was one of the best looking guys at school. He had turned 18, moved to his own apartment and was dating one of the hottest girls at his school. He was concidered the most popular guy around, and his girlfriend was very good looking. Tom had every reason to be happy, beeing a guy who could fuck such a hot girl. But Tom got bored of the same old sex with a girl who was very concervative whit the bed-activities. Most of Tom's friends had other classes than him, he really...

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Enslaved by your classmate

As you walk into your form class you look around and try find a seat. The only one left was beside your crush Sydney so you sit down. She ignores you to begin with but after a while she begins to notice you glancing at her. Seemingly enjoying yiur gaze she undoes the top button of her school shirt and stretches back, showing off her big tits. Unable to tear your eyes away you stare right at them, causing her to giggle slightly. The bell ringing snaps you back to attention and you head to your...

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Whos Going to Know

(Started 6/27/20 ... Finished 6/29/20) My name is Eric Wolfe and I’m the only child to my mom, who’s been a widow for the last four years. She’s a nice person and a very attractive woman but is on the timid side ... not at all forceful, where I’m now the strong and dominant one in our two-person family. My dad was one of four people who were killed in a senseless shooting at the city’s biggest mall. We never found out why he was there but the fact that he was changed everything for us....

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The Bet Chapter 11

The Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 11 (Tuesday - week 2) Chad's pink clock radio startled him awake again. Overall, he felt awful, but mostly really tired. Reluctantly he got up and turned the loud music off and went back to sit on his blow-up mattress. What a night! The damn woman had made him drink so many baby bottles of her lousy tea that he had been peeing all night again. Only this time it seemed worse. He had been trying to hold back more and more all day yesterday to...

2 years ago
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Hes With Her and Shes With Her Too Part 4 of 4

As if from a distance, Lila heard Roman say, "Wow!" He was kneeling on the floor at the foot of the bed, to get the best view of what had occurred. Janet crawled up beside Lila and flipped to her back, resting a hand on Lila's forearm. Lila rolled over and placed her lips on Janet's neck, trailing light kisses all over her shoulders and breasts, with each one lingering a bit longer than the last. Roman was still kneeling at the end of the bed when Lila crawled between Janet's legs. She exhaled...

Group Sex
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Catching sister with dildo

My first story:Catching sister with dildoArianna! Come here! I came down the stairs wearing a white blouse and black and red boy-shorts. Ari, I got Amanda a little something for her 18th birthday. Dont tell okay. Uh huh. I opened the box to find a blue dildo. Really mom? Well, I thought she might want one. Will you give it to her? but you just told not to tell her! just go! I run upstairs with the box. Amanda! I knock on her door a few times. no answer. I walk in hearing what seemed like soft...

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Rebekas story part 4

Rebeka's story part 4 I sat there stunned, barely able to comprehend what had happened. He simply untied my wrists, walked to the front door and called out "I'll be in touch" as he left. I fumbled to take off the ball gag and untie my legs, it took ages even with my hands free as my struggling had tightened the ropes. When I eventually worked my way loose I sat trembling with my head in my hands for what seemed like forever. How could I have been so dumb?...such a fool? Surely...

3 years ago
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Family Responsibilities Ch 02

As the first month draws to a close I realize that I have not heard a thing from my brother. I half expected him to come to my rescue when he realized that I had not come home that first night. I guess I was hoping against hope. For the most part I cannot complain about my treatment here. William has been courtesy itself towards me. Since that first night he has taken me only at night and only in his bedroom. Yes, there have been times when we are in the study that he will loosen the bodice of...

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Scotts BDSM Adventure pt 4

The vet would examine me occasionally usually while I was strapped in my milking rack. He would shove a thermometer up my ass and then put a vinyl glove on that went up past his elbow. He would lube it up then insert his whole arm into my vagina. He would feel around in there and then withdraw and squeeze my breasts some. He seemed satisfied with my progress and would leave without saying a word. As the months went by and I got bigger and bigger it was more difficult to make the journey over to...

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The universe is vast. So vast that many believe it to be infinite in its size and possibility. On top of that, our universe is not the only one; there are many more all clustered together like individual bubbles in a bubble-bath. Many of these other universes have different rules, different people, and different worlds than ours. Some of them even have deities that watch over them, and that can glimpse into universes like ours. Though there are many universes out there that have no such...

2 years ago
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Hanging Around

On occasion you read about something kinky and it sounds so good you just want to try it. The first time Tonya and I did this, things didn’t quite go as they should have. Mike had left one of his pornographic magazines lying on our living room radiator and Tonya found it. We began reading through the letters in it and found one with an interesting premise. It offered both a measure of fear and arousal. We decided to try it.The premise was for me to be nearly hanging by my balls, with my head...

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Impure Thoughts Chapter Three

"Hasselblad," I said, more to myself than to anyone else.The word was on the front of a giant camera, about half a metre away from my bare breasts. "Yes, 'Hasselblad', Swedish. One of the finest cameras in the world." Meet Gastone Contini. He's the grey-haired man holding the camera. He is father to Giulia and Marco and husband to Flora, and right now we are in his studio and he taking pictures of me.Gastone arrived home a few weeks ago after a long series of concert tours. There was a...


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