Ajuste De Cuentas free porn video

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Los dos amantes se revolcaban apasionadamente en la cama. Se supon?a que no iban a pasar demasiado tiempo all?. Iban con prisa. Mark acababa de robar junto a sus chicos uno de los furgones blindados. No cualquier furg?n blindado. De hecho se parec?a m?s a una furgoneta, pero aparte de ir blindada llevaba varios matones dentro. Todos bien armados. Lo normal cuando trataba con la mafia. Arriesgado, si, pero un golpe redondo. La recaudaci?n de todos sus negocios. Prostituci?n, casinos, drogas. Pr?cticamente un mill?n por cabeza. Deb?a haber abandonado la ciudad c?mo sus compa?eros. Ocultarse un par de meses antes de encontrarse todos para repartir el bot?n. No hab?a sido as?, pero pocos podr?an culparle.

L?a era auxiliar de vuelo. Oficialmente ya nadie las llamaba azafatas. Una mujer realmente preciosa. Med?a alrededor de metro setenta, tal vez un poco m?s. A sus treinta y pocos a?os parec?a una modelo, o lo parecer?a de no tener semejantes curvas. Casi noventa de cadera, firme y redonda. Tan solo un par de cent?metros por encima de sesenta en el est?mago. Noventa de pecho, eso dec?a al comprar ropa, pero siempre parec?a llevar una talla menos. Ya que no era la t?pica mujer escu?lida, sus senos no parec?an desmedidos. Un poco ca?dos, s?, pero manten?an una forma bonita, con areolas grandes de color rosado oscuro y pezones que no sobresal?an demasiado. La piel estaba solo un poco bronceada.

De cara tambi?n era excepcionalmente bella. Ten?a el cabello casta?o oscuro, algo m?s claro en las puntas. Descend?a en peque?as hondas hasta mitad de los omoplatos. Aunque no era cabello rizado, ten?a bastante volumen. Por delante el lado derecho ca?a rodeando el rostro, pero por el izquierdo tapaba parte de la frente y el ojo. Desde luego algo tan perfecto se deb?a a una mezcla de gen?tica y horas en el sal?n de belleza. Llevaba mucho tiempo conseguir el peinado, pero sin lugar a dudas el resultado merec?a la pena. Ten?a los ojos ligeramente hundidos, de color azul gris?ceo. Por encima, las cejas angulosas y finas. En cuanto a los labios, ten?an forma de coraz?n arriba y eran gruesos por abajo. En alg?n momento de la noche los hab?a pintado de rojo claro, aunque como llevaban horas y horas bes?ndose, ya quedaba poco maquillaje. Era una mujer de rostro redondeado, sin embargo la mand?bula se iba estrechando poco a poco hasta la barbilla.

L?a montaba a Mark. Ni sab?a cu?ntas veces lo hab?a hecho ya durante la noche. Sub?a y bajaba mientras echaba la cara atr?s. Ahora muy despacio. Mark reprim?a la tentaci?n de agarrar los pechos. Sin duda disfrutar?a haci?ndolo, pero se perder?a el espect?culo de verlos botando. El movimiento era tan hipn?tico que apartar los ojos habr?a sido imposible para cualquiera con gusto por las mujeres. A?n as? le daba buen uso a las manos. Se ayudaba para cambiar el ritmo, desesperado por acelerar. Hac?a que L?a subiese y bajase m?s r?pido, coordin?ndolo con su propio movimiento de caderas. Sin embargo ella era quien llevaba las riendas. Cuando notaba que ?l necesitaba ir m?s r?pido, L?a hac?a justo lo contrario.

Ambos gem?an a la vez. L?a se inclin? hacia delante para besar a su amante primero en el cuello, luego en la mejilla. Al final en los labios. Mark aprovech? para rodearla con los brazos. Acarici? el culo con fuerza, pr?cticamente estruj?ndolo. Era su momento. Dio la vuelta tumb?ndola a ella de espaldas en el colch?n. L?a le envolvi? con las piernas. Las embestidas de ?l ganaron velocidad y fuerza. Ella no pudo evitar apretar con fuerza la espalda de su amante. Cuando lleg? su orgasmo, ara?? con las u?as, perfectamente pintadas de rojo, la piel por encima de los omoplatos. Mark gru?? con una mezcla de dolor y placer, pero no se detuvo. Continu? bombeando cada vez m?s r?pido, sin dejar de besar a aquella diosa en ning?n momento. Se mov?an de forma tan en?rgica que la melena de L?a le empezaba a tapar el rostro. ?l la apart? suavemente. As? pudo mirarla a los ojos en el momento del climax. Sigui? movi?ndose unos segundos m?s. Acab? rendido. Se tumb? junto a su amante. Ambos compartieron un largo beso. Tal vez podr?an repetir en unos minutos.

Mark deber?a haber abandonado la ciudad hac?a horas. Mientras miraba a aquella espectacular mujer era dif?cil hacerse a la idea, pero ten?a que salir ya. Volver?an a verse dentro de un par de meses, en la Francia natal de Lea. Solo desear?a haber podido prolongar aquello un poco m?s. Le cost? encaminarse a la ducha. L?a segu?a durmiendo cubierta ?nicamente con una s?bana blanca. Se encontraba tan a gusto que no se percat? en Mark entrando en el cuarto de ba?o, ni escuch? la ducha encenderse.

Pas? un rato dormida. Le despert? la puerta. Se abri? repentinamente. Ella sigui? sin percatarse del sonido de la ducha. Se levant?, quedando de rodillas en la cama, sujetando la s?bana con ambas manos. A?n sonre?a. Pens? que Mark deb?a haber salido a por algo de comer o de beber. Durante la noche hab?an acabado con varias botellas de champagne. Quienes entraron no eran Mark. Tres hombres grandes, trajeados, con cara de pocos amigos. El cuarto era quien llevaba el traje m?s caro, tambi?n era el m?s bajito de todos, lo cual le dejaba en la estatura normal para un hombre de su edad, alrededor de cuarenta.

-?Qui?nes s??

No acab? de preguntar. El m?s bajito, el l?der, desenfund? una pistola con la que apunt? a L?a directamente al rostro. La joven qued? helada. Ni siquiera sigui? hablando. Apret? con fuerza la s?bana e intent? echarse un poco para atr?s. Nunca la hab?an apuntado con un arma. De hecho jam?s hab?a visto un arma antes.

Los hombres escucharon la ducha antes que L?a. Ella se dio cuenta justo cuando empezaron a andar. En ese peque?o instante olvid? las armas.


El l?der la abofete?, haci?ndole un corte en el labio inferior. Los dem?s entraron corriendo en el cuarto de ba?o. Se escucharon ruidos de pelea. Despu?s sacaron a Mark sosteni?ndole por las axilas. L?a iba a volver a gritar. Bast? un gesto del l?der, amagando un segundo bofet?n. Ella se ech? para atr?s evitando el golpe que no lleg?.


Lo siguiente que supo L?a fue que le colocaban una bolsa de basura negra en la cabeza. Tambi?n intentaban levantarla. Ella se resisti? e intent? agarrar la s?bana a la vez. No consigui? ninguna de las dos cosas. Como no se calmaba recibi? un buen pu?etazo en el est?mago. Desde luego ni lo esperaba ni estaba preparada. Se desmay? casi al instante.

L?a despert? ya sin la bolsa en la cabeza. Estaba sentada en una silla con las manos atadas por delante, aunque no estaba atada a la propia silla. En frente, a pocos metros, Mark estaba sentado. ?l si se encontraba atado a la silla. Ten?a los rastros de una buena paliza.

-Por fin despierta la bella durmiente.

Era el l?der quien hablaba. L?a mir? de un lado a otro, asustada. Estaban en otro lugar. Una especie de almac?n abandonado. Se asust?. Pregunt? qu? ocurr?a, pidi? auxilio. Solo consigui? carcajadas. L?a no era tonta. Sab?a a qu? se dedicaba Mark. En parte era lo que la hab?a atra?do. La t?pica fantas?a del chico malo. En su caso hab?a sido real. La fantas?a jam?s contemplaba el momento en que la mafia decid?a intentar recuperar su parte.

-Esto va as?, encanto. Aqu? tu amiguito nos ha robado una buena tajada. No la debe tener encima, pero sabe donde se reunir?n los suyos. Lo malo es que no nos lo quiere decir. Por suerte vas a ayudarnos.

L?a no comprend?a qu? quer?an decir.


Le agarraron un dedo, el me?ique de la izquierda. Tiraron hacia atr?s con fuerza hasta romperlo. L?a, que jam?s se hab?a enfrentado a nada parecido, grit?. Dijo algo en franc?s que ninguno de los all? presentes entendi?.


El grito de Mark no sirvi? de nada. Simplemente agarraron el siguiente dedo. No les dej? proseguir. Fue el momento en que les cont? todo. El l?der hizo un par de llamadas.

-?No es mejor as?? Lo malo es que nos has robado, chico. Eso no ha estado bien. Pero has tenido cojones, muchos cojones. Te vamos a dar un peque?o espect?culo.

Entre dos de los matones levantaron a L?a de la silla. La llevaron hasta Mark y la hicieron arrodillarse delante. Ella segu?a llorando, dolorida. As? opuso menos resistencia.


L?a mir? al l?der sorprendida.


Dio una patada justo por debajo del cuello a la mujer. La hizo caer de espaldas al suelo. All? la golpearon un poco m?s entre los otros tres. Con una se?al, el l?der les hizo detenerse. L?a se mostraba con algunos moratones y ara?azos en todo el torso. Hab?a pedido que parasen, suplicado incluso. A?n as? hab?an acabado la peque?a paliza.

-Cada vez que te niegues, te vamos a pegar. Es un castigo, ?lo entiendes?

Ella asinti? muy r?pido con la cabeza

-Pues empieza a chup?rsela.

L?a se incorpor? c?mo pudo. El pecho le dol?a much?simo. Se acerc? de rodillas hasta Mark. ?l no estaba erecto. L?a no pregunt?. Comenz? a lamer el miembro, suavemente. Trat? de olvidar la situaci?n en que estaban. Se concentr? en dar placer. La hac?a sentir sucia por saber el espect?culo que estaba dando a esos malnacidos. Ni siquiera era capaz de mirar a los ojos a su amante. A pesar de todo continu?. Le llev? un rato conseguir una nueva erecci?n de Mark, mucho m?s de lo habitual. No usaba las manos, tan solo la boca. Cuando finalmente la tuvo preparada, se la meti? completamente entre los labios y empez? a bombear. Sigui? as?, a un ritmo cada vez m?s r?pido, hasta que not? el orgasmo de Mark aproxim?ndose.

-Tr?gate hasta la ?ltima gota.

L?a detestaba hacerlo, pero no iba a volver a protestar. Cuando finalmente Mark se corri? en su boca, ella realiz? el mejor esfuerzo posible por trag?rselo todo. Ni siquiera se atrevi? a sacar el pene de la boca cuando este comenzaba a ponerse fl?cido. Entonces escuch? un disparo. Se sobresalt? e intent? levantarse torpemente, cayendo de bruces al suelo. Mark estaba reclinado hacia atr?s. No le pod?a ver la frente, pero sal?a humo, y por detr?s de la silla goteaba sangre. Tard? en comprender que lo hab?an matado. Grit? entre aterrada y desesperada. En su estado solo acertaba a hablar en franc?s.

El l?der dio una patada a Mark para tirarlo de la silla. Mientras tanto otros dos cogieron a L?a. El tercero cort? las ataduras de las manos para atarlas una segunda vez, en esa ocasi?n por la espalda. Con algo de esfuerzo la pusieron de pie sobre la silla que ocupaba antes. Uno de ellos utiliz? la otra silla para subir a su lado. L?a no se hab?a fijado antes, pero desde el principio ca?a una soga justo en el lugar donde ella se encontraba. Reconoci? el nudo de una horca. Intent? alejarse, pero la sujetaban con fuerza. El que estaba subido en la silla tuvo que abofetear un poco a L?a para conseguir meter la cabeza en el nudo. Luego le sac? el pelo y apret? con tanta fuerza que L?a crey? estar asfixi?ndose ya. Por fortuna o por desgracia no era as?.

Apartaron la otra silla, dej?ndola en alto unos instantes. L?a les suplic? en franc?s. No le hicieron caso. Tras concentrarse tanto como era capaz, consigui? hablar con ellos.

-?No!, por favor. No dir? nada.

-?No dir?s nada? - respondi? el l?der. - Pero eso ya lo vamos a conseguir mat?ndote. ?Qu? m?s sacamos nosotros?

-Yo? tengo algo de dinero.

-Nos pagan bastante bien. Seguro que, si lo piensas, se te ocurre algo mejor.

L?a qued? en silencio. Estaba claro lo que  ese hombre insinuaba. Ella no pod?a aceptarlo. Disfrutaba del sexo como la que m?s, pero no as?. No se ten?a por una furcia cualquiera. Sin embargo? mir? arriba. Iban a matarla. No quer?a morir.

-Lo har? con vosotros.

-?Qu? har?s?

-Me acostar? con vosotros.

-?Acostarte?, ?c?mo ni?os peque?os que duermen juntos para no tener pesadillas?

-Sexo, tendr? sexo con vosotros.

-Ah. Quieres decir que dejar?s que te follemos

-Si. Si. Folladme.

-?El co?o, el culo, la boca, y las tetas?

L?a call? de nuevo. Nunca hab?a tenido sexo anal. Tampoco le atra?a la idea de meterse en la boca el asqueroso miembro de ninguno de esos asesinos. Ni ninguna otra cosa. No quer?a hacerlo. Volvi? a llorar.


-Dilo claramente.

-Folladme el co?o, el culo, la boca, y las tetas

-?Todos a la vez?

-Si. Por favor. Folladme todos a la vez. Os gustar?.

-Entonces, ?eres una puta?

-?Si! - ya lloraba tanto que era dif?cil entenderla. - Soy una puta. Soy una puta. Por favor, ?no me mat?is!

-Shhh, tranquila. - Dijo ?l. - Me has convencido.

L?a no sab?a si sonre?r o no. Hab?a hecho el trato m?s asqueroso del mundo. Iba a dejarse violar por todos esos hombres. Los asesinos de Mark. A?n as?, iba a vivir.

El l?der le dio una patada a la silla. Los pies de L?a dejaron de tener apoyo. Descendi? unos diez o doce cent?metros antes de que la soga detuviese la ca?da. Desde ese instante no pudo respirar. La cabeza se inclin? al lado contrario del nudo, forz?ndola a ver el horizonte torcido. Intent? apoyarse en algo, solo que no hab?a nada. Mov?a los pies casi como si corriese en el aire. Intentaba soltar las manos, retorci?ndolas por la espalda para intentar llevarlas al cuello. Habl? sin sonido. Solo se escapaba algo similar a un silbido o a una flauta rota. Todo su cuerpo se agitaba. El pecho se hinchaba tratando de capturar aire, consiguiendo un movimiento a?n m?s hipn?tico para sus magn?ficas tetas.

Ten?a miedo. Tard? en entender que no era la habitaci?n la que giraba de un lado a otro, sino ella. El cuello le dol?a y escoc?a. Busc? con la mirada a sus asesinos. No los vio. Ya iban camino de la puerta. Tan solo vio el cad?ver de Mark en el suelo. Ella iba a acabar igual. Volvi? a intentar gritar con todas sus fuerzas. Consigui? hacerse a?n m?s da?o.

Sin darse cuenta la lengua hab?a ido asomando entre los labios. El cuerpo intentaba hacer m?s espacio para que entrase el aire. Claro estaba, no iba a funcionar. Sent?a cada vez menos fuerzas. Las patadas al aire fueron dejando lugar a t?midos movimientos err?ticos con las piernas. Ya no ten?a fuerza en los brazos para seguir intentando levantar las manos. Sufr?a peque?os espasmos aqu? y all? mientras ve?a cada vez peor. Primero puntitos blancos, luego todo se iba oscureciendo. Not? entonces su propia orina. Se estaba meando. Por alg?n motivo aquello le pareci? otra tragedia. Al estar desnuda, la orina ca?a en un peque?o arco frente a ella. Pens? que eso ser?a lo ?ltimo que supiesen sus seres queridos de ella. Que apareci? desnuda, muerta tras haberse meado encima, en un almac?n abandonado. Sufri? un peque?o resurgimiento de sus propias fuerzas. Patale? unas veces m?s e intent? soltar las manos de nuevo. Finalmente volvi? a quedarse quieta. A?n tard? algunos segundos m?s en morir, pero fue incapaz de seguir movi?ndose.

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CHAPTER TEN As soon as Maya left Tyler got in the shower, he needed to release. Lying in bed with her last night and then on the couch with her today had been bliss but it had also been agonizing for his poor cock. He wanted her so badly but he knew she needed more time. She had clearly specified that she didn’t want to have sex, he was going to have to leave making the next move in her court. He turned the water up nice and hot. Maya had been in this shower this morning. The thought of that...

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She walked towards me, her high heels clacking on the floor. I looked up from my book. I took a sharp intake of breath. The heels were accompanied by stockings, a wispy thong and a push up bra that was almost containing her full tits. I watched her walk towards me, a smile played around the corners of her mouth. I opened my mouth to speak but, she stopped me by placing a finger on my lips. She stood in front of me and reached down and pulled open the zip of my jeans. She reached inside and...

Straight Sex
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My Wife Anna With My Best Friend

I woke up and rolled over to look at the clock. It was two fifteen am and then I noticed that Anna was not in bed. At first I thought she must have got up to go to the restroom and I fell back to sleep.I woke up again and looked at the clock and it was now two forty am. Anna was still not in bed.I got up and walked into the master bathroom to see if she was sick or if something was wrong. She was not in there.I opened the door and walked down the hall and I heard voices.Seth my best friend from...

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The Unkindest Cut of AllChapter 5

“Wake up, mister! It’s time to wake up and try to piss normally! We removed your catheter, though it still might hurt a bit. A dull, sore kind of ache. Sorry about that. It couldn’t be helped. I’m your nurse tonight. I was there last night, too, but you were a little out of it to notice me. I’m Jessica Aguilar,” a lovely Hispanic woman told me as she smiled and helped me out of bed, “by the way, my compliments.” “Compliments? Thank you, but what for, anyway?” I asked Nurse Aguilar. The...

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Sunset Vacation

After a few years of talking about taking a vacation together, this year we put together our money in May and paid for a trip to Key Largo at the close to the end of summer after your job slowed down from building all of the summer season. Somehow we managed to get booked at some sort of private beach place that was available and in our price range. I remember thinking “Man, I hope we have some privacy so we can just fuck all we want outside!” And smiling as we left the webpage that booked our...

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TSINF 92 Recollections pt 2

Steph just sighed. “Oh I guess. Just fast forward to who won because the game of quarters explains the hangover.” Amanda sighed . “Spoil sport………..fine. Some guy won. It wasn’t you or Matt. But at least you out lasted him.” Steph smiled. “Well poo. I wanted to win. At least I beat Matt.” She stretched. “Well I better get out of here. No telling how long I was in here before you got in.” Amanda just simply stated, “Okay.” Steph got out of the steam room and threw the towel in the hamper. She...

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More than a LodgerPart 9

More than a Lodger…Part 9 Laura found herself waking in a strange bed. It was not hers, and when she looked around the room, with half open eyes, she saw it was Tom’s. Laura felt a little sore between the legs and then she remembered the night before. The pleasure of what happened overwhelmed the soreness as she remembered her wild and unplanned night. They were always the best, she thought. Laura turned over gently and saw Tom beside her. He was flat out on the bed, arms sprawled in both...

Oral Sex
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First Love With Cousin

I was waiting for her at the place where she told me to wait. I was nervous; anxious… my heart was pounding… My name is Akshat I was 18 then and just entered college I belonged from the conservative family and did not have any galfrnd till then. Finally it was goin to happen today which i never expected – "me and my cousin" for the 1st tym for both of us !! She was also 18, my maternal uncle's daughter, we were as best buddies since childhood she was at different college.. we liked eachothers...

3 years ago
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A Maternal Comfort

My only company was my mom, who thinks that me listening to her complain is an actual conversation. Aside from that, I had a little brother, he was born 10 months before my father had passed away, which was just gut wrenching. Now, just to specify – he is my half brother. My dad remarried in 2013 and had him with my step-mom. Her name is Julia and at the time she was 37. My dad and Julia met when I was around 11 years old, back then they were just dating on and off, but I would see her...

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African Cocks Banging My Ass Part 2Game Time

Hi to all my ISS readers and horny fans out there. I hope you all liked my first part. If you are new to my page, please read the first part before reading this one to help you understand better. So as you know, I met the African hulks who were enjoying the time of their life. I was enjoying being their pet. After the bathroom session, I became way too horny and started begging them to fuck me with their beasts. But they were just pretended as they were not ready yet and decided to play a...

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Pleasing the Ghost Hunter

I lick my fingers and bring them down to my longing pussy. In circular motions I rub my clit as my head tilts back and I moan. Where I was only some what wet before I started, now I’m soaked and not just from the sensations I’m giving myself, but by fantasizing of my ghost hunting partner, Trevor. I had met him years back and while I had started talking to him because of my attraction to him, I learned that he, like me, was very interested in the paranormal. A few months later, we joined...

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Blood of the Clans Ch 13

While Garreth and Grayson awaited the start of the trial, James MacRae had already broken the cease-fire pact and sat with several leaders of smaller clans, at the head of the table of Andrew MacDougall. Andrew, sat on his left, in his deteriorating Dunollie Castle, while to his right was a captain of the Earl’s guard, dressed in full regalia for representation of his position. McCauley Fraser, Harlan Douglas and Jacob MacLean sat to either side of Andrew and the captain. He had put it to the...

2 years ago
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Kaki La Mast Javal

Hi I am Shekhar from Mumbai height 5.9inch, penis 8inch. Agother chya story pramane mi kakila gavi kas javal he sangital hota. aata mi Mumbai la alyavar kase aamche sabandh aajun vadale he sanganar aahe. Kaki chi gavi 3 vela gand marlya nantar aami Mumbai la parat aalo, 2 divas jale nanatar kaki ne mala call kela ki aaj koni nahi aahe ghari ye tu, mi kaki chya ghari gelo kaka office madhe gelo hote aani Neha(mulagi) ti college la geli hoti mi 11am la pohochalo kaki Ne door open kela kaki ne...

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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter 8

Craig stumbled up the stairs before throwing open the bedroom door with a loud crash, his eyes blazing with a lust that Hailey hadn’t seen since before they were married. "I am glad you are up," said Craig as he tore his clothes from his body, "you got me so turned on earlier, I want you." Hailey looked at his cock which was as stiff as a steel rod and she suspected it was the sight of Julie & Marge getting fucked by dogs that had that effect on him but she wasn't going to say anything...

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Used for two days

Every night i would go to this website and talk to strangers. There were mostly guys but i did get to talk some girls. I never showed my face but i would watch others. One night i was on this site talking to randoms. I came across this one black guy and he was showing his legs on camera. We didnt speak a word, he moved his camera towards his cock. Oh my he had a monster between his legs. It was really big. He was stroking it and i dont know why i liked watching him. Infact watching him stroke...

1 year ago
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Private Shona River Wild Blonde Enjoys Anal

The newly single Shona River has come to Private Specials, Anal Beauties looking for a stud to satisfy her insatiable appetite for anal, her ex couldn’t handle her needs and it’s time for some fresh blood to give her what she wants. This blonde star is on the prowl and finds the lucky Potro del Bilbao on the beach and after some play they soon head inside for the real action to begin. Watch Shona and her incredible body enjoy a sloppy blowjob before offering up that tight little ass for a hard...

3 years ago
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Quenching The Thirst Of My Landlady

I am A.N.Reddy form Hyderabad. I have been reading the stories in this website for the past 2 years and I liked most of them. I am 28 years old and height 175cms and 75 kgs in weight. My body athletic and I exercise regularly to stay fit. I stay in kukatpally in Hyderabad. The incident which i am going to narrate was a real one. It happened 5 years ago when i was studying my M.A, then i was 23. My parents stay in a near by town nagarjunasagar. Its 3 hours journey from Hyderabad. I got seat in...

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HighClass Smut

I married my wife five years ago, while we were both attending college. We met our freshman year and fell in love almost immediately. Amy can best be described as a small and cute girl. She is 5’2’’, 115 pounds, and speaks with a barely audible lisp that was far worse when she was a child. She is beautiful. I am an attractive young man, not quite dashing, but handsome enough. I am 6’1’’ and well proportioned at 170 pounds. When I went off to university, I went with my best friend from...

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I Cant Believe I Let HimChapter 2

I deserve this fate of mine, for letting myself get aroused by my own son; and it wasn't just arousal! I took one look at that johnson of his and I turned into putty in his hands. I 'knew' we were going to fuck and I didn't do anything to prevent it. As if to close the proverbial barn door after the horses escaped, and convinced that Nick was still the aggressor and that he'd be back for more, I not only douched immediately afterward, but I went back on the pill! My period was already...

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From Hell To Heaven In 21 Days

Hell to heaven in 21 days Hello, I am Srinath from Bengaluru. This is a story of year 1997 in Vadodara. I was then 32 years and my wife 26. We were married for 5 years and as we had planned we had no kids for five years. Then we started sex with intention to get child and my wife conceived soon. It was a good news for the whole family. Her parents took her to Mysuru when in her sixth month itself and I had to stay alone. We had a maid servant by name Sudha who was also married and in her early...

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Saw Mom Getting Fucked From Dad Again

Hello Everyone. I am Amit again, back with a kind of sequel of my story. I hope you all have read my previous story. It was my 1st story that I published on Indian Sex Stories (ISS). Lot of readers showed interest in the story and enquired a lot about the incident which I have mentioned. Seeing the response from the story, I would like to share one more incident which I saw just few days back. I really couldn’t believe I am watching my parents having sex at this age. Now I know everything about...

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The Heros Journey

Welcome to the story of Joe Cloud, a hero (or villain) in the works with mind control and super strength. He will grow to work with as many heroes as he can, and will find out how to be on the right side of the law, or quite the opposite. Hell, he might not even join a superhero universe! But first, what universe do you even belong too? (Any and all characters costumes are whatever ones you want, as we all have a slightly different vision of each hero, such as the shape of the bat symbol, or...

4 years ago
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I do not pretend to be a writer, but I just thought I`d scribble down some memories. This is`nt fiction, just a small part of my personal history.Some things happened in the dark ages, othersnot so long ago, but everyone of them is etched in my memory and I can still remember it like it happened yesterday. [/First Timesb]My first real open mouth kiss was when I was about f******n and not being real sex, I don`t suppose it is against the law to state that age here.We were...

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Apartment to rent

When my wife suggested that we rent out the guest rooms above the garage to a college student it sounded like a good idea. It was very much like a small apartment, with a bedroom, bathroom, and small living room. No kitchen of course, but we could share ours and it seemed like a good way to make a little extra every month. We'd only recently gotten married and had just bought the house, so we could use the money.Being my wife's 'project' as it were, I left the details up to her. I was working...

1 year ago
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BrattyMilf Summer Hart Taste Test With My Stepmom

Summer Hart is making a romantic dinner for two in the kitchen wearing just an apron over her bra and panties. As the busty redhead takes a phone call from her hubby to learn that he won’t be home for dinner, she begins by pouting. Then she gets an idea that still gets her pussy pounded and also gets back at her husband. She calls her stepson, Christian Castillo, to come down and join her. She asks Christian to try some recipes for her, but there are secret ingredients so she needs to...

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Little Blonde White GirlChapter 2

I can't help thinking what a good man I'm married to, he knows how special this is for me to be here sharing a hotel room with Chloe. My lovely black princess has swept into my life and seduced me with her sexy, exotic charms. I'm giving myself to her and he wants me to enjoy every moment of it. He said he got this fancy room cheap, I bet he's lying, he wants Chloe and I to have the very best for our one night of passion. He'll tease me rotten about this of course and he'll want to...

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How to Win Over a Nude Model part 1

Scene starts with college-aged girl in a room in her mansion set up as an exercise room. She has on yoga pants, a sports bra, and headphones and is doing stretches and some walking on a treadmill. She finishes and sets the headphones on a table and leaves the room. She walks over to a room where the back door is wide open and we can see a pool out there. There’s lighting set up for a video and a couple of men outside. There’s a man in the room. When she enters the room and sees the man, she...

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Newly Married Sexy Unknown Bhabhi K Sath Fuck Kiya

Hello all Indian sex stories readers. I am Rihan Rai and I live in Delhi. I wrote many stories and all was based upon my real life story. Any girl or aunty if you want to get fucked please mail me at And don’t worry about your privacy I will take care of it. I would like to narrate my story in hindi. Ye meri recent ki story h jbb meri pehli job lagi thi. I completed my graduation in year 2016. I did it from its engg college. Mera jbb college khatm hua to mjeh greater noida se noida shift hona...

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A New Start The BeginningPrologue

Keal Atonuff was a retired Army medic. He spent the last 9 years working with Special Forces Operations as a member of the support teams. This allowed him to be around all the training but kept him from having to go on actual missions. Keal retired after more than 20 years in the military. Bought a ranch and became a kind of recluse. He lived just outside a small town called Rockville, some where in the middle of the Rocky Mountains. The planet passes through a strange meteor field that...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 42 Talkin About My Generation

April 17, 1994, Chicago, Illinois “Stop!” Mitsuko commanded. “What?” I asked, turning to face her. “I did the steps correctly.” “Technically. But you’re too mechanical. It’s like ... like watching a robot try to do martial arts.” “In Shōtōkan, the point of kata is to learn the steps of the stylized fight.” “And would you really fight that way? Pausing between each movement? Making snap movements that do not flow together?” “No, but...” “You’ve raised technical form over beauty. That’s...

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After a long day at work, Michelle finally arrives home and strips to her red lace bra and matching g string, walking to the fridge she grabs a chilled bottle of wine and heads out to her deck which over looks the beach. With the waves crashing upon the sand and the sun setting its nice and calm maybe a little warm but just nice to sit back and breathe in the salt air, watching people play on the sand she suddenly notices a young couple in the sand hills as she takes a closer look, she can see...

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Belinda was a wonderful person, great personality, bubbly; jocular and always full of fun; she’d a list of friends as long as your arm. However, she had one large problem and she herself would be the first to admit it; she was built like a brick shithouse. At 275lbs, she had to be huge, but her friends, girlfriends that is, loved her to bits. She was no problem to take out with them, if fact they jumped at the chance, knowing full well that any male’s attention would be attracted to them. Sex,...

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Drawing on the Dark Side of the BrainChapter 8 What Do We Do Now

“I think I’ll become a stripper,” Kelly said. She held up a flier she’d picked up when we were all wandering around on Sunday. I was just thankful the place was closed until evening. We’d all returned to Granddad’s basement family room except Derek and Dee. They had to go face the parents. It took Kelly about fifteen seconds before she was naked again. “Um ... Kelly? Don’t you have to wear clothes to become a stripper?” Charmaine asked. “Huh?” “Isn’t the idea of stripping tantalizing your...

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Me And My Neighbour Aunty

Hi guys and girls… I am from Tirune halwa city this is my first story in Indian sex stories and I ‘m not good in English so please forgive for my mistakes and give your feedback in the following mail id I wont to share my name. I like mid age aunties than girls because they had a matured body and structure. I am reading stories in last 4 years after reading the story I masturbate thinking that story it’s time for my story. Now coming to the story I am 22 slim and fair in color with 6.5 inch...

4 years ago
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The Power of Devotion

The Power of DevotionBy Patrick HepburnPART ONEINTRODUCTION To understand the unsettling story of Alessia and Jurij you have to know a little about their history and that of their country. Alessia came into the world on May 11, 1892, in a small village of the western part of the Fore-Caucasus, close to the city of Yekaterinodar; the first child of the officer Igor Vasiliev and his wife Larissa. And she was also their last as Larissa died soon after she had given birth to Alessia. Alessia...

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My Summer Break

This story could be Erotic Couples, Interracial and Romance. A big thank you to 'Aylah Ayres' for editing this story and making it a much better read. Five of my buddies and I decided to spend a week in Myrtle Beach. It was a summer break from college for them and a last hurrah for me. I had just graduated from college. They have gone the last two years to the beach for summer break. I went to college year around and was not able to take summer breaks. This year I was able to join the...

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ChangesChapter 7

Saturday morning came bright and early; Jae was not quite ready to start the day. She hasn't seen Chase all week, when she got home from work on Monday there was a note on her door saying that he had to go out of town but he would be back in time on Saturday to go shopping and he would be over by 11 am, with his sister to start more transformations. He was in for a surprise, Jae thought as she got up to shower. She had already went to the salon and got her hair cut, styled and dyed. She...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Kenzie 01102019

Beautiful 21 year old Kenzie decided to take a break from her webcamming and do her first boy-girl scene, and lucky for you she decided to do it here! Super sexual and open to most anything, you’d think that she has a lot of experience with guys, but in reality she’s only been with four guys and only fucks her boyfriends. Fortunately, she has a mind to explore herself sexually and having sex with a complete stranger fits in that plan nicely, and of course we’re only too happy...


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