Unexpected Love Part 2
- 2 years ago
- 20
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Los dos amantes se revolcaban apasionadamente en la cama. Se supon?a que no iban a pasar demasiado tiempo all?. Iban con prisa. Mark acababa de robar junto a sus chicos uno de los furgones blindados. No cualquier furg?n blindado. De hecho se parec?a m?s a una furgoneta, pero aparte de ir blindada llevaba varios matones dentro. Todos bien armados. Lo normal cuando trataba con la mafia. Arriesgado, si, pero un golpe redondo. La recaudaci?n de todos sus negocios. Prostituci?n, casinos, drogas. Pr?cticamente un mill?n por cabeza. Deb?a haber abandonado la ciudad c?mo sus compa?eros. Ocultarse un par de meses antes de encontrarse todos para repartir el bot?n. No hab?a sido as?, pero pocos podr?an culparle.
L?a era auxiliar de vuelo. Oficialmente ya nadie las llamaba azafatas. Una mujer realmente preciosa. Med?a alrededor de metro setenta, tal vez un poco m?s. A sus treinta y pocos a?os parec?a una modelo, o lo parecer?a de no tener semejantes curvas. Casi noventa de cadera, firme y redonda. Tan solo un par de cent?metros por encima de sesenta en el est?mago. Noventa de pecho, eso dec?a al comprar ropa, pero siempre parec?a llevar una talla menos. Ya que no era la t?pica mujer escu?lida, sus senos no parec?an desmedidos. Un poco ca?dos, s?, pero manten?an una forma bonita, con areolas grandes de color rosado oscuro y pezones que no sobresal?an demasiado. La piel estaba solo un poco bronceada.
De cara tambi?n era excepcionalmente bella. Ten?a el cabello casta?o oscuro, algo m?s claro en las puntas. Descend?a en peque?as hondas hasta mitad de los omoplatos. Aunque no era cabello rizado, ten?a bastante volumen. Por delante el lado derecho ca?a rodeando el rostro, pero por el izquierdo tapaba parte de la frente y el ojo. Desde luego algo tan perfecto se deb?a a una mezcla de gen?tica y horas en el sal?n de belleza. Llevaba mucho tiempo conseguir el peinado, pero sin lugar a dudas el resultado merec?a la pena. Ten?a los ojos ligeramente hundidos, de color azul gris?ceo. Por encima, las cejas angulosas y finas. En cuanto a los labios, ten?an forma de coraz?n arriba y eran gruesos por abajo. En alg?n momento de la noche los hab?a pintado de rojo claro, aunque como llevaban horas y horas bes?ndose, ya quedaba poco maquillaje. Era una mujer de rostro redondeado, sin embargo la mand?bula se iba estrechando poco a poco hasta la barbilla.
L?a montaba a Mark. Ni sab?a cu?ntas veces lo hab?a hecho ya durante la noche. Sub?a y bajaba mientras echaba la cara atr?s. Ahora muy despacio. Mark reprim?a la tentaci?n de agarrar los pechos. Sin duda disfrutar?a haci?ndolo, pero se perder?a el espect?culo de verlos botando. El movimiento era tan hipn?tico que apartar los ojos habr?a sido imposible para cualquiera con gusto por las mujeres. A?n as? le daba buen uso a las manos. Se ayudaba para cambiar el ritmo, desesperado por acelerar. Hac?a que L?a subiese y bajase m?s r?pido, coordin?ndolo con su propio movimiento de caderas. Sin embargo ella era quien llevaba las riendas. Cuando notaba que ?l necesitaba ir m?s r?pido, L?a hac?a justo lo contrario.
Ambos gem?an a la vez. L?a se inclin? hacia delante para besar a su amante primero en el cuello, luego en la mejilla. Al final en los labios. Mark aprovech? para rodearla con los brazos. Acarici? el culo con fuerza, pr?cticamente estruj?ndolo. Era su momento. Dio la vuelta tumb?ndola a ella de espaldas en el colch?n. L?a le envolvi? con las piernas. Las embestidas de ?l ganaron velocidad y fuerza. Ella no pudo evitar apretar con fuerza la espalda de su amante. Cuando lleg? su orgasmo, ara?? con las u?as, perfectamente pintadas de rojo, la piel por encima de los omoplatos. Mark gru?? con una mezcla de dolor y placer, pero no se detuvo. Continu? bombeando cada vez m?s r?pido, sin dejar de besar a aquella diosa en ning?n momento. Se mov?an de forma tan en?rgica que la melena de L?a le empezaba a tapar el rostro. ?l la apart? suavemente. As? pudo mirarla a los ojos en el momento del climax. Sigui? movi?ndose unos segundos m?s. Acab? rendido. Se tumb? junto a su amante. Ambos compartieron un largo beso. Tal vez podr?an repetir en unos minutos.
Mark deber?a haber abandonado la ciudad hac?a horas. Mientras miraba a aquella espectacular mujer era dif?cil hacerse a la idea, pero ten?a que salir ya. Volver?an a verse dentro de un par de meses, en la Francia natal de Lea. Solo desear?a haber podido prolongar aquello un poco m?s. Le cost? encaminarse a la ducha. L?a segu?a durmiendo cubierta ?nicamente con una s?bana blanca. Se encontraba tan a gusto que no se percat? en Mark entrando en el cuarto de ba?o, ni escuch? la ducha encenderse.
Pas? un rato dormida. Le despert? la puerta. Se abri? repentinamente. Ella sigui? sin percatarse del sonido de la ducha. Se levant?, quedando de rodillas en la cama, sujetando la s?bana con ambas manos. A?n sonre?a. Pens? que Mark deb?a haber salido a por algo de comer o de beber. Durante la noche hab?an acabado con varias botellas de champagne. Quienes entraron no eran Mark. Tres hombres grandes, trajeados, con cara de pocos amigos. El cuarto era quien llevaba el traje m?s caro, tambi?n era el m?s bajito de todos, lo cual le dejaba en la estatura normal para un hombre de su edad, alrededor de cuarenta.
-?Qui?nes s??
No acab? de preguntar. El m?s bajito, el l?der, desenfund? una pistola con la que apunt? a L?a directamente al rostro. La joven qued? helada. Ni siquiera sigui? hablando. Apret? con fuerza la s?bana e intent? echarse un poco para atr?s. Nunca la hab?an apuntado con un arma. De hecho jam?s hab?a visto un arma antes.
Los hombres escucharon la ducha antes que L?a. Ella se dio cuenta justo cuando empezaron a andar. En ese peque?o instante olvid? las armas.
El l?der la abofete?, haci?ndole un corte en el labio inferior. Los dem?s entraron corriendo en el cuarto de ba?o. Se escucharon ruidos de pelea. Despu?s sacaron a Mark sosteni?ndole por las axilas. L?a iba a volver a gritar. Bast? un gesto del l?der, amagando un segundo bofet?n. Ella se ech? para atr?s evitando el golpe que no lleg?.
Lo siguiente que supo L?a fue que le colocaban una bolsa de basura negra en la cabeza. Tambi?n intentaban levantarla. Ella se resisti? e intent? agarrar la s?bana a la vez. No consigui? ninguna de las dos cosas. Como no se calmaba recibi? un buen pu?etazo en el est?mago. Desde luego ni lo esperaba ni estaba preparada. Se desmay? casi al instante.
L?a despert? ya sin la bolsa en la cabeza. Estaba sentada en una silla con las manos atadas por delante, aunque no estaba atada a la propia silla. En frente, a pocos metros, Mark estaba sentado. ?l si se encontraba atado a la silla. Ten?a los rastros de una buena paliza.
-Por fin despierta la bella durmiente.
Era el l?der quien hablaba. L?a mir? de un lado a otro, asustada. Estaban en otro lugar. Una especie de almac?n abandonado. Se asust?. Pregunt? qu? ocurr?a, pidi? auxilio. Solo consigui? carcajadas. L?a no era tonta. Sab?a a qu? se dedicaba Mark. En parte era lo que la hab?a atra?do. La t?pica fantas?a del chico malo. En su caso hab?a sido real. La fantas?a jam?s contemplaba el momento en que la mafia decid?a intentar recuperar su parte.
-Esto va as?, encanto. Aqu? tu amiguito nos ha robado una buena tajada. No la debe tener encima, pero sabe donde se reunir?n los suyos. Lo malo es que no nos lo quiere decir. Por suerte vas a ayudarnos.
L?a no comprend?a qu? quer?an decir.
Le agarraron un dedo, el me?ique de la izquierda. Tiraron hacia atr?s con fuerza hasta romperlo. L?a, que jam?s se hab?a enfrentado a nada parecido, grit?. Dijo algo en franc?s que ninguno de los all? presentes entendi?.
El grito de Mark no sirvi? de nada. Simplemente agarraron el siguiente dedo. No les dej? proseguir. Fue el momento en que les cont? todo. El l?der hizo un par de llamadas.
-?No es mejor as?? Lo malo es que nos has robado, chico. Eso no ha estado bien. Pero has tenido cojones, muchos cojones. Te vamos a dar un peque?o espect?culo.
Entre dos de los matones levantaron a L?a de la silla. La llevaron hasta Mark y la hicieron arrodillarse delante. Ella segu?a llorando, dolorida. As? opuso menos resistencia.
L?a mir? al l?der sorprendida.
Dio una patada justo por debajo del cuello a la mujer. La hizo caer de espaldas al suelo. All? la golpearon un poco m?s entre los otros tres. Con una se?al, el l?der les hizo detenerse. L?a se mostraba con algunos moratones y ara?azos en todo el torso. Hab?a pedido que parasen, suplicado incluso. A?n as? hab?an acabado la peque?a paliza.
-Cada vez que te niegues, te vamos a pegar. Es un castigo, ?lo entiendes?
Ella asinti? muy r?pido con la cabeza
-Pues empieza a chup?rsela.
L?a se incorpor? c?mo pudo. El pecho le dol?a much?simo. Se acerc? de rodillas hasta Mark. ?l no estaba erecto. L?a no pregunt?. Comenz? a lamer el miembro, suavemente. Trat? de olvidar la situaci?n en que estaban. Se concentr? en dar placer. La hac?a sentir sucia por saber el espect?culo que estaba dando a esos malnacidos. Ni siquiera era capaz de mirar a los ojos a su amante. A pesar de todo continu?. Le llev? un rato conseguir una nueva erecci?n de Mark, mucho m?s de lo habitual. No usaba las manos, tan solo la boca. Cuando finalmente la tuvo preparada, se la meti? completamente entre los labios y empez? a bombear. Sigui? as?, a un ritmo cada vez m?s r?pido, hasta que not? el orgasmo de Mark aproxim?ndose.
-Tr?gate hasta la ?ltima gota.
L?a detestaba hacerlo, pero no iba a volver a protestar. Cuando finalmente Mark se corri? en su boca, ella realiz? el mejor esfuerzo posible por trag?rselo todo. Ni siquiera se atrevi? a sacar el pene de la boca cuando este comenzaba a ponerse fl?cido. Entonces escuch? un disparo. Se sobresalt? e intent? levantarse torpemente, cayendo de bruces al suelo. Mark estaba reclinado hacia atr?s. No le pod?a ver la frente, pero sal?a humo, y por detr?s de la silla goteaba sangre. Tard? en comprender que lo hab?an matado. Grit? entre aterrada y desesperada. En su estado solo acertaba a hablar en franc?s.
El l?der dio una patada a Mark para tirarlo de la silla. Mientras tanto otros dos cogieron a L?a. El tercero cort? las ataduras de las manos para atarlas una segunda vez, en esa ocasi?n por la espalda. Con algo de esfuerzo la pusieron de pie sobre la silla que ocupaba antes. Uno de ellos utiliz? la otra silla para subir a su lado. L?a no se hab?a fijado antes, pero desde el principio ca?a una soga justo en el lugar donde ella se encontraba. Reconoci? el nudo de una horca. Intent? alejarse, pero la sujetaban con fuerza. El que estaba subido en la silla tuvo que abofetear un poco a L?a para conseguir meter la cabeza en el nudo. Luego le sac? el pelo y apret? con tanta fuerza que L?a crey? estar asfixi?ndose ya. Por fortuna o por desgracia no era as?.
Apartaron la otra silla, dej?ndola en alto unos instantes. L?a les suplic? en franc?s. No le hicieron caso. Tras concentrarse tanto como era capaz, consigui? hablar con ellos.
-?No!, por favor. No dir? nada.
-?No dir?s nada? - respondi? el l?der. - Pero eso ya lo vamos a conseguir mat?ndote. ?Qu? m?s sacamos nosotros?
-Yo? tengo algo de dinero.
-Nos pagan bastante bien. Seguro que, si lo piensas, se te ocurre algo mejor.
L?a qued? en silencio. Estaba claro lo que ese hombre insinuaba. Ella no pod?a aceptarlo. Disfrutaba del sexo como la que m?s, pero no as?. No se ten?a por una furcia cualquiera. Sin embargo? mir? arriba. Iban a matarla. No quer?a morir.
-Lo har? con vosotros.
-?Qu? har?s?
-Me acostar? con vosotros.
-?Acostarte?, ?c?mo ni?os peque?os que duermen juntos para no tener pesadillas?
-Sexo, tendr? sexo con vosotros.
-Ah. Quieres decir que dejar?s que te follemos
-Si. Si. Folladme.
-?El co?o, el culo, la boca, y las tetas?
L?a call? de nuevo. Nunca hab?a tenido sexo anal. Tampoco le atra?a la idea de meterse en la boca el asqueroso miembro de ninguno de esos asesinos. Ni ninguna otra cosa. No quer?a hacerlo. Volvi? a llorar.
-Dilo claramente.
-Folladme el co?o, el culo, la boca, y las tetas
-?Todos a la vez?
-Si. Por favor. Folladme todos a la vez. Os gustar?.
-Entonces, ?eres una puta?
-?Si! - ya lloraba tanto que era dif?cil entenderla. - Soy una puta. Soy una puta. Por favor, ?no me mat?is!
-Shhh, tranquila. - Dijo ?l. - Me has convencido.
L?a no sab?a si sonre?r o no. Hab?a hecho el trato m?s asqueroso del mundo. Iba a dejarse violar por todos esos hombres. Los asesinos de Mark. A?n as?, iba a vivir.
El l?der le dio una patada a la silla. Los pies de L?a dejaron de tener apoyo. Descendi? unos diez o doce cent?metros antes de que la soga detuviese la ca?da. Desde ese instante no pudo respirar. La cabeza se inclin? al lado contrario del nudo, forz?ndola a ver el horizonte torcido. Intent? apoyarse en algo, solo que no hab?a nada. Mov?a los pies casi como si corriese en el aire. Intentaba soltar las manos, retorci?ndolas por la espalda para intentar llevarlas al cuello. Habl? sin sonido. Solo se escapaba algo similar a un silbido o a una flauta rota. Todo su cuerpo se agitaba. El pecho se hinchaba tratando de capturar aire, consiguiendo un movimiento a?n m?s hipn?tico para sus magn?ficas tetas.
Ten?a miedo. Tard? en entender que no era la habitaci?n la que giraba de un lado a otro, sino ella. El cuello le dol?a y escoc?a. Busc? con la mirada a sus asesinos. No los vio. Ya iban camino de la puerta. Tan solo vio el cad?ver de Mark en el suelo. Ella iba a acabar igual. Volvi? a intentar gritar con todas sus fuerzas. Consigui? hacerse a?n m?s da?o.
Sin darse cuenta la lengua hab?a ido asomando entre los labios. El cuerpo intentaba hacer m?s espacio para que entrase el aire. Claro estaba, no iba a funcionar. Sent?a cada vez menos fuerzas. Las patadas al aire fueron dejando lugar a t?midos movimientos err?ticos con las piernas. Ya no ten?a fuerza en los brazos para seguir intentando levantar las manos. Sufr?a peque?os espasmos aqu? y all? mientras ve?a cada vez peor. Primero puntitos blancos, luego todo se iba oscureciendo. Not? entonces su propia orina. Se estaba meando. Por alg?n motivo aquello le pareci? otra tragedia. Al estar desnuda, la orina ca?a en un peque?o arco frente a ella. Pens? que eso ser?a lo ?ltimo que supiesen sus seres queridos de ella. Que apareci? desnuda, muerta tras haberse meado encima, en un almac?n abandonado. Sufri? un peque?o resurgimiento de sus propias fuerzas. Patale? unas veces m?s e intent? soltar las manos de nuevo. Finalmente volvi? a quedarse quieta. A?n tard? algunos segundos m?s en morir, pero fue incapaz de seguir movi?ndose.
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IncestFirstly let me start by introducing the main character. John. Now John is a man of 28 and lives in the UK. He's single and that's the way he likes it. With his career very much sorted as a well paid company buyer he classes himself as successful. Having a nice apartment on the outskirts of London with just himself to please he's a happy man. Now john does love the females and even the girls yes younger girls have always been John's weakness. Not too young say 16 plus he knows you have to...
A horny Biker slutDay 1 :She is a handsome blond married woman of 39, big natural tits who likes attention of other (foreign) men.During the month of May there is always a Harley fest in the south of France where she rides together with her husband on a big Harley.Her husband is not jealous and enjoy to see his wife being naughty with other men.A blonde slut with big tits is always provocative when she is sitting on a Harley dressed up like it.It was a sunny drive on the highway and they picked...
I am so Grateful to ISS, shayd me 7-8 salo se pdh rha hu yha pe stories…Now its time for my own…I am Ritesh, 25 from Nagpur, and MIMP ==> I think there is no need to describe how I look and all…as u understand ye story meri niece ki aur meri h… Mera koi exam tha to muze pune jana pada, vha meri cousin sis rehti h, jinka divorce ho chuka h aur vo apne 2 bachho k sath rehti h…pratiksha h uska nam, around 21, good looking gal…m glad i have hr as my niece.. Hum dono kafi salo bad ek dusre ko mil...
"Look, Jase, just because I love you doesn't mean I'm willing to do that with you," said Emma. "Can't we do something else?" "Like, what?" Jason said. "I dunno, like, talk, or something. How was your day?" "Boring. I couldn't want to see you. How was yours?" Emma sighed. " ... Boring. I couldn't wait to see you." A boy had made some quiet motions in her direction--a friend of a boyfriend of a friend, kind of boring. She'd been able to say, Sorry, I'm already seeing...
Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Sie darf weder komplett noch in Teilen ohne ausdr?ckliche Genehmigung durch den Autor weder in schriftlicher, gedruckter noch elektronischer Form weiter ver?ffentlicht werden. F?r Personen unter 18 Jahre ist diese Geschichte nicht geeignet? Drachenwind Seit e...
Flashback – Masha – At the hospital I saw the car as it approached the hospital and realized the Spetsnaz had unfortunately reduced their situational awareness (again). I quickly began running as fast as I could. I barely made it out of the blast zone when the car exploded! Upon my return to the site, I viewed a very touching scene: My Jack was looking at what was left of the idiotic CCCN news crew and was crying. Ben and Tatiana were beside him and I swore they also shed tears. I...
Michelle walks into a disgusting, dirty women's restroom, not needing to use it, but just to get away from the noise. Her friends are still partying at the concert but this isn't Michelle's type of music. This bathroom is so shitty that she can't stay in. She leaves and sneaks down a creepy hallway. Getting lost she winds up at an employees only bathroom and walks in the women's. Much cleaner. She sits down on a nice toilet and breathes in and out. To her left is another stall, to her right is...
A Beautiful Wishby 800ibgorrilaChapter 1: Waking from RealityGeorge lazily opened his eyes to the sight of the ceiling fan in his room spinning slowly overhead. Its hypnotic circles threatened to put him to sleep again. He turned to the alarm clock next to the bed, it read just past 1:00 am. He turned back to the ceiling fan and let out another deep breath as he rubbed his face, immediately grimacing in pain as he remembered his black eye.He laid there a moment trying to get his bearings. ...
NovelsMind Swapping Chapter 7 .......... Thursday morning was one of those mornings when I wanted to sleep late. However, Carol and Barbara would not let me stay in bed, they said that it was time for all good girls to get up. I started to remind them that I wasn't really a girl, then I looked down at my body through my sleepy blue eyes. After last night's session with Carol and Barbara, following the session with Tom, following the session with Linda, following the masturbation yesterday...
ANNIE'S STORYAT THE DEALERSHIPAfter that, I became Matt's cum slut. I could not get enough of his cock. I loved him and told him so. Matt reciprocated. Matt and I talked on the phone everyday. I would tell him how horny I was and he would call me his dirty little slut. I would play with my cunt and tell him what I was doing. This always got him hard. I started dropping by the dealership after 6 when just Todd and Matt were working. Matt's office was right next to the main showroom window...
Chapter 1 — Flight 2298 International Flight 2298 already was an hour late to its destination in Frankfurt when the aircraft was rocked by a nasty band of turbulence. The plane dropped into a wind shear, shuddered upwards, and then dropped again. The pilot, who already had ordered all passengers to return to their seats, ominously ordered the fight attendants to immediately sit down as well. The passengers watched with increasing anxiety as the cabin crewmembers swayed in the aisles towards...
I was awoken this morning by the feeling of my blankets being pulled off of me. I knew it wasn’t my wife cause she had gone to work today. I open my eyes to see my hot stepdaughter, Sabrina dressed in white lingerie and white high heels, grab a hold of my dick in her hand with long bright red nails. “Good morning and happy anniversary Eric. ” said Sabrina as she started rubbing her hand up and down my stiffening shaft.Today is Sabrina’s Mom, Penny, and my 16th anniversary. When I met Penny,...
Reports from my returning troops indicated that the Byzantine citizens were extremely grateful for their rescue from the Mongols. They were equally grateful to be free of now deceased Emperor Palaiologos. His father’s unsuccessful attempts to expand his empire had caused him to lose far more of his territory than he had originally hoped to capture. The unsuccessful attempts had left him deeply in debt and he had resorted to heavily taxing the peasants trying to raise enough to defend what...
Misti and Sam prepared the twins as the rest of the household prepared themselves for Mike's Retirement Ceremony. Mike had come in and set to giving his shoes and cap bill another coating of spit-shine. He wanted to give his absolute best for the Secretary of the Air Force, and his entourage. Especially because of the great honor of the award. It, to him, would be the same as getting an Oscar at the Academy Awards. For this reason, if for no other, it was paramount for him to look his best in...
I woke up next morning around 8 AM. I looked towards my left tose whther Anu chachi is there but saw only Rinku who was still deep sleep. Anu chachi had already left. She usually wakes up around 6 AM every morning just like my mother as they had a lot of morning chores to take care of. I sat in my bed and the last night visions came back to me. Again and again I could see Anu chachi lying in my bed with her sarree above her knee as I gazed upon her flawless beauty standing in front of the...
After months of dating, she was ready to get physical. But, it seemed that he is either very timid or not interested. She knew for a fact that he was interested, just for the simple fact that when they danced, he got hard…real hard. Afterward, he’d just jump away, as if she would be angry about his arousal. She had one more thing to try, before giving up on him totally. So, she set her plan into motion. “Will you be here by 7?” she asked. “Yeah. I have to finish up some work first. You...
I made a seven-thirty reservation at Candilotti's. I was excited about our date. Rose and I were getting along very well and I felt more and more impressed with her as I got to know her better. I also found I was looking past her handicap and not seeing it as a barrier, merely a fact ... not unlike my dietary needs. I had explained on the phone my inability to eat large quantities to Mrs. Candilotti and she said to leave it to her and she would create something special for Rose and me. I...
Marie was in a particularly naughty mood this morning, earlier she had masturbated to a delicious orgasm while spending some time on-line. It was only 10:00am, the kids were at her Mothers until 4:30 and she had the whole day to herself. She decided she would go out grocery shopping for awhile. Now some people might find grocery shopping tedious or boring, but Marie new how to make the most mundane tasks seem very erotic. She picked out a short red skirt, matching red shoes, and a thin white...
After a wide range of experiences as a gigolo, I developed a preference for a certain type of client: elegant, sophisticated women aged around forty five years old, with bodies anywhere between size ten to fourteen and not overweight. They were often a long way from home on business. Almost without exception these women would be very good communicators, uninhibited and able to articulate their sexual preferences. And if they enjoyed what I had to offer and recommended me to others that was an...
The next day I was out and about when I saw my neighbour Jim, from a few doors away, ahead of me and soon realised he was following a mum pushing a buggy. She had a good pair of legs, no tights and a nice arse. I walked behind him for a while watching the show and then took the bull by the horns and caught up with him and said “nice arse”. Caught unawares he tried to deny he was looking but I started chatting to him and it ended up us both agreeing she was well worth a wank.We carried on...
Hello. This is my first attempt at writing a story, and this story is true. First off, I work in western Oklahoma/Texas along the I40 corridor and I haul crude oil. I have been employed with this company for about 6 months and love my job. I have two dispatchers and I get along great with them both, but one, I will call her Kelly is my favorite! She is married, just recently (about 6 months ago) had a baby, has a fantastic body and face, and is probably in her mid 20's. I on the other...
When I was twenty-one years old, I used to do odd jobs for my 65-year-old Aunt Deb, who lived up the road from us. (She was not related, but I always called her Aunt Deb). I used to paint, dig, move trash, cut grass, etc. for her during the summer. One Tuesday I was painting the side of her house this terrible shade of gray that she liked. I was painting the cement foundation of her house and I was getting pretty tired of working in the hot sun. I stopped for a break and walked to the back of...
“So, why am I skipping my classes and you taking the day off again?” Luke asks, looking at her across the car. “Because we’re going to have a little fun today,” she answers with a smile. “Life is too short to miss out on it.” “I guess you’re right,” he says. “I just don’t want to get caught.” “What? Cutting class or someone seeing us together?” she asks. “Both?” he says. “Calm down,” she says, dropping her hand to his thigh with a smile. “Everything will turn out just fine.” They pull...
Dinner was a much better occasion tonight. The conversations didn’t seem forced and there was a lot more laughter around the table. Perhaps it was James’ presences or Charles being home for a second day but it as close to the days before the war as possible. Charles found himself seated between Patricia, James’ wife and Catherine. It was no mistake that his mother placed him there. He always liked Patricia and believed she made a great wife for James. Her quiet demeanor offset James’ bombastic...
This story is fictional! I'm Ali, 18, I'm 5ft 6, blonde hair to my waist and I've been told I look like a supermodel. I have had a crush on Mark, the CCF( combined cadet forces) junior( helper). He's 18 and a GOD! My story begins on the coach holding 40 howdy teens, a very scary teacher by the name of Mr Henry and Mark the God heading to Army Training Camp. It was a long ride and we all got bored. But we made it and headed to the assult course for training. We came back 3 hours later muddy, wet...
First TimeSometimes, you don’t want to see a group of dudes doubling down on some hot piece of ass. Nor do you want to watch lesbians making out like the world is about to end. You want to stick to the simple shit, like a handjob. If you’re in the mood for handjob videos and enjoy a huge as fuck resource, you need to check out iXXX.com/Handjob.Not precisely a tube site; it’s a place you can go to see handjob videos from other sites and sources. Think of it like an index pointing to handjob videos from...
Handjob Porn SitesJohn's housePhoenix, ArizonaThursday, February 21, 2014Leslie Parker raised a fist to knock on the front door of her brother's house.Do you actually think he'll just hand over 300 dollars?Leslie shot a bird at her conscience by lightly knocking on the door.At the repair shop, the engineer and Leslie both stared at the car damage. The driver's door of the black BMW was banged up bad.Charlie was going to kill her."So, how much would it cost to repair it? How long would it take?" Leslie's heart...
448 Mallow Manor Part 6 The following Tuesday the ladies forwent the afternoon together it being Marys wedding, as was the local custom a wedding meant a drink or three for the villagers most of whom worked for or were linked to the manor directly or indirectly in some way, so after a simple ceremony in the afternoon, attended by the few who were not busy working, the couple returned to the manor, as man and wife to dine royally at the manor table, a rare privilege, After the evening meal the...
Dancing In The Daylight By Julie "How long are you going to be out of town?" Larry asked Ginny as she packed her suitcase. The two of them had been best friends since junior high. That hadn't changed when they married after they had graduated high school. If anything, love made the friendship even stronger. "I have to install the new computer system in our New Jersey branch over the weekend and then help iron out the bugs over the following day or two. If the training...
Scanning the Craigslist casual encounter section again. She couldn't understand why it's so hard to for a girl to get laid. Well, that's not entirely accurate. It's not that hard to get laid but Cricket wanted something different. Nick text, "Come over." "Ugh!", Cricket slammed her phone down. Nick was a good hard cock that was always ready to 'go'; but they had dated for a year. A year too long, in Cricket's opinion. For some reason Nick had never developed a spine. Even after Cricket trained...
EroticIntroduction: Wife and lover caught cheating. He get her lovers ass and them them I have always read these stories about a guy coming home and finding another man between her legs, fucking the hell out of her, He always walks away after thinking to himself that he would like to kill them both. He always manages to watch her and him have an orgasm. No. Thats not me and I acted like I felt I should. I just stared at his white buttocks humping up and down. I could see his cock pumping into my...
After showering, I emerged from the bathroom with the towel wrapped around my waist. It’s now Angel’s turn to stare, her eyes transfixed on the towel being pushed forward by a very erect cock in need of relief. She is sitting on the edge of the bed, still wrapped in her towel.Rising to her feet, Angel walks over to me and kisses first one cheek, then the other and whispers, “I have taken the liberty of ordering room service for us, Sir. I hope you’re not upset with me.”“Of course not, Angel....
MatureLamar Williams looked up from his desk as his office door squeaked open. The opaque glass hid the silhouette figure until he entered. It was Andrew Reilly and he sighed thinking that the boy was back to plead his case. “Coach, can I talk to you?” he asked shutting the door before walking toward him. “If it’s about pitching I said I’d have to think about it.” “No, it’s not that this time, but I’d really like for you to consider me. My dad says I could be picked up by a scout and get a...
What’s Next? Three Months Ago Sarah quietly tiptoed into their bedroom, glad for once that Ashley could sleep through a nuclear war. She was late. Really late. She got caught up at work on a project and ended up in conference with some client reps in Geneva. It was their ‘morning’ and they couldn’t have cared less that it was her ‘night’ and far beyond normal business hours. Tonight was date night and they had had plans. She hang up her ‘power suit’ and put the black pumps with the 4” heels...
Hi guys, it’s been a long time since my last incident but I am back again. I have had many sexual encounters in 2018 and it has been the best year of my life so far. My life changed from being a virgin to a man who has fucked 10 girls or women in a year. Anyways, I am Rahul from Mumbai. I am 19 years old, 6 feet tall, athletic body nicely built and with an 8″ cock that made the 10 girls mentioned go crazy for me! Guys, I have got 3-4 incidents to share with you. Hopefully, soon I will. This...
Restoring Sexual BalanceI was a bit pissed off that my husband Andrew, had fucked our best friend’s teenage daughter. Not because he was fucking a young girl – Arkie was also our daughter’s best friend – but because, well I admit it……I was jealous. It wasn’t the first time he had fucked her – that was at our home a few weeks earlier. But that was more understandable – on that occasion Arkie and her mother Anna had stayed at our house on Saturday night. Although Anna and Andrew and I all slept...
Keep a copy if you want. Distribute to FREE sites only, and may not be used in a publication that is sold. ====================================================================================== He was born a six weeks premature to John and April McSweeney. They called him Christopher Allen. All through his younger years he was the smallest kid in the neighborhood, and then in school. His mother said that he’d grow, and he did. Mostly. But he was always behind the other boys in...