Roisin free porn video

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As an aspiring photographer, I’m always stuck for people to photograph as they never like your photos of them. Not because you have done something wrong, but because they don’t like themselves. There’s no photo in the world that’s going to change that, so I was not really expecting any reply when I set my Facebook status to ‘wants a model’. But two days later I got a message through from a girl called Roisín. I’d never met her, but I’d seen some photos of her, she was a college friend of my cousin. She was unbelievably beautiful, a natural blonde with hair out of a shampoo ad! It curled loosely on its own and had a volume that just surrounded her face and made you look at her huge, bright blue eyes and her perfect smile. She also seemed more of a class act than most. Whilst she was clearly a girl who liked a good time, and was no stranger to alcohol, there were no photos of her in compromising positions, no photos of her flashing her knickers, no photos of her on the toilet, no photos of her snogging other girls, etc. etc.

I replied to her message as soon as I could, and over the course of three or four more messages we thrashed out an appointment for her to come and see me one Saturday. I pointed her in the direction of my online portfolio which contained my limited selection of portrait work. One wedding I’d done as a favour, some mediocre photos of an ex doing implied nude, and a paid model in a ‘cocktail’ dress who I’d shot as part of a camera club evening some years ago. She seemed to like the photos of the model and the bridal stuff so agreed that she would bring with her an evening gown she’d just worn to the college summer ball, a couple of her going out dresses, and a few other bits and pieces. She got confirmation from my cousin, that I was who I said I was, that I wasn’t some psycho, and the date was set.

I set my ‘studio’ up in the dining room of my house, the room is large, well lit naturally from a skylight and a large patio door, and has a lovely polished tile floor and a marble table with some designer chairs in it. The dining room is at the back of the house, and the house itself backs onto a large garden and then onto some woodland. The back of the house and the garden are completely concealed from view as I live in the only house on a road of bungalows and we are pretty well in the sticks anyway! I fussed around for the part of the morning, made sure the camera was charged, all the spare batteries were charged or charging, calibrated the white balance on the camera, checked out some test exposures made sure the battery lights were charged, cleaned the reflectors, and umbrellas, made sure the remote trigger was working and then put the kettle on.

Roisín arrived about 5 minutes early, marking herself as a cut above most models who think the world revolves around, and can wait for, them. When I went out to meet her taxi I could see she was a bit nervous, she waved nervously, her smile was fixed and she was ungainly getting out of the car. She looked be to carrying 3 dresses in bags, a large clutch bag and a pull-along suitcase. She fumbled getting her purse out and I stepped in, asking the driver how much and passing him a note. I told him to keep the change. He acknowledged my generosity and left. I introduced myself and she fumbled some more offering me her hand to shake, dropping her clutch bag in the process. She retrieved the bag awkwardly and introduced herself as well, now looking embarrassed as well as nervous. I offered to take some of her baggage from her, she accepted silently, the fixed grin relaxing slightly. I took the dress bags from her and put them over my arm and indicated that she should follow me.

It struck me now she was in my company just how tiny she was. Most of the photos I’d seen of her had been with her girlfriends, very few with men, and she just looked a little bit shorter than them. Before meeting her I’d have probably said she was 5’6′ and about 110 – 115lbs. In the flesh she was much more petite, maybe only 5′ and perhaps 90-100lbs. She had nicely curved hips and looked to have about a 32c chest. Her curled blonde hair and huge eyes were even more appealing in person. She was wearing a white skinny fit tshirt with no logo, a light coloured, pleated, faux suede skirt that skimmed her knees and 2′ cork wedge heeled sandals. She was wearing make up, but had very much gone for the ‘less is more’ approach, Just a little mascara and a subtle lipstick. She was going to photograph beautifully.

I led her inside and she looked around a lot, not in a panicked way, but just taking everything in. The house is not huge by any means, its a 1950’s suburban, detached, 4 bedroom house. It’s main features are an imposing hallway with an original, real oak floor and the big dining room I talked about before. I put the dresses down on a sideboard in the hall and walked through into the kitchen, the kettle had boiled and gone cold so I put it on again. I pulled one of the chairs away from the small kitchen table and offered it to her. She sat and we finally exchanged a few words as I made a coffee.

‘Tea? Coffee? Something stronger?’ I offered.

‘Ohhh, tea pleease, white, one sugar’ she replied, accenting the ‘oh’ and ‘please’ as though tea might just save her life!

I made the tea for her and she continued looking around, peering through the kitchen doors into the dining room where the lights were set up, into the living room with its two plain, but comfortable sofas and modest LCD TV, and back into the hall.

‘Well’ I said, ‘how does this measure up to what you were expecting’

‘The house is lovely’ she replied, ‘Simple but comfortable. Becky said you were doing pretty well for yourself’

Becky is my cousin, and its not the photographs that are buying me a house its licensing patents on half a dozen specialist electronic items for the film industry. With other people paying to use my designs it leaves me free to spend time and money on my hobbies, Photography and classic motorbikes.

‘I don’t know what Becky has told you about me’ I said, ‘but let me just fill you in, from the horses mouth so to speak. I’m 30. I was married for a while, well, three years. You know how it goes, out of uni with a 2:1 in electronics, into an OK job at 21, married at 23. redundant from my job later that year, started my own company, designed some good stuff, licensed it out, marriage fell apart, divorced at 26 but with money enough to be comfortable.’

‘Becky told me your ex was a bitch…’ Roisín interrupted

‘I don’t think that’s quite fair’, I said ‘She wasn’t very nice to me, but I wasn’t at home much then, she wanted more from me than I could give and instead of being straight with me she played games. We both ended up saying and doing things we regretted. We are kind of OK now, but we aren’t ever going to be friends. Fortunately while we were divorcing I got the patents through on the stuff I’d designed and I started getting cheques in the post. I could pay her off without losing the house. I’ve been doing pretty much whatever I felt like ever since.

‘Doing what you like sounds cool’ Roisín mused.

‘Trust me, it isn’t all fun and games, I still have to do quite a lot of work and its work I’d rather not be doing, all the legal junk that goes along with letting other people use your stuff. Making sure they don’t copy it and market it as theirs, making sure what they produce is up to spec, its all pretty boring.’ I tailed off. ‘Anyway, what about you? I don’t know much about you at all, except what I can see here, you’re 19, you go to college with my cousin and… what?’ I invited her to continue.

‘I’m 19, I go to college with your cousin’ Roisín picked up ‘I’m studying drama, but I don’t really want to be an actress, I’m more interested in costume and set but there isn’t anywhere round here that does that stuff. So i’m doing a bit of all of it and I’ll specialise later. I like going clubbing with my friends, I like to drink vodka in new and inter
esting ways, I’m single and I’m not really looking for anyone, not for anything serious at least, and I’m not a big fan of one night stands. Everyone thinks girls are the the needy ones, but boys are terrible, you let them get past second base and they think they own you… why can’t they just keep it light and friendly…’ she tailed off.

‘I know what you mean’ I responded. ‘when I was your age it wasn’t such a problem, but now getting past 30, every girl my age can hear her biological clock ticking away and she wants to get married and start having babies… I can’t stand babies… is that a bit harsh?’

‘Nahh’ Roisín took a big gulp of tea ‘ I don’t like kids much, I’ve got two older sisters who have toddlers and I have to be quite rude sometimes to get out of baby sitting. I guess I just don’t do dependency. From boys or babies… Sometimes they’re too similar for comfort. No offence’

She looked slightly embarrassed again.

‘None taken, but just for the record I’m not a dependant bloke, I can cook well enough, I can operate a hoover and I know how the washing machine works. I don’t need a woman around the house to mother me. I have a parent who visits for that!’

She smiled and I knew we had an understanding.

‘Did you have anything in mind for this modelling session?’ I queried her.

‘Not really, I mean, I didn’t know what you expected of me. I assumed you wanted me to model because I’m considered quite attractive and I, you know, kinda fill my clothes’ She pushed her shoulders forward to create more cleavage. ‘I wasn’t sure if you were expecting me to…’ She paused, relaxed her shoulders and looked into her tea. ‘Ummm, un-fill my clothes’

‘You weren’t sure if I expected you to strip off?’ I sought clarification.

‘Yeah, I’ve never done that sort of thing, I’m not sure I wouldn’t, but I’m kinda a bit shy about it all’ she looked into her tea again.

‘I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about it and you are a really, really pretty girl. If you feel OK about it, I’m not going to stop you. You’ve volunteered and its entirely up to you what we do.’ The last thing I wanted to do was seem pushy this early on

Roisín smiled at the compliment and looked quite relieved.

‘Why don’t you show me what you’ve brought with you, and I’ll show you around a bit more and we can see what gels’ I invited. ‘do you mind if I get the camera and just shoot some photos while we look at outfits, I’d like to get some candid pics.’

Roisín shrugged and gesticulated a bit towards the dining room, I assumed it was OK. I went to get the camera while she went out to the hall and picked up the dress bags and brought them into the kitchen. I checked the camera over one more time in the kitchen as Roisín opened her roll case on the floor and started pulling out makeup and hairbrushes and other stuff. I shot away as she did so, making sure to try and get as many face shots as possible. As she hauled stuff out she started telling me a bit more about herself.

‘I guess most of my trouble with boys, and my own self image comes from being a bit of a late bloomer, I pretty much got all my lady bits when I was studying for my exams. I did my exams and had the summer off, came back and had these’ She cupped her boobs with her hands momentarily. ‘Suddenly I had all the boys trying to get into my knickers. I didn’t know how to deal with it and it went a bit to my head. Becky will tell you I was a loose canon for a while. I went to too many parties, drank too much and made some mistakes. I did some stuff that I’m not proud of, with people who didn’t respect me. Nothing really terrible but I guess I was an easy notch on a few bedposts. It kinda shook my faith in men, and myself.’ She went quiet for a moment or two and fiddled with her make-up bag. ‘Jesus’ she exclaimed quietly ‘I’ve never told anyone that before… Shit… I don’t want you to think I’m a head case ’cause I’m really not. Well, not any more.’

I felt for her, she was clearly still struggling with who she’d become. I really felt that some good photos could help her see herself for who she was. It also made me even more determined not to push her to strip off. As a normal heterosexual male, I couldn’t deny that I really wanted her to, but she clearly deserved more respect than that. I had to say something pretty quick, as I’ve had more than one person abandon a shoot because they had a burst of self realisation and a ‘what the fuck am I doing here’ moment just before I got the camera out.

‘Roisín hun, I’m really surprised by that, but not particularly shocked, I’ve got a similar story, but its not the same for men – the old double standard. I’m mainly surprised by the fact you seem so ‘not like you just described’ but I think its really good you’ve told me.

‘Yeah, well, it wasn’t me’ she said somewhat bitterly ‘I don’t know who I was, I’m only just starting to find out who I really am now. Its like seeing a movie if I think about it, like I’m watching someone else going home with strangers, throwing up taxis and not having a clue where they woke up. Fortunately my friends had more respect for me than I had for myself, they were always looking out for me, things only went bad if I went out on my own. I’m pretty sure I would have come off much worse if they hadn’t been there to stop me a lot of the time. They made sure no incriminating photos got onto the net. I wasn’t a pretty sight.’ Roisín sighed, shrugged and carried on with her stuff.

Suddenly the moment of melancholy was over.

I looked at what she’d been up to as I snapped away with the camera. She’d laid out stuff all over the kitchen floor and all over the table. The items in the bags were on the table. A long, light blue, satin ball gown was draped there, along with a Little Black Dress and a short, silvery grey, loose weave affair. There was a little pile of jewellery with each dress, necklaces, bangles, earrings etc. I could clearly see she’d thought about this in a theatrical way as ‘costumes’ as each garment was an outfit in its own right. she’d even laid out underwear to go with each. Just a tiny black thong and flesh coloured hold ups for the ball gown – clearly a bra was out of the question! A pair of small, lacy, high legged briefs, a strapless black lace bra and black hold ups for the LBD. Two sets of underwear for the silver number, Another tiny black lace thong coupled with a thin lace bra, and then option two, a much bigger set of plain black ‘proper briefs’ in a slightly shiny material coupled with a plain ‘soft cup’ strapped bra in the same material as the briefs. On the floor she’d laid out three bikinis, a plain red one, a plain black one and one with a tie dye blue and white pattern on it. In addition there were 3 sets of matching underwear – one with a suspender belt, all of which, I suspected, were Agent Provocateur and a plain Adidas 3 stripe high leg swimsuit.

Whilst she was unsure if she wanted to do nudity it was pretty clear that she was willing to get very close to it! I was pretty surprised by what she’d brought. Both in terms of quantity and the type of clothing.


the question shook me from my thoughts and my attention turned to Roisín again.

‘I’m amazed, I wasn’t expecting you to put this much thought and effort into doing this. You’ve got it all so organized.’

Roisín smiled at me, god she’s got a beautiful smile, and began to explain to me what all of it was. The ball gown was her summer prom dress, the LBD was her all purpose going out dress and the silver thing, well, that was special. Roisín picked it up and held it against the window and I could see immediately that the dress was substantially see-through. She explained that despite her previous admission about going off the rails, she’d never been brave enough to wear it in public and felt it was time it had an outing. She’d brought with her two underwear options, The reserved one which she said she might consider going out in one day, and t
he, in her words, ‘downright slutty’ one. It was pretty sexy the way she said slutty! She admitted she’d worn the slutty one in front of the mirror and in the right light it showed off just about everything.

‘I get all the wrong attention in normal clothes’ she admitted, ‘I’m not going out looking like that…’

I suggested it was time we got going and scooped up her outfits one at a time and took them into the front room in which is a very old (it came with the house) dressing screen in dark wood with oriental scenes painted on it. I laid each outfit out on the floor and showed her the dressing screen, the dressing table with a lit mirror on it and told her the room was hers to do with what she wanted. She could lock it from the inside if she felt the need. She moved stuff around for a few minutes, unpacking stuff onto the dresser before surveying the scene and turning back to me.

I suggested before she spoke.’what do you want to start with?’

‘Can I start with what I’m wearing, just to get my head on, just a few pics… just to get warmed up’

‘Of course you can, do you want to sit in the dining room? The garden? Wherever.’

‘I’ll sit in the dining room to start with’ She decided.

I followed her through into the dining room and she sat at the table looking out into the garden. I took up a position beside her so I could catch her in profile. The light falling on her from outside made her already clear skin positively radiant. I shot a couple under flash, then a couple without, and finally added a soft gradient filter zooming close in to her face and also pulling back to show her upper body. Finally a couple of full length shots of her seated in the chair, shoes off, legs crossed, arms on the table looking contemplatively out of the window. This was going well.

Next I asked her to sit in another chair just against the blank rice paper coloured wall face on to me. She obliged and I shot a few with varying zooms from close in on her face to full length. Always, however, she looked away from me and looked slightly sad. I commented on it and she shrugged.

‘ I dunno, it just feels right, I guess having photos taken like this is kind of reflective’ She gesticulated as she talked and at the last second turned face on to the camera, arms outstretched hands upturned, and smiled the most amazing smile I’d seen in a long time and I snapped it. She complained ‘No fair, I wasn’t ready’

‘Yes you were’ I countered and showed her the picture, it looked fantastic, natural and unposed. She pouted slightly and decided:

‘Its OK’

‘Do you think its time to get changed.’ I queried.

‘K… what do want me in?’ she asked.

‘I don’t know, it all looks good, surprise me.’

She looked at me thoughtfully for a moment and I wondered if she was going to say anything further. And then she padded away in her bare feet.

I made myself another cup of coffee and shouted to her asking if she wanted tea. She responded yes. I shouted to find out how long she was going to be and the smart arse reply came back ‘Long enough for you to make my tea.’ I liked Roisín, she was fun to have around and not really someone I’d be likely to meet in everyday life. God bless the internet!

I made my coffee and her tea and delivered it to her hand, proffered through the slightly ajar door. I left her to it and was looking over the photos I’d just taken when she re-entered the room, and I had to draw breath, she looked stunning, she’d put on the ball gown, added a bit more make-up, done something with her hair and put heels on. This was a chameleon like transformation from normal everyday girl to proper débutante. She did a little twirl for me. The dress billowed out and showed off a lot of leg. The dress was not that daringly cut, but it showed everything to its best advantage. The split in the dress came to the top third of her thigh, the back was cut way down, almost to the small of her back and the front plunged far enough to show off the inner slopes of her breasts but not excessively.

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It was a balmy early summer evening when Laurent’s convertible drew up the long drive leading to the Lomas’ home. The gravel crunched under the tyres as it rolled to a stop by the front door, and Laurent saw the curtains twitch. Seconds later Jayne was at the door, waving to him with a flirtatious smile. Awkwardly, he waved back, uncomfortable with the level of intimacy displayed in her smile. As she walked towards the car he looked her up and down. She was wearing a tailored white blouse,...

3 years ago
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Battlemage Book 8 Origins and Dark RevelationsChapter 12

"Just a minute," called out Rayne as she started heading for the door. Brianna and Aric could hear her as she came down the hallway making her way to her front door. Right before the door opened they heard her say, "Matt, if you feed him that you're sitting up with him until he passes gas." Biting back laughter at that statement, they were ready when they saw Rayne swinging open the door. "May I help..." started Rayne before he eyes adjusted to the light and she...

1 year ago
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My first party at college

Hi. Im Ashleigh. I am 18 from Calafornia. I have been at college for 2 years. I have been a lesbian (secretly) for the past 2 years and love girls to bits. Now i was never much of a party type but figured, Hey, Lets give it a go. So. I did. Me and 4 of my Friends went to this party. There were mainly guys here and of course the other girls were going crazy over them but they were of no interest to me. Anyway everyone was drinking and everyone was getting rather fucked, guys were trying to rub...

First Time
3 years ago
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The Summer I Grew UpChapter 7

“So what did he say?” Bethany asked when I returned to the lounge chairs. “I’m gonna cum,” I whispered with a sly smile as I reclined next to her. Bethany covered her face and laughed as she rocked back and forth. “You’ve got to be kidding.” “Actually, I caught him jerkin’ it in the shower and offered to help.” “You didn’t!” “Oh, yeah, I did.” I ran my hand down her arm. “He asked if you would give me a good one for him tonight and promised to make it up to both of us later, if you’re up...

4 years ago
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Legacy of a LegendChapter 64

“I can’t believe you’ve only been here a week, Your Majesty, and accomplished so much for our community, for all of Solstheim. How can we ever repay you?” “Continue leading my subjects as you have, Councilor Morvayn. With the mines open again and the cultist threat eliminated, I think you should be able to keep the Northern Maiden very busy traveling back and forth with trade goods to Skyrim. Hopefully before too long we’ll have more ships plying this route.” Captain Gjalund nodded his...

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A Walk in the Park

It was a beautiful day as we strolled in a remote part of the park. I glanced furtively around before grabbing his hand and entwining our fingers together as we walked. The familiar stab of warmth gripped me as I looked at him in the sunlight. 'oh my God, Tony' I thought watching you steal a glance at me then quickly look down, 'I long to tell you how much I love you! I mentally shrieked. We had been together now for about two months and we seemed to fit together perfectly. He slipped from...

4 years ago
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Passionate Pleasures

We decided we needed time away from the everyday rat race of life, so we made plans to go away for a long weekend. There was a peaceful cabin in the woods a friend of ours told us about. After hearing about it we decided that’s where we wanted to go. That night we packed for the drive the next day. It was a long ride to the cabin, the air was crisp and clean, which made us a bit frisky. While driving along the open road I slid closer to him, I reached in his shirt with my hand finding his...

3 years ago
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Working Late

Jessica is a very beautiful woman. I’ve worked with her on a project for quite some time and have had fantasies about her from the start. I feel an attraction to her every time that I see her. I’d noticed her looking at me at times when we’ve worked together but neither one of us have voiced anything. She knows that I’m married and I’ve been too frightened to say anything since I know that not only is she married, but I could be very wrong about the way that I’ve interpreted her looks. There...

2 years ago
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Stocks BlondesChapter 16 What Was I So Worried About

As a formality, you try all the most common passwords. But even the single most common—123456—is only used by 0.2% of people. The real question is what would be the most likely password for Georgia. Password We completely cleaned out Georgia’s room last night, packed the clothes in boxes marked ‘Goodwill’ and ‘Second Hand Hooker Supply,’ and piled them in the corner. We flipped the mattress on Georgia’s bed and put clean linens on it. All the sex toys, ropes, cuffs, gags, whips, plugs,...

4 years ago
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Long Days Journey Into SusanChapter 3

“From now on, it’s gonna be different. We’re gonna find a little heaven on Earth. I don’t care what it is that you did when you lived in Ft. Worth.” -Cornell Hurd Band, “I Don’t Care What It Is That You Did When You Lived In Ft. Worth” Julie texted back. “OMG, Susan, that was fucking hot, and I’m so fucking happy you’ve agreed! (I knew what Troy was going to talk to you about, and I was worried as hell. Luckily, Claire was here to help me relax. :P ) When he texted me you were on board,...

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Orphan MagusChapter 24

What few dreams I remembered were plagued with keys and lockets and spells going awry. Alyssa woke me up a couple of times, not because I was tossing and turning, but to enjoy another round of deep-seeded orgasms. The dreams, however, bothered me. They bothered me a lot. Someone knocked on my door. Then I heard, “Get up sleepy head. You can’t sleep all day.” I recognized that voice. Yeah, it was Mom. I froze. I remembered every detail from the night before, with the exception of the end...

3 years ago
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A Visit to the steam room

I’d had a really stressful few days at work and was desperate for a release. I was thinking maybe a massage but then was overtaken with horniness and felt that a full release was required. It was a toss up between a bit of xhamster surfing and masturbation when the thought of a gay club with a steam room came into my mind. I hadn’t been there before so I thought now was the time to try it out.I drove the 20 minutes to get there and parked around the corner, feeling anxious not knowing what to...

2 years ago
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CaughtFapping Kagney Linn Karter Liar Liar

Isiah Maxwell is about to leave for work when he runs into his partner, Kagney Linn Karter, in the kitchen. They exchange a sweet kiss and Isiah mentions how proud he is of Kagney for pitching in such a large amount for their mortgage payment last month. Her online store must be doing quite well, it seems! But when Isiah leaves, it’s revealed that Kagney has been running a… DIFFERENT sort online enterprise. In fact, she’s been raking it in as a cam girl! Isiah knows nothing...

2 years ago
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Married But Now I Suck Cock PT2

Up to now, this was a night to remember. I was, for the first time in my life, controlled and used by a man. I had just sucked my first cock. I had just eaten my first load. I was now wearing a slut collar. Needless to say, I was wet and eager to continue. On the other hand, I also knew that my wife would leave me. The photos and text that she just received would definitely mean the end of our relationship.I willingly followed Todd to his room. I was nervous because I knew what was in store for...

4 years ago
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Chatting Leads To Dating

Hi Friends, Good Evening. I am a fan of ISS for about an year and i decided to pen down my real time experience. For security purpose i am changing the names.This incident happened 3 years back. This story is a real story and there wont be any ooooo’s and aaaahhhhs. Its a romantic story and not a sexy story. I am Rajesh and i work as a Software Engg in Chennai. The girls name is Harini(changed). She was a college student and was waiting for a job. I got her through one of the social...

3 years ago
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Channel Surfing

At the end of the divorce proceedings, I ended up with the house which, at least, saved me from having to move. But we went our separate ways and, after six rather rancorous years, that was a relief. There was only one thing I missed about my former wife, that was her sex drive. She was the horniest woman I’d ever known, so I went from sex every day, even if we were pissed at each other, to, well…none, nada, zip. Oh, unless I provided it myself. Sure, I did some of the bar and club stuff but...

4 years ago
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Fucking Series With My Slutty Friend

Hi everybody. This is Arun from Kochi, Kerala. I have read many stories here for last 2 years; thought about sharing my few experiences here. Here I narrate one of my experiences which is still continuing. I’m married but live separated from my wife. This story is about a girl whom I met in Bangalore. She became my friend, now is my sex partner in the absence of my wife. Her name is Saira. She is divorced now. Her age is 31. She is a Mallu. She looks pretty with good body. Her bra size now is...

2 years ago
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Who Wants to Be a Woman

Subj: Story-WHO WANTS TO BE A WOMAN? WHO WANTS TO BE A WOMAN? By Roy Del Frink "Tonight, ten male transsexuals will compete for the chance to switch genders, on FictionMania's most popular quiz sensation, Who Wants to Be aWoman? And here's your host, Phillip Regis!" "Thank you, thank you! We selected ten male transsexuals from around the country to compete for the chance at a magical transformation. And they are: "William Brewster of Bethesda, Maryland! "Charles Potter...

3 years ago
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College Roomate Chapter II

I got up and walked passed him, into the bathroom. I could feel my throbbing, virgin pussy lips as my juices stained my thighs, rubbing together as I walked. I closed the door behind me, and reached for my shaver. It was pink, and five inches long. It was sure to burst my cherry. I turned the shower on, and sat down in the tub, my legs spread open giving me easy access to my pussy. I rubbed the end of my shaver over my clit, and gasped when pleasure shot through me once again. I couldn’t...

2 years ago
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Girl From the VillageChapter 2

"No. No I won't," Bruno argued, quietly pleading his case. "I'm just gonna touch ya here, see?" Shifting his attack slightly to her thighs and then moving back in to trace across her labia majora once again. Ginger closed her thighs, trapping his hand. She cursed herself. 'I'm a stupid shit, for going out looking for it with the rag on.' She pondered his statement. 'He's lying, ' she thought, however, her body began to betray her, 'but... Oh, Gawd, lookit him.' And she...

4 years ago
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Why I Hated The Guy From The FBI Ch 06

Note: This story has no basis in fact. It is a fiction. A fantasy totally from the recesses of a mind that is sometimes called into question, whether it is rational, or not. Please read it from a slightly askew point of view, because that is the way it is written. Enjoy. The writer retains all rights to the work. * Chapter 16. Our ship comes in. (FBI listening post, South Brooklyn) Good evening Don Alberto, how are you. Wonderful Anthony, wonderful, how are you tonight. ‘We have had a...

2 years ago
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Night Of Loosing Virginity

Hey friends, this is Sid. I am 18 years old and from Ahmadabad. I have been reading ISS from quite some time and would like to thank all the writers who have shared their stories. This is my very first story and I believe it would surely excite all of you because what happened was more than amazing ;). This amazing incident happened 2 months after we passed our 12th standard. After our 12th exams result came out, I started conversing on whatsapp with one of my girl classmate. As I respect her...

2 years ago
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Delivered to Justice by Miss Beryl FrobisherChapter 3

Crawford was given no respite from humiliation, and the perpetual promise of the purpose for which he’d been brought to Darkington Hall, was kept keen in his mind by his being displayed for viewing by all female guests upon a stage erected in the grand entrance hall. a signboard proclaiming his crimes against womanhood, his upcoming mock trial at which he’d be found guilty, and the delicious confirmation that he’d hang for the pleasure of womanhood in lieu of the crimes he was guilty of. A...

3 years ago
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Working With Women Part 6

Back out on State Street, the night was still ours. It was just before nine o'clock, so any place we could go party was just about to heat up. "Where to sisters?" asked Edith. "Well, we could take our newly outed lesbian to Deb's," suggest Monica with a chuckle in her voice. Deb's was short for Debutante's, a well known locally as a lipstick lesbian dance bar. "Too easy," replied Edith, "I think she should have to mix with a more mainstream crowd, and then we can see how she...

4 years ago
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Reversals Ch06

CHAPTER SIX A New Day Eric woke to the pleasing scent of bacon teasing at his nose, beckoning him to wake. He inhaled deeply through his nostrils, flaring them, drawing in the rich smell on the air as the bacon crackled in a skillet nearby. Eric sat up on the couch with some difficulty, easing himself up, rolling his shoulders to and fro trying to work the stiffness out. He hadn't sleep well on the couch with only a small throw pillow and throw blanket for comfort; but after last...

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Michelles Big surprise repost

My Surprise EncounterThis story is fiction and did not really happen and was only a dream Hello My name is Michelle I live in upstate New York.I am a 42 year old Female and ,I am Bi-Sexual which means to some of you that don't know that means I like Women and Men. I am 5'9 160 brown hair and brown eyes with 40 DD breasts. I am half Dominican and half Irish. Well any way here is what happened in My dream last night. I started out like any other night seriously boring. So I...

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Wei Chus Misadventures Halloween

Away from home for the first time, Jack and Peter, both 18, were watching TV in the small old house they had rented on the outskirts of town. That’s all they could afford while going to university. They had just come home from a Halloween party, Jack dressed as a pirate and Peter as a warlock. Peter was pissed off because his girlfriend was wouldn’t even let him get to first base. “She just pushed me away when I tried to feel her tits. What kind of girlfriend is that? How am I ever going...

3 years ago
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Caught with Panties in Hand

A few year's ago, I was busted by my mother in law pleasuring myself to her panties. Let me back up a bit with this story to explain. My in-laws had a nice lake house only a short drive from our house. Most summers we would go there for a weekend, as would my wife's siblings with their wives. For a panty sniffer this was absolute heaven. I could look forward to my mother and sister's in law all changing clothes a few times each weekend, and leaving their dirty panties in their half unpacked...

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The Rabbirsquos Wife and Daughter

The Rabbi’s wife was so hot that I just had to have her! And their daughter was hot, too, and seemed to want me.My wife and I used to belong to a so-called "messianic" congregation and attended services every Friday night for three years. The "rabbi" was actually an engineer at a local IT company and stumbling through a disjointed, boring sermon every weekend didn't qualify him as a "rabbi," but everyone called him that, and his wife thought of him as one.Once a month they would host a potluck...

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AmyChapter 2

In the morning, she didn't come downstairs until she heard me descending the stairs. She watched me carefully as I put things on the table and explained where various things were kept. "Next time I shop," I said, "you'll have to tell me what you like for breakfast." She snorted. "Food..." she said. I just raised an eyebrow at her, and went on with my breakfast — my usual cereal, toast and orange juice. She settled for cereal and a cup of tea. "Got any plans for the day?" She...

2 years ago
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A peeper Pays a price 2

Tom sits up, and gets out of the glass box. She turns to face Melissa, and in one movement starts kissing her on the lips. Grabbing her ass and back, she pulls Melissa against her, so that their naked cunts touch each other and their juices mix. Tom feels oddly off balance, now that he is so much more top heavy, and their breasts smash together as they tightly hug each other and kiss. “Good girl, now would you like to help us with our...

4 years ago
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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 10

Brody hung by the blue line, waiting for his defensemen to get to the puck out of the corner. Time slowed as players jabbed at the puck, trying to free it from under skates and sticks. After what seemed like forever, the puck dribbled free and Bax snagged it and started up the ice. Brody followed him and saw Tolya joining the rush. They crossed the red line and Bax dumped the puck down the ice. Brody put on a burst of speed and went after it, colliding with a Devil player along the boards. He...

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Akshay 8211 The Watchman

I am Nilesh and this is my first sex experience with a man which I wish to share with everyone in the form of a story. I live in a reputed society and there are two watchmen in my society and day duty watchman and night duty watchman. One evening, as usual, I came back from my college and entered my society, when a man dressed in watchman’s uniform stood up swiftly and threw the half burnt cigarette that he was smoking from on the floor.Crushed it with the well polished black shoes he was...

Gay Male
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Leasas Snatch

I can remember the first time I saw the gorgeous bitch walking across the parking lot of the software firm in which we both work. She was everything I had ever dreamed of: blonde, blue eyed; tall, but not too tall; slender, but stacked like the proverbial “brick shithouse;” and an exquisite face. She was a beauty. Easily the finest piece of ass in the whole company—and at this location we must have had at least 600 employees.I remember seeing her now and then walking out to her little, red...

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Scally boy memories part 2or 3cant rememb

So yeah,me & me new mate are sat side by side on the sofa just enjoying our ciggies & slurping from our cans.One thing which really sets me off is that smell which only 2 boned up blokes can produce...sweaty,spunky & HOT.His smooth chest is rising sharply from his recent exertions," Fuckin' hell mate,that was soddin' ACE,I mean it.If me lass wasn't so effin' little-miss-perfect then she'd eat me shiiter out like wot you just done".I smile to myself...another arsehole well...

3 years ago
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My Sexy Hijab Neighbour

The story first begins on the first day of Summer. My first year of college just ended and I'm finally home for summer break. The day I came home I met our new neighbors from across the street. Since I live in townhouses the house is honestly a couple of steps away from my home. They were a Muslim couple , the husband looked like a strict man but was very polite when I met him. His wife was in a jilbab and a niqab on so I her face was covered by a veil. I couldn’t tell if she had a pretty face...

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