Leasa's Snatch free porn video

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I can remember the first time I saw the gorgeous bitch walking across the parking lot of the software firm in which we both work. She was everything I had ever dreamed of: blonde, blue eyed; tall, but not too tall; slender, but stacked like the proverbial “brick shithouse;” and an exquisite face. She was a beauty. Easily the finest piece of ass in the whole company—and at this location we must have had at least 600 employees.

I remember seeing her now and then walking out to her little, red Mustang convertible. It was obvious that she thought the car was cute. It was a Silicon Valley wife’s way of slumming. Her husband drove a BMW, but she wanted to show her common touch.

I was a programmer at the firm. At 63, I could barely afford my ten-year-old beetle. But Leasa Jons was in Marketing. In fact, she was a Product Marketing Manager. Barely 29 or 30 she was already making a lot more than old Rodney was and, quite frankly, it pissed me off.

Leasa often came over to the Development Dept. and, with that kind of high class finesse women of wealth often exude, she’d diplomatically throw her weight around. She’d have us changing all kinds of things we were almost done with causing us to have to put in a lot of night work.

No doubt about it, at times I hated her classy white bread manners and the power she had over me. Shit! I was old enough to be her daddy, yet I had to stand there and listen to her condescendingly tell me how my work was, “coming along.” Yeah, I’d like to get this bitch, “cumming along,” I’d often find myself thinking. Right at the end of my 10” pole.

Well, one day I see this gorgeous, but haughty, little bitch walking to her car out in our lot, and I figure I ought to take a chance. Why not, I thought. I’ve always been pretty good with the women. Growing up in Mississippi, never had the chance of landing a white one—and especially a white one like this beauty—but, as they say, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” I was determined to take the chance.

Besides, I had always heard this rumor that the little bitch might have some secret thing for black men, although, I do admit, I’d always written that off to some brother’s bullshit, wishful thinking.

Well, I’d had enough of just thinking about what Leasa Jons might be like in the rack. I was ready to, “Just Do It!” The worst that could happen is, I at least experience a few close moments talking to her outside of the work situation, and breathe in some of her heavenly perfume.

“Hey, Leasa! Rodney Smith from the Development Dept., remember me? Hey, could you give me a lift over to my car? Forgot I left it on the other side of the building.”

Boy, I knew that was a weak excuse, but I didn’t really have forewarning of bumping into her on this particular day.

“Ummm...gee, I wasn’t really going that way,” she started backing me off. But sometimes the gods are with you. I suddenly felt very confident with this beautiful creature, can’t explain why, but I just knew it was to be Rodney’s day.

“Hey,” I pressed her, “ Can’t make an old man walk all that way, can you?” I said it with a big grin on my face.

“Well, since you put it that way,” she grinned back, and then got in the car signaling for me to do the same.

As I got in on my side, I couldn’t help but take a nice long look over at her long slender legs as the little, black dress she was wearing rode way up near the top of her thighs. She definitely noticed all this without even looking over, and immediately struggled with one hand to pull the garment back down a bit.

My dick was already stiffening. This girl was everything I’d ever jerked off dreaming about. Blonde, beautiful, very built, very well bred, and very white. As she put her shades on, I thought, this bitch could be in the movies. I also noticed that little dress of her’s kept riding back up those long thighs again.

There is nothing like watching a gorgeous woman’s thighs spread the way they have to as they work the pedals of a car. I loved it. And I could tell she didn’t. This just made me love it more. She knew I was looking and it made her uppity little ass uncomfortable. Man, I could see the discomfort, and it was just making me hotter and more confident with each passing minute. I was no longer some old black man who worked for her. I was a man—period. And she was a woman. And we were sitting side-by-side in a little red convertible sporting around the parking lot.

Man, I wished all the bro’s I’d grown up with in Mississippi could see me at that moment. They’d have eaten their hearts out, man.

“May I say, Leasa, you really do have lovely legs,” I casually said to her. Looking straight ahead, very suave, if I do say so myself.

Man, did she turn red at that statement. Didn’t think I could fluster a beauty like her so easily. But I guess she never had a 6’5”, 63-year-old black man drop a line like that on her before. Man, I was loving it. All that poised, bullshit demeanor of her’s kind of melted away—but fast! Now, I was the man, and she--she was just a little girl. The way it should be!

“Uhhh...thank you, Rodney,” she said. But her voice was kind of trembling. She was a nervous, little thing all of a sudden.

“Your husband is one lucky man, sweetheart,” I was on a roll now! Wasn’t gonna let up for nothing now.

“Well, Rodney...that’s very nice of you to say, but...”

“Well, it’s true! Your legs are fantastic. You’re really pretty fantastic all the way around, Leasa. And that’s no bullshit.” I was pushing it to the edge now. But somehow I knew it was now or never. I may never get a shot like this again. When you do, you better go for it.

“Rod...um...where is your car are we close yet?”

Now to most guys this mighta sounded like the girl was wanting to get rid of this big black man toolin’ around with her. But did you get the, “Rod”. Sure did lose some formality all of a sudden, didn’t we? Well, I noticed it, big time.

“I hope not,” I k**ded her with a big disarming grin. She blushed and tried to look away. Unbelievable, I thought, I got this hot, little thing goin’.

“You know, Leasa, I really gotta tell you somethin’,” I said to her—in my most sincere, (bullshit) voice—“I have always found you to be the most gorgeous thing in the walls of that big building we toil in every day.”

Shit, she just lit up. She tried to fight off a big grin, and then even turned away, like she was looking in the side view mirror, to avoid showing me how much she was just lovin’ this bullshit I was feedin’ her. But man, they’re all alike. Can’t resist hearin’ any kind of bullshit about how great or beautiful they are. Nope! Don’t question it a bit. Just take the crap hook, line, and sinker.

“Rod, really...I don’t know what to say. Thank you. I mean that, really. I just don’t hear that enough,” well, I was pickin’ up the signals loud and clear now.

“You don’t!!! Is your husband blind, or just stupid!!!” I was takin’ a chance here of offending her by insulting her hubby, but, hey, why not? I was in the home stretch here of gettin’ inside her head, and I was gonna make my break.

“Well...gee,...I’ve never had a guy...be so forward,” she stumbled over her words.

“Gosh, I’m sorry, Leasa...Mrs. Jons. I really didn’t mean to be offensive.” I was really pourin’ on the bullshit now.

“It’s “Leasa”, Rod. That’s ok. I’m flattered, really. You certainly have a way with words.” Yeah, sure I did. As long as I was tellin’ her she was the hottest thing on the planet, I was Lord-Fuckin’-Byron to her.

Unfortunately, at this point we did pull up to my car. But I was going for broke here—for broke!

As I climbed out of the car and shut the door, I leaned over half back into the thing and said, “Hey Leasa, thanks so much for the lift. One good deed deserves another. Let me take you for a drink before you split tonight.”

“Oh Rod, I couldn’t. My husband expects me home in the next hour and...”

“Oh yeah, forgot about the guy who never compliments you.”

“Well, he’s just not very expressive, and...”

“Oh come on. One drink! Make my day, beautiful.” Boy did that get her. Here's this fuckin’ phenomenal looking woman--and just a sucker for a compliment. Her sexless, white boy husband left her hard up for this shit. And by doing so he left her completely defenseless to its narcotic effect.

“Well, ok...just one. I suppose there’s nothing wrong with that,” she smiled up at me—like a fuckin’ goddess. I was thinkin’ maybe Aphrodite.

Interesting enough, I know she noticed me checking her legs out again. But this time she didn’t pull the short dress back down to cover what I was looking at. And the skirt was now hiked well up to the top of her thighs, almost up to her hips. She also didn’t close her thighs from that spread position they’d taken as she worked the pedals of the car. In fact, as she agreed to go with me for a drink, I could swear I saw them relax and spread slightly, as if she were subconsciously “opening up” to me.

“Great! Meet me at Johnny’s. It’s just a short drive away. East Palo Alto. Follow me.”

I said it all too quick for her to question it. Then I tooled off with the hottest babe I’d ever set eyes on, followin’ me into one of the roughest sections of the hood in Silicon Valley. I just loved the look on her face as we drove into the section of East Palo Alto where Johnny’s was. When we got there I pulled into the parking lot with this blonde nymph on my tail.

We got out and she looked a little nervous. But I just nonchalantly put my arm around her and led her in the back door.

As we stepped inside, I could feel Leasa allow me to more assertively put my arm around her. She was a little frightened by the neighborhood and the looks of the bar. It caused her to react like a little chick tucking itself under a mother bird’s wing—‘cept I was no ‘mother bird’.

The place was old, seedy, and pretty empty. There were four old bros at the bar—and when I say old, I mean older than even me—two old men at the pool table, and the bartender, himself an old-timer. This was a bar for older black men who were down on their luck at a bad time to be ‘down on your luck’, i.e., late in life. I thought, well maybe today their luck had changed, along with old Rodney’s.

All eyes watched us cross the bar to a table near the back. These old boys weren’t used to seeing any white woman in this place, much less one who looked like Leasa. And they certainly weren’t used to seeing some gorgeous young blonde under the ‘wing’ of a sixty-ish black man. Curiosity would be an understatement. You could say they were pretty riveted on what was happening here.

Leasa and I slid into a booth. I conservatively sat across from her and ordered her some white wine while I had a Johnny Walker. We shot the shit lightly at first, about work and such, until I changed subjects:

“You know Leasa, I want to apologize for being so forward back there in the parking lot. I was really way out of line,” I said, totally full of shit.

“Hey Rod, it’s ok. I liked it. I guess I just don’t hear enough of that...even at home,” she said wistfully, and glancing down, like women do when they go into their u*********s preening behavior.

“Well, Leasa, you’re the kind of woman who should hear it much, much more,” I said as I reached out and folded her little hand into mine, rubbing her wedding ring with my thumb, “You really are absolutely beautiful.”

With this comment, her hand reacted by gently squeezing mine. To me it was her subconscious mind’s way of saying, I’m yours.

I got up and got a refresher for our drinks, but this time I slid into the booth next to her. I left some room between us as a back off, if I needed it. But she didn’t react at all. I knew now, all systems were ‘go’!

As we drank and talked on, I slid closer to her and casually put my arm around her on the back of the booth. I began to notice her throwing this drink down a little more loosely and more quickly. As she did, her speech became just slightly slurred. Almost home, I thought to myself.

My arm was now down on her shoulders. As we talked and chuckled about life, I’d sometimes pull her into me. She resisted not one bit. So, as we met a pause in the conversation, I thought, it’s now or never. I reached over, cradling her face in my large hand, and turned it up to mine. I brought my lips down onto her’s gently, but firmly. As I worked my lips on her’s, her lips began to respond. We began to openly kiss for the whole bar to see. Soon, my tongue snaked into her mouth. Her’s snaked back into mine. We frenched openly. And the old boys at the bar grew restless.

I knew Leasa was mine now. I began to fondle her tits through the fabric of her dress. Her nipples were hard as bullets and sticking out like projectiles. My thumb rubbed and teased them while she moaned into my mouth. She tried to weakly pull my hands away, but I just grabbed her hand and pulled it down into my lap.

The back of Leasa’s hand bumped into something as I pulled it down under the table. It was my ten incher poking way out under my left pocket. Looked like a big missile trying to get out of my pants. As we continued making out, I almost started laughing as I realized that when I let her hand go, it didn’t move. It kinda stayed right there. In fact, the back of her hand kind of glided downward along my shaft to my inner thigh. I knew what the horny bitch was doing. She was measuring it. And I kinda think she liked the measurement she came up with—if you know what I mean.

Leasa’s kisses and probing tongue seemed to become much more urgent now, after her accidental encounter with my stiff pole. I guess no white boy she’d ever been with had quite “measured up” as I had.

The poor girl threw one arm around my neck now and started whispering, “Oh Rod, oh Rod...” over and over again. Shit! She even started licking my ear lobe. A sure sign a woman is ready and set for fucking.

The whole place was dark now. It was still almost empty, but for the four old men at the bar, the two old homeys at the pool table, and the bartender.

My hand stroked Leasa’s thigh. As I brought it higher it met that point where her thighs were still closed together. But almost as soon as I met the resistance it melted. I pushed upward, just a little, and her thighs easily gave way and spread. I really hardly had to try. Her thighs were aching to part for me at this point.

When my fingers met the hinge of her thigh, they found Leasa’s most intimate spot soaking wet with excitement for me. I had to have this bitch—and now!

I lifted Leasa onto the table, kicking back half the booth. She was completely compliant now. I fucking ripped open the top of her dress, pulling it off her shoulders, down under her hips, off her thighs and threw it to the floor. She lay on the table, on her back, looking up at me. Her eyes were kind of glazed now, in shock of what was happening to her, but also conceding defeat.

I pulled her bra off her and threw it on the floor. Man, what tits this ofay goddess had. Big fucking 36C, maybe D, jugs, and growing out of the most slender, feminine bod I had ever seen. The old guys at the bar were almost in catatonic shock at this point—but nobody was running for help. On the contrary, the wolves were circling to get a better view. As my hands squeezed and mauled her gorgeous tits, the old geezers were getting closer and closer for a better view of the hot, naked, white bitch writhing before them on the bar-table.

After pinching her nipples, pulling them straight up from her body, letting go and watching them fall back to her rib cage, sliding and wobbling like erotic Jell-O, I slid my fingers under the waistband of her hose, and in one motion ripped them down off her.

When I pulled them off her feet, I held the crotch to my nose and breathed her in—beautiful scent of over-sexed woman!

I threw the panty hose in the face of one of the old timers. He rubbed it into his face and breathed deeply. They passed it around. But as they did, they stared at the naked pussy bared for the whole bar to see, and for me to fuck.

I looked down into Leasa’s glazed eyes. I thought of all her haughty, little attitudes at work. I thought of all the white women in Mississippi, as I grew up under Jim Crow, and the way they looked down on me. All this ran through my mind, as I looked down, down on Leasa Jons.

As we looked into each other’s eyes—her’s up into mine, mine down into her’s—I began unbuckling my pants. I let them drop right there, along with my briefs, and started stretching my lanky tool up over Leasa’s belly. I wanted her to see its length and size before I would sink it into her hot pussy channel, forever changing her white bread life.

Her eyes fixed on my weapon as I stroked it over her. They seemed glazed even more now. She even licked her lips u*********sly as she stared at it. I rubbed it back and forth over her belly, streaking her flesh with a heavy trail of precum. She looked at the gooey ooze streaked over her lower belly, her little finger dipped into the pre-jizz and then she lifted them to her lips. Her tongue snuck out and licked my fluids from her fingers, drawing them into her mouth. A second later, her hand reached down for more.

I rubbed the head of my dick up and down along the full wet lips of her shaved snatch. I noticed the bitch had some sort of dual clit rings clipped into her clitoral hood. I thought, “Man, what a hot bitch. Who’da thought Leasa Jons would be wearin’ a clitty ring—and even some kinda dual clitty rings?”

I pushed forward and Leasa’s legs rose instinctively. Her legs rose and spread for me, trying to offer me easier access to her womb. I got my arms under her thighs and leaned forward placing my hand on either side of the table. The gorgeous blonde was now bent back over, her knees almost touching her shoulders, and her pussy lips spread achingly wide for my further entrance.

I sank my black snake deep into her depths. It squished for all to hear. God, this bitch was so hot for me her pussy was frothing. I began humping down into her. Sinking my long black stake in and out of her like a fucking piston. Soon, the slapping of our loins was rhythmically vibrating around the room.

Two of the old men had unzipped and had their dicks out now, jacking them furiously. Poor old guys just couldn’t wait their turn, I guess.

My balls were slapping against Leasa’s ass as I continued pounding into her, rattling the table so much the glasses we’d drunk from fell crashing to the floor.

Leasa Jons was mine now. And forever. The blonde beauty was humping back up against me with everything she was made of. Her face was a mask of pent up lust. She’d never gotten it this good at home. She’d never gotten it this good before. She was insanely impaling herself onto my dick for all she was worth. Her grunting and moaning became louder and louder.

Then she screamed a few times, kinda high-pitched yelps, almost like a dog in heat. She was cumming. Sweat broke out all over her. Then I slammed deep into her and I came too.

Man! I just kept cumming and cumming. Her snatch felt so good on my dick. It felt like the tight, little thing was sucking the jism right out of me. Almost like that white, little pussy had found the food it had needed for so long, and liked a starved kitten was now nursing at the ebony nutriment this sixty three year old black man was willing to feed her.

When I was done, I pulled my slimey snake outta her. I roughly grabbed her by the hair, pulled her to a sitting position, and made her clean my dick off. She licked it and sucked it with no resistance. In fact, it was more like I had to offer her resistance to get the thing back outta her mouth when I felt she was done. My dick was sore from that sensitive feeling a man gets after cumming. Anyway, I just really wanted the men in the room, and Leasa, to see that I was Master here. The blonde was just my slave. Leasa Jons was now just there to serve—and not just serve me.

As I stepped back from the table, the old men from the bar started to close in around the table.

Leasa laid there half u*********s at this point, one arm d****d over her eyes, the other hanging off the table. Her thighs were spread wide, as were the lips of her pussy, with my thick, milky white jism leaking out of them forming a puddle on the table.

I wondered if the poor bitch was on the pill. I hoped she wasn’t. All my hopes and dreams would be answered to watch this blonde, blue-eyed goddess have to waddle to work carrying my ten pound c***d in her belly. Struggling to get in and out of her little Mustang! Man, I could just picture this Donna Reed-like suburban house wife droppin’ my black, baby boy. God, would that be somethin’!

The first old timer took a position between Leasa’s spread thighs and wiped the head of his dick just once or twice up and down the stretched lips of her pussy, and then sunk his cock into her with one thrust. Leasa responded by lifting her legs and wrapping them around the hips of the old man.

Another man stood along side her, reached down palming a handful of tit. He looked as though he couldn’t believe what he had in his hands. He never imagined he’d be palming a tit so big, so beautiful, so young, and so white. He massaged it, squeezed it, pinched and pulled the nipple of it, as he began wiping the head of his dick across Sweet Leasa’s lips. She turned her head toward him, opened her mouth and engulfed the dick’s head. Soon, her head was bobbing off the table servicing the wrinkled, but rapidly growing meat.

A third man was on the other side of her, just jacking away, watching the other two men. He would occasionally lean over and suck the nipple of her free tit into his mouth. Leasa would moan as he’d do this. As things progressed, the man grabbed Leasa’s hand and wrapped it around his dick, replacing his. She immediately began pumping and jacking the old dick to the old timer’s delight.

The old guy fucking her came pretty fast. Thought it was gonna kill the old bastard. He grunted, then flexed his ass cheeks together. He must have pumped a load into her because when he pulled out her pussy overflowed with spunk that streamed down the crack of her ass.

The guy in her mouth didn’t last too much longer--he grunted, she gagged. As he pulled out of her mouth, he shot a load across her face, then on the side of her face. It drooled down into her ear.

The old black man she jacked came too. He shot spurt after spurt all over her tits. When he was done Leasa began rubbing the black man’s semen into her tits like it was some kind of lotion or something. She was practically bathing in it!

As they moved away to take a breather, I saw the bitch playing with her clit. She was so fucking turned on now she needed more. The two guys from the pool table suggested we clear the table and load her onto it.

I grabbed her by the hand, pulled her to her feet, and led her to the pool table. She was dazed and glassy eyed, but she knew exactly what she was doing. She followed willingly. Walking across the room, I could see the cum from her snatch streaming down her inner thighs. When we got over to the table, I helped her up onto it and she slumped onto her back, her legs hanging off the table, thighs spread.

The two old pool players, one a fat, bald black man, the other a short skinny guy, roled her over into a prone position with her ass hanging off the table. They had their pants off already and their tools were sticking straight out.

The fat guy stepped up slapped Mrs. Jon’s ass, grabbed a cheek, squeezed it, then the other. Finally, he squeezed the two at once and spread them. We could all see her puckered asshole now. He leaned down and looked closely into her crack, then turned his head to us, and a big smile grew across his face. We all knew exactly what he was thinking. Soon, we were all chanting, “Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.”

Leasa was about get every thing she had comin’ to her.

In “reams”.

The old, fat dude spit into his hand and began wiping his spittle into Leasa's crack. I could tell he found pay dirt with his slickened fingers when she winced and sucked in her breath. He was probing her asshole loosening it, and it obviously hurt. I was glad. Feel the burn, baby, was all I could think, laughing to myself.

Then this short, pudgy, pygmy-like guy sort of jumped up on Leasa's back and started rubbing his dick into the cleft of her ass. Again, he soon struck home. Leasa's head lurched up and she grimaced with the pain of entrance. I could hear her hissing, "Oooowwww!!!"

But Pygmy Man didn't care. Now that his stubby dick had found entrance, he really went to work on the poor bitch. His ass started humping in double time—short, little, choppy jabs into her ass. It really reminded me of a dog humping another dog.

Leasa kept hissing, "Owww, Owwww, pllleeaasse don't!!!"

But again, Pygmy Man was working away on her. In fact, he was even licking the nape of her neck and nipping at her shoulder. I thought the old bastard had lost his mind and was trying to cannibalize her. But all I could do was stand and watch the once proud blonde taking her due justice, right up the ass. And from a guy she'd probably not have looked twice at on the street. Well, he sure had her attention now!

"Please, baby, no!!!" Leasa was crying out, sounding a little like a street whore begging for mercy from her pimp. Appropriate, I thought, cause that's exactly what she's gonna be turned into when I get done with her: "Leasa Jons, street-whore".

I could see Leasa sneak her hand down between her legs and was playing with her clit. Slutty, little bitch. For all her protestations, she was trying to get off with this little, old black man riding her ass.

The pygmy started whispering in Leasa's ear. Then I heard him shout:

"What's my name, bitch?"

"Mr. Taylor," Leasa struggled under him to reply.

"What you want, bitch?" Pygmy man shouted, definitely wanting everyone to hear.

"Your black dick...in my ass," Leasa whimpered, obviously feeding back to him what he demanded she respond to him with.

"How bad you want it?"

"Real bad..." Slave-Leasa moaned to the man.

"Well, you gonna get it. White slut." Pygmy man taunted her, his ass still going a mile a minute.

A few minutes more, and he started grunting. I could see his balls swell and lift, as he pumped his old, black spunk into Leasa Jon's gorgeous, white --once-tight--ass.

"Ugh, ugh," he grunted, loudly.

Leasa's ass visibly flexed several times during the long moments after Pygmy Man came in her ass, obviously milking his dick of its enema like fluids.

As he laid there on Leasa's back, the Fat Man's thick, black dick then oozed from her rectum as it deflated. Leasa struggled to maintain control of herself as he pulled away. I chuckled, watching this white princess struggling not to shit on herself.

"When we get done, you gonna need a diaper, baby," the skinny guy said, as he jumped up on the table and lay on his back with his huge erection sticking up in the air. He grabbed it and pointed it straight up, indicating for Leasa to climb on top.

"Time you did a little of the work, slut," the old, geezer chuckled.

Leasa wearily and shakily crawled over to him on the table. Slowly, she straddled the old-timer, grabbed his big dick, positioned it, and knelt down onto it.

No doubt about it. She wanted it now.

The bartender climbed up on the table and positioned himself behind her. He wedged his long dick between her cheeks and started pumping in slowly at first. But then you could see he found her hole and was working into her ass.

Leasa too stopped for a second, as you could see the seventy-ish bartender find her asshole. She knit her brow, as if concentrating on relaxing her back hole for the old man. Sure enough, then you could see the bartender's long dick slowly disappearing more and more with each thrust. Sinking well into the depths of Leasa's ass.

Like an Oreo cookie, these two old, black men began humping into Leasa's holes. One underneath, one on her back. She worked back in rhythm with them, all three sweating profusely. The heavy smell of sex was now thick in the air. The jukebox played "Dancing Queen," and I started laughing. Yeah, here was our dancing queen, taking on all comers, and "all comers" were 'all cumming'!

The old fart that had fucked Leasa on the booth-table earlier got onto the pool table, offering his dick to her mouth. After rubbing it across her lips a few times, she opened up and took him in. All three holes were now filled—by three ancient black men who were havin' the night of their lives!

I sat back with my drink and watched Leasa perform for me with her aged, ebony sex partners. I wondered if she could have ever imagined when she got up this morning how much her life would change today. Could she have ever, in a million years, imagined ending the day on a pool table with three old bro's in their late sixties, making like the blonde b**st with two backs?

But as I watched, Leasa was giving as good as she was taking. Bucking back against the thrusts of the man under her and the one riding her back. Helping to jam their old, black organs deep into her wet, buttery depths.

Leasa bobbed her head on the dick offered to her mouth. I chuckled to myself, as I thought it looked like she was bobbing for apples, or in this case, bananas. Big, old, age-blackened bananas—Ha, ha—what a laugh! But let me tell ya', Leasa wasn't laughing. No sir, our gorgeous blonde worked on that old, black dick like it was the most important thing in her life. And, ya' know, I was pretty sure it was, as I watched Leasa licking it, kissing it, and then sucking it back into her mouth. The old, bro' just knelt there, kinda shocked himself to see this young blonde wife unable to get enough of him.

Fact is, the old guy just put his hand behind Leasa's head and guided the excited girl in her duties. She let him. In fact, she seemed to like his taking command of her. Several times as he guided her down lower to lick his sweaty, old balls, I could see her glancing up at him, looking for approval. She wanted his acknowledgement that she was pleasing him. The girl was a born whore. She was born to please a man. And it was dawning on me, as I could see it was on Leasa, that the blacker that man was, the better.

The old guy finally pulled out of her mouth and began jacking his fat cock in her face. Leasa opened her mouth as he let loose. I saw a streaming shot go right down her throat. She lurched back a little choking on it. A second shot got her right between the eyes. I shouted, "Good shot bro'! You got her!"

After Leasa was cumfaced, I noticed both the guys above and below her adjusting themselves somehow. Couldn't see from where I was what was going on, but Leasa was really trying to resist at this point. I could hear her whimpering, "No, guys come on...I can't...no, really, please..."

As I approached the table, I could see what was happening. The old timer below was joining the one above in Leasa's ass. They were struggling to get both their fat, old dicks into our girl's butt-hole. I thought of intervening at this point. But my fascination with the whole thing stopped me.

I also noticed something: Leasa wasn't really struggling all that hard. In fact, she kinda paused her struggles as they tried to get into her. "Shit," I thought to myself, the bitch is keeping still to help them position the second dick into her. As the homey below got it wedged in somewhat, I could see Leasa lift her head again and wrinkle her brow. Sort of concentrating on relaxing her asshole. Sure enough within seconds he popped in. Leasa's lips puckered as she sucked in a breath. Man, it hadda hurt.

The two old, geezers looked like sexual athletes at this point. They began working in unison on Leasa's asshole. The one above got to his feet and crouched above Leasa, stretching her asshole upward, while the homey below stayed flat on his back, having the effect of stretching Leasa's rectum downward. Her asshole was stretched to truly abnormal dimensions at this point. I knew that this girl would never be the same back there again.

Leasa's face was contorted with a mixture of agony and ecstasy. I could see this girl loved some pain with her pleasure. She was a born slave. Just as I was a born master. I could already see the future. She would serve me well.

The oldster below started groaning. I hoped the old guy's heart wasn't failing. But then I could see a copious flow of thick white jism flowing out of Leasa's ass and down the thick barrel of his black, pulsating dick.

Didn't take too long for the fella riding Leasa's back to do the same. As the guy below slid out, Leasa's hole hung wide open. I wondered if the combination of her stretch slackened sphincter and the jizz-enema she was getting would cause for an embarrassment that would end the evening. But as the guy on top came and pulled out, the only thing that poured out her ass was a jug load of black man's cum.

I watched the blonde beauty's sphincter trying to clench as it spasmed in orgasm. But as the cream flowed out of her backside the blonde's battered sphincter couldn't pull itself together anymore. It just hung open a good inch or two.

I chuckled to myself: this bitch once looked down on me. Look at her now. Every time she tries to sit down for the next month she'll think of me. Shit, she'll never walk the same after the ass pounding she just took. And from the look on her face, I could tell it wouldn't be the last time this blonde bitch would submit to being sodomized, even with another double penetration. The look of pleasure glowed from her sweaty face. And her slender little fingers wiggled away at her clit. She loved it! Every ass wrecking inch of it.

Leasa rolled over onto her back again. The little fat guy got up on the table and straddled her face, facing toward her feet. I thought at first that he was looking for another blowjob, but he moved a little further down and shouted:


Holy shit! I really did wonder if it was all going way too far and Leasa'd start screaming **** any minute.

There was a long pause, as we all watched her look up at his ass from just inches below. Then it happened. Leasa's beautiful head lifted from the table, trailing her blonde hair behind, her lips puckered, and she kissed one of the fat, black cheeks of Fat Boy's ass.


Leasa lifted her head again. She kissed the other sweaty, fat butt cheek. I thought, she's finished now. Nothing is off limits from here on.


Leasa lifted her head slowly toward the sweaty crack of the old, fat black man's butt, paused for a second, and then began nuzzling her nose in between his butt-cheeks, then her lips, then her face, until the girl disappeared up to her ears into the old man's ass.


At this point, all dicks were upright in the room again.

Leasa's face began to nuzzle back and forth, deep in the cleft of the old man's fat, black ass. We could hear the smooching sound of a deep kiss. Then she seemed to be kissing his asshole again...and then yet again. Leasa was, for all intent and purposes, making love to the old, man's asshole.

"Use ya' tongue, ho'" he hissed. Then he sucked in a breath and closed his eyes as if the blonde was sending him to heaven.

"Yeah, that's it, that's it, that's it..." he kept chanting in a whisper, his dick standing straight up and rigid, again.

Leasa's head was now bobbing into the cheeks of his ass. She was giving him a pro's rim job if ever there was one.

"Yeah, lick my black ass—honky ho'" he hissed.

Leasa's head now glided up and down the length of his crack, turning slightly to the left and then slightly to the right, as she apparently obeyed Fat-boy's commands.

He then started jacking his fat, black meat, and turned to face Leasa's face, letting go a torrent of black cum-juice all over the once beautiful girl's face. It hit Leasa's forehead, streaked over her nose and ran down her cheeks. When he was done he dropped it to her lips, and her lips puckered in a kiss on its sticky knob-head. Then she took it in her hand and sucked it into her mouth. Her head bobbed on it and she delicately cleaned it with her tongue. All the while, her face glistening with a coating of his old, African spunk.

Leasa appeared to be a white woman completely trained now to whore herself to any black man who wanted her.

How quickly, I thought--how easily--it all happened. I now realized what a persistent black man could do to any white woman he chose. He could literally change their whole lives in one night. Just as I had changed Leasa's—forever.

When I looked again, Leasa was on the floor kneeling before the bartender. He wanted to be sucked off again. He grabbed her head and began to violently face-fuck the girl. Her tits bounced around comically, as he would first pull her onto and then pull her off of, his lengthy cock. In effect, using her mouth to jack off with.

When the bartender came he held her deep on his pole. Leasa struggled a little, but quickly gave in, and I could even see her hands come up and lovingly stroke the old barman's asscheeks, as she guzzled down the drink he was tending to her. When he was done, he let go and pulled back from her. Leasa just slumped against the foot of the table.

We all stood around just looking at this once goddess-like blonde. Now, I thought, it's my turn.

As Leasa half sat, half slumped, against the foot of the table, I stepped up and straddled her body, one foot on either side of her hips. I looked down on this woman—this girl—who used to talk down to me in front of my co-workers. Treating me like a boy—like a fuckin' boy. As I remembered some particularly demeaning off-hand remarks she'd made to me in the past, I took hold of my 10'' hose and let loose a golden stream that arced from my pee slit and splattered along her naked frame. First splashing over her tits, I then directed it over her belly, down along her pussy, and finally, back up to her tits. I hit bulls' eyes on first the left, and then the right, nipple. Then I continued up her neckline—right into her face!

She turned her head violently. But it was too late! I peed right into Leasa Jon's face. It splashed all over. As she turned the face I used to worship, I could see her spitting drops of my pee from her lips.

When I was done, you couldn't hear a sound in the place. The old boys were all stunned. Just staring at me, then down at the soaked blonde. I shook a few piss drops over her. Then I stepped up straddling over her turned face. I squatted down, just inches over her, letting my leaking dick drip onto the side of her face.

"Leasa, clean me off!" I commanded.

A few long seconds ticked by. Then Leasa turned her face up toward me. Looked deep into my eyes. My eyes showed no mercy. Her mouth opened, and she leaned up and took the knob of my dick into her mouth. I felt her tongue wash around it and clean it off. Shit, the bitch even started frenching my pee slit. I realized at this moment: white women were made to be black men's whores.

When I was done, I got dressed and walked out leaving a dramatically different woman lying on the barroom floor than I entered the bar with earlier that evening. I left Leasa Jons lying on the barroom floor, in a puddle of my piss. Just like the slut she was. I only wish her white daddy could see her now. See what I'd reduced her to.

As I walked out to my car, I could see Leasa's little, red Mustang all jacked up, wheels off it, some graffiti written on the side, "Honky ho'!"

They must have seen me go in with her, I chuckled to my self.

Gee, wonder how she'll explain it all to pencil-dicked, white boy, hubby.

Well, not my problem. I felt great drivin' home. Couldn't wait to see Leasa again the next day— or maybe the next week, with the shape I'd left her in. But, whenever, couldn't wait to see the changes I'd wrought in this once proud, blonde, Caucasian goddess.

I wouldn't have long to wait.

Well, Leasa was out of work about a week. Seems she got a flu that she really needed to recover from, ha ha.

When she returned to work, you wouldn't have known it was the same girl. First thing I noticed was, she wasn't wearing her wedding ring anymore. And she was driving a used Ford Escort. Man, I nearly shit in my pants, I laughed so hard when I saw that.

In time, I heard that after I left, the old boys I left Ms. Jons with all took a leak on her and had her clean their old hoses off. Then, I guess the bartender had her take a shower in the back; he literally hosed her down with a water hose in the back of the place. He let her put on an old robe they had in back and drove her home. Before she left the car, he told me, she asked how she could repay him. He told her to, "get creative." At that, he said, she paused a few seconds, then just casually unzipped him, took out his long cock, and sucked him off right there in front of her house.

When he came, he told her to swallow it, and, of course, she did. As she was getting out to go in the house, he smiled at her and told her to, "give hubby a deep, long kiss," when she got inside. He drove off laughing, watching the poor bitch walkin' in the door with nothing but an old robe on.

Guess, pencil-dick didn't take to that too much, ha ha.

Well, back at work some rumors spread about little Leasa's proclivities and activities with a black co-worker after hours. Don't know how that happened, ha ha. Result was, she was busted down to Marketing Coordinator, essentially a secretarial position. Guess the head of Marketing--a woman's-libber--found it embarrassing to have a slut in a management position.

Leasa's job was now to basically say "Yes, sir," and "No, sir," to whomever addressed her—even programmers like myself in Development. I remember going down there one day and asking her to type up a report I'd done for Marketing on what our team was working on. Man, the poor bitch could hardly look me in the eye.

I remember telling her it had to be done, "and fast."

"Yes, Mr. Smith," was her response. I just fuckin' loved it! From then on, she only addressed me as, "Mr. Smith."

She actually left a voice mail or two on my home phone in the coming months, saying we needed to talk. I never returned them. The last few sounded a little hysterical. I could tell blondie was gettin' a little desperate. After about 6 months passed, I could see why.

Leasa started wearing maternity clothes to work. I stopped by her desk to give her an update report to type and "congratulated" her. Man, I'll never forget the look on her face—about as forlorn a look as ever a woman could have, while being congratulated for being blessed that she was, "in the family way."

Leasa practically begged me to meet her for dinner. Shit, she told me she'd pay. She just "had to" see me for dinner.

I told her, okay, "as long as you're pickin' up the tab, babe."

We met for dinner, and she told me the whole long, sad tale. Hubby had left her. She waited too long to do anything about the pregnancy because she was in denial that she was really pregged. That the way she behaved that night at the bar, "wasn't really her." That I, "had to understand," etc.

Well, the long and the short of it was, she virtually proposed to me. She talked about us as a couple. She was sure "the twins" were mine. Man, she practically started crying a few times. Me, I just had to suppress the big smile that was aching to bust out on my face.

Think of it! Leasa Jons proposing to old Rodney, now. And yes, Leasa Jons impregnated with "my boys". I loved it.

I told her I would give her offer very serious consideration. But then again, I said very thoughtfully, the things she did that night...then I shook my head disgustedly. She started crying again, telling me that she got drunk and wasn't herself, etc. I didn't even bother to tell her that I knew about her blowin' the bartender again when he took her home.

Shit, no way I'd marry a whore that let a bunch of old barflies' piss all over her. No way was this Caucasian slut good enough for me, no way.

Soon, I'd look out the window at work. There was Leasa. As beautiful as ever, but bigger than a house. Man, her belly looked like it was about to explode. I never saw a woman that pregnant. Then again, I am 6'5". She was carrying some big babies in that once wasp sized, little, white belly.

I'd crack up, watching her try to get out of that little, beat up Escort. She'd literally throw her feet out the door first, then rock herself several times in order to pry her bloated belly out of the car. And she'd waddle to the front door like women do about an hour before they drop one. Her feet were spread an extra foot or so apart, with her toes pointing outward. Lookin' like she was invited the world to take another poke, ha ha.

What a poor, blonde, white slut.

I'd stop over her place with friends--to show off my handiwork. Man, some of the old homeys that visited from Mississippi couldn't fuckin' believe it. 'Cept for the fact that Leasa acknowledged it herself, right in front of them. Hell, the bitch wanted me so bad at this point, she was fuckin' proud she was carryin' for old Rod.

I'd crack up, as my old buddies would feign that they were, "so in awe of c***d birth," and then they'd start fondling her belly. Of course, Leasa fell for this every time. Either that or the horny bitch just loved bein' felt up by some more old, black bro's. Never was really sure.

But the old bro's would wait till I left the room, and go through all this bullshit about how beautiful it was, c***dbirth and all. From the TV room, I could see in a mirror, the old boys fondling her big belly, and Leasa just glowing, looking down at her belly as they rubbed and fondled it. Then, sure enough, I'd see their hands start roamin' a little bit too low to just be enjoying feeling a swollen belly. Leasa always would look a little uncomfortable and nervous, as their hands would start roamin' a little far south. But she'd never just say no.

In time, their hands were goin' everywhere. They'd be commenting on what a beautiful Mom she was goin' to be, while their hands roved down the slope of her belly and right between her legs, then back up again, like it was all so natural.

Then I'd see their hands rub her belly, and while talking about natural breast feeding, damn if their hands wouldn't slide right up and nudge one of Leasa's over sized, milk bloated tits. When they saw no visible reproach, the old boys would let the next straying stroke come up and gently give her, jug a squeeze. Poor bitch would get nervous and kinda look away, but never said, "No."

Shit, after 10 or 20 minutes of testing, each of the old boys I'd bring over would be feeling the shit out of her. I'd see her gently move their hands away occasionally, but basically it was a free for all. They'd be mauling her tits in no time. Talkin' to her about what a beautiful Mom she was gonna be while they'd have one hand under her skirt and down her panties, fingering her.

A couple eventually, went for broke. Shit, I could see them from the TV room, pushin' her half sideways--due to her belly--and half face down on the couch, and unzipping, and just slipping it in her, as they pulled her panties to the side. Never understood why she even wore them. Usually, each bro' I brought over would leave with them in his pocket. Hell, she must have gone through four or five pair that got pulled off her ass by any number of old homeys I brought over to meet her.

Well, come the spring, Leasa went on maternity leave. She dropped two big, baby boys. Named one Rodney Jr. The other she named James (my middle name). I'll never forget goin' over to her apartment a few weeks later.

Hell, her place was a mess. And there sat Leasa Jons, once haughty, once proud, but now...hell, now she just sat there, a black baby boy in each arm, with an old ratty sweatshirt pulled up, and her now huge jugs hanging out. Each of the black babies sucking and gnawing away on her nipples. Man, those boys took after their daddy, cause they was just pullin' and suckin' on Leasa's tits like no tomorrow. And the look on the poor girl's face, ha ha. I'll never forget that look. "Forlorn" would be too cheerful a description.

Leasa just looked up at me with the babies working away, suckin' at those over sized mammaries. I could see her tits now had stretch marks all over'em. I loved it, man. She was just a ruined, used up slut, now. I'm sure she could have never foreseen, a year before, that most of the next few years of her life would be spent with black lips suckling away at her tits. But her nipples were now to be used for one thing: to nurture black life into the world.

Leasa's body was now existing for only two purposes: to satisfy black men, and to bear black babies. She was essentially a brood mare for black breeding.

As I thought about all this, looking down on her nursing my boys on the couch, I stood up, and as she continued nursing, unzipped my fly and pulled out my long, ebony baby maker. As I did this, Leasa continued looking down at the nursing boys feeding on her, but she knew what I was doing and let me go on without the least objection.

I put my hand behind her head and guided it to the head of my sticky, excited dick. Wordlessly and resignedly, Leasa opened her mouth and took the head of my dick into it. As I looked down, I watched the mother of my c***dren begin to bob her head, nursing on my dick, just as my baby boys nursed on her mammoth, stretch scarred tits.

I wondered what her husband was doing or thinking these days. I wondered how Leasa's parents were bearing up under the knowledge of what their lineage had spawned.

But most of all, I was satisfied. I now owned Leasa Jons.

Same as Leasa's Snatch Videos

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College Days

I awoke to the shrill buzzing of the alarm. Seven a.m. I need to be in class by Seven Thirty. This is my earliest class, Holly gets to sleep in on this day, till her Nine class. I reach over and hit the button on the alarm. Through trial and tribulation we have come up with our methods of maintaining our grades. Before every class, except back to back classes of course, we have some form of sex. In This case, I have a class, and she doesn’t, so she pleasures me, and before her first class I...

4 years ago
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Education of Slave Jim Brodie

Chapter 1: Introduction Friday I agreed to be a sex slave. I thought I would make a good one since I have a big cock that is hard most of the time. But after only an hour my mistress became very exasperated with me because I was unable to please her as a good slave should. "You don't even know how to lap a cunt properly," she complained. "You're probably even more useless at advanced tasks." I was devastated. "But Mistress, I'll do anything you want, just teach me." She dismissed...

3 years ago
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Early 80s ExcitementChapter 13 Monday Morning Fun

Monday he awoke startled by the ringing. Where was he? What was going on? He finally put two and two together and realized he was on the sofa and it was his alarm clock was making so much noise. He quickly shut it off. The last few mornings he was awake before it ever went off. Last night he slept sound. Probably because of the busy day they had at Old Chicago. Also, because of the fact he was awoken in the middle of the night. The only bad thing was his time awake was not really worth...

1 year ago
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BangBros18 Ava Sinclaire Newbie Shakes Her Natural Tits

Ava Sinclaire joins us this week to show us her wonderful attributes. This chick has a perfect pair of natural tits and a nice round booty to go with it. She’s brand new to the business but she can definitely go places. Ava plays with her tits out by the pool for some time before we go inside for the real fun to begin. Leo Valentino was the one lucky enough to get to fuck this beauty. She pulled out his cock and began sucking and choking on it. From there, her pussy was penetrated in multiple...

3 years ago
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The Selfishness of Love

“Thank you, Dywyr. I know that you think it’s foolish of me to want to come here.” Iona cringed as they passed a stall hung with the butchered meat of humans and other sentient races. Once she could breathe past the smell again, “I’m glad you’re here to keep me from ending up like that.” “You’re welcome.” As always, his voice was uninflected. Iona couldn’t see his face, but she was certain that it hadn’t changed expression. “You’ve made a lot of progress over the last couple of years, but I...

2 years ago
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Man in the Mirror

To see, but not to be seen. To slip into your desires and fulfill them as you yearn for them with your body and soul. That is the way I proceed, but in ways you cannot fathom. At night, I slip to the see your yearning. It may be as simple as a change from your longtime lover or as intricate as exploring the fruits of your gender. You look straight at me, but never see me. How could you see through the looking glass? I don’t really have name. But the title ‘Man in the Mirror’ seems to suit...

2 years ago
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My Sweet Sister Diya And Her Mom

Hi friends, I am new to this site. Actually I was introduced in to the world of internet recently and got a chance to visit this site. Soon it became my favorite and I am glad in getting the freedom to reveal some real experience in my life. I am Shibin babu from Karnataka. The events I am going to describe happened some years ago. It was a bright spring night. When my mother told me again that my younger sister had some problem in her hubby’s home by her lack of pregnancy even after two years...

4 years ago
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Curse of the Blue SpiritChapter 51

Aina time: 8:56 AM, day 288 of 1449 Earth time: 11:08 AM Eastern Standard Time, Tuesday, July 21, 2043 Lynda saw the remaining members of Congress enter the dining hall and take their seats. She leaned over to Jennifer and whispered, "You know, I just had a really weird flashback." "Yeah?" "We have over twenty women and twenty men in this room now. Isn't it amazing they're not firing guns at each other?" "Ha! I know what you mean. The gender just doesn't matter here... Yeah, it...

4 years ago
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Comfort Food for Mindy

Raindrops pelting the dorm window and sliding along the pane in a zigzag pattern reminded Mindy of her own tears. The soft yellow glow of streetlights and the quietness of the midnight hour settled like an unwelcome burden. Wiping her eyes stopped the flow of tears but not the reason for them. Mindy’s first semester in college was turning out to be filled with emotional loneliness. She didn’t make the women’s soccer team and the lengthy email she got from Rob made it clear he had already found...

4 years ago
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Aunty Ke Boobs Or Ice Cream

Hiiiiii my salf Gavvy from Punjab…..Yeh meri es site pai phli story hai aur umeed krta ho ke aap sbhi maja se padhe ge aur maje krege….. Apko boor na kr siddha story sonata ho… Muhse bachpn se hi 2 shonk hai 1ek ekkla rhna aur blue film vkh ke muth marna….. Yeh story aj se 1 yr phle ki hai jb mai study ke liye ghr se door ikkla rhta tha ek P.G mai as a paying guest…. Mere pg ke malik ki uncle aunty the…. Uncle toh kafi budhe the lakin aunty mai abhi bhi bht jawani aur sex ki bhookh baki thi…....

2 years ago
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truth or dare

I was 16 years old. I'd been gay for about 3 years, always checking outother boy's penises in Boy Scouts. And now, I was finally in a tent withanother boy, and it looked like he would be willing to fool around with me.I had waited for this moment for so long. I'd seen so many naked boys inthe showers and tents and cabins, and jacked off to the memories of all ofthem. But I'd never reached the point of actually "fooling around" withanybody else. The closest I ever came was the occasional "do you...

3 years ago
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Andrea Perkins

Andrea Perkins was a conservative, cross-legged, straight-laced woman who lived in the neighborhood. She was a natural beauty. Every time I've seen her she's had on very little makeup and is always dressed fashionably but very conservatively. She was the type of mom that June Cleaver could identify with. So when I got a call from her I was a bit mystified why she would be calling me and what was so urgent? I of course knew her son Frank. He is much like his name. He is an average kid of...

2 years ago
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My Curious Son and the Biggest Mistake of My Life

My name is Sophie. I'm a 35 year old single mother with two wonderful c***dren. I have a beautiful 19 year old daughter and an adorable 16 year old son. Their names are Sam and Ben. My c***dren are my world... I love them more than any possible combination of words could hope to describe. I've always tried to be the best mother I could be given the circumstances, no matter how poor they may be. Life has never been easy on me, but I try my best each and every day. I've made a lot of mistakes,...

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Brookdale Chapter Fourteen

CHAPTER f******nJames smiled as he listened to the first suggestion ~ to see Becca twisting and writhing under the whip as he enjoyed his meal had a certain attraction that was well worth considering. ~James reached out and with the middle finger of his right hand he split Becca's love lips and felt the slick wetness of her arousal. Lifting his finger to Becca's mouth, he instructed her to clean the juices of her cunt from his finger.Becca saw his hand reaching towards her and knew she would...

3 years ago
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Strictly Wetting

Emma froze, immobile on the dance floor as her worst fear came true. The silence was total. The audience, just a few seconds before cheering and clapping were as still as statues. None of them could believe what they were seeing. Emma wished the ground would open up and swallow her whole, but more than that, she wished she’d never agreed to appear on the damn show in the first place. It had all started with Emma’s wish to be a journalist. She had dreamt of being a journalist from an early...

3 years ago
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MissSpelled Part 2

Miss-Spelled Part 2 I woke up with a groan. And it wasn't totally due to the fact I had a hangover. I was in a girl's room, in a girl's bed which I was sharing with the amazingly beautiful Becca, and the almost as beautiful Kayleigh and Sarah sleeping on air beds on the floor. This time yesterday I would have given my right arm to wake up with these three. Unfortunately, yesterday I was Phil Jameson. Today I am Sophie Jameson and in this new reality (due to a case of...

2 years ago
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An Unexpected Bonus In the Hotel

Today is Rick’s last day at work. I wish he wasn’t moving to Denver. I have to agree with him that there’sno immediate future for us since I’m 19 and he’s 35, but I will miss him. He’ll be busy today, training the new manager, so I don’t bother to dress as provocatively as I might have in the past. Instead of a short skirt, I opt for black jeans. Granted, they are tight, but they don’t show any skin. My white shirt is a tight cotton T with a plunging neckline and thin fabric that only vaguely...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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Who I Am Ch 05

New Readers: Thank you for checking me out! Each chapter builds from the previous. I highly suggest you start from chapter 1. Returning Readers: Thank you so much as always. I appreciate every email and comment. I hope you continue to read my stuff!! Please excuse any typos. I am self-editing. Ms. Angel Sand All copyrights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means including electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any...

1 year ago
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Craving Quest

I don’t obsess over them like some of you sex-starved cucks out there, but sometimes I’ll play a hentai game or two if only to show you betas how this shit is really done. But I’m picky. I don’t want to play half of the shitty games out there that string you along for days without seeing so much as a tiddy. I need some instant gratification. I mean, why would I sit here and toil away when I could go out and have some real pussy within the hour? And the game has to be fun too. I’m not sticking...

Best Porn Games
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Unlocked Mother Daughter Duo During Lockdown 8211 Part 2

“Saumya! What the fuck you think you are doing?” Radhika shouted. “Exactly my question, mom,” quipped Saumya. But I am glad you managed to satisfy your lust, I was sick of you using a dildo to quench your thirst, Saumya continued. Clearly, she knew a lot more than her mom thought. Radhika hung her face in shame, but Saumya hugged her tight and said, “I am proud of you, mom. You are hot, young, and you deserve a man that you have finally got. And I like him too.” She ran towards me and hugged me...

3 years ago
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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 9

Tyler and Renee walked over to the man in the suit, Renee moving quite easily in her wedges and jeans while Tyler was still getting used to the tightness of the pencil skirt paired with the height of his pumps. He knew he was getting better at walking in this outfit, but it slowed him down so much. Renee reached the man in the suit several steps ahead of him. "Hello," Renee said, leaning in to examine the badge hanging from the man's lapel - it had the letters 'AG&M' laser-cut into...

2 years ago
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Sexual Adventures of a Schoolgirl Part One

Just two weeks after leaving eighth grade, she had started noticing her breasts growing and one week after that she had her first period. This was rough time, too though, since her mother passed away two years ago. She had very little guidance about the changes she was going through since it was just her and her father at home. No matter, she was grateful that puberty had finally come so she wouldn’t be jealous of her friends who had all started several months earlier. But now, one month into...

1 year ago
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Fun party with hot boy

I am reena, 24 yrs of age , unmarried girl sharing some of my recent real experinces, which has taken me into a great new world of experiences. I work as accountant with a software firm and am staying in a one room flat given by company. I have a very close circle of friends, some of them being married ladies of around same age. These ladies having well to do husbands and nice families.they were requesting me for joining them in kitty parties several times, but due to lack of time and my...

4 years ago
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Honey We Need to Talk

A FLASH STORY Honey, We Need to Talk The temperature kept creeping up to the start of the red and I’d look down from the traffic to the dashboard, praying I’d make it home. I kept the heat on full blast, trying to keep out the winter chill and slow down any overheating. My cell had crapped out that morning and I’d spilled some coffee on my lap when I got into the truck on my way out of the 7-Eleven. Pulling into the complex, there was a strange car parked in my driveway. It just wasn’t my...

1 year ago
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The CureChapter 6

Randall ate a huge breakfast of ham and eggs, waffles and mixed fruit before saddling Sparks for a long run around the farm. Bouncing in the saddle was a bit uncomfortable because his dick was feeling a little sore from the workout but he still smiled every time he thought about his night with his Aunt Rita. If it came to that, he hoped he'd be in good form for the next round – that is, unless Uncle Jack made it home. When he and the gelding had had enough, he unsaddled Sparks, wiped him...

2 years ago
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My Boldest Dream Come True

I have always loved old women. When I was young all of my friends were into girls more or less their own age. Once in a while, a friend of mine would find a mother hot but nobody was into old women. Only I was. And I mean old, women in their sixties, which was very old for a teenager. My own grandmother was not even that old at the time. I loved Sunday church because I could oogle the old ladies. At home I would fantasize getting bathed by them and spying on them to get a glimpse of their...

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I was walking to a friend's house, who lived very near tome I was walking to a friend's house, who lived very near tome. A car stopped in front of me and someone got out. At this point I was scared, as the guy was leering at me. He told me to get in his car, and I refused. He pulled a knife out of his jacket so I got into the backseat. Two friends were sitting there grinning at me and I sat down fearfully... The ringleader (lets call him Ali)of the lot? the one who had pulled me into...

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My sister and me 3

The 2nd part of this story I didn't quite get to end it just like I wanted to due to storms here that night that might have shut down my computer and loose what I had wrote so far, so here is more on how I wanted to end part 2 of 'My sister and Me'.The day before I moved my sister (Cindy), and myself into the old but remodled house that my deceased grandparents had lived in while they were alive, I made a run to town in granddad's old red truck and left Cindy at the farm to keep and eye on...

3 years ago
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BethChapter 125

January 13, 2018 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written January 14] I suddenly woke from a lurid dream that my two nipples were being sucked by different lovers to find that it wasn’t a dream. I moaned, then opened my eyes to the crowns of Rhee and Char right in front of my face; my two nipple-suckers. I moaned again. “I think she’s awake, now,” I heard Heather say. “It’s pretty rare that Rhee wakes before Beth. I think she’s still catching up on sleep from winter break.” I had closed my eyes, again,...

4 years ago
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My neighbors feet

Ahhhh...thinking about this experience always gets me :) let me just start by saying, i absolutely love apartment complexes! Feet everywhere!! And I mean everywhere!! Awyways, i use to live in this apartment complex....one day I was sitting on the stairs smoking a cigarette and out comes my neighbors wife. A bbw caucasian lady about 5'5, 37 years old with some sexy plump toes and meaty pink soles. As soon as i saw her feet, i knew I was gonna do something really stupid lol. I'm assuming that...

3 years ago
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My Aunt Lucys touch

No matter what the even was, she would go out of her way to hold me, or touch me in some way. I was her little Jem. My mom would always let my older sisters and I stay at her house. My first sexual memory with Aunt Lucy happened when 8. My two sisters (who are twins) were 12 at the time, and I was never cool enough to hang out with them. Lucy made me feel special. Lucy was beautiful. She was in her mid thirties and always had a handsome boyfriend. She had long brown hair that...

1 year ago
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Tushy Mary Kalisy Yoga And Cheating

Mary is a private yoga instructor, meeting really interesting people and visiting beautiful houses in the process. She has her favorite client, whose husband is always around as he retired young. He can never takes his eyes off her and she loves it. Mary has never made a habit of getting close to married men, but she knows that if she gets a moment alone with him this may not remain the case. When his wife skips one of her lessons to go shopping, she decides to hang around – but not for...

3 years ago
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Toilet Fun 8211 The Gay Spot In The Bus Station

My Christmas vacation got over. It was December 31. I had to go back to the hostel as my classes were starting on 1st January. So I packed my bag and got set. There was a new year party organized by friends and I was sad that I couldn’t attend it. But I went to the party at 7 pm. They were preparing for the party. They were very joyful and were preparing for midnight. They drank beer and other alcohols while making food and decorating the place. When I went there, my friends insisted to stay....

Gay Male
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Sharing Author's Note: It has been a while since I have posted a story. Frankly, I've run out of ideas. I don't want to just keep rewriting the same thing by changing names and making the bartender into a shoe salesman. This suddenly came to me. I hope you enjoy. Vince stood nervously in front of the full-length bathroom mirror. He tugged at the dress he had put on trying to decide if this were really the thing he wanted to wear. It was short, almost reaching the middle of his...

3 years ago
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The weekend sex spree with Bobby

This weekend has been the best ever, Bobby and I had spent it fucking in every corner in my house, cuddling up next to him every night felt so natural like I’ve been doing it all my life. I walked into the bathroom and sat at the edge of the tub watching him in the shower; his body all lathered up was just literally porn“No free show babe, how are you paying ma’am” He said“How would you like to be paid” I said walking towards him“I think we can figure something out” He said pulling me inside...

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