Cradle Snatcher free porn video

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"Put me on a highway.
Show me a sign.
And take it to the limit one more time."


"You could take me home and fuck me", she said.

And Dominic wanted to. There was no doubting that. The girl was an absolute doll. Five four, long and straight black hair, big green eyes. Lips with gloss so pink and luminous that they seemed liquid. Pert, elfin nose. Slim, equine neck. A babe.

The words had been delivered directly into his ear on a wisp of warm breath. She was on tiptoe, her fingers touching the back of his hand as though to provide herself with an illusion of support. At the points of contact, his flesh tingled. He remembered Linda, and leaned back, half hoping that he'd discourage interest with his body language. Half hoping that he wouldn't.

And he didn't. Despite the increased distance, the girl's fingers stayed in place.

"Wish I could", he told her, his voice catching a little. "Really wish I could." He let his eyes wander down her body for perhaps the fiftieth time, noting again her slender waist and broad hips, the way that the crotch of her tight black cotton pants undulated over her pubic bone, dipping into a tantalising hint of a vee between her legs. The trousers matched black, low heeled, patent leather shoes and contrasted with a bright pink blouse, open to two buttons, revealing a broad expanse of creamy flesh. He didn't get the impression that her breasts were large, but they were high and proud. Which, unfortunately, was the way he preferred them. Unfortunately, because she was arousing him, and he couldn't afford to be aroused. He'd only just got back with Linda after a difficult period, and he believed that he needed to work at the relationship rather than undermine it.

The girl raised an eyebrow, a wonderfully teasing gesture. "And you can't because?", she wondered, sing song.

"Because, miss, I'm a married man", he told her sternly.

"Martine", she corrected, raising her shoulders a little, subconsciously presenting herself to him. "Although I do like miss. You're very polite. And I like married men. More experience."

"Added to which", he strove on bravely, "you're a little too young for me."

That wasn't necessarily true. She looked about nineteen, and he was only eight years older than that. But it served to place a barrier between them, and he felt that he needed all the barriers he could get.

He tried to remember how he'd got into this position. It was difficult.

Linda had come back only two weeks ago after a long affair. Well, a series of affairs actually, but he'd only found out about the others because of the last one. He'd confronted her with it after being told by a friend. She'd responded by shrugging her shoulders, admitting that she'd been shagging around for years and announcing her intention to leave on the spot. To go and live with the wonderful Bill. But the wonderful Bill had not been quite as wonderful as she'd expected. He was, she soon discovered, a morbid drunk. And he was only a few short steps from bankruptcy. Nonetheless she'd stuck it out, obstinately, for six months. Dominic had continued to plead and beg, to abase himself. Eventually, he'd won. She'd returned to him.

But there were to be ground rules. She'd continue to go out, on her own, with the girls, on Friday nights, and he would neither complain nor follow her. In return, she'd promise to behave herself. She'd learned her lesson, and he'd simply have to trust her. She had friends, he must understand. She wouldn't be shamed in front of them. He, for his part, would be freed on Saturday nights. It would be good for their relationship that he should meet new people. It might stop him being so stuck in a rut. So unimaginative. So, although she didn't use the word, boring.

Today was the first of those Saturdays, and Linda had told him quite firmly that she didn't expect him back until two AM. Which, at least after the pubs had closed, had limited his options to nightclubs, because none of his few friends could invite him back. All of them had loving partners.

The club he'd chosen, the Sundial, was the nearest to home, but it was still a twenty minute taxi ride from it. He'd entered unhappily, had bought a high priced pint, and had made his way to the edge of the dance floor. Only then had he taken his bearings.

The other men here varied widely in age. Some were younger than he was, some older, fifty per cent around the same age. But the girls were all in their late teens or early twenties, showing more flesh in most cases than a red blooded man could be expected to have to look at for too long without taking a cold shower. Dominic had given the observation about five minutes, watching the dance floor, then, sensing his blood pressure rising, had turned to cast an eye over the darker part of the club.

Martine was standing two feet away, leaning against a post. She seemed to be staring directly at him. He looked away, embarrassed, but was soon conscious that her own gaze continued remorselessly. So he'd turned back to her.

"Hi", he'd said, unsure of how to approach a very unusual situation. "I'm Dominic." She'd grinned, making him think of her momentarily as a pixie.

"Hi, Dominic", she'd replied, her voice clear and light over the pounding disco rhythm. Just that. Nothing else. After which, she'd simply carried on staring at him. Frankly. He wasn't good at reading invitations from girls to show a little interest, but this was pretty direct. It really seemed that she was attracted to him.

He waited a little longer, disorientated. Then, after a few seconds, he'd become a little irritated at the discomfort she was causing him.

"Can I do something for you?", he had asked.

And that was when she'd made her brazen offer. Now, she was pressing it. "Why am I too young?", she wanted to know. "I'm quite some years over the age of consent, that much I can assure you about."

Again, he was amazed at the clarity of her voice over the loud background of music and talk. "I haven't got a place to take you to, Martine", he argued weakly. "Married men have those sorts of problems."

Again, she demolished the obstruction easily. "That's alright", she said. "I've got somewhere I can take you."

He knew that he was beginning to weaken. The heat of her sweet breath on his cheek was an aphrodisiac. Already, he was uncomfortable below stairs. And her limpid eyes were intoxicating, holding him, and imprisoning him.

He started to rationalise, to clear a way through his morals. Linda had indulged herself, hadn't she? That was what the whole crisis had been about. So. Didn't she owe him this? Didn't he need, in some way, to balance out her sin? Wouldn't this make things better, give them a greater chance? Because he would have been there. He would be able to share her guilt. Rather than resenting the things she had done.

Perhaps Martine read his change of mood, and was giving him a final push. Or perhaps she really was getting impatient with him. Whatever her reason, she was suddenly clear. "Last chance. Train's leaving."

He grinned. "Where's it leaving to, Martine?", he asked cagily.

She studied him. Cocked her head to one side, again reminding him of a pixie or an elf. Then she said, "Come and make me happy." And she turned and walked away. No handbag, he noted incongruously. And found that odd.

He followed her of course. He tried to tell himself that he did so because he was curious, not for sex. But he knew that he hadn't decided yet how far he would allow that curiosity to take him. He realised that for the first time in a number of years, his immediate future was intriguing and unpredictable.

Martine moved quickly, but prettily, her shapely rear sashaying a path between the bar and the dance floor, then through the foyer. She didn't pause to collect a coat, but unlike the absence of the handbag, this omission didn't surprise him, because it was a very warm night. She looked back briefly to make sure that he too had nothing to collect, then breezed through the main doorway.

When he arrived on the pavement, breathless, she was waiting for him, cool, serene and smiling. Instantly, she slipped her fingers into his and steered him left, in the opposite direction to his home. Her grip was dry, but warm and strong.

They had only walked for a couple of hundred yards when she attracted the attention of a cab driver. He held the car door for her, and she slid in gracefully, but didn't move over, forcing him to walk around the vehicle and get in the other side. He had an illogical suspicion that the cab would drive away, that the last thing he would see of her would be her laughing face in the rear window.

But that didn't happen. In fact, by the time he joined her in the car, matters had progressed. She'd apparently already given the man a destination, because he pulled away from the kerb without a word.

Sliding across the seat, she snuggled close, her breath raising the hairs on his neck. He wondered if she wanted him to kiss her, and decided to find out.

She most certainly did want that. As soon as he turned and lifted her chin, she responded eagerly, her lips gluing to his. Her tongue snaked into his mouth, sweet and thick like some exotic fruit. He embraced her gently, lost in her musky, intoxicating scent.

The kiss, and the journey, seemed to last forever. At some point, he brought a hand up from her waist to cup her left breast, loosening one button of her blouse and snaking his fingers past it. She wore no bra, and he felt the heat and weight and firmness with joy. It was a young girl's breast, haughty and full; the nipple was big and already stiffening and throbbing against his palm.

Martine broke the kiss, let her head loll back, her breathing deepening. Her hair spread across his shoulder, settling sensuously and softly against his neck. But soon she turned her head slightly, lips parted, wanting to kiss again. He turned a little too, and this time the contact was tender. Her tongue traced a line along his lips, and he met it with his own. He trailed his fingers in her hair whilst she caressed the back of his head. Warm breath mingled.

After about a minute, she started to open his shirt. He made to object in case the taxi driver saw what was going on, but the kiss kept him spellbound and helpless. In any event, she stopped after three buttons, and slid her hand inside to torment his nipple between the tips of her fingers, quickly and efficiently making it stiffen. Then she played in his chest hair for a time before moving the hand down, out of his shirt, over his stomach. Without apparent concern over what might be visible in the rear view mirror, she closed her fingers gently around his balls, stroked them with the pads of her fingers.

Instantly, he was stiff. In fact, he couldn't recall being stiffer. His erection pulsated, raged against the confines of his zip. As her small hand squeezed and tormented him through the fabric of his jeans, he lifted slightly, unable to help himself. Occasionally she traced a finger down the entrapped length of his cock, and that made him shiver. There were times when he thought he might just come there and then, in the back of a slowly moving taxi, squirting his juice into the waistband of his boxer shorts. Her touch was insistent and wise, and dominated him; so much so that he couldn't concentrate on anything else, couldn't give her anything back.

Eventually, but without warning, she pulled away, her lips leaving his again, her hand drifting from his groin. "Stop here, driver", she said. "Here's fine."

The car pulled in. Dominic struggled into his pocket for money, but there was no need. Martine was already sorting that side of things out.

He was embarrassed. "What do I owe you?", he asked, while she waited for her change.

She looked at him for a moment. Her eyelids were heavy, and so was her breathing. It was clear that she was almost as aroused as he was. "Payment in kind", she breathed. "That'll do fine."

He stepped out on to the street. He couldn't have hoped to hide the stalk bulging from his groin, but fortunately there was no one about. Martine summoned him to the pavement, grasped his hand.

He hadn't followed the journey in either direction or time, and didn't know exactly where he was. So he took a look around. Martine, he realised, did not live in one of the most sought after residential parts of town. He'd passed through this area in his car; a square mile of tatty high-rise blocks of flats, all daubed with graffiti. Suddenly, he didn't feel very safe.

He was glad, therefore, that they were not out in the open for too long. Martine pulled him towards a short path, which cut through a grass verge. At the end of the path was a doorway, which led into one of the monolithic buildings. She opened the door with an enormous bunch of keys, which she produced from somewhere inside her skirt, and then she led him into a hallway.

It was not a pleasant hallway. It smelled musty, with hints of old food and stale urine. The walls were plaster and painted a vile shade of green. The door at the far end, which presumably led to ground floor flats, was halfway off its hinges.

Progress up was by way of stairs or either of two lifts. Martine summoned one of them with the press of an illuminated, arrowed button. Machinery ground, but the carriage took a while to arrive.

Martine didn't speak while they waited, and Dominic couldn't think of anything useful or chatty to say, so he contented himself with watching the numbers slowly fall on the lighted panel above him. The building, he saw, had eighteen floors.

The lift arrived, admitted them. It was a dull metal box with a strip light, and like the hallway, it held an unpleasant odour. Dominic had little doubt that it was used on a regular basis as a toilet.

Martine pressed the button which would take them to floor thirteen then, once the doors slid shut, she attacked him again, one hand cupping his balls with just a little too much force, the other hauling him down by the back of the neck into another kiss, this one of the passionate kind.

Her urgency restored his full swollen glory. His tool felt like an iron bar. His tongue delved into the well of hers, tasting her sweetness and youth. Relishing her youth. Because he was no longer concerned about how young she was. And he was no longer concerned about Linda. He just wanted to fuck. He just wanted to feel the warm, cloying flesh of Martine's cunt slither along his aching erection, ultimately to spurt his seed into this eager girl's womb.

The lift jerked to a halt with such force that it knocked him off balance, broke the kiss, and made her accidentally squeeze his testicles a little harder, though thankfully not hard enough to hurt. She led him into a musty corridor, where the odours he associated with a damp building assaulted his already abused nostrils. If there was intended to be any illumination here, he decided, then clearly it wasn't functioning, but in the half light cast by a small window to his left, he could see two doors, one on each side of the corridor. Glancing to his right, he made out another two.

And right was the direction she chose, guiding him up to one of those doors. It looked insecure within its frame, and of very light construction. Dark paint was peeling around the lock, revealing a white surface beneath. She released him for a moment so that she could magically produce her keys again. Having done so, she assaulted the lock. Clearly she experienced some difficulties, because it took a lot of pulling and pushing and maneouvring before he heard a click and they were able to enter the flat.

Inside, he was relieved to discover, things were nowhere near so bad as outside. Martine had flicked a light switch, revealing a short hall furnished only with a dark wood stand topped by a substantial aspidistra. The wallpaper was only anaglypta, but it had been painted a welcoming pink, and there was a pleasant floral border about two feet up from the skirting board.

Two doors led off to the left. He was ushered past the first, which was open, and through which he noted briefly a compact but tidy kitchen. The second was closed, but he guessed it would lead into the bathroom.

She took him through the only door on the right, into a lounge. A second door exited this room on the other side, and was slightly ajar. Through that, he could see the back end of a bed. Martine followed his eyes. Then she squeezed his arm.

The sexual tension between them now overwhelmed all else. Consumed by it, he reached for her, but she discouraged him momentarily with a gesture, directing him to sit down on a maroon two-seater sofa lodged beneath the accommodation's main window. Obediently, he took a seat, making sure that she registered his disappointment. She did, and smiled at him, surprisingly shyly for her.

"I'll only be a minute", she said. "I promise." And then she disappeared into the bedroom.

He waited. In an effort to diminish the discomfort of his desire, he assessed his surroundings.

As with the entry hall, the lounge showed evidence of both good taste and a meagre budget. On the walls, anaglypta again, this time painted yellow. Another floral border. Two easy chairs, matching the sofa. A small TV set, with video attached. A dining table, old but polished, with three non-matching dining chairs. Tiny ornaments, cats and dragons mainly, distributed on just about every flat surface. A gas fire, with a soft white rug laid in front of it. A bookcase, full of well-used paperbacks, amongst which Stephen King was well represented, as was Patricia Cornwell.

He heard Martine singing softly to herself and tried to identify the tune, but couldn't. It was, he supposed, something way too modern for him to have heard on Radio Two.

She took her time, and despite his efforts to calm down, the combination of memory and anticipation kept him uncomfortably hard. He needed to adjust the angle of his erection on three occasions.

After about five minutes, he hit on another scheme, which he hoped might moderate his libido. There was a mirror over the fire. He stood, and reviewed himself in it. Because Martine was no doubt "getting ready", the least he could do in return was to ensure that his hair was tidy.

The idea was a good one, because his ardour started to dissipate as soon as he saw himself. Instead of lust, his head was suddenly full of questions. Questions like, why on earth had this girl fastened on to him in this way? Dominic analysed the reflection carefully, guessed that even his own mother would not have viewed him as a person capable of attracting someone like Martine. His hair was receding, and there were enough lines around his eyes and mouth to advertise his age. His shoulders were slumped from months of worry, and his blue eyes were a little duller than he remembered. He wasn't running to fat yet, which was a good thing, and there was no grey in his moustache, which was always a dead giveaway. But Martine could not possibly have looked at him, even in the gloom of a nightclub, and mistaken him for any younger than he was.

He shrugged the weak shoulders. Perhaps she was mildly perverted. But in truth, there was no value in speculation. His lack of understanding was unlikely to be remedied, either tonight or in the future. Excitement was there to be enjoyed, not challenged.

She called him, and he went to her obediently. His mood of low self-esteem compelled him to that obedience, as did resurging lust.

The first thing he noted was that the bedroom, like the other rooms, was pleasantly maintained. It included inbuilt wardrobes, subdued lighting and a double bed with a luxurious top cover, predominantly pink but carrying a light, intricate floral design.

The most interesting thing about the cover, though, was that Martine was lying on top of it. Clearly she didn't plan any slow build up. Which suited Dominic just fine.

She had indeed, as the saying goes, changed into something more comfortable. The something was a short black satin negligee which toured her strong, nut-brown thighs at least an inch above the knee. It was fastened by a sash at the waist, and the position which she had adopted, propped up on her left elbow, meant that the swell of her right breast almost as far as the nipple was on show. Her eyes were bright. Her smile was relaxed, and heavy with invitation. It seemed that, finally, she expected him to take some control.

But he was confused. Sex with Linda followed a routine. How did he approach a girl with whom he had never been intimate? His youth was too far behind him for him to extract any guidance from it.

She gave him a moment or two, then seemed to understand his predicament. "Get undressed", she instructed gently.

Well, that was a start, he supposed. An embarrassing one, potentially. But a start, and he was grateful to her for it.

He opened his shirt to three buttons, hauling it over his head. Then he removed his shirt, socks and pants. Only then did he look at her again, standing for her inspection.

"Those too", she said, indicating his maroon briefs.

He slid them down, noting as he did so that his body, like him, was responding to Martine a little nervously. There was heaviness in his cock, but it wasn't erect. The maroon glans peered out warily, nudging only a quarter of the way past the protection of the pink foreskin.

Martine, he realised, was studying the same part of him. He waited, let her do so, and in being observed he found that the problem started to cure itself. She nodded, as though deciding favourably on a potential purchase, then she let her eyes wander, taking in the rest of him.

"Is madame satisfied?", he asked, momentarily brave enough to tease her.

She held out her arms. "Very nice", she complimented him. "Bring it here."

He moved to join her on the bed, and she skipped under his arm, her lips meeting his in a soft, luxurious kiss. From the start of it, her tongue flirted with his teeth and squirmed along his gums. He let his body burn against her soft skin, trailed rolls of her hair between his fingers, and breathed in her clean, floral scent. It wasn't very long at all before his erection was thick and strong, straining to the pulse in her pubic bone. He played his fingers in her hair a little longer, and then grew more adventurous, trailing them down her ribs, over her lower back, across her ample rear. She shivered with delight, and his travels consequently became more reckless.

He danced his hand into the surge of her belly, then out of it into a wispy forest of pubic hair. He broke the kiss to look at her face, wanting to study her when he delved into the warmth between her thighs. But Martine had an agenda of her own, which involved swifter progress. Her big eyes bore into him, intense and hopeful.

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"We're gonna go in for a while Pix, you commin' with?" Kay'otte yelled from across the pool while she pulled her still naked body from the pool, Marco eagerly trailing behind her a grin deep in his features barely able to keep his hands off of her. I grinned at the two while I waded in the water, I shook my head trying to hold in a giggle, "No you two go ahead I'm gonna soak for a little bit longer." The two of them had been sucking face for the last hour that we'd been in the pool and though...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 965

ADVICE FROM RON, A RETIRED HUSBAND... It is important for men to remember that, as women grow older, it becomes harder for them to maintain the same quality of housekeeping as when they were younger. When you notice this, try not to yell at them. Some are oversensitive, and there’s nothing worse than an oversensitive woman. My name is Ron. Let me relate how I handled the situation with my wife, Carol. When I retired a few years ago, it became necessary for Carol to get a full-time job,...

4 years ago
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Imagination Chapter 2

Chapter 2 I woke gradually; very gradually and with a blinding headache. I was aware that I was lying on my back and that I appeared to be on something reasonably soft, probably a bed. Wincing at the bright white ceiling, I was sure I didn't recognise it, particularly the lampshade and certainly not the quite ornate ceiling rose above it. Moving my eyes a little - even though it hurt to do so - I didn't recognise the wallpaper or the curtains either. I came to the gradual conclusion...

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Peach RosesChapter 14

Tay was home, it had been about a week since the accident and since Dee had walked out. Tay had still been in the hospital when he performed at the store. She knew from Jess's phone call that it had been a success. They had made tons of sales and got a lot of compliments from the customers that had come in. She hadn't left her house in four days, she couldn't bring herself to leave and face the outside world, she was too sad and lonely. Dee hadn't tried to talk to her or contact her at...

2 years ago
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My First Time with Another Couple

It was about 20 years ago when I was in my mid 40's and living in Wisconsin. I was in an adult chatroom and I saw that a guy named Tony was looking for someone to take pictures of him and his wife fucking. I quickly answered since they were located about an hour and a half away from me.We chatted briefly in the chatroom then we exchanged phone numbers and talked. His wife, Jody, was 31, petite, small tits and shaved pussy. There was no mention during our telephone conversation of me joining in....

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Katies Casting Call Free Preview

Thought I'd share the first chapter of my new book, "Katie's Casting Call" for free on here. If you like it, please pop along to Amazon, download the Kindle app on your phone, and read it!Katie’s Casting CallBy Paul Garland A No Angels Novel All rights reserved by the Author.Contents copyright 2020 © Paul Garland and Cerulean PublishingThis is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a...

2 years ago
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Point of No Return Part 6

Melissa sighed with relief as five o’clock arrived, and she stepped out the door to see Beth waiting for her. Jumping into the car, Melissa scanned the area looking for any signs of Lesslie. "Sweetheart don't bother. I have already looked, and there are no signs of the little bitch." Beth reached over and patted Melissa's leg and gave her a reassuring smile. " Now let's get you home so you can change." They arrived at the airport just before 8 pm, parked and went in to wait...

3 years ago
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Lottery Winner TravelsChapter 5

Her plane was on time and I met her at the baggage claim. We hugged and kissed. I grabbed her case and we walked to the Prius. I loaded it in the trunk and we left for the RV site. We pulled in after stopping at a drive-thru for some quick food. I pulled in at our site and carried her case inside. She brought in our food. We set everything down and spent a long, enjoyable time kissing and touching. Finally she murmured, “If we’re going to eat anything, we should. After that, I want you to...

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Riding Double

Author's Note: This story is pure fantasy, but it had its genesis in a story told to me by my younger brother. There was a girl who was available to several boys, including my brother and her brother, but not me, unfortunately. I always resented that he got laid before I did. "Get her hands, Mike!" Ken said, and grabbed Patty's ankles. "What are you doing?" she cried, and kicked her feet. Ken got one ankle, and while he was trying for the other and dodging Patty's free foot, I...

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21st Century Subterranean Slavery Part X

                       21st Century Subterranean Slavery Part X                                        By ReqavanOne-eight-six waited in her madam?s bedroom for her twice-weekly reward. She couldn?t believe her eyes when the door opened; she was looking at a miniature Greek God. Like the red head he was not a midget or dwarf but not much taller than one. His wavy almost blonde hair was set in a page cut ala early Beatles. She waved him over as the guard left, revealing a face prettier than...

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With My Older Cousin Sister

Hey friends I’m going to post my story with cousin sis this incident happen when I was in India now I’m in NJ USA feel free to email for your reply @ I am 22yrs old and my sis is 25yr old I had experienced sex before 2months for the first time with her while sleeping together. my parents were out for 1 week to Mumbai when this occurred I was asked by my sis to sleep with her as she was feared of that somebody made a sound in her balcony she was wearing a black knickers were thighs can be...

1 year ago
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SweetSinner Alex Coal Student Bodies

Lauren (Alex Coal) arrives at her professor’s house one afternoon when she knew his wife would be working late. While Brett (Marcus London) admits that he flirted with her during office hours, he never intended for her to show up at his house in such a skimpy outfit, ready to fuck. He tries to resist her charms, but she won’t leave until he gives her his hard cock. She pulls out his thick dick and starts sucking it to get it nice and wet for her tiny, co-ed pussy. He starts pounding her hard...

4 years ago
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Sunny CornerChapter 7

Mitchell’s Creek, Sunny Corner, New South Wales, Australia:7 The first thing we did was get out; that rock had to go somewhere. We played embarrassed cat ... you know ... the cat does something particularly stupid and immediately checks the area to see if anybody noticed ... and then starts grooming... I meant to do that. We both walked ... not the action we took getting out of the crack ... down to the high banker to check our spoils. Jim even videoed it ... twice. The first go-round he...

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Susan abused after being abusive to local group

Just for a change i had planned on taking susan to one of the pubs near to us that had a band playing that night.before we left i opened a bottle of wine and poured Susan a very large glass full. Susan unbeknown to me had already been drinking and i soon realised that she was showing all the signs of being very drunk.After she had drunk another two glasses of wine i told her to go and get changed. I had laid out the clothes that i wanted her to wear,these consisted of a white see through blouse...

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annah stood there listening to her mother tell her that Will wasn't her father that her real dad was a man she met 20 years ago, but her parents took her away him because he was a black man. She turn away to look outside. She was angry, but yet she was glad that Will wasn't her father. She been having these feelings and thoughts about him. And lately They have been 4 or 5 times a day, from her sucking his cock to him fucking her. They've gotten bad that she wanted to climb into his bed at...

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Anns sitter Vll

Laying between Mary's legs Ann studied her pussy. Tracing her fingers around her putter lips and admiring the wrinkled inner lips Ann said, I wish mine looked like yours. Her words adding to her excitement Mary said, I love you'res. It looks like a tasty wet pink apricot. Giggling Ann asked, does it taste like one. Sweeter, she answered.Feeling her fingers run down her labium majus, Mary watched Ann her young lover. With her fingers passing under her lips Ann said, you're so wet. Mary began to...

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107. AVIS`S FRIEND TONY. I had been out shopping when I noticed a man kept watching me as I wandered through a store. I eventually sat down at a small food court and sure enough the man sat opposite me at another table. A few minutes passed and he kept looking my way, then suddenly he got up, came over to my table, "Aren't you Avis?" he asked. I don't know why, but he had a familiar look about him, so I answered back "Yes". "You don't remember me, do you?" he then asked. I studied him for...

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Hartford 4

Copyright© 2005 Dining Out Thanks again to a great proofing job by Diane The group went out to the Olive Garden to dine, and while awaiting the main entrée, Barbara teasingly asked Terry how she and Paul had met. "You mean when we first met, or when we first got down and did the dirty deed?" Terry asked, between placing a forkful of antipasto into her lovely oval-shaped mouth. "Tell 'em 'bout the dirty deed, honey," Paul said, putting down his nearly empty wine glass. "Oh, yes,"...

2 years ago
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The Journalist Part 1

At the beginning of my career I worked on beauty pages and I learned about make-up. When I was shifted to fashion I learned to dress. Then it was the sports pages and I learned to surf, bungee jumped and joined a woman's soccer team. Rick, the editor, joked the Police Department would be unable to cope with the increased workload if he put me on the crime pages. When he moved me to homemaking I suspected the joke might also be an excuse and began looking for a new employer.Every journalist...

4 years ago
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Weekend with gorgeouse sex goddess

Hello Readers, I am wring story first time. My self-Niket, I am 25 yrs old and 5’10” tall. I am going to describe my last sex encounter and this is real story with one married housewife in Surat. my mail adds Well, by professionally I am an investment banker and working in some leading MNC and living in rented flat in Surat. On last 24 the July on Friday, I was thinking to have fun with some hot females and I got call from my regular client Mrs. Rita (name changed) she told me that she is out...

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Didi Ka First Sex Mere Sath

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston.. Mera name vaasu ha.. Meri age 20 ha.Mera luund 8.5inch lamba ha. Agar aap ko help chahiye to par email yaa hangout kare. Yaa Facebook par faadu.king.31 search kar sakte ha and mujhe add kar sakte ha. Aap ko pura maja mile gaa..Kisi bhi woman,girl,aunty, sab ko me khush karu gaa… Ye bat kuch din pehel ki ha. Me apni family k sath Bhopal me rehta hu. Me clg me padta hu. Mere exam the to me rat ko group study se lot kar ghar aa gya tha. Mene bike park ki or...

3 years ago
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The Male Amazon

THE MALE AMAZON By c.c. - LOG ENTRY: 6/23/ 0800 -- Left Unnamed Islet #34. Natives friendly. Easy traders.. Language difficult but passable. Island Artifacts unrelated to Vase. Fuel OK. Supplies plentiful. Instruments fine. Port-side landing float slightlydented. Enroute Islet #38. I banked the little sea-plane away from the Sun and wondered how much time I had left. Probably plenty. Diana Hunt would've discovered by now that I copied the inscriptions on that ancient vase....

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The NannyPart 1

Athena Valentine, eager young reporter, reviewed hopefully what she had just written. "Sophisticated professional Miss Athena Valentine, only 18-years old and already a proven expert in the demanding field of child-care, watched with wondrous awe as the greatest metropolis of the mid-west, the sun-drenched city of Chicago, unfolded beneath her window, while the gleaming silver airliner made its majestic approach to O'Hare International Airport." It sounded good, but she still wondered if...

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Busted Once Again

Busted Once Again By Paul G. Jutras It was a hot 95 degree at the start of summer and Joe was suffering in the heat at the local supermarket. He took a hanky and patted his forehead with it as he gathered the shopping carts together. He strained every muscle as he pushed 14 carts inside and checked the full coffee pots. With not a sign of a customer, Joe was sent home early with a smile on his face. Joe felt some relief as he came home and found his sister Emily was still at school...

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threes company

grew up in new jersey ,i'm john....friend in neighborhood,had this really cute ,pretty,petite,brunette gf,later they married,we still hung out once in awhile. they were pretty open,go to the nude beach all the onetime i over there place were partying..lookin at porn on hamster of course,and he says john wannaee my wife give me a blowjob,,sure of course,,she gets under the desk and starts to give him a blow job, i said is it alright if i jerk off sure go ahead. than he says john come...

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My real life story Part8

I’m now 27 years old, 5.95 feet height, athletic body and average looking. I have my Own Business and I’m a Martial Arts and Yoga Trainer in Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai gyms. (Why so many places you will know in the stories. People who may know me might study these stories so I want to keep my identity undisclosed. I’m writing these stories with the permission of few ladies with whom I’m in contact with. I had Sexual encounters with aged, middle aged, married and many sex starved...

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Mommy has some fun

First off ill tell you some stuff about me. i'm 5 ft 7 in tall, with jet black hair that goes to my eyes, and i'm very muscular (like vin disel muscles),and i'm 20 years old. I may still live with my mom and dad, but I pull my own weight around the house ok. I have a 9-10 in cock about 1-2 thick, so I am not un-known to sexual activity. Now my mother in 5 ft 2 in tall, with a petite body frame, some would say she is very delicate, she has waist length blonde hair and the brightest blue eyes,...

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Journeys West Chapter 19 Going Home

Chapter 19 - Going Home By Monica Rose and Marina Kelly Proofread by: Qmodo Mary Sue strode happily out of the Liberal Arts building and onto the quad. Dropping onto a bench, the afternoon sun felt great. Now that the summer heat was in the offing, but not quite here yet, it felt good to take a few minutes to just enjoy the afternoon. The lion's share of organizing her notes and all of the typing of evidence and conclusions was done, so she could begin the task of proofreading...

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Heat Up and Chill Down

You are nude under a coat except for stockings. A collar and nipple clip with a chain. We make our way into a local watering hole that has some dark booths and corners for just the sort of thing I've in mind. Once seated in a booth I order us a drink. I instruct you to touch your pussy under the coat. I want you to thanks the waitress for our drinks looking her in the eye while your hand strokes your moistening folds between your legs. I can hear the quaver in your voice. Open your coat...

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Saving Karen

The two special poker parties I had attended had been sizzling hot. There was only one more to go. Oh, GOD, was I ever fired up for the last one. I already had a hard-on when I got to Tom's house, but he was too weirded out to even notice it when he opened the door. I poked his arm with my fist and said, "Hang in there. The rest of us did it, you can too." "You don't know Karen," he whispered. "She would never dream of doing anything like this. Please go easy on her." I put my arm on...

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GRANNY turned into a BAR SLUT and WHORE

Hello! My name is Trisha and I'm a friend of Felicia's! She told me about her website at and she showed me lots of pix and video's of me doing some really filthy things that I thought I would never do, that is until I met her horny old ass!...LOLShe asked me to write about my first gang bang and honestly, I didn't do things like that until I was nearly 60 years old!One day, I went to this little neighborhood bar that was frequented by many of the blue collar guys around here...

3 years ago
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Sex Competition Of Two Couples

Hi folks. Hand shake for boys and boobs shake for girls. I’m going to narrate another fictional story. This story is how I got lucky with a girl for helping my friend to get her friend. Sounds complex, but let me explain. It is not a real story. So guys, hands on your cock and girls, fingers on your pussy now. I’m a software engineer. It’s quite common to hear about partying, boozing, dating, sex etc from people around me. Once, a close friend of mine and also my colleague was involved in an...

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Couldnt Have Planned It If I Tried

OK, well, and don't think less of me, because this was an all time low for me......the setting: a uncontrollable horny morning where nothing will work but a tight pussy or warm ass or mouth at a minimum.a CL ad surfing that wound up finding a hot college guy while was out Friday morning (19, almost 20 that wanted to try it with an older man....I know, I know, don't say it).a chance meeting at his house while his dad was out of the country and his step-mom was playing tennis with the ladies.a...

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Taken at my own home by mistake

I had got too many Margaritas that night; so I was not really aware of the surroundings as I approached my own house’s front door.I fumbled a bit with the key, trying to insert it into the lock.Three more tries just frustrated me. And my loving hubby was not at home to open the door for me.I had been out with some girlfriends, hitting a couple bars for drinks.That night I was wearing a very tight coral red cocktail dress with no underwear and a pair of sexy stilettos.As I made a last attempt, I...

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Changing Horizons

The flight to Japan had been 3 hours longer than planned, but Carrie was unfazed. Even with dark shadows under her eyes, she displayed a carefree, happy smile for all the other exhausted passengers getting off the plane to see. She snatched her small suitcase from a very flustered Japanese businessman, who started bowing and apologizing profusely after realizing his mistake. Carrie remembered what it was to bow and quickly made her way to the bus station. Kansai Airport was quite close to...

1 year ago
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Confession of a housewife

This is a true story of my. Let me introduce myself I am Geetika from New Delhi. I am staying with my husband (Sishir) and two k**s in four rooms flat somewhere in South Delhi. I am 31 year old when I got married then I was 23 year old. And first of all my English is not so good, if any mistake in any sentence please forgive mebecause I am here to describe my feelings in past and present and get some encouragement through comments. Before marriage I was leaving in Jaipur and this is my love...

2 years ago
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Mistress Dyvias Connections

Disclaimer: this is my story, hence it is my intellectual property, do not post elsewhere without my permission. This story is for adults, and should be treated as such, at the moment it should only be available at the ooc section of,,, and, Certainly, no one should be charging money for this but me. A Quick intro and greeting: Hello to all my pets, fans, and anyone else who is new. I love writing, and sometimes I...

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Ed BiggersChapter 2

Ed stood at the entrance greeting everyone who came to the wedding. John stood next to him with Beth and Kelly by their sides. When Ed didn’t like the feel of one of the guests, he would turn to John and, with exaggerated formality, introduce the guest to John. This was the clue to the security guards to watch that individual closely throughout the afternoon. Rover and Shadow sat behind John. If they growled at someone, the individual was discreetly taken to a remote area for drinks and food....

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My first unexpected Milf experience while on holid

This is a true story of a holiday i had many years ago on the island of Tenerife when i was 27 years old and single at the time, all of this is as accurate as i can remember including the dialogue.... I had gone with a close friend during the summer break for two weeks, he was also an old school friend and we had known each other for many years, we both needed the time off from work and the weather looked good on the island, it was a last minute decision to go. We decided to hire an apartment...

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Perfect       "I just want you to make me perfect" she says, leaning forward over the table.    "What are you now?" I ask.    "Nothing" she answers.  I nod, surprised that she is articulate enough to express the truth.  She had put herself at my mercy before, and I had used her relentlessly, but she had not seemed the type to recognize how deep her need ran.    "My interest isn't typically in changing a woman" I tell her honestly "It's in using you for my own pleasure."  The head of the young...

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