Snatched! free porn video

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Snatched! by vessica b Doctor Hillerman peers through the peephole of the hotel room door. On the other side stands a busty blond. Long, straight hair and ice blue eyes. Major cleavage, small waist, and flaring hips. She's wearing a very short dress that seems painted on. Dark hose, stiletto heels, and a small purse complete her ensemble. She looks bored. The doctor is excited. They sent over the perfect girl. He has a thing for large-breasted blonds. Being middle-aged, less than attractive, and socially inept, he meets his needs by doing business with, shall we say, an 'escort agency'. ***** In the room across the hall, Suit #1 turns away from the peephole. "The hooker just showed. His usual type. Looks like we've got an hour to kill." Suit #2 is on the couch. He glances over his newspaper, "I hate these baby-sitting jobs. Following a damn egg-head around all day. Making sure he doesn't talk to the wrong people." He tosses the paper aside and stands, "I'm hungry. Let's see what room service has for sandwiches." ***** He lets her in, locking the door after. She heads for the bathroom, talking over her shoulder, "Give me a minute to get ready, Sugar. Why don't you get undressed?" Doctor Hillerman strips in record time and lays back on the bed. It's been three long months since he's been with a woman. She emerges from the bathroom wearing just her stockings. Wasting no time, she crawls between his legs, wets her lips with her tongue, and slides them down over his cock. He comes on the third stroke. She smiles up at him, "Been a while, has it? Don't worry, honey. Happens all the time. I know just how to fix this." And she does. Taking him in her mouth again, she works her magic. Within minutes, he is ready to go. This time she straddles his hips and traps his manhood between their bodies. Her warm, wet pussy presses against the front of his cock. Holding his gaze, she slides forward, then backward. Slowly. Again and again. He moans in pleasure, until he can stand it no longer. "Please. Take me. I need to be inside you." She tilts her pelvis and pushes. His head eases between her lips. He gasps. She waits, then slowly pushes down, engulfing him. He can't contain himself, "Ooooh ... that feels sooo good." She works him expertly, bobbing, twisting, clenching, pausing. Over and over, changing the rhythm, always stopping when he's on the brink. After several minutes of teasing, she goes all out, bringing him to an explosive release. The doctor is red-faced and panting. She quickly gets on all fours and urges him behind her. He moves into position, only to realize that last mind-blowing orgasm has left him quite soft. "No problem, Sugar. Why don't you try fisting me? I love being so full, and I'll make sure it's good for you, too." She arches her back and spreads her legs. Her lips are swollen and open, and she's well lubricated from their prior exertions. He pushes two fingers inside her. They go in easily. He tries three, then four. She feels so warm and snug. Slowly, his entire hand sinks between her lips, up to the wrist. The sensation is indescribable. He can almost feel her pussy gently sucking on him. She purrs, "That feels sooooo good, Sugar. Don't stop now." He pushes carefully, expecting to run out of room. Inch by inch, his arm glides between her slick lips, until he's in up to his elbow. The doctor is astounded. The erotic sucking is real. He cannot believe how good it feels. She moans, urging him on, "More. Please. Don't stop." Unsure how to proceed, he tries his other hand. Amazingly, it slips past her lips. With her encouragement, he continues. Soon both arms are elbow-deep, and he can see an open space between them. In this position, his eyes are millimeters from the gap. He stares directly into the void. Dark. Warm. So inviting. She gently rocks her body and moans, "Deeper. Deeper. I need you inside me." He doesn't understand how she's doing this, but spreads his elbows wide. Her lips stretch further, enlarging the opening between his arms. She pushes back against him, and gasps as his head squeezes through the opening. He can feel her tight, wet lips pass slickly over him. Startled, he opens his mouth to cry out, and finds he can still breathe. His arms, head, and shoulders are completely inside her! He should be scared, but instead feels warm and safe. Strange. He can't see, but he can hear her clearly. She cries out, "Deeper! Fill me up!" She's rocking harder. The gentle pulsing of her vagina grows into something more insistent. Her lips tighten about his shoulders. Swiftly the constriction moves up through her body like a wave, creating a strong suction. He feels himself being drawn inside her. Another wave, stronger than the first. Inch by inch, he slides in further. The tempo increases. Wave after wave ripples the length of her body. It feels sooooo good, like she is trying to swallow him whole. With each wave, more of him slips inside. He suddenly realizes half his body is engulfed, and he's still sliding into her. Alarmed, he tries to pull back. Her body swallows again. He feels his hands and arms squeezing into slippery tubes. The constrictions continue to squeeze him forward. He struggles, kicking. Another wave. Then another. And another. Her lips are now a warm, tight band around his waist. Panic seizes him. The suction is stronger than he is. The convulsions become faster, more powerful. He feels his head pop into something as his hips are relentlessly pulled inside her. Fuzzy colors. They coalesce into lines. Suddenly he can see. He's on all fours, facing a pillow. He hears a throaty chuckle, "Let's give you something more interesting to look at." He feels himself roll over and lay on his back, his head propped on that same pillow. Panic seizes him as he realizes he had no control over that movement. The chuckle comes again, "That's right, Sugar. From this point on, you're just along for the ride." 'His' head tilts, and he can see 'his' body. Her body. His legs and genitals are protruding from her vagina. Her hips are stretched impossibly wide. Her arms and torso are grossly distended. He can feel her mouth grinning, "Hmmm ... can't have your legs getting cold, now can we?" She leans forward and stretches her pussy with one hand. With the other, she bends his right leg at the knee and pulls it inside her. Massaging with both hands, she works it down inside her leg. He sees and feels everything, but has no control. Without stopping, she goes to work on his left leg. Soon both her legs are lumpy and swollen as well. Only his genitals protrude. "Oh, dear. A proper lady can't have things like that dangling, now can she?" She tucks his cock away, then stretches her lips and pulls downward. His balls plop inside. She releases her lips, they pull together, and no part of him is visible. "Hang on, Sugar. This ride is about to get a little bumpy." He's scared to death. He wants to cry out, but he has no control over her body. In his mind he pleads with her, "Why are you doing this? Please, for the love of God, let me out!" "I can't do that, hon. You've already paid for the whole hour. Besides, don't you wanna know how this ends? Now strap into your seat. We're about to hit some turbulence." There is a warm tingling all over. Over the next 20 minutes, fever, aches, cramps, and convulsions wrack her body. He feels everything. A dense, warm slime pours from every body opening. There is so much it spills from the bed onto the floor. Finally, it's over. She gets up from the messy bed and glances at the clock. Just enough time to get cleaned up. She showers quickly. Once clean and dry, she wipes the steam off the mirror and inspects herself. A gorgeous blond with big tits and pretty blue eyes stares back. She has a narrow waist and killer legs, not a hint of the brilliant Doctor Hillerman. She wiggles back into the skin-tight dress, then pulls on a fresh set of hose from her purse. Stepping into her heels, she gives her makeup one last check, and strides to the door. Letting the door lock behind her, she risks a brief sideways glance at the door across the hall. She knows who is there, and that they're watching. It's so tempting to give them a wink, but she turns her gaze down the hall towards the elevators. Putting an extra swing in her step, she gives them a good show as she walks away. ***** It's Suit #2's turn to watch. "She's leaving now. Right on time. Man, look at those hips swivel! I wonder what an hour with her would run me?" He turns from the door. "The doc usually takes about 15 minutes to shower. I'll check us out awhile." He waits for the hall to clear before leaving. Suit #1 stands looking out the balcony windows as he thinks, "The doc may be a genius, but he's never figured out we're always here, keeping him, and his research, safe." ***** Heading down to the lobby she leaves the hotel. A cab whisks her across town, where it pulls up to a building belonging to a high-tech research facility. Within minutes, she's escorted to a lab on the 4th floor. A man wearing a lab coat approaches. He gives a mock bow. "Ah, good afternoon, Barb. Always a pleasure. I trust you have Doctor Hillerman with you? She responded to his playful greeting with a small curtsey, "Good afternoon to you, Doctor Morgan. And yes, I have Doctor Hillerman." His face splits into a wide smile. "Excellent. I trust he gave you no trouble?" "The retrieval went as planned. By the time he started fighting it, he was in too deep. I contained him without incident, and left the room on schedule. His security detail never suspected a thing." She grins, "He's very upset right now. He wants out." He laughs, "And here I thought you were definitely his type. Don't tell me he doesn't appreciate your efforts as host?" He emphasizes that last word, then pauses and turns serious, "I guess we'd better get this over with. Barb, please allow Doctor Hillerman speech, but no motor control." Doctor Hillerman wastes no time, "WHAT have ..." He pauses, face contorting. "My voice! I sound like a woman!" His rage returns,"WHAT have you done to me? WHY am I in this ridiculous body? WHERE am I? And who the HELL are ..." At a nod from Doctor Morgan, the tirade chops off. "I apologize, Doctor, for having Barbara cut you off like that. I understand you are angry and confused. Perhaps it would help if I tell you a story. Barb, why don't you have a seat?" They both make themselves comfortable. "Please allow Doctor Hillerman speech, subject to good behavior. "Doctor, more than a year ago, our team made some incredible breakthroughs in the field of nano-technology. We found ourselves able to create smaller, faster, smarter nano-bots, that could network with each other. After testing some simpler constructs, we assembled Barbie here. Named, of course, after the famous doll she resembles. She was built with one purpose ... to obtain your services for our use. "What we built was a woman-shaped man trap in more ways than one. Constructed entirely of nano-bots, she has amazing abilities, some of which you've already experienced. The power to change skin, hair and eye color, able to grow or shrink, inhumanly flexible, disease resistant, heals at a phenomenal rate from nearly any injury. And she ages much, much slower than we do. She is, as you have discovered, in TOTAL control of that beautiful body." He stops to take a sip of water. Doctor Hillerman responds, "I ... thi ... this whole story is preposterous!" He pauses, "And yet ... I cannot deny that I am here." His/her voice drops, "Or am I? I wonder ... just how much of me is really here? It's certain that very little of my original self could fit inside this ... this life-size Barbie doll of yours." "That is correct, Doctor. We needed your essence, your intelligence, your brain." "But how is this possible? If this body contains my brain, as it must, then where is hers? There can't possibly be room for two brains in here." "Barbara does not have a brain as you and I do. She employs distributed processing. Every nano-bot in her body is, in effect, part of her intelligence. If you will permit me a small joke, before she met you, Barbie was an empty-headed blond", he chuckles. "Now she has a brain in that pretty little head. Your brain, Doctor. Well, not just your brain. Your entire nervous system too. Try to think of her as your host." "But what happened to the rest of me? What have you done with my body?" Doctor Morgan tilts his head, "Your body still exists, in a fashion. At least all the material that made it up does. It's in that hotel room. That is, if maid service hasn't cleaned yet." Suddenly, Doctor Hillerman remembers waking up in that hotel room in the body of the escort with foul dark slime covering the bed and spilling over onto the floor. "That slime? That was me? WHAT did you DO?!?!" "Your 'host' simply processed and expelled what wasn't needed. Your skin, muscles, and bones were all reduced to an organic jell so it could be easily excreted. The same goes for all your major organs. While one team of nano-bots worked to remove the 'dead weight', another team was busy hooking all your nerves into her body. Otherwise you would be completely without senses. Also, you'll eventually be able to control that body, under her supervision, and intervention, if necessary. "Think of it this way, Doctor. She has a wonderful body. You have a brain we need. One becomes a vessel for the other. An elegant solution, don't you think?" "Bu ... but that means ... I'm STUCK!! I'm trapped in here! Me! THE world-renowned Doctor Hillerman! Imprisoned in this walking wet-dream of a woman's body!" "Well, yes." He grins, "I guess that will take some getting used to on your part. However, there are advantages." He ticks off points on his fingers. "You were middle-aged; now you are young. You were flabby and overweight; now you are trim, toned, and healthy. You were ug ... er ... let's say plain-looking; now you are beautiful. You were mortal; now you need not fear injury, sickness, or aging. If that isn't enough, you are the first man to truly experience what it's like to be a woman." His grin widens, "I have to say, Doctor Hillerman, I'm almost tempted to try it myself." "You trapped me! You destroyed me and you trapped me in this bimbo body! How can I possibly live like this? HOW can I WORK like this?!?!" "Oh, you will live and adapt. Barbara will see to that. And, eventually, you will begin to work with us. One thing I'm certain of is that you're not the type to give up your life's work. We've insured that you can only work with us. I see you disagree. Think on this, Doctor. As I mentioned before, Barbara has TOTAL control over that body. She can allow you various degrees of freedom, or none. She can even block off all sensory input to your brain. She can be a real bitch or she can be your best friend. Keep that in mind always. The two of you will be sharing that body for a very long time. Will it be your prison? Or will it be your ticket to a new life? The choice is yours. My advice? Make the most of it because there is no going back." ***** Suit #1 is getting worried. "The doc is taking way too long. Go up and make sure he's OK. I'll keep an eye on the entrance." Suit #2 nods and heads back into the hotel. It doesn't take long for Suit #1 and Suit #2 to realize the doctor has disappeared right under their noses, leaving a hotel room empty of everything but a huge amount of smelly slime. Their employers are not impressed. ***** Doctor Morgan rises and stretches his legs. "Doctor Hillerman, we'll speak again tomorrow after you've had some time to reflect. Barb, it's been a long day. Why don't you head on home?" After they leave, Doctor Morgan pours a coffee and strolls over to the window. The entrapment of the Doctor went better than he'd hoped. He considers the simulations his team has run, the projections they've made. Barbie and the Doctor will be spending every second of every day together, living, working, eating, sleeping, and playing in the same body. The consequences are inevitable. Given time, their two intellects, their two personalities, will slowly merge. Since the body they share is totally female, and Barbie has complete control, the result is predictable. Six months from now, maybe a little more, and there will be one complete, whole person living in that amazing, beautiful body. A gorgeous woman with the genius of Doctor Hillerman at her command. He wonders how it would feel. It's within his power to experience it. He sighs and turns from the window. To be swallowed alive, transformed beyond all recognition, melded with another personality until the two become one. A cold shiver runs down his spine. The very thought scares the hell out of him. He'll never know. FINI

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As I round the corner and head down the ramp that leads to the airport terminal, I see you almost the same moment you see me. My heart soars and my stomach turns to butterflies not only because I’m seeing you, my love, again after nearly a month apart, but also from seeing your reaction. Your eyes sparkle, your smile is a mile wide and you can’t help but do an excited jig as I close the distance between us. The moment I pass through the door and enter the terminal, you can’t hold back. I...

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Rising Ch3

Ahma stared at the imagine reflected in the mirror. Never had she even touched so fine a dress as this. It was breathtaking, beautiful and finely made. Rema had truly outdone herself this time. When Ahma had entered the seamstress’s workroom and told Rema of the master’s wishes, the seamstress had ushered her promptly onto a stool with hardly another word. It was clear by her face that she was pleased at having something more interesting to work at than patching the pants of the field workers....

Erotic Fiction
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CDC Documents Unknown Virus 3

January 25: Recording: Nathan's door opens, and Darcy exits with a bathrobe on. She rubs at her eyes and shuffles to the bathroom. His door shuts and a locking sound is heard. Lacey wakes up after hearing this and stretches her arms over her head. She straightens out her top and moves to window to open the shades, letting light into the room. As she's doing this Darcy comes back through and holds her hand over her eyes. "Can you shut that a little? Not all of us slept like a baby."...

1 year ago
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A collective effort to get mausi pregnant 8211 Part 2

Hello readers. Let me tell you the remaining story. Mom and Arbaz saw mausi crying. Mom asked her, “What is the matter, Garima? Why are you crying?” Mausi said something which shook us up and made us reassess the whole situation. Mausi: I could not get pregnant because I never had sex in the first place. (She continued to sob and recite the rest of her misery) My husband (Mausa ji) has chronic erectile dysfunction. He is impotent, so we never had sex. He tried lots of times and took certain...

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My first time part 2

As you can imagine i was left feeling very horny, as i looked at myself in the mirror, i appreciated for the first time the beautiful young woman staring back at me, and i realised then that i was ready to give the boys what i had been denying them , and myself, i was ready from this moment on to give my virginity to the right guy. For years ex boyfriends had pestered me to do things i wasn't ready to do, the truth be told, i had only allowed ex's to "first base" and even then i had never...

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The Local Gym

Mike Inness has been absent from the gym for some time. He did enjoy watching the tight, skimpy gym clothes the women would wear, plus working out was rewarding. So feeling energetic and possibly horny, he drove to the gym. Once there, he noticed a different woman behind the desk. Last time a much more butch looking woman would stare at the people entering. Now a gorgeous auburn haired woman, not older than 20, stood behind the desk. Her green eyes connected with Mike's as he approached the...

2 years ago
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My Wonderful Obsession 33

My Wonderful Obsession Part 33: An Unexpected Visitor Erica picked me up in her hot red Mercedes on the only evening in the entire month of March when I didn't have dance classes, voice lessons, Kate rehearsals, or work in my busy schedule. Okay, I did have a pile of homework, but I'd figured this get-together was way more important. She'd answered my email plea with a "Sure, honey! Where and when?" I replied with my limited availability and let her pick the place. This time I made...

3 years ago
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Biotech Research Station 108

High above an uninhabitable planet floats the elaborate research space station for Biotech Science, a division of a non-profit entity focusing on the life sciences. Designation #108 specifically operates on advanced terraforming technologies with a focus on creating more diverse and sensible territories in a single use of the technology. The process and purpose involves quite a bit of jargon, and not every person aboard BRS108 is a scientific authority. The inhospitable planet provides an...

2 years ago
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Bad Day At The OfficeChapter 5

Early that evening I heard the doorbell chime. I opened the door to be pushed out of the way by first Jill and then Sam. I'd totally forgotten about their promised visit. Sam looked at my state of disarray; I hadn't dressed properly, nor washed or shaved. "Nice to see you've made an effort for us." She laughed. "You look like shit!" Stated Jill as she pushed me into my armchair. "Sam, go put the kettle on." She ordered her friend, "Whilst I go and fetch someone else in." I had...

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Of pursuing dreams and other occurrences Part 5 The final Chapter

It's been a month since the evening Lucy told Linus and Kevin. Lucy is starting to settle into her new life. She filed for a legal name change as well as her gender marker; she mastered her first period. But she hasn't heard anything from Kevin and Linus. Ellie was really pissed at them. Lucy wasn't mad at them. But heavily disappointed. She couldn't believe the just went silent, not a word or anything. They were friends. But friends would stick together, they wouldn't do stuff...

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Night at the ballet

I was being dragged to the ballet by my fiancé and I dreaded it horribly. I hate dressing up. I was wearing black dress shoes, my black slacks along with a black blazer with a button down white shirt and a tie. She insisted I wore a tie. It was in a grand theatre and where the seats were comfortable enough but honestly, what guy wishes to watch a ballet? Did I mention I was dreading it?Let me describe myself a little first, I'm 6'3" with green eyes and black hair that I keep cut short. I'm not...

4 years ago
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Strange Magic Babysitter

Strange Magic: Babysitter By Tanto Jo Beth Broughman was a young woman who had been extraordinarily blessed by nature. She was of medium height, with long blond hair the color of wheat. She had deep, captivating blue eyes, and she seemed to be perfectly shaped, with luscious young curves in all the right places. Her breasts were huge, perfectly formed mounds that rode high on her chest with little sag, even when she wasn't wearing one of her 48EEE bras. All in all, she was absolute...

1 year ago
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MyFirstSexTeacher Britney Amber 24891

Professor Amber wants to see her student Lucas Frost for spreading rumors that she used to be a stripper. She needs him to understand spreading rumors can be hurtful and get people fired. Although, she might be the one not being truthful and starts to interrogate Lucas about how many strip clubs he’s been to. Come to find out she is not a past stripper, she is a current stripper! Her teacher job just doesn’t pay the bills and needs to supplement her income on the weekends. She comes...

4 years ago
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Kellys marathon weekend Part 3

Kelly sat her wine glass on the night stand and took a breath held it for a second and exhaled. She looked around and said "Are we ready to keep going?" A few guys walked to the bed and climbed up next to her. Another black guy climbed between her legs. Kelly adjusted herself on the bed and reached down to grab his cock. Then, she looked up at him and then leaned to look at me and said "Oooh babe! A big one! All for me!" and then she started aiming him towards her cunt. I got a glance...

1 year ago
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The Hermaphrodites Fuck Toy Chapter 1

I growled as my long, blood red nails dug into the steering wheel of the black minivan I currently sat in, frustration boiling inside me just begging to be released on some innocent bystander. Just as I was to abandon my hunt, a flash of blonde obstructed my vision, causing me to snap my head to the side to see a blonde beauty with a both somewhat petite frame and generous jugs walking alone, looking down at her phone with her earbuds in. I could almost laugh and shake my head at the...

1 year ago
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Tropical Island Vacation Chapter 7

Rinsed and refreshed we return to our blanket. It must be getting to be late afternoon as the shadow of the cliffs behind us has almost reached the water’s edge. Suddenly, both Talia and I realize we’re both hungry. We had only brought food for lunch that we ate several hours ago. And although we would both prefer staying naked on the beach for a couple more hours before darkness falls, we decide to gather our things and head back to the car. There aren’t nearly as many people around any more...

1 year ago
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Another Revenge Affair

Audrina got in late that evening; it was now the early hours of the morning and Zach had been cleaning up after the boys had been over to watch the football. Blaine was fast asleep in bed, splayed out, a discarded bottle in his crib. Zach was half drunk, lolling back on the sofa; the TV was on but no one was watching. Audrina came into the living room, switched the TV off and went upstairs. She’d have to speak to Zach later about the night’s events. Whether or not she would tell him about...

4 years ago
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Desperate luck

Hey guys my name is Rahul. Age 24, height 5ft 11in, huge built (stout) and a very normal looking person. I am a voice and accent trainer in an American call center (not a very good writer so plzz excuse me if u don’t find this story interesting). I live in Bombay with my mom, step father, brother and a maid. Well I’ve been a regular visitor of this website right since I was in 9th std!! Never really trusted any story to be true but still found most of them fascinating. Since my childhood I was...

3 years ago
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Aman fucking maid Fatima

Due to some function my relatives had to visit the native place for two weeks. I didn't joined them coz of my upcoming semester exams....& they left at next morning...I was little happy as I got full freedom to freakout with my friends & to do party......!!! but at same time was unhappy when my relatives told me about fatima that she would disturb my privacy with her routine works.....!!But managed my mind with that thought. Next morning I was sleeping till late when she knocked my...

2 years ago
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Homelands Pt 1 Ch 07

My head ached something fierce the nextmorning. It took me a long time to get out of bed, and even longer to shower. It was almost noon when I came out into the sitting room. Mom was in the kitchenette, fixing soup and sandwiches. Only it wasn't Mom. It was the sex kitten my brothers and I had ravaged last night. She wore a gray silk negligee that didn't cover more than a fraction of her huge ass. That beautiful work of art jiggled about as she shuffled around the kitchen. I drew a deep breath...

1 year ago
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The First SuetoniusChapter 10

The border between Com territory and that of the Caps had acquired the nickname, 'The Fringe.' At its broadest, it spanned between 10 or 12 kilometers and, by agreement between the two parties, was demilitarized. New Glasgow was something of an anomaly being at the end of a tongue of Cap territory that was surrounded on three sides by the Coms. Recognised as a potential flashpoint, however, at least one armored division was kept on standby by both sides at all times. But, New Glasgow -...

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Ethanrsquos huge cock ndash part two

As mentioned before the start to part one, this is not a story from my own hand, I found it here and thought you might enjoy it: "I can't swallow the whole thing. It's too big," she said, and wiped the saliva from her mouth.She looked up at him with her big, dark eyes. Ethan pulled her to her feet and lifted her skirt."What are you doing?" she said.He pulled her panties down."I'm gonna fuck you now," he said.He laid her on her back on the desk,...

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BB Tryst Episode 5 What Comes Naturally

I leaned forward and grabbed my sexy partner around the ass, pulling her forward so that she had to put her legs on either side of the chair to straddle me. Her breasts were right in my face, flushed, erect nipples pointing past my cheeks. She must have been presenting them to me, so I obliged, wetting them with my tongue and lips. The sounds in her throat seemed to be moans of encouragement, so I spent some time with them, lifting and squeezing some, but mainly licking and flicking and kissing...

2 years ago
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finally two cocks

I have a sexy girlfriend who loves to suck cock and fuck I want her to have a threesome but she always says no One night we were lying on the couch watching tv when we got a visit from a old friend of mine My girl got up and let him in even though she only had on panties and then she climbed back on top of me one thing led to another before I had my cock in her mouth and my friend had his cock in her pussy we fucked her all night long she sucked both of our cocks together and licked our...

1 year ago
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Karens Birthday Treat for David

It was my birthday and I returned home to find my girlfriend of two years Karen waiting for me in the living room. She was standing beside a large box wrapped in metallic paper. I flung my tie and jacket down on the floor and stared at the present, wondering what was inside. Karen knew about my past life that I had been with more men and for longer than I’d been with any . However, she was getting close to breaking the longevity record. I had no idea what surprise she was about to unleash on me...

2 years ago
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The Worlds First Futa Futas Public DelightsChapter 3 Futarsquos First Naughty Live Interview

April 17th, 2047 “So I have a question for you, Becky,” Adelia said, her hand stroking my thigh with such a familiar fashion, “and I am sure all our viewers and in-studio audience are wondering the same thing.” “Shoot,” I said, my clit-dick aching beneath my skirt. I felt the eyes of the world on me at this exact moment even though Adelia leaned her caramel-hued face closer to me, invoking an intimacy reinforced by our recent fucking during the commercial break. “Given your effect on women...

4 years ago
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Teaching Carol Ch 2

It was definitely getting colder as the evening darkened around us, and we walked with our arms around each other’s waists as we made out way back to the campus dormitory where she lived. I wanted to ask her what she was feeling about what we had just done, but I had the sense that she didn’t want to discuss it, was perhaps ashamed of her part in it. So we talked of other things, as if we were still just two people who had gone on a slightly romantic walk. As we got closer to her building,...

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Hot Encounter With My Aunt

Hi friends I am 27-year-old average built guy from Bangalore working in PSU. This story is about how I used to enjoy my aunt body during my old days, please feel free to give feedback on Well, the story starts when I was 17-year-old studying in 11th. I stay with my uncle’s family at Bangalore along with my aunt uncle cousin and grandparents. This sexual adventure begins when we went to a holiday trip to Shimoga.To describe my aunt her name is let’s say sumalatha she is 5.4 medium and looks...

2 years ago
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The End Of Days Saga

I kneel naked before the small campfire, its flickering light dancing across my bare body as the night time creatures move beyond its small circle of illumination. Millions of insects call throughout the forest, each lending it desperate cry for a mate to the cacophony of sexual desperation, while their predators snatch, snare and feast upon the unfortunate ones. "O, Lady Lilith, Mother of demons, Defier of divine will, I beg you, grant me the power to defile the devout and corrupt the innocent...

3 years ago
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Wedding BetChapter 14 Marriage Bait

“My butt still hurts” The group of us sitting in the ranch’s living room laughed. Taylor instructed, “All things in moderation, my dear.” Kat was standing and rubbing her glutes with both hands and obviously flexing her Kegel muscles, “But you were doing it.” “I was, but not as energetically as you were, plus I’ve had anal sex many times before. That was your first time. You needed to be a little kinder to yourself, plus Mitch isn’t the smallest man alive. He did try to take his time with...

3 years ago
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My First Big Black Cock

I was a 35 year old white guy at the time. Clean shaven, brown hair, hazel eyes, 5’ 8” tall, and 170 pounds. I carried most of my extra baggage in my butt. I was always getting comments about how much junk I had in my trunk. Being in a relationship with an older white guy had become boring to me. He did really take good care of me, but for some reason he just wasn’t enough for me.One morning I woke up really horny so I took a picture of my nice round ass and my 7” medium thick cock. I then...

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