Noises Upstairs free porn video

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-- ST. LOUIS --

Scott got a solid job offer in St. Louis five years ago. By that point we had been together a year and half and had become addicted to how hot and sweet the relationship was.

When he told me about his promotion and said, "I'll suck your dick if you move to St. Louis with me." I said, "You'll suck it anyway! But if you do a good enough job, I'll consider it." I playfully grabbed the top of his head and pushed his face to my belt. He laughed and tackled me, ripped open my jeans, ate my cock and drank my cum on the kitchen floor. He did a damned good job, as he always did, so I moved with him to St. Louis.

I settled in there okay. For a steady income, I got a job as bartender at the corner pub. Around the time Scott and I met, I had started freelancing as an editor. Since I managed most of my contracts through email and Skype, it did not matter where I lived. Even in St. Louis I could continue to develop my business, and I did. But -- I had grown up in Philly and although St. Louis, nice as it was, just wasn't quite doing it for me. After a few years, neither where Scott's blow jobs.

His career as a sales exec was stressing him out and he started bringing that tension home with him. My erratic bartending schedule complicated things, too, and both issues worked against us having time to keep our relationship healthy.

One night the bar was dead so the manager let me leave early. When I got home I heard someone banging Scott upstairs in the bedroom. I stood in the foyer and listened. It was strange to hear Scott putting more energy into sex with a stranger than he did any more with me. It was even more telling to realize that I was less upset about Scott's cheating than I was curious about what the guy pumping a cock into my boy friend looked like -- did he have a broad back, was his butt round and tight, were his balls low and heavy, and were they bouncing on Scott's ass causing that faint double slapping sound I was hearing? Scott yelled out, "Yeah, fuck me!"

That broke the spell for me. I quietly put my keys down on the hall table and went to the kitchen bar. I poured myself a scotch and went to the living room. I made myself comfortable on the couch. My newest editing project was on the coffee table, so I picked it up and started working.

About thirty minutes later, I heard an unfamiliar voice calling from the top of the staircase, "Are there beers in the fridge? I'll get us some."

He thumped down the stairs with his eyes on his feet. When he got to the bottom landing he looked up and saw me. He froze. I satisfied my curiosity by scanning his naked body. His back was not broad and his butt was flat. His decent but average cock was glistening with lube. I was right about that slapping sound though. He had big balls hanging beautifully in a low, loose sack. Impressive, I thought then said, "Beer is in the fridge. Help yourself."

He gaped at me a moment then covered his crotch with his hands and ran back upstairs. Ten minutes later he walked downstairs, fully dressed, and out the front door.

I picked up my work again and held it as if reading, but my mind was a jumble. When Scott came down in shorts he stuttered, cried, pleaded and, finally, cursed me because I was dumbly just sitting there, not responding. Eventually, I said, "Scott, look, don't worry about it. I'm going to my office and do some editing."

I went, but could not concentrate on anything. I was up until 3:00 am browsing Internet porn and beating off, three times. When I had exhausted all of my tension, I crawled into bed beside Scott. He had changed the sheets. I remember them smelling very clean.

A month later, Scott helped me load my car and wished me a somewhat sad farewell. I drove back to Philly and unloaded my stuff into a three-story row home in West Philadelphia.

-- PHILLY --

My freelance business had done well while I was in St. Louis. So, when I decided to re-settle back East, I was able to invest in my first home. On the Internet, I found a Victorian-style row home that had been empty for almost three years. The price had dropped progressively since it first went on the market. By the time I was looking to buy, it had fallen into my price range. So, I bought it.

The house suffered from being abandoned for so long but it was still livable. I had the utilities turned on and moved in immediately. Since the only things I owned were packed in my car, I would need to get some furniture. At first, though, I simply bought a mattress and threw it on the floor in the second story bedroom.

The mattress on the hardwood floor was comfortable enough, but I did not sleep well the first few days. It was summer and all of the windows were open. During the night, every sound on the street echoed loudly in the empty three-story house. I expected to get used the noises of my new neighborhood, in time, but the first few nights I was often startled out of a good sleep by noises that seemed to come from upstairs.

By the fourth night, I believed I could distinguish different types of sounds. Street noises seemed to have a reverberating, echoing quality to them. Yet, there were other night-time noises that still seemed to be coming from inside the house, from upstairs. These sounds started after mid-night and appeared for all the world as if someone was moving around above -- perhaps in the attic.

Squirrels. I thought it must be squirrels. These old houses had attic vents that squirrels sometimes broke into. I figured I'd have to hire an exterminator.

Then one night I discovered it wasn't squirrels at all.


I got up around 4:00 am to take a leak and felt my way in the dark from my bed to the bathroom at the base of the third-floor stairs. It took several seconds for me to realize someone was coming down the stairs as I walked toward the bathroom. The shape was short and a little hunched. It was a person, a guy, and he was tip-toeing but the stairs were old and they creaked. I froze. The guy on the stairs did not see me. He reached the bottom of the stairs and headed into the bathroom that I had intended to use.

Light from a street lamp leaked into the house. In the faint glow I could see that he was naked and had long, dark hair. My heart beat fast, blood pulsed in my throat, and the adrenaline pouring into my veins made me start shaking. I was naked too, but the guy had still not seen me. As he put his hand on the door knob to the bathroom, I yelled in a full-throated roar, not a scream, but a panicked, inarticulate "Arghhh!".

The guy dropped instantly into a crouch. He raised his hands in defense and gave out a series of yelps, "Haa! Haa! Haa!..."

It took a second or two for me to realize that he was more frightened than I was. In a flash it came to me that he was not a burglar and had no weapons. What burglar breaks into houses naked? This stranger must have been living in my house on the top floor. It was him I had heard moving around every night.

"What! What are you doing in my house?" I hissed.

"Sorry, sorry, ... sorry!" he said in a quivering whisper. The fear in his voice was clear and I switched from defensive to offensive mode.

"What the fuck are you doing in MY house??" I yelled.

He crouched lower with both hands on the floor. If he sprang up he could either attack me or dive down the back stairs into the kitchen and escape. He hesitated and seemed not to be able to decide what to do.

I was bent forward with a hand on the wall, but not down on the floor as he was. There was a pause between us and I noticed that my skin glowed white in the street lamp light. He was a darker figure and his skin appeared chestnut, and his eyes were very dark. They fixed on me. His chest was heaving, gulping air.

Without yelling this time, I asked with a tremble in my voice, "What are you doing in my house?"
He did not speak for several seconds. Then he said in an accented voice, "I have lived here for many months."


"I live upstairs, under the roof. I have no where else to live. Is this your house now?"

I raised my voice,"Fuck yeah! It's my house. What do you mean 'under the roof'?"

He did not answer for a few breaths then said, "I will leave. Right away." And he rose slowly from the crouch. His hands came up, palms forward as a defensive sign to hold me off.

"I will leave now. Will get my things." He stuttered and cautiously inched toward the stairs.

It was all so bizarre. The adrenaline in my veins was waning. This guy was no threat. He was frightened. He wanted to run. And he was naked. I also noticed he had a muscular, slender body.

"Uh, wait!" I barked, startling both of us again.

"Wait. What's going on here?" I asked.

He paused with his hands on the banister, about to dash upstairs.

"No, seriously. Stop. Wait. Don't run. What are you doing here?" I blurted out.

He froze again and looked at me with a puzzled tilt of the head.

"I have lived in this empty house. You are here, so I will leave now. Very sorry."

Now I was just getting fucking curious.

"You live here?" I stammered. "Really? How long?"

I relaxed my stance and stood upright. So did he.

His arms were not big but the muscles were clear in the street light, his waist was narrow and his crotch was dark and heavy looking.

The light shined through the window behind him, so I must have been more illuminated in my pale, nakedness.

Curiosity or interest suppressed his fear. He stood and dropped his arms by his side.

"Yes. I have no home. I live here this year. In the roof room. But I will leave. Please don't call the police."

I blinked a couple of seconds.

"Police? Uhh. No. I won't. What is your name?"


"Mua, I am named Mua."

"My name is Lee. You can't live here any more. This is my house now."

"Yes. I understand. I will get my clothes." And he started up the stairs.

"No, you don't have to leave tonight. It's 4 am, for god's sake."

Mua was moving up the steps, turned to look back at me, then lost his footing and fell hard, hitting his head on a step. It was such a loud thud that I cringed. His body slid down in a sickening, dead floppy way until his feet were on the landing.

"Oh, shit!" I said and rushed over to him. I turned him on his back then lifted and moved his head and shoulders until he was lying flat on the floor.

"Oh, shit, shit shit!" I repeated. There was a dark streak running from the right eye brow down the side of his face. I stood and reached inside the bathroom door to flip on the light which then flooded the hall and lit up Mua's body.

I knelt down quickly to see if he was breathing. He was, quietly, and I figured he had been knocked out. I went into the bathroom and soaked a hand towel with cold water. Then I bent over Mua and laid it across his forehead, using the end of it to dab at the cut above his eye.

Nothing happened for about 15 seconds, while I anxiously asked myself what the fuck I should do. But then his eye lids began flickering and slowly opened. Mua stared up at me blankly at first then he startled and tried to sit up and squirm away from me. The pain in his head stopped him immediately and he dropped back to the floor putting a hand to the towel on his forehead.

"Ahhhh," he moaned.

"Relax. You fell on the stairs and knocked yourself out.

Just lie still and let me look at that cut."

The cut in his brow was not very deep and the bleeding had stopped already.

"It'll be alright. I don't think you need stitches." I said sitting cross-legged on the floor beside him. His breathing sped up quit a bit. I put my open palm on his hairless chest, "Calm down. Just calm down."

He closed his eyes and tried to relax.

Under my hand his breathing slowed and I became aware of how boney he was. The skin was tight on his breast bone and ribs and glowed a rich brown in the bathroom light. And it was warm. I noted that his nipples were small and a darker brown. Then my hand drifted down to rest in the crater of his belly. He definitely needed to eat more.

Sliding from my hand downward, my gaze moved to the small but dense patch of black hair over his dick and balls. The dick was perhaps the only place on him that had some meat to it. Its plum-shaped head was clear to see under the generous and thick foreskin which ran to a puckered nipple beyond its tip. His balls were like medium-sized grade A eggs slung in a loose sack between his thighs.

I scanned back up his body to find him staring at me and I quickly took my hand from his stomach.

"You need to eat more." I said quickly.

"I have no job. No money."

"What have you been eating?"

He was silent and dropped his gaze down to his own chest.

"I eat what I find... What I find on the street, behind people's houses."

"Your eating out of trash cans then." I said flatly.

He nodded.

"Do you ask people for money to buy food?" There were many panhandlers in Philadelphia and I just assumed that someone hungry on the streets would be asking for help.

"I do not beg!" He answered roughly and shot me a sharp look.

"Maybe you should have. You're starving. And...," I paused as I began to notice a slightly sour and musty smell coming from him. "And, I think you need a bath."

That totally embarrassed him. He tried to sit up.

"I am very sorry. I will go put on clothes and prepare to leave."

"Whoa! No. I didn't mean to make you feel bad."

"There was no water in this house." He mumbled.

"There is now though. Let's get you cleaned up a bit, and wash that blood off of your face."

"Come on. I'll help you up, Moo."

"Mua," he corrected and raised an arm for me to pull him up.

I stood and, instead of taking his hand, reached mine under his arms to lift him. He was even lighter than I expected, and he wobbled when I got him to his feet.

He put his arm over my shoulder and I wrapped one around his slight waist. The naked sides of our bodies rubbed against each other as we shuffled into the bathroom.

"You do not have to help me," he complained.

"If I don't you'll fall, and you might already have a concussion.

"Plus, I don't know about you, but I still have to piss. We were both headed to the bathroom, right?"

"Yes. I must use the restroom."

I chuckled a bit. The way he spoke was kind of 'stiff'.

"Where are you from, originally?"

Mua looked over at me with apprehension.

"Seriously, tell me. I don't work for the government, but I do own this house, and I'm curious." I smiled at him.


"Bali. How did you end up in Philadelphia?"

"I was at the University of Pennsylvania, but the agency who paid my way stopped paying. I had to quit. I did not want to go home and could not buy a ticket anyway."

"Seriously, they just left you stranded?

Here, you pee in the toilet, I'll use the tub."

"Yes. They stopped paying."

He wobbled and reached for his head.

"Here. Let me hold you up while you take a leak."


I stood against him with my arm around his waist and my hand flat on his stomach. It was interesting to feel his abs flex and quiver as he tried to relax and pee. I would have had a hard time letting go also, I guess.

He held his dick with his left hand and drew his foreskin back with his thumb. The head of his dark dick was bright pink with a large flare. It looked like it would feel really good in my mouth, filling it from side to side with a firm, spongy feel on the tongue.

I was staring at his dick. After a few moments it was clear that he could not let his stream go. I looked up to see him staring askance at me.

"It is strange to have someone watch," he said.

I laughed and slapped his stomach with my hand. He flinched.

"Yeah, sorry. It would probably make me tense too, but if I don't hold you you will probably fall. I don't want to end up calling an ambulance for you. I'm guessing you don't have insurance."

His eyes got very wide and there was fear in his face.

"Relax. You have to pee, so pee!"

He looked down at his dick and then closed his eyes.

I felt his abs quiver a bit then sink into a relaxed position just as his piss stream erupted from the end of his fat, pink cock head.

He had to pee a lot. As he relaxed into it, I realized I was casually and gently moving my hand up and down on his belly. It was unintentional, but it seemed to help him relax.

After almost two minutes his pissing tapered off and he opened his eyes. He shook his dick then squeezed forward and back to get the last drops out. His foreskin popped over the head then slid back, moistened with the last drop of piss. My mouth was watering and the heat between my palm and his abs was intensifying.

"It's my turn. Just stand there." I kept one arm around him and aimed my dick at the toilet. I realized then that I was half hard from the body contact and the sight of his pissing cock. Leaving my foreskin over the head I let loose. The piss erupted from my nozzle and shot off several small streams at the same time, like a lawn sprinkler. Some of it landed on his thigh, but most of it landed in the bowl. I was concentrating on improving my aim but from the corner of my eye I saw him slowly rubbing the pee I'd splashed on him into his thigh. He was very deliberate about it and seemed to think I was not noticing.

When my stream dried up, I squeezed forward to pinch the last drops from the end of my foreskin -- like squeezing a toothpaste tube. I didn't pull the skin back and shake it because I'm a bit of a pig and enjoy leaving my cock head moist and warm in its rubbery tube of skin.

Then I turned my attention back to Mua and caught him staring at my prick. That was very interesting. I knew I was interested in his cock. Apparently he was interested in mine too.

After flushing the toilet I said, "Okay. You need to sit down so you don't fall -- and you need a bath."

I pushed him toward the tub and made him step in. He sat on the cold porcelain with his knees up. Some misplaced sense of modesty made him cover his crotch with his hands.

"Relax. I just watched you pee, remember?"

He fixed his gaze on his knees but relaxed his hands in his crotch. He was making a point of not looking at my moistened dick which was level with and inches from his cheek.

"Okay. How do you feel."

He nodded three times with out speaking or looking at me.

"Let's get you cleaned up. Watch your feet." I said as I leaned to turn on the spigot. My prick banged against his knee. I expected him to jerk it away but he held still then slowly pushed it against me.

The water was cold at first and he jerked his heels in toward his scrawny butt. Trying not to make him even more uncomfortable, I watched water pour from the spigot and didn't look at his balls and ass between his spread knees, although I wanted to.

After a minute or two the water warmed up. I looked at him and asked if it felt okay. He was bashful and nodded without making eye contact.

I closed the stopper on the tub then straightened and back off a bit. As the warm water rose, he seemed to melt. His feet slid forward. His knees dropped. And his head tipped back with his eyes closed.

It was hot watching him relax and virtually melt into the rising warm water. I stared freely at his crotch and torso without him noticing.

He was intentionally keeping his eyes closed while we waited for the now steaming water to fill the tub. He probably knew I was watching, but did not want to acknowledge it.

He was Asian and very, very skinny. Neither of which were my normal 'type.' Nevertheless, I found his naked, helpless body sinking into a tub of water totally fascinating. My dick started to thicken and rise.

When the water was a couple of inches from the rim of the bathtub I reached in to turn it off. He opened his eyes and stared at me with a slightly frightened look.

"Let me get you some soap," I said as I reached for the bar on a shelf above him.

Without pause I dipped the soap in the water between his knees, worked it between my hands into a lather, then spread the suds across his upper chest and throat.

His whole body stiffened and rose out of the water a bit, then as my slippery hands continued to massage his neck and shoulders he let out a sigh and sank back into the tub. His expression took on a look of curiosity and he slipped into a relaxed passivity, allowing me to raise his arms and scrub his biceps and forearms.

I took each hand into both of mine - one at a time - and massaged his palm and between each finger. He closed his eyes again and surrendered completely.

Working up more lather with the soap, I raised his arms and scrubbed firmly but also gently into his arm pits. The thick black hairs of his pits slid through my fingers and my dick got very hard.

I massaged from his pits to his pecks and rubbed my palms over his erect nipples. At this point it was clear that he was getting turned on. His dick was half stiff and the plump head was pushing out from under his thick, dark foreskin. Yet, he kept his eyes closed, perhaps so he could be blameless for what I was doing to him.

Pits and nipples turn me on so much that I couldn't stop myself from slipping one hand behind his neck and the other over his abs then leaning down and taking his left nipple gently between my lips, licking it and teasing it with my teeth.

If he didn't want this he would have certainly responded aggressively. As it was, his breathing froze for several seconds then escaped his lips with an 'ahhhh' sound.

His eyes remained tightly shut, but he raised both arms above his head to give me permission and access to his chest and armpits.

I scooped up water and splashed it under his left arm to rinse away the soap, then I bent in and licked my tongue through the thick, black hair of his pit. A sigh, a deep sigh escaped his lips and his right hand clamped tightly on his left wrist to hold that arm up and above his head while I dug in with tongue and teeth, eating his armpit and occasionally dropping down to chew on his nipple.

This was it. He wanted this. I switched attention from his right nipple and pit to the left. He leaned over slightly to give me better access. With his eyes still closed he groaned and whimpered freely.

This was too hot to be able to stand much longer. I rose from his chest, stood, then stepped into the water between his legs.

Clearly he was surrendering to me. He moved his hands down behind his neck, raising his elbows and exposing both pits even more. At the same time he raised and spread his knees as he felt me stepping into the water between them.

My cock was painfully hard. I dipped the soap into the water then rubbed it on my dick until a thick lather covered it.

I reached into the crook of his knees and raised him up until is butt hole was above the water. His shoulders sank below the water which then rose up to his chin. Still his hands were behind his neck. He seemed to have stopped breathing.

Reaching down I placed my cock head against his hair-lined hole and, trusting the soap to provide lubrication, I leaned into him. My cock went in very slowly. His hole tightened to block at first then relaxed, reluctantly, and opened to my dick. The head passed through and the heat of his insides took my breath for a second. Slowly, I pushed, aiming further into his warmth and through the tight ring of his ass.

He gasped but kept his eyes squeezed shut. His knees rose higher in both retreat and surrender. Two-thirds of the way into him I paused and just savored the moist, tight, heat on my cock and the thought that I was inside this stranger. The most sensitive part of my body was inside of this skinny, frightened, accepting, brown stranger.

I had been both top and bottom with guys in the past, but this was the most intense situation I had ever been in. My balls were submerged in the warm water. His thighs rested on my lap. With an guff of air I shoved the last two inches of myself into him and he gasped with mouth open and eyes squeezed tightly shut.

A tear formed in the corner of his left eye and I cupped his cheek with my hand and rubbed the tear away with my thumb.

Since his face was in my hand, I pulled in and licked his lips.

Again, his breathing froze but when he finally exhaled I both tasted and smelled this breath. I licked his lips. They parted, ready to allow my tongue inside, but I didn't go in.

I ran my tongue over his lips, down to his chin then up to his nostrils. There I began to probe with the searching tip of my tongue I pushing lightly at first the left then right nostril. I tilted my head slightly and pretended to bite the tip of his nose, ever so gently.

As I did that I put my hips in motion drawing out of his tight, hot ass to the very tip of my cock then with a controlled, smooth motion pushing in to the hilt - his ass pubes crowned the base of my dick.

I don't know why I tongue fucked his nostrils while I started drilling his ass, but he moaned even louder and raised his butt higher out of the water to receive my cock.

I fucked Mua. He received it with such pleasure that I believed he had been fucked before, but I didn't know that for sure. What if he was just weak from a concussion and vulnerable because he got caught in my house and was illegally in the country? Yet, he raised his legs and let me fuck him, and it wasn't just a surrender. His own thick, dark cock was rock hard. The skin had slipped behind the big pink head and constricted it, making it swell.

My rhythm was slow and gentle at first but after a few minutes I became frantic about pushing my dick into this stranger who I had found in my house.

After ten minutes of my plowing his breathing became ragged, his thighs pushed against my chest and he raised his hips high out of the water. His tight, stiff dick started quivering. I looked down and watched it erupt and spray pearly white semen onto Mua's face. He opened his mouth to catch what he could. He licked the cum from his lips, and stuck out his tongue to catch more. After several gut wrenching spasms, cum just oozed onto his chest and belly. With his eyes still closed, his tongue stretched and searched for more cum but could not reach it.

It was spewed across his chest and looked so white and rich that I bent down and slurped it up.

Every guy's cum tastes different. Mua's was thick and tasted of sperm protein, sweet clorine, and salt. I loved it and put my hands under the small of his back to raise him up so I could dig my tongue into the pooled cum in his belly button.

His heat, surrender, and flavor pushed me over the edge. My hands slipped around to hold his hips more firmly while I started hammering his ass. My balls slapped in the water and splashed it front and back onto my own belly and ass.

My dick head filled and swelled as spasms erupted in my gut.

I spewed my cum into this guy, who I didn't even know, but it wasn't like a throw away, I deeply wanted him to take my cum and hold it inside, to want it and keep it and be happy that I gave it to him.

In spite of the fact that he had already shot off, he arched his back and gasped as he felt me cumming inside him. It was almost as if he were having a second orgasm, as if his ass were sucking the sperm out of me, taking it rather than just receiving it.

It was the most intense orgasm I had ever had. I collapsed on top of him and my weight almost forced him completely underwater. I pushed against the end of the tub, setting my dick more firmly into his ass and pushing his head and shoulders above the water at the other end of the tub.

His eyes were still closed but his mouth was open. The sloshing motion of the water had subsided. I kissed him with a full lips-on kiss. He hesitated briefly then energetically kissed me back, pushing his tongue into my mouth for me to suck on it.

I pulled back and looked him in the face. Slowly, he opened his eyes and stared back at me. The tense, downward set of his eyebrows suggested regret and fear. Then I kissed his forehead and they relaxed. I dropped my head to his shoulder and pressed against him cheek to cheek. His arms dropped down and embraced me, pulling me in tightly. A final orgasmic spasm ran through me as I pushed out my last drops of semen into him. He sighed and licked my cheek.

After drying off, I took Mua to my bed. He spooned against me and I pressed my resurgent dick into him again. I felt the moisture of my own cum surround it. That's how we fell asleep.

In the morning Mua woke me by suckling my nipple and massaging my balls. Once I opened my eyes he slid down and took my cock into his mouth until he drew the sperm out of me and into his starving body. It was so much more intense than any blow job Scott had given me.


In the weeks that followed, I filled Mua with both food and myself until he added weight and shed that starved look. Nearly every day he ate my seed for breakfast. In the evenings, I took his and it tasted better and better every day as his health improved.

For several months I wrote to NGOs in Indonesia about Mua's plight describing how I had found him in the attic of my house after he had been shafted by his previous sponsor. I didn't include the fact that I was shafting him now too.

Eventually, they found him a new sponsor and money started flowing to him again. He was able to re-enroll at Penn and pick up his coursework where he left off.

When he graduates he will have to go back to Bali and work off the obligations of his sponsorship. He convinced me with that very first blow job to follow him there. I'm gullible that way.

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He heard a noise upstairs, and froze listening, there it was again coming from the front bedroom, the he remembered the new flatmate who’d moved in last week he had only seen her briefly, when she came and looked at the flat, he looked in the fridge wondering if there was any wine, probably not the other flatmates would have drunk it, he finished his sandwich whilst watching the news the house quiet the flat mates all out somewhere, he looked towards the ceiling listening to her moving about....

3 years ago
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A third time with Samuel upstairs

That afternoon I had gone again to Samuel’s flat, just three floors upstairs; while my beloved husband was at work. The old black man had fucked me missionary on his bed and I was astonished about his stamina. I could not believe this man was almost seventy years old…He made me cum hard on his black cock and few moments later, he filled my hot cunt with his burning semen. The old man slipped off from the bed and went to the bathroom; but telling me first he wanted to take me in all fours…I knew...

2 years ago
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The Girl Upstairs

He heard a noise upstairs, and froze listening, there it was again coming from the front bedroom, the he remembered the new flatmate who'd moved in last week he had only seen her briefly, when she came and looked at the flat, he looked in the fridge wondering if there was any wine, probably not the other flatmates would have drunk it, he finished his sandwich whilst watching the news the house quiet the flat mates all out somewhere, he looked towards the ceiling listening to her moving about. ...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Staying with the caring older man upstairs

I live in an upstairs apartment in a two family home. My landlord is a nice older lady. We get along well. I help her shop, run errands and do little repairs and maintenance around the house. I was watching TV late one afternoon when I heard frantic knocking on my door. A young girl, I'm guessing a preteen, was standing there. She was dressed in a long night shirt with socks. She said her grandmother was ill and she had called 911, could I help? We rushed into the living room where her...

2 years ago
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My wife was out of town for the week, which left me without much to do besides watching TV or catching the basketball games on the radio. So when rush hour hit, I headed to a nearby bar and sat at the rail to check out the traffic, ordering a gin and tonic to pass the time. It was an upscale crowd - yuppies, business men like myself, you know the type. As I swiveled my barstool around, getting a quick 360 of the clientele, I realized there was a woman sitting next to me. A good- looking...

2 years ago
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Christmas GiftChapter 3 Upstairs

Upstairs, Susan insisted on removing the comforter and pillow shams. "Not like we're going to be using them, right?" Susan stood at the foot of the bed, looking from Mark to Joe and back, completely at a loss where to start. They weren't going to be any help she could tell. This time the first move was hers. Very well then. Susan sat on the bed, happy for once they didn't have a footboard. Both men were hanging softly. She used both hands and gently cupped both men, one hand on each....

1 year ago
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Porn Alcohol and the Boy Upstairs

The porn played softly in the background. I leaned my head back against the back of the couch. Why do women think they’re so fucking erotic? Why do men think blasting cum on a woman’s face is erotic? My three friends sat on the couch, furiously waking off. I tried not to look at their cocks as they flashed their hands up and down on them. The alcohol sang through my blood. The corners of my vision were blurry. Everything felt as if it was being stifled by a wet cloth. On the television the man...

1 year ago
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Noises coming from mens room

I have been very careful not to let anyone let on that my little Asian boy and I are fucking , we have been sneaking around and I park my car 2blocks from his house . In the gym we just say whats up to each other but Wednesday night we slipped up and the whole gym caught on and now the story is spreading like a wild fire. Wednesday it was 90+ degrees in NYC so mid way thru my workout I decided to go into the bathroom and change my shirt due to my sweat . My Asian fuck toy followed me into the...

1 year ago
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She lived upstairs

Just finishing getting settled in, Doug has only been in his new apartment only 3 days and has already been bombarded with requests to fix things. Doug got a great deal to move in if he would take on the handyman job that they needed to fill for that apartment. His close have not even been unpacked, and yet he has fixed 2 toilets, 1 sink, a leaky water heater and listened to complaints from the noisy neighbor about all the people coming and going from the complex. It's now the 3rd day living...

2 years ago
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The Neighbor Upstairs

Mr. Jones lived in an apartment up stairs from us in Chicago. He was about 50, tall, skinny, and balding, not any ones idea of a sex symbol. I don’t know how I got started in all this, well, actually I do, I am a bad, greedy girl. My Daddy died in an accident a few years ago, and my Mommy and I have been living frugally on the insurance. It just ran out, and sometimes I go to bed at night crying and hungry. Mommy cries too, and is out on the street all day looking for work, and begging. She...

4 years ago
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I sat by while he took his daughter upstairs

This is a story of titillation, of a young girl, just married and seduced in the course of an evening, a girl experiencing physical sex and the consequences of her adulterous liaison with her new husbands friend, on the night of her honeymoon, read on and enjoy how a girl surrendered more than her womanhood on that sacred night, but the womanhood of their illicitly conceived daughter, on the night of her eighteenth birthday.Here is my side of the story, and I know once you avid readers digest...

2 years ago
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A Drink Before Going Upstairs

Gianna and Pete drank, chatted and laughed for 2 hours. They also had a good time whenever they were around each other. They met at a friend's party a few years ago. They had few common interests but the ones they had were passionate. And then there was chemistry between them. At times it was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Their friend's have commented about it. How one would seem to light up like a Christmas tree when the other would show up. They brought things out of one...

3 years ago
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Noise, it again rings in his ear. The babies crying, the Sergeant yelling, the masturbating monkey chirping in excitement. John screaming in the background. It’s now 5:30 am. The radio continues. ‘Good morning Arizona. This is the Morning Sickness with John Holmberg, Brady Bogan, Creepy E, and big Dick Tolido. First off I just wanna talk about something before we begin. And that is the subject of Obama. I’m just reading more and more and more about this guy who keeps popping forward about the...

3 years ago
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Noise In The Night

Noise In The NightBy: Londebaaz Chohan After finishing 4 years of college, Nunez; Abraham Nunez had come home to his parent’s home with their permission for a maximum of 6 months or earlier provided he found himself a job. His parents told him in no uncertain words that this was not a hotel and even if he thought, it was; the rent shall be due every month and after 6 months there shall be no service free of charge. Abraham did not know, that the most incredible night was also waiting for him to...

2 years ago
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Noise In The Dark

The night was hot and humid and I kept tossing in the bed finding it hard to sleep. The moon was now full making it a very bright night but I could hear the passing thunderstorm in the background. I was about to sleep when I heard a noise in the back yard. Grabbing a robe to cover my naked ass I ran outside and went to look only to find an over turned lawn chair. I looked all around and found nothing. Thinking it might be my neighbor's cat, which was always doing things like, that I went back...

1 year ago
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Noise complaint

I was in the kitchen getting ready to make a salad and the stove was on cause I was baking too I was getting a little hot. I went to the fridge and pulled out a cucumber and the butter. I went and closed the blimds and kneeled on a chair I slid the butter all over the cucumber and started swirling it around my asshole to give myself a little tease. Then I felt my pussy getting soaked. so I slammed the cucumber in my tight little asshole. I started pushing it deeper and deeper then I found...

1 year ago
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Lights Out

Dave and Bob had been friends since high school. Neither one had a serious relationship currently and found themselfves spending a lot of time together lately. That was the case last weekend when Dave had come over to Bob's apartment to watch the baseball game. During the fifth inning just after finishing a few slices of pizza they had ordered, the power wen out during the summer storm that was blowing through town. Litle did the two friend know they would be doing some blowing of their own....

1 year ago
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My Creampie Fetish with White Women

I never had a creampie fetish as a teen. No condom? No go. Babies scared the living shit out of me. In my household having a baby at a young age symbolize failure! But from my c***dhood into my adulthood that changed overtime in the interracial dating pool. You see, I always dated within and outside my race. No big deal right? Wrong! Because dating white women from plenty of fish and tinder to social media sites like Facebook and Instagram made it obvious overtime that even if they wasn’t on...

2 years ago
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A mature wife discovers her suppressed sexuality

Usually vacations are relaxing or entertaining or educational, but this one was life changing. We are in our early forties and married just about 24 years. I’m 6’4,250 lbs. brown hair, pretty average sized dick. Courtney is just over five foot with a nicely curvy shape. Her buns and boobs are nicely filled out and her crowning glory is long red hair. Full and red down below too. We, my wife Courtney and I, took our kids for a week at the Jersey shore. Our three bedroom hotel suite...

2 years ago
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Princes of MannsboroughChapter 21

Thule woke at six thirty, half an hour before his alarm would have gone off. As he tried to detach himself gracefully from Dawn, whose head was laid across his chest, she looked up sleepily, "Is it morning?" "More or less," Thule said. "I need to get some things done before I head into the city." Dawn stretched, "Want me to make breakfast?" "It's early yet," said Thule. "Go back to sleep." Dawn got up on hands and knees, shaking sleep out of her head, "No. It's all right. I...

1 year ago
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Made To Order

She was proud to now be a personal housemaid like her mother had been. Her mother cleaned private estates for almost 20 years and now she was happy to take over for her mother. She had decided to retire and move to Arizona for health reasons. After all those years of dusting she felt the good clean air would do her some good. Her mother only had six private cleaning clients, but they all paid very well. Strangely her mother never met some of her clients because they were gone by the time she...

3 years ago
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I told her you know, like a peeping Tom, or somebody I don't know who's sneaking a look at me while I'm touching myself. "And you get off on that?" still sounding confused. "Well, yeah. You have things that turn you on. Right?" "Yeah. Okay." Still unconvinced. Where do sexual fantasies come from? A lot of places I'm sure, and as far as I'm concerned I don't care where the fuck they come from. They're just my fantasies. Tori thinks too much. But that's just my...

3 years ago
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Something gotten into My Wife Blacken

You've had a long day at work and you're driving down the boulevard. You stop at a red light and something has caught your eye in a parking lot across the intersection.The light turns green and you start to pull away and while you pass the hotel you notice the green car as a stuffed a****l in the back window just like your wife's car.Your curiosity has gotten the best of you so you immediately turn the car around at the next corner.You're pulling into the parking lot and driving slowly toward...

1 year ago
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The Cuckolding of Neil Dodds Part 7

Claire awoke at six o’clock next morning. The bedside alarm was set early and pulled her away from Karl’s warm body. It also took her away from his huge erection that pressed against her bottom. She was used to waking next to a male with an erection pressing into her but nothing compared to Karl’s size. She rolled back to him after turning off the alarm and kissed him. She took hold of his cock and gave him a gentle squeeze. She so longed for his cock again; she longed for him to roll her over...

2 years ago
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In Search of ParadiseChapter 16 Epilogue

A light breeze drifted over the plateau where Brandon sat looking down at two adolescent children sprawled close together in the waters of their little island's lagoon. As he watched, the memories of fifteen years came back slowly, one by one. The children's births, the time they'd spent together as a family, and even the circumstances that had led to the five of them being here in the first place. They were happy memories, for the most part, and left a smile on his face as they played...

2 years ago
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Me And Mrs Hotter Caught In The Act

Things took longer than I hoped, but not nearly as long as I feared. On the odd occasion when I chanced to be alone, briefly, with Mrs Hotter she would tease me in some way. A flash of stocking top, letting me have a quick feel of a boob, even whispering something salacious in my ear, like how she couldn’t wait to feel my cock spurt inside her again. In my youthful impatience, weeks felt like years. When she came round to the house, my mother was always there, and I couldn’t really go round to...

3 years ago
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A Man and His PetsChapter 13 Pets Promotions

Jim dimmed the dungeon lights to their minimum and led his pets to Trina's quarters where they all laid down. With a pet's head on each shoulder, he kissed them each and told them. "Trina, I'm making you my house pet. Cindy, you are now my special pet. Trina, you will have a lot more freedom around the house, including parts of my quarters. Can you cook? Cindy, you are now my special pet. These are now your quarters. You will be in charge of the dungeon and pet training when Trina or I...

2 years ago
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Undercover RoseChapter 78

I wondered again where the unknown assailants would be most likely to hit. If I were doing it, I might make the attack while 'The Girls' were on shore. I would only do it if I had some kind of support. I would need more manpower than just myself for sure. The Paki husband would be the most likely to manage some help from the Muslin community. But I couldn't count the Russian couple totally out of the picture. I doubted that either could mount an operation as quickly as it would have taken...

3 years ago
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Epic Cuckold Sequel Chapter 28 The Angst of Waiting

I buried myself into the housework. Now that I had a mission to accomplish, and I was in the privacy of my own home without anyone else around, it didn’t even occur to me that I was dressed in women’s attire. It wasn’t that I forgotten about it, but it was simply not top of mind. I had a few hours to get things done and then disappear to the office so that my wife could have some alone time with Prem to explain that she was moving back in with me, her husband. My first task was to start the...

1 year ago
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An ClochnChapter 71

On the knoll Zoe’s, Alana’s, and Vanessa’s teams described the events since finding the two bodies to Sarah’s, Siobhan’s, and Keriann’s Clans. Briana then told of finding four people near Siobhan’s shuttle, and their camp site. She continued with, “As to the victims by the cave, the forensic team’s initial impression is that they’ve been dead for several months, and perhaps longer. They are certain that the two victims were naked when staked out. What happened between that point and their...

1 year ago
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Abgefeiert Steffi hat einen Filmriss

[Infobox - Bitte alle Threads in der ersten Person-Gegenwart schreiben. (Einheitlichkeit und so...) Sollte jemand einen Geschichtsstrang aus der Sicht eines anderen Beteiligten schreiben wollen und dieser männlich sein, so wird das von mir nachträglich in der Story-Info vermerkt. Freue mich natürlich über jeden eurer Beiträge zur Story. Kommentare und Feedback sind gern gesehen und ich werde es versuchen zu beherzigen. Auch Schreibfehler dürfen gerne angemerkt werden, damit ich diese...

1 year ago
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ManuelFerrara Kit Mercer Sultry MILF

Blondes have more fun, but Manuel has his fair share with blonde Kit Mercer. The scene opens with Kit nude on the bed, not a bad way to start! After sucking Manuel’s meat, Kit mounts then shakes and grinds. Manuel places Mercer on her side and slowly pumps. Once she’s had a chance to adjust, Manuel gives her speedy thrusts that produce a tremendous leg and ass ripple.. Manuel is wise to get Miss Mercer’s ass in doggie. Her fleshy cheeks are perfect for the pounding. Kit places...

2 years ago
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Dont You Just Love Jelly and Cream

I looked at the state of the kitchen table and sighed. The aftermath of a children’s tea party is never a pretty sight, and this bunch of eight-year olds seem to have thrown as much jelly and ice-cream around as they’d eaten. But they’d had a good time, and now Alan’s parents had taken all ten of them to the cinema to see a film, which may or may not (I thought) calm them down a bit. Alan and I had stayed behind to clear up; bad as the mess looked, I think we’d got the better side of the...

Straight Sex
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Wyatts Daughter

Chapter 1 Working on Sunday mornings was never any fun. Working on a beautiful Sunday morning in June, the day after your birthday was probably the least fun of all. I was not only a year older, I was also dressed in the green double knit pants and tan cotton shirt that made me look about two inches wider in the ass and two smaller in the chest. No woman needed two more inches of ass and two less of boobs, no matter who she was. Okay, I wasn't exactly the perfect height / weight ratio to...

3 years ago
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Audreys World Sex Tour

You probably think that most Mormon girls grow up in a stable family, go to a Mormon college, marry a Mormon man, have 8 children, and live happily ever after. That's the stereotype isn't it? That probably is true for most Mormon girls. But the life this one was handed was anything but conventional. Growing up a Mormon in California was quite suffocating, having to wear big dresses with long sleeves so that nearly every inch of my skin was covered, being forced to listen to only gospel...

2 years ago
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My sister in law

Introduction: After a sexual tension between my sister in law and me we end up in one bed. It is a Saturday-morning. I have taken a long shower and decided also to shave my balls again. I still have an erection of shaving when I walk out of the bathroom while drying my face with a towel. Turning left to the bedroom I hear a startled Oh, excuse me from the stairs which is located in front of the bathroom door. It is Amanda, my sister in law. I was not aware that you were in this bathroom. We...

4 years ago
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Wife Sarah was recently admitted to our local hospital with an infection in her left leg and had to undergo antibiotics to clear the infection up so was incarcerated for ten days and nights. Daughter Christina was so concerned she managed to talk her mother in law into driving up to North London from her home in the West Country to help look after her young daughters along with her husband and drove the two hundred miles to our house in Cheshire not far from Manchester to help me out for three...

1 year ago
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Season of Darkness

Posted by permission of Tigger Season of Darkness By Rose Too Clouds darkened the afternoon sky as the long, black limousine idled in front of the boutique. Darla sat in the driver seat awaiting the arrival of Jane Thompson. She was dressed in her chauffeur's uniform with her cap sitting on top of her long blonde hair. The sharply-tailored uniform on her very female shaped figure was eye catching in the extreme. Jane Thompson emerged from the boutique, and was helped into the...

3 years ago
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Suck my milky tits

I walk into the harem. My friends had noticed that since I seemed to look at so many women with big tits (I mean, who doesn't?) I should go to this place. As I open the door, I see a tall dark skinned woman with huge tits threatening to come out of her tight black leather dress that came down to midthigh. She was wearing stripper heels and she had a whip in her hand. "Hello" She said to me. "Hello" I said back. "You must be who my friend was talking about. I'll get my girls" She then smacked...

4 years ago
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Another Round

"Ein Grosse bier bitte!" "Another round, Frauline." "Waitress O Waitress, Come sit on my face, Eatin' ain't cheatin', It ain't no disgrace." "Shit, I think I'm gonna hurl..." "Sheeeatt, we gonna get Terry laid tonight." "C'mon, Terry, show us how you gonna use that tongue!" "He's twenty-one tonight and we gonna get him laid. We need a volunteer." Terry was blushing and in the darkened disco and as black as he was, it had to be some blush for me to be able to tell....

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Interlude 0877

Eight It is late one normal work afternoon. About an hour to go, and she’ll be able to walk out on another forgettable day. Her computer dings, signaling an incoming email. Automatically, she flips pages to the email program, and double clicks the new entry without even looking at the title or who it is from. It starts off: ‘I hope you are having a good day. In case that isn’t happening, here is something to distract you.’ Thinking she’d been SPAM’ed, she starts thinking of the harsh call...

2 years ago
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Jason DunlapChapter 8

Shamus O'Malley was, indeed, at 512 Harmon St., and he was in a towering rage, a condition that was becoming common for Mr. O'Malley. "Why can't you incompetent fools find this 'Ghost' for me? Do I have to do everything myself? He is playing hell with our gambling organization and you idiots can't seem to do anything about it. I want three guards in the office with me at all times and four guards at the door all the time, too. When one of the guards has to piss or shit, I want a...

3 years ago
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Watching Kathy the Ultimate Voyeur Experience

When I was growing up we moved to a new house in a new neighborhood. My next-door neighbor’s family included Kathy, a good looking college freshman going to a school nearby. She had blonde hair, awesome perfect tits and a dazzling face and eyes. The window in my room faced Kathy’s room, although when I first moved in I didn’t know it. Our houses were close, only about 20 feet separated my window from Kathy’s. It was summer, and Kathy was home from college on summer break. One night during that...

2 years ago
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Having mom with pleasure

I am Vicky from Bhubaneswar,Orissa. I am 22 years old.and my mom is 45 years old.her name is Sheela. I came across this site just a few days back. It’s a great one. Most of the people out there must be thinking it’s fake stories out here. But believe not all are fake, but some are fake. Incest is not a big deal as it is made out to be.particularly in India. As we don’t have a separate bedroom for our children’s until they are adults. Mothers think that these are our kids and they usually don’t...

2 years ago
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Daddy choose poorly

“Exciting news kitten! We’re going to go stay the weekend at a house of a friend of mine. Now go grab Melody and lets get going before mom gets home” You excitedly run and grab her and clutch her to your body as I take your hand and we walk down the stairs and out to the car. I belt you both in securely in the back seat and back out of the driveway and start driving. We’re not in the car for long, but when I open the door to let you out, you don’t recognize the area at all. The houses are...

2 years ago
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Drawing on the Dark Side of the BrainChapter 33 Performing

Ariel wanted permanent paint when I showed her my design. I didn’t think that was a great idea. Her entire body would be covered, including face and hair. We finally agreed that from her neck down I would use the acrylic paint but above it would be watercolor. I promised she would still look like my sex doll. I was thankful she was willing to do the acrylic. And thankful she was a small girl. It was going to take us days to finish this project. I thought how in my initial interview the...

3 years ago
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She finds satisfaction in her father in laws arms

This story is fiction and all the characters are fictitious in the story. Hope you will love the story.Cheri hated this. She and her husband needed to get money from her in-laws -- again. "Where's Marsha?"Dan let his daughter-in-law in, "My better half isn't here right now."Shit, Cheri thought, now I have to ask him and he doesn't like me. She sat in a chair opposite her father-in-law. "Adair and I need about a $1000 to get some stuff.""Of course you do, why else would you fucking come...

1 year ago
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Winters BladeChapter 2 Storm

Alex figured she'd been through a lot, so when Em didn't say anything more, he didn't try to fill the void. They were only a few miles short of the downtown exits when he noticed the warning light. "I need to get gas." The blinding lights of the station were a welcome relief after the tunnel-like darkness back at the accident. The rain had let up, too, now just a gentle shower. He'd just started pumping when Em got out of the car. She started to stretch and twist her shoulder...

4 years ago
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Me And My Best Friend 8211 Part II

Hey guyzz this is Mosby here. About myslef. I am a young handsome guy of 19 years and have had many girlfriends. I have had sex with many girls and women. I am a milf hunter. I love matured hot women as they are more experienced than the teenage girls and have better feature. This is my second experience. This is with my best friend. I used to play badminton at Millenium club in juhu. She used to come there too for training. We had the same coach so used to train together so we would play for...

3 years ago
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Straight men arent Cum Sluts

Summary: A man mistakenly watches a cock themed hypnosis video with rapid consequences.Eric closed his laptop with a sigh, its power light blinking a few times before it stopped. He rubbed at his eyes as they adjusted to the dim light. He tossed the wadded up tissue full of cum into the nearby bin and stood up. He changed into his bed clothes, switched off the lamp and got into bed. He lay there unable to sleep. His mind buzzing with a night's worth of graphic pornography. He thought back to...

1 year ago
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The Biology Experiment

The Biology Experimentby Miss Anonna I woke up in quite a steamy mood. Was it an erotic dream or just a feeling deep down in my pelvis? I wasn’t sure but a quick glance at the calendar made me realize I was probably ovulating. I slowly got out of bed and headed for the bathroom one slow step at a time fantasizing of a good soak in warm water and bath salts. The warm water sucked me into the tub one leg at a time and then my whole body followed, shrinking into the depths while I watched the...

Oral Sex
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Math Exam Goes From Bad To Worse

Hello readers, That summer day in March 2012 shall never be forgotten by me. I was an innocent boy of age 18 back then preparing for my boards. After that wild night, my life has never been the same. Let me begin by setting up this story for you…. THE SETUP We lived in a flat in Andheri in Bombay. My father my mother and myself. We were just like any other nuclear families living in this urban puzzle. We kept mostly to ourselves but did join in for functions and parties hosted by the...

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