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Kevin Montov tried to remember words taught to him by his nana Montov. Upon her lap she taught him to read what she could of it. Telling him stories of the magic contained inside. She wrote the words out for him on paper to have him copy and practice the lettering and pronunciation. In time when he came of age he might be given the book. If he proved himself worthy of the responsibility. A great power to cherish and protect. He stared at the book bound in leather. He didn't believe in any of that nonsense but it created the perfect prop for his new age cult. Repeating esoteric words and waving his hands about while holding the book got the followers going. His latest scam selling water he personally blessed. The real selling point of it that each bottle came with a video of him dating it and inscribing it. This restorative waters soon to be released for the low price of one hundred dollars. Grinning to himself a bargain considering all of the energy it took out of him. That is what he told his devotees at least. He garbed himself in silly multicolored robes and oversized headdress weaved with preserved vines and leaves. Amazing what you can design given time. Ridiculous he thought as he straightened his outfit. Things you do for a bit of money. "Looking good exalted hierophant. Do you come to the faithful to bring word of your great works?" Eddie his front man asked setting him up. "Trusted acolyte I do indeed but not of my own work but the work of Dodola the rejuvenator. She is the fertile mother of us all. Through her words inscribed in the sacred book I have blessed and bottled rain water as restorative fluid. It comes at a great cost though for the power instilled is draining. But with Dodola's love I persevere. And I can for those truly in need inscribe personal incantations," Kevin spoke authoritatively. "Praise Dodola," those gathered responded. What a bunch of rubes he thought refusing the smile that tried to get through. He then proceeded with his sermon. Spouting nonsense and platitudes for devouring by his devotees. He felt he left them enthralled. Eddie met him in back. "Good job out there. Orders are already coming in from all over. Why do you put so much effort into the water? I mean it would be quicker to have me write of the lettering and no individual ceremony." "The care that goes into it all is how others judge it to be genuine. Your sloppy writing would never do. People like to think they are getting value for their hard earned dollar. Besides it adds to the affect to watch me over and over blessing an item they personally own. Appearance is everything. If somebody came sniffing around to expose me they'd see me doing all of these things myself. Then they'd believe me to be a nut who believes my own junk. So I wouldn't be a criminal, just an everyday crazy. Let me look over the special orders. I should be able to knock a few out before lunch." He grabbed jugs filled with rain water that he poured into glass jars. Kevin set up cisterns to gather rain when it fell. Turning on his camera he smiled saying, "Janice Heller I see that you and your husband are having fertility issues. I have a spell for that. I will now write the words given from Dodola. Let Dodola's will be done." He took a paintbrush and steadily inscribed lettering. He paused to carefully thumbed through the pages of the book. He didn't remember the next lettering exactly. It lent credence if writings matched source material. He recalled the page spoke of fertility and that is all he needed to call it a fertility spell. Illuminated by candlelight added to the ambiance. He finished up with that one he moved on, "Randal Jenkins you feel age setting into you as it does all of us. I will inscribe the words given from Dodola that speak of restored youth. Let Dodola 's will be done." Again he thumbed about a bit and found an appropriate "spell." It spoke about returning to innocence. It didn't matter that he didn't understand only that it appeared good. His final personal request asked for relief from their stressful life. "Nathan Haverson you like us all feel the stress and pressure of daily life. I hope that this spell to alleviates such worries. Let Dodola's will be done." The spell he painted on said something about clarity of thought. He really should of listened to his nana better if he wanted to know what he wrote. It only worried him if someone could expose him for fraud. He could always feign ignorance. Leaving his labor for delivery by Eddie after lunch. He returned to his private chambers for his meal. A luxurious steak brought in by Eddie. "How long do you think that we can keep this up for?" "A long time I hope. We need to remember to keep our promises vague and fingers crossed for a placebo effect. All it takes is one hypochondriac to be "cured" and we are into big money," Kevin emphasized with his fingers crossed. "We are making pretty good money right now. You think we can make more?" "Absolutely. You will see this is going to be our best one yet." Kevin liked Eddie's blind devotion. He often paid the price for Kevin's schemes. Acting as a protective barrier between himself and the money. He did look out for him in his own way. He provided him with good representation in Gregory Gordon. Nicknamed GG for his ability to win. A shyster with no trick too dirty for him. He cost a bit of money but his worth immeasurable. His main flaw a weakness to substance abuse. Habitually giving into his vices do to his lack of self control. GG helped him squirrel away his money. Hidden from the IRS and others he'd built up quite a pile. But he always desired more. His latest venture a sure win. It already paid dividends. He tried to keep his greed in check. Taking a persons life savings brought heat. Taking their pocket money left them too ashamed to report. A knock on his outer door drew his attention. He approached the door getting into character. "Does a seeker of truth approach a humble servant of Dodola?" "It is a seeker of truth. I am Caroline. I wish for an audience with the hierophant." With a soft submissive voice Caroline trembled at the door. Kevin opened it inspecting Caroline. A tall gangly woman with scars from acne and crooked nose. Flat as a wooden board given life. He gestured to take a seat in a comfortable wooden chair. He sat beside her in a chair of lesser quality. It added to the effect that he didn't think himself above them. "How may Dodola's servant be of aid to you?" "No, no it isn't anything like that," vigorously shaking her head. "I wanted to thank you for inviting me in. Giving me a place here and now sharing rejuvenating waters of Dodola with me. It is all too much. Forgive me for crying." Caroline wiped tears from her watery eyes. "There is nothing wrong with tears. Dodola brings rains from the sky to fertilize the Earth. Water from your eyes at her good works gladdens her heart. In time I hope through Dodola's mercy and generosity all your desires will be granted." Kevin hugged her as she departed. Eddie walked up. "She laid down a thousand bucks to get ten of your bottles." "We should offer a discount for bulk orders," Kevin said. "What do you mean?" "It will encourage bulk purchases. Buy nine get the tenth free that sort of thing. We need to expand our operation. I can't do all the inscribing if we start doing a large volume. Perhaps checking with the faithful and see if any of them are talented. We can charge twenty five dollars less for their works till they get the hang of it." "I know a number of people that could help us fleece them." Kevin shook his head. "No, I don't want anyone who'd rat us out if they get caught for a petty crime. Better it is only us in the know. We can form a class and I can school them in writing in the sacred tongue. I will use the best of them to help us in our work." Kevin spent the afternoon into evening adding to the inscribed water stock. Answering what emails he got with his typical platitudes and promises to pray to Dodola for them. Morning brought with it a few prospective applicants for his new classes. Possible access to the sacred text certainly brought interest. Caroline chief among them. She looked not as marred by acne as he thought. Her nose straight. Perhaps better lighting. "Hierophant the water's power is flowing through me. I feel so full of energy today. I excited for this new opportunity to serve Dodola." "Dodola warms to your words. I look forward in instructing you in her service." Kevin enclosed her hand with both of his shaking it in gratitude. A smartly dressed man walked up gesturing to speak to him aside. Kevin followed him away from the other congregants. "Listen, I am not a believer. I think you are another charlatan," Kevin protested but was waved off by the man. "Don't worry after last night I owe you one. Whatever you put in that water got my wife into a frenzy last night. She's been depressed with our lack of success at conceiving. But sharing that elixir between us did the trick. I don't care if it is a placebo. I would like to order five more. Have them set for Oliver Heller." Kevin nodded not conceding his status. "I will get to work at once. It will take about half an hour to inscribe the bottles. Let Dodola's will be done." Oliver rolled his eyes, "I will be back then." He thumbed through a set of bills till satisfied. He passed them over. Oliver figured it money well spent if it worked. He took a seat and answered emails on his phone. Kevin returned to the others. "Please those of you have chosen to be disciples in the path of Dodola follow me. We have a request from a sufferer. I am going work and walk you through the process." He led a few of those who remained into the backroom. "In these gallon containers I keep water collected from the life giving rains of Dodola. I use it in all parts of the process. Its connection to the goddess aids the magic. I clean my brushes in it. I mix my paints with it. I find the right spell while wearing gloves to protect the pages. Then I begin the process and let Dodola's will be done," He smiled hearing them repeat the last line. With care he wrote out the symbols onto each of the glass containers. Keeping cool under watching eyes. Kevin could sense nervousness of the observers. They believed magic was happening he could respect their awe. Nate a pudgy young man with patchy facial hair spoke up, "I don't think that I can do that. I don't have that kind of ability. I am not capable of such magic. I am sure that anything I wrote would have no effect." Kevin turned. "The power is not mine. I have none of my own. It is only through Dodola that anything is possible. Any magic is a gift from her. I am not any better than you. In time you will master the symbols and help people. I have faith. Trust in Dodola's wisdom." Nate felt inspired at the hierophant's words. I will paint out some of the common spells asked for. With plenty of practice and when I think you are ready you will begin assisting me. Remember I am here to guide you to the best of my abilities." Kevin thought happily how this all would lend to his cover. That he truly believed in supported by him propagating his beliefs. He drew out onto blank papers "spells" as he saw them. He distributed them out to his grateful students. They swore they'd get right on practicing in the name of Dodola. He advised them, "You should all start cisterns to collect rain water if you haven't already. You can use it in your works to grant them strength." They ate up his words like a starving man at a buffet. After giving Mr Heller his newly painted glass jars. Kevin returned to his solitude when Eddie came in drinking out of one of his glass jars. Kevin eyebrow raised. "What are you doing drinking the product?" Eddie's mind tried to weasel out an excuse. "I thought that if the worshipers didn't see us drinking the waters they'd get suspicious." Kevin agreed with his logic however, "You were thirsty." Eddie cast his gaze down. "Yes," Like a dog awaiting punishment. Kevin responded, "It is a good idea. You can occasionally have one but only if you drink it in front of others and make sure to tell me that way I can keep accurate count." Eddie smiled that he escaped a berating. "You really think it is a good idea?" "I do." Kevin returned to his painting glasses. A quiet evening spent writing a book with the tenets of Dodola. Once his eyes started crossing he decided he needed to head to bed. Sleeping till feeling Eddie's all too close face. "Yes?" "Can I have another water?" "Why don't you use the same bottle and fill it from the tap? Eddie asked, "Can I use the cistern?" "Why?" Kevin felt confused. He didn't know if it was the line of questioning or the early hour. "It tastes better." "Okay..." Kevin waved him away as he arose from bed. He went through his routine of a light workout and a shower. He dressed and came out to an elaborately laid out breakfast. Eddie greeted him. "There must be something in that water. I feel better than I have in years." "Hold on to yourself. Remember my advice don't buy into your own product." "I know, I know but I think it even removed some wrinkles." Eddie leaned in trying to display his loss of wrinkles. "I am not a tracker of wrinkles. A goodnight sleep might explain how you are feeling." "But, but my dreams were so vivid. I think you might be onto the real thing this time." Kevin rolled his eyes. "I doubt it. Keep your dreams in check. I plan to carry on and I hope with your new found faith you'll help me with that." Eddie nodded. "I have been practicing my writing. I think I am making marked improvement. Can I show you?" With a skeptical attitude Kevin said an unenthusiastic, "Sure." Eddie soon returned with three sheets of paper. "These are my best works. I threw out the others. I hope you don't mind I went through a lot of paper. I am so inspired." Kevin admitted it appeared to be a marked improvement over Eddie's usual writing. Separating one of them from the rest, "If you can consistently do this, then I can let you do glass bottles. I am actually impressed. Maybe this sudden conversion is doing you good." "You really think it is that good?" Eddie treasured the markings he produced. To think he might furthering Dodola's word soon. "Yes. Consistency is the key. I am truly impressed with your improvement. Some miracle has been performed. But I think it is drive and discipline not magic." "Okay. I am going to get there for Dodola's sake. Praise be to Dodola." Hurriedly Eddie walked to his desk feverishly writing. Kevin found this new belief in Dodola unsettling. He thought about cutting out. Faith might set Eddie against him like he'd never been before. On the cusp of a real score greed beat out his nerves. He could play Eddie like the rest. Slowly play up his conversion to him so that he wouldn't cross him. His day continued down a surreal course. Caroline arrived blemish free with bumps on her chest. Nothing that might not be explained by a pushup bra combined with concealer. But she never used either before. Perhaps, she became sweet on him. He experienced that before. With his sense of authority and confidence many women fell for him. He admitted her appearance improved significantly. Best to avoid romantic entanglements. Brushing a strand of hair out of her face Caroline said, "Dodola's kindness is great." "It is indeed." "I come with orders from my coworkers. They have seen what her water's have done for me and wish to experience them. I diligently practiced. Hierophant will you witness my work?" "I would be pleased to go over your work. I am grateful for Dodola's kindness as well, to bring such a dedicated follower," He reviewed it pleased with her delicate hand. Each of them displayed flowing grace that he desired. "I think that we have discovered a new talent of yours. If you feel confident I would have you begin inscribing jars." "Do you think that I am ready? I haven't been at it long," Caroline spoke nervously. "Allay your fears. I will review all of your work and as an additional comfort it is only through Dodola that any magic happens. It is her power and will alone. Do not fall into the trap of conceit. It is not you or me, we are simply vessels for her." "You are right. I feel stupid at my self importance. I am relieved to hear that." "Dodola knows that we are not perfect beings. I am guilty myself often of thinking too highly of my own humble abilities. Let's get you set up," Kevin directed her to their materials and set up her own table to arrange as she pleased. Kevin left Eddie in charge while he went to visit GG. Dismayed to find one of his bottles on the lawyers desk. "What is that?" "I thought I'd try the product since you are selling it. It is surprisingly invigorating. What is in it? Scratch that better I don't know. Eddie says you are doing a brisk business." "Yeah, it is picking up but Eddie is acting weird lately. Anyway the reason I am here is to make sure that the paperwork to act as a religious organization is set." "Yes, you are good. Hey, can I get a free clarity of mind water?" What is going on with his associates Kevin thought. "Yeah, I gotta go. I will send water on if you take this paperwork off my bill." "Done." Kevin felt shocked at no fight from GG. A tight fisted man who'd do anything for a dollar. Is everyone going crazy? If they all wished to pay him he'd be fine with that. He returned to perform a sermon. The audience hung on his every word. Enthralled by this new cult that spoke of renewal and being reborn. Kevin flattered himself an excellent public speaker. Still, the wide eyed stares and raw devotion he incurred unsettled him. He worried about it turning on him. No one suspected he told himself. He could keep up this charade as long as he needed. In the coming weeks though worrying signs sprang up. As his water sales soared up unnerving effects on those who regularly used it became noticeable. Their appearances altered. Caroline's figure took on a feminine curve that it lacked before. From homely to comely is simply unnatural. Eddie lost the gray in his hair and his rough features. He said that he took nothing medicinal beyond the waters of Dodola. He let his hair grow out, symbolic of the vines of Dodola. This ushered in a trend for devotees to grow out their hair. Kevin started taking a secondary role to Caroline and Eddie and their fervent beliefs. They expanded their repertoire of devotionals. Inscribing tubs with varying spells from his book. They collected water in them and allowed those desirous to bath in the waters. A minimal donation of what they could afford is all they asked. Kevin thought about fighting them on this but for the crazed look in their eyes. They constructed a large sauna to detoxify. Sweating out the bad water and absorbing in the rainwater they used to create steam. Kevin loneliness grew as GG began attending services. GG's intelligence diminished dramatically with each visit. Vapid and unable to perform as a lawyer. Kevin's concern that the clarity of thought bottles he provided might be responsible. What is clearer than an empty head? The spells couldn't work could they? The probability grew stronger meeting Nathaniel Haverson. Another user of what he pawned off as a clarity of thought spell. Seeing him come prancing in with hair in pigtails chewing gum. "Wow that water totally worked mister priest man. I need more. Is there more?" Eddie guided him away saying, "I think one of our baths would will further your development." Vacant eyes behind a silly grin. "You seem nice." He followed with a simple trusting nature. Kevin wondered at Nathaniel's altered state. Certainly shorter and a baby smooth face. He took it as a sign that he needed to investigate the book. He returned to the backroom and pulled out his phone took pictures of the exterior. He carefully photographed interior pages while questioning his reality. It flew in the way of what he understood of the world. He left the congregation to go to the library to find answers. He ran into the Heller's and their changes the most dramatic so far. Janice Heller's belly protruding slightly her nipples displayed with damp spots. Her husband's curvy appearance took him off guard. It took Kevin a minute to recognize him. Only touches of his features remained. His eyes mostly told him. Janice greeted him warmly, "The blessing of Dodola upon you hierophant. As you can see she blessed me. Doctor Jacobs is surprised by how far along I am. I told him of Dodola and her blessing." Oliver Heller not so warmly. "What have your cursed waters done to me? I am a woman. I would go to the police but they'd never believe me. I am beset by urges to propagate. If a man comes onto me it is all I can do to resist. How are you going to fix this?" Janice tutted, "Don't harass him. You'll be happy being a mother. We'll find some nice fathers for our babies. It will be fantastic. Let's find you a nice worshipper of Dodola to father a baby for you." Crimson colored Oliver's face. "No. I am not going to lie back and let some man take me making my belly grow," Facing Kevin, "I am going with you till you tell me how to reverse this." Janice's brightened at the idea. "The hierophant is an excellent idea. Who better to usher you into the fertile gift Dodola bestowed on you. Praise be to Dodola's will." Kevin forced out, "Praise be. Trust Oliver in my care." "Of course hierophant. May Dodola guide you." Janice headed inside leaving them alone. Oliver hissed, "You better not try anything. Now, how do we go about restoring me?" "I am in the dark as much as you are. You caught me. I am a charlatan. None of this should be possible. I am heading to the library and check to see if I can find anything. I don't even know what the spells translate too." Kevin unburdened himself with his confession. Oliver said, "A hollow victory in being right. Where did you get the book?" "Family heirloom but I never thought it was an actual book of spells." "What does your family know of the book? They might be a better place to start." Kevin rubbed the back of his head. "I know this isn't surprising but they aren't my biggest fans." "Shocking. What's not to like about a con artist?" Oliver sarcasm palpable. Kevin guided Oliver to his car and they drove to the library continuing their talk. "I admit my decisions haven't what some call moral but I am not greedy. I haven't ruined anyone. I leave them a little wiser. I bring interest to their mundane lives." "Mundane to you. It doesn't occur to you that they are happy in their lives." "Then why do they come to me if they are so happy." "People are weak to promises of miracles. Everyone would like simple solutions. That is what they try to achieve through you. Fact is real life is hard and shit happens. There are often no easy solutions with good outcomes." "Then you agree that they simple folks who hate their lives." "That is not what I am saying. People lose sight of what they have and try to fix in anyway possible. Janice and I were happily married but the inability to conceive became an all consuming wedge between us. We lost our emotional and physical connection. Then she found you and we were fooled into thinking that your cursed water solved our problem. I reveled in returning to amorous affection with her. I didn't foresee the ruin it led us down." Kevin snickered. "Kinda hard to see changing into a woman as a possible repercussion." Oliver sneered, "You are self centered weasel. It isn't what the water did that is the only problem. If the water did nothing we would have solved nothing. We should've confided in each other our frustrations. Taken solace in our love. If together we decided that we still desired children then adoption and foster care are hard rewarding roads to parentage. I want to be restored so that I can rebuild my life. A hard road but one I know to take." "I will help you as I can but honestly I am out of my depth here." Kevin parked as they walked to the library under gray clouds. Oliver calmed himself. "Okay let's get this done." They found nothing beyond basics. Dodola was a Slavic goddess of fertility, spring and rain. Similar in purpose to other goddesses like Freya, Aphrodite and Isis. Doing a an image search using photos from Kevin's phone nothing informative popped up. "We need to contact your family because all of this is useless." Kevin paused but relented. "Okay, I will drive us there but I doubt it is going to be that helpful. My grandmother was the most knowledgeable but she passed away. My cousin is not fond of me. She'll probably trust you more than me." "Trust a stranger? Why not call ahead?" Oliver questioned before figuring it out. "Is it a single incident or a compilation of events?" "They probably wouldn't take the call. I wasn't a model child so sue me." "I would but I lack legal standing." Oliver laughed. "Cute. I took a family heirloom which set off a firestorm I am sure." "The accursed book. Why did you take it? Scratch that, money right?" Kevin nodded, "Joke was on me no book expert could identify it and thought it a fake. Then I came up with the brilliant idea to start a religion and here we are," They exited the library doors. "Here we are indeed. Great it is raining." A downpour soaked Oliver. Triggering a gnawing hunger. His lustful urge gnawed to free itself. His chest heaved as his breathing increased. Kevin noticed Oliver pausing and came over grabbing his arm. "Are you okay?" Oliver resisted yanking his arm away. "Don't touch me! We need to return to the car so I can dry off. Dodola's power is connected to the rain. It is triggering me. Hurry!" Oliver ran to the car. Kevin pressed the unlock button twice as he ran after him. Kevin slid into the driver side. Oliver peeled off his throwing the soaked material into the back seat. Oliver's nipples hard and sensitive. His nubile form pleasing to Kevin who attempted to avert his eyes to prevent his arousal growing. Oliver's own arousal pulsed through his body. His groin throbbed with aching need. Dampening the seat with his lustful fluids. He tightened his eyelids trying to concentrate on thoughts of being taken and filled with baby batter to bake in her ready oven. He longed for a bun in his swelled stomach to birth and take care of. To provide nourishment from milk laden breasts. Providing siblings so many siblings, no he is a man. He is a husband. He is a man. He is a man continuing the mantra in his head. "Are you okay?" Kevin asked. Through gritted teeth, "A towel, blanket, clothes do you have anything to dry off with?" Pattering rain on the car kept Oliver nervous about more striking him. "Yeah, I keep a blanket in the back." Kevin reached into the back stretching beside Oliver. Oliver pulled away afraid shivering nervously. Kevin startled him throwing a musty blanket on him. Oliver cocooned himself in it. In a weak voice, "Thank you." "No problem." "We need to retrieve the book." "I don't think that is a good idea. Some of the congregants are fanatical." "We might need it. If anyone asks tell them you are going on a spiritual retreat with it. Lie, it is your strong suit." Kevin responded, "Thanks for that," They drove in silence as Kevin switched direction to the church. Pulling up he left the car keys as he exited, "Stay here. I will be right back." "Not likely to leave with it raining." Oliver vacantly stared out the window. Kevin ran over seeing a child skipping about in front. He paused. "Shouldn't you be inside or home out of this rain?" "Hello, hierophant. It is me Randal Jenkins. Boy did that water work. Dodola's power is truly wondrous. It is celebrating her greatness playing her greatness to dance in her gift." "I...I have important work inside," Kevin hurried in. Distant music played from the backyard. He ignored the revelry going on outside. Loosening a floor board in his room he yanked out a bag with money. His quick escape fund. Running over he stuffed the book in with the money. "What are you doing?" an accusatory female voice spoke. Spinning about he caught sight of a soaked Caroline facing him. Her form a statuesque beauty through whatever imbued the waters. "I am going on a spiritual retreat to renew my dedication to Dodola." "You should join us outside it is a grand celebration." Her eyes expressed her fanaticism clearly. Kevin thought about running past her. "I am afraid I feel the call. I can not give in to pleasure over duty." Caroline nodded ever a believer in him. "His words ring false," a woman whose face bore a familial resemblance to Eddie accused. Kevin recognized that she must be his once loyal friend Eddie. "He is a silver tongued snake. An unbeliever unworthy of the sacred text," Caroline's confusion apparent, trying to understand. "It is totally true. He told me how he no pray to Dodola." GG or rather Gigi now. A completely tarted up slut. Twin pigtails doe like eyes and copious amounts exposed cleavage in her tight outfit. Kevin paled at being twice confronted by former allies. "How about a test for him Caroline to assuage your doubts? Drink the water of Dodola," Eddie commanded. Kevin stared at the glass offered to him. "Hierophant it is only Dodola's water's ordained by the faithful," Caroline urged him worrying her faith might be misplaced. Kevin weighed his choices deciding that his fate would be worse if he didn't. "I fear not the waters of Dodola nor do I deny my moments of doubt. I am but a mortal and it is natural to question wonders beyond our capacity to understand. I submit to Dodola's will." He drank down the contents swiftly feigning no hesitation. He hoped his nerves underneath didn't betray him. The fluid passed easily into his body and he found it incredibly refreshing. He noticed no physical change. "May I leave to my spiritual retreat?" Eddie watched carefully unsure to trust his honeyed words. "Where is this quest taking you?" "I am being guided by Dodola to better understand her work. To where that might lead I know not. First I will head to a trusted historian I know who might shed light on this trove of knowledge." "Who might he be?" Eddie's distrust continued. "Dr Thurston Landers of the American natural history museum in New York city," Lies rolled easier than the truth with Kevin at times. An article he caught in a magazine told him the name. Eddie punched the name into his phone. "I guess that you didn't realize your information is outdated. He left his job." "We have been out of touch." "I should say so he passed away." "That is sad." "For you it truly is. Come with us and we will give you a lesson in Dodola. After that you will be free to leave. I swear by Dodola," Eddie's ominous offer sent shivers through Kevin. "I do not fear Dodola's will. As I said it has been sometime." Kevin dropped his bag following the trio as they led him out to the revelry. Caroline placed her hand on Kevin's shoulder. "This is an opportunity to see the results of your wonderful work. You'll be able to witness the joy of Dodola's worship." Rain drizzled as it began to lighten. Worshipers danced and sang in praise of Dodola. Many bathed in the waters of bathtubs filled with the rains. "First a bout in the sauna to cleanse him," Eddie said. Sweating out for an indeterminate time. After finishing Eddie nodded to a couple other women. They approached Kevin by prior arrangement. Seizing him they dunked him in a tub with Gigi and Eddie's help. Others approached dancing and chanting about. Kevin shot up gasping for breath. Eddie and Gigi yanked his legs up sending him beneath the waters again. Surfacing he yelled, "Are you trying to kill me?" "Not at all. We wish you to be imbued with Dodola's waters. On to the next one," Multiple hands lifted him carrying to the next bath. Kevin submitted to his humiliations outnumbered as he was. After numerous dips in multiple tubs they released him. "Are you finished?" "Quite. But know that you will always be welcome back here hierophant." Eddie sinister smile felt he'd won. Caroline hugged Kevin tight. "May Dodola guide you on your journey." Keeping up appearances, "You as well." Kevin walked in his soggy clothes to fetch his bag. His body tingled no doubt charged with magic. His head felt fuzzy with all of the drizzle. Complex thought proved difficult. Slogging his way to his he entered the backseat tossing down his bag. Shutting the door behind himself he flopped down exhaustion and deeper forces worked upon him as he lay in soaked clothes. "Are you okay? We need to get out of here." Oliver waked from his dozing by Kevin's arrival. "Need sleep. You drive." Kevin fished out his keys flinging them to the front of the car. "You should take those clothes off. They are soaked. Did they douse you?" "Sleep." Kevin didn't bother opening his eyes. A soothing calm radiated about him. A whispering voice told him to wake up but the damp clothes clinging to him reassured him. The waters he ingested and absorbed told him many deep mysteries. A dawning understanding of Dodola came to him. She spoke to him of the feminine form, the joy of new life. A simple one for him where the worries existed for others. A fertile existence as a bringer of life. No cares for any other purpose. Limited mental abilities beyond that. Oliver climbed over into the driver seat shifting it into gear. He feared touching the damp clothes triggering a reaction in himself. He tried speaking to Kevin but the man no longer responded. Kevin's body became as fluid as the water upon it. As if a female mold were place over him and his body flowed into all of the curves. His manhood swirled away as if a drain unplugged. A fertile form with nubile breasts quite capable of nursing any number of children his rounded hips pushed out. A body purposefully built to inspire men to copulate to propagate with him. His sense of self lost cohesion. It reinstated itself in a female persona. A stopper on his intellectual function. A singular longing occupying her limited mentality. Oliver pulled into a dark area of a gas station. In the darkness Oliver reached for his clothes. Probing them testing dryness. Satisfied he struggled dressing in the front seat. Once set he pulled into pump gas. After paying with a card he continued their journey but drowsiness told him to rent a room. Thankful for the rain finally letting up and able to venture out without covering like at the gas station. The clerk didn't question the card believing his story about her husband being asleep. Kevin awoke alone in the car. Kevin that is a boys name. I'm no boy she giggled to herself. Not that she wouldn't like a boy. A girl too. She'd be the bestest mommy. She needed a man for that. Exiting the car she notice a man standing by the ice cooler. She sauntered over swaying her hips as she approached. Her only clothes shirt having abandoned the rest in the car. They'd only get in the way. After scooping out ice he turned to her saying, "Whoa, what is your name?" A goofy smile on his face. Smiling she pondered straining her impaired faculties. "Kara. I am new here could you show me around?" Confused Martin answered, "I am Martin and I don't know anywhere around here." "You know your room. I want to try out your bed." "Listen I don't go into paying for it." Martin surmising Kara might be a lady of the evening. "No money just you and me cutie." Kara's eyes drifted to the mans crotch. "I am afraid that my friend and me aren't interested," Oliver interrupted seizing Kevin's arm yanking at it leading her away. "My friend Paul could join us if you like." "I do not like," Oliver responded. "I do." Kara pulled free from Oliver causing him to stumbled forward into the ground. Martin dropped the ice bucket to the fallen woman's side. "I am afraid that puddle got you good. Let me carry you. My room is right here and you can dry off there." His suggestion perked up Oliver. Gallantly coming to him maybe he misjudged him. Instinctively batting his eyes. Pooled rainwater dampening his bottom heated his loins. Swept into the man's arms Oliver laid his head onto his broad shoulder. The man asked, "Name's Martin. You are?" A kind smile upon his face. Oliver's mind operated swiftly with seduction in mind, "Olivia. Your muscles are well developed," Her hands rubbed at his back. "You feel tense. You should lay down on the bed when we get in so I can massage you. It is the least I can do." Kara followed feeling miffed at the lack of attention coming her way. With the door opening to Martin's call her prospects for male companionship soared. "I send you out for ice and you find women. You are a smooth operator." Paul surveyed the women approvingly. Kara wasted no time snuggling up to him. The men found themselves entranced by the natural magic of feminine allurements. Oliver knew he might regret later what he did now but his lust overrode his worries. Sensually sliding Martin's shirt off after they lay on one of the double beds. His soft hands kneading Martin's stiff muscles. Kara lacked any sense of subtlety of Oliver. She peeled off her top tossing it aside like trash. Her exposed flesh bulged Paul's eyes along with other parts. She set her hands to releasing her treasured goal. Paul's pants fell free as Kara lay back on the bed her body in as welcoming a positions as she could imagine. Paul didn't question the sudden shift in his fortunes. He took his companion as she came, ready and eager. Her cries of delight rang out as they feverishly went at each other. Her orgasms arrived quickly and repeatedly. Too many for her limited ability to count. They fell asleep after a particularly rowdy romp between the sheets. Oliver found himself in an odd position as a female aggressor. Kissing and fondling as affection met affection. During the course of their sensual journey clothes became an impediment. Stripped off that nothing separated their undulating bodies. Rolled onto his back Oliver placed into a submissive position. He didn't fight it. He allowed this man to glide methodically into her femininity. He rocked carefully in and out. Sensations alien but stimulating even pleasurable developed. Soft moans escaped his lips. His body longed for this man's seed. Her legs wrapped about his waist pulling him in tight. Orgasmic bliss arrived with their mutual release. Oliver prayed to himself may Dodola bless us and those that result from our union. They fell asleep entwined with each other.

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The bathroom tryst

Then, suddenly, she took her hand off his cock. He opened his eyes, and she said: we don't want to tire you out just yet, right? And besides, I want a bit of help too. He smiled nervously, and said "what can I do?" She lay back on the toilet seat, her legs spread far apart, giving him a great view of her dripping-wet pussy. "This" she said, and took his hand, guiding it between her legs. He felt the warm, smooth, wet flesh on his hand, and began to explore it. He rubbed her outer...

1 year ago
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Chocolate Strawberry and Vanilla

Chocolate, Strawberry, and Vanilla Copyright 2023 by Heather Rose Brown =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Clark did a waddling shuffle with his cup until it was near the middle the table. "Hello there Mister Artificially-And-Naturally-Strawberry-Flavored- Non-Dairy-Dessert-Beverage!" TC imitated Clark's actions with his own cup, nearly knocking over the plastic tray filled with our combined orders of slowly cooling french fries. "Hello there Mister...

1 year ago
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A Shameful Obsession

Walking through the woods, I could feel the urge. I should have used the toilet at the trail-head, but no, I was too busy looking at all the gorgeous scenery, and now, I could feel my bladder start to make demands. I looked around, the trail was deserted, so I left the trail, went past two bushes, and took one last look around. Satisfied that I was alone, I unzipped my jeans, pushed them down, skimmed down my panties to join my jeans around my ankles. Concerned that I could accidently piss on...

3 years ago
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You Are a Meany Chapter 2

Chapter 2 The next day at school was the first of many of the worst days ever of Luke's life. Even with Lori being told not to tell anyone at school, she could not wait to share. Lori betrayed her brother and told everyone right after their mom dropped them off at the bus stop. As soon as the Brat Princess closed the car door, she opened her mouth and with joy in her voice Lori said, "Luke likes wearing dresses." Lori was as carefree about the ramifications of saying those words as...

3 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 144

Lunch was ready after our little meeting, so we went into the galley to load our plates. Alice The Drunk's wife had made a large pan of pastry with hamburger, veggies and gravy inside. The food was good. I was a little surprised that she could cook so well for so many people. It was the ideal recipe for that kind of group. "Alice how do you manage to cook for a dozen people, I could never do that," I admitted as I filled my plate the second time. "I am the lunch lady for a high school...

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my first bbc

my very first was one extremely eye opening experience, we were at a club (my hubby and a girlfriend),with plans to have a night out and then all back to ours for a night of playing, all was well with excitemnt building towards later on when my friend had noticed someone and began chatting to him, she soon brought him to the table and introduced us ,he was a really nice fella and we all got on ,my hubby spotted an old friend and left the table ,soon, because of the mood we were already in the...

2 years ago
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Back in the Gents toilet with a girl

A long time had passed since my first sexual encounter in a gents toilet, then it was a family affair, besides I was young and all this was new to me but it had an air of excitement and held a particular sexual attraction, perhaps it was where men exposed themselves and it always drew me like a magnet.Now here I was again, with a group of girlfriends, sheltering from the rain and downing a couple of bottles of wine, before moving on to the dance hall, a few blocks from where we stood.This was...

3 years ago
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The Liberation of MargaretPart 2

I awoke the next morning to an empty bed. A little worried that my kinks had scared her off, I went to the kitchen, where, to my instant relief, I found Margaret puttering around the stove.  Wearing nothing but one of my shirts, she was frying up some eggs and bacon.  I stepped behind her, wrapping my arms around her and cupping her breasts."Careful," she said, "I'd hate to see you get burned.""Precisely why my hands are strategically placed," I replied, squeezing each orb. "Like a good banker,...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Sex With My Maid Susheela Real Life Experience

I want to describe my earliest experience with a maid. I am now 36 and this story goes back to when I was 21 years old and in my first job after post-graduation. Those days, we had a maid named Susheela and she must have been a little over 30. She was what I would call a voluptuous lady with a big chest and big butt and a rest of the body to match. She always wore her hair ina bun and she had quite a bit of grey hair.   Susheela also had a full-time day job in a small school in front of our...

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Mountain Maid

Mountain Maid. By Trish. For a long time I felt like I was floating in a dizzy, pain filled semi-consciousness. I must have been pretty befuddled because other than being vaguely aware that I was warm and comfortable all I seemed to be able to focus on was the sound of a fire crackling in the background, before I drifted off again. Some time later I came round again failing miserably when I tried to sit up right. As soon as I moved my lower back exploded in pain and as I groaned I...

3 years ago
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First Time at the Gym

Up. Down. Up. Down. Up. Down. The weights seemed to get heavier every time I lifted them. Up. Down. Up. Down.  I began to breathe harder as I lifted the bar over and over, worried that my arms would eventually give out and the steel bar and the heavy weights on the ends would come crashing down on me. I didn't have a spotter since I usually prefer to work out alone. All I needed was my iPod and a bottle of Gatorade and I could work out for hours by myself. I'm Jennifer. I'm not very much of a...

First Time
3 years ago
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She sells seashells by the seashore

  It had been one long ‘mother’ of a drive from San Francisco to Hollywood , Florida all by myself. I had really pushed to make the trip as quick as I could so I would have a few days to rest up before I started the two week position for the excursion airline. It was a start up and I was doing my friend a huge favor. I had consented after much pleading when he ‘sweetened’ the deal with a free apartment on the beach. I knew it would be hot in July, but never as hot as it was. The humidity was...

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