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Caitlin decided to spend Spring Break at home this year, with her mother, Carrie, and her little sister, Chloe.

In her first year at college, during Spring Break, she had gone to Ft. Lauderdale with several of her girlfriends. The first day there, while drinking, she had almost drown in the ocean. The next day she had gotten so drunk she passed out and had to be turned onto her side by two of her friends when, still u*********s, her body started rejecting all the booze she had poured down her throat. Two days later she was almost ****d, would have been if her friends hadn't unexpectedly come back to the room they were sharing.

So, no more major partying for her. She had learned her lesson. She couldn't hold her booze very well and seemed to have a problem discerning the good guys from the bad guys when she was drinking. Besides, this year she had had her first lesbian affair, although Caitlin didn't consider herself a lesbian. She liked guys, the good guys, not the r****ts, and had had satisfactory sex with more than one guy in the past, sometimes even better than satisfactory.

But this new experience, making love to a woman, intrigued and fascinated her. It was so very different than making love with a man, but it was no less enjoyable. Actually, in some ways, it was even more enjoyable. Her lover's lips were deliciously soft. Her skin, especially on her face was silky smooth, not to mention her neck, breasts, thighs, and back . . . pretty much all over. Her caresses were lighter, more delicate, so different from the more brusque and firm touches of her male lovers. Although, it was the rougher, harder maleness that Caitlin enjoyed at times, too.

Caitlin's roommate this year was a lesbian and said so right out front. Over the course of a couple of weeks they discussed sex and pleasure and men and women. Caitlin admitted that she like guys but wondered what it would be like to kiss a girl. One thing led to another and before she realized it, Caitlin was in bed with Odette, her roommate. As sex and pleasure went, Caitlin fully enjoyed love-making with Odette. Sometimes it seemed that Odette could take her places that most of the young men Caitlin had made love with never could. Most, but not all.

Odette was slightly put off that Caitlin was, as Odette put it, "a dedicated bi-sexual." Still, that didn't stop Odette from making love to Caitlin whenever and where ever the opportunity presented itself. Sometimes Caitlin wonder how they got their homework done or made it to their classes on time.

Caitlin's affair with Odette also changed how Caitlin looked at other women. Where, before, she saw many attractive young women around her, she had never thought of them as potential lovers. Now, however, where ever she looked—in her classes, on the campus, or in town—she saw many young women, and a few older ones, that would cause her to fantasize about how it would be to make love with them.

It was an unusually warm and sunny spring day when Caitlin parked her car in her mother's driveway. The garage door was down and the front door was locked with the deadbolt, as usual. Caitlin let herself in with her own key.

"Mom, I'm home," Caitlin called out, getting no response. She had called her mother at the beginning of the week telling her she would be home today, Friday, and approximately at what time.

"Oh great, honey. I'll schedule a day off so I can be here when you arrive. Chloe and I are looking forward to you being here." Her mother had said enthusiastically. Chloe was Caitlin's s*******n year old sister who was graduating from high school in June. She would also turn eighteen on the twenty-eighth of that month.

Caitlin walk down the hall to her mother's bedroom. It was empty, as was her bathroom. The other two bedrooms were also empty. Caitlin dropped her bag of laundry inside the door of her bedroom and rolled her suitcase up to the bed. She walked through the parlor and into the family room.

Through the sliding glass doors, Caitlin saw her mother lying in a chaise lounge on the patio, getting an early start on her tan. Caitlin was nearly scandalized when she realized that her mother had on the skimpiest black bikini that she had ever seen her mother wear. But, she had to admit, on her mother it looked really good and sooo sexy. Actually, Caitlin thought to herself, for a forty-one year old woman, Mom looks super hot.

With her new found perspective on women as potential sexual partners, Caitlin realized that she was sizing her mother up. I have to admit, she thought, if that woman out there wasn't my mother, then I sure would like to get her into bed with me. Caitlin laughed to herself at what she was thinking, but a part of her mind wondered if her mother had ever made love to a woman and, if so, how would she look at Caitlin, knowing that her little girl now had a lesbian lover.

That was yesterday. Now, it was Saturday morning and Caitlin had slept in. She remembered her mom telling her that she had to work in the office until early this afternoon. Chloe had gone off with a friend and her family to spend the weekend at the lake.

Caitlin took a long, hot shower. When she was finished, she climbed out onto the bath mat to dry herself. She had left the bathroom door open, as she had always done when she knew that only her mother and sister were in the house or when she was alone in the house and didn't expect anyone to be home until long after she finished. Nudity was not an issue in the all female household. Caitlin and Chloe's mother had taught them to be proud of their bodies, not embarrassed or ashamed. Just be careful, she had warned them, in case one of us brings someone home unexpectedly.

When Caitlin was finished drying off and she had turned to pick up her panties to put them on, she saw, in the mirror, her mother appear in the doorway.

"Oh Mom!" Caitlin jumped. "God, you scared me. I didn't realize you were home."

"I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean to startled you. I came in just before you finished your shower."

"I thought you said that you had work to do in the office until this afternoon."

"I did, honey. But it didn't take me nearly as long as I thought it would. So then I went and did a little shopping."

Caitlin saw that her mother was dressed in a see-through black nightie that stopped just below her pussy, and she wasn't wearing any panties. Her mother was also wearing sheer, black, thigh-high stockings and shiny black stiletto high heels. Caitlin's pussy gave a twitch and she felt herself starting to get wet. That shocked her. This was her mother after all.

Upon further reflection, in light of her new-found appreciation of women, Caitlin figured that from a purely sexual point of view, her mother was a very sexually attractive mature woman. At her age, her mother kept herself fit and toned by working out with weights and doing interval training. She was two inches shorter than Caitlin's 5'9", but weighed the same 125 pounds. Her mother looked slim because she had good muscle mass and a low percentage of body fat. They also had the same measurements, 36-23-35. Caitlin's mother was a lean but curvaceous woman.

Both women had jet black hair and what could only be described as startling blue eyes. Where Caitlin had long hair that she mostly kept back in a pony tail, her mother's hair was cut short and she styled it in a spiky, modern way that was very becoming to her face. All-in-all, Caitlin figured her mother looked ten years younger than her real age.

Carrie put her hands on her hips and did a pose. "I bought these things for the next time Jim and I get together, you know." She wiggled her eyebrows and grinned lewdly.

Jim was Carrie's current boyfriend. Caitlin thought he was handsome and charming, as well as being intelligent and, all things considered, she wouldn't have minded jumping into bed with him . . . an "older man," which she had yet to experience.

Carrie turned to show off her backside, all trim and tight, then turned back around. Her firm, pointed breasts swayed sensually under the see-through material. "He's on a business trip right now. So he won't get to see this outfit until next week. You think he'll like it?"

"Hell yeah! He'll think it's hot." Caitlin said, admiring her beautiful mother and realizing that it wouldn't take much to convince herself that she would love to see what making love to her mother was like. Her nipples started getting erect at that thought.

"You look good enough to eat, Mom." Not really having meant to say that, Caitlin blushed, but looked her mother straight in the eye.

Carrie gave Caitlin a strange look, then smiled. She noticed that her daughter's nipples were erect and that she had just taken a deep breath as though trying to relax.

Carrie felt a spark of excitement and took a chance. "Good enough to eat, huh?" She hesitated slightly, then continued. "Have you ever done that with a woman . . . eat her, that is?" Carrie felt giddy after asking that question. She was being directly sexual with her daughter.

"Uh-huh," Caitlin said as she nodded her head. She was feeling almost dizzy because of where this conversation seemed to be going. Caitlin was getting really turned on. But why, one part of her brain wondered? She's my Mom for God's sake! Another part of her brain answered that, regardless of that fact, she is still a very attractive and sexy woman. You've had sex with a woman and enjoyed it immensely. And Mom really does look good enough to eat. Does it matter if she is your mother, if you are both willing to experiment and try out a new experience? That new experience, at least for Caitlin, would be i****t, even more taboo than lesbian sex. Another thought drifted through her consciousness: Is mother-daughter i****t consider more, less, or equally taboo as, say, mother-son i****t? Assuming they are all adults, of course.

"And did you, uh, did you enjoy it, baby, making love to a woman?" Her mother's question refocused Caitlin's mind.

"Uh-huh. Still am. She's my present roommate at college."

"I see," her mother answered while giving Caitlin an appraising look.

"And you, Mom? Have you ever . . . you know, made love to a woman?" With that, Caitlin held her breath.

"Well . . .to tell the truth, Caitlin, yes, I have." She hurried on to explain. "It, too, was while I was in college. It, uh, well it lasted two years."

Caitlin saw her mother's nipples become erect under the sheer fabric of the nightie. She also saw a sexual blush appear on her mother's neck and upper chest.

"Two years? Then I guess it's safe to assume that you enjoyed it . . . making love to a woman?"

Carrie swallowed dryly then took a slightly shuddering breath. She nodded. "Yes, dear, I enjoyed it very much. I just haven't thought about it for years. Well . . . not too much, anyway." Carrie gave her daughter a small smile. "And, Caitlin, I just want to say, looking at you all fresh out of the shower, well, you, too, look good enough to eat."

Carrie's body was tingling with anticipation. Why was she coming on to her daughter? Hell, why was her daughter coming on to her? Maybe because they both liked sex . . . a lot. At least she assumed Caitlin did. And maybe because they were both bi-sexual . . . or . . . .

"Are you a lesbian, Caitlin?" Carrie asked curiously.

Caitlin gave a little chuckle. "No, to the disappointment of my lesbian lover. She calls me a 'dedicated bi-sexual.' Yeah. I still like . . ." she paused, "fucking boys as much as fucking girls."

Caitlin's body was trembling now, with anticipation. Was something going to happen, or not?

Carrie just nodded. Her thoughts had come back to the question of whether she was trying to seduce her daughter and, if so, why? There was the fact that her daughter seemed to be, well, trying to seduce her . . . maybe? There was also the fact that her daughter, standing there naked, with erect nipples, fresh out of the shower, really did look good enough to eat. That is, if she, Carrie, wanted to "eat" another woman . . . again, after all these years, which she was pretty sure, now, that she did. And there was the fact that if she was going to have sex with another woman then now would be an excellent time, with all this sexual tension between Caitlin and her, even if she was her daughter. After all, she finally told herself, we're both adults and it's nobody's business but our own if we do decide to make love to each other.

Now, with her daughter standing naked before her, giving her an intense look that Carrie could only interpret as lustful, she realized that her nipples had gotten hard and that her pussy was getting wet. Carrie stared at her daughter's engorged nipples and realized that she wanted to suck on them, on her mouth, and other places on Caitlin's delicious looking body.

Carrie took a step closer to Caitlin, who also stepped towards her mother. Carrie pulled her daughter into her arms for their first of many passionate embraces. She began kissing Caitlin on the neck, under her ear. Then she stopped and pushed back from her daughter.

"No, baby, we can't do this. I'm your mother. You're my daughter."

At that moment, Caitlin didn't care if it was i****t. She was really excited now and wanted to consummate her desire with her mother.

"Well then, Mom, you can always keep your eyes closed and pretend that I'm your old college sweetheart . . . because I'm really turned on right now. I want you and I want you to want me, even if it is i****t." There she had said it, admitting out loud what was going through her mind.

Carrie looked shocked for a second, then started laughing. Caitlin laugh with her and hugged her mother tightly. Carrie, sighed and whispered, "Oh my sweet sexy baby," then began kissing her on the neck again.

Caitlin moaned with pleasure then took her mother's head in her hands and pulled her in close for an open mouth kiss. Then she let her hands roam over her mother's smooth skin, her firm, sexy body, all the way down her taut back to her firm sexy ass. Caitlin knew, now, that she was going to get to taste the sweetness, not only of her mother's mouth, but of her vagina, also.

Carrie had opened her mouth to her daughter's kiss without hesitation. Their tongues tentatively touched, hesitated, then twined about each other. They took turns plunging their tongues in and out of each other's mouths. Both mother and daughter were panting by the time they broke that first kiss.

Caitlin then began to kiss her way down the length of her mother's neck. Carrie pulled back momentarily to pull the nightie off over her head. Then Caitlin began kissing the tops of her mother's breasts. As she got close to her erect nipples, she brought her hand up to caress Carrie's left breast and nipple then slid her mouth over the right nipple, where she began to suck and gently bite.

Carrie cried out in pleasure. She had quite sensitive nipples and what her daughter was doing was sending little arrows of pleasure straight to her pussy. She pressed her hand to the back of Caitlin's head pushing it more firmly against her tit . . . a tit that her daughter had last sucked nearly twenty years ago. That thought and the thought of what was yet to come with her daughter, all the places her daughter would kiss her and suck her, eventually, and how she would do the same to her daughter, got her so excited that she thought if she would just reach down and touch her pussy, to squeeze it or stroke it, she would come quickly.

She didn't have to. Caitlin now moved her hand down over her mother's belly, slowly, sensually, seeking out Carrie's vagina. When she found it, she found that is was all but dripping wet with vaginal lubrication. Caitlin's fingers slipped between her mother's labia and were immediately drenched. She stroked up and down once and stopped to rub a finger tip firmly over her mother's protruding clitoris.

Carrie gave out a little cry and gasped several times. She hugged her daughter tightly to her body as her own body convulsed with the bliss of sexual orgasm.

"Oh my, Mom! I think I just pressed the right button," Caitlin laughed. She was pleased that she had just helped her mother have a climax, the first one of many, she hoped, that she would give to her mother . . . and her mother to her.

Carrie laughed too. "My, my! I really wasn't expecting that. Oo! That felt good. Thank you, baby. Carrie kissed her daughter tenderly. But let's go get on my bed and get comfortable, okay, sweetie?"

"Absolutely, Mom," Caitlin answered.

Carrie took her daughter by the hand and led her into her bedroom where a queen-sized bed awaited them. She kicked off the high heels, not bothering to take off the stocking, for which Caitlin was happy. She liked the contrast between the fabric of the stocking and the creamy smooth skin of her mother's inner thighs. Carrie pulled Caitlin down onto the bed with her, then began kissing her over and over again.

After a few moments, Caitlin pulled away. "Now, Mom, I'm going to lick you until you have another orgasm."

Carrie swallowed and nodded her assent. She adjusted herself back on the pillows, spread her legs wide, but bent at the knee with her feet flat on the bed. She watch with fascination as her daughter positioned herself between her legs. Carrie was excited. Her mouth was slightly open and she was taking quick, shallow breaths. This was really going to happen. Her daughter was going to go down on her, to lick and suck and "eat" her pussy. Carrie was so excited that she felt lightheaded, but ready, oh so ready.

Caitlin used her fingers to gently spread her mother's labia, to look at the sweet pearly pink of her mother's inner labia and vagina. She smelled it. It smelled something like Odette's pussy, the only other woman she had made love to. Caitlin liked that smell. She reached out the tip of her pink tongue and licked up some of the drops of lubricant her mother's pussy was producing in copious amounts. It tasted similar to Odette's. Caitlin liked that taste.

Caitlin then buried her face in the pussy through which she had been born. That thought thrilled her even more, in a perverse way. She licked and nibbled on her mother's pussy from bottom to top, sucking up and swallowing all the lubrication that Carrie's vagina was producing. Every so often Caitlin would flick her tongue over her mother's clitoris, or clamp her mouth over it and suck hard. Carrie's body would twitch then and she would groan out her pleasure. By now, Carrie had both of her hands on Caitlin's head, her fingers entwined in her hair: one, to hold it back out of the way and two, to pull her daughter's face more firmly against her willing, up-thrusting sex.

After another ten minutes, Carrie had a second and extremely intense orgasm. She was panting heavily as it slowly subsided. She pulled her daughter up on top of her, from between her legs, so they could kiss, long and sweetly. Carrie tasted, for the first time, her own sex juices on her daughter's lips and tongue.

After a few moments of gently kissing and caressing, Carrie rolled them both over and began to kiss her way down her daughter's smooth, tan body. She was on her way to try another new thing in her life—making oral love to her daughter, licking her daughter's pussy. What was happening here, now, was more exciting than what she had done with her female lover in college. In fact, Carrie was the most sexually aroused she could remember ever having been.

As Carrie slipped her tongue between her daughter's wet vaginal lips, then used the tip of her tongue to tease Caitlin's clitoris, she knew then that she would never be able to stop giving herself to her daughter, anytime that Caitlin wanted it. And she hoped that Caitlin would want it for a long time. Carrie then pushed her tongue deep into her daughter's 'love channel' and began to lap up Caitlin's vaginal juices. Caitlin began to moan and writhe on the bed and beg for more.

After a while Carrie could tell that Caitlin was getting close to a climax and she wanted to know what her daughter felt like on the inside as she hit her peak. Carrie, plunged two fingers as deep into her daughter's pussy as she could and began finger-fucking her daughter, rubbing especially hard on her anterior vaginal wall.

Within seconds she was rewarded by Caitlin tightening her vaginal muscles and letting go of a squirt of sexual juices the likes of which Carrie had never seen. It took Carrie completely by surprise and she quickly backed off. However, almost immediately, Carrie had her mouth back over her daughter's sweet pussy for another round of tongue lashing and finger fucking and for another, even stronger, orgasm causing another strong squirt of juices from her daughter's pussy. This time Carrie was ready and she filled her mouth with the fluid, which, after a second's reflection, she swallowed. She wasn't sure what it was, but it didn't taste bad. It pleased her to do it because it came from her, obviously, highly sexually excited daughter at the moment of orgasm.

Carrie pulled her fingers out of her daughter's pussy. She licked at the juice dripping from them and her hand. Then she lightly kissed Caitlin all over her dripping vaginal area . . . vaguely wondering if she was going to have to change the bedspread.

"I'll be right back, baby," Carrie told her daughter. She got up and went into her bathroom to dry her face and chin off, from Caitlin's surprising squirts. Then she went back in and dried her daughter off between the legs.

"Sorry about that, Mom, the squirting," Caitlin said. "I never did that before Odette was fingering me in just the right place, which I guess you must have done. And I also have to be really turned on for it to make me squirt. So, I guess you can say that I was really turned on, having my mom licking my pussy, eh? Caitlin gave her mother a huge smile then hugged her close.

"I love you, Mom, as a mother and, now, as my lover. Are you okay with that? Me calling you my lover, I mean."

"Oh yes, baby! Yes. I love you too, so very much. And I am proud and happy that we are lovers now."

After that the two women kissed deeply, affectionately for a long time. Caitlin could still taste the essence of her pussy in her mother's mouth. They lay there, on their sides, facing each other, arms and legs entangled, giving each other little kisses. Then, for several minutes they both drifted off to sleep. When they awoke, they kissed again and laughed and hugged each other with affection and joy. Without saying a word, they both knew they would be lovers for a long time.

"We have to be discreet around Chloe," Carrie said seriously. "She shouldn't find out that we are lovers. Do you agree?"

"Well, yeah Mom." Caitlin answered. Then she smiled slyly. "At least until she turns eighteen, this June."

Carrie opened her mouth to say something, a puzzled look on her face. Then she smiled. "I think you're right. At least until she turns eighteen. But remember, honey, just because we're bi' doesn't mean she is . . . and the i****t part, well, that just may totally gross her out."

"True enough, Mom, but I still think we should let her know after she turns eighteen. I will be home for the summer and I would love to be able to sleep with you openly. Even if Chloe's not bi' and even if she believes that i****t is gross, I believe she'll accept us and respect our decisions."

Caitlin paused. Her mother was nodding. Then Caitlin surprised her mother again. "Now, what about Jim? Do we hide this from him or do you think he can handle it. And, more importantly, if he can accept us as lovers, do you think you could share him with me?"

Carrie's mouth dropped open. Then she shut it. She stared her daughter straight in the eyes, then a mischievous smile appeared on her face. "You know, lover, sharing him might be interesting. I like that idea. And as far as him accepting the fact that his girlfriend and her daughter are now lovers, well, he's very open-minded and as horny as your average male, maybe hornier. I don't think that will be a problem at all."

The two women laughed and kissed then got up and went into Carrie's bathroom to shower together, with more loving caresses and kisses. Afterward, they each had things to do and went their separate ways, with both having the sure knowledge that tonight they would sleep together and make sweet love to each other once again.Jim had gotten home late Monday night. It was too late and he was too tired to call Carrie. The next day she called him and asked if he could come over about seven p.m. Her daughters would be going out to visit friends and to a movie later.

"I've got a big surprise for you, sweetie," Carrie told Jim.

"Hint?" Jim asked.

"No way, lover. I'll tell you when you get here.

He got there at 7:15, freshly shaved, showered, and with his pubic hair trimmed short, just like Carrie preferred.

"Whoa, baby! That's hot," he said.

Carrie was wearing her black, see-through nightie, black thigh-high stocking, shiny black pumps and nothing else but a smile and her perfume.

"Is this the big surprise?" Jim asked as his eyes roamed hungrily over Carrie's body. "And, I don't want to seem prudish, but should you be answering the door dressed—or rather, undressed—like that?"

"I like to live dangerously, darling. Besides, the UPS man is kind of a hunk. I think he might like it if I answered the door undressed like this." Carrie put her arms around Jim's neck and gave him a long and loving kiss before he could answer.

"And you know that I looked through the peep-hole before I opened the door," Carrie said as she pulled her lips from Jim's.

Jim grinned. "I know, babe," he said. "And I like your surprise, it's making my tongue hard."

"Don't be silly, big boy, what I'm wearing is my little surprise, but I'm glad you like it."

"I love it, but I don't think you're going to be wearing it too long."

"I'd hoped not, lover."

"So what's the big surprise then, darling?" Jim asked as his hands began to roam up under her nightie, caressing her hips, her ass, and her back, while his mouth began kissing her neck lightly.

Carrie sighed, loving the feeling of Jim's big hands caressing her body and his little kisses on her neck was giving her goose bumps and making her nipples hard.

She pushed Jim back gently and gave him a peck on the lips. "It'll keep 'til later, honey. Take me to bed now, big man. I'm hungry for your in the worst way."

Jim grinned. He loved how Carrie was so sexually direct and open. He scooped her up in his arms and made her squeal, then carried her down the hall and into her bedroom. He dumped her unceremoniously on her bed. He quickly pulled her ass to the edge of the bed and knelt, then spread her legs and immediately began kissing and sucking over and around her clitoris without actually touching it directly. At the same time, he worked two fingers deep into her pussy and pressed down firmly.

"Oh God, yes!" Carrie cried as she wiggle her hips and pushed her pussy up against his greedy mouth and strong fingers.

That had been half an hour ago. Jim had licked Carrie's pussy until she came on his face. Now, his hard cock was pounding into her in a way that thrilled her to the marrow of her bones. Her pussy was as wet and slick as it could be and she was loving how his thick cock felt, rapidly squeezing in and out of her tight vagina.

Jim's cock was long, but it wasn't overly long, which Carrie liked. Her pussy wasn't overly deep and, in fact, if Jim fucked her from behind he could go deeper than she liked, sometimes causing her pain. Jim knew not to go to deep in the "doggie" position, but he was on top of Carrie now and he was fucking her hard and fast and she loved it.

What Carrie liked the most about Jim cock was its thickness. It wasn't freakishly thick, but it was thicker than any cock she had ever fucked and it stretched her vaginal opening and filled her pussy so damned wonderfully. And now, with Jim fucking her so hard with his fat cock, Carrie was on a delightfully wonderful sexual plateau getting ready to jump off into a big, fat, body-shuddering orgasm.

"Oh Jim! Jim! Now! Now! NOW!" She screamed. Her eye lids fluttered, her toes curled, her body arched up against his sweaty, muscular body as she held on to him tightly and she came in grunting, panting spasms of delight.

"Oh yes! Oh yes, Carrie!" Jim cried out just seconds later as his cock ejaculated thick, sticky wads of his hot cum deep inside Carrie's pussy.

Carrie was on the downside of her orgasm but she loved the feeling of Jim coming in her and coming hard. She held on to him even more tightly and went with the Zen of it, feeling at one with her lover and his wonderful hard cock and his wonderful hard male body still fucking her. Her body responded by submerging her consciousness into the bliss of another orgasm.

Jim's movements slowed down, then stopped completely. Both Carrie and he were perspiring freely. Carrie released her grip on Jim and he stiff-armed his torso up so he could look her in the eyes.

He grinned a huge grin. "Wow, babe! I need to go away for a week more often if that's the reception I'm going to get when I come home."

Carrie just laughed. Loving-making with Jim was nearly always intense with a few slower-paced sessions thrown into the mix. He was an enthusiastic and inventive lover. He was also a careful and caring lover who got great enjoyment out of giving pleasure to her.

The two of them would be alone for at least another three or four hours before her daughters came home. Carrie had told Caitlin that Jim was back and coming over. Caitlin had grinned. She knew her mother was going to ask Jim if he wanted to have a three-way with mother and daughter.

* * *

It was the previous Saturday that Carrie and her daughter had become lovers. It had happened suddenly, spontaneously, without any planning by either one of them. And it had been wonderful, fantastic, unbelievably exciting and pleasurable.

They had discovered that they were both bi-sexual with very high libidos and couldn't think of any logical reason why they shouldn't enjoy one another sexually. So they did. The first time was around noon on Saturday, then again twice on Saturday night.

Chloe, who was only s*******n and still in high school, had been away for the weekend with friends. That had worked out beautifully for Carrie and Caitlin. They slept together Saturday night and when they woke up Sunday morning, they made love again, and then three more times throughout the day. The last time was about an hour before Chloe was due home. They didn't want her to know anything about their new, sexual relationship, at least not until she turned eighteen, in June.

They had also talked about Jim, whether Carrie was willing to share him with her daughter and, if so, would he want to have them both, at the same time. Carrie had laughed, saying she had no doubt that Jim would just love to fuck mother and daughter at the same time.

Carrie had told Caitlin that she and Jim were very open about what turned them on and about sexual fantasies. Jim had told her that he, of course, had the basic male fantasy of two women at once and had admitted that, on a couple of occasions, had had two women at once. They had never talked about a mother-daughter situation, but Carrie knew that Jim thought Caitlin was a beautiful young woman. And, she was sure, a mother-daughter fantasy would appeal to Jim, but, being a true gentleman, he would never suggest such a thing.

Then Carrie and Caitlin had talked about whether Jim would like the fact that they were lovers also. Carrie said that she couldn't be sure but, given the nature of most men, watching two women kissing and making love to each other, including licking each other's pussies, was sure to add spice to the stew, and the fact that they were mother and daughter would probably make it even spicier. They had both laughed. Carrie agreed to talk to Jim about it as soon as she could. Caitlin, who was home on Spring Break, had to be back in college in a few days and hoped to take part in a threesome with her mother and Jim before she left.

Caitlin liked Jim. He was intelligent, had a good sense of humor, treated her mother with the utmost respect while remaining very manly. He was tall, six-two or six-three, had warm brown eyes, sandy brown hair, a light olive skin tone—he was half Italian. She had seen him swimming in their pool and he had a firm, toned, athletic body. What was not to like? Sure, he was old enough to be her father, but that didn't bother Caitlin. In fact, it somehow added to his attraction.

She especially liked the fact that the times they had been alone together, he had never said or did anything even remotely sexually suggestive. He was always respectful, but not formal, and he could joke and k** around with her. But she never caught him checking her out surreptitiously. He never touched her casually or gave her direct eye contact that even hinted of a come on.

* * *

Carrie's shoes and nightie had disappeared quickly, as Jim had predicted, but she was still wearing the stockings.

"Jim," Carrie said as they both got comfortable against the pillows, "I have something very important to ask you."

Jim looked over at Carrie and raised one eyebrow. "Uh oh. Did I forget something? Am I in trouble?"

Jim loved Carrie, although neither one was ready to take their relationship beyond being lovers for now. He loved her because she was intelligent, competent, and funny; because she really liked sex—a lot—and was up for new experiences; and, of course, because she was a physically beautiful woman. He loved her black, black hair and how she had it cut short and done up in a modern spiky style. And he loved her bright blue eyes that were looking at him with some amusement right now.

Carrie laughed. "No silly, you're not in trouble." She reached over to the bedside stand next her and picked up the folded hand towel she had placed there earlier. She slid it between her thighs and up against her pussy. Jim first ejaculation, especially if they hadn't made love for a day or two, was always substantial. She could feel it begin to leak from her vagina.

"Okay," she said as she turned back towards Jim. "I'm just going to say it straight out." Her heart started pounding now that she was going to tell Jim about her and Caitlin being lovers and about them wanting to have a threesome with him.

"Do you think Caitlin is attractive?"

"Uh . . . yeah, of course. But honey, she's your daughter and . . . ."

"I know. You're a good man Jim," Carrie interrupted him. She heaved a big sigh. Carrie was sure, or pretty sure that Jim would agree to what she was about to ask him but, still, there was the off chance that he wouldn't, that he might be shocked and think less of her and her daughter.

"Would you like to make love to her?

"What?" Jim sat up and turned directly towards Carrie.

"Would you like to, well," here she smiled, "fuck my daughter, because she'd like to fuck you."

"Wow!" Was Jim only response for a couple of seconds.

"And, you don't have a problem with that, Carrie?" He looked incredulously at her.

"Not as long as we make it a threesome." She arched her eyebrows and gave him a demure look.

"This isn't some kind of trick, is it, babe?"

"No, sweetie. This is the real deal. A real offer for you to have sex with me and Caitlin, together. So, what'd say, big boy?" Carrie grinned at Jim.

"Well hell yes! But, seriously, Carrie, are you sure, really, really sure that you want to do that. Are you sure you can do that?"

"Yeah babe, because you see," Carrie's heart was beating even harder now, "Caitlin and I are lovers."

Jim's eyebrows shot up.

"Well," Carrie continued, "I mean we just became lovers a few days ago . . . ."

"How did that happen?" Jim asked.

We, uh . . . . Well that's not important right now. I'll tell you all about it later. In any case, Caitlin and I got to talking and Caitlin likes you and thinks you are an attractive, um, you know, older man.

Jim smiled. He wasn't offended. A hot young babe like Caitlin wanted to have sex with him. And he was old enough to be her dad. How could he be offended?

"So we thought you might like to join us, you know?" Carrie finished.

Jim didn't say anything for a second. His cock was getting hard again, rapidly. First of all, the thought of making love to Caitlin . . . so young, so tender, so mmm. Then the thought, the image that Carrie had just created in his mind, of her and her daughter making love to each other and that he could be, would be a part of that. That just blew him away.

Carrie reached out and grabbed his nearly erect penis. Jim jumped a little. His mind was distracted and he hadn't realized that he was getting hard.

"I guess this means that you like the idea, hmm?" Carrie gave her lover's cock a firm squeeze.

"Hell," Jim grinned down at her, "what's not to like—making love to two beautiful lesbian lovers who just happen to be mother and daughter."

Carrie laughed. "I kind of thought you might think that way. Still, the fact that Caitlin and I are, well, committing i****t, that doesn't bother you."

"Not a bit, my darling. You know I have an open mind when it comes to thinks sexual. I mean, as long as everyone concerned is a consenting adult. You're both such damned attractive women and if Caitlin is half as good a lover as you are, dear, then we're going to have a fucking fantastic time."

Carrie laughed some more then reached up to pull Jim down for a passionate kiss. When their lips parted she looked Jim in the eyes. "And we're not lesbians, by the way. We're bi-sexual. We both like men just fine, too, otherwise you wouldn't be here and you wouldn't get this chance to fulfill a basic male fantasy."

Now it was Jim turn to laugh. "I stand corrected. And, actually, it's two basic male fantasies. Making love to two women at once and making love to a mother and daughter together. No. Make that three male fantasies. Getting to make love to two women who are mother and daughter and lovers. My God! Am I really going to get to watch you and Caitlin kiss and lick each other's pussies?"

"Yes you are, you lucky boy." Carrie said, "keep that in mind as you shove this lovely hard cock back inside me and fuck me until I have a screaming orgasm."

Jim pushed Carrie onto her back and positioned himself between her legs. She reached down and grabbed the towel that was still between her legs and threw it to the floor then she guided his thick cock to her vaginal opening and Jim, after getting the head wet and slick, slid it fully into her pussy in one smooth motion.

Carrie gasped with pleasure. Her legs went up and around his hips and her arms around his neck.

"And you can call me Caitlin . . . if you want to," she whispered in his ear.

"That would be tacky, my darling."

"Yeah, but you will be thinking about her, won't you?"

"It'd be impossible for me not to after what you just told me."

"I don't care, Jim. I love my daughter and I love you, and both of you are my lovers now. And you know how much I love sex, so just fuck me and think about tomorrow night, when you can have us both."

Jim began fucking Carrie with long pussy-stretching, pussy-filling strokes with his thick manhood. "That soon?" He was thrilled. The thought of fucking both mother and daughter, as well as watching them making love to each other, made his cock harder than it had ever been, or so it felt.

"That soon. Chloe is spending the night with a friend."

"And," Jim said, "I'll get to watch you and Caitlin making love also, right?"

"Yes, my darling, you'll get to watch Caitlin and me kissing and going down on each other." Carrie was grinning, watching how her words affected Jim.

"Good God, woman, you surprise and amaze me!" Jim said. Then he kissed her and began to fucking her in earnest.

Carries was really turned on. Having told Jim about her and Caitlin, about them being lovers, and about wanting him to fuck both of them, was possible the most sexually exciting thing she had ever done . . . short of actually consummating the idea.

Thinking about watching Jim fuck her daughter, maybe while her daughter was licking her pussy, and vice versa got her so hot that those thoughts, combined with feeling his athletic body working over her, running her hands up and down the taut muscles of his back, and especially how wonderful his thick cock felt plunging in and out of her, brought her to a screaming orgasm in a very short time.

Jim kept fucking her as her body convulsed with intense pleasure, then he was coming too, grunting and panting as his cock shot more of his thick semen into his lover's tight little fuck-hole.

* * *

"Jim is going to be here in half an hour, how do you think we should do this?" Carrie asked her daughter.

Caitlin furrowed her brow. "Do what, exactly? Fuck him?"

"No, silly," Carrie chuckled. "Greet him. Should I go to the door, or you, or both of us?"

"Oh! Oh! Yeah. Well, let's see." Catlin started thinking quickly. "How about this," she said a few seconds later. "We both slip on our silk robes and nothing else then meet him at the door. After the door is closed, we drop the robes, then you kiss him, then I kiss him, then," Caitlin giggled nervously, "then we kiss each other."

"Ooo! Yeah. I like it. That will get his motor running right away."

"I'm pretty sure his motor will be running even before he gets here, Mom, knowing what's going to happen. I'm pretty sure he'll have an erection before he comes through the door."

Carrie laughed and hugged her daughter, then kissed her on the lips. "I think you might be right, sweetie. Oh God, I'm excited. Aren't you?"

"Yeah. Major butterflies in my stomach. I hope everything goes well tonight."

"Oh it will, darling, it will. I'm sure," Carrie said. She took in a deep breath and let it out slowly, then she did it again and giggled.

Both women had taken long, thorough showers and subtly perfumed themselves. They were laying naked on Carrie's big bed, facing each other, gently running their fingers over each other's bodies and kissing every now and then.

"You want me to go down on you right now, Caitlin?" Carrie asked. "It might calm you down."

"Mmm! Sounds delish, Mom, but I want to wait until we get Jim naked on this bed before we start the fireworks." She giggled too, then took a couple of deep breaths like her mother had.

"Sooo, Mom," Caitlin continued, "what's Jim's cock like. I mean . . . ." Her voice trailed off.

"What's it like? Well, it's probably longer than average but not too long. What I really like is its thickness. I mean its not hugely thick, but it is thicker than any other man I was ever with. Anyway, it fits me just right and feels really good."

"Thick, huh?"

"Yeah, Caity, but like I said its not freakishly big. And don't worry, sweetie, Jim's a careful and considerate lover. He won't try to just jam it in you."

"Well, that's a relief. Look, I'm going to the kitchen to get a drink of water then put the champagne in the ice bucket and bring it back here."

"I almost forgot about the champagne," Carrie said. "I'll get the glasses."

Back in the bedroom both women put on their robes, but left them open for the moment.

"Mom, are you really sure that you want to share Jim with me?"

Carrie slid her arms inside Caitlin's robe and around her waist. She pull her close until their bellies and breasts were pressed warmly together. "Yes, baby. I've thought about it and I'm sure. I love you. You awakened desires in me that I had forgotten about, or had repressed. And we're lovers now and I'm so very glad that we are.

"I love Jim, too. He's a good man and a great lover. And I can't tell you just how excited I am at the thought of watching him lick your pussy, or you sucking his cock. I want to lick your pussy while he fucks me. I want to watch him fuck you while you lick my pussy. And more. Whatever more we can think of.

"Damn, Caitlin, I'm so excited and horny right now, I think I could come if you rubbed my pussy for a minute or two. So, yes, Caitlin. I'm sure I want to share Jim with you."

Caitlin's hand immediately reached down to touch and caress her mother's shaved pussy. Her middle finger slipped between Carrie's labia and gently moved down and back up, feeling just how wet her mother's pussy was already. Then, using her thumb and forefinger, she squeezed her mother's outer labia together firmly, trapping Carrie's clitoris between her vaginal lips. Caitlin then alternated between squeezing hard and rolling her finger and thumb back and forth, greatly stimulating her mother's hard little nub.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" Carrie pressed her body even closer and began kissing and nibbling on her daughter's neck, working her way up to her ear. Then she rotated her hips forward, pressing against Caitlin's fingers. What Caitlin was doing felt so damned good.

Oh baby! Jim's going to be here any moment," Carrie protested weakly.

Caitlin began tugging more firmly and faster on her mother's clitoris, trapped in the fold of flesh she held between her thumb and finger. She whispered into her ear, "I love you, Mom. And I want to lick your pussy while Jim fucks me. I want to lick his cum out of your pussy after he's fucked you. Would you like me to do that, Mom, lick Jim's hot, sticky goo from your pussy after he fucks you?" Caitlin asked as she bit on her mother's ear lobe.

"Ahhhh!" Carrie cried as her body trembled and shook as she came. Her daughter's fingers and evocative words had carried her over the edge and her orgasm was strong. She held on to Caitlin firmly and buried her face in the crook of her neck as the pleasure swept over her.

"Whew!" She exhaled a few moments later. "Wow! That was good. Thanks, baby." Carrie said then she kissed her daughter on the lips, tasting her mouth and tongue.

"Glad to be of service, Mom." She wiggled her eyebrows and grinned.

"But I thought you wanted to wait until Jim got here before getting the fun started," Carrie said.

"I did, but I just couldn't help myself after you told me how horny you were," Caitlin said.

"Well I'm glad you did, honey." Then Carrie gave her daughter a sweet and lingering kiss on the mouth.

"Mmm! I don't think I'll ever get tired of kissing you Caitlin," Carrie said as she broke off the kiss.

Caitlin gave her mother three soft kisses on the mouth, letting her tongue sweep gently across her mother's tongue. "I agree, Mom. After that kiss I think I need you to give me a hand job . . . but, I'll wait."

Caitlin and her mother laughed.

"Jim's going to be hear any second," Carrie said as she hurried into the bathroom to freshen up her nearly dripping wet pussy.

As she came out of the bathroom, the doorbell rang.

"That's Jim. He's always punctual," Carrie said. "How do I look?"

"Beautiful, Mom. Like you've just been ravaged and enjoyed it."

Both women closed their robes and tied them loosely with their sashes, then went to answer the door.

Carrie opened the door and Jim stood there with two bouquets of one dozen red roses each. When he saw mother and daughter standing there in their silk robes—and assumed they had nothing on underneath—he grinned.

"Good evening ladies," he said.

"Oh roses!" Carrie and Caitlin said together, then laughed.

"Come in," Carrie said as she took Jim by the elbow and pulled him into the house. Caitlin shut and locked the door behind him.

Both women looked at Jim's crotch.

"What?" he asked, looking from Carrie to Caitlin.

Carrie reached out her hand and gently caressed Jim between his legs. "You win, Caity. He's hard already."

Jim looked dumbfounded. Caitlin and her mother just laughed.

"I told Mom that you would probably have an erection before you came through the door," Caitlin said, giving Jim a slightly embarrassed smile. She knew that she was going to be fucking him soon, but felt a little over bold right now.

"Oh," Jim responded. "Yeah, well it just got harder and harder on the drive over, thinking about . . . . I mean, well, damn! How could it not. Look at the two of you, so beautiful and, and . . . ." He ran out of words.

"We understand," Carrie said. And you are so gallant, my dear lover, bringing us roses." Then she gave a look to Caitlin. Both women undid their sashes and shrugged their robes off over their shoulders and let them fall to the floor.

Jim's eyes got big and his grin even bigger.

Carrie reached up to pull Jim down for a long, wet kiss.

"Wow!" Jim said.

When her mother released Jim, Caitlin took her place and kissed him just as long and just as passionately.

"Oh wow!" Jim said.

When Caitlin finished kissing Jim she turned to her mother. Mother and daughter embraced, their naked breasts squeezed together. After a few sweet pecks on each other's mouths, they kissed long and passionately, complete with guttural moaning from their throats. They were both truly enjoying this kiss, especially since they were doing it in front of Jim with the express, but unspoken, purpose of exciting him as much as possible.

When mother and daughter finished kissing, Carrie turned back to Jim and grabbed his crotch again. "Oh boy! I do believe your cock is even harder now, Jim."

"Well, yeah! How could it not be. Two beautiful women greeting me at the door naked, kissing me, kissing each other, knowing that I'm going to get naked too and fuck you both. Please pardon my crudeness." Jim address the last bit to Caitlin.

Caitlin grinned. She was over her reticence now. "Not a problem, Jim. I'm looking forward to sucking your cock, having you lick my pussy, and then, at some point, fucking me. Mom says you have a nice thick cock."

"And, I might mention," Carrie chimed in, "we did not greet you at the door naked. We waited until the door was closed."

"Details, details," Jim said. "Here, please take these roses and put them in some water. I wasn't expecting to get right down to it the moment I walk in the door."

"Is he always this touchy?" Caitlin asked with mock seriousness.

"No, but I think we've taken him by surprise and he hasn't had time to compose himself yet." Carrie answered.

"Yes, ladies, you most certainly took me by surprise."

Mother and daughter each took one of the bouquets and inhaled the sweet scent of them.

"This is very sweet of you, Jim," Caitlin said.

"I agree," Carrie said.

Both women gave Jim a kiss on the cheek, then headed for the kitchen to put the roses in vases and water.

"Jim, dear, please pick up our robes and take them into the bedroom," Carrie said over her shoulder. "And then please get your clothes off and get on the bed. We'll be right there."

Jim just stood there for a few moments, watching those two beautiful women walking away from him, broad shoulders, small waists, lovely womanly swell to the hips, fantastic firm buttocks, and shapely thighs, calves, ankles, and feet.

Fuck, he thought to himself, I can't believe this. He shook his head, amazed at what was about to happen, then bent down to pick up the robes and headed for the bedroom. What a lucky man am I, he thought. Unbelievable!

When Carrie and Caitlin came into the bedroom a few minutes later. Jim was lying, naked, in the middle of the bed lightly stroking his full erection.

"You're right, Mom," Caitlin said, "Jim has a really nice cock." It did look big to her. Maybe she needed to date more guys. The thought that very soon Jim's cock would be fucking her—that she and her mother were going to share this delicious looking man, with his delicious looking cock, as well each other while he watched them—excited her even more and she felt her pussy getting wetter than it already had been.

Carrie laughed and hugged her daughter. "And that's just looking at it. Wait until you feel it fucking you."

Jim stopped stroking his cock. Here was the reality of what was about to happen staring him in the face. Two lovely women, mother and daughter, and the three of them were going to have sex together; he with each of them and both of them with each other. This was truly a male fantasy come true. He, too, was super excited.

"Thank you, Caitlin," Jim said, "but my cock can't compare to how absolutely fantastic you and Carrie look to me."

Carrie laughed as she jumped on the bed and rolled over Jim to his far side. "You're so sweet, baby, I could just eat you up."

Carrie kissed Jim hard on the mouth. He pulled her on top of him. The kiss lasted a long time and Jim caressed her back with his big hands, then began massaging her buttocks. His cock was sticking straight up firmly between her thighs and hard against her pussy.

Caitlin could see the head sticking up above her mother's ass cheeks. So, while her mother and Jim were still kissing, she climbed up on the bed and began licking and sucking on Jim's cock head. To her surprise and delight, she sucked up a few big drops of his pre-come. It was, of course, clear and tasteless, but the thick liquid on her tongue added to her excitement. She was licking and sucking on Jim's cock, her mother's lover, for the first time!

Jim pulled him mouth away from Carrie's. "Oh yeah, Caitlin, that feels good!"

Caitlin pulled her mouth from Jim's cock. "Spread your legs Jim. You too Mom, but stay there on top of him."

When she had maneuvered between their legs, Caitlin started sucking Jim's cock again. This time it was out in the open. It was thick, but not so thick that she couldn't get her mouth way down on it. She took his length in until it almost gagged her before coming back up, then she went down again immediately.

Carrie had turned her torso and head around to where she could see her daughter sucking her lover's cock. Caitlin pulled her mouth off of Jim's hard shaft and smiled at her mother then spread her ass cheeks with her fingers and began licking her mother's anus.

"Oh, baby!" Carrie was taken by surprise. Her daughter's tongue, licking and probing her asshole, felt sublime.

Jim surmised what was happening and pulled Carrie around for another big kiss. "Your daughter is as full of surprises as you are, darling," he said when they broke the kiss.

"I'll say," Carrie responded as she wiggled her ass and pushed it back against Caitlin's mouth and tongue. "But I like it," she giggled.

Caitlin alternated between licking her mother's asshole and sucking Jim's cock. Carrie and Jim kissed repeatedly while enjoying what Caitlin was doing to them.

After a couple of minutes Caitlin said, "Are you guys primed, because I sure am." She was ready to get Jim's lovely hard manhood deep inside her pussy.

Carrie grinned at Jim, gave him a quick peck on the lips, then rolled off him and onto the bed.

Caitlin stood up and put her feet on either side of Jim's hips then squatted down. She reached between her thighs and grabbed his cock. She rubbed it around in the wetness of her very turned on pussy. Caitlin grinned down at Jim, then at her mother, then she let her weight push his thick hardness between her labia and into her pussy.

Jim sighed with pleasure, feeling the tightness of Caitlin's pussy squeezing so wonderfully on his cock as it went deeper and deeper into her body. He still couldn't believe his luck, fucking this beautiful young woman, his lover's daughter, with his lover as a willing participant and right beside him now, watching the show.

Caitlin's long black hair was loose, some of it falling over her shoulders, stopping just above her well-shaped, full breasts. She looked incredibly sexy to Jim. His cock gave a little spasm of pleasure all on its own. With a demure smile on her face and with her eyes—the same wonderful, startling blue of her mother's eyes—staring directly at him, she lowered herself fully down onto his thick shaft.

Caitlin gasped with pleasure that was almost pain as her weight forced Jim's thick manhood completely inside her. She didn't stop until her buttocks rested on his thighs. His cock was balls deep in her. A wave of intense pleasure shuddered though her body. If he had been any longer she couldn't have gotten all of him in her pussy. As it was, not only did his big cock stretch and fill her from side-to-side, it also stretched the length of her pussy, too. She loved the feeling.

Carrie was fascinated at the sight of her daughter's pussy lips stretched around Jim's cock. She and Jim had never taken photos or videos of their love-making. And, of course, she couldn't see what it looked like when they did make love. Now, here, she was seeing up close what it must look like when she was fucking Jim.

Carrie looked up at her daughter. "Oh wow, baby! That looks so hot, seeing Jim's cock filling your pussy so tightly."

"If feels great, too, Mom, but I guess you know that." Both women laughed.

"Yeah, it does," Jim said, and all three of them laughed.

Caitlin braced her hands on Jim's hips and began rising and falling on his cock. God it does feel good, she thought to herself. Oh yes, it feels so good, so good. And Mom is watching me fuck her boyfriend. Oh jeez! Oh wow!

Caitlin rose up until Jim's cock was almost out of her pussy then she fell back down, taking him deep. She loved the feeling of his cock pulling and pushing through her vaginal sphincter and the head of it bumping against the end of her vagina. She did this until her legs got tired, then she sat up straight on Jim's hardness, putting her knees down on the bed on either side of his hips. She then rotated her pelvis around on Jim thick cock, buried so deep inside her pussy. Oh! That felt really good too.

Jim had propped himself up on his elbows to watch Caitlin fuck him, working her body and pussy on his cock, which was buried as deep inside her as it could go. It was an amazing sight and an amazing feeling. He really wanted to roll Caitlin over onto her back and begin fucking her hard and fast. He always had a hard time letting the woman do the work, but he controlled the feeling and let Caitlin continue doing what she was doing.

Jim was so turned on by the whole situation—his lover's daughter fucking him while his lover was lying beside them watching with rapt attention—that he was quickly approaching the point at which he would come even if Caitlin were to stop all movement.

Carrie was totally aroused as she watched Caitlin fucking Jim. She saw how glistening wet his cock had gotten from Caitlin's vaginal lubrication. She saw how her daughter was now fucking him just by levering her hips back and forth, and how her head was arched back, eyes closed, mouth open, breathing deeply. Caitlin was also squeezing her tits and pinching her nipples. Obviously, she was enjoying this immensely and Carrie was glad it was happening. She began to rub her pussy with excitement.

Jim saw what Carrie was doing. "Come here, babe. Climb on my face and let me lick you."

Carrie didn't hesitate. She straddled Jim's face and sat down facing Caitlin. She heaved a big sigh of pleasure as Jim's tongue went to work on her pussy.

Caitlin opened her eyes to see her mother riding Jim's face. She smiled and leaned forward. Carrie met her halfway and mother and daughter began kissing, sucking on each other's tongue, tasting the sweetness of each other's mouth.

And then Caitlin was coming. "Ahhhh! Yes! Yes! Yes!" she cried as she ground her pussy down and around, hard, again and again on that hard part of Jim's body that protruded deeply into her own. Her body shuddered and trembled as the orgasm radiated through her in waves.

"Ooo! Mmm! That was good," Caitlin said.

After a few moments savoring the fading orgasm, Caitlin slid her pussy off of Jim's cock.

"Oh no, Caitlin!" Jim's muffled voice complained. He had been so close to coming himself.

Caitlin smiled at her mother, who smiled back and pushed her pussy harder against Jim's mouth. She watched her daughter as she slid her body down until she could get her mouth on Jim's sticky, wet hardness and began to suck on it.

She took his big tool deep, repeatedly, then sucked just on the head, swirling her tongue around and around it, then she went back to sucking his hard shaft deep into her mouth, coming back up until her lips firmly surrounded just the head of Jim's cock before going back down. Within a short time Caitlin could tell that Jim was about ready to come. She on kept sucking and soon Jim was shooting a load of semen into Caitlin's mouth. She didn't stop sucking his cock until she was sure he was done ejaculating, then she swallowed his load, enjoying it as it slid down her throat and enjoying the feeling of power she got from making this man come with her mouth.

Jim was left gasping and twitching and groaning with pleasure.

Carrie shifted herself onto the bed and kissed Caitlin on the mouth several times, tasting her lover's cum on her daughter's lips and tongue.

"Oh baby, that was fantastic, watching you come while you were fucking Jim. And then watching you suck him off and swallow all of his cum. That got me so hot, baby!"

Jim got up on his knees. "God damn, Caitlin, that was great!" He kissed Caitlin on the mouth, holding her face in his hands, sliding his tongue over and around hers, tasting the sweetness of her mouth and a residue of his semen.

"Mmm! Wow! This is pretty intense," Caitlin said when Jim pulled his mouth away from hers. "And I like it. I can hardly wait to tell Odette about this. Although she definitely won't be excited about me fucking and sucking you."

"Who's Odette?" Jim asked.

"Caitlin's college roommate," Carrie said, "and her lover, too. But according to Caitlin she a pure lesbian."

"Oh," Jim said, as if that explained everything.

"Yes, oh," Carrie said. She pulled Jim down to top of her and began kissing him and raking her long and elegant fingernails lightly up and down his back.

"You know what I'd like now, lover?" Carrie asked Jim. "Well, I mean as soon as your cock gets hard again."

Caitlin snuggled in beside her mother and Jim.

Jim kissed Carrie on the mouth. "No, lover, what would you like to do now?" He turned his head and kissed Caitlin on the mouth, too.

"And if we keep this up," Jim continued, "it won't take long to get my cock back in working order again."

"Oh good," Carrie said, "because as soon as you get off of me and as soon as Caitlin lies back and I can get between her legs, I'm going to start licking her pussy. Would you like to watch me lick my daughter's pussy, Jim?"

"Oh hell yes!" Jim said.

"Good." Carrie said. "And as soon as your dick is hard enough I want you to fuck me while I lick Caitlin's pussy."

"Caitlin," Carrie said, "Are you ready for more?"

Jim was already moving off of Carrie, a big grin plastered across his face.

Caitlin noticed and laughed. "Yeah, Mom, of course I want more." She flopped herself down on her back and spread her legs. "Come and get it, Momma," she said and giggled.

Carrie got down between her daughter's legs, on her elbows and knees, ass high, and began to nuzzle and kiss Caitlin's th

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Desire. I desire your eyes on me. I want you to look at me and take me in. All of me. My scent, my curves , my lustful glances which you never leave unnoticed. I desire your touch. Your soft fingertips tracing lines along my shoulders, pinching the flesh on my hips, clawing my back until I bleed, while I thrust on top of you. I move with you, breathe with you, moan with you. I take you in – all of you, as deep as you go. As fast, as cruel as you are. Mmm, I love how you bite my neck. I love...

3 years ago
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For the last half an hour I have been sat here looking at this single point on the wall. No, looking is the wrong description as it would suggest that I was seeing and the truth is that I have witnessed nothing at all. The noise of the children arguing downstairs washes over me like as though some audible tide is forever on the turn. Only the slam of the front door as it settles back in its frame after the children have exploded out of it does my attention re-focus to the room. I walk languidly...

2 years ago
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Behold, all around you, Eyes eloquent but mute, Searching, staring, longing, Unable to refute Their consuming hunger, The undying fire That burns and keeps on burning In the prison called Desire!   Each night somewhere they gather, The so-called unattached And there rehearse in silence The lies that they have hatched. With restful ease abandoned And cool disinterest feigned, With laughter simulated And courage unattained. Victims of doubt and anguish, They choke upon the rope Bound tight...

2 years ago
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He walks into the room to her, approaching her from behind, silently. She didn't notice him coming towards her, and jumps slightly as he wraps his arms around her from behind. He smiles, and softly kisses her neck."Hey baby" he whispers in her ear. "His prince!" she replies as she leans her head back into him. "Have his told her how much his want her lately? How much his desire her...?" He whispers in her ear. "Mmmmm.... Tell me!" she whispers softly... "his'll show her..." He whispers back.He...

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Behold, all around you; Eyes eloquent but mute, Searching, staring, longing, Unable to refute Their consuming hunger, The undying fire That burns and keeps on burning In the prison called Desire!   Each night somewhere they gather, The so-called unattached And there rehearse in silence The lies that they have hatched. With restful ease abandoned And cool disinterest feigned, With laughter simulated And courage unattained. Victims...

Straight Sex
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A young man with strikingly tousled black spiky hair was getting ready to go for a run as he did every day, but before he opened the door of the house to go outside he was stopped by a familiar female voice: "Furensō... Furensō!" The young man known as 'Furensō' (Aka: 'DarkRock') has a semi-tan complexion and his height is 6' 3'' ft. He has tousled black spiky hair that reaches almost to his shoulders along with two locks framing his forehead and dark charcoal eyes. His attire consists of a...

3 years ago
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For the last half an hour I have been sat here looking at this single point on the wall. No, looking is the wrong description as it would suggest that I was seeing and the truth is that I have witnessed nothing at all. The noise of the children arguing downstairs washes over me like as though some audible tide is forever on the turn. Only the slam of the front door as it settles back in its frame after the children have exploded out of it does my attention re-focus to the room. I walk...

4 years ago
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Meg walked through the wood. She was thinking about Guy again. He had saved her life. For that she was eternally grateful and would do anything for Guy in a way of thanking him. She ran her hands through her hair. She was so confused. Guy was such a brutal man, but he had shown her a side to himself that she had always known he possessed. She was walking to the clearing near to the river. It was one of her favourite spots and was always deserted. She liked to imagine that no one else knew it...

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Introduction to the story: this story will start out in a dark setting. you start out by finding yourself in a dark room whit no memory of what happened last night. And based on your decisions you will choose what happens next in the story which will eventually lead to an ending. i chose to Make it a moderated story so that i can approve certain chapters and so that i can control whether there are to many unnecessary choices which lead to no endings. There might be some as this is my first...

2 years ago
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Meg walked through the wood. She was thinking about Guy again. He had saved her life. For that she was eternally grateful and would do anything for Guy in a way of thanking him. She ran her hands through her hair. She was so confused. Guy was such a brutal man, but he had shown her a side to himself that she had always known he possessed. She was walking to the clearing near to the river. It was one of her favourite spots and was always deserted. She liked to imagine that no one else knew it...

Straight Sex
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"Ned? NEDD? " the Brown eyed, tan skinned woman shouted after her words and worries were ignored the first time from her husband. "What? oh, ok...ok... now what is it again you wanted to tell me" like an asshole, farting but with words, Ned managed to calm his wife. " he's been doing JACKOFF!" Jin shouted this time, her Korean eyes full of fire burned into her lifeless husband. "Jack off?" he asked almost in an ignoring manner. Folding his newspaper, just right, careful not to ruin...

2 years ago
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Is there something you want, my dear? Is there something I can... help you with? You look so beautiful, there on the bed, quivering just slightly. It must be uncomfortable, to be bound in such a way, trying to keep your balance on the unpredictable bed springs. But it makes me want you all the more. I have been standing here, just admiring you, for minutes, though it must seem like hours to you. Your hair, how it flows gently over your shoulders, except for those few strands in disarray. I...

3 years ago
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The Birthday Girl

I have a present for you when you get home, the text on my phone read. I was excited. Today was my birthday, but even so, I had to work. Just 'cause it was your birthday did not mean you got the day off, at least that is how my boss saw it anyway. There was too much work to be done to let someone capable of working have the day off. Oh yeah? What is is? I asked my husband, feeling that excitement in my stomach rise. My husband knew that I liked things wild, but it was not really his thing. I...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Pharmacology Chapter Two

I leaped out of my 2015 Ram 3500 Laramie, and made my way up the sidewalk. I walked through the automatic doors, and into the pharmacy I've just so recently called my job. I've been working here for about two weeks now. I loved it. My coworkers were great, especially my boss. He is tall, and sexy, has black hair, blue eyes, and the brightest smile I've ever seen. Most importantly, the way he makes me feel is indescribable. I knew I shouldn't have felt this way about my boss, but I couldn't help...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Spanking a wet Kitty Part 1

For Kitty...But in my version of this video, I wouldn't be playing with your pussy so soon. I'd spend much more time playing with your tits and pinching your nipples. Maybe slap your big tits and watch them jiggle around. Pull on your nipples, lifting your tits up. Then I’d either put some clamps on your nipples or maybe small suction cups to make them real hard and swollen. Since it's not a full on punishment, I’m gonna let you cum as often as you want and can. BUT we're gonna work on getting...

1 year ago
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Penthouse Passion

We had only just moved in to the penthouse apartment, and hadn’t yet had time to try out its most luxurious feature. We had spent the day unpacking boxes, deciding on furniture placement, choosing paint samples for certain walls, and generally preparing the love nest. By the time we had eaten some takeout, sitting cross legged on the bare floor of our new home, we were too exhausted to work anymore. You leaned back on your elbows and looked across the floor at my beautiful smile. My blond hair...

4 years ago
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CherryChapter 2 A year later

I started my story about a year ago when I had just turned 14. Things have changed quite a bit since then. For starters, I’ve had another growth spurt and I’m nearly 4 feet 10 inches tall now. My tits have grown very pointy and are almost an AA cup and my butt has got a bit rounder. My pussy is still just a slit with my tiny clit poking out. My weight has increased just a little bit and I now weigh about 90 pounds. My dad told me to start getting rid of the few pubic hairs that I had,...

2 years ago
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Frigid Air Warm Spew Winter Spurts in Yellowston

The churning and merging is so vigorous that surrounding objects tremble with the movements, and so wet that a continuous sloshing sound is noticeable above the din of heavy breathing, rhythmic throbbing intonations and voices that betray heightened excitement and arousal. With pressure rapidly building and heat rising, the white frothy liquid reaches a point where it must burst from its dark enclosure. The bright juice sparkles in the sunlight as it is spewed, in copious amounts, into the air...

1 year ago
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More To Love Part 1

“How did I get myself into this situation?”, she wondered as she drove towards Louisburg on the way to the timeshare to meet him. They had met in a chat room several months earlier. She had went to the chat room out of loneliness. She needed to talk to someone. Were other people having the same problem she was? She doubted it!! Ever since she had turned 40, her sex drive had tripled!! Great right? Yeah, except that her husband of 25 years had decided at approximately the same time to lose...

3 years ago
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My Lust Towards Curvy Tamil Aunt Part 8211 2

Hi all! Hope you enjoyed the first part of the story. Those who are new here, please read the first part, “My lust towards curvy tamil aunt” to understand the second one. To tell me about myself I’m vasanth kumar from chennai. I’m residing near tiruvanmiyur. An it working guy. Please read the story and mail me your feedback at : Suggestions/feedback by girls/aunt are appreciated, even meetings dating too…. Coming to the story… I saw my sex goddess there … I decided to have her in my bed …...

3 years ago
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Love Making On The Beach

Hi, readers am here to share my first lovemaking experience on a beach and the incident happened a year back. Am a regular reader of indian sex stories dot net but never dared to share my experiences. So please share your suggestions. I am 28 years old now, back then I was working in Trivandrum the city of beaches. And I love beaches, I have explored most of the beaches. Coming to the incident I will have started with my ex-love, I had a long-term relationship which lasted almost 7 years and we...

2 years ago
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In The Park – Part oneThis is a continuation of the exhibitionist adventures of Andrea and Mike as depicted in the 'Carried Away' story which appeared earlier this year. The story is kind of long and it is divided into two parts. I would appreciate all comments.I hope you enjoy the story.Andrea had become increasingly curious about exhibitionism since her experience at the beach with her husband. She surfed a lot of web sites and eventually came upon some personal ads. She ended up e-mailing...

3 years ago
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Charity At Work 3 Retail Therapy

When this humble narrator last left you I had just been fired from the rock and roll lifestyle know as flipping burgers for fucking the donkey dicked half wit night manager. It was merely the second in a series of three jobs I would lose over the summer before I moved into the two that would end up defining the next several years of my life. But that’s getting ahead of myself, you want to hear all about how my big titted self got canned from the next job. Here’s a hint, it’s a...

3 years ago
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My bf dominates me PART 2

After he had dripped hot wax onto my ass and back for a couple minutes, he blew out the candle and set it down. 'Are you ready for your ass to be fucked, slut? Look how wet you're getting by me calling you bitch and slut.' I responded, "Yes, Austi- I mean yes, Master." His strong, firm hands gripped my curves and his thick cock head pushed against my tight hole, "Oohf.." he slowly pushed the tip in, and I was pulling my hands in the cuffs. 'Ride it. I don't care if youre handcuffed, move your...

3 years ago
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Mature milf was filthy

A Few days ago I was with a few friends in a pub watching the game , england were playingWas the usual atmosphere, drinking and people were being loud I saw this milf at the bar she was like 36-38 , she was quite tipsy but not drunk,she was about 5,6 and had long blond hair down to her ass, she was in good shape and looked fuckable, tight black jeans and high bootsI went out for a cigarette, she came out too into the garden she was a little drunk now, we talked she told me she is divorcing...

1 year ago
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TeamSkeetExtras Loren Minardi Love At First Bite

What use is being immortal if the person you love stays human? Ever since being bitten during her passionate affair with Byrana, our newly born Vampire is so thirsty, so full of lust, unable to rest until she’s satisfied. As her boyfriend arrives home, she leads him to a jacuzzi surrounded by candles. Kissing in the water, his eyes close and she takes her opportunity with both fangs, biting down hard on his neck. Dazed and confused, he is soon distracted as she takes him in her mouth, masking...

2 years ago
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Surprise encounter

Now, I am surprised, sometimes, by my wants and desires, so lets talk about a certain fun time I had recently. You see, I love to fulfill my fantasies. One fantasy has always been my desire to see just how far my wife of thirty-five years would go if put in a sexual situation. One that was just plain, out of the norm for us. One night I got my chance to experience my desire.. You see my demure wife is a great looking lady, despite our middle ages. As with everyone age takes its toil on our...

Oral Sex
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All for Mr Redman Chapter 9

Thank you to all those who have written to me about this, commented, and voted. I really do appreciate it very much. There is not a lot of sex in this Chapter, it is located in just after the middle portion. Please do not be too hard on me as for this story to continue to be true I had to admit everything and you may not like me after. I have never claimed to be a perfect person. I am not hiding anything... simply trying to fill in an important section in our lives. Please remember...

1 year ago
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HornyHostel Romy Indy A Game Of Hide And Fuck

Romy Indy likes to stay fit and rides the bike instead of taking taxis everywhere, but as soon as she gets back to her hostel room, the key to the bicycle lock gets lost under the bed. She tries to go under the bed to grab the key, but her horny roommate doesn’t waste any time and starts to massage her ass under the pretext of helping her get back out. A bit of oil later and her pussy is ready to be filled by his big dick but the hostel owner hears the loud moans and comes over to...

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older woman

2 yrs a go i met a woman a front off her house she ask me inside. She whas wearing a nice shord dress and highheels. We walked and she ask me iff i whas single and i told her yess i am. Than she told me thats she whas single to. She ask my age and i told her 35 and she ask me how i think how old she is. I anser 30-35. and she started to laugh very hard hahahahaha. NO muchs older she say and i anser 40. she say again NO and say thats she is 49 yrs. And i told her thats she look still so thight...

4 years ago
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My Drunk Aunt Wanted Wild Sex

I was staying in Bangalore and my aunt had come down for a meeting. So it was decided I will just go and meet her. I am 29 years old and staying alone in Bangalore. My aunt is around 41 years old who has good vital stats. At this age also she has maintained herself really well. Though she is a widow, she has handled herself well and became a better personality. I went to the hotel just to meet her. It all started when we were chit chatting in the room. She asked about my life and then about...

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The best christmas gift

Doreen was a class mate of mine at the university college. When I first met her, I thought, “wow! What a beautiful girl!” she was an Anglo Indian and thus had the best of both worlds. Fair skin of her father and sharp beautiful features of an Indian mother. And if you saw her, you would probably think the same thing. Long black hair, very skinny, very sexy looking. I thought she was unattached when i first met her, but it turned out that she was engaged to be married, so i kept my distance, not...

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Nathalies Makeover Chapter Five

Viv and I were both up and ready for work before he even woke up and I was in the office and at work before he wandered in with his big pretentious smile spread across his face, looking like he didn't have a care in the world. As always he charmed everyone with his smooth manner. The day progressed along reasonably well. We had client meetings as we prepared to finalise. The one thing that I could say, lately at work at least Yves aside from the intimidation, had been promoting and...

3 years ago
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Sex In War

Even though it was noon the sky was dark, turned black by the thick, black smoke of artillery cannons. Destroyed buildings, gutted out by fires and reduced to rubble by the Imperial Navy, peppered the once proud city. The platoon I was attached to have taken up residence in one of the more preserved buildings, its concrete body protecting us from the enemy’s big guns, and allowing us to dish out punishment without exposing ourselves to danger. I know that seems somewhat cowardly, but this is...

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Strip Club And Nude Beach Fucking With Kelly

It was late winter of 1989. Kelly and I were on vacation in Florida. We'd married after she graduated from college, and our vacations since then were pretty much just a long weekend here and there or some camping trips. This was our first “fly away” destination.A year ago, a close friend of Kelly’s at work had shared their experience visiting the famous nude beach in South Florida. Since then, Kelly was on a mission. She had been visiting the tanning beds for about six months and had an amazing...

Group Sex
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Me And My Virgin Girlfriend In A Hotel Room At Chandigarh

Firstly let me introduce you all , myself from Chandigarh average athletic body with 6ft 3inches height. Currently pursuing b tech and in 3rd year. About my gf, what should I say.. She is just beautiful with a sexy figure even she is also 5’8” in height she is living in jalandhar. We both were in relationship since last year but recently we both broke up just due to some misunderstandings. Now let’s come to the story , here my gf is described as simran (due to privacy).Please forgive me for...

4 years ago
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MILF Slut 1 Introduction

She is thirty-seven years old and a mother of two daughters. The youngest daughter recently turned sixteen and the oldest is nearly eighteen. Both girls are dating and there is no secret that they both are sexually active. That's because of the open communication they've had with their parents about sex and both girls started birth control pills soon after they began menstruating. Their mother, Sandy, is married to a fantastic man. He is rich, handsome, and muscular in all the right places....

4 years ago
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Driving in Snow Ch 20

Chapters 1-7 are somewhat self contained and describe Matt being rescued from a Midwest snowstorm by a family that turn out to be his soul mates, girls with lots of past life ties. Lots of spirituality and lots of sex. This was mostly written in 2005 and was posted in 2010. Chapters 8-13 describe Matt going home to the Northeast, discussing things with his wife. Ann, Barbara and Connie starting college. Matt and Ann setting up a business. Again lots of spirituality and lots of sex. Written and...

3 years ago
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LeavingChapter 4

Andrew stopped his daydreaming about the past; he was delighted by Megan showing up unexpectedly a few hours ago. His reminiscing was sweet but he knew that tomorrow he would be offering them a future together - an option to work out their constant separations. He was ready to have Megan become a permanent part of his life and carry on the traditions of both families in both countries and cultures. He looked over everything and quickly ran down a mental check list - Meat and cream sauce...

1 year ago
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Bitches Girls are a whole new generation of self-made modern pornstars. Just a few years ago, the biggest sex starlets on the web were the big-name, big-budget babes getting their brains fucked out in mansions on the major premium sites. These days, it’s amateur cosplay girls, TikTok attention whores, webcam hotties and the social media models of sites like Instagram, OnlyFans and shines a spotlight on the hottest of this new wave of DIY pornstars. They showcase videos,...

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Misha 08232018

So what do you do if you’re a young stripper with a great body who loves sex? If you’re 19 year old stunner Misha, you go make some porn! The first thing you notice about Misha is just how beautiful her body is with perfect natural tits, an ass that just won’t quit and a tight hungry pussy you just want to devour (much like our resident stud did much to her pleasure!). We’ve got some great behind the scenes video for you as she gets ready for her shoot trying on lingerie...

1 year ago
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Guess Who

A light rain had started to fall as we all gathered around the final resting place of a woman who meant something to all of us. I can't exactly say what that something was because it would be different in each case. Some of us had our eyes brimming with hot, salty tears and hearts full of sadness and sorrow over her passing. Others really weren't that concerned, but were here to support a loved one who was attending. I was here because I had to be, but on the other hand, I wanted to make sure...

4 years ago
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In This Land First Generation

"The Dynasty of the Twins lasted for one thousand, eight hundred, ninety years. In the final years, the Great King Kenetesetemos Risomenebeteset had a dream. In that dream the gods spoke to him. Forever praise Akanoti, who showed him a new sunrise, a new dawn, and seven new children.” “Great King Kenetesetemos Risomenebeteset told Great Queen Menarerepek Lehorelakem of his dream, and within seven days, she was pregnant.” “For the first time in the entire rule of the Dynasty of the Twins,” the...

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Nanite Control

About fifteen years ago a brilliant scientist unleashed his Nanites on the world. This was of course a great concern to the world’s many governments. The nanites spread themselves across the globe infecting virtually every person on the planet at such a rapid and alarming pace that there was no stopping them. Tracked to the source, the scientist was killed before they could force him to deactivate them, and in the process locked them out of his command system forever. However… soon enough the...

2 years ago
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Legacy Chapter One

Amy Schiffer was staring at the trees as they raced past her, trying to ignore her mother by turning up the volume on her phone’s earbuds. She had ceased being mad and angry at what was happening and had resigned herself to simply sit in silence and let her mother worry about whether she was making the right decision about her daughter’s future. She was done arguing and fighting. She just wanted to listen to her music and think about Greg. “I know you think I am being a bitch and that I am...

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Peeking On Stevens Gran

I used to spend summer holidays with my grandparents and down the road in a small block of units a guy the same age called Steven came and stayed with his gran. We were watching TV after being at the beach when she came out of the shower almost wrapped in a towel. Her name was Ollie and she was in her 60s with quite a fit body for her age, big boobs and good legs. She also had a really thick bush of black hair between her legs which we didn't know until she came out from the shower in a towel...

2 years ago
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An Episode in the Affair

Afterward, each of them would remember their first sighting of the boys as the moment the change occurred. They shared this perception though they didn't later discuss it, and in fact both were wrong. It was a silly memory on the face of it, because it treated the boys as though they had some strange power to transform when in fact they were just youths. The true power lay elsewhere, and the change wasn't as quick as all that. Perhaps the Jardin Botanique itself played a role. Who knows what...

3 years ago
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The Hottie In The Window

1. Sightings ‘Good heavens, there she is.’ Bob caught a glimpse of her shoulder length blond hair as she walked past his office window. He stood up out of his chair and drank in the sight of her as she made her way from her car to the front of the office building. This is why he came to work early. This is why he arranged his morning so he could be near his window. Just to watch this unnamed beauty walk from her SUV to the front of the building. He had barely gotten to his desk before the...

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Beach House Sissies

Beach House Sissies by cc My wife Chelsea and I were spending a week at Myrtle Beach, which if you've never been there is crowded, noisy and fun. We had a time-share condo close to the ocean, and I noticed a couple staying across the street. I don't know if their place was a time-share or a vacation home, but there was an expensive car parked under the house (This close to the beach all the houses are built atop heavy ten-foot pilings and everyone parks their cars beneath them.) and...

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Face Time

a story written for me by Mars2000 from bdsmlrthis image was his inspiration!FaceTime (part 1) Hi, let me introduce myself, I’m a 50 something male that had lived his whole life in a closet. No, I’m not gay but I can relate to how they feel. You see, all my life since I was about 5, I have been infatuated with bondage. Over time it developed from self-bondage and dreaming of being ****d by older girls since I did not have any girls interested in me when I was young, to wanting to tie girls up...

1 year ago
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MonstersOfCock Jade Jantzen Mechanic Has The Biggest Ive Ever Seen

Jade Jantzen find more than what she looks for when she goes with her mother to see whats wrong with her car. After checking out and seducing the mechanic this naughty thing finally gets to see his huge cock. She claims that its the biggest she has ever seen but Jax doesn’t let her lips loose as she gives a great sucking before finally taking it all in. She gets her pussy stretched from various positions and all while hiding from her mother. So make sure to watch this hot chick take a big load...

3 years ago
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With a little help from my mom 2

With a little help from my mom 2 Getting home from the astrology convent, I had to handle all the impressions the witch party had made to me. I had been dressing up as a girl in a full dress with makeup and nail polish. But I didn't have a clue whether this was my real me or just a role I played. The terrified joy of dressing female made me quiet and thoughtful. Mom observed this and tried to make me share what I was thinking of. We were sitting opposite to each other at the...

2 years ago
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First time for everything

Let me start off by saying that I have fantasized about alot of things (and tried a number of them); group sex, sex with trans guys, anal, bondage, and the list goes on. I love sex, and I like to get a little adventurous. One thing I never thought I would try would be taking money for sex. It’s not that it offends me, or that I think women demean themselves by doing it. I guess I just never really pictured myself doing it until, well… I found myself on my knees in a very expensive hotel room....

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