A Prayer Answered 6 free porn video

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Sandra returns to school as her new self; full of confidence but with a little fear of what might happen. Will Sandra be accepted or hated and what will happen if she runs into Kevin Chambers (the school bully) is feeding the fear. A Prayer Answered Chapter Six By Sara D. I awoke well rested on Monday, hurried to shower and get dressed. As I thought about what to wear on my first day dressed as a girl to school I first had chosen a skirt, but then decided on a pair of jeans and yellow t-shirt. After putting on a fresh pair of panties and bra I felt those familiar feminine feelings as I inserted the forms in the bra. Looking in the mirror I admired the reflection and slipped on the jeans and buttoned the top button. Boy these jeans sure are low cut. I finished with the t-shirt and brushed and styled my hair just how Marge had showed me. I then sat at my makeshift vanity, some space I cleared on my dresser, and applied makeup just how mom had shown me the last time we did this together. I just wish she could be here to see this, I felt sad and felt a tear slide down my cheek. Damn, and I just put on mascara, I better get a hold of myself before I ruin my makeup. I quickly regained my composure and went to see if dad was still home. I found him just about to leave for work. "Good morning dad," I said cheerfully. "Good morning sweetie, you look nice," Dad responded, just a tad tired looking. "Don't forget Mrs. Sherman wanted to see you before classes today." "I know dad, don't worry I'll be fine." Daddy can be such a worrywart sometimes. "Brian is walking me to school." "Sandra, now if have any trouble you call me immediately. Understood young lady?" he said a little brazen. "Yes sir, Daddy..." I said with emphasis and puppy dog eyes. "That look had no effect on me first thing in the morning missy. Now off to school with you." He then swatted my on the butt playfully as I tried to escape from him to school. "See you after school dad," I said trying to get the last word in. "Love yah." "Love you more pumpkin," dad said with a smile. I then walked out of the house with my books in my bag and met up with Brian who was waiting on the porch. "Good morning Sandy," he said brightly. "Good morning to you to Brian, ready to come to my rescue if need be?" I said in my best helpless demeanor. "Of course, I will be your knight in shining armor." He knew as well as I did, we were not the most popular or physically skilled people in school. I mean we got by with playing sports and stuff but you know the drill, we were more into books, good grades and computers. We walked the rest of the way to school chatting about our upcoming spring dance and who we thought would go together. I was never planning on going to what I thought was a stupid dance. Truth be told I never thought I would have the courage to ask someone. Brian was ever the gentleman and asked me to go with him. "Um...Sandy... Um will you go with me.... Please?" he asked obviously unsure of how I would answer. I turned red and thought for a second; seeing he had a worried look on his face I made my answer. "Yes, I will go with you." I then gave him a hug. "That's great Sandy, you and I will have a wonderful time. Hopefully I will have my license by then that way I can drive you for a change." "That will be the day, and you know what, I will help you study for the test. When are you up for it again?" I asked knowing full well it was this week. "I have an appointment on Wednesday after school. I've already studied till my brain hurts. Hey you could quiz me later, after school." "Ok, it's a date then." We shortly arrived at school; I was feeling a bit apprehensive about what might happen. Then I remembered what mom had told me. 'Hold you head high and be proud.' So that's what I did. Brian as a help too, he gave my hand a squeeze as we entered the main hall and walked towards the principal's office. There were only a few others milling about as it was still quite early. I had at least another 45 minutes till the first bell rang. I gave Brian a hug as I went into the office and checked in with the secretary Ms. James. He wished me luck as I went in. I walked up to Ms. James who had a bright smile she handed me a clipboard and I signed in. She took the clipboard and looked at my name and smiled again. "Mrs. Sherman is expecting you Sandra, might I say you make a lovely young girl," she said brightly. "You may go in." "Thank you Ms. James." I could not help but smile back at her. Mrs. Sherman must have spoken with my teachers and staff over the weekend. "Come in my dear," Mrs. Sherman said as I peeked into her office. "Please have a seat and we will chat before first period." "Thank you Mrs. Sherman I'm sure today will bring new experiences." "Yes, of that I am sure of; you are an exceptional student and young woman. What you have chosen for yourself is a hard and long road. We here at Yellowstone High will not stand in your way, the staff here are committed to your safety and well being," she said in a motherly way and with compassion. "That is good to hear Mrs. Sherman, I am still a bit nervous about running into Kevin Chambers." "Well just steer clear of him as much as possible but if you should need any help, all the teachers here have been briefed on your situation and are instructed to help when the need arrives. I'm sure you just have jitters. What I really want to talk to you about is important also. I want to maintain the dignity of this school and all the rest of the students here. What I am saying is that while you're at school you're allowed to use the female restrooms and facilities required for gym. But I must make myself clear that you must maintain modesty and not let your secret out. And if at any time I find you are enjoying your time with the other girls I will put that to a stop immediately and expel you. I want you and the other students to have a place for learning," she said sternly, making her point. "I understand completely Mrs. Sherman. I'm not doing this on a lark or to get into those places to see the girls, I am a girl on the inside and I'm on the way to change the outside to match." "Of that I am sure; I'm required by the school district to outline the rules that apply to students with a status such as yours. I've also read the letter from Dr. Louis and she has confirmed that you are in a real life test and are living as a female. You should also know that we as a school have been aware of your desire for a while, you mother, god rest her sole, wrote me a letter explaining that in the future you may want to live as a woman and sent it to me to prepare for that day. I will give you a copy of the letter if you like. It's a nice read, I recommend you read it." "Thank you Mrs. Sherman, I will do as you ask and I will make you and the school proud. I won't let my grades slide and I will continue to excel in all my classes. I have friends that already know about me and have pledged to come to my aid if needed, but I don't think I will need it," I told her confidently. "That's good to know." She opened a drawer and pulled out an envelope, stood up and motioned for me to follow her out of the office. "In this envelope is the letter your mom sent me, I think it will help you understand her more." She then handed the letter to Ms. James. "Emily will you make a copy of this letter and give the copy to Sandra." "Yes of course, just a sec," she said cheerfully and made a copy of the letter, then she folded original and put it into an envelope and handed it Sandra. "Thank you Ms. James, I'll read it later," I said anxious to read the letter. "You're welcome, and it was a pleasure to meet you Sandra." "Have a good day Sandra, come by anytime to just talk if you need to," Mrs. Sherman told me. "I will, and thank you again." I walked out of the office into the main hall with my head held high and a new confidence. I felt like nothing could stop me from achieving my goal. Brian was waiting patiently for me to appear. When I met his gaze he gave me the brightest smile yet. God he's cute, now I know why I'm falling for him. "How'd it go?" "Ok, Mrs. Sherman just wanted to make sure I was aware of the rules for me and using the female facilities and said I was welcome at school and she was available to talk to." "Well that's good; it's almost time for first period so I'll see you at lunch." "Thanks for everything so far Brian, see you at lunch." "Good luck Sandy," Brian said as he walked away. I clenched the letter Mrs. Sherman had said was from my mom, I then carefully put the letter away for later reading. I slowly walked down the corridor to my first class which is Math. I sat at my regular seat and watched for reactions of the others as they came rushing in as the bell rang for the class to start. To my surprise no one gave me a second look, except one boy who looked at me and smiled. My fears were slowly fading as the class went on. This experience was the same for the next three classes up English were Ms. Landers gave me a smile and whispered in my ear. "Good luck sweetie, if you need anything just ask me." Now I know why she's my favorite teacher. I took my normal seat and Amy took hers next to me. "How's your day going Sandy?" Amy asked as she pulled out her English paper. "Good, no one has really said anything yet today. It's just been a normal day," I answered kind of surprised by the reaction, well lack of one so far. "That's good, you want company for lunch?" "Sure I'd like that. Oh yah, guess who asked me to the spring dance?" Amy gave me a knowing look and smile as if she had to guess. "Brian for sure, it's not that much of a stretch to guess he would ask you. He's head over heels in love with you Sandy. I've never known him to be in such a good mood since the real you arrived." "Thanks Amy, I am sure lucky to have a boyfriend such as him. And I know that he and I will be together for a long time and that I love him as well," I truthfully told Amy, we were then interrupted by Ms. Landers. "Girls!" she said sternly. "It's time for class to begin." "Sorry Ms. Landers," Amy and I said at the same time, looked at each other and laughed that we did that. At lunch Brian, Amy, Gina and I sat and had a boisterous chat. We talked about all sorts of things, of course the two top topics were the so far non-reaction of other students, and in fact I had a few comments like. 'It's about time she dressed like a girl.' One boy said in the hall in passing. I even walked past the well known school bully and thorn in our side for years, Kevin Chambers with no reaction. It's been a good day so far. The second topic was what we girls would wear to the dance. Of course I had just the dress in mind, the white one from yesterday. Amy and Gina said I would look beautiful in anything, as they had not seen me in it yet. "Sandy, you looked gorgeous in that yesterday," Brian said then blushed. "Thanks Brian." I was equally embarrassed at the comment. He thought I looked gorgeous; he's quickly earning more points. "You would look nice in a Tux. Think your mom would get you one?" I asked the stuck out my tongue at him. "For a date with you, I am sure she would." "That would be cool; I could get Matt to get one too." Amy smiled, Matt is her boyfriend and he's pretty cool. In fact I haven't seen him yet today. "Oh here he is." With that Matt sat next to Amy and gave her a peck on the cheek. "Hi Amy." Then nodded at Gina and Brian then looked at me trying to figure me out, then asked. "Who are you, are you new here?" "No silly, Sandra's been going here for a long time," Amy said before I could answer. "She has, I don't remember seeing her before today," Matt said confused. "Well before today you haven't seen her, she was someone else," Amy continued. "Someone else, what do you mean, who?" He was still confused and I could tell. "Matt, I used to be Tim, but now I'm Sandra full time." "Oh, ok that cool, nice to meet you Sandra," Matt said as he shook my hand in a friendly manner. I was stunned, that was it. No reaction other than that's cool. I was expecting to get bludgeoned to death once people started to realize who I used to be. He must have seen my confusion at his reaction. "Don't worry Sandra, while I don't understand why you would want to be a girl, it's none of my business and I won't let on that I know who you used to be." "Thanks Matt," I said truly grateful, Amy must have felt the same way as she just given him a kiss on the lips. "You're a great boyfriend Matt; I love you for being you," Amy said with glassy eyes. "We've been talking about the spring dance and what we're going to wear. Would you be willing to get a tuxedo? Brian's going to wear one with Sandy." "Um... Sure, that would be kind of neat." He then must have realized what Amy had implied by saying Brian and me. "Brian um... you're going with Sandra?" he said with a strange hard to guess look. "Yes Matt, I am. She is my girlfriend so why not." "Oh, ok. You're getting Paul to wear a tux Gina?" I think he wanted to change the subject as I'm sure he did not know how to respond to the realization of Brian and I being a couple. Gina piped in, "Of course, he will have little choice once I tell Paul." "Tell me what Gina?" Paul said as he sat next to her. "That you're wearing a tuxedo to the spring dance with me and the rest of us," Gina said as an order to Paul. "Ok Gina, but if I'm going to wear a tux to the dance I want to get a kiss afterwards." "It's a deal," Gina said with a smile. I was listening intently on how these two girls had their boys twisted around their fingers and was learning quickly the power we girls had over our men. I was enjoying how easily the boys had agreed to wear tuxedos to the spring dance which was traditionally a casual dance. I am sure in short order the rest of the girls in the school would learn of our plan and that the dance would soon be a very formal function. It did not take long for Paul to get a funny look on his face when he looked at me in recognition shortly after agreeing to Gina's ploy. "Hey, I know you from some were," he said to me. I sighed and took a deep breath to explain things again but did have to again. But this time Matt came to my rescue and retold what we had already talked about. Once he was convinced he just sort of shrugged as in a 'whatever' attitude and continued to take a bite out of the burger he had been eating. "You're not angry or feeling weird about me?" I asked puzzled once again. "Nah, it doesn't bother me one bit. I think it's courageous you have the balls to dress as a girl at school. You look good as a girl by the way." Gina got a huge smile on her face and she too gave her boyfriend a kiss in thanks. "You're the best, you know that don't you." "Thanks Gina, if she's your friend then she is my friend. What's your name by the way?" "Sandra, but you can call me Sandy. All my true friends call me that." "It's nice to meet you Sandy," he said with a smile and hand shake. We then continued talking about the dance like normal teenagers and then went on about nothing in particular until the bell rang to go to fifth period. The rest of the day went uneventful. I thought my first day at school would have been a night mare but was just a normal day for me. Even changing for Gym was not a problem with the other girls. I didn't even take a second look at any of them as I changed inside my cubical. Like Mrs. Sherman had told me to do. After grabbing the letter Mrs. Sherman has given me I left walked out of school and I met up with Brian at the entrance to the school. "How was the rest of your day?" Brain asked interested. "It was good, I'm just surprised that no one really cared or did not realize who I used to be. Especially Matt and Paul they are a trip and nice." "Well I hope you don't think they're cute, I might get jealous," he said with a look that would kill. "Don't worry you're the only man for me," I said then did the unexpected thing. I kissed him on the lips and melted into him completely. After a few exciting minutes we broke the kiss and held hands all the way home. As we stood staring at each other on my porch, Brian finally found his voice again. "I love you Sandra, I can't wait till the dance. I am truly excited about it, more of what might happen afterwards," Brian said implying a possible sexual encounter after the spring dance. "We will cross that bridge when the time comes Brian, I am still unsure if I want to do that yet," I said out loud but immediately began thinking about what is would be like to be with him that way, to actually experience oral sex with him came to mind. Would I do that to him I'll have to think about that later. "I know Sandy; you can't fault a boy for dreaming can you?" Brian said hopefully. "No I guess not," I answered honestly. "Sandy I just want to be honest with you; I would love nothing more than to experience sex with you before you decide to change things down there," he said glancing at my crotch. "Well to be truthful with you, I haven't figured if that's the way I want to go fully. I know I'm a girl, but I might decide I want to keep my boy parts but still be a girl. I know it's hard to comprehend but that is how I feel right now." "I love you Sandra Davidson," Brian said as he gave me a big hug then kissed me more deeply than before. I once again melted into him and swooned in the pleasure and passion of the kiss. I could not help but feel true love for Brian, and my boy parts were in full agreement and starting to make its approval known. I broke the kiss because I knew Brian had to have felt that. "Sorry for that Brian, I can't control it," I said still holding my hands around his neck. "It's perfectly ok Sandy, it's part of you and it natural. And part of why I love you so much." "Thank you Brian, I should get going and get to my home work," I said trying to get alone so I could think and read mom's letter. "Ok Sandy, I'll see you in the morning." Brian then kissed my lightly on the lips as he left to go home. I gathered myself up and walked into my bedroom and closed the door. I needed some privacy and time to think. Being a teenager I was thinking about what Brain had said and I was wondering what it would feel like to give Brian oral sex. I began to get excited the more I thought about it, I had to pull my pants and panties off to release the pressure building down below. I once again had to use my favorite towel to clean up the mess one I was done. I knew at this moment that I would never want to rid myself of my favorite new toy. It was too pleasurable to get rid of. I knew I wanted to be a girl, just now I would be a girl with extra parts, who knew. Once I regained my composure, I pulled out the letter and began reading. Dear Principal Sherman, Bridget, as you know my son Tim attends your school in the 10th grade. He is an above average student pulling a 3.5 GPA and has good friends. Why you ask am I writing you. Well here is why. Recently I became ill and found it hard to concentrate and do daily tasks and simple house chores. After a long round of test at the hospital I was diagnosed with cancer and was given only a few months to live. I, along with my loving husband David, and Tim, were devastated, to say the least. I knew something was wrong as soon as the doctor walked in. The horror on David's and Tim's face made my heart hurt more than you can imagine. They were just told they would lose their wife and mother. I don't want to die, and as a Christian I knew I would be ok in the house of the lord. But I was still sad. It's been hard this last month, back and forth from home to stays in the hospital has been stressful financially and emotionally. I've been considerably weaker and been in the hospital for a week now, the doctors say I will not be able to go home. David's wants me to pass at home, but doesn't think Tim could handle seeing his mother fade away to the ultimate death. As a mother of a son you know how hard it is to relate to your son, as I have relating to my dear son. I know my death will leave a whole in his and my husband's lives. I know that David will take care of my son; he is a great husband and understanding and compassionate father. I was truly blessed to have met and finally marry him. He is my will always be my friend and lover. So you know that Tim and David will ultimately be ok. What I am writing to you for is to give you my written permission for Tim to attend school as a girl named Sandra when she decides to come out of her shell. It was certainly hard to relate to my son, but the day I caught Tim in my underwear I met my daughter for the first time. My 12 year old son was standing looking at himself in the mirror admiring how he, no, she looked while wearing my undergarments - a simple pair of cotton panties and bra. They were obviously too big for her and she really needed something that fit. I could not help but smile, so much like her father, but with a small difference. This one was a true girl on the inside. I could tell immediately that she was different from my husband's cross dressing. The look on her face, and stance was much different than what I had experience with David. Yes David used to cross dress when we were first married. I thought it was a hoot and loved it. We were soon given the happy news of my pregnancy and David and I decided that his dressing would stop. Time passed and David and I loved Tim with all our hearts, even given the obvious fact that she was effeminate at a very young age. David always told me that Tim would find himself and not to worry that he would love our son no matter what. Well I walked up to Tim and startled him when I asked. "Would you like help?" I think he would rather have been caught stealing then being caught as he did. This experience ultimately leads to the frequent dressing as a girl over the next four years. I even taught my new daughter how to do make up and how to act and present herself. Tim had asked me not to reveal our little secret to his father and I promised I would not. I don't know why Sandy was afraid to tell his father, he would be ok with it. I will try and find time to talk to David before it's too late. Well now you know that Sandra will need a helping hand and to experience life as she was meant to. She's at a vulnerable stage and will be sixteen soon. She has a friend at school named Amy and she has been friends with Sandra for a while, but she will need yours and the rest of the staff's help too. If Sandra does not come out of her shell a few months after I am gone, will you help her. Thank you Bridget, you're a good friend and I know you will help. Give this letter to Sandra when it's right. With all my love, God bless you. Claudia Davidson. P. S. Sandra, if you're reading this, I am sorry I had to leave. You are now who you were meant to be. I love you Sandra. LOVE MOM. I put the letter down and started to cry, I missed my mom dearly and this letter held a connection to her. It also explained a few things and let me know it was ok to be Sandra and that I was going to be ok. And no matter what she and dad loved me. I don't know how long I cried but they were tears of joy and sadness at the same time. I soon heard the sound of the front door closing as dad got home. I quickly wiped my eyes off and regained my composer again and went out to meet dad. I just wanted to hug him, and I did as we ran into each other in the hall. "What's the matter sweetie, tough day at school?" he said with a look of concern. "No, Mrs. Sherman gave me this letter mom had written to her a week before she died," I said with a few more tears and handed the letter to dad. Dad led me to the living room where we sat down and dad read the letter. I stared at his face the whole time to get any tell tale signs of how he was taking it. When he finished he put it down and gave me a hug. "It was a nice letter, your mother loved us both very much and I too miss her. This does explain why Mrs. Sherman was so excepting when I called and told her you were attending school as a girl." We then just sat and comforted each other for a while. I then remembered that Brian has asked me to the spring dance. "Um dad, would it be ok if Brian and I go to the spring dance together in two weeks?" I asked a little apprehensive. "Of course you can go on a date with Brian; he is your boyfriend right?" Dad said with a snicker. "I would not expect you not to go. You are sixteen and able to date anyone you want. Just be careful sweetie and have fun, what are you planning on wearing?" "The dress from yesterday, Amy and Gina and I are getting the guys to wear tuxedos to the dance. We're going to set a trend and make this a formal dance." "I see you've learned to manipulate your boyfriend. A skill worth any good woman, a skill your mother had in quantity and I loved her for it." "Thanks dad, I have some homework to do, then bed. I'll see you in the morning." I then gave him another hug, just for being a great dad. I spent the next hour or so working on my English and math assignments then fell asleep soon after. I woke the next morning well rested and ready for a new day, I found that dad had put mom's letter on my dresser. He must have done that after I fell asleep. I folded it neatly and put it back in the envelope Ms. James had given me. I then felt ultra feminine today and I put on a nice auburn v-neck top, and black cotton skirt that came up to the tops of my knees, not overly short but extremely feminine especially with the jet black nylons and my new black pumps on. I gave dad a hug and said good bye on my way out. As always Brian was waiting for me on the porch. As our eye met I thought his eyes would pop out of his head. "Good morning beautiful." Brian almost exasperating in excitement, he was truly looking to be taken aback by my choice of attire today. "You look great Sandy." "Thank you Brian, I feel extremely feminine today and want to show it." "Well you pull it off nicely." Brian said as a compliment and I was not going to argue. About half way to school I broke our conversation about nothing and let the cat out of the bag about how I felt about my boy parts. "Brian I've decided that I don't want to change things down below, I want to keep my penis but I still want to present myself as a girl and to look like one as much as possible. The hormone I'm on will take care of that, by this time next year I'll have breasts and my penis will probably become smaller, but it will still work. I thought it would not be fair unless I told you this. I haven't told my dad or my therapist yet. I'll tell dad tonight and Dr. Louis on Thursday during our next session." "That's wonderful news Sandra, I can't be happier. I mean if you had surgery to become a girl for real I would still love you. But knowing I will still have you as you are is exciting. If you know what I mean, sorry it's just I've been fantasizing about you for ages and now that you have made this decision I am elated," Brian said truthfully. We arrived at school, once there we ran into Gina, Paul, Amy and Matt. "Wow Sandra you look hot today," Matt said as we walked up then fell back a foot as Amy elbowed him in the ribs. "Matt I'm the only girl for you, and you better not try and get anywhere near Sandy," she said in mock jealousy. "No worries here Amy, I'm not interested in Matt. For me it's all Brian." "Well that's good, you do look nice today," Amy finally admitted. "Thanks." That's when the first bell rang and we were all of to class. The day went just like yesterday. I was just another girl at school, just one who had finally come out of her tomboy stage and decided to dress like a girl. I gathered that from a few more overheard comments from a few boys and girls I ran into throughout the day. I couldn't be happier and was having a wonderful time. Mrs. Sherman commented on my attire and said I looked nice and even Mr. Thompson the Gym teacher said I was a nice looking girl, he being ultra masculine and known for his view on gays. I was surprised that the reaction was so mild and I found myself relaxed and falling into a normal teenage girl day. After great lunch with all my friends and Brian I was walking with my head held high. My day could not get better, I was elated and the clothes I had chosen for today enhanced the feeling. No one could ruin my day. I was on my way down the hall after visiting the girls room after lunch. I was opening my locker to get my books out for my next class when I all of a sudden I heard from the school bully Kevin Chambers and my stomach turned over into knots. "WHY YOU FUCKING FAGGOT, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING. YOU FUCKING PEACE OF SHIT HOMO." Then I heard Brian say in the distance, "KEVIN, YOU BASTARD NO!!!!!!!!" Then everything went dark as I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head.

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Some Prayers Do Get Answered

This is my first attempt at authoring a story on my own. Constructive criticism is invited. I’ve not used an editor this time, as I would like to know what people think of my writing first. Thank you! “Roshan, shut that damn play thing off and come sit down for your prayers young man!” my Aunt Dolly shouted from the living room. “It’s not a play thing, it’s a PlayStation”, I muttered under my breath, but I found myself smiling at her matronly behavior. Grudgingly, I paused the game where I was...

4 years ago
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A Question Answered

Suzanne lay against me, her back beside my chest, my arms around her, in the dimly-lit den. We each held a cold beer (drinking beer was a common passion of ours, and something I had not been used to in previous relationships). I took a swig of mine, closed my eyes and felt her warmth on my body, thinking of her beauty, so understated yet stunning. There was no doubt I was falling for her, I had suspected the same was true from her standpoint, but couldn’t be 100 percent sure-not yet. As is...

4 years ago
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Some sex questions answered

Some sex questions answered1. What’s your favorite place to be kissed? Mouth. With tongue, bottom of cock right below tip, and balls.2. What color and style of underwear are you wearing? Commando3. What’s your favorite sexual position? Woman on top4. Do you prefer sex beneath the sheets or on top? On top On top5. Do you prefer sex with the lights on or off? Lights on6. Do you like rough sex or smooth sex? Smooth7. What one word would describe the most pleasurable night you’ve had? Tripping on...

1 year ago
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Some sex questions answered

Some sex questions answered1. What’s your favorite place to be kissed? Lips and Neck2. What color and style of underwear are you wearing? Right now: red nylon bikini briefs3. What’s your favorite sexual position? Middle4. Do you prefer sex beneath the sheets or on top? On top5. Do you prefer sex with the lights on or off? On6. Do you like rough sex or smooth sex? Mild to wild7. What one word would describe the most pleasurable night you’ve had? Variety8. What’s your favorite part of sex?...

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Dark Rapture II A Question Answered

Chapter 1 Marcus and I drove along the narrow roads. I had my face buried in a bunch of print-outs of old newspaper reports. I was excited to be on this trip. For months I have been trying to get ideas for my new book, but it seemed as if inspiration was in sort supply. My publishers were crawling up my ass, wanting to know when the next Nova Raskin book would be on the shelves. I was tired of dealing with it, that's why I came to this small New England town. There was one house I was...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 16 Questions Asked Questions Answered

June – Year 1 “Holy Shit!” Not the best alarm clock ever! Dara was standing in the door examining a scene of total sexual carnage. There were bits of clothes scattered around the room. The top bed sheet was scrunched up on floor at the foot of the bed. The fitted sheet was off of two of the corners and was wrapped around Erin’s feet. Lynn woke up first; I guess when a mother hears any surprising noise out of a daughter it sends waves right into the mother’s brain. She found herself wedged...

4 years ago
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TyballaChapter 8 Questions Answered Questions Not Answered

I ran faster than the other girls. April ran too, but she fell behind quickly. I dashed down the trail through the trees, out onto the open field to the waiting ambulance with its bright, flashing lights, and to the medics who would have never found us in the woods. "She's back up this way!" I shouted. One of them shined a flashlight along the edge of the woods to the entrance of the narrow trail. "We'll never get the stretcher up there," he said. The other replied, "Fine. I guess...

3 years ago
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The Ishtar InvestigationChapter 13 Questions Asked Questions Answered

It was once we were inside that he revealed that he was aware of what we were doing. "Why?" were his first words once the door closed. "Because I have questions I don't want to ask where others can hear," I stated firmly. I could see Sarah and Fate peeking around the corner from the back room, but guided Commodore Pruitt to a chair and had him sit. Linda clearly had decided that withdrawing might help and vanished into the back for a moment. I could see the man look around and spoke...

2 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 83 A question of the ages finally answered

John awoke the next morning to the soft sound of a girl singing. He recognised Faye’s exquisite voice, but the song was filled with a heart-breaking sense of melancholy that almost brought a tear to his eye. Trying not to disturb Tashana and Irillith, he untangled himself from the sisters and sat upright so he could look at Faye. She was sitting in the chair, gazing away into the distance with a mournful expression on her face. “What’s wrong, Faye?” John asked her quietly, climbing off the...

1 year ago
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Personal Ad Answered

I decided it would be fun to place a personal ad. This would be like a blind date and I promised myself that if I got an answer, I'd try and seduce the woman, no matter what she was like. I described myself as a 35 year old man. 6' 3" tall at 185 lbs. with hazel eyes. Long brown hair and a mustache. I said I was looking for a 50 plus year old woman who was interested in having some intimate fun. After about a week, I got one envelope from the news paper. It was from a 59 year old woman. She did...

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A Prayer Answered

Sister Mary Elizabeth peered into the gloomy corners of the church as she hurried to the front and kneeled before the altar. She thought she had seen someone for a moment but when she searched there was only the breeze left behind by the closing of the heavy old front door of the church. No one was supposed to be in here, not even her, but she needed to feel close to God as she talked over her issues with him. She took her position of prayer and was about fifteen minutes into her meditation...

4 years ago
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A prayer might be answered

The contract work on a drill-ship was too lucrative to pass up. Arrangements for my k**s was hard to setup. With so many Kristen needed help 7*24 and quality care is very hard to find. Pretty dull work but heavy skill and it paid off. Informed all computer connections are monitored. So I stayed away from this site. Got back Saturday and I've been hugging my babies ever since. No cock for a month. All work and no play makes Andie a bad girl. And Kristen is the best. She has basically...

4 years ago
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Some sex questions answered

What’s your favorite place to be kissed? Lips and absWhat color panties are you wearing? Right now: none ;PWhat’s your favorite sexual position? SpoonsDo you prefer sex beneath the sheets or on top? On topDo you prefer sex with the lights on or off? Depends on my moodDo you like rough sex or smooth sex? Depends on my partnerWhat one word would describe the most pleasurable night you’ve had? SlipperyWhat’s your favorite part of sex? Do I have to choose?Are you familiar with the term “erotic...

1 year ago
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Bonnie Called and I Answered

If you read my recent post regarding a hotel Front Desk Supervisor encounter, please read on. If you did NOT read that post, I suggest you read it BEFORE you read this one.As you recall, Bonnie is a middle-aged woman - in a less-than-wonderful marriage. Her husband, by her account, is a "climb-on, grunt and groan, and roll off" kind of guy. As she acknowledged after our encounter, she was ripe for and open to a "different" experience - and I happened to come along.At any rate, shortly after...

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Desire and Despair Book 3 of Poachers ProgressChapter 18 More Questions Are Answered

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride" The Vicar of St Wulfrum's reached the culmination of the marriage ceremony and Gurney and Zinnia embraced. The church bells chimed, the choir sang an anthem, and most of the ladies in the congregation cried while the men stared stolidly to their front. I accompanied the chief bridesmaid – a cousin of Zinnia who possessed an equally prominent bosom but little else of Zinnia's warmth, intelligence or wit – following the happy couple...

2 years ago
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Sorkanas Rise the Search for Answers

Sorkana's Rise, the Search for Answers By: Malissa Madison Pern, Landing Weyr; Zinda was just stepping out of the Weyr kitchens, it had been a hurried afternoon, after returning from Between. But the injured Dragons and Riders had all been tended and treated. Thankfully none serious enough to prevent them returning to their Home Weyr. The excited chittering of Fire Lizards caught her attention and she turned to see the little gold with a message tube from Western....

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Darkness and LightChapter 6 Questions and Answers

When Jenaya woke up she knew something was wrong before she had even opened her eyes. Outside her window, about twenty yards to the left stood an old alder. At night an owl frequently used the tree as a look-out for its hunt. Jenaya liked to watch the bird while it was overlooking the garden. The owl’s calm patience always had a soothing effect on her, not tonight though. Tonight the owl was a pulsing presence in Jenaya’s awareness. Its surprisingly high frequency heartbeat was absently...

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Darkness and LightChapter 24 Simple Answers

Athea lay on Roban’s wide chest, her eyes were closed but she was not sleeping. Lying on her brother, her arms wrapped around his neck, feeling his big hand possessively holding her butt and listening to his slow, steady heartbeat, was the one place she normally felt safe and at home. But she didn’t feel safe tonight. His body was warm and alive but an empty hull, his mind and awareness gone where she could not follow. Athea felt alone lying on her brother’s chest, but that wasn’t true...

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Ovid 21 The Answers

Ovid 21 - The Answers By The Professor I awoke from an unplanned nap with a start. In spite of the pleasant sounds of an early summer day - the barking of a dog several yards away, the sounds of the sprinkler watering the yard next door, and the muffled sound of a baseball game on TV coming from inside the house where Jerry was watching a KC Royals game, and the soft buzz of a pesky fly - I had awakened in an agitated state. I had been dreaming as I lay on the comfortable chaise...

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Mom has the answer

Mom's arms rocked back and forth with the dice in her hand. My eyes flashed to her cleavage as it bounced with the movement. I could only look for a moment. She was my mom after all. Mom dropped the dice on the Monopoly board, "Eight! One - Two -" She counted up to eight. "Boardwalk! I'll buy it!" She smiled at me brightly and counted out four $100 Monopoly dollars. "Oh great." I said sarcastically. "Now you have the Monopoly. It starts with a couple houses and pretty soon you'll have hotels...

1 year ago
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A Different Sort of LifestyleChapter 18 Searching for Answers

Pouring two cups of coffee, June asked, “So how was your vacation?” “I’m afraid that it wasn’t all that great.” June examined Cindy shocked by the unhappy expression on the woman’s face. She wondered what had happened. Frowning, she said, “I thought George wanted to give you a nice treat.” “He did. He wasn’t the problem,” Cindy said while shaking her head. In fact, he had been great. If George hadn’t been with her, then things would have been much worse. “It couldn’t have been all bad,”...

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Song of ThanksChapter 11 June 12 1996 In Search Of New Answers

The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers. M. Scott Peck: South Dakota June 1-2, 1996 ... I have seen that in any great undertaking it is not enough for a man to depend simply upon himself. -Lone Man (Isna-la-wica)(Teton Sioux) Gaho's daughter...

4 years ago
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Megan Enraged Book 2 of Wizard a Love StoryChapter 4 More Questions Than Answers

Brett Stevens turned to look back as his Ram Charger turned from the driveway and picked up speed on the gravel road. All five Magi were in the first Ram Charger and their seconds were following in the other. Both vehicles followed an Arizona state police cruiser. He turned back, facing front. He glared at the police car ahead of them and demanded, "What the hell was that about, Whitcomb?" Karl Whitcomb could only turn his head and glare at the leader of the Americas Council. "Oh, for...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 246 Answer

Kenshin: I finally managed to find it. My answer of how to atone for the crimes of the Hitokiri, and for killing Tomoe... Enishi: Really. So you finally understand. Then you'll cease this pointless struggle and accept your punishment! (He leaps forward, stabbing Kenshin in the arm.) Misao (wincing): Ouch! Megumi: Ken-san! Watoujutsu Goutsui Tousei! (Enishi's second blow sends Kenshin flying almost straight up in the air. He lands with a spray of blood.) Enishi: The only way to pay...

2 years ago
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The Hardest Answer

Julia and Lauren were wrapped in each other’s arms, the light in Julia’s bedroom was set very dim, but Julia could see something she had never imagined she’d see. She had made love to Lauren so many times these past months in all sorts of conditions, but now here just holding Lauren this way, Julia’s eyes could not be torn away from Lauren’s forearms. The pink scars were at least a half-inch wide in three different stripes below her elbow. Just following her line of consciousness, Julia reached...

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The Answer

The sound of the trash truck clanging and beeping its way down the street heralded a new day. Mornings have a sound all their own. The breaking dawn was peeking through the blinds as I watched Lexi, so peaceful in her sleep - a stark contrast from what happened yesterday. I couldn't sleep last night, thinking about how our lives were seemingly spiraling out of control. How could I have let it progress to this point, and what, if anything, could I do to stop it? I keep going over it all in my...

Wife Lovers
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Masturbation and Porn Questionnaire my answers

Masturbation and Porn Survey 2019I saw some of these surveys have been done in the past and I find the idea fun, so let's try this! This one is not only about masturbation, but also about what kind of porn you like. I will provide the blank form below, and my answers under that. If you want, put a link to a blogpost or story with your answers in the comments (If you like this, be a good sport and participate! You can answer only the questions you want to, obviously)survey begins below...

1 year ago
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Second Chances Chapter 3 Questions and Answers

Tuesday, September 23, 1997 Ron's truck stopped in the driveway. Metallica spilling out of the rust and pock-marks of the truck. I laughed to myself. Ron in 2018 is making enough money to drive a Lexus, or rather his wife is. His music taste has changed too. The music stopped as I walked out of the house and down the front porch. I opened the passenger door and threw my backpack onto the seat. Behind the steering wheel was a younger Ron. While Ron is older than I am by a few months, it's...

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Question and Answer

Question and Answer Question and Answer.?A Short Story by Susan.?..Caution. Not for the faint-hearted.?Interrogation which gets seriously evilNon consensual?.One. Capture.?..The sunset was exceptional, shards of vermilion on a canvas of almost lemon yellow.Greg sat at the stern, one hand on the polished wood of the tiller, the other nestling under his wife?s? left breast as she cuddled in to his chest.Auto-pilot could have taken over, but this was the magic of long distance...

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Sean David Kilpatrick Flynn Book 1 of Wizard A Love StoryChapter 12 Finally Some Answers

Martha got the men settled around the table. Seth had fixed a brace for one of the chairs so Sean's car carrier could hold Sean at table height. Udit chuckled and pointed out that most people just used a highchair for their babies. "Sean's more comfortable this way Mr. Udit," Martha replied with a little irritation in her voice. "This way it seems like it's easier for him to join the conversation with the rest of us," she explained. Her expression started to look sheepish before it...

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To Love Honour And Fingers CrossedChapter 2 The Answers

They settled in the lounge. Kenneth took one of the two burgundy coloured armchairs while Ricky took the other settling himself so that he was facing his father. Beccy, as was her want, sprawled out on the couch that was the third of the family's three-piece lounge suite so that she too could look in the direction of her father. "Come on daddy," said Beccy excitedly as she reached across, grabbed the glass of orange juice she had placed on the coffee table and carefully took a drink...

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Jamie Searching for Answers

Jamie in the rush of time, jogged the way that complimented his athletic abilities, arrived at James greeting by the University entrance. James had observed his steps were perfectly spread, his body near pedestrians would watch him jog in awe of Jamie’s athletic body, where his sexual attractiveness aura swiped the hearts of many. Jamie had arrived breaking no sweat and showed no signs of fatigue by face and body. James made the first move and gave Jamie a bear hug. “Hey, thought you was going...

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Naomi Powers opened the front door to her dingy apartment. She tossed her purse on the table in the hallway and kicked off her shoes allowing them to land where they would. Her neatly ordered world was back to the chaos that it had been that night thirty-one years ago when she was just a baby. An eight month old baby learning to crawl. Through her mother’s blood when she did not answer her cries. They say her father found her there asleep in her mother’s cold arms the next morning when his...

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One Answer

My friend and I grew up together in the city. His family moved to an acreage south of the city when we were in grade nine. We would get together for weekends often. Our families (parents, brothers & sisters) were clueless as to how our relationship was changing from pals to intimate friends. In-deed we were pretty clueless too, but we were keen to explore and learn, especially me.One weekend when we were in grade 11, I got a question answered.He was bunking in our basement guest room two levels...

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Beginnings Chapter 3 Model Answers

I arrived home utterly exhausted after my first full day at Berman Bruce. I went straight to my bedroom and closed the door. I popped open the side button of my skirt, lowered the zip, cautiously eased the tight material over my bottom and allowed it to fall to the floor. The cheeks of my bottom were still smarting fiercely; a burning reminder of my disobedience. I positioned myself in front of the full length mirror and turned around. I caught my breath sharply as I saw the livid marks which...

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Mayank Want Answers

Bhabhi Bhaiya Hey guys, This is Dragging_Feets and this is my first story here at ISS. I am an amateur so the story may not be as expertly written as it should be but please bear with me.Also, the story will be long. So, please have patience.The story is totally a fantasy and characters of the story does not represent anyone in real life. —————————– The phone at Shukla residency was ringing aloud and it caused Mayank to wake up from his sleep. “Wow! That’s a Great news” he heard his mom...

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One Answer

My friend and I grew up together in the city. His family moved to an acreage south of the city when we were in grade nine. We would get together for weekends often. Our families (parents, brothers & sisters) were clueless as to how our relationship was changing from pals to intimate friends. In-deed we were pretty clueless too, but we were keen to explore and learn, especially me.One weekend when we were in grade 11, I got a question answered.He was bunking in our basement guest room two levels...

Gay Male
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CaptivatingSome Answers

Nallen kept walking me through the steps needed to heal my father. In truth, it was more him teaching me to teach my father’s body a different way to heal. ‘Physician, heal thyself’ indeed. His case would require huge amounts of food - that missing mass wasn’t going to come from nowhere! - but once started the process would be all but automatic. It wouldn’t require upkeep, not from either of us anyway. Future injuries wouldn’t even require the massive nutritional intake that replacing Daddy’s...

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ResultChapter 2 Answers

All those films on the Internet about the first night bonk-fest in your pod? They're not true, at least they weren't for me. When we arrived on board the colony ship, we were given a short lecture on concubines' rights, i.e. none, and our duties, i.e. do whatever you're told. Nothing new there, we'd already had the basics explained to us in school. Afterwards Isabel went off to medical for a quick fix, diabetes I think, and the rest of us followed Jun-Hee to our pod. It was late, so she...

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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 53 More Questions Than Answers

“Do you believe this wise, Father?” the red-haired young woman asked as they stood at the dock nearest to their destination. “I do not know about wisdom but I believe it necessary,” the older man asked. “Your uncle’s hold on power has grown tenuous. He has become enamored with the idiotic ideas emanating from across the water. He has spoken of allowing a plebiscite in the eastern lands to allow them to determine for themselves if they wish to remain part of the country.” “I have never heard...

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Desire and Despair Book 3 of Poachers ProgressChapter 16 Suggestions Questions and a Part Answer

Caroline smiled in delight when I explained the stratagem which would enable us to travel to Grantham together. "I wanted to meet your parents before our marriage, in case they were unable to attend our wedding." She gazed at me with admiration. "Your plan is positively cunning in concept. I like a man with that quality within him." She took my earlobe in between her teeth and bit gently, then breathed huskily in my ear. "And I like a man with that quality to be within me." "What...

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Questions and answers

We get asked lots of questions so we thought we would answer on here:Favourite sex position:She loves being fucked hard from behind doggystyle and he loves to pin her legs back and fuck her deep.Best sexual experience:2017 - a new client with a sex dungeon got in touch and explained his bondage fantasies. I was excited and wanted to try it! Hubby wasn't at first but I told him we would try it and see how it was. We nervously went there and he bound me in lots of positions and angles. He started...

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Milking Time B1 Chapter 4 Questions And Answers

Chapter 4: Questions And Answers"Okay, girls. You've all done your duties quite nicely this afternoon," said Barocca. "I realize that for some of you, this was your first time in the milking ritual." Barocca strolled over to Tiffany, where she still reclined on the platform. "For those of you who are new here, here's what we expect of you, and I'll give you the chance to ask some questions also." "You're all here," continued Barocca, "Because you all found out or heard about us, either through...

4 years ago
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Dear Diary part 10 Questioning and Answering

Dear Diary, Sometime ago, I joined a message board where I could talk to other cross dressers, women, trans preps, and even male admirere about all sorts of topics. It became a safe spot, a sanctuary for Kimberly to express herself. I became a regular there and even befriended some very nice people. Although never meeting any of them in person, I felt a general closeness where I could be myself and took comfort in the cloak of anonymity. I had met this guy named Dalton who lived in...

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The Chastity BallWednesday Chastitys Answer

Wednesday - Chastity's Answer Steve was lecturing about chapter 9 and 10 of our Human Sexuality textbook today. It was all about technique. I decided to ask him why we spent so much time on sexual mechanics and so little on love. "After all, it's just intercourse." He frowned. "Remember to watch your language, young lady." I blushed. "I'm sorry. I mean, it's just fucking." Steve looked at me for a long time. Then he spoke. "I'm going to tell you a love story about a girl named...

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Journey OutwardChapter 23 Answers

I take Holliday's hand and start to walk toward the Protector's training grounds. "Holiday. How do you really feel about Alys?" "Well I like her, a lot, but..." he pauses. I insert, "But she is not Annie." "Yeah," he agrees with me but surprises me with his next question, "I was kind of thinking, am I just trying to find someone now that Annie is gone?" "Do you truly believe you are that fickle?" I smile sadly at him. "Well, I did kind of jump into all this. I don't...

1 year ago
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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 53 Questions and Answers

November 27, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio On Friday morning, just after 10:00am, I was surprised when April showed up at the door of Jocelyn’s house. “Your mom said you were here. I guess you and Jocelyn decided to go steady?” I shook my head, “No. There are some problems at home that mean I need to stay here.” “Problems with your parents?” “It’s a family thing I can’t really talk about. What’s up?” “I wanted to apologize for getting upset and sending you away on Monday.” “Apology accepted....

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The ArrangementChapter 5 Questions and Answers

ISPOTA International Society for Protection of The Arrangement Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) What is “The Arrangement”? The Arrangement is a set of guidelines developed to ensure that a young woman’s (*) first sexual experience is safe, healthy, consensual, and enjoyable. These guidelines are based on those used throughout the world for centuries by families and societies wishing to properly introduce their daughters to sexuality in an appropriate and safe manner. ISPOTA has adapted...

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The Wishes Tempus FugitThe Kevlar of Knowing the Answer

James blinked awake just before the alarm blared the song, ‘I’ve Got You Babe,’ and he couldn’t help but smile at the irony of that particular tune. He sighed and pulled the sheets back, pondering the fact that his life just seemed to be on autopilot at this point. He could do it blindfolded; even with the recent events, the changes in the family dynamics were helping him out. He was beginning to realize that he was ready for more than just sleepwalking through life. He threw off the sheets...

4 years ago
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Did She Know The Answer

Arriving in Ireland for a wedding, I was a little nervous. It was my first experience of my man’s family en-masse; most, I’d never met before. He’d told me everything would be fine, but that didn’t really help.Pulling up at the hotel, I felt rather out of my depth. You know that feeling when you sit on a high stool and can swing your feet like a child? How it makes you feel small and a little giddy, I felt like that with my feet on the ground. Alcohol was needed. As was the man beside me.The...

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