Wingman free porn video

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Wingman (Based on John Tucker Must Die) Kate Spencer, a long-haired blond girl, sat in the stands for her university basketball game as star player John Tucker made the winning basket. He was fairly tall, had an athletic body, short brown hair, pale complexion, and was often compared to as a Greek god. He also had that winning smile. After the game, John was interviewed by a school reporter, Carrie Schaeffer, a short-haired blond. John casually put his hand around her flirtatious implying to Kate they were dating as the camera rolled. However, it also seemed like John was paying close attention to head cheerleader, Heather Montgomery, an African American girl with a very sexy body. Kate first met John face-to-face at a restaurant she worked at. He was there all by himself seemingly lost in thought. "Hi," she said pleasantly. "I'm not just ready to order, yet," he said awkwardly. "Of course, I'll be back later," Kate said leaving him be. Shortly thereafter, Carrie arrived. John politely pulled the chair out for her. "I've decided to write a children's book," Carrie said resolved. "That's great. I like kids," John nodded. Carrie then expertly pronounced the French items on the menu. "So sexy when you speak French," John said impressed and gave her a kiss. Over the next couple of days, Kate noticed John inviting multiple women for dinner. The second was Heather where he entertained her new cheer leading chant. "Two green salads and lobster for her," John said smoothly knowing Heather's tastes intimately. "Steak for me, medium-rare." "That top looks so hot on you," John said referring to Heather's orange tank top. "I bet it looks even better off of you," he smiled flirtatiously as he kissed her. The next time, John was with a curly brunette named Beth McIntyre who happened to be a vegan. John proceeded to order the best vegan dish on the menu. In all of this, Kate was genuinely impressed he could keep track of all three girls' tastes. Finally, John had dinner with Scott Williams which was a little out of place in a romantic French restaurant. Kate couldn't help but overhear their conversation. "So, how are you hitting it off with the girls?" Scott, his best friend, asked. "I have three, so far, but I'm always looking for more," John assured him. "Good deal but you have to have actual sex with them for this to work," Scott reminded him. "I don't know. Is this really the best approach?" John said skeptically. "You want to be lonely during your college years? I mean, it's up to you," Scott allowed. John sighed. "Alright, I'll get me a few more." "That's the spirit," Scott smiled. Kate hid her shock and disgust as the two men casually entertained cheating and womanizing. "So, what will it be, guys?" she asked. John deferred to Scott in an unusual move allowing him to order for both of them. Kate then walked off with their order but not before hearing more of their conversation. "That was weird," John admitted. "You're going to have to get used to it, buddy," Scott smiled. *** At the university, John made the rounds on his three girlfriends as Kate watched intrigued. He snuck up behind Heather and gave her a twenty for raffle tickets she was selling. He then made his way over to Beth, gave her a pat on the butt, and signed her animal-rights petition. Finally, he went over to Carrie to give her a cupcake as she ran her media booth. Carrie was thrilled with the gift and seductively placed her chocolate- covered finger in his mouth. Kate was certain that Carrie was John's favorite but couldn't be entirely sure. It just seemed to depend on his mood at the time. Unfortunately for John, Carrie, Heather, Beth, and Kate were all on the university volleyball team, the only thing all four had in common. It was there that Kate decided to do her civic duty. "I'm dating John Tucker," she lied pretending as if it slipped. "Wait, I'm dating John Tucker," Heather said outraged. "The fuck? I'm dating John Tucker," Carrie said and the two proceeded to fight about it. "You two are delusional. I'm dating John Tucker," Beth interjected. Kate watched passively as the three girls got into a physical fight that the coach had to eventually break it up. There were a number of bitch- slaps, balls being thrown at people's heads, and tackles. Feeling she had done her duty, Kate then walked off. *** In the library, Kate happened to see Scott studying by himself. Curiosity getting the better of her, she decided to ask him some questions. "You're Scott Williams, right?" "Yep," he said disinterestedly. "You're like John Tucker's best friend. You two come to my restaurant all the time," Kate said sitting down across from him. "You're the waitress," Scott recalled. "Right, so, what's his deal? I mean, I'm not judging or anything but there was a huge fight on the volleyball court over him." "Well...shit," Scott frowned. "Is there a problem?" Kate wondered. "Yeah, the three of them weren't supposed to know. It kind of ruins the whole thing," Scott said vaguely. "Why not share them?" Kate asked boldly. "Do you have a girlfriend?" "Well, no, but it's simply not the right time for me," Scott said awkwardly. "So, John gets three girls and you don't get any. Doesn't seem fair," Kate pointed out. "We have a special friendship. I'm his wingman. I help him with his relationships the best I can. He's my bro. I would do anything for him," Scott said. "But what does he do for you?" Kate asked curiously. "Right now, it seems really one-sided but soon I'll be the one generously compensated," Scott smiled at the thought of it. "Sure, nice talking to you," Kate gave him a fake smile and left the library. Scott eyed Kate wondering what to make of her and then texted John to warn him of a potential girl ambush. *** John eyed his phone with a frown as Heather came up to him in the halls. "Hey, John, can I talk to you for a moment?" she asked. "Yeah, sure, what's up?" John asked nervously. "On the court today, some loser said she was dating you," Heather said. "And you believed her? Really?" John asked smoothly. "No, I mean, I don't know," Heather admitted. "You're the only one for me. You know that," John said giving her a kiss. "I don't know why girls say stuff like that. I think they're just jealous because we share something special. We have an unspoken bond," John said to her as he gave her another kiss. It wasn't long before Carrie, Heather, and Beth ended up at the library to hash out what was really happening. Kate eyed them from a distance pretending to be studying but secretly intrigued by this drama. The three girls began to verbally fight over who John was really into and then discussed their sex lives with him in graphic detail. "You know what I would do? I'd get even," Kate said to them and walked out hoping it would cause even more chaos. *** At her house, Kate continued to study while her slightly older sister was getting ready for a date. "You have a date, tonight?" Kate asked surprised. "Yes, he's a college athlete and a veterinarian student named John Tucker. You might have heard of him," Lori said. "I have and he's bad news. He's dating at least three other girls, right now," Kate said nonchalantly. "Wait...what?" Lori thought she misheard. "Let me guess, a guy named Scott got you two together at some bar?" Kate assumed. "How did you know?" Lori asked stunned. "Go ahead and have your fun. I'm just warning you," Kate shrugged. "Now, I have to rethink everything," Lori said displeased. *** At the bar, John frowned as he was given a rejection text from Lori. "Lori isn't coming," he said to Scott. "Lori Spencer," Scott said thoughtfully. "Does she have a sister?" "Facebook says...yes," John said showing her face. "That's the girl. She's the waitress at that French restaurant. She's bad news, bro. She has you figured out. She's likely behind those three girls fighting over you at the volleyball court," Scott said. "It doesn't matter. I had sex with all three girls and I am now locked in," John said dismissively. "Well, too bad about Lori. I'll find another girl for you," Scott promised. "The more the better," John said giving Scott a high-five. *** John ended up with a blond girl named Holly for the evening. They went to the movie theater only for an ad to be displayed showing John as the poster boy for genital herpes. "It's just a modeling gig," John said to Holly but she immediately bailed. The three jilted girlfriends and Kate were in the theater as well, pleased with John exiting the theater humiliated. What they didn't know was that Scott had eyed the four of them together and now knew what was up. To get ahead of this incident, John not only denied having herpes but volunteered for an outreach organization to reduce STD transmission and awareness on the college campus earning an award for his efforts. For this, his popularity with the ladies actually soared. *** On the basketball court, John met up with Heather. At this point, John was aware that Heather was on to him but didn't care. He just needed to remain civil with her. He went for his water bottle and his protein powder not aware that Heather had drugged it with estrogen powder. "What's up, babe?" John asked her as he saw her. "Are you trying to bulk up?" she asked him as he went for the powder. "Yeah, I figured I would until the basketball season ends," John confirmed. "Well, it's not working. I think you're losing tone," Heather antagonized. "It's cool, though. I like the slim guy look." "I'm losing tone?" John asked genuinely concerned. "Maybe you should double up doses," Heather suggested. "Yeah, thanks for the heads-up," John said appreciatively. Heather then walked off as John got a text warning him as to what Heather had done from Scott who was in the bleachers. John pretended to drink his protein shake in front of Heather and then put it aside. *** At chemistry class, Scott strolled over to Kate. "I notice you don't have a lab partner," he said casually. "I wasn't aware you were taking this class," Kate said surprised. "I newly transferred in. It's complicated," Scott said. "Alright," Kate allowed. "Look, I know that you're trying to make it difficult for John, but it's not what you think," he said to her. "Oh really? Because as far as I can tell, he's a cheating scumbag in need of some poetic justice," Kate said calmly. "John just wants to have a lot of friends...who happen to be girls. But society finds that odd so he has to play the part of being interested in them sexually," Scott said. "So, he's gay?" Kate wondered surprised. "No, no, it's just..., I don't know," Scott said trying to figure out what to say. "Take your time, I believe in you," Kate said sarcastically as she read her chemistry instructions. "I think you should date him and have sex with him. It would make it better for both of you. I promise," Scott said bluntly. "Wow, you have to be the best wingman ever," Kate rolled her eyes. "I'm actually inexperienced in this area. I mean, I've helped John get a dozen girls, so far, but I'm sure he would get more if he were in better hands. I mean, he's just masculine perfection," Scott said adoringly. Kate gave him an odd look. "Are you two gay and simply pretending to be straight, because you're trying way too hard." "No, it's not like that at all," Scott denied. "How about I go on a date with you and only you," Kate suggested. Scott gave her a torn look. "I can't," he said. "Do I not meet your criteria?" Kate asked mockingly. "It's that...I couldn't do that to John. He gets first dibs," Scott said. "I assure you, I will never fuck John now or ever," Kate said resolved. "Well, can you at least not interfere in our operation, here?" Scott asked nicely. "As long as your friend is being a man-slut, I'm going to expose him," Kate told him off. "Well...shit," Scott said frustrated and walked off. *** That evening, John wasn't playing his best game. He was getting pushed around, his chest was sensitive, and he was lacking that drive he usually had. At halftime, John went over to Scott on the sidelines. "I feel like shit out there. Is it already happening?" he wondered. "Fuck that noise. You are in peak condition. This is your last season. Make it count," Scott said to him. The two gave each other a bro-hug and then John went back out onto the court. Heather couldn't help but give a WTF look as she stared at them. John went down the court with the ball, slammed into an opposing player, missed the basket, and then hit the floor hard. "Tucker, you good?" the coach asked him. "Yeah," John said getting up. The crowd clapped for him as he got back up much to the dismay of the jilted girlfriends. John didn't play very well for the rest of the game but his determination to keep going won the respect of many in the stands. *** The next day, John talked it up with three girls impressed by his performance on the court. At the gym, John felt his strength greatly declined but was able to hide this fact from his female admirers. No longer needing Carrie, Heather, or Beth, he proceeded to dump them earning some slaps. The three now ex-girlfriends counter-attacked by talking mad shit about John to the girls. Wanting to get to the bottom of this, John finally met up with Kate. "You having fun making my life difficult?" he asked casually. "Absolutely," Kate smiled. "I know you think you're on the right side of the moral equation but it's not that simple," John said to her. "Oh, do explain to me how cheating and womanizing is the moral thing to do," Kate requested. "I just want to be friends with all of these girls. I can't help it if they want something more. I'd like to be friends with you," John said to her. "You figure if you can silence me, your operation will go more smoothly?" Kate assumed. "Look, I'm kind of a big deal. My family has money. I can take you wherever you want. We don't even need to do anything...sexual," John said to her. "You're asking me to throw my gender under the bus to get perks from you?" Kate asked accusingly. "Yeah, something like that," John agreed. "Normally, in a situation like this I would tell you to fuck off, but you and Scott are a very curious duo. So, heads I accept and tails I block your every move," Kate said taking out a quarter and flipping it. *** At chemistry class, Scott made his move on Kate who happened to have flipped tails. "You know, there's a great music scene in this town," he said. "Cool," Kate nodded. "I mean, John's pretty good at guitar and has a good singing voice," Scott continued. "Really?" Kate asked unimpressed. "These are for you," Scott said giving her flowers. "Wow, is this a bribe?" Kate asked astonished. "Yeah," Scott nodded. "Try harder," Kate said to him. *** Down the hall, John ditched two girls he was trying to romance up and walked over to Kate. "Oh, hey. Did you like the flowers?" he asked her. "Uh, yeah," Kate said appreciatively. "Do you want my number?" John asked her. "I don't have a pen," Kate said dismissively and walked off. "Damn it," John said frustratedly. He then went to see Scott in the cafeteria. "You're now in her chemistry class. What's her deal?" John asked exasperated. "She's got this self-righteous thing going on. I don't think she's your type," Scott said honestly. "Type is irrelevant. All I need to do is romance them and then fuck them," John said. "She's into Elvis Costello, obscure podcasts, and reads Dave Eggers. She's deeper than most girls," Scott said. "I'm deep. I got the poetry club in the bag," John said. "Maybe, you've done enough, man," Scott considered. "Maybe," John said uncertainly. *** That evening at the game, John did better this time winning the game for the team. His teammates carried him around the court. Scott clapped approvingly for him. Kate eyed John and Scott wondering what their deal was. John came up to Kate. "How about we go to the beach at sunset. There will be lots of people there. Just as friends," he suggested to her. "Will Scott be there?" Kate asked. "Sure," John said. "Okay," Kate said as curiosity got the better of her. *** That weekend, Kate went to the beach and was met by an enthusiastic John. "So, tell me about yourself," John asked not bothering to hold her hand or anything. "I want to know everything. Your whole life story." "It's still being written," Kate said coyly. "So, it's a mystery," John detected. "Yeah, kind of like you and Scott," Kate said knowingly. "Scott is my best friend, my bro. That's all," John said defensively. "Why don't you help him get dates. Sharing is caring, after all," Kate asked. "He's still not over a very messy breakup," John lied. John proceeded to take off his jacket and then his shirt showing some impressive pecs and abs. "Like the view?" he enticed. Kate rolled her eyes but then noticed something a little odd. His nipples were slightly larger than they should be with a little fat underneath them greatly contrasting with the rest of his chest. John seemed to catch on and decided to put his shirt back on. "Yeah, too cold for that," he said awkwardly. "Is it?" Kate questioned. "You know what we should do? We should cook smores," John suggested. *** The two epically failed at cooking marshmallows but neither cared. "So, can I give you a ride home?" John asked her. "Sure," Kate allowed. "Alright then," John helped her up and led her to the parking lot. Once inside his truck, John sighed as he wondered what to do. He ended up driving her home while playing Elvis Costello. "You like him?" Kate asked. John bristled at that. "No, but I know you do." "Your spy wingman, Scott," Kate assumed. "That's right," John confirmed. "Not very romantic of you to admit that," Kate said obviously. "I was hoping all this effort Scott and I have been trying to do would win you over," John said. "You want a threesome with me?" Kate wondered. "No, no, no, Scott's my wingman. He would never," John clarified. "What is Scott getting in return for helping you out?" Kate asked. "I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you," John joked. The two arrived at Kate's house. John walked her over to her door. "Kate, I really like you. I want to be really good friends with you. I don't want to risk anything by going too fast but I am kind of running low on time. So, I could walk you to your door or we could go to my place, have some wings, maybe some sex," John suggested. "John, you don't have sex with someone you just want as a friend," Kate said obviously. "I do," John said bluntly. "Tell you what, John. I'm going to give you a pity kiss because I pity you," Kate said and then gave him a kiss. "Wow, that's a start," John said pleased. "Goodnight, John. I had fun," Kate said and then entered her house. *** A few days later, John took Kate to her own restaurant shocking Kate's co-worker who was completely aware of John's antics. Surprising her, John took Kate out of the restaurant and onto a sailing boat he had reserved for them. Inside the boat was a bed if the opportunity arose. "Thank you for organizing this. It's very romantic, but I'm not sleeping with you," Kate told him off. "I really think you should reconsider. I want to be the best of friends with you," John said sincerely. "You keep using that word. I don't think you know what it means," Kate rebuked. "Have you lost good friends over the years?" John asked. "Sure," Kate nodded. "What if you didn't have to lose them? What if you could change reality, so you never lost any of your friends?" John asked. "Sounds great but this is the real world," Kate pointed out. "The that if we have sex, it will be as if we have always been friends, even best friends from the beginning. We'll have such great memories together," John said to her. "You're telling me your penis can warp all of reality?" Kate asked incredulously. "Yes," John nodded. Kate couldn't help but smile. "What?" John asked her. "Why settle for best friends? Why not be my lover?" Kate asked. "I can't...," John said vaguely. "But best friends would be good." "You...want to have sex with you can be my BFF?" Kate asked. "Something like that," John agreed. Kate simply stared at him. "Oh, now, I get it." "What?" John gave her a haunted look. "You're dying. Is that it? You're dying and you want to fuck as many girls as you can before you kick the bucket. You're not looking for commitment because you're going to die anyway. Did I figure it out?" Kate asked. "I'm not dying," John said truthfully. "Then, you're just an asshole," Kate concluded. "Look, it might still work if you suck my dick. I don't know for sure. No one has to know," John offered. "Answer is no," Kate refused him. "Well, I'm going to get shit-faced then," John said getting a wine bottle out. "You drink wine?" Kate asked incredulously. "No, but I figure I better get used to it," he said as he poured himself a glass. *** John and Scott looked over their notes on his conquest in the locker room. "You've got thirty confirmed kills and ten maybes. Don't you think that's enough?" Scott asked. "Sure but I'm looking for quality over quantity now. I want Kate Spencer," John said resolved. "Forget that bitch. She's been a thorn in our side, and she's not cracking," Scott said. "That's why I want her. I mean, this list just proves that all of my future friends are total sluts," John disapproved. "There's no way around it. If you don't fuck them, they won't be your friends now or ever," Scott pointed out. "I'm scared, man. All of this is coming so fast. I can't even be shirtless in public, anymore," John lamented. "You'll get through this. I got you, buddy," Scott said giving him a bro- hug. What the two of them were not aware of is that the three jilted girlfriends had been recording them. Kate watched the video wondering what the fuck was going on. *** John and Scott made preparations for his 21st birthday party. "I can't believe it's upon me," John moaned. "I'm going to make this the best birthday party you've had," Scott said to him. "How can I ever repay you, man?" John asked. "You know how," Scott smiled. *** At the party, the hall was filled with college students. The music was blaring from the speakers, a live band, and there were giant birthday balloons suspended from the ceiling. In attendance were Kate and the three jilted girlfriends. "It's John Tucker toast time. Hey, John, come up here, man. Check this out. A birthday party comes once a year. Now, old pal, cut this cake and see who's giving you a spanking," Scott said up on the stage. Two girls then sprung out of the fake cake and took either side of him. Carrie then came up with an incriminating CD to give to Scott to play. "Thanks," Scott said having no intention of playing it. Kate then surprised John by getting on stage with him. "Tell me the truth, the whole truth, and I'll be with you, tonight," she said softly. "Okay, my place," John nodded. *** After the party, a very nervous John drove Kate to his place looking at his watch every so often. Once he was in his room, John started throwing up from anxiety. "You didn't even drink," Kate said surprised. "I feel like my whole world is coming down upon me. I'm going to call Scott," John said getting his phone. "No, I just want you," Kate rejected. "Unless we go all the way, there's no point," John told her. "What the fuck are you on about?" Kate demanded. John felt his body starting to shift. "Fuck, it's already starting," he said as he felt his bones and muscles begin to shrink. "What's wrong with you?" Kate asked alarmed. "I'm okay," he said panting as he rested on the bed. "You look like you're having a heart attack," Kate said. "It's just part of the process," he said. "What process?" Kate demanded losing patience. John hesitated to answer. "I'm under an old family curse, alright. On my twenty-first birthday, I change sex from male-to-female," he said finally. "What?" Kate asked doubtfully. "I know it sounds crazy but you'll see soon enough," John said as his hair started to grow out, his face becoming more feminine, and his body continuing to shrink. "But what about all the girls? Was it a last hurrah before you lost your dick?" Kate asked incredulously. "No, according to the spell, my best friend becomes my soul mate and all my lovers become my friends when reality changes. You see, it's not just a physical change. By tomorrow, everyone will think I've always been female. As a girl, I wanted to have lots of friends to support me. I didn't want to be lonely. It's not enough for a girl to have a boyfriend or husband. She's got to have friends and according to the spell all the girls I fucked will be my friends once reality changes," John explained. "So, that's why you've wanted to get into my pants. To be best friends with me when you become a girl?" Kate asked. "Right. I'm not the asshole you think I am. I'm just...scared," he said honestly. Kate wasn't sure what to think. John was changing before her eyes becoming smaller and more feminine. His clothes were now loose on his body. "Even if I wanted to believe you, why would I want to be best friends with you?" Kate asked crossly. "You seem lonely, yourself. If you want, you can leave now. Scott should be over in a few hours," John said painfully as his voice began to crack. "And if I just leave, I'll forget everything about you. It will be as if you never existed. I won't even recognize the girl you," Kate said. "Right," John nodded. Kate closed her eyes in contemplation. "I can't believe I'm considering this," she said and then took off her shirt. John stared at her as she took off her bra keeping her back to him. "What if you end up a Lesbian?" "The spell won't allow it. I know because it's hit every generation of my family," John sighed. Kate truly felt bad for him. "Fuck it," she said as she got out of her pants and panties. "Well, get out of your clothes before you lose your dick," she said impatiently. John obliged her taking off his clothes revealing a very slender man. Kate eyed John's shrinking dick realizing she was running out of time. She got on her knees and sucked on him to get him hard. John moaned as she worked on him. In quick order, he was sufficiently hard enough. "If reality changes, you can't get me pregnant, right?" she asked him. "That's the idea," he said. Kate got on top of John and placed his cock at her entrance. With some difficulty, she got him inside of her despite its softness and shortness. Kate then began to ride him working to firm him back up. As she did, she saw John's breasts push out until they were a B-cup. His abs disappeared becoming flat. His arm and leg muscles dramatically shrank. His Adam apple disappeared. Now, John's voice was higher pitched as he moaned. Kate then felt his hips widen underneath her. "I think I'm almost there," John said in a feminine voice. Kate brought him up so that they were both in a sitting position and then rode him as hard and as fast as she could. "You almost there?" Kate asked him. John nodded tensing up. "Fuck," he cried out as he had his final male orgasm. His penis quickly shrank, his testicles disappeared inside him, and he could not longer penetrate her. Kate got off him as she witnessed John's penis shrink until all that remained was a clit. Finally, John cried out as a vaginal opening manifested itself. Kate watched in wonder as John's genitals were no different than her own. John was now female with all of reality changing with him. *** The next morning, John awoke to find Scott in her bed. They were both naked under the sheets. John, now Joan, got out of bed and curiously touched her breasts. She went to the bathroom mirror and examined her feminine appearance. Looking back at Scott, she smiled happily. Her best friend had become her lover. Unbeknownst to anyone, Scott had been the only man to have sex with her while she was still a man. It had been a one-time thing requiring a great deal of alcohol but it had worked. Now, it felt like all of the shame and hesitancy with being a man had been washed away. She was now free to explore like never before. Getting back in bed, she kissed Scott passionately to wake him up. "John, is that you?" he wondered. Joan simply nodded. "It's Joan now, baby." "Did we...fuck?" he wondered. "I think we would have if I had always been a girl. It is my birthday, after all," she said. "Right. You okay?" he asked concernedly. "It's going to be weird getting used to, but we can figure it out together," Joan said. " you want to figure out sex?" he asked bluntly. "Yes!" Joan nodded. "Alright, we'll take it nice and slow," Scott said as he entered her. *** Later that day, Joan merely wore a t-shirt and women's jeans with sneakers. She wasn't ready to be too adventurous with women's fashion. She met up with Kate, Carrie, Heather, and Beth who all greeted her enthusiastically and gave her hugs as if they had known each other forever. "So, did you finally hook up with Scott, last night?" Heather asked. "I did," Joan confirmed. "That must have been so exciting. How did it go?" Carrie asked. "He was great," Joan assured her. "Well, now that you're taken, we'll have to flirt with the guys on our own," Beth said. The three girls then took off to do their own thing leaving Joan and Kate behind. "I don't remember a lot of what happened. Did I leave you out to dry?" Joan asked Kate. "Don't worry about it. Now, that you have your man, you have to do something for me," Kate said mischievously. "What?" Joan wondered. "Be my wing-girl," she smirked. Of course. That's what best friends are for," Joan smiled.

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Veterinary Clinic, Fort Stockton, July 10, 2006 "Come on back Mr. Piotrowski. Wanda says you found him out near the Broken Creek Ranch?" the veterinarian was looking at the patient information sheet that Scott and Mr. Piotrowski had filled out. "My assistant, Scott, found him out there." "You've fed him some meat scraps, and cereal." "That's right." "Let's take a look," the vet carefully ran his hand under the dog's head and down his flank. "He seems to be very calm, good...

1 year ago
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Sinders a bit of a fairy story

Sinders was looking at herself in the mirror. Her long blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders as she painted her lips red and rouged her cheeks ready for the task ahead. “Your twelve O’clock’s here Sinders,” the Madame shouted, “The fat bald deaf one with bad breath.” “Which short fat bald deaf one with bad breath?” she asked. “The one who stinks like a Donkey.” “Oh well,” Sinders mused, “It could be worse,” though she couldn’t really work out how. “Ah Sinders you look so beautiful!”...

1 year ago
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Sharin and Marcus

Sharin had known Marcus all her life. Ok, maybe not all her life, but since she was 15 years old. She was now in her mid 30's but could still get carded occassionally, provided the light was dim enough. She was 5'4" tall and weighed a healthy 135 pounds. Her body was nice but it was her face that was her best feature. She was always drop dead gorgeous with a face that made men and women alike melt.Marcus was her best friend and she had never even considered him as a potential lover. She...

2 years ago
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Setting up Lucy1

Introduction: Nothing wrong with Lucy she justs liked sex SETTING UP LUCY 1 How do I get myself into these predicaments? Lucy asked herself, as the young man rubbed his hardened cock across her face and lips. And where is Howard? She opened her lips slightly and the long thin penis slide between them. Her tongue flicked the head tasting the pre-cum that oozed from the tip. She felt one of the mans hands working its way under her light print dress. His calloused fingers scraped against her naked...

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Swimming Pool

Erica and Andrew were best friends. They'd known each other for years. Erica was 18, and had just graduated from high school. Andrew was 19, and had graduated from the same high school. Erica was a beautiful girl, with long, flowing brown hair, deep brown eyes, and a marvelous smile. Andrew was the athletic type. He played high school football and baseball. He was tall, blond, and gorgeous. All of the girls always wanted Andrew, but none of them ever appealed to him. He always seemed like he...

First Time
4 years ago
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me and my girlfriend

Iv been with my girlfriend for two years and a bit now so far things have been good real good i love the sex its great but shes the only girl iv ever slept with and i keep thinking am i missing out? i love this girl and its not only the sex that is good she is smart funny loving but i do feel abit weird knowing shes the only one iv done it with shes had sex with one other boy (well she says lol) but i belive her i dont wana cheat on her cos i know she'll leave me but i gota see wat its like...

3 years ago
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Joanne Is Desperate For Black Cock

She had woken up feeling particularly horny one morning and as Mike had to get to work, a fuck was out of the question. As she showered she loved the feeling as she slipped a moist finger inside her. Should she pleasure herself now or later? As horny as she was feeling she decided to wait and let the feeling build up, knowing that her climax would be stronger. It was a warm day and she chose a black bra that gave her big tits plenty of uplift, a t shirt and short skirt. Amazingly she left her...

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A Series Of Bad Decicions

I am currently in my high school dorm as I sit teary-eyed in the toilet booth holding the pregnancy test kit Tiffany did give me in the morning. I can still remember her words she wispered with malicious joy, "Vivian it has been three weeks already. Your fans have a right to know..." I have always been a model student of Saint-Etienne Academy a co-ed private catholic school. I am a Sophomore of class 10B and have been elected as the class representative four years in a row. My father is the...

2 years ago
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preface; Although this story may sound like an attempt at actual literature, I assure you it's sole purpose is to hopefully get someone turned on enough to, uh , well, use your imagination, I did. It is a story unlike any other that I have stumbled upon so far thruought my readings across many websites. So if any of it sounds familiar, well thats just luck. What makes a day seem different than any other? Nothing? I mean every so often something serious or life altering happens,...

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Lustful ViceChapter 29

Ray’s phone lights up. He grabs it off his desk and swipes. I’m sorry, Daddy. Ray texts back. I’m sorry too. Your mother says you should be home this weekend. The message comes back quickly. Can’t this weekend. Got something to do. Next weekend for sure. Ray frowns, typing. Is this something with Yesenia? She isn’t corrupting you, is she? She’s already done that. To which Ray’s frown deepens. We’re going to a party at one of the more upscale frat houses. Ray gets a cramp in the pit of...

2 years ago
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James Bondage QuickiesHostile Takeover

The brutal humidity of midsummer hung heavily in the air. The afternoon was bearable thanks to a light breeze and the large table umbrella shielding them from the sun. Audrey and Samantha sat in the quad; a communal area for eating, breaks and company picnics. The large commons was an oasis of nature in the otherwise stifling commercial office environment. The quad was dotted with trees, benches, flower gardens, cobblestone paths and numerous tables for the employees of various companies to...

2 years ago
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TNWS02 A Summer to RememberChapter 34 A Nice Day to Be Naked

“And how do you feel now about being naked in the middle of town? Not spooked out any more?” asked Gemma as she slurped her hot chocolate and bit into a cheese muffin. Keith took a sip from his tea cup. He had always been partial to a really nice cup of tea. Even as just a boy in primary school he had always liked tea ... and just ordinary English Breakfast tea ... none of the fancy stuff like Earl Grey or those flavoured things he had come to despise ... just good old fashioned tea ......

3 years ago
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My first virgin

I’ve been spending the winter in Thailand for the past ten years, and also drop by when business takes me to China. I have never married, partly because I am very independent, partly because I can’t be bossed around, partly because I hate lying to women, and partly because I will never be committed to a single person. Over the years, I have had sex with around two hundred Thai girls, at least 90% of whom were in their twenties at the time, and at least 90% of them were found in the town of Hua...

4 years ago
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Bellas Coming of Age

The airport was bustling with people going to and fro their destinations. Weaving through the crowd, I saw my parents waiting for my arrival. It's been 4 long years since I last saw my family. I joined the military shortly after high school. I spent 6 months in the states training, and the other four in Afghanistan. It was great to be home. My mom gave me a big hug and kiss on the cheek. My dad welcomed me back with is usual tight gripped handshake. He always said if a man doesn't give you a...

2 years ago
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A favor to my friend and my wife

I want to talk about the first time I watched my wife in bed with another guy. It was a friend of ours, who we had known for years. He was married but his sex life was nonexistent. He always complained to me about how she isn’t very good in bed and how she just lays back and lets him fuck her missionary style. He always used to say that I wish he could have one night with Lisa, my wife because I used to tell him all about our sex life, where we used a have sex, how many times etc. One time I...

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You wake up early one morning and realise today is the day you get to choose a Pokemon and start your journey through the Kanto League. You get out of bed, get dressed, and then run downstairs to eat breakfast. Then, you proceed to go brush your teeth and to get your things. After you finish all of your tasks, you decide to say goodbye to your family and head on over to Professor Oak's lab. When you arrive inside Oak's lab, you see three Pokeballs, each containing one Pokemon of different...

1 year ago
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Well That Backfired

LAURIE My brother is shy. Shyness is endearing up to a point, but at eighteen years old, it goes from cute, to pathetic. You think he’d get out of his fucking shell by now, but nope; Tom is still the awkward, apprehensive boy he’s been his entire life. He’ll be heading off to college soon, and if he doesn’t open up, the best years of his life are going to be spent jerking it in a dorm. He’s a sweet k**, (listen to me patronizing him; he’s a year older than me for fuck’s sake!), but the...

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My First Slave 8211 Part I

Hi all. I am Payal. I am a very dominating bisexual female. This is narrated by me but is pure fiction. To appreciate it more I need to give a few background details. If you want to hit the action more quickly then skip the next 3 paragraphs. We (mom dad and me) lived in Andheri Lohkhandwala in Mumbai. Both my parents worked and I was left with alone in the house with a maid, Aparajita. Aparajita was a Bengali lady in her late 30s, she had never married. She was a very mild lady, and lived with...

1 year ago
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Animal GirlChapter 4

Sarah knew even before that first mouthful had started a gentle glow in her belly that taking a drink at all was a terrible mistake. Jamie had told her once when they were going to a party that she should be doubly careful since she wasn't used to drinking and, unlike the more experienced, could not tell when she had had enough until it was too late. This stuff tasted good enough -- a "Cuba Libre" he called it, whatever that meant -- in fact, it was hard to taste anything other than the...

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Kristen and the Band Room0

She was into academics, cheerleading, band, and chorus. She had medium length dark brown hair, big brown eyes, and a long slender body that had developed wonderfully over the years. She wasn’t by any means the most popular girl in school, but she certainly wasn’t unpopular. I, on the other hand, was always a loner. I wasn’t anti-social or unpleasant, I was just very shy and didn’t deal well with most people. Teachers and other students didn’t dislike me – most just didn’t like me either....

2 years ago
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Dr Nooo a complete BDSM story

She gave a frustrated grunt holding her hands up in disbelief. The windscreen wipers still screeched to and fro and she could just make out a window light not far into the trees. It was late evening and she'd seen too few cars to think one would be coming along very soon. So she decided to make a dash for it. The light was deceptively distant and by the time Jennifer had reached the front door of the white building she looked like a drowned rat. I say building because she didn't think...

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Wifes Friend Comes Back for Seconds

My wife recently fucked a friend from work and I got to watch them. She was so hot and seductive, it was as if she was someone else when she fucked him. His name was David and he really knew how to please her. From the looks on their faces when he pushed his cock in her pussy, I knew she enjoyed him. I decided I would come up with a plan to be able to watch her perform with him again. David works with my wife, so it was easy to track him down. I called him at work and asked him if he could...

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Grandma Wisdom Chapter One

Grandma Bev walked into her grandson, Trace's, house followed by her daughter, Penny and Penny's husband Joel. Bev had had a kitchen fire and between the water and smoke damage, in addition to the fire damage, her home was going to be out of commission for about three months for all of the cleaning and renovation work to be completed. There had been an electrical short in one of the appliances on her kitchen island counter top and the damage to the kitchen was extensive. Trace had not seen much...

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Letter 1 From the Lost Letter Bin in Everheart North Dakota

ManagerArby's Restaurant2398 N. Myrtle StreetEverheart, ND Dear Arby's:My name is Amanda Featherbottom and I am writing to complain about what is going on at your Arby's restaurant located at 2398 N. Myrtle Street here in Everheart, North DakotaThere are these two boys who come to your restaurant every day between 2:30 and 2:45 in the afternoon after they get off work at the chicken processing plant. One is named Jason Tiberson, and the other is Orville Gast. Jason is the taller one with dark...

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Jenny Detenny

Jenny was a loudmouth bonehead, and thats putting it nicely. She strutted around school just shrugging and talking in a fake americain accent. The boys didn't like her cus she always botherd thm in PE/sports or took the micky out of them. One day she was staying after school for a DT (detention). The teachers had decided that they'd teach her a lessn she'd never forget. She was taken to the gym and was told to strip off all her clothes. She refused so two big male teachers grabbed her and tied...

2 years ago
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Sanguine Rise

Vampires, creatures of extraordinary beauty and strength, blood drinkers of fairy-tales and nightmares. Capable of not only literally tearing a person limb from limb but extremely hard to kill as well unless one knew how. Silver and wooden stakes being the best options. Garlic was just a bullcrap myth created by Hollywood. Contrary to popular belief, vampires could handle the sun just fine, instead of being lethal it only weakened them. Another turn on the myth is that vampires were the living...

1 year ago
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Whacked Round Ass Lass 5 Whipped Reporter Anal LostChapter 3

Here, I was, Charlotta, King High’s court’s runner up queen all those years ago back in high school. When Martha Ann, me and Art the same guy now staring down at me and my friend and fellow teacher, Martha Ann. Wood, yes, best described what I saw at that moment. I realized just not that he was spying on us, but it was crystal, I mean perfectly clear. Yes, indeed he had been watching the show with a hot interest. From my vantage point, I could see that his penis was pink. Hard, a real...

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A Prince Too ManyChapter 8

Several Years Later... Sharn remembered that day fondly as he sat upon one of Raisa’s foals in a barren gorge in the Netherlands under a lead gray sky. Memories kept floating up at him out of the past as he sat, waiting. The gorge, or something more, told him the gorge was anticipating him. So he sat to await whatever wanted him here. The Academy had been hard but challenging. The classes were easy but the physical demands were more suited to someone who was already an adult, not someone...

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Plain JaneChapter 5

Hope you are enjoying this story - there is lots more to come in Part 5 - and it’s all free. If you would like to encourage others to cum and enjoy this story, please leave a good Rating here. Thanks Whilst we were drinking and chatting, Claire took my arm and moved me to one side and whispered, “Darling girl, you are doing so well, Richard has been watching you and he is really impressed. I have just been fucking Cliff who is gorgeous, but I must warn you, he is huge when fully erect, so...

3 years ago
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Just to Get By II

Introduction: Natalies struggling and nobody is gonna make it any easier… Sunlight streaming through the window in the bedroom wakes me up. Its directly on my eyes. Moaning I roll over in my sleeping bag and stuff my head under my pillow. A hand roughly shakes my shoulder and Tyler swipes the pillow from me. Get up, Natalie! Dont make me drive you to school again! Tyler complains in exasperation. Hes still shaking my shoulder. I open my eyes and glare at him. Hes staring at me and still hasnt...

4 years ago
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Im Awake

I’m awake. Suddenly and without reason, so I think. But I know there is always a reason I wake. I just don’t know what it is yet, this time. I am snug in my bed on this cold December eve, but now awakened for a reason I can’t discern, my senses are hyperbolic. I hear the wind warbling its way through the oak outside my window. A whisper beckons, but it’s only the furnace starting to heat before the fan kicks in. A tiny creak high above draws my ear – the roof or attic perhaps shrinking ever so...

4 years ago
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Late night truck stop

Mary and I were returning from a family reunion and driving a little longer than usual trying to get home. Mary mentioned the need for a rest stop, so I pulled into the next place which happened to be a Flying J facility. I hadn't come to a full stop and Mary was out of the car and on her way to the rest room. She had a key to the car so I went into the men's room and took care of my needs.I was just finishing up when I overheard one guy say, " I swear that lady that just ran into the next room...

1 year ago
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21st birthday party gang bang Part 4

The crew members moved toward Carina as she stared at them from the floor. Their appearance had taken the actress completely by surprise. Exhausted by the gang bang, her tired mind at first did not register the threat. But their leering, hungry faces made her realise what they intended to do. She sat up alarmed as the rough sailors circled the matress on which the youths had enjoyed her body. "What the hell's happening?," she exclaimed. "Who are these men." "My crew," replied Carl. "They're big...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Playing Slave

One of my favorite things to do when I go to a bookstore is live out a fantasy. One of those fantasies was to be totally submissive to men in a bookstore. This is what happened...The bookstore I chose was nice. It was a flat rate store so you paid your entry and then could watch all you wanted. They have large booths and some glory hole booths. For this fantasy I needed a large booth. I selected one at the end of the hallway, away from the glory hole booths. Stripping off my clothes, I folded...

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SheLovesBlack Linzee Ryder Sweeten The Deal

Linzee Ryder is a successful real estate agent. One afternoon she has a meeting with the seller of a new listing. She looks very professional wearing a sexy black dress with black stockings when she shows up at the house. Isiah Maxwell the homeowner gives her a tour and while walking around he reveals that his divorce is about to be finalized. The hot MILF got excited thinking this sexy black man is basically single now and probably would be up for some fun. The doorbell rings and he excuses...

2 years ago
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Alexis slumber party part 20

Chris grabbed a cup of coffee and sat down at the kitchen table when everything was finished. He noticed he had a text message from Alexis. He opened it up and to his surprise it was a picture of Alexis asleep. She was completely naked and the message with it just said "you wore her out last night" he smiled looking at it. He was amazed at seeing her whole body on display. Her breasts were prefect. They stood perky and round with small pink circles in the middle displaying her nipples. His...

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Danis Story Book II First Days Chapter IV

Book I - Awakening dealt with a 48 hour period where our heroine realizes and actuates her sissy-self - it is a coming of age story. Book II covers the remaining eight days of Dani's vacation and her kinky little band's further exploits. Although each Book is meant to stand on its own as complete, the reader is urged to first read Book I. It is rated X, and deservedly so, as there is graphic sex together with all sorts of other wonderfully kinky things. Please be of appropriate age or...

3 years ago
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Pussy hounds at the lingerie store

I gravitate to older men, because they are such blatant pussy hounds. I like to tease them. Suggest the possibility of some fun fooling around. Let them know that I MIGHT be interested. I have an older Daddy who takes care of me, spends a lot of money on me. In return, I keep him entertained. I'll do anything for my Daddy. Calls me his little sex pot. Unless I've been naughty. Then I get spanked. I cheat on him all the time. He knows it and likes to watch. He thinks up lots of crazy shit for me...

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Emilys Boarding HouseChapter 2

My first road trip with the Keys was a brief one — visiting Wilmington, Delaware for three games and then playing Prince William (Virginia), just outside the District of Columbia, three more on their turf. My teammates were mostly agreeable sorts, and I tried out my half-assed high school Spanish on some of the guys from the Dominican Republic and other Caribbean locales. It was fun playing every day (although surprisingly taxing, physically) and I continued to feel optimistic about the...

4 years ago
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my first gay sex

as i look back at my glorious dick riding career (which is nowhere near over, dont worry) i feel drawn back to the beginning and the first time i sucked and fucked dick. i was with my friends alan and austin and we were playing amped 2. i was destroying them, winning by pretty much 250k everytime. in my arrogance i said "dood, if you can beat me i'll suck your dick!" well he went on to win by less than 1000 and immediately started calling me on my bet. obviously i was hesitant, but a bets a...

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DNA 2 Chapter 5

Michael rubbed his eyes and looked up. "It's going to take months to work out how Chamberlain did it." "But do you know enough about it to be able to use it? Can you reverse what was done to your friend?" "I have two different DNA viruses here. I've found a way to remove the DNA signatures from the viruses, but that won't cure him. These blank viruses will pick up any DNA they come into contact with and incorporate it into themselves. So they'll immediately pick up the DNA from...

2 years ago
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Cleverly Planned Wife Swap 8211 Master Plan To Convince Conservative Couple 8211 Part VI

This is real story of a two friends where we exchanged our wife with each other for bit lengthier live in relationship. Usually in swinging/exchanging wife with others, generally people will exchange partner for just a fucking session in just a week end visit or night visit to one of the couple’s home. In our case, to make our life spicy and have more thrill and adventure, we have decided to do this for bit longer period of time, where my wife will be with my friend for 2 months and where as...

1 year ago
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Adventerous Weekend

Her parents where out for the weekend and her brother was gone to stay with some mates. The house was empty and she had invited me over to stay for the weekend. Emma had been my girlfriend now for several months and where as close to each other now as I have ever been with everybody. I was her second boyfriend but she had confided in me that she was never as close to him as I was to her. Emma was a nice girl at heart and had looks to match. However she could be very shy a lot of the time....

First Time
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Sheets of Passion

Copyright ©2003 This is an original work and as such is protected under the copyright laws of the United States. Please do not duplicate, copy, print, distribute or exchange this piece without the expressed written permission of the author. he air of the bathroom wrapped around me as my arms wrapped around her. Dee had just gotten out of the shower, her nakedness drew me like a magnet, the warmth of her body, the addiction being closeness to her. I gazing into her eyes, falling into a...

1 year ago
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Asian Massage Parlor

Surprisingly, there were quite a few relatively close and as I looked through the online listings, one caught my eye. It got good reviews however I was hesitant, being it was listed as an Asian massage parlor. Yea, I know we’ve all heard stories, but this one looked to be very reputable and because it was “Asian,” it sparked my interest, for just that reason. I had occasionally gotten a massage at the hotels where I stay, and felt comfortable trying this place, but was still apprehensive....

3 years ago
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Jeans Surprise

It was a warm spring midday in a large city in the desert southwest. I had been relaxing with a tall glass of iced tea when the phone rang. It was Jean, a married friend of mine. She asked me, "Would you meet me somewhere for a drink? I want to ask you something very personal." Having nothing pressing to do at the time, I agreed to meet with her. "Sure Jean, I'll meet with you. Will The Hanger be alright?" The Hanger I suggested is a neighborhood bar about halfway between our respective...

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Fucking My Girlfriend In Theatre

Hi guys! I have been reading sex stories from this website and now its time to contribute.I am a 5’6 inch sturdy built guy with a 12.5 cm dick. This is the story about how I fucked my gf subrata in the theater. She is about 5’5 with a slender body of size 32-28-34. We always had a on off chemistry during college but I never proposed. After that I was studying in a library in my city as my home was nearby. I had nearly forgotten about her and a year passed. Suddenly 1 day a familiar face tapped...

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I went to see my Doctor to be fucked

One year from the one five and I was horny for men. Every day I had to change my panties several times because I was so wet.It got so bad I began to imagine I could smell my own secretions, and even on a few occasions, managed to have an orgasm because my wet panties had bunched-up in my crotch and stimulated my hard clitoris, as I walked.On morning I went into the kitchen and my father was sitting in his boxers, which were open at the front, and for the first time I could see his cock.I stood...

2 years ago
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Telling Mom Im A Crossdresser part 135 Missy Brings Home A Stud

I told Thomas all the details of why I was out this night and he loved the idea. He took one of his Viagra and he led me out of the bar. I felt a little embarrassed at all the cum leaking down but some of the cross dressers were just smiling at me like they were saying “you go gurl!” which made me a little proud. Thomas followed me in his car until we got to my place and I took him by the hand until we got in the door. When I walked in I heard a thumping upstairs and asked Thomas if he would...

1 year ago
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Timothy Ki Payari Bahn Susan

Ahhhh!! Meri payari bahn susan, timmothy ne susan ki wrists ouskay head ke ooper deewar ke saath dabatay huwe kaha. Susan ke geelay baaloun mein mojoud ouske shampoo ki mahak buht alluring thi aur tim ne literally aik long moment use kertay huwe ous scent ko inhale kiya aur ouskay asar mein mudhosh ho gaya. Susan bila shubah buht aggravated nazar aa rahi thi aur tim ki grift se bach nikalnay ke liye apnay badan ko wiggle kar rahi thi. Ousko yeh ehsaas ho raha tha keh ouskay geelay badan se...

2 years ago
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KellyChapter 6

Kelly had come to a natural pause, so I hugged her a little tighter and said, "How about holding that thought, and let me go to the bathroom, again? Too much coffee earlier." "Oh, sure, sorry," she said as she got to her feet. "No need for sorry, but I prefer an empty bladder while I'm holding you on my lap." I walked into the bathroom, and closed the door. I had flinched rather badly when Kelly had mentioned the rubber in her rambling story. I didn't think she'd noticed, though....

4 years ago
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nasty at the movie place

this story starts off when i was about 19 and i wanted to look at sex toys besides the ones on the internet.i wanted a small viberator since my other one broke.I remember seeing this place that sold them because of the big signs said for adults only.I get dressed in a small mini skirt and tank top and pulled my hair up one afternoon thinking mostly gurls my age or older would be the only ones there so i wasnt scared at all because i noticed there was always about 10 cars so i was thinking women...

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