Psychosomatic free porn video

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Psychosomatic This isn't just a story. It's all true. In many ways it's a strange and ironic path that my life is taking. Sometimes I wonder what else can happen to me. You see, I've always liked women's clothing. I like the look, the feel, and the psychological benefits I receive crossdressing. However, I'm getting ahead of myself. It all started around the age of five. My mother accidentally put one of my older sister's knee socks in with my socks. It must have happened with static in the laundry. Anyway, I found it in my sock and underwear drawer one night. On a lark, I decided to try it on. I don't know why, but I think that I was intrigued by how soft it was. Maybe I just wanted to feel like a girl. The girls in my family always got special treatment. They got away with murder. My brother and I never got away with anything. It was unfair; my parents wouldn't even be consistent with both my sisters' punishment. My parents always gave in, and let them off the hook before they were supposed to. Maybe I wanted to be that little girl who got the special treatment. That night I wore the knee sock to bed. It was so soft, so thin. I just loved the feeling. I felt kind of weird, but I kept the sock. I hid it underneath my mattress for weeks. I wore it at night, and relished the sensations. Growing older, the cravings increased. I must have been nine years old when I tried on my mother's pantyhose for the first time. I was a little freaked by the sensations, at first. I got spooked, like when you get spider webs on you. The hosiery was thinner than I expected. It was so soft, and the yarn was so thin. It had a wispy feeling that did remind me a bit of spider webs. I took them off immediately, even before I really got them up my leg. I knew I was doing something wrong. However, the sensation kept calling me back. An hour later I pulled the pantyhose on all the way. I couldn't believe how soft they were. I loved the way they felt. I wanted to wear them forever, but I knew that I couldn't. That was the real start of it all. Over the next few years I would sneak whatever articles of clothing I could get my hands on, and my body into. I couldn't stop it. I was so compelled; I'd keep a stash anywhere I could. I would hide panties, hosiery, and eventually leotards in all sorts of places. In all three bathrooms of our house, they were hidden under the sinks, on the ridge where the front cover of the vanity was. Many times I would go into the bathroom, strip down, and get "dressed." I would stay in there for as long as I could. Eventually, as I got older, I discovered how wondrous it was to masturbate while dressed. It became even more of a compulsion. Soon, I had conditioned myself, sexually, into a compulsive crossdresser. When I finally learned psychological theory, I learned about Pavlov's dog. I had become the dog, but instead of drooling, I was sexually aroused. Turned on by the feeling of panties and hosiery, I found I could no longer stop. I started psychological self-exploration. I tried to figure out how and why this was caused in me. I started exploring my lifelong attempts at self sabotage. Furthermore, I started exploring and revisiting fantasies of the past and present. I suddenly realized that cross-dressing was only one of my fantasy/fetishes. I learned that I was always trying to engage in all sorts of forms of self sabotage, and that it took many forms. I had fantasies about becoming a drug addict at the hands of another person. That I lost control to the drugs, and was forcibly feminized by that person. I had fantasies of being indoctrinated into a cult. I felt aroused at the prospect of losing myself to someone else's control. With each exploration, the fetishes and fantasies always went along these lines. Losing control, and not being able to stop. I always ended up with the fem. persona. Many of the dreams and fantasizing went along these lines. As time went by, I made multiple attempts to self-actualize at least one of the fantasies I had. More on that later. It was in high school that things started changing. While having fantasies, fetishes, and wet dreams of being feminized, I crossdressed whenever possible. I'm not sure what type of effects had manifested in me, but physical manifestations are always bound to occur. Everyone knows about psychosomatic illnesses. When an illness has a root cause in a psychological state or problem, that is what it is called. At that time, I had no suspicions. The first of a number of maladies was diagnosed in me as a teenager. During the routine school system screenings, they discovered some curvature in my spine. I was sent to an orthopedist who had multiple x-ray screenings done. They discovered three curves in my back. It was a case that bordered on being serious trouble. At that time, the normal treatment for curvature that was serious was the Milwaukee brace. It was a medieval looking contraption with metal, leather, straps, and restraints. The doctor explained to me that I had three curves. As I recalled, one was a scoliosis, one was a kyphosis, and the last was called a lordosis. I'm not sure if the spelling is correct, but if my memory is correct, that is what the curves were called. Anyway, he went on to say that the scoliosis is a side to side curve. The kyphosis is a humpback when it becomes severe. The lordosis is a swayback. The kyphosis and lordosis that I had were larger curves than those that are normally found in boys. He said that later on in life these curves could cause some severe back problems. He said that the S shaped curve that I had were at angles that were closer, but even exceeded those of a normal girl. Well, later in life, my back does give me some trouble. When I returned to school, I had special exercises that were shown to me by a physical therapist to do regularly. The thing is, when you become diagnosed with something, you become more sensitized to others with that malady. I looked around at those kids that were in the same class as me. There were a number of kids that wore the Milwaukee braces. All but two of them were girls. One of the boys was born with severe birth defects. The other was a nice guy that I didn't really know. There were many more girls that had back braces. I did wonder, but quickly dismissed it as just some anomaly. However, many times while growing up, my younger sister would tease me. She always insisted that I had a girls butt. Now, as I said before, I began to try to engage in activities that would facilitate the self- actualization of some of my fantasies. At a place that I worked during high school and college, we would have lunches on weekends with our co- workers. We worked outdoors, and had the food catered in. I would normally find someone (usually girls) to eat with. Most of the girls I worked with were very cute. They wore uniforms with knee length skirts. They would only wear hose if it was cold outside. Since we worked summers, that wasn't all the time, but we did work at night, too. On those occasions I got to see (and fantasize) a lot more. Anyway, the first time I started trying to fulfill one of these fantasies was on one of these Saturdays, or at least that's when it started. We had just finished the lunch between shows, when one of the girls pulled out a pack of Newport Lights. None of the other people around smoked, so everyone started hassling her so she couldn't light up. One of the girls suggested that we help her quit the nasty habit, and swiped the pack (which was still outside her purse). We all started playing keep away, when one of the girls also ripped the cigarette out of her mouth, ruining even that one. She was very upset. By some coincidence, I ended up with her cigarette pack. Everyone urged me not to give them to her. I teased her, and she flirted. There was a lot of give and take, sexual innuendo, and all round fun. I told her that I promise to hold them for her, and if she had problems quitting I would give them back. She playfully agreed, and surrendered. She didn't ask for them back even the next day. Two days later, I saw her smoking again at work. When I asked her about it, she said that she couldn't quit. She had already gotten hooked. I watched as her lips stained the cigarette red. There was something sexy about her. We never dated, but I did like her. At the end of the week, I was wearing panties and hosiery under my clothing, and had some flats hidden in a bag in my car. I went to a park, slipped off my shoes and socks, then slipped on the flats. The park was empty. I pulled out the cigarettes from my glove compartment (where I had hidden them for safekeeping). I had a cigarette lighter in the car. I pushed it in, and when it popped out I lit the cigarette. I took my first drag, and inhaled. I got up, closed the door of the car, and started strolling through the park. I held the cigarette as I had seen women doing it. I started fantasizing, but felt a bizarre, unfamiliar rush. It was my first experience with nicotine. I felt a little dizzy, like I was drunk. That's how it started. I thought about all of the sexy girls I knew who smoked, and wished I could look or appear as one of them. After that first experience, I felt the desire to become more like this girl. I started noticing all sorts of things related to girls and women who smoked. The news and women's talk shows would report that smoking was rising with teenage girls up through college age. There were many reasons cited for it. Among them was peer pressure, to create a desirable sexy look, and lastly, as an appetite suppressant. Many girls used cigarettes to merely keep their weight down. By the time they wanted to, most girls couldn't quit. I wanted to be one of those girls. I wanted to lose that control, become a smoker, and tie it to my crossdressing (and being one of those girls). I finished that pack of cigarettes, then bought another. I decided to buy that same brand. Later I tried Virginia Slims and More, but I went back to the Newport Lights to emulate that first girl more. I never fully achieved that goal. I never became the habitual smoker, but do partake when dressed sometimes. In fact, I've used smoking as another psychological reinforcement for crossdressing and only smoke while dressed. The sexiest I've ever felt while dressed was with red lipstick staining a cigarette held between two fingers with red shaped nails on the end of them. Although I like to let my nails grow for a while, it's been spotted too many times by kids and adults alike. I rarely shape my fingernails until right before having to cut them. It's been great for the Halloweens that I have decided to go en femme. One Halloween I did it up quite well. I could never pass, but I did an exceptional job with what has been dealt me. The woman who cut my hair was throwing a big costume bash, and she invited me. I had another party to go to that night, too. So on this Halloween I decided to go for it. My fingernails had gotten exceptionally long that year, and were perfect for shaping. They must have been between 3/4 and a full inch long (cuticle to tip). So I spent the time, energy, and effort to shape and lacquer them. By the time I was done I was extremely proud of my work. I wished that I could keep them that way. When I got to the party, the friends that were there were in shock at my costume. Few people realized that someone like me would be capable of going that far for a costume. One girl who was sitting on a couch next to me started asking me about my prep work. She was flirting a little with me, and it gave her the perfect opportunity to strike up a conversation. She asked question after question. Things like, "I see you did a great job shaving your legs. Has anyone ever told you that you have some shapely, sexy legs? How long did it take you to shave them?" I started to blush, but answered the questions. My best feature is my legs, and I was very proud of them. When she looked me over she glanced at my nails and asked if she could check them out. I said, "Sure," and I soon learned my mistake. I looked at her face as she inspected my nails. Her jaw dropped, and her eyes met mine. She asked me under her breath, "Oh my god, these are your REAL nails, aren't they?" After seeing her reaction, all I could do was nod. She was amazed and told me that I did a fantastic job. However, she was shaken and asked me if I was a transvestite. Again all I could do was nod. She kept it low key, and didn't draw any attention to me. She then told me that she wouldn't say a word to anybody. I thanked her. I never saw her again. After that party, I never did a perfect job on any of my crossdressing activities. If it looks too good, it raises suspicions. It's horrible. On one hand you want to do your best, and make everything look as good as possible. On the other hand, anything that looks that good will attract undo attention, and pique curiosity. It's a fine line as far as how well you can appear. It's a huge frustration to say the least. I continued to live the life of a closet crossdresser throughout most of my college career. On very few occasions would I let someone in on my little secret. Some women who were very close got to know, but rarely would anyone find out. When I started dating the woman who became my wife, I was very open and honest about my life as a crossdresser. She thought it was a little weird, but she said it was OK, because she was weird, too. So we kept on dating. She knew I wore lingerie and hosiery almost every day while we dated and wasn't the least judgmental. She would always ask if I was too hot wearing the extra layers and such. However, I NEVER was made to feel strange by her. I fell madly in love, and we married after two and a half years of dating. My wife has always been open and accepting of my being a crossdresser. At times she has tried to be supportive. Sometimes she's helped by buying me lingerie for certain holidays. At other times she's made time to allow me to "prance" as she puts it, around the house. She's a great and understanding wife. As funny as it may seem, she rarely wears a dress. She almost always wears pants and very little makeup, if any. So she wars the pants in the family, and me...well... We were both fast-tracking it. We bought a house after our first anniversary, and were both in management. After a few years of working and remodeling the house we decided it was time to start our family. We had a baby girl, and things were crazy. I still "pranced" every chance I got, but it was becoming more difficult. Being a family man made it far more difficult. So things were getting a bit stressful. We worked hard and ran through a complicated routine spending one day together each week. It was hard. After a year of going through this routine, we decided to try and get out of that rut. We both wanted out of our jobs and had ideas about starting our own businesses. I really was the first to come up with a business idea. So we decided that I would work on it part time. I juggled my slate even more. It was even more stressful. Within a month, my part time business started to exceed my full time wages. It was time to make my break. I resigned from my job, and invested a large amount of money in inventory. I was set to do a trade show the weekend after my last day of work. The stress levels were excruciating. It started two nights before my last day of work. I was taking a night class, for credit. Once a week we would sit for two hours, take a break, and then have one more hour. That night something was odd. My legs fell asleep during the first two hours. I shifted around uncomfortably trying to get my feeling back. When the break came, I took the opportunity to walk it off. I walked on pins and needles all the way; down two flights of stairs, bought a coke, then climbed the two flights back to class. The strange thing was, both legs were still asleep. I finished the class, still asleep. Went to my car, still asleep. Got home, got in bed that night, still asleep. It was a rough night. The sensations every time I moved were pins and needles. I went to work to work the next day, pins and needles and all. I called the doctor saying I know it's probably just nerves and all, but the sensations are driving me nuts. I told her about the show coming up, and she told me that she didn't want to prescribe anything, because she wouldn't know how it would affect me during the show. She said she would be curious when Monday rolls around, to see if it was all gone. Surely, if it was due to stress it would subside by then. The show came and sure enough, I was worse. I began tripping and losing my balance. Definitely nerves, or so I thought. The show went exceptionally well. However, my legs hadn't improved. By that Monday, I was getting worse. The sensations started to climb towards my waist, and I had severe problems walking. The doctor had suspicions and called a neurologist, immediately. He normally wouldn't have gotten me in so quickly, but my symptoms mimicked an ailment that is very rare. Numbness climbing up your body, loss of motor function. Only afterward did I find out that if I had it, there would've been nothing he could do. He wanted to study me. You see, if I would've had that disease, it is usually fatal within days. He just wanted to poke and prod me as if I was a guinea pig. What a comforting thought that is. The long and the short of it was that I had been stricken very hard with a case of Multiple Sclerosis. I nearly lost the ability to walk, altogether. High heels were now definitely out of the question. In fact, trying to put on hosiery was painful. I couldn't stand the sensations of getting dressed. It didn't matter how fine and frilly the clothes were. Everything felt like sandpaper going on, along with the pins and needle with any changes across my skin. The pleasure and solace I found in crossdressing was gone. The compulsion was not, however. I kept up, even though it was difficult and painful. I couldn't stop. Over the next six months, many of the symptoms began to subside a bit. Although I didn't dress as often, because of the painful sensations, I still did. My ability to walk improved, though I still limp to this day. I started to learn everything I could about MS. The first thing that I learned, I didn't pay much attention to. It seems that women are twice as likely as men to be stricken with MS. I found that even though men were getting it, it was definitely women who suffered from the disease. I found myself chatting on the Internet with others afflicted with MS, and generally speaking, they were all women. The chat channels became giddy and silly at times. Conversations ranged from MS to typical female conversations. Rarely were the channels male dominated, or the topics male oriented. As time went on, I learned how to better cope with the disease. I finally came to terms with the fact that I had MS over a year later. The one thing that was important and always emphasized by doctors, others afflicted, and experts, was stress management. To that date, the most effective form of stress management for me had been cross-dressing. Stress is a major trigger for exacerbation's in MS. It was ironic. Being dressed and more feminine was the very thing that prevented me from being afflicted from an illness more commonly found in women. Years later, I had other major episodes of MS, but for the most part my stress levels have been lower. I owe some of that to cross-dressing. Over the past few years I have discovered more about the disease, and about myself. Also, as we get older we tend to fall apart. My back problems were worsening. I have read all sorts of TG stories on all sorts of websites, and newsgroups. One common theme was corseting. I was intrigued by the ability to get shapelier while dressed (as everyone does). So I started reading up on the subject. I found out, after trying to buy shapers in the stores, that many men were purchasing them for back problems (or so they claimed, as told to me by salespeople). After much debating, I decided to make the plunge. I bought a couple of corsets over the Internet. My wife was OK about lacing me up, and that was a big help. She often jokes that my cleavage is larger than hers, in a corset. Sometimes, she even jokes that I should wear a "manssierre" or a "bro" (as they were called on Seinfeld). After a week or so, we started getting some reductions in my waist. The tighter the lacing got, the better supported my back was. Eventually, I found that when I took the corset off, I found that not only was my back feeling better, but I was also regaining some of the flexibility in my back. I had only had one problem with my corsets. They were not strong enough to hold up to being worn tightly. The ones I had purchased only lasted so long before they fell apart. My back started to cause pain again. If worn, I had far less pain, even when I awoke each morning. That was when I had the most pain. Unfortunately, my sleeping habits cause me lower back pain, as does standing for long periods of time. A month in the corset seemed to rid me of those problems. Once again, it seemed wearing something feminine and trying to appear feminine prevented me from problems caused by having a more femininely shaped back curvature. A pattern was beginning to manifest itself. Even I could not be blind to it anymore. Due to the MS, I was getting sick more often. Having MS compromises your immune system, and this was an unfortunate reality. About a month ago, I was really feeling rotten. Even more than usual; I felt horrible. I started having all sorts of problems with going to the bathroom, sleeping, nausea, vertigo, and I woke up one morning jaundiced. Through all of these horrible symptoms I also had a 100.8 temp...much higher that my normal body temperature. Originally, I thought most of the symptoms were just my MS acting up. I called the doctor, and was asked to come in, because the jaundice was potentially serious. They ran all sorts of tests while I was there. Urine and blood tests were the immediate tests. There were all sorts of questions regarding my liver function. When the doctor came in, she told me that I had something a little unusual for guys. She said that differences anatomically make it far more prevalent in women. I was informed that I had become a high-risk candidate for urinary tract infections. She jokingly asked me if I like cranberry juice. She said that she recommended it to most women, because it actually does help prevent bladder infections. The MS complications were causing me to be high risk, and I now had to be careful, and try to do what I can to prevent them. Yes, one more typically female problem. This time wearing women's clothing didn't serve beneficial. I ran to the drugstore to get an antibiotic prescription filled. It is rarely prescribed for men, and is used almost exclusively for urinary infections. I received twice the normal course, because of my immune system. Afterward, I went to the grocery store to pick up cranberry juice. I found out that Ocean Spray was on sale, and headed straight for that isle. As I started reading for percentages of juice, ingredients, and looking at the blends, I saw many women stopping to pick some up. I looked around and noticed no men around me. While picking up and examining more juice, many more women came to purchase the product. I started just watching. Tons of women began moving toward the section, cutting in, and going directly for the juice they wanted. It was only women, and lots of them. I was a man out of place. This made me feel, as if not more, self-conscious than going shopping for lingerie. It was weird. I never felt so funked out in a grocery store. Here I was, without a choice, buying something that only women were buying. I really had trouble dealing with this. I couldn't believe that I was in this position. When I go for the lingerie, it is of my own choice. It was the compulsion of a fetish. This was a physical necessity, shopping for the "women's" juice. If I picked up women's supplies for my wife, I can always say it's for my wife, without lying. This was different. I felt strange that I was physically having women's problems, and had to buy products for them. The trip to the grocery store sent it all home. Why is my body manifesting womanly symptoms? What's going on with me? Are all these illnesses psychosomatic in origin? Was I developing problems due to some type of psychological identification with women? Was my body fulfilling some psychological pathology? Was this all just some coincidence? In general, I did feel better, and had less stress when dressed. I suppose I am getting used to cranberry juice. Can I live with the reality of having these problems? Will new womanly ailments crop up? I have one more week to wait for the results of some of the liver tests that I had taken. Since I have had to wait, I did a bit of research on the Internet about liver maladies. The specialist I saw said that it might be the same illness that the football player Walter Payton had. It is very rare, but I think he put it out because 70 percent of those afflicted with it are men. Of course, he said it might be nothing. I, on the other hand, have my own suspicions. While reading up on it, I found another liver disease. It has similar symptoms, but the numbers are different. I'm almost willing to put money on having it. You see 75 percent of those afflicted with that disease are women. It would just be my luck. We'll have to just wait to see what the future brings....

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A memory of seasons past... Savren only caught glimpses of Lady Trelyana during that period. It seemed to him that She was avoiding him after each lesson. It hurt him to think such, but he did not know what to do. Then it all changed. He managed to wait for Her outside her chambers one night and stood silently as she approached. Her lips were compressed in a thin line as she spotted him. She opened her door and paused, then snagged one of his ears and launched him into her room. "I trust...

3 years ago
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San Francisco area breeding party birds

gender : Femalelocation : SF Bay Area= about me =I am married to a wonderful guy who allows me to indulge in my love of sex with other men. We do exchange partners. However, he does enjoy watching me and we have a circle of friends that we meet regularly with for sex.Sometimes one on one or sometimes we set up a party at our home or various locations. I do have several female friends who are either a bit older (mature) or who don't want to be in a relationship, but do miss and crave sex. Our...

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A New Submission Part 1

Samantha sat on the train heading into London and staring out the window. She tried to keep her composure but inside she was shaking with nerves, this was going to be a day she would never forget.To set the scene correctly, Samantha is 22 years old, a petite 5’1” and weighs just 49 kilos. However despite her small frame she has a more than ample 34D chest that certainly gets some looks! Her hair is long straight and brown and she has a very pale complexion. Her white skin on this day is...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 44 INTERLUDE THE KERMAC ENVOYS

The Kermac Diplomatic delegation had to share a visitor’s alcove with other dignitaries, observers and diplomats. Viertlvorfier, the Kermac High Consul found it less disgusting than standing with the crowds outside, or watch the even in the Embassy on GalNet. The Nul, the Togar, the Shiss and a host of other Non-Union species had observers here. Form their spot they had a good view towards the Narth alcove. The delegate of the Karthanian said.” It appears this event is not important enough...

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Pt 3 Angel gangbanged at Joes the LAST Time

Joe planned on having his outdoor gangbang 4th of July party from Sunday, July 3rd morning through late Monday July 4th with Angel as the main attraction for the entire time. This part tells about the fun we had with her thru Sunday afternoon._________________________________________________We got up Sunday about 9am. Joes roommates were already fixing breakfast as Joe told Angel to lay facedown over his pool table. Now we discovered why Joe had wanted Angel to keep the plug in her ass...

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A Sons FetishChapter 9

About a week later, Danny was gathering his books while in his class at school. He was also being very quiet as he was putting his books into his book bag. He simply wanted to get everything ready as he was about to leave the classroom. While he was getting ready to leave as he completed getting his stuff in his bag, his instructor approached him. “Danny,” she began. “Yes, Professor Hill,” Danny replied. “How have you been doing?” she asked. “Why do you ask?” Danny wondered. “I have...

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LettersPart 2 The Letter

"Dearest Amy, I know you hate me now, and I've lost the most important person in my life, but I must tell you that I never meant to hurt you. How could I, I'm in love with you. Leave it to me, your old pal Ronda, to fuck up a life long friendship. If I could take it back, I would. It's just that you seemed to like what I was doing and one thing just led to another. I also realize that I made another dumb-ass mistake. I talked to Mrs. Langston, but I was hysterical, you know how I get....

2 years ago
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The ProdigalTen

THE INVITATION to Party with the Pros said ‘dress to impress.’ Lissa and I were back in our black attire as we entered The Pourhouse at ten p.m. The party was already in full swing. We weren’t slated to play Sunday until ten and eleven in the morning. We figured if we didn’t drink and left at midnight, we’d be in fine shape. It was still going to be a killer on me, though, to leave my singles match and walk right onto the court for doubles. But I wasn’t stressing out over the matches. All I...

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NFBusty Anissa Jolie Caught You Looking

Busty hottie Anissa Jolie is signing some papers with her boyfriend Ricky Rascal, but Ricky just can’t keep his eyes off Anissa’s big naturals. The bigtit babe knows just what to do. Next time Ricky looks at her, she reaches out to the back of his neck and pulls him forward to motorboat her big jugs. Now that they’ve broken the ice, Anissa has no problems popping her titties out from their bra so she and Ricky can take turns jiggling and hefting them. Her fleshy fun bags are...

3 years ago
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E118 Subject J Donald almost reaches the end

When Donald finishes about Subject I, he does want to continue with the story about Subject J right away to be done with this.  But he knows there is something he needs to discuss with Emma alone first.  Julie and Karen do not know anything about this part of things which started when he came to The Institute here, and they should not know.He looks Emma in the eye and asks her to please come with him for a few minutes.  She can see from Donald’s demeanor that it is something important, so...

Love Stories
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the little special pill 3

I drove to aunty Polly's not really looking forward to the day, my mother had volunteered me to give her hand clearing out the belongings of her recently deceased husband Joe, my uncle, so it wasn't going to be a happy cheerful day, plus I was probably going to have to do a lot of lifting.When I arrived at aunty Polly's I was surprised to see her friend May there, but also relieved I wouldn't have to make a lot of small talk during the day as we worked, and so with Aunt Polly and May busy...

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Price of Past MiraclesChapter 9

Friday, May 13, 1977 was the evening Megan Richards was supposed to be flying home to L.A. from Northwestern University in Illinois. It was also the day Brad had flown home from The Air Force Academy in Colorado ... the day Barbie had been convinced that his plane was going to crash from being struck by lightning! But Brad had heeded her warning and avoided the sudden storms that had hit Las Vegas. Megan's mother had been very relieved when she called home to tell them that she didn't know...

1 year ago
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Spending Time With Aunt Darla Pt 3

Introduction: Sometimes when you bang one sexy MILF, you gotta bang the other. THE NEXT MORNING….. For the first time in a long time, I was able to sleep great through the night without having to wake up, thats because Darla & I cuddled up after our love making & ass pounding. But that was nothing compared to what & who I woke up to the following morning. Although I was still asleep, my mom & dad mustve paid us a Saturday morning visit. As I was still sleeping, I felt a nudge on my leg. As I...

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Johanna 1 Addendum

I never thought of Dad as a thrill-seeker or a daredevil, for he always methodically planned every activity to minimize the risk. However, he was certainly drawn to the adrenalin that came from danger and the endorphins that came from effort. He took me on expeditions that I would have horrified Mom. After a particularly hazardous activity – scaling a cliff wall, a hair-raising ascent to a snowy ridgeline with our skis in our backpacks, a particularly difficult jump on horseback – he would wink...

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Deputy PorterChapter 44

On day three I managed to walk to the bathroom, alone. I did it with a hell of a lot of pain and the help of a cane. I could never have gotten out of bed at home. My decision to stay another day was based on that experience. Trying to sit up caused me to cry that first time. Broken ribs are not for sissy, I decided. By the evening of day three I was going to the bathroom on my own. It still was with a great deal of pain. I prepare myself mentally for it and I did it with a lot of grunts and...

2 years ago
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Date Chapter 3

'Date" Chapter 3 All day long, I thought about going to the gym. I was sooo excited about wearing my new bunny clothes for Marcus! Gee, I sure hope he likes the way I look in a bunny outfit, that is. When I came back from work, Bree and Karen were just finishing up with their massage routine, and lord knows what else. "Oh, hi Danny. You look excited. What's up?" "Oh, nothing. It's just Friday and glad to have the weekend." "Well, I have to work tonight, and I also have...

3 years ago
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A Fallen Angel

A JJ Submission: A Fallen Angel A big, hi to all of you. JJ back with hot story this weekend 5.00 am 9th October 2009 the rain devastated AP resulting in a cool pleasant morning here in Chennnai. Teacher’s colony in Adyar witness the news paper boy and the milkman crisscrossing the road delivering their duties, Dev apartments security guard fell prey to sleep sitting in his chair. The partly commercial building was still in eerie darkness & silent except for the occasional sound of traffic in...

4 years ago
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A woman of means

Elena deBalzaac stood in shock as the messenger repeated his message. Her father had finally pegged it, leaving her the sole heir of his considerable estate. She was free now. Free to whatever she chose. Her father had been trying to force her to marry her neighbour at this country hellhole. A creepy, perverted older man with no charm to speak of. But she could break that off now – she could marry some young upstart from Luziel – or no one at all. After all, the law of the land allowed her to...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Gianna Gem Sharing My Feet

Lately my boyfriend Benji and I have been enjoying the swingers lifestyle. I’m new to it but always up for anything new and different that’s fun. One day I just happen to mention to my boyfriend that I think his friend Jake is really cute. I would totally fuck him and do some kinky foot sex with him. A few weeks later, when my parents were out of town, I invited my boyfriend over and he showed up with Jake. After a short chat my boyfriend just told Jake bluntly that I want to fuck him. It was...

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How Traditions Start Part 16

An original story by Starrynight. Despite petty attempts to keep me from posting further, methodically negatively rating my long time high rated stories (no speculation here, I received very clear responses and messages), here is the next chapter. Thanks to all those you continue to read my stories, rate them, and a special thanks to all who take the time to comment. I hope you enjoy. The bedroom was warm and stuffy as the late morning sun shone in through the windows. Lisa stirred in...

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A Potters TaleChapter 5

Over the following week I set about restocking, taking care to make more of the styles and sizes that sold the most. I did take time out towards the end of the week to go to both the local civic museum and the Gladstone Pottery Museum ( ) to hopefully find some inspiration. It did give me the incentive to add ewers to my range. I was up early on Saturday morning and with little better to do, went down to my workshop, intending to be back at the house by...

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Double TearsChapter 108

“What makes lovemaking and reading resemble each other most is that within both of them times and spaces open, different from measurable time and space.” —Italo Calvino, If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler I WAS UP and on the road at three in the morning Friday. Em had managed to find a cheap redeye flight that got in at ten till six. I was not going to miss being there when she arrived. Mom was already up and had an insulated cup of coffee for me to take along. She—well, everyone—thought...

2 years ago
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Neighbor Lady Tells Me About Her Foot Fetish Story

Being as old as I am now, over 65 is all I will divulge to you, I have discovered a fondness for seducing younger men. Now younger means from 20 to 40 years of age, and since my profession still has me traveling most of the time, I am able to indulge my passion as I always come into contact with quite a few males of assorted ages and backgrounds who are just waiting for a talented lady like myself. What it is I find that turns me on, and most of the young male population that I come into...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 130

Bernice had briefly mentioned the scratches on Laura's shoulders, and asked about the bandage on her forearm. This had given Laura a good chance to practice her excuses, knowing she would have to give them to Trina sooner rather than later. Her forearm wound she blamed on an accident at work, but there was no plausible explanation for the shoulder scratches. "She must be some hot bitch," Bernice had said, eyes wide. Laura had smiled ruefully. "Hot and nasty," she had said under her...

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How it all began 4 Pam tries her luck again then helps Marie

Once her hubby leaves for work she again puts on her pickup cloths and heads out to find a different day bar.. After driving around a bit she finds what she's looking for, An out of the way quiet bar with only three cars in the parking lot.. She parks and gets out putting her jacket back in the car and rolling up her skirt ad makes her entrance going straight to the back and sits in a secluded booth facing the front.. The bartender serves her beer and welcomes her.. A couple min later the...

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OnlyBlowJob Ania Kinski An Anniversary Blowjob To Celebrate

Sexy glamour porn Milf Ania Kinski gets her mouth filled with the good stuff after blowing her hubby Erik Everhard after their anniversary night out. The black-haired Polish seductress has a special way of thanking him for all of the years of happiness with some incredibly hot and hardcore deep throat action in the bathroom when he’s least expecting it. And this cum eating nympho has another surprise in store when she finishes him off with a titty fuck before eating every last drop of his...

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Marked ndash Chastity Story

I woke up to a familiar situation, though not one I normally wake to find. My arms are restrained, as are my legs, and I am naked save for a collar and my ever present chastity device. I am no longer sure how long it has been. It is taken off once a week for cleaning, but never by my own hands. Indeed, it has been months since I have been able to touch myself, or had true release.My Goddess likes me horny and wanting. She likes me literally dripping with need… it used to be need to cum, and...

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Melanies Story 1 My Transformation Begins

Many of you know me. You've seen me at the counter of the local sex shop or at the fetish clubs or at the bars. Some of you have bought me a drink or had sex with me or been my master or mistress. I've told parts of my story to some of you, now I'm putting the whole story in one place. I feel I'm running out of time and I have to get it all down. Last night I was sleeping in my cage and I heard my mistress negotiating with a buyer for me. He wanted to take me overseas to...

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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress

Amelia Marks stood staring out of the large window in her office. The lady with the dark-hair, neatly tied in a bun, smiled as she watched the late summer sunshine rising in the blue sky and begin to cover the new Sixth Form building and the extensive playing fields and sports pitches beyond that. The new Head Mistress at the exclusive, fee-paying Alannah Lawrence Girl’s College closed her eyes and stood day-dreaming for a few moments before she turned her attention back to what she needed to...

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My Forbidden Fantasy

Cole was a wonderful boyfriend. He does a lot for me, and we’ve been together for more than a year. I love his sandy brown hair, and his hazel eyes, and his big muscular arms. And I love the way he holds me, cuddles me… and fucks me. Everything was fine until my selfish eyes cast a look at Frankie. I was at a party with my best friends, Savannah and Hailey. We were nowhere near my home town, some place 45 minutes north. We just wanted to party, get loose and wasted. And we were well on our...

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Please Understand MeChapter 3

Before I got too far into the fried chicken and waffles, I better ask Karen if that sounds good to her. I took the stairs two at a time and heard the water running in the shower. Karen was facing the shower stall and was shrugging out of her panties, her last article of clothing. I admired her trim shape that was outstanding for a 39 year-old. Then I saw her back. Jesus Christ Karen! I shouted and she jumped a foot. “What happened to your back and who did this to you?” Her poor back was...

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Shadow on the EdgeChapter 3

With a twinkle in his eye Sgt. Major Jackson looked up. "You want to see me, boy?" I didn't rise to the bait. Ever since I stood up to him over the Wee Darling we have gotten along much better than the usual Top Kick and PFC. "If the Sergeant Major could find it in his heart to spare a few moments for a lowly PFC." "Private First Class my ass! You act more like a General First Class. Sit down Mick. Don't see you much any more, you haven't come up with any more crazy schemes lately....

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The Devils DiscipleChapter 13 Friday March 4 Making Plans Uncle Trent

They spent most of the next three weeks together. When they weren't going to the pictures they went for a meal. He went dancing with her, she went to the gym with him, and together they went shopping, generally with a mixture of his money and the money I gave her. I guess it took me all that time to get used to the idea of not having Anne around so much, of 'seeing' her with him. In all the time they were together Anne never once asked me when it was time for Bristoll to spend the night,...

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…Alley stroked his hard member, and watched it harden even more… Mr. Roberts’ groans encouraged her to further explore. One hand was stroking, while the other hand really was exploring, near his sac. Upon reaching his balls, she felt his hand push her long hair behind her ear then lift her chin so he could see her face. Alley,’ he gasped. ‘Alley… I… I… ‘ BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! She slammed her hand down on the annoying alarm clock, shutting it off, and cursed it in her head. He was just about...

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TommyChapter 13

The end-of-the-season pool party was in full swing when Tommy got there after taking care of one of his lawn-mowing customers. He had come in her twice and pocketed five twenties after they kissed in the darkened hallway, the woman’s husband visible in the den watching TV. Tommy stripped out of his clothes and tossed them into his locker. He carried his tiny Speedo in his hand as he emerged from the lockerroom to the pool area, his cock swaying before him. The lights were on in the diving...

3 years ago
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For Your Dining Pleasure

At 2:15 in the morning, Teaghan couldn't think of anything more obnoxious than the sound of an incoming cellphone call. Whether it be the thrashing thrum of “car collision” music, or the velvety voice of the sexiest crooner, or the pixie-like chime of bells, it always took considerable restraint not to pound the little piece of glass, plastic, and electronics into dust whenever it dragged her from her slumber. The intrusion at this very moment was no exception. As it rang for another five...

Straight Sex
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Sunday Morning Pleasure

"Are you awake?" Your voice is a soft whisper. I can tell you are trying not to wake me if I am still sleeping. But an expectant undertone tells me that you hope I am awake. Or maybe I am simply hearing more than you've said. I'm not sure. The warm pressure of your body snuggling against my back is what had drawn me from my slumber only moments before your whisper, and I didn’t know if you are simply being affectionate or if you have a more playful, less innocent, intention. Nor am I sure which...

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I Fucked Freddie at the Firm

Dear Diary, It's happened again. I've only just been hired by this firm and already I'm fucking a married man like a dirty whore. As a secretary I work for Freddie. Freddie is a dark haired Greek God (slim and tightly muscled like a real Adonis). I was told that I would have to work late on Friday night to serve Freddie's needs. I thought I should dress the part and I was so right. I opted for a black satin pencil skirt, a low cut white blouse, and hot, shiny, black high heels (to make my bum...

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Mathuvil Sirantha Maathu

Ena thaan pengalodu matter seithalum saraku adithu bhothaiyil oopathe thani sugamaaga irukum. Naan en vaazhvil mathu arunthi oru penudan ulasamaaga matter seitha anubavathai naan ungaludan pagirugiren. Enaku ippozhuthu vayathu 28 aagugirathu, peyar sham oru velai vizhayamaaga Pondicherry vanthu irunthen. Enathu sontha uur Chennai, oru claint meeting santhipatharkaaga avargalai santhika Pondicherry vanthu irunthen. Appozhuthu enaku saraku adikavendrum endru rumba aasaiyaaga irunthathu, athanaal...

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Nothing Gets Through Ch 06

Nothing Gets Through Ch. 06 © 2009 All Rights Reserved Lani woke up and blinked. It was so quiet. That was a blessing; Cherie must have either worn herself out or gone somewhere else. It took a minute to realize it was quiet because she wasn't in her bedroom. She turned her head at the sound of rustling sheets and smiled when she saw Dom still sleeping. He looked a little younger, she thought. Or perhaps it was just that he was relaxed. Surely he couldn’t carry that intensity around with him...

Love Stories
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Recapturing the Desire

Time has a way of both changig things and keeping them the same. It was never more true in my situation. I had moved away, got my health in order and life was looking good. I decided to drive through the old neighborhood and see what changes, if any, there had been. I moved slowly down the strteet and noticed the house looking pretty much the same, even the sagging gate had n ot been fixed. It7 was then that I noticed Janet, my old neighbor, outside and working on her garden. I decided...

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Late Night Garage Romance

You see, i played football when i was only 7. That very year i met the kid that would turn out to be the best friend that I'd hang out with every weekend. But you see, that kinda came to a halt when i hit that period in my life where my body began to change physically, emotionally, and most of all, sexually. His half-sister, that sweet, innocent, perky girl that had that girl-next-door look changed in my eyes as well. Because she was half black, half white, she was gifted with the best...

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Terrace Me Bete Ke Sath Chudaai

Ye tab ki baat hai jab main 38 saal ki thi. Ye kissa mere bade bete ke sath ka hai jab vo apni 18th birthday mana raha tha. Mera figure 42-28-44 hi tha or height 5’7” hai. Main bahut zyada gori hu or basically Punjaban hu. Curvy body hai, MILF hu main or bahut se log mere naam ki mutth maarte hain. Main hamesha se hi sex addict rahi hu. Mere nipples light pink color ke hain and chut bhi. Meri poori body pe kahi bhi zara sa baal nahi hai or ekdum chikni and clean body hai jaisi porn me dikhaate...


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