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It had been a long, tedious meeting, broken by bouts of frustration. Fortunately, it had ended well all the same. Amelia checked her face and long, brown hair in the makeup mirror of her rental car, and decided she was still sufficiently presentable to have a drink in the hotel bar.

A drink she desperately needed.

Upon walking into the place, she saw the bar area was rather crowded. Worse still, most of the patrons there looked to be middle-aged businessmen, who were probably on the prowl, cheating on their wives. That was one of the drawbacks of staying at an airport hotel. There were always lots of businessmen hoping for that exotic one night stand while they were away from home.

Amelia found a booth in the corner, caught the attention of one of the servers, and soon had her drink in hand. The booze did a great deal to relax her, and let her forget the contentious points between the boring presentations she’d been subjected to all day. By the time her drink was nearly gone, she’d almost developed a positive outlook on life again.

The server walked up and placed a second glass on the table. Amelia winced, because she’d noticed one of the middle-aged lechers at the bar drooling over her for the last several minutes. When she looked up, the woman said, “From the fly-by boys over there. They said you looked like you could use some company, or at least another drink.”

She thought, Thank god it isn’t from knock-off Armani and fake Rolex at the bar.

The woman had pointed toward where her benefactors were, and Amelia steeled herself for disappointment. She had always harbored a fantasy about having sex with a pilot. The uniforms made her tingle all over, for some reason. It was why she always chose an airport hotel when the option was available.

Unfortunately, the closest she had ever come was an almost identical situation twice before. The pilots who had bought her drinks were older men, but it was the archaic lines and faux confidence bordering on crass that had turned her off. She’d have happily hopped in bed with a smooth, reasonably handsome, older man in a pilot uniform.

She turned toward where the waitress had pointed - already planning her thanks, but no thanks excuse to send back with the drink. That went out the window when she spotted two gorgeous men, about her age, decked out in full pilot regalia, with their hats sitting on the table. Pilots always seemed to keep part of their uniform, their hat, or something on their person to identify them. Pilot fantasies were common enough to be a minor trope, after all. The two men across the way looked as if they’d stepped straight out of the cockpit into their booth.

The pair raised their glasses in salute when they saw her looking. Amelia swallowed hard, smiled, picked up her fresh drink, and raised it in their direction. The men shared a quick look, picked up their hats, and started her way.

Amelia’s heart pattered in her chest. They absolutely looked delicious. She would have been happy to jump on either of them, and she had a choice. As long as they both didn’t turn out to be jackasses, she might finally be able to realize one of her deepest fantasies.

The two men reached her booth, and the first introduced himself. “Hey, I’m Will.” He then pointed at his friend.


“Amelia,” she said, sending out the first signal that she might be interested.

Will said, “It looked like you could use some company, and it’s also a bit of a rescue mission.”

Amelia’s brow furrowed. “Hmm?”

Charles said, “Mr. Desperately Trying Not To Look Like Middle Management over there at the bar has been staring you down for about fifteen minutes.”

“And he is pissed at us right now,” Will said with laughter in his voice.

Amelia looked toward the bar and had to stifle laughter with her hand. Cheap Suit was absolutely staring daggers at the two men chatting with her.

She turned back to the two handsome pilots and said, “I noticed. Thank you.”

“At your service, Ma’am,” Charles said.

“So, interested in some company?” Will asked.

“Sure, why not,” Amelia answered. When the two men slid in the booth opposite to her, she gave them a sly smile and asked, “So, what do you two do for a living?”

They looked at each other and laughed. Charles plucked at his uniform jacket and said, “We’re charter pilots. This was a last minute call, right as we were about to go have some drinks. Decided not to wait once we got here. Dropped our bags in our room, and headed straight for the bar.”

Will added, “It’s the only chance we’ll have, really. We’re wheels up again tomorrow evening, and we have another scheduled flight the day after we get home.”

“I almost know the feeling,” Amelia said. “This is my third flight in the last two weeks.”

“Living in hotels can get to you. We’re from Chicago. How about you?” Will asked.

“Small world,” she said, and laughed. “I work in the city.”

That launched a conversation about home, which branched out into other topics, including several anecdotes about rich passengers the pair had ferried around the country. A message alert went off on Amelia’s phone while she was laughing at one such story, and when she checked it, she was shocked to see that almost two hours had passed.

“Something wrong?” Will asked, seeing the expression on her face.

Amelia waved her hand in a dismissive gesture. “No. I just didn’t realize what time it was.”

“Time for me to hit the men’s room,” Charles remarked. “Be right back.”

Amelia found she was at a loss. She’d assumed that one of them would stand out, or one would back off, letting his friend make a play for her. From their demeanor, she assumed they were both interested, and she’d certainly tried to send signals that she was.

The thing was, she didn’t have a single target for her flirtation. They were both good looking, charming, and witty. She felt as if she may as well toss a coin, and she’d come out a winner no matter which way it landed.

She almost reached for her drink out of habit, but stopped herself. Though she’d only finished about half of it, it was her third, and she was feeling it. She had a good buzz, and her inhibitions were practically in tatters.

To those ends, she decided to push a little harder. Will was the more talkative of the two, and she had him alone for a few minutes.

“If you’re trying to pick me up, one of you is going to have to try to outdo the other, you know?” she suggested.

Will looked surprised - though pleasantly so - at the directness. He said, “We could never do that. Chuck’s my wingman. One for all, and all for one.”

“Don’t you need three for that line to work?” she asked.

“It’s nice when it works out that way.” He paused for a moment, his gaze penetrating - searching. Then he sat up a little straighter, drew in a deep breath, and asked, “Want to be our third Musketeer tonight?”

Her train of thought - searching for her next line of banter - suddenly derailed when she realized what he was suggesting. She gasped as a chill shot through her, originating between her legs, where her intimate muscles clenched and a rush of wetness flooded her pussy.

Will asked, “Did I just blow it for both of us?”

“Not even close,” she answered in a voice husky with arousal.

He didn’t miss it, and smiled as he asked, “You want to head up to our room?”

Amelia shuddered and answered, “Oh my god - yes.”

Charles looked perplexed when he saw them sliding out of the booth as he returned from the bathroom. Will turned toward him, and some silent signal must have passed between them, because his eyes widened, and a smile sprouted on his face.

The moment he reached them, Amelia nodded toward the door, and then started toward it. Few people were out and about in the hotel, and many a lusty glance was exchanged as the three made their way to the elevators.

The moment the elevator doors closed, Amelia beckoned them with a waving index finger. They smiled, and put their pilot caps on, which stoked her fires even hotter.

It also freed their hands.

Will pulled her into a kiss, and Charles put his lips to work on the back of her neck. Their hands were everywhere in that brief ride, and Amelia’s found tantalizing evidence of muscle and big, hard cocks.

The three of them pulled apart, and Amelia pushed her skirt back into place when the elevator stopped. A minute later, Charles unlocked the door with his keycard, and all three swept into the room. Both men reached for their hats simultaneously.

“Leave them on,” Amelia asked.

They both stopped, smiled, and smartly settled their hats back in place. Instead, they went to work removing everything else.

As he whipped off his jacket, Charles suggested, “You could leave your heels on, if you want.”

Amelia nodded as she followed their example by quickly unbuttoning her top.

Clothing fell unceremoniously to the floor as the three of them hurried to undress. They all knew why they were there, and there was no sense in putting it off. The two men revealed sculpted, but not overly muscular chests - both shaved bare. Amelia shivered from their hungry stares when she removed her bra, and then moaned when Will dropped his pants. He had a big, gorgeous cock - larger than at least the last three men she’d had sex with, and that covered a couple of years. Charles proved he was a match for his fellow pilot only a moment later, when his cock sprang free.

The two seemed to be perfectly comfortable standing close to each other, buck naked and rock hard. The kiss of cool air on her sex as she dropped her panties testified to how wet she was.

Amelia stepped out of her panties, offered a sultry smile, and sauntered toward them in her heels. Charles climbed into the bed, moving toward the opposite side on his knees. Will held out a hand, and when she took it, he guided her into the bed as well. She couldn’t resist brushing her fingers over the brim of his hat.

Charles slipped his hand around her waist as she drew near, and she let him pull her into a kiss. The moment their lips met, she filled her hand with his hard cock. Will moved in behind her, swept aside the curtain of her hair, and put his lips to work on the back of her neck.

When Charles pulled away from the kiss, he groaned from the feeling of her hand sliding loosely over his erection. Then he cupped her cheek and turned her head toward his friend. She turned her body as well, so she could reach Will’s cock when he moved in to kiss her.

Charles dropped down, turned his head so he wouldn’t lose his hat in the process, and began to tongue her nipple. Amelia whimpered into her tongue-wrangling kiss with Will, and stroked both of them a little faster.

She was in absolute heaven. They were tantalizing her with their lips and tongues. She had a hard, ready cock in both hands. With their pilot hats on their heads, and the rest of their uniforms scattered on the floor nearby, she was living her fantasy in a way she never would have dared dream.

Will apparently couldn’t resist the call of her breasts. She had no reason to argue when his lips left hers, and instead engulfed her other nipple. Her hands roamed over their muscular backs as she looked down at them, breathing hard. Her breath caught for a moment when she felt Charles’ hand sliding up her leg. A high-pitched moan escaped her when he cupped her sex and caressed it with wiggling fingers.

Will released her nipple for a moment. His breath on the wetted nub made her shiver when he asked, “Have a bit of a pilot fantasy?”

“God yes,” she gasped.

“Happy to be of service, Ma’am,” Will said, and then chuckled before returning to suckle her nipple.

She groaned when Charles pushed two fingers into her needy pussy, and sucked her nipple hard. The thick digits stretched her, but slid easily into her slippery canal.

“How wet is she?” Will asked. He didn’t wait for an answer before kissing her hard.

Charles only opened his mouth around her nipple to answer, “Soaked.”

“Oh, ah, oh,” Amelia whimpered. Charles’ curled fingers had almost instantly found her g-spot, and the heel of his hand rolled her swollen clit. Both men grunted when the sensation caused her to tightly squeeze the cocks in her hands.

She let out a sad moan when the fingers inside her slipped free. She turned away from Will’s lips to beg Charles to put them back in, but saw him lifting the digits toward her lips. She sucked them in, shivering from the taste of her juices. Her eyes locked with Charles, and she slid her lips up and down his fingers, growing hungry for something far larger and more mouth-watering.

Will’s fingers replaced Charles’ in her pussy.

“Oh yes,” she cried as Will proved his fingers were every bit as dexterous and knowing as his friend’s. He put his other hand to good use, squeezing and fondling her breast.

Amelia luxuriated in their attention. They kissed, fondled, suckled, and fingered her until she was trembling. The hard cocks in her hands were calling to her the whole time, and she finally had to answer.

“Lie down,” she said to Charles, letting him see the hunger in her eyes. As soon as he sat down to eagerly follow that instruction, she turned to Will and licked her lips.

He nodded, smiled, and pulled his fingers out of her pussy. The slurping sound that made left little doubt of just how wet she was.

Charles was settling on a pillow in the center of the bed when she turned back toward him. She slowly bent over, turned around - wiggling her ass in invitation - and dropped onto her hands over his lap. She gave his cock a long, broad-tongued lick and moaned when his hand settled on her butt.

Will knelt down next to his fellow pilot, putting his cock within her reach, and proving once again that the two men were perfectly comfortable sharing a woman between them. She wrapped her fingers around both hard organs while her tongue glided over Charles’.

“Ah, fuck yeah,” Charles groaned when she parted her lips and took him in.

They were both stone hard and throbbing. Amelia loosely stroked both of their erections while slowly sucking on Charles. He ran his hand over her ass, and dragged his finger through the cleft between her buttocks. She whimpered around him when his finger tip circled the iris of her ass. Will ran his fingers through her hair, and then reached down to squeeze her breast.

She let Charles slip from her lips a few seconds later to tongue Will’s erection. Hands still moving up and down their hard organs, she wetted the tip, and then took him in.

Will groaned and said, “She’s got a hot little mouth, doesn’t she?”

“Hell yeah,” Charles agreed. Though the angle wasn’t perfect, he’d managed to reach her pussy with the tips of his fingers. His hips lifted for a moment in response to her hand. “Mastered dual wielding, too.”

Will chuckled at that - though the sound vanished in a grunt when Amelia gave him an especially hard suck. She only had the vaguest notion of what they were talking about, and didn’t really care. The scent of their manly musk combined with a burst of flavor when Will seeped a drop of pre-cum - making her feel light-headed. When she switched back to Charles’ cock, he provided her with a similar offering.

Amelia moaned and whimpered, switching back and forth between the two wonderful cocks, lost in the moment. The men voiced their pleasure, and demonstrated it with their roving hands, which seemed to be on every square inch of her body.

Aching for more, she was about to ask for it when she slurped her way back to the swollen head of Will’s cock. As if he’d read her mind, he was moving before she could say a word. While he knee-walked in behind her, she gasped, “Yes, please.”

Charles settled his hand on the back of her head when she took him in again. Her lips slid quickly up and down about half his length, while her hand stroked in counterpoint below. She shivered when Will traced the parting of her nether lips with the tip of his finger.

“Nice and wet,” he said, before slipping his finger in.

Amelia moaned and sucked hard on Charles’ big cock.

Charles said, “Whatever you’re doing, keep it up.”

His fingers probing her and teasing her clit, Will said, “Oh, I can do better than this.”

“Mmm hmm,” Amelia moaned in excitement.

Her heart raced as the mattress dipped from his knees moving under him. His fingers slipped out of her pussy, and left a slippery trail as they glided upward along the curve of her buttock. When his hand reached her hip, the other joined it on the opposite side. She sucked Charles hard and fast, making him groan and his fingers entwine in her hair.

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Crowded Bus

Here I was once again. In Japan, they'd call me a chickan. A pervert who gropes women in crowded places. I wasn't proud of what I did, but I couldn't help myself. Here I was once again, on a crowded bus. As the bus pulled out of the station, I was at the front of the bus. It was extra packed today, bodies all squeezed in together like sardines with very little room for movement. To my immediate right, I spotted a cute Asian girl. Cute and petite, she had long black hair and beautiful brown...

1 year ago
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A made up love story

Who in here believes in fairy tale romances? I knew you’d say that so I’m going to tell you my story. It is a fairy tale romance. Some parts are funny, some parts are sad, but it was all written by God before time began. I met this guy named Randy in Algebra class when we were juniors at Washington High School. I’d love to tell you it was love at first sight, (so that it would go along with the rest of my fairy tale) but it wasn’t. I was seeing a sophomore in college at NC State named Brian and...

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Three Months in Paris Part Seven

Claudette and I were exhausted but so happy. After our session on the bidet we put on our nightgowns, (I was so sexy in my long satin bra busted gown), and with each of our head still wound tight with rollers, we fell into a blissful sleep. As soon as I waked in the morning I smelt Claudette brewing a strong parisian coffee. I wrapped my robe over my nightgown and tiptoed behind and cupped her breasts in my hands. "Ah, good morning, my little sleeper. I have coffee for you." "Last...

3 years ago
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TJ MorgChapter 8

The course continued with instruction introducing them to energy torpedoes, Type 71 which was being phased out of service and Type 53 which was replacing them. The major difference was in the electronics which were miniaturised in the '53s'. These were straight blast weapons. There were reports, confirmed by the Instructors, of a newer class of missile just coming into production for the new DNs which were still on the drawing boards; the missiles were simple rocket drive but already there...

4 years ago
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Stories of a Post Apocalyptic World Part 5

Emily could see the thick, green haze from miles away as it engulfed the town she was travelling to. Old apartment blocks were the only buildings visible as the fog descended on the streets of Sunnydale. She had heard myths of these green clouds of smog but if she was to stand any chance of tracking down her best friend, she would have to travel deep into it. As the sun began to hide behind the horizon, barrels filled with fire began to light up around the area. Howls from creatures nearby...

1 year ago
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Seducing Jennifer Pt 25

Part 25 I awoke to blinding sunlight streaming through the small window by the cabin door. Tse-ni-sa and I were clasped so tightly in each other’s arms we were almost one entity. The dog was curled around our feet. It was cold in the little cabin – very cold. My breath smoked into a dense cloud that precipitated glimmering ice crystals almost immediately at each exhalation and the ceiling above us was rimed with frost. It was easy to see where the cracks in the cabin walls were. Powder-fine...

2 years ago
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Nanny Susan

Nanny Susan invites all sissies to write to her with their problems, fears, and questions. 1. Dear Nanny Suzanne Recently my wife mommy gave me a pair of frilly panties for my sissy birthday. When I put them on I got so excited that I squirted and soiled my new panties. Mommy was furious. She says she will keep me in diapers until I learn not to soil my panties. I really hate diapers. How can I convince mommy that I'm a big girl enough to wear panties again? Dear...

1 year ago
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The CatalystChapter 41 The Show Part 2

Test Flight and Rules of Engagement July 4, 1985 [Mary leaned over, hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. “There’s hope for you yet Sugar Bear! Now FLOOR this thing so we can get home and you can get busy paying off our bet!”] “Oh, oh, OHHHH, PLEASE Sugar Bear, not again! Are you KIDDING me? Oh PLEASE let me cum. You’re killing me, this isn’t fair!” I had been deliciously torturing her for the last 45 minutes. Bringing her right to the brink of a major orgasm only to stop and start...

1 year ago
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A Free Use World

You wake up to a loud sucking sound and open your eyes to see your neighbor taking your cock deep down her throat. You sit still for a minute until you groan from the pleasure causing her to look up at you. "Hey John, didn't know you were awake. Let me finish here and I'll let you up." she says, pulling your cock out of mouth to speak. She sets your thick cock on her face, and your dick runs all the way up her face and a few inches above. "I still don't understand how cocks can get this big,"...

2 years ago
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The Taste of My Blood

It was just us together at the strike of 7 in the evening, sitting on the grass out by the lake in the park watching the moon sneak over in front of the setting sun. Something about her is different, I just can't seem to put my finger on it. While Jane and I were tracing the blood red sky with lit sparklers in hand, I glanced over and felt this shiver run up and down the nape of my neck. Her eyes appeared more intense, focused and fixated on each individual spark dancing off the sticks; her...

4 years ago
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Naked and HelplessChapter 9

The bright sun filtered in through the broad louvered shutters that covered the floor-to-ceiling window doors in the guest bedroom where the beautiful young artist slept, unaware that a man walked silently across the room, his footsteps drowned in the lush pile carpeting. The entire room was white, or shades of white. An elaborate wrought iron headboard and two tall spires of iron at the foot showed dramatically against the plastered walls. A long high chest of carved pine stood-on a low...

3 years ago
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American Royalty 1 Coming of AgeChapter 4 First DatemdashLiam

LIAM HAD EVERY INTENTION of waiting exactly thirty minutes and calling Meredith. His parents had a different idea. “Liam, please come to the library. Your mother and I wish to speak to you.” Liam looked pleadingly at his grandmother but she just shrugged her shoulders and left him to his fate. He followed his parents into the library. “Whatever came over you, Liam? It was unconscionably rude to challenge Mr. Ferguson at a dinner party filled with friends who had come to celebrate the...

3 years ago
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26 November 2006Chapter 3

“I want you to know that I love all of you and I’m so proud to be your dad. I know this is all new for everyone and will take some getting used to. You three were accustomed to how Steve raised you whether it was good or bad and I’m pretty fair when it comes to parenting.” “Respect for everyone is a two-way street. I’m always here for you to talk to about any subject. Getting a good education is important to me and I’ll help all of you with any studying that I can.” “Diane, becoming a nurse...

2 years ago
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Sexual Fantasies Special Lesson part 1

DISCLAIMER: This particular series of stories will be one-off adventures. Some long, some short. Some straight, some lesbian, some bi, some sissy, some gay (probably most). But hopefully you’ll find them arousing!Sexual FantasiesSpecial Lesson (part 1) It was a warm, sunny Saturday afternoon. Ben and his best friend Zack were walking up to the front door of their teacher, Bruce Johnson. The 18 year old boys weren’t quite sure why their 42 year old teacher had asked them to stop by, but they had...

2 years ago
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26 ndash Getting to Know Veronica

26 – Getting to Know Veronica“So, do you own garter belts and stockings?” I asked Ronnie as soon as Susan had departed. Sheepishly, she nodded, no.“I wear them all the time,” I said as I lifted the hem of my skirt to show her my pale pink lace panties with the matching garter belt holding up nude colored stockings. As she stared, I added “I love wearing them as they are much more comfortable and practicable than pantyhose, and men cum in their pants when they see a woman wearing them.” Ronnie...

4 years ago
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Marathon PT 1

Introduction: Wife and Hubby enjoy a 3some We arrange to take the day off and have a marathon. After a relaxing morning of coffee, you excuse yourself to get ready for our guest. You take a bath, shave your body smooth and put on a sexy pair of thigh high stockings, a g-string and a spaghetti strap bustier. Our bedroom is clean, and its a rainy day outside. Our friend, Dale, comes over as planned and we join you in the bedroom. Dale is a good looking guy, about my size with big broad shoulders...

2 years ago
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Massage Fantasy Continued

This is another fantasy. Please read my earlier one. In writing these, I am obviously drawing on my experiences at sensual massage parlors. And, in the attitudes is express towards my fantasy daughter, I am reflecting my attitude towards the ladies. I always appreciated what they did for me. In the week after I received a massage from my daughter, I had conflicted feelings. After all, she was my daughter. But she gave me a terrific massage, I loved it and I wanted another one. She knew and...

1 year ago
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XXX Ben 10 Story Small Problem Part 1

This was quite the treat for them, to be staying in a motel instead of the back of the Winnebago. Ben and Gwen sat at the table of the vehicle waiting for Grandpa Max to return. “A night without your snoring.” Gwen said with a dreamy smile on her face. “Bliss.” “Me snore? You’re the one that goes off like a chainsaw every night.” Ben snapped right back. Gwen glared and frowned at him. “As if doofus. Why do you think I like camping outside? It’s the only quiet I get.” “Why do you think I like...

1 year ago
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Jennifers surpriseChapter 5

"I want you to fuck me." Mark lifted his sticky face from his mother's loins and looked at her, seeing her look back at him, the lustful stare of her brown eyes piercing his. Jennifer wanted to make sure her son knew what she had said, so she curled her upper lip in such a manner that her grimace betrayed how nasty the thoughts made her feel and how nasty she wanted Mark to see her be. She curled her upper lip as she rasped the words again while looking her son right in the eyes. "I...

3 years ago
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Nude Resort Sex

The last hot day in October found me at the nudist resort. It was sensual sitting in the warm sun covered in suntan lotion, wearing my largest PA. There were several couples also enjoying the sun but I chose an area removed from them. I settled down and soaked up the rays. After some time I got up and went into the pool for a swim. It was really cold, and when I got out of the pool my penis and purse shrunk to almost nothing. I passed a fellow on my way back to my spot and noticed he was also a...

3 years ago
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Kings and ConquerorsChapter 3

I stopped at the mansion to pick up my other two wives. Actually my mother stopped, since she drove her car. It filled with bags, going beyond the capacity of the trunk, and the backseat became a snug place. Neither Eva nor Zhenzhen minded. They had obviously enjoyed their intimacy the night before and the feeling lingered, with Zhenzhen happily occupying Eva's lap. My lap had a happy occupant as well, Helena. "You sure you don't want to sit on my lap?" she asked. "With my bony...

3 years ago
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Chachi saas ke saath

Hi friends I am Manu (name changed). Meri ummer aaj 28 saal ki hai. Baat aaj se 8 mahine pehle ki hai,.mere lund ki size 7 inch hai aur meri body muscular hainaur mein dikhne mein handsome hun. Ab story par aata hun mere chaher sasur pandit hai aur who ek mandir mein pujari hai, unka pura parivar mandir me hi side mein kamre hai unme rehta hai, parivarr mein chachi sasu, unki beti jo ki 20 ki hogi aur ek beta jo 13 saal ka hai, ek baar chachaji ko panditai ke kaam se 15 din ke liye bahar jaan...

2 years ago
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My first man Fuck buddy

I'm a divorce white male who is dating a wonder woman. When her and I first meet she would suck my cock anytime I wanted. Well that all stopped a few months back after she told me she doesn't like doing it anymore. This was more than a little disappointing since I like most men love being sucked. I started a membership on a swingers site and found that I had more men saying they wanted to suck my cock than I did women. I would always tell them thanks but no thanks I'm not gay or bi. Well...

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The new roommate1

She texted me that she was here. I look up at my phone and see the most beautiful blonde walk in the door. I had posted the ad of a few social media sites so I had an idea of what she looked like but I would have never imagined this. She was wearing a black beanie and had sunglasses on. A loose fitting shirt and sweat pants. But just by looking at her I could tell she had a gorgeous body. She has deep blue eyes and dirty blonde hair peaking barely out from under her beanie. "Hey Natalie."...

2 years ago
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Three Js and an S Go To Mardi Gras

1Three J's and an S Go To Mardi GrasBy The TechnicianFemale Exhibitionism= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Sara gets a chance to really strut her stuff on Bourbon StreetA friend of one of The Three J's boyfriends has a plan to impress his father and show him that he has the vision to take over "The Three Jacks" club on Bourbon Street.  The Three J's and an S agree to help him in his plan which involves them walking down Bourbon Street on five consecutive nights dressed in more and more...

1 year ago
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The VolunteerChapter 5

THE FREE CLINIC was on 8th, just across the railroad tracks. Twice G2 realized he’d turned the wrong direction and was heading away from it. He sat to rest, sleeping a while each time. When he reached the tracks, he stumbled and fell. He just lay there, thinking that if he didn’t get up he’d get run over, but too exhausted to drag himself further. While he was lying there, Ben Johnson came across the tracks. G2 had ridden the rails with Ben a time once before. Ben was good company and told...

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Husbands job changes everything

Kim and Ray had been married for a year. Ray couldn't believe his good fortune to have found a woman as gorgeous as Kim. He didn't consider himself very appealing to women and as a result lacked confidence when he was around them. He wasn't a particularly good looking man, and by the time he reached 25 he still hadn't dated much. He stood 5' 8" tall, was slim, and not too well endowed. As a result, he all but worshipped Kim and tried his best to give her everything she asked for. Often, he...

3 years ago
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Hiking Adventure

It was a beautiful Tuesday afternoon and I had taken the day off, so I decided a hike up to Misery Pt would be nice to clear my head. I left my truck at the trailhead and hiked the four miles up to the point. I reached the summit and was preceding to take pictures of the remarkable views, when I heard rustling in the brush behind me. I turned to see a gentleman coming up the trail from the opposite direction.He introduced himself as Steve, a nice looking man in his early fifty's and commented...

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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 110

Clean again (relatively speaking), Jess turned toward Phil. Phil looked panic stricken as Jess gazed down at him; “Deer in the headlights” was the phrase that ran through my mind. Jess sat down, cross legged, on the side of him, her back to the wall just as he was. Gently took his plate from his lap, she set it off to the side. She went to unbutton his pants but he put his hands on hers to stop her. “Jess-Ma’am, I don’t think it would be right,” he said. His tone was not upset, but...

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