Girls Just Want to Have FunChapter 9
- 3 years ago
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School the next day was an improvement. Maybe it was because I had something good to look forward to after school, instead of something unpleasant. Maybe because I was getting used to the stares and the behind-the-hand comments. I kept to my strategy of smiling back whenever I got a nasty or envious look, and in many cases, the envy died on the vine when the person saw that I was open and approachable.
When lunchtime came, I found myself in line with Jolene Maddox, who introduced me to Janice Dempsey, one of the other girls who had witnessed Monday's restroom encounter. Janice was not one of Sandra's buddies, as Jolene had been. She had been one of the two who had come out of curiosity or admiration. Whichever it was, Janice was having a hard time keeping her eyes above my neck. I had again worn a conservative outfit — a skirt that came to my knees and an opaque white blouse with a bra underneath, but covering up only seemed to make me more interesting to some people. If I were naked except for a band-aid; I'm sure there would be some people who would want to peek under the band-aid.
Janice and Jolene obviously wanted to talk, but from the way they kept glancing at the people around us in the cafeteria line, the subject was not one they were willing to have anyone overhear. Once we were through the serving line, I led the way to a corner table away from the line and the doors. At the moment, it was empty and we could have a private conversation. I picked a chair that put my back to the room. Experience had shown that this way our voices would be masked by the hundreds of other people in the dining hall and with our backs to them, no one could read our expressions or our lips. We had all heard the story about the hearing-impaired girl at a school in the next county who had learned lip-reading to avoid having to attend a special school. She had spread quite a lot of scandal by spying on and then repeating conversations that were supposed to be private. No doubt she did it to make herself popular among those with whom she shared the secrets. In the long term, however, she only managed to make herself an outcast. I was half-sure that the story was only an urban legend, but everyone I knew had taken the moral to heart — a secret is only a secret so long as you protect it.
My new friends sat on either side of me and Jolene slid close enough that her knee was against mine. I wondered what they wanted to tell me that had to be private. Like every other teenage girl on the planet, I was a sucker for a confidence.
While we ate our lunches, Jolene told me that Janice had seen us together afterwards and thought that she could get Jolene to introduce her to me. I wondered briefly why she had felt it necessary to go through an intermediary, but I decided to file it away as just another example of how people were behaving strangely around me all the time. It was probably the same thing that Jim and Bud had been telling me about why boys seemed to be avoiding me — she thought I was 'out of her league'.
"Janice told me about her cousin's experience with a growth-spurt like yours." Jolene said in her lilting Southern accent. "I thought you might like to hear the story from her."
I caught Janice tearing her eyes away from my chest when I turned my head to hear her story. She blushed and managed to look me in the eyes while she told me about her cousin.
"Shirlene was 16 when she started growing," she said. "She's my father's half-brother's daughter by his second wife. Her mother, my Aunt Estelle, has big tits and says that all the women in her family have them too. Still, it was a real shock to Shirlene when she went from a C to a DD practically overnight. Over summer vacation they kept growing until finally she stopped at an E-cup. Shirlene was a small girl like you, Sam. She thought her big boobs made her look funny and she tried to hide them as best she could. She wore clothes that were too big for her and she never, ever went swimming because a swimsuit could not hide anything. She practically became a hermit, locked up in her room.
Well, my Aunt Estelle and Uncle Randy tried to talk her out of it, but they just made things worse. She thought they were worried because she looked strange, not because she was acting strange, so she just got worse.
This went on for two years, until she went off to college at the University of Miami. Her Freshman roommate tried to get her to come out of her shell, and managed to get her to go to a fraternity party. Well, Shirlene had never drunk a drop in her life. The frat boys took one look at her and decided to try to get her blotto. Before you could bat an eye, her clothes were off and she was dancing for them. It was a short trip from there to the upstairs bedroom, where those boys took turns with her all night and most of the next day.
By the time Shirlene got back to her own dorm room, she was a changed person. She dropped out of school inside of a week and got herself a job as an exotic dancer in a nightclub. The month after that we hear that she's starring in adult films under the name of Summer Winters. Right after that she starts sending home $5000 a month to Aunt Estelle and Uncle Randy, along with letters telling them how happy she is now that she has found her true calling in life.
Anyway, when she was home this past Christmas, she told me to keep an eye out for any girl at school who might be having a similar problem adjusting to having big boobs."
"Gee, Janice," I said. "That's certainly an interesting story about your cousin Shirlene. But I'm not sure how that applies to me." I was very curious about any words of wisdom that 'Summer Winters' might have for me.
"Well, you see, she told me that the studio she works for is always looking for new talent and that if you want to give her a call, she will see that you get hooked-up with the right folks."
"Un hunh," I said, stunned. O. Henry couldn't have written a better ending to Shirlene's story than that. "I appreciate the thought, Janice, I really do. But I've got a career already planned." I had to shut up at that point. I could hardly tell them about my planned career.
Janice took my silence for permission to press the issue. She said, "Lord, girl! With those hooters you could make a thousand dollars a day! Anyway, it's never a bad idea to have something you can fall back on if your first choice doesn't work out."
"Thank you, Janice. What a nice compliment! Do you really think I belong in por... ah, adult films?"
"Are you kidding?" Janice said, putting her hand on my knee in a friendly way. "Jolene and I were just talking about how you are the one girl in this school that everyone wants to have sex with."
"Really?" I said, putting my hand over Janice's and giving it a friendly squeeze to let her know that I did not object to her familiarity.
"Sure! Even the girls. Why, when you showed up Sandra yesterday, I bet everyone in the room got wet just watching." As she said this, her hand slid off my knee and onto my thigh. "It was the sexiest thing, the way you got Sandra to touch you."
"She seemed to be enjoying it," I said. "I know I was enjoying it." I clenched my knees together to emphasize how much I had enjoyed it. When I unclenched them I had pulled Janice's hand under my skirt and well up on my thigh. I took my own hand away to see how far she would go on her own. "Did it get you wet, too?" I asked Janice.
"Yes," she said, lowering her voice even further and squeezing my thigh. "It got me very wet. I was shocked at how hot I got, just from watching. I followed the rest in because I was curious, but when I saw Sandra touch your breasts — I mean, Sandra, of all people — well, I just got so turned on I couldn't stand it." She stroked her hand higher under my skirt. Her fingers were almost touching my pussy and I was getting very hot from her touch and from hearing how aroused I had made her yesterday. My breathing was getting ragged and my pulse was pounding in my ears.
When I spread my legs further apart to encourage Janice to explore further, my knee pressed against Jolene's. I turned to look at her and saw her glance down in my lap at the moving bulge that was Janice's hand under my skirt. Jolene looked in my eyes and saw how hot I was getting. The next thing I knew, Jolene had a hand under my skirt as well and two hands were stroking my thighs. It was a good thing we were all facing a blank wall, or my ecstatic expression would have been a giveaway.
When Jolene started touching me too, I lost my train of thought. I moaned and leaned back in my chair, my legs twitching from the stimulation I was getting. I couldn't believe we were doing this in such a public place, but I wasn't going to stop them now. My half-eaten lunch lay on the tray in front of me, completely forgotten as I slowly slid into a fog of arousal.
In a low voice just loud enough to carry to Janice, Jolene said, "You got me wet, too. I never got turned on by a girl before, but you are something special. Every time I'm near you, my panties get wet and I want to touch you. Like I'm touching you now, but I want to touch your breasts, too."
Janice whispered in my other ear, "I never got turned on by a girl either. I've had boyfriends, but you are the first girl I've ever been attracted to. God, I want to get you somewhere I can do whatever I want to you. I want to kiss you. I want to touch your breasts real bad."
I felt my knees being lifted and spread wider apart as Janice and Jolene pulled my legs into their laps so my hips would be tilted and my pussy more open to them. I closed my eyes and grabbed the seat of my chair to keep from falling over.
A hand finally touched my pussy and I felt such a surge of heat that I thought I would cum right then. My outer lips were wide open because of the position of my legs and my inner lips were engorged and pouting. I could feel the warmth of a hand cupping my pussy, just before the fingers touched my moist inner flesh. I whimpered with lust and the need to climax.
I felt fingers exploring my lips and my clit and I wanted to cry out with pleasure, but a small part of me tried to maintain composure. I wanted to give myself over totally to the sensation of having my pussy explored by my new friends, but the dining hall was hardly the place to give in to the full-blown orgasm I craved.
When I felt two fingers slip into me and begin to slide in and out of my pussy, I knew both girls were cooperating in finger-fucking my pussy and I was pushed over the edge into an orgasm. My breathing stopped abruptly as my pussy muscles clamped shut on their fingers, trapping them inside me. I let out a small squeak and quickly put a knuckle between my teeth to stifle any further noise.
I tried to suppress the involuntary jerks and twitches that came over me when I came, but I wasn't completely successful. At least I managed not to scream with delight as the fireworks shot through me.
I was still cumming pretty good when Jolene tapped me on the shoulder and asked in a hissing tone, "Excuse me, but can we have our hands back. It feels like you are breaking my fingers!"
I took a deep breath and opened my eyes. Janice and Jolene were not in obvious distress, but my legs had closed on their hands when I came and now their fingers were trapped in my pussy. I took a couple more breaths and tried to relax. When I had enough control to talk again, I said, "Mmmm. I think I like those hands just where they are." I gave them a squeeze and put my own hands in each of their laps. A quick feel revealed that they both had wet spots in the crotch of their panties.
I reluctantly opened my legs and let them take their hands away from my throbbing pussy. A shudder went through me as I felt their fingers withdraw. I let out a sharp gasp as Jolene flicked my hard clit before taking her hand out.
As fogged as I was, my mind raced to think of some place we could go for the last twenty minutes of the lunch period. "Come with me." I said, taking my tray and returning it to the kitchen. I led the way out of the dining hall and down the stairs to the old library in the basement.
Since a damp basement turned out to be a poor place for a library, the books had been moved to the new library building some years before and the space was now for storing seldom-used stuff, like seasonal decorations and the platforms that turned the dining hall into a theater or banquet hall. The restrooms were still unlocked, but almost never used unless there was an overflowing toilet that closed one on the main floor of the building. It was a perfect place for a tryst.
I hopped up and sat on the corner of the formica counter that held the row of sinks. This gave me an extra foot of height and put my chest just at the perfect height. "Get those panties off!" I commanded as I unbuttoned my blouse and took it off. Janice and Jolene pulled off their soaked undies without hesitation and converged on my exposed boobs. They stood on either side of me and each attacked a breast. You'd think they had been bottle-fed as babies the way they latched onto my boobs and licked and kissed so eagerly.
I was in heaven. Having two girls making love to me was a new thing and one I could easily get used to. As heady as the experience was, I kept reminding myself that it wasn't my turn now and I shouldn't get carried away and hog all the action. Still, they seemed to be completely absorbed with my breasts and if I was enjoying the attention as much as they were obviously enjoying paying it, then I should just chill and go with the flow.
I let the boob adoration go on as long as I dared. I didn't want either of my friends to have to go back to class frustrated and the clock was ticking on our little party. I reached out and hooked a finger in the waistband of each of their skirts and pulled them close enough for me to be able to get a hand between each girl's legs. When I touched them, it was like lighting a fuse. Both got more excited and more energetic in their caresses. After I had petted their pussies for a few minutes, they were practically mauling me. Both were moaning blissfully with my fingers twisting in their holes.
I tried to get my fingers deep enough to reach their g-spots, the same as Bud had done to me. I was able to do it with no trouble to Janice. I massaged her spot with my middle finger and rubbed her clit with my thumb. When I tried to do the same to Jolene I made a discovery that surprised me — Jolene was still a virgin. Having been a member of that club not too long ago myself, I was touched that she had chosen to take up with me. Still, a woman had taken my virginity and if Jolene wanted to give me hers, I would be as considerate and as gentle as Bambi had been, which was certainly more than any boy could be expected to do.
Since I could not reach far inside her, I focused on Jolene's clit, rubbing all around it until I had it standing tall and then using my wet fingers to gently stroke it until she was about to cum. When I thought she was close, I had Jolene switch places with me on the counter. While Janice watched, I pulled Jolene's legs apart and put her knees over my shoulders so her pelvis was tilted up toward my mouth. I bent over and put my chin on the counter between her legs and licked her pussy.
"Janice," I said, my voice muffled in muff, "I'm going to make her scream. Get ready to put your hand over her mouth."
Janice stepped closer and prepared to carry out my instructions. Jolene looked like she was having second thoughts about the whole thing, but she was so hot by now that she could not back out.
I gave Jolene's clit a few slow vertical licks to get her ready and then I used Bambi's BumbleBee technique on her. Sure enough, I had no sooner started flicking her clit with the underside of my tongue than she came really, really hard. When she took a deep breath to scream, Janice clapped her hand over her mouth so that her scream was muffled. I had to hang on tight to keep her from thrashing around so much that she fell off the counter. When she slowed down, we just let her lie back against the metal mirror while she recovered. Apparently I needed to practice some before I could get girls to pass out from the BumbleBee.
I led Janice down a few feet to the next open spot and had her assume the same position on the counter. As I bent down to taste her sex, I said, "Try not to bring the whole school down here, OK?" After having seen what I had done to Jolene, she was eager to try it for herself. She nodded and spread herself open for me.
Since Jolene had cum so quick, I took a little more time with Janice, kissing her clit tenderly and even sticking my tongue up her pussy as far as I could before assuming the BumbleBee position. I looked up at her face as I started and I saw her eyes roll back in her head and a hand fly into her mouth as she realized that she really was going to scream with pleasure from what I was doing. She was a trooper, though. When she came, she bit down so hard on her hand that I thought she would draw blood. She still squealed like a stuck pig when I kept flicking her clit during her climax. She also squirmed around so much that I had to hold her to keep her from falling into one of the sinks on either side of her.
When Janice had calmed down enough to be safe to leave alone, I went back to Jolene to see how she was doing. I grinned with satisfaction when I saw that she had, indeed, passed out from cumming so hard.
I told Janice, "I hate to wake her up, but if we don't get going we will be late for class."
Janice was still too groggy to speak coherently, but she smiled and reached out and stroked Jolene's cheek. A string of drool was running from the corner of Jolene's mouth into the sink.
I pulled my blouse out from under Jolene's inert form and put it back on. While doing up the buttons, I said, "Jolene? Wake up Jolene. It's time to wake up, sweetie." I had to shake her to get her to open her eyes. When they stopped rolling in her head, she climbed unsteadily off the counter and practically fell on me. She grabbed me in a bear hug and kissed me harder than I have ever been kissed before. She tried to stick her tongue all the way down my throat. If we had had the time, I would have let this go on, but the bell was about to ring. I disentangled myself from her and got her to help me get Janice down off the counter as well.
When we were all standing on our own, I reached out and picked up their panties off the counter to hand to them. Jolene reached for hers, but Janice said, "You don't wear panties, do you?"
"Only on special occasions," I said, "Most of my casual clothes look better without underwear, so I quit wearing any."
"Then I won't either," Janice said. Jolene dropped her hand and nodded agreement. "Besides," she continued, with a smirk on her face, "I want to be ready the next time you want to do that to me again. And I hope you will. Please?"
"Oh, you bet!" I said. "I want to do this again sometime and someplace where we can all scream our heads off. What are you two doing Saturday night?"
"Anything you want to do, Sam." Jolene said, with a grin the equal to any of mine, "Anything, anytime, anyplace." Janice nodded vigorously and happily in agreement.
We had to run, but we all made it to our next class just as the bell rang for the start of the period. When I reached into my bookbag for my textbook, I stuffed the two pairs of damp panties into it. I wanted to stuff them into my blouse pocket as a sort of decorative kerchief, and to show off my conquests, but the smell would have driven me crazy and it probably would have got me sent to the office, too.
Gym was much more pleasant, because I had remembered to bring a t-shirt that fit and one of my new sports bras. The result was that I was more relaxed and able to ignore the inevitable looks of my classmates. I was also able to participate better in the activities, although I quickly realized that I would have to be careful to avoid doing anything too improbable in front of the other girls.
I almost got caught once, when we were doing tumbling runs. I came out of a somersault too energetically and launched myself into a high arc that I immediately knew was too much. I tucked and almost rolled into a stand-up landing when I came to my senses and instead just let myself flop on the mat with a big whoof! When I rolled over, massaging my leg as though I had got a cramp, that deflected any comments that might have been made about the 15 feet I had covered in the air.
After that I was more careful, but I started to wonder what my real potential might be. I promised myself that I would let it all out the next time I had a chance to workout unobserved.
The shower was almost as much fun as before. I waited until everyone had picked a spot before I went in. I thought the other girls would be less likely to avoid me if they had to be obvious about doing it.
I was right. When I turned on a shower between Polly and Dawn, both looked at me with sidelong glances but with a quick look of resignation, went back to their showers. I was enjoying what I thought was a normal moment when I began to feel the eyes on me again. When I wiped the soap from my eyes I saw that I was again the center of attention. The two girls on either side were simply enjoying the equivalent of theatrical box-seats. I supposed that again I had allowed the idea of 'normalcy' to creep into my vocabulary, when I knew that such a thing was unlikely to ever again apply to me.
I shrugged off the brief disappointment I felt and tried to have fun with the situation. If they were going to get off looking at me, I might as well have fun with them. The way I saw it, one of two things would happen. Either they wouldn't want to play and they would quit staring so I would leave them alone, or they would want to play and I would have fun with them. My problem was to pick a game that would be innocent enough that we wouldn't get in trouble. It couldn't be explicitly sexual. I had to be able to imagine myself in front of the assistant principal saying, "Oh, is that what you thought we were doing? You have such a dirty mind! That's not what we were doing at all."
Heck, maybe the assistant principal would get off on hearing stories of all-girl orgies in the gym showers. Maybe I was worrying for nothing.
Whatever. If they were going to stare at me, I would take that as an indication that they wanted to get to know me better — that they wanted to play.
I began quite simply by turning to Polly and handing her my soapy washcloth. "Do my back?" I asked, as innocently as I could.
Polly put out her hand automatically, as most people do when you hand them something. I put the washcloth in it and turned my back, looking over my shoulder at her and smiling. She hesitated a second, as if she wasn't sure that this was something she should be doing, but then she smiled back and started rubbing my back with the soapy cloth. I ducked my head so she could get the back of my neck and then I arched my back as she washed from my shoulders down my backbone. She did a good job of washing until she got to my bottom. She hesitated again when the cloth passed over my crack and I really thought she would stop there, but she kept going. She washed my cheeks and even ran the cloth into my butt-crack, before going down the backs of my thighs to scrub my legs all the way to my feet.
The feeling of having someone bathe you must be one of those sensual experiences that we remember from infancy. Even though Polly did only a straightforward job of washing me, I still felt very warm and loved. The feeling of the hot water and the slick soap and the coarse texture of the cloth all seemed magnified when someone else was handling it. Every inch of skin she touched made me more aroused and I began to anticipate her and turned slightly as she washed me to present each section of my back and legs for her care and attention.
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sister Love – Strap-on FantasyBy billy69boyEmma found herself smiling as she drove to the airport to pick up her little sister Amy. The two girls were very close, despite the disparity in their ages. They really missed each other, and now they were going to spend the entire summer together.Emma was proud of herself. At 20, she landed a good job, and she could afford her own place in the city. She was finally on her own; free to call her own shots. Funny thing, though, she was only away...
The boys had now secured their second mother as their sex slaves; Jason Mc Duff's mum had been the hardest to seduce as she had been the first and the boys had no real idea of how to go about making one of their mother's their sex slave. They had stumbled on the successful formula quite by accident having read several reports from various websites about some seventy percent of mother's have the desire to mate with their own offspring but less than one percent actually carry it out. They...
Begger's Stories Sunday, April 13, 2008 Amber Chapters 1-7 This was the first teasing and denial story I wrote several years ago (2004ish) for It contains a lot of ballbusting and teasing, chastity and female dominance. A lot of the inspiration to write came from one of my favorite OD writers, Peter, who should be linked to somewhere on this site. Anyway, enjoy my first work and let me know what you think. "Amber" by Begger It was Friday, I had been waiting for today for...
I feel like crap. My cold is settling in and after a long frustrating day all I want to do is take a hot shower, eat and hopefully fall asleep watching a movie. I want to think about as little as possible; nothing would be better. First a shower, I need to feel a bit more human. Waiting for it to heat up I decide to light one up, really hotbox the place. Relax me a bit.Ever since I was a kid whenever my brother or I got sick, my parents would steam up the bathroom and stick us in there to sweat...
TrueHIMA kilometre away, the lone figure that Cortana had previously spotted in the distance continued in his run down the beach. Anyone noticing him at this point would not stop to think that this was the man who was largely responsible for the saving of the human race. But then, those who did not know him very well would not have recognised him without his green MJOLNIR armour. Instead, he wore a dark grey t-shirt, dark blue shorts and sneakers. But there was no doubting his identity. He was the...
As he passed the For Sale sign in the front yard and pulled into the driveway he somehow knew this would be the one. It was absolutely gorgeous. The stone facade and wrap-around porch. The separate two-car garage. The property was beautifully landscaped, and he couldn't wait to see the swimming pool and interior, especially the billiards room. She greeted him at the front door, and as he entered the home he noticed the hardwood floors and spacious living room, complete with fireplace. He also...
Kathy and I both have daughters involved in theatre and often perform in the same productions. My ten year old daughter loves to act and sing. The good parent I am, I attend each practice, help build sets, and attend all of her performances. Kathy, who is in her early thirties, is the family soccer mom and takes her nine year old daughter and seven year old son to everything from theatre to pee wee football. Her husband is usually too busy with his job to attend his kid’s activities and my...
Anna spotted Greg and Chet sitting at a table in the far corner of the dining room. She pointed them out to Hilda, then walked slowly over to them. "Why, Mrs. Akins, what a pleasant surprise," Chet said less than enthusiastically. "It's all right," Anna said, sitting down next to her son and placing her right hand on his crotch. "She knows all about us and she's willing to help." Chet smiled at Greg, then looked at Hilda. "You'll be a welcome addition, Hilda. But you don't mind...
(A story for Robert---he knows who he is!)Setting in the ob-gyn's office with his wife, Robert was leafing through long out-of-date magazines of every variety and feeling both nervous, as well as excited and eager.Not finding anything of interest to look at in the magazines, Robert glanced up at the wall opposite of where he and his wife sat, and in fancy stenciled lettering were three words writ large, and in flowing script:ADAPT! ADJUST! ACCEPT!!He felt his wife nudge him with her arm, and he...
Blessed with piercing icy-blue eyes, stunning 34D tits, and a bouncy big ass that craves a hard dick, Lana does not mince words when it comes to sex. In fact, this little nympho spends much of her free time online, candidly revealing just how much she loves licking, fingering, and generally worshiping big juicy butts. And that’s just one of Lana’s many kinks! Outside of porn, however, this innocent-seeming seductress calls herself “boring”. But even though she prefers cleaning, baking cupcakes,...
xmoviesforyouI re-entered the room with Aunt Polly and had to do a double take. There were three nuns standing by the fireplace locked in busy conversation giggling and pointing out various sights around the room. I looked quizzically at Aunt Polly. "Aunt Polly," I asked, "there is apparently three nuns over there. I didn't realise this was fancy dress.""No, no dear." Aunt Polly replied unfazed. "Those are real nuns. They are from the convent just outside the village. We let the Mother Superior know when...
Dwight had somehow arranged for me to take my finals a week early so I could attend fourteen weeks of the nineteen-week training course. He drove me to the airport and handed me a letter as I was boarding my flight to Glynco. “Dan is the agent in overall charge of the training center. Give this to him if he starts to become a nuisance,” he chuckled. Barely an hour after finishing my last final, my flight was wheels up and I was headed for Georgia. I had left my car in my assigned spot at the...
Patricia felt her heart skip a beat when she caught sight of Dr. Mackenzie coming through the doors of his office the following Monday morning. Having just spent a most enjoyable weekend with him, she thought, WOW... ! Talk about being handsome and sexy... , I go weak in the knees every time he's around me. Looking out his office door, Jordan could see Patricia was busy preparing for their first surgery of the day. Knowing he was unobserved, he couldn't keep his hungry eyes off her....
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- BE A GOOD BOY AND HOLD STILL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- James didn't waste any time. When she told him to go, he did just that. Jumping up he virtually sprinted down the hall. He didn't know how long she'd give him to get to the room and get undressed, but he didn't want to risk failing her test if she hurried after him. James had been thinking about tonight ever...
Hi ISS friends, I am one of the reader of ISS from past 2 year , I read so many stories .Now I am interested to share my first sex exp with you .My story is sweet and cute… If they is any mistake pls forgive..Give me comment to my stories Let’s move to story.. I am laddu (pet name) from gunter ..But I look like a laddu only , im open minded and straight forward person, I look like avg guy, The heroine of my story is priya she is married hw ,having 5 year kid..Once I got a missed unknown call...
By now if you have been reading my last few posts you have probably figured out that we are a very fun and kinky couple. We love to have fun with each other as well as with others when we can and when both our professional and personal life allows. We still discuss each other’s fantasy and continue to enjoy helping each other fulfill these fantasies as we go through life. So to continue with stories of our life of sexual fun with each other and others after our first full threesome I continued...
The Retreat By 1:00 P.M. the women, as well as the Prime, were cold, tired and frustrated, but the pallets of frozen foods were unloaded from the trucks and stored in the main freezer. None of the drivers had given Diana any trouble as she told them where each pallet should go – it was just a lot of work unloading and arranging everything, and ... most of it couldn’t be done standing outside the freezer. Each truck had arrived with its own forklift hanging on the back, and as each driver...
Things go from fucking electric to downright nasty when inked sluts Karma Karma and Alexa Aimes team up for a double blowjob. Forget blowjob. The word is way too nice for what these oral whores get up to! They’re big tit badass bitches. They’re aggressive about cock. They like rough ball sucking and extreme face fucking, so don’t ever ask them for head! Good thing Mike Adriano has a big dick to choke their deep throats! Sexy Alexa doesn’t even bother waiting for the...
xmoviesforyouYuri answered the call to the radio to talk to Ulric for the first time in many months, before long not one but three ACs appeared on the horizon. Ulric joined the three hovering ACs above while the other two settled into the plaza below. While Yuri, Ulric, Ryan and Arley visited above the rest of the crews descended to join the welcome home party their friends were having. Ulric told them of the relays he had installed that would let them keep in touch with the community back home from...
In one my classes at the university, I met Dorothy,a beautiful woman in her mid 50s . She is big boned ,with a nice plump ass (that I later learned she has perfect control over) ,short dark hair and beautiful big feet, the veins show with her every movement, and she loves to wrap her toes around the desk and dangle her shoes. We sat next to each other and we begin making small talk. She was from New Jersey, had the accent, and cussed in such away it made me want her more. After class one day,...
I see him standing across the room, broad shoulders under a dark t-shirt. His dark chocolate skin is smooth and I am immediately drawn to him. Wearing my Naughtiest smile, I cross the crowded room and introduce myself simply as the woman who plans to rock his world. His chuckle sends a tingle down my thighs and suddenly feel his big hands cupping my ass, pulling me to him. My skirt is lifted showing my porcelain cheeks and hot pink lace thong. The quickening of my heart in my full breasts...
Stone starts lengthening her nipples "Ah Sarah, I think it's time we moved on in your training regimen. Here are some new bras for you to wear. I'll want you to wear them two hours a day. Put one on now." Sarah took the bag from Stone and looked into it curiously. The bras clearly had a lot more material than her normal shelf and demi cup bras. "Finally, I can wear something that doesn't let my nipples show." Taking one of the bras out, she is puzzled by their shape. The cups have no...
This is my first ever erotica done as requested my my best friend. I hope that you enjoy it and that it makes you wet! Please tell me what you think! It was the last day of school and I was stuck in class. Twiddling with a bright yellow pencil with my left hand, and running my right hand up and down my upper thighs, I thought about all the nasty things that my former 10th grade teacher could do to me since it was the very last day of school before college. At 3:00, I would be free to head...
On Friday Alicia sent a text to my phone asking me to call her cell. When I did she told me she was back from her sister’s and one of her friends had taken her to lunch to tell her that there was talk in the neighborhood that Phil was having an affair. Feigning shock, Alicia said she expectantly waited for the friend to tell her about Kate. She truly was shocked when the neighbor instead named Lynn Stevens, the redhead who had just moved into the house next door to the Johnston’s a few weeks...
I found it impossible to sleep after the roleplay with Gloria. Despite the fact I had ejaculated on her, and followed it up by mastubating with the panty she left, I still found myself aroused. The realization of how sexually aggressive and kinky she actually was made me want to explore that side of her all the more. I knew she liked the unsual and the unexpected, and decided to think of some scenarios.It was just before dawn when I decided on a plan. I would quietly enter her house and hide...
Conversely, if this is your cup of tea, so much so that you think you should try hurting someone in real life, please reconsider, as you are too stupid to get away with it and too soft for prison, where you will be raped more savagely than even my twisted mind could imagine. If, however, you are somewhere in the middle, then please enjoy... Girl on Girl Crime “I can see why Danny likes you,” said Susan with a smirk, caressing the suntanned thigh of the girl tied to her...
Hi, my name is Timothy, Mum had left years ago and Dad had to make do with internet porn, which I discovered on his laptop. He was something in IT, so had created me a user with 'parental controls', but his login had a really simple password "p0rn". One day I logged in to his account and gazed in amazement at the picture covering his desktop of two young-looking blonde naked girls lying by a pool. One appeared to have her right hand entirely inside the other girls cunt. Just below her bum on...
We settled back into a routine, but this one significantly less stressful for me, and even that subject to deviation. I'd talk to him from somewhere around 10:00 in the morning to somewhere around 1:00 in the afternoon. Most days, not all; there were times, when our discussions had been particularly intense, that I needed a break and took one. Other days I'd log back on with him soon afterwards, or even extend our talk, if I'd thought of something more to say. But the regular afternoon...
Mike always thought his sister had a little fling going on with her personal trainer, Judy Jolie. But when she comes over to the house to hang out with his sister, Mike discovers that they’re actually just friends…AND she’s super hot! It’s oh-so convenient that Mike’s sister has to run off to help their grandma real quick, and that Judy has never ever seen a record played on a record player. She’s in luck, collecting records is Mike’s greatest hobby! He throws down some vinyl for her, and...
xmoviesforyouIt was the final day of midterm exams which means Spring Break has arrived. Hank and his roommates have been busy study and working on their projects at home, which meant Hank hasn't been able to get to their panties. It has been 3 weeks since Hank and Jenny's night of naughty playtime. [See: Panty: Private Party]Earlier in the afternoon, Hank and Jenny were cleaning out the fridge since they wouldn't be at the apartment during spring break. Jenny's friend, Trihn, had stopped by to drop off...
Ye baat tab ki hai jab meri office ki shifting hui aur mera workstation mere hr manager k saath shift ho gya. Hum log sirf ek durey ko greet kartey they and ek din maine uska profile facebook pe dekha aur friend request bhej thi. Profile dekhne se pehle tak mujhe lagta tha ki vo unmarried hai par me galat tha par usne apne husband ki ek bhi pic upload nahi kar rakhi thi profile me. Meri hr manager ka naam payal hai aur vo bahut hi hot hai. Uski height 5’7” hai aur figure 30, 32, 36 .Ek dum mast...
An “Old Soul” – that’s what my English teacher called me. My peers spelled it “S T R A N G E.” Whatever anyone wanted to call my inability to fit in, I called it “painful.” I didn’t enjoy the parties and sleepovers, playing spin the bottle or truth or dare, but longed for meaningful conversations and opportunities to learn. Always the intellectual, I was labeled “geeky bookworm” at an early age. Wearing glasses by the fourth grade only served to substantiate that label.I had been gifted or...
MatureCharlotte and I had been married for a few years, we had both been marriedbefore to very boring and straight laced people, neither of whom had been very adventurous with sex. Charlotte was a really hot curvy woman with large firm breasts and when she got turned on her nipples were like hard bullets, her ass was a sexy round shape. Since meeting we had been making up for lost time becoming more sexually adventurous as trust built between us. Whatever fantasy or sexual adventure either of us...
We spent over an hour looking at cars over at the Chevy dealership. They had two Corvettes, one black, and the other one canary yellow. Brenda didn't care for either one of them. Joyce suggested we go see the man who helped her with the lease on her Lincoln, so we all drove over to his office, and spoke to him about what Brenda wanted. There was a new Buick Regal Grand National, with a custom red paint job, that he had sitting there in stock, due to a customer failing to get his credit...
The windshield wipers thump fast, back and forth. Hope could barely see the road it was snowing so heavy now. Her hands gripped the steering wheel as she slowly tried to follow the tire tracks in front of her but they were quickly disappearing. A little smile curved her lips as Johnny Mathis started singing, I'll be home for Christmas, through her car speakers. Hope hadn’t been home for Christmas since she up and followed Ned to New York, a couple of years ago, as he followed his dream. She...
Love StoriesIgor accompanied Anne part of the way back to the house, carrying her picnic basket for her. Anne was feeling rather tired after the intense exertion a little while ago. They had rested for about 2 hours by the pool, enjoying each other’s silent company after their private interaction. Igor sent off Victor on a task before coming with Anne. ‘So, you like what we do for you?’ he queried on the way. ‘Yes, I can’t believe that my body was capable of such intense emotions. Thank you Igor.’ ‘You...
I'd never been a huge risk taker. I'd just done what was expected of me, gone through life the way I was supposed to according to society, minded my own business, and never stepped across the line. I just knew what was expected, and I didn't push the limits. I'm not really sure what changed that. It just happened. I started looking at girls I'd never looked at. I started flirting with my teenage step-daughter's friends. I started making sarcastic sexual comments when they'd comment to me, and...
TabooHi ISS readers I’m Tunechi Sunny (Lil Pain) ( reply with your comments) here today I’m gonna tell you a story(real) happened 2 months back how I fucked my cousin Abhirami original name by the way I belong to a half Punjabi and half Malayali family so this incident took place in my hometown Kerala where I went on my vacation and to complete my degree course I was so much addicted to porns and stuffs like that and always wanted to fuck my cousin as she is so sexy with perfect body and average...
IncestBELFAST – 2015 The newspapers were filled with stories about the killings in Derry in the old days before all the negotiations and the peace that seemed to be holding despite all odds. As if to offset the sensationalism of the print hype, there were some smaller articles about some retired military types being arrested and brought in to assist with the new police force's inquiries about the massacre. Danny read the articles with some interest because it represented a new approach to the...
I wasn’t spying on my next door neighbor. Or at least it didn’t start out that way. I was sitting on my bed one morning minding my own business. I spent most of the morning cleaning out the garage and making room for my car. It’s due back from the shop soon. I can’t drive it yet. I’m only fifteen and I don’t have my license. But it’s only going to be four days before the big day arrives. Today is Monday. My birthday is on Thursday. Dad has been helping me fix up my car. I’ve also gotten a...