Moussa, Le Migrant Et La Bourgeoise. free porn video

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Cela a commencé avec la création d’un CAO (Centre d’Accueil et d’Orientation) dans notre ville de bantieue. Nous avons donc accueilli 45 immigrés venus de Calais, et tout se passe bien. Mais pas de bals publics cette année, le maire craint que le déséquilibre accentué hommes/femmes ne crée des bagarres entre jeunes, la consommation de bière aidant..
Le temps passe, mon mari a pris comme « stagiaire » à insérer au métier, un migrant sénégalais de 25 ans. L’homme est beau, très noir, très grand, 1, 92 mètre, massif, jeune, bref, »une armoire à glace » . Il se formera en vue d’apprendre le métier de maçon. Avec ce supplément d’effectif, mon mari pourra étendre l’activité de notre petite PME au-delà de la commune. .Moussa fait des progrès dans la maîtrise de notre langue, apprise à l’école au Sénégal, mais non pratiquée ultérieurement.
Notre lave-linge nous a lâché, j’ai beaucoup de linge en retard et mon mari a dû partir toute la journée pour un chantier intercommunal. Moussa s’est chargé du déballage de la nouvelle machine et a tout branché, eau et électricité.
Et puis l’événement a eu lieu : Moussa m’a proposé d’aller chercher la corbeille de linge dans la salle de bains, à l’étage de la maison.
Le temps passe, Moussa tarde, je monte. La porte de la salle de bains est entrouverte, je risque un regard discret. Je découvre Moussa , la figure plongée dans une de mes culotte, une autre est à cheval sur son sexe. Il est en érection, j’aperçois son «gros bâton » qui balance dans la culotte. Quelle stupeur ! je suis figée, je n’ose pas entrer.
Je redescend à la buanderie. Lorsque Moussa apparaît avec la corbeille, je sens son regard plein de désir, je suis désarçonnée.
En remplissant la machine, je constate 2 culottes trempées. Je ne relève pas. Au bout de 2 heures la lessive de la semaine est faite, essorée. Et je place tout sur l’étendoir.
Moussa est allé s’asseoir sur la terrasse, comme si de rien n’était. J’ai du mal à reprendre mes esprits, je suis totalement chavirée. Ma pensée est obsédée par la vue de ce sexe, un gourdin noir, en proportion avec la stature de Moussa. Quand je le rejoins dehors, je perçois à nouveau ses ondes de désir masculin en approchant de lui. Et j’ai une attirance que je n’imaginais pas, mon être bascule, j’ai confusément envie de lui, de parler avec lui, de me tenir à son côté sur la terrasse.
Quand nous nous sommes quittés, je monte dans la chambre, réactive mon vibromasseur contre mon clitoris, jusqu’à ce qu’éclate un fulgurant orgasme. Ah ! quel coup de chaleur ! J’avais commandé l’appareil à la Redoute, il y a quelques années, quand mon mari s’absentait pour des chantiers de plusieurs jours. Cet appareil est resté un adorable compagnon.. .
Le calme revenu je pense, je pense, ma tête s’échauffe, et j’ai la révélation qu’à 48 ans, je suis sûre qu’avec Moussa, nous deviendrons amants.
Le surlendemain, après 2 nuits d’obsession, j’ai saisi l’occasion d’un achat de chaux et de granulats, pour proposer à mon mari, que je pourrais m’en occuper si Moussa m’aidait à porter les sacs. .. . Hypocritement, car en fait, je sais que c’est Moussa qui va les charger.
Mon mari devait faire une réception de fin de chantier. Comme chaque fois, après la visite, ces messieurs signent les papiers, puis c’est l’apéritif, le méchoui, et direction le bar à hôtesses en début de soirée, puis retour au bercail au petit matin.
Nous partons avec la fourgonnette chez GEDIMAT, au centre commercial de la ville voisine. Depuis la réception du magasin, j’observe Moussa qui charge les sacs. Il est torse nu, il fait chaud, j’admire ses gros muscles, sa peau brillante de sueur, quelle force ! Quelle énergie ! Il est beau, mes tétons s’agacent dans mon soutien-gorge. La dame au comptoir est curieuse, je lui conte l’histoire de ce nouvel employé. Je ne peux m’empêcher de détacher mes yeux de cet homme jeune, costaud, voir ses biceps, ses veines qui gonflent en soulevant les sacs, ses épaules lisses, son abdomen plat et musclé. Il voit que nous le regardons, il nous fait un signe de la main en souriant, quelles belles dents blanches ! Je sens mon corps comme aimanté par ce bel athlète, le moment est délicieux.
Quand la fourgonnette est chargée, il va s’essuyer au lavabo, nous nous frôlons en remontant dans le véhicule, et là, je ressens comme un léger courant électrique dans mon ventre.
Nous roulons tranquillement et Moussa , à l’arrivée, décharge les sacs.
Quand il a fini, il prend ma main, je suis comme paralysée, nos regards nous disent que nous avons envie l’un de l’autre. Il me caresse les fesses à travers la robe, j’attire sa bouche, nos langues s’embrouillent, se fouillent, un engourdissement m’envahit, je me laisse aller contre son torse. Quel plaisir de sentir ses grandes mains caressantes, sa voix grave qui m’envoûte ! Je sens son désir, raide à travers le short, je suis folle, je suis folle !
Après ce long baiser, je l’entraîne vers la chambre. Je me laisse serrer fort, j’enlève mon soutien –gorge, mes seins s’écrasent sur son torse. Il me dit
« Amour,Madame, amour !Tu ferais l’amour avec un nègre ? »
L’effet tétanise le bas de mon ventre. Il embrasse un sein, le tête comme un bébé, encore et encore. Le plaisir, du bout des seins, se propage à mon ventre, à ma tête, je me colle à son corps massif.
J’ai envie que ce moment dure, que ses caresses soient sans fin. Sans y penser, j’ai dégrafé son short. Je me colle à sa peau plus intimement. Je descends son slip gris, trop lâche, inesthétique (il faudra le lui changer), je sens son membre raide contre mon ventre.
Et c’est quand nous nous écartons que je découvre son intimité. Mon Dieu ! elle est colossale ! Je suis bouche bée face à ce gourdin noir dressé par le désir. Qu’ais- je fait pour provoquer une telle érection ? C’est sublime oh ! là là là ! Que faire ? Ma main approche son sexe, tâtonne, en fait le tour en le serrant. Quel énorme gland ! Il me fait presque peur. Il est doux au toucher, réellement noir ! Moussa caresse mon ventre, il a senti ma stupeur. Il parle doucement contre mon oreille.
»- Madame blanche je voudrais te plaire, ta peau est fine»
«- Appelle moi Rose, veux tu ? Dis-moi que tu m’aimes »
« -Comme tu es douce , le nègre veut te manger »
Sa voix me fait tressaillir, c’est fort, je l’attire contre moi. J’ai soudain envie de serrer ce colosse, sa peau contre la mienne, qu’il pénètre en moi avec cette énorme queue. Je la sens cambrée contre ma cuisse, je la guide entre mes jambes écartées. Je m’offre à lui, je sens le contact , il entre lentement, il touche sûrement mon pointG en s’enfonçant, c’est tellement bon ! Je n’ai plus l’appréhension, mais l’immense bonheur d’accueillir cette raideur dans mes entrailles. Il me semble ressentir un début d’ivresse, le lit semble tanguer, Moussa coulisse en moi lentement, tout mon vagin enserre sa raideur, il pousse, je lâche un petit cri, je vois le ciel qui bouge, mille étoiles multicolores, très brillantes, çà clignote, c’est beau, irréel, mon corps jouit ! Je me suis totalement livrée à un premier orgasme presque immédiat. J’en avais perdu l’habitude.
Moussa est resté raide, je le sens, mon bas-ventre est totalement envahi. J’attire sa bouche, pour aller à un baiser de ses grosses lèvres. Le ciel s’est éteint, mais l’envie me tenaille encore. Je bouge mon ventre, Moussa bouge son membre en petits va et vient, je sens sa sueur, il grogne doucement, je dois crier car il met sa main sur ma bouche. Et je me noie dans les étoiles. J’ai l’impression d’être sur un cheval au galop dans une prairie, l’odeur ds l’herbe sous la rosée du matin, des fleurs mouillées, ah ! ces parfums ! Et puis c’est la déflagration : Une inondation subite dans mon bas-ventre, je reçois ses semaines d’abstinence,
Quand enfin je lâche Moussa, j’ai fait plusieurs orgasmes, la fatigue m’effondre. Et encore un dernier baiser à Moussa, et c’est encore une déflagration : Une autre inondation dans mon ventre, et je monte comme une fusée vers un nouvel orgasme, violent celui-là. Moussa est encore raide, et il met un peu de temps pour redevenir flaccide, nous restons enlacés. Quand son membre est sorti de moi, je sens sa semence qui coule sous moi en grande quantité. Je fais la réflexion ;
« - Eh bien ! Ton réservoir était trop rempli. Je déborde !
- Oh ! Rose, je suis chaste depuis trois mois. Tu m’as fait l’amour comme une reine ! Oui ! Une reine blanche »
Je lui demande ce qu’il pense des françaises. Tous les africains fantasment sur les femmes blanches. Il est conscient de sa chance. Bien sûr, les blanches sont mieux que les noires, plus jolies, élégantes, plus expertes en amour etc.
Je dois arrêter ce flot de mensonges masculin. Il n’a pas répondu clairement quand je lui ai demandé s’il était marié. Je sais que son obsession est d’obtenir l’autorisation de séjour, des papiers en règle, un employeur... 
Deux jours plus tard, encore sous l’effet de cette vague d’amour, je vais consulter la gynéco par précaution. Le test de grossesse est négatif, le stérilet est bien en place, malgré la poussée de cet énorme membre. OUF ! Ah! Rassurée, j’ai maintenant une folle envie du jeune Moussa et de son gros membre… !

Mais je ne peux pas perdre mon mari, comment vais- résoudre ce dilemme ?

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The Farm LegacyChapter 10

Helen and Nick had really told all about their holiday in the car on the way back from the airport but there were the photographs still to see so that took half an hour after which Diana had supper to prepare. Helen followed her out to the kitchen and asked her how everything had happened. A rather emotional Diana told her. Helen became pretty emotional too. "In some ways it's a huge relief," Diana ended up. "Of course I will always remember Garry with love but now I feel free of the...

4 years ago
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First Lesbian Experience

We had been roommates for over a year by the time things started to change between us. Out of the blue, she became clingy. She was jealous whenever I brought a boyfriend home or when I play flirted with my best friend around the house. I just couldn’t understand what was going on with her. One night, after a fight about having my boyfriend over and making-out with him in the living room, she stormed off to the bathroom & started showering. But I wasn’t about to let it go so easily. I...

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Midnights Desire

The dream that he couldn’t quite remember startled Lance awake, and seeing her sleeping beside him, her rhythmic breathing soft against his chest as they lay naked under a single sheet, made him sure that he wouldn’t be returning to slumber any time soon. He brushed her soft hair away from her face, and wondered what she was dreaming, and found himself getting hard again re-living the moments that led up to explosive orgasms for both of them. She had ridden him hard, stopping every so often...

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The Night

By: Tom And Jerry Why is this story titled as night. Let me tell you why, Both of us are in software and have punishing schedules. We were married about 10 years ago and have two sweet kids. We were in our early twenties when we tied the knot. We were senior and junior in the college respectively and both did post grad in computer application. Pradeep was my two years senior and as the system prevailed then, would come to teach us few subjects. As I was the most vocal student in the class I...

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Unforgettable Day With My Daddy

I belong to him, and him alone… So, recently my Daddy stated he would like me to wax my pussy. My hair was now growing back from the last time I had gotten waxed. Waxing makes me feel very nice, very sexy for him. I went to this new salon to get her fresh and ready for what was to come. The next day, my Daddy had something special planned out for me. I was very excited and nervous. He’s always full of surprises. I met him at our normal spot, and went in. A few days before, we were speaking...

3 years ago
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The Spirit of PolandChapter 15

King James dismounted before the mountainside door. The rain was coming down hard, hitting his covered head painfully. He could have taken a covered carriage out to fortress. Even enjoyed a nice boat ride down the Anne river. But, no. He had insisted on traveling by horse, the light misty rain at the start of their journey refreshing in the hot afternoon. Silly King. Still, it had kept this meeting a bit more secret. Few had seen them leave the palace. With their hooded rain ponchos, fewer...

2 years ago
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"COME OUT YOU COWARD AND FIGHT LIKE A MAN!!!"I was besieged. Trapped inside my castle with a crazy warrior princess pounding my door down... I shook off my daydream and came back to reality and the threats of the very real crazy woman who thirsted for my blood."No thanks. I rather like it where I am.""You can't stay in there forever you Bastard!"CRASH!"I can try!" Damn. A few more of those and my latch will break, I thought looking at the cracks in the door mantle. Leaning my shoulder into...

3 years ago
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No FutureChapter 61

Sinners, Poor and Wretched Roland 2089 "Is it true that you were once a gardener?" asked the affluent woman whose conscience had been sufficiently pricked to shove a few sizeable notes into the collection box chained to the counter. "Not only a gardener," Roland admitted. "I've also been a teacher and a hospital nurse, but I guess this was the kind of work I was always destined to do." "You're like a modern-day St. Theresa of Calcutta," the woman continued. "I don't know how...

1 year ago
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New Family Ties

The holidays had arrived much much to early, and with only a couple of weeks left, I was busy trying to put it all together for Christmas. I had traveled to my place in the mountains to relax for a couple of days and my daughter and her family had come up for a visit. My family knew nothing of my penchant for men, as I had always held a respectable job, been a good family man, and since my divorce years ago, had been involved with several different women, but never remarried. The reason is that...

3 years ago
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Summertime BluesChapter 3

Molly split her time during the week between work and fixing up their new apartment. Jacob had avoided her after she'd pressed him about Camden. She knew he worked out at his gym or went to extra practices for the school soccer team tryouts coming up in a couple of weeks. Even though he had a scholarship for soccer, he was still expected to compete for his position. Zoe mentioned seeing Jacob around the sorority house with Anna in the evenings. If he came home after she went to sleep, he...

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Hot Moms

Do you get a hard-on thinking about the lovely older women? Well, many subreddits are dedicated to MILFs or whatever, but here you only have moms… aka real MILFs, not just older chicks who look like them. So, if you are interested in seeing some older beauties who are considered to be hot and fuckable, you are welcome to browse through r/HotMoms/.There is not much else to be said about this subreddit; I think that is the gist of it. I mean, you are either into older women, or you are not,...

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4 years ago
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My Cousin Got me Started

When I was in my early teens, I had an older cousin named Don, who I had a crush on. We had spent a lot of time together during the summers for many years and he was like an older brother to me. He had taught me to swim and how to drive a car even though it would be a few years before I could actually get a license. He had never tried anything sexual with me and to be perfectly honest, I had never thought of us ever having sex together.This summer was going to be different. My breasts had...

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Pennys Promiscuity 3 Accidental Adultery

Unseasonably warm afternoon weather had brought the London crowds out in droves as I squeezed myself uncomfortably onto the Piccadilly line underground train and stood awkwardly, my overnight bag at my feet, my face pressed into the armpit of a tall blonde Scandinavian tourist. He gave me a look of pity no Londoner would have bothered with, and I felt pleased that his personal hygiene was up to scratch; at least for the next few stops.It was Friday afternoon and I was on my way home after yet...

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Me And My Sister Part 8211 2

Frankly speaking, this is my second story and I write only real stories.This is the story where I will tell you how I and my sister had anal sex with each other. Feedbacks should be submitted on ” ”. Hi friends .. It’s me, Kannan. I’m back with the second part of my story, titled “Me and my sister part-2”. Those who haven’t read my 1st part should read it as it’s the continuation of the first story. Firstly I would thank all my readers for their overwhelming love, response and precious comments...

3 years ago
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Normalcy Is Harder Than It LooksChapter 18 Dinner with the Potential InLaws

Well, my meeting with Chalise's father was drawing nigh. I'd been anxious about it for a while, but now it was approaching. I figured I was pretty safe, as it wasn't likely he'd try anything in a crowded restaurant, but I didn't expect it to be a fun-filled evening either. Cate seemed to have finally revived the girls from their shock over hearing Cate's bad news about my future health. I don't know what she told them, but they seemed to get it together so I wasn't so worried about...

2 years ago
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Pool Party With Stepdad and His Friend Part 3 of

Pool Party With Stepdad and His Friend: Part 3 of 4Synopsis: Kimberly seduces her stepdad and his friend at a family pool party. Part 3Mark had come back outside after everyone was settled down for the movie. He had hoped to continue where he and Kimberly left off when he heard the noises. He knew what they were doing. It was hard to see in the dark, but he heard the splashing and the moaning and the grunting. It filled him with equal parts jealousy and lust. He was able to walk right up on...

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Secret Fantasy

I’ve always had a secret fantasy about watching my wife fuck another man. I wasn’t sure I wanted it to become a reality. I never told her about it, until it actually happened. Last summer my wife and I went on a weekend camping trip with our friend, Doug. Once we arrived at the camp site our friend realized his tent was completely torn and there was no way he would be able to use it. We offered to let him share ours and he accepted. I was a bit disappointed because I figured this...

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Dawn And Patti Move To Denver

Part One: Preparing to MoveI returned from two weeks in Kansas with Patti. During that time, she insisted I dress as a woman. This had worked until my purse spilled and Patti’s friend Brenda Hess picked up my driver's license. Fortunately, Brenda was very accepting, even encouraging me to transition into living as a female full-time.Patti and I were introduced to swinging with Brenda and her boyfriend, Martin. The initial purpose of my trip was to appraise the property Patti’s parents had owned...

2 years ago
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Apne Horny Bhai Se Chudi

Hello friends mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu aur main call center me job karti hu. Mera figure 36 30 38 h aur main dikhne me bahut hi gori hu aur main bahut hi sexy hu. Main aaj ap sabko apni chudai ki sacchi kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise main apne horny bhai se chudi. Ye meri sacchi kahani h ap sab mujhe mail kariye aur bataye meri chudai ki kahani ap sabko kaisi lagi. Ab main kahani par aati hu. Mera ek cousin h aur main aur mera cousin hum dono log ek dusre ke bahut close...

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Susan and Stevenaked in SchoolChapter 2

TUESDAY Steve God, waking up curled up with Susan is like a dream come true. I awoke to the alarm clock, and slid into Susan gently; I stroked in and out a couple of times before she fully awoke, but when she did, it was Katie bar the doors. She arched her back to meet my thrusts, and soon we came, together. We got in the shower, dressed minimally, and went down for breakfast. Beth had hired a professional cook, and meals were on par with the better hotel restaurants. We then said our...

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3 Virgin Sisters Enjoyed By 2 Cousins 8211 Big Dick Introduction

Introduction My name is nisha, and my elder sisters name is isha, eldest sisters name is trisha. We are quite a rich family, mom willed her property in our names before going away, step dad also left us after sometime ., leaving us in care of our cousins prashanth and nithin who are also very rich,have rented several homes, and live with that, only they two stay in india, their parents are settled abroad permanently. This started 2 years ago trisha was 18 Trisha had just finished her 12th and...

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The Woman You Need To BeChapter 5

When I awoke this morning I was in a very crowded bed, Carol was sound asleep on my left side on my right was Richard who was also sound asleep I took stock of the situation I now found myself in. I was dressed in a bright red bustier the cups of which were too small they squeezed my breasts tightly against my chest the only relief I felt was from where my nipples poked through the cups at least there were holes in them for that. The underwire was digging into me making my skin underneath ny...

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Kiki in England

Kiki in England. Kiki an American was on vacation in England with two of her girlfriends. They had been staying in the hustle and bustle of London for two weeks. Their final week had been booked in a small village situated in the heart of the English countryside. Kiki’s grandfather had been stationed in the area during the Second World War. He had spoken so often about how idyllic the place was; and it was a dream come true for her to visit. The girls were into their fourth day at...

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From 16 yr old girlfriend to 17 yr old mother

I often hung out at the house of 2 younger girls I got to know in High School. Edna ,17, was the older sister and she had long brown hair and Jenny ,15, was a blonde 2 years younger. Edna and Jenny’s parents were older and didn’t pay much attention to what went on out of their sight. The sisters had a large dressing area outside the bathroom with a huge 8' long mirror over 3 sinks and a matching vanity. Edna was not shy about her looks or her body, and she had the reputation of being a...

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