A Man Helps Out A Couple Of Illegal Emigrants Who Show Their Gratitude In A Most Pleasurable Way free porn video

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The headlights came up behind me fast and close. Afraid I
was going to be rear ended, I pulled over and let him
pass. The green Border Patrol van sped past me. “Asshole!”
I thought. “He didn’t have to do that.”

Ahead almost out of sight, the van pulled over, U-turned
and came rushing back toward me. This time I pulled over
and stopped. “What the hell is going on?” I thought. I
turned the headlights off and watched the van disappear
again in the rear view mirror. The van had turned around
in the distance behind me and was headed back more slowly,
sweeping the bushes along the shoulder of the dark country
road with spotlights. They were still well back when two
small figures darted across the road, almost running into
my dark colored truck.

“Over here! Aqui, aqui!” I shouted at them. Don’t ask why.

I don’t know myself. My shouting stopped them in their
tracks. They looked at the van approaching behind us, then
at me and must have realized their options were becoming
very limited at that point. I reached over to open the
passenger door and two darkly dressed figures jumped in
and closed the door.

Quickly I started the truck and slowly drove off so that I
wouldn’t attract attention. The van continued its search
with the spotlights and soon disappeared from view behind

With the initial excitement over, reality began to sink
in. If the Border Patrol caught me helping illegals, I
could be arrested. Worse, who the hell are these people?
They could beat me senseless and take my truck!

“Gracias, senor. Muchas gracias,” said a shaky young
voice–the voice of a woman.

“Si, gracias, senor,” the other figure said, also a young

I looked at them blankly in the dim light from the
instrument panel. I began to relax.

“No problem, uhhh…de nada,” I answered. Growing up in
California, you can’t help but pick up some of the
language, but I hadn’t picked up much.

“My name is Martin,” I told them, pointing at myself.

“Como se llama?” I asked them.

“Graciela…Gracie,” the one next to me answered. She
pointed to her friend. “This is Marisa.”

They were dirty and their clothes were torn, but they
certainly weren’t much of a threat to me!

“Do you speak English?” I asked them in general.

“Si, a little,” Gracie said. “Marisa, no English.”

“My God! How old are you guys?” They looked too young to
be crossing the border like this alone.

“Diez y nueve,” said Gracie, nervously slipping into
Spanish. “I mean 19. Marisa is 18.”

“Where are you going?” I asked. “Do you have a place to

“We have relatives in Fresno. I live there. I went back to
Mexico to bring Marisa. Can you help us?”

Obviously, I had jumped into this whole thing without a
plan. I was winging it minute by minute. When I picked
them up, I had no idea what I was going to do beyond
getting them out of their immediate predicament with the
Border Patrol. I looked at them now. Young, tired, scared
and probably hungry.

“Look. I don’t know how much I can do. Fresno is a long
ways off, and I have to work tomorrow. I’ll get you a
motel room so that you can clean up and get some rest and
we’ll decide what to do in the morning. OK?

I found a quiet motel along the old highway. It was cheap
and out of sight. The women stayed in the truck while I

I asked the clerk for a room towards the back. He handed
me a key and I walked back to the truck.

“Room 124,” I told the women absently. I drove around to
the room and parked just outside the door. Gracie and
Marisa got out of the truck and grabbed the small duffels
they had thrown in the back of the truck. I hadn’t even
noticed that they had bags with them.

The room was clean with a queen bed, a small TV and a
couple of unmatched chairs and a table. Gracie and Marisa
stood just inside the door, not sure of how to act.

“You guys get cleaned up and I’ll go out for some food,” I
said. They looked at me like frightened puppies as I left,
probably wondering if I would come back for them. I did,
of course, twenty minutes later with a sack of tacos and
three cokes. “Hey, what the hell,” I thought. “Everybody
likes Mexican food, right?”

The bathroom door was closed, but I could hear Gracie and
Marisa chattering happily and excitedly to each other in
Spanish. Half of what they said I couldn’t hear, and the
other half I couldn’t understand. I turned on the TV and
flopped down on the bed. It had been a long day. The water
droned in the bathroom, the TV droned on the rickety table
and despite my hunger I began to doze off.

“Martin,” a soft voice called.

“Martin,” another even softer voice. Both pronounced it
“Marteen”, accenting the last syllable. I opened my eyes,
temporarily disoriented.

“Holy shit!” I cried. Gracie and Marisa jumped back
startled. I looked at them standing there, dressed only in
men’s white T-shirts with their long, dark hair falling
damply over their small shoulders.

The two scruffy, dirty illegals had changed into pretty
little angels. Their young, almost virginal beauty took my
breath away.

Gracie came over and sat on the edge of the bed. I could
see the V of her pussy hair against her clean white cotton
panties peaking out from under the loose T-shirt. Marisa
sat at the foot of the bed nervously knitting her fingers,
too shy to look up.

“You have been so kind to us, Marteen,” she began,
stroking my hair with her long fingers. “We may never see
you again after tomorrow. It would be sad not to thank you
for saving us from la Migra.” She leaned down and kissed
me softly. I held her face and pulled her down to me. My
tongue slipped easily into her willing mouth.

“We should eat. Me and Marisa have not eaten since
morning. We will need our strength. You too, Martin.” She
looked at me coyly, then upended the bag of cold soggy
tacos in the middle of the bed. We all sat around the pile
of tacos cross-legged and ate them greedily.

“I’m still hungry, Martin,” said Gracie after we had eaten

“Hey, I’ll get more tacos if you want,” I told her. But
that is not what she was hungry for.

Gracie gently pushed me back on the bed and opened my
shirt. She kissed me slowly on the mouth, then moved down
to kiss my nipples. Her tongue flicked against them. I
could feel the ends of her still wet curls trailing over
my chest like dozens of soft artist’s brushes. They left a
cool wetness, which did nothing to quench the heat that
was building between us.

I leaned up to remove my shirt. I flung it to the floor
and Gracie pushed me back down. My button fly jeans came
open easily in her hands. She hooked her fingers over the
top and pulled them down with my briefs. My hard
unyielding cock caught temporarily in the waistband of my
briefs, then sprung back, whacking my tight belly with a
loud plop.

Marisa had moved to one of the chairs and let out a little
cry. I looked over to see her staring at my enlarged cock
pulsating near my belly in time with my racing heartbeat.

Gracie grabbed the root of my throbbing cock with her
small fist. She squeezed it gently and watched the head
grow larger and more purple. She wrapped her small mouth
around the tip and took in as much as she could–barely
more than the hooded tip. Not able to take my engorged
dick very far into her small mouth, she opened and closed
her mouth, squishing her soft hot tongue against the
sensitive underside. Her saliva ran in warm liquid
rivulets down my shaft and over my tightened balls.

Every so often, she would relax her grip allowing the
blood to drain from the swollen head, then draw it into
her mouth until it touched the back of her throat. Then
she would squeeze the base again, forcing the blood to the
tip. The pressure from her grip expanded the head and
forced my cock out of her little mouth until only the head
remained. She then resumed her tongue squishing movements.
No woman since has ever been able to duplicate the
sensations for me. Lord knows I have had them all try.

When I had any control of the situation at all, I would
glance over at Marisa sitting cross-legged in the chair
staring at my dick. One hand gripped the chair arm
tightly. The other hand had disappeared between her legs
under her baggy T-shirt. Her raspy breath left little
doubt what she was doing under there. I was a little
surprised that Marisa never made a move to join us, but
Gracie’s skill commanded all of my attention, and I soon
quit wondering about it. Marisa seemed to have her own
interests well in hand, but her eyes never left my cock as
Gracie’s talented mouth continued to work.

“Mmmm. My mouth is tired!” said Gracie coming up for air
and laughing playfully. In a flash, she pulled off her T-
shirt, slipped out of her panties and grabbed the base of
my cock again. This time, though, she straddled me, still
squeezing my cock. Skillfully, she rode down on it until
it was in her up to her tight little fist. She let go and
sat down on my throbbing dick until I could feel the bones
in her ass jamming into my hips. She rode up on my cock
until I was sure it would pop out, then just in time would
sit back down on it and slid it in until the head
stretched against her button-like cervix. I don’t think I
have ever been so deep in a woman before.

I reached for her beautiful young breasts, the size of
large firm apples and just as sweet. A perfect handful. I
glanced over at Marisa and she had pulled up her T-shirt
and had cupped both of her breasts. They looked like twins
of Gracie’s, and she was mimicking with her hands what I
was doing to Gracie, but she never looked at me.

Gracie pounded up and down on my dick with the energy only
a teenager could have. Watching her round young tits
bobbing up and down, watching Marisa squeezing her own
firm apples, it all became too much. I let out a little
grunt and Gracie, quick as lightning grabbed the base of
my cock, pulled it out, gave it a couple quick strokes and
I exploded.

A long, white hot arc of cum shot into the air and fell
the length of my chest. Gracie kept pumping it and
laughing, obviously delighted with the spectacle.
God, sex with her was hot. There is nothing like a sexy,
turned on Latina woman. Nothing. “Unless,” I thought, “it
is two Latinos.”

“Isn’t Marisa going to thank me too?” I said jokingly.

“Martin…” Gracie looked at me frowning. “Marisa is… a
virgin. You cannot ask her to do that.”

“I was only kidding,” I said lamely. “I didn’t know.” I
felt like a jerk.

“It is OK, Martin. I am not angry.”

Marisa said something softly without looking at either of
us. Gracie answered back a bit sharply. It was too soft
and too fast for me. I couldn’t make out any of it with my
limited Spanish, but I could tell that were arguing about
something. Maybe Marisa was upset that Gracie had had sex
with me.

Gracie had the final word, but looked resigned. Marisa
came over to the bed on the opposite side from Gracie. She
lay down next to me and kissed me softly on the cheek.

“What gives?” I asked Gracie who was still laying next to

“She insists on thanking you herself, Martin,” she

“She says she has saved herself for the right man. Now she
is 18 and who could be more right than the man who has
saved us.”

“I don’t know, Gracie…” I stammered. “A virgin?” I
couldn’t believe I might turn down every man’s dream.

“You will be gentle, Martin,” she began, then paused, “and
I will help.” She laughed softly and deliciously, and so
did Marisa.

Gracie climbed over me to Marisa. She reached under her T-
shirt and slowly removed Marisa’s white panties. She
twirled them around her index finger several times,
laughing and flung them across the room. Marisa lay there
smiling with one finger in her mouth. She nibbled on the
tip, looking at Gracie expectantly.

“Hmmm,” I thought to myself. “Marisa may be a virgin, but
this is not the first time she and Gracie have done this.”

Gracie spread Marisa’s legs gently and began a trail of
soft wet kisses along the inside of Marisa’s thigh.
Marisa’s firm little ass squirmed excitedly as Gracie
continued toward her waiting pussy. When she reached it,
Marisa arched her back and moaned slightly.

I could take no more as a spectator. I leaned over and
kissed Marisa’s partially open mouth. Her tongue
immediately darted into my mouth and I sucked on it
gently. I could tell how well Gracie was doing by what
Marisa did with her mouth on mine.

I reached under Marisa’s T-shirt for one of her beautiful
golden breasts. They were so warm and soft. I pulled her
shirt up, and she leaned up slightly so that I could
remove it entirely. I leaned down to suck on her perfectly
round aureole, the color of dark chocolate. Her nipples
were already completely erect as I expected them to be.

Gracie continued working on Marisa’s beautiful young
pussy, but reached over to stroke my dick. She soon moved
her luscious mouth from Marisa’s wet cunt to my cock, but
instead of repeating her earlier trick, she ran her
partially opened lips along the shaft like it was a warm
living harmonica. All the while, her fingers were busy in
Marisa’s snatch to keep her sexual excitement at a fever

Marisa had waited 18 years and she was not going to wait
any longer. She put her arms around me and urged me to
mount her. I looked down at Gracie, sucking hungrily on my
dick. We exchanged glances that told her Marisa was not to
be denied any longer.

“Gently, Martin,” as I climbed onto Marisa in the classic
missionary position. I bore my weight on my elbows and
knees and slowly lowered the head of my cock to Marisa’s
virgin entrance.

Gracie knelt by us holding my cock with one hand and
reaching around behind to hold my balls with the other.
When the head contacted her warm soft mound, Gracie gently
pulled it through Marisa’s slippery lips to moisten it
thoroughly with her juices.

Gracie had complete control. With her little fist around
my cock, she prevented me from entering Marisa too quickly
or too hard. With her other hand on my balls, she urged me

Watching Marisa’s face, Gracie expertly guided me in with
a minimum of pain and a maximum of pleasure. Since I was
so large for these small women, Gracie would coo softly to
Marisa in Spanish to relax her, then urge me on with
pressure on my balls from behind. After a few minutes of
this deliciously slow work, Marisa winced sharply and I
slid in freely. Gracie realizing what had happened, let go
of my dick and let me take control. I think I could have
done a pretty good job of it from the beginning by myself,
but this was so much more interesting and exciting.

I stroked in and out of that beautiful tight pussy that no
man had ever known before. Gracie left us so that Marisa
could experience a man completely for the first time. She
curled up in one of the chairs to watch, pleased that her
friend seemed to be enjoying it so much.

I certainly was enjoying it. Marisa’s pussy would
occasionally spasm so hard it was difficult to push
against her grip. When she would relax, I would stroke
faster, and slow up when the spasms came. At first, I
thought she might be coming, but the spasms were protests
from muscles unaccustomed to a man. The sensations became
more and more intense.

“No cumming inside of her, Martin,” Gracie admonished from
the sidelines. Just when I thought I might be too late, I
pulled out and shot my load. The first spurt hit Marisa
right in the face. She screamed, then laughed
uncontrollably. Gracie chimed in as well. I was too busy
bathing Marisa’s bronze body with cum to laugh, but when I
had finished I laughed too! I wiped the head of my dick
off with my hand and pushed it slowly back into Marisa’s
sopping little cunt. There was no resistance.

Gracie jumped onto the bed and wiped my cum from Marisa’s
face with her finger. Dripping with cum, she touched her
finger to Marisa’s lips. Marisa flicked at it tentatively
with her tongue to taste it, then sucked Gracie’s finger
clean. Both girls laughed again.

Gracie went into the bathroom and came out with two hot
washcloths and dry towels. She handed me a washcloth, then
carefully almost ceremoniously cleaned up the cum and
blood from Marisa’s beautiful young pussy, now a woman’s
pussy. She dried her carefully, put the towel underneath
her to cover the bloody spot on the sheet and lay down
beside her.

I cleaned and dried myself and lay down on the other side
next to Marisa. Gracie’s small slender hand lay on one of
Marisa’s soft warm breasts. I lay my hand on top of hers.
Within minutes, their soft rhythmic breathing told me they
were fast asleep.

As exhausted as I was, I lay there for a while thinking
that for the first time since meeting these girls, I had a
plan. I wondered how long it would take me to find work in

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Manya The Forbidden Lust IntensifiesChapter 4 Desh and Manya talk about the future

Later that night... A very exhausted and a very satisfied Manya lay in bed as her son went to sleep with his head on her boobs and one finger in her ass. The experience with Prem was more than satisfying, and she was certain Deen was watching the entire scene. Her saree was wet when she wore it and she couldn't help but suck his sperm out of it. It tasted wonderful, sweet even. She couldn't wait to read what he would write in his diary tonight. The events of the day bothered her less and...

3 years ago
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Toman of the Cherokee 22

Gwendydd - sister Morgenau - brother Morial - brother Morien - brother Mordaf - brother - Naci's father New Council Members ___________________ Pikon Corth Groton Tydeth Docal Clondal - female Lyndeth - female Creton __________________________ I was pissed as hell. Other than my mother Drenna and Morganna I could remember nothing else. Hell, they told me that I had lived in this village before though I still had no memory of it. It had taken almost a week for...

2 years ago
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Toman of the Cherokee 11

I had just started to make enchanted motions in the air as several glyphs appeared. Nodding I tried to push more power into them as the glyphs grew brighter. Panting I was crawling as fast as I could toward the opening, just a little more and then they would be safe again! “Toman!” Damn if that didn’t sound like Naci. Good she’d follow me. Again I pushed as hard as I could, but suddenly feeling a sticky wetness on my leg. Looking down I smiled; I was bleeding again, at least I knew I was...

3 years ago
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Toman of the Cherokee 9

  "Before I go Pops I thought I might do something to help these people." I told all of them. Concentrating I stretched out feeling the bubble then I felt it as it started to expand toward the village. Within moments I felt it start to spread over the entire village then beyond to the other side.   Pops shook his head as he felt that the bubble was as strong as before. "Well done Toman! This should help to hide all four of us."   Merlin was nodding also, "remember Toman the third...

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Toman of the Cherokee 60

  "You wondering how they are going to justify sending a hunter?" I heard pops breaking my train of thought. "Yeah pops that had occurred to me. We are going to have to leave Pops; I can't endanger the rest of the tribe like this." I told him a little afraid that the hunter would kill everyone just to get to me.   Shaking his head Pops started to chuckle a moment. "Really Pops I fail to see what is so damn funny!" I yelled at him.   "Toman you have far more control than your...

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Toman of the CherokeeChapter 9

Naci and I emerged from the Teepee that Pops and I had shared. Making our way out of the village towards the bubble, we entered seeing Pops, Merlin, Mordaf (aka Tall Bear) and my mother. “Before I go Pops I thought I might do something to help these people.” I told all of them. Concentrating I stretched out feeling the bubble then I felt it as it started to expand toward the village. Within moments I felt it start to spread over the entire village then beyond to the other side. Pops shook...

3 years ago
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Toman of the Cherokee EPILOGUE

It was then that Naci told me about what she had done, herself. I had been very deeply unconscious, when her want for me overshadowed rational thought. She had taken her clothes off, impaling herself upon me. Here I had thought all this time it had just been a strange dream. Naci shook her head no. "I had wanted you so badly up to that point. My desire for you was growing larger each day. It got to the point that day that I knew I wouldn't make it past the end of the day. You were so...

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Toman of the Cherokee 40

  Sitting there a few more moments I started to get out of bed when the room started to slightly spin. Catching the wall I slowly sank to the ground with a groan. A moment later Atohi's head popped in the opening of the teepee.   "I thought it would be far longer before you would be up." Atohi said as he came and sat beside me. "I was going to wait 'til you were awake, feeling better. Malak's father cut you pretty bad."   I nodded as it appeared that Atohi was a little nervous...

1 year ago
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A final show from Dwayne

A final show from DwayneA week later I was once again at work; that black bastard Dwayne was off.Towards the end of the afternoon I got a text from my sweet Anita, telling me Dwayne just had left and I had a video available when I got home. Once again I came back home almost after midnight and was really very tired; but Ana’s laptop was there in the living room, waiting for me.Ana and Dwayne were naked in bed. I knew my sweet wife was on her period; so, I watched as the black man fucked her in...

2 years ago
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Manya 1

The shrill morning alarm sent unruly bolts and waves into Manya’s body as she stirred, opened her deep eyes and cast a sleepy glance towards the place next to her. Her eyes met with the not so inspiring sight of her still snoring husband Desh, cuddled up like an insecure child, his breath carrying the odor of liquor and his chest heaving in monotonous regularity. The 36 year old housewife sighed and shifted her full frame slowly out of the bed to begin another day. Clad in a thin white blouse...

4 years ago
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Manya The Forbidden Lust IntensifiesChapter 10

The young girl lay on the bed, mashing her boobs as if they were grapes. For a girl of 18, she was very well built; was the envy of all her classmates and most of her teachers. The fact that this was an all girls college did not stop her from experiencing the joys of sex with boys. In fact, she was well known in the campus as a girl who would let just about anyone fuck her. This reputation was bolstered by the knowledge that just a few months ago she had given birth to a healthy bouncy baby...

2 years ago
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Toman of the CherokeeChapter 11

Slowly ever so slowly I felt consciousness begin to flow into my mind. I suddenly sat up with a start; we were back in the time of the people I had left! Again I struggled as I tried to get off the bed falling to the floor with a thud. I heard a female voice scream as I tried again and again to rise off the floor. Damn it! I had to leave I couldn’t endanger these people! I had just started to make enchanted motions in the air as several glyphs appeared. Nodding I tried to push more power...

2 years ago
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Manya The Forbidden Lust IntensifiesChapter 8

It did not take long for Tiger to recover, and his keen nose picked up the arousal of two bitches in the room. More than that, he picked up a delicious smell two feet from his nose on the floor where Manya had just been fucked just a short while ago. He reached over and start licking the ground to clean up any residual deposit and followed the smell to its source. Sana and Manya both stopped talking at this point and watched Tiger with their utmost attention and Sana, to her credit dropped...

2 years ago
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Toman of the Cherokee 7

  "Now we can talk, though I am unsure of why you are here." Merlin stated.   Sighing I nodded, "I was told that you were the only one that could help me. You see I am a wild magic user." I saw Merlin's eyes go wide then he nodded as he extended a hand toward me.   "Ah! You're Tollan and Drenna's son! A fine pair of mages!" Merlin said then suddenly his face twisted into a mask of rage. "How dare they!" With a sigh Merlin shook his head. "I am afraid that I cannot leave here...

1 year ago
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Illegals ehh Part 2

Please see Illegals Ehh! For situation. I really had to think about whom I wanted and what I wanted. With Malli being the only one to allow vaginal intercourse I thought I had better keep that for another day. Ashmi was a girl about 18 with what looked like a fit body even though she seemed to be wearing a dull sari type garment, I presumed in an attempt to make me not want her. No such luck. She was a light brown colour with the traditional dark hair, dark eyebrows, and most probably, dark...

Erotic Fiction
1 year ago
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Illegals ehh

Note : This story is completely fictional! Prologue: I myself am a criminal with my fingers in many pies, mainly because I am a ruthless, sadistic prick, and that’s to people on my good side. My enemies and clients fear me but still need what I have – money and connections. ‘Amed the Tailor’ was no exception. He owed me money and I was going to collect one way or another. Amed knew this and right there in front of me in my car he went and had a heart attack – turns out fear CAN kill! This left...

Erotic Fiction
2 years ago
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Mansi8217s Special Way To Celebrate Valentine8217s Day

Guys and girls and this is Rahul here from Mumbai, aged 28 years and this is a story of my Junior College days. I had a big time crush on one of my school girls. Her name Mansi Bhatia. A gujju to the core. She stayed in Andheri. Any young and lusty females feel free to contact me at rahulkhanna311 @ gmail.com. It was after my FYJC exams that i proposed Mansi. She asked me for a few days to answer and finally her friends coaxed her to say YES. That was the best day of my life. Mansi is 5’4″...

3 years ago
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Toman of the Cherokee 23

Gwendydd - sister Morgenau - brother Morial - brother Morien - brother Mordaf - brother - Naci's father New Council Members ___________________ Pikon Corth Groton Tydeth Docal Clondal - female Lyndeth - female Creton _________________________ "I need all of you out here right now!" Ukobach was growling as he concentrated. "We can end the last obstacle to the council ruling the magic dimension forever!" I looked at Ukobach, almost feeling sorry for him, almost....

2 years ago
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Toman of the Cherokee 20

Gwendydd - sister Morgenau - brother Morial - brother Morien - brother Mordaf - brother - Naci's father New Council Members ___________________ Pikon Corth Groton Tydeth Docal Clondal - female Lyndeth - female Creton __________________________ I could barely believe what I was hearing. She wanted my help? Shaking my head I was still staring at her in disbelief. Letting out a huge sigh I reached out feeling all the spells and curses on her. Then my eyes shot open when I felt...

3 years ago
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Toman of the Cherokee 14

------------------ Merlin Gwendydd - sister Morgenau - brother Morial - brother Morien - brother Mordaf - brother - Naci's father ------------------------------------------- I was still going over our last action when Naci walked to me with a plate of food. "Here husband, you need to keep up your strength if we are to succeed." Then with a wry smile she continued. "Besides if we are to start a family one day, you will need to be in your best shape." I was startled a moment...

1 year ago
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Toman of the Cherokee 2

"What in the hell do you mean you are pledged to marry me when you are of age?! I made no such damn pledge! I have half a mind to--" It was at that moment that I noticed that Naci was starting to cry. Ah crap that's all I need a weepy female! "What in the hell is wrong!" I almost shouted my frustration getting the best of me. This of course made Naci cringe and withdraw away from me. "You do not wish to be pledged to me? You wish to dishonor me and my father like this? I would be...

2 years ago
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Chapter Eight Youth group cookout

A week later... It only had been only a week since Stephanie and I had made love and during that next week I was riddled with guilt knowing for second time in less that year I had been unfaithful sexually to the woman who I really wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I didn’t really want to tell Jackie about what happened with Stephanie and I just week before because I had this overwhelming feeling this time around Jackie would decide to break up with me for sure. But like the old saying...

3 years ago
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Manya The Forbidden Lust IntensifiesChapter 7

Binu woke up to the most heavenly sight in the world; his mother's tits a hair's breadth away from his lips. It took him not even a second to swing into action and he pulled his mother on the bed, rolling over on top of her. His hot and hard cock came into contact with her belly and the contact was electric, sending sensations she had been craving for days. The contact of her son's cock with her body was more electrifying than all the fuckings she had received. That did not mean that she...

1 year ago
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Manuela Arbeleaz a normal work day0

Oh you stupid bitch you will pay for that and grabbed Manuela. The two wrestled ending up on the stage where the other young girl joined in. Manuela found herself being held spread eagled on the stage by the two girls and the two boys. The girl with the lotion bottle stripped Manuela's bikini off of her and shoving the lotion bottle up into her pussy squeezed a large amount of lotion into her vagina then did the same to her rectum. Manuela whimpered please stop I did not mean to embarrass...

1 year ago
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Mansi Ki Chut Ka Pehla Lund Poojan

Hi to all friends and readers of ISS and ye meri pehli story. I hope apko pasand ayegi. Ye meri aur mansi k pehli chudai k kahani h mansi mere se 3 saal badi h vo mujhe apna bhai manti h apr mai to use mansi ka figure kuch khas nai h par ha uske boobs acche h. Story- ye baat 1 saal pehle k h jb mai delhi gaya tha college mai admission lene. Vaha pe mai sbse pehle mansi se mila jo k meri senior thi usne hi mujhe help k sb arange karne mai admission se le k flat dhudne mai maine Ek 2bhk ka flat...

1 year ago
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Last Wives Club 12 Forgiveness and Gratitude

Everybody makes mistakes. I made a doozy. I should have kept my go bag elsewhere. It's actually a locked trunk that I kept locked in the trunk of my car. When I lived in St. Louis, I kept it in a rented storage locker. After I moved to Columbus, I just got complacent, probably because Dan became more comfortable with my private life. Ever since I had enlisted in the Last Wives Club, I had been careful to keep that side of my life behind lock and key. Unfortunately, I was doing laundry one day...

4 years ago
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"Finally!" Noam said, as he finished a final edit of the story he had been working on for weeks. He had poured the full measure of his erotic imagination into his creation, inspired by lust and self- pleasure as he wrote. It had been difficult work, crafting his phrases to provide maximum sexual excitement for his readers, and he smiled to imagine the sweet masturbation he sincerely hoped his work would lead to. It afforded him great satisfaction to be able to excite and give pleasure to...

1 year ago
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Toman of the Cherokee 17

Gwendydd - sister Morgenau - brother Morial - brother Morien - brother Mordaf - brother - Naci's father New Council Members ___________________ Pikon Corth Groton Tydeth Docal Clondal - female ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ukobach was cursing even harder, what were those idiots doing? More than half of the guard corps was destroyed. Almost all of the hunters were dead or missing. Scratching his chin he thought of calling a...

2 years ago
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Toman of the Cherokee 13

------------------ Merlin Gwendydd - sister Morgenau - brother Morial - brother Morien - brother Mordaf - brother - Naci's father ----------------------------------------- Lying down for the night I was awake for a while as several ideas were floating through my mind. Obviously I was going to have to change tactics. With all I did I didn't really think that any of the tricks I had pulled would really fool any of them much longer. Reaching out I once again made sure that all...

3 years ago
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Toman of the Cherokee 1

  I can only hope to be that powerful one day, though from what my grandfather said I will. Compared to what Merlin was I am weak though I have a secret that I know a lot of other mages would kill to know. Looking at the smoke I nodded, as a matter of fact a few had already tried, as many had been trying for centuries.   It appears that I got a little far into my cups one night at the mage academy. You know a school for mages. I opened my mouth about an ability I had and, that was the day I...

3 years ago
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Batwoman meets Catwoman Part Two

Introduction: Batwoman returning back to Hollys loft from patrol beliving trhe woman is asleep is in for a rude awakening. It had been a long night and an even longer patrol, and Kate was drained. Slipping into the window quietly to find her Holly fast asleep, Batwoman moved quietly for the chair and started to get undressed. Removing the belt with practiced ease, she then took off the cape before she removed the gloves and boots…, only then placing her hands on the dresser and lowering her...

1 year ago
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Hardman Hill

"We'll leave the smell of the sea in your bed, Where love's just a job and nothing is said." ELTON JOHN - Sweet Painted Lady "Webster", she said, standing on tiptoe so that she could speak into the intercom set high and to the right of the door. "Tina Webster. I'm supposed to start today". "Of course you are. Come up". The voice was young, light, cheerful. Tina felt the tension in her stomach lift a little. "I can't get in", she told the disembodied voice. "There's no door...

1 year ago
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Manya The Forbidden Lust IntensifiesChapter 12

If there was one person in the world who knew how to fuck Manya, it was Deen. Even though Deen had never fucked her, or any other woman for that matter, he knew perfectly well what his mother needed. Gone was the woman who loved romantic lovemaking. She was replaced by a perpetual bitch in heat. Gone was the woman who liked to have her body worshipped when being made love to. She was replaced by a whore who liked to be fucked hard and fast, treated like a ragdoll. Getting bolder by the...

2 years ago
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Manya The Forbidden Lust IntensifiesChapter 13

After getting her morning charge by getting fucked by the milkman and the paper-delivery boy, Manya sipped her cum-filled tea seated across the table from Deen. Deen had obliged to put the icing on the tea by masturbating in it and then watching her drink it. Of course Manya was naked, and she sat with her legs wide open giving Deen a clear unobstructed view of her shaved pussy. Sitting across from his mother, Deen sipped his morning milk wondering how he could establish more control over her...

2 years ago
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Toman of the Cherokee 18

Gwendydd - sister Morgenau - brother Morial - brother Morien - brother Mordaf - brother - Naci's father New Council Members ___________________ Pikon Corth Groton Tydeth Docal Clondal - female Lyndeth - female Creton ---------------------------------------- I was at full power in less than a second with Naci close behind. "I could kill you with no problem Rigal. You are within my magical boundaries; you obviously have no desire to live much longer." I was...

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