Haitian Man Conquers Canada
- 4 years ago
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The sun rose over Ontario, Canada, and I rose with it. I’ve been living in this place for several years now and even though my passport now says permanent resident of Canada instead of dubious terms like refugee claimant and all that crap, this place still doesn’t feel like home. Maybe it’s because of the cold, hateful stares I get from random people as I walk through the City of Ottawa. It’s one of the most racially diverse places in Canada, with scores of Arabs, Hispanics, Asians and Aboriginals living there, yet a Black man still attracts unwanted stares. I’ve learned not to mind them, or at least that’s what I tell myself.
The name is David Jacques Villiers and this is my story of getting by in provincial Ontario. I was born on the island of Haiti in 1984. In 1998, my parents, Julien and Marianne Villiers sent me to Boston, Massachusetts, to live with my aunt Ginette Jean because our family was being persecuted for our political beliefs. I lived in Boston from the summer of 1998 until December 2008. I grew up in the United States and in my heart I considered myself a citizen of this great nation but the reality was quite different. You see, when my parents left me in Boston they neglected to tell me that the trip was strictly one-way. I got dropped there with no legal papers, nada.
Through my aunt’s efforts I was able to go to public school, where I excelled. I finished high school a year early and won an academic scholarship to the University of Massachusetts in Amherst because of my high scores on the statewide MCAS exam. It’s a requirement for all public school students in Massachusetts, to earn a high school diploma you have to pass the MCAS. If you do extremely well on it, you may win a scholarship to any of the public colleges and universities in the state. I went to UMass-Amherst, where I studied Criminal Justice. I was three years into my program when a glitch came along.
You see, I enrolled at UMass-Amherst as a scholarship recipient, but the state still needed certain pieces of identification like a drivers licence, a social security number and things of that nature from me. I got numerous requests from the student life office for these things and ignored them for three years. You see, I have a Haitian birth certificate, and since I was neither a permanent resident nor a U.S. citizen, I lacked a drivers licence and a social security number. You need these things to function in America. Now, my aunt Ginette was a true angel. She cared for me, housed me and clothed me as best as she could. She never married or had any offspring of her own. Indeed, many people in our family suspected that she might be a lesbian but they never asked because such things are not discussed in Haitian society and culture.
Anyhow, I had only a year left before graduation in my program when UMass-Amherst revoked my scholarship and dumped me unceremoniously. That was in November 2009. I was crestfallen since I had lost everything. Honestly, I considered suicide. You got no idea how it feels, man. To be brilliant, decent, church-going and law-abiding and yet to constantly feel like the society around me is punishing me for something I did not do. When my parents left me in Boston in 1999, I did not ask them any questions because I was a mere pup. What did I know? I mean, America is supposed to be the land of opportunity. If you are smart and a hard worker, you are supposed to make it. Well, I think I did everything right. I went to school, I went to church and I went to the library, that is about it really. My aunt constantly reminded me that if I ever got in trouble with the police as young Black men in America tend to do, I would get deported. Since I did not want that, I tried to keep as low a profile as I could.
I often heard other young Black men I knew in high school and at the university complain about their problems. They often whined about the system being set up against them. A lot of these bozos actually went out to do stupid things like get into fights over silly stuff, doing drugs and things of that nature. Oh, and they also had a habit of impregnating women and leaving them high and dry. Now, I am not saying that America is not a racist place. I have being followed around the mall by suspicious clerks simply because of my skin tone, and I have also encountered teachers who simply did not believe that Black male students could be as good as anyone else. You should have seen the looks on some of their faces when I won one academic award after another. I surprised a lot of people. I am a Black man who does not play any sports, nor do I listen to rap music. No, I am not whitewashed. I know where I come from, I know who I am and I know where I want to be. I simply refuse to be what North American society expects me to be because of my race and gender.
I was born on the island of Haiti, the first independent Black nation in the New World. The place where white imperialism was first defeated by an army of former slaves who fought for their freedom against arrogant European colonial forces who underestimated them. Yes, I do believe in myself as a Black man thank you very much. I respect everyone and I fear absolutely no one. I respect all religions but I am a proud Christian. I will never apologize for my faith the way I see some people do in Canada. Bunch of fools. Apologizing for who you are is insane. Anyhow, let me tell you how I ended up in Canada in the first place.
When the University of Massachusetts at Amherst revoked my scholarship because they found out I was an illegal immigrant, I thought all was lost. That’s when my aunt Ginette told me about a program she heard about. Illegal immigrants living in America who feared the U.S. would never accept them were being taken to Canada through a program run by both governments. The program had a facility in Buffalo, New York, where these would-be immigrants to Canada, most of them refugee claimants of some sort, waited before crossing the border at Fort Erie. I thought about it. I loved the United States of America, but after ten years in this country, I had nothing to show for it. I don’t have a single blemish on my record, yet I cannot vote. I have never committed a felony yet I cannot drive. I was a nonperson. That’s why I chose to try my luck in Canada. Who knows? Maybe my lousy luck would change in the Great White North.
My journey to Canada wasn’t easy. For several weeks I stayed at the immigrant shelter in Buffalo, praying that the Canadian government would allow me to cross the border. There was paperwork to be handled by both U.S. and Canadian authorities. My turn finally came, and when I crossed the border, my uncle Harold, the older brother of my father, came to greet me. I would stay at his house until I got my bearings. Over the next few months, I went through the process. Had to go to the government to get a work permit, social insurance number and the like because you can’t work in Canada without these things. Once I got my work permit, I began looking for a job. With a very bare-looking resume, and no work experience or references, I couldn’t find a job. So I applied to work for Securitas Canada, the security company. They seemed willing to hire just about anybody. I trained with them for two weeks, and paid eighty dollars to get my security license after submitting the necessary forms to the Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services.
A month after my training ended, I got my security license in the mail. I immediately called Securitas Canada, they gave me my uniform and I went to work the next day. I was making eleven dollars and fifty cents per hour working security at a museum in downtown Ottawa. I didn’t mind the job, though. At last, I had a job. I used my first paycheck to pay for a one-bedroom bachelor pad in the Baseline Road area of Ottawa. Now, I still a lot of things to worry about. One day I would have to appear before an immigration judge about my refugee claim, and whether they accepted it or not, this would decide my fate. Unt
il that day came, I focused on working. I even got a health card by showing the Ontario health office at City Hall proof of employment along with a work permit, recent pay stubs and a letter from my employer. At last I began to feel…alright.
Now, I set my sights on something beyond survival. I wanted to get back to school and resume my interrupted studies. My aunt Ginette, whom I remained in touch with, constantly encouraged me to continue my studies. I applied to various schools with the Ontario Universities Application Center or OUAC. I wrote to UMass-Amherst requesting that they send my transcripts to Carleton University, the Canadian school of my choice. A couple of months went by and I finally got a letter of acceptance from Carleton University. They accepted me as an international student since I wasn’t a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident yet. Hell, the Canadian government hadn’t even accepted my refugee claim yet. Anyhow, I decided to work my butt off to pay for school. I saved about thirty five hundred dollars after working the whole summer, and finally I enrolled at Carleton and took two classes that fall. Carleton University has two programs connected to my old major, Law and Criminology. They don’t have criminal justice as a major. I opted to study Law.
As much as I am thankful to Canada for giving me these opportunities, I cannot stand their xenophobia or bureaucracy sometimes. Any foreign student who comes to Canada is told that his or her credits from ( insert the name of any college or university outside Canada ) wherever they come from aren’t valid. I’ve seen students from South Africa, Pakistan, Bangladesh and even Poland looking sad in the registrar’s office when they are told that they will have to start their program from scratch at Carleton because Canadian schools rarely accept foreign credit transfers. Lucky for me, Canada has a love-hate/fascination with all things American. Since my high school diploma and university transcripts all came from schools located in Massachusetts, the officials at Carleton University assumed I was an American. That’s why most of my credits from UMass-Amherst got accepted. I wouldn’t have to start from scratch like all the other foreign students. Even in the Capital of Canada, it’s cool to be an American.
At Carleton University, I experienced a very fascinating world. Man, I thought UMass-Amherst was a diverse place, until I began encountering so many Arab, Somali, Hindu and Chinese students at Carleton that I felt like I was at the U.N. or something. I made friends with students from all over the place. Of course, even this racially diverse school wasn’t free of racism. I would get hateful stares from random white guys walking nearby, especially if they saw me chatting with a white female classmate. I’d get the same type of angry look from Arab men if they saw me talking with one of their hijab-wearing Arab women. What can I say? A lot of ladies seem fascinated by me at school. I’m a tall Black man walking around with the unmistakable inner-city guy’s swagger and a Boston accent to boot. It certainly helped my romantic life, I tell you that much. I dated ladies across the spectrum, man. From lovely Ethiopian women to buxom Irish-Canadian beauties and even a Lebanese Christian gal or two. I don’t discriminate based on color or culture. If I like a lady and she likes me, then everything is cool. Haters are going to hate no matter what.
And that’s how my first year in Canada went, ladies and gentlemen. I continued working for Securitas, which wasn’t easy since I was busy with my studies at Carleton University but a smart man makes time for that which matters. I did alright for myself. For Christmas the following year, I mailed my aunt Ginette some rare books and gave her two hundred dollars through Western Union. This woman has taken care of me for a long time. More than half my life, actually. I owe her everything. I thank God for her and everything that she has done for me. Life goes on, man. What can I say? I’ve been through all kinds of hell in my short years upon this earth. I haven’t seen my parents in ages and I miss them. I miss my aunt more because in many ways she’s been like a true parent to me. I live in Canada now and even though there’s a lot of racism here, there are some good people who make the place worthwhile. I say this as a Black man who goes through all kinds of crap daily. Things could be worse. Soon I will get my Law degree from Carleton University, then I will move on to bigger and better things. I’m looking at various Law schools. The one at the University of Ottawa looks great, but so does McGill’s. Who knows where fate will take me? As always, I thank God in heaven for His blessings.
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The name is Stephen Joseph Magloire. My friends call me Stevie. I’m a big and tall young Black man of Haitian descent living in the city of Toronto, province of Ontario. I recently moved there from the city of Brockton, Massachusetts. I find myself missing my old hometown of Brockton more and more. There is no city like the city of champions, folks. You see, I don’t like Canada. And I am really pissed that they beat the U.S. in Men’s and Women’s Hockey in the 2010 Olympics. If we had beaten...
Man, I sometimes wonder why so many Black men out there are into chasing White women. Seriously. I find White women uptight, annoying and quite frankly I find them all kind of fake. In the city of Ottawa in Ontario, they seem stunned to meet a Black man who prefers Black women. I think that has to do with the fact that almost every other Black male in the city is into them White bitches. What the fuck? I’m not a sell-out and never will be. My name is Stephen Vincent and I am a Black man of...
I come home after a long day. Home sweet home. Big and empty. Exactly as I like it. I lie down on my king-sized bed, and finally exhale. God, I needed that. It’s not easy being a big and tall Black guy in the City of Ottawa, Province of Ontario. People stare at you so much sometimes you wonder if you’re an alien. And it’s not just Caucasians doing the staring. East Asians, North American Indians and Arabs stare at my Black ass too. I thought they were minorities too but go figure. Anyhow, I try...
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ExhibitionismThe name is Samuel Xavier. A big and tall, openly bisexual young Black man of Haitian descent who has lived in the city of Brockton, Massachusetts, for a decade. I’m heading to Canada in a few days. I’ll stop by Buffalo first to get some things squared away. I’m glad to be leaving the city of Brockton. My once-beloved city has begun to disgust me. The racism of the city’s white men and white women, especially the civil servants ( librarians, police officers and teachers) is appalling. Also...
It was my first visit to Canada. That year I had dropped from school because of my swimming activities. Actually, I was away from my school participating at National Level at a very critical time in the school. My studies were affected and I was not really prepared for the eleventh-grade board examination. School had considered my contribution to sports at National Level and helped me to arrange my examination following year. That left me almost whole year free of attending the school, that’s...
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This is a true story and happened a few years ago when I was visiting my family in Canada. It was on a cold Saturday night, I was having my after-dinner coffee, when my cousin Jona asked me if I would like to check out the bars and clubs. I had already been staying for ten days with his family and so far we just did the ordinary tourist stuff. Jona is 8 years older than I am, making him a fit 44-year-old man. He moved to Canada a couple of years ago for his work. He e-mailed me asking if I...
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The pilot has just said we’re about to land in Canada, finally. I’m flying to Canada from Australia to spend Christmas with a girl I’ve been talking to on the internet for the past 6 years. I’m a little nervous to meet her, she’s absolutely gorgeous, she has blonde hair just past her shoulders, beautiful green eyes, and an amazing body and is 20 years old. I’m really looking forward to having Christmas with Melissa – that’s her name – and her family. We had an online relationship a while...
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Hey, I am Khush currently from Chandigarh 5 8” and 25 years old with a great build. Girls can contact me at . This is my first submission on ISS, so please excuse me and enjoy the venture. So I recently visited Canada and stayed there for 1.5 years. I was really excited to explore the awesome country mainly the GTA region as everyone knows how lovely the summertime is. After knowing the surrounding for a while our long awaiting reading week came. I and my friend Karan are really excited to just...
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Michael Phillips is a C.F.O. of Phillips Investment Group LLC. He is always on the lookout for new investments to add to his impressive portfolio. Reuters reported sizable returns of those investing in the Canadian oil sands. Michael chartered a plane for Edmonton. Once there he immediately left for Fort McMurray to collect the particulars on the oil sand operation. After several hours of meetings, Michael began the long trip back to Edmonton. Arriving at the hotel Selkirk, he went to the...
EroticTwo uniformed guards closed the big wooden gates behind it. The driver stopped and jumped down from the cab. “Raus!” he shouted, “Everybody out!” He unlocked the rear doors and swung them open.. Anxious faces peered out over the boxes in the back of the semitrailer. “Out, Raus!” the uniformed guards shouted as stood waiting rifles in hand. Frightened confused Arab faces, tired and hungry after the long journey along Autobahn and Autoroute. Confused by the language and uniforms. They had...
This is a story for those who enjoy reading about forced hormonal feminization, not just guys dressing up in female clothes. It tells what happens when two young boys are send to a unique school where--much to the younger one's surprise--they undergo special physical and hormonal treatment programs. The younger one is given female hormones (against his knowledge, untl it is too late), his roommate is given male hormones that turn him into a super masculine stud, with predictable...
Billy the Delinquent Gets Sent to New Outlooks A sequel to the original, "Boarding With Jim", which should probably be read before this... I'm probably playing out this scenario, but we'll see where it goes. I just started another story, "Results of Behavioral Conditioning and Sexual Development Studies at the New Outlooks Research Institute, 1997-1999", which will present another aspect of the findings of this setting... Billy the Delinquent Gets Sent to New Outlooks by Jay...
This story is completely fictional. Let me tell about myself. I am Alan John. I am aged 22, living In Kerala. The story here is my fictional fantasy. Anyone, male or female, preferably from Kerala interested to chat with me can mail me. Those who liked the story should give me their feedbacks. Mail me at Boys, put yourself in the place of me and my sweet ladies you can have any of the two roles and enjoy. This is a sex story but told in a decent manner. Hope it will be interesting and it is...
26 years of age and single (thankfully). Let me tell you about this incident which happened with me. I won’t force any reader to believe it though, but for me it was a memory for lifetime. Those were the days when I joined this office as a junior associate. Everything was new. There was this girl with me during the training, her name was Shelly. If I had to describe her in brief, she was no less than a beauty which every male on this earth would love to take home. Amazing figure and charming...
The idea for this story initially arose through a dialog with some of my Mexican friends. There was much going on about immigration and the plight of refugees at the time. Some parts of the story are factual, other parts of my creation. You can decide which are which. It is a longer story. I do not like serialization and having to wait days, weeks, and months etc for the story to complete. Hence please bear with me. This is dedicated to those Latin friends. Caution: I have drawn on...
I had met him several times before, and now that he and his new wife, June, had moved into our neighborhood, we interacted more frequently. I had actually dated her for a while before she and Jeff married, so I was aware of more intimate aspects of her as well as their relationship. I had always found it strange that they got married, as they seemed an odd pair. He was not particularly attractive, nor personable. Also, June complained a lot about him, in particular his tendency to be rude...
I had met him several times before, and now that he and his new wife,June, had moved into our neighborhood, we interacted more frequently. Ihad actually dated her for a while before she and Jeff married, so I wasaware of more intimate aspects of her as well as their relationship. Ihad always found it strange that they got married, as they seemed an oddpair. He was not particularly attractive, nor personable. Also, Junecomplained a lot about him, in particular his tendency to be rude to herand...
SHE LOOKS SO NATURAL By Marina Twelve ?We have a problem Rick,? said my Uncle Will. ?Oh no, what did I do now?? I thought. It was never easy working for family. But If I was going to get a summer job, I had no choice. I was only fifteen, and nobody in town would hire anyone younger than sixteen. It was some stupid local ordinance. So my mother convinced her brother Will, who was the owner of the Wilburn and Barrimore Funeral home, to give me a job. The turnover...
The three cheerleaders are bringing Chris to new highs as they are all now bringing pleasure to themselves. Each girl has two to three fingers buried deep inside of them as they continue their assault on young Chris. Chris now feels herself reaching that wonderful moment of sweet satisfaction. Her body tenses up as she wraps her legs around Jessi and begins to shake with release. She screams out “Yes!!! Yes!!! Ohhhhhh… Yes!!!” A feeling of release starts at her head and makes waves of pleasure...
Flags are bits of colored cloth that governments use first to shrink-wrap people’s minds and then as ceremonial shrouds to bury the dead. Arundhati Roy “Move it along,” the next security officer ordered. The sounds of their ship being torn apart echoed through the short airlock and into the connecting port of the security vessel. Assuming the lead role, Al led the others as they were directed through the airlock and into the ship. “What do you think we’ll—” Xi whispered in...
Carrie, Marjorie, Jerry, and I stayed in the cabin for three more days. On Sunday, we packed up and left. Carrie and I followed Jerry and Marjorie in their rental car to Nashville where we dropped their car off. The four of us then took turns driving straight through to Silver Spring. We figured we could all crash at my condo, and we ended up there about ten o'clock that night. We'd rotated who slept with whom while at the cabin. Jerry was especially accommodating and willing to accept any...
As she opens it, she is taken back by the beauty that stands before her. Dawn is a tall blonde with a great body and currently only wearing a bath robe. Dawn steps forward into the room and closes the door behind her. She then pulls the knot on her robe and reveals her sexy body to Chris. Chris instantly turns as red as a sports car as she takes in the exposed skin and boldness that has presented itself to her. Dawn says that “I heard you through the wall and had to connect a face and body to...
Dear Readers,Thank you for choosing my story. I really hope that you enjoy it and that it brings you a lot of pleasure. When I write my stories, I always like to include the last paragraph from the previous chapter. This is to refresh your memories. Please send me comments about what you think of this story. Hope you enjoy it. Now chapter 2 of Chris's journey…* * * * *Chris slowly reaches down and pulls down her panties and lounge pants to just past her knees. She then lets her hand find its...