A Women's Regime In Canada free porn video

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A Women's Regime in Canada By Katie Dale In the year 2000, I was born into the McDell family. My family was originally from Scotland but had been living in Canada for over a hundred years now. My father moved away when my mother was pregnant with me, and I never saw him. I was raised by my mother, Jill, a successful lawyer, and by my two older sisters ? one five years older than me, and one twin. Those were the years when the new feminist revolution was beginning. Throughout my childhood I witnessed a trend in which women were taking more and more positions that once had been considered "male", and the men in those positions were slowly disappearing. For example, when I was 10 I was rushed to the emergency room with breathing problems. Turned out I had a tough case of pneumonia and spent a week in the hospital. I was surprised that almost all the doctors working in the hospital were women, and the nurses were men! Why, you ask, would this surprise me? After all, this is the society in which I grew up?! The answer to your question is that I was a very smart and intellectual child and read a lot. Most of the novels I read depicted the society typical about forty years earlier, and in my childhood I didn't venture out of the house enough to realize that things were drastically changing. Women were slowly beginning to take more active roles in life for many years now. Of course, even though in the professional and political circles women's roles were changing, in the social circles the changes were a lot more subtle. Women still held the role of the "pursued" in the relationship games; they still dressed attractively and dreamed of handsome men sweeping them off their feet. Even so, the revolution was affecting them somewhat, subconsciously. Many families were beginning to be dominated by the mother instead of the father. Of course I wasn't exposed to this at my home because I grew up in a single parent home. But when I visited my friends I noticed more and more that it was the mother who was making the decisions and the father going along with them? Then one day, a woman named Barbara Lenson published a book called "Womanization". The book described her theory that a female-dominated civilization would be a lot more successful, more efficient and more humane than the present male-dominated one. She had a whole complicated theory, and her ideas began to infiltrate the newspapers, talk shows and just about everyone was talking about it. Most of the men thought she was nuts, while the women were being won over. Many women became "followers" of Lenson, and by her urging, began taking even more active roles in the political and professional scenes. When I was around 12, Barbara Lenson was killed. Apparently, some crazy zealot who opposed her revolutionary philosophies "assassinated" her. Well, that wasn't such a smart move. The dumbo probably thought he was "protecting" men's rights; in actuality, the opposite happened. Women became really angry at this assault on womankind. People began speaking more and more about Lenson's ideas. Two years later, the unbelievable happened. Barbara Lenson's 20-year- old daughter, Catherine, won an election and became Prime Minister of Canada. Her political party, the NWP, which she had created about a month after her mother's death, won an unbelievable majority of seats in both the National parliament as well as the local provincial legislatures. Of course, all her party's representatives were women. An unbelievable 80% of the parliament were women in her party! Of course, she had promised to make improvements to society according to her mother's vision. She claimed that this would improve the lives of both men and women. Well, a few months into her leadership, the changes began. Men were stripped of all kinds of rights claiming that they endangered society. Men could no longer drive cars. Hospitals were urged to fire any remaining male doctors. At the same time, the media was trying to paint a new image of the desired "male". Boys were encouraged to go attend Ballet or Gymnastics lessons. Stuff like that. The amazing thing is that most men didn't really oppose these changes too much. This obviously was apparent by the unbelievable majority that Lenson won in the Parliament ? she wouldn't have won without the men's votes. Apparently, about 80% of women voted for her, and 50% of men. Of course, I don't think she properly thanked those men who voted her in ? a year after her being elected, the Parliament passed a law that removed men's rights to vote, claiming that they weren't responsible enough in making decisions and that only the women should be allowed to do so. Men never voted again. When Lenson had been in power for about half a year, the "reversal-act" was passed. A law was passed "urging" men and boys to take on the roles that for thousands of years had been considered female, and vice-versa. This was to span all areas of life, including physical appearance. Men were now being urged to wear skirts and tights, and women ceased wearing those clothes completely. Men were going to clinics to get muscle reduction surgery and permanent hair removal, while women stopped shaving their legs and armpits and were taking some steroid treatment to build up their muscles. I was devastated by this. The thought of dressing in girls' clothing made me sick. Of course, the government had no way of forcing us men to do this, but they did their best to spread their propaganda. It seemed that most boys didn't oppose the change as much as I did. Schools and anywhere where a dress code could be enforced obviously enforced a skirt-uniform for boys. This law was passed in the summer, however, when I wasn't in school. I was fortunate that I didn't require the muscle-reduction ? I was never much of a muscular boy anyway. But I did go one day to get the hair removal, being convinced by my mother that I would hate having to shave everything everyday. Of course, I never intended on wearing skirts or dresses, and was hoping that people would eventually come to their senses and change things back to the way they were. So I didn't really want to do the hair removal thing. But Mom continued pressuring. She said everyone was doing it, I didn't want to be any different than the others. Besides, for a month the government was providing the service for free ? normally treatment like this costs lots of money. Well, I still wasn't convinced. Then one morning my mother woke me up early. I was so sleepy I didn't realize what was happening. With my sisters' help I was coached into the car, and next thing I knew I was strapped to a hospital bed and a doctor (female, of course) was placing a mask over my face. When I woke up, I was only wearing a flimsy hospital gown, and my body was completely smooth, aside from the hair on my head. I never had body hair again. I was pretty pissed-off, and quickly re-donned my boys' clothes. I was told that my mother was waiting for me outside. When I met her in the parking lot, she patted my cheek and commented on how soft it was. I didn't say a word and just entered the car. A few days later my sisters brought their wardrobes to my room. I was very close in size to my twin sister, and just about all her clothes fit me. Most of my older sister's clothes fit me as well. Not that I had tried any of it on yet, but my sisters claimed they couldn't wear any of their old clothes anymore anyway, so they gave it all to me. They and my mother all bought new clothes. My twin sister Sheila wanted me to give her my clothes, but I was reluctant at first. As the weeks went by, I noticed that there wasn't a single boy on the street anymore wearing pants. Boys' clothes had completely shifted to become what girls used to wear. In fact, it was even more girlish than girls' clothes. Pants were completely gone, unless they were skin-tight spandex leggings or stuff like that. Most of the boys wore skirts or dresses that displayed their newly hairless legs. Shirts were tight and low-cut, short-sleeves or without sleeves at all. Eventually my mother and sisters told me they were embarrassed to be around me when I wore pants. They said that they knew the switch was difficult for me, but they didn't want to be the only ones on the whole block whose son/brother dressed in the old-fashioned way. I was beginning to feel somewhat self-conscious myself, and I felt bad for them being embarrassed by me. That day I helped my sisters carry my old wardrobe up to Sheila's room, and for the first time I wore a skirt. I found a very wide, ankle length navy-blue skirt and wore it with a light-blue button-down top that could have been a boy's except that the buttons were on the wrong side. For the next few days I dressed that way ? very VERY modestly. My mother and sisters tried to be nice and told me that I looked really nice. I felt awful. One day my sister Sheila entered my room with a shopping bag. She said that she had been to the mall ? they were offering to "convert" girl's bathing-suits to fit boys for a very nominal fee, and she took hers and my older sister Michele's bathing-suits over there to get them fixed for me. She said she knew I'd probably never want to wear them, but just in case, she had them done. She left them for me on my bed. (I had noticed her a few days earlier swimming in the pool in our backyard wearing my old swimming trunks, shirtless. I thought I'd never be able to swim again.) When she left my room I looked through the bathing suits. Basically, all that had been done was that two pieces of spandex-cloth had been sewn into the crotch of each bathing suit to allow them to cover a boy's crotch, and in some of them, some of the material had been taken in at the chest. I couldn't believe that I was expected to wear this type of thing. I put them back in the shopping bag and stuffed them in a drawer in my room. About a week later, the temperature was very high. I would have loved to go swimming, but I didn't dare since I knew what I would have to wear. Sheila and Michele were spending almost all day in the pool (in my swimming shorts). A few days went by, and the temperature kept rising. When I was alone at home or in my room, I would lift the long skirt I was wearing up above my knees to allow my legs to cool somewhat. But if anybody were around I wouldn't indulge myself so. I was embarrassed. Sheila came to convince me to give in and go swimming. She told me I was so lucky ? that I was naturally slim and had a body that the other boys would kill for. I should be proud of the way I look and shouldn't be embarrassed. Then she asked me where my bathing suits were. I told her that I wouldn't wear them. She said she didn't expect me to; she just wanted to see them. I opened the drawer and pulled out the bag. She looked through the bag and pulled one out. It was a simple one- piece suit with an open, low-cut back. It was black in color with thin fluorescent-purple horizontal stripes. I remembered that one ? Sheila used to wear it a lot. I always secretly thought that she looked so beautiful in it, and would suddenly get an urge to go swimming myself it I saw her heading for the pool dressed in it. Sheila held up the suit. "See this? It's just a plain old bathing suit. It doesn't look so scary, does it? I used to wear it all the time ? I know that it's very comfortable. You should try it ? I think you'd like it." "Thanks Sheila but I don't think so. It's just too weird." "Look, Jimmy, nobody has to see you in it. But don't you think it's about time you went swimming? This weather's absolutely boiling! You used to spend so much time in the pool ? don't deprive yourself of that pleasure!" "I can't, Sheila." "Jimmy, it'll be just you and me ? I don't have any friends coming over, and Michele's away for the day with friends. Mom's at work. NOBODY will see you in it. But please ? if not for you, do it for me. I just HAVE to go swimming, I'm so hot, but it's boring swimming alone." My heart felt for her ? Sheila and I have always been so close. But I still couldn't do it. "Okay, look, Jimmy, I have an idea. Why don't you put on the bathing suit, and put on a nightgown on top? That way you don't have to feel uncovered." She opened my drawer and pulled out a long T-shirt style nightgown that used to be hers. "Here ? you can wear this on top. Nobody will have to see you in the bathing suit, not even me. Okay? PLEASE, Jimmy!" I took the bathing suit and the nightgown into the washroom. I tried on the bathing suit. I was amazed at how well it fit me. Everything was covered and tucked into the right places. I thought I'd feel more uncovered in it, but somehow, the tightness of the suit made me feel covered and protected. I looked at myself in the mirror and actually thought I looked kind of nice. I definitely looked just as good as the boys modeling these suits on TV and in the newspapers. The thought of finally being able to go swimming was relieving. But I still wasn't ready for a public appearance. I put the nightgown on over the suit. It reached just above my knees. Sheila told me I looked real cute in her nightgown. We went swimming together. It was a lot of fun. We played games together ? we raced, we dived for rings and things, swam through each other's legs, gave each- other rides on our backs, all kinds of stuff like that. At one point I was having so much fun, even though the nightgown was weighing me down and restricting my movement. I said to myself, "what the heck". I took off the nightgown and tossed it onto a chair at the side of the pool. It was a lot easier to swim like this, and I made a mental note that it was actually a lot more comfortable for swimming than the baggy shorts I used to wear. "Wow, Jimmy, you look beautiful. I mean, I always thought you'd look great, but I never thought you'd look THIS good!" At first I felt uneasy and thought about running over to the chair and putting the nightgown back on. But then I saw Sheila's pretty smile, and calmed down. I just smiled back and said "thanks", and swam towards her. The next day I put on a light-green bathing suit that used to be Michele's, and went swimming with both of my sisters. By the end of the week I was wearing normal "girl's" clothes during the day as well. I would wear skirts that reached 8 or 10 centimeters above my knee, and tight shirts or halter-tops. I started wearing training- bras under the shirts. I stopped being embarrassed and began enjoying the way I looked, and the compliments I got. Two weeks later I went swimming wearing a two-piece suit. At the end of the summer, my sisters made a free "Magic Show" for kids sick with cancer. They both wore tuxedos, and I, as their assistant, wore a red sequined leotard. They had spent hours doing my hair and make-up, and painting my nails before the show. The show was a success, and I actually really enjoyed when the two of them handcuffed my hands and feet, blindfolded and gagged me, locked me in a box and pretended to saw me in half. The realization that I was totally helpless, at their mercy, was intoxicating. I thought of the magic shows I had seen as a kid, when the beautiful blond female assistant would have this role, and how I used to enjoy those shows and ogle at the beautiful girls. Now, the thought of people looking at me thinking the same thoughts, well, let's just say, was quite arousing. I was lucky that the tight leotard held everything in place. I was sorry when the box was opened and I was set free. When we got home, I asked them to do it again. This time, they did it much more carefully. I wore a small two-piece bikini bathing suit. I tried to resist them ? all part of the game, but of course, they easily overpowered me. Each of my wrists was bound behind my back to an elbow, with my arms bent at 90-degree angles. A thin metal bar was also attached to my wrists to prevent them from sliding away from my elbows, towards the middle. My sisters said they preferred tying my hands this way so that they'd always have free view of my butt. My ankles were tied together, then my knees, and then my legs were bent backwards until my heels were touching my thighs. Ropes permanently secured everything in place. They forced my mouth open and stuffed it with a ball-gag, which was securely fastened behind my head. I felt totally helpless ? it was amazing! All this was done by my two sisters and two of their female friends, with my mother and my aunt and her daughters watching. One of her daughters was constantly taking pictures with a digital camera. She was a real computer whiz ? I knew that in no time at all, my pictures would be broadcast all over the world on the internet. Of course, there was no way to prevent this. I could see them all watching, enjoying, and that just made me enjoy more. Now that I was totally helpless and immobile, all the members of the audience were invited up, one by one, to get some "enjoyment" out of me. The rule my sisters made was that nobody was allowed to touch me in any of my private parts, but anything else, anywhere else, was okay. I was touched and tickled and kissed. And even though they weren't supposed to, some of them sneaked little feels or pinches of my butt. I didn't mind ? it was all so fun! Finally, I was blindfolded and placed inside a cloth sack, which was tied on top. Then I felt myself being lifted inside some kind of crate. The lid was placed on top and nailed on. I don't know how long I've been inside the crate now ? I have absolutely no way of knowing. Maybe it's been five, ten minutes. Maybe more. The suspense ? not knowing how long they're going to leave me in here, just makes me enjoy more. In the meantime I've been thinking over the whole story of how I got here, writing the story down in my mind, so that I can commit it to writing when I'm finally freed. It's so hard to believe that at one time I was so convinced that I didn't want to wear girls' clothes!!! Oh, I hear someone trying to pry open the lid of the crate. I guess my fun's coming to an end for now. Oh well. I hope they'll do it again soon? Thanks, dear old Barbara Lenson! Rest in peace! The End

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Fishing in Canada

Since my husband and I both enjoy fishing, we checked the WEB for somewhere to go this summer.  North Carolina has some nice lakes but decided we wanted something more exciting where a person can catch fish in clean waters.  A friend of my husband who belongs to a sportsman club suggested we check into fishing in Canada where many lakes are loaded with fish.  He suggested an area in upper Ontario where they will fly people into a lake for a week.  We checked their website and decided that was...

2 years ago
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Our New Friends From Canada

My wife was very horny. We had been drinking a few and she was getting high and, when that happens, she gets horny. She had called up our friend Ken to ask him to come and fuck her, but he had company, so he couldn't get away. Boy was she was pissed at him! Generally, he visited a couple of times a week to fuck her and have her suck his cock, as his wife didn't take care of him any more. He had been fucking my wife for several years now and we generally had a good time, both of us fucking her...

Wife Lovers
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One Night in Canada

I was bored with the book I was reading and decided to take a look out of my hotel room's one and only window.  This wasn't one of Victoria's "view" hotels and, admittedly, not one of its better neighborhoods.  The only view I got was of the low-key drug dealing and hustling taking place in front of the convenience store across the street.I heard some fumbling with the outside door before it opened and my daughter, Brenda, came breezing in.  Brenda never just "walks in" anywhere; years of...

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BDSM With Married Punjabi Girl In Canada

Hi, this is Saurabh, bringing you another romantic story of a loving husband and wife who were settled in Canada. It was an arranged marriage and the couple fell in love eventually after a few months. This is the story of Neeshu and Amardeep who moved to Victoria, British Columbia. It is one of the most beautiful places on earth to live – just like Bollywood movies scenes with perfect weather, nice friendly environment and awesome places to visit. Neeshu got admissions at a University in the...

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Virgin Indian Girl Fucked In Canada

Hi readers, first of all, I am Krishan and I am going to narrate an incident that took place 2 weeks back. Getting to the sizes, I am 5″9 and have a 6-inch long dick. I have been born and brought up in UAE. I had an idea of how Indian women from different parts of India looked like. Getting to the story, I am doing my MS in Canada and having joined for the May intake, the number of rooms at the university accommodation were very few. I was given a room which had to be shared with another...

2 years ago
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Fucked My First Goddess In Canada

Hey, I am Khush currently from Chandigarh 5 8” and 25 years old with a great build. Girls can contact me at . This is my first submission on ISS, so please excuse me and enjoy the venture. So I recently visited Canada and stayed there for 1.5 years. I was really excited to explore the awesome country mainly the GTA region as everyone knows how lovely the summertime is. After knowing the surrounding for a while our long awaiting reading week came. I and my friend Karan are really excited to just...

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Surrey BC Canada

I met a hottie in Surrey BC Canada. She had a hot body and double D round tits and a nice body about 5'5.We took a blanket with us to Green Timber Park.She was so horny and such a nice bog clit and pussy lips which I licked and sucked for about 30 minutes until she squirted her juice.I put on a condom and fucker her doggie style and a few other ways for about 20 mins until she cam again.I had her slide onto my cock and ride me so hard she must have come 2- 3 times and her cunt was dripping so...

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A girl from Canada

Hi all the readrs. I am Shareey (my nick) from Lahore the gr8.I am submitting my story 4 the first time here.Its all true coz at lahore any thing can happen cool people live here.Before starting my story let me give u an intro of myself.I am 18 of age fair color my friends say that I am cute,5 feet 9 inch height n Have a 7″ junior .Here my story starts I think I should write in urdu coz it will be more enjoyable.My Lahore main jis area my rahata ho its really a beautiful place it have a jogging...

3 years ago
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Jaq Invites Friend From Canada

 Before the pandemic began, Jaq decided to invite a friend from Lush to stay. We had been friends with Victor for a few years; he was always the perfect gentleman, and Jaq wanted us to meet him. Victor lived in Canada, a lengthy plane journey to the UK. Arrangements were made and Victor was going to visit us here in London. Victor would stay with us for three days before setting off to explore other areas of the country.Victor was due in to Heathrow airport at seven in the evening, and Jaq...

Strap-On Sex
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Masishen EvolutionChapter 17 Escape to Canada

Governor Sandra "Sadie" McConklin of Washington spoke softly to the uniformed officers seated in her office. The grim expression on her face and the uncomfortable looks on theirs betrayed the serious subject of their conversation. "General, is there any possibility that you could be relieved of command by anyone outside my authority? As I understand it, this is the State of Washington National Guard, is it not? "Governor, normally I would say no, but these are extraordinary times. The...

1 year ago
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Layover in Canada

My name is Kristyll and I'm an average girl, not beautiful but not hard to look at either and I work for an International software company and do a lot of traveling for the company. I do software presentations and also teach classes for our buyers on the how too of using our software. I'm in Canada, having just finished giving a presentation and boarded my plane to go home. It was snowing quite a bit when I boarded at four in the afternoon and made my way to my seat. Already seated was a...

3 years ago
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Womens sex wrestling Part 1

“Ten...more, nine...more, eight...more,” she counted down as she hit the bag, her hits becoming irregular and misplaced. As she counted a breathless “...one...more!” She punched the bag with all her might, sending it swinging and putting her off-balance. A smile played across her lips as she hung on the bag, sweating and breathless. She held the bag for a few minutes, regaining her composure. As she started to cool down, she started shivering due to the cold sweat dripping from her body. The...

4 years ago
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Womens Prison register

Womens Prison RegistERBy Wicked WardenessSTATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONSFlorida Women’s Correctional Institute - StarkeINTRODUCTIONAn enactment by the Florida Legislature in 2104 entitled the “Correctional Reform Act of 2104” revolutionized and automated the intake, incarceration, care, employment, maintenance and in appropriate cases, execution of prisoners. As Warden of FWCI-Starke, I was instrumental in the drafting of this legislation as it applies to our women prisoners. I am...

2 years ago
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Discipline Regime in 2040

Martha winced as she looked across the road and saw the sign above the front door, “Discipline Centre,” and looked down at the letter in her hand which ordered her to attend the Discipline  Centre. Martha was sixty-six-years-old and should’ve known better, but had been caught not just once, but twice, smoking in a public area where there was a large sign that said clearly said, ‘No Smoking.’ Today was ladies correction day, and all the police officers were women. However, much to Martha’s...

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Oberst Mehmet Fhagaddi saß in einem Residierzimmer des Regierungskomplexes, als die Geheimdienstleute das Mädchen herein führten. Er lächelte leicht selbstgefällig. Das konnte er nicht unterdrücken, denn innerlich grinste er breit. Darauf hatte er sich schon die ganze Woche gefreut! "Hier ist sie!" sprach der Geheimdienstoffizier und fügte noch schnell ein "... Herr Oberst" dazu. "Vielen Dank" winkte der Diktator lässig ab. Zwei seiner Leibwächter übernahmen das in Handschellen geführte...

4 years ago
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Training Regime

I spent eight years in the military after high school. I had made it thru Ranger school in the top five percent. Because of graduating so high, I had the opportunity to go through Navy Seals training. Only a few Army guys got the opportunity, so I jumped at it. I was a strong swimmer in high school and was all-State. I made it through the training and graduated. After my time was up, I got out and used my GI bill to get a degree in teaching. At my first high school, I also became the swim...

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My 19 year old sister has some workout regime

For years now, I have been attracted to my younger sister. It’s not only her gorgeous looks but she is so warm and just a great person to be around. I think she feels the same attraction to me as we always have a great time together. As we have grown older, our sexual feelings have become more bold and stMikeger. I’m the 28 year old brother of a beautiful 19 year old sandy blonde haired sister. My name is Mike and Michelle is my sexy little teenage sister. I'm about 5' 10", well built, light...

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Sexual Shenanigans of the Trump Regime Candace Owens and Erin Perrine

Matthew Pottinger did just as he was told, running his hands up and down Candace Owen’s voluptuous body, caressing her ebony skin, squeezing her meaty breasts, and stroking her big, round ass while she writhed and squirmed. “Candace” – pretty name, pretty girl. Built like a brick house. Real hot body. Big, tall, and busty. 5’ 5”. 135lbs. 33-26-34. DD cup. Smooth ebony skin. Long, thick, curly black hair glistened with mousse. Leggy. Big, firm tits. Full, round ass. Dressed nice and slutty....

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Sexual Shenanigans of the Trump Regime Darkening Lindsay Walterss Alley

I’m cursing in my thoughts. “Where the fuck is she?” I’m hidden in a dark alley and wait for that pretty former Deputy Press Secretary to come walking through. I’m anxious as hell as I hold the garrote in my right hand. I need to have her tonight. I’ve studied Lindsay’s schedule and habits over the last few weeks; she always takes this shortcut in Friday nights. As I think of this, I hear brisk walking. Peeking from the dark corner, I see her coming towards me, dressed in skinny pants and a...

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Another Sexual Shenanigans of the Trump Regime

Mike Pompeo arrived in Beijing on a special kind of vacation reserved to the men of his status and connections, which needless to say were numerous and well maintained. The purpose of the trip to the capital of China was to see several women hang by the neck until dead, women sentenced to die on gallows for drug trafficking. Pompeo, being a man of spiritual, as well as physical exploration, took interest in Mainland hangings, for one of his friends , Peter Navarro, had already gone to China...

4 years ago
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Sexual Shenanigans of Boris Johnsons Regime Matt Hancock

I, Oliver Tress, considered myself to be a good lover and she agreed. Nevertheless; she had had numerous affairs and she had left me several times for other guys. She eventually would grow tired of them or the other way around and she would return to me begging for forgiveness and I would always take her back. Why did I take her back? Because in bed; she could bat your balls right out of the park. You know what I mean. Gina loved to drink and party. It didn't take much booze to really get...

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Sexy Shenanigans of the Trump Regime Hope Hicks

Light sparkled from the huge chandelier and reflected from the thousands of diamonds encrusting the women in attendance. While an orchestra played softly from one corner of the room, tuxedo clad waiters with white gloves circulated silver trays of champagne and caviar. A small circle of Cabinet members talked quietly with the President. A long string of black limousines was still pulling up outside and passes were being checked against the guest list. Suddenly there was a perceptible pause...

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Sexual Shenanigans of the Trump Regime Tomi Lahren

"Here is another one for you," the man said pushing the young girl into the White House bunker. “Another traitor from the street, totally useless, but will bring us something.” “Maybe," said the woman. “She is very young.” “The younger the better," said the woman with a smile. “Shame she isn’t a virgin, madam. Our clients like virgins too." The woman by the name of Marsha Blackburn looked the girl over. She was young, in her twenties, with small well-formed breasts, blonde...

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Come one, come all and take a ride upon the TransBike and Pedal your troubles away Upon seeing the sign in the shop window, an elderly man in a wheelchair approached the Dapper Gentleman. "Greetings my good man, how may I help you this fine day?" "Mister, does that bike actually work as you claim?" "I give you my word kind sir." "What do you charge for your service and what exactly is it?" "Kind sir, my TransBike will give you the body that you seek." "But how is...

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Michael phillips in Canada

Michael Phillips is a C.F.O. of Phillips Investment Group LLC. He is always on the lookout for new investments to add to his impressive portfolio. Reuters reported sizable returns of those investing in the Canadian oil sands. Michael chartered a plane for Edmonton. Once there he immediately left for Fort McMurray to collect the particulars on the oil sand operation. After several hours of meetings, Michael began the long trip back to Edmonton. Arriving at the hotel Selkirk, he went to the...

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Womens Club by loyalsock

The meeting of Conway Street Masturbation Club was just about ready to come to order as President Teddi Graves called for order, "Okay ladies, let's quiet down and get ready for business!!!" The twelve naked females between the ages of 26 and 58 all sat down and waited for Teddi to start the meeting! "It looks like were all here," she began while surveying the crowd, "I guess everybody has the "itch" today!!!" A titter of laughter rolled across the room as the women looked sheepishly at one...

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Karens new exercise regime0

“Ah! … Ah! Yes”, she stammered. “However, it hasn’t been used for ages. I’m not sure what conditions it is in”, she said. The doctor finished closing the file on her. “What about your husband, surely he can check the bike out and if not there are a number of bike stores that could assist you there”, he concluded as he got up to escort her to the door. She thanked him but as she drove home the thought that circulated in her mind was ‘would her husband take an interest in getting her onto a...

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The Man from the Regiment

THE MAN FROM THE REGIMENT. Mark d'Olivera wasn't the sort of man that anyone would notice. He wasn't very tall, or big, or loud in his speech but he had a certain something about him that the Stock twins found appealing. More so Sue than her sister Sam, who never liked to be called Samantha. They worked in the village pub where for a while Mark became a fairly regular patron. His unwillingness to talk about himself to them they put down to a shyness with women and at one stage...

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Regimental Slut

Regimental Slut by Tegeli CHAPTER 1 The sprinkler in the ceiling of my tiny cell came to life. My legs wobbled as I pushed myself against the wall, so I could stand. Even though my empty stomach ached, I forced myself to gulp down the water pouring on my face. After the three days in the cell, the floor didn't have anything to clean into the sinkhole. Instead, I washed my naked body as well as I could, before the flow of the water ceased. I collapsed on the the wet metal of...

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Brigitte Lindholms Training Regimen Ch 02

From behind her, she could hear numerous bodies sliding their way into the practice ring-turned-venue for Brigitte’s publicly humiliating comeuppance. Sounds of animalistic grunts flooded the cramped space as an innumerable amount of village men lining up to have their recompense tousled over the order of the queue. Brigitte began flipping back through the rolodex of her memory to try and tally up the number of limps, bruises, and bloody noses she had caused over the past week. In an attempt...

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Brigitte Lindholms Training Regimen

“Kom igen, hit back! They’re not going to go easy on me while I’m out there fighting beside Reinhardt..” she whined across the her sparring partner on the other side of the ring. “..besides, I could use the stress relief.” Opting instead to not wait for any kind of answer, the toned, muscular Swede pushed a lock of umber hair from her sweat-beaded, ruddy, freckled face and returned her guard in front of her. Quickstepping into striking range, she delivered a pair of of haymakers to her...

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