Haitian Americans in Canada
- 3 years ago
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My name is Samuel Xavier. A big and tall young Black man of Haitian descent living in the city of Ottawa, Canada. I’m twenty four years old, and hold a degree in Criminal Justice from the University of Massachusetts in Boston. I miss my old hometown of Brockton, Massachusetts. It’s the most diverse town in the world. A place where African-Americans, Asians, Hispanics and Middle-Easterners can all feel at home. People of color make up fifty two percent of the city’s one-hundred-thousand-person population. And I liked it. My sweet Brockton. Unfortunately, I had to leave. Now, for reasons too complex to explain here, I’ve moved to Ottawa, Canada. And I’ve been homesick for Brockton ever since.
Canadians are such a bunch of hypocrites. They’re more racist than the Americans, yet they portray themselves as a safe haven for Africans, Hispanics and Asians fleeing from religious or political persecution in their homelands. Racist Americans don’t hide their bigotry. They flaunt it. Ever watch Fox News? Then you know what I’m talking about. In America, the racists, both male and female, are crawling out of the woodwork. I guess the fact that in about twenty or so years, white people will become minorities in America has got many Caucasians feeling nervous. Personally, I don’t give a fuck. I’ve always lived in a racially diverse town. Yet I’ve also seen a ton of racism and special treatment based on the pallor of one’s skin tone. Certain professions, such as police work, seem to attract the racists in droves. Strange, huh?
The Black people I met in Canada are a strange bunch. Take my cousin Valencia for example. This tall, curvy and big-bottomed, dark-skinned Black chick is a law student at the University of Ottawa. Her parents are Haitian and although she was born in Canada, she considers herself Haitian. I don’t know why. She thinks exactly the way a white chick thinks. She even has that airhead personality so many white chicks have. Oh, and she’s a racist. What kind of racist? The kind that hates their own. Yeah, my cousin Valencia doesn’t like other black people. Especially Somalians. The Somalians are a group of black people from the continent of Africa who’ve become rather infamous in Canada. More specifically in the Ontario region. According to Valencia, they’re all bad guys. Wow. Talk about racial profiling. A group of black people are being discriminated against by a black woman who really should know better. When I think of racial profiling, I envision some white guy or some white chick who thinks all black people are bad news. I never think of bigoted black people who have been brainwashed into thinking of other blacks as bad news as well. You learn something new every fucking day in this world.
Now I’m starting to understand why we can’t advance as a people. America has a strong Black man serving as the forty-fourth President of the United States. The Republic of Canada’s Governor-General, a person with more power than the Prime Minister, happens to be a black woman. Yet black men and black women in both America and Canada can’t seem to get their shit together. We should unite, damn it. Black men and black women everywhere should show each other more love and appreciation. We go through a lot together. What we endure, outsiders can’t truly understand. Regardless of how much they profess to be our friends or our lovers. A white woman married to a black man can’t understand or relate to the evils of racism which plague his everyday life. A white man married to a black woman can’t understand what she goes through as a woman or as a black person. The outsiders can sympathize but they can never empathize. It’s a hard truth and they have to live with it.
My uncle Wilson is a Haitian guy who came to the Republic of Canada as a young man and made the most of the opportunities he found. He has an MBA from the University of Ottawa and now works for a major corporation. He’s really a brilliant guy and he’s a cool dude. Unfortunately, he’s very unlucky in love. He married what he thought was a sweet gal from Haiti, the lovely yet pernicious Nadya. Such a lovely young black woman she was. Unfortunately, she was also insane. Once they got hitched and he moved in with her in Ottawa, she revealed her crazy side. Poor Uncle Wilson had to divorce the witch in order to save his skin. Years later, he repeated the same mistake. This time with a white woman. Uncle Wilson married a plump, blonde-haired and blue-eyed white woman. Her name was Mary. My poor Uncle Wilson thought he hit the jackpot. Unfortunately, Mary was just as bad as Nadya was, if not worse. A lot of black guys who’ve been burned in relationships with black women turn to white women for solace. Personally, I think that’s ridiculous. Women are wicked and insane regardless of their skin color. Trust me on that one. Anyone with sense knows they can’t be fully trusted. Uncle Wilson quickly discovered that Mary, his sweet white chick, was actually a devil in disguise. She constantly belittles him and mocks him even though he’s been a good hubby to her and a good dad to their three brats. By the way, she’s a lazy housewife who does nothing all day while he toils away in a corporation to pay for everything she buys. How cool is that?
Personally, I find that quite funny. Why do so many black men and black women date interracially for all the wrong reasons? Now, don’t get me wrong. If you’re a black man or black woman who’s found love with a white person ( or a person of any other race ) who loves you back, then go for it. True love is rare in this world. However, don’t date outside of your race because you feel men and women of your race have let you down. Last time I checked, every race has their nice guys and their jerks. Can’t have one without the other. Call it equilibrium. The black man who dates white women because he finds black women too difficult will eventually encounter a mean white chick who makes the worst shrew in the black community look tame by comparison. Same goes for the black woman who chooses to date Wellington because she thinks he will automatically treat her better than Jamal would. She might be in for a rude awakening. Wellington might turn out to be a serial killer. Just some food for thought.
When it comes to romance, my preference has always been for tall, dark-skinned and big-bottomed, downright sexy Black women. Think Serena Williams, Queen Latifah and Pam Grier. Occasionally, I’ve felt a certain attraction to tall, dark-skinned and muscular Black studs. Think Wesley Snipes and Tyson Beckford. What can I say? I’m bisexual. And I love black men and black women. I’ve never truly felt attracted to outsiders. To me, attraction isn’t merely sexual. There’s a psychological and social element to it as well. When walking down the street, I get funny looks from people, especially white people, because I’m a big and tall black man. They give me a fake smile, stare straight ahead or avert their eyes when they see me coming. How can I date a white woman or a white man if that’s how they look at me? The answer is simple. I don’t date them. I don’t sleep with them. They see me as a potential menace to society rather than a real human being. Simply because I’m black. Wow. Yet many of them secretly fetishize men like myself and crave us. I’ve lost count of how many nerdy gay white guys and curious white chicks have come onto me during my college days. I said no to all of them. Thanks but no thanks. I like my women and my men just the way I like my coffee. Hot and black.
I’ve left the city of Brockton, possibly forever. I doubt I’ll ever return. I will miss New England, though. Canada is my new home now. I’m thinking of working for the police department in the city of Ottawa. It can’t hurt to have more black men as police officers out there. Might bring a sort of social balance to the racially biased and mostly white police force. White cops can’t understand the problems facing people of color in Canada or anywhere else in the world for that matter. Black cops can. Simply being who and what I
am might make me better suited to certain tasks than some white guy who’s never experienced social mistreatment in his life. I’d love to work for a certain civilian agency which holds Canadian police officers accountable. The Special Investigations Unit. They keep bigoted cops on their toes, or at least try. I think I can be a big help to them. I’ve known good cops, both black and white. And I’ve also known racist cops who are a disgrace to the uniform. Someone needs to keep them in check. Someday, that will be my job. I’m taking over Canada, people. Wish me luck.
The first time I laid eyes on her, I knew she was something special. Who am I talking about? This tall young Black woman I saw walking out of this quaint Haitian restaurant near downtown Toronto. She was around five-foot-ten, with long Black hair, medium brown skin and a delightfully curvy body. Hot damn. The gal had a cute face, voluptuous body and a big booty. And she looked really good in a red silk shirt, blue jeans and tennis shoes. I just had to say something to her. My reaction to her...
There are those out there who think gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transsexuals don’t exist in the Haitian community. Well, I’m here to tell you once and for all that it is a lie. My name is Stephen Yvens Fils-Aime and I am a student-athlete at the Plymouth County Institute of Technology in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. The tale that I am about to share with you involves me and some of my fellow Haitians who happen to be gay, lesbian, transsexual and bisexual. As a community, Haitians are...
The power of anger is something no one should underestimate. It grabs hold of you and won’t let go. And it affects you long after the feeling has abated. Whether you’re male or female, Black or White, Straight, Bisexual or Gay. Trust me. This is something I learned the hard way. My name is Bernard Lamont. A big and tall Black man of Haitian descent living in the city of Toronto, Ontario. I’m a student at the University of Toronto, majoring in Criminal Justice. Oh, and I’m Bisexual. Life sucks...
Introduction: Batwoman goes in search of Selina Kyle aka Catwoman, only to find her fill-in, Holly Robinson. It was all going so well. A simple looting of a rich persons home of a few baubles, and what not. Yep, everything was going so well until she found herself blacking out from something hitting her. She groaned as she came to, her vision blurry as she looked around. Where am I? she groaned, then tried to move only to find herself hanging from the ceiling and shackled thoroughly. ouuuhhh…...
She groaned as she came to, her vision blurry as she looked around. "Where am I?" she groaned, then tried to move only to find herself hanging from the ceiling and shackled thoroughly. "ouuuhhh..." she groaned in pain. "As to the where, you're in an adult toy factory. As for the why, because I saw you and decided you might be the one person that can give me what I want." Stepping from behind the hanging woman, Batwoman let the fingers of her left hand trace Holly's right thigh...
The heat of the Haitian summer hit the American woman as soon as the plane doorway was opened. As she stepped out onto the top of the airplane steps it wasn't just the heat but the dust that assailed her. Desperately she tried to fan this away and have a look around. At the foot of the steps was a gaggle of people awaiting her. She was pleased to see at least two TV cameras. This aid effort she was headlining needed all the publicity it could garner. She looked around the rest of the...
Oliver Desparu was dumb. This was partly due to the fact that there was little schooling in Haiti, but mostly because he was born a dumb-ass. Though dumb Oliver was big, and it was this size that made one of the low-life criminal gangs that controlled much of Port-au-Prince come a-calling. For much of his teenage years Oliver provided muscle to a gang called the Rouge Bears. Controlling their part of the Haitian capital was more appealing in theory than reality. Port-au-Prince was riven...
The name is Lucien Bardeaux. I am a young Haitian-American law enforcement professional in the state of Texas. I make my living as a Border Patrol Agent. Recently, I’ve had an epiphany. I ran into this brave, fiery Mexican woman as she was crossing the border with her family. They told me they were fleeing a vengeful Mexican criminal overlord whom they had wronged and were desperate to escape from. Their story touched my heart. Thus, I allowed Marisol and her mother Elena to take refuge at my...
There is nothing quite like the feeling I get when I accomplish something. As the valedictorian of my graduating class at Mansfield University in Mansfield, Massachusetts, I have quite a lot to be proud of. For starters, I am the first black male valedictorian the school had ever seen. Not once in its two-hundred-year history has a black person achieved what I’ve done. I choose to think of myself as a myth buster and record breaker. A young Haitian-American man with talent and a good head on...
"Ugghhhhh!" gasped Jennifer Love Hewitt as another bucket of ice-cold water was hurled at her naked body. "It's freakin' freezing!" shrieked Debbie Freeman, the blonde woman next to her. Like Jennifer, Debbie was also naked. Though her body borne witness to the repeated gang-banging she'd just endured. "Stop whining, bitches!" sneered Renard as the big black waited impatiently for another bucket to be filled, "I can see how hard your titties are getting. This is making you hot,...
The name is Stephen Joseph Magloire. My friends call me Stevie. I’m a big and tall young Black man of Haitian descent living in the city of Toronto, province of Ontario. I recently moved there from the city of Brockton, Massachusetts. I find myself missing my old hometown of Brockton more and more. There is no city like the city of champions, folks. You see, I don’t like Canada. And I am really pissed that they beat the U.S. in Men’s and Women’s Hockey in the 2010 Olympics. If we had beaten...
Man, I sometimes wonder why so many Black men out there are into chasing White women. Seriously. I find White women uptight, annoying and quite frankly I find them all kind of fake. In the city of Ottawa in Ontario, they seem stunned to meet a Black man who prefers Black women. I think that has to do with the fact that almost every other Black male in the city is into them White bitches. What the fuck? I’m not a sell-out and never will be. My name is Stephen Vincent and I am a Black man of...
I come home after a long day. Home sweet home. Big and empty. Exactly as I like it. I lie down on my king-sized bed, and finally exhale. God, I needed that. It’s not easy being a big and tall Black guy in the City of Ottawa, Province of Ontario. People stare at you so much sometimes you wonder if you’re an alien. And it’s not just Caucasians doing the staring. East Asians, North American Indians and Arabs stare at my Black ass too. I thought they were minorities too but go figure. Anyhow, I try...
This story uses characters owned by Warner Bros./DC Comics. They are used here strictly in a not for profit fan story meant for readers enjoyment. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the authors are given credit. CATWOMAN AND BATMAN - THE WAGER by Eric and Steve Zink Part 1 Catwoman walked in to her meeting with Batman. It was hardly surprising that she moved with such a feline grace. Selina enjoyed Batman's admiration, and she smiled...
Since my husband and I both enjoy fishing, we checked the WEB for somewhere to go this summer. North Carolina has some nice lakes but decided we wanted something more exciting where a person can catch fish in clean waters. A friend of my husband who belongs to a sportsman club suggested we check into fishing in Canada where many lakes are loaded with fish. He suggested an area in upper Ontario where they will fly people into a lake for a week. We checked their website and decided that was...
ExhibitionismThe name is Samuel Xavier. A big and tall, openly bisexual young Black man of Haitian descent who has lived in the city of Brockton, Massachusetts, for a decade. I’m heading to Canada in a few days. I’ll stop by Buffalo first to get some things squared away. I’m glad to be leaving the city of Brockton. My once-beloved city has begun to disgust me. The racism of the city’s white men and white women, especially the civil servants ( librarians, police officers and teachers) is appalling. Also...
It was my first visit to Canada. That year I had dropped from school because of my swimming activities. Actually, I was away from my school participating at National Level at a very critical time in the school. My studies were affected and I was not really prepared for the eleventh-grade board examination. School had considered my contribution to sports at National Level and helped me to arrange my examination following year. That left me almost whole year free of attending the school, that’s...
ExhibitionismThis is a true story and happened a few years ago when I was visiting my family in Canada. It was on a cold Saturday night, I was having my after-dinner coffee, when my cousin Jona asked me if I would like to check out the bars and clubs. I had already been staying for ten days with his family and so far we just did the ordinary tourist stuff. Jona is 8 years older than I am, making him a fit 44-year-old man. He moved to Canada a couple of years ago for his work. He e-mailed me asking if I...
MasturbationThe pilot has just said we're about to land in Canada, finally. I'm flying to Canada from Australia to spend Christmas with a girl I've been talking to on the internet for the past 6 years. I'm a little nervous to meet her, she's absolutely gorgeous; she has blonde hair just past her shoulders, beautiful green eyes, and an amazing body and is 20 years old. I'm really looking forward to having Christmas with Melissa - that's her name - and her family. We had an online relationship a while back,...
Love StoriesA Women's Regime in Canada By Katie Dale In the year 2000, I was born into the McDell family. My family was originally from Scotland but had been living in Canada for over a hundred years now. My father moved away when my mother was pregnant with me, and I never saw him. I was raised by my mother, Jill, a successful lawyer, and by my two older sisters ? one five years older than me, and one twin. Those were the years when the new feminist revolution was beginning....
Introduction: Batwoman returning back to Hollys loft from patrol beliving trhe woman is asleep is in for a rude awakening. It had been a long night and an even longer patrol, and Kate was drained. Slipping into the window quietly to find her Holly fast asleep, Batwoman moved quietly for the chair and started to get undressed. Removing the belt with practiced ease, she then took off the cape before she removed the gloves and boots…, only then placing her hands on the dresser and lowering her...
Journal of Samuel (Samantha) Waterman January 1; I'm thirteen and thought I would start this journal. I ain't much at writing but I'll give it a try. I think it will be cool. I know boys don't keep a diary so I'm calling it a journal besides it sounds more grown up than a sissy diary. And this way when I tell my grandchildren my tales of youth, like grandpa does, I can say, "see its right here in my journal." Not much happened today, no school. So I thought I'd start this journal,...
Holly crept up behind Kate with instinctive ease, then like some guard dog she bit on Kate's cunt then chewed playfully on her flesh through her latex while her hands shot forward, and grabbed Kate's tits. She let out a deep, long moan that resonated through the latex into Kate's cunt as latex covered flesh muffled it. She couldn't resist Kate's succulent position one moment, and she wanted some of that sweet pussy so badly! "Ahhhhhhhhhhh...., uuuhhhhh....,...
Mandy's sickest stories - Mandy reloadedAuthor: SickoChickMandyAuthor's email: mandydarkfantasies [at] gmail [dot] comTags: F/f, torture, snuff, feet, nc, cannibalismProofread by EmmaPNote, that English is not my native language, so my writing will surely have many grammatical and syntax errors just as improper usage of expressions. I can only hope someone will still find it exciting. Be aware, this is graphic, brutal and extreme. I read it after writing and scared of myself.DisclaimerThis...
“You may want to sit down son.” Officer Stewart said. “What’s going on, Jeff tell me what’s going on?” I questioned “Listen David, it’s your mother. She is dead.” Jeff said “What, how?” I asked with tears swelling in my eyes. “She was hit by a car.” He said “Oh god… Get out.” I said because I needed to be alone. I had no idea that this depression I had suddenly developed would make me the happiest I had ever been. It all started when I decided to pack up and move to...
As I walked out of the shower into the bed room, I still couldn’t quite believe that it was really happening. Just a hand full of hours ago I had been in England, now here I was in Canada getting ready to see Heather. We had met on Lush a few years ago and had spent many free hours chatting about whatever was going on in our lives at the time, and a more than a few hours fooling around. Over the years we had become very good friends and had decided that if ever there was an opportunity we would...
The pilot has just said we’re about to land in Canada, finally. I’m flying to Canada from Australia to spend Christmas with a girl I’ve been talking to on the internet for the past 6 years. I’m a little nervous to meet her, she’s absolutely gorgeous, she has blonde hair just past her shoulders, beautiful green eyes, and an amazing body and is 20 years old. I’m really looking forward to having Christmas with Melissa – that’s her name – and her family. We had an online relationship a while...
We'd been dating for awhile now. I knew you were from Canada, Newfoundland specifically. I of course had acted as if I knew exactly where that was. I have to admit geography was not my strongest subject in school or in life. I had to go home and look it up on the map. There it was. Keep going through Maine, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and then across open ocean leading to Newfoundland. We had our first Christmas together and then you were returning home to Canada for a visit. I was pleased and...
Oral SexAs I walked out of the shower into the bed room, I still couldn’t quite believe that it was really happening. Just a hand full of hours ago I had been in England, now here I was in Canada getting ready to see Heather. We had met on Lush a few years ago and had spent many free hours chatting about whatever was going on in our lives at the time, and a more than a few hours fooling around.Over the years we had become very good friends and had decided that if ever there was an opportunity we would...
Straight SexHi readers, I am Prasanth, age 35. I have 6 feet in height and 85 kg weight. I moved to Canada from south India before the pandemic. When I came here, I thought finding girls would be so easy and I can fuck a lot. But things here were too hard. Only singles got all. As a married man, I didn’t get any. So I joined all dating apps and websites. A few months later, I got a response from one website. Her name was Afreen. She was the same age as me. She was married and was a Pakistani wife living in...
The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics/Warner Bros. It is written as a fanfic parody story not intended to make any use of actual story lines in published books. The story is purely for fun, with no profit to be made by the author. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the author is given proper credit. I would really love to hear any comments you'd like to send me. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy it! I wrote a story a few years...
I want to share some events that happened on our honeymoon trip to Haiti ten years ago and our bizarre encounter with the world of voodoo. The resort we visited was practically empty and after spending the first few days in our suite doing what most newlyweds do we ventured out to explore the island. During those first few days I discovered that my beautiful bride, Toni, had a powerful sex drive and seemed determined to make up for all those years of being a good girl. To be perfectly honest,...
Though her mouth was constrained by her gag Jennifer was still able to emit an impressive shriek as the big black slumped down on top of her, his dead fingers pulling her knickers away just enough for the sensation of cool night air to caress her pussy. His head flumped down onto her shoulder, dead drool sickening her. Though she closed her eyes and looked away the feeling of blood – warm and sticky – permeated her torn nightdress and touched her bare skin. "Stop the car!" yelled a...
There was something in there that stirred feelings of dread within Jennifer's heaving bosom. Instinctively she backed away. "Seize her!" screeched Touissant, "Tie her!" From behind her two big black men grabbed her slender wrists and hauled Jennifer over to where two large wooden stakes a few feet apart had been driven into the earth. Too enfeebled and frightened to struggle Jennifer watched as her wrists were securely restrained by manacles dangling from the top of the...
Kathy was content. She was engaged to the perfect guy, she had the perfect job on the horizon, and she lived in the most perfect part of the world. She was happy, healthy, and looking forward to the years ahead of her. Kathy lived in Hawaii, had been born there as a matter of fact. Her parents were well off, her dad worked for the FAA as a supervisor at the Honolulu Center, the agency that directs all the air traffic into and out of Hawaii. His annual salary exceeded 150K per year, not...
At the 20-year reunion for the Class of 1984 at Millbrook High, you would have been hard-pressed to find a more mismatched couple than Danny Wilson and Charlie Panetta. Danny was the archetypical All-American Boy. He was big – 6-3, 290 pounds – blond and handsome. His family owned the largest bank in town, plus one of the largest realty companies, and he was about a big a jock as you could find. He was All-District as a tackle on the football team, played power forward on the basketball team...
Her scream had me bolting right up in bed and dashing into her room in seconds. There she was, in the middle of her king size bed, clutching the silk sheets to her chest, gasping for air, no sound passing through her lips as tears ran down her face. With no threat in her room, I turned to face her. ‘Ember?’ she turned towards the sound of my voice, but her eyes were unfocused. ‘Marcus?’ she whispered, her hand reaching out searching for my hand and finding it. Gasping she pulled me closer,...
“Get back here now you insignificant abomination” the giant that is my ‘dad’ said to me as I ran out the door and into to adjacent alley. As I ran through the dark alley I tripped over something laying on the ground, as I looked around I noticed a bloodied and bruised but surprisingly sexy young woman around my age (18). I slowly got up whilst looking around to see if my ‘dad’ followed me into the alleyway. Once I knew the coast was clear I checked for any injuries and dusted myself off. I...
Her scream had me bolting right up in bed and dashing into her room in seconds. There she was, in the middle of her king size bed, clutching the silk sheets to her chest, gasping for air, no sound passing through her lips as tears ran down her face. With no threat in her room, I turned to face her. "Ember?" she turned towards the sound of my voice, but her eyes were unfocused. "Marcus?" she whispered, her hand reaching out searching for my hand and finding it. Gasping she pulled me closer,...
NovelsThe Tampa area (we are in Lithia) has many opportunities for those of us who want to explore our fantasies. Some post their videos and their intimate photos, but my husband and I, and our circle of friends, do not. We have a group (or maybe a clique) that we laughingly refer to as the Fan Fuls which is short for Fantasy Fulfillment. Carl and Darlene are a married couple in the Fan Fuls. Darlene is employed as an expert cosmetologist and does fantastic work. There is that aura about her when she...
When Allen Louder woke up, he was sure it was going to be just another ordinary day. With the sun's warmth, and the sound of singing birds drifting in through the open window, he began undressing to take his morning shower so he could go to school. He was a good-looking young man. At 18 he stood an even 6 feet tall. He had blonde hair and light green eyes, and a wide smile for everyone he met. He was popular with the guys because of his friendly disposition, and was even more popular with...
The chilling, wolf-like cry had sent a tiny tremor rippling over Jean Blakely's curvaceous, naked body, and she snuggled backwards in the bed, up tighter against her young husband, finding reassurance in his sheltering, rugged masculinity. He stirred with the movement, making her realize that she was tickling his face again with strands of her long blonde hair. His strong hand cupping the resilient flesh of her left breast started to move away, then returned as if in after-thought to reclaim...
The fear that hung heavy over the town of Crescent Valley was reflected in the faces of its citizenry the following morning. On the streets, in the shops and within its several bars, men gathered to recount the terrifying rape of little Annie Purcell in solicitous tones punctuated with vile curses, their anger at Deputy Sheriff Mark Blakely for refusing to allow a hunting posse into the hills, an open vent for their concealed inner-panic. Something had to be done and right away! It wasn't...
It was a reluctant Link Morgan who agreed to the town council's adoption of Mark's suggested plan to post sentries throughout the streets that night. To the powerfully built police chief, it was more than a matter of stubborn pride, plus the fact that he'd been overshadowed right in his own bailiwick. Then, adding insult to injury, they had enraged him by insisting he accept the deputy sheriffs assistance and that their offices share authority within the town limits until this pillaging...
Jean was slightly tipsy when she undressed and readied herself for bed just a little before midnight. She realized that she had probably overdone it, trusting that the effects of the liquor might help soothe the lingering sensual flames that Mark had kindled hours before, but they still smoldered warmly down in her disappointed belly and loins. It was almost as if it had worked just the opposite of what she'd expected, she thought, slipping into the whispering nylon of a see-through, short...
"I don't believe it!" Link Morgan furiously raged. "You lousy little punks screwed up!" "No! I swear it, Chief!" Leo Vincent pledged, his thin, pimply face drawn in fear of the barrel-chested man. "Honest, I wouldn't lie to you... !" "You'd lie to your dying mother, you fink!" the police chief spat. "Leo's telling you the truth, Chief!" Billy White, a runtish, long-haired boy put in. "We were going great when suddenly, there he was, coming right through her open window......
At school Annie Purcell's classmates had begun to look at her as if she were some sort of freak. Sympathy had quickly given way to coarse mutterings and lurid stares, shocking the pretty teenager at first, but not for long. Several times she caught so- called girl friends gaping disparagingly at her, while boys ogled after her with snickering little laughs, vulgar whisperings passing amongst them. What was it Birt Smith, a boy who had been trying to date her for months, had said: "Oh, to be...
Mark awakened with a smile late in the afternoon and warmly kissed his young bride. Enthused emotions of hope tremored inside Jean; she knew that he'd remembered and was looking forward to their planned evening of love. She toyed playfully with him for a few moments, her confidence growing, then left against his begging pleas, knowing he was in a state of hardness beneath the sheet. She didn't want anything to spoil their coming night of pleasure. She went to the kitchen to fix him a bite,...
There had been an immediate violent hate that raged through Caesar toward the male human who had dared to penetrate the golden-haired female with his mating hardness. He had killed those of his own kind before for daring to violate his claim, and would have done so again had not the golden one interceded. In his uncanny brain he had realized that it was her wish that the male human be spared, and he had done so to please her. There was, Caesar instinctively knew, a bond that affectionately...
It mattered little to the sleek and powerful german shepherd dog that the small town's streets had been brightened with additional lamp, lantern, even fired torch-light. He merely clung more stealthily to the inevitable shadows of the warm summer night, avoiding with ease the clumsy patroling male-humans who sought to destroy him. A balanced sense of avenged pride burned warmly in his deep muscular chest; he had punished them for the brutal, torture-death of his mate, satisfying the ancient...
The early morning California sunshine streaming through the bedroom window awakened Jean Blakely from an uneasy sleep. For a long moment she lay quite still, letting her widening, smoke-blue eyes scan her immediate, puzzling surroundings... then she remembered. She was in their smaller guest-room. She had given Carol and Steve the bedroom Mark and she occupied because the bed was more comfortable. Now, the reminder of Carol being in the house helped brighten her troubled mood. With that, the...
Mark welcomed the sanctity of his patrol car, the breakfast and hot coffee doing much to restore his energy. Damn, if he could just find it in his heart to forgive his young wife, Jean... but Christ, he couldn't... couldn't! He'd never forget the goddamned wanton expression on her beautiful face when that wild sonofabitch accomplished what he'd yet been unable to do! The vicious brute had stolen her away from him right then and there, though Mark knew she'd probably deny it to her dying...
In nothing short of lynx-eyed rage, Lydia Newell wasted no time in reaching the Crescent Valley Police Chief by telephone. Nor did she mince words with the barrel-chested official in conveying to him what she thought of his "little whore niece!" "What the hell, Lydia, I-I can't believe it!" Link Morgan stammered in immediate jealous anger. He'd been sitting behind the scarred desk in his grubby Town-Hall office, staring idly at the half-empty bourbon-bottle he'd been nursing, while...
Jean could cry. Mark had left the house without a word to her. She'd wanted so much to discuss Lydia Newell's phone conversation with him, and especially give him the opportunity to say something concerning Annie Purcell that would clarify the auburn-haired girl's malicious intimations. God knows, it wasn't that she'd readily believe such vicious gossip, nor wanted in the least to doubt his fidelity... but not even a word! She'd never seen him so close-mouthed, so guiltily ignoring...
Link Morgan wasn't sure that he could take a hell of a lot more of this sort of play without joining in! He'd been stuck in the stifling closet for too long, and on top of that he had a huge throbbing hard on! Christ, who wouldn't, watching a pair of luscious bitches eat cunt, even though the show was still pretty lopsided! Goddamn... if he dared, he'd charge out there and bury his aching, stiff cock in one of them... but how the hell could he? Lydia was calling the shots. Already, he'd...
"How is she?" Mark Blakely questioned, barging through his front door-way, only to be stopped by Steve Foster and Doc Emory, both immediately launching from their places on the couch to confront the big, young deputy sheriff. "Easy, boy, easy..." his red-bearded writer-friend stepped in front of him with engulfing arms. "She's okay, Mark... resting comfortably right now," Doc Emory added, coming close to put a hand on the younger man's broad shoulder. "Wh-What the hell happened?"...
Link Morgan's limited ability in photography had been acquired through the necessity of numerous little blackmailing schemes. The type of pictures he took invariably fell into a catagory that professional houses were not allowed to return, once developed. Anyway, the process being a simple one, the big Chief of Police had learned to do it in the darkened bathroom of his home, and that morning, only hours following their orgiastic involvement of Jean Blakely, the barrel-chested man delivered...
Mark Blakely was roused from a sound sleep shortly after noon by a keyed-up Steve Foster furiously shaking the exhausted young deputy, at the same time rasping in a coarse whisper: "For Christ sake, wake up will you, guy? Wake up... all hell's broken loose... !" "Wha... ? What's wrong?" Mark confusedly stammered, bolting upright in the guest-room bed to stare blankly at his obviously distraught friend. "What the hell is it... ?" "Easy, keep your voice down!" Steve gestured with...