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Kathy was content. She was engaged to the perfect guy, she had the perfect job on the horizon, and she lived in the most perfect part of the world. She was happy, healthy, and looking forward to the years ahead of her.

Kathy lived in Hawaii, had been born there as a matter of fact. Her parents were well off, her dad worked for the FAA as a supervisor at the Honolulu Center, the agency that directs all the air traffic into and out of Hawaii. His annual salary exceeded 150K per year, not counting the 25% locality pay the government paid him. They had bought a house in 1986, paid it off, and it was now worth well over 2 million dollars.

They lived in a very nice home, near the top of one of the mountains overlooking Honolulu. It was just over 2500 square feet, with a small pool on the side of the house, with wrap-around decks on two sides and the back of the house. They could see all the way from Diamond Head to Ewa beach, a panoramic view they enjoyed everyday. Tourists would drive near their house and take pictures, which they would save and look at later on, but Jill and her family got to enjoy the view every day they were at home.

Kathy had attended school in Hawaii, starting in kindergarten, and going all the way through high school, and was about to finish her degree at the University of Hawaii.

She had picked Business as her major, her dad had helped with the choice, but she also had a minor in Psychology that she really enjoyed. Her thinking was that the psychological side of it would help with the business part. The more you know what a potential competitor might be thinking and all that.

Anyway, she was set to graduate in about three months, and was looking forward to it, because it meant that she could then marry Jack, move in with him, and start their lives together.

Not that she didn’t love living at home, the nice house with the view, steak every Friday, vacations every summer to places all over the world, the trust fund that would soon be hers, just the security of living with mom and dad in general. But, she was 22 years old now, in love with Jack, and it was time to move on to the next phase in her life.

The next phase involved moving to the Big Island of Hawaii, where Jack was in the process of renovating a coffee factory to process organically grown coffee. Jack had purchased a small, old, coffee plantation two years ago, and had been commuting back and forth to the Big Island at least once a week. The plantation came with a processing facility, but it was run down from years of neglect, the previous owner wasn’t concerned about the quality of the coffee, he just wanted the bucks, and had let the factory go down hill. Nearly every major piece of equipment had to either be replaced or repaired, including the roof of the building itself. Not able to truck in equipment, the shipping process was cumbersome, and time consuming. Renovations were nearing completion, and the carrot at the end of the stick was a lucrative business in which demand didn’t seem to be affected by the economy. Demand for the Island’s coffees was never higher, and there was a pile of money to be made if the quality was there. Jack had ensured his end product would be the finest on the market, and would in turn demand a premium price, which would allow him and Kathy a carefree lifestyle once things got rolling. Jack would run the physical plant, and Kathy would take care of the business side of things.

Kathy and Jack had met in high school. Jack was two years older than Kathy. They had attended a private college prep school, which was light years ahead of the public schools in Honolulu. Jack graduated and then stayed in Hawaii and had majored in mechanical engineering at the University, and was putting his degree to good use at the facility in Kona.

Jack and Kathy’s first dates were comical. Shy, and slight of build, Jack had had trouble even getting up the nerve to ask Kathy out. When he finally did, he was so nervous on the first date he was physically shaking after he picked her up. Kathy picked up on this, and tried her best to soothe his nerves. She liked him right away, even with his glasses, Jack had a face she thought she could look at for the rest of her life.

They went to a concert on that first date, Chuck Berry and Bo Diddley were in town for a once in a lifetime show. They had fun, but Kathy noticed that Jack couldn’t clap to the beat of the music, and during intermission, had spilled a coke on his pants, embarrassing himself to no end. The drink had spilled on his lap, and it looked like he had peed in his pants! Dropping Kathy off at her parents house afterward, Jack had just opened her door, said good night, and let her go without even trying for a goodnight kiss or even hinting at a next date. It was a week later before he even called her.

Their next date went a little smoother. Jack wasn’t quite as nervous, and had even bought Kathy a small bouquet of flowers. He called her ‘princess’ for the way she had treated him. She was always kind, and encouraging, which made Jack start to feel confident. They went to a drive-in movie, and sat in the car holding hands, eating popcorn, and talking. Jack hadn’t even considered kissing Kathy, when she casually leaned over and planted a quick smack on Jack’s lips. Jack jumped back in surprise, but then relaxed and the kissing continued, until it was time to go. Jack started to move the car, but had forgot to remove the speaker, which nearly broke the window, as he clumsily reached across and removed the speaker from the window. Kathy just laughed, which started Jack laughing, and then he couldn’t drive until he settled down. That night dropping Kathy off, there was a long, tender kiss, which stirred something deep within them both.

They continued dating through high school and into college. They had tried sex a couple of times, but Kathy had to show Jack what to do. He was a virgin at that point. Kathy had a few boyfriends before she met Jack, mostly jock types who wanted sex and not a relationship. Kathy was looking toward the future, and being a sex toy for a few of the football players was not her idea of a long-term plan. What she saw in Jack was security. He had the brains for what he was doing with the coffee company, and as far as the sex went, she had decided he would be fine. Once they got married, she could show him all the tricks she had discovered along the way.

Early in Kathy’s junior year in college, they decided to get married soon after she graduated. That date was now about three months away, and they were both looking forward to it. The wedding was all planned, a simple Hawaiian ceremony with just close family and friends. The closer they got to the date though, it seemed the demands of the coffee company increased. Jack was spending more and more time on the big island, and less time with his beloved Kathy. Kathy was missing him. They talked on the phone almost every night when Jack was away, and spent as much time together as they could when Jack was on Oahu. It just didn’t satisfy Kathy though. She wanted, no, needed something more. She was trying to be patient, but it seemed the summer and the wedding would never get here! Then something happened that would change her life forever.

Kathy had just dropped her folks off at the Honolulu International Airport. Her dad had a week long training session in Oklahoma City, and her mom had decided to go along with him to keep him company, and see some relatives she had in a nearby town. Kathy had a week to herself. It was also spring break, so she didn’t have any school. For all intent and purposes, she was already through with school, all her major tests and papers were out of the way. All she really had left to do was graduate. Unfortunately, Jack couldn’t be there that week, the coffee roaster had arrived a few days ago, and would take all his spare time to ensure it was installed and operating properly. Also the renovation of the house where Jack and Kathy would be living was in f
ull swing, and right now was unlivable, so Kathy couldn’t go there.

Kathy had decided to work on her tan at the family pool, and just relax before the wedding. She wanted to look like she had been tan all her life on her wedding night, and not like some sunburned tourist. Her friends had planned a party that Friday, one of three before the wedding, and she wanted to look healthy and brown for that too.

She got back home right about noon. It was Saturday. She decided to make something to eat first. She made half a sandwich of avocado, sprouts, tomato and lettuce on whole wheat bread, with a little mayonnaise. She ate, changed into her string bikini, grabbed a glass of iced tea, and headed for the pool. She decided to leave her phone in the house.

It was a beautiful sunny Hawaiian afternoon. Temperature was in the low 80’s, with a gentle breeze out of the northeast, and puffy white clouds lazily drifting along in the trade winds. Kathy arranged her lounge chair to face the sun, and adjusted the backrest. It was one of those lounge chairs that had an adjustable back. She decided to tan her front first, and began to rub tanning oil over her legs, arms and torso.

She admired her body as she did so. She had well shaped calves, trim, and well-toned thighs, a trim waist, ample breasts, or so she thought. They were size 34 with a c cup that she filled out. Her arms were toned also, with small petite hands. She stood 5’6′ tall, probably taller than average. Actually, she was an inch taller than Jack, so she always wore flat shoes or sandals when they dated, trying to make him look taller. Her hair was a golden brown, shoulder length, not quite blond, but the Hawaiian sun kept it on the light side. She had big brown eyes, nice white teeth, not perfect movie star teeth, but they were straight and gleamed when she smiled. Her face was pretty, again not movie star quality, but pretty enough to catch the eye of plenty of guys when she went out in public. She had had no trouble getting dates with the football players when she was in high school when she wanted to. What a fun time that had been she reminisced. She had enjoyed the sex when she was younger. Maybe that’s what was missing now. With Jack being away so much lately, they barely had time to get caught up with each other, let alone have sex.

She finished applying the oil to her body, and laid back. The warm sun felt good on her skin. She relaxed for about 10 minutes, and then thought, why not get a little sun on my breasts? It was private. She felt a little giddy about doing it, but her parents weren’t there, and there were no nosy neighbors around, so she sat up, untied the string behind her neck, reached behind her, untied the back, and took her top off. Then she took more oil and began to rub her breasts with the coconut smelling lotion. She rubbed them slowly up and down, and then around and around. She noticed her nipples beginning to harden as she worked the oil into her skin.

She pinched her nipples with her thumbs and forefingers and gently pulled them out. She closed her eyes, basking in the pleasure. She rolled them between her fingers, feeling them harden. Her breathing quickened she noticed. She realized she was horny. Here she was, in the prime of her sex life, and no one to please her. What a waste she thought. She couldn’t wait to be with Jack, so she could scratch this itch she was having!

Just then she heard the gate slam shut. The sound frightened her. She opened her eyes and saw a man staring at her grinning. He had a five-gallon bucket in one hand.

‘What are you doing?’ she yelled, as she covered herself with her hands. ‘Who are you? Get out of here!’ Her heart was pounding with fear.

‘Sorry lady,’ the stranger said calmly. ‘I came to clean da pool. My cousin Marvin call me, says he was sick, so he asked me to help out,’ he said with a pigeon English accent.

Kathy knew who Marvin was, the pool man. She forgot, it was Saturday, the day the pool man comes. She started to relax. At least the guy wasn’t going to rape her. If he wanted to though, looking at him, there probable wasn’t much she could do about it. He was a big guy. The phone was up in the house. That didn’t excuse him not knocking, or staring at her half naked body.

‘Couldn’t you have knocked?’ she asked the stranger, her voice dripping with disgust. ‘Turn around,’ she commanded him, ‘So I can get my top back on. What’s your name anyway?’

‘Henry,’ came the reply as he turned his back to Kathy. ‘Henry Rosa.’

‘Nice body’ he thought. ‘Great set.’

‘Hey, I’m really sorry lady,’ Henry explained. ‘Marvin said usually nobody’s home, so I thought no one would be here. I didn’t see any cars out front.’ He didn’t want his cousin to lose the pool account, so he tried to be nice.

‘I guess its ok, its not like the first time someone has seen me half naked,’ Kathy replied. ‘Don’t let it happen again please? Ok, you can turn around now,’ she said as she finished tying her top back on. Her topless tanning would have to be continued another time.

Henry turned around, still smiling. Smiling just came natural to him. He looked at the pool, and told Kathy it shouldn’t take long to get the pool clean. There were a few leaves in the bottom, but the water was clear. He grabbed a skimming pole that was near the house and began to skim the surface of the water.

Kathy put her sunglasses on, and lay back in her lounger. She didn’t want Harold to know she was watching him as he worked. She pretended to be oblivious to his presence.

Henry was of Polynesian descent. Tall, about 6’3′ she guessed, black wavy hair, fairly short, but long enough to tell it was naturally wavy. He was built too. Big arms, with tattoos on his biceps, some kind of New Zealand design she guessed. Thick, muscular legs, skin the color of bronze, not blackish, just a deep tan color all over.

Henry slowly, but thoroughly worked his way around the pool, getting closer to Kathy as he did so. When he was right in front of her, he asked if she minded if he took his shirt off, as it was getting warm. Kathy did not object. She watched him as he peeled his t-shirt off his body, and nearly gasped as the rippling muscles on his back came into view. She realized his stature, and the fact that had he wanted to rape her, she would have been helpless. He turned around and tossed his shirt on the chair next to where Kathy was laying, and as he did so, Kathy could see his pectoral muscles flex, and relax. He was very powerful looking. She also noticed his complexion was clear, just one or two little scars on his face, and when he smiled, you could see tiny dimples at the corners of his mouth. His pearly white teeth gleamed in the sunlight. She also noticed big scars around his knees, like football players have, and several on his back. He had had a rough life it looked like.

Kathy continued to watch him as he worked. Something about him stirred her to her core. She noticed her heart was pounding again, but it was not from fear. Why was this guy having this effect on her? She continued watching from behind her sunglasses.

Henry switched from the skimmer pole to the vacuum attachment on the end of another long pole. He brought the hose over from the pump area, attached it to the long pole, and pushed it into the water, filling the hose as he went. He then knelt beside the pool, and proceeded to push the rest of the hose into the water, again filling it as he went. When the hose was full of water, he took it to the skimmer box, and attached it to the lid within. He now had suction on the end of the hose that was in the water, and proceeded to vacuum up the debris on the bottom of the pool.

This man fascinated Kathy. He worked quickly and efficiently, with very little wasted movement. He was wearing long white board shorts with red tribal flame designs on the sides. They hung low on his hips, very low. She noticed just the slightest bit of less brown skin, just above the waist of his shorts. She
could also see his pubic hair, which started just below his round belly button, extending down, the tuft of hair becoming wider and thicker the lower it went. She could only imagine what was at the base!

Henry was moving the vacuum pole in the water, his giant hands easily pushing it across the bottom of the pool, and then retrieving it, his hands working as one with the tool, grasping the pole, sometimes hand over hand as he worked. When he did this, for some reason, Kathy began to imagine him grasping his penis, and placing his hands over the length of it. Why was she doing this? She didn’t know why she was having these thoughts! Then she imagined her pretty petite little hands on his penis.

‘STOP,’ she screamed in her head. She was lusting after this gorgeous excuse of a man. She could not keep her hidden eyes off of him.

Just then, the hose became detached from the end of the pole that was in the water. Quickly, Henry dove in and reattached the hose. He swam like a fish. He pulled himself up and out of the pool effortlessly, his biceps rippling as he did so. He then stood between the sun and Kathy on the other side of the pool, his white, now wet board shorts transparent to her view. He grabbed the end of the pole and continued working. Kathy removed her glasses, using the commotion as an excuse. What she could now see took her breath away.

Henry’s wet board shorts, heavy with water, were now hanging even lower on his hips, the band of less tan skin more noticeable. His visible pubic hair had grown in width and length. She could now see a little valley between his upper thighs and his abdominal muscles. The top of his shorts could only have been an inch from his shaft. But what took Kathy’s breath away was what she saw hanging down his thigh.

The material of his shorts was clinging tightly to a long, thick cock that was hanging loosely between his legs. From her estimate, it was at least seven inches long, and it wasn’t even slightly aroused. She had seen Jack’s cock fully erect, and it wasn’t that big. She could tell it was much thicker around than Jack’s too. Again, she stared in amazement. Harold noticed her gawking and continued confidently smiling and working. Kathy was now wet between her legs. It wasn’t every day a gorgeous hunk like this came over, and practically got naked in front of her. There was something about this man!

Henry finished cleaning the pool, emptied the skimmer baskets, backwashed the filter, and then came back close to Kathy to check the chemical levels. His shorts were drying, and his penis was not as visible, but Kathy could still make out the bulge beneath the material. Harold added some chlorine from the five-gallon bucket he had brought with him to one of the skimmer baskets, and told Kathy to stay out of the pool for about 20 minutes so it could mix enough not to cause any harm if she decided to go for a swim.

Henry then put his shirt back on and came over to say goodbye. He apologized for staring at her earlier.

Kathy sat up in the lounge chair and accepted his apology, and admitted they were probably even as she had obviously been staring at Henry in his wet shorts. She then began to apply the tanning lotion to the back of her legs. She was due to turn over onto her belly.

Henry pulled a business card out of the pocket of his t-shirt, and handed it to Kathy. It was to a bar she recognized near downtown.

‘Here,’ he said, handing her the card. ‘Drinks on the house! No hard feelings eh?’

Henry liked what he saw, and wanted to see more.

‘I know this place,’ Kathy said, examining the card. ‘How can you get me drinks on the house?’

‘I own the joint,’ Henry proudly exclaimed! ‘ The bar side anyway. I don’t mess with the restaurant, too much work. You don’t think I do this for a livin’ do you?’ he said, pointing to the pool.

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Caesar Comes His Revenge and ConquersChapter 22

Link Morgan, Crescent Valley's police chief, was more than a little surprised at Lydia Newell's visit to his home that morning. Though saddle-weary and crotch-sore from leading the hunting posse throughout the night, the big barrel-chested, red-faced man found a ready smile for the daughter of the valley's wealthiest and most influential man, Aaron Newell. The attractive auburn-haired bachelorette with the ravishing green eyes neither smiled nor waited to be invited inside the big man's...

2 years ago
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Caesar Comes His Revenge and ConquersChapter 23

Between the effects of the pot and the bourbon, plus the lustful impression Link Morgan's huge cock had indelibly etched in her sensuous mind, Lydia Newell was experiencing her not unusual, quickly aroused salacity. Fiery sensations of lewd craving had begun to hotly tingle between her legs and at the base of her soft belly as she sat staring across the kitchen table at the lecherous, barrel-chested man whose mean eyes were obscenely reflecting her own lewd thoughts. "A-Are we thinking...

4 years ago
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Caesar Comes His Revenge and ConquersChapter 24

By ten-o'clock that morning, Mark Blakely had selected some twenty of the more reliable citizens and sheep-ranchers to compose his hunting posse. Excitement hummed through-out the town at the knowledge of the young deputy sheriff's decision to head the men, their confidence in his leadership obvious. There was good reason now to believe with Mark at the helm, Caesar with his wild-pack of ravishers and sheep-killing brutes would be destroyed. It wasn't a task that the young lawman...

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Caesar Comes His Revenge and ConquersChapter 25

The moments of relief Jean Blakely had briefly enjoyed at the realization that Mark was not about to make an issue of the night before, and especially, tell all to Steve as he'd threatened, were short-lived. The shared emotions were no less predominant in Carol Foster. Though pleased at Mark's decision to spare her young husband's feelings, his revealed plans to definitely destroy Caesar and his pack had nearly sickened her with concern. Throughout the morning, the two young wives had...

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Caesar Comes His Revenge and ConquersChapter 26

Caesar's vantage point was such that he could witness the two groups of horse-carried, male humans moving in separate directions, as well as his golden-one and the fiery-eyed female stumbling through the ravine below him. Only the huge barrier of rocks divided the party of males from the pair of females he had thought were his friends! Now, his keen animal brain sought other answers! By chance alone had he, through intuitive instinct, become aware of the mass human presence and moved above...

1 year ago
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Caesar Comes His Revenge and ConquersChapter 27

Deputy Sheriff Mark Blakely held up his hand to the men behind him and reined in his mount at the approaching rider. He recognized the man as Bill Watts, one of the hunters with Link Morgan's party, and waited for the other to get close enough to speak. "Frank Clifford sent me, Mark," he said for greeting. "Something ain't right! Chief Morgan left us over an hour ago to do some lookin' on his own, he said. We were suppose to meet up with him on the other side of Wiley's Stream, but he...

2 years ago
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Caesar Comes His Revenge and ConquersChapter 28

Jean had no way of knowing how far they had nakedly followed her animal-lover along the darkened tunnels, turn-offs, and ever- climbing way! Nor did she have any idea in God's world where he was leading them, but she would have followed him, regardless. Several times, in the near-ink darkness, she stumbled, once falling onto her knees, Carol, close behind her, helping her to her feet again. "Oh God, Jean! Where are they taking us... ?" "It'll be all right, Darling! Don't be afraid!"...

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Caesar Comes His Revenge and ConquersChapter 29

Had Steve Foster paid stricter attention to his warning that the slightest sounds reverberated throughout the rocked-wall tunnels, Mark reasoned, they might have had a chance! But maybe that was far-fetched thinking, too! The half-dozen vicious animals would undoubtedly have picked up their scent long before he or his friend could have known of their presence! Anyway, it hardly made a damn bit of difference now! All six of the wild brutes had jumped them at once, knocking them to the earthen...

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Caesar Comes His Revenge and ConquersChapter 30

Jean's first knowledge of Caesar's presence in the circle was when he suddenly appeared before her, his great head level with her own above Mark's face in her naked, straddling position. Before she could even speak, the massive animal moved forward to lick his tongue over her desperately gasping lips, and she sighed, knowing then that he had truly forgiven her! Almost simultaneously, she saw the scarlet rod of his heavily swollen hardness emerging from its concealing sheath, the mere...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 74 Alya Conquers Lissa

Lissa's sadness at leaving her family, especially her brother and sister, was tempered by the anticipation of seeing Alya. Five minutes after her flight took off, she started thinking about her roommate, and from that point forward she couldn't get her out of her mind. She had pretty much forgotten all about her during the vacation, but now that she would be returning to the now familiar apartment, the girl once more came back into her thoughts. She wondered why she was so obsessed with...

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Lust and Love

LUST AND LOVE SisyphusChapter OneI wanted her the moment she walked into the bar. I had been driving all day on my way to visit some old friends in Western Massachusetts. It was late and I decided to get a drink then head back to the sleazy motel down the road, get up early and continue my journey. The shabby bar was empty except for the bald headed bartender with a pot belly and an old guy by himself at a back table with his head down on the table, holding an empty shot glass; the head of a...

Straight Sex
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Lust or Love

Copyright© 2004 A tidy young lady of Streator Dearly loved to nibble a peter. She always would say, "I prefer it this way. I think it is very much neater." The last time I had seen mom we had a large and very loud fight. I said some nasty things that could never be taken back - and her responses were really not digested by me until years later. Just after high school graduation mom married Gary - an upper management type of guy. Solid, boisterous, dependable and friendly. I...

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A Tale of Two Lovebirds

Our story begins with a recent refurbishment of a local theater. The local tabloids had done recent articles on the theater: when it was first constructed, its passings of ownership, and its slow decay with the poor economic times. Our two lovebirds had first fallen in love at this theater. They had been following these news articles with building interest as the week passed, for these articles were the build up to the first show of the refurbished theater. The two lovebirds had made a date of...

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CHAPTER 1 _____________________ Beau Lovejoy was pretty much a nerd when he was young. He loved to read, and he was completely addicted to comic books, but anything that wasn't grounded in reality would do. He was always lost in some fantasy or another, and the real world seemed rather mundane in comparison. At least, it did until he discovered something even more facinating. Women. When he was a boy, he found girls annoying, and he actually tried to...

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James had met Julia 3 months ago at his MBA graduation dinner. Julia was there partnering her father, Mark, the Dean of the School of Business Administration. The fact that she and not her mother Lauren had accompanied her father gave a clue as to the state of their marriage. Within a week he had met Lauren and had been immediately besotted by her. It was not that Julia was unattractive or unintelligent, rather at 5 foot 8 inches, blonde and curvy and having recently finished her Masters in...

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Lust or Love

Hi, everyone your JJ is back with a small midweek special submission of the lesbian love. Here is a Malathi the lesbian English professor in the University at Chidambaram left alone and keeps thinking of the special moments that she has spent with her lover. It too sad to see her as tears run down her chubby cheeks. . . . I look at you, really look at you. You’re pretty, not gorgeous, not beautiful, but very pretty. You’re smart and ambitious; only 32, in demand as a consultant in the BPO...

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Lust and Love

We push our way through the door with your hands running through my hair, you pull me closer to you. There is no need for words: Our bodies know. The feeling of your lips on mine sends a shock wave through my body. I wonder if you feel the electricity too, but it’s obvious you do. It’s obvious by the way you grab my ass and knead it and the way I wrap my legs around your waist as you lift me up and push me against my door. The lust for each other making us wild; you rip my low cut shirt over my...

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Lust Academy

Lust Academy, by Bear in the Night Games, is arguably one of the most highly regarded porn games out right now. While most adult video games are thrown together by some lone pervert with a stray fan or two before being given away on the free porn game archives, Bear in the Night has managed to build up a sizable following who are willing to pay for their games. They've got around a thousand Patrons right now. And given how many cheapskate weeaboos live in their mom's basement and spend their...

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Lustfull Love

Hi all reader, how ru ??? i hope u guys r enjoyin the stories here …My self ajju(name changed) m from height is 171cms n i hav 8″ cock which mostt of aunties lik … I am going to tell you about my first sex encounter with a Aunty. A day when I was coming back from my university late in the evening in the main area of the city belonging to the very elite class of the a narrow street I saw a lady was struggling to start her car. I looked at her and passed away she was in red...

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Crimson Clover

EPISODE IVCrimson & CloverWe decide for our anniversary to go for a ride in the country, having a picnic lunch packed with a bottle of red table wine & a blanket. Just the two of us this time. We drove for quite some time, until we drove way out into the boonies, big time! We spotted this huge field of clover growing on the right side of the country road, so we found a dirt road leading into it. Bob's road, I presumed? Ha ha. Driving in just far enough not to be spotted from the road,...

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Lust in Space

A cold wind blew across the plains, and xeno-botanist Shirelle Parsons pulled her jacket tighter around her. She was on an expedition to find a unique plant, as she hunted for what was called the Gorson plant. Now that mankind was making his way out into the cosmos, the closest star systems to Earth were being investigated, and her science vessel, the S.V. Einstein, had been assigned the task of investigating the star called Epsilon Eridani, at a distance of 10.5 light years, it is the...

1 year ago
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Lust Desire and Intigue Sometimes Misleads Part One

This story contains explicit sexual reference and scenes. This story should not be read or viewed by anyone under the age of 18. If you are under that age, please stop reading and delete this story. This story is a work of fiction. No person living or deceased is portrayed in this story. The images are original creations and depict no person living or deceased. This story is used with permission of the author. All copyrights apply to this document, story and images. Lust, Desire...

3 years ago
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Lust and Love Ch 2

Lust and LoveSisyphus Chapter TwoThe next morning I woke up feeling the warmth of Megan sleeping next to me, remembering the wild and lusty hours we enjoyed. Was meeting this smart, sexy, beautiful woman in an empty bar in the middle of nowhere a fantasy come true? Two strangers seducing and fucking each other's brains out in a seedy motel was something out of a dream, but here I was listening to her quiet breathing next to me. I looked at her sleeping on her stomach, the enticing round hill of...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Lust Desire and Intrigue

I knocked on the door for the first time and a woman answered. She wasdressed like any other person you might see shopping at the mall. Likeshe could be anyone's mother or aunt.She softly told me to undress and to fold my clothes, then turned towalk out of the room. I am uncomfortable and ponder if I am even at theright place. I did imagine a six-foot stiletto-heeled vixen withleather and whips hanging from her corset."Now!" I heard and I was slapped back to reality. I stripped, folded...

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Lusts of the Flesh

This story is dedicated to anyone who's ever felt caught between religion and sex. Enjoy.   'Listen to this next bit.' Danny Woodward's finger hovered over the page dramatically, as he read. ' "From the roof he saw a woman bathing. The woman was very beautiful, and David sent someone to find out about her." ' There was a knowing smile on Danny's lips, as he scanned the congregation. 'That's all it took. He's out taking the air one morning, thinking over how well everything's going, and BAM! In...

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Lust Pleasure And Passion 8211 Part I

I am writing my first narration on this website it’s about me and my hot darling Roma. My name is pankaj living in Goa, close to Margao city and am in mid twenties crossed guy. Her name sounds like Hindu but she is catholic married woman with one child-boy. I don’t think we have done any sin it was lust which we both wanted at any cost reasons are many like wild sex, having hot night, outdoor sex i.e. Inside her car & dry rice field and she had done one abortion. Roma was fond of my sex and I...

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Lust for My Wifes sister

My wife and I have been married for over 10 years now. During that time, we've had our ups and downs, as most couples do. Whenever problems have arisen, we've been able to work through them, strengthening our relationship along the way. However, last week something happened that I thought would destroy all of our hard work.Our sex life, like everything else, has gone in cycles. Sometimes it's great, sometimes it cools. We were going through one of our cooler periods lately. As a result, I was...

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Lust for mom

Hi friends ! I am raj from bhubaneswar. I discovered iss by chance and instantly fell in love with it. This is really a very great site. Here i am impatient to share my experience with you all. I am 30 yrs , unmarried ,working in a psu. My family means my dad, mom and me. Dad has his job in a bank in vizag. Here i stay with my mom. My mom is a very sweet typical indian lady , very religious and caring. I care her a lot. At the mature age of 48 , she still is very beautiful. Very fair looking...

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Lusts of the Flesh

seducYoung preacher Danny is caught in a deliciously sinful trap by two wanton young ladies.This story is dedicated to anyone who's ever felt caught between religion and sex. Enjoy. 'Listen to this next bit.' Danny Woodward's finger hovered over the page dramatically, as he read. ' "From the roof he saw a woman bathing. The woman was very beautiful, and David sent someone to find out about her." ' There was a knowing smile on Danny's lips, as he scanned the congregation. 'That's all it took....

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Lust Relief University Chapter 2

Taking a breath, I looked behind the last bookshelf in the history section of the university library. In the back of my mind I already knew what going on behind the bookshelf, but I still felt nervous about it. Could it really be? I always thought that such things only existed in the stories that circulated among students, but I never imagined that those stories had a grain of truth. I took a peek and I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the sight in front of me. There was one girl on all fours,...

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Lust for Stepmother

My name is Eric and I was thirty-five years old when my father died. To say his death hurt would be an understatement. It was truly devastating. Although it was a difficult time, I was fortunate in that I had my stepmother Janice to help me through this period. As I'll say more than once in this story. My real mother had died when I was young. Even though Janice married my father many years after my mother died, I thought of her as my mother not a stepmother. That's important to this story. I...

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Lust And Love

Hi my name is Leena Chookshi and I am from Bombay and this is my sex story. I am a college girl 21 Yrs old. 5.10″ tall, fair skin, black eyes and black hair and my stats 36 D 28 34. One morning Raj my class mate calls me and says he was sick and could not attend the class if I can give him my notes. He stays close to my house so I agreed and reached his place and spoke to him for a while and gave him my notes. I got up to leave he held my hand and pulled me towards him I was not expecting this...

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Lust Potion 69

"Lust Potion 69" by J.R Parz I When Jason first strolled into this 'Spells R Us' shop, he didn't question this sudden compulsion to enter. Two things should have occurred to him, but didn't. First, he was in this mall last week and he thought it strange he hadn't noticed it before. Surely a store with a name like this would capture his attention. Second, why did he feel this overwhelming need to enter? Jason entered the store and began looking around. Most of the items...

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Lust on the Beach Part III Cheating While Lost at Sea

Introduction: —- The Introduction for this story is in the main body of text —- For more insight into the characters and their storyline please read Lust on the Beach Part I and Lust on the Beach Part II click my name to see those stories. — Gaynor Day Out — — INTRODUCTION —- The final part of the Lust on the Beach series. In this third part Gaynor and Mikes affair is nearing its seventh month and throughout those months Gaynor and Mike had fucked on beach coves, in hotels, in the storage...

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