The Making Of A Gigolo (1) - Tilly Johnson free porn video

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This is a series of short, to longer stories, that will cover twenty or so years of the life of Bobby Dalton, a young man who, while he grew up in a way that might seem foreign to those of us in this day and age, wasn’t at all bizarre in his own day and age. Life was both more simple, and much more complex back then, than it is nowadays. His story starts when he was two years old. Because of the nature of his experience, the stories will start with relatively short accounts of what happened to him, but will get longer as they proceed, and more characters are introduced into his life. What this means is that the first story may seem short and incomplete, when read. Have patience. More ... much more ... will be revealed as each story progresses. The stories MUST be read in order, or the reader will become hopelessly lost and confused.


Bobby was two, in 1951, when his father went off to fight in a “police action” that would eventually be called the Korean war. Bobby didn’t know that, of course. He was only two. He barely knew his name. Remembering “Mamma” was not a problem, because she was still there, on the farm, where they lived. “Dada” was a concept that grew mistier, and less firm, as months turned into years, and the face that went with that name also became misty and vague.

There was another male face, as time went on. He was called “Joe” by Mamma, and he had a big smile and strong hands. While Bobby didn’t know why Joe was there, or from whence he came, Joe sometimes played with him, and told the most amazing stories.

Bobby had no way of knowing that Joe was one of the last of a dying breed of men who, in earlier years, had been called Hoboes. He went from farm to farm, looking for work, at least enough to entitle him to a meal, and perhaps, if he was lucky, a place to get out of the weather for the night. Bobby wouldn’t have cared that Joe was nineteen years old, and had been classified as “feeble-minded” by the doctors who examined the thousands of recruits who were sent to a far off peninsula, where death stalked every street, valley and hill. Those doctors decided that Joe wasn’t suitable for Army life, and turned him away. Bobby wouldn’t have understood that when Joe’s father died, in another far off place, across an ocean so vast that Bobby wouldn’t have been able to conceive of it, Joe’s mother had decided she was no longer able to care for him. She abandoned him at a train station, where he thought he was waiting to take a train to see his grandparents. Joe sat, not knowing which train to get on, until someone came and chased him away with a stick.

Joe’s mother had taken him to the big city, where the train depot was, and, when he was chased away from there, he hid for a while, not knowing what to do. Knowing he was supposed to get on a train, he waited until night time, and climbed up into a car that was empty. When the train started up, he rode, until he was found, and beaten again, this time with fists and a short, black, flat thing that hurt a great deal when it hit his head.

That was how Joe ended up in the middle of the country, far away from his home on the Eastern Seaboard.

Joe, however, wasn’t nearly as “feeble-minded” as the doctors had thought. True, he did have significant problems with math, and had been almost unable to remember the things teachers wanted him to remember in subjects like History, English and the like. He had no talent for those things.

What he did have a talent for was understanding how things worked ... and why they stopped working. Machinery was something he just understood. All he had to do was examine it, and he could learn to work it or, if it didn’t work anymore, he could puzzle out what it would take to make it work again. With half the adult male population off fighting a war, when Joe landed in the heartland of the American Midwest farming region, he was a very welcome man indeed. Men were needed for helping with the work.

And, as it turned out, his personality, which was quiet, sweet, and honest, made him welcome for other reasons. In addition to understanding what made machinery tick, he understood what made women tick too.

None of this was within the realm of interest for Bobby, though. He just loved it when Joe stayed overnight, in Mamma’s bedroom, and was there in the morning, eating breakfast with them. Sometimes he stayed for weeks, helping with the planting, or harvest. Sometimes all he did was fix things and tell stories to Bobby, who watched him fix things.

As “Dada’s” face grew mistier, a new thing happened. Bobby had to stay with Mable, one of Mamma’s friends, while Mamma went away for a few days, and came back with a brand new little sister for Bobby. Bobby was fascinated with the little pink thing, which was so loud, and took so much of Mamma’s time. But then, a few weeks later, Joe was there, to let him tag along while things got done that Mamma didn’t have time for, because of that new baby. Bobby was only four, but he tried to help Joe as much as possible.

Time passed, and Joe went away for a while. The new baby, whose name he now knew was “Mary” began crawling all over the place. She was more fun, because now she would play with Bobby, and sit and listen as he told her stories that Joe had told him. Mamma started putting her to bed with him, which was nice, because Mamma came in during the night to feed Mary, and talked to Bobby while she did that. Sometimes he told her Joe’s stories too, and she laughed.

More time passed. Sometimes Joe was there, and sometimes he wasn’t. There came a time when he stayed a long time, and was there when Mamma made a big chocolate cake for Bobby’s fourth birthday. Mary made a mess with her piece, but Bobby didn’t care, because he got to eat all he wanted, while Joe and Mamma sat and grinned at him. Joe even gave him a bath, and put him and Mary to bed. He forgot to bring Bobby’s glass of water, though, and Bobby had to get up and get it himself. He laughed when he saw Joe giving Mamma a bath too, right in the bathtub with her. They splashed more water around than even Mary did.

The next time Mamma went away to find a new baby, from wherever she went to find them, Joe stayed with Bobby and Mary while she was gone. He must have done a good job of watching after them, at least from Bobby’s perspective, because when she came home, with a new baby sister all bundled up, she kissed Joe a lot, while he looked at the new baby too. Bobby thought it was a lot of fuss to make over a new baby. Babies were too loud, and took up too much of Mamma’s time. Bobby could take care of Mary now, at least, sometimes.

Bobby thought other people made a lot of fuss over his new sister, whose name was hard to say. Mamma called her “Florence”, but all Bobby could manage was “Flo”. Even Mable, Mamma’s friend, came over. She had a new baby too, and they spent a lot of time comparing them, and letting Joe hold both of them. Mable was happy with Joe too, for some reason, and kissed him a lot too.

Joe stayed for several weeks, helping out, and taking Bobby to the fields to weed them. Usually Bobby just played, while Joe and Mamma did all the work, but Joe said he was getting to be a big boy now, and could help his mamma out.

Joe left for a while, but came back when it was harvest time. Mamma was glad to see him. It was obvious in the way she kissed him. He left again, after the harvest was done.

More time passed, and Joe was there again, for Bobby’s fifth birthday party. He gave Bobby a hand-carved make-believe pistol, just like The Lone Ranger had on the little black and white TV that Joe found somewhere and hooked up in their house. Bobby helped him put up the big silver antenna on the roof of the house, but he could only help from the ground, because Joe wouldn’t let him climb the ladder to the roof.

Things seemed to be perfect, from Bobby’s perspective, now that Joe was back, staying all day, and sleeping in Mamma’s bedroom again. The three of them worked in the fields, while the babies played, or slept, under the big oak tree nearby. Part of Bobby’s job was to keep an eye on them, while Joe and Mamma did most of the real work.

Joe stayed a long time that time too, watching, with Bobby, as Mamma’s belly got all big again, like it had been before she went and brought Flo home from the hospital.

Then one day Mamma cried a lot, and sent Joe away. She cried for a week, until another man came to the house and shouted at her. He called himself “Daddy” to Bobby, but Bobby didn’t like him. He shouted all the time, and even hit Mamma once. Bobby shot at him then, with his Lone Ranger pistol, and Daddy hit Bobby too. Mamma screamed at the man then, and threw one of her special plates at him. It broke, and Mamma cried again, screaming “What was I supposed to do?!“

The man named “Daddy” only stayed a day or two, sleeping on the couch in the parlor, and then left, and Mamma cried again, until Bobby hugged her, and said, “I’ll go find Joe. He’ll make everything all right again.”

She wouldn’t let him go, but she stopped crying. It wasn’t until it was almost time, according to Mamma, for her to go to the hospital again, and bring home another baby, that Joe showed back up again.

Mamma cried then too, but Bobby could tell she was happy anyway.

It took a little time, perhaps some months, but, eventually, after Mamma brought him home another sister, this one named “Beverly”, Bobby decided that it was worth being hit by “Daddy”. That was because when Joe came back this time, he stayed until Bobby’s tenth birthday party. Oh, it was true that Joe went off on trips, but he was only gone for a month or two, and always came back.

Mamma seemed to feel the need to go pick him up another sister about once a year, even though Bobby told her more than once that he had enough sisters. When he was six, Mamma brought home Linda. When he was seven, she brought home Suzie. The next year, when he was almost nine, and Mamma’s belly had already swelled up again, Bobby asked her to name this one Betty. She laughed and asked him how come, and he said it was because he knew it would be another sister. She laughed some more, hugged him, and said she loved her little man, and that he could never be replaced by another boy.

Later, when Mamma came in the house with a new baby girl, Bobby just folded his arms and nodded. Then Joe brought in another baby girl.

Two at once!

It just wasn’t fair, and Bobby told his Mamma that. She held him, and said she’d give up getting new babies, if that would make him happy. He reminded her she was a couple of years late, and she laughed and kissed him.

Life was hard for Bobby, even though he wouldn’t have said that. He didn’t know the difference. He was the man of the house, when Joe wasn’t there, which wasn’t often, these days. He worked the fields, and went to school, and took care of his sisters, helping Mamma with all the things that needed doing.

He was happiest when Joe was there. He didn’t mind the work, but when Joe was there to help him, it went so much faster. Besides, Joe always had another story to tell, or was ready to teach Bobby how to fix something else. By the time he was fifteen, Bobby could fix anything that needed fixing, whether Joe was there to help him or not.

Mamma did stop having babies, and Joe started going away more often, and for longer trips. Whenever he was gone, Mamma’s friends came over to visit frequently. Now, besides Mable, Mamma had other friends who came over too. Violet and Beatrice were common visitors. That’s because their husbands had left them too, after the war was over. They didn’t talk about that anymore, when they came over. Both of them had lived on farms too, but didn’t anymore. Now they lived in town, and had jobs. Violet had three daughters, about the same ages as Flo, Bev and Linda. Beatrice had a daughter and a son, who were Mary and Flo’s ages respectively. There were other women who gathered on Friday nights at the farm, all of them with children in the same age ranges as Bobby’s sisters. All of them were either war widows, or divorced from soldiers who were in the war. Bobby never gave it much thought. He heard Joe’s name brought up a lot, and those women did a lot of giggling and sighing whenever that happened. Bobby never gave that much thought either.

On Bobby’s fifteenth birthday, Joe showed up, and said he was staying for a while. Bobby got almost two more years with Joe, working side by side, and talking about life and places Joe had been, but Bobby had never seen. Those were his fifteenth and most of his sixteenth years, and Joe lived with them the whole time, only disappearing for a week at a time, once every other month or so. He’d say it was time to make his rounds, and Mamma would beg him to stay. She seemed to think it was dangerous, whatever he was going off to do, but he always smiled that shy, quiet smile of his, and said he had obligations. Bobby hadn’t learned that word in school yet. Bobby listened as Joe quietly said, “People depend on me.”

That was the last time Bobby ever saw Joe alive. When he came in from mowing hay, about a week later, Mamma was crying.

“Joe’s dead,” she sobbed.

A man had shot Joe with a shotgun, and killed Bobby’s best friend.

The late sixties - The Beginning

Bobby stopped at the pump to draw out a bucket of water to wash up in. They had running water in the house, now, but it made the sink a mess when he washed up there, so he took care of that outside. Mary, his oldest sister, tossed him a towel when he walked in the back door. She knew his habits. She was cooking dinner while Mamma rested in the other room. Mary had taken over supper, full time, to let Mamma rest from working in the fields alongside Bobby all day.

Supper was a noisy affair, what with seven girls all trying to talk at the same time. Mamma sat and listned to them, smiling a lot. She got up to get more cornbread from the oven, and ruffled her son’s hair.

“Harvest will be done soon,” she said, easing herself back into her chair. “We’ll finally be able to take it easy for a spell.”

“You promised to show me how to make a dress!” chirped Susie, who was eleven, now.

“Me too!” shouted Matilda, who was a year younger.

Bobby ignored the chatter, and concentrated on eating. There was a book he wanted to read. He’d borrowed it on the recommendation of Tilly Johnson, a woman he’d met at the library, in town. It was called Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea. Mrs. Johnson, who insisted on being called Tilly, had waxed poetic about how wonderful the story was, and how exciting it would be for an almost eighteen year old boy. She was twenty-two, and Bobby had very vague memories of her in school, when he was in the eighth grade, and she seemed all grown up as a senior. He knew her story, of course. Everyone in town did. She’d been married, the day after graduation, to Jake Johnson, who had left a week later to go off and make his fortune in the mines up in Montana. Things had gone fine for two years, and then there had been a horrible accident. Jake was in a wheel chair, and missing an arm now. He wasn’t quite right in the head either. Most folks said it would have been a blessing to them both if he’d have died in the mine.

Now, two years after he’d come back, his disability paid the bills, but nobody ever saw him out and about. Tilly went out, and talked to people, but Jake just sat at home. Tilly owned the book, and he’d followed her to her house to get it, at her insistence. He’d seen Jake, in his chair, but the man hadn’t said anything to him. Bobby felt funny, being in the room with the man, who looked at him, but said nothing, even when Bobby said, “Howdy.”

Now that harvest was almost over, maybe he could tackle that book. Tilly had said to keep it as long as he needed to, but he didn’t want to keep it too long. If it was good, he’d probably read it in a day or two, based on the size of it, and then he could return it.

The next week went from sunup to sundown, with Mamma, Mary, Flo and Bev, in Bobby’s family, and five other adults, from other farms, all working to get the wheat brought in. Five families had banded together to buy a combine, and they went from field to field. Mary, at sixteen, drove one truck to take the grain to the elevator, which was only five miles away. Mrs Haskins, who was married to Flloyd Haskins, drove the other, and they were kept busy. Others took water to whoever was operating the combine, which was usually either Bobby or Flloyd. Lunch was served on shifts, so that whoever wasn’t busy could eat, and then take over for whoever was busy, so they could eat too.

Then, at last, the work was finished, and it was time for the ice cream social at the Methodist church on Broad street, in town. Pretty much the whole town turned out for that. There were fifteen churns there, with kids cranking them until they couldn’t make the crank turn any more. Then the men took over and finished it off. There was music, and dancing, and everyone was relaxed and happy. There was even a carload of boys from the next town over who showed up and begged some ice cream, before trying to spark some of the girls.

Tilly was there, without Jake. People tried not to make it obvious, but they felt sorry for the poor woman. She was in the prime of her life, and saddled with a cripple. That she loved him anyway, everybody knew. That was why she was admired, as often as she was thought to be foolish for sticking with him. But divorce wasn’t yet acceptable in that part of the country. Mamma, and her divorced friends pretty much hung out together, along with the other women who had birthed Joe’s children. That was pretty much common knowledge then too, though nobody ever actually talked about it. There were just two groups of ladies, and they didn’t mix all that much.

Bobby hadn’t learned about that until after Joe was killed by a jealous husband. During her mourning, Mamma had confessed all her “indiscretions” as she called them, to Bobby, while he held her and rocked her as she bawled, something terrible. She’d cried when Daddy had gone away, but she was devastated when Joe was killed.

Community values are funny things, sometimes. The children - there were suspected to be some fifteen of Joe’s get in town - were treated just like all other children. While the adults might stick their noses up at the women who had dallied with Joe, it wasn’t thought to be right that the children should suffer. That led to some odd situations, in which Joe’s children played with other children, whose mothers wouldn’t speak to each other, voluntarily, at least not in social situations.

The mothers of Joe’s children, by and large, were an unrepentant lot. They didn’t flaunt it, but they didn’t feel bad about it either. They had all been in love with Joe, at one time or another. He had helped them, while their men were away, for whatever reason. He had been there when they were lonely, or sad, or frightened. He hadn’t seduced them, except to just be himself, calm, thoughtful, supportive, and sensitive to their needs. If anything, they had seduced him, not that it took much. Joe could tell when a woman was in heat, and he knew what to do to cool her off. Bobby’s mother had been the leader of the pack, so to speak and, over time, the women who had a secret they couldn’t keep, because their bulging bellies shouted that secret to the world, identified each other and formed a band of sisters.

There had been some trouble in the past, at gatherings like this. Whether it was the 4th of July, or Labor day, or the end of harvest festivities, which included Halloween, the sisterhood all gathered and ignored the dark looks and sharp tongues of the other women. The trouble had been when a man had asked one of them to dance. He was a new teller in the bank, fresh out of college, and didn’t know the lay of the land.

Or, maybe he did, and just assumed that any woman who had lain with Joe might just be loose enough to lie with him too.

In any case, it started other men to asking for dances, and the “decent” women revolted.

Now, the members of the sisterhood danced with each other at the ice cream social they knew they weren’t welcome at, but felt like they owned, just as much as all the rest.

There was trouble looming on the horizon too. The eldest of Joe’s children were closing in on eighteen, and that was closing in on courting age ... and marriage thoughts. While Joe’s children weren’t ostrasized when they were younger, no mother wanted her son or daughter to be interested in one, even if the parentage of the young man or woman wasn’t proven.

That was the problem with Joe’s progeny. While all of Bobby’s sisters were light haired, so was Mamma. Quite a number of Joe’s suspected bastard daughters had blond hair, or brown, and some of it was curly, and some straight. Joe, himself, had kept his hair cut in a burr in the summer time, and few people saw him when it was grown out in the winter. Bobby, of course, knew what his hair looked like long and reddish brown, but a lot of other people didn’t. When he wasn’t living at Bobby’s house, Joe tended to wander, and in cold weather, he wandered south.

So, there was no defining characteristic of Joe’s whelps, and many a woman had joined the sisterhood, while proclaiming loudly that what people thought about her children was poppycock.

This was not to say that no one had any truck with the sisters. There was also a middle ground kind of group, both men and women, who treated them with respect and dignity. The gossips in town tended to suspect these people ... the men of seeking favors ... and the women, some of whom had children of the right ages ... of not getting caught.

This was Bobby’s world, in his late teens. He was tarred with the same brush that tarred his mother. While he had interests in girls his age, it was not, for the most part, returned. He was tainted, even though he was clearly not Joe’s son.

It was, therefore, not at all surprising that, like Joe had done in the winter, when there was little to do on the farm, that Bobby began to wander, to see the world outside the farm, and try to find some of the things that Joe had described to him. He didn’t wander far. He was needed too much on the farm, but he did get out and about a lot more than he had as a younger man.

Bobby’s first foray into Joe’s world began close at home. It began, in fact, when he returned Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under The Sea to Tilly Johnson.

Tilly answered the door in an old apron that was stained and wet, and with a harried look that bespoke frustration.

“Oh,” she said, wiping the frown off her face when she saw who was at the door. “Hi, Bobby. Please pardon my appearance. My sink is stopped up, and nothing I do makes any difference.”

Bobby put the book on a sideboard and proceeded to unclog Tilly’s stopped-up sink. It was a mixture of hair and grease, and he had to disassemble the P trap under the sink, and then fish out the grease clogs further down, while Tilly boiled water at his request. He came out from under the sink filthy, but, as Tilly poured boiling water into the sink, and saw the whirlpool that told her it was working well again, she was so happy she hugged him.

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The Making Of A Gigolo 11 Renee ZimmermanChapter 6

Renee was agitated again by the time they got to her house. That was because Bobby ignored her for the whole trip. He responded to her comments, but didn’t drive the conversation forward. He almost acted like one of the men her father would have had drive her here or there, doing his job, and not attempting to mix with his betters. Why that bothered her, she didn’t explore. All she knew was that it did. She didn’t think about the fact that she had rebuffed him, earlier ... had rebuffed him...

3 years ago
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A Real Gigolo8217s Experience 8211 Part I

Hello naughty ladies and horny gentlemen. Ankur Roy is the name I’ll be using for posting stories. I’m a 21 year old man from Navi Mumbai. I’ve been reading stories on ISS from the last 6 years and it has truly widened my imagination and fantasies. I’ve read all types of stories here and it has made me even more horny and desperate for sex. I was a virgin until the last weekend but all that changed. My virginity was taken by a beautiful 31 year old lady called Nikita. Now, I’ve come across many...

4 years ago
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Money Make Me High Class Gigolo In Mumbai Now In Pune

Hi readers My name is Vicky, 27yrs from Mumbai with an average physique.But i m goodlooking guy & well educated with great stamina to satisfy any female.(golden rule for ladies who hire me i.e. if ur not satisfied then no need to pay me),Now i m staying in pune & love to meet females in pune who like to hire me,i promise complete safety & satisfaction so if really interested then mail me @ / I am a great lover of this site and a regular visitor of this site. I was doing my 2 years MBA course...

4 years ago
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Gigolo Ch 01

This is a long-term story with potentially an infinite life in it, and it revolves around a man (written from a first-person perspective) finding himself in deep financial trouble and finding money and enjoyment in becoming a high-class male hooker. This chapter, as well as the ones to follow, will hit on more than one particular genre, which is why it’s been filed here instead of anywhere else. If you are open-minded, like something different and are not easily offended, please read on and...

3 years ago
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Mike the Gigolo Pt3 Last Stand

Four years into my time as a gigolo with Ron Vincent's business of providing escorts for the mature lady I had acquired quite a reputation. A good number of the clients asked for me on a regular basis.Having said that, I'd had a few occasions which had ensured I kept my feet on the ground. Like the buxom fifty-two-year-old lady, all blue rinse and chins who only wanted cunnilingus but refused to touch me in any way. It made for a very lengthy two hours of dipping my face in wet lard.Then there...

First Time
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First Experience As A Gigolo

Hi, its FOGG(my cover name as gigolo) bringing you my new experience as gigolo.I’m 27 M working in a reputed company in Hyderabad, apart from daily routine I also wanted of pleasure and money I made a choice of becoming a gigolo, I’m average looking south Indian guy, I have looked all over internet for suggestion and help but almost all of them are just fake and steal money. Tired of this I started my own advertising on Facebook and other different sites.Before getting into story, would like to...

4 years ago
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How I Became A Gigolo In Chennai

Hi to all readers. I am a regular reader of ISS and thought to put my story here today. This story is about how I became a gigolo in Chennai and started providing services to girls and ladies on a daily basis. Without wasting further time let me introduce the 2 characters of this story. I am Raj from Rajasthan. I am basically a Jain boy bought up in Chennai. I am little on the heavier side and have a penis of size 5 inch long and 3 inches in diameter. (I’ll not brag like others who quote they...

2 years ago
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Money Made Me A Gigolo

I was doing my 2 years MMS course from Mumbai university and opted for self study hoping that I will get a good job so that I can help my family, as I belong to a middle class family. I tried searching for jobs and hunting various companies for 3 months, but failed to get one as I was studying none of the companies showed interest. One fine day I was returning from an interview from Nerul to Dadar(Two stations in Mumbai). I was as usual rejected, so I was bit sad. I decided to take a local...

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Becoming An Independent Gigolo

Helo everyone this is sameer from Mumbai suburb(mira bhayander) I’m writing my first ever experience of being a gigolo. So please forgive me for any spelling mistake. Please send me your feedbacks on I’m 18 years old and this story is when I was 16. I think I’m the youngest gigolo from Mumbai. I’m 6.2 feet tall with a muscular body and six pack tool size 6 inches but very thick that any women will love to take… So coming to the story 2 years ago I passed my 10 th std and was admitted to a...

4 years ago
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My New Gigolo Encounter

Hi there ISS readers. I am back after a long time. This time I am gonna share my new gigolo encounter with a hot matured lady. Thanks to Indian Sex Stories for posting my stories over here. Now coming to the introduction. My name is akhil. I am a gigolo. Meri current location Chandigarh hai. Meri age 23 hai or meri height 5″9 hai or mera lund 7″ ka hai. Mujhe bade boobs or bade gaand wali ladkiya zyada pasand hai. If any lady or girl or bhabhi or any female wants my gigolo service then you...

2 years ago
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Gigolo 8211 Male Escort 8211 Rent Man 8211 Call Boy Odisha 8211 Part 5

Hello to all readers. Girls/ Ladies/ Housewifes/ Widow/ Single Ladies, I am Bapi back again to share one more incident of a real story of a fabulous encounter of my gigolo profession. I would like to introduce myself to readers who dont know me. As informed earlier my name is Bapi,age 32, unmarried, located in Rourkela, Odisha. I am working in a private firm and serving as part time gigolo (male escort) for unsatisfied females. If you are lonely or unsatisfied with your...

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Being A Gigolo 8211 Both Master And Slave

Dear friends, this is Shiva again from Tamil Nadu. Thanks for all those who spent their precious time, sending feedbacks for my stories Lucky Journey With Lusty Lakshana and Pumping Plumy Padma. All your feedbacks and my experiences after publishing those stories, made me to write this story. Feel free to contact me via my email ids and to have a very safe, secret and enjoyable relationship. My KIK Id is : dazzlingshiva I always feel every girl/lady as a flower and they have to be treated...

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Mallu Gigolo For School Teachers

Hi readers, my name is Joe from ,am doing my in a reputed college.Am basically from Kerala but live in Bangalore in pg.This is my first story in this site and forgive me if there is any mistake.I thank ISS for providing a site like this to share our story. This is actually how I became a gigolo for school teachers in Bangalore.The story will be in 2 parts & this part will tell you how a horny divorced teacher seduced me and made me a gigolo for her female friends in school. Please forgive...

4 years ago
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Gigolo Experience In Mumbai

Hello again everybody my name is Dev and I will be sharing my first gigolo service in Mumbai. I stay at a good locality in Mumbai having rich families around me. I completed my engineering degree so right now I am just having sex with horny ladies mail me at Coming to the story; during my engineering I thought that I should be a gigolo because people complimented me for good looks, height and body. As I know where gigolo start their business from so I went there. I noticed that three gigolo...

2 years ago
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Ek Gigolo Ki Kahani Usi Ki Jubani

Hi dosto app asbhi ko mera mera Namaskar, mera nam Rohit he or me Rajasthan ki city ka rahne wala ho meri umar 34 sal he meri ye pahli kahani he assa karta hu ki app sabhi ko pasand ayegi me iss ka regular pathak hu or chahta hu ki me apni gigolo banne ki kahani app sabhi ke sath bantu dosto bat tab ki he jam me 31 sall ka tha mera ek dost jo kimeri hi umar ka tha us ko kucch sarir pe dad or khaj ki problem ho gai to Hum dono ek Dr ko dikhane chale gae joki ek bahut hi Mashur Dr thi Dr. Mamta...

1 year ago
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True story of a Gigolo

Hello friends myself Raaz. I live in Delhi. I am sending my first story for you. It is a true story of my life. 2 years ago I came to Delhi for my engineering studies. As I belong to a small town so I didn’t know about the life style of a Metro City. Well now I am coming to my point. I have an athletic body as well as handsome. That is why I am demanded in girls. I lived in Dwarka at Delhi. In evening, sometime I got bored, as I was living alone at my room, so I used to go outside to make my...

First Time
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Life Of A Gigolo In This Time And Place

Hello, living in Jaipur, a dire financial situation three years ago forced me to look for ways to make money. A friend of mine, a seasoned gigolo (male sex worker), talked this 18-year old into joining his line of work and live a life of luxury. I’m paid big money for providing (and receiving) carnal pleasure. Money was what made me say “Yes” to my friend’s invitation to join the business. I get anywhere between ₹6,000 and ₹25,000 for one night, depending on who I spend the night with. The...

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The Making Of A Gigolo 11 Renee ZimmermanChapter 10

Renee bent over and pulled down the covers, which she hadn’t even gotten under, because it was warm in the room. It was still warm but, despite the boldness of her behavior, there was still a residual level of nervousness in her that demanded she do something routine and normal. Turning down the covers served that purpose. “It really is a cute butt,” said Bobby, from behind her. She looked over her shoulder, to see him staring, where the shirt had ridden up to show her bare buttocks. Once...

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The Making Of A Gigolo 11 Renee ZimmermanChapter 7

This was Renee’s first celebration of the 4th of July in Granger. She was a little shy, at first, but then began seeing people she knew. Children ran up to her for hugs, and their mothers and fathers smiled and waved at her. Mirriam also waved, from a line of tables set up on the grass. Lots of women Renee knew were at that line of tables too, and her nervousness disappeared as she walked over and was welcomed. She looked around for Bobby, but didn’t see him. She felt embarrassed, for some...

3 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 10 Liz SindersonChapter 7

On a day late in August, Bobby knocked on Liz and Jeff’s front door. He had a bottle of wine with him, and was dressed semi-casually. That was primarily because he had no idea what was going to happen that night. He was there in response to a somewhat formal invitation to attend the celebration of their wedding anniversary. Dinner would be served. Jeff answered the door and smiled, sticking out his hand. “Congratulations,” said Bobby, smiling back. “Thanks,” said Jeff. “Come on in. She’s...

2 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 9 Amanda GriggsChapter 4

The next morning Amanda had to drag herself from bed. She hadn’t slept well. She hurried to get her father taken care of. He’d had insurance that covered loss of work from a thing like this, so, financially, they were fine. The insurance also covered hiring a person to check in on him, occasionally, during the day, so she knew that his other needs would be taken care of while she concentrated on making the situation at the station improve. She had no idea how to do that, though, and that was...

4 years ago
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The First Sex as Gigolo

Hi … This Suresh from Tiruppur,Tamil Nadu…I am the big fan of ISS … I have been regular reader of ISS for the past 4 years… I am the private gigolo and a sperm donor looking for more customer who are in need for pleasure.. Can contact me any time Coming to the story… I have a intentions in sex for past 6 years and I have further checked in google and I came to about a gigolo…. I too started surfing and fount and that person demanding 5,000 for and after that only I came to know its a fraud...

3 years ago
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Gigolo Ch 02

This time of year, darkness came early, but not early enough for me to get some warm up business before Vera turned up in her limo and took me to the hotel. I’d decided to dress in a £3,500 suit I’d bought earlier in the day, but this was nothing to what she met me in the restaurant with. She wore a slinky red dress with matching and rather skimpy lingerie. 104, looking about late sixties, and absolutely stunning. Despite this, people looked at me strangely for being 22 dating someone 82...

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Life As A Gigolo

You won’t notice me stand out in the Metro crowdI won’t be the one to turn heads at the office party. I don’t make you feel threatened by speaking to your wife or your girl hell and till a few months back I dint even know how to speak to a girl. But this story is not just mine it also belongs to Deepika!The perfect wife a loving mom a generous wife and the ideal woman and fair beautiful a former model who had with age put on weight only in the right places and a face oh what a face it drips...

3 years ago
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Experience As Gigolo For First Time

Hi, my name is anil and I am from Bangalore. I am an average looking guy with a medium built body having a decent 7-inch thick black tool. I am 25 years old. I work as a supervisor in a private company and in part-time I work as a gigolo satisfying women of all age groups in Bangalore and providing services as they wish for the last 3 months. I stay in Banashankari 3rd stage and provide the services all over Bangalore city. Today I am about to share my very first experience of how I became a...

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First Experience As Gigolo

Hi, Indian Sex Stories readers, this is my real sex story. I’m Karan from Delhi. I’m new here, I’m 23, athletic, 6 feet tall and a good looking guy. Right now, I work in an MNC and work as a part time gigolo. My dick is 6 inches big and very thick and got great stamina. This is my first experience of how I tried and became a gigolo, many more stories will follow. Please do share your love on It started when I came back from the US and broke up with my girl. Then, I started using tinder and had...

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Becoming An Independent Gigolo Part 8211 2

Helooo boys, girls, and aunties I’m sameer thanks for your lovely feedbacks and for motivating me to write another story.You can find my previous part at https://www.Indiansexstories.Net/couple/becoming-independent-gigolo/ I’m back again with another story with my client number 2 after becoming an independent professional gigolo. For those who don’t know me, I’m sameer from Mumbai western suburb (mira bhayander). I’m 6.2 feet tall with a muscular body with 6-inch cock size to please any girl or...

4 years ago
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Enjoy My Gigolo Service

Hi there, ISS readers .Kaise hai aap sb. I am back after a long time. With a new story of my gigolo service. I got many emails for my last stories. Thanks to all girls and aunties who replied me. Now I m sharing my latest sex story. Read it out and have fun. And if any girls aunty needs my sex service then you can mail me. There will be total privacy. That’s my mailing id. And boys please stay away from me. I don’t want your emails. I am not going to reply your mails. Now coming to the...

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Gigolo From Rourkela 8211 Part 2

Hello to all the reader of ISS. Hi Girls / Ladies / Housewives of Rourkela Odisha, I am Bapi from Rourkela, Odisha. I am back here to share one more incident which took place recently. I would like to introduce myself to readers who dont know me. As informed earlier my name is Bapi,age 32, unmarried, located in Rourkela, Odisha. I am working in a private firm and serving as part time gigolo (male escort) for unsatisfied females. If you are lonely or unsatisfied with your sexual life or just for...

3 years ago
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Gigolo Gives The Classic Companionship And Pleasures Mahima

Hi guys, this is Jerry. I am very young guy from Bangalore and writing this story for the first time. I work at an MNC, but also offer my services as a male companion. I am thick where I should be, my tool is about 7″ long. Average but young body. I got a phone call after putting up my ad on personal listing for several days. She was stuttering while speaking. She told her name as Mahima. She is 35 years old, but decent sized boobs and tight ass. She asked me about myself and told she wants to...

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How A Mature Woman Made Me A Gigolo

Hi Everyone, I want to post this story that happened to me recently and how I became a gigolo. Actually this is my second story and this all happened because of the first encounter with neighbor. Luckily she only made this opportunity for me. So this encounter is with one of her friend(don’t want to tell her name tho) who also working in Pune. I came to know about her from my neighbor that she is a widower and her husband died long ago. So my neighbor aunty told me that her friend really is...

5 years ago
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Beautiful Aunty Made Me A Gigolo In Hyderabad

Hello everyone, I am Avinash and basically from Hyderabad. I do provide gigolo services for women (Hyderabad and Bangalore) and especially i love matured women of all sizes.(plump, medium or skinny) Let me tell you a story which made me a gigolo for fun and not for money. I recently came back from UK and I am self-employed.I am pretty successful in my business and as a successful entrepreneur I do attend conferences and meetings. In that process there was a business meet early this year at...

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Sex With Bhabhi Being Gigolo

My name is Rahul and I’m from Ahmadabad. I’m new to ISS. Recently I came to know about iss and I became big fan of this blog. Now let me start with my story. Its about fulfilling my fantasy for real. I always fantasize about having sex with young bhabhis but being a was afraid of asking any of them. Finally I found a way to enjoy with them by becoming a gigolo. I knew the pickup points in the city and hence I went there wearing red t-shirt (usually that is the signal for being Gigolo). I waited...

4 years ago
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Gigolo Service In Delhi

Hi all ISS readers, my name is Adam & this is going to be my first story here hope you like it. Mai apne baare me bata deta hun, mai Delhi me reheta hun 5.8ft tall, age 25, with 7 inch cock fair with a good body and good stamina aur mai part time modelling bhi karta hoon, meri expertise Massage service hai, jo ki mere sabhi cleints jaante hai, main ek gigolo(call boy) hoon or females ko body massge or sex services provide karta hoon, meri cleint jiske baare me ye story hai bhot he zada sexy...

2 years ago
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First Experience Of Gigolo 8211 Part II

Hello ISS readers, this is Vijay from Chandigarh – The city beautiful. Main ek gigolo hu, ek professional gigolo, meri 24 yrs ka 5.8 height aur athletic body , dkhne mein average hu. Yeh meri true story hain jo main aaj aap logo ko bataunga aur meri life ka first exp bhi, aur yahi se meri gigolo banne ki shuruwat bhi hui. Dosto yeh meri frst story hain, jo main likh rha hu isliye age mujhse koi galti ho jae to apne is dost ko maaf kar dena aur job hi galti ho usko btana taaki main next time...

4 years ago
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It was a different Judy I held in my arms. She was not the loving, sweet, and cuddly Judy tonight. She had changed to a voracious female animal that demanded to be possessed. There was a wildness about her that I had never experienced.I had felt it as she walked in the door. She didn't close it, she slammed it shut. She did not wait for me to embrace her and welcome her back from her sightseeing tour, instead she crushed me to her, practically ripped my clothes off me. She wouldn't let me...

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My Experience With Gigolo

Hi everyone for myself i am john from ahmedabad. 24years old goodlooking man. I am presently do the gigolo job and share my great experiance in this job first time mai jab 16years age ka tha tab ek padosi bhabhi se baatchit chalu hui thi tab woh waha nai aai thi aur woh divourses thi usne paheli baar muje uski bahen ki sadi me sath me le gai thi tab hame waha 2din tak rukne ka tha sadi puri ho gai aur dusre din subah ko hame nikalna tha lekin sadi ki raat ko hi muje usne kaha kya tum sexy ho...

2 years ago
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22YearOld Guy Becomes Gigolo 8211 Part 4 The Ashwini Saga

Now it was the month of September. As I told you all, I have temporarily lost my job. I needed one as I realized that I couldn’t depend upon the profession of a Gigolo alone. I decided that I would also do something else to have full-time employment. Working as a gigolo will add to my income and be a source of my fun. I searched for a job and got one at a call center. I joined that job and started to work. The pay was less, but the chances of incentive were great.  As I joined this job, I...

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Gigolo entraps an old crush

I started my working life working in a store, where my gift of the gab won customers of both sexes over and made me popular with my work colleagues. I was not an adonis, but from starting my working life I began to make the best of myself by starting a exercise regime and buying good clothes and beauty products, and discovering sex. I started paying escorts for sex so that I could enjoy a range of uninhibited sexual fantasies and kinks that I had. And professional escorts for a fee were...

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How I Became a GigoloChapter 10

It was the end of the summer, and I was facing the prospect of returning to school. Dammit, I was making so much money as a gigolo that I hated the thought of what going to school was going to do to my working schedule. I now had enough older clients lined up that I was fucking them five days a week at a usual price of $200 per day before Jenny's share. The thought of losing $875 a week, plus all of that fucking that I would be missing, really had me in the dumps. Furthermore, I was dating...

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Madam Candys Gigolo SlaveChapter 3

After a nice brunch, which Reggie was forced to cook and serve to the guests, the entire family gathered in the living room. By this point, Mina, Connie, and Penny were there as well. To ensure that he didn't forget his place, Reggie was required to stay nude for the rest of the day. Connie winked at him, as if to taunt him about the fact that he had probably knocked her up, even though he still resented her a bit for her conduct during the act. "So, Candy, may I borrow Reggie again today?...

1 year ago
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Madame Candys Gigolo Slave

When the orgy was over, Candy prompted informed Reginald that he was to move in with Lewis and her ASAP. "You're going to be my whore, my gigolo, understand, slave?" "Gigolo, mistress? You mean, I will have to sleep with people for money?" "Yes, and I prefer to be called 'Madame', instead of 'Mistress', because that's what I am- a madame. I will also fuck people for cash, but I will be the boss, clear enough?" "So, after work, I will come home and fuck with anyone who pays?" "Not 'after work'-...

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Carly and Tilly Being Silly

Here we have a choice between the embarrassing adventures of two fairly well off ladies in the 1920’s. Carly is a white woman, wishing to make her stamp in America so she will be remembered for all time, possibly as a singer or an actress, possibly even model. She’s his only child and he doesn’t trust anyone else so… who else could it be? Tilly is a black girl, wishing to be a famous artist and become famous in America. This story is just going to be them getting into silly naked moments and...

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