Sam and Tilly in the Beginning
- 2 years ago
- 24
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An unforgiving summer sun beat its heat down on the city. Blistering sidewalks and streets baked those brave enough to traverse the thoroughfares on foot. The heat waves rising from the roadway made strange ripples in the view and people and buildings seemed to bend and straighten when seen through the rising air. Venturing from work Sam left the gropers, perverts, drunken businessmen, and other strangers behind her. Working in a strip club you put up with a lot of crap – but Samantha didn’t stand for it was the rare stripper that didn’t the protection of a bouncer.
She rode the streets on her big hog Harley and wished she hadn’t worn the helmet. She wanted to feel the hot air rush over her face. She also wished she hadn’t geared up for the ride. Her chaps and jacket protected her from the pavement in case of an accident but cooked her flesh like a pot roast. She traveled a route which she thought was a shortcut but when Sam spotted the parking lot strewn with bikes, pickup trucks, and luxury cars alike she just had to check out the place. Maybe she would see some lovely little girl or a good looking guy that wanted to be abused that night.
Entering the bar, her eyes struggled to adjust to the dim lighting. Even so, this atmosphere was her home. Sam worked in a place not so different to this, only she danced nude there. Holding her leather jacket in one hand and her helmet in another she sauntered up to the bar, “Barkeep, any place safe to store this stuff?”
“Yea, sure, I’ll take it and keep them safe, chaps to if you want.” Sam handed the man the gear then took off the chaps. He looked appreciatively at her tall, muscled body. Marveled at her tight ass covered by the thinnest of material and shortest of black shorts. He ached to see the small breasts and six pack tummy which were covered only with a black ribbed T that clung to her like a second skin. Sam aware of his rubbernecking handed him the chaps, “I don’t like boys.”
“What can I get you?” he ask ducking his eyes away from her. The air of danger hung thick around the woman, he had the distinct impression she could and would hurt him. While he wouldn’t like, that several in the bar would love it. He shot her a tentative glance back at her piercing blue eyes.
“A draft and a shot of Jack,” she drank in the atmosphere of the bar. Bikers, rednecks, and sophisticated talked in their clicks. In the corner sitting alone a young woman appeared to be chasing off one guy after guy. Petite, pretty, and dressed to the nines. It was obvious she was a whore. The men that talked to her must be unwilling meet her price. Then a well-dressed older man walked up to her and started talking. He stood there with this lusty gawking expression as he watched her. The girl, for she was barely more than that, would shake her head. Undaunted he would make a new proposal.
Slamming down the drink Sam walked back to the table. She placed the beer on the table. Gripping the man's wrist she pulled him toward her. “The lady isn’t interested.” He started to complain, but something about her look frightened him. Perhaps it was her cold blue eyes, or the short man’s style haircut she sported, or perhaps the powerful muscles, or conceivably all of it combined to frighten him. He moved away grumbling about lesbos.
“I was in a negotiation,” her anger was apparent. The black girl laid her eyes on Sam for the first time. Her heart missed a beat. All those things that frightened men attracted her. Sam sat down next to her and wrapped her arm around the smaller more feminine woman.
“Negotiations are over for the night,” Sam smiled without waiting lowered her face and kissed the girl. Soft and tender their lips met. Something passed between them. When they broke apart, the younger girl sat speechless her mind whirling. Sam raised her index finger as the waitress approached then pointed her thumb to the black girl.
“Now don’t you look just like ninety pounds of dynamite? I’m Samantha but I go by Sam, and you are?”
“I go by Tilly, and I’m more like black powder,” she looked around the room no one gave them so much as a glance. “I appreciate the attention but I need to make some money or my Pimp will pound on me.” The waitress returned with a glass of ice and a clear liquid.
“Vodka Tonic,” the waitress told them she ten whispered in Sam’s ear, Sam extended a ten dollar bill and told her to keep the change. Samantha turned her attention to Tilly.
“I’ll give you whatever you need to give him,” Sam said rubbing the arm of the smaller woman in a tender embrace. “Even better than that I’ll be your pimp and you can keep your money.” Turning she took Tilly’s face in her hands and again kissed her. Tilly leaned into her felt her strength. The girl warped her arms around Sam. When they, at last, broke apart she looked up at the taller, stronger, woman.
“You’re big and strong, but he is bigger, stronger and meaner. It just can’t be done,” the dejected black girl told her. “I’ll be doing what he says for a long time I think.”
“Bullshit, I can take him. Why don’t you finish the drink and take me to him?” it took Sam several minutes to convince her.
Wrapping her arms around the woman Tilly felt the rumbled from the powerful motor through her body. She clutched the woman struggling with a small fear that they would crash. The streets rushed by and Tilly gave instructions. The town grew more seedy the further they went. Darkness covered them in the run-down part of the city, streetlights were dim or not working at all. The windows of the houses were dark and many were abandoned left empty to fall apart from entropy.
The darkness seemed to grow as the motorcycle pulled into the drive of the derelict house. Clouds covered the half moon, the house stood as a testament of man’s neglect to the ghetto of the community. Shingles were missing from the roof, which sagged in the middle, much of the siding had fallen off and some places big holes gapped through to the nasty interior. The couple entered the dwelling and moved through it to a big master bedroom.
The pimp arched his hips into the face of the girl. She gagged and spewed as she sucked him. He froze pushing her head down on his cock. He made small humps whit his hips pushing dick deeper into her mouth as he disgorged his seed. The whores watched the nightly ritual of him showing he was the boss. He forced a different girl every night to suck him off, beating them before and sometimes afterward to make a point. After he busted his nut, he became aware of Tilly standing near the doorway.
“Tilly what the fuck you bringing a john here for?” pushing the girl to the side he stood on the ratty mattress on the floor pushing his cock back in his pants he zipped. “Shit, you’re a fucking girl. What you wanting to hustle for me – dike?”
“I’m going to kick your ass and take these girls from you,” Sam said throwing her coat and helmet on the floor. She reached down and unsnapped the chaps then opened the buckle and let them fall to the carpet. He snickered and pushed his hand in his back pocket. He was quick to formulate his plan and shoved the brass knuckles on his hand. Keeping it behind his back he approached the woman in a cat like slowness cutting the distance between them.
“Kick my ass, take my fucking women, bull-fucking-shit!” he charged her. Sam’s body twisted to the side and her knee rose to her chest she snapped her foot out hard crashing into his chest. He was lifted off his feet and flew back to the gritty mattress. In two quick bounds, Sam jumped on him. With swift hard blows, she bashed her fist to his face and nose. Then she jumped off and stood in the middle of the room.
The pimp held his nose and screamed out incoherent curses and threats at the woman. Getting up he again charged her. “Dumbshit never learn,” Sam thought as he threw the punch she deflected it with ease. She turned her back to him while holding his arm. Bashing her elbow into his side several times, Sam, spun away and then pirouetted around kicking his chin. He tumbled down on his knees. Sam grabbed his scruffy hair and clutching it drug him upwards. She then threw blow after blow to his stomach and ribs followed by a straight hand blow to the back of his head.
In a heap on the floor, he struggled to catch his breath. Pushing up with his hands he rose up, Sam kicked his ribs, then again, and again. The snapping and popping sound rang out as bones broke. Standing over him as he gasped for air, Sam knew he was done, the awful sucking sounds of his pain as he tried to breathe filled Sam with joy. For good measure kicked him again hard.
“Get the fuck out of my town,” she then kicked his broken ribs again. “Be gone by midnight tonight or,” she lowered the register of her voice to nearly a growl, “I’ll fucking kill you. You are done here you got your ass kicked by a girl.”
Sam left him with one hundred dollars and his pink and purple pimpmobile. He didn’t stop at an emergency room until he got to Tulsa. When the doctor asked what happened, he said he had fallen down a flight of stairs. Under his breath the doctor commented, “Stairs with a with fast fist and feet is my guess,” to his nurse.
Sam told the girls they were free to work the streets and keep their money. She would keep as close an eye on them as she could but had her own job. The whores told her they would give her ten percent of their money if she would watch over them. A quick calculation told Sam she would be many dollars ahead with ten percent of fifteen whores money. She would dance part time and take care of the whores full time.
Sam had a problem, she didn’t want Tilly to work the street, but how to tell her? For that night, it didn’t matter. The went the girls and Sam and Tilly cruised up down the boulevard making sure the girls were safe. Tilly talking to Sam and telling her about the other women. At three am she order the women to go home. Tilly and Sam followed them to their respective motels, apartments, and abandoned houses. The two women went to Tilly’s apartment. When they entered Tilly turned on a lot of lights then sat on the couch. Sam switched most of the lights off and set next Tilly.
“Well,” Till fiddled with the hem of her dress. Sam put her finger to Tilly’s mouth.
“Time to talk after,” she kissed her as her hands roamed over the black girls body. Tilly’s response was instant, her body moved to the woman and their hand clutched, stimulated and explored each others bodies. Clothing peeled off by one another hung from a limb here or dangled from the arm of the sofa there. Hungry mouths moved over a neck, breasts, tummies, and then lower, lower still. Fingers press inside followed by caresses with lips and deep thrust with tongues. Instinctive passion led Tilly on what to do and when. Having never done this before there was a slight awkwardness, still she knew what to do to a woman to make her feel good. She knew would make her feel good so did that to Sam. Sam having more awareness, certainly knew what Tilly needed.
An intuitive dance ensued as the women alternated between kissing each others
mouths to concentrating on other lips. Hips moved in a rhythmic synchronicity of
lustful, passionate desire. The two were fitted together in a natural way as
though designed one for the other. Their heads between each others leg they
explored the flowered landscape testing and tasting one another’s passion. They
explored each others carnal, desire until finally they culminated together in a
massive fervid, euphoria.
In the early morning hours, with predawn light filtering through the bare window of Tilly’s seedy apartment, the two women lay clutching each other. Tilly curled into the bigger stronger woman a feeling of satisfaction filled her. A content she had not felt in eight years.
“I want to know all about you,” Sam told her.
“No, you don’t know want to know all my shit.”
“Yea, I really do,” Sam said blankly. “I think we should tell everything important right up front. No secrets, put our cards on the table.” Tilly thought for a minute. Then sat up and walked out of the room. Sam worried she had done something wrong. Tilly walked back wearing one robe and holding another.
“Might not fit,” She handed the pink robe to her. Tilly sat on the couch with her feet under her. “You go first.” Sam stood and in a futile attempted to put on the robe. Laying the robe on the back of the sofa she curled up on the couch and layed her head in Tilly’s lap.
“I remember when my mom died, I was eight years old, that was eighteen years ago now, my dad went to pieces. Somehow we made it through the funeral. Dad tried to be father and mother, he didn’t do to good a job on the mother part. He taught me to play baseball, basketball, and soccer. He coached little league teams, and I was a star, player. The girly things he didn’t know how to do.” Sam sighed and rolled into her tighter. Tilly smoothed Sam’s short, brown hair and rubbed her bare arm. The big muscles were hard to her touch. She ran her hand over the in the tender manner she could feel the pent-up energy in them. They were coiled ready to be used.
“In high school only a few boys ever worked up the nerve to asked me out, it never lasted long. Between my less than feminine ways and my fathers bear like appearance it didn’t take long for a boy to lose interest. I went to college and got a degree in English. I have a teaching certificate, but I didn’t like teaching. The snotty middle school brats drove me insane. I started dancing on the side and that ended of my career in education. Once the school board found out, I was fired.” Tilly leaned down and kissed her and smiled. Sam smiled back.
“I have been in a lot of spats, arrested and thrown in jail overnight twice for assault, but charges were never filed. The guys were too ashamed to admit a girl beat them in a fight. I have fought in underground fights, mixed matches were women fight men. I have a few lovers, a couple of men, maybe four women and no one-night stands,” she paused. “This isn’t a one night stand is it?”
“No, I don’t think it is,” Tilly allowed and traced her finger down Sam’s nose moving it to her lips. Sam kissed her finger and Tilly raised her finger to own mouth and kissed where Sam had. They exchanged a look, a smile perhaps, or it may have been deeper than that.
“Your turn,” Sam said sitting up then laying back. She indicated for Tilly to curl up with her and as natural as breathing air the two held each other in a loving embrace.
“It was a Sunday night and my twelfth birthday. My daddy came home drunk, nothing unusual about that. He came in and saw my presents and had this strange look in his eyes. What happened after that was terrible … he took me … with my momma watching.” Tears flowed as she spoke and she blubbered a few moments. I tried to stop him but couldn’t.” Sam held her so tight she wanted her to know she was there for her.
“Next morning, my Momma made all kinds of excuses for Daddy. He was a man, a man has needs and you have to respect your Daddy. She let me stay home from school to heal up, that was how she said it. “You need to heal up La Quitta. You don’t wants nobody think you Daddy hurts you.”
“I watched something on TV, I think a rerun of an old TV show called ‘Wings.’ The TV stopped playing said “We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming for this important message.” The little bug down the corner changed to a news channels. There was a newsman on there talking about an accident in New York City. Only it wasn’t an accident and the world came crashing down that day. How these planes ran into two buildings, The World Trade Center buildings, then one building just fell, crashed in on its self. One floor fell into another and so, just like you pulled the wrong stick out in Jenga, it all came tumbling down, just like my life.” Tilly felt Sam’s strong hands running over her body in an oh, so, tender and loving touch.
“I watched the news all day the first time I every paid attention to the news. They said it was a terror attack and I felt like them buildings myself. Like I had my own terror attack. The ceiling fell on me a the floor fell out from under me, we all came tumbling down and shit covered me. That was when I made up mind after they were asleep I left. I have never been back. I thumbed rides until I got here. I became a whore and now its 8 years later and here I am.” Her eyes were glassy, but she didn’t cry. The warmth of Sam’s touched felt – strange, delightful, and so very right.
“I have never had a lover,” she stopped then added, “before, I have fucked a lot but tonight was the time I made love. Never been with a woman, until you. I never was attracted to any female. Shit, then I saw you standing there giving that guy the bums rush. My heart most burst in my chest. You were tall, beautiful, and powerful never saw a woman like you before in my life.” She snuggled into Sam, “I’ve been raped six times in eight years. Had my money stolen, I have been beaten up by johns and other whores. I am so worthless I don’t deserve no one, especially no one like you.”
“Hey, I won’t hear that talk you deserve the best,” she decided it was time. “That brings us to something else. I don’t want you working the streets anymore. You run the girls and live with me. I’ll take care of you.”
“Why?” Tilly asked her. Tilly was pleased with the what she said, but she didn’t understand it, she wanted to know what Sam’s meaning was. She wanted to know why!
“That’s how I want it. I want to protect you,” she didn’t know how to say what she needed to say.
“Why? You don’t know me nor do you owe me anything.” Tilly pressed her.
“I know I want you,” she paused and pull the girl to her. “I know you fill a whole. I don’t know what else to tell you. I don’t have to know you for months or years to know I care for you. I want to be with you, someday that might change, but not today. I don’t see a time when it will ever change.”
“You know what that’s called?” Tilly asked her.
“I know, it is such a beautiful word but I fiend it quite hard to say,” Samantha told her an awkward truth. “I have never been able to get that word out, not so far.”
“You got to some time,” Tilly told her as the sunlight broke into the room. The ball of fire climbed in the sky, but the two slept on a large, clean couch until the heat built up in the apartment. Sam changed her schedule that day, she would only work mid-week and only until 10:00. Her open days she cruised the avenue watching her girls, after work the same. Weekends was nearly around the clock. And almost all of the time, Tilly was with her.
At times, Tilly stood watch over the girls. She drove the Street and if necessary she could call Sam, who rushed to the aid of one of the women. Eventually, the whores moved on and Tilly found a new line of work. There was a constant in her life, Samantha, her liberator, protector, lover, friend, and so much more.
Once the girls were gone, Sam went back to dancing full time. She enjoyed it and the customers loved her. The mean Bitch Goddess stripper. What can be said, some men love tall, muscled women that treat them like dirt. Tilly found a new profession, an odd way of making a living considering where she started in life. Tilly also became an expert in martial arts, though never as proficient as Samantha, she was still deadly good with it.
One day sitting in the Club where Sam worked she looked at Tilly. She admired her slender build, her dark complexion, her deep penetrating gazes and way she had climbed out of the gutter to make something of herself. She couldn’t help herself the words just flowed from her. The three most important words a person can hear.
“I love you,” Sam said it casual like she had said it every day for years. Not at like it was the first time she told someone.
“I know,” Tilly answered, “I’m uneducated, not stupid.”
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On my last work trip to the country I was fortunate enough to be able to have my wife Lisa accompany me. It was a rare pleasure indeed. We always enjoy each other’s company, but these days it’s not often we get some time together by ourselves. While I had to go to work each day I had the luxury of starting at a reasonable hour, and getting back with Lisa relatively early in the afternoon. We were like two k**s in a lolly shop. Lisa was able to go shopping during the day without worrying about...
He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...
Catherine and Alexander by: Bruce Leach Although the children never knew it times had been rough in the castle. Their father, the Duke of Beaufort, had in recent days made a number of unfortunate alliances that put not only his fortune but his entire properties and even his own life in jeopardy. In these days after the king's death the wrong friends could mean accusations of treachery and the Duke had made all the wrong friends. Things looked bleak until he had an...
Sam and Vanessa Part Five: The Club By Teddie S The rest of the two weeks, that Vanessa's parents were gone, went along as the first part had. The couple enjoyed spending all their time together, Sam spent every night, and Samantha was only around at night. But, toward the end of the second week, as Vanessa's parents were due back on Sunday, and she wanted to do something with her girlfriends on Saturday night. They found a club that looked like it might be a lot of fun. It wasn't far...
Sam and Dennis - A Tale from the girls locker room - Part One - by John Howarth - ©copyright 2001 My Stories may be added to Any Free access Archive with similar content as long as the content is not modified and this notice and the copyright is maintained. Direct comments and email to [email protected] * * * * * * * Forward This story used a Halloween story by Jennifer Adams as the stimulus. This story centers on Sam Smythe and leaves room for someone else to...
I’d not seen Sam for over a week. She had taken a four-day work trip to Milan and when she had got back I was rostered on to a three-day shift. There was no doubt I was missing her and feeling restless that I wasn’t around her.We had been seeing each other and fucking for about two weeks. Two weeks in which there can be no doubt, I was getting the best sex of my life. Sam was confident, forward and unashamed of her sexuality. She knew what she wanted and knew how to get it.I still didn’t know...
MatureSam and Vanessa Part one A little background Authors note. This is a sequel to the story of Mike and Sam that I wrote in 2004. It follows their son, Sam, from his preteen years through college. If you haven't read the original five parts, it might help you follow this story better if you do. If you went back and read the first five parts, you can skip down to The Story Starts, as this part just describes the four main characters. Our little family has four members to it....
Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...
Hello dear ISS readers, I am so glad that I got a chance to open up about myself about my brother’s cock in front of some wonderful horny audience. Let me introduce myself to you. I am Sameena, a 21-year-old engineering student just about to graduate and get a job in Visakhapatnam. Coming to my body, I have a perfectly built structure with 36 sized boobs and a big round butt that would kill any guy just by looking. Even though I am just a young fresh graduate, my physical relations with men...
IncestSam and Vanessa Part Two: A very sad time A few weeks after Christmas, just after Saturday breakfast, the telephone rang, and Toshi answered it. She turned to her mother, handed her the phone, and said, "It's Oda Sachiko, and she's crying." With a little trepidation, Masumi took the phone, and said, "Sachiko?" She listened for a minute, her face flushed, and she started to cry. "Mom! What's wrong?" "Sobo (grandfather) died." "What? No!" And, Toshi started crying. "Please...
Sam and Vanessa Part Four: Could It Really Be? By Teddie S She looked at him for a long time, then reached up, and wiped his tears away. "I... I... could try and stop for you." he said. "You would do that for me?" "I would do anything for you." She moved around, so that she was sitting on his lap, and said, "Hold me." He put his arms around her, and held her tight. She wrapped her arms around him. And, they just sat there holding each other. She finally whispered, "Sam. I...
Sam Considered the Pistol By Constance Grant ([email protected]) Chapter 1 Sam couldn't sleep. It was very early as he considered the pistol on his hands and remembered the day that he purchased it. It was a bright cheerful day in Downieville eight years ago, which itself was located amidst the near paradise of Tahoe National Forest, California. Ben and he had been shooting iron critters, and Ben had cleaned his clock. It wasn't that he missed often; it was that...
I appreciate the comments and voting on the last piece, “How I met Sam.” This follows in the path of my first story which is a story loosely based on life events. Like before I have taken some creative liberties, changed all names and warped time and space in a few instances. The idea is to create a captivating portrayal without getting too bogged down in the mundane and meeting erotic quota. Please vote, I write you vote and I always appreciate comments positive and negative. Hopefully, I...
Sam and Jill pt 1By x wayStorycodes: bound; breathplay; toys; threesome; XSam’s intrigueOnce, eight month ago, Jill was naked and strapped all her limbs and torso to a gynecological chair. I was fucking her tight asshole in steady pace. My left hand was pumping her wet pussy with two feet long, black, ribbed, double-headed dildo, and my right hand was stimulating her clit with the humming pink egg vibrator pressed onto her clit. She was moaning in ecstasy.Sam was standing behind her head...
I love Sam Sam.Chapter One ? The meeting. I love Sam.When we first met I had been single for quite a while, so had he. It?s hard trying to find that special person, one who you feel that connection with. For Sam and I, that connection was immediate. I had been at university for a while. I was in the final semester of my second degree. My routine was, well, routine. Lectures, home, eat, pub, club, and home. Occasionally I would be required to write an essay. I was beginning to...
Sam and Jill pt 1By Way2BdgStorycodes: bound; breathplay; plastic bag; toys; threesome; XSam’s intrigueOnce, eight month ago, Jill was naked and strapped all her limbs and torso to a gynecological chair. I was fucking her tight asshole in steady pace. My left hand was pumping her wet pussy with two feet long, black, ribbed, double-headed dildo, and my right hand was stimulating her clit with the humming pink egg vibrator pressed onto her clit. She was moaning in ecstasy.Sam was standing behind...
Sam I Am By Shintashi Chapter 1 Splashes of water, rising up from freshly stomped mud puddles in the midnight rain were the first to herald the frantic journey of the soaking stranger. He looked down at his watch in the back alley way, trying to catch his breath as he scrutinized the water soaked time peice, wiping the corrupt evening down poor off its glass surface, hoping the batteries were still strong enough to power the nightlight, and at the same time, hoping he had lost...
This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestThis introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestBill recently separated from his wife of twenty-five plus years. He moved into an apartment flat close to where he worked. Bill was not sure what was going to be the outcome of the separation. His wife seemed to no longer love him, and their sex life near zero. Their home was an hour drive from work, the new place he moved into was five minutes away from work. It also provided some distance for them to sort things out without running into each other. The kids were now out of the house, which is...
Bisexual[A little background for this, Sam was born with male genitalia, which is one of the reasons why she doesn't like the word panties, something she can't technically wear because of her 'extra' friend. The only four people who know about Sam having male genitalia are her doctor, her mom, her s*ster, and Carly. Carly found out because the two secretly dated for a while and lost their virginities to each other prior the finale of 'iCarly', and after Sam broke up with Freddie. When she was younger,...
Sam and I by Dee Cypher It was an unusually warm summer, even for the Midwest. I had gotten used to the air conditioner cycling on and off frequently, but the humidity was still bothering me more than normal. Could my hair get any frizzier, I asked myself. As I continued digging up weeds from the flowerbed in front of the house, I had bigger issues on my mind. Am I actually going to ask him? And what if he says yes? So many questions, or perhaps not. I mean, it requires a...
"Sam do you know where I put my ducky at? I need him to go to the beach with me. Sam are you listening to me?""Yes k*d, I am," said Sam. "Look you left him over there on counter." "Oh yeah," Cat said. "Sam look at my bathing suit, what do you think?""It’s pink," Sam replied, "and a bikini.""Well of course it’s pink, I love pink," Cat said all happy. "And Jade said if I wore a bikini I would get lucky tonight, whatever that means. Jade is always saying weird things like my br*ther does."Jade is...
Author’s Foreword: Skimmers and/or those looking for hot sex scenes will not like this story. Thanks for the excellent feedback, and I appreciate all those who make it a point to read my submissions. ***** Sam Lake sat at his desk awaiting a fourth appointee who had expressed an interest in buying his business. He chuckled as he re-read a month old article about himself and his small company in ‘Digital Breakthroughs’ on line magazine. The article in part read, ‘…Mr. Lake’s small company...
SAM & CAT: #ROLE-PLAY "Cat, I'm bored!" Sam groaned as she collapsed on the couch of their shared apartment."Why are you bored?" Cat asked from the kitchen as she was checking on the roast beef in the oven."There's nothing to do," Sam said as she laid there, bored out of her skull.Cat came in with the placemats and set them on the table along with the cutlery, moving Sam's head so she could sit down, then putting her head in her lap once she was comfortable. "Come on, Sammie," Cat said as...
They were only twenty yards away when Sam held up his hand. "Unless you wish to seriously piss me off? I advise against you using those weapons. You see I am immune to them. Several of the men started to laugh as they advance further, a look of supreme confidence on their faces. "You're nothing but a savage that we will expunge from the universe!" Laughing at least twenty started to fire at Sam. Standing for a few moments Sam wondered just how long these idiots would stand there when...
It’s been a week of turmoil for both ladies. Lara wished she had put on the note to Sam to call her on a week night Sam was hardly able to suppress her excitement and nervousness, the wait was simply excruciating. Sam’s work usually ticked by with ease, but now seemed to drag by at an almost slow motioned rate. It wasn’t much better at home either, time seemed to be spent either reliving the Vegas experience, or wondering what to say when it came time for the phone call. Why had Lara been...
Surprised Sam replied, {I'd have thought you faster with as many of the minds that you have making up the triad.} Sam replied still wondering what in the hell Triot was up to. Queen Triada shook her head, {we have to gather before we act. We had detected Triot approaching, were almost ready when you struck out.} Sam nodded that he understood though again he felt a little foolish, knowing that the queen couldn't see him. Sam walked out heading toward where his parents were. A smile slowly...
He was thankful that he could accommodate all of them. As he thought, the more they used it the better and stronger they became. Another look at those with him he could see that no matter what, his sister Thantas and Mellos were a force to reckon with. He knew that Drivas and Thellus weren't completely ready though they were a hell of a lot stronger than they looked. The last, here Sam shook his head, they weren't here in corporeal form, so he wasn't all that sure. Another look at the...
Sam awoke to find herself alone in bed. She rolled to her back and stretched and then she was reminded that she was wearing only her panties. For a change, Sam did not panic at the thought of being almost naked and in another woman's bed even. She smiled in remembrance of Amy's skin pressed tightly against her own. Sam climbed out of bed, gathered her clothes and padded silently to her room. She put all the clothes in a laundry basket and then slipped off her panties. It was then that she...
planetary time unit = day ---------------------------- Sam stood there looking over the scene, they needed to move if they had any chance to stop the Tetricons. He had three full Cliverstones, himself, Thantas whom he'd just discovered was his sister then Mellos. A slight gasp from the only occupied bed, had Triann and Drivas rushing to Thellus's side. "God I am so hot." She said as she like Drivas tried to rise from the bed, only to fall back. "It should pass soon, I am reading that,...
A week went by and at Amy's insistence, Sam began sharing her bed. Sam still had all her clothes in her own bedroom but each day she would put on her PJs, go to Amy's room and crawl into bed. Amy joked about her PJs, complaining that Sam was covering all the vital areas and spoiling her view. Amy being her normal self, went to bed each day in the buff and made sure that she displayed herself for Sam to see. She padded across the room, opening one of the dresser drawers after another under...
Sighing Samuel shook his head as he flew into another worm hole. ‘Hmmm,’ he thought, ‘as many as Mello's ship had taken you'd think that she was trying to lose him.’ Flying onward, he suddenly dropped into normal space. Looking around he blinked his eyes at what appeared to be earth, though shaking his head her knew better. Rubbing them he looked closer as his mouth dropped open. On the planet he could see very thin though extremely tall human like creatures. Their eyes were huge,...
Amy's eyes came open and her nostrils filled with the pleasant scent of the woman next to her. Not just the smell of their sex from the night before, that was pleasant also, but the smell of Sam herself. She loved Sam's scent. During the night, they had turned to face each other and encircled each other in their arms. Amy's head was curled up to Sam's soft breasts. With a sigh of reluctance at leaving this warm embrace, she carefully extracted herself from Sam's embrace and crawled out...
planetary time unit = day Sam could only shake his head, a thought warrior. He had tried to go through his memories to find exactly what it was. "I'm sorry," Sam told Fino. "I can't seem to recall what they were." Fino took a deep breath; this was going to take a bit to explain. "It was more of a secret arm of the protectorate. They had been conditioned so that they could protect. Unlike most of the population, they could actually act out to violence with violence. It was basically...