- 4 years ago
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This is a long-term story with potentially an infinite life in it, and it revolves around a man (written from a first-person perspective) finding himself in deep financial trouble and finding money and enjoyment in becoming a high-class male hooker. This chapter, as well as the ones to follow, will hit on more than one particular genre, which is why it’s been filed here instead of anywhere else.
If you are open-minded, like something different and are not easily offended, please read on and give me your honest, constructive views. This series will contain scenes of lesbian, gay, teen, first time, group, interracial, mature and incestuous sex.
‘Right, you’ve completely lost me,’ said my buddy and housemate Will as we sat in the living room of our Cockfosters apartment. ‘You move up here to be a bookkeeper, which you studied to be for eighteen months, and… hold on, let me get my head around this… a gigolo?’
‘Uhuh. I’ve done it for a couple of nights, enjoyed it… two nights, fifteen grand.’
‘Hot clients?’
‘Not always. But, you know what they say, when sex is great, it’s great. And when it’s bad, it’s still pretty good.’
He chuckled and scratched his hair. ‘Erm… hours aren’t very sociable.’
‘True. But it’s cool, I enjoy it. Besides, it’s not a career choice, I’ll still be a bookkeeper soon, it’s just that I can’t spend my life getting turned down for twenty-five g’s a year vacancies because I don’t have any experience and nobody will give me any. Before Tuesday night, I was down to the last hundred quid in my overdraft. Talk about selling your body to pay your way through college.’
‘I got bar work, dude.’
‘Eighty quid a week, two nights… big whoop. That’s bagels for breakfast, and no cream cheese. And an eviction order,’ I added, but Will was already waving me down.
‘Fair enough. Telling Joe and Claire?’
‘Sure. They’ll find out.’ I checked my watch. ‘Dinnertime. I’m hungry. What do you fancy? Nothing big, I’ll be out tonight.’
‘Let me grab my shoes, we can drive to that Chinese the top of Mount Pleasant.’
Being a gigolo had been easy this far, mainly because I liked sex so much, men and women (yes, both) agreed to the charges, and partly because I hadn’t come across any real ugly clients, aggressive clients or cops. I knew I had to be careful and take precautions, so standing and / or walking around in a dark street in normal clothes was necessary, as was carrying a switchblade I’d bought off a drug dealer the last night I solicited.
Thursday night Will worked at a local pub, so I waited a bit longer, put some nice clothes on and drove two miles away to near the street I had stood before. Someone else had had that spot, but now they had ‘retired’, the spot was all mine. The road was dark, badly lit, rarely frequented by cops who had knife and gun crime to worry about without prossers and kerb-crawlers, and well-known as a red light district. I was a high-class hooker with good looks, a large penis and high charges the rich businessmen / women of Central London could come north for.
I’d been around for about half an hour when a Mercedes pulled up and the window wound down. I moved to the window, looked in and saw a pretty attractive woman in her late thirties still dressed in her suit. I had to turn on the charm.
‘How can I help you, darlin’?’
‘Erm… how much do you charge?’ she asked slightly nervously.
‘What are you after?’
‘A shag,’ she giggled. ‘Nude. Plus kissing. I got a hotel room.’
‘Great.’ I tossed my bag — full of condoms, plus a change of clothes if needs be — in the back and sat in the passenger seat. ‘Let’s go, we’ll work out rates on the way.’
‘Oh shit yes, oh shit,’ she moaned as, in the hotel room, she rode me in the nude. Despite the fact it was strictly against ‘the rules’, I’d agreed to take her five grand and agree to snog her and tell her — truthfully — how attractive she was.
‘You like that, you slut?’ I asked, grabbing her tits.
‘Well worth the five grand, best fucking sex ever you fucking stud,’ she screamed. ‘Just one shag, or can I get more?’
I was cool to bargain with them because I didn’t have a pimp and I was completely independent. Prostitutes, male and female, weren’t supposed to drop the veneer when around punters, but I couldn’t be assed. ‘For your fucking hot body, I’ll lick your cunt and fuck your arse.’
‘Evening,’ I was greeted with as I stepped out of her car back at the spot. I’d given her what I’d promised, plus letting her suck my dick for five grand and her moist panties. Those panties plus the five grand in a hundred fifties were in the bag, and the person greeting me was a lady prostitute, a 18 year-old girl called Hannah was a little dirty, but popular and quite well minted because of it.
‘Hey baby,’ I replied, meeting her and snogging her with my hands up the back of her short skirt. ‘Good night so far?’
‘Not bad. Old dude with a grand shagged me hard, I actually almost came. You?’
‘Fit bird from Central, real tight cunt. Not as tight as yours, though.’
‘Bet her tits were smaller too,’ she grinned. I groped them, large, pert double-D cups attached to her otherwise thin body. ‘Around the corner for coffee?’
Another car pulled up, an old Audi convertible driven by a good looking guy. ‘Doesn’t look like it. One for you, I think.’ Unsurprisingly, he called Hannah over and they soon drove off.
A problem I was having money wise was all the cash I had built up in three nights so far, thirty-two grand in total, with no bank account to put it in. Knocking up to my local branch of HSBC on High Barnet High Street every day with five figures worth of money in hard cash would look dodgier than a Mafia godfather hanging out the window of a Beemer 3-series holding an Uzi.
I had to think up a plan.
As I drove back from the road to the flat, Hannah in tow as she was going to stay the night away from her crappy parents, I formulated a plan involving myself, computers and the world wide web. If I created a website, I could hand my clients my business card, and they could check me out and maybe make advance bookings for all-night sessions. Then if I carried my laptop around with me, I could do exchange internet banking with relevant clients and get the cash straight into my account.
The next day, a Friday, Will was at lectures until early afternoon, so I stayed in bed fucking Hannah until late morning, and drove us into Enfield Town. She went house hunting to use her ninety grand nest egg to put a deposit on a nice place, and I went to my branch of HSBC with two grand, paid it in and moved my money into a business account with a 8.9% interest rate (with at least £1,500 paid in per month), telephone and internet banking. I treated myself to some CD’s, DVD’s and Xbox games (spending about a grand), met with Hannah who had as yet had no luck, drove her to her folks house and returned home to chill with Will.
Again, that night, I headed on out and was sitting on the bone dry kerb reading the classifieds — looking for something new to move onto before I got too attached to this life — when a fellow guy gigolo came up and sat next to me. His greeting of a snog was slightly forced, but enjoyable and afterwards, he introduced himself formally as Matt, although I already knew him as Hannah’s cousin.
‘How long you been doing this?’ I asked, putting the newspaper down behind me. There it would stay, my bag was primed for more cash and was already carrying my laptop and business cards.
‘Twenty months,’ he replied.
‘You like it?’
‘I love the money, and most of the sex sure. I live in Central, got myself a penthouse suite on the Docklands and a Lotus. I introduced Hannah to this because her folks want her to become a nurse, and with all respect to her, she hasn’t got the brains. What she has is the rack and technique. W
hat’s your story?’
‘Don’t have one. This is night four, I’m just enjoying making a bit of cash until I can have some holidays and settle into a career as a bookkeeper.’
‘Cool. You worried you’ll enjoy yourself too much?’
‘Too late, already am. It’s not a career choice, though.’
‘Course not.’ He gave me a card with his mobile and home numbers on it, plus his e-mail address. ‘See you around, and take care of my baby cousin.’
‘Already do.’ I handed him my card, including the website address of the website Will had helped me construct called that was still under review. A car pulled up, a brand new Rolls Royce Phantom Limousine that was twice the size of the original. The back passenger side window came down and I was there to peer through it. To my surprise, I saw a very old lady there. ‘Hey there love, what can I do for you?’
‘I’m 104,’ she doddered, standing unsurely. ‘Good heart, but about a week to live. Any chance of some good loving to send an old woman to heaven happy?’ she asked. I looked her up and down, she was actually pretty hot. But the sob story plus the fifty grand she promised me was even more pivotal to me saying yes. ‘Good. Get in, I have a Presidential Suite in Central. Is this all night?’ she asked once I’d stepped in.
‘Don’t know. We’ll see. Fifty grand will get you at least five hours of me however you want me.’
‘No lady, I don’t go bareback,’ I immediately and rather admirably if I say so myself replied. ‘House rules.’
‘That’s a shame. I haven’t got any diseases.’
‘Sure, neither have I. But things can still happen.’ The car moved off and the lady leaned over to what looked like a mini-bar. ‘I’m not drinking, I have to drive home afterwards.’
‘Drink now, then you stay the night yes.’ She pulled out a big bottle of champagne. ‘This costs five grand a bottle, enough of an incentive?’
I grabbed a glass and leaned in for a kiss. ‘Should we get started?’
Within an hour we were on her bed, her naked as I shagged her. ‘Good, yes?’ she said.
‘Holy crap yeah,’ I panted, looking at her breasts. ‘How are they so pert?’
‘Lots of exercise, a little plastic surgery to have them reduced. I used to have double F’s you… oh fuck you young stud… you know. If I didn’t have them down to single C’s, they’d be around that fat cock of yours.’
‘Well, thank fuck for that, I get to stick it between these stunning pussy lips,’ I replied, looking between her legs to the shaven pink folds of skin that were her cunt. ‘Oh fuck, I don’t think I can hold on much longer,’ I groaned.
She let out a squeal that almost made me forget she received a Queen’s telegram when I was still in college. And as great as she looked naked, she was still wrinkly in places. ‘Same here. I haven’t had an orgasm for twenty-five years, and I am going to cum… oh fuck, yes, yes, yes!’ she screamed, before I felt and saw her orgasm. The contracting pussy tipped me over the edge and I fell on her, lips on hers as I came. ‘Ooh yeah, that was so good,’ she moaned, unable to cuddle me into her. ‘Drink?’
‘Go ahead,’ I said, falling off and trying to maintain an air of not caring about the client. ‘I’ll have something softer.’
‘In the mini bar, help yourself,’ she said, turning away from me to grab the glass. Her ass was a little wrinkly too, but as she was born in 1903, I thought I could handle that. ‘Oh, and be a dear and run us a bath, I feel like a dirty whore.’
‘You’re on.’
I did end up spending the night with her, taking the money by wire transfer before licking her pussy and being dropped off by my car, a 1979 MG Midget in good condition I’d bought a year ago, and driving home.
‘Fifty grand?’ said Will during breakfast we ate before Will probably spent the day studying or playing Skate over Xbox Live. ‘What are you going to do with that money?’
‘Deposit on a nice house. I dunno, we’ll see.’
‘Out tonight?’
‘Probably. What were you thinking?’
‘I wanted to go into Soho for some clubbing, but… I’m weighed under by study.’
‘C’mon dude, you have to take some time off from it.’
‘I’ll see how I go this afternoon. Any chance you could give us a lift to and from Sainsbury’s in a little while, I need some things.’
‘Sure, no problem. And I’ll take care of those bills too. Don’t tell the guys.’
‘They’ll twig soon enough, bud.’
Will’s afternoon didn’t go well, so he decided to stay in and I decided to go out. After handing Vera — that was the lady’s name — my card, she’d made a booking on my website for another all-nighter at her hotel room. She asked me if I would go bareback for sixty grand, and I said no, but we agreed sixty grand would still be the fee if I treated her to some DP — me and a guy who would get ten grand more.
‘Darling, that was wonderful,’ she said after Matt had left. As Vera would give me a lift most of the way home, I’d given Matt the keys to the MG I’d driven us here in and told him to leave it where I usually left it.
‘Glad you liked it.’
‘Thanks for kissing him too,’ she giggled like the oldest schoolgirl ever. Sometimes, she was just so sexy, but other times, I was really reminded about the fact she only had a few days to live before her developed lung cancer broke through the drug barrier and took her life 104 years after birth.
‘No problem. What do you want to do now?’
She dismounted me and got on her hands and knees. ‘I used to love anal with my late husband Harold.’
‘Let me grab a rubber.’
Only a few minutes after penetrating her, beginning to shag her and groping her fantastic breasts she’d revealed earlier to Matt and me from a sexy bra she must have bought from La Senza or some other lingerie shop, she actually came and collapsed on her front, telling me I could just cum and be done with it before we could have a little something to eat. I then spunked over her great tits in due course.
Over the next two days, I barely saw anyone else, even though the next night, I added to Vera’s seventy grand fee with three grand to shag a thin kinda ugly chick in the back seat of her Vauxhall Astra early on before she picked me up, and then the next night an all-guy threesome with Matt and a punter that earned us twelve and a half grand each before Vera picked me up and treated me to another night with a woman I was unfortunately getting very attached to with eighty grand wired to me to sweeten the deal.
As I felt bad about getting emotionally attached to a dying old woman who had only met me because she wanted to pay me to screw her, it turned out she was very attached to me too, referred to me to her sole surviving friends as her ‘toy boy’, and wanted to tell me parts of her life story.
Not that I was bored or anything, quite the opposite, and actually told her more about myself, my pre-existing depression and bad luck with, well, anything actually. As soliciting was the only thing bar getting my bookkeeping qualification that had gone well for me so far, I was feeling pretty peeved and she was incredibly sympathetic.
Things almost went from bad to worse for her as I was awoken at half five in the morning by Vera who switched the light on, poked me, wheezed a lot and pointed to her lungs. An hour later, paramedics left.
‘Thanks darling,’ she said, still lying back although she was sounding much better now the paramedics had dispensed an emergency ration of her cancer drugs to stave off death for another 24 hours.
I sat down on the bed in a hotel dressing gown, and sighed. ‘Bit scary, ain’t it?’
‘Oh darling, I’m sorry. You’re so young, and I’m surrounding you with death.’
‘Not death. Spirit.’
‘Yeah, you ain’t giving up are you? No, I’m not gonna close my eyes and let it all take me away, I’m gonna get some drugs and keep riding a gigolo.’
She chu
ckled, undoing the strap on her gown revealing her body. ‘Grant, dear?’
‘I want you to know something.’
‘What is it?’ I asked, removing my gown and dragging hers off from under her. I put the quilt over us and cuddled up to her.
She smiled broadly. ‘I have got myself ashamedly attached to you. You’re a wonderful young man, much more tolerable than my own family, which is exactly why I changed my will today.’
A woman with — so far — a quarter of a million quid to toss away on a male prostitute had to have some serious funds locked away. And my expression gave away that I knew exactly where she was going and wasn’t sure I wanted it to go there. ‘Okay.’
‘You are sole beneficiary and executor. But on one condition.’
‘Name it.’
‘I pick you up early tomorrow, we have a meal downstairs, then we come up here and you make love to me unprotected.’ She could see I was very unsure, and was actually about to just go ahead and say no when she shushed me and retrieved a document from a bedside drawer.
‘What’s this?’
‘Test results. I got the full spectrum tested yesterday. I’m clean.’
‘What if I’m not?’
‘Darling, I have about 24 hours to live, do you think I care about Chlamydia?’ she asked with a raised eyebrow. I chuckled. ‘I thought not.’ She put the document back once I’d read it and cuddled me back. ‘Now, a little more sleep?’
‘Sounds good.’
As the next day, when we awoke again, was a Monday and I was likely home alone when I returned to Cockfosters, I shagged Vera twice instead of once, took eighty grand by wire again and went into Central instead of home to hook myself up with new expensive clothes costing me a fraction of my three hundred grand bank balance.
As Hannah was with me, she told me not all clients were as rich and generous as Vera and sometimes we just had to take what we could get. Last night she’d shagged a guy who could only give her two hundred quid. But once she’d found a sugar daddy in his mid-fifties who, shortly before being locked up by the Inland Revenue for tax evasion, treated her to twenty-three nights of passion earning her over two million quid. She’d since blown most of it on clothes, nights out and even a house she was renovating so she could move out of her parents home.
‘I dunno, it’s not like this will be my whole life, you know,’ I said as I tried on £350 jeans that had patterns on the buttocks to make my ass look even nicer. Hannah was with me in the dressing room alluding to a closeness we had from only ever shagging in my place and not with a client as I had with another woman, 36 year-old Paula who wasn’t with us. ‘I’ve made so much money, I can just keep going for this part of it and live off interest in a nice home, with a career, maybe settle down with a fellow young professional.’
‘You’re lucky, you’ve got that to fall back on,’ she replied, touching my bum. ‘I haven’t. Yeah, I love these, buy them.’
‘Yeah, absolutely, do it.’
‘Okay, you’re on.’
‘But before you do,’ she said, sitting on a bench as I undid the jeans and dropped them, ‘I’m horny.’
She took my dick out of my pants and immediately began sucking it. I immediately wished a shop assistant would come in and help her. Not that she needed help, I came in minutes.
I asked her what the chances were of me returning the favour, and she grinned before naming a lingerie shop.
‘Is everything okay in here…’ a gorgeous shop assistant — short but with perky large breasts — asked, moving through the curtain in a changing room to see Hannah perched on another bench wearing just a bra as her naked pussy was spread before me, kneeling and licking her passionately. ‘Oh, erm…’
‘Don’t stutter when there’s room for one more,’ Hannah panted, holding her hand out.
In moments, the girl — named Ruthie and only nineteen — was completely nude and holding Hannah’s bottomless body to her as they stood and snogged. She unclipped Hannah’s bra and had no sooner done so then was pushed to sit down and watched a girl a year her junior drop to sexy knees, open Ruthie’s legs and begin sensually licking inside her thighs.
Meanwhile, I’d stripped naked too and was holding my hard knob out in front of Ruthie’s face, stroking her fantastic 28DD tits. She looked up at me, winked and then just grabbed my huge appendage before ramming it down her throat.
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EroticPART I Every single unmarried female between 18 and 32 knows me. No, not my name, but WHO I am. I am the guy whose calls you will not return, but who you will call on the cold winter night when your car battery died at the mall and you need a jump. I am the guy you call to fix the leaking toilet on Saturday afternoon before your party I was not invited to. I am the guy you take to weddings and Christmas Parties because I am polite, make a good impression and your mothers and...
Mid-June 2001 Counselor: I’m not saying you shouldn’t be happy. I’m saying that even a happy lie is still a lie. Patient: Which is basically the same as saying I shouldn’t be happy. Counselor: No. What I want you to understand is that you’ve only reached a temporary solution. Patient: And I should be bracing for it all to come crashing down? Counselor: No. Maybe. I’d rather you not be passive about it. I’d rather you think through what constructive, helpful next steps you can take to...
Humans love to argue. We'll battle about almost anything. That's why we create forms of entertainment we can debate about instead of resorting to real issues. It helps us get our inner monkeys out so we can function as members of civilized society while at work.Master DebatersSports fill this role quite well. Right now, at any sports bar in the world, you can find a couple of guys in a heated debate about rules, bad calls, who the GOAT is, and who is going to have a better next season. Entire...
Premium Anal Porn SitesPayal aur mein class 8 se 12, ek hi school aur ek hi class mein the. Padhai mein bahut achhi thi. Uska sabse distinct feature thi uski height. Wo 5 ft ki hi thi aur usse zyada nahi badhi. Sab use “Bachi” ke ke chidhate the. Lekin she was very cute. Uske gaal pe dimples aate the jab smile karti thi. Bahut chulbuli thi aur hamesha bahut excited raha karti thi. Meri aur uski jaan pehchaan thi. Hum koi bahut zyada ghane dost nahe the. Mann hi mann mujhe bahut pasand thi par main kaafi shy aur...
Decked out in high heels, a thong, and a bra, Lady D. checks herself out in the mirror to make sure she’s looking hot for her threesome with Paula and Dan. The horny couple can’t wait to bring in a third person for their pleasure, so when Lady struts across the room to join them they’re all smiles in anticipation. Dan is fortunate to be in the middle as both girls flank him and start using their hands and lips for his pleasure. His pants are soon pulled down, revealing his hard cock that Paula...
xmoviesforyouThis happened when I was beginning to dress up as Mel frequently. Saturdays were the best days for me, except that my friend Pete would always stop by in the middle of the afternoon, so I always needed to be changed back into my boy clothes before he showed up. One Saturday morning I decided that it was time for Pete to meet Mel. I took a warm bath, removed my unwanted hair and applied a generous amount of sexy scented lotion. I dressed in a sexy red thong and matching bra, my shortest plaid...
CrossdressingOh no, I thought, my Princess will be arriving shortly and I still haven't even shaved my legs yet. In a panic, I went to the bathroom and ran a very hot bath. As soon as I stepped in, it was almost as if I was in another world. My name, Stephanie, echoed through my head as I reached for the razor and shaving creme. Being generous, I lathed on the creme and started to shave quickly lest my Princess arrived early. I don't know what I had been thinking, but I had been distracted for quite a...
This story follows a character introduced in "Elise Plans a Wedding", but it stands by itself. Prologue: Confused Looking back at things, I'd have to say that I've spent most of my life in a continual state of confusion. In fact. I am confused at this very moment. I seem to be in a college classroom, sitting in a circle, with about a dozen or so women. I think. Actually I'm a bit confused about that. I'm quietly staring at my feet, happy now that winter is over and that I can...
Hello ISS readers. I am back with the next part of the story. Please do read the previous parts. My name is Aafi. I am from Bangalore. But I am working and living in Chennai. I am a 25-year-old Software Engineer. You can email me or hangout at . Let me continue from where I stopped last time. Anna and I went outside and were standing near the stairs. Anna: So Rose. And you. And Jason. Me: Yeah. Is this all that we’re going to talk about today? Anna: Hey this is unexpected, we’re talking about...
Hi, I’m Piyush and I am going to tell you about my experience. I am 20 years old and I have girlfriend Nita and her best friend Ketki and we three are very close. This incident happened last month. 1st let me tell you a bit about myself. I am 6′ tall with good build and have a 9″ pole and Nita’s parents had gone out of town, so she was alone at home and her parents asked Ketki to come over to stay with Nita as she was alone at home. Ketki came to Nita’s house and Ketki knew everything about...
(well,actually this story looks like a plot more than a hentai-doujinshi story.based on anime movie Dragon Nest Warriors` Dawn.To my best friend Saberrung here XD.)Sabash is a human fighter boy,before the union between human and elves decides to kill the evil black dragon,he once saved Liya`s life in New Moon forest(as said in the movie) by killing several monsters which wanted to raid Liya.Liya thanked him by let him fuck her once and leave,and since then Sabash missed Liya very much but have...
You belong to me. I own you. I control you. You will surrender your body, your mind, your soul, to me. You will submit to my every need, want and desire. You will only need, want and desire what I tell you to. You are mine, and only mine. You will only submit to me. Do you understand? Yes. Yes? Yes…master. Very good. Tell me again, what will you do? Submit. I will submit to you, to your requests. To my demands. To your demands. To your desires. And what are my desires? To control me. To take me...
FetishHer main topic was Tom. She'd been seeing him for about four months and wasn't certain how she felt. She had never been in love before, in fact had used previous boyfriends for sexual pleasure, an idea that went against every image I'd ever had of women. In fact she said, she'd only agreed to see me to test herself. Considering what had just happened and that we were still lying naked on her bed my next comments seem stupid, but they were said after listening to Sue for the previous hour...
Hi, my name is Jenny and my husband Jake has written before about me loving to show off his big cock. I’ve always liked to show it off, even before we were married. All my friends are jealous of me because Jake’s big cock is ready to service me any time I want. Jake likes to show it off also. He’s showed it off to my friends and even let my best friend suck him off once, with my permission of course. Just lately, I have wanted him to show it off to other men. Jake initially...
The Flower Dauphin To contact dauphin, send an e-mail to [email protected] Sorry for the grammar and spelling mistakes. I do my best, but I am not perfect. I hope you like the story despite these. Some people are born smart. They know the answer to everything. Some people are born dumb, and they have troubles all their life. I don't know why I was born dumb. I really didn't think that I was dumb. I just thought about simple things and not big things. Like I wondered why does all...
Sometimes a family trait misses a generation and that's true in our house. Both my sister and I are night owls while our parents are usually in bed by ten. Many years ago, they converted the basement into their bedroom so that they could retire early and get some sleep. "What're you doing?" my older sister Ruth asked. She had showered earlier and put on her night wear, tonight it was one of my old pyjama tops. She plonked herself down on my bed and put her knees under her chin showing me...
Hi hot dudes and sexy divas, First of all thanks for all your valuable feedbacks on my previous story i.e. my hot cousin. Today I am sharing my other experience here. I’ll not take much of your time and directly share my story. Please take out some time and write your views to me at This happened 3 months back when I was in my final year of graduation. In my colony there was a baniya shopkeeper “Sharma ji”. His shop is very famous for grocery and stationery being the only & big one in the...
[ For Julie---and for all the persistent interest and encouragement she's shown me for a long time now. Thank you for that. Likewise, this is for those who crave a significant change in interracial relations, as well as an end to the sad legacy of 'white' hegemony! The ultimate stage on which this may occur is in the wombs of more white females, and the surrender of their male counterparts to such a (hopefully) not-to-distant reality. ]"His name is Habib."When I confronted my wife regarding the...
Terry’s suppressed groan from his bedroom down the hallway sent chills through me. I had goosebumps imagining his discomfort while the house nurse changed dressings. It didn’t matter that I had warned him about the Down Hill Mountain Challenge. That I thought he was too young for that sort of thing. I was trying to be protective not make him lose confidence. I had so much empathy for him.I tried to busy myself in my brother’s kitchen and drown out the sounds from Terry’s bedroom while the nurse...
IncestBob, furious, paced in front of the house waiting for Ed to arrive. The man had hurt his wife’s feelings for no reason. When Ed came home, Bob was going to give Ed a piece of his mind before his wife had a chance to see him. His stomach churned at the thought of having to leave the house because Ed had been a bastard. Bob had listened to her vent her anger for almost twenty-four hours. Marguerite was furious with Ed and was threatening to kill him when he arrived home. The day before, a...
It was Halloween 1995. A radio station sponsored a big bash at a nice downtown hotel at our nearest ‘big’ city, about an hour away. We decided to book a room for the night.Kelly has always been turned on by the whole ‘sexy vampire’ thing, so she decides that we’re going as vampires. Because I’m so damn tall, she custom makes me a long cape which I wear with tuxedo slacks, shirt, and bow tie.Kelly really went to town making herself a cloak/cape-thing. It was black velvet with a red velvet...
ThreesomesThat Saturday afternoon my sweet Ana asked me to go on shopping.She wanted to purchase some erotic lingerie there. She told me I needed some extra stimulation that same night; because I was not paying much attention to her sexual needs.We got into the lingerie local and Ana went to pick up some clothes.There was a young guy called Mark, looking for some erotic outfit for his wife. He approached me and commented how sexy my wife was and that he would love to feel her round boobs.Then I asked him...
The effects of the intense supplement regimen Ryan had taken still lingered in his body the next morning, as evidenced by the sore, painful erection he awoke with. He thought about the last few days and realized he had had tons of pussy lately, but not much boy flesh. He buzzed Matt’s call button, and was delighted when his cute, tight friend jumped on his bed in just his underwear. “Hi boss,” Matt said, playfully. “Had some fun yesterday?” “Oh just a bit, yeah,” Ryan said sheepishly. “We...
Empty chairs circled a raised platform set upon the polished floor, on which cushions and thick blankets were arranged.The space was large, with white painted walls. Halogen lights shone down from the ceiling, illuminating the small stage and smooth concrete of the surrounding floor. Veronica's footsteps echoed as she crossed the space to join her husband in the small changing room.He had already begun to shed his clothing; his shirt was on the floor by his feet and he was loosening the cord of...
ExhibitionismTina’s apartment was a converted garage loft out back of a large house on Franklin Mountain. It had begun life as a small barn but then the farm had been sold and the new owners converted it to an apartment upstairs and a garage downstairs. It was only ten minutes from her new job, and an hour away from her family, which was perfectly fine with Tina. She loved her family dearly, but she wanted to be on her own. Tina walked into her apartment to find a visitor already there. She smiled as she...
Depressing thoughts and disturbing dreams Miranda waved Peter off on the Sunday morning, and spent the rest of that day tidying the house. She knew that she would feel little inclination to do these chores during the week; and so she decided to get the house into as good an order as possible, so that she would only have to do the minimal amount, once she got home from work. It also kept her busy, so that she didn't dwell too much on how silent the house had suddenly become. Peter had...
Yea, I’m sure we have all masturbated and maybe even experimented, thinking about having sex and probably tried to erase it. This story is no exception, because when I find myself remembering this time in my life, and my thoughts slip back to when it all happened, I find myself wishing I could somehow go back and relive it. It all took place when I was in high school, and like everyone, I was trying to find myself. However, I soon ended up skipping classes to hang out with my friends at a...
100% fiction! My daughter has always looked sexy dressed up ready for going out,she has seperated from her husband and lives alone in her flat.over the years we have kissed like father and daughter and at times she and then i have kissed that much more but nothing happened but both knew there was something in it then recently she needed her door handle putting back on as the screws had come loose.she was going out for a girls night out and came into the lounge dressed as i was working,black...
IncestHer long red hair hung over her shoulders and covered her eyes. She stood up from where she was sitting. Grabbing her coffee she went to the window looking down on the city street. She had to get out of there if she was going to write her story. She turned around and jumped lightly. Her son Gabe was standing behind her. "What mom, afraid of your own son?" She laughed. "You wish you little shit." She said walking over and giving him a hug. He was at the ripe age of fifteen. He was also in...
Hi mates. I am Raja and have been around this place silently reading, admiring and enjoying all your experiences for quite a long period and must quote that I have always truly enjoyed being here. And I think this place has become an almost daily visit for me as I expect it to be the same for most others. And I am a person who likes to read true incidents rather than fictions and fantasies. This place has given me a lot of opportunities to quench my thirst. I have been around here so much that...
Incest“Alright boys, we’re done.”At last our practice was over. That was the second practice of the day, and we had spent at least half of the time doing running. I took off my cleats and headed for the locker room. Since I was a new member of the team, my running fitness was a little bit below par, but my overall physique was among the best on the team. Long sessions at the gym over the past years had given me a body better than Beckham in his prime. I had a wide back, large shoulders, and a perfect...
Anal“$20 anything goes. No limits. Bring your friends. Behind the dumpster on 10th and E Broadway. If I’m with someone, watch, join in, add your load to this human dumpster.” I was living out who i really am supposed to be. I come from an all American republican family. You know the type, clean cut, well known wealthy family that wears pearls at breakfast. Little do they know the only pearls I want to wear is a strangers cum across my neck. I took a weekend trip alone to NYC, utilized my parents...
Our Tenth Wedding AnniversaryPaula and I have already submitted two stories describing some of our more erotic adventures after my wife began to have sex with other men. We have enjoyed writing these stories so much that we decided to write a few more. After some discussion, we decided that we would write about the most erotic two weeks we ever had. This occurred during a vacation to Las Vegas that we took over our tenth wedding anniversary. In order to keep the narrative to a reasonable...
While I normally have to wait until the weekend to have any real fun, I got an early gift called “Thursday Night Football”. The Patriots were on TV and just when I thought it was going to be a dull evening at home, I received a text from my man telling me that he and his son were taking off to see the Patriots game at the stadium. I couldn't wait to get out of work since I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I needed to be fucked not kissed or cuddled. When I say I needed to be fucked, I mean...