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Helbelinc By Sylvia Wechsel Chapter 1 - The Monk My name was Helbelinc and I used to be a monk. This was not my Baptism name, I adopted it after I was accepted as Postulant in my Monastery. This name means "half penny" in our language, or, more or less, "insignificant" or "useless". This was not due to self-depreciation, in fact I considered myself a worthy Monk, participated both in the religious services and in the hard work of the monastery with good will. I was still in the early steps of the monastic life, but with the time I could even become the prior, that is, if fate didn't interrupt my carrier. No, my adopted name was a sad reference to what my father thought of me. I was born as the youngest son of a rich landlord, who was himself no prince, duke or even baron, but a single knight. His possessions were located, however, in the border of the imperium. This made him essential for the defense of the territorium and, by consequence, incredibly rich. My mother died as a consequence of complications during my birth, and I believe this is why he was always cold hearted towards me. I was shy during all my childhood and with the time, the desire to dedicate my life to God grew. When I communicated this desire to him, he just laughed, said I was "worthless" and that, since my three other brothers were all big heroic warriors, I wouldn't be missed in the task of giving him grandsons (this was his biggest desire, to have a grandson who would carry his name after his death). So, he gave me permission and even some "dowry" to donate to the monastery, as if I were a bride. In his "honor," I adopted my new name. I moved to the monastery. The money was meant as an insult to me, but in fact, helped the community a lot. My (new) brothers received me with open arms and, after the prescribed times I was accepted in the ranks of the postulants and then, to the rank of the monks. I spent 12 years inside the walls of the monastery, leaving the premises only to help the community in the small village that formed close to the monastery. In spite of the insult, I loved my father and my brothers, so I was sad when I heard that only my father and the primogenitus survived a terrible pest which attacked the country (even in the monastery and in the local village, many people died, I was free from the pest just by the grace of God). My two brothers died without the opportunity of finding a wife. My other brother grew strong and married, so I thought that my father's obsession would soon be fulfilled. I believed in this until that fateful day. I was called to the prior's cell and found him entertaining a conversation with Strobel, who was a fief to my father. His news were no good ones. My older brother died in a battle, and this happened before he had the possibility to impregnate his wife. According to what I heard about him, this was really a very difficult task. It seemed that he spent most of the time in wars, and not with his wife. My father sent Strobel with orders for me to abandon my monastic life, and to return home, to marry and give him his so beloved descendents. I refused and said I was happy with the monastic life, had no wish to abandon my celibacy vows and that my father, on his side, should abandon the vanity and pride and nominate him, Strobel, as his heir. I knew the old man had a great number of sons and daughters and, in spite of the fact that I didn't like him, I had to agree that he had always been loyal to my family. The old man didn't like my answer, said that my father would think he invented all this and demanded I should travel home an tell this myself to my father. First I didn't want to go, but then the prior argued that a brief trip home would not be harmful. My home was not that close to the monastery, a two day trip was necessary, but in less than a week I could be back. I had the feeling, however, that the true reason was that the prior feared my father would raid the monastery if I didn't go. One of the duties of a monk is the obedience, so I accepted. We departed the next morning. I wore conventional garments, meaning pants, since I wanted to ride a horse. It was better to be able to flee fast in case I found trouble with my father and it is quite uncomfortable, if not impossible, to gallop with a horse wearing a monks habit. We traveled all the way through the forest in the first day, and found a Inn located at a road crossing just before the night fell. It was no good idea traveling at night in a forest, bandits or wild beasts could attack us, so we decided to spend the night there. It was a small wooden two story building owned by an old lady. She spoke our language with strong foreign accent. There was also a beautiful young lady, who, I assumed, was her daughter. It seemed she only spoke a different language, I couldn't recognize. I assumed our path brought us inside the territory of the neighboring kingdom, which was half barbarian. It was a strange land, which had been converted to Christianity only a century ago, or so. In fact, I saw many signs in the walls which indicated some degree of paganism was still in use at that house. I didn't felt threatened, however, it was commonplace to find pagan symbols within the peasants, even in my country, and this meant, in most of cases, more a sign of superstition then a true believe in the old deities. I was not that kind of zealot. The girl was beautiful. Just as a mental exercise I imagined what would be like to make love to her. Of course I never practiced sex before, but I knew the basic theory behind the activity and could construct a mental picture. I felt strange. My option to celibacy had been peaceful, I was never plagued by the desires, as some of my brother monks did. Of course I had my fare of hard penis events at the morning and even succumbed to night pollution once or twice, but never felt the need to sleep with girls (or with boys, as some of my brothers, unfortunately did). This time I could feel that my penis had hardened under that thought. My resolution was still intact, though. I would not fall into temptation. I decided to do some constriction act before I went to sleep that night to admonish myself for that weakness. We had our dinner and prepared to sleep, we were tired of the journey. The rooms were simple, but mine had a simple bed covered by a feather mattress. The room was even heated, since the fireplace chimney ran at the corner of the room. I came to my knees before the bed, did my night prayer and then I went to sleep, covering myself with the thick whool blanket which was available. That was a horrendous luxury, compared with the conditions I found in the monastery, but I felt justified, thinking about the hard discussion I would have with my father the next day. If only I knew. Chapter 2 - Surprise! Next morning, as I woke up, I felt strange. I was not in the room I went to sleep in the night before, It was still dark, but I recognized the triangular shape of the roof above me. I was not sleeping in a bed, but in a simple straw mattress. I was in the attic. This was not, however, the only strange thing I felt. I slid my hands in my face, missing the inevitable facial hair, that should be grown during the night. My face felt soft. I continued probing my skin, first of my neck, then I slipped my hand across my chest, and, surprised, found out that I had breasts. I reached my groin with my hand and confirmed what I already suspected: I had no penis anymore. In the place I felt the characteristic relief of, what I believe, was a female cunt. I was naked and had my hair (which was long) tied in what seemed to be a long braid. I heard the sound of a lock being unlocked, and then light appeared in the room, coming from a hand carrying a candle which appeared in the floor, coming from a hatch. A woman came out of the hatch and I recognized it was the old woman. After her a male figure came out of the hatch and, as the candle light hit his face, I had a surprise. It was me, or at least, it was my body. They came to my direction, by then I stood up and asked, "What happened? What did you do to me?" I recognized the voice of the girl from the tavern, I could not know yet, but I was talking in that strange language, and not my own. The man, who was me, said something, which I could not understand. Later I learned he was, as me, when I was in my body, using my own language which I, now, didn't understand. I could understand, however, that it was a harsh tone, uncharacteristic of me. The old lady translated to me, "He said, lay down and spread your legs". "What?" I could not believe what they wanted me to do, but before I could even think, he raised his hand and slapped my right cheek so hard that I fell to the ground. I probed the damaged area with my hand and felt something sticky, with my tongue I felt the unmistakable taste of blood. I couldn't believe he was so strong. The old lady said, "Don't resist, he will only hurt you more" I realized that, if necessary, he would beat me to unconsciousness in order to get what he wanted, so, disgusted I laid with my back over the mattress and opened my legs. He was already undressing and when he was ready, I recognized his hard penis under the candle light. I couldn't be sure, but it seemed to me that my own dick had never been so big. He knelt before my legs and approached that penis, from my vagina. As I felt his flesh touching that area I turned my head to the side and started crying. He pushed and entered me. I felt an intense pain, It was like being ripped apart right in the middle of the body. He began his to-and-fro movement and I could only feel more pain, as if sand had been rubbed against my insides. After a time which seemed like an eternity to me, he ejaculated inside me. Then he left and went out of the room through the hatch. I remained crying over the mattress and the old lady said, "Here, let me put this into you." And produced a cylindrical form with a rounded tip which seemed to be made of wood. She inserted that thing in my vagina and, after that she took out of a bag a kind of triangular towel she placed under my butt, she folded two tips of the triangle around my waist and then the third tip around my groin, holding everything tight, so that the wooden thing would not be expelled from my body. It was horrible. I could feel the presence of that thing inside me all the time, since the cylinder was even larger and and had a bigger diameter than his (mine) penis. Then she helped me to my feet and asked, "Did you feel pleasure?" "No!!!" I answered. I was totally disgusted by that assumption I would feel pleasure during a rape and, I'm sure my face expressed all that disgust. The old lady simply slapped my left cheek and said, angry, "Stupid girl, if you feel pleasure, you will get pregnant easier, make sure next time you reach an orgasm." At least she was not as strong as the man who was in my body, so I was not as hurt as in the previous spanking. She left the room through the hatch, locking the door behind her. After she left I sat on the mattress again and started crying. That last phrase of the lady proved that I would be raped many more times, maybe until I got pregnant, or, who knows, forever. I considered which sort of witchcraft or demonic power was in work here. I had my body swapped, maybe the girl's soul was in my body now, just as mine occupied her body, or perhaps, someone else was occupying my body. I remembered the pagan signs at the wall and this showed to me that the old lady was the witch. I had no idea what happened to Strobel, he could be dead, or, maybe, most probably, be a part of this conspiracy. After all, he was the one who brought me to this inn. They wished to impregnate me, this meant I would be raped over and over again, until they found out I was successfully pregnant, and this could take months. One of my duties in the monastery was to give counsel to the families of the local village, so I knew all too well the dynamic of a young family after marriage, trying to get their first child. I spent the whole day inside that attic and probed everything. With the time my eyes got used to the darkness and I could see around. There was nothing to use as a weapon, but at least I discovered the chamber pot and two ceramic vases which contained water, one large and one smaller. I assumed the smaller one was drink water and the larger one was for cleaning purposes, as we used to do in the monastery. Around midday, as I guessed, the hatch opened again and the old lady came out of it with a dish and a cup. I was in famine, so I ate everything very quickly. After that she removed "my diaper" and the cylinder and I felt relieved again. I noticed the cylinder was covered by a mixture of blood and a yellowish slime. I considered whether I was hurt in my insides, but concluded that the most probable explanation for that blood was that I had been a virgin before the rape. Of course, no explanation was needed for the slime. It was clear to me what was the purpose of the cylinder: to keep most of his semen inside me, avoiding any leakage. I felt strongly humiliated, I was being used as a breeding stock. She went out and locked the door behind her. Later that night the hatch opened again, and this time, the man who had my body came first. I already knew what he wanted, I laid myself on the mattress and opened my legs. Again he undressed and approached his penis from me. I looked to the side again and closed my eyes, trying not to cry again. I would not give them this pleasure too. It hurt, but not as much as in the first time. As he was ready, the old woman introduced the cylinder and wrapped the diaper around my body, and said that after dinner, which she brought with her, I could go to sleep. Chapter 3 - Routine Next day a routine started. The old lady came at the morning, removed the diaper and the cylinder. Ordered me to clean myself, what I did using a piece of cloth and the water from the large pot. I had breakfast and she went out, bringing with her the dish from the previous dinner. She locked the hatch's door, behind her. Around midday she brought the meal, which I ate, and she left me again. Around diner time the man came and raped me, after that the old woman inserted the cylinder in me and wrapped the diaper. Once, two or three days after my transformation, she, exasperated, told me I should touch myself before he came for sex. I had no idea what was she talking about, then she took my hand and made me rub the small button of flesh on the top of my cunt. It was a nice feeling, and I felt my insides filling with some kind of fluid. Then she made me rub my nipples. I got goosebumps and the nipples stretched out of the aureola, becoming erect. Again I felt pleasure under that touch, and this meant more fluids forming in my insides. Maybe she was worried for my suffering, or perhaps she believed this way I would reach an orgasm during the rape. I decided to try it that evening and, indeed, his penetration was more swift, and it really did hurt less, I could even feel some pleasure, but no orgasm. The shame, however, increased. I was assisting in my own rape. This routine continued, until one day, when she removed the cylinder, it came covered in blood again. It was my period. She looked disappointed. Obviously I was not pregnant yet. Surprisingly, they allowed me to rest during the time I was bleeding and even two days after. They probably didn't want to "waste" semen, when I was obviously not fertile. Reflecting about this I realized they were doing this not as a form of torture, but simply as a job. Particularly he was not doing this out of pleasure, otherwise he would rape me regardless of my fertility state. After this break, they resumed the routine. By then I was totally bored during the day. The room was large, but there is a limit about what one can clean everyday. During one of our time together, I told this to the old lady. As a monk I knew how to sew my own clothes, but she decided it was time to teach me some other sewing techniques, and she started with embroidering. This way I spent most of the day sewing things, waiting for the evening, when I would be raped again. I lost track of time. One day, when she removed the cylinder at the morning, she said, "This is your third day of delay, we must wait a while, but it is possible that you are already pregnant." I felt a mixture of satisfaction and embarrassment. Satisfaction because this meant that my torture maybe would soon come to an end, but embarrassment because their plan, apparently was going to succeed. After a few more days, they decided my period would not come, and this meant I was, indeed, pregnant. After the last day of rape, I heard someone departing from the inn, ridding a horse early in the morning. Later the old woman told me the man occupying my body was the one who departed and that he was not meant to return soon. I would not be raped again and would not need to use the cylinder either. At least this was a relief. Chapter 4 - Deception That same day the old woman gave me a thick wool dress to cover my naked body and as she went out of the hatch, I didn't hear the locking sound. I tried and, indeed the hatch's door was unlocked. For the first time in more than a month I was free to leave that attic and I did it. I found the old woman in the kitchen in the ground level. She confirmed to me I was free to walk in all rooms and even outside, in the yard, but she warned me that if I tried to escape I would be chased like an animal, and would be brought back in chains and be locked forever in that attic. This was unnecessary. I did loose track of time, but guessed we were already in the second week of October. It had been cold, but it was a miracle that no snow was observed until that date. It would soon become very cold and what would a young, pregnant girl do alone in a forest during a snow storm? Anyway, where to would I flee? Back to the monastery? This was no answer, nobody would believe me, even if they could understand what I was talking. No, I would stay, even without her menaces. She showed me one of the good things of going outside. I followed her through a trail in the forest and after some five minutes of walk we reached a creek. She asked me to probe the water with my hand, and surprised, I discovered that it was warm. I followed her and we reached a spring, which formed a small pool, from which the creek flew. The water there was coming out of the rocks and was very warm, almost hot. That was a hot spring. I heard about that previously, but never had the opportunity to visit one. It was curious that there was one so close to the monastery, since no one heard about that before. She undressed and entered the water, calling me to do the same. The pool was not that large, but there was place for two people and the water reached our waists. She asked me to sit with my back towards her, and she started dismantling the braid. A warm bath was a luxury I never had before in my life. I finally relaxed and allowed myself to enjoy that. For the first time I saw my new body in daylight. It was not sunny, the weather was cloudy and, it seemed to me that the unusual lack of snow would soon end. There was enough light, however, to admire how white was my skin and how my well formed breasts were. I began washing myself. One thing was to try to get clean with a piece of moisten cloth, the other is to take a proper bath. As the old woman finished her job, I realized I have very long hairs. I guessed if I stood up it would reach a length below my waist. She started combing my hair with a bone comb and began to undo the numerous knots that formed in my hair during the long time it had been tied. It did hurt like hell. She washed it and tied in a loose knot, so that it would not get on our way back to the inn. When she was finished, we exchanged position and it was my time to help her. She had shorter hair than me, but I was inexperienced, so I took almost the same time to comb her hair. After we returned to the inn, she said I should seat in front of the fireplace to allow my hair to dry, and when this was ready, she redid the braid. Each week we spent some time at that spring, as long as the weather allowed. The old woman gave me a new room, a guest room in the ground level, she didn't want me climbing stairs everyday (immediately I realized this was for the sake of my pregnancy and not because she was caring for myself). My guess about the weather was confirmed two days later when it started to snow. The outside temperature sank, but we had a good assortment of wood for the fireplace , as well as food for the winter. We remained most of time inside the house and no one visited us. The old lady decided to teach me how to sew more clothes and we both started working on material for the baby that I was carrying inside me. In the beginning, except of the lack of period, I could not perceive any change in my body due to the pregnancy, I first noticed something the day I told that the old woman. She smiled and said I was not aware, but my breasts were fuller, my hips were widening and then she asked me to raise the hemline of my dress and she showed me a small protrusion below my belly button, saying that was my uterus, which was growing due to the baby that was inside. I was divided, that pregnancy was the result of an incredible violence, but at the same time, it was a wonder. After that day I watched that protrusion growing almost on a daily basis. The life with the old woman was, mostly, friendly. There was no point holding grudges and we needed to work together, to survive that hard winter in the woods. With the time I confirmed that the body in which I am today belonged to her daughter and that it was she the one that was occupying my old body, but every time I asked why they did that to me, she shut up and the conversation was over. With the time I gave up asking. During the coldest days and nights we remained together in front of the fireplace. When the weather allowed we went outside, mostly to clean the path from snow, sometimes, when snowing gave a break, we went to the hot spring. I guess we got up to half meter snow during the peak snowstorm. Once it was even necessary to climb to the roof, to clean it from the excess snow, which was putting additional weight to the whole structure. In spite of her old age, the old woman went alone, saying it was too risky for me. Again, I understood she was afraid for my child and not especially interested in my well being. One day, after spring started, some six months after I had been transformed into girl, I woke up hearing sound of voices coming from the kitchen. It was the old woman and a male voice, which I, somehow, recognized. As I approached, I learned my father was the one who was talking. I entered the room and say, in my new language, "Father, it is me, your son, they put me in this body." It was a desperate act, I could not say this in my old language and I believed my father wouldn't understand. I hoped, however, that seeing desperation in my eyes would be enough to spark his curiosity. To my surprise, however, he calmly turned towards me and said, in my present language, "I know who you are, who do you thing gave the order to do this?" I was in state of shock, first, because I had no idea that my father spoke the neighboring kingdom's language, and second because of the information that he was the mastermind behind all that happened to me. I could only articulate, "Why?" "You were such a disappointment to me as a male, I decided to see if you would be more useful as female," was his answer. "But you will let them put me back in my own body after I gave birth, isn't that true?" I asked, almost loosing hope, and his next answer shattered it completely, "Why should I do this? Your substitute has proven to be a better son to me than everything you and your brothers did". He continued, "He already won two battles, proving to be a superior warrior, and contrary to the stupid of your older brother, he returns home, when the battles are over." I was furious and completely lost. I just said (it was no question, it was affirmation), "You never loved me." "Of course I loved you, otherwise I would let them kill you after the baby is born!" He continued, "I give you a chance and a choice." "If you prove yourself worthy, delivering to me a grandson as your first born" And he pointed at my belly, which, by that time was already evident, and continued, "In this case I will allow you to return home, as my new son's wife" "We will say you are some foreign princess, and your duty will be to fill that house with children." Then, meaning him and the old woman, he added, "Since we arranged things in such a way you will never learn our own language again, there is no danger that you tell anyone what happened to you, not that anyone would believe, anyway." I was furious with him, but also quite humiliated, then he completed, "If you prove yourself worthless as you were, delivering me a granddaughter instead of a grandson, I will not allow you to return to the house, but I will allow that you remain in the neighboring village and become his concubine." "We will take your first child to raise, of course, but you will be allowed to remain with the others, you see, I won't be scared anymore as you and your brothers did to me, I am encouraging him to hold concubines and lovers in the village, to produce a lot of bastards too, for safety sake." He was in a monologue, there was not a thing I could say to that, then he gave the fatal blow, "The choice I offer you is simple, either you chose this, or you may remain here, and work as the old woman's whore." I was furious and could not hear anything more, I could not even stand his sight anymore. I ran out the Inn until the forest and then, when I was very far away, I prostrated myself in the ground and started crying. I was crying not only out of rage, but also out of fear. The fates my father prepared to me were all horrendous. If it were not such a great sin, I would consider even suicide as a better option. The choice he gave me was to spend the life as the woman of the man who raped me for more than a month, or, as a road crossing whore, which would be used by every single male that visited the Inn. Worse than that, as it was typical from his hubris, he assume I had some control over the gender of the baby I was carrying. During my time in the monastery I learned that all the divination methods about the gender of a baby inside a mother's belly are completely nonsense. I would know my child's gender just after the birth, as anyone else and this, if I chose the first option, would be the difference between living in richness or in poverty. I was prepare to accept poverty as a monk, but not as a mother of many children. As I was, in the forest ground, I did something I had least done in my last night as male, I prayed. I prayed to God for guidance, for protection, even for revenge against the ones who did that to me. I stayed there, praying, recovering all the prayers I learned when I was a monk, and only late afternoon I returned to the Inn. My father had already departed, at least I would be spared seeing him again. During the next days I remained afraid, almost desperate, thinking about what the future would bring to me. I stayed in this state, until the day I remembered the history of Christ's crucifixion, in particular the moment in Gethsemane in which He, in full despair, said to His father "Be done as You wish, and not as I wish," just before being arrested. I decided to do the same prayer and asked our Lord to do to me as he wished. Suddenly a strange calm took me over. All the training in the monastery came back to my mind and, being a victim of demons and witches, or not, I, for sure, knew my Father in heaven would not abandon me. After my epiphany I calmed my mind. The weather also collaborated. The coldness of winter gave place to the milder climate of spring. My belly continued to grow and, sometimes, I felt the baby moving and kicking inside me. New guests came with spring, all of them male, and all of them looking at my with hungry eyes. They left me in peace due to my pregnant state, but it was evident what would be my future if I decided to stay with the old lady. Without the pressure of the fears, I was free to appreciate the wonders of being pregnant and this almost compensated what I went through. Then the time came in which I would deliver. I entered in labor. I believe I never felt so much pain in my entire life, but, finally it was over. Chapter 4 - Fate I contemplate the dress, extended on the bed in front of me. I t is a delicate piece of silk, with fine embroidery, this would be really worth of a princess. I feel awkward thinking about these things, but I must convince myself that this is my future. At least my father would allow me to return home in good style. I undress my simple wool dress for the last time and put that dress on. My breasts are a little too thigh, but this is surely due to the accumulated milk. Next I put the boots on. These are also finely decorated. When I feel ready I leave the room for the last time, not looking back. The old lady (strange, I never cared to ask what was her true name) handed me my son, I look at him and he smiles back. He is almost three months old already. There was, as usual, a war, which prevented my father to send someone to retrieve me sooner. As I expected, due to my confidence in God, I won a baby boy. It was not too much difficult to decide what I would do next. From all choices I chose the least horrible and decided I would return to my home, to be the wife of the man who raped me, and who was now occupying my old body. I hoped that the violence I suffered was only business, this way we could develop some friendly relationship. One thing I will try to do is to shut down this history with the concubines in the village. As I turn to leave, my eyes meet the old woman's eyes one last time. She seemed to want to say goodbye, but I quickly deviated my sight. I left that house for the last time and entered the carriage which would bring me to my new life. THE END

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Bec4 The Wrong WardrobeChapter 9 Thursday Morning Tara

Editor’s Note: The next document is a photocopy of a page from the journal of Tara Freeman Thursday, December, 2nd So yesterday, Dad made me sit down with Doctor K and talk about me as opposed to talking about Bec, which is who we’ve been talking about for most of the week – or should that be whom. Sheesh, I hope I’m not getting graded on my grammar for this. The Doc was cool. He wanted me to talk about how I’d been coping with everything since Monday. I tried to do that but it came out...

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Wifes New Dinner Plans

*Please note this story may contain spelling issues as well as other small problems but I only write for fun and haven't had it edited may come back and do it at some time. Enjoy My wife and I have been married for about 10 years now, and although the love is still every bit as strong, the passion and romance seems to be slipping. Our sex life is nothing overly exciting and has been this way right from the start. I have tried to hint at some different things but have never had any...

3 years ago
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My Life 6 I enjoy Lynne and my sister together

Introduction: I enjoy a threesome with my sister and her best friend. Susan and I talked again about a foursome with Colin and Lynne, and it had also occurred to me that a session with my sister and Lynne had together might be a bit of fun and I suggested it to Susan the next day. Apparently it had already occurred to her and she promised to mention it to Lynne as soon as possible. The opportunity arose a few days later when Susan answered the front door and I heard Lynne come in. I was in my...

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DevilsFilm Anastasia Knight It8217s Okay She8217s My StepSister

Once again Anastasia Knight catches her stepbrother Michael Swayze masturbating. Why does he keep his door open? Her mom would have gotten really upset, but not Anastasia. She’s alone and bored and imagining him jerking off as she does the same to herself. Why must a stepbrother and stepsister masturbate alone when they have no one to fuck them? She immediately goes over and tells her brother this is stupid, get in here and fuck me. Well why not? He does just that! She lies back, spreads...

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A Potters TaleChapter 7

For the next few weeks I worked hard, well at least time wise, at replenishing my stock during the week and spent one more weekend away, this time in the Lake District. When I was packing my stock I couldn't make my mind up whether to take the three pieces made to Terry's. They had come out quite well, especially the one she had painted, but I did not feel comfortable selling someone else's designs even if I'd made them; at least without their permission. In the end I decided to take...

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Gentle LadyChapter 2

After my shower and shave I crawled into the lovely soft bed and was dropping off to sleep when I heard the squeak of the door opening and the figure of Gerry creeping over to the bed. I sat up, and she jumped in shock of finding me awake. "What's the matter Gerry?" "I want you to just hold me in your arms, I don't want any sex, just comfort, could you do that for me please?" She asked. "Are you going to trust me that far, you are a very attractive woman you know, and I am a virile...

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Shyam In Ranis Village

Hi readers, this is the second part of Shyam and rani. Shyam is brother in law of rani. Shyam’s wife rani went to her native for delivery. Meanwhile rani is enjoying Shyam completely. She took the permission from her husband (Kannan, Shyam’s bro) to seduce Shyam. Kannan went for a foreign trip, rani and Shyam came to rani’s village. (Shyam) I and rani reached her home in the evening. The door was opened; no one was there in the house. Rani told me to wait in the hall and showed me the sofa to...

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Advisors DelightsPart 4 War

Some years later, the Emir was surprised to receive the news that the Foreign Minister of Tirfil wished to pay a formal visit to Ghada Baroud, the Emir’s advisor on Diplomatic Matters, in Kobekistan. “Why are you asking me? It’s you he wants to see,” asked the Emir. “Master, it is forbidden for any Tirfilese to enter Kobekistan.” “Well tell this man he can come if you want to see him, or not if you don’t. Do you know what it is about?” “No, Master,” said Ghada Baroud, “But I am interested...

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Harriet A PrisonerChapter 11 Gwen is spanked Two are staked out in the sun

On the second shift of the second full day Gwendoline and Harriet were working together, the guard with the spanking fetish turned up on duty. Gwen was quite pleased to see him, as Harry had told her all about him! Although she had never sought for this kind of experience since her marathon session with Mrs Travers (a lady Gwen had met several times since, but on a purely social basis!) she still had a slight hankering - an involuntary spanking from this fellow held no terrors for her - quite...

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Young Stepmother Part 3

Young Stepmother Part 3 By Mark Dayette I called my friend Pete the next day and he said it was fine that I could come over to his house Friday afternoon. During the phone call I wanted to rip into him and make him admit right that second what he had done by setting me up with my Stepmother's clothes under my bed, but I decided the conversation was too important to have over the phone. I also thought it would be easier for him to deny it over the phone but face to face he'd tell the...

3 years ago
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sex sex

Oh Great”, I exclaimed in reaction to my horny wife’s candid confession. And I was quite thrilled about it also. “Everything is all right. It will be great if dadu comes forward to helping you out. But he is now 76, or on his way to be an octogenarian in a few years. Can he now procreate a c***d in your womb? I commented.She laughed, and said, “I have full confidence in him. There are so many cases, I heard, in which a septuagenarian or octogenarian man fathered c***dren. Why don’t we try him...

1 year ago
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Kahani nay ye Tareeka hay

Phir main nay himath ki or apnay bhae k room main gae ya ni toni k room main gae dekha toni shareef larko ki thar han so raha hay or puaram say agay bhari k shayad kuch nazar ajay mujh ko k us ka lund kitna hya per kuch b nahi hoa main wapas agae or khamoshi say lat gae apnay room main phir main nay dekha k mery room main1 lakri phari hay ye he koe 3 inch lambi thi or gool thi or 1 inch moti thi main nay us ko utha ya o r dhokar us per cream lagae or us ko chooth main lenay lagi wo thori...

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Girls Night In1

I got to the video store, and started looking through the movies. What kind of mood was I in? What did I want to see? I picked up a couple comedies, and made my way around to the back of the store. My pussy started tingling, giving me an unconscious reminder of not having any dick lately. I made my way into the adult section, and locked the gate behind me. I started browsing through the shelves of porn movies, looking at the pictures on the covers. Big dicks, wide open pussies, big titties,...

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Harry Potter and the Curse of the Emerald Witch Part I

Ramona Flowers Presents J.K. Rowling?s HARRY POTTER In The Curse of the Emerald Witch PART I The rays of moonlight shone through the gaps in between the curtains pulls, illuminating the boy?s dormitory like a shiny diamond ring. The four poster beds were placed around the room, the Gryffindor emblems hanging proudly from the walls. The low snoozing of the boys sleeping was defeated by the loud, heavy snores of Ron Weasley who slept in a crooked, awkward position. The wind howled...

2 years ago
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Breaking the rules and very happy about it

Upon graduating university in 2007 I found the job market was very bad. Being one of few girls with a degree in Geology, wherever I go it's a male dominated sausage factory. And being decently put together, slender, young and not having a penis proved to be an asset in my job search. I ended up taking a job which had me relocate to foreign lands. Middle Eastern countries are interesting but no fun, I look good in a head scarf! Living was very often in the company compound and I absolutely...

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She was beginning to wonder if this was a good idea after all. Her nipples, pinched by the clamps, were throbbing, her naked body sweating and cooled by the ceiling fan, her pussy tingling, dripping wet and begging for attention, her arms and legs and jaw all starting to ache, and she still had no idea what he was going to do to her. She had no idea how long she had been standing there waiting for him. Twenty minutes, a half hour, maybe even an hour? She wasn't even certain he was in the...

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mall then a quickie u think

This whole evening started with me meeting a guy named Matt at the mall we walked around for a good 2 hours talking bout everything well we decide to go back to my place to have a lil fun. i am wearing black pants black shirt and a black lace bra no underwear cause i hate them Matt is wearing black slacks and a red collared shirt with blue boxers. he seemed like a decent guy nice polite wouldn't expect was bout to come from him.. he told me in a nice voice "Take...

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A Family in Need a Mason Degraves StoryChapter 8

After breakfast, Beverly and Amber followed Jorge through a rear door to a massive garden, where plants of all sorts, most of which Amber had never seen before, grew in great abundance. Jorge said, “Welcome to my home, my true home, where I serve the Goddess of the Earth in all her glory. Here is where our food is grown, where the Lady gives to us that which nourishes us in body and spirit!” He held up a handful of dark, rich earth and presented it to Amber, “This is the womb of the Lady....

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Chicago Love Doctor Ch 02

I am sitting quietly by your side and the waiter has just left our table. I am wearing a low-cut dress you said I would enjoy wearing. You called earlier today and told me I would like to have dinner with you, and where I would like to have it, and I nodded and smiled and hung up. The Signature Room? I’ve never been there, but suddenly I have a tremendous desire to go there. We can look at the lights of the city, how peaceful and relaxing. I trust you completely. And now, here I am, exactly as...

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Son Mom and Aunts Chapter 8211 6

Chapter 6: A week had passed since the last event. It was a Saturday. That evening, Amy, Trudy, and Anissa went outside. They told the guys that they had some things to do. They all returned after 2 hours. When they were home, they immediately got naked and stood in front of Ryan and Alex. Both were surprised and were staring at their abdomens. Amy, Trudy, and Anissa had inked their abdomen, just above their pussy. Amy had tattooed ‘AR’s Slut’, Trudy had tattooed ‘AR’s Cunt’, and Anissa had...

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Aakhir Papa Ka Lodaa Kavita Kee Chut Mee Chlaa Gyaaa

Hi! Mera Naam Vinod haa par mee apnee nickname yunghelper (mail id: ) se apnee nett dostto (hot gals ) see chat kartaa huu. Voo apnee chudeeyee kee story mujhee brief mee batatee haa ferr mee us chudeeyee par ek story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sach haa readers manee yaa naa manee ye un par nirbhar kartaa haa.My hot and horny readers see ek appeal haa- padnee see pahlee ladke apnaa lund pakad lee aur ladkeeya apne chut mee unglee dal lee takee story padne mee zyadaa maza aayegaa...

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InnocentHigh Elle Lee A Cock For Reference

Elle’s dream is to write the raunchiest erotica on the planet, but there is one problem – she’s got no experience sexually. Her teacher, Mr. Rock, feels bad for Elle, so he is willing to help her improve her craft. He lets Elle suck his cock, so she does, tenderly and slowly, feeling every inch of it as it slides down her throat. Then he kisses her neck, rubs her tits, lies her down on his desk, and eats out her innocent pussy. She loves every second of it and is overflowing with newfound...

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Voyeur Mother

Izzy and I were wearing jeans with the cuffs rolled halfway up our calves along with loose fitting tops that were kinda like sweat shirts but lighter. That day Mrs. Gomez had really tight pants on, which might have seemed out of place given that she'd put on a few pounds. So back to our Scrabble game. I had laid down EAST, crossing with BUS. Luis proudly added BR to make BREAST. Isabella and me immediately giggled. This apparently woke Mrs. Gomez out of her trance and she commented: "Are...

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Tuesday Night Annie and Michelle

Tuesday has been a wonderful day and I am hoping to continue into a wonderful evening. As I follow Michelle to her house I cant help but think about how beautiful she is. She has long thick brown hair with pale blue eyes. She has kept in very good shape. You would never guess she is in her mid 30’s. Her ass is still nice and firm. And her breasts are amazing as I saw today. I could lick and massage them for days. We have always known that we both were bi-sexual but had never considered being...

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Briannas Panties

Mike sighed as he put down the phone. It was his sister-in-laws mother - his brother's mother-in-law. Apparently Brianna needed something fixed in the house. Again. Ever since Richard had taken the job in the West Coast, he had been called upon to fix things in his house. Mike wondered if Brianna told Richard how much he helped around. He didn't really care. She was family and family came first. Richard had always been a good brother to him although nowadays...

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8thStreetLatinas Sasha Bleou The Dishes Are Done

Sean found his girl doing the dishes in a thong showing off her awesome ass. She had her headphones on and kept right on twerking when he pulled out his phone to shoot her. Before long, he was bending Sasha over and licking her ass and pussy on the counter. Then she got to her knees to slobber and choke on his hard cock. He then bent her over to start fucking her all over the kitchen. You dont want to miss one moment of this fine Latina hottie getting her nice thick ass smashed for a load of...

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Front Desk Help Part 1

This was originally posted as in my blog.I work for a major hotel as a late night desk clerk. You see a lot of crazy shit working late nights at hotels. Guests trying to sneak people into their rooms, fights, police stings, even some people trying to make a porn movie - seen just about everything. The hotel has a policy of having two people working the front desk on the night shift. I work with Rosie, a sweet, thick filapina who always manages to drive me to distraction. We've been working...

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Teasing Daddys Friend Until He Cant Take Anymore

Introduction: My Seduction of My Fathers Friend When I Worked for Him One Summer When I was 14, my father used to go to the hardware store in our neighborhood all of the time. In the parking lot of that store, there was a guy that sold barbecue from a trailer. He had a smoker and all of the materials there and he paid the hardware store to let him park there and sell his food. It was actually very delicious BBQ. So, my 12 year old brother was obsessed with fire, smoke, BBQing (still is in fact)...

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Glory Hole Conspiracy I

Connie looked her daughter Beth while she stood next to her friend Sara as both the teen girls looked at their moms. It was embarrassing to be standing there with cum stains on her dress and probably still in her hair from her time at the glory hole. Of course Sara's mom Lisa looked just as used since she had been in the booth just down the hall from her where she had sucked and fucked the evening away."What's a glory hole mom?" Beth asked as she looked at the cum stains on her mom's dress"It...

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First Time Anal

Alice pondered her situation. She was 21 and had been dating a hot guy for a few months. He was the best fuck she'd ever had, but having said that, she wasn't all that experienced. During conversation one day it had emerged that her boyfriend, Sam, had been much more adventurous than she could have imagined: he'd been involved in group sex and even had anal sex. While the thought of it all kind of turned her on, she was worried that he'd get bored of her and find someone else to do these things...

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Only have four and wishing there was more

I had a big weekend of fun planned that included a day at the spa and lots of raw hard core fun and to make shore the party never ended I was given 5 viagra to keep him going so I could use him all day every day he was here lol. But as I had figured would happen he backed out. Oh well life goes go and I already had the days off work so I put new plans into action real quick. A busy woman doesn't sit around and wine about what could of been she moves on. So I hit up the girls and we got it all...

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Earths Pain Book I Justins StoryChapter 3 Justin finds home

It was Friday morning when the commander informed us the house was ready for inspection. He transported us down to the house and spent a few hours with us making small changes; but it looked great and for the most part was perfect. We walked outside for a bit, it had been a while since we had fresh air. We had about 10 acres of land around the house with a small wooden fence around the 10 acres - this was our border, which we couldn't pass. I was not sure what would happen if we did but I...

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Dagger Of KijaChapter 6

With that, they all said their goodbyes. Greyshadow left them one more bit of advice. "Kija's human guards are likely in disarray," she instructed. "But those cavern-bred ones... be careful." The group watched silently as Greyshadow slipped away into Kija's citadel, then turned back to make plans for themselves. "Kija's gone!" Pyran yelled. The chains were there, where Tomas and Kija had been lying on the floor of the arena, but there was no sign of either Nangen. "Since when...

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DestinyChapter 12

Mom drove us to the ice cream store where we found a booth with privacy. She said, "What we talk about is just between us right now. We'll tell the others after I've done my homework. Basically, my plan is to McDonald-ize the Dial-A-Meal Corporation. If they don't agree to my plan, if I think it's right, I will seek financing and go into competition with them." I must have looked completely lost. She laughed. "Okay, now Dial-A-Meal pays regular wages and benefits to the sales staff,...

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Love is all that matters pt4 Good old Jacky Mike must wanky wanky

As I climbed the stairs and walked through the hall, loud music was coming from my room. I slowly opened the door and saw Jessy lying on my bed, in nothing but her white spaghetti strap shirt and some sort of... grey high waisted satin shorts. She was lying on her stomach reading some magazine of hers about fashion or whatever, her light brown hair was pulled into two ponytails; her ass wasn't fully covered by that shorts and she wiggled it in the rhytm of the music which had a hypnotising...

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Memories of Daddy Pt 3

As I sat on the trunk of my car in the dark parking lot, I knew I'd done the right thing. I finally had my father right where I wanted him; here and alone with me in the dark. He was staring at my naked tits and pussy. He had only two choices and they were fuck me or don't fuck me. We had spent weeks playing this game every Tuesday and Thursday morning a silent, naked game of Peek-a-Boo. On those mornings, my father would walk in on me while I was in the shower. He would pretend to not be there...

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Marie the Pinay Slut WifeChapter 14

Brad stayed for the night because it was late by the time both women had sucked his balls dry of sperm. He could not believe what had just happened, but when Marie suggested that he should stay for the night because of the heavy rain outside, and the difficulty of finding a jeepney because it was so late and their street in the barangay was far from the main road, he agreed, thinking that he might finally be able to fuck his girlfriend – or even better, her slutty mom. However, his hopes of...

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African DrumsChapter 7

Joe arrived at the little town several hours later. There he found Moure and a pair of Rovers. Moure was sleeping under one and Joe had to lay down on the ground and stick his leg underneath to jab the man awake. Inside the Rovers was the equipment he'd been unable to carry with him downriver. There was a second Uzi, and a number of other weapons, including explosives. Joe pulled out a stick of dynamite and looked at it, promising himself he was going to stuff it up that Captain's asshole...

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Kallo Ko Thuk Lagake Choda

Hi dosto mera naam h raushansh (changed name) aur m bihar ka rehne wala hu achha khasa 4ft 6 in ka kadd h mera aur lund mota taaja 4 inch ka h to ab apka aur time waste na karte hue story pe badhta hu. Mere ghar m meri maa bhai aur m rehte h hum ek hasta khelta parivar h aur m engineering ka student hu aur bhai 12th m padhta h aur meri maa housewife h. M bachpan se hi thoda chudaad type ka ladka hu aate jaate auntiyo aur ladkiyo pe najar marta hu aur kabhi kabhi bus m safar karte hue ladkiya...

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Washed UpChapter 4

There are a hundred little spots along the Grand River where people go down to the river to fish, or the high school kids get together for their beer and bong bashes. A guy I worked with owns one of them that is usually frequented by the kids. He was out of town for the next few weeks on a job and since it was the middle of the week, I knew there wouldn't be any kids there. I knew he wouldn't mind if I camped there. "Sam, how would you like to camp out for real tonight?" I asked...

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Peter is 19 RyanChapter 2 Flashback

Dating-wise, my freshmen year of college ended badly. I arrived at beginning of the semester sorry to be away from my family and after only a week, I desperately missed them all. Then, in September, Lisa died and between my own grief and Alex's, I was pretty damaged. I had been in the student union, Columbus Day, thinking already about dropping out and going home when someone asked if they could share my table. He looked a bit like Alex, actually. Wide shoulders, curly black hair, a...

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Mylfed Adrian Hush Sofie Marie Shopping Spree Pussy

Adrian Hush and her step mom Sofie Marie have a very special relationship. They are extremely close, to the point where they even like shopping for underwear together. Today, when they get back from their latest shopping spree, Sofie Marie tries her sexy black panty hose on in front of her young step daughter. She strips bare and then rolls her stockings up slowly, driving the horny girl crazy. After Adrian slips her pantyhose on, Sofie cannot contain herself anymore. She rips open the girls...

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Duty and Duplicity Book 5 of Poachers ProgressChapter 11 Two ladies of Verona

It was fast approaching the date of my thirty-second birthday and second anniversary of the deaths my wife and children. As you can imagine it was an occasion I viewed with trepidation. Last year I had spent the day in convivial harmony with Sergeant Major Benjamin Goodman and Spelky Woods in Bridgewater. This year I would have faced a bleak and solitary day had it not been for Claudia Garibaldi and Monique Kuensberg. Monique, a well-regarded opera singer, had been commissioned, by no less a...

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Flight To Remember

I was sitting in the cockpit on what felt like an unusually long flight chatting to my co-pilot about Madrid and discussing plans for the evening. It had been a long week and I couldn’t wait to touch down and enjoy a few days well deserved R and R. Everything was running smoothly so I decided to get a drink and have a quick chat with the attendants briefly before using the facilities. Opening the door I immediately saw the most amazing ass I had ever seen in my life. “WOW”, I mouthed silently...

Gay Male
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A Dog Me in the Barn

Funny how things work out. You grow up reading books and fairy tales, watching Disney movies, and you’re pretty sure you’re going to have a summer romance, to fall in blissful mutual love with someone dark and handsome and live happily ever after. Nobody tells you it could turn out to be a big, brainy border collie with a weird back-door predilection. And yet here I am, sitting on a towel with a slow stream of collie cream leaking out my ass, while I type out my thoughts. I’m...

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My Girlfriends Daughter 6 End of Summer

I am going to hell. I know I am for many reasons. Well there are at least three right now. But before I get into that. Heather has been texting me like crazy since the last time we were together. Very loving messages and all. She was worried for a while about getting her pregnant. I kept trying to tell her not to worry. I finally bought her a kit to test herself and it of course came back negative. Whew! Even if she were, she would be a very sexy pregnant teen. I just can’t imagine what her...

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The Colors Of Punishment

Isabella was exhausted after a long day of cleaning her master’s house. He was very meticulous in the way things were to be cleaned and replaced. She followed his written directions closely and marking each task as she completed them. And now she was on her last task, perched high above the floor on a ladder dusting the crystal chandelier that hung in his study. She tugged at her snug fitting uniform with its ruffles and lace all around. She hated this uniform. It was too short, showing her ass...

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My GF MsPriyanka

I was in Xll standard, was good in Studies, never had any GF, One fine day, there was announcement in College that if anybody wants to participate in Cricket Team they can fill the Necessary Form. I thought to join and filled the form, and Joined the College Cricket team. After 3 months there was a inter college competition of cricket, in which I was one of the Player who got Selected as a Batsman/Fielder, It was a twenty Over match, and I was the opening Batsman, I scored 32 runs in 27 Balls...

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Cop Town Girl Chapter Two

Cop Town By Michele Nylons Chapter Two - Balwyn Balwyn PD had 1200 police officers and about five hundred civilian staff on the payroll. The PD recruited thirty police cadets every three months with the expectation that not all of them would graduate; some of them would either fail the course or drop out of the Balwyn Police Academy before graduation. The Department recruited just enough minorities to meet the mandated quotas. At the policy academy there was an unauthorised...

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Billys Hot MomChapter 10

Donna, sitting in her bath, wondered where Billy had gone off to. He had left the house over an hour ago, and since he hadn't said where he was going, or when he would return, she wondered. It wasn't like him to go off without letting her know where he would be and when he would be home. She leaned back in the tub, the fragrant bubbles bursting about her. She loved to be clean, as clean as possible. Yet, she loved to feel her son's piss all over her body, too. But that was different,...

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