RedemptionChapter 9 free porn video

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During the third to last week of Chris's absence, while Jenny was naked with the teens, she asked if she could feel Dex's cock. Donna and Dex looked at each other for a long moment, and it was Donna who spoke.

"Jenny, please believe me, I am not saying this because of jealousy or possessiveness. I don't think you should touch Dex there. It is so close to your wedding. I think that sharing the thrill of your new discoveries would be a wonderful way to start your sexual life with Chris. It would bring the two of you even closer together."

"Oh, Donna, you are so wise. I... I didn't think of it that way. I am just worried I won't know what to do, or I won't do it right. Uh, could you, um, touch him to show me how? Please. I don't want to be a complete dummy. I am really frightened!"

"Jenny, you don't have to beg me to touch Dex. It's something I love to do. Come over here with that beautiful cock, Lover. We've got an audience."

With great difficulty, Dex had avoided getting hard right away when he heard Jenny's request. Donna began with a rather clinical description of his shaft, his helmet, his sac, and his perineum. She particularly emphasized how each should be handled - how sensitive or tender it was, how responsive to touch, etc.

"Now, this is the good part," Donna said with a grin. "This," and she gave his flaccid shaft a little flip, "is just a kinda silly looking piece of meat, until it starts to stand up straight. Then... well, you'll see!" She proceeded to describe and demonstrate how to stimulate him, using just her hands. She started by delicately teasing the head with her fingertips, circling around the rim, which on Dex was quite prominent. As soon as he hardened enough for her to get a good grip on him, she encircled the shaft with her hand and began stroking up and down.

"This is the most incredible feeling," she told the now gaping Jenny. "The skin is so soft to the touch, but underneath it's so hard. I'm not using any lubricant - anything to make it slippery - so I'll be careful to not rub it raw. After a bit, though, some of his own lubricant will start oozing out, and I can spread that around."

Startling the entranced Jenny so that she actually jumped, Dex interjected "Donna, you won't get to rub long enough for it to get raw the way I feel right now!" Jenny looked up at him with wide eyes. It was if she had forgotten there was a person attached to the object of her fascination.

"Jenny, Honey," Donna said, "would you get a small towel from the bathroom there? I'll make sure he doesn't come until you get back." Poor Jenny could barely stand, and almost staggered to the bathroom. The teens could barely keep from laughing the way she scurried back to her place. The little interlude decreased Dex's arousal level considerably.

When Jenny was again seated, Donna told her she was going to make Dex come, and she cranked up the intensity of her stroking. When Dex started panting and squirming and thrusting his hips against her hand, Donna instructed Jenny to watch for the helmet to darken, and the sac to pull up. When that happened, she told Jenny where to hold the towel. She wanted Jenny to see the ejaculation, but didn't want it all over the floor.

Jenny had barely gotten the towel in place when Dex gave a grunt and started spurting. Donna aimed his cock so almost all of the cum hit the towel. The first shot, though, went so far that some reached Jenny's wrist. After four or five heavy spurts, a few weaker efforts ran down his cock and over Donna's hand.

Dex sank to his knees in exhaustion, panting heavily as Donna carefully wiped him off. "Are you OK, Jenny?" he asked between labored breaths. "Did that frighten you - upset you?"

"Oh! Oh! That was just... Wow! I'm not upset. I... I guess I'm excited. I know I'm excited. I can't wait to get a hold of Chris's!"

"That's great! That's just what we hoped for."

"God, Dex, I just don't understand how you could do that for me - you too, Donna. Sex always seemed like such a private, hidden thing, almost shameful. You guys make it so natural, so exciting. Instead of being afraid of it, it's like I can't wait!"

Donna hugged her blond sister-in-law-to-be. "Just remember that feeling, Jenny. Be excited about it and have fun with it. My brother will be the happiest man alive!"

Having recovered his breath, Dex spoke again. "Donna, I think it's your turn, don't you?"

"You're on, Lover! Jenny, can you move over a little. I want to lie down for this. There's no way I can take it standing up."

"I don't understand! What are you going to do?"

"Oh, Jenny, I'm sorry. Dex is going to give me an orgasm, and maybe two or three. Um, Honey, do you get yourself off?" The stricken look on the young mother's face was all the answer Donna needed.

Looking down at the floor, Jenny said quietly, "I guess I probably have never had a real orgasm. Sometimes when Amy is feeding, I get real tingly and sometimes a few shudders - like that first day when she did it to you. I... I thought doing it to myself was wrong. I used to get punished if I touched myself when I was little."

"Well, watch a master go to work."

"Work, nothing! This is pure fun. I'm going to give you a blow by blow, Jenny, because pretty soon Donna won't be able to say anything."

"Big talk!" Donna quipped.

"Um, Dex," Jenny asked timidly. "Why are you showing me this. I mean, uh, Chris is the one..."

Donna jumped on the question. "Jenny, I expect that Chris will be a wonderful lover and always make sure it's good for you. But you need to know what is possible so you can tell him what feels good and what you want."

"Oh, I don't think I could tell him that!"

"Sure you could, and you need to. It's important for lovers to talk to each other. This should be the best kind of sharing, and you can't share without talking. Maybe there's something that would feel wonderful to you that Chris just never thought of. Do you think he would be upset if you asked him to do something new or different?"

With a little giggle, she replied, "I think I could ask him anything and he would do it."

"Good girl. Sounds like you're getting him trained right. Keep it up and you'll be fine." This from Donna.

With a derisive snort, Dex shut Donna up with a monster kiss. Breaking off momentarily, he whispered in her ear "Are you OK with doing this in front of her?"

"You did it! Besides, I'm so hot right now I might go off on the first touch."

Dex took his time, doing a lot of kissing, then caressing her breasts, then kissing and nibbling on her nipples. He stopped a few times to explain something to Jenny, who was too entranced to think of asking a question. When it was time to work on her pussy, he used his hand, keeping the other going on a breast while he talked to Jenny. He described in detail what he knew Donna liked as he did it. As each new sign of arousal appeared, he told Jenny about it. Donna was lying on a long couch with her feet in Jenny's lap. Dex brought one foot down to the floor and the other up on the back of the couch, leaving her splayed wide in front of the dumbstruck Jenny. Donna tensed a little at first, then started gasping and whimpering rapidly as he went right for her clit and started going for the come in earnest.

Donna was not kidding about being hot, and erupted in a surprisingly short time. Dex waited for the tremors to fade a little, then lifted his cousin bodily and sat her upright, with her ass forward to the edge of the couch. Getting on his knees in front of her, he went to work on her with his mouth, eliciting a gasp from Jenny. Still sensitive, Donna shrunk from his first approach to her clit, so he retreated to licking all around the area, then nibbling her inner lips, and finally plunging his tongue as far into her as possible. After a few minutes of appropriate encouragement from her, he revisited her clit and sucked and flailed it until she came again.

When this orgasm subsided, Dex got on the sofa between the girls and pulled Donna up onto his lap, cuddling and rocking her gently. She was facing Jenny, and when she was able to open her eyes, she saw silent tears trickling down Jenny's cheeks. She sensed they were tears of joy and wonderment, and gently traced a finger down the tear tracks.

"Is it always so beautiful?" Jenny asked in a tiny voice.

"When you really love each other, it is," Donna answered.

"Oh, why is the wedding so far off? I want to be with Chris right now!"

"Jenny, I think you should make love with Chris the first night he is home, and not wait for your wedding night. If you haven't done it before the wedding, you are going to be worried the whole time, and it will show. How can you sing at your own wedding when all you can think about is your first time making love?"

"I never thought of that, Donna!" With a sad note she added, "It's not like I'm really a virgin, anyway."

"Yes you are! And don't you forget it! It's just that if you have a week to make love before the wedding, you will be relaxed and content, and it will show. It will be much more memorable for you."

"That means I only have to wait a little over two weeks!" Jenny was almost bouncing on the couch as she said it.

Donna had been roused by this little exchange, and slid off Dex's lap onto the floor in front of him as she told Jenny, "See how Dex is still hard? He has this thing where he never gets soft until he comes twice. You will have to decide if you ever want to do this or not, but I will tell you that taking a man in your mouth gives an incredible feeling of power - as long as he isn't forcing you, that is." She then went on to give the once again dumbstruck Jenny pointers on proper blowjob technique.

Thoroughly demonstrating all the things she had described, Donna took her time bringing Dex to a climax that was so hard it was almost painful. He was barely sensate when she climbed back onto his lap, but he eagerly returned the blistering kiss she administered. The three of them sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Jenny," Donna eventually said, "I think it's time you had a good come. You must be practically shooting off sparks by now."

"I... I need something. You guys have got me really worked up. I... I don't know if I can do myself."

"Sure you can. I'll help you along. Dex, I think Chris should be the only man to see this, OK, Lover?"

"Dex," Jenny spoke up, "Will you bring Amy down? She should be hungry by now." When Dex left the room, she admitted to Donna that Amy's suckling excited her. They laughed together when Donna mentioned how well she knew it. Jenny stretched out on the couch, and after only a few minutes, Dex laid Amy on her chest. It took Amy only moments to find her target, and Dex could her sucking eagerly as he shut the door to his room.

"I'm in a real quandary about weaning Amy," Jenny told Donna. I probably should have done it before now, but I... I just enjoy her nursing so much. Now, I don't know which is worse: interrupting all the wedding time for feedings, or making Chris put up with soreness, leaking, and breast pumps right from our first day."

"Well, I'm afraid Mom would be much better on that topic. I can tell you, though, that nothing will matter to Chris but being with you. I don't want you to get the wrong idea, but I think this would be good for you to know. That first day when you met Chris, I made him come sleep in my bed with me. We didn't do anything wrong - we just hugged and cuddled and talked and talked and talked. We love each other a lot, and Dex and I love each other a lot, but Chris is absolutely over the moon for you. It's the same way Dad feels about Mom. Um, has Chris told you about his previous girlfriends?"

"Right away. I think he was afraid I would be offended and reject him. I couldn't care less who's had him before, as long as I get the rest of his life. Donna, help me out. I'm really worked up, now."

It was both comical and sad to see Jenny's reluctance to touch herself. It took a lot of reassurance and encouragement for her to relax enough to arouse herself at all. Several times, Donna was on the verge of intervening with her own hands, but sensed it was critical for Jenny to get past this herself. Amy was nearly done feeding when Jenny finally got to the point where arousal took over and she didn't care about anything else. When she started to convulse, Donna put her hand on Amy to keep her from being shaken off. The presence of the baby made the whole scene strange, but undeniably touching. Donna did interfere a little when Jenny took her hand from her crotch during the convulsions. She placed Jenny's hand back over Jenny's mound, and used her own hand to get Jenny to rub herself.

After almost two minutes, Jenny looked at Donna and said, "I can tell you for certain THAT never happened to me before. Is that how it feels when you make love."

"Sweetie, that's just part of it. I haven't had sex myself, so I'm not the one to answer your question. I know, though, that when Dex does me with his hands or his mouth, it's much, much better than I can do myself."

"Donna, there is no way I can tell you how much you and Dex have helped me. You were right when you told me I had to be confident to be sexy. I had zero confidence before that first day. I won't say I'm not scared any more, but at least I won't be totally paralyzed and lost."

"Are you going to tell Chris what we've done together?"

"I've thought about that a lot. I think I will wait until I can get him to a Saturday morning. By that time, I'm going to look and feel so good, and I'm going to love him so hard he won't be able to be angry about anything. Then, I'll tell him."

"That's the spirit! Um, there's one thing I think you should do about your looks." At Jenny's look of puzzlement and some alarm, Donna gently ran her fingers through Jenny's rampant blonde bush, saying, "You've got absolutely gorgeous pussy hair, but it would be sexier if there wasn't quite so much of it."


"It isn't too cool when the hair sticks out the legs of all your sexy lingerie."

"Oh, my! That's something I never thought about. I have almost nothing sexy to wear. All my stuff is pretty plain."

"Tell you what, let's you, me, and your friend Angeline have us a little shopping trip next week and get you some stuff to keep my brother hard."

"OK, and tomorrow I will have trimmed the forest."

Angeline was arriving the following Saturday, so their naked get togethers were numbered. Jenny was determined, however, to keep up the workouts and the running, even after her friend arrived.

True to her word, Jenny arrived Tuesday with a nicely trimmed bush. She had left hair on her labia, but had trimmed to the sides to permit even a thong without any hair spilling out. Even after a week, she colored adorably when Dex gave her a wolf whistle.

Pulling Donna aside, Jenny told her she had made herself come the night before, and afterward she had slept incredibly well. Donna hugged her and encouraged her. Dex had to work early that day, so the two girls were alone for the workout and the run.

On the Thursday before Angeline was to arrive, Dex had taken a long run and was just returning when Jenny drove up. He was about two blocks away when Jenny passed him, and he noticed a nondescript Chevy pull to the curb just across the street from his position. Trying hard not to turn his head, he could detect a single male occupant. When he reached the house, he made sure he was out of sight, then looked back to see that the car and the occupant had not moved.

Dex was not an alarmist, but the sense that the man was following Jenny was very strong. He went in the house and greeted Jenny, who was more embarrassed than usual seeing him still clad while she was already naked. He pulled Donna aside, and told her he needed to take care of something outside.

Going out the back door, he slunk behind some bushes and watched as the man from the car, dressed in a gas company uniform, worked his way up the street, walking into each yard on the way, then emerging after a brief stay. Nearly convinced that this was just a normal meter reading route, he still felt uneasy. It hit him eventually, that the car had no gas company markings. There could be numerous explanations for that, but still...

When the supposed meter reader came to the Ferguson house, Dex watched carefully from the back corner. When the man pulled a camera from his large shoulder bag, Dex knew his instincts had been right. The question was what to do about it. The man was slightly taller than Dex, and a lot heavier. Under the gas company cap, Dex could see the hair was cropped short at the sides. The hair and the bearing fairly shouted 'military.' Dex was not at all sure he could take the man in a straight up fight, if it came to that.

Taking a break to strategize and calm himself, he moved quietly to the back door, then opened and closed it rather loudly. He sauntered around the corner of the house, humming to himself, and feigned surprise when he came upon the 'meter reader.' "Oh, Hi! Uh, the gas meter's on the other side of the house. You must be new on this route, huh? Come on, I'll show you."

The man played his part very well, validating Dex's reluctance for a head to head confrontation. Dex led the way around the back of the house, then stepped back and pointed as they reached the far corner. This part of the Fergusons' large yard had several mature lilac bushes which were at their full summer height and fullness - ideal for Dex's hastily formulated plan.

Just as the man walked past him, Dex delivered a hard chop over his right shoulder, designed to completely deaden the arm. In almost the same motion, Dex hit him behind both knees with his own knees, causing the man to fall forward into a gap in the lilacs. Dex hoped he had reflexively closed his eyes, as they was a lot of snapping of branches as the man fell. With only one functional arm, the man instinctively used it to try to break his fall, exactly as Dex had rehearsed it many times with Sensei. Dex was able to grab the extended arm and bring it back behind the man, pinching and twisting just right to impart disabling pain. It did not take many seconds for the man to realize his hopeless position and stop active struggling.

"I'm guessing you're just trying to earn a living," Dex told him. "I don't want to ruin anything for you, but I WILL protect my family." With a knee planted in the middle of the man's back, and the left arm and hand contorted in a terribly painful position, Dex reached around and used his finger to feel the pulse in the man's neck. "I want to know who hired you. Was it the Madisons? Was it the Carvers (a made-up name)? The Frankels? (a definite blip in the pulse) The Jones? (another made-up name). That's what I thought. Now, I'm going to let you up, then I'm going to tell you about Jenny. Do I need to take the weapon from your shoulder holster and from the ankle."

"No, I won't try anything. I've already failed my confidentiality duty. I have nothing to gain by harming you," the man replied.

"Good!" As the man sat up awkwardly, Dex saw a few scratches on his face and neck from the branches, but his eyes appeared unharmed as he stared hard at Dex. "I'm Dex Madison. I live here with my Aunt and Uncle. Jenny is engaged to marry my cousin Chris Ferguson."

"I'm Carl Plonske. This has to be the low point of my career. I'm working for a scumbag client because I need the money, and I get taken out by a - say, how old are you, anyway?"

"Fifteen. Don't feel too bad. There was no reason for you to suspect anything. Say, I've met a cop - Susan Plonske - any relation?"

"My sister. How do you know her?"

"She responded to a little encounter between my Aunt and her ex. My Aunt won, big time, and your sister had to call the ambulance."

"Well I'll be damned! Sue couldn't stop talking about that for weeks. She was sick of seeing battered women hauled off half dead. You made her year, that's for sure. Probably kept her from leaving the force."

"Wow! Say, let's walk down to your car. I don't want Jenny to have any idea what is going on." By the time they walked the two blocks, Carl's arm was becoming usable again, but his pride was not in good shape.

"I was ten years in the Rangers. I should never be taken like that, no matter how unlikely the situation. I guess part of the problem is I hate this assignment. I've been following Jenny for about two weeks, now. Frankly, I feel dirty for the first time as a PI. I'm practically in love with her just from following her around."

"She has that affect on people, doesn't she? Let's make a deal," Dex told him. "I'll help set up whatever you need to let you finish the case with a satisfied client, and you tell me what you know about why the Frankels are doing this. One rule, though. No one but me, and maybe my cousin Donna, is to know anything about this whole deal. Agreed?"

"Fifteen, my ass! Yeah, it's a deal. Better than I deserved. Why are you giving me a break?"

"My sensei keeps stressing that success is gaining allies, not enemies. I'm guessing you would make a valuable ally and a dangerous enemy."

"Until just now, I thought so."

"OK. Let me give you the real story of Jenny. Forget what you heard from the Frankels." They drove to a fast food place, and Dex spent fifteen minutes filling him in on Jenny's recent past. "Now, why did they hire you?"

"You know, I'm not completely clear on that. I'm not sure they are either. They told me this story about her being an ungrateful runaway who got knocked up and moved out. They're pissed about all the money they spent on her education and music training. I have a hunch they just want to hurt or humiliate her. They are really an angry couple. When the engagement announcement appeared in the paper as Jenny Ballard, they went ballistic. They were still fuming about that when I first met with them. I wanted to turn them down, but my rent was overdue. Say, not that I doubt you, but do you have any proof of Jenny's version?"

"I have a tape of a very short, very nasty phone conversation." Dex told Carl exactly what was said. "I guess I am not surprised, but now I am concerned about the wedding. I don't want Jenny or Chris to have any inkling that the Frankels even exist. Tell me what you need to finish up satisfactorily with the Frankels, then I will hire you to help keep them away from the wedding."

"That would be a conflict of interest, and I haven't sunk that low, yet. How about if I just help you for free on the side?" They discussed a few more pictures that would help Carl fill out a reasonable report, then Carl dropped Dex off two blocks from home in the other direction.

Donna gave Dex a very strange look when he finally returned home and headed for the shower, but she seemed to understand his shake of the head and said nothing until after Jenny had left. As soon as Jenny drove off, of course, Donna was all over him, and he told her the whole story. Through the story, she went from alarm, through disbelief, through anger, and finally to resolve. She agreed wholeheartedly that protecting the newlyweds was the major issue. Several times, she questioned Dex about trusting Carl, but finally seemed to accept Dex's assessment of the man.

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Author: nabeel farooq ഇതൊരു ഇന്സ്സെസ്റ്റ് സ്റ്റോറിയാണ്. ദയവു ചെയ്തു ഇന്സ്സെസ്റ്റ് ഇഷ്ടമില്ലാത്തവര്‍ ഇത് വായിക്കരുത്. എന്റെ വീട്ടില്‍ ഞാനും (നബീല്‍ 21) ഉമ്മയും (സൈനബ 39) എന്റെ അനിയനും (അഫ്സല്‍ 18) മാത്രമേ ഉള്ളൂ. ഉപ്പ (ലത്തീഫ് 46) കുറെ കാലമായി ഗള്‍ഫിലാണ്. എനിക്കു 21 വയസ്സ് ഡിഗ്രി കഴിഞ്ഞു. അനിയന്‍ 18 വയസ്സായി. അവന്‍ പെരുമ്പിലാവ് ഒരു കോളേജില്‍ താമസിച്ചു പഠിക്കുന്നു. ഞങ്ങളുടെ കുടുംബം നാട്ടിലെ അറിയപ്പെടുന്ന വളരെ യാഥാസ്ഥിതിക കുടുംബമാണ്. മലപ്പുറം ജില്ലയിലെ പാലക്കാടിന്റെ ബോര്ട്രിലാണ്. എന്റെ ഉമ്മ...

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Eric Olafson First Journeys Vol 2Chapter 10 CorriDoor

I arrived at Corri-Door nine days after I had left Austin. The System was on the very edge of Union space. The declared space Kermac/Galactic Council space begun right beyond its helio pause towards the gneral direction of the galactic center, or in te old astronavigation terms, towards Galactic East. Two so called transit corridors, marked only by marker buoys and defined by the Armistice treaty that ended the last big war originated from here. One of these corridors connected Magnitude,...

1 year ago
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Matt Beckie

"whats wrong sis? don't like being tied down by a man?" i teased her, knowing that by now she loved being pinned or helpless around me. "you better untie me bro unless you want to be in serious trouble!" she threatened. "empty threats again sis? they never work......" i held the whip up after putting the gag in her mouth "now....its time i showed you who your master is!" with that i cracked the whip across the floor making her jump(as little as she could) in fear of the...

4 years ago
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CONFESSIONS PART 9======Yes, I do sometimes wear panties in public. I remember the first time. I wore a pair to school one day obviously I picked a day when we didn’t have gym class! I remember the thrill of it and the fear of being caught. I think I must have had a hard on all day! Now, to be honest, I wear them most of the time because I still love the softness and lightness of the material. Just plain black simple cotton ones - I must have a couple of dozen pairs. Sometime I do wear guy...

3 years ago
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Party night

Paul was having his monthly party and Sue was the main person. She arrived early and Paul stripped her naked and sucked on her huge tits before he gave her a quick fuck. She was beautiful. Long blonde hair, DD tits, and thick pussy lips and a bouncing round ass. The best part was that she loved sex and loved it kinky. She loved to be naked and show her body and it was thrilling to have sex as the gang watched. She met Paul in college as he taught her current affairs class and she heard he had...

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A Night To Forget

A Night To Forget im 15 years old , short brown hair, slim build about 5ft 5 and a nice 3 inch cock at full erection. ive always had a fasination for dressing as a girl. it just makes me so horny. ive been meeting this 43 year old guy for about 3 months now not a relationship just meeting 2 times every 2 weeks for a quick round of sex. i always go on the bottom i like being used by another man the thought just makes me so horny. anyway this perticular night we decided to meet at 2:30am...

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Gierig fallen Sandra und Tatjana überinander her. Lange hatten sie darauf gewartet. Sandra war um die 165 cm groß, hatte rötlich gefärbte lange Haare zum Pferdeschwanz, ein süßes Gesicht und einen knallengen schwarzen Latexanzug an. Ihre Lesbenfreundin Tatjana war eine echte blonde Sexbombe. Sie trug ebenfalls einen Latexcatsuit. Beide fielen übereinander her und rieben ihre Latexkörper im Bett aneinander. "Ich bin so geil" stöhnte Sandra die unte rihrer Freundin lag. "Ich will dich nur feste...

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Los Angeles Fun

It was a sunny day in Los Angeles as Jim walked down Hollywood Boulevard. He had arrived in the city a few hours ago and finally made it here from the airport. Slowly he walked around, thinking about what to do. He walked past two Japanese tourists, who were just taking pictures and as he passed, the two women suddenly were wearing Japanese school girl uniforms and were giggling. Jim didn’t took big notice of them, as they were approached by a guy and then lead to a limousine, but instead kept...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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College roommate

“Be safe! We love you!” My family yelled as I maneuvered my silver 2001 BMW down the driveway of our 2 story brick house on my way to freedom. I gave one final wave as I pushed on the gas and started off to college. Finally! I thought as I started off to GT where I planned on making my dream come true… being and actress. Now, don’t get me wrong, I could care less if I’m famous… I just wanna act… to be on stage and in the spotlight. The college campus was only about 45 min away from where I...

4 years ago
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Catching up with cuz chapter 5

I was in shock not sure what to do. Gwen walked over, grabbed Becky by the hair and dragged her into the bedroom. Becky gave me a wink on the way in so i think was a setup.Gwen threw her on the bed and berated her "Little slut couldnt wait till I got back huh? Had to have that big cock all fir yourself you whore! You want to be treated like a whore then thats what I'll do!" And with that Gwen tied up Becky to restraints she had hidden in between the mattress. There was Becky spread eagle on the...

2 years ago
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Your Step Dad Is So Hot

Turning my girlfriends obsession with my steppie to my own bi advantage....My steppie, Larry had had his youthful moment of fame in the premier league for a season before injury prematurely ended his career with The Knights. He was a nominated rising star and had won best first year pro player; but hey that was like before I was born. Achievements before the world of social media and smart phones don’t count with fashion, tech savvy sluts; and he had basically hidden his early trophies and...

2 years ago
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Marina's arrival The car drew up alongside the kerb and slowly ground to a halt. The rain, which had been constant for the last two hours, ran in rivulets down the windows and screen, creating patterns of reflected light from the neon signs that advertised the shops from which they hung. Marina stared through the distortion the water caused. She did not know this area of London. The back streets always seemed to contain a brooding darkness that hid a promise of malevolence, barely concealed...

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TheWhiteBoxxx Isabelle Deltore Anally Dominated

Sexy Isabelle Deltore unveils the scene with glamorous teases as her companion Kristof Cale salivates at a distance, blindfolded. Cale joins the act by starting to devour the ass hole sticking his tongue inside as far as he can and sucks the clit passionately as the horny Isabelle spreads her ass for him. She returns the favor with an amazing blowjob. Her insatiable urge for deep penetration makes her to free Cale, who pounds her perfect pussy with deep strokes until she squirts. He advances to...

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Rabbits Foot Keychain part 3

RABBIT'S FOOT KEYCHAIN pt. 3 By CCE CHAPTER 8 "And coming up next, a story about what you can do to save big money on your power bill!" "And we're out," the stage manager said from behind the camera. Darcy Johansen sighed loudly as her make up artist ran out and began to touch up her painstakingly applied eyeliner and lipstick. "Watch what your doing!" she said snippily as she batted her hand at the small woman who had the unfortunate assignment of doing the hair and make up...

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Sultana Chapter 5 Serpents

In the first quarter of the dawn, when the orange disk of the sun was only half visible, a soldier from the northern contingent of the army came with urgent news. He had been riding all night, because of the urgency of his report. He The serpents had attacked the northern security post, appearing from what had been Persian territory. Their envoys to Persia hadn’t returned yet, and they hadn’t the slightest clue whether they would ever return. They had been expecting a pigeon from the envoys,...

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Mio Ozora is a spoiled teen. She is over eighteen but she is still a teen. She is the kind of girl who gets exactly what she wants. She is a sexy hot babe and she loves to tell people what to do. A hot and sexy girl who commands everyone she is around. And today she is going to get what she likes and her lover is going to tie her up and service her pussy. This is a real hot video and so much of it is about pleasing Mio Ozora and her hot teen pussy. The girl has a sweet body and a sexy piece of...

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Melissas Revenge

Melissa's Revenge "Here you are together," Melissa said. "I arranged it you know." Tyler, Angie and Morgan were indeed together. They were in Morgan's kitchen. They had planned to meet and they did. That was expected. What they didn't expect was that Melissa would be there waiting for them. To discuss Melissa was why they had gotten together in the first place. They wanted to get their stories straight so that Melissa would not know that Tyler was cheating on her with Angie. Morgan...

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When The Darkness Calls

When her Darkness calls to me, across the land, I hear its cry with my inner ear. I do not know how I know, but I know I need to listen. The calling tells me where to find the one like me, the compliment, the confidant, the one who hears my Darkness calling out to her. I have tried at times to fight the call, I even managed to suppress it deep inside for a while. I buried myself in my work and in my hobbies and in making plans to while away the hours. No matter what I did to occupy my mind...

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Tara 6 CrossroadsChapter 29

“Stupid dracolings,” Ricky muttered as he freed his left arm from around Ronan. He reached into the pack on his chest and withdrew a dark green dragon’s egg with golden tipped scales. He handed it to Ronan. He then withdrew another egg. This one was mostly a pale white-grey with violet tips on the scales, and it went to Micky. He then extracted one more egg. This one was larger than the other two, and it was a metallic black with lighter shades of grey radiating down to the white tips of...

3 years ago
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Jenny calls me back

Some days after my first encounter with Jenny at her home, she texted me.The bitch asked when we could meet again; she was getting aroused just thinking of my hard cock. We exchanged messages during the next days; until our chance finally came in.During the week end, Jenny told me her parents would be out of town and she would stay at her home, totally alone. By my side, my sweet Ana would visit some friends and she would leave me alone those same days.Saturday night I was ready again for a...

1 year ago
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Fitting Scions

Fitting ScionsBy: Londebaaz ChohanI am Howard. I have no clue why; although there was no one to suggest this or pushing me for this but from my earliest memory; I always wanted to be in sports and of all the sports; I wanted to be a champion boxer. Now at the age of 23, no way that I can be called a sportsman. Even after spending a lot of time and putting in all the effort, I am nowhere close to being a boxer but after all said and done, I am in best shape and healthy like a horse. I am 6’2”,...

4 years ago
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Suhara of Curses Chapter 3 Water

Jaux had managed to keep his robes from dragging along the ground with some complicated robe wrapping maneuvers. It also had the effect of making him look incredibly stupid, but there was no one around to see anyway. It was past curfew after all. The dormitories were located on the second floor, and the girls section was on the western side. If Jaux hadn't become a girl, it may even have been a stoke of luck to be living on this side. Fate and luck weren't being very generous today...

4 years ago
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Wife becomes a gangbang slut

This was 12 years ago. My wife Jordan and I were only married for 2 years and I told her about a fantasy I had about her being fucked by a group of guys.Jordan was the local hills slut and this is how we met. She was a bit reluctant and asked me "how many guy?"I replied "that's up to you".She said "the most I've ever done at once was 2 as a spit-roast and I was fairly drunk."I said "well what about 4 plus me and 3 can watch while you're spit roasted."Jordan thought about it and said she liked...

2 years ago
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Hot Rod Ch 05

My head is buzzing like it does when I’ve had a few strawberry daiquiri’s. My body is on fire from the inside out. If I died right now, it would be with a smile. The man is a fabulous kisser and has extremely talented fingers. And all he’s done with them so far is run them through my pubic hair. With the obstacle of my jeans and panties, he can’t move any further. Not that I’m complaining about what he’s doing to me, but I want more. Need more. As our kiss deepens, I hook my thumbs under the...

2 years ago
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A Christmas Fire

Dear Reader: I hope you enjoy this second installment into the lives of Rich and Ellen. With love and respect, ~Blondiesheart~ .oO(@)Oo. ‘Do you remember our first Christmas together?’ Ellen asked Rich as they lay curled up on the sofa, gazing off into the roaring fire. ‘How could I forget?’ he replied. ‘It was the first time you went down on me.’ ‘Rich!’ she scolded, and his soft laugh filled the following silence. Rich looked down at his wife, her head tucked against his chest and arm....

2 years ago
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Back of the Hand

Hi. Doc Johnson in the house... pull up a chair... take a deep breath... and listen... I’m talking to you. You know who you are. Yeah, YOU! What the hell did you think would happen when you consistently planned your private quiet time so that you could log onto a chat site? Did you think you were safe hiding behind a keyboard? That your fears and unhappiness and emotions wouldn't be sitting there with you? That you would simply confess your desires to strangers and remain detached? Granted,...

3 years ago
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Delta TrixyChapter 7 Dinner

Paul introduced me to the rest of James’ team. It appears that they were employed by him for this dig. That’s why I didn’t realise there were a dozen people out here. They were not on my books. One of the men called Frank, whom I was informed by Kale was of the Burgis race, was our cook. He had made a lovely stew full of chunky vegetables, and a spicy meat that I was informed was from a reptii. It tasted a lot like smoked chicken. Effectively, it was a reptilian form of a pig and had many...

2 years ago
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338 coastal cuckolding

Part 5Well, she had had anal, and he knew that until he got some sort of lube, he was never going to taste those delights himself, thus it was that they went shopping on a Saturday, something he hated, or at least avoided normally. They were on the return journey when he dragged her into Scrooges shop, walked boldly up to the owner, there being no others in and announced, “Ah Richard, as we are apparently sharing my lady, perhaps we can agree a few things.” By now Scrooge was both red and a...

1 year ago
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Mayhem 4 Irish MistChapter 9

The next morning Sean was still in healing sleep (I may have put him there initially but I think Eimile kept him there) and Bran was in temporary exile with one of the married cousins. The men folk were grudgingly allowed to reenter their homes and had come in from the fields for lunch. Most of us were eating with Coln and Mary when a car pulled up outside. "Visitor," Mac called out from the front room. Coln walked out and the rest of us followed. "Oh, bloody hell," he growled when he...

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Dees Fantasy Part 1

After 35 years of intense work, I took an early retirement with an excellent severance package. During those years I have been just about everywhere and done just about everything that I ever dreamed of. I was also single again, and after a lot of thought I decided to leave the city and move back to the little Midwestern town I grew up in. I found a ridiculously under priced 2 bedroom villa that was perfect for me. It is in a good neighborhood and close to the reservoir that I used to frequent...

1 year ago
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My examination was not done properly

I was sixteen and lying on a bed in a quiet room, down a side corridor in my local hospital. I had arrived two hours ago and the pain in my stomach was excruciating, so I lay in the fetal position, knees drawn up to my chin, trying desperately, to ease the discomfort.I heard the door opening and whoever it was moved behind me, but I just laid perfectly still, as turning would aggravate the pain and that was the last thing I wanted.When he spoke to ask me a few questions, his voice was soothing...

1 year ago
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Celebrity Hucows

DISCLAIMER: This story exists for the sole purpose of sexual gratification through literary means. In no way shape or form is this meant to marginalize, demean, attack, or offend the women in question. This work does not condone real acts of kidnapping, sexual abuse, and/or overall cruelty. Without further ado, let us proceed to the story. A large, empty facility lay silent at the dead of night. Within it were stalls, waiting rooms, showers, restrooms, infirmaries, and offices. But alas, it was...

4 years ago
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Richard Secourt watched his television screen raptly, half in awe and half in amusement. Bouncing across the screen was an amazingly awesome blonde beauty with the biggest set of tits he had ever seen. She was wearing a one-piece red swimsuit and running down the beach, and those immense jugs bounced up, down, and sideways. How she avoided putting an eye out was beyond him. It was then that the back door slammed, and a feminine roar bellowed out, “You bastard! Where were you?” Richard came...

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Margs punishment

Marg lay under the thin comforter that had been thrown over her. She shivered a little from the cold but shivered more from nerves and anticipation. She tried to remember the chain of events that had led her to being in this position. There had been swinging and threesomes, but they all involved her husband. Somewhere along the line she had broken a set rule: she had sex without checking with her husband first.She brought her hands to her nose to scratch a little, but even that move was...

4 years ago
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Mia Six Months Later

I would not see Mia for another 6 months.  However, during that time she wrote me 3 letters (this was before texting) and called me on the phone a month before I would see her again.  In the letters she told me how much she enjoyed being with me during her last visit.  Even though, Mia and Tia were identical twins, I was soon finding out how much different they were sexual.  Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed having sex with Tia, but she was not raunchy or nasty.  Even in her letters, Mia would...

2 years ago
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Upskirt Photography Can Be Fun

Those of you who live in the UK, or any of those places with real seasons, will know that one of the best things about the end of winter and the warm weather starting is the opportunity to shed the winter woollies and get out the summery stuff. If, like me, you’re a bit of an exhibitionist who likes to tease, there aren’t many opportunities to expose your bits when you’re wrapped up against the wind and the rain. In spring 2012 we had a few nice days in March, and I’d dug my spring frocks out...

1 year ago
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He approached me on the subway True story

He approached me on the subway; me in my mid-20s, innocently gazing out the window. Perhaps a little too oblivious of the tight short shorts I was wearing at the time. He came over; not very attractive, in his early 60s possibly, but barely restrained in his attraction to me. He sat by me, and out of the corner of my eye I could see him eye my thick lips, followed by a slow descent to my crotch. He started talking to me, asking where I lived, if I had a girl or boyfriend, etc. I was offput by...

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Taking Beth part 3

Beth was at home, daydreaming again about Jackson, when she should have been finishing the dishes. Her husband was putting her daughter to bed upstairs, so it was all too easy to get lost in her fantasies. She stood for ages staring blankly out of the window, wondering when she would see Jackson next and thinking about lieing in his lap while being spanked. The dinner plate in her hand, that she was meant to be washing, was for the moment forgotten. Jackson had been particularly evasive about...

3 years ago
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The Matriarchy Aimme Brodeur

I wasnt sure who I wanted to use it on first. I remember doing a rehearsal for drama class. It was 4th period and me and a handsome lead boy in my class who will remain nameless had 5th and 6th period off. I was doing my finals and he was my acting buddy for the drama exam. I asked him if he wanted to continue rehearsing after class. I remember joking around with him and not getting much work done. I guess you could say I felt for him, he was as fit as the rugby lads just much more handsome....

1 year ago
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Der Ring der Verdammnis

Katharina steigt aus dem Auto ihrer Freundin und winkt zum Abschied. Sie trägt ihr hellblondes Haar wie immer zu einem Pferdeschwanz gebunden. Weil heut so ein warmer Tag ist trägt sie einen weißen Rock und dazu passend ein blaues Oberteil. Um sich möglichst keinen Sonnenbrand zu holen, will sie im Schatten der hohen Bäume bleiben, die die Einfahrt ihres Elternhauses einsäumen. Da glitzert plötzlich etwas in der Sonne und als sie näher kommt, erkennt sie, dass es sich dabei um einen kleinen...

3 years ago
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En Vacances 2 The Bar

En Vacances 2: The Bar Embarrassment consumes me, my entire being flushing crimson as her hungry eyes watch my little girl body quivering with pleasure, fixed on the twin digits that have slid so effortlessly into the soaking wetness of my pussy. My whole body is burning up with shame, heat radiating through every atom of my being, capillaries engorged and swollen, visibly causing my lightly tanned skin to glow violently. Adrenaline coarses through my bloodstream, my heartbeat quickening as...

2 years ago
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Following that Monday evening when Sue and I met Andrew for the first time we retired to bed to reflect on what we had just experienced. This had been the most significant moment up to this point, possibly the most significant to date, and as we lay holding one another there was an incredible warmth between us. Sue snuggled up to me, quiet, sated and content, eventually drifting off to a peaceful sleep. As she slept I contemplated the events as I recounted them in my mind.Andrew had in the...

1 year ago
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Confident and Controlling

I hear his keys in the door and move into the bedroom, leaving the door open behind me. He sighs as he enters the apartment, closing the door behind him. I sit patiently on the bed, knowing that after he takes off his jacket and puts down his bag that this will be his next stop. In a few moments, I am proved right. He looks tired and worn down. I get up from the bed and walk over to him, reaching up to run my fingers through his think blond hair and pull his lips to mine for a kiss. I turn my...

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Sister Catherines Nighmare CAW 13

This was such an exciting time for Sister Catherine. She was a newly initiated member of the Sisters of The Divine Blood. She had always felt herself drawn to a life of worship and service. Her devoutly religious Roman Catholic parents had instilled in her a love of the Church at a very young age. A beautiful and intelligent young woman, she had been sheltered from many of the temptations of youth and this gave her a innocent quality others found endearing. She had been posted to the...

4 years ago
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One Hot Night Ch 04

Katie opens the door to the bathroom and walks right in. She walks into the stall and locks it. She pulls her robe open and sits down on the toilet where she pees. She then gets up off the toilet and pulls her robe together. She ties it and turns around where she flushes the toilet. She then unlocks the bathroom stall and walks out. Katie walks up to the sinks. She grabs some soap. She then turns on the water and starts washing her hands. She finishes washing her hands and grabs some paper...

3 years ago
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DarkFyre Chapter Eleven

In the late morning hours the sun shone bright and glorious on Trelling’s Rest. The overcast clouds of yesterday’s snowfall had fled in the face of a clear and temperate day, the sort of mild and cheerful day DarkFyre Dale rarely saw this deep into winter. The snow underfoot gleamed pristine white under the sunshine, a blanket of innocence and purity cast over the countryside, a beautiful thing to behold. The Bear’s Maw was Trelling’s Rest’s main gate and the site of the majority of traffic in...


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