LifelineChapter 16 free porn video

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I survived a sleepless night and managed to get Lauren to preschool on time. I got to the courthouse and headed straight for Jane Cummings' office. She wasn't in yet but I saw one of her investigators and motioned him over.

"Any luck with the second video?" I asked urgently.

"None," he said. "I'm headed out to the motel to see if they have a backup copy. I doubt they do. Most of those places don't keep surveillance video very long."

"I have to have that video," I declared.

"It doesn't matter, man," the man said with a shrug. "Jane told us the case against your guy is done. Besides, the quality of the one from the lobby isn't going to be any better."

"My guy says it will be," I insisted. "He does that sort of stuff for a living. The owners don't care about who comes or goes – or what they get up to while they're there – but they do care about someone trying to rob them or a desk clerk stealing from the till. He says the one in the lobby will be clear enough that we can see who is coming and going."

"Like I said, I'm headed out there as soon as Jane gets in," the man told me. "I'll let you know."

"My guy went out there yesterday but I haven't heard from him," I said. "If he has a copy, I'll give you a call so you don't waste your time. Let me ask you this: Can you pull traffic camera footage from that area for the hours of midnight to five a.m. Saturday?"

"I have all that," the man admitted. "There is nothing on it. That's a well-travelled highway and it was Friday night."

"I want you to look for a gray Ford Escape with government tags," I confided.

"Government tags?" he asked incredulously. "Like the feds?"

"Like the county," I said. "I saw something last night on the first video that sparked my interest."

"You couldn't see shit on that video," the man countered.

"You forget, I'm familiar with many of the players in this little drama," I rebutted. "Sure, I couldn't make out faces but I recognized Wells when he went in. I also think I recognize someone else on the video and I'm positive I recognized a county vehicle stop and pick someone up. I'll buy you a case of beer if you don't find a county vehicle near that hotel a little before 5 a.m. Saturday. I will buy you a case of steaks to go along with that beer if you can get me a tag or a photo of the vehicle's occupants."

The man stood blinking at me.

"You have a theory?" he asked.

"I have a million theories," I said. "But this one is the one with so many things that don't make sense. It's Saturday morning. Why would someone from the county be out that way?"

"Seriously?" the man asked. "Dude, it's a high-crime area. The guy could have been a cop or he could have been someone from the assessor's office looking to score."

"At five in the morning?" I asked. I had left out one vital piece of information. The man wasn't from the county and he had no way of knowing that the only agency that used the gray Ford Escape was the undercover narcotics squad – Elizabeth's Task Force.

"You're on for the bet," the man said. "But don't count on me to pay up if I don't find anything."

"You'll find something," I promised. "If you can't pull a tag or a driver, let my guy have a crack at it. He's pretty good."

"Our guy is pretty good, too," the investigator assured me. I clapped him on the shoulder and walked down the hallway to the office I was using.

Jenny and Michelle were already inside and appeared poised for whatever task I sent their way.

"Did either of you hear from Mark or Lucy last night?" I asked.

"Mark called," Jenny admitted. "He said the motel clerk had no idea where the old surveillance discs were. He was going to check with the day manager and give us a call."

I noticed she was looking over my shoulder as she spoke and I turned to find someone else in the room. It was someone I hadn't expected – Elizabeth.

"Do you have a little while?" she asked.

I nodded and gestured to my office. She was already seated when I got inside and hung up my suit coat.

"I screwed up," she said before I could sit down.

"Yeah, I got that part," I said with a frown. "My question is: How badly did you screw up?"

"You've pretty well laid it out for me, so I guess you know," Elizabeth replied. She looked as tired as I did and she seemed smaller today that she had the day before.

I paused before I answered.

"I guess my question is whether you were content to destroy your livelihood or you decided to add ruining your marriage to the mix, as well," I said. I watched her face as the words registered and her eyes jerked upward to meet mine.

"What does that mean?" she asked. I saw her throat bob as she swallowed hard. Her father had once told me that the gesture was a sure sign someone was about to lie. "I know I was hard on you yesterday but I was just being pulled in so many directions. I've worked with those guys for six or seven years. It just seems wrong to hang them out to dry. You were a cop once, surely you can appreciate that."

"I wasn't referring to your actions yesterday," I answered. "I was referring to previous actions you might have had with Task Force members – specifically Paul Scarborough."

"Paul?" Elizabeth asked. "Ben, I don't understand. Until Hunt had Lauren Senior arrested, I never interacted with Paul. He only got moved into the chain of command after he was outed from his undercover assignment."

"So it's only been going on for a few months?" I asked.

Elizabeth tilted her head and narrowed her eyes. I could see confusion on her face.

"Just ask me what you want to ask me," she said. "You didn't mince words yesterday so don't mince them now."

"Are you having an affair with him?" I asked. There. It was out in the open.

"No," Elizabeth said loudly and firmly.

"Does he know that?" I wondered. I related my impressions from our meeting the day before. I had first seen Paul Scarborough at Lauren's preliminary hearing. It was the first time I could recall hearing his name mentioned in our household. I had been largely absent from my family life since the Huntley case came along – which also corresponded with Scarborough's return to office duties for the Task Force.

"It was a drunken thing in college," Elizabeth finally admitted. "He was already on the force and I was at the university. Dad was a cop so I took some friends of mine to a cop bar one night. Paul was there and, well, we hooked up. It was one night 15 years ago. I didn't even remember him until he brought it up a few months ago. He flirts with me. That's all."

"Uh-huh," I said. "You might want to mention it's a bad idea to continue to flirt with you while your husband is in the room. I'm not a bad-ass like you are but you'll recall I kicked the shit out of Biff Wells once upon a time and he's twice Scarborough's size."

"Is that what this is about?" Elizabeth asked. "You were jealous of some long-forgotten guy?"

"You were not exactly happy to see Pam attempt to resurrect old memories," I said. I swear to God, Elizabeth actually blushed. It was the first time I'd seen it. It might have been the first time it happened.

"Yeah, fine," she said. "I would have kicked her ass if she would have pulled that shit with you. The truth is, I was a little flattered. I'm not 22 or 23 anymore. I should have put a stop to it. At the very least, I should have told you it was happening. Shit. I can't believe you thought I'd do something like that."

"Uh, if you will recall... , " I began.

"Yeah, the Michelle thing," Elizabeth said, her face reddening again. I wondered if she was going to need a transfusion from the blood going to places it wasn't used to going. "Shit. Alright, fine. You got me there, too. I'm no better than you. There. Is that what you wanted to hear?"

"It was more than how he acted," I said. "I am almost immune to men trying to flirt with you. It happens all the time and you usually just ignore it. This time, you didn't. You also appeared to be giving more value to his opinion than to mine."

"It's because he was telling me what I wanted to hear!" Elizabeth said. "I didn't want to hear that I was going to be out of a job and staring at prison in a few weeks. I wanted to hear that everything was going to be fine. I talked to Dad last night after you got off the phone with him. I didn't know about a second video. I honestly didn't know much at all about this case. As soon as I was pulled, I stepped away. The fraudulent information you and Jane received did not come from my office. That was put together solely by the Task Force members."

"Do you expect people to believe that?" I wondered. "I mean, sure, I might. I'm your husband. But you're going to have something a little more convincing for the people who come to investigate things."

"I have nothing more to give," Elizabeth admitted.

"What about the other cases?" I asked.

"I do not have any knowledge of any falsified documents being presented in other cases," she said.

"Sounds like you're ready to testify in front of a sub-committee," I noted. "OK, let me ask you this. If you didn't tamper with the Huntley evidence, how did you know it was tampered with?"

Elizabeth let out a long breath and looked at me hard. It took her almost a full minute to come to a decision.

"I broke into your office and looked at the case file," she admitted with downcast eyes. "I've known there was missing evidence since about a week after you took the case."

"And you said nothing about it?" I asked angrily.

"I asked the Task Force guys," Elizabeth said.

"I was speaking about me," I replied.

"No," Elizabeth agreed. "I couldn't very well tell you about it. After all, how would I know? I didn't want to admit that I had broken your trust so I went to Paul and confronted him. He told me that they gave you and Jane the same things so it shouldn't matter. He assured me that Huntley was the guy so I let it go. It's like you said, 'the ends justify the means.'"

"Except Huntley wasn't the guy," I said.

"We still don't know that for sure," Elizabeth countered. "Yeah, the evidence we have doesn't prove he did it. But it also doesn't prove he didn't."

I looked at my wife and I started to understand more about why things were handled as they were. Scarborough knew of Elizabeth's obsession with arresting Huntley. He wanted to curry favor with her, not only professionally but personally. The Task Force members knew where they had dropped Wells off when they shook him loose from protective custody. They knew exactly where to find him. They also knew the person who killed him hated him and they put the two together. It was the perfect storm.

"Pam killed Biff," I said evenly.

I saw Elizabeth's face turn white.

"Is that a guess?" she asked after she regained her composure.

"No," I answered. "It is a fact. Here's another fact. At least one and maybe more members of the Drug Task Force had a hand in it. I have Jane's investigator pulling traffic cam footage. I'm going to find out which Task Force member drove her to the motel that night and picked her up after she'd killed him. It's all going to come to light, Elizabeth."

I saw my wife gulp again and she nodded as she looked away.

"Did you set this up?" I asked. Her eyes shot back to me.

"Are you absolutely insane?" she asked.

"I think there is a good chance of that," I confessed. "Look, Elizabeth, I recognized Pam on the video last night. Yeah, it will never hold up in court. But I know how she walks. That's what first caught my eye."

"Her ass swinging like a rusty gate?" Elizabeth asked, her eyes narrowed.

"It wasn't that," I said. "It was that stiff-kneed gait she has, like she's one of those wind-up dolls with no joints."

Elizabeth actually shot me a smile.

"Yeah, I searched for a description," she said. "I thought she just walked that way so her tits would bounce."

"That might be the reason," I said. "I never asked. When I looked at the video more closely, I ... well, I thought the person was missing a hand. It took me three or four times through the video before I remembered that she was wearing a cast on her arm. The fiberglass was dark blue and it didn't show up at all against the pavement. The video is black and white. So I adjusted the monitor contrast until I could make it out."

"Damn," Elizabeth said, shaking her head. "That's going to mess up Lauren Senior for life."

"She's already going to be messed up for life from just spending 15 years with that woman," I said.

"Probably," Elizabeth admitted. "So why do you think the Task Force had something to do with it?"

"She was picked up at the motel by a Ford Escape," I said.

"There are thousands of those in the area," Elizabeth pointed out.

"True," I agreed. "But think about it. She disappeared for two days."

"Two gloriously silent days," Elizabeth noted.

"Who had access to the information about where Biff Wells was headed?" I asked.

"Everyone on the Task Force could have accessed that information," Elizabeth countered. "And we have no idea who Wells called. His cell phone was missing and we don't even have a number to trace."

"Who took her to the hospital to have her hand X-rayed?" I asked.

The smile disappeared from Elizabeth's face.

"Paul Scarborough," she said almost in a whisper.

"Yep," I said. "He was one of the people waiting in the hallway that came rushing in when the commotion broke out. Judge Castille sent Pam off with him to get her wrist checked out."

"I can't believe he'd do that," Elizabeth said.

"Do that or do her?" I wondered.

Elizabeth glared at me.

"Either," she said angrily. "But you did her so what do I know about men?"

"Good point," I said. "There is one way to find out if it is just him or if there are more involved."

"What's that?" Elizabeth asked.

"Pull every member of the Task Force in and let Patel tell us who told him to lie," I suggested.

"Patel?" Elizabeth wondered.

"The desk clerk at the motel," I said. "Incidentally, you might think about getting that guy some protection. He's the only one who can say for certain and I have no doubt that they will kill him if they have to."

"I'll take care of it as soon as I figure out who to call," she said, looking away from me again.

"He and his family are on vacation," I told her. "I called his home last night when I found out the truth. His brother-in-law is house-sitting until the weekend."

"Well, there is that," Elizabeth said. "I'll call my Dad."

"OK, that's a start," I said. "Once Patel tells us who it was that coerced his testimony, we'll have the second step. Now we need to discuss the hard part."

"It gets harder than what we've already discussed?" Elizabeth asked. I could only nod.

"It is my opinion, considered over several sleepless nights, that you have to get out in front of this," I told her.

"How do I do that?" she asked.

"That depends on how truthful you've been with me about your involvement in the cover-ups," I replied.

"You make it sound like we just planted evidence whenever we wanted to bust someone!" Elizabeth yelled.

"That is the way everyone is going to view it," I said in an even voice. "The newspapers and TV stations are going to get this. Every single drug case from this county in the last 10 years is going to be reviewed. Hundreds, if not thousands, of convictions are going to be overturned."

"I still don't think it will be that bad," Elizabeth said, shaking her head. "I think this will be viewed as an isolated incident."

"Then you are an idiot," I said. I saw Elizabeth's eyes narrow but I simply sat staring at her.

"There is money to be made from this," I continued. "There are reputations to be made. Do you recall how I came to national prominence a few years ago? It will be the same thing. Elizabeth, the men and women you convict are almost exclusively minorities from low-income families. Lawyers are going to be lined up around the block in the poor neighborhoods. There will be multi-million dollar lawsuits against the county – and, if you are convicted of official misconduct, against you, personally. This stands a large chance of bankrupting our family if you do not find some way to gain immunity."

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At a PriceChapter 11 The Ring

Mary finally got off his lap to organise them some food. They ate quietly, and Marty was surprised when she got up and left the kitchen when she had finished. He collected their dishes and put the dishwasher on. He wiped down the bench and thought of doing some work. He wanted to go over the surveys that he had of her land. Mary came back and took his hand. She led him to the lounge room and indicated a chair. He sat down and rearranged the robe, so his cock wasn’t staring at her. She sat...

1 year ago
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Sex With A Ditched Gal

Hi friends, please send your comments to my mail id if you like my story, I am going to describe about my experience with a girl who has been dumped and ditched by her earlier boyfriend. A few years ago, I was lunching in a decent restaurant after finishing up my job in the city. There were three people dining adjacent to my table – a gentleman, his wife and a girl possibly the younger sister of the man or his wife. They seemed belonging to well-to-do family. They finished up their lunch a few...

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Analized Sandra Lubrec Russian Anal Whore

Sandra Luberc doesn’t speak much English, but that isn’t needed today. She didn’t come to ANALIZED.COM to talk. Sandra is here for one thing only. She wants her asshole fucked beyond repair. This sexy Russian slut is an anal pro. She opens her butt cheeks with anticipation. When a large cock is jammed roughly into her tight backdoor, this petite blonde couldn’t be happier. Sandra smiles as her asshole is pounded. She is filled with purpose and excitement as her man...

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You don't need to be a fucking rocket scientist to understand what's going on Abuse Me, when you see the domain name. Since it says AbuseMe, you can be sure that the content is all about rough sex. Let me show you what they say about the platform: "Welcome to Abuse Me, the best 18+ teen abuse site on the web! Look, we made this site for one simple reason, We like to see teens treated like the dirty little sluts they are. So we scoured the earth for the cutest, tiniest, and sweetest 18+ teens of...

Premium Fetish Porn Sites
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HorseplayChapter 7 Tough Love

The first Sunday of the camp was essentially a day off for the counselors. Students would arrive in the morning and would be escorted to their dorms and given orientation and skill tests. For the counselors there would be a staff meeting to lay out jobs and assign groups. Unlike the system used with the younger campers, the older groups got much more intense training, which meant professionals would be on staff for the first week. Rather than moving from group to group, Counselors would be...

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The Benefits of FriendsChapter 8 The Fifth Lesson

Another morning arrived, and I snapped awake, but didn't open my eyes. A ring of warmth was slowly enveloping the head of my penis, and I recognized it as the feel of her soft lips pushing my foreskin off my glans. The warmth became wet as her mouth descended further, and I stilled my body waiting to see how far she would go. I wanted to bury myself in her throat again, but wasn't sure if that was her plan. Her mouth descended about an inch past the head, then that delightfully wicked...

1 year ago
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Caught In The act Part 3 The Task

My Name is Jimmy, and I'm an idiot. A couple of weeks ago, I was caught by my arsehole of a boss Peter, wanking over the chair of his incredibly sexy secretary in his office, after everyone else had gone home for the weekend. In order to keep this quiet - and no doubt keep my job, he had made me wank him off there and then. This was shocking, but so too was the curious, excited feeling I got when doing it. I had even taken his surprisingly large cock into my mouth and sucked him off, without...

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The Villa Chapter 3

Chapter 3 – Those Threads That Bind UsWe crawl out of the pool and return to the bedroom, showering; taking far longer that it has a right to, just can't seem to keep my hands off you. The only clothing that seems right are the sarongs'. One each, mine around my waist, yours covering your body from your breasts to your knees, just.We go to the kitchen, for some reason we are both ravenous. Part of the deal was a small stock of food, just enough to get us through the first morning. Problem, they...

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FantasyMassage Kimmy Granger Just Relax Sir

First Timer, Tyler Nixon finds himself overthinking his reasoning for coming by the Spa today. Just as he’s about to leave, the gorgeous, Kimmy Granger arrives introducing herself as his masseuse. She assures him, his first time with her, will definitely be a memorable experience. This doesn’t seem to settle his nerves, however he decides to undress and let Kimmy do what she does best. Once Tyler is naked and wrapped in a towel, Kimmy gets to work, rubbing the oil in between her...

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My Wet Hot Mexican Spring Break Part 2

by Quiver Part 2: Truth or Dare Author's Note & Disclaimer: This is a sequel to my true story “Necesito Acabar”: My Wet Hot Mexican Spring Break. However, the events of this sequel and any subsequent chapters are now fully in the realm of fiction, despite the fact that they follow the events in the original in-universe. As usual, this story contains graphic depictions of sexual activity and is intended to be read only by adults of legal age in legal contexts. All characters depicted in...

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BlackValleyGirls Maya Bijou The Black Valley Girl Next Door

Maya Bijou lost her keys and was hoping her neighbor Bambino could help her out with a place to chill until she can get a replacement. This would usually not be an issue, but his prissy girlfriend was over. She did not like Maya and her black ass from the start. She thought she was after her man, and tried to explain that to Bam. Maya overheard the conversation and thought that Bams girlfriend was on to something. Bam came out and Maya seduced him by showing her perky black tits and grabbing...

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Experience With Savita In Bus

Hi all this is Chirag again with a great experience with my girlfriend Savita while going to Goa I was going to Goa for some work so I requested Savita my girlfriend to join me so that we can have good fun for which she agreed at on shot and we booked the last row tickets and I informed her to come to Dadar at 9.00pm as bus was leaving at 10 I asked her to wear loose shirt and skirt so that I will be fun for which she blushed and said of and I was in a short shirt And shorts we met at Dadar...

4 years ago
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My Uncle and I

I was about 15 years old and living with my single mother and 3 sisters, needless to say we were always broke but always wanted to do things like everyone else. My dad was never there for us as we grew up but his brother was...(so this is where my story starts)....when i wanted to go out with friends i would go see my uncle for money...the first few times he would just give it to me and gripe and moan a little bit but none the less still give it to me but the more that i asked for it the more...

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The Shiny LadiesChapter 12 Ramone

Kay spent a moment, considering what tact to take. "Tell me about Ramone Diaz." Monica blinked. "My fiance? We met in college. He is a resident at Chihuahua General Hospital." "He must be busy." "Very. He works eighteen to twenty hour days. The few days he has off he spends sleeping." "When did you last see him?" "I take the bus once a month to see him. I last saw him two weeks ago." "How do you think your new job will affect your relationship?" Monica shook her head. "I...

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The StormChapter 27

Tonight, Anita and Caroline had disdained changing outfits and had instead simply retired to the Great Room with their husbands. Now, as the Peeping Toms watched, the foursome below began their night of play. After John and Malcolm had settled into the couch and unzipped their pants, Anita and Caroline had stood in front of their respective husbands and partially disrobed. For Anita, this simply meant that she untied her skirt and let it fall to the floor, then she straddled his already...

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Convincing My Sister

When I was about eighteen, I started to become quite attracted to my little sister who is two years younger than I am. It was no big deal at first. She was cute and I assumed it was normal and temporary. I didn’t think much of it. Then, one day, when I was home on break from college, I happened to notice a pair of purple cotton panties in the hamper and I sniffed them and got so horny that everything changed. I was now obsessed, but my family and my sister are all very conservative religious...

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True Story Getting My Wife Naked Massaged

I had previously arranged a number of home massage sessions and said that guys I had met at adult education learn to massage classes wanted to meet to practice further and would she be the model.So on over ten occasions, we had these sessions with one or two guys who would come to our home. After exchanging pleasantries, my wife would get undressed in front of them and hop up onto the table. I would recommend to place an eye shade over her eyes to "keep the light out of her eyes" but really it...

Wife Lovers
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Zari Gets herself Initiated

“Hey guys, you’ve got to see what I’ve downloaded onto my phone.” Zari heard John say while she was getting a drink. John was one of her older brothers friends, along with Shane and Tom. They were all round Wayne, Zari’s brothers, new pad. He had only moved into the one bed apartment a couple of months ago. Now it was the summer holidays. Zari was preparing to go to college having finished school that year. Her brother was heading to the local college, hence the new place to live. Two of his...

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The Mist of Time Ch 1516

CHAPTER FIFTEEN I came downstairs to my office at eight o’ clock on Monday morning to the smell of freshly made coffee. I was not late. I usually started work at this time, but having Tina in at this time was unusual. ‘Morning, Boss. I thought you would come back to the Pub yesterday.’ ‘Sorry Tinkerbell, I decided to drive back here, so I could duck out of the thumbscrews and your interrogation.’ ‘You only postponed it.’ She replied grimly and pointed to my chair. ‘Sit! I have loaded your...

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Good Morning Surprise

It still feels early as I begin to wake up, grabbing my phone I check the time, 7am. Why in the hell did I wake up this early? It doesn’t sound like anyone is awake so I roll over to go back to sleep. Instead I feel a smile spread across my face. I know you made it to your room to sleep last night. Standing up I grab my robe as it’s easier then getting dressed and move quietly across the hall. Seeing that you left your door cracked I push it open further and peek inside, finding that I was...

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On the benefits of having a lodger

With thanks to my blonde friend, for whom this is written. There are pros and cons to everything. I know that. In the case of taking on a lodger this year, I've been able to pay off the mortgage quicker and get in more holidays too. If that were everything, that would be enough in most cases. But there's other positives, for sure, like having someone to come home to when I've been working late. It's even better that the person can cook. I'd swear I've eaten better this year. And, though it...

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Ambers Summer of Love Ch 03

Author’s comment: This is the long-delayed third chapter in the story of Amber and Sam. Forgive the delay, life happens. And if you haven’t already read the first two installments, go back and visit them before tackling this. Thank you for the comments and support. * Amber caught her breath, lifting her face from Sam’s now-damp shirt. She looked into his eyes, trying to find some sign of his feelings. But all she saw was abject sadness, which she interpreted as a precursor to his ending their...

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Billy II

Billy II "Not like that, Tami, as we practiced," Janice encouraged her youngest. "Oh yeah," Billy enunciated as he remembered how he was supposed to announce his new name. The nervous Tami assumed the new pose. Wanting to get everything just right, he looked down at the floor to see that his dainty feet were positioned as they had practiced. He still could not believe those were his legs, shaved and adorned with the shinest hosiery he had ever seen. Looking at them made his tummy...

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Caesar Comes His Revenge and ConquersChapter 16

"How is she?" Mark Blakely questioned, barging through his front door-way, only to be stopped by Steve Foster and Doc Emory, both immediately launching from their places on the couch to confront the big, young deputy sheriff. "Easy, boy, easy..." his red-bearded writer-friend stepped in front of him with engulfing arms. "She's okay, Mark... resting comfortably right now," Doc Emory added, coming close to put a hand on the younger man's broad shoulder. "Wh-What the hell happened?"...

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Lauren Gisal II In South AmericaChapter 59

"Is everyone allright?" asked Jamie, a look concern moving through surprise into lust. "We heard noises." "It was us. We've been playing games. Talking about the weather." said Lauren. "Oh right. Much easier with your clothes off, eh?" They ventured into the room. "Well, what about you two? Reading a novel?" "Yes!" said Julie, laughing. She too seemed to have had too much wine as well, and mixed with the sun and Jamie's wandering hands, was in a giggly mood. She sat on the...

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Anjan Bhabhi Ne Paise Deke Chudwaya

Hello dosto. me Sumit hu or me dehradun me rehta hu. Or me ak medical student hu.Me Indian sex stories ka daily reader hu. Ab me apne bare me poora batata hu me 22 sal ka hu or meri body medium h or me good looking hu aisa meri dost kehte h. Me jhut nhi bolna chahta jaise or stories me likha rehta h ki mera lund 9 inch ka h etc…. Mera lund mene kbhi napa nhi h lekin jis k sath b sex kiya h wo ye hi bolti h ki kafi mota h… To dosto ab sex story pe ate h ak bar me college jane k liye bus stop pe...

3 years ago
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River RatChapter 32

Later that day, they headed for the airport in Camden, again in the borrowed van, this time with Crystal's surfboard, after rescuing it from the Clark garage. There were still some other things of hers in Ryan and Linda's attic, and some might make the trek back to Arizona in the minivan in a few weeks. Several hours later -- and following a couple phone calls to work out the meeting -- they met Michelle at the Orlando airport. They were very jammed into the minivan, but they survived as...

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Maa ku genhili

Sanja belaku bath room re masta kari muthi mari fresh hei asili. Friend kahithila muthi mari genhile bahut time neba aau masta lagiba. Homeopathy medicine bi deithila. Khai dei room re basi padhuthili. Bayas setebelaku matra 15 ki 16 heba. Momi prathame genhibaku deichanti je daily momi ku genhiba aramba kali. Aste aste mana santi heba pare frequency kamigala. Kintu aga apekya genhibata masta jamuthila. Maa bi bahut mazza kari mote genhuthile. Sedina kintu rati 8ta belaku mo deha khali site...

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Legacy of a LegendChapter 18

“I’m really getting tired of this mountain. Now I understand why Klimmek wanted us to bring supplies up here.” “Look at the bright side, my Thane. It’s doing wonders for our legs and thighs.” “True. Yours were very nice when wrapped around my face last night.” Either Lydia was blushing, or the cold from climbing the mountain was bringing color to her cheeks. “I could say the ... Watch out!” A bear rose from where it was resting beside the path. I quickly ran to my right. “FUS RO DAH!” One...

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From Loving Wife To SlutChapter 5B

She had dinner on the table when Gary and David got home and when they were clearing the dishes from the table Gary asked: "We didn't have anything planned for tomorrow night, did we?" "Just an evening of mad, passionate love since David will be gone and we will have the house to ourselves." She saw him wince and he said, "Ouch!" "What means this "ouch?" I have to work late tomorrow night. It will probably be two in the morning before I get home." "Then I guess you will just...

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Not My TypeChapter 5

We'd just sat down to dessert when the first clap of thunder shook the house. Everyone jumped except Dad and Adam, who just looked at each other resignedly. "Best get that machine of yours into the barn," Dad said gruffly. Adam nodded and he, Chuck, and Matt rose from the table to follow Dad silently out into the yard. Joe hadn't returned for dessert. "He'll be down the road at Charlene's for the night, I'm sure," Mum sighed when I inquired about Joe. "Charlene McMillan?" I...

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