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As always:

Thanks to rf-fast for the editing work. Your insights are what takes this story from mindless drivel to readable.


‘It’s Valentine’s Day.’

Elise perked up at the words and stopped in midstride.

Daniel took hold of his wife’s hand as he continued, ‘I remember our first Valentine’s Day. The day we met…’

The corners of Elise’s mouth arched upward. She never heard his version of that special day and was curious.

‘It was the big Valentine’s Day dance during my senior year at Hilldale High School. You went to school at our rival, Freemont High. I believe you were dating Robert Shaw, my schools star wide receiver on the football team. I’ll never forget the first time I saw you on the dance floor. You looked spectacular in your pink gown, and your brown hair was styled so meticulously with curls framing your face. I didn’t even know your name then, but I knew at that precise moment I was head over heels for you.’

‘I watched you from a distance, wondering why someone as classy as you would be with someone as idiotic as Robert Shaw. He was an ass,’ Daniel shook his head at the memory. ‘But that was also in my favor because I knew he would do something stupid, and midway through the dance, he did. He lured you away from the crowd and into the emptiness of the school building.’


‘Come on Baby. We’ve been going out for a week. How long do you expect me to wait?’

‘As I was turning the corner, I saw Robert grab at your chest. I was immediately pissed. How could he treat a woman like you as if you were a piece of meat? I was about ready to charge toward him when you decked him. Punched him right in the face and broke his nose. It couldn’t have happened to a better guy.’

Elise did her best to suppress a giggle, not wanting disrupt Daniel’s train of thought.

‘Robert briefly flexed his fist but refrained from hitting you. Lucky for him he didn’t because I would’ve killed him. He left quickly thereafter and you slumped to your knees, crying. I gave you a few minutes before entering. I recall not wanting you to think I was stalking you.’

‘Are you all right?’


‘You sniffled as you wiped at your eyes before your head lifted to face me. And that’s when I saw the most amazing sight. Forget the Seven Wonders of the World, your chocolate brown eyes melted my heart. It was also the first time I heard you state you were fine. The only time you use that word is when you are most definitely not fine. I don’t think you ever realized that,’ Daniel smirked at his wife.

Elise put a hand to her mouth to hide her smile. She knew all too well of that mannerism.

‘I then extended my hand only to be met with uncertainty in your eyes.’

‘You deserve better than Robert Shaw and I’d like to take you to the Pizza Shack to prove it.’

‘For the life of me, I don’t know why such a beautiful creature would ever accept an offer from the likes of me but I specifically remember two distinct things that transpired when you placed your hand in mine. First, your skin felt as soft as silk and second, I had to work hard to contain my joy. I wanted to jump up and down and scream to the heavens. I’m surprised you didn’t change your mind right then and there because I know, despite all my efforts, I had the largest, most dorkiest grin plastered on my face. I know because it was still there when I looked into the mirror the next morning. It was not flattering.’

Daniel chuckled at the memory before proceeding. ‘We spent hours sitting in a booth at Pizza Shack, picking at a medium pepperoni pizza while conversing about life, our hobbies, interests and goals. By the time we got around to discussing the future, we both knew we wanted to share ours with each other.’

‘The lack of sound from the restaurant made us realize the hour was getting late. We both didn’t want to go but knew the trouble we would be in if we missed our respective curfews. But the evening began with both of us heading to a dance and I felt it would be a crime not to at least share one song together. I briefly left your side to select a song from the jukebox, only to return with my hand extended.’

‘Would you care to dance?’

‘Your smile… Wow. And I had thought your eyes were the most captivating sight to behold. At that moment, I knew your smile held the answer to that most difficult question, ‘What is the meaning of life?’ For me, I wanted to see that smile over and over again. It became the reason for my existence.’

‘We stood, and right in front of our booth I put my right hand on your hip while my other hand slid easily into yours. As if we were two puzzle pieces becoming one. And just like that, we began to sashay back and forth to Champaign’s ‘How ‘Bout Us’. The simple movement was all we could do as we were surrounded by tables. A shame really, as the employees and other patrons missed out on my special moves that would have brought down the house. Literally. Me moving like that is kind of scary on a fault line. Anyway, it was our first dance and it became our song. Thankfully, it wasn’t our last.’

‘I then took you home. Standing outside on your porch with the glow of that little lantern looking light that hung outside your parents’ house casting our silhouettes in ten different directions and the eyes of your Father looking through the curtain. Yeah, I noticed him. I put a hand to your cheek and leaned in. Something magical happened when our lips met. The only way to describe what occurred was by saying our souls intertwined. When we parted, I think we both knew we had just spent the first day of the rest of our lives together. We were one. And I must say I have never had a single regret. We are still one and I will never let go.’

Elise was in awe at the power of Daniel’s words. He spoke with such passion during this recollection that she couldn’t help but feel affection for him.

‘But that wasn’t the only reason this day is so special,’ Daniel resumed.

‘Two years later, you had a really atrocious day at the office. I swear your boss thought the title secretary meant slave. You stormed into our little apartment so frustrated, you didn’t even notice the ambiance that was surrounding you, the rose petals, the candles, and our song playing on the tape deck. I went all out to create the perfect atmosphere for the ultimate day, one that I had hoped would change our relationship.’

‘But you were so upset. I came from behind and wrapped you in my arms. I meant it to be comforting but it scared the crap out of you. I normally got home from the construction site an hour after you so you thought I was an intruder. And you reacted. I think I can still feel the pain of your heel colliding with my testicles.’ Daniel briefly cringed at the memory.

‘I crumpled to floor, gasping for oxygen. You turned around so swiftly, I still don’t know how you managed to grab that glass vase we had on the coffee table. I saw the ferocity in your eyes as you wheeled the vase in the air with the precision of a samurai wielding a katana. All I could do is hold up my arm, close my eyes, and brace for the impact which thankfully never came.’

‘Oh Honey, are you all right?’ you asked.’

‘You kneeled down and engulfed my body in your loving arms. I was still searching for enough air to again form words, as I knew at that moment to never cross you. ‘Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned’ came to mind.’

‘Did I hurt you?’

‘That was a major understatement! Getting kicked in the crotch with high heels, and let’s not forget the psychological damage of seeing my girlfriend standing over me with the intent to destroy. I was certain your next move would have been to rip my head off and shove it up my ass. Considering my testicles were already relocated to my throat, I knew you were more than capable.’

‘All I could manage to gasp was, ‘Just a little.’

‘You immediately came to my aid, helpi
ng me stagger over to the couch. Once I was situated, you caressed my face and kissed me. Just like when you were younger and your Mother kisses a boo-boo to make it all better, my pain was gone. Your lips are the greatest source of healing power known to man. It was then you noticed all the decorations adorning the room.’

‘Honey, did you do all this? It’s beautiful.’

‘Happy Valentine’s Day.’

‘Oh, Honey.’

‘You kissed me again and I obliged, but that was not the extent of my plans. I shuffled over to the stereo and rewound the tape to play our song again. My palms were sweaty in nervous anticipation. I clutched the box in my pocket. I had rehearsed the words all day in my mind, but somehow, now that I needed them, they escaped me. You immediately noticed my demeanor was amiss.’

‘Honey, are you sure you’re all right? Should I call an ambulance?’

‘Sweetie, two years ago was the most memorable day in my life. I knew it then and I know it now. Will you marry me?’

‘I pulled out the box, opened it up and attempted to drop to one knee. I say attempted because you dove on me before my knee hit the carpet. Your kisses were quick and full love. Come to think of it, you still never said yes to my proposal. But I knew. Your smile told me so.’

‘And if your smile didn’t, your actions sure did. You clawed at my clothes, my only suit at the time mind you. Instead of unbuttoning my shirt, you chose to pull at it. You succeeded in its removal but at the expense of severing several of the buttons. And my pants? They needed a funeral after the demolishing you put them through. I suppose I wasn’t any better. But I was only following your lead when I ripped your clothes off.’

‘You sat atop me gently, love in your eyes, and all I could think of was how lucky and blessed I am to be with the most fantastic woman in the world. You can have all the royals, politicians, saints, models, celebrities, I don’t care, none can hold a candle to you.’

‘Despite your initial carnal rage at the onset, once we were free from our clothes you started a slow, simple rocking of your hips. Damn were you wet. That is something I’ll never forget, the sheer sleekness of your womanhood. It meant you wanted me. And not just for that coupling, but for life. You wanted me forever. I almost erupted at that second from the thought.’

‘As well practiced as we were at knowing what each other liked, I remember we did things differently. We explored our bodies. Instead of moving directly to our pleasure spots, we acted as if it was our first time again. I let my hands roam over every square inch I could clasp. I loved feeling the smoothness of your skin as my hands meticulously devoured your every pore. I trembled as I fought to keep a feathery touch, moving to no particular destination.’

‘Hearing your sharp intake of breath as I stroked the underside of your breasts. Raising your soft orbs and brushing your nipples. Going down your body at a snail’s pace, first over your firm stomach and then grazing through your trimmed prairie. Rubbing around your thighs before finally landing on your pearl. Your body was my playground.’

‘As I recall, your hands were constantly moving as well. First on my sides and then slowly through my chest hair and then the ultimate surprise, you tweaked my nipples. You had never done that before nor have you done it since, but you did that day. I think you were afraid you did it too hard as my eyes flew open and I quivered at the sensation. I told you I didn’t mind it, I was just shocked. I had finally understood what you meant when you said you were hot-wired from your nipples to your clit. Your twisting had sent a shock wave hurtling to my crushed nuts.’

‘While our hands were dancing, our bodies developed a natural rhythm. One that caused our consciousness to fade only to each other. Nothing else mattered. With your every drop on my manhood, I became acutely aware that we were doing something special. And with every upward thrust, you became obtusely oblivious we were two separate entities.’

‘I couldn’t take it anymore. I sat up and embraced you for the first time as my fiancé. Your breasts mashed into my body and you lowered your head so we could kiss. But this was unlike any kiss we previously shared. If our souls were intertwined before, this seared them. The combined body heat we were radiating welded us. Our love merged together.’

‘Our tongues, normally in a duel of passion, synchronized into a melodious symphony. We could read each other’s actions before they even happened. They caressed and swept at each other. They hit every erogenous point in each other’s mouths. And they wouldn’t let go of the shared cuddle they engaged. It was sensual. It was erotic. It was wonderful.’

‘I just couldn’t let go. I increased the speed in which I was pushing into your depths. I wanted to mark you as mine. I wanted to make a child. For every ounce of energy I put behind each insertion, you returned your pleasure tenfold in your plunges onto me. We were harmony personified.’

‘It was time. I couldn’t hold back any longer. Neither could you. I drove one final time. Your whole body clenched on top of me, ensuring I wasn’t going anywhere. I held on as I let loose a torrent of my seed as you wailed and unleashed a flood of your own. You gripped my back so tight, I had your nail marks etched into me for a week. I didn’t care, in fact I loved it that you marked me as yours.’

‘I can’t describe the euphoria I felt. After all this time, I still can’t adequately describe the euphoria you lovingly gave me.’

‘We stayed in that embrace, neither of us wanting to leave the heaven we were in. What I know now, but didn’t then, was that heaven never left. As long as I had you, my girlfriend, my fiancée, my wife, my soul mate, no matter the moniker, you are my heaven. The one place I am. The one place I will always be. For an eternity.

Elise had a huge smile with liquid ‘I Love You drops’ streaming down her cheeks. She was so moved to hear how much love and adoration Daniel felt.

‘A year later, we were married on Valentine’s Day as well. I remember how worried you were that I wouldn’t show up. You thought the sad news that you were unable to bear children would cause me to flee, to leave you at the altar. But Sweetie, what you didn’t realize and what you still don’t understand is that it made me love you more. You showed me how strong of a woman you are to overcome such horrible news. I knew you would be my rock whenever I needed you to be and that you would do it with the strength I lacked. Even if we couldn’t have children of our own, we had each other. And that was enough.’

‘As a secretary and a construction worker, and our parents unable to help, we had a small, simple wedding. But I wouldn’t have traded it for the most extravagant celebration on the planet. I was mesmerized at how you looked in your gown. I had to pinch myself several times just make sure I wasn’t dreaming you. ‘I can’t describe the elation I was feeling. So beautiful. So perfect. I got goose bumps watching you walk down the aisle. I didn’t even see your father. My mind was so focused on your bewitching beauty. And then you were next to me. Standing there so demurely as only you can. Behind the thin tulle veil your eyes were glassy, as if you were about to start sobbing uncontrollably. Your father lifted the veil and your whole face, porcelain doll-esque in nature, came into view. I remember thinking that your beauty had to have been sculpted by Michelangelo himself.’

‘I’ll be honest, I don’t remember a single word of the ceremony. I was lost staring into your eyes. I marveled at the honor you were giving me by being my bride. I wondered if you truly knew what you were doing. I didn’t feel worthy of calling myself your husband.’

‘I still don’t.’

‘I don’t remember, but I must have said ‘I do’ because the priest was now staring at me. Expectantly. I leaned in and pressed my lips to yours. It w
as the greatest kiss of my life. I already knew we were one, but this kiss proved it to family, friends, the world, God. And damn was it good to kiss my wife. I thought titles meant nothing, we are who we are, but there was something about the knowledge we were connected as husband and wife… promising to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. It meant the world to me, not that you were my wife, but that I was your husband. I am not ashamed to say, I cried. You were ecstasy on my lips. Thank you for that.’

‘The reception was like a comedy of errors, but it was our comedy of errors. The food was wrong, the lead singer of the band had laryngitis, and I’ll never forget how irate your Dad was when they mispronounced his last name. And let’s not forget about my Uncle Louie, that lush. That was the last time I sprung for an open bar.

‘But that’s what made it so special. We have stories to share that are unique to us. All our friends say that they had the perfect wedding and reception but can’t recall a single detail other than the food was good and they danced. Not us.’

‘It also was the time I was able to show off – what was the word you used? — Oh yeah, my unique style of dancing. You weren’t aware that you were marrying such a nimble on his feet kind of guy.’

Daniel stroked the top of his wife’s hand with a smile.

‘Allow me to take this moment to apologize once again for your ankle. I certainly didn’t mean to spin you into the drum set.’

Daniel shook his head, still not relinquishing her palm. ‘It just gave me even more reason to carry you over the threshold that evening. You were sore, your ankle twisted, but when I carried you into the room, you still smiled at me. It meant the world to me. And when you did that, I lost it.

‘I laid you gently down on the bed. I quickly unbuckled my pants and dropped my lower garments, and then removed your underwear. I didn’t care about the rest of our clothes. That smile made me want to make love to my wife. I lifted your dress and jumped between your legs.’

‘I slid into your channel easily, the feeling exquisite. It seemed different from any prior coupling we had ever shared. There was something about the knowledge that you were my wife and I was your husband. We belonged to each other. Always.’

‘Your arms enveloped my neck and you brought me down for a kiss. You couldn’t endure our mouths being separated despite us being conjoined in our lower region. And once your lips latched onto mine, they weren’t letting go. We were back in our cloud, where sun meets heaven and we were enjoying it.’

‘I pushed forward and you bucked back. That’s how simplistic we were. We stared at each other, peering into each other’s souls through the windows of our eyes. There was no rush, no sense of urgency, just you and me. Us. One. Time stood still. The environment faded to nothing. The only sounds came from our mouths, a slight grunt with every insertion from me and a small moan of satisfaction when you pressed back. We gave ourselves to each other and we were prepared to go on forever.’

‘It was sweet. It was romantic. It was us consummating our nuptials, uniting under a single banner, becoming Mr. and Mrs. Butler. You were my wife and I your husband.’

‘I couldn’t help the smile. I know you remember it. I was so happy there was no way I could express it other than smiling. But here is the best part, you knew. You felt the same way. I know because I saw it in your eyes. Your soul told me well before the sides of your lips percolated upward. Your body clamped down on me as it always did. Your legs from the outside, your muscles from the inside… It felt like home.’

‘As I kissed you this time, I drained my very essence into you. I wanted you to have all of me. Feel what I felt. Know what I know. But you did know. You did feel. Because you gave unto me your ultimate gift.’

‘You gave me you.’

‘Since that day, a second being lives in my heart. The years may have passed but I still feel it to this day. You and I are one. Our souls are still fused together. We need each other more than air itself. All that is great in this world lies with you. You have infected my very being by just being you. Your laughter, your smile, your hypnotizing eyes, all of which make me want to shout thanks to the heavens. Your dreams, your goals, your ambitions, they are mine as well. I want what you want because I still want you. You are my love, my passion, my reason for living. You are my everything.’

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Incest and Me The Proposal

(MFf, conc, exhib, inc) This story is the cooperative effort of 4 women. It was developed from discussions about what might have been had their backgrounds and experiences been a bit more different and exciting when they were much younger. Nothing in the story reflects in any way events that took place in any of their lives. That means the story is fiction and is not true. My name is Gwen, and I’ve been involved in incest for many years. I can truly say that I think it was of great...

2 years ago
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Mom Chud Gayi Tuition Teacher

Hi my name is Sonu. In this story I world tell you how my tuition teacher fucked my mom aisha. She is 42 years of age but looks not more than 35. She is a very fair lady like Iranian ladies. She has got a good pair of boobs. When she walks her big ass swings from here and there. I suppose she does it to attract males and to get male attention. My dad is an army personnel. He comes home in six months or so. So my mom does not get an ample amount of fucking sessions. So she was just a sex starved...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Kate Bloom Mackenzie Moss My Two Step Sisters

Laying in bed side by side, Kate Bloom and her adopted sister Mackenzie Moss are a sight for Kate’s stepbrother Tyler Nixon. The girls are sexy as hell in their lingerie nighties. Mackenzie isn’t even wearing any panties, which Tyler takes as a blatant invitation. She’s already awake when Tyler comes in and makes it clear he wants to fuck. They debate briefly since Mackenzie believes they’re going to get caught and get in trouble, but Tyler eventually convinces her that...

2 years ago
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One Drunken Night

“Why is it that when you’re bored there is nothing on the television but info-mercials, but when there is something that has to be done all your favorite shows are playing at once,” I ask myself. I glance at the clock on the stereo, 3:14am. God I’m tired, but I can’t go to bed until Nancy gets home. For those that don’t know Nancy is my girlfriend, my Raina Bonita, my nobia have you. At 23, she is the sexiest, craziest, and maybe the most intelligent person I have ever met. Tonight she decided...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Annas Dream

Boom, boom, boom,ba-da-da, ba-da-da, boom, boom boom, whoomp  Boom, boom, boom, ba-da-da, ba-da-da, boom, boom boom, whoomp Boom, boom, boom, ba-da-da, ba-da-da, boom, boom boom, whoomp… Fucking shit, she thought. It’s 9 P.M. on a Sunday night and people have real jobs where they need sleep in order to function the next day? This is just ridiculous! I’ve got to get some sleep! After laying in bed, Anna decides to go across the way to tell her neighbor to stop with the loud music. She throws on...

2 years ago
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Ivette 2 Intimate Inspection Interview


2 years ago
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I Was a Modern CavemanChapter 11

(Spring of Year Three) We had a big party that night. For the first time ever in this world music played really quietly under those stars. When I picked out all my supplies all that time ago, I'd also added a low voltage turntable and some half-speed master recordings. I specified this old fashioned technology because even if I never got very far up the technology curve, a needle and a disk would produce sound from the records. That night I was very glad of the choices I'd made. I spent...

1 year ago
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Mum meets my girlfriend

100% fiction! When I was 20 I was living and working on the other side of the country from where my Mother lived. I had been away from home about a year and I had a steady girlfriend, My girlfriend, Kelly, was an irish girl that had grown up in Australia, she was 5’5”, red hair she had an nice tits they weren’t huge but they were perfect and she had a cute little ass to finish out a hot little package. I was going home for a holiday to visit my mum and I took my girl with me to meet the family....

3 years ago
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TandraChapter 75

As I sat comfortably in my chair thinking of my home and family. The home on the river, my wives, children, Mom my friends, and even Dog seemed to beg me to return. Instead, I was drawn to an area outside of the hull. Questing further I saw that it was not the ship itself but rather the direction. I felt a malignant aura which seemed to be to draw me to one side when looking at the galaxy through the sensors. It was off our projected course but it was too interesting to just pass up. Relying...

1 year ago
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A haven for Monica

I found myself moving out of an uncomfortable situation (which I don’t care to discuss) into an apartment. Not in the best or worst part of town, but in a low-rent area, where the folks were mostly laboring class people and the rents were a lot cheaper. I made friends, became known and got involved in the community around me, and soon volunteered as an assistant at the neighborhood’s annual campout. While there, I got to know most of the kids in the neighborhood, and they...

2 years ago
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Curiosity and the Pavel Sisters

Sitting at the dinner table with my wife Vivian, her sister Valerie and Valerie's husband Bill I thought again what I had been thinking for years — God but would I love to fuck Valerie. I could even remember the exact time and place that I'd had that thought. It was on my wedding night about two minutes after Vivian and I had consummated our marriage. Sick? Probably, but the circumstances were not necessarily normal. Vivian and Valerie are identical twins, identical in every way. They walk...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 362 Aloha

I think I can find ways to keep myself distracted for two more days. I was up at oh-three-thirty to get ready for PT. April had me lift her to get into bed with Winter, and Officer Martin was there waiting to go down to PT with me. “I know the drill instructor was being a dick about loading you up, and you rubbed his face in it. I heard some grumbling because he made it known that we had gotten soft if a seventeen-year-old kid quite literally ran laps around us. I know that you won’t be...

2 years ago
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Gangbanged at a truckers rest stop

Hubby had gone away from town; it would be only a couple days.I had spent the whole day at my office and came back home tired.I filled the hot tub and enjoyed a relaxing bubbles bath.Once on my bed, I felt horny yet; so I decided to get some action…I would drive to a rest stop in the Interstate, not so far from home.I had been there a couple times, knowing that there I could find some horny truckers, aroused and ready for taking a married cunt.I dressed in a tight little skirt, a tight blouse...

2 years ago
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Fun And Succsexful Holi Celebration

Hey everyone ;)   For new readers. Hi Myself aman. I’m 20 year old now and from delhi. Owner of a healthy thick pussy stretching 7inch plus dick :) ISS pe main sirf story dalne nahi aata. Yha main sex k liye taiyaar ladkiyo aur bhabhiyo k liye bhi aata hu.kyuki life mai sex cum ho gaya yaar. :p agar koi sex chahti ho to wo mail kar sakte hai(sex k liye merepass flat bhi hai) . Mail id story k end mai mill jayegi. Filhal mai ek divorcee ki chut bhar raha hu jiska naam priya hai :) figure mast....

2 years ago
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As you stand up and wipe your hand across your mouth, you give me a devilish grin. I decide to guide you over to the couch, and sit you down on coffee table. We start a little kissing and stroking, but we soon get down to business - must be all of the pent up frustration from the day. I have you bend over in front of me, kneeling on the coffee table.I roll your panties down your legs. Then I get to lick and finger your holes. You writhe in pleasure, just trying to hold yourself up. The harder I...

1 year ago
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The Last Family Vacation Pt2

The next morning Tim heard the sound of the shower then opened his eyes, just enough to see his father go around the corner, naked. A moment later there was a small clipped cry from his mother before the door to the bathroom closed off a giggle and a chuckle.He was thinking about his father feasting on those big floppy tits of his mother’s when Tammy flopped a long, tanned leg over his hip and climbed on top of him. He rolled onto his back and Tammy grabbed his wrists and pushed them to the...

3 years ago
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Karaoke Melody

This story was inspired by the Legacy Universe, and though not a part of it, I would like to thank Morpheus for the thought and creativity displayed in all of the writings posted here and other websites. I hope this story can do justice on its own Where to begin, that is never an easy question to answer. Particularly when the person saying it doesn't have a clue as to where or when things actually started. I guess the best place to start would be some Vital Statistics... I am, or...

2 years ago
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Milking my fantasy and forbidden fruit

I open my eyes to his hard cock just an inch from my mouth. We had agreed last night that I would wake him in ‘a special way.’ I see how his veins contrast against his pale length, so peaceful as he sleeps and all mine to gaze at. I can smell my juices on him, mixed with his own and smile inwardly. This is how we had left things last night, both still hungry for more but too tired to continue despite needing to relieve ten years of pent up frustration. Our naked bodies were now sprawled across...

1 year ago
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Ixi Porn! Do you like Indian babes? Scratch that. Do you watch Indian porn? Wait, I have got a better one. Given a chance, would you get on a plane to India to meet sexy Indian girls? Perhaps you can find a strip club that won’t cane you for being a foreigner when you get there.Or maybe you will find a shop that sells authentic Indian tapes. Well, they could sell it to you or pluck out your eyeballs because they believe Indian pornography is for Indians only! Your mileage may vary.As the old...

Indian Porn Sites
1 year ago
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How I discovered CFNM

This is my first story, I joined this sight to share my life, at least the more erotic moments. I can't keep it to myself much longer. I guess this was around 18 years old, I was pretty naive.I was raised by my dad, my mother died shortly after I was born due to complicatiions with the birth. No this isn't dad and I would never do anything like that. Yes I have seen him naked a couple of times, but that was by accident. There was blushing, on both sides, apologies and that was it. Because he...

2 years ago
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Dost Ki Shadi Ke Bad Bhabhi Ki Chudai 8211 Part VI

Hello dosto i am sorry bahot dino se aage ki story likhna chahta tha par waqt hi nahi mila iss ke liye sorry. muje pure 51 mail mile ki aap ne bahot achhi story likhi hai bahot jald aage ki likho un shabhi dosto or bhabhio or girls ko thanks.ab story pe aata hu.aap ne meri is story ke 5 part padhe hi honge or ye 6 wa part hai. To aap muje jante hi honge ki me gujrat ke ahmedabad ke 1 gau se hu.mera name rohit hai me 25 saal ka hu. Me mere dost mayur ki shadi me gaya tha tab ye ghatna ghati...

4 years ago
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Emma Ch 05

V After Charlotte’s discovery of the two girls together, Harriett and Emma no longer made even the slightest pretence that there was nothing between them. Charlotte became accustomed to finding the couple entwined around each other in the living room and elsewhere, and her sense of betrayal and frustration gradually receded in the face of a fact that couldn’t now be changed. Charlotte tried to look away from their activities, but her eyes still strayed towards them, although there was nothing...

3 years ago
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Through a Glass Dimly Book 3Chapter 16

They met us in the kitchen dressed and ready to go. We had coffee and a light breakfast and left for CME in my car. John had noticed that I handed Lisa into the car and went around to get in myself. He did that this morning and I think Karen gave him an eyeful in appreciation for his effort. Lisa always does for me. We pulled in at the parking lot and handed our respective ladies out. We walked in to hugs and kisses mostly for Karen. Lisa grabbed Angela and Red, told them what we were going...

3 years ago
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The Triad and the Virgins Passion Chapter 1 Hot MILF Delight

Chapter One: Dryad Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Aoifa – Khan, The Kingdom of Haz Flirting with dwarves was a waste of time. I sat in the Khazaz Mekon, one of fifteen bars that catered to the dwarf garrison of the fortress of Khan, the mighty entrance that led to Modan, the dwarves subterranean kingdom which lay beneath the Lesh-Ke Mountains. Five dwarves sat with me. They weren't unattractive despite their shorter stature. They were solidly built with impressive beards...

2 years ago
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Ascent of VulvadorChapter 2

Veen’s body shook with relief on being allowed respite from the majestic Zeeta’s whip, his cock thrusting hard at the bed in desperation to come while the two attendant guards laughed along with their mistress at his pathetic submission. They too, had used the whip liberally on him, and delighted in having their cunts licked to satisfaction in turn, while their counterparts lashed his flesh, the synthetic whips serving a punishing sting without damaging the flesh which glowed red. As Zeeta...

1 year ago
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Jeennifers Delight

Jennifers Delight Janet L. Stickney [email protected] It was my mother that suggested it and I quickly said no, but she persisted until I finally listened to her. "You're saying no, but just how many times have I caught you in my clothes? You like playing dress up and don't try to say no! This is a fantastic chance for you to finally see what being a girl is really all about! I mean, you'll have virtually a whole year as a girl which will give you every opportunity to feel...

1 year ago
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Mrs T

Back in highschool I had a crush on my friend's mom who let's just call Vickie.She was a very nice milf with big breasts and a very nice round ass, the best thing was when I came over with my brothers to hang out at my friends house and she would come and hug me, putting her tits right in my face. One day in the summer I came over with my brothers to hang out and when I came in she was wearing a nice tight spaghetti strap shirt with no bra on and booty shorts as I walked up I noticed her very...

1 year ago
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2 Straight but curious Husbands

Well where to start, i have always been what you call straight and never had any inclination to be anything other than this, so you can imagine my surprise as i started chating to other men about there wives how turned on i often got. At first when some of them asked if i wanted to chat about how i felt or when they surgested that maybe we chat on the phone i was automatically very shy and quite often gave them a No answer that was until i chatted to another married husband who like myself was...

3 years ago
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I Couldnt Believe That Happened Part 3

I stood there, in the shower, staring at Tammy's naked body. I couldn't take my eyes off her round, firm, beautiful teenage boobs. As I casually glanced down at her hard nipples, my eyes kept roaming, and went lower.I stared at her stomach that was quivering and trembling slightly, and then lowered my eyes farther, to stare, transfixed at the thick patch of pubic hair that was between her legs. Quite honestly, the thickest I had ever seen. Not only on an adult, but a girl her age.It was so...

2 years ago
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A New Discovery of Love

I have known Jack all my life. He was born two weeks before I and he has always been my best friend, my protector. Jack is 6’3 190lbs with an athletes body, black hair and crystal blue eyes. I am 5’5, 115lbs, light brown hair, with green eyes, and average 34C breasts. When we were little our parents always talked about how great it would be to have Jack and I end up married. I loved Jack with all my heart, as my best friend, nothing more, at least that’s what I thought. Till the day my world...

2 years ago
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I got caught

I like to go naked outside. Not a big fantasy, but always in the back of my mind was the idea I might get caught, but it really never happened for a couple of years.There is an area near our house that has rolling hills with woods on top and pasture land below. There are some riding trails, for horses, in the area, but I rarely see anyone on them.I like to take off my clothes and hide them near some rocks at the bottom of the hills and then go off climbing and walking naked throught the...

1 year ago
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Forties and Twenties

We decided to meet. I was in town on business and we had a drink. You confessed that I looked older than you thought I would and I confessed that you looked younger. I was in my mid forties and you were twenty years younger. Somehow this broke the ice and we started enjoying each others company. A couple of bottles of wine played its part as well. We parted with a hug and a brief kiss and decided to meet the following evening for some more serious fun. The kind of fun we had discussed in...

3 years ago
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Swimming Story

So this is my first try just writing a story with no conversation helping to inspire me. It is a fantasy I’ve been working out for quite a while. I do hope it translates into a story well. Back to the pool again. I’m there twice a week to swim laps. I usually have my daughter with me, but today she didn’t want to come. Just me and the water today. I really love swimming feeling the water glide over me as I power through it. I’ve been swimming like this for about a year now and it has been the...

3 years ago
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Daughters 19 YO Friend Picked Up Hitchhiki

So my oldest daughter has this 19-year-old friend named Caitlin. Caitlin and I have fucked a few times. And my oldest is well aware of it. She really doesn't care. Caitlin is not some innocent little 19-year-old period no. This girl is a cock hound. Maybe she's 20. I think she's actually 20. Either way... Don't be mistaken. She's not some innocent young girl. She is fucking God knows how many people. How do I know this? Given how easy it was for me to get in her pants and based on her skill as...

1 year ago
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BangPOV Mona Azar Monas First Casting

Mona Azar wants to get into the business. What better way than with meeting up with Bangbros. Thick his big natural tits and a huge ass to with it. She’s definitely made for porn. First, we interviewed her to make sure she’s ready for this business. Right after, we put her to the test with a good ol’ fuck session. Mona sucked Sean Lawless’ cock clean right before getting her pussy stretched. She took cock in several different positions before receiving a gigantic load all over her newbie face.

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Sophie’s has a soothing bath. The huge heated public baths were free and open to both sexes. Sophie noticed attendants positioned around the springs to hand out towels to bathers. No one glared at her body when Sophie removed her clothes. If anyone looked at her, it could result in a punishment for one of the men, even if it was a woman that did the looking. If anyone DID look at her, it was because of her long red hair, which labelled her as fiery & interesting. To her right some children were...


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