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On a warm, humid, Midwest, summer night a little breeze stirred just enough air to allow the elderly couple to spend the final hours of the day on the veranda. They shuffled out, sinking into opposite ends of the chaise. It was so hot this summer. The heat slowed them, melted their rations of energy. No words passed between them; none were needed. The woman surveyed the sunset, marking day's end. Alone in her thoughts, she thought to herself, "The sun is setting on our days, too." She accepted it; their life had been a full one. Sixty years together, children, grandchildren, a successful business passed on to their sons.

"Life is so short," she mused, "but we made the most of it."

Her introspection was broken by a low rhythmic sound contrasting with the crickets' chirping a few yards away in the grass. She knew, without looking, that it was George sleeping. She looked anyway and gazed upon him.

"Poor George," she sighed, "he was always so fit and strong. Look at him now."

Recent years had taken their toll on him. The prostate cancer had been the worst of it. She couldn't know, but sensed, that his days were numbered in the scores, not hundreds. Then, her turn couldn't be far off.

"Oh, stop!" She chided herself. Self-pity had never been their refuge. "When one takes a partner for life, there is a beginning, middle, and an end."

She wiped a trickle of perspiration from her brow, reminded of the warmth of the season. She resumed her thoughts, traveling back in time to another hot summer night. A calendar would mark it a past tense memory of long ago. In her mind's eye, she was in the present. It was a story that she pulled often from the secret shelves of her memory. It always stirred her.

It was 1946 in a small city in Iowa. Helen and George had just been married that afternoon. The wedding had been long-postponed. They planned to wed in June 1942 after their graduation. A romance had blossomed in their senior year at the University. He would graduate in Civil Engineering; she in Library Science. He would probably work for the State Highway Department, she in the local schools. They would have a family and be happy.

Everyone who knew them considered Helen and George a good match. Both were children of farmers, used to hard work and hard times. They had been teenagers in the dustbowl—not much chance for fun. Their parents saw to it that their hard life did not embitter them. They looked forward to better times, with their training at the University punching their tickets.

George was a lanky young man, reserved and steady. His math skills and hard work made him excel in his courses. He might have appeared bookish, but his lean frame betrayed a wiry musculature that surprised many. He never smoked, only took an occasional drink with friends. In every way, he was a straight arrow. George was a quiet young man but whenever he did speak, he meant each well considered word. Those who didn't know him thought he was gruff. His close circle knew better.

Helen grew up on a farm in the same county as the one that George's family owned. Even as a girl, she pitched in with the farm chores. She developed a strong frame in her growing years, but one would never know it. It lay beneath a trim figure and a feminine smoothness. She stood about five-six; topped by wavy honey blonde hair she kept shoulder-length. Many college boys' neck craned to ogle her cute behind as she passed by them, but whatever they might have seen was created in their imaginations.

Helen did not tease, nor flaunt. Her femininity needed none of the weak reinforcement that flirting could bring her. Teasing was good only good for prompting action, and she desired none from those that ogled her. If ever a time came when provocation was in order, she would tease well-enough at her choosing. She kept her figure neatly covered in the practical a-line skirts that she usually wore that were popular in that day. Helen's chosen field of Library Science belied her personality. She was precocious and friendly, filled with energy. But, she did not suffer fools easily. She had a pretty face. Her smile was infectious; everyone liked her. She was like George in one respect; she was the female equivalent of the straight arrow. That was the norm in the days before the war.

When Helen and George met, they soon knew they had found their future mate. Her vivaciousness balanced his quiet demeanor. She helped him to put aside his shyness. Helen craved George's steadiness, reliability and the respect and trust that he earned from others. She was always proud to be with him. She found that he was kind and gentle. It was easy for George to be kind to Helen, he loved her.

A phone call on December 8 thrust a new, unwelcome chapter into their storybook. His Navy ROTC unit was to report in a week's time for duty in San Diego. He would complete his engineering degree there, then duty in the Pacific in the Seabees.

"Let's just elope now, while we have the chance," Helen pleaded. She loved him, and her body ached for him. They had delayed the act of consummation until after the wedding. They had not actually gone much further than passion-filled kissing. In the 1940's the shame of unmarried pregnancy, single-sex dorms with vigilant house mothers, the difficulty of finding a private place—sex before marriage was just not common in Midwest America in 1941. On December 6, they contemplated only six short months to wait to hold one another. They were a conventional couple and waiting the right thing to do. The following day, their expectations turned upside-down.

"You know that I love you, but it wouldn't be right," he replied. "Who knows what will happen to me? A widow with a baby would have a tough life".

George was always the wise one, the planner. Helen sadly agreed. George had steadied them, but he took comfort in her impulsive suggestion because it reassured him that she would wait for his return. He went to San Diego with his unit. Helen finished her degree and returned home. She got a job at the Public Library; she waited.

Through those long war years Helen longed for George. She waited for his letters, faded and out of date, little holes carved into them by military censors. Each day that the Western Union man did not deliver that dreaded telegram brought her a sigh of relief. She knew that they were right to wait, but the aching in her heart and body wouldn't fade. She never doubted that George would be as faithful as she, and so he was. The end of the war did not bring the end to George's military service. Finally, he was mustered out in June 1946.

For Helen, those final months of waiting were some of the loneliest. Other soldiers and sailors were returning home. It added a nasty sting to their separation. It was unfair. George had been one of the first to go off to war, but his skills were needed in reconstruction. She was grateful that he was out of danger. Her woman's body kept reminding her that she was now twenty-six years old and longed for that ultimate physical connection.

She dreamt of him holding her, shameless and naked. He would enter her, taking his pleasure inside her, emptying his essence deep within. At first, her sexual thoughts shamed her, but she came to revel in them, taking solace in her imagined satiation. Her mind's eye pictured his lean body, his square and resolute jaw line set on wide shoulders. She hoped that she would find the desire in him that she felt throbbing deep within herself.

As Helen's friends married, they whispered their sexual secrets in their coffee groups. They spoke of passion and pain. They recounted the breaking of their inner bodies to please their men, the later pleasures. All this inflamed Helen. She struggled to stop listening to them, but she could not. She didn't know how much of the stories were factual, or embellishments. She kept her silence. She only determined to experience it for herself when George returned.

Despite the carnage George witnessed, he remained kind, decent, and a little self-conscious. He earned two purple hearts. He never told Helen; he didn't want to worry her. His experiences had changed him. Still tall and lean, he added muscle to his frame. Any softness that he might have taken with him to the Pacific had long been worn away by jungle deprivations. Command experience added maturity beyond his years. He started the war as an Ensign, finished as Lt. Commander. His years of building landing strips on Pacific Islands had endowed him with confidence and abilities that a classroom could never teach.

Again a civilian, he craved a relaxation of the hardness and discipline that were necessary in his wartime service, but the ability to fully release would never quite come to him. Still, when he thought of his beloved Helen, he melted like butter in a skillet. She was so good; she had been so patient, so pure. He molded his image of her to a model of perfection, and it buoyed him through his years at war. True, he had placed her on a pedestal. It was a vision that suited him.

So, on a hot June night in 1946, two young people trod the stairs at the Downtown Hotel in a small Iowa city, to the Honeymoon Suite. He could afford it with his mustering-out pay. The wedding had been hastily arranged—a big affair seemed so anticlimactic after the long war separation and the endless stream of returnees who had preceded George. Helen wore a simple mid-calf white dress with a veil. There was no time to buy a gown. He wore his dress Navy Whites. He had no civilian clothes that would fit him. Helen recruited her brother as Best Man. George had been overseas for a long time and only arrived home the day before. Not many of his friends would ever return from the war. The reception was a dinner in the hotel dining room with their parents, best man and maid of honor.

There was no bellman. They each carried their own suitcase up the two flights of stairs. George unlocked the door and they entered the suite. They set down their luggage and he closed the door. Since the time that their wedding dinner had ended until this moment, no word had passed between them. They embraced, shared a kiss. It was gentle and loving, at first. Then more demanding, searching for the other's passion. Helen cautiously pushed her tongue from between her lips and into his. It startled him. He had not anticipated her initiative, but finally decided that he liked it. She felt him recoil slightly, but when he did not release his embrace, she relaxed further in his arms, kissing him again.

Finally, they stopped, and he said, "We've waited a long time". It was a statement of the obvious. Yet, true to his manner, George's words were measured and full of meaning. It was an acknowledgment of their mutual ordeal. It was necessary to say it. His referral to it in the past tense signaled a turning of the page.

"Yes," she murmured, and then kissed him again.

Stepping slightly apart, they looked about the room. On the left was a patio, its door open, with a pleasant breeze wafting in to break the stillness of the hot summer air. Through the open door, they could see the city lights below. An ice bucket stood sweating alongside two matching patio chairs and a small metal table.

"They brought the champagne that I ordered," he said.

A few yards on the right sat the double bed, already turned down by the maid. George glanced at it, their final destination on this night. It beckoned him, provocative, its white folded down sheets against the dark colored blankets, grinning like big teeth. He looked away, wondering why he had done so. A nervous chill coursed through him. It was their beginning. Finality of their ordeal was the price of commencement. Part of him wanted to cling to their sweet endurance. It had been painful, but shared. It brought constancy and assurance along with agony. It had been such a sweet pain. It had become part of themselves; the tie that bound them together. How to begin, without breaking the bond?

He knew that the page must turn. Must it, however, be riffled over as though in a cheap magazine? His instincts drove him to gently lift the corner, slowly turning the page over, gradually revealing the new text. He groped for time to straighten his thoughts as he searched for the answer.

He found refuge in the chilling champagne. Pointing to it, he asked, "Would you like to drink some?"

"Yes... well... later maybe", she replied. He sensed a polite "no".

"Well, what, then?"

Helen thought fast. She was eager to make love, but anxious to preserve her role as the quarry.

Her lips feigned a pout. "I don't know, " she coyly replied. "Didn't you become a Commander in the Navy?"

"Yes", he said, puzzling over the meaning.

She leaned into him, pressing him with her body. Her soft lips brushing his earlobe, "then command me," she whispered.

Her answer raised the hair on the back of George's neck. Her passion pleased him, but his loss of control triggered alarms. It was premature. They must pause and savor. Searching for a graceful recovery he caressed her cheek, and then kissed gently. Her pulse quickened. Finally, she believed that the moment had arrived.

As he finished his kiss she prepared to kiss back, but he broke away and said, "I command you to change into something more comfortable"

She contained an exhale of frustration. "Always the engineer," she thought. "He's got a blueprint for everything"

Still, it was progress. The ship would dock at the appointed 'destination', headwinds were slowing the tack. She took solace in the meted out advance and reached for her small suitcase.

"Good idea," she said, recovering. "You have some champagne while I freshen up." With that, she disappeared with her suitcase into the bathroom and locked the door.

George watched her close the door. He was relieved that the process had slowed a bit. He wanted her, sure enough. He was just afraid to rush things. This would be their one and only wedding night, he reasoned. No part of it would be glossed over or unappreciated.

After all, he also was a virgin, just as Helen. He hoped that he could do his man's duty. Would she expect too much from him? Would he disappoint her? Would he hurt her in breaking her maidenhead? Would she understand the importance of this night to him? As he thought of these things he was barely aware that he had begun to remove his dress-white uniform. He hung it in the closet and removed the rest of his clothes. He jumped into a pair of pajama pants from his suitcase and put them on, tying the drawstring at the waist. He thought about his robe, but it was too hot. He would forgo the pajama tops, too.

The coldness of the tiled floor on the patio felt good on his bare feet. His manhood was hardening. He was determined to stave off the urgency that nature had visited upon him so soon. He poured himself a glass of champagne and quickly downed it. He poured another and started drinking it more slowly. The bracing alcohol felt good. When Helen emerged things would go faster, he told himself. A quick toast of champagne then let nature take its course. He was grown man—up to the challenge. Helen needed him. He would come through for her.

"What was she doing in there, anyway?" His mood suddenly became insistent.

In the bathroom Helen found the long ivory gown that she had bought and saved for her honeymoon. She removed her clothes and reached for the negligee, but stopped. Standing nude in front of the mirror she inspected her form, shaped firm and slender by years of hard work on her family farm. The firmness was underneath; the outside covered in a feminine softness.

Her eyes drifted lower. Her breasts lay naturally on her chest. They were round, average in size, fitting her medium frame. The tips were crowned with small nipples that now were hardening and enlarging with her excitement. She glanced lower. Her belly and navel narrowed and formed a path to the center of her. A soft triangle of honey-colored down broke the skin's creamy smoothness. It was only a little darker than her wavy tresses. It pointed to her womanhood, now glistening with the moisture that betrayed her eagerness.

She paused for a long pause look at herself. She wished to remember these final virgin moments. It would be the last time that her eyes, alone, would know the sight. In the morning, her new husband would know it, too. In her desire, she had never considered this finality. Her virginity had been her preparation. Soon, all would be opened, no pretexts needed. She wondered how she might be changed, and how George would respond after crossing the final barrier.

She halted her musings and slipped the gown over her head. It was a shiny satin material. The thin shoulder straps held up a lace bodice that cradled her firm virgin's breasts. The lace formed in a deep vee that started at the end of the tiny strap just above the top of each breast and ended at a point several inches below them, halfway to her navel. The cleavage revealed was ample, but demure. It was enough to announce and entice, a treat for the eye, while protecting the essence from exposure. The lacey fabric allowed a hint of the brown circle of areolas. The pointed nipples pushed at the fabric, leaving no doubt as to their hiding place.

The long gown slid down her body and hugged her form, punctuating her firm lines, her hips, and well-formed cheeks. It was slit from the floor to mid-thigh on her left side. The slit did not show as she stood. Each step revealed an enticing flash of creamy thigh that would too quickly disappear. It riveted a man's eye to it, creating an expectation of the next step and ensuing flash of forbidden flesh. At least that was Helen's thinking when she bought the gown. She spent many hours selecting it. The search served to provide her with small doses of excitement as she envisioned the first time that she would "be with" George.

Preparation for the night had served to temporarily quench her thirst, but it deepened it in the long run, and driven her aggressive prodding earlier. It was good that George had delayed her ardor a few minutes before, or the prized negligee would have remained forgotten in her suitcase.

"What had she forgotten?" She spied the matching furry high-heeled slippers that a friend had urged on her, insisting that they were sexy. She decided that they were not, and would go without them. She stood in her bare feet and the coldness of the tile floor felt sensual and good. She liked the naturalness of it. She desired no contrivances.

She realized her preparations were at an end. The time had come for her to emerge from the bathroom-refuge to present herself to her new husband and soon-to-be lover. Suddenly, she froze in nervous trepidation. After such a long time in waiting, the planning and dreaming, the prodding of her recalcitrant groom, she was at once trembling and short of breath. She knew that she should bolt out the door to commence that which she so long had yearned for. She could not. She stared at the door handle. It dared her to seize it and run to her desires. How could she refuse the call? She thought frantically for a few moments' reprieve.

"Her hair-- it was a mess." She grabbed her brush and assaulted her wavy tresses. Her breathing quickened more. It aggravated her that her locks fell so quickly into place. She must not rush this! As she continued to brush, she realized her grooming was only a play for time. She felt the inner surge of her racing pulse. Her nipples now engorged to capacity, ached from their stiffness. She raised a hand to relieve them. She stopped herself, saving that pleasant task for him. She clenched her buttocks cheeks, squeezing her thighs together. Her woman's essence bathed her inner self. She had never felt it so moist and slippery. It issued a musky scent. She knew the purpose of this wetness. She set down the hairbrush and exhaled loudly.

"Get a hold of yourself! It's time to go," she said to herself. She dotted a small dab of perfume behind each ear. She thrust out her hand, taking hold of the door handle.

On the patio, George was becoming more and more restless. He thought that he had gained control of events. His play for time only served to banish his quarry behind the locked bathroom door. All possible initiative had now vanished. Only the turning of the handle of the bathroom door, unseen, from the other side, would signal the restart of the evening's events.

He regretted his Pyrrhic victory; he craved action. Her coyness in prolonging the waiting in the bathroom was merciless. He had yet to learn the lesson of the bathroom as the female bastion. He drained the last of the champagne in his glass. He poured himself another, but decided he didn't want it. He stood up to pace, but sat back down, lest Helen suddenly emerge to the betrayal of his anxiety.

He pictured her beyond that bathroom door. She would be disrobing. He pictured her nakedness. He had never seen her without clothes. His mind's eye painted a picture of her. She would be beautiful; he knew it. He would not deserve her. He started to shake. His inner vision of her pure nakedness made him harden under his pajama bottoms. A droplet of slippery liquid emerged from the tip of his penis. He worried that his fantasy might spur a premature response. He must calm himself.

"Was she nervous, too?" She hadn't seemed very nervous a few moments before. How could a woman so innocent and inexperienced so deftly ploy the feminine wiles as she had done? Probably, her already-married friends had schooled her. He worried that her knowledge overreached his. Perhaps she was trying to deal with her anxiety through aggressiveness. That would be typical of Helen. He glanced around the room in search of a task to absorb his nervous energy.

"The lights!" They were too bright. He stood and hopped about the room dimming it to a romantic dusk. He had to hurry ahead of her reentrance from her bathroom lair. It wasn't easy to move quickly with his hardened manhood pointing the way through his pajamas. He dodged chairs, beds and footstools, groping for switches. His task completed, he returned to his chair on the patio, but Helen remained in place beyond the bathroom door.

George's anxiousness returned. He convinced himself to remain seated on the patio until Helen decided to emerge and sit alongside him. He made a plan. He would sit calmly there, waiting for her to take her place alongside him. He turned her chair slightly, so as to leave no ambiguity about his wishes. He would casually offer her a glass of champagne. He would not be over-eager. She would be impressed by his savoir-faire. He remembered her insistence that he assume command. He was determined to do so. It was a good plan, but he wondered why his nervousness would not abate. The raging hardness in his groin intruded on his consciousness, maintaining the telltale tent in the front of his pajamas. He became more impatient. "What was she doing in there?"

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Jeffery found Michelle standing and bent over, presenting her derriere to a helpless Kim. Kim had a black penis-shaped dildo sticking out of her gagged lips and was thrusting it into the oriental girl. Michelle moaned as she kept her eyes closed, relishing every stroke. Both women were oblivious to Jeffery’s presence. “Faster!” Michelle barked and Kim struggled to comply. It was obvious the Hispanic girl was exhausted from her efforts but the fear of more punishments forced her to endure the...

3 years ago
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It all Began

I had just gotten out of the 4th grade. I was 9 years old and I was more happy than ever to have Summer here. That Summer my brother, my sister and I spent most of our time playing outside with our cousins. We would be at each others houses constantly. If we weren't jumping on the trampoline then we would be swimming. One hot July day everything changed. My cousin Fred (also 9 years old) got the idea to play cops and robbers. They had an old busted "creeper" type van that was broken...

4 years ago
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Jasons TaleChapter 34 An Unwanted Adventure

Exactly seven days after I popped back in at Eric’s house, I was back there again ready to go. I had no metal anywhere on my body, but I had three pairs of glass lenses I’d taken from cheap telescopes wrapped up in cloth in one pocket, and a large assortment of seeds in cotton bags in another. I still had no experience as a gardener, but I’d read gardening books and watched YouTube videos until my eyes hurt. I’d gotten some hemp seeds from Canada, as it was illegal to plant hemp in the ‘free...

1 year ago
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Me and my auntie

Note : This story is completely fictional! hi well my aunt and uncle were over from america visiting us family in scotland. they were staying at my grans house which was a 3 bedroom house. i had a fallen out with my parents and ended up having to stay with my gran and grandad so i slept in the spare room and thought well what a hell of a way tostart of my weekend (falling out with my parent). early saturday morning my uncle craig got up got a shower and told my auntine mari that he was going...

4 years ago
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all in the family part 2

" yeah we should i said" i reached over to the table and turned out the light. i settled down into my bed Katie rolled over and curled up next to me. the next morning i woke up before her and i went in the kitchen and mad some breakfast. i called my father and he said he had to stay the night again he also said something about my cousin Jessie coming over to stay for two weeks while her parents had something to do. i was pissed cause the house was cold as fuck with out the heat. a half...

3 years ago
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My Sexual Adventures 8211 Part 1 Unsatisfied Housewife

Today is the most important day of my life. This was the moment I was waiting for. 13 hours ago, I got married to Anand. He is 35 years old, 8 years older than me. He is a wealthy man. He is not very fit but also not very fat either. I look fair, with a perfect fit body, since I hit the gym regularly. I have a great pair of melons and a perfect round ass. I don’t care whether my new husband is a virgin or not, because I am not a virgin. I lost my virginity 8 years ago. But after that, I think...

2 years ago
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Mera Payara Devar

Iss website ke sabhi readers ko mera pyar bhara namaskar. mera naam monica hai aur meri age 30 years hai lekin meri figure ko dekh kar koi bhi ye nahi keh sakta ki meri shadi ko 10 years guzar chuke hain. aaj bhi ladke mujhe kuwanri ladki samajh kar patane ke chakkar mein lage rahte hain. meri figure 34-28-34 hai. boobs abhi bhi kafi tight hai. meri height 5’6” hai. Mere devar sunny dwara likhe gaye first story ko aap logon ka itna good response mila isske liye aap sabhi ka bahut bahut...

4 years ago
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Truth or Dare The Adult Bookstore

Why is it that some games get to serious? And why is that stupid games with friends always get taken too far. I won't bore you with the details of how the game started. I will say there was 4 of us. And I will say that it was the bitch Libby who dared me to go into the Adult Bookstore and come back out with a 'Glory Hole in Use' picture to prove it. She would not have suggested that for either of the other 2 girls, but she didn't like me. I am not the type of girl who could walk into...

3 years ago
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Double Blast Fun 8211 Part 2 Fucking MILF Home Nurse

In the previous part, you’ve read how I came across a widowed milf home nurse. When she saw me watching porn and came to know that my wife doesn’t like to have sex, she offered me to fuck her. Then I started kissing the milf home nurse, caressing and squeezing her boobs and ass. I was still caressing and squeezing her ass cheeks all over since they were so big. Now, let’s see what happened next. Laxmi: Are you going to keep squeezing my ass, or remove the panty and start playing with my...

2 years ago
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The WereBimbo

Candace Johnson is a 45 year old happily married, for almost 20 years, mother of 2 who has worked hard to climb high enough in the business world that she can control her own hours without effecting her substantial paycheck with the full support of her husband who since being a prop/costume etc. maker can be the stay at home dad whilst working from his shop in their large garage. Candace is herself fairly attractive. Medium length auburn brown hair, with a few grays in it, sea-green eyes and...

4 years ago
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Finding HomeChapter 37

One Saturday in January, a few weeks after coming back from Japan, I’m sitting in the mall finishing my lunch when Lia, my lead girlfriend, returns from the rest rooms with another girl. I smile, because it’s like Lia to make new friends. Lia is giving me a sweet smile while they walk over, so I know I’m in for some sort of trouble. She nods at her new friend, while saying, “This is Meredith, you’re taking her to her high-school dance in three weeks’ time. But you have to ask her father for...

3 years ago
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hpt 5 InterRelationship Training Meeting

"Hey Tom! While we're just sitting here waiting on those otherguys to turn out their lights, now that we've finally found out about the`real you,' why don't you tell us how you and Bob met. That'll give us allsomething to do, while we just sit here and wait on those other three toturn out their lights, so we can all hit the hay and teach me some morestuff?" Jay suggested, since the four were now waiting for the lights inthe other cabin to be turned off, ---just as a security, ---so that none...

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An Autumn ChillChapter 7

[Author's Note: This chapter is darker in mood and content than the rest of this story. It contains a scene of rape. Though the act in and of itself was not violent, it was still rape. If this direction disturbs you, then you can skip the last part of the chapter in italics. While you can still follow the story if you skip that, you may miss some things that are important later. Also, writing this chapter was a bit of a challenge, considering the content and the point of view. This attempt...

2 years ago
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Kevins Wet Dream

Intended for mature audiences, ages 18 and up! Kevin's Wet Dream On Saturday morning I woke to warmth and wetness. The wetness wascoming from my inside my boxers. My first thought was that I had cum in mysleep. Then I realized the warmth was coming from my friend Kevin. Kevinwas sprawled on top of me with his head on the center of my chest and hislegs wrapped around my left thigh. I knew we had gone to bed and when Ihad fallen asleep he had still been on his side of my big king...

4 years ago
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Lost Bet

Lost Bet By Pippa©   It all began as a bit of a joke really. We’d all been out clubbing in some raunchy night-stops and were still high on the atmosphere. As the night wore on and morning was quickly rearing its bright and beautiful head, the group began to dwindle until only three of us were left. My husband Phil, my best mate Lisa and of course me. My name is Helen and what follows is a story that we three will never forget.   Lisa lived far away so, we invited her to stay at our place....

4 years ago
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A New World Part 13

We spent Sunday lounging around the house, making love as the urge came over us, and talking. Riley was concerned to know how I felt about the previous evening. I reassured her that I was fine with it and had enjoyed myself despite wanting to punch Nick in the face and tell him what a douche I thought he was. “What should we do with the money?” I asked while we were on the topic. “My half is going in the Italy fund, you can do whatever you want with yours,” Riley answered. Her answer surprised...

2 years ago
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Guilty Secrets

Look after her ’til I get home Pat said, so I did.I love Boobs - well actually I love all the pieces of sexy ladies. But mostly I love Boobs, of a certain type and caliber it must be said. If truth were but known’ I’m greedy and ‘picky.’But the ones that I was being teased with right now were close to perfection. Dangly, with areola like chapel hat pegs. Solid, big, plenty to suckle on when you could reach them, which I couldn’t. Currently the lady they belonged to - Julie - had me embedded in...

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In da bus

Hi all gurls and boyzz…how are you…well let me first introduce myself…my name is gagan luthra..from new delhi age 23. I am working as engineer in motorola..and i regualrly visit this website…i regularly read stories…but i nver rite my own story coz nothing had happen…so what i could rite…but today i got a chance to put my own experience. It all happen today itself in afternoon… Actually i was travelling in a crowded bus. Bus no 507. The bus was over crowded. And i just some how get inside…and...

4 years ago
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ComrieChapter 38

Alpha1 and Alpha2 slowly circled Ireland to give everyone a view of their destination. Once they had completed the circuit, Maureen contacted Ireland's ATC and identified themselves, indicating their position, transponder code and destination. After a few minutes they were given instructions for entering the traffic flow to Dublin's airport. Maureen looked over at Rusty and said, "The link Siobhan and I have makes it seem like we are flying both ships. I would like to do more of...

1 year ago
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Shemale Surprise

I'm a country boy. About a year ago I left my small town and moved to the city so I could attend university. Initially, I had nowhere to stay so I was going to move into my cousin Mike's flat for a few days with him and his room mate, Sandy till I found somewhere of my own. Mike and Sandy worked together at a law firm in the city. Mike had a fiancee` but he didn't live with her because he didn't want to upset her parents who were very traditional and devoutly religious. Actually, I found it...

She Males
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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 42 Firsts Part III

January 1981, Milford, Ohio I slowly slid my hand down Kara’s stomach until my fingers touched her soft pubic hair. I twirled my fingers lightly in that downy softness for a bit, then asked her to spread her legs. She moved them slightly apart, and I slid a single finger down to her labia and started gently rubbing in a circle. She gasped at the contact and her breathing sped up. I continued with very light pressure, probing between her lips for her clit. She jerked suddenly, gasping when I...

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mom and son in the bath

I sat at the other of the bath looking at mum’s breasts, they were a little larger than mine and her nipples were much bigger, but the fact she was a 42 year old woman who had a baby she was in great shape, it made her more sexier than ever“Sweetheart, are you looking at my breasts again” she smiled at me,“Yes, I was thinking that someday I will have boobs as nice as yours” I remarked,Mum cupped them; she knew this would turn me on,“Mum likes you looking at her, particularly her breasts” she...

1 year ago
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Angie Mom Me

Note : This story is completely fictional! I am a 25 year old sales rep working for an engineering company. My job required leaving early in the mornings and depending were I went too, usually returned early in the afternoons. It was these early returns that got me noticing my opposite neighbors. They were a single mom and her 22 year old daughter, Angie. Angie was about 5 feet tall, slender athletic build with a mix of blond and black hair. The most striking feature to her appearance was her...

2 years ago
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Delayed ReactionChapter 4 The Chinese Solution

It had taken only three days to wangle a meeting with Wray and John. I had fended off Wray's questioning about what the specifics of the meeting were by promising him it wouldn't embarrass him and it would be integral to our planning process. The last thing I needed was his second-guessing the strategy before it was even presented. He reluctantly agreed and set the meeting up for Friday afternoon at two o'clock. Not the ideal time, I thought, but I'd take what I could get. Doogie was...

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Chemistry Teacher Ki Anatomy

Hi readers, . I will try my best to raise the cocks and wet the pussies of my readers. Sorry, no offence intended. Here is my new story. merey collage main bahut hi sexy teacher parhati thi pehley toh mujhey lga ki wo kunwari hai par baad main pta chala ki uski shaadi ho chuki hai. uska paati engineer tha. mam bahut hi sunder aur sexy thi main usey roz he neeharta tha aji main kya pura clg he unka deewana tha.Mam ko dekh kar humesha khyal aata tha ki mam key pati key kithey maze hai main uski...

3 years ago
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Wife and brother work out

In the summer months my husband travels a lot so I’m left with a lot of time by myself. On this particular trip that he had I decided to go to the reservation and visit with my mom. I hadn’t seen her in quite a while and besides, my younger brother had moved in with her and it would be good to catch up with him. My brother J.J. is about five years younger than me and has been in and out of trouble for quite a while. Regardless, I’ve always kind of spoiled him. At times I still can’t believe...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 55 Scene of the crime

"Just how far is this going to go Mihoshi?" Kiyone suddenly asked. She and her partner had been walking along the service road away from the lights of Butto. Even dark as it was, the starlight still favored her friends smile as she turned and regarded her. "I'm not sure what you mean?" Mihoshi asked with a laugh, batting those vicious baby blue's. "Ok, then I'll spell it out for you," Kiyone sighed, wondering if she should even try. "You took that job as a waitress, so you could...

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Jessicas Story Part 12

Jessica's Story - Part 12 Later that evening, Anne went to Helen's room where the computer was based. She was wondering if John had received her email yet. She checked her account and found that he had sent a reply. Hi Anne Thanks for your email. Michael is spending most of his time with his sister now and is enjoying it tremendously. We told James not long after arriving back home from your place, but he has only just got over the shock. I'm pleased to say that he has accepted...

4 years ago
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Wake up call with a twist

I’ve always been an early riser. As soon as the sun breaches over the tree line, it dances in through the window and instantly warms me. The sun kisses my skin and wakes me up to a brand new day. I usually lounge in bed, with the sheets down around my waist, enjoying the natural warmth. In the summer, the window stays open through the night, and in the morning a cool breeze moves through the room in a sensual accompaniment with the sun’s rays. This morning is one of those, the warm sun and a...

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The Little Tin Solder

The Little Tin Soldier©by odlumThe cold, damp Channel wind whipped at her coat as she walked up the hill towards her flat. The smell from the chip shop lured her. Even though the food would be cold by the time she got home, Kim really did not want to cook tonight."Merry Christmas Miss and enjoy tonight…Remember, my chips are magical. See you tomorrow!"Kim stopped at the shop door and turned, "Merry Chris..." her voice stopped. Did the little old Pakistani man celebrate Christmas?His face...

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Mother and daughters gangbang part 2

Mother and daughter’s gangbang. Part 2.To all my friends, I'm sorry for the long delay but part 3 is nearly completed so the wait won't be too long.Sally had just orgasmed when another young man quickly came up behind her with a fully erect cock. Rod had been waiting and knew he wouldn’t be waiting too long as he watched Sally getting fucked. Now standing behind her he could clearly see Tommy’s sperm oozing out of her fluttering cunt. He aimed his cock at her entrance and shoved the entire...

2 years ago
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Khushi Ko Choda Khusi Se 8211 Part 1

Yeh baat 1 saal pehle ki hai jab main MBA ke first year me tha humara ghar 3 floor ka hai ground floor pe chacha chachi unke ek beti aur ek beta rehte hai and second floor pe main aur mere mom dad rehte hai. Meri cousin tab 12 th std me thi and uska figure tab se bhot kamal ka hai Uska boobs ka size 32 kamar 28 ki and gand ki size 34 ki hai bhot hi kamal ki ladki hai. Ab me sidha chudai story pe aata hun Barish ka mausam tha and ghar me mere aur mere dono cousins means khushi and aryan jo ki...

4 years ago
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Fun In Karjat With Kunjal 8211 Part 1

Hi, this is Vicky. This is a story about a girl whom I met on a dating site. Let’s call her Kunjal. She is Gujarati. A little description about her looks. She was about 5’5 tall and 32C her cup size. And perfect curves at the right place with sexy eyes and brown hairs, with a wheatish skin tone. Now you can imagine how sexy she looks. Let’s start the story. One day, as usual, I was surfing profiles on the dating app. And I came across a profile with dp of the beach. I read her profile and...

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Alarya was a tall sorceress with strong brown eyes and slender form. She held the appearance frailty, but in truth she was strong like a snake. Many a man tried to tame her, but she was wild like a flame or a stallion. She sat in her study, reading through a spellbook as she waited for her servant to return with her newly acquired pet dragon. There was a legend that the woman who filled herself with the red dragonlings sperm would attain godlike powers and the ability to conquer all...

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Sexting my son 2

I went numb, was she kicking me out? She smiled as we left her office early, she only charged me for half an hour and commented to me in front of the secretary as if it were part of our conversation, that sometimes having a good family member can be better than a therapist. I walked out into the day feeling like a new person! She was telling me that I was cured, or would be if I kept doing this. I had no idea what I would be saying or doing next with my life, but I felt good about the...

1 year ago
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The Adventures Of Kitty continued

After he left Kitty carefully removed her mask and gloves, putting them in the top drawer of her bedside chest to keep them safe. It was only as she turned that the tail swished against her thigh, so with a chuckle and a bite on her lower lip she eased it from her ass. After a quick clean it, too, joined the rest of her kitty outfit in the drawer. Her fingers went up to her could stay on a while longer, she loved the fact she was now an Owned kitty for real. She sprawled...

4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 77

The Lone Ranger and Tonto walked into a bar and sat down to drink a beer. After a few minutes, a big tall cowboy walked in and said “who owns the big white horse outside?” The Lone Ranger stood up, hitched his gun belt, and said “I do ... why?” The cowboy looked at the Lone Ranger and said “I just thought you’d like to know that your horse is about dead outside!” The Lone Ranger and Tonto rushed outside and sure enough Silver was ready to die from heat exhaustion. The Lone Ranger got the...

3 years ago
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E131 Sasha And Joseph

After Emma and Donald leave Sasha and Joseph that night, things happen.  Well, actually things started happening a bit earlier.Sasha gets to the church early at the request of Karen and Julie.  They have got a lot of flowers and candles to decorate the chapel and ask Sasha to help them.  She is more than happy to, in just some shorts and a tank top then as she garnishes the church.  The candles ready to be lit when Emma and Donald arrive.Midway in the decorating, Joseph arrives, dressed for the...

Love Stories
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A Change In The Status Quo Revisit

After reading A Change In The Status Quo by OccamsPileDriver I thought it was a really good story, a sign of the present times but Chuck the main character had left a lot of questions unanswered in the mind of the reader. I know that the author is wrestling with a second part, but with his permission I’m going to try to continue the story of Chuck and Rebecca. To me the original story didn’t give Rebecca any chance to put her side of the situation, but the two participants seemed basically...

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