Fine Print
- 3 years ago
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"Oh my God!" Kimmie covered her mouth and laughed. "You're kidding, right?"
"No, I'm not kidding, don't laugh." Jayme scowled at her best friend.
"You're serious? How can you be serious?"
The two were sitting at a table in the food court at the mall, both suckingon Karberfruit smoothies. They'd come straight from the salon where they'dboth had their hair done in the latest craze. Their hair was now embedded withsparkles so that it shimmered under the lights. Jayme had gone with blue, andKimmie with pink. The pink matched her cheap, disposable, stick-on plasticbra top. Kimmie loved the stick-ons, but didn't get to wear them much. 'Toodistracting', the school board had said, which was just stupid. Today she waswearing a demi-cup squeezer that just barely covered her nipples and pushedher tits close together. Stick-ons, being strapless, didn't provide much support,but she didn't need it. Not much to support. Maybe someday, if she could affordit. . . . For some reason stick-ons looked sluttier than going topless, whichshe didn't mind. Besides, you couldn't go topless in the food court, and they'dknown before they left their house they were going to eat here. That's theonly reason she'd put the shorts on over her J-Hook, because they didn't allowbare buns on the food court seats.
With shorts on the J-Hook wasn't necessary, but she wore one almost all thetime. A lot of women complained at how uncomfortable they were (even thoughthey kept putting them on because of the way they looked, they were the hottestthing) but Kimmie liked they way they felt, especially when she was walkingor sitting down. J-Hooks were simple, U-shaped pieces of plastic with flatsat either end. The wearer fitted themselves, affixing however much dermal adhesivethey liked onto the flat ends. The larger, flat Y shape pressed against thepubic bone, then narrowed into a finger-wide strip as it passed between thewearer's legs. It flared out again into a smaller flat which was affixed tothe small of the back. Kimmie just wished she could afford those J-Hooks withbuilt in catheters so she didn't have to take it off to pee.
"You know how much I want to get away from my mother," Jayme said. "I'vewanted to go to Aries my whole life. There's no way I could afford to do thaton my own, my mom can barely pay the water bill. How am I going to afford aTS ticket?"
"You could get a job." Kimmie rolled her eyes and sucked on her straw. Notthat she had a job, or wanted one.
"Making what, minimum wage? My grades suck, there's no way I'll ever be ableto afford to relocate offworld on what I can earn working, not if I save fortwenty years. Maybe if I win the MegaDraw . . ."
Kimmie was shaking her head. "You could marry a rich guy." She smiled atthe thought.
"Oh please." Jayme snorted. "Where am I going to meet a rich guy? At themall food court? Dressed in an outfit that costs less than my smoothie? Besides,fucking a rich guy and getting him to marry you are two separate things. Youhate school even more than I do. Why are you so against this?"
"It's creepy. Being pregnant . . . ick." The young woman shuddered.
"Didn't you ever think you were going to get pregnant?" her friend askedher. "You been fucking every guy in sight since we were twelve. I know you'vegot the implant, but there's still a chance."
"Oh please. It's not the same thing."
"It is too. Well, almost. Like getting pregnant and then giving your babyup for adoption, that's what the lady said during assembly."
Every year the junior high and high school girls had to attend an assemblyextolling the merits of the HUMACE program. Kimmie wondered if it was so great,how come they had to keep advertising it? She said as much to her friend.
"Because there aren't any girls around who've been through the program totalk about how good it is," Jayme explained patiently. She'd obviously beenthinking a lot about it. "They're all off-world. That's why they joined inthe first place, to get the fuck off this planet."
Kimmie seemed unconvinced. "That lady was weird," she said.
"You're just saying that because she was so tall and gorgeous," Jayme said.Kimmie wasn't even five feet tall. Kimmie stuck her tongue out.
"I don't even know why you're thinking about this now," Kimmie told her friend. "Youcan't even sign up until you're eighteen."
"Were you even listening during assembly? You can sign up at fourteen ifyou have your parents' permission and you pass the physical. I'm going to godown to the recruiting office tomorrow after school. Come with me."
"I don't know."
"You've got nothing else to do. C'mon, maybe this time you'll actually listento what they have to say."
"You're such a bitch sometimes."
The HUMACE recruiting station was an unremarkable space decorated much likeother government agencies, with off-white walls and spartan furniture. Jaymepushed through the door with butterflies in her stomach. Even though she'dsecretely decided to do it months ago, and knew she'd be able to get her mom'spermission, she was still a little nervous to be actually going through withit. That was one of the reasons she'd wanted Kimmie to come with her—moralsupport.
Kimmie glanced around the drab office warily, not quite sure what she'd beenexpecting. There was a lot program material scattered about, vids playing onthe flatscreen, a few pictures of pretty young ladies on the walls holdingcute Lingan joeys. They thought of that still made her feel decidedly weird.
"Oh, they're so adorable," Jayme said, peering at the joeys.
"Good afternoon ladies. Come on in." The recruiter was a plain-faced womanin her thirties dressed in a conservative suit.
"Hi," Jayme said hesitantly.
"Interested in the program?" the recruiter asked them with raised eyebrowsand a warm smile. Kimmie ignored her, continuing to look around the room.
"I am," Jayme said.
"Well, come on over and sit down and maybe I can answer any questions youmight have. You girls know what the program is, right?"
"We just had our school assembly," Kimmie told her.
"Well then, you know that the Human-Marlingan Anti-Extinction CooperativeEffort is perhaps the most important endeavor we humans, as a race, have beeninvolved in. The Lingans discovered Earth, and us, some sixty-odd years ago,and the whole world changed. They were so much more advanced than us, theycould have conquered the planet in weeks if they'd wanted to. Luckily, they'rea peaceful race and, in a way, they needed our help.
"The Lingans are an old race, compared to us. They were flying around theirgalaxy before humans discovered fire. But there were never that many of them."
"We heard all this at the assembly," Kimmie said. She was wearing a clearrubber two-piece ensemble, the kind you shrunk to fit yourself, with coloredinserts that covered her nipples and pubic area. They were all the rages atthe clubs, and cheap as dirt, but they weren't allowed to wear them in schooleither, even with the inserts, which was just dumb.
The recruiter glanced at Kimmie's outfit and clear matching high-heel pumpsbut didn't change expression. A lot of the girls that ended up enlisting inHUMACE dressed the same way. The program seemed to draw them like flies.
"Well, then you know that they were never very fertile. Their numbers havebeen declining for two thousand years. And their declining numbers have causedan increase in what we would call inbreeding, which has in turn lowered theirfertility rates even more."
Jayme nodded her head as the recruiter repeated what she'd already hearda dozen times.
"It was human scientists who discovered just how close we were to the Lingansgenetically. Nearly as close as humans are to monkeys, even though you wouldn'tknow it by looking at them.'
Both girls nodded. Lingans looked like nothing so much as kangaroos. BIGkangaroos, that stood six feet tall resting on their haunches, and nearly eightwhen on outstretched legs.
"Most people think they look like Australian kangaroos, and they do, butif you ever saw one next to a real kangaroo you'd have no trouble telling thedifference. They make kangaroos look like tame bunny rabbits."
"Have you ever seen one?" Jayme asked her.
"In person?" The recruiter nodded. "I spent six months at the Jupiter spacestation. There was a small Lingan delegation there, but they tend to keep tothemselves. That's why you rarely see them on Earth. They hate crowds, andour atmosphere's a little thin for them."
"What are they like?" Kimmie asked, displaying her first sign of curiosity.
"Very polite and well-mannered," the recruiter said. "And big. When theysquat down, on their heels, they're still as tall as a man. They weigh betweenthree and four hundred pounds, you know."
"I keep thinking they're smaller than that," Jayme said.
The recruiter nodded. "Like they're kangaroos. Well, like I was saying, geneticallywe're very similar. And it was our scientists, working with their Lingan counterparts,who came up with a solution to their fertility problem. They technology we'vereceived in return . . . ."
"HUMACE," Jayme said, pronouncing it 'hummis'.
The recruiter nodded again. "Doctors figured out a way in which they couldsplice Marlingan DNA onto human ovum which, when fertilized, would producea normal, healthy, Marlingan joey. Still, however, Marlingan reproduction wassuch a low-yield endeavor that the great majority of lab-grown Lingan fetusesdied before becoming viable. Only by eliminating all the artificial elementsin the gestation cycle were the scientists able to consistently bring joeysto term."
"Surrogate mothers. Humans," Jayme said.
"Exactly." The recruiter smiled. "And that is what we're talking about heretoday. Tell me, what would you two ladies like to get out of the program?"
Kimmie just frowned as Jayme blurted out, "I want to live on Aries."
The recruiter figured it was something like that. "I've heard it's beautifulthere. Here." She flipped open a nearby e-notebook, and swiveled it to facethe girls. The entire screen was covered in fine print. "Here's one of ourstandard contracts." The recruiter hit the page down button several times,then pointed with a finger at a paragraph.
Upon successful completion of her Terms Of Service, the enlisteewill be entitled to the following compensation:
All expenses paidtransportation to any non-hostile planet in the Confederation.
A one-time, taxfree settlement sum of 20,000.00 standard credits to be used for settlementand/or property relocation costs to the off-Earth location of theirchoosing.
"That's pretty much the standard deal," the recruiter told them. "As youprobably know, a TranSpace ticket costs a minimum twenty thousand credits,so in effect you get forty thousand credits out of the deal."
The recruiter leaned back, taking her hands off the notebook. Kimmie pulledit into her lap and began skipping through it. It was at least a dozen pageslong, filled with long, legal-sounding words she didn't understand.
Once accepted into the program, the enlistee will be consideredto have completed the terms of service when she has successfully deliveredone (1) healthy Marlingan litter.
"How long are you pregnant?" Kimmie asked the recruiter, who'd been watchingher.
"Three months from fertilization to live birth," the recruiter told her. "Comparedto nine for a human baby."
Kimmie went back to the contract, skipping forward and backward through thefine print.
By signing, and therefore entering into this contract, the enlisteeagrees to be modified as HUMACE sees fit for the express and sole purposeof improving the chances of fertilization and successful gestation.
Kimmie looked up suspiciously.
"Of course," the recruiter told her. "You have to agree in writing to letthem splice Lingan DNA into your eggs. As a bonus, you'll be given that Lingandrug I'm sure you've heard all about. It reduces the odds of miscarriage, butit'll also make you healthier than you've ever been in your life, and probablyhelp you live longer, too. Most women grow taller after taking it."
"Really?" Kimmie could hardly bear to believe it.
"Didn't you see how tall that lady was at our assembly?" Jayme said to her. "That'swhy you thought she looked weird. She was so healthy she practically glowed."
The recruiter was nodding. "That's the truth. They want to make the drugavailable to the general public, but that's going to take a few years. Theadvanced biotechnology the Marlingans have shared with us to make our programpossible is not cheap, not at all, and most of it is still classified Top Secret.Once you've successfully completed your terms of service, assuming you do joinup, there will be electro-chemical urge-blockers implanted in your brain stemto guarantee non-disclosure of those secrets, but that shouldn't concern youladies, you both seem responsible. You'll find that in there as well," shesaid to Kimmie, who was skimming the contract again. There were legal definitionsof the terms used in the contract: enlistee, fertilization, litter. Kimmiecould hardly understand the definitions. She skipped over them to the nextsection.
"Does this fertilization," Kimmie said, peering at the notebook, "take placein a lab?"
"It takes place on a military base off-world, in very controlled conditions,so as to ensure the greatest chance of success," the recruiter told her. "HUMACEemploys the finest medical professionals you're ever going to find."
"So if I signed up, what would happen?" Kimmie asked. Jayme raised her eyebrowsand looked at her friend.
"I thought this whole thing creeped you out," Jayme said.
"It does, but what the hell am I going to do here, especially after you'regone? Keep hanging around the Tasty-Bite until the manager bans me becauseI've been banging everybody there but him? Or I get knocked up? You're notthe only one who wants something better."
"How old are you girls?" the recruiter asked them. They told her.
"The first thing that has to happen is you need to get your parents or guardianspermission. They need to come in and sign an authorization sheet, once you'vesigned a contract. Once that happens, you'll be given an exhaustive medicalexam to make sure you're healthy and suited to the program."
"I'm healthy," Jayme said.
"Do you have any genetic abnormalities? That's what they're talking about,not if you've ever had a broken bone or the flu. Your genes need to be healthyfor this."
"Once you pass the physical, you'll be sent to one of our prepping facilities,then shuttled up to one of the big cruisers in orbit."
"Really?" Kimmie was wide-eyed.
"Yes. They're even more amazing up close. Even using one of the Lingan ribbondrives the trip to the fertilization facility will take six months, so youand all the other girls will be placed in an induced coma in a gel-cap."
"What's that like? Do you know?"
"Sure. The Jupiter station is too close to use a ribbon drive, so you haveto use the standard gravity drive for the trip. It takes four months. I wasin a gel-cap for three, both there and back. It's just like sleeping, onlyyou're covered in inertia-dampening gel."
"You, on the other hand, will do something I didn't. You'll wake up a differentwoman."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean right before they induce the coma and put you in the gel, you'lltake the Lingan health drug and a few others. Lingan DNA will bond with yourunfertilized ova while you sleep. When you wake up it'll be like you're a differentperson."
"Taller?" Kimmie asked her hopefully.
The recruiter looked her straight in the eye. "Definitely," she said.
It felt like swimming upward through a sea of mud, her limbs weighted downas she struggled through the murky gloom toward the dim light ahead. Slowlyit grew brighter, larger, ever so slowly, until finally she was there.
"Easy there. Watch it, she's a noodle."
Jayme kept blinking her eyes but they wouldn't focus. Finally she realizedthat was because they were coated in the gel covering the rest of her body,and she was sitting up inside her opened transport capsule.
She opened her mouth to speak, and her body just then decided to rid herlungs of the gel that had collected there over the one-hundred and ninety-onedays she'd remained in her induced coma, submerged in the gel.
When her coughing eased the vomiting began and she felt the gel filling herbowels squirting out of her with every clench of her body. Soon her stomachwas empty of the gel as well.
The capsule was on its side, the section with the observation window removedso she could sit up. Jayme sat waist-deep in the gel, her nude body glistening.The gel slowly obeyed the .53G inside the decelerating ship and slid down towardthe capsule.
Jayme shivered as her body fought to regain a normal temperature, and shewiped at the gel coating her face. She looked left and right, seeing a dozenother young women being awakened and helped from their transport capsules.
"I'm cold," she said, teeth chattering.
"We'll get you into a hot shower, wash that gel off, and put some clotheson you," one of the technicians told her. Jayme let the two earnest techs helpher from the capsule and stood beside it, shivering hard enough to splattergel drops on their white coveralls. She was surprised at how short they were,but lost her train of thought as they herded her by both elbows into the ship'scommunal shower. The steam-filled room was filled with glistening, shiveringbodies, and Jayme joined them, huddling under a jet of hot water that slowlyworked the chill from her bones.
"I'm five-eleven!" Kimmie squealed in delight when she was finally reunitedwith her friend. She peered up at Jayme. "Oh my God, look at you! You're agiant!"
Jayme nodded. They'd all had post-capsule physicals. All the girls had grown,some just a few inches, others, like Kimmie, almost a foot, until there washardly anyone under six feet. Jayme'd grown six inches while in the capsule,and was just a hair under six foot six. Most of the girls seemed about thesame height, with a few substantially taller, and a few, like Kimmie, substantiallyshorter.
"I feel too tall," Jayme said, almost pouting. She was at least two inchestaller than the biggest member of the crew, even though he outweighed her substantially.
"Don't you dare," Kimmie scolded her. "You look great!"
Kimmie was right, she did look great. They all did. Their skin was smoothand pimple free, their hair was uniformly thick and glossy, their bodies nearlyglowed with health. The growth spurts had left all of them slender but curvy,which was quite a welcome change for several of the girls. Apparently genetichealth didn't necessarily translate into skinny or feminine, but the Marlingandrug had taken care of that.
"I feel great," Jayme told her. "Look at me, I hardly recognize myself inthe mirror. My face, yeah, but my body . . ." She waved a hand at herself. "Lookat my hips." She made a face.
Kimmie gave her a disappearing look. "You're skinny as a rail, and alwayshave been. The drug just gave you a woman's hips, that's all. Happened to allof us. Look, my hips are wider than yours, and I'm a lot shorter. If anyoneshould be complaining, it'd be me, but there's nothing to complain about. Youcould put my eye out with your hipbones."
They both wore baggy flightsuits that hid just about every aspect of theirnew bodies, although their hips were difficult to miss, but they had plentyof time to compare their bodies with those of the other girls in the communalshowers. Most of the girls were still, even two days out of the gel-cap, wearingdiapers. They'd been in the cap long enough for the gel to have completelyfilled their digestive systems, and with sometimes spotty control over theirbodily functions (a common side-effect of extended gel-cap travel) the diaperswere a smart precaution.
"I didn't know there were going to be this many girls on board," Jayme said,looking around. They were just inside the cafeteria doors, and watched theline of jumpsuit-clad women snaking around the room toward the row of Auto-Chefs.The tables were filling up quick.
"Yeah, neither did I," Kimmie said. "There's got to be two hundred girlshere. C'mon, let's get in line, I'm starving. I want to be sitting down whenthe orientation starts."
"Good evening ladies, I'm Doctor Trotman. As you can see from my uniform,I'm also a Colonel in the Confederation's Navy. This brief presentation isdesigned to reduce the shock and confusion you're bound to experience uponmeeting your first Marlingans." Trotman's picture was replaced by an imageof an adult Marlingan.
"Shortly after your arrival at the breeding facility on Zinta, you'll beintroduced to several adult male Marlingans. You should take this opportunityto familiarize yourself with how they look, how they smell, what they soundlike, their physical mannerisms. You'll be working in close contact with themfor several months, so it's important to get over any uneasiness quickly.
"The first Marlingans you meet won't have those translators you might expectto see around their necks. They find them uncomfortable, and the whole pointof this initial meeting is our continued reassurance to the Marlingans thatwe are happy to be equal partners in this joint endeavor. I'm sure you understand.That is also why we insist on your being without clothing for this first meeting.As you can see from this vid, the Marlingans do not wear clothing, and findit disconcerting when they see it on humans. Don't let this upset you; theyfind our lack of body hair equally disconcerting. Their nickname for us is'pinkies'." That got a laugh from the room, although most of the young womenlooked a bit apprehensive. "That's also why we have not issued razors to anyof you young women. Those of you who haven't undergone laser or other typeof body hair removal should just continue to let it grow naturally, as yousee it has during your time in the gel-caps. It might be a little disconcertingat first – I know it's definitely not the fashion back home, but it ishere. You'll quickly get used to it. It is natural, after all.
"I know how fast this must seem to be going to all of you but don't worry,you'll be well taken care of. The staff and employees of the Zinta facilitywill make sure of that. Just remember, upon successful completion of the breedingprogram, you all have a free ticket to anywhere in the Confederation waitingfor you." A cheer went up around the room.
"Are you watching this?" Jayme asked, pointing at the vidscreen on the wall.It was showing a documentary on the Marlingans made specifically for HUMACEvolunteers. From the bunk below her came a grunt.
Kimmie was having a hard time remembering what she'd looked like before,which seemed strange to her, and every hour that passed made it harder. Shewas glad, though, that she'd undergone laser hair removal—those girlswho hadn't, it wasn't only the hair on their heads that was growing thick andfast. Seeing hairy armpits in the showers next to her was one thing, but somegirls' legs were getting so hairy they looked like guys. Ick.
Kimmie was noticing that more than just her height had been altered. Underthe blanket her hands slowly roamed her body. Her nipples had grown in thegel cap, of that she was sure, but by how much was a little fuzzy. They werecertainly tougher—she could pinch them until her fingers ached and itdidn't hurt at all. She supposed that had to do with her body growing and maturingunder the drug's influence. There were other changes, too, between her legs,but with the substantial proportional increase in the width of her hips shesupposed it would be strange if things hadn't changed somehow down there. Still,she wasn't exactly thrilled—all the boys had loved how tight she wasbefore, and now she could slide four fingers in dry and wave them around withouteven feeling stretched.
"They're marsupials, did you know that?" Jayme said around a yawn, blinkingsleepily at the vid. "Just like our kangaroos. How weird is that?"
Her vision blurred as the narrator began discussing Marlingan social customs.While a group of lions was called a pride, a group of Marlingans was calleda harem.
"Huh. That's weird. Hey Kimmie, what's polyamory mean? Kimmie, you awake?"
Jayme, Kimmie, and another young woman named Banda disrobed together in akind of locker room, hanging their clothes on numbered pegs. All three of themwere nervous but trying to hide it, flashing each other strained but encouragingsmiles. Banda had thick black hair, and was one of the many unfortunate girlson board who'd never had her body hair removed. After six months in the gelcap and two weeks on board the decelerating ship, her black triangle was spreadingup her belly like a storm cloud with a line running straight up to her navel.There was enough hair on her legs to look like they were in shadow, and thicktufts peeked out from under her arms. Banda wasn't happy about it, but whatcould she do? At least she wasn't alone. Kimmie's body, on the other hand,was still smooth, but the hair on her head was getting so thick and long itlooked like she had a mane. The same held true for Jayme, and her dark brownhair seemed to have grown two inches since she'd awoken from her induced coma.
After stripping, the three young women were led by a technician down a shortflight of stairs to an elevator.
"Get in, and the doors will close. You won't even have to push any buttons," thehelpful tech told them. She smiled reassuringly. "When the doors open, there'llbe a few Lingans there, or they'll be there shortly, and you can get accustomedto one another. Relax, everything'll be fine," the middle-aged lady told them.
The elevator doors closed behind them with a hiss and the girls felt theirears pop even before the car began to descend.
"So far I'm not too impressed with Zinta," Kimmie said. All they'd seen ofthe planet since exiting the ship was one room after another where they'd beenscanned, weighed, and otherwise processed. They hadn't even seen a window theycould look out of yet.
Kimmie shivered in the cool air and felt her knobby nipples harden. BothJayme and the other girl had really big nipples too, confirming Kimmie's suspicionsthat the change was deliberate and perhaps was related to her body gettingready to become pregnant.
The elevator stopped, but the doors didn't open. Instead, the vid screenbeside them flickered on. It was Colonel Trotman, from the orientation vidon the ship.
"Ladies," he began, "I want to thank you for what you're about to do on behalfof all humanity. You are all going to have to do so much more than you thoughtyou were. Your task won't be unenjoyable, but that doesn't lessen your sacrifice.
"What am I talking about? Well, I'm sure you remember that at some point,either before you signed your contract or after, you were given an explanationas to why Marlingan fetuses can't be grown in a lab. Too low of a success rate,because of the artificial element. Well, I'm sad to say the same has been proventrue for artificial insemination. The problem isn't with you, it's with theMarlingan males; only through persistent sexual stimulation while in the presenceof female Marlingan pheromones can they produce sperm, or their equivalent.We tried alternatives for years, but there's no way around it.
"You may remember a phrase from the contract you all signed: '. . .the enlisteeagrees to be modified as HUMACE sees fit to improve the chances of fertilizationand successful gestation.' What does that mean to you? To begin with, it meansthat your bodies have been engineered to give off the same pheromones-sexualattractants-that female Marlingans do when they are in estrus.
"Not only do your bodies now emit female Marlingan pheromones, you have beenengineered to respond to male Lingan pheromones. The car you are in is hermeticallysealed; that is because once you've become exposed to the male pheromones,you will enter into an accelerated state of estrus that, unfortunately withour current technology, is irreversible. This action will have consequences,of course, that is its purpose, and so we have done what we can to make yourexperience here on Zinta as enjoyable as possible. You may have noticed a wideningof your hips and other pelvic alterations during your time in the gel-caps.This was done for two reasons. The first, of course, was to reduce the riskof injury and provide you some measure of comfort during intercourse."
"Intercourse?" Banda said stupidly, blinking at the screen. She didn't wantto hear any more.
"The second reason was to facilitate your post-partum role as surrogate mother.Marlingans are a marsupial species, and we could not alter that. This willbe explained in much greater detail as events progress, and if you ever haveany questions, there will be a staff member close at hand eager to assist you.Again, on behalf of all mankind, I want to thank you for what you're aboutto do."
The three young women felt the car drop another short distance and with aloud hiss, the doors opened. The elevator was filled with a warm, wet-blanketsmell, and in the middle of the room before them waited three adult male Marlingans.
"What's estrus?" Jayme asked, too shocked to think. She hadn't yet takena deep breath of the warm air. Kimmie had.
"Heat," Kimmie said, her voice low, almost a growl. "We're going into heat."
"Oh God," moaned Jayme, having taken her first full breath. Beside her, Bandastarted to pant loudly. None of them had noticed the air flowing past themas fans inside the elevator pumped its pheromone-laden air toward the waitingLingans.
"This can't be happening, this can't be happening," groaned Jayme, as herbody flushed and tingled. She tried to deny the sensations, but instead foundherself staring at the Lingans intently, trying to see between their legs.She saw their pointy ears twitch, and their hindquarters shift, as the girls'altered pheromones finally reached their snouts.
"Oh my GOD," Kimmie breathed, staring. There was no way that wasgoing to fit in her, there had to be some mistake.
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We Oregonians know how waves sculpt the sand, but here in Stevensport, we sometimes sculpt it ourselves. If you beachcomb with your eyes open, you’ll find agates. I sell them to Tom Hartman, an ex-hippie who makes jewelry for the tourists. I see the necklace at Sea Scapes for $20; the girl who found the rock got fifty cents. Go figure. Maybe I should be an ex-hippie, but I think I’d rather go to college to be an English teacher. They at least get paid for reading about other places. You can...
There is a hot man in Iraq whom wrote me saying that he liked my stories. I know they're Long and Drawn out but it's what is in my head and you can leave me a note telling me if you like them or not.So i didn't know what i could write about but then last night i had a dream and trust me it was good and i hope i put it on here as good as i felt this morning. So with that enjoy.I work for company that has an office out in the country on alot of land. That being said some one has to take care of...
Hi guys… This is another old one of mine. I don’t really have anything new because there’s been too much real life of late. But I’ve received a number of PM’s, Feedbacks, and general comments looking for information… So hopefully those of you who wrote me anonymously will get this. I’m still here. After the semester is over I’ll put more out as soon as I can. But for now be patient with me. I’ll finish everything I started… Promise. For now, here’s a token. And keep a look out cuz Mira is...
Something odd was happening. Jorge noticed the noises in the room had stopped. He wondered if thiopental deadened normal senses. They said the effect was different on everyone. The white cloaked man asked him to count backwards, so he had laughed. Laughing failed to stop the drug from working however. Some questions he ignored at first. But then he started telling them about the caves in Denmark and then Edda. They seemed very interested in anything about the symbols. They never heard of...
Lisa is overcome by strange new feelings and desires which concern her cubicle mate and his breast obsession. "We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly." - Anonymous I think it all started one night when I had an orgasm in my sleep. It was the first time that had ever happened to me and it woke me up. I found myself sweaty and quivering, curled up in a ball as it coursed through my body. What had I been dreaming about?...
A fine time In Singapore part one I had accepted a 1 year exchange to teach at a school in Singapore, the school arranged for me to have a one bedroom apartment in the center of Singapore.On my first day l decided to dress to impress by wearing a grey lightweight suit with a short skirt, white silk blouse and black stockings with knee high black leather boots and as always l was wearing black leather gloves which were skin tight and reached up to mid arm and several rings and a watch over the...
Dear ISS readers, I wonder always as to why did God create this wonderful creature called woman. Is she to be admired, is she to be worshipped, or is she to be treated as a man’s slave, or is she to be enjoyed every atom. This puzzle will continue always in me. Can someone enlighten me please ? Any female living in Bangkok, please note I can be contacted at Eagerly waiting for your feedback and friendship. The very sight of any desi female turns me on, especially when I am in an alien...
It took them a while to finish eating, the calorific intake of an adult Borealan was massive. When they were done, the sun was low in the sky, and it didn’t look as if they would get any more work done that day. Ursi walked over to Dennis, sitting heavily beside him on the cargo bay floor. “We’ve gone over the plans, I think everyone knows their task now. We must wait for the bark to boil so that we can use the strips as rope in order to tie the logs together. As the strips dry, they will...
Over the next few hours Ursi worked out what furniture they would need for the longhouse, walking through the space with a tablet computer and entering in the data, converting Borealan measurements to centimeters and being sure to note any special requirements. Dennis returned to the Navarin and used the computer to look up information on the animal species that inhabited the Siberian taiga. It looked as if wild game was plentiful, there were large moose, of ideal size for a Borealan to dine...
They drank, smoked, and polished off what was left of the mutton, the Borealans groomed themselves like cats, cleaning their fur of blood and juice with their rough tongues in the absence of baths or hot springs. The vodka was excellent, and he had drunk enough to dull his senses and warm his belly. Ursi had become quite drunk, chasing the vodka shot with ‘raises the hair’ had been a bad idea, and the relatively small amount of alcohol by human standards had gone straight to her head. She...
Over the next few days, the Borealans split off into small groups, each choosing a location for their log cabins, clustered vaguely around the longhouse. They used similar methods as they had used to build the original structure, albeit the going was much faster on such a smaller scale. There seemed to be no real organization, the Borealans milled about, helping where they felt it was appropriate. It wasn’t uncommon to see one member of the pack working on a log wall in the morning, only to...
With nightfall came another feast, and the pack, or the village, as he could now call them, crowded the dining tables waiting for their meat. The butchers brought the freshly cooked kills, and the usual flurry of activity followed, the Borealans tearing into the platters of food with their hooked claws and sharp teeth. Ursi seemed to like the venison, savoring the soft, tender meat and taking her time to chew it, the mutton however she wolfed down with abandon, it barely touched the sides....
Dennis stood on one of the dining tables in the longhouse, and two dozen Borealans sat before him, some stared attentively, others muttered amongst themselves, perhaps wondering what all the fuss was about and why they had been called to this meeting. His hips were still sore from the night before, and Kaisha must be positively bedridden, but he did his best to appear commanding. Ursi stood beside him on the ground, almost at eye level despite their height difference, her arms crossed, ready...
Dennis left the embassy, breathing in a lungful of hot, dry air. The white sun blazed above him, bleaching the sandstone buildings and casting dark shadows. He could tolerate the heat and the gravity, though he acted a lot more brazen than he really felt. “Stay close to me and do not leave my sight,” Xhe warned as he trotted along beside her, the alien outpacing him with her long strides. There weren’t any pedestrians in this part of the city. The Patriarch’s spire protruded above the...
“Ambassador, you must get up, we have much to do.” Dennis sat up, rubbing his eyes. It must be morning, though it was impossible to tell because of the lack of windows. It played havoc with his internal clock. “Yes, I’m on my way Xhe, give me a moment...” He hopped out of bed, the familiar pressure of the harsh gravity clamping down on him. Just pulling on his pants was a workout. His suits might be bland compared to local fashions, but damn it, they were his. He couldn’t represent Earth...
The next morning Dennis was awoken by Xhe knocking on his door. “Ambassador, I managed to arrange a hunting trip. I also brought you breakfast. We will be departing in one hour.” A hunting trip? He had told her that he wanted to see the jungle, but he hadn’t expected her to organize a trip so quickly. He hopped out of bed, pulling on a pair of pants, then went to open the wooden door. Xhe was wearing a green dress today in a similar style of light, almost transparent fabric as her previous...
Dennis adjusted his new tie, the downy, shining fur standing out brilliantly against his black suit. It was the focal point of the outfit, a uniquely Borealan touch to a human style that conveyed status as much as sophistication. The rainbow spider fur was worn only by those of high standing in Borealan culture. His participation in the hunt, however passive it had been, and his position as ambassador to Earth qualified him to wear it. He turned to Xhe, who was standing behind him as he...
Dennis was awoken by Xhe tapping on his door. “Ambassador? I’m sorry to wake you early, but the Polar Regent is here to see you.” He stumbled out of bed, bleary-eyed. “The Polar Regent? What does she want?” “She has not said, and I lack the authority to ask her.” “Very well, give me a moment to get dressed.” Dennis flung on a clean suit and his now signature fur tie, then stepped out of his bedroom. The Polar Regent was waiting for him in the marble hallway, her long, fluffy tail waving...
“Is there anything else you’d like to see?” the Regent asked, lifting a steaming beverage from a tray that one of her guards was holding as she lounged in the courtyard. It was morning but, Dennis wouldn’t have known that without a clock on hand. Besides for the almost imperceptible, yellow glow of the secondary star, the electric lamps that circled the building were the only illumination. “Not that I can think of. I’ve already had Xhe take me to the places that came to mind. The city, a...
The vibrations of the engines traveled up through Dennis’ seat as the pilot lowered the craft to the landing pad adjacent to the Patriarch’s ivory tower. The landing gear crunched in the fresh layer of snow, and as the exit ramp opened a chill wind flooded the passenger bay, the brisk breeze ruffling the downy fur of the Polars. Dennis tried to avoid slipping in the slush that the thrusters had melted as he left the stone landing pad, navigating the oversized steps and watching for ice. Ursi...
Ursi could hardly contain herself as he relayed the story to her, sitting together before her roaring fire on the massive couch, the flames licking at the metal grate. She suppressed a chuckle as she sipped daintily from a wooden mug, her long legs crossed as Dennis finished telling her about his encounter with Xhe. “How embarrassing for your poor secretary, Dennis. You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you?” She handed him the mug, and he took a long draw, the sweet taste of raises the hair...
Let's check out some sexy chicks at Define Babe! The perfect cup of tea does not exist, and that is mostly because everyone is into different type of shit today. Well, if you are ready to see some dirty action, involving some of the hottest babes in the industry, then you should check out But you should also know that this place only offers galleries… which is a bummer.Personally, I only fap to naughty videos, masturbating to images makes no fucking sense to me. But I am not...
Free Porn Tube SitesThe name of the website doesn't say much about the content of Pink Fine Art. It sounds like some very innocent stuff may be found in here, but boy oh boy, it's quite the opposite. I mean, not a single girl in here has any clothes on. Well, some have underwear or bikinis on and stuff like that, but you know, they're still trying to expose themselves as much as possible. If they were paid more, the underwear would come off quite easily as well.Now, let's talk about the website itself and what...
Naked Girls GalleriesHave you ever wished that you had a beautiful woman who would fuck you every time you snapped your fingers? Dude, you’re not the only one. But to obtain that kind of perk, you need to have the skills required to talk to a woman. And well, that means bathing, having something to talk about beyond fucking hentai, and dressing in something other than your fedora and that stained Minions t-shirt you think is funny to wear ironically.Sure, depending on where you live, you could bypass all of that...
Sex Doll ShopsHer eyes closed as she curled silk-clad limbs beneath her and rested fingertips against the keys. Drawing a slow breath, she lifted dark lashes and looked to the blank screen. She had no idea why he insisted that she write out a fantasy for him. She could think of many possible reasons, but he hadn't told her which it was. She knew that it could be used either for or against her and was hesitant to open up enough to give him that power at all. Drawing her hands back from the keyboard, she...
He knew how her day had gone, he always knew. Even when she tried to seem alright, he saw through her, pried it out of her until she confessed to what was bothering her. Today was worse than most, but happened to be one they would have alone once they got home. Just as she was pulling into the drive, a text came through detailing what he wanted her to do before he got home. That wasn't unusual but what it specified was not the usual week night instruction. She had been hesitant to even read...
My name is Jean-Sébastien but most of my English-speaking friends call me John. I’m twenty-two years old, I was born and raised in Montreal and am currently studying to become an accountant. I live with my mom Valérie in a two-bedroom apartment that’s about an hour away from school. My parents separated when I was still a toddler, so life has pretty much been me and my mom.Between going to school and seeing my friends, I usually lead a very busy life so staying with my mom is okay for now. She...
IncestWhen I was young, barely eighteen, a co-worker and I hit some of the bars in Asheville. After we'd had a few drinks and got bored with the bar scene we decided to check out the Fine Arts theatre. It was a seedy porno theatre, the kind of place you didn't want to be seen walking into by anyone you knew. As we sat there watching low quality porn flicks I started noticing that guys kept walking up and down the aisles way more than usual, especially considering there was no concession stand. I also...
Introduction: A woman in dire straits gets an offer she cant refuse… and a weekend in bodily servitude. FINE PRINT (Part One) (Authors note: this is in no way intended to resemble any real occurrences, or depict anyone or any companies in the real world. This is nothing more than a product of my imagination, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the real me or my own preferences. My brain gets up in the middle of the night and paints on the walls, pours everything in the refrigerator on the...
I was concerned that things would be very weird the next morning. How were we going to recover from such an intimate and unusual experience? My concerns were quickly cast aside, at least temporarily, when I woke up with a huge boner. As soon as I regained consciousness, I felt sexual urges for my mother again. At first, I stayed in bed for a bit and thought of jerking off before stepping out into the real world. But as I began to touch myself, I was way too excited to stay in my room and...
Incest(Author's note: this is in no way intended to resemble any real occurrences, or depict anyone or any companies in the real world. This is nothing more than a product of my imagination, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the real me or my own preferences. My brain gets up in the middle of the night and paints on the walls, pours everything in the refrigerator on the floor, and smiles stupidly up at me in the wee hours like it deserves a fucking Nobel Prize for it. I either write down...
Today was the big day, Earth Day, only Mortimer wasn’t himself today. He was still in shock. It wasn’t enough that he was diagnosed with cancer and given a death sentence a few weeks ago, but now this. This was too much. From bad news to worse news, this was what had sent him over the edge, no doubt. It didn’t matter, with his Earth Day plan already in place there was no turning back now. Going from good to very bad, his life, as he had known it, had suddenly reeled out of control and spiraled...
Rebecca It had been a pretty good weekend. In fact I think I'd have to say it was the best weekend I'd had since Michael had died. A year, hell, six months ago, I would have felt guilty for even thinking that. My first week with my new partner had been enlightening to say the least, and I had to admit that Henslith had some pretty good ideas on where to start looking for our man. Contacting Kenneth Riley's former employers had gotten us nowhere. He had not been seen or heard from...
I woke up to a new sensation, that of being full again. Having life flowing through me and feeling like a whole new person, I glanced to my side…. She was gone, although I could already feel that the bed was light. “We still have to be careful, I guess.” I muttered to myself in ragged breaths. The memories of last night came flooding in. I remembered her sexy lingerie, her lush lips, and her nipples. Before long I found myself with a raging hard- on, I was tempted to whack of my hard...
My name is Craig, I’m currently 19. I live with my parents and my bratty sister, life was pretty easy as dad earned quite a fortune and mom makes a not too bad sum herself from her clothing line. I wouldn’t call myself muscular but I’m in shape only because I had buried myself in sports and extra-curricular activities to take my mind off the misery of losing…... I had always found older women sexy, and most times found myself fantasizing about meeting and having sex with a MILF. Don’t get me...
I woke up with a buzz, staring up at my white ceiling the events of last night began to unfold… at first I felt a pang of guilt but I remembered how much I enjoyed it, I remembered her warm mouth enslaving my dick, I remembered my cum trickling down her chin and falling down her blouse, I remembered that final smile, oh how much I really wanted more to happen. I stepped out of bed into my bathroom with a semi hard on, thoughts came creeping in and before long I was rubbing my dick, I thought of...
ten miniutes go by, slowly movign forward in line while talking to my friends Sam and Ryan which were obviously looking at my previously found treasures. I guilt trip my friends for there behavior and remind them that the girls they are undressing in there minds are my sisters age 14 and they are pedifiles. This snapped them out there stare and defensively say they wouldn't really ever do anything and that they arn't even attracted to the little girls ahead even though there jean shorts are...
Rick swam slowly along about ten feet above the bottom. His eyes swept back and forth, searching for a tell-tale shape or gleam. He saw nothing. He looked at the gage on his wrist, he had plenty of air left. He had ten more kicks left before he made a right turn to a due south heading. Then he stopped. He heard the whine and thump of a boat approaching. Sounded like a large fast boat. He saw it pass just to the east of him. As it went by he saw something hit the water and plunge for the bottom....
The warm Jamaican sun was streaming down on Veronica’s voluptuous nude body. She felt Clive’s hands rubbing sunscreen over her back as they lay on the beautiful tropical beach. “Turn over!” he said. She turned, exposing her bare skin on her abdomen, her 36DDs which didn’t sag, and her slick bare mons pubis. Her vaginal area was bleached and her labia extended from her vulva, indicating her high level of sexual excitement. Clive continued to rub sunscreen on her body. His hand went down to her...
Interracial“What! What have you done to yourself?” Stew bellowed. Stew had seen Sherri’s beautiful multi-colored tribal designs adorning her body. She was just coming out of the pool nude when Stew noticed. “What I do with my body is no concern of yours!” Sherri shot back. Stew looked shocked. He didn’t expect her response at all. His elevator gaze went from the patterns on her feet, up her legs, to the rings on her beautiful slick vagina, the scrolling lettering over her mons pubis, the floral pattern...
InterracialShe was face down on the bed and with her ass up, she wondered, oh shit, what’s he going to do now? Her inflamed, clamped nipples ached from being depressed on the bed. She wanted to complain and beg for Him to remove the things pinching her but she wasn’t entirely sure what He would do if she seemed liked she was whining. Fear of being dismissed by Him invaded, worming its way inside her mind, and because she wanted so much to please Him and be in His favor, she clenched her jaw and sucked up...
BDSMRemember "The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy." Well, sometimes fiction is the nucleus for fabulous fact. In the Hitchiker's Guide, we dined at the Restaurant-at-the-End-of-the-Universe. The meats met you at your table. They were genetically engineered to WANT to be you dinner; they even told you so before they were sent off to be butchered and cooked. No guilt. Everyone happy. Both the carnivores and the consumed. Now then, men are not yet genetically engineered so they all want to be your...
FetishAs an accountant, whenever I start something I go and get as much information as possible. So I'll do that here. First my name is Ed. I guess you could best describe me as just and average kind of guy. I'm 54 years old, 5' 9" tall and about 210 pounds, with some gray hair. I have been an accountant for over 30 years, I met my wife while in college and we got married, just after getting my degree in accounting and business. I was offered a good job with a large company and I have stayed...
If you ever wondered how a real fetish-driven website should look like, just explore DefineFetish. This place is dedicated to all kinds of dirty acts, from hardcore tortures pleasures to some softcore BDSM. It all depends on the video you choose to view, as I am quite sure you will find whatever the fuck you are looking for on fetish site.The first thing you obviously need to know is that is a hardcore fetish site, and you should probably not visit...
Pornstar DatabasesThe Antebellum South was a period in the history of the Southern United States from the late 18th century until the start of the American Civil War in 1861. During this time, the southern states saw large growths in agriculture, dependent on abundant and cheap slave labor. While sexual relations between white slave masters and black women were more common, there are also recordings of sex between white women and black slave men. One of the most famous relationships between a white man and a...
HistoricalThe next day was rather uneventful for the most part. My mom didn’t want to eat take-out food again, so she got busy in the kitchen preparing a lamb roast. While the meat was in the oven, she worked on a salmon appetizer and prepared fancy veggies as a side dish. There was a very pleasant smell throughout the apartment which made me very hungry. I’d had very little to eat for lunch and was starving. I cheated actually and ate the salmon while my mom was still cooking. I was too impatient to...
IncestThe next morning, I had to drive my mom to her doctor’s appointment and then to the pharmacy. That’s pretty much the only reason that we could go out for, other than to buy groceries (which we did online). My mother put on her usual makeup and wore an elegant dress. She was quite beautiful, as always.The car took a few seconds to start, as we hadn’t used it in many days. Once we got to the medical clinic, I asked my mom if it was okay for me to wait in the car since I didn’t want to risk...
IncestWell with the COVID-19 happening in the world I found myself looking on line at all types of sites mainly xhamster and other porn sites. While searching the web I came across a video chat site and register so I could gain entry. When I fist went in there where all types of chat rooms and I was not sure which one I should go into. I picked on and jumped in after a few minutes in the room I had learned how to view cams and how to send private messages. I opened a few cams and most was just...
The old man buckled the worn gunbelt around his thin waist with the ease of long decades of experience. He was dressed in a black broadcloth suit with a white silk shirt and worn, but shiny low heeled black boots. On his head was an old ten gallon hat it's crown circled by gold eagles. The gunbelt was old as well and shiny with age, the golden eagles inset into the belt and holsters had long ago been worn smooth from handling. The frontier Colts the old man wore had seen uncounted numbers of...
She was face down on the bed and with her ass up, she wondered, oh shit, what’s he going to do now? Her inflamed, clamped nipples ached from being depressed on the bed. She wanted to complain and beg for Him to remove the things pinching her but she wasn’t entirely sure what He would do if she seemed liked she was whining. Fear of being dismissed by Him invaded, worming its way inside her mind, and because she wanted so much to please Him and be in His favor, she clenched her jaw and sucked up...
Sherri spotted him in the receiving line. There he was, standing out like an African Adonis. He was moving slowly towards her. Sherri held her breath. She had to meet him! “Sherri! Sherri! I’m talking to you.” Sherri’s mind snapped out of her dreamy fog. It was her sister, Veronica. It was her wedding. In fact, it was Veronica’s third wedding. “I need you to find papa. I can’t find him,” Veronica said. “I’ll check on him!” Sherri said. She knew where he would be. She found him in his...
InterracialLast October, a group of friend and I went to The Central Coast G****s and Grains Festival. We tried all sorts of beers and by mid afternoon I had a light buzz going and decided to try something more. Going to the wine section, I started tasting the different red wines at various booths. Jokeing with all the tasters and haveing a great time. At one of the local booths another taster bumped into me almost spilling her wine on my tee shirt. "whoops, you almost got me!" looking up at I saw a...
I love to be spanked & I love getting tattoos. It starts out so much pain...then after a bit of time It lessens. The pain recedes and the pleasure starts to build I love being spanked.. Then the artist removes the needle. The Pleasure then lessens back and forth pain pleasure pain pleasure. It lasts for hours and you have to be still & quite so the artist doesn't know how much you need a big hard cock. My panties are always soaked, just dripping wet every time. My Man saw how wild I get...